• Business plans

Farm Business Plan

Used 5,069 times

Farm Business Plan gives an overview of the company, including corporation history, owner backgrounds, creations and more. Use this template to quickly develop your farm company plan.

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Farm Business Plan Template

Image 1

Prepared by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Sender.Title] ​

​ [Sender.Phone] ​

​ [Sender.Email] ​

Executive Summary

​ [Sender.Company] is owned and operated by [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] .

​ [Sender.Company] produces and sells (product types, e.g., produce, pastured animals, herbs, etc.), and we also provide on-farm services including (service types, e.g., apple picking, events, produce stand, etc.).

The target audience for [Sender.Company] 's product will be local consumers and businesses whom we will target directly. To market to this audience, we plan to take advantage of public picking events, farmers' markets, and a roadside farm stand.

Future of the Farm

​ [Sender.Company] plans to turn our XX acres of farmland into a sustainable source of crops, pastured animals, and pollinators. We plan to use regenerative farming practices as much as possible and understand what management techniques work best for our acreage.

Additionally, we will have a large greenhouse and use season extension techniques to get more value out of our farmland.

To build a locally well-known brand and eventually expand our presence across the state.

To sell enough of our product to generate a positive cash flow, support the farm owners and staff, and pay back capital plus 15% interest to our investors.

To preserve and enhance our farmland so that it remains sustainable and we can continue to share the fruits of the land with others.

Follow a thorough 3-year business plan and reassess every year to ensure we remain on track.

Seek funding from our network of contacts and outside funders for start-up costs.

Execute a creative marketing plan that introduces our brand to our target market.

Company Description

Business address and contact.

​ [Sender.StreetAddress] , [Sender.City] , [Sender.State] [Sender.PostalCode] ​

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] : [Sender.Phone] , [Sender.Email] ​

Principal Members

(Owner.FirstName) (Owner.LastName)


(number) years of experience as a farm hand at (farm name), plus an additional 5 years of experience as the farm manager


(Operator.FirstName) (Operator.LastName)


Legal Structure

​ [Sender.Company] is a sole proprietorship.

Company Details

Our property is zoned for farm use, and we plan to use the land as follows:

X acres for pastured animals

X acres for produce

X acres for agritourism activities and events

Farm Assets

Greenhouse and propagation supplies

Farm stand (planned for 20XX)

Market Research

The demand for locally raised animals and grown produce is climbing at a rate of XX% per year and is expected to reach a total value of $XX billion by 20XX.

Consumer demand for free-range, pasture-raised animals is evidenced by farms like (name competitors) which have grown into valuations of (approximate company values) , respectively.


​ [Sender.Company] is a licensed business in the State of [Sender.State] as of the year 20XX. We are in the process of applying for all of the necessary permits for constructing the farm stand, expanding the barn, and hosting on-site visitors to the farm.

Service Line


Services Include:

Pasture-raised animals

Produce cultivation

Public apple picking

Public hay maze

Special event packages

Marketing & Sales

Customer communications.

​ [Sender.Company] will communicate with its customers by:

Interacting with customers in-person via farmers markets, the farm stand, and through the leveraging of networking events.

Building an active social media presence on Instagram and TikTok.

Advertising agritourism activities like apple picking, hay mazes, farm trails, and other events.

Creating SEO-friendly blog posts on the company website to increase online presence.

Establishing listings with the local tourism board and activity guides.

Sales Strategy

​ [Sender.Company] 's product will be sold primarily in the (region) . The farm is located on a road with extensive car traffic, so we plan to build a farm stand on the property to capture attention and drive sales.

We also plan to build a social media presence and leverage local advertising to drive awareness of our brand. We will also attend farmers' markets within the region to meet customers face-to-face and build relationships.

Five-year plan

Year One: 20XX

Create a legal business entity

Apply for necessary licenses and permits.

Finalize farm layout.

Procure additional equipment.

Establish social media profiles.

Build a small farm stand.

Attend farmer's markets.

Year Two: 20XX

(List goals for year two)

Year Three: 20XX

Year Four: 20XX

Year Five: 20XX

​ [Recipient.FirstName] [Recipient.LastName] ​

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  • Sales proposals