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7 Steps for How to Write an Evaluation Essay (Example & Template)

In this ultimate guide, I will explain to you exactly how to write an evaluation essay.

1. What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation essay should provide a critical analysis of something.

You’re literally ‘evaluating’ the thing you’re looking up.

Here’s a couple of quick definitions of what we mean by ‘evaluate’:

  • Merriam-Webster defines evaluation as: “to determine the significance, worth, or condition of usually by careful appraisal and study”
  • Collins Dictionary says: “If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them, for example about how good or bad they are.”

Here’s some synonyms for ‘evaluate’:

So, we could say that an evaluation essay should carefully examine the ‘thing’ and provide an overall judgement of it.

Here’s some common things you may be asked to write an evaluation essay on:

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Really, you can evaluate just about anything!

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2. How to write an Evaluation Essay

There are two secrets to writing a strong evaluation essay. The first is to aim for objective analysis before forming an opinion. The second is to use an evaluation criteria.

Aim to Appear Objective before giving an Evaluation Argument

Your evaluation will eventually need an argument.

The evaluation argument will show your reader what you have decided is the final value of the ‘thing’ you’re evaluating.

But in order to convince your reader that your evaluative argument is sound, you need to do some leg work.

The aim will be to show that you have provided a balanced and fair assessment before coming to your conclusion.

In order to appear balanced you should:

  • Discuss both the pros and cons of the thing
  • Discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of the thing
  • Look at the thing from multiple different perspectives
  • Be both positive and critical. Don’t make it look like you’re biased towards one perspective.

In other words, give every perspective a fair hearing.

You don’t want to sound like a propagandist. You want to be seen as a fair and balanced adjudicator.

Use an Evaluation Criteria

One way to appear balanced is to use an evaluation criteria.

An evaluation criteria helps to show that you have assessed the ‘thing’ based on an objective measure.

Here’s some examples of evaluation criteria:

  • Strength under pressure
  • Longevity (ability to survive for a long time)
  • Ease of use
  • Ability to get the job done
  • Friendliness
  • Punctuality
  • Ability to predict my needs
  • Calmness under pressure
  • Attentiveness

A Bed and Breakfast

  • Breakfast options
  • Taste of food
  • Comfort of bed
  • Local attractions
  • Service from owner
  • Cleanliness

We can use evaluation criteria to frame out ability to conduct the analysis fairly.

This is especially true for if you have to evaluate multiple different ‘things’. For example, if you’re evaluating three novels, you want to be able to show that you applied the same ‘test’ on all three books!

This will show that you gave each ‘thing’ a fair chance and looked at the same elements for each.

3. How to come up with an Evaluation Argument

After you have:

  • Looked at both good and bad elements of the ‘thing’, and
  • Used an evaluation criteria

You’ll then need to develop an evaluative argument. This argument shows your own overall perspective on the ‘thing’.

Remember, you will need to show your final evaluative argument is backed by objective analysis. You need to do it in order!

Analyze first. Evaluate second.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say you’re evaluating the quality of a meal.

You might say:

  • A strength of the meal was its presentation. It was well presented and looked enticing to eat.
  • A weakness of the meal was that it was overcooked. This decreased its flavor.
  • The meal was given a low rating on ‘cost’ because it was more expensive than the other comparative meals on the menu.
  • The meal was given a high rating on ‘creativity’. It was a meal that involved a thoughtful and inventive mix of ingredients.

Now that you’ve looked at some pros and cons and measured the meal based on a few criteria points (like cost and creativity), you’ll be able to come up with a final argument:

  • Overall, the meal was good enough for a middle-tier restaurant but would not be considered a high-class meal. There is a lot of room for improvement if the chef wants to win any local cooking awards.

Evaluative terms that you might want to use for this final evaluation argument might include:

  • All things considered
  • With all key points in mind

4. Evaluation Essay Outline (with Examples)

Okay, so now you know what to do, let’s have a go at creating an outline for your evaluation essay!

Here’s what I recommend:

4.1 How to Write your Introduction

In the introduction, feel free to use my 5-Step INTRO method . It’ll be an introduction just like any other essay introduction .

And yes, feel free to explain what the final evaluation will be.

So, here it is laid out nice and simple.

Write one sentence for each point to make a 5-sentence introduction:

  • Interest: Make a statement about the ‘thing’ you’re evaluating that you think will be of interest to the reader. Make it a catchy, engaging point that draws the reader in!
  • Notify: Notify the reader of any background info on the thing you’re evaluating. This is your chance to show your depth of knowledge. What is a historical fact about the ‘thing’?
  • Translate: Re-state the essay question. For an evaluative essay, you can re-state it something like: “This essay evaluates the book/ product/ article/ etc. by looking at its strengths and weaknesses and compares it against a marking criteria”.
  • Report: Say what your final evaluation will be. For example you can say “While there are some weaknesses in this book, overall this evaluative essay will show that it helps progress knowledge about Dinosaurs.”
  • Outline: Simply give a clear overview of what will be discussed. For example, you can say: “Firstly, the essay will evaluate the product based on an objective criteria. This criteria will include its value for money, fit for purpose and ease of use. Next, the essay will show the main strengths and weaknesses of the product. Lastly, the essay will provide a final evaluative statement about the product’s overall value and worth.”

If you want more depth on how to use the INTRO method, you’ll need to go and check out our blog post on writing quality introductions.

4.2 Example Introduction

This example introduction is for the essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society.

“Facebook is the third most visited website in the world. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg in his college dorm. This essay evaluates the impact of Facebook on society and makes an objective judgement on its value. The essay will argue that Facebook has changed the world both for the better and worse. Firstly, it will give an overview of what Facebook is and its history. Then, it will examine Facebook on the criteria of: impact on social interactions, impact on the media landscape, and impact on politics.”

You’ll notice that each sentence in this introduction follows my 5-Step INTRO formula to create a clear, coherent 5-Step introduction.

4.3 How to Write your Body Paragraphs

The first body paragraph should give an overview of the ‘thing’ being evaluated.

Then, you should evaluate the pros and cons of the ‘thing’ being evaluated based upon the criteria you have developed for evaluating it.

Let’s take a look below.

4.4 First Body Paragraph: Overview of your Subject

This first paragraph should provide objective overview of your subject’s properties and history. You should not be doing any evaluating just yet.

The goal for this first paragraph is to ensure your reader knows what it is you’re evaluating. Secondarily, it should show your marker that you have developed some good knowledge about it.

If you need to use more than one paragraph to give an overview of the subject, that’s fine.

Similarly, if your essay word length needs to be quite long, feel free to spend several paragraphs exploring the subject’s background and objective details to show off your depth of knowledge for the marker.

4.5 First Body Paragraph Example

Sticking with the essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society , this might be your paragraph:

“Facebook has been one of the most successful websites of all time. It is the website that dominated the ‘Web 2.0’ revolution, which was characterized by user two-way interaction with the web. Facebook allowed users to create their own personal profiles and invite their friends to follow along. Since 2004, Facebook has attracted more than one billion people to create profiles in order to share their opinions and keep in touch with their friends.”

Notice here that I haven’t yet made any evaluations of Facebook’s merits?

This first paragraph (or, if need be, several of them) should be all about showing the reader exactly what your subject is – no more, no less.

4.6 Evaluation Paragraphs: Second, Third, Forth and Fifth Body Paragraphs

Once you’re confident your reader will know what the subject that you’re evaluating is, you’ll need to move on to the actual evaluation.

For this step, you’ll need to dig up that evaluation criteria we talked about in Point 2.

For example, let’s say you’re evaluating a President of the United States.

Your evaluation criteria might be:

  • Impact on world history
  • Ability to pass legislation
  • Popularity with voters
  • Morals and ethics
  • Ability to change lives for the better

Really, you could make up any evaluation criteria you want!

Once you’ve made up the evaluation criteria, you’ve got your evaluation paragraph ideas!

Simply turn each point in your evaluation criteria into a full paragraph.

How do you do this?

Well, start with a topic sentence.

For the criteria point ‘Impact on world history’ you can say something like: “Barack Obama’s impact on world history is mixed.”

This topic sentence will show that you’ll evaluate both pros and cons of Obama’s impact on world history in the paragraph.

Then, follow it up with explanations.

“While Obama campaigned to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, he was unable to completely achieve this objective. This is an obvious negative for his impact on the world. However, as the first black man to lead the most powerful nation on earth, he will forever be remembered as a living milestone for civil rights and progress.”

Keep going, turning each evaluation criteria into a full paragraph.

4.7 Evaluation Paragraph Example

Let’s go back to our essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society .

I’ve decided to use the evaluation criteria below:

  • impact on social interactions;
  • impact on the media landscape;
  • impact on politics

Naturally, I’m going to write one paragraph for each point.

If you’re expected to write a longer piece, you could write two paragraphs on each point (one for pros and one for cons).

Here’s what my first evaluation paragraph might look like:

“Facebook has had a profound impact on social interactions. It has helped people to stay in touch with one another from long distances and after they have left school and college. This is obviously a great positive. However, it can also be seen as having a negative impact. For example, people may be less likely to interact face-to-face because they are ‘hanging out’ online instead. This can have negative impact on genuine one-to-one relationships.”

You might notice that this paragraph has a topic sentence, explanations and examples. It follows my perfect paragraph formula which you’re more than welcome to check out!

4.8 How to write your Conclusion

To conclude, you’ll need to come up with one final evaluative argument.

This evaluation argument provides an overall assessment. You can start with “Overall, Facebook has been…” and continue by saying that (all things considered) he was a good or bad president!

Remember, you can only come up with an overall evaluation after you’ve looked at the subject’s pros and cons based upon your evaluation criteria.

In the example below, I’m going to use my 5 C’s conclusion paragraph method . This will make sure my conclusion covers all the things a good conclusion should cover!

Like the INTRO method, the 5 C’s conclusion method should have one sentence for each point to create a 5 sentence conclusion paragraph.

The 5 C’s conclusion method is:

  • Close the loop: Return to a statement you made in the introduction.
  • Conclude: Show what your final position is.
  • Clarify: Clarify how your final position is relevant to the Essay Question.
  • Concern: Explain who should be concerned by your findings.
  • Consequences: End by noting in one final, engaging sentence why this topic is of such importance. The ‘concern’ and ‘consequences’ sentences can be combined

4.9 Concluding Argument Example Paragraph

Here’s a possible concluding argument for our essay question: Write an Evaluation Essay on Facebook’s Impact on Society .

“The introduction of this essay highlighted that Facebook has had a profound impact on society. This evaluation essay has shown that this impact has been both positive and negative. Thus, it is too soon to say whether Facebook has been an overall positive or negative for society. However, people should pay close attention to this issue because it is possible that Facebook is contributing to the undermining of truth in media and positive interpersonal relationships.”

Note here that I’ve followed the 5 C’s conclusion method for my concluding evaluative argument paragraph.

5. Evaluation Essay Example Template

Below is a template you can use for your evaluation essay , based upon the advice I gave in Section 4:

6. 23+ Good Evaluation Essay Topics

Okay now that you know how to write an evaluation essay, let’s look at a few examples.

For each example I’m going to give you an evaluation essay title idea, plus a list of criteria you might want to use in your evaluation essay.

6.1 Evaluation of Impact

  • Evaluate the impact of global warming on the great barrier reef. Recommended evaluation criteria: Level of bleaching; Impact on tourism; Economic impact; Impact on lifestyles; Impact on sealife
  • Evaluate the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on poverty. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on jobs; Impact on childhood poverty; Impact on mental health rates; Impact on economic growth; Impact on the wealthy; Global impact
  • Evaluate the impact of having children on your lifestyle. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on spare time; Impact on finances; Impact on happiness; Impact on sense of wellbeing
  • Evaluate the impact of the internet on the world. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on connectedness; Impact on dating; Impact on business integration; Impact on globalization; Impact on media
  • Evaluate the impact of public transportation on cities. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on cost of living; Impact on congestion; Impact on quality of life; Impact on health; Impact on economy
  • Evaluate the impact of universal healthcare on quality of life. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on reducing disease rates; Impact on the poorest in society; Impact on life expectancy; Impact on happiness
  • Evaluate the impact of getting a college degree on a person’s life. Recommended evaluation criteria: Impact on debt levels; Impact on career prospects; Impact on life perspectives; Impact on relationships

6.2 Evaluation of a Scholarly Text or Theory

  • Evaluate a Textbook. Recommended evaluation criteria: clarity of explanations; relevance to a course; value for money; practical advice; depth and detail; breadth of information
  • Evaluate a Lecture Series, Podcast or Guest Lecture. Recommended evaluation criteria: clarity of speaker; engagement of attendees; appropriateness of content; value for monet
  • Evaluate a journal article. Recommended evaluation criteria: length; clarity; quality of methodology; quality of literature review ; relevance of findings for real life
  • Evaluate a Famous Scientists. Recommended evaluation criteria: contribution to scientific knowledge; impact on health and prosperity of humankind; controversies and disagreements with other scientists.
  • Evaluate a Theory. Recommended evaluation criteria: contribution to knowledge; reliability or accuracy; impact on the lives of ordinary people; controversies and contradictions with other theories.

6.3 Evaluation of Art and Literature

  • Evaluate a Novel. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate a Play. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; quality of acting; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate a Film. Recommended evaluation criteria: plot complexity; quality of acting; moral or social value of the message; character development; relevance to modern life
  • Evaluate an Artwork. Recommended evaluation criteria: impact on art theory; moral or social message; complexity or quality of composition

6.4 Evaluation of a Product or Service

  • Evaluate a Hotel or Bed and Breakfast. Recommended evaluation criteria: quality of service; flexibility of check-in and check-out times; cleanliness; location; value for money; wi-fi strength; noise levels at night; quality of meals; value for money
  • Evaluate a Restaurant. Recommended evaluation criteria: quality of service; menu choices; cleanliness; atmosphere; taste; value for money.
  • Evaluate a Car. Recommended evaluation criteria: fuel efficiency; value for money; build quality; likelihood to break down; comfort.
  • Evaluate a House. Recommended evaluation criteria: value for money; build quality; roominess; location; access to public transport; quality of neighbourhood
  • Evaluate a Doctor. Recommended evaluation criteria: Quality of service; knowledge; quality of equipment; reputation; value for money.
  • Evaluate a Course. Recommended evaluation criteria: value for money; practical advice; quality of teaching; quality of resources provided.

7. Concluding Advice

how to write an evaluation essay

Evaluation essays are common in high school, college and university.

The trick for getting good marks in an evaluation essay is to show you have looked at both the pros and cons before making a final evaluation analysis statement.

You don’t want to look biased.

That’s why it’s a good idea to use an objective evaluation criteria, and to be generous in looking at both positives and negatives of your subject.

Read Also: 39 Better Ways to Write ‘In Conclusion’ in an Essay

I recommend you use the evaluation template provided in this post to write your evaluation essay. However, if your teacher has given you a template, of course use theirs instead! You always want to follow your teacher’s advice because they’re the person who will be marking your work.

Good luck with your evaluation essay!


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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2 thoughts on “7 Steps for How to Write an Evaluation Essay (Example & Template)”

' src=

What an amazing article. I am returning to studying after several years and was struggling with how to present an evaluative essay. This article has simplified the process and provided me with the confidence to tackle my subject (theoretical approaches to development and management of teams).

I just wanted to ask whether the evaluation criteria has to be supported by evidence or can it just be a list of criteria that you think of yourself to objectively measure?

Many many thanks for writing this!

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Usually we would want to see evidence, but ask your teacher for what they’re looking for as they may allow you, depending on the situation.

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How to write Evaluative Thesis


September 5 2023 03:02 PM

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In the realm of academic writing, the thesis statement reigns supreme. It serves as the North Star, guiding writers and readers through the complex terrain of ideas and arguments. A well-crafted thesis statement can distinguish between a compelling, thought-provoking essay and one that leaves the audience bewildered or unengaged. Among the various types of thesis statements, the evaluative thesis is a testament to the writer's ability to critically assess and form judgments on a subject.

In this article, we explore evaluative theses, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how to craft them effectively. Whether you're a seasoned academic or a budding writer seeking to hone your skills, understanding evaluative theses will undoubtedly enhance your ability to communicate and persuade through the written word.

Definition of an Evaluative Thesis

Before we delve deeper into the nuances of evaluative theses, let's establish a clear understanding of what they entail. An evaluative thesis is a concise, arguable statement that expresses a judgment or assessment about a particular subject, backed by evidence and analysis. Unlike informative theses that merely inform the reader about a topic or argumentative theses that take a position on an issue, evaluative theses go further. They require writers to critically examine a subject and provide a well-reasoned evaluation, offering insight into its quality, significance, or effectiveness.

Imagine you're a film critic tasked with reviewing a recently released movie. Your evaluative thesis would serve as the core of your review, encapsulating your overall assessment of the film's merits or shortcomings. This thesis statement sets the tone for your review and informs readers about the lens through which you'll analyze the movie's various elements - plot, acting, cinematography, and more.

The Importance of Having a Clear Thesis Statement

In the vast sea of words that constitute the world of writing, a thesis statement is a lighthouse, guiding both the writer and the reader toward a focused, well-structured narrative. Without a strong thesis, an essay can meander aimlessly, leaving the reader uncertain about the writer's intentions or conclusions. Conversely, a well-crafted thesis provides a roadmap for the writer, ensuring that every subsequent paragraph and sentence contributes to the overarching argument or evaluation.

A clear statement is particularly crucial in an evaluative thesis. It sets the stage for your evaluation and helps readers understand how you view the subject. Are you assessing a work of literature for its thematic depth, a scientific theory for its empirical support, or a product for its market viability? Your evaluative thesis tells your audience what to expect and why they should care.

Understanding the Basics 

We must start with a solid foundation to unravel the intricacies of evaluative theses. In this chapter, we will explore the fundamental concepts that underpin the art of evaluative thesis writing. We will define a thesis statement, distinguish between different types of theses, and elucidate the unique role of evaluative theses in academic discourse.

What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that briefly and clearly expresses the main point or argument of an essay, research paper, or any written work. Think of it as the compass guiding the writer and the reader through the text's intricate terrain. It serves as a promise to your audience, indicating the direction your writing will take and the purpose it aims to fulfill.

The Essence of a Thesis Statement:

  • Clarity : A good thesis statement is unambiguous and leaves no room for ambiguity. It provides a clear and specific focus for the entire piece of writing.
  • Conciseness : A thesis statement should be brief and to the point, capturing the essence of your argument without unnecessary jargon.
  • Arguability : An effective thesis statement is debatable. It presents an assertion that can be challenged, discussed, or supported with evidence and analysis.
  • Relevance : A thesis statement must be directly relevant to the topic and align with the subject of your writing.

Different Types of Thesis Statements

Not all thesis statements are created equal. Depending on the writer's objectives, different types of thesis statements can be employed. It's important to recognize the distinctions between these types to choose the most appropriate one for your writing task. The three primary types of thesis statements are:

  • Informative Thesis

An informative thesis statement merely informs the reader about a topic, presenting facts straightforwardly. It does not take a position, make an argument, or provide an evaluation. Informative theses are commonly used in expository and descriptive essays.

Example: "The history of the Great Wall of China spans over 2,000 years."

  • Argumentative Thesis

An argumentative thesis statement takes a clear position on a specific issue or topic and presents an argument the writer intends to prove or defend. It is the cornerstone of persuasive essays and research papers, where the writer seeks to persuade the audience of a particular viewpoint.

Example: "The government should implement stricter regulations on carbon emissions to combat climate change."

  • Evaluative Thesis

Example: "The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee is a timeless masterpiece due to its profound exploration of social injustice and moral growth."

The Role of an Evaluative Thesis in Academic Writing

Evaluative theses are a distinctive breed among thesis statements. They play a crucial role in academic writing by requiring writers to assert their position and critically analyze and evaluate a subject's merits or shortcomings. Here are some key aspects that highlight the significance of evaluative theses in academic discourse:

  • Critical Thinking : Evaluative theses demand rigorous critical thinking. Writers must weigh evidence, consider multiple perspectives, and make informed judgments.
  • Depth of Analysis : They require in-depth analysis and exploration of a subject, often delving into various facets such as quality, significance, effectiveness, or impact.
  • Nuanced Perspective : Evaluative theses foster a nuanced perspective. Writers must distinguish between objectivity and subjectivity, avoiding overly biased or unsubstantiated claims.

With these foundational concepts in mind, we are now equipped to explore the unique characteristics of evaluative theses in greater detail. In the following chapters, we will delve into the art of crafting evaluative thesis statements, selecting appropriate topics for evaluation, and providing robust evidence and analysis to support your judgments.

Characteristics of an Evaluative Thesis

In exploring evaluative theses, one must grasp the distinctive features that set them apart from other thesis statements. Evaluative theses are the analytical bedrock of critical essays and reviews, demanding writers' specific approaches and mindsets. In this chapter, we will delve into the key characteristics that define an evaluative thesis.

  • Objective Evaluation vs. Subjective Opinion

One of the defining characteristics of an evaluative thesis is its emphasis on objective evaluation rather than subjective opinion. While evaluative theses involve making judgments, these judgments must be grounded in evidence, analysis, and established criteria.

Objective Evaluation : In an evaluative thesis, objectivity is paramount. Writers should strive to evaluate a subject based on universally accepted standards, established criteria, or commonly recognized principles. The goal is to provide an assessment that others can reasonably agree or disagree with, regardless of personal preferences.

Subjective Opinion : In contrast, subjective opinions are based on personal feelings, tastes, or preferences and may not be universally applicable. An evaluative thesis should avoid being overly reliant on the writer's personal biases or emotions.

  • The Need for Evidence and Analysis

Evaluative theses are not mere declarations of judgment; they require robust support through evidence and analysis. This support serves two essential purposes:

Substantiating the Judgment : To make a convincing evaluation, writers must present credible evidence that supports their judgment. This can include facts, statistics, examples, or expert opinions.

Demonstrating Critical Thinking : Evaluation demands critical thinking and analysis. Writers must present evidence and analyze it in the context of the subject and criteria. This analysis forms the backbone of a well-constructed evaluative thesis.

  • Expressing a Judgment or Assessment

At the heart of an evaluative thesis lies judgment or assessment. This judgment can take various forms, depending on the nature of the subject and the writer's purpose:

Positive Evaluation : An evaluative thesis may express a positive judgment, highlighting the subject's merits, strengths, or positive attributes. This type of evaluation often seeks to persuade the audience of the subject's value or significance.

Example: "The innovative use of symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' enhances the novel's thematic depth and literary brilliance."

Negative Evaluation : Conversely, an evaluative thesis may convey a negative judgment, focusing on the subject's flaws, weaknesses, or shortcomings. This type of evaluation aims to critique or discourage engagement with the subject.

Example:  "The film's weak character development and clichéd plot detract from its overall quality, disappointing it."

Balanced Evaluation : In some cases, evaluative theses may strike a balanced tone, acknowledging the subject's strengths and weaknesses. This approach fosters a nuanced perspective and may be particularly relevant for complex or multifaceted subjects.

Example:  "While the smartphone offers cutting-edge technology and convenience, its high cost and potential privacy concerns should not be overlooked."

Selecting Your Topic

The choice of topic is a crucial starting point in crafting an evaluative thesis. A well-chosen topic not only sets the stage for a meaningful evaluation but also determines the relevance and engagement of your essay. In this chapter, we will explore the intricacies of selecting a suitable topic for evaluation.

Choosing a Subject for Evaluation

Selecting the right subject is the cornerstone of crafting a compelling evaluative thesis. Here are some considerations to guide you in the process:

  • Relevance and Interest : Choose a subject that is relevant to your audience and aligns with your interests. An engaging topic will capture your reader's attention and motivate you throughout the writing process.
  • Clarity and Specificity : Opt for a subject that can be clearly defined and evaluated within the scope of your essay. Avoid overly broad or vague topics that may lead to unfocused writing.
  • Availability of Information : Ensure you can access sufficient information, evidence, or examples to support your evaluation. A lack of credible sources or data can hinder your ability to make a convincing argument.
  • Significance : Consider the importance of the subject within its relevant context. Evaluating a topic that holds significance in academia, society, or a specific field can add depth and relevance to your writing.
  • Controversy or Complexity : Topics that are controversial or multifaceted often provide rich material for evaluation. They invite critical thinking and analysis, leading to more robust evaluative theses.

Narrowing Down Your Focus

Once you have identified a general subject for evaluation, the next step is to narrow down your focus. This involves defining the specific aspect or dimension of the subject you intend to evaluate. Consider the following strategies:

  • Establish Criteria : Determine the criteria or standards against which you will evaluate the subject. These criteria will serve as the basis for your judgment. For example, if you are evaluating a restaurant, your criteria might include food quality, service, ambiance, and value for money.
  • Focus on Specific Elements : Choose specific elements or components of the subject to evaluate. For instance, if you are evaluating a book, you might focus on its characterization, plot development, or thematic depth.
  • Identify a Research Question : Formulate a research question that encapsulates the core of your evaluation. This question should guide your analysis and help you stay on track as you gather evidence and develop your thesis.
  • Consider Audience Expectations : Consider your audience. What aspects of the subject are likely to interest or concern your readers? Tailor your evaluation accordingly.

The Relevance of Your Topic to Your Audience

While your evaluative thesis primarily reflects your assessment, it is essential to consider the relevance of your chosen topic to your audience. Consider why your readers should care about your evaluation and how it might impact them. Aligning your evaluation with your audience's interests or concerns can enhance the significance of your writing.

In the next chapter, we will delve into the process of crafting your evaluative thesis statement, which will serve as the compass guiding your evaluation. Selecting a relevant and well-defined topic lays the foundation for a compelling and persuasive evaluative thesis.

Crafting Your Evaluative Thesis

As we continue our journey into evaluative theses, we arrive at a critical juncture: crafting the very heart of your evaluation - the evaluative thesis statement. This chapter will explore the art of formulating clear, concise, and compelling evaluative thesis statements that will guide your entire essay.

Developing a Clear and Concise Thesis Statement

The evaluative thesis statement is the anchor of your essay, encapsulating your central judgment and providing a roadmap for your readers. Here's how to craft a clear and concise evaluative thesis statement:

1. Be Specific: Your thesis should focus on the subject of evaluation and the criteria by which you will judge it. Avoid vague or overly general statements.

Vague Statement: "This restaurant has its pros and cons."

Specific Statement: "The restaurant's exceptional food quality and attentive service outweigh its high prices."

2. Express a Judgment: Clearly express your judgment or assessment of the subject. Whether positive, negative, or balanced, your thesis should leave no doubt about your stance.

Positive Evaluation: "The documentary 'Planet Earth' is a stunning achievement in wildlife filmmaking."

Negative Evaluation: "The smartphone's sleek design is overshadowed by its short battery life."

Balanced Evaluation: "While the novel '1984' has enduring relevance, its pacing can be challenging for modern readers."

3. Include Criteria: Indicate the criteria or standards by which you are evaluating the subject. This provides context for your judgment and guides your analysis.

"The film's captivating cinematography and powerful performances make it a must-see."

4. Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure that your thesis statement is unambiguous. Readers should immediately understand the essence of your evaluation and the direction of your essay.

Ambiguous Statement: "The latest software update has pros and cons."

Clear Statement: "The latest software update enhances user interface functionality but introduces stability issues."

Including the Subject of Evaluation and the Criteria

A well-constructed evaluative thesis statement typically comprises two essential components: the subject of evaluation and the criteria by which you are evaluating it. These components work in tandem to provide clarity and focus. Consider the following example:

Evaluative Thesis: "The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee is a timeless masterpiece due to its profound exploration of social injustice and moral growth."

The subject of Evaluation: "The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee."

Criteria for Evaluation: "Profound exploration of social injustice and moral growth."

By including both the subject and criteria, your evaluative thesis sets the stage for your essay's subsequent analysis and discussion.

Avoiding Vague or Overly Broad Statements

Vague or overly broad evaluative thesis statements can lead to unfocused and ineffective essays. Consider these strategies to avoid common pitfalls:

  • Vague Statements: Statements that lack specificity and fail to convey a clear judgment can confuse readers.

"This movie has its good and bad aspects."

  • Overly Broad Statements: Overgeneralized statements may be too broad to address effectively in one essay.

"Technology has both positive and negative effects on society."

  • Lack of Criteria: Ensure that your thesis includes specific criteria for evaluation, as this forms the basis for your judgment.

"The book 'The Great Gatsby' has strengths and weaknesses."

Providing Evidence and Support

A compelling evaluative thesis statement is just the beginning of your journey in crafting a persuasive evaluation. You must provide robust evidence and support to substantiate your judgment and convince your readers. This chapter will explore the critical role of evidence and analysis in bolstering your evaluative thesis.

  • Gathering Relevant Evidence and Examples

Effective evaluation relies on credible evidence and concrete examples that illustrate the merits or shortcomings of your subject. Here's how to gather relevant evidence:

Research: Conduct thorough research to gather facts, data, and expert opinions about your subject. Look for reputable sources, such as scholarly articles, books, websites, or expert interviews.

Direct Observation: If applicable, use direct observation or personal experiences to collect firsthand information about your subject. For example, if you are evaluating a restaurant, visit it and make detailed observations.

Case Studies: Seek out case studies, real-world examples, or case-specific evidence that support your judgment. These can provide powerful illustrations of your evaluation.

Historical Context: Consider your subject's historical context or background, as it can shed light on its significance or evolution over time.

  • Citing Credible Sources

When incorporating evidence into your evaluative essay, it's essential to cite credible sources transparently. Proper citation serves two crucial purposes:

Establishing Credibility: Citing reputable sources lends credibility to your evaluation. It shows that expert opinions or well-documented facts inform your judgment.

Providing a Reference: Citations provide a reference point for readers who wish to explore the evidence further or verify your claims.

Follow the citation style specified by your academic institution or publication guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to ensure consistency and accuracy.

  • Demonstrating Critical Thinking and Analysis

The mere presentation of evidence is insufficient; you must also engage in critical thinking and analysis. Here's how to effectively analyze and interpret your evidence:

Interpretation: Explain the significance of the evidence in the context of your evaluation. Describe how it supports or challenges your thesis statement.

Comparative Analysis: Compare and contrast different pieces of evidence or examples to highlight patterns or trends. This can add depth to your evaluation.

Consider Counterarguments: Acknowledge and address counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Demonstrating awareness of different perspectives adds credibility to your evaluation.

Cause and Effect: Analyze the cause-and-effect relationships between your evidence and the subject of evaluation. How do specific aspects of your subject lead to your judgments?

Critically analyzing your evidence strengthens your argument and demonstrates your ability to think deeply and objectively about the subject.

  • Maintaining a Balanced Approach

Balancing your evaluation is essential, especially when dealing with complex or multifaceted subjects. While providing evidence that supports your judgment is crucial, avoid cherry-picking evidence that only confirms your preconceived notions. Embrace a balanced approach that acknowledges both strengths and weaknesses.

  • Presenting Evidence Effectively

The presentation of evidence in your evaluative essay should be clear and logically organized. Consider the following strategies:

Use of Examples: Incorporate illustrative examples or anecdotes to make your evidence relatable and memorable for your readers.

Organization: Structure your essay logically, each paragraph focusing on a specific evidence or aspect of your evaluation.

Transitions: Use transitional phrases and sentences to guide readers from one piece of evidence to the next, creating a seamless flow of ideas.

Structuring Your Essay 

A well-structured essay is the canvas on which your evaluative thesis comes to life. In this chapter, we will explore the structural components of your evaluative essay, from the introduction that hooks your readers to the conclusion that reinforces your thesis.

  • Introduction with the Evaluative Thesis Statement

Hook Your Readers: Begin your essay with a compelling hook that grabs your reader's attention and introduces the subject of evaluation. This can be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an engaging anecdote.

Evaluative Thesis Statement: In the introductory paragraph, present your evaluative thesis statement clearly and concisely. Ensure it includes the subject of evaluation and the criteria by which you will judge it. The thesis should serve as the guiding beacon for your entire essay.

Contextual Background: Provide some background information about the subject of evaluation, especially if it's not widely known or understood. This helps readers understand its significance.

Body Paragraphs Presenting Evidence and Analysis

The body of your essay is where you present your evidence, analysis, and discussion. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific piece of evidence or aspect of your evaluation:

Topic Sentence: Begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the paragraph's main point. This should connect to your evaluative thesis.

Evidence Presentation: Present your evidence or examples logically and organized. Use descriptive language and context to help readers understand the relevance of the evidence.

Analysis: After presenting evidence, engage in critical analysis. Explain how the evidence supports or challenges your evaluative thesis. Address questions like "Why is this evidence significant?" and "How does it relate to the criteria?"

Transitions: Use transitional phrases and sentences to smoothly transition from one body paragraph to the next. This creates a coherent flow of ideas and arguments throughout your essay.

  • Conclusion Summarizing the Evaluation

The conclusion is where you tie everything together and leave a lasting impression on your readers:

Restate Your Thesis: Begin your conclusion by restating your evaluative thesis statement. This reinforces your central judgment.

Summarize Key Points: Summarize the key points you've discussed in your essay. Highlight the most significant evidence and analysis that support your evaluation.

Final Thoughts: Offer some final thoughts or insights that encapsulate the essence of your evaluation. Reflect on the broader implications or significance of your judgment.

Call to Action or Consideration: Depending on your essay's purpose, you might include a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or an invitation for further consideration of the subject.

Tips for Effective Writing

While mastering the art of crafting evaluative theses is essential, effective writing goes beyond thesis statements. It encompasses the entire process, from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft. This chapter will explore tips and strategies for enhancing your writing skills and producing compelling evaluative essays.

Use of Language and Tone

Clarity is Key: Strive for clarity in your writing. Use clear and straightforward language to convey your ideas. Avoid convoluted sentences or overly complex vocabulary that may confuse your readers.

Formal Tone: Maintain a formal and professional tone in academic writing. Avoid overly informal language, slang, or colloquialisms.

Precision: Choose words and phrases that convey your intended meaning precisely. Avoid vague or ambiguous language.

Transitions: Use transitional words and phrases to guide your readers through your essay. This helps create a seamless flow of ideas.

  • Avoiding Bias and Maintaining Objectivity

Balance Perspectives: When presenting evidence or discussing your evaluation, strive for balance. Acknowledge the subject's strengths and weaknesses, even if your overall evaluation leans in one direction.

Avoid Personal Pronouns: Minimize using personal pronouns like "I" or "you." Instead, opt for a more objective third-person perspective.

Cite Expert Opinions: Incorporate expert opinions or scholarly sources to support your arguments. This demonstrates that your evaluation is grounded in authoritative perspectives.

Objective Language: When presenting evidence or analysis, use objective language. Avoid emotionally charged or judgmental language that may bias your readers.

  • Revision and Proofreading

Multiple Drafts: Never settle for your first draft. Writing is a process, and revision is where your work truly shines. Review and revise your essay multiple times to refine your arguments and improve clarity.

Fresh Eyes: Take breaks between writing and revising sessions. Returning to your work with fresh eyes allows you to spot errors or areas that need improvement more effectively.

Peer Review: Consider seeking peer, mentor, or writing tutor feedback. Fresh perspectives can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

Grammar and Mechanics: Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Errors in these areas can detract from your writing's professionalism and credibility.

  • Conciseness and Efficiency

Avoid Repetition: Eliminate unnecessary repetition of ideas or words. Each sentence and paragraph should contribute something new to your argument.

Cut Unnecessary Words: Trim excessive words or phrases that do not add value to your writing. Be concise while retaining clarity.

Active Voice: Use the active voice to make your writing more direct and engaging. Passive voice can sometimes make sentences more convoluted.

  • Seek Feedback and Revise

Welcome Feedback: Embrace feedback from others as an opportunity to improve your writing. Constructive criticism helps you grow as a writer.

Multiple Revisions: Don't be afraid to revise your work extensively. The best writing often comes after multiple revisions and refinements.

Read Aloud: Reading your essay aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, or errors you might miss when reading silently.

  • Follow Guidelines and Requirements

Adhere to Guidelines: Follow any specific guidelines or requirements from your instructor or publication. This includes formatting, citation styles, and word count.

Meet Deadlines: Submit your essay on time. Effective time management is crucial for producing high-quality work.

Examples of Evaluative Theses

Example 1: Film Evaluation

Evaluative Thesis: "Christopher Nolan's 'Inception' is a cinematic masterpiece due to its innovative narrative structure, breathtaking visual effects, and thought-provoking exploration of dreams and reality."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis provides a clear judgment (positive) and presents the subject ("Inception") along with specific criteria for evaluation (narrative structure, visual effects, exploration of dreams and reality). The criteria offer insight into why the film is deemed a masterpiece.

Example 2: Book Evaluation

Evaluative Thesis: "Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' remains a timeless classic because of its sharp social commentary, memorable characters, and enduring relevance in exploring themes of love and societal expectations."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis takes a positive stance on the novel and presents the subject ("Pride and Prejudice") along with specific criteria for evaluation (social commentary, characters, exploration of themes). The thesis highlights the novel's timeless qualities.

Example 3: Restaurant Review

Evaluative Thesis: "The 'Mediterraneo' restaurant provides a delightful dining experience with its flavorful cuisine, attentive service, and inviting ambiance, making it a must-visit for food enthusiasts."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis expresses a positive judgment and introduces the subject ("Mediterraneo" restaurant) along with the evaluation criteria (cuisine, service, ambiance). The thesis highlights the restaurant's appeal to food enthusiasts.

Example 4: Technology Assessment

Evaluative Thesis: "The latest smartphone model, while offering innovative features and enhanced performance, falls short in battery life, significantly impacting its overall user experience."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis conveys a balanced evaluation, acknowledging the smartphone's positive and negative aspects. The subject ("latest smartphone model") and evaluation criteria (features, performance, battery life) are clearly outlined.

Example 5: Film Critique

Evaluative Thesis: "While 'Avatar' is visually stunning and groundbreaking in its use of technology, its reliance on a familiar storyline and one-dimensional characters diminishes its overall impact as a cinematic experience."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis presents a balanced judgment, recognizing both the film's strengths and weaknesses. The subject ("Avatar") and evaluation criteria (visuals, technology, storyline, characters) are explicitly mentioned.

Example 6: Product Review

Evaluative Thesis: "The 'EcoClean' laundry detergent offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional detergents, effectively removing stains and reducing environmental impact, making it an ideal choice for environmentally conscious consumers."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis takes a positive stance and introduces the subject ("EcoClean" laundry detergent) along with criteria for evaluation (efficacy in stain removal, eco-friendliness). The thesis caters to environmentally conscious consumers.

Example 7: Literary Analysis

Evaluative Thesis: "Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' stands as a profound exploration of human nature, with its intricate characters, moral dilemmas, and timeless themes of revenge and madness."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis expresses a positive judgment and presents the subject ("Hamlet") along with evaluation criteria (characters, moral dilemmas, exploration of themes). The thesis underscores the play's enduring significance.

Example 8: Art Critique

Evaluative Thesis: "Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' is a masterpiece of post-impressionist art, captivating viewers with its vivid colors, expressive brushwork, and emotional depth."

Analysis: This evaluative thesis takes a positive stance and introduces the subject ("Starry Night" by Van Gogh) along with criteria for evaluation (colors, brushwork, emotional depth). The thesis emphasizes the artwork's artistic merits.

By examining these diverse examples of evaluative thesis statements, you can discern common elements, such as clear judgment, subject identification, and evaluation criteria. These examples illustrate the versatility of evaluative theses across different domains, from literature and art to technology and dining experiences.

Our exploration of evaluative theses is foundational in developing strong critical analysis and persuasive writing skills. As you continue to hone your abilities, remember that evaluative theses are powerful tools for engaging, informing, and persuading your readers.

In conclusion, evaluative theses are not just statements but catalysts of insightful analysis and persuasive communication. By mastering the art of crafting evaluative thesis statements and refining your writing skills, you can influence, inform, and engage with the world through critical evaluation.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery. We wish you success in your future endeavors as a critical thinker and persuasive writer.

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Online Guide to Writing and Research

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  • Online Guide to Writing

Critical Strategies and Writing

Although it involves each of the thinking strategies discussed so far, evaluation is a type of comparative analysis. When evaluating, you assign value to your subject by comparing it to a standard or criteria. In the course of comparing, you might use cause and effect analysis to understand why your subject met some parts of your criteria and not others, and you may employ synthesis to establish your criteria . However, the primary activity in an evaluation is comparison and contrast.

  • How to Evaluate

When to Evaluate

What You Do When You Evaluate

The essential element of evaluation is the criteria. By “criteria” we mean a set of qualities with which you can assess the value of your subject. 

To understand more concretely what is meant by “criteria,” consider some real-life scenarios in which you, yourself, have performed an evaluation. 

Have you ever checked fruit or vegetables for brown spots or bruises before buying them at the grocery store?

Have you ever sniffed a piece of clothing to determine whether to wash it?  

Or have you ever been tasked with assessing the performance of an employee or asked to determine the quality of a product made by your employer?

In each case you’ve determined the quality of something based on what it should be: the look of a piece of fruit-based on what it ought to look like, the smell of a piece of clothing based on what it ought to smell like, work product based on qualities it ought to have. The criteria make up the theoretical standard of what ought to be.

As you do in your everyday life, you will also encounter opportunities to evaluate as you write academic papers. In humanities and literature courses, you may write evaluations of art, literature, drama, and music. In communications courses, you may evaluate user manuals, technical reports, or business proposals. In management courses, you may evaluate management techniques and their effectiveness in organizations of a certain size. In each case, the process is the same:

Establish the evaluation criteria (or the criterion).

Select the subject to which you will apply the criteria.

Evaluate how well your subject meets the criteria

Present your results, along with examples, to support the main points of your comparative analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • Evaluation means establishing criteria to measure ideas and information, and then examining whether they meet the criteria.
  • We evaluate so often in our daily lives, it is ingrained in our thinking patterns.

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Table of Contents: Online Guide to Writing

Chapter 1: College Writing

How Does College Writing Differ from Workplace Writing?

What Is College Writing?

Why So Much Emphasis on Writing?

Chapter 2: The Writing Process

Doing Exploratory Research

Getting from Notes to Your Draft


Prewriting - Techniques to Get Started - Mining Your Intuition

Prewriting: Targeting Your Audience

Prewriting: Techniques to Get Started

Prewriting: Understanding Your Assignment

Rewriting: Being Your Own Critic

Rewriting: Creating a Revision Strategy

Rewriting: Getting Feedback

Rewriting: The Final Draft

Techniques to Get Started - Outlining

Techniques to Get Started - Using Systematic Techniques

Thesis Statement and Controlling Idea

Writing: Getting from Notes to Your Draft - Freewriting

Writing: Getting from Notes to Your Draft - Summarizing Your Ideas

Writing: Outlining What You Will Write

Chapter 3: Thinking Strategies

A Word About Style, Voice, and Tone

A Word About Style, Voice, and Tone: Style Through Vocabulary and Diction

Critical Strategies and Writing: Analysis

Critical Strategies and Writing: Evaluation

Critical Strategies and Writing: Persuasion

Critical Strategies and Writing: Synthesis

Developing a Paper Using Strategies

Kinds of Assignments You Will Write

Patterns for Presenting Information

Patterns for Presenting Information: Critiques

Patterns for Presenting Information: Discussing Raw Data

Patterns for Presenting Information: General-to-Specific Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Problem-Cause-Solution Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Specific-to-General Pattern

Patterns for Presenting Information: Summaries and Abstracts

Supporting with Research and Examples

Writing Essay Examinations

Writing Essay Examinations: Make Your Answer Relevant and Complete

Writing Essay Examinations: Organize Thinking Before Writing

Writing Essay Examinations: Read and Understand the Question

Chapter 4: The Research Process

Planning and Writing a Research Paper

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Ask a Research Question

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Cite Sources

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Collect Evidence

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Decide Your Point of View, or Role, for Your Research

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Draw Conclusions

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Find a Topic and Get an Overview

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Manage Your Resources

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Outline

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Survey the Literature

Planning and Writing a Research Paper: Work Your Sources into Your Research Writing

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Human Resources

Research Resources: What Are Research Resources?

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found?

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Electronic Resources

Research Resources: Where Are Research Resources Found? - Print Resources

Structuring the Research Paper: Formal Research Structure

Structuring the Research Paper: Informal Research Structure

The Nature of Research

The Research Assignment: How Should Research Sources Be Evaluated?

The Research Assignment: When Is Research Needed?

The Research Assignment: Why Perform Research?

Chapter 5: Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Giving Credit to Sources

Giving Credit to Sources: Copyright Laws

Giving Credit to Sources: Documentation

Giving Credit to Sources: Style Guides

Integrating Sources

Practicing Academic Integrity

Practicing Academic Integrity: Keeping Accurate Records

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Paraphrasing Your Source

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Quoting Your Source

Practicing Academic Integrity: Managing Source Material - Summarizing Your Sources

Types of Documentation

Types of Documentation: Bibliographies and Source Lists

Types of Documentation: Citing World Wide Web Sources

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - APA Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - CSE/CBE Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - Chicago Style

Types of Documentation: In-Text or Parenthetical Citations - MLA Style

Types of Documentation: Note Citations

Chapter 6: Using Library Resources

Finding Library Resources

Chapter 7: Assessing Your Writing

How Is Writing Graded?

How Is Writing Graded?: A General Assessment Tool

The Draft Stage

The Draft Stage: The First Draft

The Draft Stage: The Revision Process and the Final Draft

The Draft Stage: Using Feedback

The Research Stage

Using Assessment to Improve Your Writing

Chapter 8: Other Frequently Assigned Papers

Reviews and Reaction Papers: Article and Book Reviews

Reviews and Reaction Papers: Reaction Papers

Writing Arguments

Writing Arguments: Adapting the Argument Structure

Writing Arguments: Purposes of Argument

Writing Arguments: References to Consult for Writing Arguments

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Anticipate Active Opposition

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Determine Your Organization

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Develop Your Argument

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Introduce Your Argument

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - State Your Thesis or Proposition

Writing Arguments: Steps to Writing an Argument - Write Your Conclusion

Writing Arguments: Types of Argument

Appendix A: Books to Help Improve Your Writing


General Style Manuals

Researching on the Internet

Special Style Manuals

Writing Handbooks

Appendix B: Collaborative Writing and Peer Reviewing

Collaborative Writing: Assignments to Accompany the Group Project

Collaborative Writing: Informal Progress Report

Collaborative Writing: Issues to Resolve

Collaborative Writing: Methodology

Collaborative Writing: Peer Evaluation

Collaborative Writing: Tasks of Collaborative Writing Group Members

Collaborative Writing: Writing Plan

General Introduction

Peer Reviewing

Appendix C: Developing an Improvement Plan

Working with Your Instructor’s Comments and Grades

Appendix D: Writing Plan and Project Schedule

Devising a Writing Project Plan and Schedule

Reviewing Your Plan with Others

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5.7 Definition and Evaluation Arguments

Allison Murray; Anna Mills; Cathy Thwing; and Eric Aldrich

What Is a Definition Argument?

A definition argument may have as its goal to describe the nature of something, whether it be an abstract concept like justice, a historical event, or an ongoing trend. Definition arguments like this are, in fact, arguments because they seek to shape our vision of reality. We can think of them as answering the question “What is it?”

Definition arguments may attempt to explain what is meant by a particular term. Consider the following claim:

Organic, in terms of food, means plants and animals raised without additives or artificial growing conditions.

The argument here hinges upon understanding the definition of the word “organic.” In this case, organic is the subject of the argument. The claim goes on to base the argument on definition criteria. The claim states that two definition criteria of “organic” are “raised without additives” and “raised without artificial growing conditions.” “What do they mean by ‘artificial’?” If you find yourself questioning other terms used in the claim, that might mean your argument will need to dedicate a paragraph or more to defining those terms. An extended argument on organic food would need to explain in detail what distinguishes artificial growing conditions from natural ones. Can greenhouse-grown food be organic? In such a situation, it may benefit the argument to offer the dictionary definition of “organic” as a way to confirm that the writer’s and the readers’ assumptions are the same.

There are a number of online dictionaries that student authors can derive a definition from, but should the writer wish to ensure trust (ethos) with the audience, the source of the dictionary definition might matter. The site offers this definition for “organic”:

Organic: pertaining to, involving, or grown with fertilizers or pesticides of animal or vegetable origin, as distinguished from manufactured chemicals (“organic”).

Readers who respect the history and legacy of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) might consider its definition more credible. Considered the most definitive and complete dictionary available, the OED offers differentiated definitions of different uses of the word. In the case of “organic,” we’d need to look at sub-definition 8c to find one that works for our purposes:

Organic: of food: produced without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.

A definition argument can put a more specific subject into a category based on criteria, as in the following:

Though it omits hormones and antibiotics, organic ice cream remains unhealthy because it contains high levels of fat and sugar, while offering little nutritional value.

Here we have a subject—organic ice cream—and a category—unhealthy. Presumably, unhealthy things often contain similar criteria—high levels of fat and sugar, low nutritional value, and industrial additives. Organic ice cream might not contain industrial additives, but because it meets the other two criteria, it can still be considered unhealthy. A good way to test your thesis is to try out examples to see if the criteria work to distinguish things that fit the category from things that don’t. Are other things we consider unhealthy full of sugar and/or fat, low in nutrition, and made with industrial additives? Yes. Fast food hamburgers are unhealthy because they contain high levels of fat, low nutritional value, and are full of chemical preservatives.

Definition arguments will need to provide evidence for any generalizations they make about a subject. If they use a specific example, how can they show that the example is typical? They may also need to justify the choice of criteria for the definition. If we argue that the Vietnam War should not be considered a “World War” even though it involved two global superpowers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union, we will need to explain why a criterion like the number of deaths should be considered more important than the number or size of the countries involved.

The Benefits of Definition

Once we understand the value of definition for clarifying terms in an essay, we can start to appreciate the value of definition in shaping an argument, especially one centered around a contentious term. When controversy revolves around an issue, defining terms explicitly and precisely is even more critical. A definition argument can help to clarify where disagreements lie. Even if it doesn’t resolve the disagreements, it may at least prevent misunderstandings.

To take an example, let’s say the government decides to allow health insurance providers to exclude coverage to individuals with preexisting conditions. The question then arises, What precisely does constitute a preexisting condition? Any diagnosis of cancer, including minor skin cancers? Diabetes? Obesity? Hypertension? Consider how many of our friends and family members have been diagnosed with any of these conditions.

Laws rely on definitions. Many of us are familiar with the purpose of Title IX, which ensured that equal funding should be applied for both male and female athletic programs in schools. However, with the recognition of transgender students and their rights, the U.S. Department of Education offered a statement of clarification to the language of Title IX “explaining that it will enforce Title IX’s prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sex to include: (1) discrimination based on sexual orientation; and (2) discrimination based on gender identity” (“Title IX”). Schools, students, and parents can now point to this language in debates about who is protected by Title IX status, and who can be included in the funding of gender-specific sports teams.

Definitions involve emotional associations as well as descriptions of literal meaning. Public opinion can be swayed by casting a person involved in a very public event as “famous” or “infamous,” a term that has decidedly negative connotations. In the case of Trayvon Martin, a young black man who was shot by George Zimmerman, a white man, Martin was defined alternately as a “boy in a hoodie” or as a “potential thug.” And Zimmerman was defined as “a neighborhood watch leader” or “private citizen” by some, and a “vigilante” by others. In each case, the label implies a definition of the person and his behavior, and this extends the impression built in the mind of the audience.

Strategies for Definition

  • Referring to existing definitions: A dictionary definition can be helpful if the term under consideration is new or very unusual or uncommon, words that readers may be unfamiliar with, or whose definitions may have become obscured with modern use. If an argument takes the position that reduced literacy rates in freshman college students make them less apt to learn from a professor who leans toward sesquipedalian speech, yet, such speech is exactly the challenge these students need to pull them away from their social media feeds and engage them in the vigorous mental workout that academia provides, the author is more likely to earn the trust of the audience if a dictionary definition is provided for this uncommon and archaic word: words that are a foot and a half long (O.E.D.).
  • Identifying emotional associations (connotations): Emotional associations offer the various levels of meaning a word may have. For example, love can have several variants, such as platonic love, romantic love, familial love, passionate love, self-love, and even more specific ones, such as spirituality, philanthropy, humanity, nationalism/patriotism, and agapé, and each carries its own emotional tone that informs the definition.
  • Defining a term based on what it’s not (negation): Sometimes complex words are best explained by what they are not, specifically by contrasting the word to another term. Needs are often confused with wants, but needs are anything necessary for survival. For example, people often say “I need a vacation,” when what they really mean is “I want a vacation.” You may want coffee, but you need water. You may want a new car, but a used one may suit your needs. In an article about sexual predators, Andrew Vachss says that when he tells people about the individuals he prosecutes for abuse against children, people often say, “That’s sick.” But he clarifies that there is a difference between “sick” and “evil.” A mother who hears voices in her head telling her to lock her baby in a closet is sick. A man who sells a child to pornographers is evil. “Sickness,” he says, “is the absence of choice,” while evil is the volition, the awareness of choice, and the intentional choice to commit a sinister act (Vachss).
  • Creating an original definition (stipulation): This use of definition asks the reader to accept an alternate definition from the standard or commonly accepted one. This is usually the best way to utilize definition in an essay, as it allows the author the freedom to put his or her own spin on a key term. But the author must do it responsibly, providing supportive examples. For example, many young people believe that true parental love is the willingness to do anything at all for a child. However, real love isn’t expressed by doormat behavior. A parent who does his child’s homework so the child receives all “A” grades isn’t demonstrating love (note the use of negation here). Rather, true parental love is the willingness to apply fair rules and limits on behavior in order to raise a child who is a good worker, a good friend, and a good citizen.
  • Elaborating on a definition (extended definition): There is no rule about how long a definition argument should be. When a simple one-line definition will not suffice, writers can develop a multi-paragraph, multi-page, or multi-chapter definition argument. For example, a newspaper article might explore at length what is meant by the phrase “cancel culture.” An entire book each might be needed to explain what is meant by the following terms: “critical race theory,” “microaggression,” “gender identity,” “fascism,” or “intersectionality.” When the concept under examination is complex, contentious, or weighted by historical examples and emotional connotations, an extended definition may be needed.

Sample Definition Arguments

This sample outline for an essay titled “When Colleges Talk about Diversity, Equity, and Antiracism, What Do They Mean?” shows the structure of one definition argument.

Practice Exercises

How are attitudes to gender changing in today’s society? Come up with a definition argument you think has some validity about a current trend related to gender. What kind of evidence could be gathered to support this claim? How would you convince readers that this evidence is typical? You could choose one of the claims below or invent your own.

  • People today still associate femininity with weakness and masculinity with strength.
  • Women are still more nurturing than men.
  • Teenagers today see gender as a spectrum.
  • Cisgender people still fear transgender people.
  • Construct a definition with criteria for one of the following terms, or another term of your choice related to gender. Feel free to research the terms to get ideas. Possible terms: masculine, feminine, androgynous, macho, femme, butch, manly, womanly, machista, metrosexual, genderqueer, third gender, transgender.

What Is an Evaluation Argument?

In college, professional life, politics, and everyday life, we constantly must assess how things measure up. We are faced with questions like the following:

  • Does our employer treat us fairly?
  • Does our local café deserve five stars or four?
  • Is the “Free City” program that makes City College of San Francisco tuition-free for residents a success?
  • Is a particular hillside a good location for a wind farm?
  • Does the president deserve their current approval rating?

To answer each of these questions and convince others that our answer is valid, we would need to make an evaluation argument. Most commonly, evaluation arguments rate their subject on a scale from positive to negative. Evaluation arguments make a claim about the quality of something. We can think of them as answering the question, “How good or bad is it?”

evaluation strategies thesis

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Evaluation arguments usually need to define and justify the criteria they use to make the evaluation. These criteria may consist of moral standards, aesthetic standards, or tests of successful functioning. Depending on how controversial the criteria are, the argument may need to defend and explain why they have been chosen. How can we support our choice of criteria? We may cite precedent or authoritative sources in the field, or we may discuss the merit of the criteria in themselves by arguing for the good results they lead to and aligning them with values we believe our audience will share.

Once we have convinced readers that the criteria for quality are valid, we will need to articulate our judgment about the extent to which the subject meets or doesn’t meet those criteria.

Finally, the argument will need to provide evidence of the way in which the subject meets or does not meet the criteria.

Ranking Criteria

In cases where there are multiple valid criteria, the writer may need to rank them in order of importance and justify this ranking. For example, an editorial supporting Alyesha Jenkins for mayor would need to explain what the city should be looking for in a mayor at the moment. The editorial might argue that the top priority should be finding someone who has a workable plan to address the homelessness crisis. It might then go on to identify as a secondary priority finding someone who has been an effective leader of a large organization. Finally, it might argue that finding a candidate who will focus on ending police brutality in the city should be the third priority. Given these criteria, the argument might praise Alyesha Jenkins’ concrete, popular plan on homelessness and describe her background as a successful city supervisor and head of a law firm. It might note that her record on police brutality is limited, but we still judge her to be a strong candidate.

Types of Criteria

We can classify evaluative arguments by the kind of criteria they use. They may focus on aesthetics, the appearance or appeal of something (a movie, a work of art, or a building). Or they may focus on practical concerns about how something functions or moral judgments based on values.

  • Aesthetic Criteria: What makes a great film can be an academic question or an everyday debate among friends going to the movies. Film critics and Film Studies classes try to identify clear aesthetic criteria for award-worthy movies. Film blogger Tyler Schirado , who writes for the San Diego Film festival, details criteria including acting quality, dialogue, pacing, plot coherence, cinematography, production design, and special effects. Each of those criteria could in turn include sub-criteria. For example, the criteria for the quality of the special effects might include both how innovative and how spectacular they are.
  • Operational Criteria: Sometimes the criteria that matter are very practical. We use operational criteria when we are looking for certain concrete results. What does the subject we are evaluating do? If we want to evaluate a new car’s safety features, we will examine to see how it performs under challenging conditions. When the FDA evaluates and tests a new vaccine, they follow a set of procedures to test how the vaccine affects first cells, then animal bodies, and finally human bodies. The FDA considers the results of all these procedures to help it decide whether to approve the vaccine or not. And if the consumer has confidence in the FDA’s standards for data collection, they can use the criteria about the vaccine’s past record of immune protection and side effects to help them decide whether or not to get vaccinated.
  • Moral Criteria: An evaluation argument based on moral criteria will claim that something is right or wrong. It will need to appeal to shared values or make a case for a particular value that serves as criteria. Some values are nearly universal, such as honesty, reasonableness, and fairness. However, even values that seem universal may be defined differently by different groups. We each grow up in an environment that instills a particular set of family or cultural or religious values. These help to shape our own sense of morality, or personal values and codes that we choose to live by.

As an example, the Motion Pictures Academy includes some moral criteria as well as aesthetic criteria when it selects winners for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actors. Responding to the #OscarsSoWhite campaign, the Academy of Motion Pictures decided to incorporate the value of inclusiveness into their criteria. In order to emphasize “the inclusion of people in underrepresented groups, including women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people and those with cognitive or physical disabilities,” they developed a new set of criteria for nominations for Best Picture . The criteria state that starting in 2024, “to be eligible for best picture, a film must meet at least two standards across four categories: ‘Onscreen Representation, Themes and Narratives,’ ‘Creative Leadership and Project Team,’ ‘Industry Access and Opportunities’ and ‘Audience Development’” (Rottenberg). Each of these new criteria responds to the demands for inclusivity and equity and is evidence that criteria can and should evolve as social morals evolve.

Comparative Evaluation

Many times we will need to evaluate the worth of one subject in relation to another in order to judge which is better. Of course, we will need to decide on the basis for comparison, or the criteria to be used, and make that basis clear. Then we will need to evaluate each subject according to the criteria. In comparisons, ranking the criteria will often be important because one subject may do better on one criterion and worse on another. We’ll need to know which criterion is more important in order to decide which comes out ahead overall.

 Sample Evaluation Arguments

To get a sense of what research-based evaluation arguments look like in college classes, see this sample evaluation essay, “Universal Health Care Coverage for the United States.” Annotations on the essay point out how the author uses evaluation argument strategies.

  • Sample evaluation essay “Universal Health Care Coverage for the United States” in PDF version with margin notes

Reflect on the following questions to construct your own evaluation argument.

  • What makes a person a good role model? Choose your top three criteria.
  • How would you rank those criteria in order of importance?
  • Choose two prominent public figures from history, pop culture, or politics, dead or alive, who would be interesting to compare as role models.
  • Evaluate each person according to the three criteria you identified.
  • Which figure comes out as the better role model?
  • If you ranked the criteria differently, would the other one come out ahead?
  • What is most controversial in your evaluation? Is it the choice of criteria, the ranking of the criteria, or the idea that your figure fits certain criteria?

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Rhetoric Matters: A Guide to Success in the First Year Writing Class Copyright © 2022 by Allison Murray; Anna Mills; Cathy Thwing; and Eric Aldrich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements

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Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement

1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing:

  • An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.
  • An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience.
  • An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the evidence provided.

If you are writing a text that does not fall under these three categories (e.g., a narrative), a thesis statement somewhere in the first paragraph could still be helpful to your reader.

2. Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence.

3. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper.

4. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper.

Thesis Statement Examples

Example of an analytical thesis statement:

The paper that follows should:

  • Explain the analysis of the college admission process
  • Explain the challenge facing admissions counselors

Example of an expository (explanatory) thesis statement:

  • Explain how students spend their time studying, attending class, and socializing with peers

Example of an argumentative thesis statement:

  • Present an argument and give evidence to support the claim that students should pursue community projects before entering college
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Evaluation Research: Definition, Methods and Examples

Evaluation Research

Content Index

  • What is evaluation research
  • Why do evaluation research

Quantitative methods

Qualitative methods.

  • Process evaluation research question examples
  • Outcome evaluation research question examples

What is evaluation research?

Evaluation research, also known as program evaluation, refers to research purpose instead of a specific method. Evaluation research is the systematic assessment of the worth or merit of time, money, effort and resources spent in order to achieve a goal.

Evaluation research is closely related to but slightly different from more conventional social research . It uses many of the same methods used in traditional social research, but because it takes place within an organizational context, it requires team skills, interpersonal skills, management skills, political smartness, and other research skills that social research does not need much. Evaluation research also requires one to keep in mind the interests of the stakeholders.

Evaluation research is a type of applied research, and so it is intended to have some real-world effect.  Many methods like surveys and experiments can be used to do evaluation research. The process of evaluation research consisting of data analysis and reporting is a rigorous, systematic process that involves collecting data about organizations, processes, projects, services, and/or resources. Evaluation research enhances knowledge and decision-making, and leads to practical applications.

LEARN ABOUT: Action Research

Why do evaluation research?

The common goal of most evaluations is to extract meaningful information from the audience and provide valuable insights to evaluators such as sponsors, donors, client-groups, administrators, staff, and other relevant constituencies. Most often, feedback is perceived value as useful if it helps in decision-making. However, evaluation research does not always create an impact that can be applied anywhere else, sometimes they fail to influence short-term decisions. It is also equally true that initially, it might seem to not have any influence, but can have a delayed impact when the situation is more favorable. In spite of this, there is a general agreement that the major goal of evaluation research should be to improve decision-making through the systematic utilization of measurable feedback.

Below are some of the benefits of evaluation research

  • Gain insights about a project or program and its operations

Evaluation Research lets you understand what works and what doesn’t, where we were, where we are and where we are headed towards. You can find out the areas of improvement and identify strengths. So, it will help you to figure out what do you need to focus more on and if there are any threats to your business. You can also find out if there are currently hidden sectors in the market that are yet untapped.

  • Improve practice

It is essential to gauge your past performance and understand what went wrong in order to deliver better services to your customers. Unless it is a two-way communication, there is no way to improve on what you have to offer. Evaluation research gives an opportunity to your employees and customers to express how they feel and if there’s anything they would like to change. It also lets you modify or adopt a practice such that it increases the chances of success.

  • Assess the effects

After evaluating the efforts, you can see how well you are meeting objectives and targets. Evaluations let you measure if the intended benefits are really reaching the targeted audience and if yes, then how effectively.

  • Build capacity

Evaluations help you to analyze the demand pattern and predict if you will need more funds, upgrade skills and improve the efficiency of operations. It lets you find the gaps in the production to delivery chain and possible ways to fill them.

Methods of evaluation research

All market research methods involve collecting and analyzing the data, making decisions about the validity of the information and deriving relevant inferences from it. Evaluation research comprises of planning, conducting and analyzing the results which include the use of data collection techniques and applying statistical methods.

Some of the evaluation methods which are quite popular are input measurement, output or performance measurement, impact or outcomes assessment, quality assessment, process evaluation, benchmarking, standards, cost analysis, organizational effectiveness, program evaluation methods, and LIS-centered methods. There are also a few types of evaluations that do not always result in a meaningful assessment such as descriptive studies, formative evaluations, and implementation analysis. Evaluation research is more about information-processing and feedback functions of evaluation.

These methods can be broadly classified as quantitative and qualitative methods.

The outcome of the quantitative research methods is an answer to the questions below and is used to measure anything tangible.

  • Who was involved?
  • What were the outcomes?
  • What was the price?

The best way to collect quantitative data is through surveys , questionnaires , and polls . You can also create pre-tests and post-tests, review existing documents and databases or gather clinical data.

Surveys are used to gather opinions, feedback or ideas of your employees or customers and consist of various question types . They can be conducted by a person face-to-face or by telephone, by mail, or online. Online surveys do not require the intervention of any human and are far more efficient and practical. You can see the survey results on dashboard of research tools and dig deeper using filter criteria based on various factors such as age, gender, location, etc. You can also keep survey logic such as branching, quotas, chain survey, looping, etc in the survey questions and reduce the time to both create and respond to the donor survey . You can also generate a number of reports that involve statistical formulae and present data that can be readily absorbed in the meetings. To learn more about how research tool works and whether it is suitable for you, sign up for a free account now.

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Quantitative data measure the depth and breadth of an initiative, for instance, the number of people who participated in the non-profit event, the number of people who enrolled for a new course at the university. Quantitative data collected before and after a program can show its results and impact.

The accuracy of quantitative data to be used for evaluation research depends on how well the sample represents the population, the ease of analysis, and their consistency. Quantitative methods can fail if the questions are not framed correctly and not distributed to the right audience. Also, quantitative data do not provide an understanding of the context and may not be apt for complex issues.

Learn more: Quantitative Market Research: The Complete Guide

Qualitative research methods are used where quantitative methods cannot solve the research problem , i.e. they are used to measure intangible values. They answer questions such as

  • What is the value added?
  • How satisfied are you with our service?
  • How likely are you to recommend us to your friends?
  • What will improve your experience?

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview

Qualitative data is collected through observation, interviews, case studies, and focus groups. The steps for creating a qualitative study involve examining, comparing and contrasting, and understanding patterns. Analysts conclude after identification of themes, clustering similar data, and finally reducing to points that make sense.

Observations may help explain behaviors as well as the social context that is generally not discovered by quantitative methods. Observations of behavior and body language can be done by watching a participant, recording audio or video. Structured interviews can be conducted with people alone or in a group under controlled conditions, or they may be asked open-ended qualitative research questions . Qualitative research methods are also used to understand a person’s perceptions and motivations.

LEARN ABOUT:  Social Communication Questionnaire

The strength of this method is that group discussion can provide ideas and stimulate memories with topics cascading as discussion occurs. The accuracy of qualitative data depends on how well contextual data explains complex issues and complements quantitative data. It helps get the answer of “why” and “how”, after getting an answer to “what”. The limitations of qualitative data for evaluation research are that they are subjective, time-consuming, costly and difficult to analyze and interpret.

Learn more: Qualitative Market Research: The Complete Guide

Survey software can be used for both the evaluation research methods. You can use above sample questions for evaluation research and send a survey in minutes using research software. Using a tool for research simplifies the process right from creating a survey, importing contacts, distributing the survey and generating reports that aid in research.

Examples of evaluation research

Evaluation research questions lay the foundation of a successful evaluation. They define the topics that will be evaluated. Keeping evaluation questions ready not only saves time and money, but also makes it easier to decide what data to collect, how to analyze it, and how to report it.

Evaluation research questions must be developed and agreed on in the planning stage, however, ready-made research templates can also be used.

Process evaluation research question examples:

  • How often do you use our product in a day?
  • Were approvals taken from all stakeholders?
  • Can you report the issue from the system?
  • Can you submit the feedback from the system?
  • Was each task done as per the standard operating procedure?
  • What were the barriers to the implementation of each task?
  • Were any improvement areas discovered?

Outcome evaluation research question examples:

  • How satisfied are you with our product?
  • Did the program produce intended outcomes?
  • What were the unintended outcomes?
  • Has the program increased the knowledge of participants?
  • Were the participants of the program employable before the course started?
  • Do participants of the program have the skills to find a job after the course ended?
  • Is the knowledge of participants better compared to those who did not participate in the program?


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Home » Evaluating Research – Process, Examples and Methods

Evaluating Research – Process, Examples and Methods

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Evaluating Research

Evaluating Research


Evaluating Research refers to the process of assessing the quality, credibility, and relevance of a research study or project. This involves examining the methods, data, and results of the research in order to determine its validity, reliability, and usefulness. Evaluating research can be done by both experts and non-experts in the field, and involves critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation of the research findings.

Research Evaluating Process

The process of evaluating research typically involves the following steps:

Identify the Research Question

The first step in evaluating research is to identify the research question or problem that the study is addressing. This will help you to determine whether the study is relevant to your needs.

Assess the Study Design

The study design refers to the methodology used to conduct the research. You should assess whether the study design is appropriate for the research question and whether it is likely to produce reliable and valid results.

Evaluate the Sample

The sample refers to the group of participants or subjects who are included in the study. You should evaluate whether the sample size is adequate and whether the participants are representative of the population under study.

Review the Data Collection Methods

You should review the data collection methods used in the study to ensure that they are valid and reliable. This includes assessing the measures used to collect data and the procedures used to collect data.

Examine the Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis refers to the methods used to analyze the data. You should examine whether the statistical analysis is appropriate for the research question and whether it is likely to produce valid and reliable results.

Assess the Conclusions

You should evaluate whether the data support the conclusions drawn from the study and whether they are relevant to the research question.

Consider the Limitations

Finally, you should consider the limitations of the study, including any potential biases or confounding factors that may have influenced the results.

Evaluating Research Methods

Evaluating Research Methods are as follows:

  • Peer review: Peer review is a process where experts in the field review a study before it is published. This helps ensure that the study is accurate, valid, and relevant to the field.
  • Critical appraisal : Critical appraisal involves systematically evaluating a study based on specific criteria. This helps assess the quality of the study and the reliability of the findings.
  • Replication : Replication involves repeating a study to test the validity and reliability of the findings. This can help identify any errors or biases in the original study.
  • Meta-analysis : Meta-analysis is a statistical method that combines the results of multiple studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular topic. This can help identify patterns or inconsistencies across studies.
  • Consultation with experts : Consulting with experts in the field can provide valuable insights into the quality and relevance of a study. Experts can also help identify potential limitations or biases in the study.
  • Review of funding sources: Examining the funding sources of a study can help identify any potential conflicts of interest or biases that may have influenced the study design or interpretation of results.

Example of Evaluating Research

Example of Evaluating Research sample for students:

Title of the Study: The Effects of Social Media Use on Mental Health among College Students

Sample Size: 500 college students

Sampling Technique : Convenience sampling

  • Sample Size: The sample size of 500 college students is a moderate sample size, which could be considered representative of the college student population. However, it would be more representative if the sample size was larger, or if a random sampling technique was used.
  • Sampling Technique : Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique, which means that the sample may not be representative of the population. This technique may introduce bias into the study since the participants are self-selected and may not be representative of the entire college student population. Therefore, the results of this study may not be generalizable to other populations.
  • Participant Characteristics: The study does not provide any information about the demographic characteristics of the participants, such as age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. This information is important because social media use and mental health may vary among different demographic groups.
  • Data Collection Method: The study used a self-administered survey to collect data. Self-administered surveys may be subject to response bias and may not accurately reflect participants’ actual behaviors and experiences.
  • Data Analysis: The study used descriptive statistics and regression analysis to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics provide a summary of the data, while regression analysis is used to examine the relationship between two or more variables. However, the study did not provide information about the statistical significance of the results or the effect sizes.

Overall, while the study provides some insights into the relationship between social media use and mental health among college students, the use of a convenience sampling technique and the lack of information about participant characteristics limit the generalizability of the findings. In addition, the use of self-administered surveys may introduce bias into the study, and the lack of information about the statistical significance of the results limits the interpretation of the findings.

Note*: Above mentioned example is just a sample for students. Do not copy and paste directly into your assignment. Kindly do your own research for academic purposes.

Applications of Evaluating Research

Here are some of the applications of evaluating research:

  • Identifying reliable sources : By evaluating research, researchers, students, and other professionals can identify the most reliable sources of information to use in their work. They can determine the quality of research studies, including the methodology, sample size, data analysis, and conclusions.
  • Validating findings: Evaluating research can help to validate findings from previous studies. By examining the methodology and results of a study, researchers can determine if the findings are reliable and if they can be used to inform future research.
  • Identifying knowledge gaps: Evaluating research can also help to identify gaps in current knowledge. By examining the existing literature on a topic, researchers can determine areas where more research is needed, and they can design studies to address these gaps.
  • Improving research quality : Evaluating research can help to improve the quality of future research. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies, researchers can design better studies and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Informing policy and decision-making : Evaluating research is crucial in informing policy and decision-making in many fields. By examining the evidence base for a particular issue, policymakers can make informed decisions that are supported by the best available evidence.
  • Enhancing education : Evaluating research is essential in enhancing education. Educators can use research findings to improve teaching methods, curriculum development, and student outcomes.

Purpose of Evaluating Research

Here are some of the key purposes of evaluating research:

  • Determine the reliability and validity of research findings : By evaluating research, researchers can determine the quality of the study design, data collection, and analysis. They can determine whether the findings are reliable, valid, and generalizable to other populations.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of research studies: Evaluating research helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of research studies, including potential biases, confounding factors, and limitations. This information can help researchers to design better studies in the future.
  • Inform evidence-based decision-making: Evaluating research is crucial in informing evidence-based decision-making in many fields, including healthcare, education, and public policy. Policymakers, educators, and clinicians rely on research evidence to make informed decisions.
  • Identify research gaps : By evaluating research, researchers can identify gaps in the existing literature and design studies to address these gaps. This process can help to advance knowledge and improve the quality of research in a particular field.
  • Ensure research ethics and integrity : Evaluating research helps to ensure that research studies are conducted ethically and with integrity. Researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines to protect the welfare and rights of study participants and to maintain the trust of the public.

Characteristics Evaluating Research

Characteristics Evaluating Research are as follows:

  • Research question/hypothesis: A good research question or hypothesis should be clear, concise, and well-defined. It should address a significant problem or issue in the field and be grounded in relevant theory or prior research.
  • Study design: The research design should be appropriate for answering the research question and be clearly described in the study. The study design should also minimize bias and confounding variables.
  • Sampling : The sample should be representative of the population of interest and the sampling method should be appropriate for the research question and study design.
  • Data collection : The data collection methods should be reliable and valid, and the data should be accurately recorded and analyzed.
  • Results : The results should be presented clearly and accurately, and the statistical analysis should be appropriate for the research question and study design.
  • Interpretation of results : The interpretation of the results should be based on the data and not influenced by personal biases or preconceptions.
  • Generalizability: The study findings should be generalizable to the population of interest and relevant to other settings or contexts.
  • Contribution to the field : The study should make a significant contribution to the field and advance our understanding of the research question or issue.

Advantages of Evaluating Research

Evaluating research has several advantages, including:

  • Ensuring accuracy and validity : By evaluating research, we can ensure that the research is accurate, valid, and reliable. This ensures that the findings are trustworthy and can be used to inform decision-making.
  • Identifying gaps in knowledge : Evaluating research can help identify gaps in knowledge and areas where further research is needed. This can guide future research and help build a stronger evidence base.
  • Promoting critical thinking: Evaluating research requires critical thinking skills, which can be applied in other areas of life. By evaluating research, individuals can develop their critical thinking skills and become more discerning consumers of information.
  • Improving the quality of research : Evaluating research can help improve the quality of research by identifying areas where improvements can be made. This can lead to more rigorous research methods and better-quality research.
  • Informing decision-making: By evaluating research, we can make informed decisions based on the evidence. This is particularly important in fields such as medicine and public health, where decisions can have significant consequences.
  • Advancing the field : Evaluating research can help advance the field by identifying new research questions and areas of inquiry. This can lead to the development of new theories and the refinement of existing ones.

Limitations of Evaluating Research

Limitations of Evaluating Research are as follows:

  • Time-consuming: Evaluating research can be time-consuming, particularly if the study is complex or requires specialized knowledge. This can be a barrier for individuals who are not experts in the field or who have limited time.
  • Subjectivity : Evaluating research can be subjective, as different individuals may have different interpretations of the same study. This can lead to inconsistencies in the evaluation process and make it difficult to compare studies.
  • Limited generalizability: The findings of a study may not be generalizable to other populations or contexts. This limits the usefulness of the study and may make it difficult to apply the findings to other settings.
  • Publication bias: Research that does not find significant results may be less likely to be published, which can create a bias in the published literature. This can limit the amount of information available for evaluation.
  • Lack of transparency: Some studies may not provide enough detail about their methods or results, making it difficult to evaluate their quality or validity.
  • Funding bias : Research funded by particular organizations or industries may be biased towards the interests of the funder. This can influence the study design, methods, and interpretation of results.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Purdue University Graduate School


Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) offer a versatile platform for various maritime applications, including research, surveillance, and search-and-rescue operations. A critical capability for USVs is maintaining position (station keeping) in dynamic environments and coordinating movement with other USVs (formation control) for collaborative missions. This thesis investigates control strategies for USVs operating in challenging conditions.

The initial focus is on evaluating traditional control methods like Backstepping and Sliding Mode controllers for station keeping in simulated environments with disturbances. The results from these tests pointed towards the need for a more robust control technique, like deep-learning based control for enhanced performance.

The thesis then explores formation control, a crucial aspect of cooperative USV missions. A vision-based passive control strategy utilizing a virtual leader concept is proposed. This approach leverages onboard cameras to detect markers on other USVs, eliminating the need for direct communication and potentially improving scalability and resilience.

Then the thesis presents vision-based formation control architecture and the station keeping controller evaluations. Simulation results are presented, analyzed, and used to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Finally, the thesis discusses the implications of the findings and proposes potential future research directions

Degree Type

  • Master of Science
  • Mechanical Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Advisor/supervisor/committee co-chair, additional committee member 2, usage metrics.

  • Autonomous vehicle systems
  • Control engineering
  • Mechatronics hardware design and architecture
  • Field robotics

CC BY 4.0


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    2 Contributors: Dr. Emily Heady, Todd Atkins, Jeff Valerioti; Editor: Jeff Valerioti ©2007, 2008, 2013, 2021 by Liberty University Online Writing Center

  5. What Is Evaluation?: Perspectives of How Evaluation Differs (or Not

    Source Definition; Suchman (1968, pp. 2-3) [Evaluation applies] the methods of science to action programs in order to obtain objective and valid measures of what such programs are accomplishing.…Evaluation research asks about the kinds of change desired, the means by which this change is to be brought about, and the signs by which such changes can be recognized.

  6. Critical Strategies and Writing: Evaluation

    Key Takeaways. Evaluation means establishing criteria to measure ideas and information, and then examining whether they meet the criteria. We evaluate so often in our daily lives, it is ingrained in our thinking patterns. Mailing Address: 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD 20783. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ...

  7. 12.7 Evaluation: Effectiveness of Research Paper

    The writer's position or claim on a debatable issue is stated clearly in the thesis and expertly supported with credible researched evidence. Ideas are clearly presented in well-developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences and relate directly to the thesis. Headings and subheadings clarify organization, and appropriate transitions link ideas.

  8. Evaluating Effective Teaching Strategies and Student Attributes that

    evaluating effective teaching strategies and student attributes that lead to better learner outcomes in the online classroom . a master's thesis . submitted to the faculty . of bethel university . by . nancy a. marian . in partial fulfillment of the requirements . for the degree of . master of arts . august 2021 . bethel university

  9. PDF Professional and Practical Considerations for the Program Evaluation

    utilization-focused evaluation (U-FE) process (Patton, 2012) when initially outlining their program evaluation dissertation proposals. UFE is based on the principle that evaluations should be useful both during the evaluation process and after findings are generated. U-FE fits well within the Ed.D. philosophy and the dissertation in practice

  10. Evaluation Essay Definition, Example & Parts

    The thesis statement is the main idea or the main argument of the essay. In an evaluation essay, the evaluative thesis statement contains the first key element: the overall judgment. One may ...

  11. 5.7 Definition and Evaluation Arguments

    Sample Evaluation Arguments. To get a sense of what research-based evaluation arguments look like in college classes, see this sample evaluation essay, "Universal Health Care Coverage for the United States." Annotations on the essay point out how the author uses evaluation argument strategies.

  12. (PDF) Strategy Evaluation in Teaching Strategies: A Systematic

    Abstract and Figures. This systematic review focuses on the various literature on strategy evaluation in teaching strategies. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses ...

  13. PDF Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes

    4 (i.e. the degree to which assessments and evaluations measure what they are intended to measure), reliability (i.e the consistency and stability of results across student populations) and usability (i.e. how policy makers, school leaders and teachers make sense of and respond

  14. Creating a Thesis Statement, Thesis Statement Tips

    Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement. 1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing: An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.; An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience.; An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies ...

  15. Evaluation Research: Definition, Methods and Examples

    The process of evaluation research consisting of data analysis and reporting is a rigorous, systematic process that involves collecting data about organizations, processes, projects, services, and/or resources. Evaluation research enhances knowledge and decision-making, and leads to practical applications. LEARN ABOUT: Action Research.

  16. Evaluating Effective Communication Methods: Improving Internal

    Suthers, Amber L., "Evaluating Effective Communication Methods: Improving Internal Communication" (2017). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 3293. This Thesis - unrestricted is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Works at Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University.

  17. Evaluating Research

    Definition: Evaluating Research refers to the process of assessing the quality, credibility, and relevance of a research study or project. This involves examining the methods, data, and results of the research in order to determine its validity, reliability, and usefulness. Evaluating research can be done by both experts and non-experts in the ...

  18. Evaluation Strategies For True Learning In Higher Education

    Evaluation is an essential part of the learning process in higher education. It allows instructors to determine whether students learn the material and achieve the intended learning outcomes. However, traditional evaluation methods, such as multiple-choice tests and quizzes, often measure only memorization and recall of information rather than ...

  19. Evaluating Sources

    Lateral reading. Lateral reading is the act of evaluating the credibility of a source by comparing it to other sources. This allows you to: Verify evidence. Contextualize information. Find potential weaknesses. If a source is using methods or drawing conclusions that are incompatible with other research in its field, it may not be reliable.

  20. PDF Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching Strategies: the Case of A

    of the teacher as a person. Evaluation can facilitate personal growth as well as in professional growth. Teachers are expected to learn from the feedback of the students on their teaching strategies in class (Hashey and Conners, 2003). Evaluation of teaching strategies is part of the teacher's life because it is one of the

  21. PDF Strategy Evaluation Process and Strategic Performance Nexus

    Strategy evaluation can highlight weaknesses in already implemented strategic plans and makes the entire process to start all over. Ivancic (2013) contends that the effective evaluation method is important because the key activity of strateg evaluation is to determine if strategy execution meety s the

  22. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching Strategies: The Case of ...

    Evaluation of teaching strategies serves as a guide for diagnosis and improvement for effective teaching. However, studies focusing on the effectiveness of teaching strategies in Region 8, Philippines is a bit limited. Hence, this paper aims to evaluate the teaching strategies of teachers at the Hilongos National Vocational School using a total ...

  23. IIEP Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Strategy 2022-2025

    Given the dynamic ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic and other world crises are affecting education and the availability of funding, monitoring data and evaluation is 1 IIEP-UNESCO. 2022. 11th Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2025. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. 2 Throughout this document, we use the term 'organizational level' rather than 'institutional ...


    the evaluation focal person reviews and forwards the final evaluation report to EVAL for approval. Oversight responsibility for evaluations of administratively decentralized projects resides with the evaluation focal person in the regional office and, for centralized projects, with the evaluation focal person in the respective technical sector.

  25. Development and Evaluation of Transparent, Aligned Polycrystalline

    Hypersonic flight is the key to unlocking a nation's strategic advantage in this century's military theater. Military powerhouses such as the United States, Russia, India, China, Australia, and the EU publicly possess hypersonic weapons capabilities. Such technology enables intercontinental travel orders of magnitude faster than conventional flights. A trip halfway across the world would ...

  26. How businesses can think more strategically about accounts payable and

    Evaluating your current payments technology An effective payments strategy will likely require you to update some processes and expand the number of ways you make or receive payments. The ...

  27. Development of Passive Vision Based Relative Station Keeping for

    This thesis investigates control strategies for USVs operating in challenging conditions. The initial focus is on evaluating traditional control methods like Backstepping and Sliding Mode controllers for station keeping in simulated environments with disturbances. The results from these tests pointed towards the need for a more robust control ...

  28. 2024 Identity Protection Services Provider Scorecard

    Javelin's analysis of the identity protection services (IDPS) market dates to 2010, when IDPS providers were just starting to make names for themselves and consumer concerns about identity theft were just starting to garner public and law enforcement attention.