MD-PhD, Combined Degree

School of medicine, md - phd, combined degree program.

From its inception, the physician-scientist has been a hallmark of Johns Hopkins medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Indeed, the Hopkins tri-emblem represents the three core values of the institution: teaching, patient care, and research.

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine offers a variety of opportunities for the training of medical scientists, including a combined curriculum leading to both MD and PhD degrees.  This enables students who aspire to careers in academic medicine to obtain intensive training in specialized areas of the biomedical sciences in addition to top-flight medical training. The traditional diversity and flexibility of the educational opportunities at Johns Hopkins permit the design of individualized programs to meet the needs of students with a variety of interests, educational backgrounds, and career goals.

To accomplish our training goals, we expect students to fully commit to medical training while in medical school and research training while in graduate school.  However, we also take important steps to ensure that students are exposed to the intersection of both worlds early in their training, as well as given the professional and career development advice they need to succeed.

In a word, the MD-PhD curriculum at Johns Hopkins is flexible. Most students decide to complete the first two years of medical school before they begin graduate school and finish the last two years of their medical training after completing their thesis work (see the Timeline below). However, students who want more first-hand experience in clinical medicine before beginning graduate work can elect to complete three years of medical school, followed by their graduate training, and then the last year of medical school. This can give them a better appreciation of the potential clinical relevance of their research. In making a choice, trainees consult extensively with the Program Director, the Dean of Students, members of the MD-PhD Committee, prospective research mentors, and their faculty advisors. Students in the MD-PhD Program are accepted to all graduate programs, so decisions regarding graduate training programs can be made with a strong understanding of each program.  The MD-PhD Committee is responsible for program oversight and admissions.  Students complete MD-PhD training on average in eight years.

Johns Hopkins interdisciplinary organizational structure means each faculty member may be affiliated with several clinical departments, research sections, and graduate programs. 

Formal graduate programs in the School of Medicine encompass the following areas: Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology; Biological Chemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Molecular Biophysics; Functional Anatomy and Human Evolutionary Studies; Cell Biology; Cellular and Molecular Medicine; History of Medicine; Human Genetics; Immunology; Neuroscience; Pathobiology; Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, and Cellular and Molecular Physiology. Students are also eligible to obtain their PhD in one of the 11 graduate programs at the Bloomberg School of Public Health or the School of Arts and Sciences on the Homewood Campus.  

The MD-PhD Program also sponsors special seminars and lectures, and maintains a dedicated library, the Paul Talalay MD-PhD Library, to enrich the educational opportunities of all MD-PhD students. Efforts are made to acquaint MD-PhD candidates with the major advances, concepts, and cutting-edge techniques in contemporary medicine and biomedical sciences.  We also create an environment that promotes  collegiality and a more intimate personal contact with successful medical scientists in this institution.

Admission Procedures.  Individuals who wish to apply for admission to the combined MD-PhD Program of the School of Medicine must submit an application through AMCAS  in which they will indicate the MD-PhD Program.  Once the AMCAS application has been verified and submitted to Hopkins, the applicant will receive an invitation to complete the Hopkins Secondary Application.  Here the applicant will submit the additional materials required for the combined degree.  Johns Hopkins does not allow applicants to apply to both the traditional MD program and the combined program during the same cycle.   

All combined-degree applications are reviewed by a subcommittee of the  MD-PhD Committee , which is comprised of faculty from the basic sciences and clinical arena, as well as faculty from the Bloomberg School of Public Health.  A separate Graduate School application is not necessary. The MD-PhD Committee determines whether or not an interview is indicated.  In general, the committee is looking for students with a passion for research and a commitment to medicine.  This assessment is based on the applicant’s research experience, letters of recommendation, academic performance and extracurricular activities. The Committee considers standardized test scores only in the context of the applicant’s other credentials. If an interview is granted, the applicant is notified by the MD-PhD Office and after the applicant accepts, the process for scheduling an interview begins.  Interview visits generally occur over two days. Applicants are interviewed by members of the MD-PhD Committee and other faculty members who share their research interests. Applicants have many opportunities to meet with current students and tour the campus during their visit. 

Approximately 10-12 MD-PhD students matriculate each year. Students who matriculate to the traditional MD Program but have a clearly demonstrated interest and experience in scientific research, are eligible to apply to the combined MD-PhD Program.  These students may apply for admission during the fall of their first or second year of medical school.  These qualified applicants are evaluated and placed in the pool for the current application cycle and will be considered for MSTP funding.  

All eligible applicants who are admitted to the MD-PhD Program are funded by the NIH Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Award.  This program, supported by the National Institutes of Health, provides full tuition, stipend, and medical and dental insurance for students. Due to federal restrictions, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for MSTP funding.  

Graduates of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine MD-PhD Program have gone on to become leaders in many areas of academic medicine.  Advice on the scope and opportunities offered by the MD-PhD Program may be obtained from the Director or Administrative Director.

Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) section navigation

Medical scientist training program (md/phd).

md phd medicina

We are dedicated to training exceptional students from a variety of disciplines who will become the next leaders in clinical academic medicine and biomedical research. The Emory MD/PhD Program combines the advantages of rigorous preparation in clinical medicine with interdisciplinary training in the basic and social sciences of Emory's Laney Graduate School. We recognize that a thriving, interdisciplinary physician-scientist training program is an integral and central component of top academic medical centers; through this combined educational experience, the Emory MD/PhD Program provides the training necessary for students to work at the forefront of a scientific field while concurrently developing outstanding clinical skills.

Program Statistics

Current students.

  • Total Number of MD/PhD Students: 90
  • Male/Female Ratio/Genderqueer: 40/49/1
  • Underrepresented Students/Not Available: 20/11
  • International Students: 8
  • States Represented: 28
  • Countries represented: 8

2023-24 Recruitment Year Statistics

  • Total Applications Received: 605
  • Number Interviewed: 57
  • Number Matriculated: 11
  • Average MCAT: 515
  • Average Undergraduate GPA: 3.94

Miscellaneous Statistics

  • Average time to complete program (both MD and PhD degrees): 8.2 years [this means that on average, students graduate in 8 years or less]
  • MD/PhD student stipend, 2022-23 academic year: $38,500
  • Health insurance (including dental) is provided throughout all years of the program

Students by Program

Emory college.

  • 2 Chemistry
  • 1  Physics
  • 2  Sociology

Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

  • 9  Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology
  • 10  Cancer Biology
  • 4 Genetics and Molecular Pathogenesis
  • 8 Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis
  • 3 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
  • 1  Molecular and Systems Pharmacology
  • 11 Neuroscience
  • 2  Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution

School of Public Health

  • 3  Environmental Health
  • 8  Epidemiology
  • 1 Global Health and Development
  • 2 Nutrition and Health Science

Georgia Tech

  • 20 Biomedical Engineering
  • 3  NIH-GPP

Upcoming Events

2024-2025 md/phd interview dates.

September 26-27, 2024 December 5-6, 2024 January 23-24, 2025

2024 Graduate and Professional School Fair

The 2024 Graduate and Professional School Fair will take place in person in the Natcher Conference Center (Building 45) on the NIH Bethesda campus on July 17, 2024. Exhibitor registration is closed - the sessions are full. Please see our information for exhibitors . The agenda for the 2024 Graduate and Professional School Fair will be posted in June 2024.

Other Events

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

    November 13 – 16, 2024; Pittsburgh, PA 

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos, Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

    October 31 – November 2, 2024; Phoenix, AZ

Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium (SEMSS)

    September 21 – 22, 2024; Nashville, TN

Why Pursue an MD-PhD?

New section.

Just some of the reasons why people choose a career as a physician-scientist.

  • The career of a physician-scientist is unique. There are few comparable careers that allow one to experience the passion of solving a patient's medical struggles while pursuing research that may define the mechanism of that patient’s disease and may ultimately translate into a clinical cure for the disease.
  • MD-PhD trainees are research scientists who solve mechanisms underlying disease, combined with their passion to treat patients in a clinical setting.
  • MD-PhD training efficiently integrates the scientific and medical education of the physician-scientist.
  • During the PhD training years, MD-PhD students take the coursework and formal training in research methodology that are important for the development of the research scientist.
  • Most MD-PhD programs provide trainees with a stipend and tuition scholarships. This financial support recognizes the time that a student must spend in training for the MD-PhD career. The extent of financial support varies among programs and may only support U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Areas of Research Interest for MD-PhD Training

  • Most MD-PhD candidates earn their PhD in biomedical laboratory disciplines such as cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, physiology, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering.
  • Some MD-PhD Programs also allow trainees to do their graduate work in fields outside of laboratory disciplines, including computational biology, economics, epidemiology, health care policy, anthropology, sociology, or the history of medicine.
  • The spectrum of graduate degree programs offered is an important element to consider when applying to specific MD-PhD Programs.
  • @AAMCpremed

Helpful tools and information regarding medical MD-PhD programs.

Information about applying to MD-PhD programs, emphasizing the application process during COVID-19.

Information about MD-PhD programs, emphasizing the career and application process.

Learn about MD-PhD Programs from program leaders.

Upcoming short presentations will describe features of MD-PhD training, alumni careers, and detailed logistics of the application process.

Emily battled viral encephalitis for years during college, and now as a MD/PhD student, she reminds premeds that it's okay to ask for help.

Cesar couldn't apply to medical school when he first graduated from college due to his undocumented status. Now he's in a MD-PhD program and hopes to practice in the Southwest where there's a high need for Spanish-speaking physicians.

  • Administrators
  • MD-PhD Program Interview Committee
  • MSTP Faculty
  • MSTP Faculty by Discipline
  • Current Students
  • MD-PhD Advisory Committee
  • Student Council
  • Students Perspectives on, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity at Yale (SPIDEY)
  • Peer Advising by Senior Students (PASS)
  • Mentoring and Peer Advice from Recent Trainees (MPART)
  • Faculty Mentoring
  • Career Development
  • Useful Links
  • Parental Support and Relief
  • Important Dates & Deadlines
  • Application Process
  • Financial Support
  • Life at Yale
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Who we are: Goals & Committees
  • What We Do: Current D&I Initiatives
  • Resources for Support
  • Resources for Self-Education
  • Yale BioMed Amgen Scholars Program
  • MD-PhD Timeline
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
  • Clinical Activities
  • Research Activities
  • Leadership & Research Management Certificate
  • Annual Program Retreat
  • Perspectives of Women in Science Lectures
  • Grant-writing workshops
  • Teaching Requirements & Opportunities
  • Thriving in the Training Environment
  • Where To Go For Help
  • Physician-Scientist Specialty Shadowing Opportunities
  • 2019 Newsletters
  • 2020 Newsletters
  • 2021 Newsletters
  • 2022 Newsletters
  • Residency Matches
  • Student Publications
  • Outcomes to PhDs Conferred
  • Fellowships Awarded


  • Residents & Fellows
  • Researchers

Admissions: Applying to the MD-PhD Program

We seek applicants who are committed to pursuing a career as a physician-scientists. We value students who are curious, creative, compassionate, and resilient, and bring a diverse range of personal experiences, viewpoints, and academic interests to our collaborative and innovative community.

Candidates must submit their application to the Yale School of Medicine which includes the AMCAS and the Yale Secondary Applications and indicate their interest in being considered for the MD-PhD Program. All applications are holistically reviewed to find candidates whose academic and personal experiences indicate exceptional potential and a commitment to pursue MD and PhD training at Yale. Among the things we look for in a candidate's application are:

  • Significant research experience(s) with evidence of increasing independence, responsibility, and depth of contributions
  • Outstanding letters of recommendation, including those from research mentors who can reflect upon your potential for success as a physician-scientist
  • Personal statements that allow us to understand your reasons for training as a physician-scientist
  • Activities that reflect your curiosity, compassion, maturity, leadership, grit
  • Broad academic excellence, not reflected solely in MCAT scores or GPA

Admissions Timeline

November 15 November 1 November-February All interviews (MD and MD-PhD) are conducted virtually
AMCAS Application Open June 1- October 1
AMCAS Application Deadline October 15
Yale Secondary Application Deanline November 15
Letters for Recommendation deadline
MD-PhD Inteviews
Notification of acceptance to MD-PhD Program March 15
Second Look for Admitted Students (in-person) March/April
Acceptance response deadline April 30

Invitations for interview will be sent via email from September to January. All interviews are virtual and will be scheduled over a two-day period. Candidates have interviews with members of both the MD and MD-PhD Interviewing subcommittees, non-evaluative meetings with MD-PhD program faculty and students, and informational sessions with the program director and current students. Social events and student buddies will help you learn more about the MD-PhD community at Yale and about living in New Haven. As part of the invitation to interview, we will provide a survey link that allows you to request informal meetings with up to five Yale faculty whose research is of interest to you. These informal discussions are not part of the admissions evaluation but are made available to you so that you can get a more complete picture of what Yale has to offer. Applicants who are not invited to interview for the MD-PhD Program will be offered the option to have their application considered for MD-only admission.

Special Instructions for Applicants Interested in “non-traditional” PhD programs

MD-PhD applicants who plan to pursue their PhD in Anthropology, Economics, History of Science & Medicine, Philosophy, Religious Studies or Sociology must submit applications to both the MD-PhD program and to the PhD program. (A link to the PhD program application will be sent to such students when their complete MD-PhD program application is received.) Interview invitations will be made after both applications have been reviewed. Materials required to support the PhD program application are detailed below. Students interested in these programs are encouraged to contact the MD-PhD program to indicate their interest and to obtain the most up-to-date information about specific PhD program requirements. Please note: the completed MD-PhD application must be received by October 15th and the PhD application completed by November 1st to allow full review and consideration for interview.

Requested additional materials:

  • Anthropology
  • History of Science and Medicine
  • Religious Studies
  • Please upload a current resume/CV.
  • Applicants to Economics (Only) – GRE Test Scores required

Important information to keep in mind:

  • The " personal statement of academic purpose " is carefully evaluated by PhD program faculty; when requested, it should be prepared with this audience in mind. This document should be a succinct statement of 500-1,000 words explaining why you are applying to Yale for graduate study, describing your past research, your preparation for the intended field of study, your academic plans for graduate study at Yale (e.g. your proposed research project), and your subsequent career objectives. Explain how the faculty, research, and resources at Yale would contribute to your future goals.
  • You may submit a letter of recommendation from the same individual as part of both the AMCAS and GSAS applications; we encourage you to ask the recommenders most capable of speaking to your preparation for the PhD program of study to submit their letters to both AMCAS and GSAS. Once you identify a recommender in the GSAS Admissions Portal, they will receive an email providing instructions and access information.
  • No application fee to GSAS will be required to submit these additional materials.
  • The MCAT will be accepted in lieu of the GRE except for candidates to Economics.

Gap years are not necessary for applicants . Nationally, >75% of MD-PhD students have taken at least one gap year after college 1 . Gap years can help applicants gain research or clinical experience necessary for deciding whether dual-degree training is right for them. Or they can provide time to travel, work, or take the MCAT and apply. But gap years per se are not necessary to be admitted to MD-PhD programs! The distribution of gap years taken by Yale MD-PhD applicants, interviewed or accepted candidates, and matriculated students for 2019-2023 shows a median “gap” of 2 years for interviewed, accepted, and matriculated applicants But 18% of our current students joined the program immediately after graduating from college.

Diversity and inclusion are central to our mission; our goal is to train students with a wide range of backgrounds, personal identities, and research interests to become physician-scientists. MD-PhD students who matriculated in the past five years completed their undergraduate degrees at accredited four-year institutions all over the United States and territories, and include students who have attended community colleges, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and small, non-research-intensive colleges. Demographics of current students, as self-identified in their AMCAS medical school applications, are shown below. We encourage individuals with disabilities or who may be from economically, socially, culturally and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to our Program. Yale is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment to individuals with disabilities by ensuring that appropriate academic and technical accommodations are available to students. Please contact the MD-PhD Office and Student Accessibility Services for further information. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylees, DACA recipients and international students are all eligible to apply for admission to the MD-PhD Program.

1 Brass LF, Fitzsimonds RM, Akabas MH. Gaps between college and starting an MD-PhD program are adding years to physician-scientist training time. JCI Insight. 2021;e156168 [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]

Yale's MD-PhD Program grants full consideration to students who plan to pursue a PhD program in departments that are part of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) , the School of Public Health (YSPH) , School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) , and some departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS ). Please click on the links for more information on specific PhD programs. Current students are pursuing their PhD training in the following programs and departments.

PhD Program/Department #
PhD Program/Department #
Anthropology* 1 History of Science and Medicine* 3
Applied Mathematics 1 Immunobiology 22
Biomedical Engineering 8 INP: Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program 26
C&MP: Cellular & Molecular Physiology 7 MBB: Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry 1
Chemistry 1 MCDB: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 1
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics 1 Microbiology Graduate Program 4
EPH: Chronic Disease Epidemiology 1 NIH-GPP 1
EPH: Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases 6 Not yet affiliated 39
EPH: Health Policy Management 2 Pharmacology 1
Experimental Pathology Program 8 Religious Studies* 1
Genetics 18 Translational Biomedicine 1

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School of Medicine

Medical Education

M.d./ph.d. program.

  • Applying to the M.D./Ph.D. Program
  • M.D./Ph.D. Program Blog
  • M.D./Ph.D. Student Profiles
  • M Delta Curriculum for M.D./Ph.D. Students
  • M.D./Ph.D. Student Publications
  • M.D./Ph.D. Student Government

M.D./Ph.D. Candidate Jennifer Chung wearing lab coat and goggles in the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine smiling, working in an anaerobic chamber

UConn’s M.D./Ph.D. program provides students with an intellectually stimulating and highly integrated educational experience leading to completion of both the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees. With many alumni matched to highly competitive residencies, the UConn M.D./Ph.D. program prepares its graduates for successful careers in both medicine and science.

The mission of our M.D./Ph.D. program is to prepare individuals of outstanding potential for productive careers as physician-scientists. The program emphasizes the development of skills necessary to become a highly competent and caring physician and to perform, evaluate, and communicate the results of independent research in the biomedical sciences.

Furthermore, we strongly believe in the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science and medicine. Essential to this is our giving opportunities for students of all backgrounds including underrepresented minority groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, and those with disabilities. We are committed to provide individualized support for students from underrepresented or underprivileged backgrounds.

Our program is dedicated to high quality medical and graduate education tailored to the needs of the individual student. We are a close-knit community of students, faculty, and staff. Collegiality and mentorship are key aspects of the program.

Dedication to Diversity

The M.D./Ph.D. program at UConn Health is fully dedicated to making an environment that is inclusive and accepting of all of our students. To this end, we value diversity in all its forms, and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply to join our community of learning.

We believe that having a wide range of lived experiences adds value to the discussions we have with one another. As future healthcare providers and researchers, understanding differences in lifestyles and cultures help us provide the best care for our patients. The program works towards having a diverse environment to encourage dialogue and strengthen our understanding. Through this, we aim to add diverse and culturally competent physician-scientists to the work force.

We also emphasize outreach to underrepresented communities in our surrounding area through a variety of programs. These programs provide mentorship and education about the career paths in science and medicine, including physician-scientists. Through these, we aim to spread awareness and encourage diversity in the science and medical field in the future.

We welcome you to explore the many ways in which the UConn M.D./Ph.D. program, the School of Medicine, and the Graduate School work to ensure that UConn is a safe and welcoming environment for all. We also ask you to reach out to us with any questions about the M.D./Ph.D. program’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Program Structure

M.D./Ph.D. students matriculate for the first 18 months with the regular M.D. students before they pursue their graduate studies, taking four years to complete their Ph.D., and then return for clinical clerkships. During the first two years, in addition to completing the preclinical requirements of the medical school curriculum, students pursue select graduate school coursework and two to three laboratory rotations. Incoming M.D./Ph.D. students have the option to complete their first laboratory rotation the summer before matriculation.

MD/PhD Program Timeline. 18 Months Stage 1 "Exploration", Step 1, Typically 4 Years Graduate Phase; Clinical Reintegration, 11 Months Stage 2 Clinical Immersion, 1 Months Stage 3 Advanced Clinical. Clinical Longitudinal Immersion in the community (CLiC) overlaps the entire timeline.

There is an emphasis in continuity of clinical education, providing opportunity to practice clinical skills on patients from the start of medical school and throughout the graduate phase, better preparing students to excel in clinical rotations. Students remain actively involved in the program during all phases of their training via weekly research club, symposiums, leadership opportunities, and other events.

As part of the longitudinal clinical experience, students are required to continue clinical activities in community service clinics or in specialty clinics for a half day per month during the graduate phase in order to maintain their clinical skills. Following successful completion of requirements for the Ph.D. degree, students return to medical school to complete two years of clinical training.

For a full breakdown of program structure, see our page on the M Delta Curriculum for M.D./Ph.D. Students.

UConn School of Medicine is one of the nation's leading public medical schools, featuring a modern, case-based learning curriculum, early clinical experience, and state-of-the-art facilities for clinical simulation, virtual and cadaverial anatomy education

M.D./Ph.D. students engage in UConn School of Medicine’s industry-leading M Delta curriculum.

Learn more about UConn School of Medicine’s curriculum.

Graduate Education

During the graduate phase, students pursue intensive thesis research in one of seven areas of concentration (AOC) in biomedical science and complete additional coursework required by their AOC. The Biomedical Science AOCs are:

  • Cell Biology
  • Genetics & Developmental Biology
  • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Neuroscience
  • Skeletal Biology and Regeneration
  • Systems Biology

The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine

The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) offers collaborative research training opportunities for our students in mammalian genetics and genomic medicine on our UConn Health campus. Our students have the option to complete lab rotations and perform their Ph.D. thesis research with a JAX faculty member at the Jackson Laboratory on our Farmington, CT campus at UConn Health, if the JAX faculty member has an appointment as a faculty member of the UConn Graduate School. Learn more about the cooperative Ph.D. program and JAX-GM.

Peter Larson in a blue suit and bow tie.

External Fellowship Awards

Tuition waivers and full stipend funding are guaranteed throughout the entire length of our program. For the 2024-2025 academic year the stipend is $39,100. Many of our students succeed in obtaining fellowship grants, such as several of UConn and/or Jackson's Labs T32/T90 Training Programs, NIH F30 Fellowships, and American Heart Association awards. We provide extensive support for trainee grant applications including a mock study section with senior faculty members to prepare our students for success. To read about some of our current student fellowships success stories, read our M.D./Ph.D. student blog.

Residency Placement

Our students routinely match to physician-scientist training programs (PSTPs) and other competitive residencies in a broad range of specialties all over the country. For more details, check out our M.D./Ph.D. Program fact sheet and M.D./Ph.D. student blog .

To learn more about the success of our our past and current students, see our M.D./Ph.D. student blog , Student Profile page, and M.D./Ph.D. Program fact sheet.


Applicants should have substantive research experience, a strong academic record, and prior clinical exposures. Applicants must complete the online AMCAS application, indicate on their application that they are applying to the UConn M.D./Ph.D. program, and complete the M.D./Ph.D. essay. Learn more about applying to the UConn PhD Program.

Contact Information

Kim Dodge-Kafka, Ph.D.

Emily Germain-Lee, M.D.

Yanlin Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

Se-Jin Lee, M.D., Ph.D.

Ms. Tracy Dieli

Ms. Diane Starosciak

M.D./Ph.D. Program
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3906

M.D./Ph.D. Program News & Blog

  • Congratulations Keaven Caro on F30 Award
  • Congratulations to MD-PhD M4 students on their Match!
  • Congratulations to Justin and Cullen on T90/T32 appointments!
  • MD/PhD Program Director’s Innovative Approach to Heart Disease
  • MD/PhD Candidate Rachel Cohn Awarded F30 Fellowship from NIA
  • Congratulations to our new MD-PhD Graduates!

Georgetown University.

MD/PhD Program

Updated July 202 4

Welcome to the Georgetown MD/PhD Program. The mission of our program is to train a diverse pool of medical scientist for dedicated careers in biomedical, bioethical and clinical research. Particular strengths of our program include cancer research (in conjunction with the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center), neuroscience, pharmacology, and bioethics. Students accepted in the 2024-2025 application cycle will receive a full tuition scholarship and stipend for the entirety of their training. Please consider applying to our program!

Todd Waldman, MD, PhD Director

MSTP MD-PhD Program

Mstp admissions and eligibility.


The Medical Scientist Training Program MD-PhD Admissions process

Stanford's MSTP is interested in identifying students with significant undergraduate research experience that would predict successful completion of a PhD program. In addition, our successful candidates must meet the standards expected of the very best MD candidates. The Stanford Medical Scientist Training Program admissions process utilizes the same application, process and all policies as the MD-only application. For information regarding the Stanford School of Medicine’s MD Admissions process, policies and eligibility, please visit the How to Apply page. For specific questions regarding the application process, please contact Stanford's MD Admissions directly at [email protected].

Updates to an application   will be accepted only after an applicant has been invited to interview . Interview decisions are made based on information submitted in the AMCAS application, Stanford Supplemental Application, and letters of recommendation.

It is important that we maintain a consistent and equitable standard for all applications to be considered with the same basis of information. If applicable, additional information can be submitted after the day of your interview.

When submitting additional information, please indicate that you have been interviewed or we may not include updates with your file. Acceptable updates include any significant developments in scholarly endeavors or projects, or additional letters of recommendation. Please do not send additional coursework or transcripts unless we have specifically requested such information from you.The MSTP admissions process begins with submission of the AMCAS application. When an AMCAS application is received by the Office of MD Admissions, the information and instructions for completion of Stanford's supplementary application are made available. Once the application file is complete, it is first reviewed by members of the MSTP Admissions Committee. If an applicant is not chosen for an MSTP interview, his/her file is automatically routed to the MD Admissions Committee for consideration.


Academic recommendations for the MSTP follow the same criteria as admission to the MD Program.  Please see the  MD Admissions website  for information on Stanford University's Medical School Admissions academic recommendations . 

If you have matriculated in an MD or PhD program at another institution, you are not eligible to apply to the MSTP. The Stanford MD and MST Programs do not accept applications from students applying for transfer.  Stanford PhD students are eligible to apply through the AMCAS MD application process. 

Stanford’s MSTP  recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

Stanford’s MSTP welcomes applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars. The review process is holistic and individualized, considering each applicant’s academic record and accomplishments, letters of recommendation, prior research experience, and admissions essays to understand how an applicant’s life experiences have shaped their past and potential contributions to their field and how they might enrich the learning community at Stanford.

Students with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.  Students with disabilities actively participating in the various aspects of life at Stanford, are an essential part of our greater community. Stanford University has a strong commitment to maintaining a diverse and stimulating academic community, representing a broad spectrum of talents and experiences.  Stanford Medicine has a number of programs to support these goals. Both the Stanford School of Medicine and the Medical Scientist Training Program encourage those with diverse backgrounds and/or disabilites to apply. We do not discriminate and believe in the inclusion of all individuals. Our selection process is accessible for students with disabilities and reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be provided to ensure that people with disabilities have fair and equal opportunities to demonstrate their qualifications.

Admission to the Medical Scientist Training Program is contingent on acceptance to the Stanford University MD program, and the application process for both programs is collaborative.

Recommendation Letters

The MSTP Admissions Committee wants to see letters of recommendation from your research mentor, or mentors, addressing your experiences in the laboratory. A minimum of three and a maximum of six individual letters of recommendation is required. All letters must be written on official letterhead and signed by the recommender(s) or committee members. All letters of recommendation must be submitted through the AMCAS Letters Service. Please visit the AMCAS Letters Service site for instructions and more information.

International Students

The MSTP is not able to fund International Students . Stipend and tuition support from the MSTP can only be provided for U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Our federal funding restrictions do not permit us to support International Students. Unfortunately, self-support for PhD study is not an option.

Only International Students applying to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program may also apply to the Stanford MSTP. If applying to Knight-Hennessy, International Students may apply to the MSTP MD-PhD track at Stanford.

An International Student can still pursue a dual degree MD-PhD program here at Stanford outside of the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program. The applicant must apply and be admitted separately to both degree programs. It is possible to receive support for PhD study from the specific PhD department or program. Please contact the particular PhD Program directly for PhD application procedures. International Students may be eligible for Institutional Financial Aid. Information on applying for financial aid for the MD program is available here .

Knight-Hennessy Scholars

Join dozens of  Stanford MD and PhD students  who gain valuable leadership skills in a multidisciplinary, multicultural community as  Knight-Hennessy Scholars   (KHS). KHS admits up to 100 select applicants each year from across Stanford’s seven graduate schools, and delivers engaging experiences that prepare them to be visionary, courageous, and collaborative leaders ready to address complex global challenges. As a scholar, you join a distinguished cohort, participate in up to three years of leadership programming, and receive full funding for up to three years of your graduate studies at Stanford. Candidates of any country may apply. KHS applicants must have earned their first undergraduate degree within the last seven years, and must apply to both a Stanford graduate program and to KHS. Stanford PhD students may also apply to KHS during their first year of PhD enrollment. If you aspire to be a leader in your field, we invite you to apply. The KHS application deadline is October 11, 2023. Learn more about  KHS admission .

DACA or Undocumented Applicants

Stanford has actively supported the DREAM Act legislation since its introduction in 2001, which would enable undocumented students to continue their education and apply for citizenship.  Stanford also supports Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an executive action signed by former President Barack Obama, which allowed some undocumented individuals who entered the United States as children to remain in the country.  We are among the more than 600 colleges and universities that have signed a letter in support of DACA.

Individuals who have been granted DACA at the time of application are eligible to apply and matriculate to Stanford Medicine.  Additionally, individuals who have met all other requirements and are otherwise undocumented are permitted to apply and matriculate to Stanford Medicine.

Equal Access to the School of Medicine’s Educational Program

Stanford Medicine intends for its students and graduates to become competent and compassionate physicians who are capable of entering residency training (graduate medical education) and meeting all requirements for medical licensure.

Stanford Medicine has an institutional commitment to provide equal educational opportunities for qualified students with disabilities who apply for admission to the MD degree program or who are enrolled as medical students. Stanford Medicine is a leader in student diversity and individual rights, with a strong commitment to full compliance with state and federal laws and regulations (including the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and California law (Civil code 51 and 54). A “qualified person with a disability” is an individual with a disability who meets the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation in Stanford Medicine’s educational programs, with or without accommodations. Admitted candidates with disabilities are reviewed individually, on a case-by-case basis, with a complete and careful consideration of all the skills, attitudes, and attributes of each candidate to determine whether there are any reasonable accommodations or available options that would permit the candidate to satisfy the standards.

Stanford’s Policy on Non-Discrimination

Stanford University admits qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or marital status to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the University. Consistent with its obligations under the law, Stanford prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in the administration of the University's programs and activities; Stanford also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy: Director of the Diversity and Access Office, Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-8230; (650) 723-0755 (voice), (650) 723-1791 (fax),  [email protected]  (email). Stanford’s Title IX Coordinator, Cathy Glaze, has been designated to handle inquiries regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence: Mariposa House (2nd floor), 585 Capistrano Way, Stanford, CA 94305, (650) 497-4955 (voice), (650) 497-9257 (fax),  [email protected] (email).

Stanford’s Institute of Equity and Access Office

The Office of Diversity and Access  within the Institute of Equity and Access is the campus office designated to work with Stanford students with disabilities, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (including the professional schools). The Office provides a wide array of support services, accommodations, and programs to remove barriers to full participation in the life of the University. Institute of Equity and Access Office, Kingscote Gardens, 419 Lagunita Drive, 1st floor Suite 130, Stanford Univeristy, Stanford, CA 94305, Phone: 650-723-1066.

Diversity & Inclusion

Stanford’s MSTP recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

Click here for Student Support Resources

MD-PhD Program

image of downtown Buffalo, medical campus and BNMC.

Integrate Science and Medicine.

Train for a career as a translational scientist..

We help you integrate your clinical and basic-science talents early, establishing a firm foundation for your career as a physician-scientist. You'll learn interdisciplinary skills and acquire the comprehensive perspective translational research demands.

Students working in surgical skills lab.

Experience Immersive Clinical Training

Your intensive training will prepare you to join teams that are advancing health care nationally and internationally.

MD-PhD student in lab.

Explore Broad Research Possibilities

Diverse research opportunities form the heart of our program. Whether your calling is in the basic sciences, public health, engineering, or cancer sciences, we're sure you'll find your fit here.

MD-PhD student given science presentation.

Connect Medicine to Research

You will train in both tracks concurrently throughout your MD-PhD program, cross-applying your insights into research and patient care.

Clayton Brady.

Clayton Brady MD-PhD student

Elliot Kramer.

Elliot Kramer MD-PhD student

How It Works

Our program's structured curriculum and one-on-one advising give you the resources to succeed on your path to becoming a clinical translational scientist with an average program duration of seven to eight years.

First Two Years: MS 1 & 2

  • Clinical and didactic coursework alongside medical students
  • Laboratory Rotations
  • Bi-weekly MD-PhD Seminar

PhD Training: Avg 3-5 years

  • Advanced basic science coursework
  • PhD thesis research
  • Longitudinal clinical mentoring program

Final Two Years: MS 3 & 4

  • Clinical rotations and electives
  • Prepare for Residency or Post-Doc

By the Numbers

  • Average Years to Completion: 7.8 
  • Current Students in Program: 30
  • Current F30 Awards: 8
  • Students from Out of State: 14

Current numbers as of Fall 2022.

Residency Placements

  • Internal Medicine: 11
  • Neurology: 3
  • Psychiatry: 3
  • Radiology: 3

Classes of 2014-2021

PhD Program Options

Jacobs school of medicine and biomedical sciences.

  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology & Immunology
  • Neuroscience
  • Oral Biology
  • Pathology & Anatomical Sciences
  • Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • Physiology & Biophysics
  • Structural Biology

School of Public Health and Health Professions

  • Epidemiology
  • Nutrition & Exercise Science

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical & Biological Engineering
  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Cancer Prevention
  • Cancer Genetics, Genomics, and Development
  • Tumor Immunology
  • Cell Stress and Biophysical Oncology
  • Experimental Therapeutics

Research Areas

We’re sure you’ll discover your next home with us.

stem cell stock image.

MD-PhD News

  • 7/23/24 Class of 2028 Welcomed Through White Coat Ceremony
  • 6/3/24 PhD White Coat Ceremony Honors Student Advancement
  • 5/29/24 UB Awards 320 Biomedical Science Degrees; 35 Earn PhDs
  • 5/8/24 Jacobs School Students Feted for Academic Excellence

Yuhao Shi.

Yuhao (Tom) Shi MD-PhD student

Jacobs School Building.

Ready to Start your journey?

Explore Research Areas

The MD/PhD Medical Scientist Training Program, offered in conjunction with the Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS), is designed for students who want to pursue careers that include both research and clinical practice. Students receive rigorous scientific training in addition to full academic and clinical training in the practice of medicine. This training program enables students to bridge the disparate cultures of scientific investigation and clinical medicine. 

The MD/PhD programs curriculum is designed to integrate all aspects of PhD training while providing MD students with maximum flexibility. MD/PhD students may select any one of six different doctoral programs offered by GSBS: Cell, Molecular Developmental Biology, Clinical and Translational Sciences, Genetics, Immunology, Molecular Microbiology, or Neuroscience. While the specific requirements for each doctoral program vary but all programs share a basic structure with students completing laboratory rotations and a thesis.

Learn more about the MD/PhD program .

Related News

Sharewood volunteers at a Chinatown community event

How Physician Scientists Build Community

Being a part of the community and giving to the community are integral to the life of MD/PhD students. Learn about some of the ways they include these activities in their busy lives.

Three students sitting on the grass in the Jaharis Courtyard

Helping MD/PhD Students with Burnout

Promoting wellness and resilience are an important part of MD/PhD training.

  • Health Sciences Center
  • PeopleSoft HR
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
  • PeopleSoft Financials
  • Business Ops
  • Cardinal Careers
  • Programs & Degrees /
  • MD/PhD Program

M.D./Ph.D. Program

How to Apply

Educating physician-scientists to bridge biomedical research and clinical care.

The University of Louisville School of Medicine offers a Physician Scientist training program for the fulfillment of requirements for M.D. and Ph.D. degrees. The comprehensive program includes two years in pre-clinical medical training, followed by graduate training in one of U of L's basic research departments, and two years of medical rotations for clinical training.

The small size of the program ensures a high quality training experience providing individualized attention to its students. As a UofL MD/PhD student you'll experience great flexibility in designing a research program and have exceptional access to a wide variety of research experiences in top-flight research laboratories. You will receive hands-on experience in the patient simulation center and work with standardized patients beginning in the first year. A wide variety of clinical experiences are available through our hospital partnerships in Louisville and statewide. Applicants should have fulfilled prerequisites for admission to the School of Medicine (including the MCAT standardized examination) and have a proven commitment to biomedical research. Students in the program will receive full tuition remission, a stipend during all phases of the curriculum, and health insurance during the graduate research phase.

MD Program Home

MD/PhD Program

Our MD/PhD Program, the largest national program of its kind, trains and mentors the next generation of physician scientists.

Physician scientists are trained as medical doctors and scientists. They are in the unique position of pursuing both scientific research and clinical practice, translating academic excellence into health care excellence for Canadians every day. Our program attracts the very best medical researchers to U of T PhD programs, and has produced successive generations of innovative health leaders. Through collaborative and interdisciplinary research, we are advancing medicine and improving health around the world.

The MD/PhD Program trains physician scientists who are well prepared for both research and clinical practice, highly competitive and productive.

You may apply for admission into the MD/PhD Program at the same time as your MD application, or during your first year of medical school at U of T.

Research Training Opportunities

We have a wide array of research training opportunities available.

Research Application Support Initiative (RASI)

RASI is offered through the Community of Support and includes MD and MD/PhD student support with developing research CVs, publishing research, and finding research positions.

Black Student Application Program

The MD/PhD Program encourages applications for both the MD/PhD Program and BSAP.

Indigenous Student Application Program

Indigenous applicants are welcome to apply through both ISAP and the MD/PhD Program.

We live during a time of remarkable advances in the sciences that span the expanse of biomedical to health services research. Indeed, there has never been a time when it is so exciting to do science; never has there been such potential for discovery and application of these discoveries for the benefit of human health. Nicola Jones, MD, PhD, MD/PhD Program Director

Portrait of Hannah

MD/PhD student Hannah Kozlowski receives inaugural future leaders prize

This image shows seven members of the class of 2T6.

Class of 2T6: What Drives Your Passion for Medicine?

MD/PhD student and Toronto Rock lacrosse player Mitch De Snoo is seen in uniform during a game.

Faces of Temerty Medicine: Mitch De Snoo

Graduation Day

Join us Friday, May 10, for our School of Medicine commencement events: the Advanced Degree Ceremony at 11 a.m., and the M.D. Hooding Ceremony at 3 p.m.

Wenhui Hu, M.D., Ph.D.

Wenhui Hu, M.D., Ph.D.

Department: Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology

Phone: 804-828-2708

Fax: 804-828-3276

Email: [email protected]

Back to Listing

  • Patient Care

Heart Institute

Quick links, * (mcom heart institute fp).

Donghwa Kim

Donghwa Kim, PhD

Associate professor, medicine, associate professor, heart institute, associate professor, personalized medicine and genomics, contact info.

  • 560 Channelside Drive Room 703A Tampa FL 33602
  • Academic Email:   [email protected]
  • Academic Phone:  (813) 396-0661
  • PHD , Medical Mycology, Kangwon National University, 2001

Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs

  • Allergy, Immunology & Infectious Disease
  • Asthma Center of Excellence
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Metabolic Regulation and Disorders


  • Member (ATS, 2014 - Present)
  • Member (KSEA, 2012 - Present)
  • member (AACR, 2003 - 2013)

Recent Publications

  • Woo JA, Castaño M, Kee TR, Lee J, Koziol-White CJ, An SS, Kim D, Kang DE, Liggett SB. A Par3/LIM Kinase/Cofilin Pathway Mediates Human Airway Smooth Muscle Relaxation by TAS2R14. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol . , 2023.
  • Tokmakova A, Kim D, Goddard WA, Liggett SB. Biased β-Agonists Favoring Gs over β-Arrestin for Individualized Treatment of Obstructive Lung Disease. Journal of personalized medicine . 12(3) , 2022.
  • Cardet JC, Kim D, Bleecker ER, Casale TB, Israel E, Mauger D, Meyers DA, Ampleford E, Hawkins GA, Tu Y, Liggett SB, Ortega VE. Clinical and molecular implications of RGS2 promoter genetic variation in severe asthma. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology . , 2022.
  • Kim D, Tokmakova A, Woo JA, An SS, Goddard WA, Liggett SB. Selective Signal Capture from Multidimensional GPCR Outputs with Biased Agonists: Progress Towards Novel Drug Development. Molecular diagnosis & therapy . , 2022.
  • Kim D, Castaño M, Lujan LK, Woo JA, Liggett SB. The short third intracellular loop and cytoplasmic tail of bitter taste receptors provide functionally relevant GRK phosphorylation sites in TAS2R14. The Journal of biological chemistry . 296: 100216, 2021.
  • Kim D, Tokmakova A, Lujan LK, Strzelinski HR, Kim N, Najari Beidokhti M, Giulianotti MA, Mafi A, Woo JA, An SS, Goddard WA, Liggett SB. Identification and characterization of an atypical Gαs-biased βAR agonist that fails to evoke airway smooth muscle cell tachyphylaxis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 118(49) , 2021.
  • Yang MY, Kim SK, Kim D, Liggett SB, Goddard WA. Structures and Agonist Binding Sites of Bitter Taste Receptor TAS2R5 Complexed with Gi Protein and Validated against Experiment. The journal of physical chemistry letters . 12(38) : 9293-9300, 2021.
  • Kim D, An SS, Lam H, Leahy JW, Liggett SB. Identification and Characterization of Novel Bronchodilator Agonists Acting at Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell TAS2R5. ACS pharmacology & translational science . 3(6) : 1069-1075, 2020.
  • Huang J, Lam H, Koziol-White C, Limjunyawong N, Kim D, Kim N, Karmacharya N, Rajkumar P, Firer D, Dalesio NM, Jude J, Kurten RC, Pluznick JL, Deshpande DA, Penn RB, Liggett SB, Panettieri RA, Dong X, An SS. The odorant receptor OR2W3 on airway smooth muscle evokes bronchodilation via a cooperative chemosensory tradeoff between TMEM16A and CFTR. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 117(45) : 28485-28495, 2020.
  • Woo JA, Castaño M, Goss A, Kim D, Lewandowski EM, Chen Y, Liggett SB. Differential long-term regulation of TAS2R14 by structurally distinct agonists. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology . 33(11) : 12213-12225, 2019.
  • Kim D, Cho S, Castaño MA, Panettieri RA, Woo JA, Liggett SB. Biased TAS2R Bronchodilators Inhibit Airway Smooth Muscle Growth by Downregulating Phosphorylated Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 1/2. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology . 60(5) : 532-540, 2019.
  • Kim D, Cho S, Woo JA, Liggett SB. A CREB-mediated increase in miRNA let-7f during prolonged β-agonist exposure: a novel mechanism of β-adrenergic receptor down-regulation in airway smooth muscle. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology . 32(7) : 3680-3688, 2018.
  • Kim D, Woo JA, Geffken E, An SS, Liggett SB. Coupling of Airway Smooth Muscle Bitter Taste Receptors to Intracellular Signaling and Relaxation Is via G. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology . 56(6) : 762-771, 2017.
  • Kim D, Pauer SH, Yong HM, An SS, Liggett SB. β2-Adrenergic Receptors Chaperone Trapped Bitter Taste Receptor 14 to the Cell Surface as a Heterodimer and Exert Unidirectional Desensitization of Taste Receptor Function. The Journal of biological chemistry . 291(34) : 17616-28, 2016.
  • Tokmakova A*, Kim D*, Guthrie B, Kim SK, Goddard WA 3rd, Liggett SB. Predicted structure and cell signaling of TAS2R14 reveal receptor hyper-flexibility for detecting diverse bitter tastes iScience . , 2023.


  1. MD vs MD PhD: How to Choose your Best Path

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  2. MD/PhD Medical Scientist Training Program Program

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  3. MD vs PhD: Difference and Comparison

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  4. MD/PhD Degree

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  5. Zezong Gu, MD, PhD

    md phd medicina

  6. The Pros And Cons Of Getting An MD-PhD

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  5. 🍀Alzheimer🍀 #medicina #neurologia #enfermagem #alzheimer #saudemental #saude #equipemultidisciplinar

  6. MD-PhD Training: Combining Careers in Science and Medicine


  1. MD-PhD Program < MD-PhD Program

    We hope that you will become part of the Yale MD-PhD family, and join us in celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2020! With warm regards, Barbara Kazmierczak, MD PhD. Professor of Medicine & Microbial Pathogenesis. Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation MD-PhD Program Director. Our mission is to provide students with integrated ...

  2. MD-PhD, Combined Degree < Johns Hopkins University

    MD - PhD, Combined Degree Program. From its inception, the physician-scientist has been a hallmark of Johns Hopkins medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Indeed, the Hopkins tri-emblem represents the three core values of the institution: teaching, patient care, and research. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine offers a variety of ...

  3. Considering an MD-PhD program? Here's what you should know

    Considering that there are significantly fewer spots, MD-PhD program applicants are likely going to need to apply to more programs. Now in the first year of his PhD research—after completing two years of medical school—at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Drayton Harvey applied to 30 MD-PhD programs.

  4. MD-PhD Degree Programs by State

    Combined MD-PhD degree programs provide students the opportunity to earn both the MD and the PhD in areas pertinent to medicine. Below is a list of schools offering a combined MD-PhD degree, with links to their web sites. Please contact the institutions directly for curriculum information and admission requirements.

  5. MSTP

    Medical school at Stanford—for MD-PhD and non-MD-PhD students alike—is also unique. With major clinical training centers in tertiary care, county hospital, and HMO settings, our students learn about different types of patient care and how best to care for their patients. Most Stanford students spend an extra year pursuing interests in ...

  6. MD-PhD

    The Doctor of Medicine-Doctor of Philosophy (MD-PhD) is a dual doctoral program for physician-scientists, combining the professional training of the Doctor of Medicine degree with the research program of the Doctor of Philosophy degree. In the United States, the National Institutes of Health currently provides 50 medical schools with ...

  7. MD/PhD

    The Emory MD/PhD Program combines the advantages of rigorous preparation in clinical medicine with interdisciplinary training in the basic and social sciences of Emory's Laney Graduate School. We recognize that a thriving, interdisciplinary physician-scientist training program is an integral and central component of top academic medical centers ...

  8. Harvard/MIT MDPhD Program

    Funding. The Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program at Harvard Medical School (HMS) has been sponsored in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through its Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) since 1974. All MD-PhD student applicants to our program compete on equal footing for MSTP support, regardless of scientific interest.

  9. MD-PhD Program

    The MD-PhD Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai prepares you for a thriving career as a physician-scientist. In our highly personalized, National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), you select your own multidisciplinary training area in Biomedical Sciences or Neuroscience, corresponding curriculum, and thesis research preceptor.

  10. Why Pursue an MD-PhD?

    MD-PhD trainees are research scientists who solve mechanisms underlying disease, combined with their passion to treat patients in a clinical setting. ... anthropology, sociology, or the history of medicine. The spectrum of graduate degree programs offered is an important element to consider when applying to specific MD-PhD Programs. ...

  11. Welcome to the Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program

    Welcome to the Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program " Training the next-generation of premier and diverse physician-scientist leaders " Welcome! Program Overview, Loren Walensky, MD-PhD Program Director. Support our Students! The Linda Burnley Fund for MD-PhD Education at Harvard and MIT.

  12. Harvard/MIT MDPhD Program

    Funding. The Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program at Harvard Medical School (HMS) has been sponsored in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through its Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) since 1974. All MD-PhD student applicants to our program compete on equal footing for MSTP support, regardless of scientific interest.

  13. Admissions: Applying to the MD-PhD Program

    MD-PhD applicants who plan to pursue their PhD in Anthropology, Economics, History of Science & Medicine, Philosophy, Religious Studies or Sociology must submit applications to both the MD-PhD program and to the PhD program. (A link to the PhD program application will be sent to such students when their complete MD-PhD program application is received.)

  14. M.D./Ph.D. Program

    Mailing Address. M.D./Ph.D. Program. UConn Health. 263 Farmington Avenue. Farmington, CT 06030-3906. Email: [email protected]. UConn's combined M.D./Ph.D. program provides students with a highly integrated educational experience leading to completion of both the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees. Students pursue intensive thesis research in one of seven ...

  15. MD/PhD Program

    Students accepted in the 2024-2025 application cycle will receive a full tuition scholarship and stipend for the entirety of their training. Please consider applying to our program! Todd Waldman, MD, PhD. Director. School of Medicine. Medical Dental Building. 3900 Reservoir Road, NW.

  16. MSTP Admissions

    The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy: Director of the Diversity and Access Office, Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-8230; (650) 723-0755 (voice), (650) 723-1791 (fax), [email protected] (email).

  17. MD-PhD Program

    Microbial Pathogenesis. Experts in microbial pathogenesis use cutting-edge techniques in cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics to study how bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi are able to engage with their host and cause disease. Researchers in this field study ways to identify novel targets for life-saving therapies.

  18. MD

    UF MD-PhD Training Program. Forging the future of medicine from bench to bedside. Learn the science of human disease from national leaders in biomedical research and clinical medicine. About the program.

  19. MD/PhD

    The MD/PhD Medical Scientist Training Program, offered in conjunction with the Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS), is designed for students who want to pursue careers that include both research and clinical practice. Students receive rigorous scientific training in addition to full academic and clinical training in the practice ...

  20. M.D./Ph.D. Program

    The University of Louisville School of Medicine offers a Physician Scientist training program for the fulfillment of requirements for M.D. and Ph.D. degrees. The comprehensive program includes two years in pre-clinical medical training, followed by graduate training in one of U of L's basic research departments, and two years of medical ...

  21. MD/PhD Program

    For More Information. MD Admissions. (813) 974-5488. [email protected]. PhD Admissions. (813) 974-2836. [email protected]. The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Affairs has numerous innovative programs to meet the needs of our diverse student body. We offer a wide range of certificates, Master's ...

  22. MD/PhD Program

    The MD/PhD Program trains physician scientists who are well prepared for both research and clinical practice, highly competitive and productive. ... MD Program, Temerty Faculty of Medicine 1 King's College Circle, Medical Sciences Building, Room 3157 Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8 Follow us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

  23. Taehan Philip Kim, MD, PhD

    In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part ...

  24. MD/PhD Curriculum

    School of Medicine; Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing; Medical Group; Medical Center; Connect with Us. Stay connected with what's happening at UC Davis Health. Back to top. M.D. Program. Education Building 4610 X Street | Sacramento, CA 95817 | Office of Medical Education: 916-734-4110

  25. Ruisheng Liu, MD, PhD

    Ruisheng Liu, MD, PhD Professor, Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology Contact Info. 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. MDC 8 Tampa FL 33612 Academic Email: [email protected] Academic Phone: (813) 396-9107 View My C.V.

  26. Doctor Search Results

    Search doctors and other medical professionals by name, specialty, practice focus area, or job title.

  27. Sameer Ahmad Ansari, MD, PhD

    In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part ...

  28. Our Team

    Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology 1101 E. Marshall Street, Sanger Hall, Room 12-048 Box 980709 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0709 Phone: 804-828-9623 Fax: 804-828-9477. About. Quick Links. Faculty Directory ...

  29. Sarah Yuan, MD, PhD

    Sarah Yuan, MD, PhD Endowed Chair, College of Medicine Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology Deriso Endowed Chair, Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, College of Medicine Contact Info. 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd MDC8 Tampa FL 33612 Academic Email: [email protected]

  30. Donghwa Kim, PhD

    Donghwa Kim, PhD Associate Professor, Medicine Associate Professor, Heart Institute Associate Professor, Personalized Medicine and Genomics Contact Info. 560 Channelside Drive Room 703A Tampa FL 33602 Academic Email: [email protected]; Academic Phone: (813) 396-0661; Education