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Creative Writing Program

The Creative Writing Program at UIC offers a set of courses for students who wish to practice writing as a art and a craft, providing a complement to UIC’s rigorous coursework in expository writing. Students will engage in and be inspired by works of literature from all cultures and of all time periods from ancient to contemporary, all which will set the ground for themselves to explore the traditional and experimental forms in their own fiction, poetry, non-fiction, plays, screenplays, manga and literary translation. In addition to the general course offerings, students can also take part in various extracurricular creative writing activities, such as Yonsei University’s Academy of American Poets College Prize and The Lab, a creative writing publication produced by the UIC Arts club, CATS.

Students who complete the required number of courses and submit a final manuscript are eligible to obtain UIC’s Creative Writing Certificate. Students in their final year may choose a faculty member of their choice to work on a creative writing senior thesis.

Attaining a Creative Writing Certificate will enhance the resumes of UIC graduates who wish to pursue graduate studies in MFA programs or programs in literature and the humanities. In addition to drawing attention to UIC’s strengths in the liberal arts and its status as one of the very few institutions in Asia to offer creative writing courses, students from majors outside the Humanities will benefit by demonstrating evidence of wider intellectual and artistic interests than their counterparts from other institutions.

Students may earn a creative writing certificate by satisfying the following requirements:

1. Achieving a minimum B average in four creative writing courses, which include the following genres and areas:

Poetry, fiction, non-fiction (nature writing & memoir), literary translation, and play and screenwriting. Of the four courses required for the certificate, students must complete one course in poetry, one in fiction, and one selected from the remaining three areas (either non-fiction or literary translation or play and screenwriting), while the forth course can be from any area. A maximum of two 2000-level (or lower) creative writing courses may count toward the certificate.

2. Submitting a manuscript/portfolio for evaluation according to the following approximate guidelines:

  • poetry: 30 pages (collection)
  • fiction: 50 pages (novella, multiple short stories, or novel excerpt) 
  • non-fiction: 50 pages (essay or series of essays, book excerpt) 
  • literary translation: poetry (50 pages), short stories, novella, novel excerpt (100 pages) 
  • play/screenplay: 60-90 pages (series of plays, full play, full 30-minute screenplay for television, complete act of a play or feature-length film) 

3. Submitting a formal application prior to the start of the student’s last semester.

Please direct all applications and inquiries to Professor Loren Goodman: [email protected]

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Yonsei University Underwood International College

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korea university creative writing

  • Creative Writing and Media Studies


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Required Student Skills and Qualities

Career paths after graduation.

Creative Writing and Media Studies

Training and Developing Traditional Creative Writers and Writers In New Media Creative Writing and Media Studies

Location Culture and Sports Building No.203

Tel 044-860-1280

Fax 044-860-1281

The Creative Writing and Media Studies major aims to provide effective writing education in order to produce writers in new media, and traditional creative writers with in-depth knowledge and competence. The major is becoming a center for the best media-related writing in the country, balancing pure literature and practical literature. We strive to create top-class writers and digital-content experts with a profound knowledge in such diverse areas as composition of broadcasting, image media, advertisement language, digital storytelling.

In order to produce creative writers and content experts, we enhance mutual exchange of academic information from other disciplines, and invite working poets, writers, and critics to hold a variety of writing workshops and seminars. These special seminars aid students in understanding the relationship between the literature and art, which serves as a basis for producing professionals. Practical education, lectures from specialists, internships, and classes from other disciplines and departments are also offered to cultivate good relations with industries, which are useful for getting a job.

1. Creative Writing Ability Students who have a talent for creative writing, consistently improve their abilities, and have a plan to make their debut as a writer

2. Ability to Think in an Integrated Way Students who have the abilities to analyze and think in an integrated way, and excellent language proficiency to become a global leader

3. Ability to Combine Various Genres of Writing in a Practical Way Students who have the abilities to plan and write in a creative way by combining creative writing and other genres of writing such as films, advertisements, games, and webtoons

Drama Criticism Novels Visual Narrative Modern poetry
Name Status Tel. E-Mail Address Research Field Academic Career
Hong Jangsu Professor 044 -860 -1283 Ph.D., Korea University, Korea
Lee Hyewon Professor 044 -860 -1284 Ph.D., Korea University, Korea
Park Hyoungsu Professor 044 -860 -1285 Ph.D., Korea University, Korea
Park Yuhee Professor 044 -860 -1286 Ph.D., Korea University, Korea
Lee YoungKwang Professor 044 -860 -1282 Ph.D., Korea University, Korea

If students are interested in creative writing and research after finishing undergraduate school, they can go to graduate school to study more. Many graduates work as a poet, novelist, play writer, and critic. The ability to write well is required by almost every company, so graduates can get a job in various fields. Some of the graduates go into the field of advertisements, publications, and broadcastings, and some become movie directors, producers, game planners, webtoon artists, and company workers.

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  • Curriculum List of Curriculum --> The educational objective of the School of Drama is to nurture “creators” who can lead the Korean and global theatrical artistic space and embody the School’s central premise of “drama as a starting point and completion of all kinds of performing arts”, rather than a conventional or staid notion. The curriculum focuses primarily on practical courses and experimentation with convergence into performance. For the undergraduate program, the first- and second-year curricula focus on core aspects of art education, humanities and introduction to drama, while the third- and fourth-year curricula focus on intensive courses for each major, encouraging students to take interdisciplinary courses with other fields of art, such as music, dance, visual and traditional art, and film. The graduate program focuses on student creation and experimentation to help students develop their own independent world of art as “creators”

Stage Design

Playwriting, theatre studies, musical theatre writing program.

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College of Humanities

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korea university creative writing

  • Korean Language and Literature
  • English Language and Literature
  • German Culture
  • Archaeology and Art History
  • North Korea Studies
  • Creative Writing and Media Studies
  • Chinese Studies

☎ +82-44-860-1202~5

Humanism is the study of the knowledge and wisdom necessary to build a better society based on passion for humanity and culture. Culture is like a flower blooming upon humanity and the College of Humanities is a learning organization to study humanity in a broad sense. Culture created by knowledge and information is the core code of 21st century society. While culture up to this point has been enjoyed as leisure, culture in modern society has become both a product and an asset. The cultural industry era has finally arrived.

In the College of Humanities, we cultivate the talent that will lead the globalization of Korean Studies as well as the development of our national culture based on Korea University's national school tradition and the accumulated experience of the Sejong Campus for the last 25 years. We also work hard to develop unique cultural content necessary for our times. Toward that end, we are strengthening foreign language education, and at the same time, diversifying our liberal arts courses opening major courses more widely so that each student can choose programs that meet his or her needs.

Graduates of the College of Humanities are valued for their ability in various fields such as communication, research, and business enterprises. Their desirability derives not simply from Korea University's reputation but rather from the combination of its distinguished faculty, of which the College of Humanities is proud, student passion toward liberty, justice, and truth, and strong trust and compassion between faculty and students. All of the above are integrated in the cultivation of talent. The College of Humanities will not rest with today's accolades and accomplishments, it will work harder for the globalization of Korean culture and the localization of global culture.

Department of Korean Language and Literature

Department of english language and literature, department of german culture, department of sociology, department of archaeology and art history, department of north korea studies, department of creative writing and media studies, division of chinese studies, ☎ +82-44-860-1210 homepage, introduction.

The Department of Korean Language and Literature, which focuses on Korean language studies and Korean Literature, is the core of the College of Humanities. Since the establishment of the Department of Korean Language and Literature in 1980 with the opening of the Seochang Campus, there has been active research, academic society activities, and student development. In each curriculum, there are various classes that cover the following Korean language studies in depth including phonology, semantics, dialects, and history of the Korean language, Korean traditional literature such as oral tradition literature, classical poetry, classic novel, classic critique, Korean Chinese literature, Korean folklore, and modern literature, including modern poetry, modern novel, history of contemporary literature, contemporary critique, modern drama, and scenarios.

Through this diverse and systematic major (and liberal arts) curriculum, students cultivate abilities to enter the professional arena with creativity and a positive attitude. Not surprisingly, graduates of the Department of Korean Language and Literature work in a wide variety of fields after graduation. Meanwhile, students are growing as Korean Language and Literature scholars with deep and broad perspectives by testing theories learned in classrooms through surveys of folklore and dialectics and through various small group discussions fused with different traditions.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Lee, Ki Dong Professor Ancient Novel [email protected]
Yoo, Young Dae Professor Oral Tradition Literature [email protected]
Lee, Chang Min Professor Contemporary Literature [email protected]

To implant Korean Language and Literature students with a firm grounding in the humanities, the Department of Korean Language and Literature not only offers required major courses such as Understanding Korean Literature and Understanding Korean Language but also elective major courses such as Korean Language Content Studies, Understanding Oral Tradition Literature, Korean Language Grammar Studies, Understanding Contemporary Poetry, Strolling through Ancient Novels, Korean Language Phonology, Understanding the Contemporary Novel, Methods of Literature Research, Understanding Contemporary Critique, Understanding Korean Folklore, Korean Language Dialectics Studies, Readings in Korean Classics, Understanding Contemporary Drama, Study of Teaching Materials and Guidance Methods, and Korean Language Education Studies. Through such courses, students can learn systematically the whole of Korean Language and Literature studies including Korean Language Studies, contemporary Korean literature, and classic Korean literature. In addition, The Department of Korean Language and Literature has various small student activity groups such as the 'Jangsangot Hawk', which practices folk music instruments and studies folklore, The 'Script Lovers', which publishes a journal, the popular singing group the 'Open Spirit,' and the drama club, 'Tuh,' which stages performances 2-3 times a year.

Career Opportunities After Graduation

Graduates of the Department of Korean Language and Literature go on to graduate school or become employed as middle or high school teachers after completing teaching courses. Others enter various fields such as media, advertising, publishing, and corporate public relations. Still others enter the creative arts, becoming poets, novelists, and screenwriters, or actively work in fields requiring creativity such as computer software development.

☎ +82-44-860-1230 HOMEPAGE

Entering the new century, international society needs a common language now more than ever. International relations, active cultural exchange, and economic development have transformed English, the most widely used regional, language into a global language. To meet the needs of the times, the Sejong Campus Department of English Language and Literature was established with the opening of the campus in 1980.

In this department, based on major fields such as Anglo-American literature and English language studies, students become not only aware of practical English but also learn the cultural backgrounds related to English. Based on a fundamental understanding of the English language, the department provides students with the opportunity to contribute to society and grow as individuals. Students also prepare to become actively engaged in this era of internationalization developing the skills that will enable them to lead in the era of globalization.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Sohn, You Song Professor American Literature [email protected]
Woo, Cheol Hwan Professor British Literature [email protected]
Kim, Hyeong Yup Professor English Language Studies [email protected]
Sohn, Young Do Professor 19th Century British Novel [email protected]
Kimrhang, Hye Yoon Professor Syntax [email protected]
Kim, Eun Seong Professor American Poetry [email protected]
Spencer Kevin Gaylen Professor - [email protected]
Park, Young Nam Professor British/American drama [email protected]
Kwak, Hye-young Professor - [email protected]
Lee, Yoon Jin Professor - [email protected]
Stephen A. Smoot Master's Degree, Literature MBA [email protected]

Department of English Language and Literature is mainly focused on British and American literature along with English linguistics, providing students with an opportunity to enhance and stimulate their minds through a better understanding of their studies. This course provides students with ways to learn what position in society they stand in and how to quickly adapt to the constant changes in the current international society. The course also allows students to contribute to the developing and changing society by enhancing their creative and critical thinking.

English is usually just perceived as a functional skill, but here students will learn cultural and social backgrounds associated with English. This will allow students to fully understand the fundamental principles of society and use the knowledge gained to improve oneself.

Currently, graduates of the Department of English Language and Literature perform brilliantly in various fields. A significant number go on to graduate schools in English and other disciplines. This trend is very important for the academic development of the Department of English Language and Literature and a smooth interchange between members.

☎ +82-44-860-1240 HOMEPAGE

Continuing its traditional role, Germany, has been a world leader in culture and industry. As a major country in Europe, placed at the political and economic center of Europe, and by playing the leading role in the process of creating the European Union, it has emerged as the core European country. Since Germany is well positioned geographically, facing Eastern Europe, the need for German experts has been increasing ever since the collapse of the socialistic system. Especially, now, when people want to create a new culture, and escape the influence of the USA, which has dominated global culture and life for the last few decades, the role of the Department of German Culture and Information is wider than ever before.

The department was established as the Department of German Language and Literature to teach the German language, which has played a very important role in philosophy, literature, linguistics, theology, law, business administration, and musicology as well as economic exchange. To reflect the wider objective of providing more practical and extensive knowledge beyond mere language teaching, it changed its name to the Department of German Culture and Information in 2002.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Lee, Seong Jun Professor German Language [email protected]
Choi, Hong Geun Professor German Language [email protected]
Ahn, Jeong Oh Professor German Language [email protected]
Seo, Jang Won Professor German Literature [email protected]
Kim, Kap Nyeon Professor German Language [email protected]

The Department of German Culture and Information nurtures talent that contributes to the development and globalization of Korean politics, economics, and arts and culture by providing a curriculum related to German language (reading and conversation competency) and culture, history, politics, economics, and ideology of regions using the German language.

Classes such as Local Studies of Austria, Local Studies of Switzerland, Drama Theory, Theories of Movies and Plays, Linguistic Philosophy, History of German Literature, European History, Semiology, and European Ideology are offered and native speakers teach conversation. In addition, many classes meeting the requirements of our times such as learning German through English and learning English through German have been introduced.

Major classes offered are German Grammar, German Conversation, German Writing, Introduction to German Literature, History of German Literature, Study of German Writers, Trend of Literary Thoughts, Critique of German Literature, Overview of German Culture, German Language Teaching Methods, Linguistic Philosophy, German Society, Popular Culture of Germany, German Public Media, Study of German Movies, Germany and European Union, German Politics and Culture, History of German Economy, Understanding German Ideology, Overview of Modern German History, Modern Western Philosophy, Problems of German-French History, and Study of German Characteristics.

Graduates of the Department of German Culture and Information enter various fields, including large business enterprises, finance, education, and commerce (refer to the related major "EU Culture and Trading"). Others work as production directors (PD), reporters, and media correspondents including broadcasting stations and newspaper companies. Of course, many others serve on numerous faculties.

Students willing to deepen their study of German culture and information, can get references from faculty members in each field and pursue Masters and Ph.D. degrees in German Literature, German Language, Semiology, German Language Teaching, German Culture, German Politics and Economy, and German Philosophy at universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Major cooperating organizations are the Foreign Students Education Research Center of Wien University of Austria, the AVMZ (Audio Video Medien Zentrum) of Wuppertal University of Germany, the applied language academic society GAL (Gesellschaft Angenwandte Linguistik), the Roman Language Culture Research Center of Berlin Liberty University (Director, Professor Jurgen Trabandt), and the Semiology Research Center of Berlin Technical Institute (Director, Professor Roland Fossner). Through an agreement between Bristol University (UK) and Korea University, some students pursuing Masters or Ph.D. courses can take half of the required classes for both at each university and get a British degree through joint examination.

☎ +82-44-860-1250 HOMEPAGE

Sociology, a study founded on the basis of affection and interest toward humanity and society, provides both the fundamentals of social sciences and practical learning of the indexes of life. Sociology is a social science in which sociologists, compare, analyze, and observe various phenomena of human social interaction and study the characteristics of and rationale behind repetitive human thoughts and behavior, it cultivates understanding of and solutions for social problems with a balanced view of dynamic social structures through a historical perspective.

Sociology, researches behavior, social orders, and interaction between social changes. Through application in various fields, it improves the quality of life and contributes to the development of society. In addition, it generates progressive ideas sharp critical holistic insight, and perspectives about social phenomena. Its systemized and regularized precepts cover a vast area, incorporating fields such as psychology, anthropology, and history.

The department, since its establishment in 1980 with the opening of the Sejong Campus, offers advanced sociology classes such as Classic Sociological Theory, Modern Sociological Theory, Social Issues, Social Discrimination Theory, Political Sociology, Religious Sociology, Social Statistics, and Social Survey Methodology. Recently, it has begun offering classes related to social welfare and action-oriented sociological advances. Therefore, lectures such as Introduction to Social Welfare, Social Policy, Welfare State, and Welfare of the Age are actively promoted.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Suh, Yong Seok Professor Historical Sociology [email protected]
Kim, Yoon Tae Professor Sociology of Development [email protected]
Hwang, Myeong Jin Professor Social Welfare [email protected]

Sociology educates students in and researches fields of sociology meeting the practical needs of modern society. Classes include Social Issues, Classic Sociology, Modern Sociology Theory, Social Classes Theory, Political Sociology, Religious Sociology, and Economical Sociology. In addition, it also strives to nurture social analysis through Social Statistics, Social Survey Methodology, and Social Survey Practice.

Because of the characteristics of sociology, students can widen sociological interest, and their career choices can be quite broad, according to their interests. Currently, graduates of the Department of Sociology are employed in enterprises such as, media and public research organizations, and some of them go on to graduate schools to study sociology more deeply. Also, they participate in academic circle, media, and the financial sector as well as regular enterprises, government organizations, political circle, and various research organizations. They can also prepare for a social analyst-social worker license.

☎ +82-44-860-1260 HOMEPAGE

The Department of Archaeology and Art History is a department dedicated to researching and studying archaeology and art history. Archaeology is the study of ancient human culture and its development. As such, it is complementary to the field of history in the sense that archaeologists investigate and research human existence through remains and artifacts. Archaeology and art history also overlap in that both rely on the study of artifacts from the past, and they developed in close relationship during the process of their mutual development as modern fields of research.

The Department of Archaeology and Art History, established in 1988, emphasizes fundamental research methods, a broad knowledge base, and practical archaeology and art history education. Moreover, it nurtures the talent that will lead the future research of Korean archaeology and art history. Archaeology and art history are fields that do not only research the extinct past but also survey the present and future through the restoration of human footprints, for example.

The archaeology wing of the department searches far and wide for innovative archaeological research both domestically and internationally including archaeological theory and research history to give its students a leading edge. Art history offers various classes for students to experience new research methods by introducing a broad background of world art history as well as Korean art history. In addition, the Department of Archaeology and Art History promotes various academic activities, including regular spring and fall field surveys, regular invitational academic lecture series and an archaeology field training program held in Fukuoka, Japan every summer vacation.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Byeon, Young Seop Professor Art History [email protected]
Lee, Hong Jong Professor Archaeology [email protected]
Jung, Woon Yong Professor Philological Archaeology [email protected]
Bang, Byeong Seon Professor Korean Art History [email protected]
Choi, Jong Taek Professor Historical Archaeology [email protected]

The Department of Archaeology and Art History boasts a distinguished faculty, equipped with both theory and practical knowledge that provide the best education for future experts in related fields, and maintain a close relationship with each student. In addition, the department has its own multimedia classroom and operating system that parallels field surveys and excavation practices.

Graduates of the department enter various culture-related industries such as art, tourism, and cultural exhibit planning as well as archaeology and art history. In addition, graduates often go on to graduate school to continue their studies in archaeology, art history, and folklore and often enter academia or related organizations. Still others become museum or art gallery curators. Other possible careers include media, publishing and specialized cultural reporting or becoming researchers in humanities related research organizations.

☎ +82-44-860-1270 HOMEPAGE

The most formidable and greatest task of the Korean people is the reunification of South and North. However, actual research of NorthKorea is minimal compared to its importance. The department established in 1997 to address this dearth aims to cultivate experts on North Korea and reunification issues by instilling a formal understanding and knowledge about North Korea in the young generation that will play a reading role in reunification.

In the department, distinguished domestic and international faculty convey the fundamentals of North Korean politics, economics, society, and culture to nurture experts for national reunification. In addition, it endeavors to incorporate academic theory of more inclusive fields including North Korean art, education, defense, and foreign relations, thereby superceding mere regional research to infuse a firm academic foundation. As a result, North Korea Studies is now considered a program that approaches reunification issues within the context of global human history.

The Department of North Korea Studies, in researching North Korea, not only emphasizes research areas such as politics and economics but also strengthens research in other areas such as society, culture, and arts in order to nurture specialized experts. In addition, it strives to create a subjugation theory on the basis of thorough theoretical research on the Juche Ideology of Kim Il Sung and the Revolutionary Tradition through analysis and critique.

By approaching the reunification issues of the Korean Peninsular, which our people must solve, through a comprehensive academic perspective based on research, the department educates both experts with a firm understanding of North Korea and reunification, and nurtures talent with academic inquiry and a practical sense of duty toward national reunification.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Yoo, Ho Yeol Professor Comparative Politics [email protected]
Nam, Seong Wook Professor North Korean Agriculture, Socialistic Economics [email protected]
Lim, Jae Cheon Professor North Korean Policy [email protected]
Cho, Young Key Professor North Korean Policy [email protected]
Hong, Kwan Hee Professor North Korean Economy [email protected]
Tatiana Gabroussenko Professor - [email protected]
Kang, Seung-Gyu Professor - [email protected]
Yoo, Shi-Eun Professor - [email protected]
Song, Bong-Sun Professor - [email protected]

The North Korea Studies Department hosts seminars centered on pending political questions including reunification policies, regional circumstances surrounding the Korean Peninsular, and reunification scenarios and field research. Lectures that raise the understanding of North Korean society as a whole include intensive research on Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il and North Korean politics, economics, foreign relations, military, education, social culture, religion, media, and literature. Such classes and seminars develop new theories and methodologies dealing with the particularity of North Korea and the relationship between South Korea and North Korea invokinge existing theory and analytical methods from the humanities and social sciences with the particularity of North Korea and the relationship between the South and the North.

The North Korea Studies major has the political objective of studying the local characteristics of North Korea as well as developing practical experts who will manage both the South-North relationship and national task of reunification. Career opportunities after graduation include the national civil service such as the Ministry of National Reunification and various research organizations related to reunification. Moreover, local enterprises, seeking to take advantage of the South-North Korean economic and social cultural exchange and cooperation policies, need experts with thorough knowledge of North Korean issues. As a result, career opportunities abound for those who demonstrate ability and promise, especially since it is a newly explored research field.

The graduates of the Department of North Korea Studies, as experts on North Korea research and reunification preparation, can serve as specialized agents in government organizations such as the Ministry of National Reunification, the National Intelligence Services, the armed Forces, and the police, Also, they can work as researchers in related special research organizations, or enter academia or educational organizations. They also can work for civil enterprises pursuing the South and the North exchange and cooperation projects, civil organizations or operate North Korea related venture enterprises.

☎ +82-44-860-1280 HOMEPAGE

Literature is an alternative form of history of the human race. The Department of Media Creative Writing prepares writers to contribute to the literature, the new unfolding of culture and to have universal training. The department views literature as both an academic subject and as a creative art.

The Department of Media Creative Writing was established in 1998 to reform the education approach of the existing Department of Media Creative Writing which previously emphasized selecting and training literary students through a solely practical curriculum. The department now seeks to expand the creativity and enjoyment of literature and culture by developing a deeper perspective that fosters observation and analysis based on a proper creative education. The department provides theories of creation and critique with a balanced approach toward language, philosophy, history, aesthetics, and social grounding about the literary arts and practice courses.

In addition, based on its disciplinary and inclusive characteristics, it supports the study of the literary theory of the East and West and creative skills in neighboring departments, Likewise, it helps students to develop creatively through practice-oriented creation, seminar-type critiques and discussions with invited guest speakers currently working in the literary field. Beyond the classroom, students participate in creative and critical activities.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Hong, Jang Su Professor Drama [email protected]
Lee, Hye Won Professor Critique [email protected]
Park, Hyeong Suh Assi. Professor Modern Novel [email protected]

Unlike other literary departments, which emphasize practical training only, this department strives to acculturate writers and poets through language, history, aesthetics, and social capabilities about the literary arts. To that end, we invite lectures from neighboring departments on literary theories of East and West and offer intensive practice and seminar classes taught by professors who are active poets, writers, and critics. Integrated classes between wide seminars and academic disciplines inspire students to write excellent works by enabling them to understand society and culture and recognize relationships between the humanities and literature.

This department centered on creation and critique not only produces poets, novelists, play writers, and dramatists but also produces human resource workers in fields such as the visual media, press, and advertisement.

☎ +82-44-860-1220 HOMEPAGE

The third sphere of the world is China. Currently China is rapidly growing and showing its intention to develop its sphere not only in a territorial sense, but also in culture and economics. Since Korea and China, have an amiable, active personnel interchange in various, fields, the demand for experts is growing daily. To meet this trend, Korea University expanded the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, to form the Division of Chinese Studies in 2005. This department was created to search for and cultivate distinguished talent in Chinese language, Chinese culture, and Chinese literature. The university strengthened the specialty and distinction of the department even more by inducing a more intensive education system. In this department, we offer many courses to instill a fundamental grounding in Chinese language and culture in a deepened multi-faceted fashion. In addition to perfecting student use of the Chinese language, the school invites one Chinese professor annually, and through lectures taught in native language, works hard to educate students who have capability in theory and practice.

Name Position Major E-Mail
Kang, Chung Hi Professor Chinese Literature [email protected]
Lee, Hae Won Professor Chinese Literature [email protected]
Seon, Jeong Gyu Professor Chinese Literature [email protected]
Kim, Hyo Min Professor Classical Literature, 'Myeong' & 'Cheong' Culture [email protected]
Yu, Kyeong-cheol Professor Popular Culture of Han and Tang Dynasties, Novels of Han and Tan [email protected]
Jang, Yong Professor Chinese Linguistics [email protected]

The Division of Chinese Studies is based on the acquisition and use of modern Chinese rooted in a foundation of literature, history, and philosophy. The department emphasizes expert knowledge of all aspects of Chinese culture from ancient to modern. Currently Korea University has established sisterhood relationships with the best Chinese universities including Beijing University, Ryenmin University, Transportation University of Shanghai, Gilim University, and Harbin Institute of Technology. It is pressing ahead with active interchange by building a dormitory in China and offering student interchange programs. Through such programs, students can study at local universities in China and participate in the Chinese Language Training Program (7+1 China Study Abroad Program) held every summer and winter session. Students can both earn academic credit while experiencing local life in China through these programs. The School of China Studies, through intensive studies about Chinese, cultivates the talent that will lead the global era.

Graduating students of the school can go on to various graduate schools of distinguished domestic and international universities or advance to different enterprises, including media and commerce, and devote themselves to the mutual understanding of Korea and China through interchange and cooperation.

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korea university creative writing

  • The honorable hall of literature with 60-years history Founded in May 1953, department of Creative Writing of CAU is one of the oldest in the country. From the start, the program has emphasized the role that intellectual curiosity plays in literary creation and has aimed to bring together creative and critical thinking to the benefit of both.

korea university creative writing

  • E-mail : [email protected]
  • Fax : +82-2-814-9110
  • Office : #503, bldg.301
  • 17546 | 4726 Seodongdae-ro, Daedeok-myeon, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
  • [email protected]
  • Copyright © 2014 Chung-Ang University

Mokpo National University


  • Kakao Story

Creative Writing Major

Creative Writing Major

  • Theoretical studies to understand and critique literary texts and improve literacy skills
  • Creative fields to learn how to write pure literature such as poetry, novels, child and youth literature, and popular literature such as web novels, genre novels, dramas, and screenplays.
  • Practical studies to cultivate web writers, storytellers, and creators, including publication editing, media content, and cultural curation.

Literary field

poets and novelists, web fiction writers, screenwriters, broadcast writers, bloggers

Publishing, journalism, and advertising field

publication editors, journalists, copywriters

Education field

Korean language teachers and lecturers, professors, reading and writing tutors.. etc.

Cho, Yong-ho 사진

Korea University School of Media & Commuication Graduate School of Journalism & Mass Communication

홈페이지 가입을 위한 개인정보 수집.이용에 대한 동의안내.

고려대학교는 제공자가 동의한 아래의 내용 외의 다른 목적으로 활용하지 않습니다.

  • - 개인정보 수집·이용 목적 : 홈페이지 가입
  • - 개인정보 수집항목 : 포탈아이디, 이름
  • - 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
  • - 개인정보 동의 거부권리 안내 : 신청인은 본 개인정보 수집에 대한 동의를 거부하실 수 있으며, 이 경우 홈페이지 가입이 제한됩니다.

School of Media & Communication

HOME Undergraduate Program School of Media & Communication

  • BA’s-MA’s Linked Program

Overview Facilities History BA’s-MA’s Linked Program

School of Media and Communication (SMC hereafter) at Korea University aims to cultivate ‘Creative Media Architects’ to pioneer and lead the global media and communication industry. We aim to nurture future talents who understand the diverse and complex problems of future media and communication from a balanced perspective and learn to solve problems effectively through creative thinking and data science.

SMC students study a wide spectrum of topics related to media and communication, ranging from the production of media contents to distribution and consumption. Online and mobile media, broadcasting, journalism, film, advertising, and public relations are some topics included in the curriculum.

Two keywords define SMC: ‘Creativity’ and ‘Data Science.’ Through an education program including design thinking, writing expression, visual expression, and digital expression, students polish their ability to produce creative contents. In addition, drawing from data scientific modes of inquiry, learning Big Data, Machine Learning, and Programming enables students to collect, analyze, interpret, and create data. With problem-solving tools learned from various courses, students carry out various tasks to solve media and communication issues.

In and outside classrooms SMC students are expected to voice their ideas and opinions and proactively engage in discussions with professors, other students and their peers.

Through this training, SMC students will grow into media and communication experts who can invent their own original contents, disrupt the current media order, and connect various media forms and contents in a new way, thereby making innovations.

Core Areas of Undergraduate Education

Core Areas of Undergraduate Education
Core Educational Competence Details
1. Media and Society 1-1: Understand the media from macro (e.g., social, cultural, ethical, political, public, global communal, etc.) perspectives.
1-2: Cultivate the capability to solve multidimensional problems of socio-cultural communities based on acquired knowledge of media and communication
2. Media and Individuals 2-1: Connect media with individuals’ cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors as well as understand people’s use of media and communication in relation to other individuals and social groups.
2-2: Cultivate the capability to solve communication problems among individuals and social groups based on acquired knowledge
3. Media and Industry 3-1: Understand the global media industrial ecosystem in terms of policy, management, and strategy.
3-2: Cultivate creativity and strategic management capability to initiate global media start-ups
4. Creativity 4-1: Understand design thinking, written expression, visual expression, and digital expression, and connect one another in innovative ways to produce creative contents.
4-2: Cultivate the capability to solve media and communication problems by employing creativity
5. Media Data Science 5-1: Acquire knowledge on data science including big data, machine learning, and programming in media-related fields.
5-2: Cultivate the capability to solve media and communication problems by using data science knowledge.

Corresponding Courses for Each Core Area of Undergraduate Education

Core Educational Competence
Core Educational Competence Corresponding Courses
1. Media and Society Introduction to Media Media Technologies and Culture Understanding Journalism Media & Politics Media & Communication Special Topics 1
Media & Communication Special Topics 2
Mass Media and Popular Culture in Korea Communication, Cultural Diversity and Media Media and Gender
Popular Culture and Society Digital Media & Democracy: A Project Course Media Law & Ethics
2. Media and Individuals Interpersonal Communication Persuasive Communication Understanding Advertising
Understanding Consumers Principles of Public Relations Theories of Media Effects
Advertising Media Strategy and Planning Public Relations Case Studies Advertising Campaigns
Public Relations Campaigns Strategic Communication Research  
3. Media and Industry Media Economics Introduction to Broadcasting Introduction to Film
Media Technology Media Business and Management Media Industries and Convergence
Entertainment Industries Media Service Design and Business Planning Media Policies
4. Creativity   Creative Media Design & Expression Introduction to Visual Media Content Production Script Writing Practicum  
Writing in Journalism Media Production Planning Introduction to Media Criticism
Aesthetics of Visual Media Photo Essay Multimedia Reporting
Documentary Production Practicum Drama Production practicum Investigative Reporting
Media Production Workshop 1 Media Production Workshop 2 Media Production Workshop 3
5. Media Data Science   Introduction To Media Data Science Analytics Programming Big Data Analysis & Media  
Media Data Mining Media Research Methods Special Lectures in Media Data Analysis

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MYONGJI university

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현재 페이지를 즐겨찾는 메뉴로 등록하시겠습니까? (즐겨찾는 메뉴는 최근 등록한 5개 메뉴가 노출됩니다)

Creative Writing

Career opportunities after graduation, prospects and vision.

  • Office Staff
  • Social Science Campus 34 Geobukgol-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03674, KOREA
  • Natural Science Campus 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17058, KOREA

Copyright (c) MYONGJI UNIVERSITY. All Right Reserved.

차세대 시스템 오픈일정안내

2024학년도 2학기 교내 장학 신청 안내

2024학년도 2학기 학자금대출(취업후상환&일반) 및 특별승인제도 안내

2024학년도 2학기 국가장학(1유형 및 다자녀) 2차 신청 안내(~9.11까지)

학적유지 신청기간 : 8.26(월) ~ 8.29(목) 17:00

수강신청(정정) 기간 : 9. 2(월) 10:00 ~ 9. 5(목) 17:00

수업개시 : 9. 2(월) 14:00 (오후2시부터)

2024년 8월 졸업 확정자 안내

2024학년도 2학기 산업체 및 군 위탁교육생 재직여부 조사 실시

신편입생 합격자 발표 및 등록, 입학문의, 학생상담 (원격 PC 지원) 항목으로 구성된 표
신편입생 합격자 발표 및 등록 입학문의 학생상담 (원격 PC 지원)

합격자등록: 2024. 8. 22(목) ~ 8. 26(월)

평일 09:00 ~ 22:00 / 주말 10:00 ~ 17:00

식사시간 (12시~13시, 17시30분~19시) 제외

숭실사이버대학교 차세대 시스템 주요 기능 안내

korea university creative writing

숭실사이버대학교 학번찾기/비밀번호 재설정

korea university creative writing

숭실사이버대학교 공동인증서등록

korea university creative writing

숭실사이버대학교 포털시스템구성안내

korea university creative writing

숭실사이버대학교 수강신청안내

korea university creative writing

숭실사이버대학교 강의수강안내

korea university creative writing

학사상담(휴/복학, 졸업 등 문의) / 식사시간(12시~13시) 제외

학부, 학과, 전화번호, 이메일, 팩스번호 항목으로 구성된 표
학부 학과 전화번호 이메일 팩스번호
인문예술학부 뉴미디어디자인학과 02-708-7851 [email protected] 02-708-7867
방송문예창작학과 02-708-7836 [email protected]
실용외국어학과 02-708-7840 [email protected]
음악학과 02-708-7888 [email protected]
중국언어문화학과 02-708-7868 [email protected]
한국어교육학과 02-708-7850 [email protected]
휴먼서비스학부 기독교상담복지학과 02-708-7809 [email protected]
사회복지학과 02-708-7830 [email protected]
상담심리학과 02-708-7806 [email protected]
아동학과 02-708-7811 [email protected]
요양복지학과 02-708-7887 [email protected]
청소년코칭상담학과 02-708-7804 [email protected]
크리스천리더십학과 02-708-7805 [email protected]
평생교육상담학과 02-708-7801 [email protected]
융합자산관리학부 경영학과 02-708-7821 [email protected]
금융자산관리학과 02-708-7821 [email protected]
법·행정학과 02-708-7816 [email protected]
부동산학과 02-708-7826 [email protected]
뷰티미용예술학과 02-708-7854 [email protected]
세무회계학과 02-708-7875 [email protected]
스포츠재활복지학과 02-708-7889 [email protected]
엔터테인먼트학과 02-708-7878 [email protected]
ICT·도시인프라공학부 컴퓨터공학과 02-708-7861 [email protected]
건설시스템공학과 02-708-7860 [email protected]
산업안전공학과 02-708-7895 [email protected]
소방방재학과 02-708-7856 [email protected]
건설스마트안전공학과 02-708-7866 [email protected]
전기공학과 02-708-7859 [email protected]
환경안전공학과 02-708-7894 [email protected]

71 Best universities for Literature in South Korea

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in South Korea ranked based on their research performance in Literature. A graph of 211K citations received by 20.3K academic papers made by 71 universities in South Korea was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

1. Seoul National University

For Literature

Seoul National University logo

3. Yonsei University

Yonsei University logo

4. Korea University

Korea University logo

5. Hanyang University

Hanyang University logo

6. Sungkyunkwan University

Sungkyunkwan University logo

7. Pohang University of Science and Technology

Pohang University of Science and Technology logo

8. Pusan National University

Pusan National University logo

9. Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University logo

10. Chung-Ang University

Chung-Ang University logo

11. Kyungpook National University

Kyungpook National University logo

12. Ewha Womans University

Ewha Womans University logo

13. Sogang University

Sogang University logo

14. Inha University

Inha University logo

15. Sejong University

Sejong University logo

16. Konkuk University

Konkuk University logo

17. Ajou University

Ajou University logo

18. University of Ulsan

University of Ulsan logo

19. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies logo

20. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology logo

21. Yeungnam University

Yeungnam University logo

22. Pukyong National University

Pukyong National University logo

23. Chonbuk National University

Chonbuk National University logo

24. Dongguk University

Dongguk University logo

25. Catholic University of Korea

Catholic University of Korea logo

26. Kangwon National University

Kangwon National University logo

27. Kwangwoon University

Kwangwoon University logo

28. Gyeongsang National University

Gyeongsang National University logo

29. Chungnam National University

Chungnam National University logo

30. Chungbuk National University

Chungbuk National University logo

31. Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University logo

32. Soongsil University

Soongsil University logo

33. Gachon University

Gachon University logo

34. University of Seoul

University of Seoul logo

35. Hallym University

Hallym University logo

36. Jeju National University

Jeju National University logo

37. Chosun University

Chosun University logo

38. Hongik University

Hongik University logo

39. Dankook University

Dankook University logo

40. Seoul National University of Science and Technology

Seoul National University of Science and Technology logo

41. Keimyung University

Keimyung University logo

42. Kookmin University

Kookmin University logo

43. Yong-In University

Yong-In University logo

44. Wonkwang University

Wonkwang University logo

45. Seoul National University of Education

Seoul National University of Education logo

46. Sangmyung University

Sangmyung University logo

47. University of Incheon

48. university of science and technology korea, 49. daegu university.

Daegu University logo

50. Eulji University

Eulji University logo

51. Gangneung-Wonju National University

Gangneung-Wonju National University logo

52. Kyonggi University

Kyonggi University logo

53. Inje University

Inje University logo

54. Korea Aerospace University

Korea Aerospace University logo

55. Korea Maritime and Ocean University

Korea Maritime and Ocean University logo

56. Soonchunhyang University

57. dong-a university.

Dong-A University logo

58. Sookmyung Women's University

Sookmyung Women's University logo

59. Changwon National University

Changwon National University logo

60. Myongji University

Myongji University logo

61. Sahmyook University

Sahmyook University logo

62. Kyungnam University

63. anyang university - south korea.

Anyang University - South Korea logo

64. Seoul Women's University

Seoul Women's University logo

65. Hoseo University

Hoseo University logo

66. Kongju National University

Kongju National University logo

67. Dongseo University

Dongseo University logo

68. Korea National University of Transportation

Korea National University of Transportation logo

69. Catholic University of Daegu

Catholic University of Daegu logo

70. Kunsan National University

Kunsan National University logo

71. Cheongju University

Cheongju University logo

The best cities to study Literature in South Korea based on the number of universities and their ranks are Seoul , Daejeon , Pohang , and Busan .

Art & Design subfields in South Korea

Korea University Department of Korean Language&Literature

홈페이지 가입을 위한 개인정보 수집.이용에 대한 동의안내.

고려대학교는 제공자가 동의한 아래의 내용 외의 다른 목적으로 활용하지 않습니다.

  • - 개인정보 수집·이용 목적 : 홈페이지 가입
  • - 개인정보 수집항목 : 포탈아이디, 이름
  • - 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지
  • - 개인정보 동의 거부권리 안내 : 신청인은 본 개인정보 수집에 대한 동의를 거부하실 수 있으며, 이 경우 홈페이지 가입이 제한됩니다.
  • Korean Univ.

Home Undergraduate Course

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Year Sem Completion
Code Course Title   Credit
1 1 University core 100190 English(1) select 2
University core 100820 Advanced English 1 2
University core 100935 Career Design   1
University core 100761 Writing and Presentation   2
University core 100518 Understanding Mythology   3
University core 100529 Reading Eastern Classics   3
University core 100639 History and Human Beings select 2
University core 100762 Korean History 2
University core 100829 Interaction between the Eastern and Western Civilization 2
University core 100798 Understanding Society select 2
University core 100799 Understanding Politics 2
University core 100831 Understanding Economy 2
Major elective 129113 History of Korean Modern Literature   3
2 University core 100770 Practical English Conversation 1 select 1
University core 100818 Advanced English Conversation 1 1
University core 100594 Understanding Literature   3
University core 100643 Ethics in Modern Society select 2
University core 100764 Modern Society and Philosophy 2
University core 100765 Oriental Thought and Modernity 2
University core 100766 The Theory of Modern Culture select 2
University core 100861 Understanding Contemporary Art 2
University core 100862 Understanding Contemporary Literature 2
University core 100833 Technology and Society select 2
University core 100863 Introduction to Natural Science 2
University core 100864 Life and Human Beings 2
Major elective 129249 Reading of Modern Poem   3
Major elective 129251 Reading of Drama   3
2 1 University core 100200 English(1) select 2
University core 100821 Advanced English 2 2
Major core 129203 Modern Poetics   3
Major core 129205 Modern Novel   3
Major core 129250 Oral Literature   3
Major elective 129114 Standard Diction and Right Sentence   3
Major elective 129253 Reading of Drama   3
2 University core 100771 Practical English Conversation 2 select 1
University core 100819 Advanced English Conversation 2 1
Major core 129202 Modern Drama   3
Major core 129204 Basic Practice in Poem Writing   3
Major core 129206 Basic Practice in Novel Writing   3
Major core 129301 Literary Criticism   3
Major elective 129107 A Korean Classical Literary History   3
Major elective 129302 Trend of Literary Thoughts   3

korea university creative writing

Earn a Creative Writing in Korea

Sponsored Meaning Explained

Myong Ji University

Creative writing.

Other Programs from Myong Ji University matching this criteria:

Chung-Ang University

Creative literature.

Other Programs from Chung-Ang University matching this criteria:

Sponsored Study Creative Writing in Korea Program Listings

Stanford Creative Writing Program

The Stanford Creative Writing Program , founded in 1946 by Wallace Stegner, has become one

of the nation’s most distinguished creative writing institutions. After almost 80 years, the

program continues to evolve while also respecting its original vision of recruiting and supporting

talented writers, offering exceptional creative writing instruction and mentorship, and inspiring

undergraduates to develop their own unique creative written expression.

In the 1940s, E. H. Jones generously created the Wallace Stegner Fellowship, now considered

the most prestigious creative writing fellowship in the U.S. for emerging writers. Dr. Jones also

made possible the Jones Lectureships, which are limited, fixed-year teaching appointments,

allowing exceptional Stegner Fellows some time and support to prepare a manuscript for

publication, hone their teaching skills, and transition to a longer-term teaching career elsewhere.

The original framework of term-limited appointments allowed for a consistent flow of selected

Stegner Fellows into the Jones Lectureship. However, over time this framework of term-limited

appointments was not followed.

In the past two years, the School of Humanities and Sciences leadership and the Creative

Writing Academic Council faculty have been working to formulate necessary changes in the

program and to identify additional resources to meet its growing needs. A Working Group of

Creative Writing Academic Council faculty held listening sessions and discussions.

Now, after thoughtful deliberation, the Working Group has recommended restoring the original

intent of the Jones Lectureships: one-year appointments with the possibility of renewal for a

limited term. This change will again allow Stegner Fellows the opportunity to apply to be Jones

Lecturers once they have completed their fellowships.

The university, school, and numerous generous donors are committed to not only the excellence

of the program but also its growth. This means increasing the number of Creative Writing

classes to better meet high student demand as well as ensuring competitive compensation for

both the lecturers and fellows. We will provide more updates in early fall quarter.

We understand that these changes to the Jones Lectureships will be met with mixed reactions.

However, we firmly believe that the changes advance the program’s pedagogical mission and

provide promising writers with the resources to complete their books and obtain appointments at

other colleges and universities.

Throughout the history of the program, the Jones Lecturers—both those who are here now and

those who have been lecturers in the past—have helped make Stanford Creative Writing what it

is today, and we are truly grateful to them for their significant contributions to the program’s


  1. Creative Writing South Korea

    korea university creative writing

  2. A Great Introduction to Korean Calligraphy: Beyond Line

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  3. Korea University

    korea university creative writing

  4. Download Korea University Logo PNG and Vector (PDF, SVG, Ai, EPS) Free

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  5. Korean Writing for University Life

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  6. Korea University ISC2022 Brochure

    korea university creative writing


  1. South Korea's best Creative Writing universities [Rankings]

    Below is a list of best universities in South Korea ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 10.2K citations received by 1.66K academic papers made by 7 universities in South Korea was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  2. Creative Writing Certificate

    1. Achieving a minimum B average in four creative writing courses, which include the following genres and areas: Poetry, fiction, non-fiction (nature writing & memoir), literary translation, and play and screenwriting. Of the four courses required for the certificate, students must complete one course in poetry, one in fiction, and one selected ...

  3. College of Culture and Sports

    Creative Writing Ability Students who have a talent for creative writing, consistently improve their abilities, and have a plan to make their debut as a writer ... Ph.D., Korea University, Korea Lee Hyewon Professor 044 -860 -1284 [email protected]: Criticism Ph.D., Korea University, Korea Park Hyoungsu Professor 044 -860 -1285

  4. Korea National University of Arts

    The School of Drama in K-Arts consists of five Departments: Acting, Directing, Playwriting, Stage Design, and Theatre Studies. It offers a methodical drama education system for each system that is designed to integrate all curricula into 24 large and small scale performances given every semester. Performances are the melting pot and terminus ...

  5. College of Humanities: Korea University Sejong Campus

    Department of Creative Writing and Media Studies ☎ +82-44-860-1280 HOMEPAGE Introduction. Literature is an alternative form of history of the human race. The Department of Media Creative Writing prepares writers to contribute to the literature, the new unfolding of culture and to have universal training.

  6. CAU Creative Writing major

    Founded in May 1953, department of Creative Writing of CAU is one of the oldest in the country. From the start, the program has emphasized the role that intellectual curiosity plays in literary creation and has aimed to bring together creative and critical thinking to the benefit of both. ... PRACTICAL STUDIES IN SENTENCE, SEMINAR OF KOREAN ...

  7. Best Creative Writing universities in Seoul [2024 Rankings]

    Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles. 1. Seoul National University. For Creative Writing. # 1 in South Korea. # 64 in Asia. Acceptance Rate. 20%. Enrollment.

  8. Department of Creative Writing

    The Department of Creative Writing is dedicated to producing professionals who will play crucial roles in the information era of the 21th century, where the industrial application of language and literature are desperately sought after. ... Department of Creative Writing, Seoul National University of Science and Technology ... 01811, Korea Tel ...

  9. Department of Creative Writing

    Department of Creative Writing, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6291

  10. Creative Writing Major

    School of Korean Language, Literature, and Creative Writing Creative Writing Major Theoretical studies to understand and critique literary texts and improve literacy skills Creative fields to learn how to write pure literature such as poetry, novels, child and youth literature, and popular literature such as web novels, genre novels, dramas ...

  11. Creative Writing

    The Department. of Creative Writing pursues to foster a competent writer and researcher through creative practice and research about the theory of pure literature and applied literature on the basis of Love, Truth, and Service of Christianity Spirit. Detail educational goals are as Follow. 1 Improvement of creativity power of pure literature ...

  12. Korea University School of Media & Communication Graduate School of

    The emphasis is on creative writing and critique in class. JMCO277 Writing in Journalism ... Korea university school of media&communication graduate school of journalism&mass communication [02841] Room 201, Media Hall, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea ...

  13. Department of Creative Writing

    Literary Spaces in Korean History 3 4 2 Major Electives 129479 Co-operative Education Program(2) 6 4 ... Department of Creative Writing, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6291 ...

  14. School of Media & Communication

    Korea university school of media&communication graduate school of journalism&mass communication [02841] Room 201, Media Hall, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea TEL.02.3290.1401~4.

  15. Creative Writing & Literary Contents

    Creative Writing & Literary Contents. The Department of Creative Writing and Literary Contents is designed to train literary creators and content experts based on their expertise in the Korean language and Korean culture and their creative imagination. For this purpose, our department launched courses in fields of literary writing and literary ...

  16. Creative Writing

    As the tendency of the cultural content industry in the Korea increase, the demand for more sophisticated level of imagination and creative writing has been increasing, from films, advertisements, broadcasting, publishing, and the press, large and small companies, and school education, its required fields are also various.

  17. KLIP

    Korea University Sejong Campus With a history exceeding 100 years, Korea University (KU), having initially established ... Creative Writing and Media Studies, Culture Contents Sports Science, Sports Business ... Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking Fees • Application Fee : KRW 60,000 • Tuition Fee : KRW 1,500,000 per term • Dormitory ...

  18. Korea Soongsil Cyber University

    The educational goal of the Department of Broadcasting and Creative Writing at Korea Soongsil Cyber University is to foster leading artists and literary elites who will lead the era of today's cultural industry by cultivating professional writing and content creation skills. ... The five major goals of the Department of Broadcasting Literature ...

  19. 71 Best Literature universities in South Korea [Rankings]

    Catholic University of Korea. South Korea | Seoul. For Literature # 450 in Asia # 1739 in the World. Acceptance Rate 60%. Enrollment 14,297. Founded 1855. Statistics Rankings . 26. ... Creative Writing 7. Entertainment Industry Business 10. Fashion Design 91. Game Design and Development 35. Graphic Design 16. Illustration and Concept Art 11.

  20. Korea University Department of Korean Language and Literature

    KORE 307 STUDY OF MODERN DRAMATIST 〔3〕. This course aims to give an introduction to analytic listening and speech sounds identification (ear training), symbolic transcription using IPA, and production and perception of speech sounds. Students learn about a variety of sounds found in the world languages and practice to pronounce them.

  21. Department of Creative Writing

    Korean History: 2: University core: 100829: Interaction between the Eastern and Western Civilization: 2: University core: 100798: Understanding Society: select: 2: ... Department of Creative Writing, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6291 ...

  22. Scholarships for Creative Writing in South Korea

    Prodigy Finance loans are offered to eligible borrowers and these loans are governed by English law. Find exclusive scholarships for international Master's students pursuing Creative Writing studies in South Korea. Search and apply online today.

  23. Korea

    Earn a Creative Writing in Korea. Korea - Full Degree - Creative Writing information on StudyAbroad.com the leading site for Study Abroad, Volunteer Abroad, Intern Abroad, Teach Abroad, & Full Degree Abroad. ... Other Programs from Chung-Ang University matching this criteria: Creative Literature.

  24. Stanford Creative Writing Program

    The Stanford Creative Writing Program, founded in 1946 by Wallace Stegner, has become one of the nation's most distinguished creative writing institutions. After almost 80 years, the program continues to evolve while also respecting its original vision of recruiting and supporting talented writers, offering exceptional creative writing instruction and mentorship, and inspiring undergraduates ...