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Essay on village life in pakistan.

October 6, 2023 Essay 14,403 Views

Pakistan, a South Asian nation, boasts a rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty. Nestled between India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China, Pakistan’s geographical diversity is a sight to behold. With a population of over 220 million people, it is one of the world’s most populous countries. Pakistan is renowned for its warm hospitality, diverse cuisine, and a blend of modernity with deep-rooted traditions. In this essay, we will delve into the heart of Pakistan, exploring the unique and captivating aspects of village life in this nation.

Essay on Village Life in Pakistan

Village life in Pakistan is a rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and a strong sense of community. While urbanization has swept across the nation, a significant portion of the population still resides in villages, where life unfolds at a different pace and rhythm. In this essay, we will delve into the charm and essence of village life in Pakistan, exploring various aspects from social structures to economic activities and cultural festivities.

The Essence of Rural Living

Living in a Pakistani village is like stepping back in time, where simplicity and close-knit communities are the norm. The heart of village life revolves around the concept of “joint families,” where generations live together under one roof, sharing responsibilities and fostering a sense of unity.

Agricultural Backbone

Agriculture is the lifeblood of most villages in Pakistan. From the fertile plains of Punjab to the terraced fields of Kashmir, villagers engage in farming activities year-round. Wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, and various fruits and vegetables are cultivated, contributing significantly to the country’s economy. The reliance on traditional farming methods, however, is gradually giving way to modern techniques, bridging the gap between rural and urban life.

Cottage Industries

Apart from agriculture, cottage industries play a crucial role in the economic sustenance of villages. Handicrafts, pottery, weaving, and traditional embroidery are some of the crafts that have been passed down through generations. These cottage industries not only provide employment opportunities but also preserve the cultural heritage of Pakistan.

Daily Life and Social Structure

In village life, the day typically begins with the crowing of roosters and the call to prayer from the local mosque. Villagers follow a simple routine, with men heading out to the fields while women take care of household chores and children. The social structure is hierarchical, with elders holding significant influence in decision-making processes.

Festivals and Celebrations

Villages in Pakistan celebrate various festivals and cultural events with great enthusiasm. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, two of the most important Islamic festivals, are marked by communal prayers, feasting, and the exchange of gifts. Moreover, rural areas have their own local festivals, often linked to agricultural seasons, such as the Basant festival in Punjab, which marks the arrival of spring.

Challenges of Village Life:

Despite its charm, village life in Pakistan faces several challenges. Limited access to education and healthcare facilities, as well as inadequate infrastructure, are pressing issues. Many villagers are now migrating to cities in search of better opportunities, leading to a decline in the rural population.

In conclusion, village life in Pakistan is a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of tradition, culture, and community. It embodies the essence of simplicity, where people find contentment in their close relationships and the beauty of the natural surroundings. While facing its share of challenges, village life continues to thrive, preserving Pakistan’s cultural heritage and contributing to the nation’s economic growth.

Q1: What are the key characteristics of village life in Pakistan?

Village life in Pakistan is characterized by close-knit communities, agricultural livelihoods, and strong cultural traditions.

Q2: How does agriculture impact the economy of rural Pakistan?

Agriculture plays a vital role in the rural economy of Pakistan, providing livelihoods and contributing significantly to the nation’s GDP.

Q3: What are the challenges faced by villagers in Pakistan?

Villagers in Pakistan often encounter challenges such as limited access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure, leading to rural-to-urban migration.

Q4: What cultural festivals are celebrated in Pakistani villages?

Villages in Pakistan celebrate festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, and local events such as the Basant festival, which mark important occasions and seasons in rural life.

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English Essay on Village Life in Pakistan (For Matric, Inter & ADP)

Village Life in Pakistan English Essay For Class 10th, 12th & ADP Village life in Pakistan is a fascinating experience. The culture, the people, and the memories are all unforgettable.

Table of Contents

What is Village Life Like in Pakistan?

Village life in Pakistan is a unique experience for anyone visiting the country. The villages are small and intimate, with people living close to one another in tightly knit communities. Life is centred around the village mosque and the villagers rely on each other for support and friendship. The women in particular are highly respected members of society and play an important role in both domestic and community life. Village life is slow-paced and traditional, with residents commonly spending their days farming, herding livestock, or working in the family business. Despite the hardships that many villages face due to poverty and lack of access to education, villagers remain fiercely independent and proud of their culture and heritage.

English Essay on Village Life in Pakistan (For Matric, Inter & ADP)

English Essay on Village Life in Pakistan (For Matric, Inter & ADP)

The culture of village life in pakistan.

Village life in Pakistan is characterized by a sense of tradition and close-knit community. The people in villages are often agriculturists who grow crops and raise livestock. Village life is also characterized by a strong religious belief system, which often influences the way villagers live their lives.

Despite the traditional nature of village life, change has been creeping in over the past few decades. Many villagers now have access to education and medical services that were previously unavailable, and they are beginning to adopt more modern customs. Nevertheless, village life remains a largely traditional experience, and many villagers still adhere to traditional values such as modesty and deference toward elders.

The People of Village Life in Pakistan

Since Pakistan is a rural country, the majority of its population still lives in villages. Village life in Pakistan is characterized by an agricultural based economy with a predominance of small scale farming. The people of village life in Pakistan are subsistence farmers who grow crops and livestock to support their families. They are also involved in various artisanal trades, such as carpentry, pottery, and weaving. Village life in Pakistan is often peaceful and tranquil, but it can also be quite challenging due to poverty and poor infrastructure.

The Memories of Village Life in Pakistan

The memories of village life in Pakistan are a mix of happy and sad. The happy moments are when the villagers get to spend time with their families, play games, and tell jokes. The sad moments are when something bad happens and they have to stay inside because there’s no way to defend themselves. Village life in Pakistan is difficult, but it’s also very rewarding.

The Food in Villages of Pakistan

Villages in Pakistan are known for their traditional food. The most popular dishes in villages consist of rice, lentils, and daal. Daal is a soup made from lentils and kidney beans. Rice is the main carbohydrate source in these dishes, and it is often served with pickles or chutneys.

Villagers also enjoy bread and fruits. Bread is made from flour, water, yeast, salt, and sometimes sugar. Fruits are a key part of village life because they provide essential nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium. In addition to providing nutrients, fruits are also enjoyed for their taste.

Pros and Cons of Village Life in Pakistan

Pros of village life in pakistan:.

1-Villages are home to families, which provides a sense of community. 2-Villages are often small and intimate, which makes them warm and welcoming. 3-Villages offer a variety of activities that can be enjoyed by residents. 4-Villages are often safe, which makes them an ideal place to live.

Cons of Village Life in Pakistan:

1-Villages are often limited in terms of amenities and facilities. 2-Residents must often rely on their families for food and shelter. 3-There is usually no access to medical care or education in villages. 4-There are no enough industries and job opportunities in villages. 5-Civic facilities are not available in villages like sanitation, entertainment facilities, fire brigade, ambulance service, traffic police, utility stores, 1122, 15, rail, internet access, mobile phone coverage etc.

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Village Life in Pakistan

Village Life in Pakistan

Abdullah Khan

The soul of Pakistani lives in its villages, Majority of the population still lives in villages of Pakistan. Village life in Pakistan is truly a unique experience. The simplicity of life in the villages and the contentment that the villagers feel with their basic needs, makes it so much more beautiful. Village life offers its own joys, making it a perfect balance between the man-made and nature.

Villages are idyllic places full of natural beauty, offering a sense of peace and relaxation. The huts and homes made with clay, mud, or wood give the villages a charming, rustic atmosphere. Villagers take great pride in their vegetable gardens and the surrounding trees, providing a feeling of connection to the land. Fresh air and birdsong fill the air, making a village the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Living in a city has its advantages such as better education, job opportunities, access to commodities, and good medical care. However, many of these benefits are now also available in villages and small towns. Those who have never been to a village may not understand the unique beauty of rural life. The peace and tranquility of village life is unparalleled, and people that have experienced it can appreciate the slower pace and the close-knit community feeling. Additionally, rural areas often have stunning natural beauty, from rolling hills and rustic farms to meandering rivers and majestic mountains. Spending time in nature has a calming effect on the mind and soul, something that is often not found in urban settings.

Benefits of Village Life

Here are some of the benefits of village life:

  • Closer Community Connections
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Cleaner Environment
  • Low Cost Living
  • Slower Pace of Life
  • Improved Physical Health
  • More savings in villages

1) Closer Community Connections

Village life revolves around community, so people tend to be closer in spirit than they are in cities. You get to know your neighbours better, develop true friendships, and support each other through tough times. This shared sense of togetherness can help to create a greater sense of safety and security.

village life in pakistan essay

2) Peace & Quiet

Village life is an excellent way to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Without the traffic, noise and pollution of the city, you can find peace and quiet in the small town atmosphere.

village life in pakistan essay

3) Cleaner Environment

The air quality in rural environments is much better than in built up urban areas. With less congestion in villages, air pollution levels are lower and pollution-related health issues are minimal.

village life in pakistan essay

4) Low Cost Living

Renting or buying property in a village is often much cheaper than it is in a city. The cost of goods and services are also typically lower. This means it's easier to make ends meet or even save money.

village life in pakistan essay

5) Slower Pace of Life

Village life is a slower pace than city life. This can be a great benefit for those looking to take a break from their hectic lives and relax. There is time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life such as spending time with friends and family, taking a leisurely walk, or enjoying nature. Living in a village can be a great experience for those that want a simpler, calmer lifestyle. With its close-knit community and slower pace of life, village life offers numerous benefits.

village life in pakistan essay

6) Improved Physical Health

Village life promotes a healthier lifestyle since many people in villages depend on manual labour for their livelihoods. This physical activity can help keep people fit and healthy. The abundance of nature and clean air also helps in maintaining good health.

village life in pakistan essay

7) Discipline

Those who live in villages are more disciplined than those who live in cities. Their overall daily routine and sleeping and wake-up time are fixed. They go to bed early after a long day in the fields and wake up early in the morning before the sun rises.

village life in pakistan essay

8) Living in a Wide Area

Villages are enormous, so people can go for a walk or run as much as they want. They can grow gardens and farms wherever they want. There is a lot of space which is excellent for children. They have many things to do that are suitable for their health and education. A village has a wide area, the people living there can have time with each other and can play together, they enjoy their life and spend time with each other in a very creative way.

village life in pakistan essay

9) Fresh Food

In a village, people grow their food to have fresh food every day. They can get milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables from their farms and eat these things daily. It is also very natural, and no chemicals are added to the food. Village people drink milk from their cows or buffalos, eat eggs from their chickens, etc. Villagers do not buy these things from shops. They get them fresh and eat them every day.

village life in pakistan essay

10) More Savings in Villages

Certainly, living costs in villages are much lower as compared to city living. The price of products is lower in villages than that of city lifestyle. That means to purchase the same quantity of a commodity, you spend less money in the village lifestyle. Also, since there are less consumer options, you could make a big saving to keep your money stayed.

village life in pakistan essay

The educational status of the people in the villages of Pakistan is not so good, some of the villages even don’t have schools or  are far away. There is no water supply, no indoor toilets and no electricity and basic health units. Life in the villages of Pakistan differ from one region or area to another, however village life is changing rapidly and adopting more contemporary styles nowadays.

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Village Life in Pakistan Short Essay in English

Village life in pakistan essay.

Pakistan is an agricultural country. A major portion of our population lives in villages. Agriculture is their occupation. The people of the villages enjoy fresh air free from pollution. The open fields with green crops present a beautiful sight. Their diet is very nourishing, They use milk, curd, lassi and butter as their diet.

They have sound health. They live in the bosom of nature. They work very hard. They grow food for us. They are the backbone of our country. They provide us with fresh vegetables, fruit and corn. The houses in villages are made of backed bricks but their compounds are made of mud.

Most of the villages have rough roads. Their surroundings are green due to crops. The streets are dirty with open drainages which give a foul smell. The villagers take a rest under the shady trees outside the village. They hear “Heer” and other folk songs there. Life in a village is very peaceful. There is no smoke and noise from the traffic.

They lead a contented life. They help each other in the hour of need. Their lifestyle is very simple. Our villages reflect the real picture of Pakistan. Lack of education and improper sanitation are the main problems in our villages. Litigation is a curse for them. Most of the money they earn is wasted in litigation. May Allah save them from this social evil. 

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Associated Press Of Pakistan

Associated Press Of Pakistan

Pakistan's National News Agency

Transformation: Changing landscape of village life in Pakistan

By Taj Nab Khan

ISLAMABAD, Jul 12 (APP):The countryside life in far-flung areas of Pakistan, once considered totally isolated and secluded from the rest of the world and devoid of modern-day facilities, has undergone a massive transformation during the last two decades or so by changing the entire landscape of village life. The rural life is often considered backward, fixed and hostage to tribal culture and traditions. Similarly, the popular social discourse that nothing has changed in Pakistan contradicts with historical facts.Looking at the national picture of rural life in Pakistan — rapid changes have occurred in almost all spheres of life from communication to education, socialization to healthcare, transportation to banking, governance to farming and cultivation to harvesting due to technological advancement, developmental works, penetration of information technology, remittances and domestic tourism.Among others, the two factors of economic and technological developments as the agent of change had proved instrumental in shaping the process of change not only in the urban areas but also in suburbs of the country. Not more than twenty years ago when mobility was considered difficult in the remote areas not only due to missing road infrastructure but also due to poor transportation facilities. ‘Tonga,’ a carriage pulled by a horse, was the only facility for public transport while bullock-cart was commonplace phenomena for weight transportation in almost all small villages.The houses made of mud have also slowly been replaced by cemented buildings while the social structure was also changed due to disintegration of combined family structure to separate family system. Likewise, only a few professions of handicrafts have survived due innovation to capture the pace of time and demand of the market while others have totally faded away.Similarly, the obsolete tools, techniques and methods are no more used in farming, cultivation and harvesting due to low production. Therefore, it could not survive at all in the face of modern technologies.The media revolution in the country with more than 100 private TV channels has brought the whole world at the doorstep of the villagers while the mobile phone companies and 3G/4G technologies have brought it further closer to the palms of people.Hardly there is anyone left without having a smartphone even in the remotest parts of the country. Almost everybody has got access to the unbridled flow of information on social media in every nook and corner of the country. Thus the electronic media and communication technologies have brought together the collective experiences of the whole world into rural households.The occupation and profession in rural areas once used to be farming and handicraft only. Now it has also transformed into government services, urban migration, overseas workers and businesses. The migrant workers are not only bringing money to the rural economy, but also ideas and experiences about how people in urban areas and the world outside live.The villages, the basic components of civilization, where a large segment of society is living, have either transformed into model villages/towns or merged with nearby cities having urbanized lifestyle and lots of hustle and bustle. But in developed parts of the globe, the difference between village and city life is still quite visible due to well-planned construction, proper waste disposal mechanism, sewerage system, cleanliness and greenery. Talking to APP, Sajjad Ali, a businessman hailing from a remote town Sawal Dher, Mardan, said, “The villages were rapidly expanding due to uncontrolled population growth.” He said that the fertile land, once used only for cultivation purposes, had turned into business hubs for housing societies. The construction was also carried out without planning, he added.Fawad Yousafzai, an Islamabad based working journalist while talking to the agency said, “With modernization, no safeguard measures were taken to protect public health against the waste disposal.” Therefore, over the years, the ill-planned construction in agricultural lands and lack of sewerage system had affected the overall beauty of village life, he added.

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Essay on Village Life

village life in pakistan essay

  • November 21, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

In a world dominated by the grim pace of civic life, the charm of village actuality beckons as a tranquil escape. Village life, frequently glamorized for its simplicity, offers a unique perspective on community, nature, and tradition. Let’s claw into the substance of village life, exploring its characteristics, diurnal measures, challenges, and the pivotal need to save this dateless way of living.   

Description of Village Life:

Village life encapsulates the idyllic actuality of communities abiding by lower agreements, down from the hustle and bustle of metropolises. It represents a life deeply connected to nature and embedded in collaborative bonds.   Understanding village life isn’t just a nostalgic pursuit but a vital bid to appreciate different ways of living. Village life gives a precious lesson in community adaptability, sustainable practices, and the beauty of simplicity.

Characteristics of Village Life:

  • Strong Sense of Community:   Village life is characterized by a strong sense of community where everyone knows their neighbors. This collaborative bond fosters a spirit of collective support, creating a safety net that transcends the individualistic nature of civic living.   
  • Harmony with Nature:   girdled by graphic geographies, village life offers a close connection with nature. Fields, gutters, and timbers are not simply scenic backgrounds but integral corridors of diurnal life, furnishing food and tranquility.   
  • Preservation of Tradition: village life frequently preserves traditional ways of living. Daytime routines are shaped by agrarian practices, carnivals embedded in artistic heritage, and a simpler approach to material effects. This preservation of tradition contributes to the unique charm of village life.

Daily Rhythm in Villages:

  • Agrarian life:   For numerous villages, agriculture remains the twinkle of diurnal life. The meter revolves around the seasons, with planting, harvesting, and tending to beasts guiding the pace of life. This connection to the land fosters a profound appreciation for the cycles of nature.   
  • Collaborative Activities: Townies engage in collaborative conditioning that strengthens social bonds. From carnivals that bring the entire community together to collaborative sweats in agrarian work, these conditionings support a participated identity and a sense of solidarity.   
  • Embracing Simple Pleasures:   Life in a village is characterized by the enjoyment of simple pleasures. Evening gatherings, liar sessions, and participated refections produce a warmth that transcends the materialistic hobbies frequently current in civic areas.  

Challenges and Changes:

  • Ultramodern Influence:   While towns embody simplicity, ultramodern influences are gradationally percolating. The appeal of civic amenities, changing bourns, and technological advancements present both openings and challenges for village communities.   
  • Economic Pressures:   Global profitable shifts impact village life, with traditional occupations facing challenges. The lure of better openings in civic areas occasionally leads to a migration of youth, altering the demographic geography of the town.   

Preserving Village Life:

  • Sustainable Development:   Balancing the preservation of traditional values with the need for profitable growth is pivotal. Sustainable development practices can help town retain their authenticity while conforming to changing realities.   
  • Empowering Original Enterprise: Supporting original enterprises, similar to cooperatives and community-driven systems, empower town to shape their fates. This approach fosters tone-reliance and ensures that development aligns with the requirements and values of the community.   

The Timeless Beauty of Village Life, In conclusion, village life stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of simplicity. The close-knit communities, connection with nature, and adherence to tradition produce a shade of actuality that resonates with a sense of belonging and authenticity.   As the world advances, conserving the substance of village life becomes not just a nostalgic pursuit but a pivotal bid to maintain a balance between progress and the dateless values bedded in the fabric of these serene agreements.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

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village life in pakistan essay

A Glimpse into Rural Life of Pakistan

 Simple and quiet life of a village

If you’re here in Pakistan on a visit, you might not only want to visit famous historical places but also learn about its tradition and cultural values. And if you do that, it is highly recommended that you experience the rural life of Pakistan where everyone living a fairly simple and happy life.

Welcoming People of Villages

village life in pakistan essay

Everyone is very welcoming and will treat you like a member of their own family and make sure that you face no inconveniences during your stay with them. 

Village Mud Houses

village life in pakistan essay

Pakistani village life is the traditional rural life of the people of Pakistan. The rural villagers of Pakistan commonly live in houses made of bricks, clay or mud.

village life in pakistan essay

The village houses typically consist of two to three rooms. However, nowadays, there are bigger homes with all the basic essentials like electricity, gas, well-built roads, and better infrastructure.

village life in pakistan essay

In Gongrani, Balochistan, people live in homes built within cliff-side caves that are connected by walkways. Most people in the villages especially like to sleep out in the open during the breezy nights and enjoy looking at the sky.

Rural Occupations

Most of the villagers are farmers while other rural occupations include blacksmiths, hairdressers, tailors, and shepherds.

Pure and Healthy Diet

village life in pakistan essay

People there, especially like to eat food made from desi ghee , fresh milk, and freshly grown vegetables. They prefer a pure, and healthy diet. This is what makes them live a better life and carry out even strenuous tasks easily.

Livestock Sector’s Contribution

village life in pakistan essay

The majority of rural Pakistani inhabitants’ livelihoods are based upon the rearing of livestock, which also comprises a significant part of Pakistan’s gross domestic product and helps improve its economy. Some livestock raised by rural Pakistanis includes cattle and goats.

Tube Wells for Irrigation

village life in pakistan essay

The traditional culture of the village is now subject to change due to the effects upon village society from the introduction of modern technology, such as pumps and tube wells for irrigation.

village life in pakistan essay

Resistance to social and cultural changes exists among Pakistani village inhabitants, and varying methods are being tried for managing these changes. Socioeconomic status among rural Pakistani villagers is often based upon the ownership of agricultural land, which may also provide social prestige in village cultures.

Peaceful and Quiet Atmosphere

village life in pakistan essay

There is nothing better than having a little peacefulness of mind. The serene and quiet beauty of the village life exhibits calmness and offers a refreshing escape from a hectic life.

village life in pakistan essay

Rural life lets us appreciate nature and simplicity. The best thing about the villages is that they are very environment-friendly.

And if you want a little break from your otherwise fast-paced city life, a few quiet days in the rural area just may be the re-energizing break for you. You have to visit the rural area once to get a glimpse into the culture of Pakistan.

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Village Life in Pakistan Essay For 10th Class, 2nd Year

Have you been searching for some Village Life in Pakistan Essay For 10th Class, 2nd Year! If yes, then this is the best way to search for the best! Here we will be discussing the essay on village life in Pakistan for the students of 10th class and 2nd year. It is all known that village life is the life that is concerned with the concept of the traditional rural life of the people of Pakistan. People who are residing in rural areas of Pakistan are known as villagers as they live in houses that are made from bricks, clay, or mud. In these houses, you will mostly be finding 2-3 rooms. Rich people or the landlords of village areas have big luxurious houses. In the place of Gongrani, Baluchistan people used to reside in homes that were built within cliff-side caves.

What To Know About Rural Life in Pakistan?

Essay on Village Life in Pakistan For 10th Class, 2nd Year

As we all know technology has been bringing so much advancement in its account and hence this is the main reason that some sort of advancement is also being viewed in the rural areas of Pakistan as well. If you look around in the village areas you will find so many changes that are expected to be made in it. So many latest technologies are coming in the way of rural life to improve its standards such as the technology as related to the pumps and tube wells for the purpose of irrigation. There is the majority of the people who are not taking into consideration their socioeconomic status in the middle-class of rural Pakistani villagers. There is a huge percentage of rural Pakistani inhabitants whose livelihoods are completely based on top of the rearing of livestock including cattle and goats.

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Village As Real Image Picture of Pakistan:

The people who are living in rural areas of Pakistan, do take into custody the profession of agriculture which is the main occupation of the rural areas of Pakistan. You would be very surprised to hear to fact that there are almost more than one lakh villages in Pakistan. It would not be wrong to overlook the fact that Villages are mentioned as the real image for reflecting the culture of Pakistan. The government is putting forward many efforts that would conceptualize the steps in terms of bringing some improvement in the village life of Pakistan. Now let’s see how much of the development will be coming in the way of villages in the coming years of Pakistan!

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Essay Village Life in English class 10

Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages. Village and city life each have their own pleasures and attractions. Even though living in a village can be difficult, it still has its own special charm. The village is a panorama of beautiful natural scenes. Everywhere you look, there are vast plains covered in lush greenery and rushing streams. The scenery of the changing seasons has a significant impact on village life and inspires a divine touch in people. The environment is fresh and clean. As a result, life in villages is more peaceful and healthier.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better”(Quotation).

Essay Village Life

Pakistan is predominantly a land of villages. A major portion of the Pakistani population resides in villages because agriculture is the main occupation of our people. The real Pakistan can be seen in this village in Pakistan. A Pakistani village is the epitome of Pakistani culture and tradition. The village life is made up of farmhouses, mud houses, uneven dirt lanes, and ponds. Numerous orchards and gardens of different fruits are found in the village.

The streets are usually narrow and made up of dirt. In the villages, you can get clean, natural food that doesn’t have any additives or preservatives. Villagers lead a simple and happy life. They have no linkage to luxury. They get to eat a pure, simple, and healthy diet. They live a life close to nature. They carry out their social responsibilities in the simplest way possible. They spend a lot of time in fields as their major profession is agriculture. They gather in a “chopal” at night to discuss various local issues. The farmers take a rest during their leisure time under the shady trees. They earn a decent living working from dawn to dusk.

Essay village life quotations

“Honesty is the best chapter of the book of wisdom”(Quotation).

The smog, dust, commotion, and heat of cities are absent from a village. There are no mills or factories to taint the pure breeze; instead, piles of bricks and stones are stacked side by side in an endless line to choke the air. The fresh air can be enjoyed to one’s heart’s content. He can sit by a babbling brook for hours and watch the flower pass by and the waves lapping the banks as they pass. A village is a representation of God’s abundance and simplicity.

  “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so” (Quotation).

Essay village life and city life

Life in a village is not devoid of its amusements. Although there are no cinemas, clubs, or recreational places in villages yet it provides innocent players with some enjoyment. Apart from the passive gratification of the sense of sight and sound, one can engage himself in active pursuits which are healthy and delightful. Rising from bed early in the morning, along a tram through the fields and meadows along rivers, breathing pure air and smelling the fresh-blown flowers, is indeed delightful. Other than this, very simple and amusing games are played in villages which bring joy to the life of villagers.

“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions” (Quotation).

The villagers are very lively people. Their songs and stories show how alive they are. Villagers although poor, are not only hospitable and caring but they like to share the sorrows and happiness of their followers. The beauty of nature can be easily seen and felt in a village. The beings with the chirping of birds and with the musical sound of morning wind. The rainy season is the most pleasant. The whole atmosphere looks clear and brilliant. Summer and winter have their own marvels. There is the season of sowing and harvesting crops. There is a great hustle and bustle seen these days.

Essay village life class 10

Fairs and festivals are special occasions for rejoicing. This is only one side of the picture of the village. Villages have their own drawbacks too. People lack new and modern facilities. There is less number of hospitals and medication centers. Due to the lack of quality education, the literacy rate is very low. There are no transportation and communication facilities. However, with a little attention, rural life can be improved.

“You can complain because roses have thorns, you can rejoice because thorns have roses” (Quotation).

Country life and town life stand in one striking contrast. The facilities of one are a drawback of others and vice-versa. City people are more cultured, civilized, and clever than their counterparts dwelling in villages. but still, life in a small village is worth enjoying because it provides tranquility, calmness, and peace of mind which are conspicuously absent from the lives of people living in towns and cities.

“Life is a journey, not a race” (Quotation).

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Complete Essay on Village Life with Quotations

Essay on village life for matric, fa, fsc, intermediate, 2nd year, fa, fsc, ba and bsc.

Here are 2 simple essays on Village Life for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation. Students can write the same essay under the question, village life essay, essay on village life, essay on living in a village, living in a village essay, Essay Advantages and disadvantages of living in a village. The first essay on Life in a Village with Quotations and Outline 2nd one is an Essay on Village life without quotes. Village Life essay is important. You may like an essay on Life in a Big City with Quotations .

Essay on Life in a Village with Outline and Quotes – Pakistani Village

  • Pakistan is an agricultural country.
  • A village offers a matchless scenic beauty.
  • Life in a village is very calm and peaceful.
  • The occupation of the majority of the villagers is agriculture.
  • Most of the villagers are conservative and superstitious.
  • A village offers a few kinds of recreation and amusement.
  • The village life is a mixed blessing.

Pakistan is predominantly an agricultural country. Majority of the people residing in villages. A village reflects a picture of regional culture and social customs. It shows a few signs of modern progress and development. It consists of simple houses, narrow paths and unpaved roads. Sanitary conditions are very bad. The villagers lead a very simple and natural life.

“But what is happiness except the simple harmony between persons and life they lead.”     (Albert Camus)

A village offers a matchless scenic beauty and freshness of the atmosphere. Lush green fields look very charming. There are green trees, vast pastures and flowery bushes everywhere. The sight of dawn looks very fascinating.

Life in a village very calm and peaceful. It is almost free of atmospheric and noise pollution. Though all the necessities and comforts of life are not available to the villagers yet they are free from tensions, anxiety and artificiality. There is no rush of traffic and no noise of factories. Villagers enjoy the peace of paradise here. They are content with a few facilities and little joys. They breathe fresh air and eat pure food.

                                    “Life is really simple, but men

                                      Insist on making it complicated.”    (Confucius)

The occupation of the majority of villagers is agriculture. They live a very difficult and hard life. They set to their work before the sunrise and remain busy all day. They plough the fields, sow the seeds, water the plants and reap the crops. Men and women both work in the fields and look after the cattle. The government offices, private companies, factories, skilled workers and technicians are rare in a village. However, a few artisans like carpenters, blacksmith and shoe-makers work in a village.

Villagers are generally simple, sincere and industrious people. They are very hospitable and generous to their guests. They enjoy mutual co-operation. Their joys and sorrows are common. They avoid fashions and affectation.

“In the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.”     (Fisher)

A village offers a few kinds of recreation and amusement. Villagers often celebrate religious and seasonal festivals with zest and zeal. They warmly take part in a village fair and enjoy theatre, folk-dance and sports. The “dhol” and the flute are their favourite music. They are often heard singing “Maheyas” and “Tappas”.

Though villagers enjoy a simple, pure, free and peaceful life yet they have to face a number of problems. The village life is a mixed blessing. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Certain basic amenities of life are not available on villages. There are problems of illiteracy, basckwardness, insanitaion, diseases, shortage of water and litigation. Now, most of our villages have metalled roads and the facility of electricity. But, the present condition is not satisfactory. They need more education, awareness of modern means of cultivation and better amenities of life.

Agriculture is the backbone of our national economy. More than seventy percent of our people live in the village. But, very little attention is given to uplift the condition of villages. Without taking solid and adequate measures for the improvement of village life, Pakistan cannot make progress.

2nd Essay on Village Life for Class 10 Class 12 and Graduation

A typical Pakistani village is situated away from the noise of a city. It shows very little signs of progress and development. It is a peaceful and silent place. It offers a simple picture of life. Nature with its simple but impressive beauty attends every village of Pakistan. There are green trees, vast meadows and flowery bushes in every village. The sight of dawn looks very beautiful. The beauty of the rising sun in every village is matchless.

A Pakistani village consists of unpaved paths and streets. It has mud houses. However, a few houses are made of bricks. Heaps of dirt lie here and there. Stagnant water surrounds every village. It becomes a breeding spot for flies, mosquitoes and other insects. A Pakistani village offers an ugly picture of sanitation.

Most of the people in the village are uneducated. They are men of simple habits and limited needs. They have fellow feeling and sympathy for one another. They are religious minded. They celebrate religious festivals with great zeal. They are peace loving citizens. They are content with their little joys and sorrows. They do not have facilities of city life but they do not crave for them.

Their main occupation is agriculture. Early in the morning, they take out their ploughs and pair of oxen and go to the fields to cultivate the land. Most of them work in the fields of big farmers and other well-to-do people. All the families find some kind of work or the other. Even children are of great use. They add a little to the income of the family. Women do household work like cooking, washing and grinding of corn. The villagers are very hardworking people. They lead a life of struggle and poverty.

Life in a village is very peaceful. The green fields, the blossoming flowers fragrant air and the shining sun all leave a healthy influence on the health of the villagers. They feel happy in the company of singing birds and murmuring water. They eat pure and wholesome food. In the city, pure food is difficult to get. Moreover, in a village, there is no smoke of chimneys, factories and mills. The air is fresh and pure. However, village life is not without its drawbacks.

The villagers are uneducated, superstitious and backward. They do not keep pace with the changing trends of life. We should try to make our villagers happy and prosperous. A country which does not look after the interest of his farmers cannot make progress. The economy of Pakistan depends on agriculture. Most of its population lives in villages. We cannot make progress unless we uplift our farmers.

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village life in pakistan essay

January 27, 2020 at 7:03 pm

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November 29, 2020 at 10:42 am

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November 29, 2020 at 3:38 pm

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Zahid Notes

Life in a village essay with quotes

Life in a village essay, village life essay with quotations.

God made the country, and man made the town". (William Cowper)

The infrastructure of villages:

People of villages:.

Life is a journey, NOT a race

Health and Education:

The environment of a village:.

There is music for everything going on in the village

Essay bilkul b nhi acha cover kya hova village wala na iska starting paragraph proper h na conclusion..essay proper write nhi h

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Goher Amin

Important Essay on "Village Life in Pakistan" For F.A and B.A students of Punjab University.

 In this article, I have written an essay on village life. It is a very important topic for intermediate and graduate students. I have also given the outline so that a student can easily write an essay on village life. With the help of an outline, one can write an essay easily. 

village life in pakistan essay

Essay on village life

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I am a published author of dozens of books in Pakistan. I have been Editor of The Guide in National University of Modern Languages Islamabad (NUML). I am MPhil in Applied Languistics from University of the Lahore. Being an M.Ed I mostly spend my time training the teachers.

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village life in pakistan

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In Pakistan, there is a distinct difference between living in a metropolitan area and a town. A loving neighborhood, characteristics, and a distorted approach to dealing with everyday life are all examples of town life. We will investigate the various aspects of Pakistani town life, including its lifestyle, economy, and social plan, in this paper.

One of the striking parts of town life in Pakistan is its way of life. The way of life of the town is vivaciously impacted by Islamic customs and values. Most of individuals who live in the town are profoundly strict and carry on with an otherworldly and strict existence. The town mosque is the point of convergence of the area, where individuals assemble to supplicate and perform severe ceremonies. Besides, the town area Islamic celebrations with incredible energy and fervor. In the town, two of the most widely observed holidays are Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Azha.

The economy of the town is generally agrarian. The essential kind of revenue for local people comes from cultivation. They sell cotton, wheat, rice, and sugarcane to businesses in the area. Prepared animals creating is besides a vital piece of the town’s economy. The tenants keep cows, bison, goats, and sheep, and use them for milk, meat, and fleece. Regardless, the town’s economy isn’t exceptionally isolated, which makes it helpless against outside shocks, as damaging events or market insecurities.

Social arrangement in the town is moderate, with the elderly folks individuals and extreme pioneers holding colossal impact. The more seasoned individuals are viewed as the savvies and most experienced individuals from the area, their proposition is essentially respected. Be that as it may, the severe trailblazers assume a significant part in molding the nearby ideals and powerful nature. Regard, neighborliness, and receptiveness are profoundly esteemed in the town. Individuals in the town are known for their radiance and liberality, and they set forth an excellent endeavor to help other people in a tight spot.

Living in the town, on the other hand, comes with some difficulties. One of the main deterrents is the distance from essential amenities like clean water, power, and medical services offices. Different occupants need to go immense distances to get to these working environments, which can be trying, particularly during crises. What’s more, the town’s standard lifestyle is persistently dissolving a consequence of modernization and urbanization. Different youngsters are leaving the town looking for better open positions and a more present day way of life.

In general, Pakistani town life is a novel and enrapturing experience. It is portrayed by a well disposed area, qualities, and a silly method for managing normal day to day presence. The town’s way of life is vigorously impacted by Islamic customs, and the economy is principally agrarian. The social advancement is moderate, with the elderly individuals and serious pioneers holding colossal impact. By and by, life in the town isn’t without its difficulties, as restricted authorization to basic solaces and the disintegrating of customary qualities. In spite of these difficulties, the town proceeds to thrive and keep up with its excellent way of life.

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  • Essay on Village Life in 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-10

Village life is a very important topic to write an essay on. That’s why we are sharing some beautiful essays of village life for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Here is a short essay in 10 lines too. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on Village Life in 300 Words


Village life is very different from city life. Lots of people prefer this life over city life because of a few reasons. First of all, now all the facilities that people get in the big cities are available in the villages . 

The Internet and electricity are the two most important things that can bring a huge change. And these two are available in the villages now. Even the better road is making the communication system better. 

Village Life: 

Village life is simple and very peaceful. When someone is living in a village, he can spend his time the way he wants. There are lots of wide areas to spend time with. The air is so fresh. It will allow you to take a deep breath without any fear of pollution. 

In the village, there is no air pollution. The air is clean and safe for everyone. There are lots of advantages that have made village life interesting. The food, the living quality, and lot more things has made this amazing. 

Why Do People Love to Live in the Village?

People love to live in the village due to some reasons. I am providing these reasons here with you. The first reason is the food quality. You will find all types of fresh vegetables, fruits, or fishes here in the village. 

And that’s almost impossible in the city. The people are very friendly here. You can make friends with anyone. They are ready to spend time with you too. 


I love village life a lot because I have spent so many years in a village. I have seen the real scene of the village from very near and I loved it by heart and soul. 

Essay on Life in A Village in 400 Words

Some people find it very relaxing and better to live in a village. India is a country based on villages. The majority population is living in the countryside. Village life is very much passionate and amazing. Here is a complete view of life in the village. 

Life in a Village: 

Life in the village is full of simplicity and peace. Almost every place is full of natural beauty in villages. Most of the villages have a beautiful river or a hill beside it. It looks amazing when the village is located near a river. 

It is possible to get fresh air and oxygen here. The drinking water is clean and free of pollution. And most importantly, life is calm and very simple. There are wide areas to roam around and spend time. Another important part of village life is food. 

It is possible to get fresh fruits and vegetables. That is almost impossible in the cities. That’s a huge advantage of village life over city life . Food habits are highly important for our health and body. People live in villages as a joint family . 

Most of the time, they don’t break down in different micro families. That thing helps people to live near each other. It improves relationships too. They can take care of each other. Different types of pollution are a huge problem in city life. 

But you don’t need to face any type of pollution in the village. The air, the water, and the soil are pollution-free. 

People of Village:

The village peoples are the most important part of a village. Most of the villagers are simple and easy to understand. They live a very simple life with low income. Most of the time they work in the fields and grow crops. 

Right now, the village has all the facilities and that’s why people are getting educated and doing better jobs there. It is helping to improve the infrastructure of the village. That’s how we can bring a huge change in the system and will be able to stop migration problems. 

If we can make enough job opportunities in the village area, then people won’t run in the cities. It will lower the population problem in big cities. 

Village life is amazing and it’s fascinating. I am sure you will love this life. Because when you are living in a village, you are out of worries and tensions. 

Essay on Village Life in 500 Words

Essay on Village Life in 500 Words


There is a different type of appreciation in village life. People get simplicity and freshness when they live in a village. Lots of people think that it’s not possible to get most of the facilities of cities in the village. But it’s not true. 

Right now the villages are improving with different types of facilities. India is a country based on villages. We have more than a half-million villages in the country. But still, there are lots of rural areas where you won’t get some basic facilities. 

These underprivileged areas should be improved. We can stop the migration to cities by investing in villages. 

People live in villages with huge brotherhood. They know each other and greet each other when they meet. There is better socialization in villages than in cities. The social community is so strong. They celebrate different types of festivals such as Holi , Eid , or Baisakhi with lots of enthusiasm and dedication. 

They come together and celebrate every festival with lots of fun. They are not very modern according to their lifestyle, but still, there are lots of rich families who live a standard life. Most of the people in the village live under the poverty level. 

They make money as a day-labor or work in the field. It’s hard to manage a better job in the village. That’s why people try to find their luck in the cities. If the government invests in the rural areas and makes working opportunities then villages will be way better. 

Who Should Live in a Village?

Village life is not for everyone. There are certain people who pursue this life. When a person wants to stay away from a busy life, then he should move to a village. The village is free from air pollution , traffic jams, noise, etc. 

A person can live peacefully here. It’s easy to make friends here. People are really friendly. If a person thinks he can match that type of calm situation then the village is the perfect place for him. 

Is Village Life Safe?

This is a very common question people ask before moving into a village. They think if the village is safe or not. The village is completely safe. You have to ensure your security and it’s better to move to your native village where you have all your relatives and friends. Even the city life is way riskier than village life. 

Is Village Life Better than City Life?

Yes, village life is better than city life for certain peoples. If you compare both places according to living quality, then you can find the difference. It’s possible to build a house life city in the village, but it’s not possible to get fresh air in the cities. 

There are lots of problems in the cities that a normal human can’t solve. We already have better air, a better environment in the village. 

Village life is amazing and enjoyable. When a person truly loves a village then he can’t stay away. 

Essay on Village Life in 600 Words

Essay on Village Life in 600 Words

Village life is always easy and simple. There are lots of people in the world who love to stay away from all the noise of cities. A village is a perfect place for them to live. It is possible to live there peacefully with harmony. 

Today I will share my view of village life as a villager. I have been living in a village for 5 years and I know the difference between city and village life. Lots of people ignore villages as their primary residence because they lack lots of facilities. But is it true? I don’t think so, let’s learn more from this essay. 

My Village:

I am a villager and my village’s name is Mohonpur. It is located in Bihar. It’s a big village with around 4000 people. It’s my native village and all of my ancestors are from this place. We moved to Mumbai a long time back, but we returned here a few years ago. 

We have all the relatives and family friends here. We are having an amazing life. There is a beautiful river beside my village. It’s really fascinating for me. I love to swim there. Our village has two schools and a college for education . 

People are very aware of education. They send their kids to school and colleges. We don’t need to go far for better education. Even lots of students come here from different nearby villages. We have a big village market too. 

People come here to buy and sell their products. Overall life is pretty amazing here. We have better roads and transportation services for moving one place to another. We don’t have traffic jams, electricity problems, or environmental issues. The air is very fresh here. 

Advantages of Village Life: 

There are lots of advantages of village life. The village people are very friendly. It’s easy to make a friend. They will find time for you. They love to chat and hangout. When you greet people in a good way, they will respect you a lot. 

Life is very simple and peaceful there. You can live without any hassle or problems. The food is amazing there. You will find every type of fruit, vegetables, fishes, or meat and they are fresh. I love to eat village vegetables. When I stay there, I go to a different village garden to buy vegetables. 

It’s so relaxing. The fishermen are catching fish from the river and you can get completely fresh fish from them. The environment is great. You can take a long and deep breath on pollution-free air. Overall there are tons of advantages of village life and I can’t complete writing here. 

Disadvantages of Village Life:

Along with lots of advantages, there are some disadvantages too. Some villages are very unprivileged. They don’t have electricity, gas, or a proper education system. I can tell you about some neighboring villages. 

They don’t have electricity and that has made their life very hard. It’s a fault of the system and government. We need to make our village able to live for everyone. The migration problem is getting huge in our country for fewer facilities in villages. 

People have a high intention to move to the cities. But we can make our villages amazing. The village has less opportunity for making a job or working space. If you want to get a better job, then you need to go to the city for sure. 


That’s all about village life. Village life is perfect for lots of people. You can match there too if you want to lead a simple and easy life. The government should invest in villages to make jobs there. It could change the entire country. 

10 Lines Essay on Village Life

1. Village life is very different from city life. It is way more simple and peaceful.

2. All the city facilities are available now in the villages. That’s why most people prefer to live in villages. 

3. Village life is simple and free of pollution. If you live in a city, you must face air pollution. And it causes different types of diseases.

4. But the air is very fresh in the village, you can take a deep breath there. 

5. People living in villages are stronger and they have better health conditions. 

6. It is possible to get fresh food in the village. 

7. People are very friendly. 

8. It’s always natural and the area is wide. You can spend your time anywhere. 

9. Village life is a lot better with no traffic jams and other hustle and bustle. 

10. I love village life very much. 

What is village life? 

To learn more about village life, read these ‘Essay of Village Life’. 

Is village life better than city life?

Almost, yes. There are lots of advantages that you will find in the village life and it’s completely impossible to get in city life. But most of the city life facilities are available now in the villages. That’s why it is logical to claim village life is better than city life. 

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Pakistan with help from Interpol arrest a Pakistani woman convicted of murder in Italy, police say

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani police working closely with Interpol have raided a home in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir and arrested a Pakistani woman convicted in Italy of killing her daughter, officials said Friday.

Nazia Shaheen was arrested in a village in Pakistan-administered Kashmir on Thursday and was presented before a judge in Islamabad on Friday, officials at the Federal Investigation Agency and the police said.

Islamabad police confirmed the arrest, and other Pakistani officials said that Interpol helped police in tracing the woman.

Officials say Pakistan's government will soon start the process to extradite her to Italy, where a court last year convicted Shaheen, her husband and an uncle of murdering Saman Abbas, an 18-year-Pakistani woman.

The woman was killed after she refused her family’s demands to marry a cousin in their homeland.

Arranged marriages are the norm among many conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are killed every year in so-called honor killings carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior.

Abbas’ body was dug up in November 2022 in an abandoned farmhouse near the fields where her father worked in northern Italy — a year and a half after she was last seen alive on surveillance video walking near the same fields with her parents. Italian police had said she was was killed by her family on May 1, 2021.

Her parents flew from Milan to Pakistan after the murder.

Since then, Pakistani police had been trying to trace Shaheen, whose husband Shabbar Abbas was arrested in Pakistan in 2022. He was later extradited to Italy, where a court convicted and sentenced him to life in prison in 2023.

Shaheen was tried in absentia and sentenced to life in prison.

Abbas' uncle, Danish Hasnain, was handed a 14-year prison term by a court in Reggio Emilia.

Italy has already concluded that Abbas' two cousins weren't guilty of killing her and the were released from jail. The slain woman's father, who was extradited from Pakistan in August, professed his innocence during a tearful statement to the court before deliberations.

The trial was the most high-profile of several criminal investigations in Italy in recent years dealing with the slaying or mistreatment of immigrant women or girls who rebelled against family insistence that they marry someone chosen for them.

After the murder of Abbas, an autopsy revealed that the young woman had a broken neck bone, possibly caused by strangulation. She had emigrated as a teenager from Pakistan to a farm town, Novellara, in Italy’s northern region of Emilia-Romagna.

Authorities in Italy have said she quickly embraced Western ways, including shedding her headscarf and dating a young man of her choice. In one social media post, she and her Pakistani boyfriend were shown kissing on a street in the regional capital, Bologna.

According to Italian investigators, that kiss enraged Abbas’ parents, who wanted her to marry a cousin in Pakistan. Abbas had reportedly told her boyfriend that she feared for her life, because of her refusal to marry an older man in her homeland.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Gunmen kill a police officer assigned to protect polio workers in Pakistan’s northwest

A health worker administers a polio vaccine to a child in a neighborhood of Lahore, Pakistan, Monday, June 3, 2024. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)

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Gunmen fatally shot a police officer assigned to protect polio workers in Pakistan’s northwest, an official said Monday.

At least 11 police have died this year while on security duty for vaccination campaigns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The gunmen fired at a team working in the Wargari area of Lakki Marwat district, said police official Sajid Khan. One of the attackers also died, while the remaining assailants fled.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the assault.

Anti-polio campaigns in Pakistan are regularly marred by violence. Militants target vaccination teams and police assigned to protect them, falsely claiming that the campaigns are a Western conspiracy to sterilize children.

A five-day anti-polio campaign started Monday in nine high-risk districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Health workers are tasked with administering vaccines to some 3.28 million children under age 5. More than 26,000 police are protecting the teams.

Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan are the only countries where the spread of polio has never been stopped.

The potentially fatal, paralyzing disease mostly strikes children under age 5 and typically spreads through contaminated water.

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An antenna pole reaches skyward from a clearing surrounded by thick stands of trees.

The Internet’s Final Frontier: Remote Amazon Tribes

Elon Musk’s Starlink has connected an isolated tribe to the outside world — and divided it from within.

A Starlink satellite internet antenna in the Manakieaway village of the Marubo Indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon. Credit...

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Jack Nicas

By Jack Nicas

Photographs by Victor Moriyama

Jack Nicas and Victor Moriyama hiked more than 50 miles through the Amazon to reach remote Marubo villages.

  • June 2, 2024

As the speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone streaming a soccer match while the group’s first female leader spoke.

Just about anywhere, a scene like this would be mundane. But this was happening in a remote Indigenous village in one of the most isolated stretches of the planet.

The Marubo people have long lived in communal huts scattered hundreds of miles along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon rainforest. They speak their own language, take ayahuasca to connect with forest spirits and trap spider monkeys to make soup or keep as pets.

They have preserved this way of life for hundreds of years through isolation — some villages can take a week to reach. But since September, the Marubo have had high-speed internet thanks to Elon Musk.

The 2,000-member tribe is one of hundreds across Brazil that are suddenly logging on with Starlink, the satellite-internet service from Space X, Mr. Musk’s private space company. Since its entry into Brazil in 2022, Starlink has swept across the world’s largest rainforest, bringing the web to one of the last offline places on Earth.

The New York Times traveled deep into the Amazon to visit Marubo villages to understand what happens when a tiny, closed civilization suddenly opens to the world.

Four girls looking at the screen of a phone with a pink exterior.

“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” said Tsainama Marubo, 73, sitting on the dirt floor of her village’s maloca, a 50-foot-tall hut where the Marubo sleep, cook and eat together. The internet brought clear benefits, like video chats with faraway loved ones and calls for help in emergencies. “But now, things have gotten worse,” she said.

She was kneading jenipapo berries to make a black body paint and wearing ropes of jewelry made from snail shells. Lately, the youth had become less interested in making such dyes and jewelry, she said. “Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet,” she said. “They’re learning the ways of the white people.”

Then she paused and added, “But please don’t take our internet away.”

The Marubo are struggling with the internet’s fundamental dilemma: It has become essential — at a cost.

After only nine months with Starlink, the Marubo are already grappling with the same challenges that have racked American households for years: teenagers glued to phones; group chats full of gossip; addictive social networks; online strangers; violent video games; scams; misinformation; and minors watching pornography.

Modern society has dealt with these issues over decades as the internet continued its relentless march. The Marubo and other Indigenous tribes, who have resisted modernity for generations, are now confronting the internet’s potential and peril all at once, while debating what it will mean for their identity and culture.

That debate has arrived now because of Starlink, which has quickly dominated the satellite-internet market worldwide by providing service once unthinkable in such remote areas. SpaceX has done so by launching 6,000 low-orbiting Starlink satellites — roughly 60 percent of all active spacecraft — to deliver speeds faster than many home internet connections to just about anywhere on Earth, including the Sahara, the Mongolian grasslands and tiny Pacific islands.

Business is soaring. Mr. Musk recently announced that Starlink had surpassed three million customers across 99 countries. Analysts estimate that annual sales are up roughly 80 percent from last year, to about $6.6 billion .

Starlink’s rise has given Mr. Musk control of a technology that has become critical infrastructure in many parts of the globe. It is being used by troops in Ukraine , paramilitary forces in Sudan , Houthi rebels in Yemen , a hospital in Gaza and emergency responders across the world.

But perhaps Starlink’s most transformative effect is in areas once largely out of the internet’s reach, like the Amazon. There are now 66,000 active contracts in the Brazilian Amazon, touching 93 percent of the region’s legal municipalities. That has opened new job and education opportunities for those who live in the forest. It has also given illegal loggers and miners in the Amazon a new tool to communicate and evade authorities.

One Marubo leader, Enoque Marubo (all Marubo use the same surname), 40, said he immediately saw Starlink’s potential. After spending years outside the forest, he said he believed the internet could give his people new autonomy. With it, they could communicate better, inform themselves and tell their own stories.

Last year, he and a Brazilian activist recorded a 50-second video seeking help getting Starlink from potential benefactors. He wore his traditional Marubo headdress and sat in the maloca. A toddler wearing a necklace of animal teeth sat nearby.

They sent it off. Days later, they heard back from a woman in Oklahoma.

The Javari Valley Indigenous Territory is one of the most isolated places on Earth, a dense stretch of rainforest the size of Portugal with no roads and a maze of waterways. Nineteen of the 26 tribes in the Javari Valley live in full isolation, the highest concentration in the world.

The Marubo were once uncontacted, too, roaming the forest for hundreds of years, until rubber tappers arrived near the end of the 19th century. That led to decades of violence and disease — and the arrival of new customs and technology. The Marubo began wearing clothes. Some learned Portuguese. They swapped bows for firearms to hunt wild boar, and machetes for chain saws to clear plots for cassava.

One family in particular pushed this change. In the 1960s, Sebastião Marubo was one of the first Marubo to live outside the forest. When he returned, he brought another new technology: the boat motor. It cut trips from weeks to days.

village life in pakistan essay

His son Enoque emerged as a leader of the next generation, eager to pull his tribe into the future. Enoque has split his life between the forest and the city, working at one point as a graphic designer for Coca-Cola. So when Marubo leaders became interested in getting internet connections, they went to him to ask how.

Enoque got his answer when Mr. Musk came to Brazil. In 2022, the SpaceX owner and Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s president at the time, announced Starlink’s arrival in front of a screen that said, “Connecting the Amazon.”

Enoque and Flora Dutra, a Brazilian activist who works with Indigenous tribes, sent letters to more than 100 members of Congress asking for Starlink. None responded.

Then early last year, Ms. Dutra saw an American woman speak at a space conference. Ms. Dutra checked the woman’s Facebook page and saw her posing outside SpaceX’s headquarters. “I knew she was the one,” she said.

The Benefactor

Allyson Reneau’s LinkedIn page describes her as a space consultant, keynote speaker, author, pilot, equestrian, humanitarian, chief executive, board director and mother of 11 biological children. In person, she says she makes most of her money coaching gymnastics and renting houses near Norman, Okla.

Her story is ripe for the “Today Show” — and, indeed, she has told it there . She enrolled in college at 47, got a master’s degree from Harvard Extension School at 55 and then became a traveling motivational speaker . Her social media shows her with children in Rwanda, on television in Pakistan and at conferences in South Africa.

The attention she has attracted has not always been well received. In 2021, she was interviewed on CNN and Fox News for “rescuing” an all-girls robotics team from Afghanistan during the Taliban takeover. But days later, lawyers for the robotics team told Ms. Reneau to stop taking credit for a rescue she had little to do with.

Ms. Reneau said she did not try to help people for fame. “Otherwise, I’d be telling you about all the projects I do all over the world,” she said in an interview. “It’s the look on the face, it’s the hope in the eyes. That’s the trophy.”

She said she had that perspective when she received a video from a stranger last year asking to help connect a remote Amazon tribe.

She had never been to Brazil but thought the return on investment was high. Enoque was asking for 20 Starlink antennas, which would cost roughly $15,000, to transform life for his tribe.

“Do you remember Charlie Wilson?” Ms. Reneau asked me. She was referring to the Texas congressman who secured Stinger missiles that helped the Afghan mujahedeen defeat the Soviets in the 1980s — but that critics say also unintentionally gave rise to the Taliban.

Mr. Wilson changed that war with one weapon, she said. “I could see that this was similar,” she said. “One tool would change everything in their life. Health care, education, communication, protection of the forest.”

Ms. Reneau said she bought the antennas with her own money and donations from her children. Then she booked a flight to go help deliver them.

The Connection

The internet arrived on the backs of men. They trudged miles through the forest, barefoot or in flip-flops, carrying two antennas each.

Just behind were Enoque, Ms. Dutra, Ms. Reneau and a cameraman documenting her journey.

In the villages, they nailed the antennas to the tops of poles and plugged them into solar panels. The antennas then began connecting Starlink satellites to villagers’ phones. (Some Marubo already had phones, often bought with government welfare checks, to take photographs and communicate when in a city.)

The internet was an immediate sensation. “It changed the routine so much that it was detrimental,” Enoque admitted. “In the village, if you don’t hunt, fish and plant, you don’t eat.”

Leaders realized they needed limits. The internet would be switched on for only two hours in the morning, five hours in the evening, and all day Sunday.

During those windows, many Marubo are crouched over or reclined in hammocks on their phones. They spend lots of time on WhatsApp. There, leaders coordinate between villages and alert the authorities to health issues and environmental destruction. Marubo teachers share lessons with students in different villages. And everyone is in much closer contact with faraway family and friends.

To Enoque, the biggest benefit has been in emergencies. A venomous snake bite can require swift rescue by helicopter. Before the internet, the Marubo used amateur radio, relaying a message between several villages to reach the authorities. The internet made such calls instantaneous. “It’s already saved lives,” he said.

In April, seven months after Starlink’s arrival, more than 200 Marubo gathered in a village for meetings.

Enoque brought a projector to show a video about bringing Starlink to the villages. As proceedings began, some leaders in the back of the audience spoke up. The internet should be turned off for the meetings, they said. “I don’t want people posting in the groups, taking my words out of context,” another said.

During the meetings, teenagers swiped through Kwai, a Chinese-owned social network. Young boys watched videos of the Brazilian soccer star Neymar Jr. And two 15-year-old girls said they chatted with strangers on Instagram. One said she now dreamed of traveling the world, while the other wants to be a dentist in São Paulo.

This new window to the outside world had left many in the tribe feeling torn.

“Some young people maintain our traditions,” said TamaSay Marubo, 42, the tribe’s first woman leader. “Others just want to spend the whole afternoon on their phones.”

Kâipa Marubo, a father of three, said he was happy that the internet was helping educate his children. But he also was concerned about the first-person-shooter video games his two sons play. “I’m worried that they’re suddenly going to want to mimic them,” he said. He tried to delete the games, but believed his sons had other hidden apps.

Alfredo Marubo, leader of a Marubo association of villages, has emerged as the tribe’s most vocal critic of the internet. The Marubo pass down their history and culture orally, and he worries that knowledge will be lost. “Everyone is so connected that sometimes they don’t even talk to their own family,” he said.

He is most unsettled by the pornography. He said young men were sharing explicit videos in group chats, a stunning development for a culture that frowns on kissing in public. “We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” he said of the graphic sex depicted in the videos. He said some leaders had told him they had already observed more aggressive sexual behavior from young men.

Alfredo and Enoque, as the heads of dueling Marubo associations, were already political rivals, but their disagreement over the internet has created a bitter dispute. After Ms. Dutra and Ms. Reneau delivered the antennas, Alfredo reported them for lacking proper permission from federal authorities to enter protected Indigenous territory. In turn, Ms. Dutra criticized Alfredo in interviews and Enoque said he was not welcome at the tribal meetings.

Ms. Dutra now has a goal to bring Starlink to hundreds more Indigenous groups across the Amazon, including Brazil’s largest remote tribe, the Yanomami .

Some Brazilian government officials and nongovernmental agencies said they worried that the internet was being rolled out to tribes too quickly, often without training on the dangers.

Ms. Dutra said Indigenous groups wanted and deserved connections. The criticism, she said, was part of a long tradition of outsiders telling the Indigenous how to live. “This is called ethnocentrism — the white man thinking they know what’s best,” she said.

Enoque and Ms. Dutra said they planned to provide internet training. No Marubo interviewed said they had yet received it.

In April, Ms. Reneau traveled back to the forest. At Enoque’s request, she bought four more antennas. Two were headed to the Korubo, a tribe of less than 150 people that was first contacted in 1996 and still has some members in full isolation.

Sitting on a log, eating dried beef and boiled cassava served on the maloca’s dirt floor, Ms. Reneau said she recognized the internet was “a double-edged sword.” So when she posts on Facebook about bringing the Marubo internet, she said, she always stresses that a leader requested it.

“I don’t want people to think I’m bringing this in to force it on them,” she said. She added that she hoped they could “preserve the purity of this incredible culture because once it’s gone, it’s gone.”

Later at that same meal, Enoque’s father, Sebastião, said the tribe’s journey with the internet had been foretold.

Decades ago, the most respected Marubo shaman had visions of a hand-held device that could connect with the entire world. “It would be for the good of the people,” he said. “But in the end, it wouldn’t be.”

“In the end,” he added, “there would be war.”

His son sat on the log across from him, listening. “I think the internet will bring us much more benefit than harm,” Enoque said, “at least for now.”

Regardless, he added, going back was no longer an option.

“The leaders have been clear,” he said. “We can’t live without the internet.”

Flávia Milhorance and Lis Moriconi contributed reporting from Rio de Janeiro.

Jack Nicas is the Brazil bureau chief for The Times, based in Rio de Janeiro, where he leads coverage of much of South America. More about Jack Nicas



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