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Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Plan

Every business starts with a business plan because starting a business without a plan is like going on a chilled winter night without warm clothes and since starting a business involves money and where there is money one cannot take chances of going ahead without a plan. In order to understand it better let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of business plan –

Advantages of Business Plan

  • The first and foremost advantage of business plans is that once the company has business plan ready then only it can take it forward and present it to prospective investors who in turn if they like the plan will finance the business plan and we all know how important capital is for starting a business because without capital no business can start.
  • Another benefit of business plans is that it helps the promoter in getting things right because if plans are in mind only then it can lead to confusion as mind has dozen of ideas but once the plan in mind is put into paper in the form of business plan than it gets more clarity and the owner can concentrate on one plan only rather than thinking about dozen of plans.
  • Another advantage of the business plans is that it helps in prioritizing the work and also putting the right people for right job which in turn increases the possibility of the business plan being a success as the owner can keep track of milestones of business as envisaged in the business plan.

Disadvantages of Business Plan

  • The biggest disadvantage of the business plans is that it involves time and expenses and as far as small businesses are concerned they neither have money and expertise to make a proper business plan which in turn can lead to business suffering more rather than gaining from the business plan.
  • Another drawback of it is that due to the presence of business plans the owners may lose flexibility and become rigid also they will keep sticking to the business plan even if it detrimental to the interests of the business. So for example, if business plan has envisaged 10000 units of production but due to change in consumer taste sales of only 5000 units can be done and if the owner sticks to the business plan then it will be a loss making the decision. Hence a good business plan is one which has the scope of flexibility in it.
  • Another disadvantage of business plans is that though plans are good to see and hear but execution of those plans has many problems and uncertainties right from procurement of finance, production related uncertainty, marketing and selling challenges and many other problems and it is next to impossible that plans are carried out in exact fashion as set out by the top management or the owner of the company.
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It was Benjamin Franklin who immortalized the words “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Then again, the wise sage died 128 years before the pandemic of 1918 and 230 years before the Coronavirus pandemic struck in 2020. As the only founding father to have signed all four of the planning documents that established the United States, small-business owners like yourself might be wondering what Franklin, in all his wisdom, would say about the wisdom of short-, long-term and strategic planning. After all, an uncontrolled “external event” like a pandemic can knock any carefully researched, thoughtfully written plan right off its mahogany stand. Then what?

Plan with a Purpose

Of all people, Franklin would have been able to impart valuable lessons to today’s small-business owners about the value in preparing for the immediate and long-term future. He was instrumental in four key planning documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution continues to be a “living document,” guiding decisions in all three branches of the federal government.

On a smaller scale than creating a new government, there are many advantages to planning for your small business, according to Lumen Learning . Planning can direct action, which can be invigorating as it coordinates activities to ensure specific outcomes are achieved. It can rouse motivation and commitment to a cause. Once people know where they’re headed, they’re much more likely to fall into line.

Planning can also set performance standards and benchmarks so it’s easier to periodically review goals and objectives. It improves the likelihood of resource allocation, almost like a falling domino. Often the biggest obstacle to any big idea are the resources necessary to move off of square one; planning can give any big idea a sense of urgency.

Note the Disadvantages of Planning

As small-business owners now know, a pandemic is just one external factor that can upend the potential advantages of planning. Political unrest, strikes and natural calamities are other such factors. But if you confine this exercise to internal factors alone, the disadvantages of planning still add up quickly. Management Study Guide notes that these disadvantages include:

  • inflexibility – a feeling that you must adhere to the plan and never deviate
  • discouraging creativity, innovation, initiative and experimentation after the plan is set
  • breeding a false sense of security and tunnel vision, stemming from putting too much stock in the plan and not seeing or reacting to changing conditions
  • blinding employees to opportunities that were not foreseen and addressed
  • being a time consuming process, requiring research, analysis and interpretation
  • being expensive, drawing resources away from a business when they could be used on other things
  • being rendered obsolete or irrelevant in a heartbeat

Manage the Disadvantages of Planning

One lesson runs consistently throughout this list: Planning should be a fluid process, constantly monitored and adjusted so that the plan remains timely and relevant. But back up the reality check one step further. Simply producing a planning document is no guarantee it will trigger results – no more than purchasing several bags of groceries guarantees a spectacular dinner. Many ingredients go into the outcome.

If you've weighed the pros and cons of planning and are feeling ambivalent, IgniteSpot Accounting says you may wish to try tempering the disadvantages of planning by a few methods. Feed your business' short-term goals into its longer-term goals. They should peacefully co-exist. Hold up all goals against your mission and vision statements to test them for relevance.

Involve employees in the planning process, and encourage them not to hold back. Make sure to integrate deadlines and defining roles and responsibilities – inclusions that are often left out of plans. (Is it any reason, then, that they fail to produce?) Plan for benchmarks that force you to stop and evaluate how the plan is doing, as well as milestones that your employees can celebrate.

You can also hire a consultant to come in and help if you feel as though a plan has run off the rails. Sometimes all that's needed is a quick fix by an outsider – who can see things dispassionately – for the plan to get back on track. Finally, plan (yes, on top of planning) for pivots, not just mere distractions. Pivots require a swift change in direction, not just an acknowledgment that “Ah yes; things have changed.”

It's entirely possible that the last tip may be one of the greatest lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic – and a crucial teaching moment for small-business owners who wish to create their own "living documents." Franklin, a businessman himself, could probably identify. As he said: “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

  • History.com: Benjamin Franklin
  • Lumen Learning: Pros and Cons of Planning
  • Management Study Guide: Disadvantages of Planning
  • IgniteSpotAccounting: Why You Should Set Better Long-Term Goals

Mary Wroblewski earned a master's degree with high honors in communications and has worked as a reporter and editor in two Chicago newsrooms. Then she launched her own small business, which specialized in assisting small business owners with “all things marketing” – from drafting a marketing plan and writing website copy to crafting media plans and developing email campaigns. Mary writes extensively about small business issues and especially “all things marketing.”

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A business plan is a strategic document which details the strategic objectives for a growing business or startup, and how it plans to achieve them.

In a nutshell, a business plan is a written expression of a business idea and will describe your business model, your product or service, how it will be priced, who will be your target market, and which tactics you plan to use to reach commercial success.

Whilst every enterprise should have a plan of some sort, a business plan is of particular importance during the investment process. Banks, venture capitalists, and angel investors alike will need to see a detailed plan in order to make sound investment decisions — think of your plan as a way of convincing them your idea is worth their resources.

Roadmapping From A to Z

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Business plans can also be useful as a guide to keeping a new business on track, especially in the first few months or years when the road ahead isn’t too clear.

Starting a business isn’t an exact science. Some companies organically develop out of trial and error, while others are plotted out from start to finish.

So if you’re asking whether your company needs a lengthy business plan, the answer would be ‘no’. That said, there are definitely a few situations in which writing a plan makes sense and can help increase the chances of a business becoming successful:

In situations when the market is new and untested — or simply volatile — it can be very helpful to have a business plan to refer back to when the road ahead isn’t clear.

For those who have an exciting business idea but haven’t necessarily distilled it down into black-and-white. Writing a business plan is a great way to look at a concept from all angles and spot any potential pitfalls.

How to write a business plan?

The most important step in writing a business plan is to identify its purpose.

Who are you trying to attract with it, and why?

Here are a few key pointers for writing a business plan:

Are you looking to secure a bank loan, get funding from private investors, or to lure skilled professionals to join you?

Include a brief history of your business, the concept, and the products or services. Keep it professional and transparent.

Don’t exaggerate your experience or skills, and definitely don’t leave out information investors need to know. They’ll find out at some point, and if they discover you lied, they could break off their involvement. Trust is crucial.

Explain what the product or service your business offers in simplistic terms.

Watch out for complex language and do whatever you can to prevent readers from becoming confused.

Focus on the benefits the business offers, how it solves the core audience’s problem(s), and what evidence you have to prove that there is a space in the market for your idea. It’s important to touch on the market your business will operate in, and who your main competitors are.

Another essential aspect of writing an effective business plan is to keep it short and sweet. Just focus on delivering the crucial information the reader has to know in order to make a decision. They can always ask you to elaborate on certain points later.

Still, deciding whether or not a business plan will benefit you at this stage of your venture?

Let’s look at a few reasons why you might (or might not) want to write a business plan.

A business plan will help you to secure funding even when you have no trading history. At the seed stage, funding is all-important — especially for tech and SaaS companies. It’s here that a business plan can become an absolute lifesaver.

Your business plan will maintain a strategic focus as time goes on. If you’ve ever heard of “mission creep”, you’ll know how important an agreed can be — and your business plan serves exactly that purpose.

Having a plan down in black and white will help you get other people on board . Again, with no trading history, it can be hard to convince new partners that you know what you’re doing. A business plan elegantly solves this problem.

Your business plan can cause you to stop looking outward. Sometimes, especially in business, you need to be reactive to market conditions. If you focus too much on your original business plan, you might make mistakes that can be costly or miss golden opportunities because they weren’t in the plan.

 A lot of time can be wasted analyzing performance. It’s easy to become too focused on the goals and objectives in your business plan — especially when you’re not achieving them. By spending too much time analyzing past performance and looking back, you may miss out on other ways to push the business forward.

A business plan is out of date as soon as it’s written. We all know how quickly market conditions change. And, unfortunately, certain elements in your business plan may have lost relevance by the time you’re ready to launch. But there is another way — by transferring your strategic plan into an actionable roadmap , you can get the best of both worlds. The business plan contains important detail that is less likely to change, such as your mission statement and target audience, and the roadmap clarifies a flexible, adaptable, route forward.

So, you’ve decided to write a business plan — a great choice! 

But now comes the tricky task of actually writing it. 

This part can be a little frustrating because there is no one-size-fits-all template appropriate for all business plans. The best approach, in fact, is to look at common ingredients of a business plan and pick out the ones that make sense for your venture.

The key elements of a great business plan include:

An overview of the business concept . This is sometimes referred to as an executive summary and it’s essentially the elevator pitch for your business.

A detailed description of the product or service. It’s here that you’ll describe exactly what your core offering will be — what’s your USP , and what value do you deliver?

An explanation of the target audience. You need a good understanding of who you’ll be selling your product or service to, backed up by recent market research.

Your sales and marketing strategy. Now that you know who you’re targeting, how do you plan to reach them? Here you can list primary tactics for finding and maintaining an engaged client base.

Your core team . This section is all about people: do you have a team behind you already? If not, how will you build this team and what will the timeline be? Why are you the right group of people to bring this idea to the market? This section is incredibly important when seeking external investment — in most cases, passion can get you much further than professional experience.

Financial forecasts . Some investors will skim the executive summary and skip straight to the finances — so expect your forecasts to be scrutinized in a lot of detail. Writing a business plan for your eyes only? That’s fine, but you should still take time to map out your financial requirements: how much money do you need to start? How do you plan to keep money coming in? How long will it take to break even ? Remember, cash is king. So you need a cash flow forecast that is realistic, achievable and keeps your business afloat, especially in the tricky first few years.

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  • Created by: 14kumari4079
  • Created on: 13-03-18 21:30
  • Business Studies
  • Business Planning

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Marketing Research - Sampling

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

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What is sampling? In market research, sampling means getting opinions from a number of people, chosen from a specific group, in order to find out about the whole group. Let's look at sampling in more detail and discuss the most popular types of sampling used in market research.

It would be expensive and time-consuming to collect data from the whole population of a market. Therefore, market researchers make extensive of sampling from which, through careful design and analysis, marketers can draw information about their chosen market.

Sample Design

Sample design covers:

  • Method of selection
  • Sample structure
  • Plans for analysing and interpreting the results.

Sample designs can vary from simple to complex. They depend on the type of information required and the way the sample is selected.

Sample design affects the size of the sample and the way in which analysis is carried out; in simple terms the more precision the market researcher requires, the more complex the design and larger the sample size will be.

The sample design may make use of the characteristics of the overall market population, but it does not have to be proportionally representative . It may be necessary to draw a larger sample than would be expected from some parts of the population: for example, to select more from a minority grouping to ensure that sufficient data is obtained for analysis on such groups.

Many sample designs are built around the concept of random selection . This permits justifiable inference from the sample to the population, at quantified levels of precision. Random selection also helps guard against sample bias in a way that selecting by judgement or convenience cannot.

Defining the Population

The first step in good sample design is to ensure that the specification of the target population is as clear and complete as possible. This is to ensure that all elements within the population are represented.

The target population is sampled using a sampling frame .

Often, the units in the population can be identified by existing information such as pay-rolls, company lists, government registers etc.

A sampling frame could also be geographical. For example, postcodes have become a well-used means of selecting a sample.

Sample Size

For any sample design, deciding upon the appropriate sample size will depend on several key factors:

  • No estimate taken from a sample is expected to be exact: assumptions about the overall population based on the results of a sample will have an attached margin of error
  • To lower the margin of error usually requires a larger sample size: the amount of variability in the population, ie the range of values or opinions, will also affect accuracy and therefore size of the sample
  • The confidence level is the likelihood that the results obtained from the sample lie within a required precision: the higher the confidence level, the more certain you wish to be that the results are not atypical. Statisticians often use a 95% confidence level to provide strong conclusions
  • Population size does not normally affect sample size: in fact the larger the population size, the lower the proportion of that population needs to be sampled to be representative. It's only when the proposed sample size is more than 5% of the population that the population size becomes part of the formulae to calculate the sample size

Types of Sampling

There are many different types of sampling methods, here's a summary of the most common:

Cluster sampling

Units in the population can often be found in certain geographic groups or "clusters" for example, primary school children in Derbyshire.

A random sample of clusters is taken, then all units within the cluster are examined.

  • Quick and easy
  • Doesn't need complete population information
  • Good for face-to-face surveys


  • Expensive if the clusters are large
  • Greater risk of sampling error

Convenience sampling

Uses those who are willing to volunteer and easiest to involve in the study.

  • Subjects are readily available
  • Large amounts of information can be gathered quickly
  • The sample is not representative of the entire population, so results can't speak for them - inferences are limited. future data
  • Prone to volunteer bias

Judgement sampling

A deliberate choice of a sample - the opposite of random

  • Good for providing illustrative examples or case studies
  • Very prone to bias
  • Samples often small
  • Cannot extrapolate from sample

Quota sampling

The aim is to obtain a sample that is "representative" of the overall population.

The population is divided ("stratified") by the most important variables such as income, age and location. The required quota sample is then drawn from each stratum.

  • Quick and easy way of obtaining a sample
  • Not random, so some risk of bias
  • Need to understand the population to be able to identify the basis of stratification

Simply random sampling

This makes sure that every member of the population has an equal chance of selection.

  • Simple to design and interpret
  • Can calculate both estimate of the population and sampling error
  • Need a complete and accurate population listing
  • May not be practical if the sample requires lots of small visits over the country

Systematic sampling

After randomly selecting a starting point from the population between 1 and * n , every nth unit is selected.

* n equals the population size divided by the sample size.

  • Easier to extract the sample than via simple random
  • Ensures sample is spread across the population
  • Can be costly and time-consuming if the sample is not conveniently located
  • Secondary research
  • Quantitative research
  • Qualitative research
  • Marketing research

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    Advantages and disadvantages of business planning. 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating? Created by: 14kumari4079; Created on: 13-03-18 21:30; ... Does not guarantee business success. -Plan quality may be low due to lack of experience from the people who wrote it. Takes time and effort which may be expensive, especially for small businesses. ...

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  19. What are the benefits of business planning to a start-up?

    The main reasons why a start-up should produce a business plan are: • Provides a focus on the business idea - is it really a good one, and why? • Producing a document helps clarify thoughts and identify gaps in information. • The plan provides a logical structure to thinking about the business. • It encourages the entrepreneur to focus ...

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