
Speech On Importance of Education [Short & Long]

Speech On Education: Every wise & great personality has emphasised the importance of education . Nelson Mandela has absolutely said that “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “ Obviously, Education gives a human power to achieve extraordinary things in life.

Very Short Speech on Education | 1 Minute

“ Education ” The smaller the word, the greater its importance in one’s life. It is called the key to success. But wait do you really know what education means?

Hello, Everyone. Today, I am presenting a speech on education and why it is important. Before I get started I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

So. What is education? First of all, Education is not only related to books. schools, colleges & institutions. According to Wikipedia “ Education  is the process of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits”. Hence the one who is open to learning is a student. And he who learns, he achieves.

Education is a basic right for all humans on the planet. Uneducated people in society are shameful to all of us. The government should ensure education for each and all in the country.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

1 Min Speech on Education's power

3 Min Speech On Education’s Power

Education is the most powerful tool in the world. It can change one’s life beyond imagination. Today, all the prosperity we witness is an outcome of education. If we compare today’s world with the world decades ago, the changes are because of education’s power.

In history. All the great and wise personalities have emphasised the power of education. From Aristotle to Nelson Mandella, From A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to Swami Vivekananda. Everyone tried to explain how education is important to make this planet a better and more beautiful place to live on.

Unfortunately, today we see that everything is messed up. The planet rapidly is becoming a hell to live on. It directly refers to that education is not performing well . To make education perform to its highest efficiency, we need to adopt the concept of “ Each one Teach one “.

Education is a fundamental right of each individual on earth. To reject this fact is wrong. Illiterate youth is the most critical thing for Humankind. Education helps society to get rid of unreasonable beliefs, wrong rituals, and social issues.

Educated people make an educated society and educated societies make an educated nation. Only an educated nation can take the world to new heights of possibilities. The importance of education is completely grasped that’s why education as a national policy is always given the first priority.

An educated society has a powerful bonding among its individuals. Because, people from all sections, castes and creeds gather to obtain knowledge. Thus, education is the initial thing that brings the younger ones together and develops an unusual bonding between them. This means there will be no unreasonable clashes among people.

This is what I wanted to say about education and its power. I hope you liked my speech.

5 Minute Speech on Education [the Key to Success]

Be it an individual’s success, achievements, progress & prosperity or of an organisation, society or country, education is a vital factor that can not be ignored. Education can fetch you outcomes beyond one’s expectations.

Before I continue my speech on “Education is the key to success”, I would like to wish you all the best for the day and also want to pay thanks to all of you for having me a chance to share my thoughts.

If we analyse the present world with a thousand-year past world, What difference do you derive? We have constantly developed ourselves and the world in this previous time. All these changes are the outcomes of education. Education does not mean the stuff provided in schools and colleges . It is actually a system to take someone on the path of progress.

Technologies and advancements in each field made our life so smooth and comfortable. All this was only possible because of education. With the help of education, We have evolved various methods to provide the world with a better life.

Education provides you with knowledge and facts. It expands your thought process and enables a man to interpret everything by himself instead of gathering notions. One can quickly make decisions about his life using his own intelligence. It also helps you to live a stable life and makes you mentally healthy.

Did you ever storm your mind on how education can change the world? Let me present my own opinions. First of all, Education eliminates inequality in society making everyone equal. This will eradicate unreasonable clashes among people.

Second, It provides you with the ability to read and write. So, you can acquire knowledge from books whenever you want & whatever you want. It means you are open to each field’s knowledge all the time.

Third, It gives you a sense of communication that refines one’s speech. Number four, It increases the chances of getting a high-paying job making you employed and achieving a secure life. Number five, education gives you the sense to understand the value of discipline, time and ethnicity. It gives the capability to make a balance in life.

I presented some effects of education on an individual but I also have a list of how education can impact societies. Do correct me in between if I am wrong.

Now it is a turn to talk at a level of a country means how a country is impacted by education. A solid educational system acts for the good of the country. A country is largely judged by its education system and economy.

Any nation is developing day by day just because of its education and technology. Educated people know the difference between a genuine and a corrupt leader for their country.

Educated people understand why to vote for a party to make a positive resolution to the country’s growth. Due to the lack of education, people are left unemployed revealing the cheap level of the economic status of a country. The pathetic situation of a country prevents its growth and improvement. Thus, education is fundamental to increasing economic growth and enhancing income.

I stop my speech here. I hope you like my words.

5 Min speech on education gives one power

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Frantically Speaking

How To Write A Speech On Education (With Sample Speech)

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing

importance of education for children

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” 

These words by Nelson Mandela pretty much sum up the importance of education in the life of human beings. Without education, human beings wouldn’t have arrived at the stage they are right now, and it is unlikely that we will be able to continue our missions to space progressively without education. 

And yet the truth remains that many, many people across the world do not have the right or ability to receive an education. Many of these people might be able to do great things if only they had the means to do so.

In such a scenario, it becomes important to spread awareness about education. Delivering speeches is one of the best ways to do so, as through speeches one can make a more personal connection with the people attending & make it more likely that they will actually do something about it.

However, it’s also true that education is a topic that many, many people have spoken about. In such a scenario, you might find yourself wondering what you can do to make your speech stand apart from all the ones that came before. 

Don’t worry, that’s what we’re here to help you with.

By keeping in mind a few things like finding a unique angle, incorporating stories and props, making sure to include concrete elements, and making your audience go beyond listening to feel something, you can easily deliver an unforgettable speech on education.

Tips To Keep In Mind While Writing A Speech About Education 

importance of learning for children

1. Find A Unique Angle 

Education is a topic that people have spoken about time and again. What this means is that if you deliver a speech about education without adding a different point of view to it, then the chances are your audience is going to find your speech bland or boring and not pay attention.

So, find a unique angle for the speech. Draw on your personal experiences and ask yourself: is there anything about this topic that I can see but others can’t?

2. Include Concrete Elements 

Concrete details or elements include things like facts, statistics, etc. 

If you don’t include concrete elements in your speech, then chances are that your speech will become abstract and hard to believe really fast.

So, make sure to back up your arguments with relevant information. 

Wondering how to add facts to your speech without making it drab? Check out our article on 11 Steps To Add Facts To A Speech Without Making It Boring.

3. Use Language & Concepts Familiar To The Audience

Often, speakers have this misconception that the bigger or more difficult words they use, the better or smarter they’re going to sound. This cannot be further from the truth.

While using complicated words or concepts might make you sound smarter, they also increase the chances that you won’t be able to formulate a connection with the audience. 

After all, if they can’t understand what they’re saying, how will they connect with it?

4. Incorporate Storytelling & Props 

Stories are a GREAT way to make your speech more personal and engaging. And props, if used alongside your story, can take it to the next level. 

So, make sure to incorporate appropriate personal stories and props in your speech. Make sure that your prop is relevant to the speech, and not merely an accessory. 

5. Make Them Feel, Not Just Hear 

If you truly want your audience to be impacted by your speech, then you need to make them feel more deeply about it. You need to make them go beyond hearing and actually feel for you and the topic. 

This can be done by sprinkling throughout your speech elements like humor, stories, props, videos, real-life testimonials, interacting with them…

The list goes on. 

What matters is going above and beyond. You want to make your words mean more than their meaning. 

6. Use Humor

Humor is a great way to take any speech to the next level. Like stories, jokes are a great way to form a connection with the audience and make your speech more memorable.

However, one thing to keep in mind here is to make sure that your humor is relevant to the topic at hand. Don’t just add jokes for the sake of adding them: make sure that they relate to your speech in some way.

7. Don’t Have Too Many Points

While it’s important to make sure that your speech covers all aspects that it needs to cover, you don’t have to include too many points in your speech. This will make it difficult for the audience to figure out what, exactly, is the central theme or main message that you want them to take away.

You can have one or two key takeaways and divide those main points into multiple individual points. This will allow for better structure of your speech, whilst also making it easier to view it from multiple angles.

Ways To Begin Your Speech On Education 

writing a speech on education

1. Open With A Story 

This is a tried and tested way to open your speech. As mentioned before, it’s imperative you incorporate stories into your speech if you wish to make a personal connection with the audience and make them feel for your speech.

And what better place to add a story than right at the opening of your speech? 

For example:  My parents spent their entire savings on my brother’s education, but for me, they wouldn’t even spare a…

For more ideas on how to incorporate stories in your speech, check out our article on 9 Storytelling Approaches For Your Next Speech Or Presentation.

2. Make Them Go ‘A-Ha’ 

Another awesome way to open your speech is by surprising your audience. This will awaken them, and snap their attention to where it needs to be: on you. 

This adds doubly to your credit if your speech is on a seemingly monotonous topic like education where the audience enters with certain expectations about the speech already in place. 

There are many ways to do this. Stories with a twist are one. Another would be incorporating a joke. Yet another way would be to pull out a prop. Or you could even say a surprising statement that seems to go against the topic when you first hear it.

For example:  I don’t think education is important. Unless…

3. Common-Ground Open 

A common ground opening is imperative if there is a gap between you and your audience. If, for example, you’re an aged professor from a reputed university and the audience is teenagers from a local high school, then there are going to be gaps in how you and the audience perceive the world. 

You can bridge this gap in a couple of ways. One would be making a personal connection or making them see that you are similar in certain aspects. This can be done by using humor, incorporating stories, or even making a pop culture reference. You can also open with a shared goal or interest. 

For example:  When I was in high school, all I wanted to do was get out of it.

4. Open With A Show Of Hands 

Another great way to open your speech is by asking questions–particularly show of hands questions. 

This works in two ways: asking the question piques your audience’s attention and gets their thoughts rolling. On the other hand, show-of-hands provides them with a chance to move their body, which aids in making them more aware of their surroundings i.e you. 

For example:  How many of you wish you could get out of this classroom right now?

5. Open With An Image Or Prop 

Images tell stories. And stories, as mentioned above, are one of the best ways to open your speech. 

You can open your speech by showing the audience an image of something and then asking them a question about it or presenting a startling fact about it. Alternatively, you could also open your speech by employing a relevant prop. 

For example:  Start off with an image of a refugee in a school.

Need more inspiration for how to open your speech? Check out our article on 10 Of The Best Things To Say In Opening Remarks.

Sample Speech On Education

importance of education for the disabled

Title: The Missing Ramp

On a school field trip in grade 3, I met my long lost twin. Or so I thought, anyway. The boy I met wasn’t actually my twin by blood. But he was my exact replica in every other aspect: from the color of our hair and eyes to the kind of jokes we liked to make and the cartoons we loved to watch and the fact that we both felt a little out of place in the big strange world. We were similar in more aspects than we could count, more than I can remember now. However, we were significantly different in one important aspect: While I was a ten year old, happy-go-lucky kid that hated going to school, he was a ten year old, happy go-lucky kid for whom school was a distant dream. You see, Andrew–the boy I thought was my twin–had a locomotor disability. He had to use a weelchair to be able to move around. However, there was only one school in our little town, and the school had no ramps or elevators, making it impossible for him to navigate by himself the five floors that it comprised. Not only this, but there were no washrooms available for him, either. His mother could not afford to lose her job in town, not with the already soaring cost of his treatement. Her meagre salary meant that a private tutor was out of question. Besides, she thought, what was the point of uprooting her entire life to move to another town or city when–according to her–there was no point in educating her child when he could not do anything with it? And so, despite the fact that he was perfectly capable of learning at par with the rest of us, Andrew never got an education. Imagine that. Imagine being unable to go to school when all the other kids around you are doing so because the school does not have a ramp. It sounds absurd, right? However strange or unreal it may sound, it’s the reality of the lives of many, many children with disabilities. It’s not that they’re unwilling to learn or their parents are unwilling to send them to school. It’s the lack of facilities–many of which the rest of us take for granted–which make it impossible for them to attend school. And even when the facilities are available. Even then, many, many children with disabilites are unable to achieve the education that is their basic right. An estimated one in three out-of-school children have a disability. There are between 93 million and 150 million children with disabilities worldwide. And yet, WHO estimates that in many, many countries across the world, having a disability more than doubles the chances of a child never attending school. While accessibility remains the key factor that inhibits children with disabilities from attending school, there are many, many other factors that come into play. Inflexible teacher training & support is another factor that comes into play. As does inflexible curriculum and poor structure and plan. However, another key factor that prevents children with disabilites from attending school has less to do with the physical elements of education, and more with the mindset and mentality of other people. That is, it has to do with the attitude of children and teachers in school towards children with disabilites. Often, children with disabilites are scorned and made fun of by their peers. And this is not limited to students alone. The teachers, too, might share a callous attitiude and be inflexible in their approach. I had a teacher in my school who refused to change her ‘ alphabetical seating plan’ to allow a deaf girl sit in the first bench so that she could lip-read her instructions. What this means is that many times, the children themseleves might not be willing to go to school from the fear of how their peers and teachers might react to or treat them. While delivering speeches about making education accessible to all or how it is the fundamental right of every person, we tend to make grand statements and all the big steps that we need to–or should–take in order to actually make education more accessible to people. And yet, while making all those grandoise proclamations, we often overlook the little steps that each and every single one of us needs to take. In seeing the ‘big picture’, we ignore the all the little snapshots that go into making it. And yet, it is this little things that make the most difference. A missing ramp–that’s all it took to make a child miss out on his dream of going to school. I don’t think any words sum up my words better than something Annie Campbell said: “We can teach our children to flap their wings, but conditions have to be just right for them to fly.” Our children are ready to take the leap and fly. Now it is upon us to determine what the sky will be like: full or rain or brimming with sunshine.

Different Angles To Cover Your Speech From

There are many different angles to cover your speech from. Some of them have been mentioned below.

  • Accessibility Of Education
  • The Digital Divide
  • Peer Pressure
  • Online Education vs. Offline Education
  • Education Of Girl Child
  • Education Schemes
  • Mental Health Of Students
  • Effectiveness Of Curriculum
  • Classroom Learning vs. Real Life Experiences
  • Teaching Strategies
  • Education For People With Disabilities
  • Bullying In Schools
  • Importance Of Physical Education For Students
  • Vocational Studies & Their Importance
  • Rising Cost Of Education
  • Privatization Of Education
  • Factors Affecting Student Performance
  • Importance Of Arts & Language Education
  • Importance Of Field Trips
  • Technology In The Classroom
  • Importance Of Public Speaking For Students
  • Different Learning Styles
  • Impact Of Social Media On Learning

Sample Speech Topics On Education

Here are some examples of topics for your speech on education.

1 What affects the performance of kids in school? 2. Significance of compulsory attendance 3. Homeschooling: Benefits and drawbacks 4. How is literacy different from education? 5. What does the future of the education industry look like? 6. How does Switzerland have the best education system? 7. How to ace college application essays? 8. Guide to optimize daily planner: Your guiding light to lead a productive life 9. Use the power of storytelling to make history lessons ‘fun’ 10. How to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind to memorize things better? 11. Beating distractions: How to make the most of online classes? 12. Sleep deprivation is not ‘cool’: How to improve your grades through proper sleep? 13. A Step-by-Step Guide to writing a stellar research paper 14. Why periodic assessment of teachers is necessary 15. The need for psychologists and therapists in school 16. Why positive peer pressure can be a game-changer 17. Why sports should be a graded component in schools 18. The need for adequate sleep 19. Why application-based learning is necessary 20. Shorter school days for the win 21. Why recreational reading is also important 22. The need for sex education in school

To conclude, while writing a speech on education, you need to make sure that your speech isn’t bland or overused. By keeping in mind a few things like finding a unique angle, incorporating stories and props, making sure to include concrete elements, and making your audience go beyond listening to feel something, you can easily deliver an unforgettable speech on education.

Hrideep Barot

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  • Speech On Education

Speech on Education

Being educated is one of the most crucial things in every individual’s life. Education is not just accumulating information but gaining knowledge that would help you to think logically and make the right decisions at a time when they should be made. This article provides you with a gist of the importance of education and sample speeches on education that would guide you to write one on your own.

Table of Contents

Education – how important is it, 1-minute speech on education, 2-minute speech on education and its importance, faqs on education.

‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’. These words by Alexander Pope are so meaningful. Learning should always be complete. No matter what your line of interest might be, knowing just a tad will not help one in any way. The modern age is an age of specialisation. In every field, we need specialists to point us in the right direction. Here, you will learn a lot more about education and how to make a speech on education as appealing and interesting as possible.

According to Horace Mann, ‘A human being is not in any proper sense a human being till he is educated’. An educated individual always knows his manners and behaves gently in public as well as in private scenarios. Education does not just mean learning about all the different subjects and knowing everything up to date. An individual is said to be educated when they are able to apply all that they have learnt in their personal and professional lives effectively and in the best interest of everyone around. So try not to overload yourself with information but try to comprehend what you learn well and put it to great use.

Man has made remarkable progress in the field of science and technology. We have huge industrial units, and we manufacture ships, aeroplanes, trains and even rockets – all evidence of how far we have grown as an educated nation. However, it is not just scientific knowledge that gives manpower. There is spiritual knowledge and the knowledge about oneself, which is also equally important to make oneself a complete human being.

What is as vital as gaining knowledge is that the knowledge you possess should be used only for constructive purposes and for the welfare of one’s fellow human beings and in no way to harm anyone, no matter what. Never use knowledge to one’s advantage. For instance, there is this growing buzz to master the art of ethical hacking. Anything has a good and bad side. An individual who learns hacking can use it for right and wrong purposes. It is up to the individual to decide which side one wants to choose. I would say that even this choice that one has to make is part of one’s education. It shows one’s ability to think rationally and consciously before making a choice.

Education is not whole until the individual learns to respect oneself and others, and value every opinion. Nothing or no one is as attractive and enduring as a clever, focused and compassionate individual. In this world where people use education or educated people to their own advantage, let us try to be unassuming individuals who would put our education to good use, for the welfare of oneself and the whole humankind.

How do you start a speech on education?

Generally, a speech on any topic can be started with a quote related to the topic or with the history or an introduction to the topic. When you draft a speech on education, you can do the same. Starting with a story or even a joke would help get the attention of your audience.

How is education important in our life?

Education has always been mandatory for the intellectual survival of human beings. It is more so in the current scenario where the competition is huge in every field. An individual who does not choose to get himself/herself educated is definitely losing on what is most important to live his/her life happily and peacefully.

How can education change your life?

‘Knowledge is power’, so goes the saying. That is exactly what education gives you. Being educated will give you access to the intellectual world. Be it self learning or supervised learning, you would possess a lot more than you think you do. Every experience would teach you something that would change your life forever.

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Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston

Every now and then a speech comes along that reminds me why public speaking is still essential and why I said back in 2003 that  the only reason to give a speech is to change the world.

Today, Mike Johnston is a state senator from Colorado, but his passion is education, and it was ignited as a Teach for America teacher in the Mississippi delta in 1997.  From that came a searing book, In the Deep Heart’s Core , about the terrible challenges facing teachers and learning in that state.  Johnston moved on to become the principal of a school for challenged kids in Colorado.

The graduation rate was 50% when Johnston took over as principal.  He managed to hit 100% -- with all admitted to college – in the first year.  The speech reveals how he did it.

But the speech does a great deal more than that.  It is beautifully constructed around 2 stories – the first one illustrating what is possible, and the second what is next, as Johnston says.  His real themes are truth and hope.  He says children need both from the adults around them – and then kids can do anything.  Johnston delivers the speech with passion and real feeling, even choking up at one point as he talks about his kids.

I had tears in my eyes by the end of the speech, and you will too.  Johnston’s dedication to education and the real progress he has been able to make deserve to be celebrated.  Watch the speech and reaffirm your faith in teaching and teachers – and most of all students.

Does Johnston make mistakes as a speaker?  A few.  We all do.  In his case, he is trapped by the podium into too monotonously moving left-right-left-right to reach his audience.  He overuses the jabbing forefinger, not a great gesture.  He needs to broaden his repertoire of hand motions.  And he has a bad habit of dropping his voice in volume at the end of each phrase.  That device is great to build drama occasionally, but he overuses it.  And the real trick is not to drop the energy when you lower your voice, but to keep the energy strong.  That creates much more drama.

Caveats aside, this speech will have you standing up and cheering for education by the end.  It’s 21 minutes that are worth spending on the future of our children.  Watch it, and tell everyone you know about it.  And thanks, Mike, for your service to education.

Nick Morgan

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

292 Education Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Argumentative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Education is a human right and everyone is entitled to one. Problems arise when people disagree on what is right and wrong with education. Below are topics that everyone involved in or with education often face at some point.

In this article:



education speech topics

List of Education Speech Topics

  • Should boys and girls have separate classrooms?
  • Should schools sell soft drinks and candies to students?
  • Should gym grades impact grade point average?
  • Would it be better if schools with low test scores were closed?
  • A psychological screening should be taken before you are admitted to college.
  • Do you think it should be legal for students to drop out before they turn 18?
  • Should schools have a mandatory life skills class?
  • Should state colleges be free?
  • Should notebook computers replace textbooks?
  • Why we should support education in developing countries.
  • Businesses must not have a say in the education process.
  • College is not meant for everyone.
  • Children are taught to read too late.
  • Ultimately education begins at home.
  • Children do not fear educators.
  • Teachers earn too little.
  • Textbooks are more effective than iPads.
  • Second languages should be compulsory.
  • Homework does not improve grades.
  • Teachers deserve their long holidays.
  • Corporal punishment doesn’t adjust behaviour.
  • Technology must be used in schools.
  • Students with good attendance records should be rewarded.
  • Teachers must be held accountable for bad results.
  • American schools must have armed guards.
  • Teachers should have to pass a skills test every 5 years.
  • Free college for all students with good academic results.
  • Expel cyberbullies from schools.
  • More importance must be placed on art and music.
  • Allow mobile phones in high schools only.
  • Schools should only offer healthy foods and drinks.
  • Not enough support is given to education in developing countries.
  • Make dropping out of school a criminal offense.
  • Students in public schools work harder.
  • The school year needs to be longer.
  • Teach home economics in all schools.
  • Taking a gap year before starting college is beneficial.
  • Give alternative education the recognition it is due.
  • Quality of adult training is poor.
  • Grades never indicate intelligence.
  • Learning music at a young age positively affects brain development.
  • Teach etiquette in schools.
  • Not enough time is spent reading in schools.
  • Reading will maximize a child’s love of learning.
  • Textbooks should be free.
  • There is no place for religion in education.
  • Gardening should be practiced at schools.
  • Sex education isn’t taught properly.
  • Schools must embrace social media.
  • Kids learn most from the fun teachers.
  • Face to face learning is superior to online learning.
  • Divide classes into genders.
  • Incorporate cultural events into the school program.
  • Skills test are inaccurate.
  • Lack of sleep limits ability to learn.
  • Reading comic books makes you smarter.
  • TV shows have zero educational value.
  • Google is a threat to libraries.
  • Electronics has robbed children of real mental stimulation.
  • Allow religious dress in schools.
  • The education system is outdated.
  • There is not enough discipline in schools.
  • Old school values are important.
  • Private school education is no advantage at a university.
  • IQ tests are flawed.
  • There is not enough innovation in education.
  • All schools need uniforms.
  • Make discipline part of the grading system.
  • Schools are too business-like.
  • Allow high school students to choose own academics.
  • Pressures of education are ruining childhoods.
  • Bullies should make public apologies at school.
  • Chewing gum helps students concentrate.
  • Math and science should be the main focus in schools.
  • There is a need for practical things to be taught at schools.
  • Competitive situations motivate kids.
  • Montessori schools develop independent thinkers.
  • Moral education is a lost cause.
  • All educators must be trained to do proper first aid.
  • Online encyclopedias are inaccurate.
  • There are too many subjects taught at school.
  • Physical schools will never become obsolete.
  • Make up should not be allowed at schools.
  • The government must stop interfering in how students should be taught.
  • School projects offer no benefits.
  • Students have the right to protest.
  • No child must be forced into sports.
  • Print books are better for learning than ebooks.
  • Cursive writing is outdated.
  • Stranger danger must be highlighted at schools too.
  • Children’s books are educational tools.
  • Grades do matter.
  • Technology is responsible for people not knowing how to spell.
  • Stricter background checks must be done when hiring educators.
  • The best schools are in Denmark.
  • Free education will lower poverty rates.
  • Dictionaries should be free.
  • The internet does not make people smarter.
  • Classroom dissections shouldn’t be mandatory.
  • Schools for younger kids should have a break just for eating.
  • Too many principals lack vision.
  • Pregnant teens must still get an education.
  • Random locker tests are necessary.
  • Exams should only be for University students.
  • Give out birth control in schools.
  • Education is not a place for affirmative action.
  • Corporal punishment does not help educate.
  • Parental participation influences achievement positively.
  • Leadership skills must be taught from young.
  • Why educated people should volunteer as tutors
  • Do you believe students who fail their classes should repeat the grade?
  • Should minority groups be given priority when applying to colleges?
  • Why Americans should not have to learn a foreign language.
  • If you play a sport should you be required to take gym class?
  • Why you should consider studying computer science.
  • Universities should help students get a job after they graduate.
  • Schools should teach both creationism and evolution.
  • Should classes be based on periods of time or individual work?
  • Do you think companies should be able to advertise in schools?
  • Should students be able to go to the bathroom without asking?
  • Should handwriting be taught in schools?
  • Would it be better if schools started later in the morning?
  • Do you think students should have open campus lunch breaks?
  • Why we should be able to substitute study hall for a proper class.
  • Should students be able to listen to music during classes?
  • Schools should take students abroad.
  • Should teachers be over a certain age?
  • Should the teaching of multiple languages be mandatory?
  • Should schools be more technologically advanced?
  • Music education should be a priority in schools.
  • Should students join Greek life on campus?
  • Financial aid shouldn’t be based on income.
  • Should home economics be required in all schools?
  • Should Chinese classes be mandatory for students?
  • Should Spanish classes be mandatory for students?
  • SAT scores should affect college acceptance.
  • Public schools are better than private schools.
  • Should standardized testing be abolished?
  • Studying abroad will benefit your future.
  • Everyone has the right to education.
  • Should students take the PARCC test?
  • The importance of preparing children for kindergarten.
  • Fifth graders should have study hall.
  • We need more financial assistance for students.
  • Don’t take education for granted.
  • The school year should be longer.
  • Why anime has educational value.
  • Why college isn’t for everyone.
  • Should children have homework?
  • Students have too much work.
  • Take a year off from school.
  • Expand school breakfast programs.
  • Tenure for professors should be protected.
  • Minority scholarships should be increased.
  • Alternative education should be increased.
  • Education in prisons should be increased.
  • Accelerated learning options should be increased.
  • Educational costs should be lowered.
  • Private schools should offer scholarships.
  • School security needs to be improved.
  • State lotteries should fund education.
  • School violence can be prevented.
  • Home schooling can be as high quality as going to school.
  • Adult training programs should be improved.
  • Every person should learn two or more languages.
  • Is the Oxford comma necessary?
  • Does the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 still work?
  • Do not limit access to education for children of illegal migrant workers.
  • Speaking recognition models can improve reading scores without expensive K-12 student loans for extra tuition vouchers.
  • There should be an effective character education leadership course in our high school curriculum.
  • Everyone should do a special Summer School course every year.
  • There should be more competition into public education.
  • Why poorly performing schools are performing poorly.
  • The perfect student loan plan with low interest rates does not exist.
  • We should introduce an appropriate formal dress code for our campus.
  • The problem of illiteracy in our country is much bigger than most people think.
  • The ACT curriculum-based educational and career planning tool is right when it states that most graduates are not ready for college education.
  • Tuition vouchers programs upgrade academic performances for sure.
  • Schools have the right to limit freedom of speech in classes.
  • Video conferencing is the solution for improving classes in rural areas.
  • Replace letter grades with number grades.
  • People cannot be a part of modern society if they are illiterate.
  • Keep race and ethnicity out of education admissions.
  • Boys perform better in a only boys class.
  • Students should be required to take foreign policy classes.
  • Striving for high assignment grades is useless.
  • MP 3 players are an aid that help with concentration.
  • Motivating someone to study literature is a waste of time.
  • Lack of education contributes to poverty.
  • Knowledge management should be mandatory in each study curriculum.
  • Replace examinations with other forms of assessments.
  • Women are becoming the majority in universities because they are smarter.
  • Improved driver education will reduce traffic fatalities significantly.
  • Wikipedia is as accurate and reliable as Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • The quality of education is lower than 15 years ago.
  • Billingual education helps illegal immigrants to assimilate into our culture.
  • Teachers must be paid based on performance.
  • Higher education should only be accessible to good high school students.
  • I can learn better by myself than with a teacher.
  • Health and education are key to accelerate development in the third world.
  • Quality classroom acoustics help education.
  • Why Amish teenagers should be forced into compulsory high school education.
  • Should classrooms be replaced with online teaching sessions?
  • It would help ESL students to take state tests in their native language.
  • Human resources management in colleges.
  • What to know about transferring colleges.
  • The responsibility of parents and students regarding education.
  • The history of special education over the past 30 years.
  • The mental effort that intelligent writing necessitates.
  • How visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners are different.
  • Cooperative learning in education in the Philippines.
  • The benefits of personality development camps for students.
  • The importance of arts and languages in education.
  • The uses of dioramas for geography instruction.
  • Moving out of the dorm to an apartment off campus.
  • Education is the best weapon against poverty.
  • Improving the active learning curve in education.
  • Why classes in school should be 45 minutes long.
  • How school does not prepare you for the real world.
  • The benefits of online learning.
  • The effects of studying while listening to music.
  • Computers benefit students in school.
  • How to bring back the passion for education.
  • The benefits of making college free.
  • The benefits of field trips for students.
  • The most important factors that affect student performance.
  • Why travel is beneficial to education.
  • How to earn income as a student.
  • How to unleash your inner geek.
  • The importance of high school service learning programs.
  • The importance of higher education.
  • The importance of maintaining order on campus.
  • How to find student discounts.
  • Teachers should be paid more money.
  • Education is the master key to all.
  • The negative effects of the privatization of higher education.
  • How to write an informative essay.
  • The benefits of having free textbooks.
  • How to get a student job on campus.
  • The importance of not taking education for granted.
  • The best way to spend your senior year.
  • The basics of getting a fellowship.
  • The importance of mathematics.
  • The rising cost of education.
  • How to survive freshman year.
  • Technology in the classroom.
  • The effects of discrimination in education.
  • The qualities of a good student.
  • The different learning styles students have.
  • The education system in Pakistan.
  • How to ace the GRE.
  • How to spot a diploma mill.
  • Overcoming your fear of public speaking.
  • The importance of financial education.
  • How visual arts can be used for educational organizations.
  • How to plan a Geology field trip.
  • How to avoid plagiarism in essays.
  • Smart debating techniques

Writing informative essays can be tough, so for more ideas head on over to our awesome list of informative essay ideas.

  • Are academics and sports of equal importance?
  • Should teachers have to take a yearly test to keep their jobs?
  • Students should learn about world religions in public schools.
  • Should sports be made a compulsory subject in universities?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of school uniforms?
  • Hungry students cannot learn, which is why free meals should be provided.
  • Should students be held back for bad grades?
  • Do colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores?
  • Home education should only be allowed for medical reasons.
  • CPR and first aid instruction should be mandatory in schools.
  • Essays do not demonstrate a student’s knowledge on a topic.
  • Should all students be randomly drug tested?
  • Educational computer games should be used in school.
  • Why the government should prevent violence in schools.
  • Teachers should wear uniforms or obey a dress code.
  • Why are sports trips paid for while club trips are not?
  • Music education should be placed back into schools.
  • Should teachers give out homework on the weekends?
  • Sex education should be required in all schools.
  • Exam scores do not reflect student performance.
  • Testing and choice are undermining education.
  • The benefits of attending a single-sex school.
  • State colleges should be free to attend.
  • There should be no religion in schools.
  • Education should be free for everyone.
  • Gender does not affect learning.
  • Smoking and drinking on campus should be banned.
  • Should homework be reduced?
  • The pros and cons of Common Core.
  • Exams should be abolished.
  • Grades are not important.
  • Why do we have homework?
  • Teachers should be punished for rude behavior to students.
  • Students should take a year off between college and high school.
  • Why we should learn more than one language.

For even more argumentative topics check out our epic list of argumentative essay prompts .

61 Politics Speech Topic Examples [Persuasive, Informative]

127 Funny Controversial Topics

3 thoughts on “292 Education Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Argumentative]”

persuasive speech about lack of education

all these topic are very interesting, especially topic No: 50. I will put more effort to motivate teens on doing debates on this topics. it was very helpful, thank you

Wow! This really helped. I went from no ideas to too Many!! 😛

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10 TED Talks on Education

TBS Staff Writers

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So we all know that education in America has its fair share of problems (understatement alert). Some of these problems are sociocultural, others are economic. Some problems are practical and others still are philosophical.

In the face of these numerous and mounting challenges, elected officials and lawmakers have been short on meaningful solutions. It makes you wonder if perhaps the biggest problem with our educational system is that solutions don’t always come from the smartest of folks. Feel fee to jump to the defense of your district congressman or state senator at any time…Bueller? Bueller?

Ok. Moving on.

If you’re looking for solutions to education’s myriad problems from the smartest folks, most of them have delivered a TED Talk at some point. Technology, Entertainment, Design, or TED, is a set of global conferences operating under the tagline “Ideas Worth Spreading.”

In that spirit, here are a few education ideas from among TED’s nearly endless panel of featured speakers that we feel are worth spreading. Enjoy our first installment of 10 Awesome TED Talks on Education.

10 Awesome TED Talks on Education

1. do schools kill creativity by sir ken robinson.

Sir Ken Robinson gave this speech in February of 2006 and it has since been viewed more than 10 million times on YouTube and a remarkable 39 million times on the TED Talks website. That is more than enough time to arrive at the conclusion that the answer is probably “yes” to the titular question “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”

Robinson makes the argument that we need to rethink the fundamental premise by which we educate our children. Robinson is dry and hilarious in this insightful takedown of formal education as it exists to day. He argues that all children are born inherently creative and that school systematically squanders that creativity, and “pretty ruthlessly” at that. Robinson makes the powerful assessment that creativity should be viewed as equal in importance to literacy. Robinson also resolves that if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. Nonetheless, schools train students to be frightened of being wrong, and of making mistakes. Robinson laments that many highly talented, brilliant, creative people are educated to believe their talents are not valued, and perhaps even that these talents are obstacles to success.

Robinson insists that we can’t afford to continue on this way, that we need to radically rethink our view of intelligence as something diverse, dynamic, and distinct.

2. How To Fix a Broken School? Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard by Linda Ciatt-Wayman

With 1.3 million views on the TED Talks website, and 87,000 views on YouTube, Cliatt-Wayman’s May 2015 Talk casts a blinding light on the reality facing students and educators alike in “low-performing” inner-city schools. As a graduate and principal of North Philadelphia schools, Cliatt-Wayman gives a stirring and personal speech, one that moved many in the audience to tears. Cliatt-Wayman charged that what we call low-performing schools are often not schools at all, that the chains on the doors, the darkened hallways and the half-empty classrooms do not imply places of learning.

Cliatt-Wayman shares her strategies as a principal for transforming dark, dangerous, and frightening North Philadelphia schools from havens for drugs, weapons and violence to havens for disincline, enrichment, and love. Her experiential wisdom makes for a poignant Talk, anchored by a few of the slogans that have produced meaningful change at her Strawberry Mansion High School (where it bears noting she was the fourth principle in four years).

Cliatt-Wayman advises that “If you’re going to lead, LEAD,” an attitude that contributed to changes large and small at her troubled school, from replacing lightbulbs and decorating bulletin boards to recasting the way the school day is scheduled and transforming the budget. She also told educators that eliminating excuses at every turn is the primary responsibility for leaders at struggling schools. Finally and fundamentally, she said that it is the job of educators to offer their students hope, undivided attention, unwavering belief in their potential, consistent expectations, and unconditional love.

3. Teaching the World Peace Game by John Hunter

Filmed in March of 2011, and viewed just under 1.3 million times on TED Talks, 228,000 times on YouTube, “Teaching the World Peace Game” provides an energizing demonstration of how we can use classroom time to cultivate students who will one day be leaders, innovators and decision-makers.

Public School teacher John Hunter is warm, funny and personable as he explains his extraordinary approach to stimulating interactive learning among gifted students. Hunter demos the multi-tiered, map-based gameboard—basically Risk on anabolic steroids—that he has used to engage students since the late 1970s. The goal of the game is to do nothing less than solve the world’s problems. Students are handed a planet and a list of encompassing crises—not unlike the world that they will eventually inherit from prior generations.

The class collaborates, debates and compromises on developing solutions for issues as far-reaching as ethnic tension, nuclear proliferation, environmental disasters, water rights disputes and basically the entire grab-bag of seemingly insoluble problems that they will one day be asked to solve. Indeed, John told the audience that he’d happily send his fourth graders to consult Al Gore because they succeeded in solving the problem of global warming in a single week.

Hunter demonstrates both how educators can excite the imagination of their students and how they can nurture the young minds that will eventually be required to shape our world for the better. What most fascinates about Hunter’s experience is the fact that his students ultimately manifested strategies in ways that no educator could possibly predict, suggesting that the best educational results come when students are allowed to arrive at their own answers and solutions.

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4. Our Failing Schools. Enough is Enough by Geoffrey Canada

In May of 2013, Geoffrey Canada delivered an impassioned talk that has been viewed 188,000+ times on YouTube and more than 1.5 million times on the TED Talks website. Canada levies an accusation that’s pretty hard to dispute, claiming that in spite of our long track record of educational failure, we’ve basically done nothing to improve our outcomes. From both a scientific perspective and a business perspective, Canada says that our approach to education simply doesn’t make sense.

We’re losing kids, we know we’re losing kids, and yet we simply don’t allow real educational innovation to occur. He asks the audience to imagine a world in which we took the same stagnating approach to technology as we did to education. Whereas we respond to failure in this sector by probing for yet greater achievement, the education business has failed to use science to improve its approach to children.

To much approval from the audience, Canada attests that what sets him apart from many education policy-makers is that he “actually likes kids.” In this spirit, he remarks just how strange it is that we spend billions of dollars on standardized testing, that we gather enormous troves of incredible data, and that we fail to use them to actually help students in either a timely or effective manner.

Canada urges that its time to try something different. He insists that we must keep innovating in education until we nail the science down. We cannot wait another 50 years to get this right. He warns that here is an educational cliff and that we are walking over it right this very second.

5. The Nerd’s Guide To Learning Everything Online by John Green

John Green’s Talk, from November of 2012, has been viewed roughly 2.8 million times on the Ted Talks website and does not appear to have been published on YouTube.

Green takes a little bit of time to get to the point. Fortunately, he does so in a decidedly engrossing fashion. Green analogizes the lifelong quest for knowledge to cartography. Learning, he explains, makes the map of your life bigger. When you begin learning, you may not know every location on the map but you do have an instrument that tells you where you’d like to go. As Green phrases it, you’ve seen the coastline but now you want to explore the land.

When we’re young—and to the extent that we manage to develop a love for learning in school—we get to be part of a physical community of learning. Green advises that as we age out of school, we often lose that level of engagement. He shows how online forums like YouTube are restoring our opportunity to be part of a fluid, active and dynamic learning community.

Green demonstrates the variety and intuition with which YouTube can teach and invite learning, all in real-time. Green notes that videos which aim to teach are not necessarily being viewed in classrooms but independently by individuals electing to be part of a learning community. The centerpiece of his Talk is the resolution that these virtual spaces have become, for a new generation of learners, the kind of communities we used to have as students, communities that allow us to continue following our own learning maps into adulthood.

6. The Key To Success? Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth

Filmed in April of 2013, viewed by roughly 1.6 million on YouTube, and by 8.5 million viewers on the TED Talks website, Angela Lee Duckworth’s Talk brings some level of scientific rigor to a character trait that has rarely been measured thusly.

Often millennials are disparaged for being soft and entitled. If this criticism has any basis in reality, Duckworth’s concise Talk is something today’s students and parents need to watch. Duckworth argues that we need to achieve a better understanding of students and learning from a motivational and psychological perspective. She contends that schools are only really effective at measuring I.Q. and asks if success in school and life require more than just being able to learn quickly.

More than social charisma, attractiveness, and intelligence, Duckworth’s experience and research led her to conclude that grit—day-in day-out hard work and determination—is the trait that most determines success. Measuring traits of grittiness among her own students, Duckworth learned that grittier kids—marathon runners rather sprinters—generally succeeded best, independent of talent and intelligence. In spite of just how determinant an impact grit has, Duckworth concedes that science knows precious little on the subject.

Accordingly, Duckworth promotes “growth mindset,” the belief that the ability to learn can change with one’s effort. In Duckworth’s findings, the fascinating trait that most differentiates gritty people from their softer counterparts is that they don’t view failure as a permanent condition. Duckworth admits that her remarks are brief because we simply don’t know much about grit. Her speech ultimately suggests itself as a starting point for improving our understanding of what might be a key determinant of success. Among TED Talks, Duckworth’s is brief but instructive.

7. Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education by Salman Khan

Salman Khan’s Talk from March of 2011 doesn’t necessarily break any new ground. Instead it reaffirms that, at least in one regard, we are moving in the right direction. Even if schools aren’t taking the active steps to revolutionize education, at least technologists and web users are. Viewed roughly 900,000 times on YouTube and 4 million times on the TED Talks website, Khan’s Talk deals largely with the positive impact that web-based video-education can have on learners. Indeed, Khan scored his best laugh when he informed his audience that as a former analyst for a hedge fund, he wasn’t accustomed to doing something of social value.

But that’s exactly what happened when he started tutoring his cousin remotely. As part of the process, Khan began producing explanatory YouTube videos to accompany individual lessons and quickly found that his cousin preferred the videos to live instruction. Getting past the “backhanded” nature of that compliment, Khan discusses the ways that video learning can help to improve the individuality, accessibility, and comprehensibility of instruction. Rather than using video to supplement the classroom experience, Khan made a case for allowing video instruction to transform the way we approach classroom time.

Khan’s approach transposes the classroom and homework experiences. As teachers assigned his videos for self-guided after-school instruction, they found that classroom time was freed up for problem-solving, game-playing and innovation-building. Teachers also used this time to provide individual attention and in-class guidance to students while they completed assignments. Ironically, remarks Khan, the impact of replacing human instruction with video instruction was a humanization of the otherwise dehumanizing process of sitting in a classroom listening to a monolithic lecture. Khan’s presentation ultimately demonstrates that video instruction, properly dispatched, can be used to individualize learning outside of the classroom while transforming the in-class experience into something far more personal and stimulating.

8. Teachers need real feedback by Bill Gates

If you’ve ever seen Bill Gates speak, then you know this one isn’t breathtakingly exciting. It does, however, inform on a major shortcoming in our educational system, and one that may help to explain why so many other countries outperform the U.S. in math, science and reading. Filmed in March of 2013, Gates’ Talk has been viewed roughly 293,000 times on YouTube and just under 2 million times on the TED Talks website.

Gates laments that teachers receive woefully inadequate feedback on how to improve their practice. The Microsoft magnate argues that the system in place is unfair to teachers and is consequently unfair to students.

Gates diverges with a brief video featuring a teacher who uses a camera to record her classroom lessons. Not unlike a quarterback, the teacher explains that she revisits her tapes following each lesson in order to dissect her own performance. Gates suggests that this method could be a pathway to providing teachers with real-time diagnoses on their performance and could ultimately help schools develop the tools they need to act on these diagnoses. Again, this won’t be the most entertaining TED Talk you’ll ever watch (and the visual aids just scream Windows ’98), but Gates is right. Teachers need feedback that’s actually designed to help. The real value of this Talk is that a person of visible influence is making that case.

9. Mathematics and Sex by Clio Cresswell

If you’ve just finished with the Gates Talk and you’re looking for something a little more…stimulating…this one is your next logical stop. More than 3.6 million YouTube viewers have indulged their curiosity in mathematics since Cresswell delivered her April 2014 Talk.

Full disclosure, this isn’t as much about sex as how sexy math can be, whether it’s used to detect inconsistencies in how people report their sexual activeness or in designing the perfect piece of chocolate. Cresswell draws playful connections between sexuality and mathematics, two natural conditions which transcend human culture, in order to demonstrate the fact that mathematics can provide new insight and understanding into all things around us.

The value of Cresswell’s presentation is in its appeal to those who are not of an inherently mathematical disposition. She reveals just how fascinating and all-encompassing mathematics are, and just how scintillating they can be.

10. Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling by Emilie Wapnick

This talk centers around the oft-posed question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Wapnick’s Talk has been viewed 261,000+ views on YouTube and 2.7 Million on the TED Talks website since being delivered in April of 2015.

The troubling implication of Wapnick’s leading question is that we are raised to believe that we have no recourse but to choose a single path of personal and professional development. This question, which is innocent and entertaining when we’re young but which imposes stress and insecurity as we grow older, implies that we each have one great thing that we are meant to do while we’re here on this earth and that we have to figure out what that thing is and devote our lives to it.

But what of those who have many interests, whose passions and intelligences can’t be bottled as a single elixir? Wapnick calls these individuals “multipotentialites.” For those who have been instructed that they must pursue a single true calling, Wapnick says its easy to see multipotentiality as a flaw to be overcome but she argues that multipotentialites have superpowers, among them idea synthesis, rapid learning, adaptability.

We need creative thinkers to tackle the world’s problems, Wapnick argues. Accordingly, says Wapnick, we should all be pursuing careers based on how we’re wired. She advises “embrace your inner-wiring, whatever that may be. If you’re a specialist at heart, by all means specialize…To the multipotentialites…embrace your many passions, follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes, explore your intersections.”

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How do we reinvent education? These TED Talks explore the latest thinking — from teachers, parents, kids — on how to build a better school.

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13 Speeches in English for Listening and Speaking Practice

Giving a speech in front of a whole room of people can be pretty scary. Especially if you are giving a speech in English as a non-native speaker.

But you can learn from the best.

You can watch videos of famous, effective speeches in English to learn how to do it the right way .

In this post we will share 13 amazing speeches in English that you can use to become a more confident speaker yourself.

1. Speech on Kindness by a 10-year-old Girl

2. “the effects of lying” by georgia haukom, 3. “education for all” by cameron allen, 4. gender equality speech by emma watson, 5. “rocky balboa speech” by sylvester stallone, 6. 2008 presidential acceptance speech by president barack obama, 7. “this is water” speech by david foster wallace, 8. “the great dictator speech” by charlie chaplin, 9. 2018 golden globe speech by oprah winfrey, 10. “i have a dream” speech by martin luther king jr., 11. “the gettysburg address” by abraham lincoln, 12. “britain does owe reparations” by shashi tharoor, 13. mark antony’s speech by william shakespeare, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Level: Beginner

Do you think people should be kind to one another? This speaker sure does. And she knows how to convince you of the same.

This is a perfect informative speech for beginner English learners . The speaker is a child who is able to speak fluently but with simple words . She also uses her gestures and facial expressions to communicate her emotions with the audience.

This speech is perfect for listening practice . However, learners should be aware that her pauses are not perfect. Learners should focus more on her words and the content of the speech than her intonation or pacing while practicing.

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best speech in english on education

Even though the speaker is a student in the fourth grade, her speech is one of the most interactive speeches I have seen. She starts with a game and is able to make her main point through the game itself.

English learners will enjoy her speech especially because the vocabulary she uses is simple and can be easily learned. But it does not feel like a beginner wrote this speech because she uses her words so well.

If you want to learn the art of making basic arguments while speaking, you should watch this speech. She is able to convince her audience because she is able to connect with them through games and stories.

She also uses scientific studies to back up (support) her main points.

Level: Intermediate

  • Interactive subtitles: click any word to see detailed examples and explanations
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best speech in english on education

This is a short and simple speech about why everyone in the world should get an education. Because the speaker is a child, the speech does not have complex words or sentence structures.

This is also a classic example of an informative speech. The speaker presents the main argument and the facts simply and clearly . She also gives the basic definitions of important terms in the speech itself.

This speech is perfect for English listening and speaking practice because it is so short but also full of useful information. It is also a good example of the standard American English accent .

Emma Watson is a famous English actress who is best known for her role in the “Harry Potter” movie series as Hermione. She is also a United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador .

In this speech, she is trying to both inform and convince the audience  of why men should support feminism. Feminism is a movement that asks for equal rights and opportunities for women.

She mixes her formal tone with personal stories to do this. The speech is also a good example of British English .

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
  • Swipe left or right to see more examples from other videos
  • Go beyond just a superficial understanding

best speech in english on education

This is a speech taken from the movie “Rocky Balboa.”  In this scene, Rocky, played by Sylvester Stallone, is talking to his son.

His speech is a classic example of a motivational speech . In these kinds of speeches, a person tries to inspire someone else, especially when the listener feels hopeless or is full of shame.

The basic message of the speech is that no matter how strong a person is, he or she will always face difficulties. And even though the message does not sound positive, Stallone’s way of speaking still makes it inspiring.

Stallone is able to communicate his message with love, even though he is criticizing his son and telling him difficult facts about the world. Generally, this is called “tough love” in English.

Listeners should also notice how he uses gestures to make his point .

Compare this speech with the Oprah Winfrey and Martin Luther King speeches (later in this list). All of them inspire their audiences but have really different tones. Stallone’s speech is the most informal and personal while Martin Luther King’s speech is the most formal and written for a large audience. All these speeches are in American English.

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best speech in english on education

Barack Obama was the first African American elected as president by U.S. citizens. He gave this speech after he won the election.

English learners can discover a lot from his speech. Obama talks about the most important issues Americans were facing back then and are still important to them. He also uses a kind of American English that is easy to understand . His speech is mainly about the values that he and Americans stand for.

Obama’s accent is a mixture of standard American English and the way of speaking commonly popular in African American communities. He is an expert in using pauses so that the audience can follow his words without breaking his rhythm.

As the speech is longer than most others on this list, you may want to listen to it in parts rather than beginning-to-end.

Level: Advanced

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best speech in english on education

This speech is a perfect example of the mixture of casual and formal English . David Foster Wallace was an award-winning American writer who wrote about the culture of the U.S.

In this speech, he talks about the value of an education in liberal arts (general academic subjects, as opposed to technical/professional training). He believes that this kind of education teaches you how to think and think about others.

This is a good example of American English. Be aware that in some parts of the speech he also uses swear words (rude/offensive words) to create an emotional impact on the audience. This is very close to how people generally communicate with one another in daily life.

So, this speech is better for learning casual English even though it is a speech given at a university.

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Charlie Chaplin is generally known for his gestures and facial expressions. In this movie, he proves that he can use speech as well to inspire and entertain the viewers.

best speech in english on education

The movie “The Great Dictator” is a satire about the rise of authoritarian governments in Europe. The word “authoritarian” means a person or a government that believes in controlling others and does not believe in freedom.

In this speech, Charlie Chaplin copies Adolf Hitler , but his message is exactly the opposite of Hitler’s ideas.

The interesting thing about the speech is how Chaplin uses short sentences for the most impact . There is also a lot of repetition that makes it easy for the audience to follow the speech.

Chaplin uses the tone, rhythm and pitch of his voice to make the speech interesting instead of using varied words. Chaplin’s speech can be categorized as inspirational or motivational. It does not use formal words but neither is it casual or informal.

Oprah Winfrey is an American talk show host and actor who is known around the world for her interviews. In the 2018 Golden Globe Awards, she was awarded the Cecil B. deMille award .

Her speech at the award show is about many different topics related to American society. She is the first African American woman to be awarded the prize . She talks about how watching an African American celebrity get another big entertainment award many years ago changed her life.

She also talks about sexual assault and the search for justice in American society. The MeToo movement is the main subject of the speech.

Even though the speech is in formal English , Oprah is able to make it emotional and personal .

Learners should focus on how she uses chunking in her sentences . Chunking is the technique of grouping words (called chunks) in a sentence with a slight pause between every chunk. It also helps with intonation and the rhythm of speaking.

This is one of the most well-known speeches of the last century . Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader of the civil rights movement in the U.S. The movement demanded that people of different races should be treated equally. This speech summarized the main vision of the movement using metaphors and repetition .

The speech begins by referring to the “Emancipation Proclamation.”  The proclamation (official announcement) was an order by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 that freed many slaves in the U.S. Martin Luther King talks about this because most of the slaves were African Americans and it was their first step towards freedom.

Advanced learners can learn about the history and cultural conflicts of America through this speech. It is also a perfect example of the use of formal English to convince other people .

Some of the words used in this speech are no longer common in American English. “Negro” is often regarded as an insult and learners should use words like “African American” instead.

This speech, delivered by the 16th president of the U.S. (Abraham Lincoln, whom we just discussed above) is considered to be one of the best speeches in English .

Lincoln delivered this in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where many soldiers had died fighting a civil war. It was fought between Americans who wanted to ban slavery and people who did not. Lincoln was there to dedicate a graveyard to the soldiers.

In this speech, Lincoln reminds the people why this was an important war. He mentions that the U.S. was created on the values of liberty and equality. And this civil war was a test of whether a nation based on these values can last for long or not.

He honors the soldiers by saying that they have already “consecrated” the land for the people of America. (“To consecrate” means to make something sacred or holy.) He reminds the audience that they have to make sure that the idea of America as a nation of freedom continues so that the efforts of these soldiers are not wasted.

This is a very short speech . Learners can easily listen to it multiple times in a practice session. But only advanced learners can understand it since it has several difficult words in it. For instance, “score” is an outdated term used for the number 20. And when he mentions the word “fathers” in the first line he is actually referring to the leaders who had founded the country of America.

Even though Shashi Tharoor is not a native English speaker, his English is so fluent that he sounds like one. Learners from India will instantly recognize him because he is famous there for his English skills.

In this video, he is giving a speech as a part of a debate at Oxford University . He lists out arguments that support the idea that the U.K. should give reparations to its colonies. “Reparations” are payments to a country or community for some harm done to them. A colony is a region or a country that is controlled by another country by force.

Britain had a large number of colonies throughout the world between the 16th and 20th centuries. In this speech, Tharoor tries to convince his audience that the U.K. should give something for the damage they did to the countries they had colonized.

This is one of the finest examples of a formal speech in today’s English . Learners who want to go into academics can learn how to organize their arguments with evidence.

The speech is also great for vocabulary practice . Plus, Tharoor has deep knowledge of both the national history of the U.K. and the colonial history of India. Apart from the content of the speech, his way of speaking is also impressive and is similar to formal British English .

This speech is part of a play called “Julius Caesar”  written by William Shakespeare. The play is based on the life and murder of Caesar who was a leader of the Roman Empire. The speech is considered to be one of the finest pieces of English literature .

It is also one of the best examples of the use of rhetoric (the art of speaking and persuasion).

Mark Antony makes this speech after Caesar is killed by other leaders of the Roman Empire. Antony was a close friend of Caesar’s and here he tries to remind the people of Rome that Caesar was actually a good man. He has to convince the people that his murderers like Brutus are actually criminals. But he has to do so without directly blaming the murderers.

Advanced learners should know this speech mainly because of its cultural value.

Many words in this speech have been replaced by other words in today’s English. “Hath” is the older form of “has” or “had.” “Thou” has also been replaced by the word “you.”

So rather than memorizing the vocabulary, learners should focus on how Damian Lewis delivers the speech instead. The intonation, tone, pitch and rhythm is similar to the formal English used today. He is also good at conveying emotions through pauses and expressions.

If you keep watching videos of native speakers talking, you’ll get used to hearing how different people talk in English. After watching these speeches, you could look for more speeches or interviews on YouTube. 

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The best way to learn the art of speaking is to first copy great speakers. Try to speak the same words in a style that is natural and comfortable to you. These speeches in English are the perfect material to master it!

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best speech in english on education

Speech Topics in English for Students and Children

Many times we have wanted our voices to be heard and also inspire others with our ideas and thoughts. However, we aren’t able to do so in the correct manner sometimes. It is mostly because one fails to find the right words at the right times. That is why we have speeches. They help you attract the attention of the audience and make people listen to you. In school and college, speech topics become a part of our lives. While it is comparatively easy to write an essay, to deliver a speech is an entirely different thing. Proper persuasive speech topics can help you inform and convince your target audience. In order to do that, you need to do thorough research and state valid points to make a good impression.

When we talk about persuasive speech topics, it is important to note that they must inform, educate, convince or motivate your audience. In other words, you will be influencing them to accept your point of view. The finest persuasive speech topics are always stimulating, daring and very crisp and clear. Always remember to choose an interesting persuasive speech topic. It will help attract the attention of the listener or reader from the start to the end. Moreover, make sure to have ample knowledge about the topics, which will assist you in counter-questioning.

When choosing your persuasive speech topic, make sure it is familiar so you can prepare it easily. Further, your audience must care about the topic and must be able to easily visualize them. The main point is to make sure to not choose something that is overdone. Emotional topics help stimulate more emotions and give better chances of achieving the desired outcome.

Types of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Factual Persuasive Speech – Use facts and figures to prove whether the topic is true or false
  • Value Persuasive Speech – Argues whether something is morally correct or not
  • Policy Persuasive Speech – Speeches that try to advance policies, laws and more.

There are a lot of persuasive speech topics that we consider interesting enough to be chosen as given below. All these persuasive speech topics are relevant and will remain so for a long time. When it comes to choosing persuasive speech topics, your options are infinite. We have compiled some of the best ones to help you make a good impression.

Toppr has done all the thorough research on your behalf so you can solely focus on delivering the speech excellently. In this article, we have listed out numerous important speech topics from various categories for special occasions, on prominent leaders, motivational, persuasive speech topics and more. They are appropriate for everyone from school students to college ones. Our vast collections of speech topics ensure you find anything and everything that you are looking for. Following is a great list of speech topics divided into different categories like persuasive speech topics and more for a better and quick search:

Persuasive Speech Topics

List of 100+ Speech Topics for Students and Children

List of persuasive speech topics.

  • Will punishing bullies help?
  • How to speak confidently in public?
  • Do exam results alone determine a child’s worth?
  • Do video games promote violence?
  • How to overcome the fear of Maths?
  • Should schools have longer recess time?
  • Should schools make swimming lessons mandatory?
  • What is the best age to own a mobile phone?
  • What is better: Paper books or E-Books?
  • How to overcome exam fever?

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment

  • How will recycling help us?
  • Should there be a ban on smoking in public places?
  • Should zoos be banned?
  • Should there be a ban on animal testing?
  • Will banning plastic bags help?
  • Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
  • Is the government doing enough to tackle Global Warming?
  • How to control water pollution?
  • What is better: Buying pets or Adoption?
  • Why Elephant riding is unethical?

Speech Topics about Prominent Leaders

  • APJ Abdul Kalam Speech
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Speech
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Speech
  • Mahatma Gandhi Speech
  • Speech On Swami Vivekananda

Speech Topics about Yourself

  • My Aim In Life Speech
  • My Mother Speech
  • My School Life Speech
  • My School Speech

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Speech Topics on Environment and Nature

  • Climate Change Speech
  • Global Warming Speech
  • Save Environment Speech
  • Save Water Speech
  • Speech About Nature
  • Speech On Air Pollution
  • Speech On Deforestation
  • Speech On Disaster Management
  • Speech On Environment
  • Speech On Importance Of Water
  • Speech On Pollution
  • Speech On Waste Management
  • Speech On Water
  • Speech On Water Pollution
  • Speech On World Environment Day

Speech Topics on Festivals and Events

  • Speech on Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Children’s Day Speech
  • Christmas Day Speech
  • Gandhi Jayanti Speech
  • Hindi Diwas Speech
  • Human Rights Day Speech
  • Independence Day Speech
  • International Women’s Day Speech
  • Labour Day Speech
  • Mother’s Day Speech
  • Speech On Baisakhi
  • Speech On Diwali
  • Speech On World Population Day
  • Teachers Day Celebration Speech
  • Teachers Day Speech
  • Welcome Speech For Independence Day
  • Tryst With Destiny

Speech Topics on Proverbs

  • Health Is Wealth Speech
  • Knowledge Is Power Speech
  • Laughter Is The Best Medicine Speech
  • Speech On Unity Is Strength

Speech Topics for Special Occasions

  • Best Man Speech
  • Best Farewell Speech
  • Annual Function Speech
  • Farewell Speech For Colleague
  • Retirement Farewell Speech
  • Thank You Speech
  • Thank You Speech For Award
  • Thank You Speech For Birthday
  • Thank You Speech For Farewell
  • Vote Of Thanks Speech
  •  Welcome Speech For Republic Day
  • Welcome Speech For Annual Function
  • Welcome Speech For College Function
  • Welcome Speech For Conference
  • Welcome Speech For Event
  • Welcome Speech For Farewell

Speech Topics on Social Issues

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Speech
  • Clean India Speech
  • Organ Donation Speech
  • Road Safety Speech
  • Speech On Child Labour
  • Speech On Agriculture
  • Speech On Cleanliness
  • Speech On Corruption
  • Women Empowerment Speech
  • Speech On Unemployment

Speech Topics about Education

  • Importance Of Education Speech
  • Speech on Education
  • Speech On Books
  • Speech On Education System In India
  • Speech On Girls Education
  • Value Of Education Speech

Speech Topics for Kids

  • Doctor Speech
  • Speech On Money
  • Speech On Mother
  • Speech On Music
  • Speech On Respect
  • Speech On Sports
  • Speech On Sports And Games
  • Speech On the Importance of Teacher in Our Lives
  • Speech About Friendship
  • Speech On India
  • Speech On Junk Food
  • Speech On Grandparents

Speech Topics on Public Speaking Topics

  • Speech On Article 370
  • Speech On Constitution Of India
  • Election Speech
  • Leadership Speech
  • Political Speech
  • Speech About Youth
  • Speech On Fashion
  • Speech On Generation Gap
  • Speech On Indian Army
  • Speech On Indian Culture
  • Speech On Internet
  • Speech On Technology
  • Speech On Unity
  • Speech On Yoga
  • Speech On Travel And Tourism
  • Speech On Health
  • Speech On Importance Of Cleanliness

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Education

  • Should school uniforms be banned?
  • Should we allow mobile phones in school?
  • Co-Education has more benefits or drawbacks?
  • What is better: Rote learning or Hands-on Learning?
  • Boarding schools are better than Day schools?
  • Dropping a year helps students or not?
  • Are PowerPoint presentations a waste of time?
  • Having the same grading system for all students, is it fair?
  • Should it be mandatory for all schools to have a canteen?
  • Are smart classes beneficial to students?

Motivational Speech Topics

  • Speech About Dreams
  • Speech About Life
  • Speech On Time
  • Speech On Discipline
  • Speech On Happiness
  • Speech On Kindness
  • Speech On Value Of Time
  • Speech On Health And Fitness

Tips for Writing a Speech

It does not matter if you have the most innovative ideas if you don’t execute them well in your speech. A good speech always invokes emotion, is well-researched and addresses relevant subjects. In order to write a good speech, make sure to follow the points given below:

Structure: Always remember to have a definite structure when you begin writing your speech. It is a frame that will give shape to your speech and help keep you on track. Jot down all ideas coming to your mind and then connect them so that each part has something interesting to keep the audience intrigued.

Vocabulary: A speech is meant for an audience that is filled with different types of people. You need to make sure you are using the right words so your message is conveyed successfully to each and every one. Only the right words can express and highlight your message. Thus, the level of complexity must match the level of the audience of your speech.

Relatable: Your speech is what you make of it, if your speech has incredible points but you don’t deliver it well, it won’t work. Try to include relatable things in the speech to make everyone comfortable and deliver it in a humanized manner so the audience relates to you as well as your speech.

Examples: When you use examples, it helps support and proves your point in a better manner. It also helps convince the audience and result in better engagement. Try using just enough examples so people buy what you are offering and also to add that emotional edge to your speech.

Short: The worst thing you can do to your audience is to deliver a long speech. Do not try too hard and sum up your views in a short and informative speech. In fact, the longer you take, the more mistakes you will make. When someone is investing their time to listen to you, make sure it is worth it.

To sum it up, a good speech requires time and effort. Try to pick the right topic if it’s in your hand and express your thoughts and opinions freely, without any hesitance. Consistency is key, you won’t get it perfect the first time, but eventually, you will get there.

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Speech for Students

  • Speech on India for Students and Children
  • Speech on Mother for Students and Children
  • Speech on Air Pollution for Students and Children
  • Speech about Life for Students and Children
  • Speech on Disaster Management for Students and Children
  • Speech on Internet for Students and Children
  • Speech on Generation Gap for Students and Children
  • Speech on Indian Culture for Students and Children
  • Speech on Sports for Students and Children
  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

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  • Speech on Importance of English Language


Speech on Importance of English: Tips, Samples and Ways to Present

The English language is a key part of our modern world, connecting people across different cultures and countries. It’s essential for communication in business, education, and everyday life . Learning English opens up many opportunities and helps you interact with others globally. This article provides examples of short speeches on the importance of English, showing how knowing this language can benefit you in various aspects of your life and make it easier to connect with people around the world.


Tips to Keep in Mind Before Giving a Speech:

The following steps can be followed for a more outgoing and overall ready approach when presenting such a speech, especially on such an important topic.

Look presentable and neat. Dress well, make your hair and overall look clean and fresh before presenting your speech.

Rehearse your speech. It is important to go over and even read out your complete speech a couple times before actually presenting it, no matter how confident you are feeling about it.

Read the audience. Knowing your audience and getting a feel for them is important as it can set the vibe and tone of your speech in your head, before you even present it.

Get materials such as emergency notes, slides and presentations ready. Visual aids like this can help you take your speech to the next level.

Decide the length/duration of the speech. While this comes under knowing your audience, it is important to recognise this step and also important to know when to end. Sometimes, it may be important to finish your speech earlier than planned or extend it further, all depending on the reaction and interest of your audiences.

Complementary Format for Short Speech on Importance

You can use the format below for additional guidance or to refine your speech on the importance of the English language. This structure may help you include important points or improve your speech.


Opening Statement: Begin with an engaging quote, question, or anecdote related to the English language to capture the audience’s interest.

Purpose of the Speech: Briefly outline what you will cover and explain why learning English is important.

Personal Connection: Share a brief personal story or experience that highlights your understanding of the importance of English.

Definition and Importance

Define the English Language: Clearly explain what the English language is and its role in global communication.

Importance: Discuss why English is crucial for personal growth , education, and professional success.

Key Benefits of Learning English

Global Communication: How English serves as a common language for people around the world.

Career Opportunities: The impact of English proficiency on job prospects and career advancement.

Educational Access: How English opens doors to higher education and learning resources.

Cultural Exchange: The role of English in connecting with diverse cultures and understanding global media .

Real-Life Examples and Success Stories

Examples: Share stories of individuals or successful professionals who have benefited from knowing English.

Lessons Learned: Highlight what can be learned from these examples and how the audience can apply these lessons.

Practical Tips for Learning English

Consistent Practice: Engage in regular practice through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Language Immersion: Immerse yourself in English-speaking environments and media.

Seek Feedback: Use feedback from teachers or language partners to improve your skills.

Set Goals: Set clear, achievable goals for your English learning journey.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Obstacles: Discuss common challenges in learning English, such as fear of making mistakes or lack of practice opportunities.

Strategies: Offer strategies to overcome these challenges, such as using language learning apps or joining language groups.

Recap Main Points: Summarise the key takeaways from your speech.

Personal Reflection: Reinforce the importance of learning English with a final personal story or reflection.

Call to Action: Encourage the audience to embrace the English language and take steps towards improving their language skills.

Closing Statement: End with an inspiring quote or statement that underscores the value of English in today’s world.

You can adjust this format to better suit your needs or refine your speech accordingly. This structure serves as a useful guideline for crafting your speech.

Speech on Importance of English 1

Now that you know what to do before giving your speech, lets look at some actual samples of motivational speech on importance of English language.

“English is the passport to the world.” This quote shows just how vital English has become in our global society. Today, I want to talk about why English is so important, how it can open up many opportunities for you, and why learning it is worth the effort. I’ll also share some personal experiences that highlight just how impactful English can be.

English is a language spoken by millions of people worldwide. It is used for international communication, business, and education. Learning English is crucial because it allows you to connect with people from different cultures, enhances your career opportunities, and provides access to a wealth of information and resources.

One of the key benefits of learning English is global communication. English is often used as a common language among people who speak different native languages. This makes it easier to communicate and collaborate with others around the world. In terms of career opportunities, many jobs and career paths require or prefer English skills. Being proficient in English can improve your chances of getting a good job and advancing in your career. Additionally, English is the primary language of many prestigious universities and academic resources. Knowing English opens doors to higher education and valuable learning materials. Furthermore, English allows you to understand and appreciate different cultures through media, books, and conversations with people from around the world.

Consider the story of a student who learned English and was able to study abroad, experiencing different cultures and gaining a top job in an international company. This example shows how learning English can lead to amazing opportunities and personal growth.

So, how can we learn English effectively? Start with consistent practice. Make it a habit to practice English daily by reading books, watching English movies, and speaking with others. Immerse yourself in the language by surrounding yourself with English through music, TV shows, and conversations. Seek feedback from teachers or language partners to help you improve and stay on track. Set small, achievable goals for your English learning, like learning new vocabulary each week or practicing speaking for a few minutes every day.

Learning English can be challenging, especially if you’re afraid of making mistakes or don’t have many chances to practice. To overcome these challenges, use language learning apps, join English-speaking groups, and remind yourself that making mistakes is a normal part of learning.

To sum up, English is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your personal and professional life. By learning and mastering English, you open up new opportunities for communication, education, and career advancement. Take the first step towards improving your English skills today, and remember, every bit of progress brings you closer to unlocking new doors. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” So let’s embrace English and see where it takes us. Thank you.

Speech on Importance of English 2:

“Language is the road map of a culture.” This quote reminds us of how language connects us with the world. Today, I’ll discuss why English is so important and how it can enrich your life. I'll share some personal experiences and practical advice to help you understand the value of learning English.

English is a global language used for communication, education, and business. It helps people from different countries understand each other and work together. Knowing English is essential because it expands your opportunities in both your personal and professional life.

One of the key benefits of learning English is the ability to connect with others. English is commonly used in international conversations, allowing you to make friends and collaborate with people from various backgrounds. In terms of career growth, many careers require English skills. Being proficient in English can enhance your job prospects and help you succeed in the workplace. Additionally, English gives you access to better educational resources and institutions, as a lot of academic materials are in English. Finally, learning English helps you experience and appreciate different cultures through books, movies, and music, opening up a world of cultural knowledge and experiences.

Think about someone who learned English and was able to travel the world, gain a scholarship, or land a job in a leading company. These success stories show how English can transform lives and create new opportunities.

So, how can we learn English effectively? Start with daily practice. Engage with English every day by reading, writing, and speaking. This builds your skills and keeps you motivated. Immerse yourself in the language by watching movies, listening to music, and reading books in English. Get feedback from teachers or language partners to improve your skills. Set small, manageable goals, like mastering a few new words each week or practicing speaking with a friend.

Learning English can be difficult, especially if you feel unsure of yourself or lack practice opportunities. To overcome these challenges, use online resources, join English clubs, and remember that making mistakes is a part of learning.

English is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit your life. By learning English, you open up a world of opportunities for communication, career advancement, and personal growth. Start working on your English skills today, and you’ll find new doors opening for you. As the saying goes, “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” So, let’s embrace the English language and explore the endless possibilities it offers. Thank you.

Speech on Importance of English 3:

“English is the universal language of our time .” This quote by David Crystal, a renowned linguist, highlights the central role English plays in our global society. Today, I want to talk about why English is so important and how mastering it can positively impact your life. I’ll share some personal insights and practical tips to help you see the value of learning this language.

English is spoken by people all around the world and is commonly used for international communication, education, and business. Learning English is important because it connects you with people globally, enhances career opportunities, and provides access to a vast amount of information and resources.

One of the key benefits of learning English is the ability to connect globally. English is widely used for communication between people from different countries, allowing you to engage in conversations and build relationships across cultures. In terms of career opportunities, many jobs require English skills, and being proficient can give you a competitive edge in the job market and help you advance in your career. English also provides educational access, as it is the primary language of many leading universities and academic resources. Knowing English opens doors to higher education and a wide range of learning materials. Furthermore, English helps you appreciate and enjoy various forms of media, such as books, movies, and music, connecting you to diverse cultural experiences.

Consider the example of a young professional who learned English and secured a job with an international company, or a student who earned a scholarship to study abroad because of their English skills. These stories show how English can create valuable opportunities and lead to personal and professional growth.

So, how can we effectively learn English? Start with daily practice. Incorporate English into your daily routine through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Engage with English-language media, such as films, music, and books, to immerse yourself in the language. Seek feedback from teachers or language partners to improve your skills and build confidence. Set achievable goals by breaking your learning into smaller, manageable tasks, like learning new vocabulary or practicing speaking for a few minutes each day.

Learning English can be challenging, especially if you’re worried about making mistakes or lack practice opportunities. To overcome these challenges, use online resources, join language groups, and remember that making mistakes is a normal part of learning.

In conclusion, English is a crucial tool that can greatly enrich your personal and professional life. By learning and mastering English, you unlock new opportunities for communication, career advancement, and cultural understanding. Take the first step towards improving your English skills today, and you’ll find many doors opening for you. As David Crystal aptly put it, “English is the universal language of our time.” Embrace it and explore the endless possibilities it offers. Thank you.

2 Minute Speech on Importance of English Language

“English is not just a language; it’s a bridge to the world,” says Wilfred Funk, a well-known lexicographer. Today, I want to explain why English is so important and how learning it can greatly benefit your life.

English is a global language used for communication, education, and business. It’s spoken in many countries and helps people from different backgrounds understand each other. Knowing English opens up many opportunities for personal and professional growth.

One of the key benefits of learning English is wider communication. English allows you to interact with people from all over the world, making it easier to build connections and friendships. In terms of career advancement, many jobs require English skills, and being fluent can improve your job prospects and help you succeed in your career. English also provides educational access, as it is the language of many top universities and research materials, offering you more learning opportunities. Furthermore, learning English helps you enjoy movies, books, and music from different cultures, enriching your experience.

So, how can we effectively learn English? Start with daily practice by using English in your daily activities, such as reading news articles or speaking with friends. Engage with English-language media, such as films and songs, to become more familiar with the language. Ask for feedback from teachers or native speakers to help improve your skills. Set small, achievable goals, like learning a few new words each week.

To conclude, English is a vital tool that enhances communication, career opportunities, and cultural experiences. Embrace learning English to open up new possibilities in your life. As Wilfred Funk said, “English is not just a language; it’s a bridge to the world.” Let’s build that bridge together. Thank you.

Important Takeaways from Speech on Importance of English Language:

English is crucial for global communication, career advancement, educational access, and cultural understanding. It helps connect people across different backgrounds and opens up various opportunities.

Mastering English can improve job prospects, provide access to top educational resources, and enhance your ability to enjoy and appreciate international media.

Regular practice, engaging with English media, seeking feedback, and setting achievable goals are effective strategies for improving English skills.

A well-structured speech on the importance of English should include an introduction with a relevant quote, a clear definition of English’s significance, key benefits, practical tips for learning, and a strong conclusion reinforcing the language's value.

A speech on the importance of English can be effectively delivered in various lengths, with a concise version suitable for about 2 minutes, making it accessible and impactful for shorter presentations.


FAQs on Speech on Importance of English Language

1. What are some key points to include in a speech on self-confidence?

Include a compelling quote or personal story, define self-confidence, discuss its importance, outline key components like self-awareness and positive self-talk, provide real-life examples, offer practical tips, and address common barriers.

2. How can I structure a speech on the importance of English language?

Start with a relevant quote, define the significance of English, highlight its benefits (communication, career, education, culture), provide practical tips for learning, and conclude with a strong summary and call to action.

3. What are effective tips for improving self-confidence?

Practice self-awareness, engage in positive self-talk, set and achieve small goals, and build resilience by learning from failures.

4. Why is learning English important?

English is important for global communication, career opportunities, access to educational resources, and understanding diverse cultures.

5. How long should a typical speech on the importance of English be?

A typical speech can vary in length, but a concise version should be around 2-4 minutes, depending on the speaking pace and content depth.

6. What are some practical tips for learning English?

Incorporate English into daily routines, engage with media in English, seek feedback, and set small, achievable goals.

7. How can I make a speech on self-confidence engaging?

Use personal anecdotes, relatable examples, and practical advice. Start with a strong opening, provide clear benefits, and end with an inspiring conclusion.

8. What are common challenges in learning English and how can they be overcome?

Challenges include fear of making mistakes and lack of practice opportunities. Overcome these by using online resources, joining language groups, and remembering that mistakes are part of the learning process.

9. How can I ensure my speech on self-confidence is impactful?

Clearly define self-confidence, provide actionable tips, use personal stories, and offer practical advice. End with a motivational conclusion and a call to action.

10. What should be the focus of a speech on the importance of English?

The focus should be on how English facilitates global communication, enhances career prospects, provides educational access, and offers cultural insights.

11. How can real-life examples enhance a speech on self-confidence?

Real-life examples demonstrate how self-confidence leads to success, making the speech relatable and providing practical insights for the audience.

12. What is a good way to conclude a speech on the importance of English?

Summarise the key benefits, reinforce the language’s value, and end with a memorable quote or statement that motivates the audience to embrace learning English.

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Speech on Zero Hunger in English for School Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Aug 27, 2024

Speech on Zero Hunger

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘Zero Hunger’, right? But what does that phrase really mean? Zero Hunger, as the name suggests, means no hunger, but it is much more than that. It ensures that everyone has equal access to sufficient food to meet their nutritional requirements. In this blog, we will delve into this subject with samples of speech on zero hunger to make it more comprehensive for the students.

Short Speech on Zero Hunger

Good morning all the teachers and students, Today, I stand before you to share my thoughts on a universal subject: Zero Hunger. Every night, around 690 million people go to bed hungry. This is more than a mere statistic; it represents real-life challenges that the globe is facing on every level.

According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, zero hunger is the goal of ensuring that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and preferences, as well as the ability to acquire the food they need without compromising their economic, social, or environmental well-being. This is more than just a goal; it is a call to action for humanitarians. 

Hunger is more than just a lack of food; it also represents a complex interplay of poverty, inequality, conflict, and climate change. To achieve zero hunger, it is vital to identify the root cause of the problem. Poverty limits access to food, whereas inequality expands the divide between rich and poor. Conflict interrupts food production, while climate change causes crop failures. All of these factors contribute to the problem of hunger. Economic instability is another factor that causes hunger. People with unstable finances are unable to meet their basic needs. The has increased the problem, forcing millions of people to go hungry while economies around the world decline. 

We all have the knowledge, technology, and resources to end hunger. All it takes is willpower and commitment from all of us to make this vision a reality. Strengthening social institutions, empowering women, investing in rural infrastructure, fostering international cooperation, and raising education and awareness are all critical milestones on this journey. Zero Hunger is an achievable goal. By addressing the root cause of hunger, we can address the problem and build a society in which everyone has equitable access to nutritious food.

Let us pledge now to continue working hard towards the noble goal of ending hunger once and for all.
Thank You!

Also Read: 500+ Words Essay on Sustainable Development with PDF

Long Speech on Zero Hunger

Good morning to all the teachers and students,Today I feel honoured to speak my thoughts on a universal topic: Zero Hunger. It isn’t a goal, but rather a reminder to humanity that no one should go to bed hungry. According to the , our goal is to end hunger and achieve zero hunger and food security for all by 2030. The official phrase is: “End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.”

To fully understand the significance of the situation, we must view hunger as a multifaceted problem. It is more than just a lack of food; it is a complicated combination of poverty, inequality, conflict, and economic instability. Hunger is both a cause and a result of these concerns, creating a vicious cycle for all individuals and communities that leads to deprivation.
Poverty is a major cause of hunger. When people face financial difficulties, their lives become affected by malnutrition and instability. In many parts of the world, the poor spend up to 70% of their income on food, leaving little for other basic necessities like education, healthcare, and housing. This economic vulnerability addresses hunger as the primary cause of poverty.

Conflict is another cause of hunger. War and civil instability affect food production, resulting in a lack of food security for individuals. The recent conflict of the ‘Israel-Hamas war’ is a prominent example of how people are struggling for basic necessities amidst the war such as food, shelter, and clothing. To achieve Zero Hunger, we must work hard for peace and stability, ensuring that all help reaches those in need.

Climate change is an existential threat to global food security. Unpredictable weather, drought, and flooding have all posed a challenge to traditional food production. Smallholder farmers, who supply a large share of the world’s food, are especially prone to it. As this type of climate change becomes more widespread, we must look for new ways to make our agriculture more robust to extreme conditions. 

Economic instability is another factor that causes hunger. People with unstable finances are unable to meet their basic needs. The COVID-19 epidemic added to the problem, causing millions of people to go hungry while economies around the world decline. As we rebuild our economy following the crisis, it is our responsibility as a community to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, nutritional food.

Our journey to zero hunger is full of challenges, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible. With the proper knowledge, technology, commitment, and willpower, we can make this vision a reality. The government must prioritise food security programmes and ensure their efficient management. Promoting gender equality and assisting women farmers, investing in rural infrastructure, international cooperation, education, and awareness are all critical components in achieving zero hunger on a global level.

Zero Hunger is a call to action that goes across politics, borders, and ideologies. By addressing the root cause of the issue, we can build a future in which everyone has equitable and sufficient access to food. Let us be the generation that ends hunger once and for all.

Thank You!

Also Read: Global Warming Speech for Students in English

Ans: According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, zero hunger is the goal of ensuring that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and preferences, as well as the ability to acquire the food they need without compromising their economic, social, or environmental well-being. This is more than just a goal; it is a call to action for humanitarians. 

Ans: Zero Hunger is To fully understand the significance of the situation, we must view hunger as a multifaceted problem. It is more than just a lack of food; it is a complicated combination of poverty, inequality, conflict, climate change, and economic instability. Hunger is both a cause and a result of these concerns, creating a vicious cycle for all individuals and communities that leads to deprivation.

Ans: Our journey to zero hunger is full of challenges, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible. With the proper knowledge, technology, commitment, and willpower, we can make this vision a reality. The government must prioritise food security programmes and ensure their efficient management. Promoting gender equality and assisting women farmers, investing in rural infrastructure, international cooperation, education, and awareness are all critical components in achieving zero hunger on a global level.

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Bhumika Sharma

A writer with a fresh perspective on thoughts, I have an year of experience in writing the blogs on various topics. Here, you will find my blogs for the students and education purpose.

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