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Flickr user Gonzalo Díaz Fornaro, Creative Commons

  • Visual Arts
  • Drawing & Painting

Creating Comic Strips How can you weave together words and pictures in a comic strip to create a nonfiction story?

In this 3-5 lesson, students will examine comic strips as a form of fiction and nonfiction communication. Students will create original comic strips to convey mathematical concepts.

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Lesson Content

  • Preparation
  • Instruction

Learning Objectives

Students will: 

  • Analyze the evolution of comic strips using the familiar Peanuts comic strips and other comic strips.
  • Explore comic strips from the perspective of a story (setting, characters, plot).
  • Evaluate comic strips by looking at words, pictures, and how they work together.
  • Create an original comic strip to convey mathematical information.
  • Share original comic strips with younger students as a reference tool.

Standards Alignment

National Core Arts Standards National Core Arts Standards

VA:Cr1.2.3a Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate personal ideas through the art-making process.

VA:Cr1.2.4a Collaboratively set goals and create artwork that is meaningful and has purpose to the makers.

VA:Cr1.2.5a Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art.

Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards

ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

ELA-LITERACY.W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.A.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).1 Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem.

MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table.

MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.A.1 Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.

Recommended Student Materials

Editable Documents : Before sharing these resources with students, you must first save them to your Google account by opening them, and selecting “Make a copy” from the File menu. Check out Sharing Tips or Instructional Benefits when implementing Google Docs and Google Slides with students.

  • Comic Strip Template  
  • Snoopy in Space
  • Peanuts Motion Comics: Independence Day
  • Early Peanuts Comics Strips
  • Make Beliefs Comix
  • Digital Storyboard Maker

Additional Materials

  • Pencils, fine-tip markers or pens

Teacher Background  

Teachers should review the lesson and standards. Math standards are suggested but not limited to the ones listed. Visit CCSS Math Standards for more information. Review the book, Comic Strips: Create Your Own Comic Strips from Start to Finish by Art Roche. Select a video from the  Peanuts Collection or Snoopy Collection (example:  Peanuts Independence Day ). Exploring the following resources is also helpful prior to teaching the lesson: Early Peanuts Comics Strips (1950-1968), age-appropriate comic strips , an example Math Comic Strip , the history   of comic strips, and parts of a story.

Student Prerequisites  

Students should be familiar with grade-level math and parts of a story (setting, characters, plot).

Accessibility Notes

Adapt math materials as needed and allow extra time for task completion.

  • Show a Peanuts comic strip video, such as Snoopy in Space or Peanuts Motion Comics: Independence Da y . 
  • Prompt a class discussion with the following questions: Is this fiction or nonfiction? (It is creative nonfiction, using fictional characters to share factual information.) Who is familiar with the Peanuts characters? What other Peanuts shows have you seen? What story elements do you recognize? What is the goal of the production? What art technique is used to produce this video?


  • Explore the evolution of Early Peanuts Comics (1950-1968). Ask students: What similarities and differences do you notice about the comic strips? How many frames are used in each strip? What role does color play in creating these comic strips? Who created these comic strips? (Introduce the creator, Charles Schultz, to the class.)
  • Discuss the history of comic strips. Share that comic strips have been used as a communications tool for over 100 years and the first successful daily comic strip was Mutt and Jeff , which started in 1907. Comic strips are used to tell a story. They have three main parts of a story: s etting,  characters, and plot . Comic strips use words and pictures equally. Comic strips use a series of frames to show story movement.
  • Explore age-appropriate comic strips . Have students work either independently, in groups, or as a class to explore other comic strips. Examine each comic strip for parts of a story, the use of words and pictures, and the number of frames used.
  • Discuss the use of comic strips to convey factual information. Ask students: What factual information was shared in the comic strips or video we watched? What other factual information can be shared using a comic strip? Why would a comic strip creator want to share nonfiction information in this format?
  • Create original comic strips using the Comic Strip Template or digital comic strips with sites like Make Beliefs Comix , Pixton , or Digital Storyboard Maker . Have each student create a 4-frame comic strip to convey a math concept. Model a math concept, then assign a math concept (learned or reinforced in the student’s previous grade) to each student. Using the three parts of a story, have each student create a comic strip to share the math concept. Have the student first work in pencil (drawing lightly). Review each comic strip draft for accuracy. Once approved, ask the student to “ink” the strip using a permanent fine tip marker. Erase any remaining pencil marks. Each student should title (top line) and sign (bottom line) the strip.
  • Create a “Math by Comic Strip” book. Compile all comic strips into a single book. (You may want to create two books: one to share and one to keep as a classroom.)


  • Share the “Math by Comic Strip” book with students in the previous grade. Have each student present their comic strip to another student or the class. 
  • Assess students’ knowledge with one of the following writing or discussion prompts: What were students able to learn about math from reading your comic strip? How did your words and pictures work together to create a math story? What story elements were present in your comic strip? Who would the audience for your book be?
  • Compare and contrast a classic novel and a classic graphic, such as Tales from the Brothers Grimm and Treasure Island , or a nonfiction graphic novels, such as Greek and Roman Mythology .

Original Writer

Carol Parenzan

JoDee Scissors

October 29, 2021

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comic strip assignment instructions

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How to Create a Comic Strip in 6 Steps

Everyone loves a good comic, whether you’re a comic book geek or just the casual reader of a comic in your local newspaper – Comic Strips are great! While some comic strips just take a few minutes or less to read, don’t underestimate the difficulty of creating one! And because May 5 th is comic book day, we decided to give you some step-by-step instructions for creating your first ever comic strip. Follow these instructions and you’ll be creating awesome comic strips in no time! Here is how to create a comic strip in 6 simple steps.

What is a comic strip?

Step 1:  write your ideas for your comic, step 2: draw the three-frames, step 3: use basic shapes to draw, step 4: add in the speech and lettering, step 5: add detail to your cartoon, step 6:  go over your comic in pen, how to make a comic book, how to draw comic strip characters, comic strip ideas, comic strip examples, are you ready to create a comic strip.

A comic strip is a sequence of images with a small amount of text in each box. This text is normally inside balloons or written as captions. Comic strips (or comic books) are a form of story-telling, which uses drawings or cartoon characters to tell a story. Most comic strips are created for humour, while some can be serious.

Comic strips are most likely to be seen in newspapers or magazines. While entire comic books or graphic novels can be found at your local library or bookstore. Superman is one of the best-selling comic books of all time. You might know of other examples of comic strips or books that you’ve seen or read.

In the professional world, comic strips or comic books are created by cartoonists or professional graphic artists. But today we’ll show you how to create your own comic strip at home with no experience needed!

How to create a comic strip

As this is your first-ever comic strip we will focus on creating a three-frame comic. But when you become a master at creating short comic strips, you can make yours much longer and filled with way more characters.

A comic strip is no different from writing a short story . It still needs a beginning, middle and ending. Because this is a three-frame comic strip, break your story down into 3 parts. Write down your ideas for the characters, settings, expressions and even speech. Make sure each part has some action and that your ending is powerful with an awesome punchline.

how to create a comic strip-step 1

On a new piece of plain paper, draw your three frames using a pencil and a  ruler. Make sure each frame is equal size. You can even put small light marks on the paper to mark out where the speech bubbles will go. As a bonus tip, you might want to make your frames twice as big as you want them to be, so you don’t run out of space.

how to create a comic strip-step 2

Don’t want to draw your own comic strip frames? Check out this highly-rated blank comic book for kids on Amazon (Amazon Affiliate link):

blank comic book for kids

This is a whole book filled with blank comic strip grids. All your kids need to do is draw in their comics and they’ll have a complete comic book in no time!

One of the hardest parts of creating a comic strip is drawing out your characters. We recommend you use basic shapes to draw out your characters. As this is your first comic strip you might even want to use stick figures to keeps things easy. Also, sketch in the speech bubbles and any starbursts for sound effects. Oh and don’t forget, please use a pencil at this stage, so you can erase any mistakes.

how to create a comic strip-step 3

Now add in the lettering for your speech into your speech bubbles and don’t forget to double-check your spelling. Remember the size of your lettering could show whether a character is shouting or whispering. For example, lettering in full capitals shows that your character is shouting.

how to create a comic strip-step 4

Now go back to your characters and add any extra details, such as facial expressions, movement lines, and shadowing on the floor. And also draw in the background for each frame.

how to create a comic strip-step 5

Now, you can finally use a felt-tip pen to go over your pencil drawings and rub out any pencil lines. Your first-ever comic strip is now complete – well done! You can leave it as it is or even add some colour.

how to create a comic strip step-6

A comic book is like a super long comic strip that requires more than one page. The process of creating a comic book is almost similar to creating a comic strip. However, there are a couple of extra steps you need to take to make a comic book. 

If you’re looking for a readily made comic book or blank comic book templates, see this amazing blank comic book template for kids (Amazon Affiliate Link):

Here is a super quick step-by-step tutorial on how to make a comic book out of paper:

  • Pile together at least 3 A4 pages. This will give you 12 pages for your comic book. Then fold all of them in half:

comic book step 1

  • Staple the folded papers together. This should give an A5 sized booklet. Then fold the area with staples in slightly like in the image below:

comic book step 2

  • Fold another A4 paper in half. This paper will be for your comic’s cover. We used an A4 piece of card to give our comic book a sturdy cover:

comic book step 3

Then apply glue on the tiny folded over part of your booklet – On the side where you can see the staples. Next, stick the cover and booklet together to form your comic book.

  • Sketch out your cover using a pencil. And now the fun part: Outline your pencil drawing with a pen and then colour it in like a colouring book:

comic book step 4

  • Plan on your comic on a separate paper. You should ideally plan out each frame. Think about what the characters will say, what the scene might look like and any other small details. For inspiration, take a look at this post on how to come up with good ideas . 

comic book step 5

Once the planning is done, sketch out your frames and cover over them in black pen. 

  • Draw in your frames using a pencil. Remember to include speech bubbles, special effects and facial expressions on your characters. Once happy outline the drawing with a black pen and colour it in using your favourite colours:

comic book step 6 draw in comic

Carry on doing the same with the other pages in your comic book until complete. 

Hooray! Your comic book is now complete. Now that you have done your first comic – Don’t stop now! Create your own comic book collection and amaze your friends with your bedazzling story-telling skills! You could even be the next Stan Lee!

Making a comic book is a great school project which can be applied to any lesson, whether it’s art, science or English. Comic books are a great way to encourage creativity in kids and build on their story-telling skills. You can even ask students to create comic books to test their understanding of a complex subject or topic. 

One of the hardest parts of creating a comic strip is drawing out the characters. As a beginner to the world of creating comic books, try not to worry too much about your drawing skills. For now, even a simple stick figure will do – In fact, there are many famous comics on the internet drawn entirely using stick figures!

If you want more than just stick figures, you can try out the simple steps below on how to draw your own comic strip characters. For this method, you’ll start off using a light pencil to sketch your character and then you’ll add in the colour:

  • Start with a simple circle.
  • Draw two circles for the eye and a mouth. And don’t forget a tiny curved dot for the nose!
  • Sketch any rough hairstyle. Add in the eyebrows over the hair.
  • Draw a triangular-looking rectangle for the body.
  • Roughing sketch in the legs and tiny shoes.
  • Add in your character’s arms.
  • Draw in the smaller details. Don’t forget to add the tiny hands.
  • Go over your sketch with a black pen.
  • Colour in your character
  • Your comic strip character is complete!

Here is a little cheat sheet of all the steps involved in drawing your own comic strip character:

how to draw comic strip characters

By following these simple instructions, you’ll be drawing cool comic strip characters in no time! If you need more help drawing characters for your comic strips, then we recommend this book on how to draw cartoon character for kids (Amazon Affiliate Link):

how to draw cartoon character for kids

Now you know how to create your own comic strip the next step is to start creating more! Here are some fun comic strip ideas to try out:

  •   School Day: Create a comic about your best/worst day at school.
  • Travel Comic: Create a travel comic about a recent trip or holiday you went on.
  • Friendship: Write a comic about your best friend or a friend and give it to them as a gift .
  • Fairy Tales: Recreate your favourite fairytale as a comic strip.
  • Superhero: Design your own superhero and write a comic strip about their adventures. You can check out these superhero writing prompts for inspiration.
  • Family: Write a comic strip about a family member and give it to them as a present.
  • Music: Write a comic strip based on your favourite song, singer or band.
  • The Future: Create a comic strip based on how you will be like in 10 years time.
  • Anti-bullying: Write a comic about bullying to help anyone who is being bullied .
  • Endangered Species: Raise awareness of an endangered species through creating a comic strip.

These comic strip ideas are great for school and at home. Why not challenge yourself and create a comic strip for all 10 of the comic strip ideas above! For more inspiration take a look at our post on coming up with story ideas .

We all need a little inspiration now and then. To inspire your comic strip creation, here are some simple and fun comic stripe examples:

a day in the life of Marty Wizard part 1

Why not continue the comic strips in these examples or create your own using these characters?

Creating comic strips is so much fun. And it’s easy too! Just make sure to sketch out your ideas before creating your comic strip and make sure you keep your characters simple (as you may have to draw them many times in different positions.) Now sharpen your pencil and get creating!

What do you think of our step-by-step instructions on how to create a comic strip? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. In the meantime, why not take a look at our monster flip book activity or learn how to write your first-ever Haiku ?

how to create a comic strip

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Create a comic strip.

Fifth Grade Reading & Writing Activities: Create a Comic Strip

When you think of writing skills, you probably remember long essays, research reports, tests, or other stressful school assignments. But communicating using the written word doesn't have to be tough! It can be as simple as telling a story, as rudimentary as writing a wish list, or as fun as composing a comic strip. And while these tasks may not sound like much, getting your child comfortable with writing, no matter the context, will help them find the fun in even the most challenging writing assignments down the road! Here's how to get your kid writing their own comic strip.

What You Need:

  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Drawing paper
  • Newspaper comic strips

What You Do:

Look over the newspaper comic strips, and discuss some of the common features with your child. For example, they usually feature:

  • 1-2 sentence conversations between characters
  • 1 picture per frame with somewhat close-up perspective
  • Humorous situations or dialogue

Brainstorm with your child to come up with a subject or scenario for their comic strip. Is the strip about the trials of being a kid? Is it about something that happened at school? Or does it take place in another location, such as outer space or the age of the dinosaurs? Encourage your child to be creative - there are no rules, and no one is grading them on their performance! Once your child has settled on a plan for the strip, they can get started on actually drawing it out.

Use the ruler to draw a rectangle the length of the paper, and divide the rectangle into 4-5 squares. Your child will need to make certain that the squares are large enough to draw the picture and add in the text while being both visible and legible.

Draw the picture that will go in each of the frames. Keep in mind the story that you are trying to tell, and make sure to save room for the speech bubble. Is the character angry? Amused? Bored? Try and convey your comic with words and pictures. Sometimes it is the contrast between text and image that is the source of the humor.

Write the sentences that go with each of the frames on a separate sheet of paper. (This is to let your child see if the sentence will fit into the available space.) Next, write the sentence into the appropriate frame, and draw a speech bubble (or thought bubble) around the text. If you wish, you can color the comic strip to give it "Sunday comic" flair.


To expand on the complexity of this activity, your child can create their own comic book. The main difference in the activity is that your child will fold 7-8 pieces of paper in half, and then divide each page into 2-4 squares.

One other adaptation is to find a way to share the comic strip with others. Ideas for this include:

  • Scanning the picture onto the computer.
  • Taking a digital picture of the comic strip.

Once you have a digital copy of your strip, the sky's the limit! There are several ways to share your child's work, from emailing it to setting up a blog where it can be showcased.

Related learning resources

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Bookmark this to easily find it later. Then send your curated collection to your children, or put together your own custom lesson plan.

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How to Make a Comic Strip

Last Updated: August 1, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Lucy V. Hay . Lucy V. Hay is a Professional Writer based in London, England. With over 20 years of industry experience, Lucy is an author, script editor, and award-winning blogger who helps other writers through writing workshops, courses, and her blog Bang2Write. Lucy is the producer of two British thrillers, and Bang2Write has appeared in the Top 100 round-ups for Writer’s Digest & The Write Life and is a UK Blog Awards Finalist and Feedspot’s #1 Screenwriting blog in the UK. She received a B.A. in Scriptwriting for Film & Television from Bournemouth University. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 825,889 times.

Creating comic strips is a rewarding task, but can sometimes be difficult to create. Finding the right storyline and making something entertaining in a few boxes is harder than it sounds. If you want to make a comic strip, like the famous Garfield comic strips, this article is for you.

Sample Comics

comic strip assignment instructions

Writing a Script

Step 1 Decide on a story that you want to publish.

  • Focus on the plot of the story, think about the concept, and then think about how that plot is going to work.
  • If you're wanting to do more of a gag-a-day strip, you'll want to outline the types of jokes you want to make. This will help you decide what kinds of and how many characters you need to pull off those jokes.

Step 2 Decide on your format.

  • Of course, sticking to a particular size will matter most if you plan on publishing your comics in print (such as a newspaper). If you plan on having them online instead, don't worry about this as much.
  • If you're printing and even if you're not, it's best to at least keep the same width and height for a single row. So, you can have one strip with one row, and another strip with two rows, but all three rows should be the same width and height as each other.

Step 3 Plan each panel.

Fleshing Out Your Characters

Step 1 Give them hopes and dreams.

  • They can be greedy, too talkative, rude, selfish, or not exactly smarter than your average bear.

Step 3 Flesh out their lives.

  • Remember, your characters don't have to fall in love. Don't make a character for the sole purpose of being a love interest; make them realistic, and if a love story seems appropriate between two characters, let it develop in a realistic manner.
  • Cliches aren't how people are, they are how people think they are supposed to be. You can help change this by making your characters behave like people do in the real world.

Drawing the Comic

Step 1 Draw the frames.

  • For good examples of speech bubbling, see online comic Dumbing of Age or print comic Pearls Before Swine.

Step 4 Sketch backgrounds and scenes.

Publishing Your Comic

Step 1 Decide on an update schedule.

  • Use a website. There are many websites that are known for hosting comics. Like starting a blog, you can start an easy-to-update page where people can find your comic. This is great for beginners. A popular options are SmackJeeves and ComicFury. [13] X Research source
  • Make a website. You can also make your own website. This will give you a little more control but can also be more work. Only do this if you feel you are capable of making a nice, looking site on your own or with a little help.
  • Use your blog. It is becoming increasingly popular to publish comics using blogging sites like Tumblr. This is an incredibly easy publishing mechanism which allows you to put up ads to make money but also not cost you money to host the site.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

Reader Videos

  • Create a cool title image to give your comic an identity. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • It might also be nice to use water colors to fill them in as this can look really effective and doesn't need much detail: just a splash here and there! Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Read a story and make a comic of it. The more you try, the better you become. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

comic strip assignment instructions

  • Don't steal others' content, this won't help you to be creative, and you can get in trouble Thanks Helpful 21 Not Helpful 1
  • Don't make your cartoon offensive to anyone. Thanks Helpful 168 Not Helpful 43
  • Make sure that if you are uploading, you follow the rules that the website has set (Ex. No excessive gore) Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 5

Things You'll Need

  • A permanent marker or pen

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  • ↑ https://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/5-tips-writing-appealing-characters
  • ↑ https://www.writersdigest.com/write-better-fiction/mr-nice-guys-writing-flawed-characters
  • ↑ https://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2007/06/how_to_make_a_c.html
  • ↑ https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/74165-lesson-adding-dialogue-to-comics/
  • ↑ https://www.creativebloq.com/comics/guide-create-publish-comic-book-71515975
  • ↑ https://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/all_about_comics/all_about/76/
  • ↑ https://comicfury.com/

About This Article

Lucy V. Hay

To make a comic strip, start by deciding how many panels you want, keeping in mind that many popular comics have 3-4 panels per 1-row strip of action. After you know how many panels you need, begin designing each individual panel, starting with sketching out the frame. Once you have frames, sketch in the characters and then draw in the background. Then, add in speech bubbles to contain your dialogue and try to maintain a good balance of pictures and text. Wait until you are happy with where everything is before you color in your panels. To learn how to publish your comic strip, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Center for Cartoon Studies

Teaching comics.

This page both archives teaching content from National Association of Comics Art Educators, along with dozens of additional teaching comics resources for all ages developed by The Center for Cartoon Studies community.  In recent years the comics medium has flourished, generating much interest from the literary, art, and educational communities. This site will continue to expand with more content as it is developed. Recommended grades, along with Common Core subjects are noted on several resources.

For more information or suggestions, contact [email protected]

Teaching Resources

• Individual Exercises • Complete Lesson Plans • Study Guides and Handouts • Complete Syllabi • Books and Magazines

  • Individual Exercises

This section contains a list of short exercises. This material has been contributed by various cartoonists and educators. All items are available in printer-friendly adobe .PDF format.

• The Wrong Planet: Timing, Closure and Editing contributed by Paul Hluchan • Design Vs. Drawing contributed by James Sturm • It’s Easy as Changing the Film contributed by Patrick Welch • Editing contributed by James Sturm • Show Time Passing contributed anonymously • Basic Storytelling… Lights, Camera, Action! contributed by Patrick Welch • Intro to Lettering contributed anonymously • Intro to Inking contributed anonymously • Describing the Complex World contributed by Patrick Welch • Silent Gag Cartoon Exercise contributed anonymously • Poetry and Comics contributed by James Sturm • Comic Strip: Character/Place/Situation contributed anonymously • The Irony of Humor contributed anonymously • Autobiography Do’s and Don’ts contributed anonymously • Think Before You Ink contributed by James Sturm • Scenes as Building Blocks contributed by Tom Hart • 20 Questions for Characters contributed anonymously • Intro to Caricature contributed anonymously • Character Exploration Initial Writing Exercises contributed by Tom Hart • Form and Chaos contributed anonymously • A Definition of Comics contributed by James Sturm • Closure Exercise contributed anonymously [ closure_handout ] • Expressive Lettering and Balloons contributed anonymously [ lettering_template ] • Iconographic Language in Comics contributed anonymously • Cartoon Characters Doodled from Memory contributed by Ivan Brunetti • Practicing Text-Image Relationships contributed by Christian Hill

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Complete Lesson Plans

This section contains a list of lesson plans. This material has been contributed by various cartoonists and educators. All items are available in printer-friendly adobe .PDF format.  Each lesson plan has, listed after its title, a grade range for which the exercise is most appropriate. Many lesson plans, though, can be modified to suit older or younger classes as needed.

  • Little Orphane Annie: Leapin’ Through the Depression contributed by Joanna Boyd Richards [ sample Annie strips .pdf 2.4MB]
  • Teaching Literary Devices with Comics contributed by Nancy Frey and Doug Fisher [ sample narrative .pdf 2MB]
  • The Serious Business of Graphic Novels contributed by A. David Lewis [ slideshow .ppt 8.5MB]
  • Creating and Self-Publishing Your Minicomics contributed by Mac McCool
  • Study Guides and Handouts

This section contains study guides which are geared toward English/literature classes as well as a studio environment. Also available here are handouts useful for class discussion. Several of the study guides contain reading questions designed to facilitate the teaching of prominent comics works.  All items are available in printer-friendly adobe .PDF format.

Study Guides: • The Complete Peanuts Volume I by Charles M. Schulz contributed by Art Baxter • Buddy in Seattle by Peter Bagge contributed by Ben Towle • Above and Below by James Sturm contributed anonymously • Locas: The Maggie and Hopey Stories by Jaime Hernandez contributed by Art Baxter • Jimbo in Purgatory by Gary Panter contributed by Joel Priddy • You Can’t Get There From Here by Jason contributed by Christian Hill • Flies on the Ceiling by Los Bros Hernandez contributed by Rocco Versaci • My Troubles with Women by Robert Crumb contributed by Rocco Versaci • Ghost World by Dan Clowes contributed by Rocco Versaci • Daddy’s Girl by Debbie Drechsler contributed by Rocco Versaci • Sandman: Fables and Reflections by Neil Gaiman contributed by Rocco Versaci • Palestine by Joe Sacco contributed by Rocco Versaci • Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon contributed by Rocco Versaci • Maus by Art Spiegleman contributed anonymously

Handouts: • The Creation of a Page contributed by Tom Hart • Three-Act Story Structure contributed anonymously • Women in Comics: An Introductory Guide contributed by Trina Robbins • Critique Talking Points contributed anonymously • Usagi Yojimbo: Step by Step contributed by Stan Sakai • Mix and Match Rows: Comics Handouts for Younger Students contributed by Ben Towle • Comics Terminology contributed anonymously • How To Read Nancy contributed by Mark Newgarden and Paul Karasik

  • Complete Syllabi

In this section you will find a number of complete course syllabi, most if which are intended for teaching at the undergraduate level. The syllabi are divided into sections for studio classes and non-studio classes and have been contributed by instructors from institutions such as Yale, The Savannah College of Art and Design, The University of Florida, and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as others.

  • Comics As Literature contributed by Rocco Versaci
  • Comics and Animation contributed anonymously
  • Comics in American Culture contributed by Professor Touponce
  • Media in Cultural Context: Comics, Cartoons and Graphic Storytelling contributed anonymously
  • Survey of Sequential Art contributed anonymously
  • Writing About Comics contributed anonymously
  • Writing Scripts for Comics contributed by Mark Kneece
  • Introduction to Comics Art: Gateway to Visual Storytelling contributed anonymously
  • Reading Comics as Literature contributed by Isaac Cates
  • Studies in Literature and Culture: The Graphic Novel contributed anonymously
  • Comics Studio Class contributed anonymously
  • Explore Chicago: The Art of Chris Ware contributed anonymously
  • An Aesthetic History of Comics contributed by Dan Nadel
  • History of Comic-Book Art contributed by Andrei Molotiu
  • Image, Text, and Story: An Exploration of Graphic Novels contributed by Rachel Williams
  • Books and Magazines

The reference material here consists of books and magazines which may be useful to educators teaching classes in comics or cartooning. Most of the items listed are instructional in nature, but a few are critical or analytical texts relating to the cartooing artform; Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics is probably the most well known of these. Several items listed are currently out of print, but reasonably priced copies can usually be located via bookfinder.com .

The Arbor House Book of Cartooning by Mort Greenberg ISBN 0-87795-399-6 New Yorker cartoonist Greenberg shares his knowledge in this comprehensive volume. There seem to be thousands of these “how-to cartoon” books. This (along with Polly Keener’s book) is one of the better ones.

The Art of Comic Book Inkin g by Gary Martin ASIN: 1569712581 Pretty good introduction to inking tools and concepts. Especially good at identifying methods of implying shade and weight on a human figure. A number of variations on the same pencils by differing comic book inking pros offer a good look at many ways a page can be successfully inked.

The Art of Dramatic Writing by Lajos Egri ISBN: 0-671-21332-6 A seminal 20th century book on playwriting, and the introduction to the “dramatic statement” inherent in any play. The book is very instructive in looking at the elements of your story and examining which are contributing to the greater theme, and which are not. Like David Mamet’s book, it has little room for other opinions of how drama is constructed but certainly presents its own thesis clearly and completely.

Cartooning by Polly Keener ISBN: 0131179128 Although geared towards gag cartooning and comic strips, this book offers a great deal of information from generating ideas to tools and techniques. Covers a lot of the same ground as The Arbor House Book .

Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner ISBN: 0961472812 Taken from Amazon.com reader reviews: “Written years before Scott McCloud’s “Understanding Comics,” Will Eisner expounds upon how comics are a visual, reading experience using both words and pictures. He instructs the reader in how words and pictures can be used together to tell a story. The author must lead the reader with visual clues to each sequential image. Mood, emotion, even time can be expressed visually in a comic. Camera angles, panel borders, typefaces, all play a part in the effectiveness of a story.”

Comix 2000 by L’ Association Editors Essential cross section (2000 pages) of silent comics from across the globe. Countless examples of innovative silent storytelling.

The DC Comics Guide to Pencilling Comics by Klaus Janson ISBN: 0-8230-1028-7 Klaus Janson’s book is a distillation of all his techniques and theories. A great book divided into 3 parts: drawing, storytelling and pencilling. Drawing focuses mostly on human anatomy. In Storytelling, he discusses the art of panel juxtaposition, including a nuanced look at juxtaposing unrelated images. He also offers an extensive and detailed look at panel arrangement, including composition both on the page and within the panel. The pencilling section offers a look at Janson’s process on an entire short story, from script to finishes. Overall intelligent, humble, and masterful.

Drawing Comics Lab: 52 Exercises on Characters, Panels, Storytelling, Publishing & Professional Practices (Lab Series) ISBN: 9781592538126 This easy-to-follow book is designed for the beginning or aspiring cartoonist; both children and adults will find the techniques to be engaging and highly accessible.Featured artists include:- James Stu

DRAW! Magazine Quarterly , published by: TwoMorrows Publishing PO Box 2129 Upper Darby, PA 19082 This weighty magazine features numerous useful columns each issue. Past columns have included an extensive look at inking by Klaus Janson, a look at character design by Genndy Tartakovsky (creator of Cartoon Network’s Samauri Jack ), an article on observation and set design by Batman set designer Paul Rivoche, and figure drawing by Brett Blevins.

Graphic Storytelling by Will Eisner ISBN: 0961472820 From the publisher: “A companion to Comics & Sequential Art , this book takes the principles examined in that title and applies them to the process of graphic storytelling. Eisner shows comic artists, filmmakers and graphic designers how to craft stories in a visual medium. They’ll also learn why mastering the basics of storytelling is far more important than the hollow flash and dazzle seen in lesser work. Readers will learn everything from the fine points of graphic storytelling to the big picture of the comics medium, including how to: * Use art that enhances your story, rather than obscuring it * Wield images like narrative tools * Write and illustrate effective dialogue * Develop ideas that can be turned into dynamic stories. These lessons and more are illustrated with storytelling samples from Eisner himself along with other comic book favorites, including Art Spiegelman, Robert Crumb, Milton Caniff and Al Capp. “

The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell ISBN: 0691017840 Seminal and definitive look at world mythology and the “shared stories” therein. From African mythology, to Norse, to American Indian, the elements of myths are often similar. Campbell outlines these and as such, furthers Jung’s mapping of humanity’s unconscious hopes, desires and fears.

On Directing Film by David Mamet ISBN: 0140127224 There is no better description (told in essay form and also transcribed dialogues with his students) of how to proceed from an idea to a no-nonsense visual, dramatic rendition of that idea. The book is a perfect expression of its goal to outline the thinking steps involved in planning out a scene or series of scenes. For Mamet, all the expression lies in the script and in the SHOT LIST. Even his use of actors (as people who just get up, hit their marks and say their lines and shut up) is extreme. Nonetheless, he is completely self-assured of his points of view, and in learning his method of outlining a scene before beginning the filming or drawing, I can’t imagine a better explanation.

Perspective for Comic Book Artists by David Chelsea ISBN 0-8230-0567-4 Both an introduction and comprehensive course in perspective tailored specifically for Comic Book artists (and told in comics form.) People who don’t know perspective will finally learn what they’ve been doing right. Even those that think they know perspective will probably walk away with their heads spinning and full of new insights. Exhaustive and somewhat confusing if you don’t want to do the math.

Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics by Bill Blackbeard ISBN 0-87474-172-6 Essential introduction to the comic strips of the early 20th century.

Story by Robert McKee ISBN 0-06-039168-5 One of the world’s premiere screenwriting teachers dissects and defines the elements of a story. Sort of the Understanding Comics for screenwriters.

Syllabus by Lynda Barry ISBN 1-77046-161-2 Barry teaches a method of writing that focuses on the relationship between the hand, the brain, and spontaneous images, both written and visual. It has been embraced by people across North America—prison inmates, postal workers, university students, high-school teachers, and hairdressers—for opening pathways to creativity.

Wishes, Lies, and Dreams: Teaching Children to Write Poetry by Kenneth Koch ISBN 0-05-080530-7 A classic in its field, this book is a vivid account of a poet’s experience teaching Manhattan schoolchildren to write verse. The book provides great ideas for creating assignments that excite students and get the creative juices flowing.

The Writer’s Journey: Dramatic Structure for Storytellers by Christopher Volger ISBN: 0941188701 Overview of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” ideas and their use in Hollywood storytelling. Though simplistic, it is surprisingly useful if used correctly, meaning not as formulae, but as dramatic tools. Outlines a series of 12 steps in many stories — exemplified by Wizard of Oz but also evident in Titanic and surprisingly, even Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction. All in all a good job of cracking open the traditional story structure and peeking inside.

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg ISBN 0-87773-375-9 Lots of exercises to get writers going. Exercises, like the Kenneth Koch book, can be easily translated for a comic artist.

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard ISBN 0-06-016156-6 A great writer writing about the creative process. Dillard offers bits of technical information but more importantly she lays out a realistic perspective on the trials and challenges of making art and the dedication needed to persevere.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud ISBN: 006097625X Comprehensive examination of the mechanics of the art form; from mapping of iconographic imagery to an new nomenclature for transitions between comic panels (and a mapping of those as well.) Great overview and introduction to the intellectual tools involved in creating comics.

Your Career in Comics by Lee Nordling ISBN 0-8362-0748-3 If you want to make it as a comic strip artist, then this is the book for you. Nording looks at cartooning from three perspectives: the cartoonist’s, the newspaper editor’s, and the syndicate editor’s. He interviews dozens of professionals providing both a broad-based view of the art form and the nitty gritty of fashioning a solid comic strip.

  • Promoting a Comics Curriculum

One of the primary the goals of NACAE was to assist educational institutions and individual educators interested in establishing a comics art curriculum.  The materials below are collected from various sources and outline some of the advantages of implementing sequential art/comics art classes and curricula.

  • A Case For Comics contributed by James Sturm
  • Seika University’s Department of Comic Art contributed by Matt Thorn
  • How Comic Books Can Change the Way Our Students See Literature: One Teacher’s Perspective contributed by Rocco Versaci
  • Comics in the Classroom contributed by James Sturm
  • Interview with Michael Bitz of The Comic Book Project contributed by Christian Hill

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BIPOC Cartoonist Fund Accepting Donations

CCS wants your old comics! These comics and many more were donated to support CCS's BIPOC Cartoonist Fund. If you're interested in making a comic book or cash donation  drop us a line . 


Cartooning in an anxious age.

comic strip assignment instructions

Cartooning In An Anxious Age (pdf) is a free comic by Cara Bean on the act of drawing, which focuses your attention and intimately connects you with the generative act of creation. It’s an inspiring read.

Let's Talk About It: A Graphic Guide to Mental Health

Let's Talk About It: A Graphic Guide to Mental Health

Created for middle and high school students, Let’s Talk About It: A Graphic Guide To Mental Health is a lively and educational comic book that destigmatizes the conversation around mental health.

A 32-page comic on how our government works

This Is What Democracy Looks Like comic cover

Using the power of comics to teach teens about the way our government works This Is What Democracy Looks Like, A Graphic Guide To Governance is a 32-page comic book created by The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS). This short comic guide helps to bring democracy back to the hands of the people by explaining what democracy actually means and how the whole thing works. This guide will be a great jumping-off point to learn about our government.

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The Applied Cartooning Manifesto

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Download a free copy of The World is Made of Cheese, The Applied Cartooning Manifesto.

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Create Your Own Comic Strip: A Printable Template

Your kids can combine creativity and writing by filling in these blank comic strips with their own unique stories and illustrations..

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Canva - Create a Comic Strip - Assignment for Students

Canva - Create a Comic Strip - Assignment for Students

Subject: Computing

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

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Last updated

11 February 2023

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comic strip assignment instructions

Introduce your students to the world of digital storytelling with this engaging and educational assignment. With the rise of visual storytelling, comic strips have become an increasingly popular form of communication, and this project will give your students the opportunity to create their own comic strip using Canva.

In this assignment, students will:

  • Create a Canva account if required
  • Choose a comic strip template
  • Customize the template with their own images, characters, and text
  • Add dialogue to bring their story to life
  • Rearrange panels to create the desired layout
  • Proofread their comic strip to ensure accuracy and clarity
  • Download or share their final product

This assignment is designed to be easy to follow, with student instructions and a grading rubric to help you evaluate your students’ work. Whether you’re a seasoned Canva user or new to the platform, you’ll find that this assignment is a fun and accessible way for your students to express their creativity and practice their digital skills.

  • Student Assignment in pdf (planner, instructions, shortcut keys, examples)
  • Grading rubric provide in word and pdf
  • Planner provided in word and pdf

So why wait? Give your students the gift of storytelling and get them started on their own comic strip today!

Just deliver the pdf with instructions, shortcuts keys and examples to them either electronically or by print. You will need an internet connect so that students can use the Free or Education account in Canva to complete this lesson.

If you have any questions about this resource please contact me at [email protected] .

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States of Matter Comic Strip MS-PS1-4

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What educators are saying


Description :

*Must have PowerPoint to edit this resource!

Are you teaching your students about states of matter? This is a perfect activity to go along with your lessons! Students are challenged to put themselves in the perspective of a water particle and tell their story of moving through the different states (gas, liquid, and solid). This works great as an assessment or an activity where students learn as they create. Students will have two options of how they want to create their comic strip: digitally or on paper. And, the standards based rubric will guide them on what they need to include in their comic strip. This resource is aligned with MS-PS1-4 and takes 3-4 days to complete

What's Included :

  • States of Matter Comic Strip Overview
  • Student examples
  • States of Matter Comic Strip Student Direction Sheet (PDF file and editable Power Point file)
  • States of Matter Comic Strip Rough Draft Template (PDF file and editable Power Point file)
  • Comic Strip Mini Rubric (PDF file and editable Power Point file)
  • Google and PowerPoint slides to guide the lesson for 4 days

Materials Needed :

11 x 17 white paper for the paper comic strip, colored pencils, markers, and pens

How I Like to Use this Product :

I love using this as an assessment for states of matter! Students get to show how much they have learned and be creative in how they demonstrate that learning! This activity typically takes 3-4 days to complete in my classroom.

Thank you for visiting my store! I am SO honored you are here! Being able to share ideas with other teachers brings me great joy! If you like this product, please leave a review or share a picture on Instagram of this product in your classroom! Don’t forget to tag @mrsnelsonsmiddles!

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Comic Strip Assignment

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Comic Book Strip Activity 35

Purpose: To use your creative and drawing skills to illustrate a business world practice

Instructions: For this assignment, you are to create a minimum of a five-frame (max of 7 frames) comic strip based on a business topic. You may use the Internet, if necessary, to find appropriate pictures, but you will likely find all you need in the clipart gallery in Word or Clips on the Web.

The comic strip does not have to be humorous; instead, it needs to illustrate and make a point about something important in the business world—be creative, but all work must be school appropriate. If you are unsure, show me as you are working and I will let you know if you are on the right track.

Change your Paper Orientation by choosing File, Page Setup, and changing it to Landscape. Your boxes should be 2 inches wide and 2 inches tall. After you draw the first square, right click it and go to Format AutoShape. Then, click the size tab at the top. Change the height and width to 2 inches and click OK. Then, copy and paste the boxes across your page. After all of the boxes are drawn be sure to center them or they might hang off the page. Use Print Preview to make sure you can see all of the boxes.

Be sure to put a title and your name in a text box above the comic strip. Be creative and use lots of pictures. Really show the background (trees or buildings, or furniture if it is an inside scene). Also use callouts for dialogue. Use the crop tool to crop off any unnecessary parts. Check your spelling!

Save as Comic Strip in your folder. Print in color and place in basket. Proper Phone Techniques By: Student Name

That is not the way to I always have a smile on my John, the phone is answer the phone! You face, so whenever the phone Okay, ringing. Aren’t Fine, should always answer with rings I am ready. Okay. I you going to Fine. a smile! get the answer it? Hello? point.

Storyboard That

  • My Storyboards

Interjections Comic Strip Assignment

Interjections Comic Strip Assignment

Create your own Storyboard

Storyboard text.

  • Hey! Are you exited for the big game tonight.
  • Yeah! I'm ready to go.
  • Wow! I never knew math could be so boring. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to sit through it. I just can't stop thinking about the game
  • I never new math could be so fun.
  • Whoa! Your not serious are you?
  • Well, not exactly. You see you were day dreaming about the game and you forgot to take your test. So you have to stay and make up the test and can't play in the game.
  • Phew, I finally made it throw school now I can get ready for the game.

Basic Instructions

Basic Instructions

Basic instructions by scott meyer for september 02, 2024, august 26, 2024.

Basic Instructions

All caught up!

25 comments, featured comment.


The Wolf In Your Midst   4 days ago

I’d say the kids are smarter than we were.

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  1. PDF Comic Strip Lesson Plan

    Comic Strip LESSON PLAN. THREE: Using one of the comic strip templates provided, elicit ideas for a story and put the results on the board. Use fewer words than in the sample board plan below - keep to the main points and use verbal communication as much as possible. Board Plan.

  2. PDF Comic Strip Assignment Rubric

    %PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group ...

  3. Creating Comic Strips

    Students will: Analyze the evolution of comic strips using the familiar Peanuts comic strips and other comic strips. Explore comic strips from the perspective of a story (setting, characters, plot). Evaluate comic strips by looking at words, pictures, and how they work together. Create an original comic strip to convey mathematical information.

  4. How to Create a Comic Strip in 6 Steps

    Step 1: Write your ideas for your comic. Step 2: Draw the three-frames. Step 3: Use basic shapes to draw. Step 4: Add in the speech and lettering. Step 5: Add detail to your cartoon. Step 6: Go over your comic in pen. How to make a comic book. How to Draw Comic Strip Characters. Comic Strip Ideas.

  5. How to Make Comics: Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Learning and

    Activities, and Resources. for Learning and Making. step-by-step guide for teachers and students. This is the fourth and final article in our How to Make Comics series for teachers, families, and comics-lovers who are interested in exploring the medium. Over the course of three articles, writer and comics scholar Chris Gavaler helped us ...

  6. Create a Comic Strip

    Reading & Writing Writing Writing Organization and Structure Voice in Writing. Use this template to plan and create an original comic. Your comic book enthusiast will have a BLAST with this super comic book writing project. Communicating using the written word doesn't have to be tough! It can be as simple and fun as composing a comic strip.

  7. Book Report Alternative: Comic Strips and Cartoon Squares

    Choose the six-frame comic strip. (Alternately, have students choose the one-frame cartoon square and focus their work on an important scene in the book). In each of the six frames of the comic strip show a significant event from the book. Under each picture or cartoon, write a caption that provides additional detail on the scene.

  8. The Comic Book Show and Tell

    Discuss the difference between comic strips and comic books. Comics strips are usually self-contained "gags" or jokes and most-often run in series of three rectangular panels. Comic books run 20 pages or more in length, may be self-contained or part of an ongoing storyline, and vary in their panel layout from page to page based on the action of ...

  9. 5 Ways to Make a Comic Strip

    6. Add text. With the comic mostly drawn, you can add in text to the speech bubbles. Make sure to use a consistent font and text size. Even if a bubble is smaller, the text should always be the same size. Larger or smaller text indicates, respectively, whispering and shouting. Also make sure to use a legible font.

  10. Teaching Comics « The Center for Cartoon Studies

    A 32-page comic on how our government works. Using the power of comics to teach teens about the way our government works This Is What Democracy Looks Like, A Graphic Guide To Governance is a 32-page comic book created by The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS). This short comic guide helps to bring democracy back to the hands of the people by explaining what democracy actually means and how the ...

  11. PDF Comic strip project

    Comic strip project. You will create a minimum of a 6 - frame comic strip using Microsoft Word. You may use the internet, but the clipart should have many of the items you need. Your comic strip should teach someone how to do or make something! It does not have to be "funny.". Give the steps needed to accomplish a task.

  12. How to Create a Comic Book: Neil Gaiman's Step-by-Step ...

    Write notes to accompany the images in each panel. 6. Write your script! Using your thumbnails as a reference, write a script for your story which will eventually be turned over to your artist. Work panel by panel communicating things like framing, point-of-view, scene and character description, and dialogue.

  13. DOC Instructions for Action Potential/Nerve Impulse Comic Strip

    For this assignment you will need to refer to pages 52 and 53 of your textbook. Students are to create an 8-cell comic strip which reflects the 9 steps shown on the pages of the text. ... Due Thursday, September 2, 2010. Title: Instructions for Action Potential/Nerve Impulse Comic Strip Author: schavez Last modified by: schavez Created Date: 9 ...

  14. Creating a Comic Strip for the Water Cycle

    You can choose which part of the water cycle you want to start with. Click "Start Assignment". Create your narrative in the description boxes. Allow one cell for each step. Create an illustration for each using appropriate scenes, characters, items, etc. Search "face" for different facial expressions. More options.

  15. Create Your Own Comic Strip: A Printable Template

    Ages. 7-13. If your child adores comics and graphic novels, encourage him to create his own comic strip using this template. You can brainstorm with him about what to draw — and write — in the comic strip. Or, let your child lead the way, filling in the speech bubbles and drawing in all the boxes. If the story can't fit in just one page's ...

  16. PDF Comic Strip Narrative Rubric

    Comic Strip Narrative Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Introduction First paragraph has a "grabber" or catchy beginning. First paragraph has a weak "grabber". A catchy beginning was attempted but was confusing rather than catchy. No attempt was made to catch the reader's attention in the first paragraph. Organization The story is very well organized ...

  17. Canva

    In this assignment, students will: Create a Canva account if required. Choose a comic strip template. Customize the template with their own images, characters, and text. Add dialogue to bring their story to life. Rearrange panels to create the desired layout. Proofread their comic strip to ensure accuracy and clarity.

  18. PDF Assignment Instructions: Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Analysis

    You have two options for this assignment: Option #1: Analysis of an Individual Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Choose one comic strip or political cartoon. If you visit the website of a newspaper such as The Baltimore Sun, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc., you should be able to search for comic strips or political cartoons easily.

  19. States of Matter Comic Strip MS-PS1-4 by Mrs Nelson's Middles

    This works great as an assessment or an activity where students learn as they create. Students will have two options of how they want to create their comic strip: digitally or on paper. And, the standards based rubric will guide them on what they need to include in their comic strip. This resource is aligned with MS-PS1-4 and takes 3-4 days to ...

  20. Only the Strong Survive

    In groups, students create a comic strip about the four points of natural selection and share it with their peers.* Evaluate Page 1 of 11 ... *The online version does not include the comic strip assignment. Instead, the instructions for developing a virtual Mind Map can be found in the Extend section rather than the Explain section. Page 2 of 11

  21. Comic Strip Assignment

    Instructions: For this assignment, you are to create a minimum of a five-frame (max of 7 frames) comic strip based on a business topic. You may use the Internet, if necessary, to find appropriate pictures, but you will likely find all you need in the clipart gallery in Word or Clips on the Web.

  22. Interjections Comic Strip Assignment

    Over 30 Million Storyboards Created. Create My First Storyboard. Hey! Are you exited for the big game tonight. Yeah! I'm ready to go. Wow! I never knew math could be so boring. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to.

  23. Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for September 02, 2024

    View the comic strip for Basic Instructions by cartoonist Scott Meyer created September 02, 2024 available on GoComics.com. September 02, 2024. GoComics.com - Search Form Search. ... Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for September 02, 2024. August 26, 2024. All caught up! Random. 0. 1. 0. Share this - Copy link Share Link 0 Comments