How to start a market stall business

Table of Contents

Why you might want to start a market stall business

General tips for setting up a business, planning , registration, picking products for your stall, identifying a target market, finding a supplier, advertising your market stall, social media , build a website , physical advertising , organising your finances, how countingup can help run your market stall.

If you’re looking to start a small retail business but don’t want to sell goods online, you might want to consider starting a market stall business. It’s a fairly straightforward business to start, but you still need to look into a few things before diving headlong into this opportunity.

This article will serve as a guide on how to start a market stall business. We’ll provide advice on everything from registering your business to advertising and selecting products for your market stall. The complete list of topics we’ll cover includes:

There are a surprising number of millionaires who began their career by selling from a market stall. Examples include Sir Alan Sugar and Poundland founder Steve Smith. While their later success comes from various factors, many entrepreneurs start selling from a market stall because it’s a relatively simple operation to run. 

When running a market stall, you have far fewer operating costs than you would if you ran a similar business from a brick and mortar store. Your marketing can also be much simpler, as much of your business will come from passersby and people attending the market you operate in.

Along with these advantages, running a market stall business comes with all the usual advantages of being self-employed — chief among them being the freedom to pursue your interests and turn them into a career. 

In addition, a market stall is a great way to sell handmade or locally-sourced products, so you may consider selling from a stall before eventually expanding online or to a brick and mortar building. 

Before getting too involved in the unique selling points of your market stall (like the product you’ll sell or your brand identity), you’ll need to make sure you can operate as a business. This means you’ll need to follow the process most companies need to complete when setting up.

Like anyone looking to create a new company, you’ll need to write a business plan . This will help you guide your business in the right direction going forward. You might need to change or adapt your original plan as time goes on, but it’s vital to have one when you first start out, as it will provide a guideline for when you need to make big decisions.

You’ll also need to do a great deal of financial planning, so look into how much to budget for starting a business . A market stall is a comparatively cheap business to get off the ground, but you’ll still need to pay for things like inventory and a physical stall to sell from. 

You may also need a vehicle to transport your goods and your stall setup. Finally, leave space in your budget for purposes particular to the kind of product you’ll be selling (i.e. special equipment for production) or purchases unique to running a market stall, like business licenses. 

In many ways, starting a market stall is like starting any other kind of business . You’ll need to complete a few tasks to ensure that your business can operate legally within the UK.

You’ll need to register as a sole trader or limited company . Both options have advantages and disadvantages, so do some research and see which is better for you. Being a sole trader means you’ll have a simpler time paying taxes and accounting, so it might be a better option for a market stall business. 

As a market stall vendor, you’ll also want to acquire the right kind of business license . Depending on how your stall operates, you’ll need a market stall license or a street trading license. 

You can usually acquire these = from your local council, so you may need to contact the council for information on what exactly you’ll need. Both these licenses have a cost, and you may need to renew them annually. For more information, check out the relevant government websites below:

  • Market stall license
  • Street trading license (England and Wales)
  • Street trader’s license (Scotland)

If you plan to sell food from your market stall, you’ll also need to register with your local authority as a food trader . On top of that, you and any staff you have will need Level Two Hygiene Certificates, which you can get after a day’s training with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health . 

It may be that you have a specific product in mind when you’re first setting up your market stall business; the operations of many market stalls revolve around one specific product. This is particularly true for companies that sell homemade crafts — it may be that the market stall is an extension of an online business where you also sell your crafts. 

You may also have a prior product idea because of the type of market you want to operate in. For example, many large cities in Europe have markets that only sell a particular type of product: there are flower markets, fish markets, clothes markets, and many more. 

Even if you don’t have a product idea, you can still start thinking about your target market . A target market is the group of people most likely to buy from your stall, so they’re the people that most of your marketing and product development focuses on.

While it’s more difficult to identify your target market without first having a product in mind, it’s not impossible. You can use other factors like the local area or the people who frequently attend the market to determine who is likely to make purchases from a market stall. 

By doing this research, you may even be able to identify some of your target market’s needs, which will further help you work out what to sell from your stall. Failing that, you can see what other kinds of stalls they’re likely to buy from and sell products similar to those stalls.

Finding a supplier is a hugely important part of starting any retail business. You might have the same supplier for years if they provide good quality materials at good prices. In fact, by building a personal relationship with your suppliers over a long period of time, you might be able to ensure they provide you with the best possible prices and supplies.

Finding the right supplier is particularly important if your product’s main selling point is that it’s locally sourced or made. Local produce is a very popular product for market stalls, but you may need to do thorough research to find a high-quality supplier in your local area. Suppliers from other regions might be able to sell better quality goods to you, so decide how important the local connection is to your business model.

Social media is one of the most common and effective ways to market small businesses. It’s free to start a profile on most social media websites, and once you build up a following, you’ll be able to promote your business to a vast audience.

One of the trickiest parts of marketing your business on social media is creating engaging content. What this means is different for every business. For instance, the content you produce for your market stall will vary depending on what you sell from the store. 

That said, day-in-the-life style content can be quite popular, as it gives customers an insight into how your business works. Stalls that sell homemade goods might also benefit from making video content that shows how they make their products.

If the market your stall forms a part of only operates on certain days, it’s smart to base your content’s timing around market days. Post frequently on the lead up to market days, and make sure that people know exactly when and where they can purchase your products.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to promote your business through social media and want to find out about how to use a specific platform, try reading one of our more specific guides below:

  • Facebook  
  • Youtube  
  • Pinterest  
  • Tiktok  

While you’ll conduct most (if not all) of your sales at your actual stall, having an online presence is always a good idea in the digital world we live in. The first step in creating this online presence is to create a business website . 

Many businesses thrive off of using their website to sell goods. If you want to offer your customers the option of buying your products online instead of exclusively at your stall, do some research on how to start an ecommerce business . This may become necessary as your business grows, and your single market stall can no longer create enough profit to cover your costs. 

Another benefit of having a website is that it provides a hub where you can store all of your contact information, like social media links, phone numbers, and email addresses. This means that customers can easily get in touch with you after finding your website.

Building a website does require some technical skills, so you might consider hiring a professional to help create the perfect website. There are also a lot of easy-to-use website builders out there that you can try if hiring a professional is too expensive.

Although it’s fairly old-fashioned, physical advertisements like posters and banners can do wonders for a market stall. 

This is because many of a market stall’s customers are simply people who were walking by. So if you create eye-catching posters and banners, you’ll likely be able to draw more passersby to your store and (with luck) some will buy your goods. 

If possible, try to find out if there are physical advertisements for the market you sell your goods in. If there is, speak with the people in charge of creating them and see if you can get your stall featured on those adverts. This allows you to extend your reach farther than you would be able to while advertising alone.

Financial management can be stressful and time-consuming when you’re self-employed. It’s even more of a problem when you operate something like a market stall, where you’ll need to spend a lot of time on the business’s day-to-day operations, as opposed to the bookkeeping. 

When you start a market stall (or any business), a good first step is opening a business account. This keeps your personal finances separate from your business account, which makes organising your transactions much easier. 

Business accounts are also handy because they frequently come with additional features that save you time and make accounting easier. For example, Countingup offers a great business account that also provides real-time profit and loss reporting.

A profit and loss statement is a financial document that shows how much money your company has made and lost over a set period. The Countingup app displays a real-time view of your profits and losses, updating as you make transactions on the business account. This means you’ll be able to see and record any expenses and sales as soon as they go onto your account. 

Click here to find out more and start your three-month free trial today.


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Market stalls can make a lot of money and gain great exposure for your brand... if they are done right., this complete guide to market stall selling will give the best tips for selling, offer preparation advice, and help you get started at your first market., it will answer how to start a market stall, how much a market stall will cost, what it’s like to sell and what you need to bring to your first market. this is designed to help you get the best results possible at your first event., whether you are an experienced trader, or just starting to think about doing your first market stall, this complete guide to market stall selling will show you some useful things to consider and make your stall more profitable..

application letter for market stall


Have you ever considered what it’s like to sell at a market, perhaps you are thinking about launching a new product and would like to know some tricks to promote sales. maybe you are just curious, wondering what it’s like to be on the other side and what goes through a sellers mind., everyone has engaged with market traders before. whether you feel you are being constantly watched, pressured into purchasing, or able to browse at ease, we have all come into contact with market stall sellers., you may love them or hate them, but you can normally find some pretty unique things being sold., here we are going to cover what it’s like to be a seller at a market, covering both the highs and the lows of selling physical products in person. as you dive deeper into this article, we will share the tips and tricks we have learned over a number of years to help increase our market stall sales., what it’s like being a market seller - behind the scenes, in summary, markets can be pretty hit and miss., on a good day, the people attending are your exact audience. they relate to your brand, are interested to find out more, engage in conversation and most importantly buy, before you think that market stalls are easy, let me warn you that if you get it wrong and the audience is not the one you wished for, you can end up standing around for hours without making any sales whatsoever. not only can this be a waste of your time, they can also be expensive and completely demoralising., with this in mind, what should you consider before deciding to trade at a market.

application letter for market stall


What you should consider before your first market stall, there are 6 things you should consider before selling at a market. these are particularly important if you are new to market selling., 1. know whether the audience attending is right for you, firstly, work out whether the audience likely to attend is the right fit for your brand. this means they must be the right age, demographic, shared interests, and most importantly be willing to spend., one of our first market experiences was just 2 days before christmas. i know what you are thinking, 2 days before christmas, surely you can’t get better timing., this is exactly what we thought as well., the truth is that had it not been for our friends turning up at our first stall, we would have sold next to nothing., it appeared that by this point in the month everyone had finished their christmas shopping. london was a ghost town, i have never seen london so quiet. the streets normally busy on the weekend were dead, it seemed that everyone had left the city to visit relatives in the country., sadly, there have been a number of similar ‘learning opportunities’ for us when it comes to judging whether the audience is right. one such event we thought would be perfect was a sustainability focused brand launch for a yoga and meditation event., the truth was that their marketing clearly wasn’t attracting the crowds they expected. the small audience it did pull to the school assembly hall looking location was not our target audience, forming an older demographic than we typically attract and one who had come primarily for the yoga and not to buy products., similarly, we have experienced first hand that at evening events customers are more interested in buying food and drink than physical products. as the interest in alcohol increases through the evening, the attention physical product sellers received corresponding decreases., therefore, the biggest piece of advice is to work out whether an event is truly suited to your brand, if it will be busy, and whether people will be willing to spend., this is often hard to do, and a lot is dependent on things outside of your control such as the weather. therefore, if possible try to do a recce of similar events or at the same location and decide whether you think the audience will be right for you..

application letter for market stall

2. Practice makes perfect: it is unlikely you will be a good salesman at first

You won’t know the best way to sell at first, this will only come with time. there is no point worrying about this part of a market stall ahead of schedule. relax and let your products do the selling for you, and just be ready to answer questions that you customers might have., watch what successful brands are doing to drive sales and copy them. they have likely spent years honing their skills, so you will do yourself massive favours by observing and learning from them., audiences differ massively from one event to another. sometimes it’s best to leave customers to browse alone, only letting them know that you are there to help if they have questions. at other markets, people are more interested to engage with your brand., for example, when we sold at bbc introducing, people were more than happy to take free stickers, a tactic we found encouraged people to start a conversation with us and often resulted in a successful sale., pointing out the fact we sell bamboo t-shirts to passers by often helps in these types of events, letting them know the uniqueness and feel of our products and increasing the chances of further conversation and questions., however, we have noticed that when doing markets in london, people will nervously hurry by if you offer a free sticker or ask them to feel a fabric like bamboo. we tend to leave these shoppers alone to browse at their own pace., therefore, test what works and be prepared to adapt. audiences at different events are very different, so don’t feel you have to push a certain tactic to sell., 3. prepare by buying the necessary kit to best display your products and promote sales, attend any market stall and you will likely see a wide variety of tools, props and marketing utensils to help promote their products. some traders can make a bare wooden stand look beautiful, helping to engender trust and show the quality of their brand., however, when you start selling, it is unlikely you will know exactly what you need to really bring out the best side of your products. start by attending stalls and researching online (just do a google search, or use pinterest for inspiration) to see how you would like to style your stall., the stall you face when you arrive to set up in the morning will likely be just the bare bones, meaning you will be supplied with a wooden table or frame and be expected to provide everything you need to make it look like a designers dream., over the years, we have slowly built up our stock of hangers, rails, clips, signage, cable ties and most other things that you might need at a market. however, at first you will only have the bare minimum, and even this will seem so expensive that you will likely end up questioning whether you really need it..

application letter for market stall

4. Arrive in good time to set up your stall

When you are new to selling, it takes a lot longer to set up than you might expect. you will get quicker with time, once you know what you are doing and how best to show off your products. so leave plenty of time when you turn up to your first market., if the market opens at 11am and your brand new to selling, try to arrive with at least two to three hours to spare. you will no doubt then be readjusting your stall throughout the day, rearranging odd bits and bobs to try to improve the look of your products., 5. be knowledgeable and ready to answer questions, if you are the founder of your brand and have done everything from sourcing through to marketing, this should be the easy part., it is important that you know your brand and products inside out. selling can feel intimidating, but answering customer questions allows you to show your passion about your products. it feels exhilarating when you see your customer shares a similar passion or curiosity., there will no doubt be a number of customers who are curious and want to find out more. be armed with your brand story, why you are doing what you are doing, what you are hoping to achieve, how your products are built, and everything else a customer might find interesting., this isn’t selling, this is fun and offering your advice should hopefully feel like you are actually helping to improve a potential customer’s life., confidence will come with time as you get to learn who your ideal audience is, what questions they have and how best to talk to them., 6. don’t get disheartened, the biggest tip is not to get disheartened if you don’t have success straight away. there are a huge amount of variables that may change how successful or not your day is. sometimes it is just not your day, whether through being an ill-suited audience or just a bad day in general to sell., if you know your product is good and something people will want, try to do a number of stalls before you consider throwing in the towel. each time you should learn new tips that will help you improve for the next time..

application letter for market stall


You will have to bring all the necessary equipment with you if you wish to ensure your market stall is a success., as mentioned, this doesn’t mean you need everything at your first event, as you will be able to build up your stall accessories over time. however, you do need to consider the basics if you wish to make your brand shine., most market stall events will provide you with a truly blank canvas. this means often a hideous and dirty wooden surface, a bare metal frame, power, and nothing else., this is a list of things you should consider purchasing if you wish to stand out at your first market..

application letter for market stall

1. Table cloth or sheet

Bringing a table cloth or sheet is an absolute must, as you will want to hide the surface you are selling on. you would ideally bring two, one for the table and one for the backing of your stall, which will otherwise look through onto the next seller’s space. try to work out what colours will best suit your brand by viewing similar stalls beforehand, or again looking on google or pinterest., 2. banners, posters or marketing material, banners, posters or marketing material with your brand name on, the main messages you stand for and your logo will help you stand out in a crowded market. not only this, it will visually improve the look of your store, allow customers to understand immediately what you are about and what you are selling, encourage trust and credibility in your brand, and provide great opportunities to get images for social media., 3. tape, cable ties, scissors, tape, cable ties and scissors are amongst some of the small accessories that you should bring with you whenever you are doing a stall. there will always be times when you wish to prop something up, cut something or stick an item somewhere, so having these to hand is always useful. other small things to consider is a coffee flask and nibbles as it will likely be a long day., 4. business cards, the trusty business card is still one of the best ways to help promote your brand. it is rare that you won’t find a market stall trader without these, as often customers will want to follow up on questions with online research. every now and then you may also give your details to someone who might actually be a good contact to make, such as an events organiser or wholesaler., 5. something to display your merchandise on, beyond just a sheet, you will also want something to display your products on that will help attract customer attention. whether it be stands, shelving space, or clothes hangers, work out beforehand how best to display your products and purchase the necessary items ahead of the event. remember that you only have a split second to catch a passers by attention, so make the best products you offer really stand out..

application letter for market stall

6. A mirror

If you are selling anything that a customer can try on, don’t forget to bring a mirror. this is so easily forgotten, and it can become awkward when customers who wish to view themselves have to walk to another seller’s stand., 7. a card reader, everyone carries cards nowadays, not everyone still carries cash. a card reader is therefore absolutely essential and are super simple to find and set up. with the majority of people now paying by card, vendors are expected to bring their own card reader. have a quick google and you will see there are a whole host of card reader providers out there, we use square reader., 8. cash and spare change, with the above being said, this doesn’t mean that cash is dead. many people still prefer to pay with cash, therefore it is essential that you are able to offer change. not only does this mean it can be more helpful to sell your products at rounded whole numbers rather than halves or small change, it also means that someone won’t turn away if you are not able to offer change, which can be the most crushing feeling if you have ever had to do this. change is also needed if you are planning to pay for car parks, just a helpful additional tip., 9. bring a chair, if at all possible, bring a transportable chair. ideally a stool or something you can nip on and off very easily, but anything is better than nothing. a market will likely be a long day and can quickly become very tiring if you are on your feet all the time and not used to it., how much does a market stall cost, market stalls can vary wildly in price. for example, sell in brisbane city you are literally looking at three figure per days. sell at a smaller events (which may not have a big audience) and you could be thinking more along the lines of $10 for a day., typically, markets we attend such as the village market, where a variety of products from small brands are sold cost around $80-$200 a day. this depends on the day, location and event. for example, a saturday may cost $80 but the sunday at the same location will cost $200., from experience, markets that cost over $200 a day does not necessarily mean that you will sell more so consider the audience in attendance before committing to these larger events., why should you consider doing a market, if you have read this far, you may well be considering whether a stall is something you would like to do at some point in the future., if this is the case, there are some real advantages of selling at a market rather than purely online., 4 top benefits of selling at a market stall vs. online, 1. you get to interact with your customers, most importantly, selling at a market allows you to interact with your customers, know what type of person your brand really attracts, get an understanding of best selling items and what your audience really thinks of your products..

application letter for market stall

2. You understand what questions your customers might have about your products

You also get a chance to answer questions that customers might have, which may encourage you to develop variations of your product or address recurring questions on your website which you might otherwise not have considered. for example, it is important for us to know how our products are sustainably made as this is a question we are often asked, particularly when a customer is trying to understand the processes involved to make tencel (wood pulp) or bamboo t-shirts., as a result, we have built up pages on our website demonstrating both the sustainability of our products as well as a guide to how they are made., 3. ask your customers questions, markets also offer you an opportunity to ask questions to your customers. we have found that those who are genuinely interested in our products are more than happy to say what they do and don’t like, which allows you to pivot and respond to their likes and dislikes., through this process, we have noticed our target audience like coloured items rather than black and white, and love bamboo. however, we have noticed bamboo doesn’t sell as well online because the customer is unable to feel the quality and softness of the fabric. so markets are not the be all and end all when it comes to sales predictions..

application letter for market stall

4. Markets are a great opportunity to affordably test if new products will sell

Markets are also amazing opportunities to test samples. if you are like us and have a fairly large product range which changes regularly to keep up with styles and trends, it is nice to know what sells before spending a lot of money on any one design. being able to test with just 1 or 2 products is very handy before committing to spending hundreds of pounds on full product ranges., so what can you do to improve sales at your next market stall, the most important thing that you will undoubtedly be looking to do at your first market is sell. there are a number of tips that you should follow if looking to increase your sales at your first market., the following 10 ways to improve sales at your next market stall are a list of lessons we have learnt over a number of years. but be aware that there is still a lot for us to learn, and no one will ever be perfect when it comes to increasing sales., 1. ditch your phone, don’t stand around on your phone or look like you haven’t had any customers all day. try to look approachable, interested and not bored out of your mind (even if there are times when you are)., 2. offer variety, but don’t overcrowd your stand, have a variety of products which offers your customers choice, but not too much that people can’t get a feel of your brand or the best products you offer. you only have a few seconds to catch the attention of passers by, so make it clean and clear., 3. look busy, often looking busy can help. it means that people don’t feel like they are being awkwardly watched when browsing your stall, giving them the time to flick through the items you sell at their own pace rather than feeling pressured and hurried., 4. take pictures of your stand, people don’t mind having pictures taken when looking through your stuff, but it is always worth asking first to be safe. this is also a good way to get people engaged with your brand, allowing them to feel more comfortable talking to you and often more likely to buy..

application letter for market stall

5. Be confident

It is rare that someone won’t talk to you, so feel free to engage with your customers, even if it does feel weird at first. not only does this help your customer to learn about your brand, it also allows you to learn about your customer, so be willing to ask any questions you might have., 6. offer something unique, try to find something unique that will make people want to approach your brand. a unique item can act as a great hook to entice customers in. we have a sign that says ‘bamboo - feel me, i’m super soft’. this makes people stop and touch our products, and is often a great way to start a conversation., a simple sign will do just as well... it doesn't need to be over complicated., 7. looking popular can draw a crowd, it often helps to have people standing around, engaging with your products or flicking through rails. this makes your stall look popular and like it is making sales, which will entice others to come over and see what is attracting so much attention. however, don’t overcrowd your stall with friends and block potential customer’s line of sight to your products., 8. remain positive, don’t give up, sales can often come in waves. you might go hours without making a single sale and then all of a sudden can make 3 in just a few minutes. so don’t become depressed, put your resting moody face on and scare away potential customers with your grumpy stance. look approachable, positive and happy to be there., 9. adapt to your surroundings, if possible, try to know what the place where you are selling looks like ahead of schedule, so that you can bring with you the appropriate additions to make your stand look amazing and show off your goods., 10. make useful contacts, even if you aren’t selling well, there is always the opportunity to network and make useful contacts at a market. markets can open many new doors if you display your brand well to the right person. we’ve made friends with brand owners who are selling similar products as us who have helped us find new suppliers. we’ve also been invited to bigger and better events from people who have found our brand at a market. remember, if you really aren’t selling much that day, at the very least a market stall is increasing your brand recognition..

application letter for market stall


Markets are friendly places where the majority of traders want everyone to succeed. feel free to make friends with other people selling, they will no doubt be more than willing to share tips and exchange stories. other sellers can really be a morale boost when at quieter events, which will happen from time to time., should you do a market stall if you are a new business a complete guide to market stall selling wrapped up, like starting a business, a market stall will require a certain amount of confidence, as well as capital expenditure to start up., they are also a great opportunity to gain exposure, get to know your audience and actually make sales., you might not necessarily make money at every event, particularly once you have bought a unique mixture of exotic food, vegan cheese and intricate pop-up birthday cards (some of the purchases i have made over the past few weekends whilst at markets), as well as bought the necessary equipment to create your beautiful stall. however, if you get it right you can make a nice profit., be friend with us, 🍁instagram: weaveystudio, 🍁facebook: weavey studio, 🍁youtube: weaveystudio, 🍁tiktok: weaveyweavey, 🍁 pinterest:, recent posts.

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application letter for market stall

Market Stall Checklist: Transform Your Idea into a Successful Business | upcover

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Are you planning to start a market stall in Australia ? Congratulations! Starting a market stall can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming if you don't have a clear plan in place. That's why we've put together this market stall checklist to help you get organised and transform your idea into a successful business.

Define your product or service

Before you start planning your market stall, you need to know what you're selling. Do you have a unique product or service that you want to offer? Are you selling handmade items, fresh produce, or baked goods? Defining your product or service is essential because it will help you determine your target market and competition.

Research your market

Once you've defined your product or service, it's time to research your market. Who are your potential customers? What are their needs and preferences? How much are they willing to pay for your product or service? You can conduct market research by talking to potential customers, visiting similar market stalls, and researching online.

Choose the right location

Location is crucial when it comes to setting up a market stall. You need to choose a location that has high foot traffic and is easily accessible. You should also consider the type of market you want to participate in. Some markets are geared towards specific products or services, such as organic produce or handmade goods.

Secure your permits and licenses

Before you start selling at a market stall, you need to make sure you have all the necessary permits and licenses. In Australia, this can include a business registration, food handling permit, and public liability insurance. It's important to research the specific requirements for your state and market.

Create a budget

Starting a market stall can be expensive, so it's essential to create a budget and stick to it. You need to consider the cost of your product or service, market fees, equipment, permits, and marketing. You should also plan for unexpected expenses, such as equipment repairs or weather-related cancellations.

Purchase equipment and supplies

Once you have your budget in place, it's time to purchase equipment and supplies for your market stall. This can include a tent or marquee, tables, chairs, signage, and product displays. Make sure you invest in high-quality equipment that will last for multiple market days.

Set up your stall

Setting up your market stall can be a fun and creative process. You want to create an inviting and visually appealing display that will attract customers. Consider using a theme, adding greenery or flowers, and creating height and depth with your displays.

Market your stall

Marketing is essential when it comes to attracting customers to your market stall. Use social media to promote your business and let your followers know when and where you'll be selling. You can also create flyers or brochures to distribute at the market or in the local community.

Have a sales strategy

Having a sales strategy will help you maximise your profits at the market. Consider offering promotions, bundle deals, or free samples to attract customers. You should also have a pricing strategy in place and be prepared to negotiate with customers.

Evaluate your performance

After each market day, take the time to evaluate your performance. How much did you sell? What were your most popular products? What could you improve for next time? Use this feedback to make changes and improve your market stall for future events.

Market Stall Set Up Ideas

In addition to following the above checklist, there are many creative ways to set up your market stall. Consider using bright and bold colours to attract attention, using props or decorations to enhance your display, and offering product demonstrations or interactive experiences for customers.

In conclusion, setting up a successful market stall requires careful planning and execution. By following the market stall checklist and incorporating some market stall set up ideas, you can create a visually appealing and functional space that attracts customers and generates sales. Remember to also consider the legal and safety requirements of operating a market stall, such as obtaining the necessary permits and insurance coverage . With a little effort and creativity, you can transform your market stall idea into a thriving business venture.

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application letter for market stall

Letter Templates

letter of intent sample for food stall

letter of intent sample for food stall 1

If you’re planning to start a food stall, writing a letter of intent is an important step to take. This type of letter can help you formally express your interest in opening a stall in a particular location, as well as provide details about your business and its potential impact on the community. In this article, we’ll provide several examples of letter of intent samples for food stalls, as well as tips on how to write a successful one.

Example 1: Letter of Intent for a Food Truck

Dear [Name of Property Manager],

I am writing to express my interest in opening a food truck in the parking lot of your shopping center. The food truck would serve a variety of gourmet sandwiches and salads, with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients.

As you know, food trucks are becoming increasingly popular in the area and offer a unique dining experience for customers. I believe that my food truck would be a great addition to your shopping center and would attract new customers to the area.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

Example 2: Letter of Intent for a Bakery Stall

Dear [Name of Market Manager],

I am writing to express my interest in opening a bakery stall at your weekly farmers’ market. My bakery would specialize in artisan breads and pastries made with organic, locally sourced ingredients.

I believe that my bakery would be a great fit for your market and would offer customers a unique and delicious option for baked goods. I am committed to sustainability and would use environmentally friendly packaging and practices in all aspects of my business.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my bakery to your market.

Example 3: Letter of Intent for a Smoothie Stand

I am writing to express my interest in opening a smoothie stand at your outdoor shopping center. My smoothies would feature fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables and be made to order for customers.

I believe that my stand would be a great addition to your shopping center and would provide a healthy and refreshing option for customers. I am committed to using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in my business, including compostable cups and utensils.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my smoothie stand to your shopping center.

Example 4: Letter of Intent for a BBQ Stall

I am writing to express my interest in opening a BBQ stall at your upcoming summer festival. My BBQ would feature slow-cooked meats and homemade sauces, all made with locally sourced ingredients.

I believe that my BBQ would be a hit with festival-goers and would provide a unique and delicious dining option. I am committed to using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in my business, including compostable plates and utensils.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my BBQ to your festival.

Example 5: Letter of Intent for a Coffee Cart

I am writing to express my interest in opening a mobile coffee cart in your office park. The coffee cart would feature locally roasted coffee and a variety of pastries, all made with organic and sustainable ingredients.

I believe that my coffee cart would be a great addition to your office park and would provide employees and visitors with a delicious and convenient option for coffee and snacks. I am committed to using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in my business, including compostable cups and utensils.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my coffee cart to your office park.

Example 6: Letter of Intent for a Juice Bar

I am writing to express my interest in opening a juice bar in your shopping center. The juice bar would feature fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables, as well as superfood add-ons like chia seeds and spirulina.

I believe that my juice bar would be a great addition to your shopping center and would provide customers with a healthy and refreshing option for drinks and snacks. I am committed to using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in my business, including compostable cups and utensils.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my juice bar to your shopping center.

Tips for Writing a Successful Letter of Intent for a Food Stall

1. Research the location and its needs before writing your letter. Make sure your business would be a good fit for the area and its customers.

2. Be clear and concise in your letter. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms.

3. Highlight the unique aspects of your business and how it would benefit the community. Emphasize your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, if applicable.

4. Include any relevant experience or qualifications you have that would make you a good candidate for a food stall.

5. Be professional and polite in your letter. Address the recipient by name and sign off with a polite and friendly closing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i know if a particular location is a good fit for my food stall.

You can do some research on the area and its demographics to get an idea of what types of businesses and services are in demand. It can also be helpful to visit the location and observe foot traffic and customer behavior.

Do I need any special permits or licenses to operate a food stall?

Yes, you will likely need to obtain a food service permit from your local health department, as well as any additional licenses or permits required by your state or city. It’s important to research the requirements for your area before opening a food stall.

How do I determine the best pricing for my food stall items?

You can research pricing for similar items in the area, as well as calculate your own costs for ingredients and supplies. It’s important to find a balance between pricing that is competitive and pricing that allows you to make a profit.

What should I include in the menu for my food stall?

Your menu should feature items that are unique and in demand, as well as items that are easy to prepare and serve. It’s also important to consider any dietary restrictions or preferences of your potential customers.

How can I market my food stall to potential customers?

You can use social media, local advertising, and word-of-mouth to promote your food stall to potential customers. It can also be helpful to participate in local events and festivals to increase visibility and attract new customers.

What should I do if my food stall is not successful?

If your food stall is not successful, it’s important to evaluate what went wrong and make necessary changes. This may include adjusting your menu, pricing, or marketing strategy, or re-evaluating the location of your food stall.

Writing a letter of intent for a food stall can be a crucial step in opening a successful business. By following the tips and examples provided in this article, you can create a letter that highlights the unique aspects of your business and its potential impact on the community. Good luck!

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Your Office Partner

Request Letter for Stall Permission

Sample application letter to request for getting stall permission on festivals, parties, programs, exhibitions, fairs, ceremonies, and temporary marketing from the relevant authorities.

To______ Designation Company Address City

Subject: Permission Letter to Setup Stall

Dear Ms. Shanzay,

Firstly, we thanks, and appreciate your company for allowing us to set up our annual fundraising stall last year, in (Date). We would like for you to grant us the permission to put up our funds collection stall this year, in (Date) too. It would also be an immense favor on your part, if you would encourage, and inform your employees to support our cause, and participate actively.

Your Name Designation, and Company

Hope you are doing well in health. I’m writing this letter to you so that I can request you to give me the stall in front rows in funfair. As I have submitted application for that earlier but your management team gave that stall to some other person. It would be a huge favor if you do this.

Hoping for positive response

Mr. Hadi Ahmed

  Respected Principal,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter with a request to allow some students, and I to set up a stall within the college premises. The purpose behind setting our stall is to collect money for charity, and donate 80% of our earnings to a cancer hospital. This will not only send an important message around the college campus but will help us too. We wish to set up a food stall with a maximum of five food items, and some lemonade. The items will not be very expensive, and will be priced at normal rates so that everyone can afford them. Please do provide us with the details of when we should set up the stall, and where.

I hope you will look into our request, and support our goal.

Best Regards,

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Permission letter to society for organising a small food stall

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  • Application Letter For Stall Booking

These four application letter templates for stall booking are designed to assist individuals and businesses in formally expressing their interest in participating in various events. Whether you're seeking a stall for showcasing products, promoting your business, displaying crafts, or offering culinary delights, these templates provide a professional and structured way to initiate contact with event organizers. Each template begins with a tailored introduction, setting the stage for your request and expressing enthusiasm for the event's potential. From there, you can easily personalize and expand upon the templates to fit the specific details and requirements of the event you're interested in.

Template Stall Booking Request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Event Organizer's Name] [Event Organizer's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Event Organizer's Name],

I am writing to request the booking of a stall at the upcoming [Event Name], scheduled to take place on [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. I am excited about the opportunity to showcase my products/services and connect with potential customers at this event.

I believe that my stall would be a valuable addition to [Event Name] because [mention the relevance of your products/services to the event theme or target audience]. My [briefly describe your products/services] have received positive feedback, and I am confident that they will resonate with the attendees.

I kindly request you to provide me with the necessary details regarding stall availability, pricing, and any specific requirements for exhibitors. Please let me know the application process and any deadlines for submission.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to be a part of [Event Name] and contribute to its success. Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Name]

Template Vendor Stall Booking Application

[Your Name] [Your Business Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

I am writing to formally apply for a vendor stall at the upcoming [Event Name], scheduled to take place on [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. As the owner of [Your Business Name], I am eager to participate in this event and showcase our products/services.

Our [briefly describe your products/services] have garnered a strong following, and we see [Event Name] as an ideal platform to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. We are committed to enhancing the overall experience for attendees by offering [mention any special promotions, discounts, or unique offerings].

I kindly request you to provide me with the stall booking details, including availability, booth sizes, pricing, and any specific guidelines for vendors. Additionally, please inform me of the application process and any important deadlines.

Thank you for considering our application. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Event Name].

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Business Name]

Template craft fair stall booking request.

[Craft Fair Coordinator's Name] [Craft Fair Coordinator's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Craft Fair Coordinator's Name],

I am excited to express my interest in booking a stall at the upcoming [Event Name], a renowned craft fair scheduled for [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. As an avid artisan specializing in [mention your craft], I believe that my work aligns perfectly with the spirit of the event.

I have been crafting [briefly describe your craft items] for several years and have had the privilege of showcasing my creations at various exhibitions. The [Event Name] provides an ideal platform to display my craft and connect with fellow enthusiasts and potential customers.

I kindly request information regarding stall availability, booth dimensions, fees, and any specific requirements for crafters. Additionally, please share details about the application process and any deadlines for submission.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Event Name].

Template Food Stall Booking Inquiry

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of booking a food stall at the upcoming [Event Name], scheduled to be held on [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. I am confident that our culinary offerings would be a delightful addition to the event.

At [Your Business Name], we specialize in [mention your cuisine or food items], and our team is dedicated to providing a memorable gastronomic experience for event attendees. We have received acclaim for our [mention any signature dishes or specialties].

Could you please provide details regarding stall availability, booth sizes, rental fees, and any specific regulations for food vendors? Additionally, kindly share information about the application process and deadlines for submission.

I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to serve delicious food at [Event Name].

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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  • Application For Grant Of Educational Stipend
  • Application For Grant Of Quarter Allowance
  • Application For Half Class
  • Application For Extension Of The Time Submission For The Original Certificate
  • Application For Extra Plumber In Hospital
  • Application For Fee Concession Due To Father'S Death By Mother
  • Application For Fee Instalments In College (As My Father Is A Small Shopkeeper)
  • Application For Fee Waiver After Father'S Death
  • Application For Finance, And Accounts Job
  • Application For Financial Assistance For Organizing Cultural Show
  • Application For Financial Assistance Under Capacity Building Scheme For The Unemployed Youths
  • Application For Financial Secretary
  • Application For English Teacher Job Position
  • Application For Equivalence Of Foreign Degree
  • Application For Extending Teaching Job
  • Application For Extension Of Govt Quarter
  • Application For Extension Of Service
  • Application For Electrification To Supplier
  • Application For Employment As A Journalist
  • Application For Employment As A Laborer
  • Application For Employment As Sales Boy
  • Application For Employment As Secretary
  • Application For Duplicate Social Security Card
  • Application For Duplicate Title
  • Application For Electricity Meter Change
  • Application For Electricity Meter Not Working
  • Application For Duplicate Higher Secondary Certificate
  • Application For Duplicate Library Card
  • Application For Duplicate Passport
  • Application For Duplicate Diploma Certificate
  • Application For Duplicate Driving Licence
  • Application For Duplicate Fee Receipt
  • Application For Duplicate Green Card
  • Application For Disconnection Of Water Supply
  • Application For Duplicate Bank Passbook
  • Application For Duplicate Birth Certificate Letter
  • Application For Demolishing The Unused Building, And Construction Of New One Sanctioned.
  • Application For Department Change In Company
  • Application For Departmental Promotion
  • Application For Dependent Certificate Of My Family Members
  • Application For Death Certificate
  • Application For Degree Issuance Before Convocation
  • Application For Delay Intimation Of Death Claim
  • Application For Delay Of Intimation Of Death Claim(Lici Insurance Policy)
  • Application For Company Residence
  • Application For Compensation Of Expenses
  • Application For Complaint That Electric Transformer Is Overloaded
  • Application For Consideration For Promotion
  • Application For Considering My Fee By Bank Draft
  • Application For Construction Of Computer Lab In School
  • Application For Continuation In Job As A Teacher
  • Application For Continuing The Service
  • Application For Correction In Seniority List
  • Application For Correction Of My Name In Service Records
  • Application For Correction Of The Name Of My Mother In My Mark Sheet
  • Application For Cricket Pitch In Our Society Ground
  • Application For Dealership Cancellation
  • Application For Dealership Letter Sample
  • Application For Change Of Workplace In Company, Factory Or Office
  • Application For Changing Coaching Batch
  • Application For Changing Hobby Class
  • Application For Character Certificate By School-College Student
  • Application For Civil Sub Engineer
  • Application For Clearance Of Hostel Dues, And Security
  • Application For College Fees Refund
  • Application For Company Registration
  • Application For Company Registration With Roc
  • Application For Change In Class Schedule
  • Application For Change In Pick & Drop Stop, And Route
  • Application For Change My Gas Connection Name
  • Application For Change My Id Card Photo
  • Application For Change Of Address In School
  • Application For Change Of Bank Security
  • Application For Change Of Class Time In School, College, Or University
  • Application For Change Of Department In A Government Job
  • Application For Change Of Department On Govt Job
  • Application For Change Of Stream In School
  • Application For Change Of Subjects In University, College, Or School
  • Application For Change Of Transport In School
  • Application For Cancellation Of Transfer Orders
  • Application For Canteen Contract
  • Application For Cantonment Board Job
  • Application For Car Parking In The College, Or School
  • Application For Certificate Of Title
  • Application For Being An Agent Of Pan Card Company
  • Application For Bill Instalments
  • Application For Booking A Banquet For Reception Party
  • Application For Bus Pass For Students
  • Application For Business Loan To Bank Manager
  • Application For Buying More Books For School Library
  • Application For Backup Class
  • Application For Batch Change In Institute
  • Application For Batch Transfer In Coaching
  • Application About Electric Meter Checking, And Access Meter Bill
  • Application About The Partiality Done By Teacher In Exam Paper Checking
  • Application Applying For The Job In Food Authority Agency
  • Application Asking For Construction Of Retaining Wall I-C.C Drainage
  • Application Asking For Job As A Banker
  • Application For 2nd Installment Of Education Loan
  • Application For A Bank Loan
  • Application For A Post Office Box
  • Application For A Reduction In Tax Deductions At The Source
  • Application For A Security Guard Sample
  • Application For Adding Spouse Name In Service Book
  • Application For Admission Cancellation Due To Poverty
  • Application For Admission Fee Installments
  • Application For Admission For Kindergarten
  • Application For Advance Salary Due To Eid
  • Application For Advance Salary For Christmas
  • Application For Advance Salary For Festival Diwali, Deepawali
  • Application For Advance Salary For House Maintenance
  • Application For Advance Salary For Sacrifice Of Animal On Eid Ul Adha
  • Application For Allotment Of A Room Multipurpose Letters
  • Application For Allotment Of Govt Married Accommodation
  • Application For Allotment Of Railway Quarter
  • Application For Allotment Of Room For Guests
  • Application For Allow Me To Come Late
  • Application For Applying As A Teacher In Engineering College
  • Application For Applying Job At A Call Centre
  • Application For Appointment Of Legal Advisor
  • Application For Approval For Bill Payment
  • Application For Asking Regularization Of An Adhoc Basis
  • Application For Asking Some Sports Instruments To The Director Elementary Education For School Students
  • Application For Attestation Letter

Become a Stallholder

Set up a stall at Byron & Lennox Markets and grow your business, expand your audience and connect to your customers.

application letter for market stall

Grow your business in a real and natural way

Become a stallholder at our Byron Markets to grow your small business and connect to new audiences. Stallholder applications are available at our three Byron markets: Community, Beachside and Twilight, plus the Lennox Community Market. Each market has a unique atmosphere and you can apply to attend more than one market.

application letter for market stall

Expand your audience and connect with your customers

The Byron Markets offer a unique opportunity to position your small business for success. Having a stall at the markets allows you to connect directly to your customers, share your story, and sell your products and services. There is no better way to grow your business in a vibrant outdoor setting that attracts both locals and tourists.

application letter for market stall

Stallholder Application

Stallholder agreement.

Please read, fill in and sign the form below which will be sent to market coordinator Kim Towner to confirm your stall application.

By signing this application, I agree that:

  • If my application is accepted then this application will form an agreement between me and Harbourside The agreement will apply indefinitely until Harbourside Markets or I terminate or change the agreement. During the trial period (attendance at 6 market days) the agreement can be terminated without notice by either party. Outside the trial period, the agreement can be terminated on 2 weeks’ notice. Harbourside Markets may terminate the agreement immediately if I breach the terms of the agreement.
  • I have read and agree to comply with the stallholder guidelines .
  • I am applying for a site of a certain size, but site allocation is at the discretion of Harbourside Markets and may be changed at any time.
  • Any approval for me to trade at Harbourside Markets is conditional on me selling the goods and services specified as my ‘Stall Type’. I must reapply or otherwise get permission to change or add to the goods or services sold at my stall.
  • The site hire fees charged by Harbourside Markets and the terms of this agreement may change from time to time, but I will be given 2 weeks’ notice of any change.
  • I must at all times during market hours keep my stall, goods and other items within the site boundaries.
  • I must only enter the Market carpark via the yacht club entrance or the west car I will not drive in over the footpaths or gardens.
  • I must drive at walking pace with headlights and hazard lights on whenever I am in the market park area.
  • I must have my payment ready at the gate. Either cash or card.
  • While driving within the market area I must stay on the pathway at all times unless I am authorised by the Harbourside Markets staff and when I am positioning a caravan or trailer at my site. I must ensure where I drive has no sprinklers.
  • I must unload as quickly as possible and move my car out as soon as the pathway is clear.
  • I must park as close to the railway line as possible then return to set up my stall.
  • In the afternoon, I must pack up my stall before coming in with my car.
  • Once again, I must keep my car on the pathway and load as quickly as possible.
  • I must take any waste generated by my market stall home or to a suitable recycling station. Waste is not to be placed into public bins in or around the Markets.
  • I must be patient, kind and courteous to other stallholders and the public. I must not interfere with other stallholders or denigrate them or their products.
  • Any conflict or potential conflict should be brought to the attention of Harbourside Markets management.
  • I will notify Harbourside Markets management of any injury or dangerous incident including any electric shock that occurs at the markets.
  • I must not smoke cigarettes or vape within 20 metres of the market area.
  • I will not consume alcohol while conducting business at Harbourside Markets.
  • I must always speak politely and not use bad language.
  • I must practice safe hygiene & follow current health directives.
  • I must ensure that anyone working with or for me complies with the above requirements.
  • Have a wonderful time!

Stall Holder Details

State (please select) NSW QLD ACT NT WA TAS SA VIC

Stall Details

Stall Size (please select) 2m frontage - $30 each market day 3m frontage - $45 each market day 4.5m frontage - $60 each market day 6m frontage - $70 each market day 7m frontage - $80 each market day

Would you be willing to submit news articles for our website? yes no

Have you joined our private ‘Harbourside Markets Stallholder’ Facebook group?

Your stallholder group request will be approved once your stall application has been accepted. Click here to join

Please attach high-quality images for promotion (JPG, PNG). You can submit more than one (recommended)

We suggest:

a) pictures of you at your stall

b) pictures of your product/s

c) pictures of you making / cooking / growing your product.

I give authority for Harbourside Markets to use this information and photos to advertise on all media channels including but not limited to social media and website (required)

Legal Aspects

Please discuss insurance requirements with us.

Please attach a copy of your current Insurance Certificate (required) (PDF, Word Document or Image)

Please attach a copy of your current Registration of Food Business Certificate (if applicable) (PDF, Word Document or Image)

Please attach a copy of your current Food Safety Supervisor Certificate (if applicable) (PDF, Word Document or Image)

Please make sure you understand the agreement before you sign Your agreement will be terminated if you fail to comply

I have read and understand the guidelines and agree to participate with good intentions.

Please allow for a few minutes after you submit the form as the attached files might take a moment to upload.

Submitting this application form does not guarantee a stall at Harbourside Markets. If your application is successful we will call you to confirm your first booking.

Home » Letters » Request Letters » Request Letter for Stall Permission – Sample Letter Requesting Stall Permission

Request Letter for Stall Permission – Sample Letter Requesting Stall Permission

application letter for market stall

To, __________ (Receiver’s Details), __________ (Event Company Name), __________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

From, __________ (Name), __________ (Address)

Subject: Request for stall allotment

Sir/ Madam,

Most courteously, my name is ______ (name) and I am ______ (designation) of ________ (company).

I am writing this letter in order to request you for allotment of our stall in the _______ (event name) event which is being organized by your company i.e. ________ (company name) on __/__/____ (date) at _______ (venue). Our company deals in _______ (mention) and I believe, your event can help us grow and promote our business. We are ready to proceed with any required formalities and pay any applicable charges fr the allotment.

You may contact me at _______ (contact number) or write us at _______@___.__ (email id). I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thanking You, ________ (Signature), ________ (Name), ________ (Contact Number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to the event organizer for stall allocation
  • stall allocation request letter to the event organizer

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Before completing the online application form, please read carefully the following Notes.

Application Period

From 9:00 a.m. on 30 April 2024 (Tuesday) to 6:00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday)

Trades of Market Stalls

  • There is a total of 6 stalls, including 2 fruits stalls, 1 vegetables stall, 1 other food related wet goods stall, 1 frozen/ chilled meat (excluding chilled poultry) stall and 1 seawater fish stall.
  • Please see details of the market stalls at Annex I , Annex II , Annex II(a) and Annex III .

Eligibility of Applicants

Related person.

  • a shareholder (corporate or individual) which directly or indirectly beneficially owns fifty (50) percent or more of the issued share capital of the Contractor ("majority shareholder"); or
  • a holding company or a subsidiary of the Contractor; or
  • a holding company or a subsidiary of a majority shareholder (being a company) of the Contractor; or
  • a company in which a majority shareholder (being an individual) of the Contractor directly or indirectly beneficially owns fifty (50) percent or more of its issued share capital or controls the composition of its board of directors.

The expressions "holding company" and "subsidiary" have the meanings given to them in the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)

  • any partner of the Contractor (if it is a partnership); or
  • the spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of the Contractor, and, in deducing such a relationship, an adopted child shall be deemed to be a child both of the natural parents and the adopting parent, and a step child to be a child of both the natural parent and of any step parent; or
  • a company in which the Contractor or any partner of the Contractor beneficially directly or indirectly owns fifty (50) percent or more of its issued share capital or controls the composition of its board of directors.

Immediate family member

"Immediate family member" in relation to an individual, means a spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild of the individual.

Save for the circumstances specified in item (b) below, former tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD whose tenancy/ licence agreement has been terminated due to breach of tenancy/ licence agreement condition or the relevant legislation shall not apply for any market stall for one year from the date of termination of tenancy/ licence agreement.

Former tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD whose tenancy/ licence agreement has been terminated due to non-payment of rent/ licence fee shall not apply for any market stall until the rentals/ licence fees in arrears plus interest thereon are settled.

Existing tenants/ licensees of public markets under FEHD who are repaying tenancy rentals/ licence fees in arrears by instalments shall not apply for any market stall until the rentals/ licence fees in arrears are settled.

Former tenants/ licensees who, within one year before the closing date of the application, leased the same stall in a public market under FEHD for two times or more and each tenancy for a period of 3 months or less (other than the short-term tenancy offered by the Government), shall not apply for any market stall.

Any person who was successful in bidding a stall in any public market under FEHD at auction but failed to pay the requisite deposit as required under the terms of the auction, shall not apply for any market stall until the outstanding sum plus interest thereon are settled.

Any person who, within one year before the closing date of the application, was successful in bidding a stall in any public market under FEHD at auction but failed to sign a tenancy agreement in respect of the stall successfully bided for two times or more (whether the tenancy relates to the same stall), shall not apply for any market stall.

Note 1: The current contractor is Yee Tai Cleaning Company Limited.

Download Form

Notes for Filling in and Submission of the Application Form

  • Applications must reach FEHD no later than 6:00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday).
  • Applications not in this prescribed form, applications not delivered by the deadline, or incorrect information provided in the applications will not be considered.  Further, FEHD may not be able to process the application if the applicant has not provided sufficient information.
  • Each applicant shall submit only one application.  Duplicate application will not be considered.
  • The provision of personal data in connection with this application is voluntary.  However, if the applicant does not provide sufficient information, FEHD may not be able to process the application.
  • FEHD will not accept underpaid application by post, which will be returned to the sender (with return address) or disposed of (without return address) by the Hongkong Post.  For proper delivery of your application by post to FEHD, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay or unsuccessful delivery, please ensure your application by post bears sufficient postage with return address before posting. [Please note details about postage as updated on the website of the Hongkong Post: .]

Other Points to Note

No fee is payable for obtaining or submitting the application.

Applicants shall not offer any advantage to FEHD officers when having dealings of any kind with FEHD.

A successful applicant will be invited to sign a Licence Agreement with FEHD with a term of 20 months (except otherwise specified) upon payment of 1 month's Licence fee and 1 month's Rates (when applicable) as well as a deposit equivalent to 2 months' Licence fee and 2 months' Rates (when applicable).  A successful applicant will be required to sign an undertaking to undertake not to assign, mortgage, charge, demise, sublet or part with the possession of the market stall selected at FEHD Sunlight Market or any part thereof or otherwise transfer any of his/her rights or obligations or interests or benefits under the Licence Agreement or enter into any agreement to do so.

The successful applicant shall apply and arrange for the supply of electricity and water respectively with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and the Water Supplies Department direct.

If the trade business of the stall falls within the food business specified under the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X), the successful applicant shall obtain the relevant food licences from FEHD at his/her own cost.  For details, please visit FEHD's website at .

In relation to stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market which do not have any licence agreement in force, FEHD reserves the right to specify from time to time such number of stalls to be designated for selling the prescribed commodities or to vary the specific purpose or use of an individual stall.

Licensees shall surrender to the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene any hawker licences held by them upon the commencement of the Licence Agreement.  If for any reasons the Licence Agreement is subsequently terminated, the surrendered hawker licence will not be returned.

Processing of Application

  • In general, FEHD will issue an acknowledgement of application to the applicant within 3 days upon receipt of application.  The acknowledgement will be issued through SMS (for applicant who has provided a local mobile phone number) or by post (for application without any local mobile phone number).  Applicants who do not receive any response within 5 days of submission of application may call 2852 3606 for enquiry.
  • The order of priority of eligible applicants (“priority number”) in market stall selection is generated in a fair and impartial manner by way of open computer balloting. The date of ballot is scheduled for 28 May 2024 (Tuesday).

FEHD has put up 6 stalls for operation. Each eligible applicant will be assigned an application number to participate in the computer balloting. The balloting method is as follows:

FEHD will categorise the applicants based on the trade they selected.  Computer balloting will be conducted for each trade respectively.  The priority number of the applicants for each trade will be generated by computer random sequencing.

  • If eligible applicants outnumber the available stalls, standby applicants will be put on a waiting list according to their priority numbers.  If short-listed applicants fail to select a stall, standby applicants belonging to the same trade may select a stall according to their priority numbers.  The waiting list will be valid for 12 months from the date of balloting.
  • Upon completion of ballot, FEHD will notify eligible applicants in writing of their priority numbers.  The result will be uploaded to FEHD's website ( ) the next day for checking by applicants.  FEHD will also invite successful applicants by batches in writing for market stall selection and signing of the Licence Agreement in accordance with the sequence of their priority numbers.

Collection of Personal Data in Connection With Application for Market Stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market (In Accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance)(CAP. 486)

Statement of Purpose

The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by FEHD for:

  • processing the application for market stalls and related matters; and
  • facilitating communication between the staff of FEHD and other relevant government departments and the applicant in relation to the purposes in (a) and the follow up of the application.

The provision of personal data by means of this form is voluntary. However, if the applicant does not provide sufficient information, FEHD may not be able to process the application.

The personal data provided by means of this form may be disclosed to other relevant government departments in connection with the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above.

Applicants have a right of access to and correction of the personal data provided in this form in accordance with sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). The right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of the personal data provided in this form. A fee may be imposed for complying with a data access request.

Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the making of access and corrections, should be addressed to FEHD's Islands District Environmental Hygiene Office by calling telephone number 2852 3606.

* I have read the Notes for Online Application for Rental of Market Stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market and understand the contents.

Online Application

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Press Releases

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Letter of intent to lease a stall for printing services?

I would like to to write an application letter for a vacant space in public market, iam requesting to metro stall.

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Sample Request Letter for Stall Permission on Festivals

[Below briefly describe on Sample Request Letter for Stall Permission on Festivals. You can follow these sample application letter to request for getting stall permission on festivals, parties, programs, exhibitions, fairs, ceremonies and temporary marketing from the relevant authorities. Customize the content according to the information you want to convey.]


Authority name…

Job Designation…

Company/Institute name…

Office Address…

Subject: Permission Letter to Setup Stall

Dear (Name),

Hope you are doing well in health. I’m writing this letter to you so that I can request you to give me the stall in front rows in a funfair. Firstly, we (Organization name) thanks and appreciate your company for allowing us to set up our annual fundraising stall last year, in 20XX. We would like for you to grant us the permission to put up our fund’s collection stall this year, in 20XX too.

As I have submitted the application for that earlier but your management team gave that stall to some other person. It would be a huge favor if you do this. (Cordially Describe your requirements). It would also be an immense favor on your part if you would encourage and inform your employees to support our cause and participate actively

Hoping for a positive response. Thanks,

Your name…

Organization name…

Contact no. and signature…

Another format,

Sub: Request Letter for Stall Permission

Respected Principal,

With all due respect, I am writing this letter with a request to allow some students and I to set up a stall within the college premises. The purpose of setting our stall is to collect money for charity and donate 80% of our earnings to a cancer hospital. (Describe in your own words). This will not only send an important message around the college campus but will help us too. We wish to set up a food stall with a maximum of five food items and some lemonade. (Explain the actual cause and situation). The items will not be very expensive and will be priced at normal rates so that everyone can afford them.

Please do provide us with the details of when we should set up the stall and where. (Describe your requirements). I hope you will look into our request and support our goal.

Best Regards,

Acceptance of Resignation Letter from Employer by Email

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  2. sample letter of intent for stall rental

    Example 2: Request for Market Stall. Dear [Landlord/Property Manager], We are writing to express our interest in renting a stall in your market. Our business specializes in organic produce, and we require a space of approximately 300 square feet. We plan on operating for at least one year, starting in June.

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    7. Sort out the legal side. You need to apply to your local council for either a market stall licence or a street trader licence, depending where you want to set up your market stall. You should be aware of (and keep up to date with) legislation, including: The Trade Descriptions Acts.

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    Collect emails when people try samples and send newsletters about new products, discounts, additional markets, or events you might be attending. Build your social media pages and post compelling videos and carousels to showcase your work and products. Implement a loyalty program to encourage word-of-mouth. ‍.

  6. A Complete Guide to Market Stall Selling: Top Tips for Beginners

    1. You get to interact with your customers. Most importantly, selling at a market allows you to interact with your customers, know what type of person your brand really attracts, get an understanding of best selling items and what your audience really thinks of your products. 2.

  7. 9 Tips for How to Set Up a Successful Market Stall

    A market stall is a booth or stand where individuals or small businesses sell goods. These can range from artisan produce to food, antiques, clothes and much more. Markets can be in the form of a permanent fixture, as well as open-air markets, farmers markets, street markets and even car-boot sales. Don't assume all terms are the same ...

  8. How to Set Up a Market Stall Business

    Adapt and Innovate: Stay adaptable and open to feedback. Monitor your sales, customer preferences, and market trends. Be willing to make changes to your products, pricing, or marketing strategies based on customer feedback and market demands. Innovation and flexibility are crucial for the long-term success of your market stall business.

  9. Request Letter For Allocation Of Stall Space In Market

    Sample Request Letter for Allocation of Stall Space in Market - Sample Letter for Stall Space Allocation in MarketIn this video, you will find a sample Reque...

  10. Market Stall Checklist: Transform Your Idea into a Successful ...

    Secure your permits and licenses. Before you start selling at a market stall, you need to make sure you have all the necessary permits and licenses. In Australia, this can include a business registration, food handling permit, and public liability insurance. It's important to research the specific requirements for your state and market.

  11. Letter Of Intent Sample For Food Stall

    Tips for Writing a Successful Letter of Intent for a Food Stall. 1. Research the location and its needs before writing your letter. Make sure your business would be a good fit for the area and its customers. 2. Be clear and concise in your letter. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms. 3.

  12. Request Letter for Stall Permission

    Sample application letter to request for getting stall permission on festivals, parties, programs, exhibitions, fairs, ceremonies, and temporary marketing from the relevant authorities. To_____ Designation Company Address City Subject: Permission Letter to Setup Stall Dear Ms. Shanzay, Firstly, we thanks, and appreciate your company for allowing us to set up our annual fundraising stall last ...

  13. Request Letter for Stall in Exhibition

    I would like to state that our company i.e. _____ (Company name) deals in _____ (mention) and has been serving the market for a very long time. ... sample letter to book stall in exhibition ... to Company / Complaint Letter to Manager / Customer Complaint Letter / Employee Apology Letter / Employee Resignation Letter / Leave application for ...

  14. Application Letter For Stall Booking

    Template Food Stall Booking Inquiry. [Your Name] [Your Business Name] These four application letter templates for stall booking are designed to assist individuals and businesses in formally expressing their interest in participating in various events. Whether you're seeking a stall for showcasing products, promoting your business, displaying ...

  15. PDF Market Administration Office

    market stall he/she acquired 8 - 10 mins Market Administrator - Joseph Vincent Pastor C. Molina or Admin Officer - Joseph M. Rogano 2. Complete the required documents together with the application letter and personally present them to the Market Administrator - Review its completeness and Sign the application letter 10 - 20 Mins

  16. Sample letter for application of market stall space?

    You can use this sir: Dear Sir/Madam: Good day! I, (your name) an entrepreneur currently having my business.Metro station is one of the best place to put up a stall because of a lot of customers pass by day by day. In view of this, i would like to request to please allow me to place an 8x8 stall in your station. I am willing to follow your rules and regulations.

  17. Become a Stallholder

    The Byron Markets offer a unique opportunity to position your small business for success. Having a stall at the markets allows you to connect directly to your customers, share your story, and sell your products and services. There is no better way to grow your business in a vibrant outdoor setting that attracts both locals and tourists.

  18. Stallholder Application

    Stallholder Agreement. Please read, fill in and sign the form below which will be sent to market coordinator Kim Towner to confirm your stall application. By signing this application, I agree that: If my application is accepted then this application will form an agreement between me and Harbourside The agreement will apply indefinitely until ...

  19. Become a stallholder

    As a permanent trader, you're expected to attend the market each week. If you can't, please notify the Market Manager of your absence by Wednesday 12pm prior to your booking date at [email protected] or call 03 9209 6634. Please be aware that we don't issue refunds for non-attendance.

  20. Request Letter for Stall Permission

    stall allocation request letter to the event organizer; Post navigation. Request Letter to Supplier Asking for Delivery - Sample Letter Requesting Order Delivery ... Internship Request Letter - How to Write an Application for Internship | Sample Letter. lettersdadmin April 10, 2024. Office Letters Request Letters Salary Increment Request ...

  21. PDF Market Stallholder Application Form

    Stall Holder Application Form Version 1.0.1 Market Stall Holder Responsibilities • Stallholders must arrive and set up within the designated time. • Responsible for their stall/display which must be supervised at all times. • Must ensure that all goods/equipment for sale is safe and meets relevant safety standards and requirements.

  22. Online Application for Rental of Market Stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market

    Application Period. From 9:00 a.m. on 30 April 2024 (Tuesday) to 6:00 p.m. on 14 May 2024 (Tuesday) Trades of Market Stalls. There is a total of 6 stalls, including 2 fruits stalls, 1 vegetables stall, 1 other food related wet goods stall, 1 frozen/ chilled meat (excluding chilled poultry) stall and 1 seawater fish stall.

  23. Application for rental of market stalls at FEHD Sunlight Market in Tung

    There are a total of six market stalls, including two fruits stalls, one vegetable stall, one other food-related wet goods stall, one frozen/chilled meat (excluding chilled poultry) stall and one seawater fish stall, open for application from April 30 to May 14. They will be allocated by computer balloting."

  24. How to write an application letter for a public market stall space (for

    Application letter for public market stall. I want to write a leave letter to my principal saying that i cant come to school on a certain date in order to apply for an application university exa; How o write letter to request the director of university to change the examination date to put it another date? Application letter for market stall

  25. Sample Request Letter for Stall Permission on Festivals

    Subject: Permission Letter to Setup Stall. Dear (Name), Hope you are doing well in health. I'm writing this letter to you so that I can request you to give me the stall in front rows in a funfair. Firstly, we (Organization name) thanks and appreciate your company for allowing us to set up our annual fundraising stall last year, in 20XX.