mba thesis 2023

Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

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Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

If you’d like hands-on help to speed up your topic ideation process and ensure that you develop a rock-solid research topic, check our our Topic Kickstarter service below.

Rotimi Uju Angela

Great help. thanks


Hi, Your work is very educative, it has widened my knowledge. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


a feasibility study for the establishment of rice processing system in (_____)


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

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MBA Dissertation Topics

How to Choose a Perfect Dissertation Topics in Education? 40+ Examples Include

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Top 50 MBA Dissertation Topics You Must Consider in 2023

Choosing MBA dissertation topics can be a daunting task, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. When students are asked to do a dissertation, the first question that comes to mind is how do I choose a dissertation topic for their MBA. The first step is to conduct a thorough literature review to identify gaps in current research. It will help you to understand what has already been studied and where there is a need for further research. Next, choose a topic that aligns with your interests and career goals. It will make the research process more enjoyable and motivate you to complete the project. Consider the feasibility of the research and availability of data before finalising your topic. Lastly, consult with your supervisor or mentor for guidance and feedback. They can provide valuable insights and help you to refine your topic.

A list of 50 MBA dissertation topics is given in this article to solve the worries about how to choose a dissertation topic for MBA . These MBA dissertation topics are important in 2023 because they reflect the current trends and challenges facing businesses are facing today. For example, MBA dissertation topics in finance, corporate governance and risk management are important as they help to understand how to improve financial performance. MBA dissertation topics in marketing such as digital marketing and social media marketing, are important in today’s digital age where technology is rapidly changing the way we do business.

MBA dissertation topics in project management such as agile project management and risk management, are important as they help to improve efficiency and effectiveness in managing projects. Further, MBA dissertation topics in information technology, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, are important as they reflect the latest advancements in technology that are shaping the business world. Lastly, MBA dissertation topics in human resource management such as employee engagement and talent management are important as they help to understand how to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

Also Read This: Guidelines for Writing a Dissertation Abstract at PhD Level

MBA Dissertation Topics in Finance:

  • The impact of interest rates on stock market returns
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation
  • The impact of economic recessions on investment strategies
  • A study of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  • An examination of the role of hedge funds in portfolio management
  • The impact of global economic events on currency markets
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of government intervention in the housing market
  • A study of the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance
  • The impact of technological advancements on the financial services industry
  • An examination of the role of private equity in mergers and acquisitions

MBA Dissertation Topics in Marketing:

  • The impact of social media on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of viral marketing campaigns
  • The impact of brand loyalty on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • A study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty
  • An examination of the role of emotional branding in the consumer goods industry
  • The impact of product packaging on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of cause-related marketing
  • A study of the relationship between customer service and brand loyalty
  • The impact of mobile marketing on consumer purchasing behaviour
  • An examination of the role of experiential marketing in the service industry

MBA Dissertation Topics in Project Management:

  • The impact of agile methodologies on project success rates
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of project management software
  • The impact of team dynamics on project success rates
  • A study of the relationship between project scope and project success
  • An examination of the role of project management in the construction industry
  • The impact of project management methodologies on virtual teams
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of project management in the IT industry
  • A study of the relationship between project management and product development
  • The impact of project management methodologies on project costs
  • An examination of the role of project management in the healthcare industry

MBA Dissertation Topics in Information Technology:

  • The impact of cloud computing on business operations
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of cyber security measures
  • The impact of big data on business decision making
  • A study of the relationship between IT and organisational structure
  • An examination of the role of IT in supply chain management
  • The impact of mobile technology on business operations
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of IT project management
  • A study of the relationship between IT and business strategy
  • The impact of IT on the healthcare industry
  • An examination of the role of IT in the banking industry

MBA Dissertation Topics in Human Resource Management:

  • The impact of employee engagement on job performance
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of performance management systems
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on organisational performance
  • A study of the relationship between employee turnover and job satisfaction
  • An examination of the role of human resource management in mergers and acquisitions
  • The impact of remote work on employee engagement
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of human resource management in the retail industry
  • A study of the relationship between employee development and job satisfaction
  • The impact of human resource management on the healthcare industry
  • An examination of the role of human resource management in the non-profit sector.

Also Read This: 20 Human Resource Dissertation Topics Ideas To Write About

Significance of MBA Dissertation Topics in 2023

MBA dissertations allow students to explore a topic of interest in depth and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in their chosen field. These 50 potential dissertation topics for MBA students in 2023 are relevant and timely, addressing current trends and developments in finance, marketing, project management, information technology, and human resource management. In this section, three sample MBA dissertation topics are taken from each domain and significance of choosing these topics is provided.

Significance of Dissertation Topics in Finance:

  • The impact of interest rates on stock market returns: Interest rates significantly impact the stock market, and understanding the relationship between the two can inform investment strategies. This topic is particularly relevant in light of the current low-interest rate environment and the potential for future rate changes.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation: Monetary policy plays a crucial role in managing inflation, and understanding its effects is important for policymakers and investors alike. This topic is relevant as central banks continue to navigate the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The impact of economic recessions on investment strategies: Economic recessions have a significant impact on investment strategies, and understanding how to navigate them is crucial for investors. This topic is relevant as the world continues to recover from the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Significance of Dissertation Topics in Marketing:

  • The impact of social media on consumer purchasing behaviour: Social media plays a significant role in shaping consumer purchasing behaviour. Understanding the relationship between the two can inform marketing strategies. This topic is relevant as social media usage continues to grow and evolve.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of viral marketing campaigns: Viral marketing campaigns have the potential to reach a large audience at a low cost, making them an attractive option for marketers. Understanding the factors that contribute to the success of these campaigns is crucial for their effective implementation.
  • The impact of brand loyalty on consumer purchasing behaviour: Brand loyalty is an important aspect of consumer behaviour, and understanding the factors that influence it can inform marketing strategies. This topic is relevant as businesses compete for customer loyalty in an increasingly crowded market.

Significance of Dissertation Topics in Project Management:

  • The impact of agile methodologies on project success rates: Agile methodologies have become increasingly popular in project management, and understanding their impact on project success rates can inform their effective implementation.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of project management software: Project management software can greatly aid the project management process, and understanding the impact of these tools on project success can inform their effective use.
  • The impact of team dynamics on project success rates: Team dynamics play a crucial role in the success of a project, and understanding the factors that contribute to effective team dynamics can inform project management strategies.

Significance of Dissertation Topics in Information Technology:

  • The impact of cloud computing on business operations: Cloud computing has revolutionised how businesses operate and understanding the impact of these technologies on business operations can inform their effective implementation.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of cyber security measures: Cybersecurity is a crucial aspect of modern business operations, and understanding the effectiveness of different security measures can inform their implementation.
  • The impact of big data on business decision-making: Big data can greatly inform business decision-making, and understanding how to effectively utilise this data can inform strategies for data management and analysis.

Significance of Dissertation Topics in Human Resource Management:

  • The impact of employee engagement on job performance: Employee engagement is a crucial aspect of organisational performance. Understanding the factors contributing to employee engagement can inform human resource management strategies.
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of performance management systems: They are an important tool in human resource management, and understanding their effectiveness can inform their implementation and use.
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on organisational performance: Diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important aspects of organisational performance, and understanding the impact of these factors on performance can inform human resource management strategies.

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Innovative Thesis Topics for MBA Graduates: Navigating the Future of Business

Innovative Thesis Topics for MBA Graduates: Navigating the Future of Business

In the ever-evolving realm of business, innovation stands as a pillar of growth and adaptation. MBA graduates are uniquely positioned to lead this charge, equipped with advanced knowledge and strategic skills. This article delves into innovative thesis topics for MBA graduates, offering a glimpse into the future of business and the influential role these individuals play in shaping it.

Key Takeaways

  • Big Data and analytics are revolutionizing strategic decision-making, enabling businesses to act on complex insights.
  • Sustainable and circular business models are becoming essential for long-term profitability and environmental stewardship.
  • Artificial Intelligence is transforming business processes, necessitating new strategies for integration and management.
  • Leadership in the digital age requires a nuanced understanding of technological advancements and organizational dynamics.
  • Ethical considerations and corporate social responsibility are increasingly integral to building a reputable and sustainable business.

Emerging Trends in Business Innovation

The role of big data and analytics in strategic decision-making.

In the realm of business innovation, the utilization of big data and analytics has become a cornerstone for companies aiming to maintain a competitive edge. It helps companies make informed decisions by providing insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and business performance. An MBA focusing on Data Analytics equips you with the necessary skills to decode vast amounts of data and enhance decision-making processes.

Leveraging big data analytics involves the systematic collection, examination, and analysis of large datasets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and insights. This practice is pivotal in aiding strategic decision-making , as it allows for a more nuanced understanding of the market and customer needs. Consider the following points when exploring this thesis topic:

  • The integration of data analytics into organizational culture and decision-making frameworks.
  • Methods for ensuring data quality and integrity in analytics.
  • The ethical considerations surrounding the use of consumer data.

By delving into these areas, you can contribute to the evolving landscape of business strategy and innovation, where data-driven decisions are increasingly becoming the norm.

Sustainable Business Models and Circular Economy

As you delve into the realm of sustainable business models, you'll encounter the transformative concept of the circular economy (CE). Unlike traditional linear economies reliant on 'take-make-dispose' patterns, CE emphasizes the importance of resource efficiency and the regeneration of products and materials. One way to reduce dependency on finite resources is through CE's innovative business models . These models are designed to be restorative by intention, aiming to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times.

The five Business Models for the Circular Economy, as identified by Lacy et al. (2014), provide a framework for MBA graduates to explore and innovate within this space. These models include:

  • Design for longevity
  • Maintain, share, and lease
  • Reuse and redistribute
  • Refurbish and remanufacture
  • Recycle and upcycle

By integrating these models into your thesis, you can contribute to a body of knowledge that not only advances sustainable business practices but also addresses global challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity. Your research could pave the way for organizations to transition from a linear to a circular approach, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Processes

As you delve into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), it's essential to recognize its transformative power in business processes. AI technology promises significant benefits , including enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making capabilities. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up human talent for more complex and creative work, fostering an environment of innovation and strategic growth.

The integration of AI into business operations is not without its challenges. It requires a careful balance between leveraging technology and maintaining human oversight. To navigate this landscape, consider the following points:

  • Understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI in your industry.
  • Developing strategies to manage the ethical implications of data use and automation.
  • Ensuring that your workforce is equipped with the skills to work alongside AI.

By addressing these considerations, you position yourself at the forefront of business innovation , ready to harness the full potential of AI. Remember, the successful implementation of AI in business processes is not just about the technology itself, but also about the cultural and organizational shifts that accompany it.

Strategic Leadership and Change Management

Navigating organizational transformation.

As you embark on the journey of organizational transformation, it's crucial to recognize that this is not merely about altering structures or processes, but fundamentally shifting the corporate culture. Effective change management is the linchpin of successful transformation, involving meticulous planning, strategic implementation, and comprehensive management of changes to ensure favorable outcomes.

Consider the following steps to guide your transformation efforts:

  • Establish a clear vision and communicate it effectively across the organization.
  • Engage employees at all levels to foster a sense of ownership and commitment to change.
  • Monitor progress and adapt strategies as necessary to maintain momentum.

Remember, transformational leadership plays a pivotal role in employees' readiness for change. By adopting a multi-theoretical lens, you can better understand and influence the mechanisms that drive successful organizational change. Embrace the challenge, and you'll be well on your way to steering your organization towards a future of innovation and growth.

Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

In your quest to foster a culture of continuous improvement within an organization, it is essential to understand that such efforts can only flourish when they become an integral part of the organizational ethos - "the way we do things around here" . This cultural shift requires a steadfast commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace change at all levels.

To initiate this transformative journey, consider the following steps:

  • Establish clear, measurable goals that align with the organization's vision.
  • Encourage open communication and feedback from all team members.
  • Provide ongoing training and development opportunities.
  • Recognize and reward contributions to improvement efforts.
  • Regularly review processes and outcomes for potential enhancements.

Remember, the path to continuous improvement is not a one-time initiative but a perpetual cycle of evaluation and refinement. By embedding this mindset into the fabric of your organization, you lay the groundwork for sustained success and innovation. As you navigate this challenging thesis journey, know that there are resources available, such as worksheets and templates , designed to support you every step of the way.

Leadership Strategies for the Digital Age

In the digital age, effective leadership transcends traditional boundaries and hierarchies. As an MBA graduate, you must be adept at leading in a landscape where technology evolves at a breakneck pace. Embrace a leadership style that is agile and responsive to the rapid changes in digital technology. This means being comfortable with uncertainty and prepared to pivot strategies swiftly.

To thrive as a digital leader, you must cultivate a deep understanding of digital trends and their impact on your industry. New research by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation highlights the importance of skills such as digital literacy, a collaborative mindset, and the ability to drive innovation. Consider the following key areas for development:

  • Digital literacy and technical acumen
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Fostering innovation and creativity
  • Building and leading agile teams

Remember, niche study strategies revolutionize learning by tailoring approaches to specific fields, maximizing understanding and retention. In this context, collaboration and adaptation are not just beneficial but essential for academic and professional growth. As you navigate your leadership journey, keep in mind that the ability to lead remote teams effectively has become a critical skill, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Leadership in the digital age is about connecting with your team, leveraging technology, and driving performance in a virtual environment.

Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

Identifying opportunities in market disruptions.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, market disruptions present unique opportunities for innovation and growth. As an MBA graduate, you are uniquely positioned to identify opportunities and overcome challenges in the pursuit of innovation. Market disruptions often lead to shifts in consumer behavior, emerging technologies, and new regulatory landscapes, which can open doors to novel business ventures.

To capitalize on these disruptions, it is essential to conduct a thorough investigation and critical analysis of the market. This involves understanding the underlying causes of the disruption, the needs that have arisen as a result, and the potential for creating value. Consider the following steps to guide your exploration:

  • Assess the current market landscape and identify gaps or unmet needs.
  • Analyze consumer trends and behavior changes due to the disruption.
  • Explore technological advancements that can address new market demands.
  • Evaluate the competitive environment and potential barriers to entry.

By encouraging further research and exploration through scholarly discourse, you can discover new insights and contribute to knowledge in the field of business innovation. Remember, disruptive entrepreneurs are those who create innovative solutions that revolutionize the way business is done.

Building Resilient Business Models in a Volatile Economy

In the face of economic turbulence, building resilient business models is not just a strategic advantage; it's a necessity for survival. As you delve into this topic, consider how resilience can be developed over time, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. According to research, resilience is an 'emerging' set of qualities that organizations can cultivate to withstand market disruptions.

To construct a resilient business model, begin by analyzing the facets of business resilience explored by McKinsey & Company. This involves understanding the organization's capacity to ride out crises and economic slowdowns. A bulleted list can help you organize the key components of a resilient business model:

  • Diversification of products and services
  • Agile operational processes
  • Strong financial health
  • Adaptive leadership and culture

Remember, the goal is to create a framework that not only survives but thrives amid uncertainty. Utilize tools for thesis writing , such as worksheets and templates, to structure your research effectively. And don't forget the importance of maintaining a social life for overall well-being during your thesis journey.

Leveraging Technology for Startup Success

In the fast-paced world of startups, technology acts as a catalyst for growth and innovation . By embracing the latest technological advancements, you can streamline operations , reduce overhead costs, and enhance productivity. Efficiency is key, and technology provides the tools to achieve it, from automating mundane tasks to optimizing complex processes.

Moreover, technology enables you to connect with customers and stakeholders in ways previously unimaginable. Social media platforms, customer relationship management systems, and data analytics tools allow for personalized engagement and strategic decision-making based on real-time feedback and trends. This not only helps in building a loyal customer base but also in adapting to their evolving needs swiftly.

Consider the following points to effectively leverage technology for your startup's success:

  • Utilize cloud computing for scalable infrastructure and collaboration.
  • Implement cybersecurity measures to protect your data and build trust.
  • Explore artificial intelligence and machine learning for predictive analytics and personalized services.
  • Foster a culture of innovation where technology is continuously evaluated and integrated into business practices.

Remember, the judicious use of technology can be the difference between a startup that struggles and one that soars. It's not just about having the latest gadgets; it's about integrating technology into the very fabric of your business strategy to drive growth and maintain a competitive edge .

Global Business Dynamics and Cross-Cultural Management

Adapting to global market shifts.

In the dynamic landscape of global business, your ability to adapt to market shifts is crucial for long-term success. Flexibility in compliance strategies is key to staying adaptable and thriving in an ever-changing environment. As you navigate these waters, consider the cultural nuances that can impact your business operations across borders.

To effectively adapt, you must stay informed about the latest trends and innovations. This includes understanding shifting demographics, consumer preferences, and technological advancements such as blockchain and smart contracts. Here's a list of steps to ensure you remain competitive:

  • Continuously monitor global market trends and regulatory changes.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the cultural and economic factors in your target markets.
  • Invest in technology that enhances agility and responsiveness to market changes.
  • Foster a corporate culture that values innovation and continuous learning.

Remember, the tools and resources available for thesis writing and academic projects can also provide valuable insights into research methodology selection, which is essential for analyzing global market dynamics.

Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Communication

In the realm of global business, effective cross-cultural negotiation and communication are pivotal to success. You must navigate not only the linguistic barriers but also the nuanced differences in business etiquette, expectations, and norms. Understanding cultural dynamics is essential in creating strategies that resonate across borders.

Consider the following points when engaging in cross-cultural negotiations:

  • Recognize and respect cultural differences to build trust and rapport.
  • Avoid relying on stereotypes , as they can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Be mindful of non-verbal cues, which can vary significantly between cultures.
  • Develop active listening skills to ensure all parties feel heard and valued.

By embracing these practices, you can enhance your ability to negotiate effectively in a diverse international landscape. Remember, the goal is to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome while fostering long-term relationships.

Managing Diversity and Inclusion in International Teams

As you navigate the complexities of international business, understanding and managing diversity and inclusion within your teams is not just an ethical imperative but a strategic advantage. From an ethical perspective , diversity and inclusion promote fairness, equality, and respect for human dignity. When companies embrace these values, they unlock a wealth of creativity and innovation that can only arise from a multitude of perspectives.

To effectively manage and empower diverse teams, it's essential to implement both formal systems and soft skills. Formal systems ensure that diversity policies are consistently applied, while soft skills, such as empathy and effective communication, foster an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued. Here are four soft skills that could help you make your team more inclusive :

  • Active listening to understand diverse viewpoints
  • Cultural sensitivity to respect different backgrounds
  • Open communication to encourage sharing of ideas
  • Conflict resolution to address and manage disagreements constructively

An excellent resource to develop these skills is the globally inclusive workplace model, which provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to diversity management. By integrating such models into your leadership strategy, you can work out an inclusive workplace that thrives on the unique contributions of its members.

Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility

Integrating corporate social responsibility into business strategy.

In today's competitive landscape, integrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into your business strategy is not just a moral imperative but a strategic one. Your CSR initiatives should reflect your company's values and business goals , creating a synergy that benefits both society and your bottom line. To achieve this, consider the following steps:

  • Identify the core social and environmental issues that align with your business objectives.
  • Engage with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the community, to understand their expectations and insights.
  • Develop a CSR strategy that incorporates these insights and aligns with your company's mission.
  • Implement the strategy through actionable projects and initiatives.
  • Measure and report on the impact of your CSR efforts, ensuring transparency and accountability.

By regularly discussing your CSR initiatives through various channels such as your website, social media, and newsletters, you maintain an open dialogue with your stakeholders. This not only enhances your corporate reputation but also fosters trust and loyalty among your customers and employees. Remember, a well-integrated CSR strategy can lead to innovative business practices and a sustainable competitive advantage.

Ethical Leadership in the Modern Corporation

In the landscape of modern business, you must recognize the pivotal role that ethical leadership plays in shaping the culture and values of a corporation. Leaders who prioritize ethics serve as beacons , guiding their organizations through the complexities of corporate governance and social responsibility. They set a standard for behavior that resonates throughout the company, influencing not just policies but the very ethos of the corporate identity.

As an MBA graduate exploring innovative thesis topics, consider the multifaceted impact of ethical leadership. Your research could delve into case studies that highlight the correlation between ethical leadership and corporate success. For instance, examining how ethical leaders navigate dilemmas and foster a culture of integrity could provide invaluable insights. Below is a list of potential areas of focus:

  • The influence of ethical leadership on employee morale and retention
  • Strategies for cultivating ethical decision-making among management
  • The role of leadership in enforcing corporate social responsibility
  • Assessing the impact of ethical leadership on a corporation's reputation

Remember, as you embark on this scholarly endeavor, to utilize resources like the Thesis Action Plan and worksheets designed to streamline your academic project planning. By doing so, you ensure a structured approach to your thesis, one that is both rigorous and reflective of the current business environment.

The Role of Governance in Sustainable Business Practices

As you delve into the intricacies of sustainable business practices, you'll find that governance plays a pivotal role in ensuring long-term success. Effective governance mechanisms are essential for aligning sustainability goals with corporate strategy, thereby fostering a culture of ethical decision-making and accountability. Research indicates a strong link between robust governance structures and the prioritization of sustainable development goals , particularly in emerging economies.

Consider the following points when exploring this thesis topic:

  • The importance of transparency and accountability in sustainability reporting.
  • The influence of governance on fair competition and ethical business conduct.
  • The critical role of governance in detecting and preventing corporate fraud.

By focusing on these areas, you can contribute original research that enhances the understanding of how governance shapes sustainable business practices. Remember, the journey to a well-crafted thesis is as important as the destination. Utilize available tools for thesis writing , such as worksheets and templates, to manage your time effectively and prevent burnout.

In today's corporate landscape, ethical conduct and social responsibility are not just buzzwords—they are essential components of a successful business strategy. At Research Rebels , we understand the importance of these values and offer a comprehensive Thesis Action Plan to guide students through their academic challenges with integrity. Our methods, developed and tested by real students and approved by professors, ensure that you can tackle your thesis with confidence and ethical consideration. Don't let anxiety and uncertainty dictate your academic journey. Visit our website to learn more about our innovative approach and claim your special offer today. Together, we can make a difference in the world of academia with responsibility and care.

In conclusion, the landscape of business is ever-evolving, and MBA graduates are at the forefront of pioneering innovative solutions that address contemporary challenges. The thesis topics presented in this article not only reflect the current trends and future directions of the business world but also serve as a catalyst for MBA students to engage with complex issues, harness their entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to meaningful advancements in their respective fields. As they navigate through the intricacies of their research, MBA candidates are encouraged to leverage the wealth of resources available, such as those provided by Research Rebels, to demystify the thesis process and emerge as leaders equipped to drive change and foster innovation in a dynamic global economy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can mba graduates contribute to business innovation.

MBA graduates contribute to business innovation by leveraging their comprehensive understanding of business principles, strategic decision-making, and leadership skills to drive change, implement new technologies, and develop sustainable business models. They play a crucial role in fostering a culture of innovation within organizations.

What are some emerging trends in business innovation for MBA thesis topics?

Some emerging trends for MBA thesis topics include the integration of big data and analytics in strategic planning, the development of sustainable and circular business models, and the impact of artificial intelligence on business operations and decision-making processes.

How do MBA programs support entrepreneurship and new venture creation?

MBA programs support entrepreneurship by offering specialized tracks in entrepreneurship, access to mentorship and networking opportunities, and resources such as venture capital. They equip students with the necessary skills to launch and scale new ventures in a competitive marketplace.

What role do MBA graduates play in global business and cross-cultural management?

MBA graduates play a critical role in global business by understanding and adapting to global market shifts, managing cross-cultural teams, and employing effective negotiation and communication strategies in diverse cultural settings to ensure smooth international operations.

How can MBA students integrate corporate ethics and social responsibility into their careers?

MBA students can integrate corporate ethics and social responsibility by promoting ethical leadership, advocating for governance that supports sustainable business practices, and ensuring that corporate social responsibility is a core part of the business strategy in their future roles.

What skills are essential for MBA graduates in strategic leadership and change management?

Essential skills for MBA graduates in strategic leadership include the ability to navigate organizational transformations, cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, and develop leadership strategies that are effective in the digital age, ensuring that businesses remain agile and responsive to change.

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mba thesis 2023

Mba dissertation topics 2023

Stuck picking an MBA dissertation topic? Get inspired by 50+ ideas.


Crafting a dissertation is undeniably demanding, requiring substantial effort. Challenges often emerge right from the outset, particularly when selecting a dissertation topic, a hurdle amplified in the realm of business administration. The key lies in striking a harmonious balance between originality and alignment with field-specific nuances, a task that holds the power to captivate and uphold audience interest.For those grappling with the selection of a foundational theme for their impending academic endeavor, presented here are over 50 dissertation topics for MBA students. These offerings aim to simplify your journey and ignite the spark of inspiration as you embark on your definitive scholarly undertaking.

Diverse Exploration: MBA Dissertation Themes Unveiled

Within the realm of a focused MBA dissertations, the potential scope of topics is vast. Yet, by selecting a comprehensive array of themes that encompass the core facets of business administration, the list can be refined. Given the inherent boundaries within the field, presented here is a compilation of exceptional illustrations representing MBA dissertation topics. These examples serve as a foundation for your own exploration and inquiry.

Exploring Enhanced Accounting Dissertation Topics

  • Reimagining Auditing in Contemporary Corporate Environments

Investigating the Evolving Role of Auditing in Optimizing Large Corporate Structures This study delves into the dynamic transformation of auditing practices within modern corporations, highlighting its data-driven approach to enhancing office frameworks and operational workflows.

  • Strategic Risk Management in Accounting: Decrypting Intelligent Business Gambles

Analyzing Strategic Risk-Taking in the Corporate Context and its Lessons from Cryptocurrency Ventures This dissertation explores the art of calculated risk-taking in corporate settings, drawing insights from the world of volatile crypto investments and entrepreneurial ventures.

  • Technological Metamorphosis: Revolutionizing Accounting Practices

Probing the Influence, Advantages, and Future Trajectory of Technological Innovations in Accounting Processes This research investigates the array of cutting-edge accounting technologies and systems that are automating and streamlining tasks, while delving into their applications, benefits, and potential implications.

  • Deciphering Distinctions: Unveiling the Borders Between Banking and Accounting

A Comparative Analysis of Banking and Accounting Paradigms in Business Structures This study dissects the often-overlooked disparities between banking and accounting practices, highlighting their unique characteristics and the implications of blurring these distinctions.

  • Navigating Tax Terrain: Assessing Tax Policy Impact on Small Enterprises

Evaluating the Ramifications of New Taxation Policies on Small Business Operations and Financial Performance This dissertation scrutinizes the effects of novel tax policies on small businesses, providing insights to help these entities make informed decisions and optimize their fiscal strategies.

  • Circular Debt Management in Corporate Seas: A Navigational Guide

Proffering Practical Approaches for Effective Circular Debt Management in Contemporary Corporations This research presents actionable recommendations for large enterprises grappling with perpetual liquidity challenges, shedding light on efficient circular debt management techniques.

  • Financial Audit Renaissance in the Digital Epoch: Safeguarding Transparency

Investigating the Ascendant Demand for Financial Auditing in the Digital Era for Enhanced Business Accountability and Credibility This study explores the amplified necessity of financial audits in the digital age, elucidating their pivotal role in fostering trust, accountability, and security in business operations.

Remember, these topics serve as suggestions and can be adapted, refined, or combined to align more closely with your interests and academic goals.

Revitalized Dissertation Topics in Operations Management

  • Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management through Tech-Driven Solutions Exploring the Impact of Cutting-Edge Technologies on Supply Chain Efficiency This research delves into the synergy between technology and supply chain management, spotlighting innovations like self-driving vehicles, automated assembly lines, and other groundbreaking solutions.
  • Strategic Production Scheduling Across Industries: Lessons from Manufacturing Titans Analyzing Production Scheduling Strategies with Emphasis on Industry Leaders (e.g., Toyota, Samsung) This dissertation investigates the pivotal role of production scheduling, particularly in manufacturing and automotive sectors, drawing insights from industry giants and their operational success.
  • Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Corporate Inventory Mastery Unveiling the Transformative Benefits of Big Data Analytics in Optimizing Corporate Inventory Management This study sheds light on the game-changing potential of big data analytics, showcasing how it revolutionizes inventory management strategies, leading to precision targeting, optimization, and expansion.
  • Strategic Navigation of Supply Chain Dynamics in the Pharmaceutical Sector Dissecting Efficient Supply Chain Management Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry This paper examines the intricate supply chain management landscape within the pharmaceutical sector, dissecting strategies and approaches for ensuring operational efficiency and success.
  • Elevating Quality Control with AI Integration: Pinnacle of Streamlined Operations Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Quality Control Processes This research delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence and quality control, highlighting how AI integration optimizes quality assurance and underscores the significance of automation.
  • Unveiling the Essence of Effective Project Management in Construction A Comprehensive Assessment of Project Management Practices in the Construction Domain This evaluation presents a critical analysis of project management practices within the construction industry, providing valuable insights into their effectiveness and implications.
  • Virtual Supply Chain Dynamics in Collaborative Ecosystems: Catalyst for Success Probing the Impact and Implementation of Virtual Supply Chains in Fostering Collaborative Success This dissertation explores the pivotal decision of adopting virtual supply chains, offering an in-depth exploration of their role in enhancing collaboration and amplifying operational efficacy.

Elevated Business Management Dissertation Topics

  • Streamlined Corporate Triumph: Unveiling the Impact of Business Management Automation Navigating the Landscape of Business Management Automation and its Consequences for Organizational Success This exploration dissects the intricate interplay between automation and contemporary business management, probing the transformative effects of centralized communication, distributed management, and novel collaboration formats.
  • Technology's Evolutionary Role in Business Management: A Modern Imperative Investigating the Dynamic Influence of Technology on Business Management, Productivity Enhancement, and Cost Reduction This research unravels the ever-growing significance of technology in optimizing business management processes, catalyzing productivity gains and cost-efficiency, thereby ensuring competitive prowess.
  • Globalization Resilience: Strategies for Navigating Small Business Terrain Unpacking Resilient Small Business Management Strategies Amidst Globalization Dynamics This dissertation examines the unique management techniques required to fortify small businesses against the pressures of globalization, offering insights into adaptive approaches in a globalized economy.
  • Harmonizing Business Teams in Multinational Giants: A Cross-Cultural Journey Exploring Multinational Corporation Team Management Strategies, Fostering Synergy Amidst Cultural Diversity This study delves into the intricate art of synchronizing performance and fostering unity within multinational corporate contexts, accentuating the pivotal role of cultural integration and innovative managerial tactics.
  • Catalyst of Success: Unveiling the Nexus between Employee Engagement and Business Performance Analyzing the Tangible Impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance, Profitability, and Longevity This research elucidates the direct influence of engaged employees on business performance metrics, exemplifying the manifold benefits such as enhanced productivity, customer satisfaction, and retention rates.
  • Transparent Communication and Feedback as Cornerstones of Corporate Cohesion Illuminating the Transformational Potential of Open Communication and Feedback Mechanisms within Organizational Ecosystems This exploration delves into the pivotal role of transparent communication and feedback loops in fostering harmonious business teams, substantiating the efficacy of team surveys and HR analytics.
  • Cultural Quilt: Navigating Socio-Cultural Diversity within Business Teams Unraveling Strategies for Cultivating Effective Horizontal Relationships and Performance in Diverse Business Teams This dissertation navigates the complex landscape of socio-cultural diversity within business teams, offering insights into harmonizing culturally varied teams while maintaining managerial efficacy and operational efficiency.

Reimagined Finance Dissertation Topics

  • Empowering Economies: Unveiling the Transformative Potential of Microfinance Microfinance as a Catalyst for Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation: A Global Perspective This exploration delves into the impactful realm of microfinance, deciphering its role in fueling economic development and reducing poverty rates across diverse regions.
  • Strategic Leverage Dynamics: Balancing Risk and Return in Financial Decisions Investigating the Intricacies of Financial Leverage and its Dual Impact on Risk and Return This research dives into the intricate relationship between financial leverage, risk, and return, dissecting the nuances of how leveraging assets can amplify rewards while heightening exposure to risk.
  • Globalized Banking Evolution: Mapping International Banking and Financial Market Impacts A Comprehensive Study of the Globalization Effects on International Banking and Financial Markets This dissertation scrutinizes the transformative influence of globalization on international banking and financial markets, delving into how interconnected economies shape financial transactions and reshape industry dynamics.
  • Fortunes in Foreign Investments: A Critical Evaluation of Emerging Economy Upliftment Analyzing the Ripple Effects of Direct Foreign Investments on Emerging Economies This study delves into the historical canvas of impactful foreign investments, spotlighting cases where targeted external capital injections have catalyzed economic growth and transformation in emerging nations.

Remember, these topics provide a foundation for your dissertation, and you can tailor them further to match your interests and research goals.

Enhanced Dissertation Topics in Information Technology Management

  • Revolutionizing Education: Unleashing the Potential of Mobile Technologies Transforming Learning: Evaluating the Global Impact of Mobile Technologies on Higher Education This exploration dives into the world of mobile eLearning, analyzing how mobile technologies have played a significant role in reshaping university education, especially for international students.
  • Digital Sanctuary: IT Solutions Reshaping Religious Institutions Bridging Faith and Technology: Assessing the Integration of IT Solutions in Churches and Religious Organizations This dissertation explores the integration of IT systems in religious settings, highlighting how technology coexists with tradition and adapts to the unique constraints of religious practices.
  • AI's Evolution in IT Management: A Comprehensive Assessment Embracing Artificial Intelligence in IT Management: Challenges, Benefits, and Implications This study examines the progression of AI adoption in IT management, investigating the challenges, advantages, and broader impacts associated with incorporating artificial intelligence into IT operations.
  • Navigating Trade in the Digital Era: The Role of IT in Global Commerce Decoding the Technological Landscape of Global Trade: From Automated Commerce to Analytical Empowerment This extensive topic delves into the influence of IT on modern global trade, spotlighting automation technologies and analytical tools that shape trade dynamics and decision-making.
  • Cloud-Powered IT Management: Catalyzing Business Transformation Transforming IT Management with Cloud Computing: Unveiling Efficiency, Cost Reduction, and Strategic Evolution This dissertation reveals the significant impact of cloud computing on IT management, exploring how it drives cost-effective operations, strategic growth, and operational excellence.
  • Precision Medicine's Digital Vanguard: Smart Systems in Cancer Diagnostics Smart Digital Systems in Oncology: Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment This exploration investigates the potential of robotic systems in cancer diagnostics and treatment, emphasizing their remarkable precision and contributions to enhancing patient care.
  • Tech-Powered Growth: Information Systems as SME Cornerstones Unlocking Digital Potential: Exploring the Essential Role of Information Systems in SME Success and Expansion This study delves into the vital role of information systems in the growth of small-to-medium enterprises, examining how they support digitization, scalability, and operational efficiency in the modern business landscape.

Elevated Dissertation Topics in Strategic Risk Management

  • Navigating Risk Terrain in Manufacturing: Standards, Measures, and Trends Deciphering the Crucial Role of Risk Management in Manufacturing: Norms, Metrics, and Industry Shifts This exploration delves into the intriguing realm of risk management's impact on the manufacturing sector, investigating how adept risk practices influence statistical outcomes and shape industry dynamics.
  • Strategic Risk Management in Oil and Gas: A Comparative Analysis A Comparative Study of Effective Strategic Risk Management in the Oil and Gas Industry This dissertation compares the efficacy of strategic risk management practices within the oil and gas sector, probing how these practices can be harnessed to ensure success within this critical industry.
  • Quantitative Risk Management: Unveiling Advanced Techniques and Insights Advancing Risk Management with Quantitative Techniques: A Comprehensive Examination This study dives into the pivotal role of contemporary statistical data and quantitative techniques in driving advanced risk management strategies, scrutinizing diverse approaches and their impact.
  • Unleashing Business Intelligence in Strategic Risk Management Unveiling the Power of Business Intelligence in Enhancing Strategic Risk Management This exploration investigates the transformative potential of business intelligence and its structured data processing, elucidating how it optimally integrates with strategic risk management to foster informed decision-making.
  • Strategic Risk Management in Pharmaceuticals: Effectiveness Assessment Scrutinizing the Efficacy of Strategic Risk Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry This study evaluates the effectiveness of strategic risk management practices within the pharmaceutical sector, exploring the methods to manage risks and ensure sector success.
  • Pioneering Long-Term Risk Management in Banking Safeguarding Financial Fortunes: Emphasizing the Enduring Significance of Long-Term Risk Management in Banking This dissertation highlights the pivotal nature of continuous risk management efforts in the banking domain, including risk prediction, trend analysis, and margin calculations.
  • Operational Risk Managers' Odyssey: Challenges and Resolutions Unraveling the Daily Struggles of Operational Risk Managers and Pathways to Resolutions This exploration takes a candid look at the daily tribulations of operational risk managers, offering an insightful and engaging analysis while suggesting practical solutions to their routine challenges.
  • Strategic Risk Management Revving Up Automotive Manufacturing Unearthing the Role of Strategic Risk Management in Automotive Manufacturing Triumph This study delves into the strategic risk management landscape within the automotive manufacturing sector, exploring how risk management strategies can be harnessed to propel success within this industry.

‍ Elevated Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

  • Navigating Entrepreneurial Gambles: Decoding High-Risk Investments High-Risk Ventures: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Bold Entrepreneurial Investments This exploration delves into the dynamic realm of high-risk investments in entrepreneurship, examining the choice between daring high-stakes pursuits and more cautious approaches.
  • Real Estate Investments: Unveiling Reality Beyond the Facade Scrutinizing Real Estate Investments: Exploring Risks, Rewards, and Risk Mitigation Strategies This dissertation sheds light on the apparently secure world of realty investments, exposing the inherent risks and offering insights into effective risk management strategies.
  • Venturing into Capital: Analyzing the Role of Venture Capital in Early-Stage Entrepreneurship Capital Chronicles: Investigating the Significance of Venture Capital in Fostering Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Ventures This study explores the pivotal role of venture capital in nurturing nascent entrepreneurial initiatives, evaluating potential gains and associated risks.
  • Sustaining Financial Success in Emerging Entrepreneurship Paving the Path to Long-Term Financial Security for Aspiring Entrepreneurs This dissertation addresses the challenges that up-and-coming entrepreneurs and small businesses must anticipate, examining pitfalls, hidden risks, common errors, and sharing vivid case examples.
  • Entrepreneurial Ingenuity in Economic Turmoil: Transforming Failures into Opportunities Capitalizing on Economic Downturns: Transforming Market Crashes into Entrepreneurial Gold Mines This exploration probes how astute entrepreneurs view major economic failures as potential catalysts for innovative business opportunities, offering insights into seizing advantage from adversity.
  • Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Overcoming Barriers to Business Establishment Breaking Barriers: Analyzing the Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs and Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles This study unveils the hurdles confronting women entrepreneurs as they establish businesses, delving into entry barriers and presenting tactics to surmount challenges.
  • Assessing Business Bankruptcy Predictors: Factors in the Equation Navigating Business Bankruptcy: Unveiling Factors Influencing Financial Distress and Collapse This dissertation quantifies the elements influencing the likelihood of business bankruptcy, utilizing real-world cases to explore specific factors contributing to financial instability and failure.

Enhanced Dissertation Topics in Human Resource Management

  • Strategizing Performance Enhancement: Empowering Human Specialists Elevating Team Efficiency: Unleashing the Potential of HR Specialists in Performance Improvement This exploration delves into the profound impact of HR specialists on team and departmental performance, scrutinizing both direct and indirect methods of influence.
  • Decoding Interpersonal Skills: Balancing Soft and Hard Attributes in Employee Selection Navigating Employee Selection: Analyzing the Balance between Soft and Hard Interpersonal Skills This study investigates the intricate spectrum of interpersonal skills in potential employees, categorizing and prioritizing these competencies to illuminate their role in effective hiring.
  • Leadership Styles' Ripple Effect: Illuminating Employee Performance in HR Management Assessing the Ripple Effect: Exploring Leadership Styles' Influence on Employee Performance in HR Management This dissertation delves into the dynamic interplay between leadership styles and employee performance within the realm of HR management, revealing the impact of management approaches on morale and productivity.
  • Catalysts of Employee Motivation: Unveiling Effective Initiatives Unearthing Motivation Methods: Investigating Successful Employee Motivation Initiatives This exploration dissects notable motivation programs implemented by renowned companies, analyzing their efficacy, discerning useful practices, and identifying counterproductive strategies.
  • AI-Powered HR Management Tools: Revolutionizing Talent Sourcing and Beyond Automating HR Excellence: Examining AI-Powered Tools in Talent Acquisition and Management This dissertation delves into the transformative role of AI-powered HR management tools, focusing on their ability to autonomously gather data and streamline talent sourcing processes.
  • Strategic Talent Acquisition at the Pinnacle: Insights from Industry Titans Mapping the Hiring Trails of Industry Titans: Exploring Elite Recruitment Strategies This study investigates the captivating world of recruitment at leading companies like Google and Apple, unraveling their distinct methods of hiring to fuel discourse and engagement.
  • Employee Training's Ripple Effect: Enhancing Organizational Performance in HR Departments Unveiling the Impact of Employee Training Programs on HR Department Performance This exploration delves into the relationship between employee training initiatives and overall organizational performance within HR departments, shedding light on their transformative potential.

Elevated E-Commerce Dissertation Topics

  • Navigating Strategic Evolution: Deciphering New E-Commerce Strategies Strategic Crossroads: Unveiling the Dynamics of Introducing and Measuring New E-Commerce Strategies This exploration delves into the intricate world of introducing fresh e-commerce strategies, scrutinizing key performance indicators, statistical impacts, and the multifaceted factors influencing strategy success.
  • Social Media's E-Commerce Influence: Acquiring and Retaining Customers Social Media's Commerce Confluence: Assessing its Impact on Customer Acquisition and Retention in E-Commerce This study dissects the profound role of social media in e-commerce, uncovering how businesses can leverage it to foster customer relationships, amplify loyalty, and enhance business success.
  • E-Commerce and Social Media: A New Commercial Cosmos The Social Media Commerce Landscape: Expanding E-Commerce Horizons in a Digitally Connected Era This dissertation delves into the transformation of social media into a distinctive digital commercial space, dissecting how it seamlessly merges with traditional e-commerce and amplifies its reach and impact.
  • Evolving Payment Processing: Unraveling Advanced E-Commerce Transactions Currency of the Future: Delving into Advanced Payment Processing Technologies in E-Commerce This exploration navigates the frontier of advanced payment processing, exploring contactless payments, cryptocurrency transactions, and blockchain mechanisms that enhance e-commerce efficiency and success.
  • Deciphering Online Consumer Behavior: Influencing Factors in E-Commerce The Digital Consumer: Analyzing Influential Factors Shaping Attitudes and Behavior in Online Shopping This study unravels the intricate interplay of online shopping's rise and its impact on consumer attitudes and behavior, uncovering factors that shape decision-making and aiding businesses in aligning offerings with consumer needs.
  • Unveiling E-Commerce Success Secrets: The Role of Unique Selling Points and Value Propositions The Power of Distinctiveness: Examining the Significance of Unique Selling Points and Value Propositions in E-Commerce Triumph This exploration delves into the experiences of e-commerce pioneers and industry leaders, investigating how unique selling points and value propositions fuel success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.
  • E-Commerce Solutions and Customer Connection: Forging Bonds in the Digital Realm Building Customer Bonds: How E-Commerce Solutions Connect and Engage with Customers This dissertation explores how resourceful e-commerce startups succeed by leveraging innovative concepts, approaches, and technologies that transcend conventional investments.
  • Mobile's Role in E-Commerce Triumph: Investigating Mobile Technology's Impact Mobilizing Business Success: Evaluating the Role of Mobile Technology in Elevating E-Commerce Enterprises This study unveils the integral role of mobile technology in driving e-commerce triumph, investigating its capacity to expand customer reach, enhance shopping experiences, and unlock real-time insights for businesses.

Elevated Economics Dissertation Topics

  • Thriving Amidst Competition: The Catalyst of Market Dynamics on Corporate Success Unveiling the Power of Market Competition: Catalyst for Corporate Excellence in Finance-Driven Domains This exploration delves into the critical role of competitive advantage and the perpetual battle of competition in finance-centric sectors, providing a dynamic focus for engaging MBA dissertation topics.
  • Taxation Impact on Small Businesses: A United Kingdom Perspective Taxation's Ripple Effect: Analyzing its Impact on Small Businesses in the United Kingdom This study evaluates the far-reaching consequences of taxation on UK small businesses, scrutinizing tax rates, policies, and their influence on business profitability, growth, and investment decisions.
  • Entrepreneurial Economies: Flourishing Amidst Regional Diversity Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit: Investigating Diverse Regional Constraints and Their Impact on SMEs This dissertation explores the resilience of entrepreneurs and SMEs across global regions, dissecting distinct challenges and operational boundaries that shape their trajectories within unique localities.
  • Pandemic's Economic Aftermath: Unearthing Major COVID-19 Induced Setbacks Beyond the Outbreak: Dissecting Economic Disruptions Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic This exploration scrutinizes the multifaceted economic consequences provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying and analyzing substantial disruptions that have reshaped economic landscapes.
  • Monetary Policy and Developing Nations: Cultivating Economic Growth Cultivating Growth: Examining the Role of Monetary Policy in Fostering Economic Development in Developing Countries This dissertation delves into the pivotal role of monetary policy in nurturing economic growth in developing nations, investigating how it influences credit, investment, consumption, and inflation management.
  • Migration's Socio-Economic Web: Unraveling its Effects on the Social Economy Migration Dynamics: Exploring the Socio-Economic Impact of Migration Flows on the Economic Landscape This study navigates the intricate connections between migration trends and economic structures, deciphering the ways in which migration shapes the outer layer of the social-economic environment.
  • Micro to Macro: Linking Minimum Wages to Global Socio-Political Trends Bridging the Gap: Analyzing the Impact of Microeconomic Decisions, Like Minimum Wages, on Global Socio-Political Landscape This exploration uncovers the profound influence of localized microeconomic choices, such as minimum wage regulations, on global socio-political dynamics and economic patterns.
  • Financial Innovations' Ripples: Revolutionizing Global Financial Markets The Innovation Ripple: Assessing the Transformative Impact of Financial Innovations on Global Financial Landscapes This dissertation unveils the transformative potential of financial innovations, investigating their contributions to enhanced liquidity, reduced transaction costs, and accelerated financial transactions that bolster market stability.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Pioneering Infrastructure Development Fostering Progress: Investigating the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Advancing Infrastructure Development This study delves into the vital role of public-private partnerships in driving infrastructure growth, showcasing the synergy of resources between sectors to deliver efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality projects.

Elevated International Business Dissertation Topics

  • Sustaining Global Business Operations: Unveiling Strategies for Success Thriving on the Global Stage: Strategies for Sustaining Business Operations in Multinational Corporations This exploration addresses the paramount query of maintaining performance excellence in the complex realm of international operations, offering a comprehensive study for captivating MBA dissertation topics in international business.
  • Cultural Competencies' Influence on International Business Performance Cultural Competencies: Fueling International Business Success through Cross-Cultural Understanding This study scrutinizes the pivotal role of cross-cultural competencies in driving success on the global business stage, unraveling how cultural differences can impact business performance and highlighting strategies for leveraging these differences.
  • Corporate-Government Dynamics in Global Operations Navigating International Ventures: The Intricate Interplay of Corporations and Governments in Global Operations This exploration delves into the intricate landscape of international operations, examining the dynamic interactions between companies, entrepreneurs, and governments to establish prosperous regional conditions.
  • Vendor Partnership Prowess: Craftsmanship in Building Profitable Alliances The Art of Profitable Partnerships: Psychological and Social Factors in Establishing Successful Vendor Relationships This dissertation offers an unconventional perspective on building profitable vendor alliances, delving into the psychology and social dynamics that indicate promising partners and fostering enduring business connections.
  • Foreign Investment Fueling Innovation: Unearthing the Connection Innovate to Elevate: Exploring the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Business Innovation This exploration probes the intrinsic connection between foreign investments and innovative business strategies, dissecting the influence of foreign direct investment on the development of pioneering products and practices.
  • Chronicles of International Entrepreneurs: Traits, Trends, and Triumphs Crafting Global Success: Unraveling Common Qualities, Patterns, and Experiences of International Entrepreneurs This study deciphers the distinguishing features and patterns that define triumphant international entrepreneurs, offering a fresh perspective on the techniques and qualities that contribute to their global success.
  • Globalization's Blueprint: Shaping the Landscape of International Business The Global Tapestry: Investigating Globalization's Role in Crafting International Business Practices This dissertation navigates the transformative impact of globalization on international business practices, uncovering how it has revolutionized efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility in global markets.
  • Streamlining International Business Transactions: Enhancing Financial Efficiency Navigating Financial Frontiers: Optimizing International Business Transactions for Profitability This exploration delves into the core issue of international business operations, investigating streamlined and optimized financial transaction methods that empower entrepreneurs and SMEs to thrive in global landscapes.

Elevated Retail Management Dissertation Topics

  • Visual Impact in E-Commerce: Deciphering its Influence on Targeted and Random Customers The Visual Persuasion: Unveiling the Intricacies of Visual Impact on E-Commerce Customers This exploration delves into the profound science behind visual stimuli's influence on human attention, memory, and actions, highlighting its pivotal role in engaging both targeted and spontaneous e-commerce shoppers.
  • Stimulating Impulsive Buying: Unraveling Advanced Techniques Beyond Visuals Beyond the Gaze: Exploring Multifaceted Approaches to Evoke Impulsive Purchases in Retail This dissertation delves into an extended study of impactful methods that go beyond visuals, investigating innovative approaches to stir impulsive buying behavior and the intricate psychology behind them.
  • Retail Management's Technological Evolution: Navigating the Impact on Operations Tech-Infused Retail: Analyzing the Transformation of Retail Management Practices through Technological Integration This research assesses how technology's integration shapes retail management practices, examining its effect on operational efficiency, customer experience, and overall business performance.
  • Retail Space Design's Profit Equation: Sculpting Success through Aesthetics The Art of Retail Profitability: Unveiling the Impact of Spatial Design and Aesthetics on Revenue Generation This exploration highlights the often overlooked dynamics of shapes, forms, sizes, and colors in retail spaces, elucidating their powerful influence on customer engagement and profit generation.
  • Social Media's Marketing Magic: Evaluating its Efficacy in Retail Management Social Media's Retail Realm: Assessing the Dynamics of Marketing Impact and Customer Engagement This study investigates the interplay between social media marketing and retail management, analyzing its diverse applications for business promotion, while delving into potential risks and rewards.
  • Revving Up the Automotive Industry: The Influence of Effective Management Driving Profits: Unraveling the Nexus between Efficient Management Practices and Automotive Industry Success This dissertation delves into the strategic management approaches employed by the automotive manufacturing sector, showcasing their instrumental role in bolstering productivity and exponential growth.
  • Decoding Retail Decision-Making: Factors Shaping Retailers' Strategies Behind the Decisions: Scrutinizing Influential Factors Shaping Retailers' Strategic Choices This exploration identifies pivotal elements influencing retailers' decision-making processes, delving into the dynamics of customer satisfaction, competitive pressures, and technological advancements.
  • B2B Prospecting as a Psychology-Based Science in Retail Expansion Unmasking the Prospect: A Psychological Exploration of B2B Prospecting Strategies in Retail This dissertation casts a spotlight on the often overlooked realm of B2B prospecting, examining the psychology-based patterns, triggers, and decision points that drive successful lead generation and client conversion in retail.

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Theses and Dissertations in Business Administration

Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Business Administration program, College of Business, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Dissertation: Two Essays on Industry Tournament Incentives , Sarah Almisher

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Sentiment , Amin Amoulashkarian

Dissertation: Two Essays on Retail Trading , Qiqi Liang

Dissertation: Two Essays in Real Estate Dynamics , Navid Safari

Dissertation: Firm Capabilities, Great Power Competition, and the Structural Reshaping of Globalization , Samuel Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Dissertation: Three Essays on Stock Price Informativeness, Stock Price Momentum, and Firm Investment Efficiency , Chen Chen

Dissertation: Exploring Blockchain-Based Digital Transformation In Organizations , Weiru Chen

Dissertation: Two Essays on Antecedents and Effects of Award-Winning CEOS , Veronika Ciarleglio

Dissertation: Two’s a Crowd? Implications of Economic Geography for Corporate Governance , Matthew Farrell

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effects of CEO Social Activism , Habib Islam

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Role of Empathy in Consumer Response to User-Generated Content , Mohammadali Koorank Beheshti

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Effects of Other Customer Brand Tie and Employee Behavior on Consumer Behavior , Saeed Zal

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Traits, Corporate Investment Decisions, and Firm Value , Rongyao Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Dissertation: Two Essays on Antecedents and Effects of Board Female Representation Non-Conformity , Fatemeh Askarzadeh

Dissertation: Application of Optimization Techniques in Corporate Cash Management , Venkateswara Reddy Dondeti

Dissertation: Two Essays on Corruption, FDI, and Digitalization , Mahdi Forghani Bajestani

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Information Embedded in Flow of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) , Hamed Yousefi

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Dissertation: The Influence of Mating Motives on Reliance on Form Versus Function in Product Choice , Seyed Hamid Abbassi Hosseini

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Characteristics and Corporate Bankruptcy , Rajib Chowdhury

Dissertation: The Effects of CEO Dismissal Risk and Skills on Risky Corporate Decisions and CEO Compensation , Son T. Dang

Dissertation: Essay 1: How We Feel: The Role of Macro-Economic Sentiment in Advertising Spending-Sales Relationship; Essay 2: It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times: The Effect of Emotional Uncertainty and Arousal on Healthy Food Choices , Leila Khoshghadam

Dissertation: The Accumulation of IT Capability And Its Long-Term Effect on Financial Performance , Jin Ho Kim

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Roles of Review Valence and Conflict in Online Relationships , Ran Liu

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Microstructure of the Housing Market: Agents' Diffused Effort and Sellers' Behavior Bias , Zhaohui Li

Dissertation: Two Essays on CEO Overconfidence in Relation to Speed of Adjustment of Firm Financial Policy and CEO Inside Debt , Xiang Long

Dissertation: Pricing the Cloud: An Auction Approach , Yang Lu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Consumer Envy , Murong Miao

Dissertation: Two Essays on Negotiations Between Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors , Aydin Selim Oksoy

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dissertation: Two Essays on Bitcoin Price and Volume , Mohammad Bayani Khaknejad

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Attention, Investor Sentiment, and Earnings Pricing , Qiuye Cai

Dissertation: Success Factors Impacting Artificial Intelligence Adoption --- Perspective From the Telecom Industry in China , Hong Chen

Dissertation: Early Information Access to Alleviate Emergency Department Congestion , Anjee Gorkhali

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Consumer Acculturation Process – A Need for and Development of a Consumer Acculturation Measure , Kristina Marie Harrison

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Characteristics and Corporate Decisions , Trung Nguyen

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effects of Organization Capital on Firm Behavior , Andrew Root

Dissertation: Underlying Factors Behind Generation of Different Types of User-Generated Content - Impact of Individual and Brand/Product Level Factors in Generation of Brand-Oriented Content and Community-Oriented Content , Kemal Cem Soylemez

Dissertation: Customers’ Goal-Related Behavior in Loyalty Programs , Junzhou Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Dissertation: Security Risk Tolerance in Mobile Payment: A Trade-off Framework , Yong Chen

Dissertation: Numerical Framing and Emotional Arousal as Moderators of Review Valence and Consumer Choices , Anh Dang

Dissertation: Three Essays on CEO Risk Preferences, and Ability, Corporate Hedging Decisions, and Investor Sentiment , Sonik Mandal

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Creation and Success of New Ventures , Amirmahmood Amini Sedeh

Dissertation: Effectiveness of Social Media Analytics on Detecting Service Quality Metrics in the U.S. Airline Industry , Xin Tian

Dissertation: Two Essays on Value Co-Creation , Hangjun Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Dissertation: Two Essays on Forced CEO Turnover During Envy Merger Waves, and Dividends , Bader Almuhtadi

Dissertation: The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism on the Effects of Domestic vs Foreign Product Failure on Post Consumption Emotions and Complaint Behaviors , Kittinand Bandhumasuta

Dissertation: The Impact of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals Upon Participation in Clinical Research Trials , Susan Lewis Casey

Dissertation: Is Every Tweet Created Equal? A Framework to Identify Relevant Tweets for Business Research , Thad Chee

Dissertation: Three Essays on Mutual Funds, Fund Management Skills, and Investor Sentiment , Feng Dong

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Impact of Institutional Structures on Entrepreneurship: Country Level Analysis , Mehdi Sharifi Khobdeh

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Antecedents and Effects of Internationalizing Out of Emerging and Developed Economies , Mark Robert Mallon

Dissertation: From Placebo to Panacea: Exploring the Influence of Price, Suspicion, and Persuasion Knowledge on Consumers’ Perception of Quality , Vahid Rahmani

Dissertation: Essays on the El Niño Anomaly and Stock Return Predictability , Zhijun Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Dissertation: The Effect of XBRL and Social Media on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Bank Loan Contracts , Dazhi Chong

Dissertation: Two Essays on CEO Inside Debt Holding in Relation to Firm Payout Policy and Financial Reporting , Asligul Erkan

Dissertation: Two Essays on The Internationalization Speed of New Ventures , Orhun Guldiken

Dissertation: Two Essays on Shareholder Base, Firm Behavior, and Firm Value , Yi Jian

Dissertation: Valence or Volume? Maximizing Online Review Influence Across Consumers, Products, and Marketing , Elika Kordrostami

Dissertation: Essays on the Equity Risk Premium , Mohamed Mehdi Rahoui

Dissertation: A Study of the Impact of Information Blackouts on the Bullwhip Effect of a Supply Chain Using Discrete-Event Simulations , Elizabeth Rasnick

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Emotions and Their Effects in Financial Markets , Jiancheng Shen

Dissertation: Two Studies on The Use of Information Technology in Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR) , David McCaw Simmonds

Dissertation: Founder CEOs and Initial Public Offerings: The Role of Narratives, Institutions and Cultural Context , Christina Helen Tupper

Dissertation: Ambidexterity: The Interplay of Supply Chain Management Competencies and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Organizational Performance , Serdar Turedi

Dissertation: Two Essays on Short Selling , Zhaobo Zhu

Dissertation: Buying Love Through Social Media: How Different Types Of Incentives Impact Consumers’ Online Sharing Behavior , Yueming Zou

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Dissertation: Three Essays on Dividend Policy , Mehmet Deren Caliskan

Dissertation: "The Magic Formula: Scent and Brand"- The Influence of Olfactory Sensory Co-Branding on Consumer Evaluations and Experiences , Ceren Ekebas

Dissertation: The Value of Integrated Information Systems for U.S. General Hospitals , Liuliu Fu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Managerial Horizon, Cash Holdings and Earnings Management , Sanjib Guha

Dissertation: Three Essays on Opportunistic Claiming Behavior in a Services Setting: Customers and Front Line Employees Perspectives , Denis Khantimirov

Dissertation: Spillover Effects of Brand Alliance and Service Experience on Host Brands in Loyalty Program Partnerships , Gulfem Cigdem Kutlu

Dissertation: Measuring Consumer Expectations of Salesperson Unethicality: A Scale Development , Amiee Mellon

Dissertation: Essays on International Risk-Return Trade-Off Relations , Liang Meng

Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Attention and Asset Pricing , Nadia Asmaa Nafar

Dissertation: International Venture Capital Firms Syndication and Performance: A Social Network Perspective , Amir Pezeshkan

Dissertation: Three Essays on Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Development , Adam Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Dissertation: An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Earnings Management in Emerging Markets , Shuji Rosey Bao

Dissertation: Dynamic Capabilities and Resilient Organizations Amid Environmental Jolts , Stav Fainshmidt

Dissertation: An Empirical Examination of the Moderators of Direct Versus Indirect Comparative Advertising , Chun-Kai Hsu

Dissertation: Two Essays on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: From Both a National and Firm Level Perspective , Ryan Lawrence Mason

Dissertation: The Effect of Online Reviews on Attitude and Purchase Intention: How Consumers Respond to Mixed Reviews , Chatdanai Pongpatipat

Dissertation: Three Essays on the Enterprise Strategy for Multinational Firms , Veselina Plamenova Vracheva

Dissertation: The Antecedents and Effects of Strategic Caring: A Cross-National Empirical Study , Thomas Weber

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Dissertation: International Banking sector Linkages: Did the Global Financial Crisis Strengthen or Weaken the Linkages? , James Edward Benton

Dissertation: Three Essays on Corporate Liquidity, Financial Crisis, and Real Estate , Kimberly Fowler Luchtenberg

Dissertation: Three Essays on Immigrant Entrepreneurship , Kaveh Moghaddam

Dissertation: The Response of Commercial Banks to Credit Stimuli , Denise Williams Streeter

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Dissertation: An Examination of Middle Manager Innovation Behaviors and Institutional Factors Impact on Organizational Innovation in the USA and Mexico , J. Lee Brown III

Dissertation: Essays on Foreign Reverse Mergers and Bond ETF Mispricing , Charles William Duval

Dissertation: Three Essays on Strategic Risk Taking , Krista Burrill Lewellyn

Dissertation: Two Essays on Executive Pay and Firm Performance , Thuong Quang Nguyen

Dissertation: A Study of Risk-Taking Behavior in Investment Banking , Elzotbek Rustambekov

Dissertation: A Study of Failures in the US Banking Industry , Joseph Trendowski

Dissertation: Two Essays on Behavioral Finance , Quang Viet Vu

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Dissertation: Three Essays on Individual Currency Traders , Boris Sebastian Abbey

Dissertation: Cross-listing Premium or Market Timing , Moustafa M. Abu El Fadl

Dissertation: Warranty and Price as Quality Signals: The effect of Signal Consistency and Unexpectedness on Product Perception , Sultan Alaswad Alenazi

Dissertation: The Behavior and Choices of Serial Bidders in M&A Transactions: A Prospect Theory Approach , Ahmed Essam El-Din El-Bakry

Dissertation: Two Essays on the Effect of Macroeconomic News on the Stock Market , Ajay Kongera

Dissertation: Intercultural Accommodation of Ethnic Minority Consumers: An Empirical Examination of the Moderating Effects in Service Encounters , Sarah Mady

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The Ultimate Guide to MBA Dissertation Topics

Two MBA graduates, a man and a woman, both smiling, standing next to each other

Choosing the perfect MBA dissertation topic is a critical step in your business education journey. It's essentially the compass that guides and directs all of your research efforts, setting you up for success from day one. Without proper preparation and careful selection, however, this crucial component could turn into an aimless expedition - costing time and opportunities to shape your future career path. 

In today's fiercely competitive job market, making sure you stand out is more important than ever before; so it stands to reason that putting extra effort into crafting an impressive dissertation will be well worth it in the long run. 

That said, we understand how daunting selecting such a keystone topic can feel; which is why our comprehensive guide provides potential issues across various disciplines - like strategic management or human resource management - as well as valuable tips on narrowing down ideas based on existing industry demands or personal growth objectives. 

Ready to make some waves? With these essential tools at hand (and with plenty of dedication), you'll be able to confidently tackle any MBA dissertation challenge without breaking stride.

‘What does it take to write an MBA dissertation’ text written above a woman in yellow pants seated on the ground

What Does It Take to Write an MBA Dissertation?

Presenting your project to university committees depends on the creativity of your topic, the selection of captivating study participants, and the practicality that your research offers - all factors that can make or break it.

It's essential to pay attention to detail here; many students have wasted valuable points or gone through multiple revisions due to overlooking submission and formatting requirements.

This is why having a structured plan is key for success; it guarantees nothing will be missed while still allowing room for creative elements that capture the committee's attention.

A well-thought-out strategy reduces stress related to missing any vital aspects while providing assurance that everything has been taken into account correctly during the submission phase.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an MBA Dissertation Topic

When it comes to selecting an MBA dissertation topic, several essential elements should be taken into account. By carefully weighing these factors, you can ensure that your chosen subject is in line with your investigative interests, has relevance in the industry and contributes to personal growth.

Here are a few key points to consider: 

  • Research Interests : Delve into topics which truly fascinate you; explore business areas that interest and motivate you; identify overlaps between what inspires you and the greater business landscape. 
  • Industry Relevance : Analyze current trends & difficulties within your target sector; examine burgeoning fields or innovative aspects of the corporate world; pursue topics with real-world consequences & potential contributions to knowledge. 
  • Personal Growth : Think about career objectives & ambitions; determine where skills/knowledge need strengthening; opt for a theme offering important insights - enhancing professional growth along the way.  

By keeping all this in mind when narrowing down options, one can select an MBA dissertation topic that is suited and significant within the modern business practice. This sets up a successful research journey and boosts your chances of success academically and professionally.

In the following sections, we provide sample accounting, business management, information technology management, finance, entrepreneurship, international business, risk management, marketing, HR management, project management, supply chain management, retail management, economics, operations management, and e-commerce dissertation topics for your consideration.

Yellow note written, ‘Need accounting help?’ next to a black smartphone, and a pencil on tax forms

Accounting Dissertation Topics

  • Corporate social responsibility: impact on financial performance
  • Risk management strategies in international financial services organizations
  • Does digital relationship marketing enhance customer loyalty in accounting?
  • Effective business strategies in the retail management industry
  • Financial services organizations and economic growth in developing countries
  • How does efficient inventory management enhance business performance?
  • Liquidity risk management in banking sector: mitigation approaches
  • Artificial intelligence in finance: are they transformative services?
  • Impact of cultural differences on international business practices
  • Big data analytics: optimizing supply chain efficiency in accounting

Business Management Dissertation Topics

  • Enhancing customer satisfaction through effective social media marketing
  • Exploring the implementation of business strategy in financial services organizations
  • Project management practices for successful international market transactions
  • Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in developing countries
  • Improving business performance through efficient supply chain management
  • What is the role of mobile technology in transforming retail management?
  • Strategies for operational risk management in the construction industry
  • Examining the impact of efficient inventory management on financial performance
  • Risk management strategies for high-risk investments in global business
  • Unlocking competitive advantage through effective human resource management
  • Leveraging big data analytics for performance improvement in business
  • Managing cross-border financial investment: challenges and strategies
  • What is the influence of employee engagement on organizational management?
  • Enhancing financial sector stability through effective risk management
  • Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in innovation management

‘Information technology management dissertation topics’ written on a smartphone next to two men holding smartphones

Information Technology Management Dissertation Topics

  • Cybersecurity strategies for effective risk management in financial services organizations
  • Leveraging mobile technology for enhancing customer satisfaction in e-commerce
  • The role of artificial intelligence in transforming supply chain management
  • What is the impact of social media marketing on business performance?
  • Data analytics and big data management in global business environments
  • Effective project management practices for IT infrastructure implementation
  • Enhancing organizational efficiency through cloud computing adoption
  • Investigating the role of blockchain technology in ensuring data security
  • Digital transformation strategies for competitive advantage in the banking sector
  • The influence of human resource management on IT employee engagement
  • IT governance and corporate social responsibility in global organizations
  • Cyber threat intelligence and risk mitigation in international business
  • What is the role of IT in managing cross-border business transactions?
  • Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in business process automation
  • Enhancing business agility through agile methodologies in IT project management

Finance Dissertation Topics

  • Sustainable finance: strategies for corporate social responsibility
  • Risk management in international business transactions
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on financial services organizations
  • Financial performance analysis of retail management strategies
  • Exploring the role of social media marketing in financial services
  • How can we assess liquidity risk management in developing countries?
  • Efficient inventory management techniques in the construction industry
  • How does corporate governance affect stock market stability?
  • Examining the effectiveness of risk management strategies in the banking sector
  • The role of financial technology (fintech) in enhancing customer satisfaction
  • Foreign direct investment and economic growth in emerging markets
  • Corporate financial strategies for cross-border financial investment
  • The influence of global stock markets on economic development
  • Sustainable investment strategies for managing environmental risks
  • How can we undertake financial risk management for high-risk investments?

‘Entrepreneurship dissertation topics’ text written next to a woman climbing a staircase

Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

  • Innovative strategies for successful e-commerce entrepreneurship
  • What is the role of social media marketing in start-up growth?
  • Entrepreneurial financing in developing countries: challenges and opportunities
  • Corporate social responsibility in innovative entrepreneurial ventures
  • Enhancing customer loyalty through effective entrepreneurial practices
  • Leveraging mobile technology for entrepreneurial success
  • How can we improve sustainable entrepreneurship in the construction industry?
  • Entrepreneurial strategies for efficient inventory management
  • How can executives manage risk and uncertainty in entrepreneurial ventures?
  • The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on business performance
  • Navigating cross-border entrepreneurship: opportunities and challenges
  • Entrepreneurial approaches to international market transactions
  • Human resource management in entrepreneurial start-ups
  • What are the primary entrepreneurial skills and competencies for business success?
  • How to undertake digital relationship marketing in entrepreneurial businesses

International Business Dissertation Topics

  • Cross-border financial investment strategies in developing countries
  • The role of social media marketing in international business expansion
  • How can executives handle cultural differences in international joint ventures?
  • Corporate governance practices in global stock markets
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction in international market transactions
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on global business strategies
  • Sustainable economic development in emerging markets
  • Effective supply chain management for international business success
  • Managing risk and uncertainty in international business operations
  • Strategies for successful market entry in foreign countries
  • How does human resource management in work in multinational organizations?
  • The influence of European financial regulation on international business practices
  • Innovations in global business models: the digital transformation
  • Corporate social responsibility in international business operations
  • Strategic management of high-risk investments in global markets

‘Risk management dissertation topics’ written above five people in a discussion

Risk Management Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of risk management strategies for financial services
  • The role of big data analytics in enhancing risk management practices
  • How to mitigate operational risks in the construction industry
  • Assessing liquidity risk management in global stock markets
  • Risk management strategies for cross-border financial investments
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on risk management in the banking sector
  • Enhancing risk management in supply chain management: trends and innovations
  • Evaluating the role of corporate governance in risk management practices
  • Risk management in international business: managing risks in emerging markets
  • Effective risk management in the pharmaceutical industry: compliance and safety
  • Risk management in the retail industry: adapting to changing consumer behavior
  • Cybersecurity risk management in the era of digital transformation
  • Risk management in the context of European financial regulation
  • Operational risk management in the context of mobile technology advancements
  • Risk management strategies for high-risk investments: balancing profit and safety

Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • What is the impact of social media marketing on consumer engagement?
  • Implementing effective direct marketing strategies for financial services organizations
  • Enhancing customer loyalty through personalized marketing approaches
  • Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies
  • Cross-border marketing: strategies for international market transactions
  • The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer behavior
  • Leveraging mobile technology for innovative marketing campaigns
  • Analyzing the role of influencer marketing in the retail industry
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction through data-driven marketing strategies
  • The effectiveness of digital relationship marketing in building customer relationships
  • Cultural differences in international marketing: strategies for success
  • What marketing strategies are successful for e-commerce in developing countries?
  • Innovative marketing approaches for the pharmaceutical industry
  • The impact of big data analytics on marketing performance improvement
  • Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in personalized marketing campaigns.

‘Human Resource Management dissertation topics’ written above a world surrounded by people’s face avatars and a magnifying glass

Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

  • What is the impact of social media on recruitment strategies in HR management?
  • How to implement effective talent management strategies for business performance
  • Enhancing employee engagement through innovative HR practices
  • The role of human resource departments in developing inclusion strategies
  • Managing human resources in the era of artificial intelligence and automation
  • Strategies for enhancing job satisfaction and employee well-being
  • Exploring the relationship between training and development and employee performance
  • Improving employee productivity through performance management strategies
  • The role of HR in nurturing a culture of innovation and creativity
  • The influence of leadership styles on employee motivation and performance
  • Examining the impact of corporate social responsibility on employee engagement
  • Strategies for effective change management and organizational transformation
  • Exploring the role of HR in managing workplace conflicts and resolving disputes
  • The effectiveness of employee recognition programs in enhancing employee loyalty
  • Managing the workforce in global organizations: cross-cultural HR strategies

Project Management Dissertation Topics

  • Agile project management: best practices and implementation challenges
  • Effective risk management strategies in complex projects
  • The role of project management in achieving sustainable business practices
  • Project management approaches for successful digital transformation initiatives
  • Enhancing project performance through effective stakeholder management
  • What is the impact of artificial intelligence on project management practices?
  • Project management in cross-cultural and global business environments
  • Sustainable supply chain management: integration with project management
  • Managing virtual project teams: strategies for collaboration and success
  • Exploring the role of project managers in change management initiatives
  • Project portfolio management: maximizing value and resource allocation
  • The influence of project management methodologies on project success
  • Effective communication strategies in project management: tools and techniques
  • Project governance and corporate social responsibility: ensuring ethical practices
  • The role of project management in the construction industry: challenges and opportunities

‘Retail management dissertation topics’ written above a retail store with shoppers lined up outside

Retail Management Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of social media marketing on retail customer engagement
  • Enhancing customer loyalty through personalized retail experiences
  • Supply chain management strategies for efficient inventory management in retail
  • Retail innovation management: strategies for adaptation and growth
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence in transforming retail operations?
  • Sustainable retailing: strategies for corporate social responsibility in the retail industry
  • What is the influence of mobile-tech on retail customer journeys?
  • Retail loss prevention: effective strategies for operational risk management
  • Customer satisfaction and service quality in omnichannel retailing
  • Retail performance improvement strategies: a focus on operational efficiency
  • What is the impact of e-commerce on traditional retail business models?
  • Retail store format and layout optimization for enhanced customer experience
  • Retail pricing strategies: balancing profitability and competitive advantage
  • Consumer behavior and decision-making in retail: trends and insights
  • Retail brand management in the digital era: maintaining customer trust
  • Key factors for successful e commerce strategy in retail

Supply Chain Management Dissertation Topics

  • Sustainable supply chain practices: environmental and social responsibility
  • Digital transformation in supply chain management: leveraging technology for efficiency
  • Supply chain risk management in financial services organizations
  • Enhancing collaboration among business teams in global supply chains
  • Quality control strategies in supply chain management: ensuring product integrity
  • What is the role of FDI in global supply chain networks?
  • Financial services and supply chain integration: streamlining operations for efficiency

‘Economics dissertation topics’ written between a male avatar and a hand holding a sack with a dollar sign drawn on it

Economics Dissertation Topics

  • Economic impacts of implementing artificial intelligence in business operations
  • Financial services and economic development in developing countries
  • Stock market volatility: causes, implications, and risk management strategies
  • Effective management strategies in economic downturns: lessons from corporate management
  • What role do government policies play in promoting economic growth?
  • Managing high-risk investments: strategies for maximizing returns
  • Pay-for-performance systems and employee motivation in the business world

Operations Management Dissertation Topics

  • Lean manufacturing practices: improving operational efficiency and cost reduction
  • Management skills for operational excellence in the business world
  • International joint venture management: challenges and success factors
  • Which quality management strategies are used in the banking industry?
  • Enhancing efficiency in financial sectors through process automation
  • Effective management of tuition reimbursement programs for employee development
  • Strategic inventory management in other financial services organizations

E-commerce Dissertation Topics

  • Successful e-commerce strategies: driving customer engagement and retention
  • Digital relationship marketing: building customer loyalty in e-commerce
  • Analyzing the impact of mobile technology on e-commerce performance
  • Enhancing cybersecurity in e-commerce: managing risks and protecting customer data
  • Personalization and customization in online retail: strategies for business growth
  • Blockchain technology and its application in e-commerce transactions
  • The role of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing e-commerce customer experiences

Are You Struggling With Your MBA Dissertation?

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Don't despair – our professional dissertation services tailored for MBA students are here to help.

We provide expert support, advice and a roadmap for the successful completion of your research project. Whether it's selecting a topic or proofreading the final draft, we've got you covered. 

Our team of experienced professionals can streamline the process and ensure that you submit an outstanding paper. So, take the first step towards success and contact us today.

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What is the Correct Format of MBA Thesis Writing in 2023?

What is the Correct Format of MBA Thesis Writing in 2023?

MBA Thesis Writing Structure

1. introduction :.

- The introduction is like the front door of your thesis. It's what your readers notice right away.

- In this part, you give a sneak peek of what your thesis is about. You tell them why it's important.

2. Literature Review :

Think of this as a library where you gather books and articles related to your topic. You talk about what others have already said about your subject. It helps you build on existing knowledge.

3. Methodology :

This part explains how you did your research. It's like a recipe for your study. You mention the tools you used, like surveys or interviews. This helps others understand how you got your information.

4. Data Collection and Analysis :

Here, you actually do the research work. you collect data, which is like the puzzle pieces. after gathering the pieces, you put them together to see the bigger picture. this aids in the resolution of your inquiries., 5. findings and discussion :.

- This is where you share what you discovered during your research. It's like revealing the secrets you uncovered.

- You talk about what it all means. You explain the 'why' behind your findings.

6. Conclusion and Recommendations :

This is like the final chapter of your story. You summarize what you found out. You also suggest what others can learn from your research and how it can be useful.

The Correct Format of MBA Thesis Writing

1. title page :.

- The title page is like the cover of a book.

- It shows the title of your thesis, your name, the name of your university, and the date. It's important to make it look neat and professional.

2. Abstract :

Think of the abstract as a movie trailer. it gives a quick summary of what's coming up in your thesis. it tells the reader the main points without giving away all the details., 3. acknowledgments :.

This part is like giving a shout-out to the people who helped you along the way. It could be your professors, friends, or family. It's a way to show gratitude for their support.

4. Table of Contents :

Imagine this as a map for your thesis. It lists all the sections and page numbers, so the reader can easily find what they're looking for. It's like a roadmap that guides the reader through your thesis.

5. Introduction :

- The introduction sets the stage for your thesis. It tells the reader what to expect and why your topic is important.

- It's like an appetizer that gives a taste of what's to come.

6. Literature Review :

This section is like a library where you gather information from different sources like books, articles, and research papers. it shows what other experts have said about your topic., 7. methodology :.

Think of this as the instructions for your research. It explains how you gathered data and conducted your study. It's like a recipe that others can follow to replicate your research.

8. Data Collection and Analysis :

Here, you describe how you gathered information and what you did with it. It's like explaining how you solved a puzzle. You might use surveys, interviews, or experiments to collect data.

- Findings and Discussion :

This part is where you reveal what you discovered during your research. It's like showing the treasures you unearthed and You also talk about what it all means and why it's important.

9. Conclusion and Recommendations :

- The conclusion wraps up your thesis. It resembles wrapping a gift. You summarize what you found and suggest what others can do with this knowledge.

- Recommendations are like friendly advice for future research or practical applications.

10. References :

This section lists all the sources you used in your thesis. it's like giving credit to the authors whose work you referred to. it shows that your research is built on a solid foundation of existing knowledge., 11. appendices :.

Appendices are like bonus content at the end of a book. They include extra materials like charts, graphs, or detailed data that support your thesis. They provide additional information for interested readers.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the right way to set up an MBA thesis and understanding the MBA thesis writing structure is really important, especially in 2023. This organized approach helps researchers plan their work well and present their findings effectively by using the correct data collection methods used in MBA thesis. Also, being familiar with different ways to collect data for MBA theses gives researchers the tools they need to gather and study information in a reliable way. Following these important steps gives students and scholars a solid foundation for their research. So, whether it's writing a good introduction, reviewing existing research, or sharing your findings and suggestions, having a clear idea of the format of MBA thesis writing is the key to creating a meaningful and influential piece of academic work.

MBA Thesis is a dedicated facility for management students that provides high-quality and unique MBA thesis writing services in Germany, France, and other countries. Their team of experts has an appropriate balance of industry exposure and academic experience, which enables them to guide students in the best possible manner. They offer a wide range of services, including proposal writing, topic selection, data Collection Methods used in MBA Thesis,  editing, data analysis, and plagiarism removal. A group of highly skilled writers and editors with expertise in several research fields composes the MBA Thesis team. They ensure that the MBA research is of high quality and unique. If you are not delighted with an order, you can request a revision or claim a refund. All your documents are safe and secure with them, and they never share your data or personal and project details with any third party. They do not use any templates or model reports for writing research papers. All their work is customized as per the needs of students. You can contact them at +33-9751 813 36 or [email protected] to get MBA/Masters thesis writing services.  

1. What are the chapters in the MBA thesis?

The chapters in an mba thesis typically include the introduction, literature review, methodology, data collection and analysis, findings and discussion, conclusion and recommendations, and references., 2. how much plagiarism is allowed in mba thesis.

The allowable level of plagiarism in an MBA thesis varies, but it's generally advised to keep it below 10% to maintain academic integrity.

3. How do I choose a research topic for MBA thesis?

To choose a research topic for an mba thesis, consider your interests, industry trends, and gaps in existing knowledge. it should be relevant, feasible, and contribute to the field., 4. how long is an mba thesis.

The length of an MBA thesis typically ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 words, though this can vary depending on the specific requirements of the program or institution.

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Navigating the MBA Research Landscape: Topics, Tips, and Success Stories

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MBA Dissertation Topics: 40+ Ideas to Get You Started

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An MBA dissertation is a six-part assignment that requires dedication and attention to details. You have to choose the best title from a list of topics, conduct in-depth research, develop a structure, write in stages, proofread your work, and attend dissertation defense .

Sadly, brainstorming for topics takes so much time that it might take from an afternoon to several days to find an idea worth exploring.

To help you with topic selection, and make the ideation phase less strenuous altogether, we’ve put a list of 50+ MBA topic ideas that you can explore in your dissertation project.  

Key Takeaways

  • You should pick a topic that fascinates you or one that falls within a theme that you’ve always wanted to explore.
  • Ensure the topic you choose has sufficient research data so that you have an easy time writing.   
  • An MBA dissertation is scientific in form. Thus, you need to develop a hypothesis and collect evidence to support or disapprove the hypothesis.

If you’ve already chosen a topic but don’t have enough time to research and write the dissertation, our team is help. You can hire a dissertation writer from College Assignment Lab and benefit from the convenience of our writing. We focus on in-depth research, custom writing, and timely delivery.

40+ MBA Dissertation Topics

MBA, or Management in Business Administration, is a diverse course with many areas to explore. The topics options range from economics, marketing to information technology and accounting.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Accounting Topic Ideas

An MBA in accounting is an advanced program that builds on your current accounting knowledge and skills. Graduating with an MBA in this area gets you ready for a career in different positions, including accounting manager, auditor, budget analyst, environmental green accountant, credit analysis, and budget director.

You’ll have to write a dissertation in accounting if you want to graduate with an MBA. So here are some topics to consider if you haven’t looked for one already:

  • Assessing the impact of the current tax structure on individuals with low income
  • Comparative analysis of external and internal auditors: distinctions and commonalities
  • Exploring the significance of auditing in the context of large corporations
  • Examining the influence of industry dynamics and public information on market share index fluctuations
  • A comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by external auditors in the context of fair value calculations

Strategic Risk Management Topics

An MBA in strategic management is a program that equips you with the knowledge to identify factors likely to harm a business and the skills to find the most relevant solutions. You will learn how to prioritize goals and determine whether the negative outcomes on a business are more than the positive impact.

Then, you’ll write a dissertation in this area to demonstrate a clear understanding of strategic risk management . Here are some topic ideas to get you started:

  • Optimal approaches and protocols in the management of operational risks in warehousing
  • A comparative examination of risk management frameworks across diverse financial sectors
  • Influence of contemporary global supply chain management trends on the evolution of risk mitigation strategies within supply chains
  • A comprehensive analysis of social risks as a pervasive challenge for multinational corporations and their implications on shareholder value
  • Essential determinants of success for financial services organizations implementing an order management system
  • The imperative of long-term risk management in the banking sector
  • Evaluating the significance of liquidity risk management and credit supply within financial markets

Business Management Topic Ideas

  • Investigating cultural dynamics: analyzing the role of feedback mechanisms within multinational/international corporations
  • Significance of foreign direct investment in the economic advancement of developing nations
  • Fostering gender equality in professional environments: exploring management approaches for empowering women in traditionally male-dominated sectors
  • The sociocultural context of management: influence on leadership dynamics
  • Dissecting the impact of job benefits on employee and corporate productivity

Information Technology Management Topic

Information technology management focuses on how individuals and teams contribute to the optimal performance of information systems. It covers broad areas such as virtualization, application development, business intelligence, cloud computing, sourcing, and infrastructure management.

IT management is a broad area that presents hundreds of potential dissertation topics, including the following:

  • Impact of data processing, information and communication technologies, and school-level decision-making on student achievement
  • The pace of technological advancement and its alignment with the needs of the global financial system
  • Exploring the influence of mobile technology on international students enrolled in British higher education institutions
  • Technological advancements and their role in shaping the global trading process
  • Leveraging instructional strategies for the cultivation of problem-solving proficiency
  • Evaluating the efficacy of automated systems in facilitating literature review processes for students
  • Analyzing the ramifications of the recent Sony data breach on international market transactions and trade
  • The interplay between religion and information technology adoption in Yemeni universities

Operations Management Topics

An MBA in operations management teaches planning, organization, development, supervision, and delivery of products and services. The course covers the conceptual frameworks and analytical tools required to make and optimize decisions linked to designing and managing the operations process.

Your dissertation project can explore different areas such as real options, risk analysis, supply chain management, price optimization, and service management. Here are some topics to get you started: 

  • The promotional role of the virtual supply chain in facilitating short-term commercial alliances
  • Unpacking the notion of “legality” in the context of supply chain design
  • Self-driving cars in supply chain management: viability and effectiveness assessment
  • Examining Toyota’s production scheduling strategies in the united kingdom: a case study
  • Enhancing quality control through artificial intelligence: a case study of
  • The impact of big data analytics on streamlining inventory management efficiency
  • Strategies for production scheduling in an industrial environment

MBA Finance Dissertation Topics

  • Investigating the influence of microfinance on emerging economies
  • Exploring the significance of credit and other financial services in economic development and investment
  • The ascending profile of microfinance in the United Kingdom banking sector
  • A comprehensive examination of ongoing reforms within the banking sector of a dynamic economy
  • The transnational implications of European financial regulations on financial investment
  • Synchronized stock price movements in emerging markets and analytical oversight
  • Assessing the effects of microfinance on alleviating poverty and stimulating economic growth

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Need Help with Developing a Great Topic?

  • A great topic is certainly the foundation of a successful research project. If you seek help with, say, a dissertation topic or guidance with developing a relevant & researchable topic , we got you.
  • Do you have ideas on the topic you want to research? Maybe you are totally unsure and not even aware of where to start. Our services are comprehensive, and we will guide you through them.
  • Our support desk will guide you and we shall develop sample topics for you, each with some background information, and then you choose the best from the same.

Our service Advantage

01. - Develop a Relevant Research Topic.

You need to have a great research idea that addresses a relevant research gap. We are more than willing to support you, let us know.

02. - Defend & have your Topic Approved.

If possible, review or have your topic approved by your supervisor or senior research advisor so that you do not start and later stall midway.

03. - You can now Start your Research Process.

When your topic has finally been approved & is researchable, you can now start the research process : We can help you Step by Step.

 Guidelines for Writing an Exceptional Research Project Topic!

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MBA Research Topics - Project Titles for MBA Students

Master of business administration research topics in leadership.

Leadership is a crucial aspect of any business. Exploring different aspects of leadership allows us to better understand how businesses thrive and succeed. Settling for a leadership MBA research project title means coming up with very clear research questions as the area is quite wide.

  • Exploring the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Enhancing Employee Morale and Increasing Productivity Within Organizations.
  • An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility in Modern Corporations.
  • Investigating the Role of Various Leadership Styles in Fostering Innovation and Creativity Across Different Organizational Contexts.
  • Evaluating the Effects of Leadership Changes on the Development and Transformation of Organizational Culture.
  • Analyzing the Influence of Gender Diversity in Leadership Roles on the Overall Success and Effectiveness of Organizations.

MBA Research Topics in Operations Management

Operations Management is a vital area that focuses on designing, managing, and enhancing the processes that create and deliver a business's products or services. We are able to develop new MBA topics in this field for consideration, we are not limited to the samples listed below.

  • Examining the Impact of Diverse Supply Chain Management Strategies on the Overall Business Performance and Competitive Advantage.
  • Investigating the Role of Quality Management Systems in Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Service and Manufacturing Industries.
  • A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Lean Manufacturing Systems in Reducing Waste and Improving Production Efficiency.
  • Exploring the Application of Big Data Analytics in Optimizing Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making Processes in Businesses.
  • Assessing the Influence of Environmental Sustainability Practices on the Strategies and Outcomes of Operations Management in Organizations.

MBA Research Topic Examples in Strategic Management

Strategic Management involves the formulation and implementation of strategies that guide an organization toward its goals. This is a very interesting area and below sample topics ideally serve as helpful hints and ideas that MBA students can consider as they seek to find the most credible one.

  • Investigating the Role of Strategic Management in Facilitating the Digital Transformation of Businesses in the Modern Economy.
  • Analyzing the Effect of Merger and Acquisition Strategies on Facilitating Business Growth and Market Expansion.
  • A Detailed Evaluation of the Implementation and Success of the Blue Ocean Strategy in Creating New Market Value and Competitive Edge.
  • Examining the Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on Strategic Decision-Making and Organizational Effectiveness.
  • Assessing the Effect of Strategic Alliances on Enhancing Competitive Advantage and Strengthening Market Position in Various Industries.

Sample Finance Topic Ideas for Master of Business Administration Research

Finance is the lifeblood of any business, and research in this area can significantly contribute to a firm's financial health and sustainability. An MBA topic in finance needs thorough preparation to ensure that there are research gaps that it will sufficiently address.

  • Examining the Impact of Financial Technology (FinTech) Innovations on Traditional Banking Practices and Industry Evolution.
  • Investigating the Role of Financial Risk Management in Enhancing the Sustainability and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
  • Comprehensive Analysis of the Effects of Cryptocurrency Adoption on Business Operations and Financial Transactions.
  • Evaluating the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Enhancing Financial Performance and Stakeholder Trust.
  • Assessing the Influence of International Trade Agreements on Financial Markets and Economic Diplomacy.

Some of the Best MBA Research Titles & Ideas in Project Management

Project Management plays a critical role in ensuring that business projects are completed efficiently and effectively. MBA topics in this area could be most interesting for students who desire to be managers and supervisors later in their careers.

  • A Comprehensive Evaluation of Agile Project Management Methods and Their Effectiveness in Enhancing Productivity in the Tech Industry.
  • Investigating the Impact of Risk Management Practices on Ensuring Project Success and Mitigating Potential Failures.
  • Exploring the Role of Communication in Facilitating Effective Project Management and Team Collaboration.
  • Understanding the Influence of Cross-Cultural Differences on the Dynamics and Success of International Project Management.
  • Analyzing the Effect of Resource Management on Improving Project Completion Rates and Operational Efficiency.

How to Choose a Research Topic for Your MBA Research Project

Choosing a research topic for your MBA project can be an uphill task, but it's an essential step in the research process. When you understand how to develop a great topic, you end up having an easy dissertation defense process . The right research topic can make your project more engaging, meaningful, and rewarding. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right topic. We specialize in drafting sample research topics for MBA students from which they consider the best and seek approval for developing their BA research projects. Here are some tips to help you choose a research topic for your MBA project:

  • Start by identifying your interests and passions:   Consider what aspects of the business you are most interested in and what topics you have studied or worked on previously. This will help you narrow down your options and choose a topic that you are passionate about.
  • Research current trends: Conduct research on current trends and hot topics in the business world. Read industry publications, business news, and academic journals to identify emerging issues and areas that require further investigation.
  • Analyze your career goals:  Consider your career goals and what skills you need to develop to achieve them. Your research project can be an opportunity to develop these skills and gain a deeper understanding of a particular area of business.
  • Discuss with your advisor: Discuss your ideas with your MBA advisor or a professor who specializes in your area of interest. They can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your options.
  • Consider feasibility: Finally, consider the feasibility of your research project. Make sure that your topic is manageable within the time and resources available, and that you can access the necessary data and information.

By following these tips, you can choose a research topic that aligns with your interests, career goals, and the needs of the business world. Remember, your research project is an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the field of business and to develop your skills as a researcher and business professional.

MBA Thesis Topics: Best Business Administration Research Titles

List of examples of  mba   thesis topics good for  research in 2024.

As we step into 2024, the landscape of business research is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing market dynamics, and emerging global trends. Today's MBA students must navigate a complex and interconnected world where innovation, sustainability, and diversity are paramount. Selecting a thesis topic that resonates with contemporary issues not only enhances academic engagement but also prepares graduates for the challenges and opportunities in their professional careers. The following 10 examples of MBA thesis topics are meticulously curated to reflect the most current and impactful areas of research, ensuring relevance and value in the fast-paced business environment of 2024.

  • Exploring the Transformative Impact of Digital Technology on Contemporary Marketing Strategies: This thesis topic explores the profound changes that digital technology is bringing to marketing strategies. It critically examines the tools and methodologies companies are adopting to remain competitive in an increasingly digital landscape, providing comprehensive insights into how digital innovations can enhance customer engagement and expand market reach.
  • Investigating the Pivotal Role of Leadership in Effectuating Organizational Change: Delve into how leadership is crucial in spearheading successful organizational change. This MBA thesis research title focuses into the strategies that leaders employ to manage resistance, motivate stakeholders, and effectively implement change initiatives, thus navigating the intricate dynamics that characterize organizational transformations.
  • Assessing the Impact and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs on Business and Society: This thesis topic scrutinizes the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. It evaluates how companies strategically utilize CSR initiatives not only to enhance their reputation but also to contribute meaningfully to social and environmental sustainability, while achieving core business objectives.
  • Strategic Approaches to Enhancing Business Ethics and Corporate Governance within Modern Corporations: Explore the strategies for promoting business ethics and establishing robust corporate governance within organizations. This thesis research topic emphasizes the creation of cultures of ethical behavior and accountability, discussing their crucial role in sustaining long-term corporate success.
  • The Comprehensive Impact of Globalization on Business Operations and Strategy: This thesis topic provides an in-depth analysis of globalization's effects on businesses. It investigates the adaptive strategies necessary for companies to succeed in a globalized marketplace, addressing challenges such as managing cross-cultural differences, navigating international regulations, and handling global supply chain complexities.
  • The Integral Role of Data Analytics in Enhancing Business Decision-Making Processes: Explore the critical role of data analytics in business decision-making. This thesis research title focuses on how companies can exploit data analytics to refine their strategies, enhance operational efficiency, and foster an organizational culture that prioritizes data-driven decisions.
  • Evaluating the Transformation and Effectiveness of E-commerce in Revitalizing the Retail Industry: This topic examines how e-commerce is revolutionizing the retail industry. It assesses how digital platforms are being used by companies to enhance customer experiences, increase sales volumes, and improve their overall financial performance.
  • Exploring the Significance of Diversity in Enhancing Workplace Culture and Company Performance: This MBA thesis topic investigates the impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and performance. It explores how fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diversity can be a key driver of innovation and overall business success.

The Role of Aviation Management in Improving Airline Operational Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction: This is one of the thesis topics in MBA in aviation management that examines how effective aviation management practices can enhance the operational efficiency of airlines and improve customer satisfaction. It explores strategies such as optimized scheduling, resource management, and customer service innovations that contribute to a more efficient and customer-centric airline industry.

Evaluating the Impact of Technology on Aviation Safety and Security Management: This thesis topic investigates the influence of advanced technologies on aviation safety and security management. It explores how innovations such as AI, big data analytics, and automated systems can improve safety protocols, risk assessment, and security measures within the aviation industry.

Choosing the best among many potential MBA thesis topics can be a very involving process, but by considering your interests, relevance, originality, and feasibility, you can select a topic that is engaging, relevant, and researchable. By using the examples provided, you can gain inspiration and insight into potential undergraduate & postgraduate business topics that could contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field of study.

Different Subject Areas

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  • B.Com  |  BSc  
  • BSN  |  DBa  
  • DNP  |  Doctoral
  • Ed.D  |  M.Ed  |  RN  
  • Masters  |  MBA  
  • MBus  |  MCom
  • MEntr  |  Msc  
  • MSN  |  PhD  
  • Post graduate  
  • Undergraduate

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Is Thesis & Dissertation Projects Writing for MBA Students Necessary

  • Development of Expertise: Thesis and dissertation projects are pivotal in helping MBA students develop deep expertise in their chosen area. By identifying great MBA dissertation topics, students transform theoretical knowledge into practical skills, navigating through real-world business challenges and proposing innovative solutions. This immersive experience is crucial for honing analytical, strategic, and decision-making skills that are vital in the business world.
  • Application of Learned Concepts: MBA programs are designed to equip students with a broad set of business management tools and theories. Thesis and dissertation projects require students to apply these concepts to solve complex business problems. This application helps in solidifying their understanding and ability to leverage these concepts effectively in their professional lives.
  • Contribution to Professional Identity: Choosing and exploring dissertation topics allows MBA students to carve out their professional identity and specialization. This can significantly influence their career trajectory, opening doors to opportunities in preferred niches or industries. The research project acts as a bridge, connecting academic achievements with future professional pursuits.
  • Networking Opportunities: During their research, MBA students often interact with industry professionals, academic experts, and other stakeholders. This network can be invaluable as it provides insights, feedback, and potential career opportunities. It also helps in establishing a professional reputation in the student's area of interest.
  • Skill Enhancement: The process of completing a dissertation or thesis enhances various transferable skills, such as research, writing, critical thinking, and project management. These skills are essential for any business leader and are highly valued in the job market.
  • Advancing Business Practices: These research projects encourage innovation and could lead to significant advancements in business practices. MBA students often explore emerging trends, technologies, and methodologies, contributing fresh perspectives that could benefit the entire field.
  • Personal Fulfillment and Achievement:  Completing a significant research project like a thesis or a dissertation paper provides a sense of personal accomplishment. It represents the culmination of years of study, hard work, and dedication, marking a milestone in an academic journey.

Ideally, writing a master's thesis or say a  DBA dissertation project  plays a critical role in the academic and professional development of business administration students. These postgraduate projects are not just academic exercises; they are essential for applying and testing knowledge, contributing to the field, and setting the stage for a successful career. As students explore various MBA dissertation topics, they not only fulfill academic requirements but also lay the groundwork for future leadership roles in the business world.

FAQs on Topics & Research Titles for MBA Dissertations & Thesis Projects

  • What makes a good MBA research title?

Answer: A good MBA research title should be clear, concise, and specific. It should indicate the focus of your research and include key terms that reflect the scope and objectives of your study. A well-crafted title can attract interest and give readers an immediate understanding of the topic.

  • Can I collaborate with businesses or external organizations for my MBA project?

Answer: Yes, collaborating with businesses or external organizations can enhance the practical relevance of your thesis or dissertation and provide access to valuable data and insights. Many MBA programs encourage or even facilitate such partnerships. However, ensure you have formal agreements in place to handle data confidentiality and project expectations.

  • How important is originality in MBA research projects?

Answer: Originality is important as it demonstrates your ability to contribute new insights or approaches to the field. While it’s not always necessary to choose a completely unexplored topic, adding a unique perspective or challenging existing assumptions can significantly enhance the value of your research.

  • What are common pitfalls in selecting MBA dissertation project topics?

Answer: Common pitfalls include choosing a topic that is too broad, too narrow, or not well-defined. Another pitfall is selecting a topic with limited data availability or that is not supported by sufficient resources at your institution. Avoid topics that are more suited to PhD-level research , which may be too ambitious for the scope of an MBA project.

  • How can I ensure my dissertation research topic is relevant to current business practices?

Answer: Stay updated with the latest business journals, attend industry conferences, and follow thought leaders on social media. Choose a topic that addresses current challenges or trends in your field of interest. Consulting with industry professionals during the topic selection phase can also ensure that your research is aligned with real-world needs.

  • What resources are recommended for researching MBA thesis or dissertation topics?

Answer: Utilize academic journals, business reports, case studies, and industry publications. Online databases like JSTOR, Business Source Complete, and Google Scholar can provide access to scholarly articles. Additionally, your university’s library and your advisors are valuable resources for finding relevant literature and data.

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120+ MBA Dissertation Topics: The Best Ideas for Students in 2024

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MBA Dissertation Topics

MBA is a field that keeps on evolving. As businesses evolve, the field of MBA witnesses waves of change. This makes it all the more difficult to keep track of the newest changes in the field. Hence, you have to be extremely thoughtful while selecting a topic for your MBA dissertation.

Read on to learn more about how to choose the perfect topic for your MBA dissertation. Also, we have a treasure trove of brilliant topics waiting to be unlocked! 

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Dissertation Topic

If you are an MBA, then choosing topics for your dissertations is not easy. Below are certain key factors that influence your choice of topics for your management thesis.

Understanding the Purpose 

You should be able to understand the topic for researching MBA entrepreneurship in greater depth. Your dissertation should highlight critical prevalent theories or provide innovative solutions to difficulties you may encounter in international business.

Selecting the Appropriate Topic

You must choose the appropriate topic for your MBA dissertation. As a part of your MBA dissertation topics for college, it should match the interests of international students and their career aspirations. They must also be able to fulfill their professor’s expectations.

Conducting an In-Depth Literature Review

Conducting an in-depth literature analysis of the MBA dissertation should help you understand the gaps in knowledge. Asking close-ended questions and providing knowledge would help you remove any gaps that may exist in the field of skills.

Designing a Customized Research Methodology

Your research questions should be relevant to your answers under the theoretical framework. Some usual content formats for which you have to select a topic include case studies, data analysis, interviews, and surveys.

Analyzing and Collecting Data

After you have designed your research methodology, it’s time to elicit data. For this, you must ensure that you derive data from valuable and trustworthy sources. Regarding primary data, you should pay attention to the surveys and interview-taking strategies. Finally, you should conduct an in-depth analysis of the software or tools you are going to use to obtain reasonable insights that you can apply to the results derived from experimentation.

Providing Your Insights on Observations

You must explain your observations in a well-arranged and visually vibrant way, comprising charts, graphs, tables, and more complicated data for your readers. Then, you should draw meaningful results from the data derived.

Identifying the Drawbacks of the Research

Every research paper topic faces certain issues regarding a specific topic, and you must admit them in your dissertation. It portrays how much you comprehend the research procedure and can detect the problems that you may have encountered.

With hard work, consistency and practice you are surely going to come up with unique MBA dissertation topics and their answers.

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An Updated List of MBA Dissertation Topics for College

The MBA dissertation topics you choose decide how much your students can pay attention to. Below are some of the international business dissertation topics.

  • Business Management Dissertation Topics

You can choose topics associated with business management where you can apply the skills in specific domains. Stated below are some of the MBA dissertation topics.

  • Discuss the scope and the issues of globalization impacting small and medium enterprises
  • Identify and explain the strategies of management of cultural differences in multinational corporations
  • Determine the market entry strategies for international business and a comparative analysis of their international business practices
  • Case Studies for Evolving Markets to analyze the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in international business
  • Identify the e-commerce strategies and their trends, issues, and scope analysis in developing countries.
  • Recognize the patterns and trends observed in evolving markets in Foreign direct investment
  • Find ways to acquire sustainability and efficiency in improving supply chain management approaches in global organizations.
  • Case Studies in Conflicting Arenas in relation to the political risk faced in international business operations
  • Recognize the strategies for managing talent through motivating, retaining and developing international employees.
  • Explain the global marketing strategies for luxurious brands at the domestic level
  • Find out sustainable practices for business with respect to maintaining the environment and performing social responsibility
  • Case studies on the role of International financial organizations in promoting the development of the economy
  • Idenitify the moral conflicts faced in maintaining profit balance and attaining Corporate responsibility in international business.
  • Find ways to adopt Corporate Finance strategies in International business by boosting the value of shareholders.
  • Determine ways of implementing various leadership styles in managing the diversity of culture in global business teams.

B. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The research topics on logistics management and procurement would ensure that you study in depth the importance of the procurement process. Below are some MBA dissertation topics that would make you fit to apply for a role in the specified field.

  • Identify the risk management techniques and their evaluation in the supply chain.
  • Derive opinions for joint ventures in supply chain 
  • Identify the implementation of strategies for environment-friendly supply chain practices
  • Study the impact of environment management strategies in the integration of supply chain performance and innovation in technology
  • Develop an association between quality management strategies and their impacts on the performance of the organization
  • Discuss the role played by outsourced supply chain management in global financial markets
  • Assess techniques related to reducing operational costs for SCM of products for exports and imports.
  • Make a comparative analysis of models for forecasting and their demand in multichannel retail businesses
  • A case study on practices of supply chain practices leading to circular flow in the economy
  • Identify the moral and judicious practices of procurement and assessment of issues in implementation and their advantages
  • Study the effect of solutions in mobility related to the latest technologies or transportation technologies on logistics
  • Explore the difficulties and behavior associated with the supply chain and its effect on digital transformation and globalization
  • Investigating in the commercial sector, the strategies of procurement management of specialized projects.
  • Analyze in detail the practical application of logistics in the field of the Internet of Things
  • Identify the impact of third and fourth-party logistics in the evolution of emerging technologies

C. Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

Below are some entrepreneurship dissertation topics that would help you learn your lessons well.

  • Discuss the importance and ways of reducing the gender gap in capital through entrepreneurial procurement of funds
  • Explain in detail the common objectives of finance and intellectual property procurement by entrepreneurs
  • What are the effects of international economic policies on raising funds for enterprises?
  • Discuss the finance models of sustainability for ventures in social enterprises
  • What are the ways of relationship development and networking to obtain an entrepreneurial mindset?
  • Define the ways in which social media marketing can be beneficial in an entrepreneurial atmosphere
  • What are the ways in which trust can be developed with new entrepreneur ventures using ethical practices of marketing.
  • How is content marketing revolutionizing the era of digital entrepreneurship?
  • How can the strength of outreach and advertising be gained through the medium of storytelling?
  • How can alternative choices of finance models be utilized for contributing funds for social innovation?
  • What are the opportunities available, and how is it beneficial in promoting entrepreneurship chances in cybersecurity for the protection of digital assets
  • Identify what are the trends in consumer behavior for product development in small businesses
  • Recognize the advantages of cooperative business models and their impacts on contemporary entrepreneurship
  • Study the impact of sustainable tourism on domestic entrepreneurial activities
  • Investigate the importance and operations of customer service for improving the e-commerce business performance

D. Healthcare Management

Healthcare-related topics regarding patient care mention how healthcare becomes important in promoting the well-being of the patient. Stated below are some MBA thesis topics related to healthcare management that would help you to form a clear idea about the subject.

  • What are the social and economic hurdles to vaccination equity and internal healthcare?
  • How can technology play a crucial role in healthcare management systems with the help of artificial intelligence technologies?
  • What moral and legal diagnosis should you adopt for patients who are reluctant to accept medical treatment?
  • Develop a case study on analyzing the impacts of different psychological, economic and social needs of young adults on the mental health of the public in general
  • Analyze the different norms and guidelines used by therapists for curing patients
  • What are the factors to consider and ways to map the pathophysiology of patients when treating their complicated medical needs associated with vascular dementia?
  • What are the impacts of environment-friendly approaches in HR management in managing performance in the healthcare sector?
  • How can the communication of the staff and the management in the healthcare sector be analyzed that would help in the management of the patient?
  • What are the ideal steps you must take in managing the healthcare to rectify the previous medical errors consequently after follow-up?
  • Explain in detail whether the level of satisfaction is higher in lower-income families of patients than in higher-income families.
  • Identify and elaborate on the techniques and tools used to provide support with computer-assisted models and techniques to improve the quality of healthcare management systems and systems for making policies.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of one and many tablet medical prescriptions in the diagnosis of HIV in patients.
  • Elucidate how records in the clinical sector play an important role in administering healthcare and decision-making in emergencies during a pandemic.
  • Investigate the impacts of performance assessment and culture of the organization for assessing the process of managing knowledge in healthcare organizations.
  • Observe what are the conditions that impact the waiting times of the patients in primary care facilities.

E. Human Resource Management

You must be able to bring out employee motivation, manage talent, and develop a culturally inclusive work environment. 

Below are some human resource management dissertation topics that would help you develop a concept in HR.

  • How to coach employees to improve their performance?
  • What are the different stages of the recruitment process?
  • What are the key performance indicators in HR management strategy?
  • How to effectively inspect and assess the work of the employees?
  • What role does an HR contribute in the acquisition and merger process?
  • What are the difficulties faced by HR management in influencing the behavior of the teams?
  • How to properly manage relationships with the employees?
  • What are the influences of politics on human resource management?
  • How to obtain accountability for resources in human resource management?
  • What are the ways Artificial Intelligence can be used in human resource management?
  • What are the ways of designing efficient performance appraisal systems for developing the skills and motivating employees?
  • How to design effective training and development programs that foster the productivity and performance of the employees?
  • Analyze the relationship between employees’ work-life balance and employee well-being programs and how these programs contribute to their job performance.
  • Assess how HR Analytics play an important role in driving data-associated decisions in human resource development strategies

F. Finance Management

With some sample finance management dissertation topics, you will surely get a chance to practice and score high marks in your examinations. Below are a few of the MBA dissertation topics for you to have a clear idea.

  • How does the World Trade Organization play an important role in contributing to the economy of the global fiscal market?
  • Discuss what are the impacts of the crisis of credit in the fiscal market
  • Explain in detail the level of fiscal stability in the system of banking in the developing countries
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the retirement plans offered by local financial institutions in developed countries
  • Discuss the techniques of fiscal risk management in the maritime financial field.
  • Find out the ways in which there is an increase in the development of microfinance globally
  • What are the ways in which fraudulent activities can be prevented in banking systems?
  • Identify the perks associated with mutual funds, who they are advantageous to, and how they can help you.
  • Elucidate in detail what are the kinds of abnormalities in the structure of the assets in the firms and the management procedures for foreign capital
  • Describe in detail the changes in the emergence of commercial banking systems and preferences associated with it
  • Choose and provide a reason for selecting financial sources that provide financial aid to unique projects
  • For high-risk investments and expansion, how important is it to receive access to other credit sources and financial services?
  • Explain how the corporate strategy and capital structure are associated with each other.
  • Discuss in detail the reinforcements and risks that global banks usually face

G. Retail Management Dissertation Topics

Stated below are some retail management dissertation topics that would help you gain specialized knowledge in that field.

  • Analyze how social media plays an important role in shaping consumer behavior in retail organizations
  • Discuss how acquiring augmented reality frameworks helps in the economic growth and expansion of retail organizations
  • Discuss how you can implement retail inventory management strategies for the purpose of optimization
  • Find out the reasons why consumers change their purchase decisions in the retail sector
  • Understand how and identify the ways subscription-based models have evolved in retail business
  • Measure how globalization impacts local retail brands in a great way
  • Assess how e-commerce has impacted the traditional retail sector
  • How does Artificial Intelligence play an important role in providing customized retail suggestions?
  • What are the rules and regulations to be followed for the purpose of managing retail businesses?
  • What is the role of mobile technology in influencing consumer behavior in retail businesses?
  • How do unique pricing techniques influence the behavior of consumers in the retail sector?
  • How can integrations of big data analytics be applied to decision-making in retail businesses?
  • How can you provide your consumers with a customized shopping experience and obtain customer loyalty in retail businesses?
  • How can you motivate your employees and promote job satisfaction of your employees?
  • How do you measure the effectiveness of the impact of loyalty programs in the retail industry?

H. Risk Management Dissertation Topics

The strategic risk management topics would reflect your understanding of the power of devising a strategic plan and executing it to achieve your goals in an organization. Stated below are some risk management topics that would help you to gain skills in the relevant field.

  • How do you develop an association between organizational performance and risk management?
  • How do insurance organizations develop risk management strategies in particular organizations?
  • How can you manage risks related to your organization in association with environmental and social factors?
  • How can you implement operational techniques and financial tools for obtaining supply chain risk management mergers?
  • Identify what are the factors that contribute to providing financial services to the organization for executing operational management system frameworks?
  • What are the particular difficulties and interferences faced by an organization in relation to risk management by an enterprise?
  • Investigate in detail the importance of risk management for providing consumer safety
  • Compare the differences between modern and traditional strategies in risk management
  • Make a descriptive analysis of strategies in risk management in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Analyze the impacts of disaster and implement its management strategies for reducing the risk faced by an organization
  • What is the importance of Six Sigma quality principles for the goal of portfolio risk management?
  • Identify the risk management strategies and their practical applications followed in organizations of developing countries
  • Marketing Dissertation Topics

Below are some interesting marketing topics that will surely give you a chance to apply your concepts in the professional field.

  • What is the importance of social media marketing in developing brands?
  • Why is brand management important in generating revenue?
  • What role do Amazon and Google ads play in contributing to online e-commerce?
  • How do smart devices help in increasing the sales of an organization?
  • Why is it important to analyze the impact of consumers’ psychology on an organization’s marketing?
  • How do landing pages play an important role in contributing to marketing?
  • Why is email marketing strategy still important for organizations in current times?
  • How do customer demographics influence their purchase decisions?
  • What are the issues related to dealing with unhappy customers, and how to overcome abandonment of the purchases obtained?
  • How can marketing strategies through online content develop a greater brand presence and obtain greater customer loyalty?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of digital marketing and mobile marketing?

Where and How to Secure Outstanding MBA Dissertation Topics?

Choosing a relevant dissertation topic that is also interesting is not an easy task. Again, zeroing down on broad yet focused MBA dissertation paper topics can be quite a challenge. If you cannot figure out which MBA dissertation topics to choose from the list of ideas we have compiled, come to us. Our MBA-qualified experts will help you pick the ideal topic that will make your MBA dissertation stand out in the crowd.

We also offer dissertation and research paper help . Our experts can also help you with every stage of the dissertation writing process, including researching, drafting the paper, citing the sources, and editing the content. 

Hence, do not miss the chance to place an order with us!

By following the necessary tips and tricks for choosing an MBA dissertation topic and through the specified topic ideas provided, you will surely master the concepts! So, go on! Dig deep and choose from our wide variety of research paper topics . 

Alexander Andeerson

Alexander Andeerson

Hi, my name is Alexander Anderson. I am 30, and I am an English writing expert based in Melbourne. I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences and self-taught. Currently, I write Academic Blogs for Students all across the Globe at In addition to guiding students on their writing projects, I have also written on the topics of modern and contemporary art. If there’s something that I love more than Literature and art, it’s my Hungarian furry bud “Amos”. When I am not working, I am spending time with this greatest blessing in my life. 

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50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

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50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

Finance Dissertation Made Easier!

Embarking on your dissertation adventure? Look no further! Choosing the right finance dissertation topics is like laying the foundation for your research journey in finance, and we're here to light up your path. In this article, we will be diving deep into why dissertation topics in finance matter so much. We've got some golden writing tips to share with you! We're also unveiling the secret recipe for structuring a stellar finance dissertation and exploring intriguing topics across various finance sub-fields. Our buffet of finance dissertation topics will surely set your research spirit on fire!

What is a Finance Dissertation?

Finance dissertations are academic papers that delve into specific finance topics chosen by students, covering areas such as stock markets, banking, risk management, and healthcare finance. These dissertations require extensive research to create a compelling report and contribute to the student's confidence and satisfaction in the field of finance. Now, let's understand why these dissertations are so important and why choosing the right finance dissertation topics is crucial!

Why are Finance Dissertation Topics Important?

Choosing the dissertation topics for finance students is essential as it will influence the course of your research. It determines the direction and scope of your study. You must make sure that the finance dissertation topics you choose are relevant to your field of interest. Here are a few reasons why finance thesis topics are important:

1. Relevance

Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in finance. Choosing a dissertation topic relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area.

2. Personal Interest

Selecting finance dissertation topics that align with your interests and career goals is vital. When genuinely passionate about your research area, you are more likely to stay motivated during the dissertation process. Your interest will drive you to explore the subject thoroughly and produce high-quality work.

3. Future Opportunities

Well-chosen finance dissertation topics can open doors to various future opportunities. They can enhance your employability by showcasing your expertise in a specific finance area. They may also lead to potential research collaborations and invitations to conferences in your field of interest.

4. Academic Supervision

Your choice of topics for dissertation in finance also influences the availability of academic supervisors with expertise in your chosen area. Selecting a well-defined research area increases the likelihood of finding a supervisor to guide you effectively throughout the dissertation. Their knowledge and guidance will greatly contribute to the success of your research.

Writing Tips for Finance Dissertation

Writing a dissertation requires a lot of planning, formatting, and structuring. It starts with deciding on topics for a dissertation in finance, conducting tons of research, deciding on methods, and so on. Below are some tips to assist you along the way, and here is a blog on the 10 tips on writing a dissertation that can give you more information, should you need it!

1. Select a Manageable Topic

It is important to choose finance research topics within the given timeframe and resources. Select a research area that interests you and aligns with your career goals. This will help you stay inspired throughout the dissertation process.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review forms the backbone of your research. After choosing the finance dissertation topics, dive deep into academic papers, books, and industry reports. Gain a solid understanding of your chosen area to identify research gaps and establish the significance of your study.

3. Define Clear Research Objectives

Clearly define your dissertation's research questions and objectives. It will provide a clear direction for your research and guide your data collection, analysis, and overall structure. Ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

4. Collect and Analyse Data

Depending on your research methodology and your finance dissertation topics, collect and analyse relevant data to support your findings. It may involve conducting surveys, interviews, experiments, and analysing existing datasets. Choose appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative methods to derive meaningful insights from your data.

5. Structure and Organization

Pay attention to the structure and organisation of your dissertation. Follow a logical progression of chapters and sections, ensuring that each chapter contributes to the overall coherence of your study. Use headings, subheadings, and clear signposts to guide the reader through your work.

6. Proofread and Edit

Once you have completed the writing process, take the time to proofread and edit your dissertation carefully. Check for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported, and eliminate any inconsistencies or repetitions. Pay attention to formatting, citation styles, and consistency in referencing throughout your dissertation.

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Finance Dissertation Topics

Now that you know what a finance dissertation is and why they are important, it's time to have a look at some of the best finance dissertation topics. For your convenience, we have segregated these topics into categories, including cryptocurrency, risk management, internet banking, and so many more. So, let's dive right in and explore the best finance dissertation topics:

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Cryptocurrency

1. The Impact of Regulatory Frameworks on the Volatility and Liquidity of Cryptocurrencies.

2. Exploring the Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Comparative Study.

3. Assessing the Efficiency and Market Integration of Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

4. An Analysis of the Relationship between Cryptocurrency Prices and Macroeconomic Factors.

5. The Role of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in Financing Startups: Opportunities and Challenges.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Risk Management

1. The Effectiveness of Different Risk Management Strategies in Mitigating Financial Risks in Banking Institutions.

2. The Role of Derivatives in Hedging Financial Risks: A Comparative Study.

3. Analysing the Impact of Risk Management Practices on Firm Performance: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

4. The Use of Stress Testing in Evaluating Systemic Risk: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis.

5. Assessing the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Internet Banking

1. Customer Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Usage.

Enhancing Security in Internet Banking: Exploring Biometric Authentication Technologies.

2. The Impact of Mobile Banking Applications on Customer Engagement and Satisfaction.

3. Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Internet Banking Services in Emerging Markets.

4. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Customer Perception and Adoption of Internet Banking.

5. Fraud and Identity Theft are Accomplished via Internet Banking.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Microfinance

1. The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: A Comparative Study of Different Models.

2. Exploring the Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.

3. Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries.

4. The Effectiveness of Microfinance in Promoting Rural Development: Evidence from a Specific Region.

5. Analysing the Relationship between Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Retail and Commercial Banking

1. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Retail and Commercial Banking: A Case Study of a Specific Bank.

2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Retail Banking: An Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions.

3. Analysing the Relationship between Bank Branch Expansion and Financial Performance.

4. The Role of Fintech Startups in Disrupting Retail and Commercial Banking: Opportunities and Challenges.

5. Assessing the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Performance of Retail and Commercial Banks.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Alternative Investment

1. The Performance and Risk Characteristics of Hedge Funds: A Comparative Analysis.

2. Exploring the Role of Private Equity in Financing and Growing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

3. Analysing the Relationship between Real Estate Investments and Portfolio Diversification.

4. The Potential of Impact Investing: Evaluating the Social and Financial Returns.

5. Assessing the Risk-Return Tradeoff in Cryptocurrency Investments: A Comparative Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to International Affairs

1. The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

2. Analysing the Effectiveness of Capital Controls in Managing Financial Crises: Comparative Study of Different Countries.

3. The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Economic Development in Developing Countries.

4. Evaluating the Implications of Trade Wars on Global Financial Markets.

5. Assessing the Role of Central Banks in Managing Financial Stability in a Globalised Economy.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Sustainable Finance

1. The Impact of Sustainable Investing on Financial Performance.

2. The Role of Green Bonds in Financing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

3. The Development of Carbon Markets.

4. The Use of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors in Investment Decision-Making.

5. The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Finance in Emerging Markets.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Investment Banking

1. The Valuation of Distressed Assets.

2. The Pricing of Derivatives.

3. The Risk Management of Financial Institutions.

4. The Regulation of Investment Banks.

5. The Impact of Technology on the Investment Banking Industry.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Actuarial Science

1. The Development of New Actuarial Models for Pricing Insurance Products.

2. The Use of Big Data in Actuarial Analysis.

3. The Impact of Climate Change on Insurance Risk.

4. The Design of Pension Plans That Are Sustainable in the Long Term.

5. The Use of Actuarial Science to Manage Risk in Other Industries, Such as Healthcare and Finance.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Corporate Finance

1. Study the Relations Between Corporate Governance Structures and Financial Performance

2. Testing the Effects of Capital Structure on Firm Performance Across Different Industries

3. Effectiveness of Financial Management Practices in Emerging Markets

4. Integrating Sustainability and CSR Initiatives Impacts a Corporation’s Financial Performance and Enhances its Brand Reputation.

5. A Comparative Study of the Financing Strategies Employed in Mergers and Acquisitions.

Tips To Find Good Finance Dissertation Topics 

Embarking on a dissertation report on finance topics journey requires careful consideration of various factors. Your choice of topic in finance research topics is pivotal, as it sets the stage for the entire research process. We suggest the following tips that can help you pick the perfect dissertation topic:

1. Identify your interests and strengths 

2. Check for current relevance

3. Feedback from your superiors

4. Finalise the research methods

5. Gather the data

6. Work on the outline of your dissertation

7. Make a draft and proofread it

Lastly, we have discussed the importance of finance thesis topics and provided valuable writing tips and tips for finding the right topic. We have also presented a list of thesis topics for finance students within various subfields. With this, we hope you have great ideas for finance dissertations. Good luck with your finance research journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal

Published on September 21, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

When starting your thesis or dissertation process, one of the first requirements is a research proposal or a prospectus. It describes what or who you want to examine, delving into why, when, where, and how you will do so, stemming from your research question and a relevant topic .

The proposal or prospectus stage is crucial for the development of your research. It helps you choose a type of research to pursue, as well as whether to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

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What should your proposal contain, dissertation question examples, what should your proposal look like, dissertation prospectus examples, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about proposals.

Prior to jumping into the research for your thesis or dissertation, you first need to develop your research proposal and have it approved by your supervisor. It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives .

Depending on your department’s requirements, there may be a defense component involved, where you present your research plan in prospectus format to your committee for their approval.

Your proposal should answer the following questions:

  • Why is your research necessary?
  • What is already known about your topic?
  • Where and when will your research be conducted?
  • Who should be studied?
  • How can the research best be done?

Ultimately, your proposal should persuade your supervisor or committee that your proposed project is worth pursuing.

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Strong research kicks off with a solid research question , and dissertations are no exception to this.

Dissertation research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly
  • What are the main factors enticing people under 30 in suburban areas to engage in the gig economy?
  • Which techniques prove most effective for 1st-grade teachers at local elementary schools in engaging students with special needs?
  • Which communication streams are the most effective for getting those aged 18-30 to the polls on Election Day?

An easy rule of thumb is that your proposal will usually resemble a (much) shorter version of your thesis or dissertation. While of course it won’t include the results section , discussion section , or conclusion , it serves as a “mini” version or roadmap for what you eventually seek to write.

Be sure to include:

  • A succinct introduction to your topic and problem statement
  • A brief literature review situating your topic within existing research
  • A basic outline of the research methods you think will best answer your research question
  • The perceived implications for future research
  • A reference list in the citation style of your choice

The length of your proposal varies quite a bit depending on your discipline and type of work you’re conducting. While a thesis proposal is often only 3-7 pages long, a prospectus for your dissertation is usually much longer, with more detailed analysis. Dissertation proposals can be up to 25-30 pages in length.

Writing a proposal or prospectus can be a challenge, but we’ve compiled some examples for you to get your started.

  • Example #1: “Geographic Representations of the Planet Mars, 1867-1907” by Maria Lane
  • Example #2: “Individuals and the State in Late Bronze Age Greece: Messenian Perspectives on Mycenaean Society” by Dimitri Nakassis
  • Example #3: “Manhood Up in the Air: A Study of Male Flight Attendants, Queerness, and Corporate Capitalism during the Cold War Era” by Phil Tiemeyer

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

  • Survivorship bias
  • Self-serving bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Halo effect
  • Hindsight bias
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  • Machine learning
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  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

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  • Grammar Checker
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  • Citation Generator

The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question .

  • If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis , use quantitative methods . If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods .
  • If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
  • If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables , use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

A well-planned research design helps ensure that your methods match your research aims, that you collect high-quality data, and that you use the right kind of analysis to answer your questions, utilizing credible sources . This allows you to draw valid , trustworthy conclusions.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

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George, T. (2023, July 18). How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal. Scribbr. Retrieved August 19, 2024, from

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MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 18, 2023

Are you looking for a unique and focused MBA marketing dissertation topic but not sure what topic will suit your circumstances? A topic must be based on your research interest and preferences, so you don’t lose interest in your research work halfway through the process.

This article provides a list of MBA marketing dissertation topics in various research areas so you can choose one according to your needs.

What is Marketing in Business Management?

Marketing aims to promote goods and services and increase sales for your business by creating, sharing, and planning. Moreover, marketing studies the relationship between products, brands, and services and human behaviour. These elements define a company’s value and measure its growth. You need a well-crafted marketing strategy to increase brand recognition, attract more customers, and drive sales.

To achieve result-driven marketing, marketers must thoroughly understand client requirements, the competitive environment, and how those factors impact business success. Having that said, looking for the perfect MBA marketing dissertation topics? We will help you with that. First, we will walk you through possible types of marketing for your dissertation topic.

Marketing Research Areas For Your Dissertation

There are many types of marketing, as you may have guessed, so choosing an appropriate MBA marketing dissertation topic can be a little overwhelming. The following are the most notable types of marketing you could base your thesis title on:


Marketing in this form is the most common. It involves paying advertisers to place different kinds of ads in newspapers, television programs, billboards, and other posters.

Also read:  Advertising Dissertation Topics

Public Relations

Advertisers use this form of advertising to promote their brands without buying advertising space. Your business can raise awareness by sponsoring events or writing articles for the media.

Also read: Public Relations Dissertation Topics

Direct Marketing

Sending direct marketing messages to potential customers by postal mail or email is one method of direct marketing. Thus, it is similar to direct response advertising without paid media such as print or television.

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion refers to any activity designed to increase sales at a specific point in time rather than across the year. Businesses offer various types of sales contests and discounts during specific periods (such as Black Friday and the Christmas holiday season).

Short-term sales are always the goal rather than building long-term brand awareness through customer loyalty. The most common form of sales promotion is coupons, but other forms include free samples and rebates.

Product Marketing

An essential aspect of any business is product marketing. Creating a connection between your brand and consumers is the role of product marketing specialists. By understanding how consumers perceive your product or service category, they can help you position yourself against your competition more accurately.

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List of Dissertation Topics For MBA Marketing

The following list of issues will undoubtedly help you brainstorm topics for your marketing dissertation.

  • The Impact of Product Placement on Brand Building
  • Customer Relationship Management In The UK
  • Customer Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction In Online Retailing Companies
  • Economics of computerized communication in the COVID-19.
  • Social Media And Customer Relationship Management:
  • An analysis of the connection between brand investment and observed risk comparison
  • Issues of standardization vs. adaptation in global marketing
  • Impact of Mobile Companies’ Marketing Communications Practices on the Behaviour of Loyal Consumer Base
  • Using anticipated control establishes a brand advantage, generates leads and piques customer attention.
  • A Growing Love for the Data Burst utilizing analytics’ potential
  • The Impact of Social Networks on Consumer Online Purchasing Behavior
  • Automating customer service interactions
  • Variation of prices for commodities across online and offline sources,
  • Effects of a company website’s user interface for business.
  • Safeguarding consumer privacy in digital marketing
  • Incorporating social processes when pursuing various markets and fostering market interest.
  • Systems that businesses use to respond to customer boycotts.
  • A Feasibility Study on Marketing and Advertising, Emphasizing Differences and Similarities
  • The Effects of Online Animated Advertising Strategies and E-Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Behaviors
  • A cost-benefit analysis of creative advertising strategy and direct marketing strategy
  • Comparing the Competition: A Discussion of the Various Business Strategies You Can Use to Ensure Success
  • Factors needed to distinguish between micro and macro Businesses
  • Effects of a Longer Warranty on Increasing Market Share for Electronic Products
  • the connection between a system’s characteristics and location
  • The advantages that organizations gain from customizing their works.
  • Mobile commerce’s advantages and disadvantages.

The Significance of MBA Marketing Dissertations

Marketing can provide you with the following benefits:

  • Selling is only one aspect of marketing. It’s about building relationships, and a connection is made through communication.
  • As a result, marketing enables you to establish brand awareness among your target audience, thereby increasing your chances of achieving your business objectives.
  • By analyzing competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, marketers can develop a plan to help them gain an edge over their opponents.
  • In order to generate leads for their clients, marketers use various techniques, such as email marketing, web analytics, social media marketing, and more.
  • Your marketing professionals develop strategies to engage your clients with your brand on a variety of platforms, including email marketing, social media, and more.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

The marketing industry is extremely competitive today, so creating the same boring dissertation as hundreds of other students did makes it even harder to stand out. However, MBA is one of those most in-demand spaces for marketing.

ResearchProspect provides academic help to students of MBA marketing or any other area of marketing. If you are looking for a dissertation writer to provide customised thesis ideas and complete your dissertation according to your university guidelines, get started by placing your order for the dissertation proposal or the full thesis here .

Also read: Engineering Management Dissertation Topics ,  Business Management Dissertation Topics ,  Risk Management Dissertation Ideas ,  Talent Management Dissertation Topic Ideas

Also read: Facebook marketing dissertation topics and Social media dissertation topics.

Marketing is a nitty-gritty area of study that ties directly back to your business growth and keeps your company in the consumer’s mind. You can advertise on television, radio, and social media all day.

It helps you get your product out there and circulate among your target audience. You can write a dissertation on the above-mentioned MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics .

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about mba marketing.

For MBA marketing dissertation topics:

  • Study recent marketing challenges.
  • Investigate industry trends.
  • Analyze consumer behavior shifts.
  • Explore digital marketing innovations.
  • Consider branding or market entry strategies.
  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about for in-depth research.

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Dissertation Topics in Marketing


  • Updated on  
  • May 8, 2023

Dissertation Topics in Marketing (1)

As a Marketing graduate, you are expected to submit a Dissertation as a part of your degree or PhD programme. Your Marketing Dissertation topic can connect to various areas including, branding, link marketing, wire/automated marketing, retailing principles, or any alternative field of marketing. Often, students have difficulty finding the correct dissertation topic for their Marketing course. Hence, to encourage you to get established with topic suggestions, we have acquired a list of the recent arguments you can use to create your Marketing Dissertation. Keep reading this blog to know more!

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This Blog Includes:

Dissertation topics for marketing, topics for mba marketing, b2b marketing topics , topics on digital marketing, relationship marketing dissertation topics, branding dissertation topics, direct marketing dissertation topics, cultural and marketing dissertation topics, online marketing dissertation topics, mobile marketing dissertation topics, the 4ps of (price, product, promotion, place) of marketing mix, consumer psychology and marketing dissertation topics, social media marketing dissertation topics, ethics in marketing dissertation topics , explore the well-crafted marketing dissertation topics  , present the perfectly written dissertation on marketing.

Marketing: Dissertation Topics

  • What are the incentives and intentions behind support programs for corporations to engage consumers in the long series?
  • To what degree does Caffe Nero’s app foster consumer allegiance?
  • How and why can communication marketing be employed to entice new clients through social elements?
  • How does production variety influence policy patriotism among high and low-contact producers?
  • Can leisure goods merchants avoid obstacles by replacing bolt-in clients with a different set of benefits and products?
  • How do entrepreneurs grapple with polygamous behaviour among users?
  • Computerised communication economics in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the magnitude of personalisation and customisation.
  • Growing policy support through long-value distribution management–an event study of UK health brands.
  • What are the challenges for Tesco’s support card system in now’s cutthroat factory environment?
  • An investigation of the relationship between observed risk and brand investment: A correlation of department store retailers in the UK .
  • How does modernisation impact customer brand resonance? A process study of reception brands who were forced to innovate due to COVID-19.
  • Do purchasers really figure out a company’s brand benefits? The process of Starbucks vs McDonald’s.

Students of the MBA Marketing course can refer to the following list of marketing dissertation topics.

  • Involving communal systems when seeking different markets and developing the market interest.
  • Systems companies use acting on customer boycotts.
  • The job of joint buy in a poor industry.
  • Are modernisations useful in building up the number of clients?
  • The relationship between the geographic position and the nature of a system.
  • The benefits groups get from the customisation of their works.
  • Mobile commerce: its powers and shortcomings.
  • The change in prices on offline and wire markets of properties.
  • How serious is the job of branding in the progress of a business?
  • Are there proper limitations in brand selling plans?
  • What are the key features of Internet commerce?

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Here are some dissertation topics for B2B marketing.

  • Altering the Marketing Management. What are the new models, functions, processes, and techniques?
  • Making the Idea Organisation: How to use expected control to set up brand advantage, develop leads, and interest clients.
  • Getting to Love the Data Burst. Carrying out the potential of analytics for increased planning, margin control, and outcome.
  • Drawing up for the B2B Social Buyer. Establishing the appropriate commerce difference between conventional customs and the new civil user.
  • Sales Channel Enablement. Increasing the impact from your portfolio of enablement movements across direct and ancillary demand channels.
  • Next Generation Account-Paltry Commerce. Developing the model, mix, and workforce across the full businesses and distribution cycle.

Given below is a list of Digital Marketing dissertation topics.

  • How does the value of things that affect wire trade differ corresponding to the amount type in the works trade in the UK?
  • Do consumers react negatively to low and high-term actions in an aggressive networked status? The process of wire record deals.
  • In what respects do available wire conversation areas affect users’ return to direct selling promotions in civil form sets?
  • Evaluating the power of vision brands’ direct selling via YouTube.
  • How does the telemarketers’ community (tone) affect consumer feedback in a more diversified global business situation?
  • Do users learn how to care for themselves from dishonest direct selling ploys employed by civil forms advertising firms?

Also Read: How to Write Acknowledgement for Dissertation?

Relationship Marketing is a marketing tactic to build long-term relationships with customers. This strategy allows companies to acquire customers, while also maintaining customer loyalty that further results in repeated customs for the respective company. In the modern business world today, Relationship Marketing can be a great base for your marketing dissertation as it provides you with a diverse range of dissertation topics:

  • Digital relationship marketing in the age of COVID-19: Analysing the importance of personalisation and customisation.
  • Analyzing the customer-centric marketing strategies in attaining competitive advantage for the firm and sustaining business success.
  • The role of information technology in revolutionizing marketers’ approach towards manipulative advertisement.
  • Customer loyalty – Behaviour or attitude? A mixed-method analysis.
  • The relationship marketing strategies of Nike: A critical analysis.

In simple terms, a Brand is who you are while marketing is how you choose to build awareness about the brand. Basically, promoting a brand’s products and the services provided as a whole. Branding refers to the analysis of how businesses can use their brands to achieve a competitive advantage, through building brand equity, launching brand extensions, managing global brands, and more. Listed below are some Branding Dissertation Topics to begin with:

  • How does innovation impact consumer brand resonance? A case study of hospitality brands who were forced to innovate as a result of COVID-19.
  • Do consumers really understand a company’s brand values: Starbucks vs McDonald’s.
  • A case study: Using digital methods to increase brand salience.
  • Using social media marketing to attract customers to brands of small companies.
  • The consequences of Unethical behaviour on the brand image: The cases of Shell, Nike and Starbucks.

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As technology is evolving, the concept of Direct Marketing is a boon for companies as it allows companies to connect with customers directly through advertising services such as emails, online adverts, flyers, database marketing, promotional letters, newspapers, outdoor advertising, phone text messaging, magazine adverts, coupons, phone calls, postcards, and websites. Direct Marketing allows companies to understand a customer’s specific needs to provide them with the most relevant products and services. Listed below are some topics for Direct Marketing Dissertation:

  • In what ways do free online chat rooms influence consumers’ responses to direct sales promotions in social media environments?
  • The effectiveness of beauty brands’ direct marketing via YouTube: Analysis
  • Using SMS and email to connect with customers: Advantages and limitations of direct marketing.
  • Using social media to reduce the cost of direct marketing
  • Brand Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction In Online Retailing Company: A Case Study On Amazon

As businesses are expanding throughout the globe, Culture plays an important role in the interaction of marketers with customers. Culture has a great impact on international marketing due to the increase of globalisation in the business world. Companies are required to gain in-depth knowledge of the local culture before offering a product to them as effective communication is a major factor that contributes to customers buying the products. Listed below are some topics for your reference in the Cultural and Marketing Dissertation:

  • Native advertising: Exploring its effectiveness in the UK, China, and the US.
  • The effect of culture on marketing communications: The case of Coca-Cola in India
  • How do supermarket chains overcome language differences in Switzerland?
  • Effects of social media on organisational culture in the UK’s fashion industry.
  • How does language impact brand identity? The case of Coca-Cola in the People’s Republic of China.

Online Marketing is an essential part of Marketing as it allows companies to build relationships with customers and spread awareness about the brand through digital marketing such as Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Analytics and Affiliate Marketing. Unlike the traditional way of marketing that included print, billboard, television and radio advertisements, Online Marketing is a lot more affordable and effective. A dissertation on Online Marketing can definitely provide you with a wide range of topics. Listed below are some of the topics for a dissertation on Online Marketing:

  • The case of Apple: How can firms customise their products?
  • The impact of digital marketing innovation on Apple’s performance
  • Pop-up advertisements: Hit or a miss
  • Celebrities and influencers: Have they changed the game of online marketing?
  • Analyzing customers’ psychology and its role in digital marketing.

Due to the increase in Internet browsing on mobile phones nowadays, Mobile Marketing has become an essential part of marketing communication. It aims to reach out to mobile users through different methods such as mobile-optimized ads, push notifications and mobile applications. Listed below are some topics for a Mobile Marketing Dissertation:

  • Can a strong brand image be built through mobile marketing techniques?
  • What do customers want from mobile marketing messages?
  • How does location influence mobile marketing communications?
  • What role does timeliness play in mobile marketing communications?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of push-and-pull mobile marketing strategies?

The 4Ps of Marketing are widely used by marketers to influence consumer decision-making. Listed below are some topics you can use as a base for writing a Dissertation on Marketing Mix:

  • The impact of product information availability and persuasive advertising on consumer behaviour.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising in international marketing.
  • The Importance of Marketing mix on non-profit organisations.
  • Is word-of-mouth (i.e. online customer reviews) the new element of the Marketing mix?
  • Case of iTunes: Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect the brand image? 

Marketing is ultimately underpinned by customer behaviour, which may be explained in large part by studying consumer psychology. This focuses on how consumers behave at each stage of the purchasing process and why they react the way they do. Marketers can use this information to create and implement communication strategies that target specific client groups based on their psychological characteristics. Here are some ideas for marketing dissertation topics based on marketing and consumer psychology:

  • What drives customers to buy things from Amazon?
  • What are the benefits and advantages of customer internet reviews?
  • What impact do marketing intelligence and planning have on sports marketing?
  • How can businesses use Big Data to obtain a better knowledge of their customers’ psychology?
  • What do customers think about green marketing?
  • What are customers’ feelings about Burberry’s digital marketing efforts?
  • What were the forefathers of word-of-mouth communication? A case study in blockbuster marketing.
  • How does gender influence information processing among luxury goods consumers?

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are widely used mediums for reaching out to customers online. Social media has become an essential part of both local and international companies. Some topics for Social Media Dissertation are:

  • A content analysis of Food brands Instagram posts.
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.
  • Instagram, influencer marking and trust – a critical analysis.
  • Partnering with YouTube content creators and influences – An effective marketing strategy for brands.
  • Implications for marketing managers: limitations of social media marketing.

Ethics in Marketing is the implication of standards of fairness, or moral rights and wrongs, to marketing decision-making, behaviour, and practice in the firm. Using unethical marketing practices may put a company’s viability at risk and cost its reputation which might have taken years to build. From ethical business practices to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), several research options are available for a marketing dissertation. Some topics to begin with a dissertation on Ethics in Marketing are as listed:

  • How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?
  • What impact does published codes of conduct have on customer buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer
  • The influence of local culture on business ethics of immigrants- A case study of the UK
  • Vegan vs cruelty-free: the politics of labelling and why it matters
  • What factors distinguish a consumer’s choice of most and least socially responsible firms?
  • Exploring how organizations use corporate social responsibility (CSR) to reinforce brand equity

Marketing is a process through which companies be they Local or International use to create and build brand awareness, and customer relations, and for increasing business profits. Marketing is a great field for research as it provides you with a large number of research topics and sources. Listed below are some Marketing Dissertation Topics to start from niche:

  • Analysis and determination of consumer buying behaviour for Coca-Cola
  • Critical research on how AI will help make better marketing decisions
  • Brand advertising and political campaigns: a possible interwoven impact?
  • Analysis of how brands exploit impulsive buying
  • Marketing budgets included by BREXIT
  • The effect of COVID-19 on the global economy
  • The decline in organic reach on social media platforms
  • Do people appreciate being click baited into sponsored posts?
  • How the extraordinary content offered by intelligent chatbots can help sports teams strengthen fan loyalty

A dissertation requires a lot of independent research so it may get a bit difficult to start with. Demonstrating your ability to think critically and analytically is what you’re supposed to bring in your Marketing Dissertation. A marketing dissertation requires you to conduct extensive research and present an argumentation in a particular claim of the topic you have chosen. The very first step to presenting a perfectly written marketing dissertation is to choose a topic you’re genuinely interested in, this allows you to understand and present the arguments well. However, you should make sure that the topic chosen is capable enough of contributing to your future in career aspects. You can look for marketing topic ideas from present scenarios, academic journals and scholarly books. In the aftermath of choosing the topic, you’re supposed to develop a research question. While creating a research question you must keep in mind your ability to answer it through primary and secondary sources. Gather the necessary material for your research and prepare an outline for your Marketing Dissertation. The last and final step of presenting a perfectly written marketing dissertation is to revise, edit and proofread your dissertation and make changes if required. Revise your marketing dissertation as many times as you can until you are fully satisfied with the paper. 

The best research topics in digital marketing include Artificial Intelligence, Conversational Marketing, Video Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Influencer marketing, Pay per Click Advertising, Visual Search, and Social Media Management and Marketing.

Some special dissertation topics in commerce are: 1) Write about the influence that advertising picks up on the performance of purchasers. 2) Address about the scholars can be trained among the mobile phone business. 3)Write about how foreign commerce can manage standardisation.

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What does it mean to specialize your mba.

by Kisa Parker, Director of Student Success and Academic Advising

In the world of MBA programs, breadth is key. For this reason, the curriculum at Rice Business is comprehensive. It equips students with a versatile skill set, priming them for leadership roles across diverse industries.

However, for those looking to delve deeper into specific areas, specializations offer an excellent opportunity to focus your academic journey.

Specializations also serve as an effective narrative tool, helping you craft a story about your career interests and ambitions. They are particularly beneficial for students aiming to pivot into new industries, as they demonstrate your commitment and expertise in a specific area.

What is a specialization? 

Specializations are focused tracks within the MBA program that allow students to hone their expertise in a particular field.

The decision to specialize is entirely up to you. For some, it’s a strategic move to stand out in the job market, facilitate a career shift, engage in unique learning experiences or simply follow a passion. For others, the general MBA experience, with its wide range of 100+ electives , provides the diversity they seek.

Our advising team is here to support you, whether you’re certain about a specialization or exploring your options. Engaging with faculty and career advisors can help clarify how a specialization might align with your goals and interests.

Interested in Rice Business?

Specializing at rice business.

Rice prides itself on delivering a top-ranked education with plenty of flexibility, which is why we recently launched our Hybrid program . Specializations offer another way for students to customize their degree to match their schedules, interests and goals.

Our Online MBA students have seven focus areas to choose from. And our on-campus students can choose from among 10 specializations.

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Operations Management
  • Real Estate
  • Strategic Management

Each specialization requires 9-12 credits and is designed to complement the broader MBA education.

Keep in mind: specializations are not mandatory, nor are they necessary to secure a job. Instead they are a means to enhance your personal and professional growth. Our advising team can work with you to plan your elective selections, using specializations as a guide.

Timing and Flexibility

Since specializations are not officially tracked at Rice Business, our students don’t need to formally declare one (or two). We recommend deciding on a specialization as you begin taking electives. This timing allows you to tailor your elective choices to match your interests and career aspirations.

While specializations provide a focused pathway, they do not alter the core MBA experience. All students, regardless of specialization, benefit from a core curriculum that recruiters expect MBA graduates to have. Specializations can enhance your MBA journey by offering targeted learning opportunities and helping you network within your chosen field.

For more information, please check out our specializations page or consult our admissions team .

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Tepper Online Hybrid MBA: Part-Time Program. Full-On Experience.

The tepper online hybrid mba allows you to earn a stem-designated mba in a part-time, online format that’s laser-focused on the future of business — informed by data, powered by humans..

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A Top-Ranked Online MBA

#2 online mba program, u.s. news & world report (2024), fortune (2024), #2 online mba program, u.s. schools, financial times (2024), why choose the tepper online hybrid mba.

In this top-ranked online program, you’ll work in collaborative teams alongside whip-smart peers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. 

Guided by the same dynamic faculty who teach our Full-Time MBA program, you’ll pursue an analytics-focused curriculum as you learn to harness emerging technologies and wield data to fuel better decisions.

Have you completed undergraduate business coursework in the past 10 years? You may be eligible for our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format. In our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format, you’ll earn the same degree, faster. See if you’re eligible.

Identical Degree. Flexible Format.

In our Online Hybrid MBA format, you can count on the same challenging and rewarding core coursework taught by our professors who lead the Tepper Full-Time MBA program. You will graduate with an identical STEM-designated MBA — ready to lead at the speed of change.


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Have you completed undergraduate business coursework? You may be eligible for our Online Hybrid Accelerated MBA format.

Explore an Accelerated MBA

“With an online program, you want to feel you’re part of something, not out there on your own. During the application process, Tepper was so responsive and accommodating. It felt like people really cared about me personally, and that has continued during my time here.”

-  Amarachi Ude, MBA 2024, Industrial Engineer, FedEx Ground

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Lasting Connections

Community is a hallmark of the Tepper School experience. 

You’ll complement your Online Hybrid MBA with in-person Access Weekends  — immersive opportunities to forge close ties with your colleagues, take classes, and participate in professional development activities. Both in Pittsburgh and online, you'll tackle team-based projects, soak up diverse perspectives, and strengthen bonds with faculty and fellow students that will continue throughout your career.

Professional Growth

Working with your own leadership coach , you’ll create a customized leadership development plan to guide you to greater empathy, self-awareness, and effectiveness — preparing you to lead tomorrow’s workforce with insight.

It’s where you’ll realize your leadership potential. You’ll graduate ready to manage people, build networks of influence, inspire others to join in your pursuit of a common goal, and execute that goal with excellence.

Application Deadlines

  • Round 1: Oct. 1, 2024
  • Round 2: Jan. 6, 2025
  • Round 3: March 3, 2025
  • Round 4: May 5, 2025
  • Round 5 (Online Hybrid Only): June 9, 2025

Deadline details

We are offering GMAT/GRE/EA waivers on a case-by-case basis.

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The Index (AMI) — a free, automated profile review for MBA candidates — gives you a candidate profile score, details of what affected your score, and recommends opportunities to strengthen your candidacy. 

Get your report in  just 5 minutes   and  see how your profile compares to the "perfect" candidate and to the schools you are targeting. The score is not expressly indicative of your likelihood of being admitted into the Tepper MBA program and we encourage you to contact our admissions team to discuss your results.

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Flexible Format

Not much room in your life for the challenges of a master’s degree? Our Online Hybrid flexible format is for you.

Live, interactive classes meet just two evenings a week and include offline content that you’ll complete at your own pace. You'll also come to campus multiple times per year, where you'll strengthen the online connections you’ve made. 

Part-Time Schedule, Full-Time Benefits

Personalized leadership training. Professional career services . Access to many professional clubs. An international alumni community that’s there for you. Enjoy all the Tepper MBA advantages as you pursue a flexible online MBA. No matter how you pace your studies, you get the full Tepper School experience.

Find answers to the most common questions about the online MBA in our  Online Hybrid MBA FAQs .

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Apply for standard admission to Kelley

Students who enroll in IU Bloomington by Spring 2025 or earlier apply for standard admission to the Kelley School based on the following criteria.

For an application to be eligible for review, students must complete:

  • Application for admission to Kelley in the second semester (defined as fall/spring) of enrollment on the IU Bloomington campus, applications submitted after 2 semesters will not be considered*. 
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of college coursework by the time the application is reviewed. Credits may include any college-level coursework on the transcript, such as SLST coursework, AP credit, IB credit, test credit, dual enrollment coursework, and ACP coursework. 
  • Full-time enrollment at IUB (minimum of 12 credit hours) in the application semester. 
  • Integrated Core prerequisite courses (14.5 hours in total, may include coursework transferred in – utilize Credit Transfer Service and IU Intercampus Transfer to learn more on how your coursework may transfer in.): 
  • BUS-A100 Basic Accounting (1 credit)  
  • BUS-C104/106 Business Presentations (3 credits) 
  • BUS-K201/204 The Computer in Business (3 credits)  
  • BUS-T175 Compass 1 (1.5 credits) 
  • ENG-W131** English Composition (3 credits)  
  • ECON-B251 Fundamentals of Economics for Business I (3 credits)

*Students who officially declared a major outside business, took courses in pursuit of that major for a full semester or more and later determined they plan to apply to Kelley may be considered for an application beyond their second semester on the IU Bloomington campus

Is math required for admission to Kelley?

No, completion of a math course is not required to be eligible for Kelley standard admission.

While math is not required as part of the standard admission process, it is required for completion of a Kelley degree.

  • Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 must complete both MATH-M 118 and MATH-M 119 (or approved equivalents) for the degree.
  • Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 must complete one   of the following: MATH-B 110: Mathematics of Business and Public Affairs (new course) or MATH-M 118 or MATH-M 119 for the degree.

If a student chooses to complete their required math course during the first year, the course(s) will be considered as a part of the admissions review.

If a student chooses to complete MATH-M 118 and/or MATH-M 119 at another college or university, they should use the  IU Credit Transfer Service  to find a transferable course(s) and view  transfer credit policies  and processes. The course(s) will not be a part of the admissions review.

Students should follow the  ALEKS math placement  guidelines, in consultation with their academic advisor, and take the course(s) as directed by the placement exam. Additionally, in this conversation students can determine when to complete the course knowing it will need to be successfully completed no later than the first semester of the second year, as math modeling is a prerequisite to ECON-E 370/STAT-S 301, which must be successfully completed prior to I-Core.

Approved equivalent courses for both  MATH-M 118 AND MATH-M 119 are acceptable for satisfying degree requirements

  • Approved MATH equivalents for students who started during this timeframe can be found on the I-Core prereqs page of the 2023-24 Kelley academic bulletin .
  • Approved MATH equivalents for students who started during this timeframe can be found on the I-Core prereqs page of the 2024-25 Kelley academic bulletin .

First Semester Academic Record Review:

Students who have either of the following on their academic record at the end of their first semester at IU Bloomington will be ineligible to pursue standard admission to the Kelley School of Business and will be dropped from all Kelley School of Business admissions courses before the start of the next semester. * Students should work with their AMES advisor to select new courses in their alternative major.

Three (3) or more of the following:

  • Any letter grade below a B (B-, C+, C, C-)
  • Withdrawal (W)
  • Incomplete (I)
  • X grade (X)
  • Any grade of D+, D, D-, or F

*Students will be dropped from BUS-A 100, BUS-C 104/106, BUS-K 201/204, BUS-T 175, and ECON-B 251. Students will not be dropped from ENG-W 131 or equivalent course.

How are pre-Business students admitted to Kelley?

Automatic admission.

Students whose records indicate grades of Bs or better in every IU Bloomington course on the first attempt will be automatically admitted.

Comprehensive Review

Students whose records indicate any of the following will have their applications comprehensively reviewed by the Kelley Undergraduate Admissions committee. The admissions committee reviews grades in  all IU Bloomington courses, not just business courses. A student with any of the following risk factors is in jeopardy of their standard admission application being denied.

  • One or more grades below a B (B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D-, or F) in an IU Bloomington course.
  • Withdrawals (W’s), X’s ( X grade replacement policy), or unresolved incompletes (I’s) 

Students whose applications will undergo a comprehensive review should meet with their AMES academic advisor to ensure they are creating a plan and enrolling in courses for their alternative major in case they are not admitted to Kelley.

Students whose records indicate two unsuccessful attempts to complete a single I-Core prerequisite, including grades below a C, withdrawals (W’s), incompletes (I’s), and X grades, will  have their applications automatically denied.

Social media

  • Facebook for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program
  • Twitter for the Kelley School of Business
  • Linkedin for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program
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  • Pinterest for the Kelley School of Business Full-Time MBA Program

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Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO, dies at 56 after cancer battle

By Lucia Suarez Sang

Updated on: August 10, 2024 / 10:07 AM EDT / CBS News

Susan Wojcicki, who served as CEO of YouTube for nine years and was one of Google's first hires, died on Friday at age 56 after a battle with cancer, her family announced.

Wojcicki's husband, Dennis Troper, announced her death in a post on Friday evening on Facebook.

"It is with profound sadness that I share the news of Susan Wojcicki passing. My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non-small cell lung cancer," Troper wrote in the  post . "Susan was not just my best friend and partner in life, but a brilliant mind, a loving mother, and a dear friend to many. Her impact on our family and the world was immeasurable."

"We are heartbroken, but grateful for the time we had with her. Please keep our family in your thoughts as we navigate this difficult time," he added.

Polish Politics And More (archives 2016-2022)

Wojcicki joined Google in 1999 as the company's 16th employee, becoming the search engine's first marketing executive. She helped launch Google Video and oversaw the company's 2006 purchase of YouTube, a then-fledgling rival video-upload site, Variety reported.

She was named CEO of YouTube in 2014 and led the video-sharing platform through immense growth. She stepped down in February 2023 to "start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects."

YouTube CEO Neal Mohan paid tribute to his predecessor in a post on social media .

"I had the good fortune of meeting Susan 17 years ago ... I am forever grateful for her friendship and guidance," Mohan wrote in part. "I am forever grateful for her friendship and guidance. I will miss her tremendously. My heart goes out to her family and loved ones."

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, said in a post on that he was "unbelievably saddened by the loss" of Wojcicki.

"She is as core to the history of Google as anyone, and it's hard to imagine the world without her." Pichai wrote. "She was an incredible person, leader and friend who had a tremendous impact on the world and I'm one of countless Googlers who is better for knowing her. We will miss her dearly. Our thoughts with her family. RIP Susan."

Wojcicki was born on July 5, 1968 in Santa Clara, California. Her father, Stanley Wojcicki, was a physics professor at Stanford and her mother, Esther Wojcicki, was a teacher. She attended Harvard University and earned a master's degree in economics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She received an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Wojcicki is survived by her husband and four children. Her son Marco, 19, died of a drug overdose at UC Berkeley in February.

  • Susan Wojcicki

Lucia Suarez Sang is an associate managing editor at Previously, Lucia was the director of digital content at FOX61 News in Connecticut and has previously written for outlets including, Fox News Latino and the Rutland Herald.

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'QUEEEEEN': Raygun of Olympics breakdancing fame spotted busting moves, gains fan in Adele

Rachael gunn, also known as raygun, was spotted breakdancing in front of cheering fans on the heels of the 36-year-old's newfound fame stemming from her performance at the 2024 paris games.

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Rachael Gunn , also known by her breakdancing name Raygun, went viral during the 2024 Paris Olympic Games , but the Australian is garnering even more attention after she was recently filmed busting a move or two in front of adulating fans.

Gunn is a 36-year-old university lecturer from Sydney who made waves with her performance at Place de la Concorde during the Paris Games' breakdancing competition. Many people online, and even Grammy-winning singer Adele, poked fun at Gunn's unique moves.

"I think it's the best thing that's happened in the Olympics the entire time," the British singer said about Gunn's dancing while on stage during a concert in Munich, Germany. "Did anyone see the breakdancing lady? Now I didn't even know that breakdancing was an Olympic sport these days. I think that's (expletive) fantastic."

Watch: Adele praises breakdancer Raygun during concert

Adele continued to say that she and her friends had been "laughing" for "nearly 24 hours" about Gunn's dancing, but she said it made her "very very happy."

Despite the jokes, Gunn continues to embrace the spotlight and some lucky fans even got a chance to see her breakdance in person. TikTok user @jeanmitchell posted a video of Gunn dancing in the street as fans surrounded her and yelled after each move. The caption was: "(Expletive) QUEEEEN"

@jeanmitchell_ FKN QUEEEEEN #RAYGUN #breaking #breakdancing #paris2024 ♬ original sound - Jeanos

How did Raygun do at the Paris Olympics?

Although Gunn is gaining fans, the Olympic judges were anything but as they didn't give the "B-girl" a single point throughout the competition. She was defeated by USA’s Logistx, France’s Syssy and Lithuania’s Nicka, losing 18-0 on each occasion.

Gunn, who wrote her PhD thesis on the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture, also repped Australia at the world championships in 2021 and 2022 before earning a spot at the Olympics through the Oceania championships in 2023, CNN reported.

"In 2023, many of my students didn’t believe me when I told them I was training to qualify for the Olympics and were shocked when they checked Google and saw that I qualified,”  Gunn told CNBC earlier this month .

While most of the 32 B-boys and B-girls at the Paris Games had been breakdance battling since they were young, Gunn did not participate in her first battle until 2012.

“All my moves are original,” Raygun told CNN after competing in Paris. “Creativity is really important to me. I go out there and I show my artistry. Sometimes, it speaks to the judges, and sometimes, it doesn’t. I do my thing and it represents art. That is what it is about.”

Exclusive: Redpoint-backed VoyceMe has raised $10 million in seed funding to tap the $100 billion-plus market for anime, manga, and webtoons 

VoyceMe founder Dylan Telano.

One-Punch Man is a manga-turned-anime about existential dread, and the stilted, life-sucking agony of being unchallenged. 

“I love One-Punch Man, particularly because the creator at the start actually had no idea how to create good art,” said Dylan Telano, founder and CEO of VoyceMe, a platform for publishing and reading webcomics. “The original One-Punch Man was drawn on a napkin and that ended up getting published, and then it became the series that we all love. It’s honestly one of the inspirations behind why I started VoyceMe.”

The series follows a superhero who, no matter what, beats all his foes with a single punch. And that gets pretty depressing after a while. The scale of the anime superhero’s problem may be unrelatable (who on Earth can solve all their problems with a single punch?), but his search for meaning in an impossible world is universal. And Telano is doing something many would consider impossible—or at the very least, far from being venture-backable: With VoyceMe, Telano is hoping to solve core issues for artists working in manga and webcomics, while meeting the demand of a growing and interconnected media market.

VoyceMe has raised new seed capital, bringing its total funding so far to $10 million, Fortune can exclusively report. This latest round was led by Redpoint Ventures, with participation from Torch Capital, Red Sea Ventures, and Clara Vista Partners, all existing investors. The company did not disclose a valuation. 

The bear case for VoyceMe is pretty obvious: If monetization never takes off at scale or if it never reaches that scale in the first place because the market isn’t big enough, that’s that. The bull case, I’d argue, is a lot more interesting. That case expressly includes the idea that not only is the marketplace for anime and webtoons big enough—it’s growing. 

“We actually have three markets that all hit our demographics, the anime market, the manga market and the webtoon market,” said Telano. “What’s interesting about all those markets is that they’re rapidly growing.”

There’s certainly evidence this marketplace is maturing—for example, consider the IPO of OG comics publishing platform Webtoon this summer. And the numbers on where the marketplace is headed are compelling, especially when considered in one fell swoop: By 2032, the manga market is projected to hit $53 billion, the anime market is expected to reach $60 billion, and the webtoon market’s set to make it to $40 billion, according to various market researchers. 

For VoyceMe, the goal is to make money in a multi-pronged plan that includes licensing its proprietary AI tools, producing original content (for which VoyceMe owns the intellectual property), and monetizing its platform and its relationships with creators (carefully) over time. 

VoyceMe declined to disclose any current revenue numbers, but did say the platform receives more than eight million monthly visits, with readership since last year spiking by 1,000%. The company has a scattered world of semi-competitors, from newly public Webtoon to the nontraditional comics-sharing that happens on Reddit. 

But Telano’s thesis is this: The North American market, considered to be “prized” but nascent compared to Asia, is set to grow. And that means that there are going to be more manga, anime, and webcomic fans in a marketplace that’s not ready to meet the demand .

“There is, in my opinion, a massive misalignment between supply and demand, and ultimately the creators are suffering from the consequences of a hard life, with low pay,” said Telano. “Creators live such crappy lives, and in this space, the issue runs really deep…People read content in this space very quickly. It takes five artists working 80 hours a week to make one chapter, then it gets consumed in 30 seconds.”

Telano connected me with artist Matthew Johnson, who was one of the top 10 creators on the platform before he started working with VoyceMe. (His work includes Thrash: The Rise of Shidou , a moody but luminous comic about a world of dying gods.) Johnson is candid about the struggles that artists like him face, and said that VoyceMe streamlined his artistic process, from promotion and marketing assistance, to technological aids, to helping reduce the physical strain.

“Working on art is a physical labor, it’s not just a hobby,” said Johnson. “I know that’s probably going to blow someone’s mind…But that’s where the hardships come in, the repetitive tasks. I had a wrist injury last year and Dylan really had his ear out, and said ‘let me do something to help.’ In my experience, VoyceMe understands and is sympathetic to artists, and that speaks volumes.”

One of the things about manga and webcomics is that creators are readers, and readers are creators. If you know anyone who loves anime or manga, you know that love is often lifelong. 

“The past few years have taught us that consumer is hard, and that a truly fanatical following is required to build an enduring platform,” said Redpoint Ventures principal Meera Clark via email. “The sheer number of hours these weebs (a new word for me) spend consuming content and engaging in and around it is nutty—and presents the clearest pull we’ve seen for a vertical social network in a very long time.”

I maintain that webtoons on their own aren’t venture-backable, but VoyceMe’s ambitions are clearly bigger. And I think there’s still a lot we don’t know about the limits of the combined manga, anime, and webtoon market in the U.S. It may be the wrong question anyway. After all, as One-Punch Man hero Saitama asks: “Who decides limits? And based on what?”

See you tomorrow,

Allie Garfinkle Twitter: @agarfinks Email: [email protected] Submit a deal for the Term Sheet newsletter here .

Nina Ajemian curated the deals section of today’s newsletter.


- Setpoint , an Austin, N.Y.-based infrastructure provider for the credit industry, raised $31 million in Series B funding. 645 Ventures led the round and was joined by Citi , Wells Fargo , Andreessen Horowitz , and others.

- CodeRabbit , a Walnut Creek, Calif.-based code review AI platform, raised $16 million in Series A funding. CRV led the round and was joined by Flex Capital , Engineering Capital , and angel investors.

- ArborXR , a remote mobile device management software for VR and AR, raised $12 million in funding. Mercury Fund and Cortado Ventures led the round and was joined by Impact Venture Capital and Lewis & Clark Ventures .

- Spline , a Middletown, Del.-based collaborative 3D design platform, raised $10 million in Series A funding. Third Point Ventures led the round and was joined by Gradient Ventures , Y Combinator , Firestreak , and others.

- Collo , a Tampere, Finland-based liquid process performance solution, raised €5 million ($5.5 million) in funding. SEB Greentech Venture Capital and led the round and were joined by existing investor Scale Capital .

- Holman acquired a minority stake in FM Capital , a Boulder, Colo.-based venture capital firm focused on the automotive and transportation industries. Financial terms were not disclosed.


- Advent International agreed to acquire a majority stake in ​​​​SYSPRO , a Tustin, Calif.-based ERP software provider for the manufacturing and distribution industries. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Haveli Investments and Bregal Milestone agreed to a majority recapitalization of M-Files Corporation , an Austin-based knowledge work automation platform. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- An affiliate of H.I.G. Capital acquired Axis Europe , a London-based property maintenance services provider. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Tide Rock acquired Glenn Wayne Wholesale Bakery , a Bohemia, N.Y.-based wholesale bakery and outlet. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Tide Rock acquired Global Electronics Recycling , a Phoenix-based electronics recycling company. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Tide Rock acquired Premier LogiTech , a Dallas-based supply chain solutions provider. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- ToxStrategies , a portfolio company of Renovus Capital Partners , acquired Suttons Creek , a Westlake Village, Calif.-based service provider for pharmaceutical companies. Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Vista Equity Partners acquired JAGGAER , a Durham, N.C.-based enterprise procurement and supplier collaboration software company, from Cinven . Financial terms were not disclosed.

- Carlyle agreed to acquire Baxter’s Kidney Care segment from Baxter International , a Deerfield, Ill.-based medical equipment manufacturer, for $3.8 billion.

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    Knowing the right way to set up an MBA thesis and understanding the MBA thesis writing structure is really important, especially in 2023. This organized approach helps researchers plan their work well and present their findings effectively by using the correct data collection methods used in MBA thesis.

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    MBA Dissertation Topics. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nursing Dissertation Topics. ... Published by Owen Ingram at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On July 18, 2024 A degree in business administration is intended for those wishing to start their own business or expand an existing one.

  12. 50 MBA Research Topics & Essential Writing Tips

    Don't worry if this sounds daunting—we're here to help! In this post, we'll explore 50 intriguing MBA research topic examples across various disciplines, from finance and marketing to HR and strategic management. Plus, we'll guide you on turning a chosen topic into a research proposal, and share some inspiring success stories.

  13. MBA Dissertation Topics: 40+ Ideas to Get You Started

    An MBA dissertation is a six-part assignment that requires dedication and attention to details. You have to choose the best title from a list of topics, conduct in-depth research, develop a structure, write in stages, proofread your work, and attend dissertation defense.. Sadly, brainstorming for topics takes so much time that it might take from an afternoon to several days to find an idea ...

  14. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on November 21, 2023. A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process.It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to ...

  15. Research Topics & Ideas Suitable for an MBA Thesis or Dissertation

    MBA Thesis Topics: Best Business Administration Research Titles. If you're pursuing an MBA degree, one of the most important requirements is the completion of a thesis. This is an opportunity for you to conduct original research and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field of study. But with so many potential thesis topic ...

  16. MBA Dissertation Topics Ideas for Students in 2024

    Determine ways of implementing various leadership styles in managing the diversity of culture in global business teams. B. Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The research topics on logistics management and procurement would ensure that you study in depth the importance of the procurement process. Below are some MBA dissertation topics that ...

  17. 50+ Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

    Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in finance. Choosing a dissertation topic relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area. 2. Personal Interest.

  18. How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal

    When starting your thesis or dissertation process, one of the first requirements is a research proposal or a prospectus. It describes what or who you want to examine, delving into why, when, where, and how you will do so, stemming from your research question and a relevant topic. The proposal or prospectus stage is crucial for the development ...

  19. MBA Marketing Dissertation Topics

    The MBA marketing dissertation ensures 100% profits and excellent customer service as one of the most important aspects of any business. Call +44 141 628 7786 Sign In ; Search; ... 2023 , Revised On August 18, 2023 Are you looking for a unique and focused MBA marketing dissertation topic but not sure what topic will suit your circumstances? A ...

  20. Theses and Dissertations (Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS))

    Exploring business model innovation in response to exogenous crises - a multiple case study of small and medium sized manufacturers in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the South African economy. Their survival is essential to protect the livelihoods of the people they employ, and the ...

  21. Dissertation Topics in Finance

    Step 3: Finalise the research methods to prove the significance of the selected topic. Step 4: Gather the required data from relevant sources. Step 5: Conduct the research and analyse the acquired results. Step 6: Work on the outline of your dissertation. Step 7: Make a draft and proofread it.

  22. PDF Mba Thesis Kaba Garoma September 2023 Haramaya University, Haramaya

    tion, data collection, data analysisand completion of this Thesis. Any scholarly matter that is. recognition through citation. ed in partial fulfil. ment of the requirements for MBA degree at theHaramaya University. Th. Thesis is deposited in the Haramaya University Librar.

  23. Dissertation Topics in Marketing: Digital, MBA, Branding, B2B

    Find the list of marketing dissertation topics for MBA, BBA, & other marketing programs. Marketing dissertation topics in B2B, branding, sports, digital, & businesses. ... assistance of Leverage Edu student counsellors to kickstart your admission and application process to study in the UK in 2023. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free ...

  24. Learn About Our MBA Specializations

    2023 Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Task Force. March 19, 2021 Update. ... Doctoral Dissertation. Current Ph.D. News. Financial Assistance. Meet Current Students. Undergraduate Programs. Business Major. ... Our Online MBA students have seven focus areas to choose from. And our on-campus students can choose from among 10 specializations.

  25. Online Hybrid MBA

    Lasting Connections. Community is a hallmark of the Tepper School experience. You'll complement your Online Hybrid MBA with in-person Access Weekends — immersive opportunities to forge close ties with your colleagues, take classes, and participate in professional development activities. Both in Pittsburgh and online, you'll tackle team-based projects, soak up diverse perspectives, and ...

  26. Alumni

    Wharton MBA Executives Philadelphia Class of 2023. September 28, 2024 Registration is Live! Join your fellow WEMBA Philadelphia alumni for a day of programming and special events. Register Now. See Who's Coming. Schedule. Hotel. Reunion Giving. View Your Class Committee Sona Karia

  27. Standard Admission 2025 Criteria

    Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 must complete both MATH-M 118 and MATH-M 119 (or approved equivalents) for the degree. Students who entered IU Summer/Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 must complete one of the following: MATH-B 110: Mathematics of Business and Public Affairs (new course) or MATH-M 118 or MATH-M 119 for the degree.

  28. Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO, dies at 56 after cancer battle

    YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki: The 60 Minutes Interview 14:01. Susan Wojcicki, who served as CEO of YouTube for nine years and was one of Google's first hires, died on Friday at age 56 after a battle ...

  29. Raygun the viral Olympic breakdancer busts more moves; Adele is a fan

    Gunn, who wrote her PhD thesis on the intersection of gender and Sydney's breaking culture, also repped Australia at the world championships in 2021 and 2022 before earning a spot at the ...

  30. Exclusive: Redpoint-backed VoyceMe has raised $10 million in seed

    One-Punch Man is a manga-turned-anime about existential dread, and the stilted, life-sucking agony of being unchallenged. "I love One-Punch Man, particularly because the creator at the start ...