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How to write a legal research paper: All you need to know

This article on “How to write a legal research paper: All you need to know” was written by Vridhi Rai, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


Law is all about analysis, critical thinking, and interpretation. Your capability to put together the analysis of the study of the issues in written form is essential in the practice of law. The research paper is one such way to express your creative and analytic thought process, your vision of the theme, and the originality of your content. The word ‘research’ means a systematic examination of material facts. It can be complex and daunting for law students. But research helps in enhancing your knowledge and cultivating your writing skills. This article will help you understand what is research paper all about and how to write a research paper.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a piece of academic writing which is based on an author’s original composition in the research and the findings on a given theme or topic. The writing should be owned by the author himself or herself. A good research paper strives to convey the information traced by the author crisply and concisely. The paper is written to examine the theme or the provisions, present your stand on it, and showcase evidence in support in a systematic manner. The true nature of the paper shows you the purpose of the theme or topic. 

What is the aim of the legal research paper?

The aim of the legal research paper can be a subjective question since the writing will indicate what the intended outcome is. There are kinds of writings that would pave a way for courts because it geared toward a certain kind of doctrinal analysis of the court’s interaction with theory and practice. The writings are done for better interpretation of the law. It could also be used to influence policy-making and generate debates. The author has a specific objective and intended audience in mind to serve.

How to write a legal research paper

How to write a legal research paper?

Step-1 choose a theme or topic:.

The foremost step in writing a  legal research paper is to select a theme or topic for the research. Select topics that catch your attention or interest. You can pick topics addressing contemporary issues or topics for the intended audience you wish to cater to. It should be novel, innovative, and interesting. While choosing a topic, read pertinent issues from different sources.  You can follow legal news to search for pertinent topics.

In case, you find difficulty selecting a topic, it will be wonderful for you to approach your professors, colleagues, and friends for consultation. Also, never feel hesitant to change the theme or topic of the research, if you feel it is not the right topic or you will not able to research the topic effectively.

Step-2 Research on your topic:

Now, your next task is to research the topic extensively on your selected topic from credible sources. You can refer to different sources by reading legal research pieces from books to online sites like SCC online, Manupatra, and Kluwer Arbitration. Always remember don’t just goggle. Use conventional sources like books and articles, these will give you a broader perspective. Read as much as you can. Reading helps you understand the nitty-gritty of the law provisions. Please beware of the research as this task can be very monotonous. You might lose motivation to perform this task. But hang in there and stay motivated to find interesting facts.

Step-3 Examine and Make a plan:

After researching, your very next step is to examine and make a plan to execute writing a legal research paper. Your research will be comprehensive with ideas. Please develop a detailed outline. Try adding notes to your research work. It can be possible that you might end up adding too much information to your paper. Highlight the key findings from your study. At this stage you are required to identify the goal of your research work, it can be either argumentative or analytic. You have to determine the masses you are wishing to address. The focus and the tone of the paper should b according to the audience you are intending to reach.

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Step-4 writing the paper:.

The next step is to draft the research paper. Make a final outline of the research work. The outline must have the points to describe the overview of the paper. The basic mantra of legal research is the structure of the paper. The research paper writing should be creative, clear, concise, and comprehensive. The language of your research paper should be easy to interpret. The legal terminologies and material facts are generally very sophisticated and complex. The facts, you are mentioning must be backed by shreds of evidence.

The format of the legal research paper:

The paper should have a proper format that consists of writing styles, referencing styles, page numbering, spacing, and margins. It should also include the headlines, sub-headlines, citations, or credits to the authors and the scholars.

The content of the legal research paper:

The content consists of the following:

Acknowledgment : the content of the paper should include an acknowledgment section that appreciates all the contributors to the research paper for their efforts and encouragement.

Table of contents: it includes the list of the things that you have written in your research paper.

Scope of the research: the scope or object of the research includes the reason for your study. It shows you the skeleton of your research paper. You have stated the problem or issue of the paper.

A literature survey or the sources used in the study: it includes the sources you have referred to in your study. It can be primary or secondary resources. The primary resources include books, statutes, and case laws. The secondary sources include the material you have collected from law articles, journals, and compendiums online or offline.

The hypothesis of the research: the hypothesis is the idea that is suggested to explain the objective of the research conducted by the researcher. It conveys the expectations of the researcher on what basis he started studying the issues, he raised in his paper.

Abstract : abstract shows the gist of the theme you have mentioned in your study. It is like the summary of the findings in your research regarding the theme. It should be written clearly and concisely.

Introduction: the introduction should be well-written to attract the attention of the audience toward the theme you mentioned in your thesis. A glance over the initial paragraphs gives an insight to the readers of your work. The introduction determines whether the research paper is worth reading or not. It should express the research problem, the purpose of your thesis, and background details about the issue you are referring to. It should be short, crisp, and comprehensive.

The main body of the study: the main focus of the paper is the main body of the thesis. The body should be divided into paragraphs along with sub-headings for a better understanding of the facts. Each paragraph should draw the main points of your study. It should begin with the topic’s sentences and should conclude extensively. In the main body, you can add the case laws and judgments.  

The conclusion of the study: the finale of the study should include a summary of the main pointers discussed in the study, it should express your stand or viewpoint towards the research problem. The concluding para of your research can be affirmative or negative in tone. In the end, you can add some suggestive measures to your study.

References or bibliography: at the end of the paper mention the references or the sources links or sites from which you have researched the material facts.

Step – 5 edit and proofread the final draft of the research paper:

Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Proofreading will help you to find errors in your content. If you need, to make changes to the paper, check and find the logic and legality of the statement. At this stage, you check the plagiarism of your content.

The things that should be considered carefully before drafting the paper:

you need to check the validity of the judgments before mentioning them in the research paper. The validity of the bills mentioned in your study should be carefully considered. The errors related to applicability or jurisdictions should be carefully verified.


Legal research is not an easy task to perform. It takes a lot of time to conduct it. Constant hard work, attention, motivation, and patience are the factors required to examine and analyze the details. It can be boring. But it will help you in brushing your skills. Your efforts and dedication toward finding more and more material facts will help in shaping you into a good researcher.

It is beneficial for law students for interpreting law provisions, policies, and judgments. It can be used as a medium to influence policy-making procedures and as a tool to aware the masses. Publication of your research papers will act as a stimulating force to your law career. It will help you build your confidence and help them transform into law professionals.


  • How to write a legal research paper: guide: how to write a winning research paper?- Legal Desire. Retrieved:
  • A helpful guide on writing a law research paper- Writing help. Retrieved:
  • How to begin with writing a legal research paper- Manupatra- youtube channel-(video file)
  • How to write a legal research paper law?|research paper- Eminent law classes-(Video file)
  • The aim of writing a legal research paper- the art of writing a legal research paper-Rohini Sen-letter of the law-(video file)

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Articles (UC Davis law students may access from offsite using Kerberos password)

  • Stalking the Golden Topic: A Guide to Locating and Selecting Topics for Legal Research Papers by Heather Meeker
  • Writing a Student Article by Eugene Volokh
  • How to Write a Law Review Article by Richard Delgado
  • How to Write a Law Review Article by Sean Burke

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Legal Dissertation: Research and Writing Guide

About this guide, video on choosing a topic, tools on westlaw, lexis and bloomberg, circuit splits, research methodologies, additional methodology resources, conducting a literature review, beginning research, writing style guides, citation guides, ask a librarian.

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About This Page

Choosing a topic can be one of the most challenging aspects of writing an extensive paper. This page has resources to help you find topics and inspiration, before you get started on the in-depth research process.

Related Guides

Citation and Writing Resources

Legal Research Tutorials

Secondary Sources for Legal Research

Methods of Finding Cases

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Compiling State Legislative Histories

Locating International and Foreign Law Journals

This guide contains resources to help students researching and writing a legal dissertation or other upper-level writing project. Some of the resources in this guide are directed at researching and writing in general, not specifically on legal topics, but the strategies and tips can still be applied.

The Law Library maintains a number of other guides on related skills and topics that may be of interest:

The Wells Library also maintains guides. A few that may be helpful for managing research can be found here:

Choosing a Topic

This video discusses tips and strategies for choosing a dissertation topic.

Note: this video is not specific to legal dissertation topics, but it may still be of interest as an overview generally.

The Bloomberg/BNA publication United States Law Week can be a helpful resource for tracking down the major legal stories of the day.  Log into Bloomberg Law, in the big search box, start typing United States Law Week and the title will appear in the drop down menu beneath the box. This publication provides coverage of top legal news stories, and in-depth "insight" features.

If you have a general idea of the area of law you wish to write about, check out the Practice Centers on Bloomberg. From the homepage, click the Browse link in the top left-hand corner. Then select Practice Centers and look for your area of law. Practice Centers are helpful because they gather cases, statutes, administrative proceedings, news, and more on the selected legal area.

Bloomberg has other news sources available as well. From the homepage, click the Browse link in the top left-hand corner. Then select News and Analysis, then select News or Analysis, and browse the available topics.

If you know what area of law you'd like to write about, you may find the Browse Topics feature in Lexis Advance helpful for narrowing down your topic. 

Log into Lexis Advance, click the Browse Topics tab, and select a topic.  If you don't see your topic listed, try using the provided search bar to see whether your topic is categorized as a sub-topic within this list. 

Once you click on a topic, a box pops up with several options.  If you click on Get Topic Document, you'll see results listed in a number of categories, including Cases, Legislation, and more.  The News and Legal News categories at the right end of the list may help you identify current developments of interest for your note.  Don't forget about the filtering options on the left that will allow you to search within your results, narrow your jurisdiction, and more.

Similar to Lexis Advance, Westlaw Edge has a Topics tab that may be helpful if you know what area of law you'd like to write about.

Log onto Westlaw Edge, and click on the Topics tab.  This time, you won't be able to search within this list, so if you're area is not listed, you should either run a regular search from the main search bar at the top or try out some of the topics listed under this tab - once you click on a topic, you can search within its contents.

What is great about the Topics in Westlaw Edge is the Practitioner Insights page you access by clicking on a topic.  This is an information portal that allows you quick access to cases, legislation, top news, and more on your selected topic.

In United States federal courts, a circuit split occurs whenever two or more circuit courts of appeals issue conflicting rulings on the same legal question. Circuit splits are ripe for legal analysis and commentary because they present a situation in which federal law is being applied in different ways in different parts of the country, even if the underlying litigants themselves are otherwise similarly situated. The Supreme Court also frequently accepts cases on appeal that involve these types of conflicted rulings from various sister circuits.

To find a circuit split on a topic of interest to you, try searching on Lexis and Westlaw using this method:

in the search box, enter the following: (circuit or court w/s split) AND [insert terms or phrases to narrow the search]

You can also browse for circuit splits on Bloomberg. On the Bloomberg homepage, in the "Law School Success" box, Circuit Splits Charts appear listed under Secondary Sources.

Other sources for circuit splits are American Law Reports (ALR) and American Jurisprudence (AmJur). These publications provide summaries of the law, point out circuit splits, and provide references for further research.

"Blawgs" or law-related blogs are often written by scholars or practitioners in the legal field.  Ordinarily covering current events and developments in law, these posts can provide inspiration for note topics.  To help you find blawgs on a specific topic, consider perusing the ABA's Blawg Directory or Justia's Blawg Search .

Research Methodology

Types of research methodologies.

There are different types of research methodologies. Methodology refers to the strategy employed in conducting research. The following methodologies are some of the most commonly used in legal and social science research.

Doctrinal legal research methodology, also called "black letter" methodology, focuses on the letter of the law rather than the law in action. Using this method, a researcher composes a descriptive and detailed analysis of legal rules found in primary sources (cases, statutes, or regulations). The purpose of this method is to gather, organize, and describe the law; provide commentary on the sources used; then, identify and describe the underlying theme or system and how each source of law is connected.

Doctrinal methodology is good for areas of law that are largely black letter law, such as contract or property law. Under this approach, the researcher conducts a critical, qualitative analysis of legal materials to support a hypothesis. The researcher must identify specific legal rules, then discuss the legal meaning of the rule, its underlying principles, and decision-making under the rule (whether cases interpreting the rule fit together in a coherent system or not). The researcher must also identify ambiguities and criticisms of the law, and offer solutions. Sources of data in doctrinal research include the rule itself, cases generated under the rule, legislative history where applicable, and commentaries and literature on the rule.

This approach is beneficial by providing a solid structure for crafting a thesis, organizing the paper, and enabling a thorough definition and explanation of the rule. The drawbacks of this approach are that it may be too formalistic, and may lead to oversimplifying the legal doctrine.


Comparative legal research methodology involves critical analysis of different bodies of law to examine how the outcome of a legal issue could be different under each set of laws. Comparisons could be made between different jurisdictions, such as comparing analysis of a legal issue under American law and the laws of another country, or researchers may conduct historical comparisons.

When using a comparative approach be sure to define the reasons for choosing this approach, and identify the benefits of comparing laws from different jurisdictions or time periods, such as finding common ground or determining best practices and solutions. The comparative method can be used by a researcher to better understand their home jurisdiction by analyzing how other jurisdictions handle the same issue. This method can also be used as a critical analytical tool to distinguish particular features of a law. The drawback of this method is that it can be difficult to find material from other jurisdictions. Also, researchers should be sure that the comparisons are relevant to the thesis and not just used for description.

This type of research uses data analysis to study legal systems. A detailed guide on empirical methods can be found here . The process of empirical research involves four steps: design the project, collect and code the data, analyze the data, determine best method of presenting the results. The first step, designing the project, is when researchers define their hypothesis and concepts in concrete terms that can be observed. Next, researchers must collect and code the data by determining the possible sources of information and available collection methods, and then putting the data into a format that can be analyzed. When researchers analyze the data, they are comparing the data to their hypothesis. If the overlap between the two is significant, then their hypothesis is confirmed, but if there is little to no overlap, then their hypothesis is incorrect. Analysis involves summarizing the data and drawing inferences. There are two types of statistical inference in empirical research, descriptive and causal. Descriptive inference is close to summary, but the researcher uses the known data from the sample to draw conclusions about the whole population. Causal inference is the difference between two descriptive inferences.

Two main types of empirical legal research are qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative, or numerical, empirical legal research involves taking information about cases and courts, translating that information into numbers, and then analyzing those numbers with statistical tools.

Qualitative, or non-numerical, empirical legal research involves extracting  information from the text of court documents, then interpreting and organizing the text into categories, and using that information to identify patterns.

Drafting The Methodology Section

This is the part of your paper that describes the research methodology, or methodologies if you used more than one. This section will contain a detailed description of how the research was conducted and why it was conducted in that way. First, draft an outline of what you must include in this section and gather the information needed.

Generally, a methodology section will contain the following:

  • Statement of research objectives
  • Reasons for the research methodology used
  • Description and rationale of the data collection tools, sampling techniques, and data sources used, including a description of how the data collection tools were administered
  • Discussion of the limitations
  • Discussion of the data analysis tools used

Be sure that you have clearly defined the reasoning behind the chosen methodology and sources.

  • Legal Reasoning, Research, and Writing for International Graduate Students Nadia E. Nedzel Aspen (2004) A guide to American legal research and the federal system, written for international students. Includes information on the research process, and tips for writing. Located in the Law Library, 3rd Floor: KF 240 .N43 2004.
  • Methodologies of Legal Research: Which Kind of Method for What Kind of Discipline? Mark van Hoecke Oxford (2013) This book examines different methods of legal research including doctrinal, comparative, and interdisciplinary. Located at Lilly Law Library, Indianapolis, 2nd Floor: K 235 .M476 2013. IU students may request item via IUCAT.
  • An Introduction to Empirical Legal Research Lee Epstein and Andrew D. Martin Oxford University Press (2014) This book includes information on designing research, collecting and coding data, analyzing data, and drafting the final paper. Located at Lilly Law Library, Indianapolis, 2nd Floor: K 85 .E678 2014. IU students may request item via IUCAT.
  • Emplirical Legal Studies Blog The ELS blog was created by several law professors, and focuses on using empirical methods in legal research, theory, and scholarship. Search or browse the blog to find entries on methodology, data sources, software, and other tips and techniques.

Literature Review

The literature review provides an examination of existing pieces of research, and serves as a foundation for further research. It allows the researcher to critically evaluate existing scholarship and research practices, and puts the new thesis in context. When conducting a literature review, one should consider the following: who are the leading scholars in the subject area; what has been published on the subject; what factors or subtopics have these scholars identified as important for further examination; what research methods have others used; what were the pros and cons of using those methods; what other theories have been explored.

The literature review should include a description of coverage. The researcher should describe what material was selected and why, and how those selections are relevant to the thesis. Discuss what has been written on the topic and where the thesis fits in the context of existing scholarship. The researcher should evaluate the sources and methodologies used by other researchers, and describe how the thesis different.

The following video gives an overview of conducting a literature review.

Note: this video is not specific to legal literature, however it may be helpful as a general overview.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few suggestions for digging into sources once you have selected a topic.

Research Guides

Research guides are discovery tools, or gateways of information. They pull together lists of sources on a topic. Some guides even offer brief overviews and additional research steps specifically for that topic. Many law libraries offer guides on a variety of subjects. You can locate guides by visiting library websites, such as this Library's site , the Law Library of Congress , or other schools like Georgetown . Some organizations also compile research guides, such as the American Society of International Law . Utilizing a research guide on your topic to generate an introductory source list can save you valuable time.

Secondary Sources

It is often a good idea to begin research with secondary sources. These resources summarize, explain, and analyze the law. They also provide references to primary sources and other secondary sources. This saves you time and effort, and can help you quickly identify major themes under your topic and help you place your thesis in context.

Encyclopedias provide broad coverage of all areas of the law, but do not go in-depth on narrow topics, or discuss differences by jurisdiction, or  include all of the pertinent cases. American Jurisprudence ( AmJur ) and Corpus Juris Secundum ( CJS ) have nationwide coverage, while the Indiana Law Encyclopedia focuses on Indiana state law. A number of other states also have their own state-specific encyclopedias.

American Law Reports ( ALR ) are annotations that synopsize various cases on narrow legal topics. Each annotation covers a different topic, and provides a leading or typical case on the topic, plus cases from different jurisdictions that follow different rules, or cases where different facts applying the same rule led to different outcomes. The annotations also refer to other secondary sources.  

Legal periodicals include several different types of publications such as law reviews from academic institutions or organizations, bar journals, and commercial journals/newspapers/newsletters. Legal periodicals feature articles that describe the current state of the law and often explore underlying policies. They also critique laws, court decisions, and policies, and often advocate for changes. Articles also discuss emerging issues and notify the profession of new developments. Law reviews can be useful for in-depth coverage on narrow topics, and references to primary and other secondary sources. However, content can become outdated and researchers must be mindful of biases in articles. 

Treatises/Hornbooks/Practice Guides are a type of secondary source that provides comprehensive coverage of a legal subject. It could be broad, such as a treatise covering all of contract law, or very narrow such as a treatise focused only on search and seizure cases. These sources are good when you have some general background on the topic, but you need more in-depth coverage of the legal rules and policies. Treatises are generally well organized, and provide you with finding aids (index, table of contents, etc.) and extensive footnotes or endnotes that will lead you to primary sources like cases, statutes, and regulations. They may also include appendices with supporting material like forms. However, treatises may not be updated as frequently as other sources and may not cover your specific issue or jurisdiction.

Citation and Writing Style

  • Legal Writing in Plain English Bryan A. Garner University of Chicago Press, 2001. Call # KF 250 .G373 2001 Location: Law Library, 3rd Floor Provides lawyers, judges, paralegals, law students, and legal scholars with sound advice and practical tools for improving their written work. The leading guide to clear writing in the field, this book offers valuable insights into the writing process: how to organize ideas, create and refine prose, and improve editing skills. This guide uses real-life writing samples that Garner has gathered through decades of teaching experience. Includes sets of basic, intermediate, and advanced exercises in each section.
  • The Elements of Legal Style Bryan A. Garner Oxford University Press, 2002. Call # KF 250 .G37 2002 Location: Law Library, 1st Floor, Reference This book explains the full range of what legal writers need to know: mechanics, word choice, structure, and rhetoric, as well as all the special conventions that legal writers should follow in using headings, defined terms, quotations, and many other devices. Garner also provides examples from highly regarded legal writers, including Oliver Wendell Holmes, Clarence Darrow, Frank Easterbrook, and Antonin Scalia.
  • Grammarly Blog Blog featuring helpful information about quirks of the English language, for example when to use "affect" or "effect" and other tips. Use the search feature to locate an article relevant to your grammar query.
  • Plain English for Lawyers Richard C. Wydick Carolina Academic Press, 2005. Call # KF 250 .W9 2005 Location: Law Library, 3rd Floor Award-winning book that contains guidance to improve the writing of lawyers and law students and to promote the modern trend toward a clear, plain style of legal writing. Includes exercises at the end of each chapter.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style University of Chicago Press, 2010. Call # Z 253 .U69 2010 Location: Law Library, 2nd Floor While not addressing legal writing specifically, The Chicago Manual of Style is one of the most widely used and respected style guides in the United States. It focuses on American English and deals with aspects of editorial practice, including grammar and usage, as well as document preparation and formatting.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style (Online) Bryan A. Garner and William S. Strong The University of Chicago Press, 2017. Online edition: use the link above to view record in IUCAT, then click the Access link (for IU students only).
  • The Bluebook Compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Law Journal. Harvard Law Review Association, 2015. Call # KF245 .B58 2015 Location: Law Library, 1st Floor, Circulation Desk The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a style guide that prescribes the most widely used legal citation system in the United States. The Bluebook is taught and used at a majority of U.S. law schools, law reviews and journals, and used in a majority of U.S. federal courts.
  • User's Guide to the Bluebook Alan L. Dworsky William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2015. Call # KF 245 .D853 2015 Location: Law Library, Circulation Desk "This User's Guide is written for practitioners (law students, law clerks, lawyers, legal secretaries and paralegals), and is designed to make the task of mastering citation form as easy and painless as possible. To help alleviate the obstacles faced when using proper citation form, this text is set up as a how-to manual with a step-by-step approach to learning the basic skills of citation and includes the numbers of the relevant Bluebook rules under most chapter subheadings for easy reference when more information is needed"--Provided by the publisher.
  • Legal Citation in a Nutshell Larry L. Teply West Academic Publishing, 2016. Call # KF 245 .T47 2016 Location: Law Library, 1st Floor, Circulation Desk This book is designed to ease the task of learning legal citation. It initially focuses on conventions that underlie all accepted forms and systems of legal citation. Building on that understanding and an explanation of the “process” of using citations in legal writing, the book then discusses and illustrates the basic rules.
  • Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (Online) Peter W. Martin Cornell Legal Information Institute, 2017. Free online resource. Includes a thorough review of the relevant rules of appellate practice of federal and state courts. It takes account of the latest edition of The Bluebook, published in 2015, and provides a correlation table between this free online citation guide and the Bluebook.
  • Last Updated: Oct 24, 2019 11:00 AM
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Law school requires all JD students to write a substantial research paper at some point during their law school careers. For some students, this is a law review note. For others, it is a seminar paper or the result of an independent study. Regardless of the context, many students don't know what this sort of research paper should contain or look like, and they assume it is as prescriptive as the memos and briefs they learn about in Legal Writing (it's not!).

This guide will give you some examples to look at as well as links to books, blogs, and other resources that will help you understand more about how to write a substantial law school research paper.   

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A step-by-step guide to writing a Research Paper

sample of research paper in law

The article is written by Bodhisattwa Majumder , from MNLU, Mumbai.

DISCLAIMER : I am not a professional. I am a penultimate year student who takes genuine interest to learn and help others. Every word of this article is based upon my personal experience, and expert advice which I have gained from the Internet, and certain kind individuals whom I have interacted with in my internships, college and LinkedIn. This article is for beginners, who think they have no clue about legal writing.

Table of Contents

Select a topic first, Not the publisher

Yes. Select a topic first. Don’t choose the end first, basing your research topic on a “Call for Paper” would be limiting yourself to their demand, rather than flexing your passion and comfort. Trust me, you will have a lot of journal choices for any type of law you choose.

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Take caution! Don’t try to convert your Moot Court Memorials or other assignments into research papers! I have often come across several law students trying to convert their memorials or academic projects into research papers for publications (often sinned that myself too), However, what I have found is, that it is a great setback for budding authors. You might feel that given that as you have already researched that field you have better chances and you will be able to publish easily. Firstly , the topics for the moot research are often not what the publishers or readers want. Secondly , already having worked in a lackadaisical way (projects in my case) brings in boredom and lack of interest and as a result, you are in a hurry to get it done with. After that, the result is a half-hearted submission which has higher chances of rejection. DONT DO THIS. Star afresh. Look for burning issues that align your passion. Research on the requirements of the publishing houses. Consult your professors about the grey areas. Trust me it’ll be much better.

Characteristic of a topic?

The topic should be URI . Unsettled, Relevant and Interesting. All these components are very important and I will tell you why.

Firstly, if it is an already settled topic, then you won’t be able to give any original thought. You would be simply compiling the stuff. You don’t want to do that.

Secondly, if it is 20 years old, nobody cares about it. The recruiters will spot your topic only if it helps them in their practice.

Thirdly, even if it’s a burning issue and unsettled, you will lose interest if its bland and does not match your passion. Take a topic which makes you think.

But, how to find a relevant topic?

It is the most difficult and tenuous process to publish a paper. It has no specific way but I have found the following steps helpful:

  • Follow market leaders. Partners, Associates, Firms on LinkedIn. They regularly post the latest issues which they face in practice.
  • Follow legal news. Livelaw, Bar&Bench amongst a few.
  • Subscribe to Law journals. (might cost a buck)
  • Set up Google Alerts on certain keywords.

This will take at least a few weeks. It’s a very boring process but once you get hooked on you will enjoy it.

Research: Where to study from?

You have to develop a knowledge base. This has to be done stepwise.

  • Preliminary Knowledge: All the articles you can find on this online through Google Searches, they might sound quirky and local but read what they want to say. Trust me although they are not authentic, but they can be surprisingly precise at times. Very easy to read, so you will not sleep while reading it. This will help you get the basics and set an argument in motion.
  • Detailed Reading I:  Books. Commentaries from known publishers such as EBC, LexisNexis, Sweet and Maxwell, Bloomsbury etc. They help understand the nitty-gritty of the subject and also understand the evolution of the law. BUT, be aware they are not often updated and latest case laws might be missing. This will help you frame a tentative argument.
  • Detailed Reading II: Journals. Bring in the Big Guns. Manupatra, SCC, HeinOnline, West law et al. You will get the most recent, most updates and most authentic information. This will help you substantiate your arguments and provide the authorities. BEWARE, these are often very complex and might make you sleep. Kick the passion!

Drafting: I have an idea, but can’t frame it!

No one can help you here. You have to put in your twelve years of slavery to practice. Some tips on writing:

  • Don’t schedule writing AFTER Research. Write simultaneously. Only when you sit down to write, you will know what you NEED.
  • Be precise and simple. No need to throw in jargons.
  • Don’t copy as it is. Learn to paraphrase on your mind. Read a sentence, close your eyes and type without looking again. You have the inbuilt power of paraphrasing.
  • Try to follow a direction. Make a flow chart if needed. Guide the reader. 
  • There should be a connection and straight flow between the sections.
  • CITATIONS: Go to a reputed journal which follows your required citation style, look up in old volumes how they have done it. It’s the easiest way out. Googling never helps here.

Where to send the manuscript?

The second-most difficult job. Finding the appropriate journal. A balance between reputation and success rate is to be ensured. If you are reading this article, most probably too reputed will disappoint you and too bad will be a disappointment after all this hard work.

What to look while searching for a journal?

  • Genesis:  Year of the first publication, the older it is, the better.
  • Frequency (yearly, monthly, annually) : The more the merrier (higher probability).
  • Brands associated with it. Either in the form of reviewer, sponsor, editor, publisher. (Always go for an NLU Journal)
  • Region:  If it’s a foreign journal, no matter how shitty it is, it will impress the recruiters. 
  • Outreach:  Very difficult to find, but usually google help.
  • Nature:  If it’s a paid subscription-based, it’s probably good. But not the other way around.

How to find a journal?

  • Google: Search with the following keywords. “_____Law + Journal + Submission + Call”, Set advanced search and list by recent.
  • Call for papers: Lawoctopus, LawLex etc. Check the ads. But beware, a lot of competition here.
  • Follow the heard: Check where your friends or seniors have published before. Ask them.
  • Connections: If you have them, you don’t need this article.

Sending process

  • INSTALL “mailtrack” already. You need to know whether anyone is reading your emails.
  • Always use institutional mail ids for these things. Good impression. Don’t keep any other emails apart from professional mails here. If you MISS it, you will regret for weeks.
  • Follow up every 7 days . It is a long process, often takes more than months. Be patient, don’t irritate the editor.
  • Make an attractive cover letter. Have a professional DP. Place a detailed signature. I will provide mine:

sample of research paper in law

Relax, and wait for “the mail”. All the best.

Frequently asked Questions

  • What do you think is the better route? Writing elaborate papers for journals or writing articles for these online blogs?

You have to do both. Blogs display that you’re up to date and most people read blogs they don’t have time for elaborate papers. But papers look good on CV and displays that you have in-depth knowledge.

sample of research paper in law

  • So how many papers one should right?

No watertight answer for this. Based on your capacity. I set a goal of 1 Paper and 2 blogs in two months.

  • Any idea what these recruiting firms want to see on your profile?

Based on interviews which I’ve given, they want to see two things:

  • Passion: The branch which you are joining, you have some interest on that and you’re just not there for the bucks.
  • How to prove you’ve passion? Publications. You’ve applied your mind and you’ve kept in touch with the market
  • Who should we ask for guidance?

Different people serve different objects:

  • For Topics: Professionals, Teachers.
  • For Drafting/where to send: Peers, Seniors.
  • Is Co-authorship a good choice?

They are luggage or pullers. Either they will slow you down due to their lack of knowledge or they will move so fast you won’t contribute much. Be clever, go for co-authorship only when the other person knows a person who knows another person . Guaranteed publication, that’s what makes a perfect co-author.

That’s all folks!

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sample of research paper in law


Essentials of valid marriage under muslim law, krishna kumar singh vs. state of bihar (2017), selvi v. state of karnataka (2010) : case analysis.

Thanks a lot !

Thank you so much! This helped me a lot. I literally had no clue what to begin with. Now atleast I can think about writing.

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Law Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

200 Law Research Paper Topics

Embarking on a journey through the diverse landscape of law research paper topics can be both exciting and challenging. Aspiring legal scholars seek to unravel complex legal issues, explore ethical dilemmas, and contribute to the ever-evolving realm of jurisprudence. To aid students in their pursuit of academic excellence, iResearchNet presents a comprehensive list of law research paper topics that span ten distinct categories, each offering twenty thought-provoking and engaging subjects. From constitutional law to environmental regulations, intellectual property to human rights, these carefully curated topics aim to inspire students to delve into the depths of legal scholarship and make a lasting impact in the field of law.

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  • Constitutional Law
  • Judicial Review and Its Impact on Constitutional Interpretation
  • Balancing Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech Laws in Democratic Societies
  • The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age: Legal Implications and Challenges
  • Second Amendment Rights and the Debate over Gun Control Legislation
  • Executive Power and the System of Checks and Balances in Modern Governments
  • The Role of the Judiciary in Safeguarding Civil Liberties
  • Freedom of Religion and the Separation of Church and State
  • The Evolving Interpretation of Due Process in Criminal Justice
  • Constitutional Amendments and Their Impact on Society
  • The Role of Judicial Activism in Shaping Constitutional Law
  • The Legal Implications of Election Laws and Voter Rights
  • The Balance between National Security and Civil Liberties
  • The Right to Equal Protection and Affirmative Action Policies
  • The Impact of Social Media on Freedom of Expression and Privacy Rights
  • The Legal Challenges of Immigration and Citizenship Laws
  • The Right to Education and Equal Access to Quality Education
  • The Legality of Campaign Finance Laws and Political Contributions
  • The Role of the Supreme Court in Shaping Civil Rights Jurisprudence
  • The Intersection of Religious Freedom and LGBTQ+ Rights
  • The Role of Constitutional Courts in Shaping Constitutionalism Worldwide
  • Criminal Law
  • The Use of Technology in Modern Criminal Investigations
  • The Insanity Defense: Legal Perspectives and Controversies
  • Juvenile Justice: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  • Cybercrime and the Challenges of Prosecution and Prevention
  • Hate Crimes Legislation: Effectiveness and Implications
  • The Death Penalty: Ethical Dilemmas and Deterrent Effects
  • The Legal Implications of Plea Bargaining in Criminal Proceedings
  • Criminal Responsibility and the Defense of Necessity
  • The Impact of Forensic Evidence on Criminal Convictions
  • The Legalization of Marijuana and Its Impact on Criminal Justice
  • The Legal Implications of Police Use of Force and Racial Profiling
  • The Impact of Technology on Criminal Investigations and Evidence
  • The Legal Challenges of White-Collar Crime and Corporate Fraud
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Sentencing and Incarceration
  • The Role of Criminal Procedure in Safeguarding Defendants’ Rights
  • The Relationship between Mental Health and Criminal Behavior
  • The Legal Implications of Criminalizing Drug Use and Possession
  • The Impact of Criminal Convictions on Employment and Reintegration
  • The Legal Dimensions of Plea Bargaining and its Effect on Justice
  • The Role of Criminal Law in Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling
  • International Law
  • The Evolution of International Human Rights Law
  • The Role of International Criminal Tribunals in Ensuring Accountability
  • The Challenges of Enforcing International Law in Sovereign States
  • The Legality of Humanitarian Interventions: Perspectives and Limitations
  • Environmental Protection and International Law: A Global Perspective
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Promoting International Justice
  • The United Nations Security Council: Its Powers and Limitations
  • The Impact of International Trade Law on Global Economies
  • The Emergence of Customary International Law in a Changing World
  • The Legal Implications of State Succession and Territorial Disputes
  • The Role of International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts
  • The Legal Dimensions of Peacekeeping Operations and Peacebuilding
  • The Impact of International Investment Law on Investor-State Disputes
  • The Role of International Law in Combating Terrorism and Transnational Crimes
  • The Legal Challenges of Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation
  • The Legal Aspects of Asylum and Refugee Protection
  • The Role of International Criminal Law in Addressing Genocide and Atrocities
  • The Legal Implications of Climate Change and Global Environmental Agreements
  • The Interaction between International Law and National Legal Systems
  • The Role of International Humanitarian Law in Protecting Civilians in Conflict Zones
  • The Evolution of Marriage Laws: From Tradition to Equality
  • Child Custody: Best Interests vs. Parental Rights
  • The Legal Challenges of International Child Abduction Cases
  • Domestic Violence Legislation: Protecting Victims and Ensuring Justice
  • Surrogacy and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Divorce Laws: No-Fault vs. Fault-Based Systems
  • Same-Sex Adoption and Parental Rights
  • The Role of Family Courts in Resolving Disputes
  • The Legal Implications of Parental Alienation
  • Elder Law: Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Senior Citizens
  • The Legal Dimensions of Child Support and Alimony
  • The Legal Implications of Parentage and Paternity
  • The Role of Family Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Surrogate Motherhood
  • The Legal Challenges of International Family Law and Cross-Border Divorce
  • The Legal Dimensions of Adoption and Foster Care
  • The Legal Implications of Parental Rights and Responsibilities
  • The Role of Family Law in Protecting Children’s Rights
  • The Impact of Family Law on Domestic Partnerships and Cohabitation
  • The Legal and Social Dimensions of Child Marriage and Forced Marriage
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Copyright Law and the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Fair Use in Balancing Creativity and Protection
  • Patent Law and the Impact of Technological Advancements
  • Trademark Protection: Brands, Products, and Services
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Entertainment Industry
  • The Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Creative Works
  • Trade Secrets and the Protection of Confidential Information
  • Biotechnology and Patent Law: Ethical and Legal Challenges
  • Copyright Infringement and Online Piracy: Enforcement and Remedies
  • Intellectual Property Issues in International Business Transactions
  • The Legal Dimensions of Digital Rights Management (DRM)
  • The Role of Intellectual Property in Technology Transfer and Innovation
  • The Legal Challenges of Open Source Software Licensing
  • The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Global Economic Development
  • The Legal Implications of 3D Printing and Copyright Infringement
  • The Role of Intellectual Property Law in Promoting Creativity and Incentives
  • The Legal Aspects of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnological Innovations
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property and International Trade Law
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
  • The Legal Challenges of Counterfeit Goods and Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement
  • Business Law
  • Corporate Governance and the Role of Directors and Shareholders
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Insider Trading: Legal Perspectives and Market Impact
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Legal Considerations and Antitrust Regulations
  • Data Privacy and Cybersecurity: Legal Implications for Businesses
  • International Trade Law: Challenges and Opportunities in Global Markets
  • Employment Law and the Rights of Workers in Corporate Settings
  • Contract Law and Its Application in Business Transactions
  • Securities Regulation and Investor Protection
  • Business Ethics and the Legal Framework for Ethical Decision-Making
  • The Role of Intellectual Property in Business Innovation and Competition
  • The Legal Challenges of Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy
  • The Impact of International Business Transactions on Contract Law
  • The Legal Aspects of E-commerce and Online Business Transactions
  • The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Corporate Whistleblowing
  • The Role of Business Law in Regulating Corporate Financial Reporting
  • The Legal Challenges of International Commercial Arbitration
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property and Business Strategy
  • The Legal Implications of E-contracts and Electronic Signatures
  • The Legal Aspects of Corporate Taxation and Tax Planning
  • Environmental Law
  • Climate Change Policy and International Cooperation
  • The Role of Environmental Impact Assessments in Development Projects
  • Endangered Species Protection and Habitat Conservation
  • Sustainable Development and the Legal Framework for Environmental Protection
  • The Legal Implications of Pollution and Environmental Remediation
  • Renewable Energy and the Transition to a Green Economy
  • Water Rights and the Legal Management of Water Resources
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Legal Strategies for Ecosystem Preservation
  • Environmental Justice and the Fair Distribution of Environmental Benefits and Burdens
  • The Legal Challenges of Transboundary Pollution and Resource Management
  • The Legal Aspects of Waste Management and Recycling Regulations
  • The Role of Environmental Law in Addressing Deforestation and Land Degradation
  • The Legal Dimensions of Air and Water Quality Regulation
  • The Impact of International Environmental Law on Climate Change Mitigation
  • The Legal Challenges of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement
  • The Legal Aspects of Environmental Liability and Compensation
  • The Role of Environmental Law in Addressing Food Security and Agricultural Practices
  • The Legal Implications of Natural Resource Extraction and Conservation
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Indigenous Rights
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Geoengineering and Climate Engineering
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Medical Research and Experimentation
  • The Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • Patient Autonomy and Informed Consent: Legal Perspectives
  • Medical Malpractice Lawsuits and Patient Rights
  • Mental Health Parity Laws: Equalizing Mental Health Care Access
  • The Legal Challenges of End-of-Life Decision-Making
  • Access to Healthcare: Legal and Social Determinants
  • The Role of Health Law in Regulating Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Telemedicine and the Legal Aspects of Remote Healthcare Delivery
  • Health Data Privacy and Security: Legal Protections and Challenges
  • The Legal Dimensions of Organ Transplantation and Allocation
  • The Impact of Health Law on Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Technology
  • The Legal Challenges of Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
  • The Legal Aspects of Mental Health Treatment and Involuntary Commitment
  • The Role of Health Law in Public Health Emergencies and Pandemics
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Subject Research
  • The Legal Implications of Personalized Medicine and Genetic Testing
  • The Intersection of Health Law and Bioethics in Medical Decision-Making
  • The Legal Challenges of Medical Devices and Technology Regulations
  • The Legal Aspects of Health Insurance and Access to Affordable Healthcare
  • Human Rights Law
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights Treaties
  • The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Promoting Accountability
  • The Legal Implications of Mass Surveillance on Human Rights
  • Freedom of Expression and Online Censorship: Legal Perspectives
  • The Legal Challenges of Combatting Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
  • Women’s Rights: Achievements, Challenges, and the Road Ahead
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Legal Recognition and Protections Worldwide
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Legal Mechanisms for Land Rights
  • The Role of Truth Commissions and Transitional Justice in Human Rights
  • The Legal Dimensions of Refugee Rights and Asylum Protection
  • The Impact of Human Rights Law on International Humanitarian Interventions
  • The Legal Challenges of Privacy Rights and Mass Surveillance
  • The Legal Aspects of Human Rights Advocacy and Non-Governmental Organizations
  • The Intersection of Human Rights and National Security Laws
  • The Legal Implications of Statelessness and Citizenship Rights
  • The Role of Human Rights Law in Addressing Environmental Justice
  • The Legal Aspects of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
  • The Impact of Human Rights Law on Armed Conflicts and War Crimes
  • The Legal Challenges of Gender Equality and Discrimination in Society

Employment and Labor Law

  • The Gig Economy and the Changing Landscape of Labor Laws
  • Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Protections and Challenges
  • Collective Bargaining and Labor Unions: Historical Perspectives and Future Trends
  • Employment Contracts: Legal Obligations and Rights of Workers
  • Workplace Safety and Occupational Health Regulations
  • Labor Disputes and the Role of Mediation and Arbitration
  • The Legal Implications of Employee Benefits and Compensation
  • The Impact of Technology on Employment and Labor Laws
  • The Legal Challenges of Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
  • The Role of Labor Law in Protecting Worker Rights and Fair Wages
  • The Legal Dimensions of International Labor Standards and Fair Trade
  • The Intersection of Labor Law and Global Supply Chains
  • The Legal Aspects of Non-Compete Agreements and Trade Secrets
  • The Role of Labor Law in Addressing Work-Life Balance and Family Leave
  • The Legal Implications of Collective Action and Employee Strikes
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work and Labor Regulations
  • The Legal Challenges of Employee Termination and Severance
  • The Role of Labor Law in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • The Legal Aspects of Employee Privacy and Workplace Monitoring
  • The Intersection of Labor Law and Globalization: Labor Mobility and Immigration Policies

In conclusion, the comprehensive list of law research paper topics presented above offers a wide array of captivating and thought-provoking subjects across various legal domains. From constitutional law to environmental regulations, intellectual property to human rights, and beyond, these topics provide students with ample opportunities to delve into the depths of legal scholarship and make meaningful contributions to the field of law. By exploring these diverse areas, students can not only deepen their understanding of legal principles but also develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to grapple with complex legal issues.

Browse More Law Research Paper Topics:

  • Competition Law

As legal scholars, it is essential to recognize that the study of law extends far beyond the confines of textbooks and lecture halls. The real-world implications of legal research can influence and shape societies, impacting individuals and communities on a global scale. Whether investigating the intricate balance between individual rights and state interests, exploring the ethical considerations of emerging technologies, or addressing pressing environmental challenges, each research paper holds the potential to inspire change and progress.

As you embark on your journey to select a law research paper topic, consider your passion, interests, and the issues that resonate with you the most. Whether you are drawn to international human rights, corporate governance, or environmental sustainability, your choice of topic should reflect your genuine curiosity and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Furthermore, as you conduct research and delve into your chosen subject, remember that legal scholarship is a continuous and evolving process. Embrace the opportunity to contribute to the ever-growing tapestry of legal knowledge, and let your research and insights be a testament to your commitment to making a positive impact on the world through the study of law.

Law and Its Range of Research Paper Topics

Law, as a discipline, holds a central position in society, governing and shaping the conduct of individuals, organizations, and governments alike. It serves as the bedrock of a just and orderly society, providing a framework for resolving disputes, protecting rights, and promoting social cohesion. The field of law is vast and multifaceted, encompassing various branches that address distinct legal issues and areas of human activity. From criminal justice and constitutional law to environmental regulations and intellectual property, the diverse landscape of legal subjects offers an extensive range of research paper topics for students of law. This article explores the breadth and depth of legal scholarship, highlighting some of the most compelling and relevant research paper topics across different legal domains.

Criminal Justice and Criminology

The realm of criminal justice and criminology is one of the most critical areas of law research. It delves into the various facets of crime, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system, seeking to understand the complexities of crime prevention, criminal behavior, and the administration of justice. Research paper topics in this area may include analyzing the effectiveness of forensic science in criminal investigations, examining racial disparities in the criminal justice system, exploring the ethical and legal dimensions of the death penalty, and evaluating the impact of technology on cybercrime and cybersecurity measures. Scholars may also delve into the legal challenges surrounding juvenile justice, the role of mental health in criminal liability, and the legal aspects of white-collar crime.

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Constitutional and administrative law is at the heart of legal systems worldwide, defining the structure of governments, the distribution of power, and the protection of individual rights. Research in this domain may encompass the examination of freedom of speech in the digital age, the role of judicial review in constitutional interpretation, and the delicate balance between individual privacy rights and national security concerns. Scholars may explore the evolution of constitutional amendments and the legal aspects of executive orders. Administrative law topics can include an assessment of the accountability and efficiency of regulatory agencies and the legal implications of immigration and border control policies.

International Law and Human Rights

The study of international law delves into the legal principles that govern relations between countries and international organizations. Topics in this field may involve analyzing the role of international criminal courts in ensuring accountability for genocide and war crimes, examining refugee law amidst the global crisis of forced displacement, and exploring the legal concept of sovereign immunity. Scholars may investigate the legality of armed interventions and the use of force in international relations, and the legal dimensions of international trade and dispute resolution. Additionally, human rights research paper topics may encompass the rights of indigenous peoples, the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, and the legal implications of climate change on human rights.

Business Law and Corporate Governance

Business law and corporate governance are crucial areas of study for understanding the legal aspects of commercial transactions and corporate behavior. Research in this realm may involve analyzing corporate social responsibility and ethical responsibilities of businesses, the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making within corporations, and strategies for detecting and preventing corporate fraud and insider trading. Intellectual property rights and innovation may also be explored, along with the legal aspects of mergers and acquisitions and the role of corporate boards in ensuring accountability and responsible governance. Topics may also delve into the influence of antitrust laws on market competition and consumer protection, as well as the legal challenges posed by e-commerce and digital business models.

Environmental Law and Policy

Environmental law and policy are crucial for addressing the challenges of climate change, conservation, and sustainable development. Topics in this domain may involve examining climate change litigation and the legal challenges in holding corporations and governments accountable for environmental degradation. Researchers may explore wildlife protection and biodiversity conservation, the legal implications of genetic engineering and biotechnology, and the role of international environmental treaties in global conservation efforts. Additionally, topics in land use regulation, environmental impact assessments, and the intersection of environmental law and indigenous rights may be examined, along with research on renewable energy policy and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

Health Law and Ethics

The intersection of law and healthcare is a vital area for understanding medical ethics, patient rights, and the legal implications of medical advancements. Research in health law and ethics may involve examining the legal and ethical implications of genetic testing and privacy, exploring access to healthcare and health equity, and assessing the legal protections and patient rights related to medical malpractice and patient safety. Additionally, topics may delve into end-of-life decision-making, reproductive rights, and the legal aspects of medical research and informed consent. Scholars may also investigate the legal challenges of telemedicine and virtual healthcare services, along with the role of health law in addressing public health emergencies and pandemics.

Family Law and Social Justice

Family law and social justice are essential aspects of legal research, addressing issues related to marriage, parenthood, and the well-being of vulnerable populations. Research topics in this area may involve analyzing the legal journey to marriage equality and LGBTQ+ rights, exploring child custody and guardianship laws, and examining domestic violence and legal protections for victims. Additionally, scholars may delve into the legal aspects of surrogacy and assisted reproduction, the role of family courts in resolving divorce and family disputes, and the legal challenges related to child support enforcement. Topics may also explore family law’s intersection with immigration law in mixed-status families and research on polygamy and non-traditional family structures.

The realm of law encompasses a rich tapestry of research paper topics, each with its unique complexities, societal implications, and ethical considerations. As law students delve into these diverse legal domains, they have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the legal system, engage in critical analysis, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of law. Whether exploring the legal challenges of emerging technologies, advocating for human rights, or addressing environmental sustainability, each research paper presents an opportunity for students to make meaningful contributions to legal scholarship and effect positive change in the world. As students embark on their research journey, they should embrace the inherent responsibility and privilege that comes with the study of law—the capacity to shape societies, protect rights, and promote justice for all. Through thoughtful research, rigorous analysis, and a commitment to the principles of justice, law students can unravel the intricacies of legal issues and contribute to the collective pursuit of a more equitable and just society.

How to Choose Law Research Paper Topics

Selecting the right research paper topic is a crucial step in the process of writing a law research paper. The chosen topic sets the tone for the entire study, determines the depth of exploration, and influences the level of engagement with the subject matter. Aspiring legal scholars should approach the task of choosing a law research paper topic with careful consideration, taking into account their interests, expertise, and the relevance of the topic to the legal field. In this section, we will discuss ten essential tips to guide students in selecting compelling and well-suited law research paper topics that not only showcase their academic prowess but also contribute meaningfully to the field of law.

  • Identify Your Area of Interest : Passion and enthusiasm are fundamental drivers of successful research. To begin the process of choosing a law research paper topic, students should first identify their area of interest within the vast landscape of law. Whether it be criminal law, constitutional law, international law, or any other legal domain, selecting a topic that resonates with your interests will make the research journey more rewarding and enjoyable.
  • Evaluate the Significance of the Topic : While personal interest is crucial, it is equally important to assess the significance of the chosen topic in the context of legal scholarship. Is the topic timely and relevant to current legal issues and debates? Does it address gaps in existing research or offer a fresh perspective on a well-explored subject? A significant and relevant topic will not only capture the attention of readers but also contribute meaningfully to the field of law.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing a research paper topic, students should conduct preliminary research to familiarize themselves with the existing literature and identify potential research gaps. Reviewing scholarly articles, books, and legal journals can provide valuable insights and help refine the scope of the research paper.
  • Define a Specific Research Question : Once the area of interest is identified, students should define a specific research question or problem that the research paper seeks to address. The research question should be clear, concise, and focused, guiding the entire research process and ensuring that the study remains well-structured and coherent.
  • Consider the Scope and Feasibility : A well-defined research question should be accompanied by a consideration of the scope and feasibility of the research project. Students should assess whether the chosen topic is manageable within the given timeframe and resources. If the research question is too broad, it may be challenging to cover all aspects adequately. Conversely, a topic that is too narrow may limit the depth of the study.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Seeking guidance from professors and peers can be highly beneficial when choosing a law research paper topic. Professors can provide valuable insights, recommend relevant resources, and help students refine their research questions. Peers can also offer feedback and suggestions, contributing to the development of a well-rounded and thought-provoking research paper.
  • Explore Multidisciplinary Perspectives : Law intersects with various disciplines, and exploring multidisciplinary perspectives can add depth and richness to the research paper. Consider integrating insights from sociology, political science, economics, and other relevant disciplines to provide a comprehensive analysis of the chosen legal topic.
  • Analyze Current Legal Developments : Staying up-to-date with current legal developments can inspire research topics that address emerging legal issues. Analyze recent court decisions, legislative changes, and policy developments to identify potential areas of research that reflect the changing legal landscape.
  • Engage with Real-World Legal Problems : Engaging with real-world legal problems can give your research paper practical significance and relevance. Consider examining legal challenges faced by individuals, organizations, or governments, and explore potential legal solutions to address these issues.
  • Emphasize Originality and Contribution : Lastly, strive for originality and contribution in your research paper. While drawing from existing literature is essential, aim to offer novel insights and contribute to the legal discourse. A well-researched paper that adds value to the existing body of knowledge will distinguish itself and garner greater recognition within the legal academic community.

Choosing a law research paper topic is a critical step that requires careful consideration and thought. By identifying their areas of interest, evaluating the significance of the topic, and conducting preliminary research, students can make informed choices that align with their passion and contribute to the field of law. Engaging with real-world legal problems, seeking guidance from professors and peers, and exploring multidisciplinary perspectives can add depth and originality to the research paper. Ultimately, students should aim to select a research topic that not only showcases their academic prowess but also reflects their commitment to advancing legal scholarship and contributing to the broader legal community.

How to Write a Law Research Paper

Writing a law research paper is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that allows students to delve deep into legal issues, analyze complex cases, and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge. Effective legal writing requires a careful and methodical approach, from the initial planning stages to the final presentation of findings. In this section, we will explore ten essential tips that will guide students in crafting a well-structured, coherent, and persuasive law research paper.

  • Understand the Research Question : Before diving into the writing process, ensure a thorough understanding of the research question or problem to be addressed in the paper. Clarify the scope and objectives of the study, and establish a clear roadmap for the research paper’s content. A well-defined research question will serve as a guiding principle throughout the writing process.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : The foundation of a compelling law research paper lies in extensive research. Gather information from reputable legal sources, including statutes, case law, academic journals, and legal commentaries. In addition to primary sources, explore secondary sources that provide critical analyses and interpretations of legal principles relevant to the research topic.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your thoughts and research findings by creating a comprehensive outline for the research paper. The outline should include an introduction, the main body with logically structured sections, and a conclusion. A well-structured outline will ensure a cohesive flow of ideas and prevent the research paper from becoming disjointed.
  • Craft a Strong Introduction : The introduction is the gateway to your research paper and should captivate readers’ attention while providing essential background information. Clearly state the research question and the significance of the topic, contextualize it within the broader legal framework, and outline the paper’s main arguments.
  • Provide a Thorough Literature Review : A literature review is essential in establishing the context of your research and demonstrating your understanding of existing legal scholarship on the topic. Analyze and synthesize key concepts, theories, and findings from relevant literature to situate your research within the broader legal discourse.
  • Present Well-Structured Arguments : The main body of the research paper should present well-structured arguments supported by evidence from legal sources. Each section should focus on a specific aspect of the research question, and each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that advances the overall argument.
  • Use Case Law and Legal Authorities : Incorporate relevant case law and legal authorities to bolster your arguments and demonstrate your understanding of legal principles. Cite precedents and legal statutes to support your analysis and conclusions.
  • Engage with Counterarguments : Address counterarguments to your thesis and demonstrate an awareness of alternative viewpoints. Engaging with counterarguments adds depth and credibility to your research paper, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Maintain Clarity and Precision : Legal writing demands precision and clarity to effectively convey complex legal concepts. Use clear and concise language, avoid unnecessary jargon, and define any technical terms that might be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Conclude Effectively : The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the research paper and restate the significance of the research question. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion but offer thoughtful insights and suggestions for future research or policy implications.

Writing a law research paper requires dedication, analytical skills, and a meticulous approach to research and writing. By understanding the research question, conducting in-depth research, and crafting a strong introduction, students can lay the foundation for a compelling and well-structured paper. Providing a thorough literature review, presenting well-structured arguments, and engaging with counterarguments will showcase a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Citing case law and legal authorities will support the analysis, while maintaining clarity and precision ensures the effective communication of complex legal concepts. A well-crafted conclusion will leave a lasting impression, summarizing the main findings and emphasizing the significance of the research. As students embark on their journey of legal research and writing, they have the opportunity to contribute to the ever-evolving legal field, making their mark as aspiring legal scholars and future legal practitioners.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

iResearchNet is a leading academic writing company that specializes in providing high-quality and customized law research paper writing services. Our team of expert writers, with advanced degrees in law and extensive research experience, is dedicated to assisting students in their pursuit of academic excellence. Whether you are struggling to choose a research paper topic, facing challenges in structuring your paper, or seeking professional editing and proofreading services, iResearchNet is here to support you throughout your academic journey. In this section, we will outline the key features of our custom law research paper writing services and explain why iResearchNet is the ideal choice for students seeking top-notch assistance with their legal research papers.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of hiring qualified and knowledgeable writers to provide top-quality research papers. Our team consists of writers with advanced degrees in law, ensuring that your research paper will be crafted by someone with a deep understanding of legal principles and a strong academic background.
  • Custom Written Works : We take pride in delivering custom-written law research papers that are tailored to meet the unique requirements and specifications of each client. Our writers follow your instructions diligently and conduct in-depth research to develop a paper that reflects your academic goals and showcases your understanding of the subject matter.
  • In-Depth Research : Thorough research is the foundation of a compelling law research paper. Our writers are skilled researchers who have access to a wide range of legal resources and databases. They will gather relevant primary and secondary sources to support the arguments and analysis presented in your paper.
  • Custom Formatting : Proper formatting is essential in academic writing, and different citation styles are used in legal research papers. Whether your paper requires APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard formatting, our writers are well-versed in each style and will ensure that your paper adheres to the specified guidelines.
  • Top Quality : We are committed to delivering top-quality law research papers that meet the highest academic standards. Our rigorous quality assurance process involves thorough editing, proofreading, and plagiarism checks to ensure that your paper is error-free and original.
  • Customized Solutions : Every student’s research paper needs are unique, and we recognize the importance of offering customized solutions. Whether you need assistance with a specific section of your paper or require a complete research paper from scratch, we are here to tailor our services to your specific requirements.
  • Flexible Pricing : We understand that students often have budget constraints, which is why we offer flexible pricing options to accommodate various budgets. Our pricing is transparent, and there are no hidden fees. Additionally, we offer discounts and special offers to make our services even more affordable.
  • Short Deadlines : We recognize that students may face tight deadlines and urgent research paper requirements. Our team is well-equipped to handle short deadlines, and we can deliver high-quality law research papers in as little as 3 hours.
  • Timely Delivery : Punctuality is a cornerstone of our services. We understand the importance of submitting research papers on time, and our writers work diligently to ensure that you receive your completed paper within the agreed-upon deadline.
  • 24/7 Support : Our customer support team is available round the clock to address any queries or concerns you may have. Whether you need assistance with placing an order, tracking your paper’s progress, or communicating with your assigned writer, we are here to provide prompt and helpful support.
  • Absolute Privacy : We prioritize the confidentiality of our clients and ensure that all personal and order-related information remains secure. Your identity and usage of our services will be treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality.
  • Easy Order Tracking : With our user-friendly platform, you can easily track the progress of your research paper. You will have access to a personal account where you can communicate with your writer, upload additional instructions, and receive updates on your paper’s status.
  • Money-Back Guarantee : We are committed to your satisfaction, and our money-back guarantee reflects our confidence in the quality of our services. If you are not satisfied with the final product, we offer a refund as part of our commitment to delivering top-notch customer experience.

iResearchNet’s custom law research paper writing services are designed to provide students with the support and assistance they need to excel in their legal studies. Our team of expert writers, with advanced degrees in law, is dedicated to delivering high-quality, customized research papers that meet the specific requirements of each client. From in-depth research and proper formatting to timely delivery and 24/7 support, we prioritize your academic success and satisfaction. Whether you need help with topic selection, research, or the writing process itself, iResearchNet is your trusted partner in achieving academic excellence in the field of law. Let us unravel the complexities of legal research and writing for you, and embark on a journey of academic success with iResearchNet as your guide.

Unleash the Power of Legal Research with iResearchNet

Are you ready to take your legal research and academic writing to new heights? Look no further than iResearchNet, your trusted partner in unleashing the power of legal research. Our custom law research paper writing services are tailored to meet the unique needs of students studying law and seeking to excel in their academic endeavors. With a team of expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, and a commitment to top-quality work, iResearchNet is your gateway to a world of academic success.

Unleash the power of legal research with iResearchNet as your guiding force. With expert writers, personalized assistance, and top-quality work, we are dedicated to helping you excel in your law studies and research endeavors. From the choice of captivating law research paper topics to the seamless writing process and timely delivery, our custom law research paper writing services are designed to empower you to make a lasting impact in the legal academic community. Embrace the opportunities that legal research offers and embark on a journey of academic excellence with iResearchNet as your trusted ally. Let’s unravel the complexities of legal research together, one research paper at a time. Place your order today and experience the power of academic success with iResearchNet by your side.


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HLS Dissertations, Theses, and JD Papers

S.j.d. dissertations, ll.m. papers, ll.m. theses, j.d. papers, submitting your paper to an online collection, other sources for student papers beyond harvard, getting help, introduction.

This is a guide to finding Harvard Law School (“HLS”) student-authored works held by the Library and in online collections. This guide covers HLS S.J.D Dissertations, LL.M. papers, J.D. third-year papers, seminar papers, and prize papers.

There have been changes in the HLS degree requirements for written work. The library’s collection practices and catalog descriptions for these works has varied. Please note that there are gaps in the library’s collection and for J.D. papers, few of these works are being collected any longer.

If we have an S.J.D. dissertation or LL.M. thesis, we have two copies. One is kept in the general collection and one in the Red Set, an archival collection of works authored by HLS affiliates. If we have a J.D. paper, we have only one copy, kept in the Red Set. Red Set copies are last resort copies available only by advance appointment in Historical and Special Collections .

Some papers have not been processed by library staff. If HOLLIS indicates a paper is “ordered-received” please use this form to have library processing completed.

The HLS Doctor of Juridical Science (“S.J.D.”) program began in 1910.  The library collection of these works is not comprehensive. Exceptions are usually due to scholars’ requests to withhold Library deposit. 

  • HLS S.J.D. Dissertations in HOLLIS To refine these search results by topic or faculty advisor, or limit by date, click Add a New Line.
  • Hein’s Legal Theses and Dissertations Microfiche Mic K556.H45x Drawers 947-949 This microfiche set includes legal theses and dissertations from HLS and other premier law schools. It currently includes about 300 HLS dissertations and theses.
  • Hein's Legal Theses and Dissertations Contents List This content list is in order by school only, not by date, subject or author. It references microfiche numbers within the set housed in the Microforms room on the entry level of the library, drawers 947-949. The fiche are a different color for each institution.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ Harvard University (Harvard login) Copy this search syntax: dg(S.J.D.) You will find about 130 SJD Dissertations dated from 1972 to 2004. They are not available in full text.
  • DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard Sponsored by Harvard University’s Office for Scholarly Communication, DASH is an open repository for research papers by members of the Harvard community. There are currently about 600 HLS student papers included. Unfortunately it is not possible to search by type of paper or degree awarded.

The Master of Laws (“LL.M.”) degree has been awarded since 1923. Originally, the degree required completion of a major research paper, akin to a thesis. Since 1993, most students have the option of writing the LL.M. "short paper."  This is a 25-page (or longer) paper advised by a faculty supervisor or completed in conjunction with a seminar.  Fewer LL.M. candidates continue to write the more extensive "long-paper." LL.M. candidates holding J.D.s from the U.S. must write the long paper.

  • HLS Written Work Requirements for LL.M. Degree The current explanation of the LL.M. written work requirement for the master of laws.

The library generally holds HLS LL.M. long papers and short papers. In recent years, we require author release in order to do so. In HOLLIS, no distinction is made between types of written work created in satisfaction of the LL.M. degree; all are described as LL.M. thesis. Though we describe them as thesis, the law school refers to them solely as papers or in earlier years, essays. HOLLIS records indicate the number of pages, so at the record level, it is possible to distinguish long papers.

  • HLS LL.M. Papers in HOLLIS To refine these search results by topic, faculty advisor, seminar or date, click Add a New Line.

Note that beginning with papers from the 2023-24 academic year, papers will be available in digital format only. The workflow for this new process is underway.

HLS LL.M. Papers are sometimes available in DASH and Hein's Legal Dissertations and Theses. See descriptions above .

The HLS J.D. written work requirement has changed over time. The degree formerly required a substantial research paper comparable in scope to a law review article written under faculty supervision, the "third year paper." Since 2008, J.D. students have the option of using two shorter works instead.

Of all those written, the library holds relatively few third-year papers. They were not actively collected but accepted by submission from faculty advisors who deemed a paper worthy of institutional retention. The papers are described in HOLLIS as third year papers, seminar papers, and student papers. Sometimes this distinction was valid, but not always. The faculty deposit tradition more or less ended in 2006, though the possibility of deposit still exists. 

  • J.D. Written Work Requirement
  • Faculty Deposit of Student Papers with the Library

HLS Third Year Papers in HOLLIS

To refine these search results by topic, faculty advisor, seminar or date, click Add a New Line.

  • HLS Student Papers Some third-year papers and LL.M. papers were described in HOLLIS simply as student papers. To refine these search results, click "Add a New Line" and add topic, faculty advisor, or course title.
  • HLS Seminar Papers Note that these include legal research pathfinders produced for the Advanced Legal Research course when taught by Virginia Wise.

Prize Papers

HLS has many endowed prizes for student papers and essays. There are currently 16 different writing prizes. See this complete descriptive list with links to lists of winners from 2009 to present. Note that there is not always a winner each year for each award. Prize winners are announced each year in the commencement pamphlet.

The Library has not specifically collected prize papers over the years but has added copies when possible. The HOLLIS record for the paper will usually indicate its status as a prize paper. The most recent prize paper was added to the collection in 2006.

Addison Brown Prize Animal Law & Policy Program Writing Prize Victor Brudney Prize Davis Polk Legal Profession Paper Prize Roger Fisher and Frank E.A. Sander Prize Yong K. Kim ’95 Memorial Prize Islamic Legal Studies Program Prize on Islamic Law Laylin Prize LGBTQ Writing Prize Mancini Prize Irving Oberman Memorial Awards John M. Olin Prize in Law and Economics Project on the Foundations of Private Law Prize Sidney I. Roberts Prize Fund Klemens von Klemperer Prize Stephen L. Werner Prize

  • Harvard Law School Prize Essays (1850-1868) A historical collection of handwritten prize essays covering the range of topics covered at that time. See this finding aid for a collection description.

The following information about online repositories is not a recommendation or endorsement to participate.

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses HLS is not an institutional participant to this collection. If you are interested in submitting your work, refer to these instructions and note that there is a fee required, which varies depending on the format of submission.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations Relatively new, this is an open repository of metadata for dissertations. It is an outgrowth of the index American Doctoral Dissertations. The aim is to cover 1933 to present and, for modern works, to link to full text available in institutional repositories. Harvard is not one of the institutional participants.
  • DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard

Sponsored by Harvard University’s Office for Scholarly Communication, this is an open repository for research papers by members of the Harvard community. See more information about the project. 

Some HLS students have submitted their degree paper to DASH.  If you would like to submit your paper, you may use this authorization form  or contact June Casey , Librarian for Open Access Initiatives and Scholarly Communication at Harvard Law School.

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (Harvard Login) Covers dissertations and masters' theses from North American graduate schools and many worldwide. Provides full text for many since the 1990s and has descriptive data for older works.
  • NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Union Catalog Worldwide in scope, NDLTD contains millions of records of electronic theses and dissertations from the early 1900s to the present.
  • Law Commons of the Digital Commons Network The Law Commons has dissertations and theses, as well as many other types of scholarly research such as book chapters and conference proceedings. They aim to collect free, full-text scholarly work from hundreds of academic institutions worldwide.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations Doctoral dissertations from many institutions. Free, open repository.
  • Dissertations from Center for Research Libraries Dissertations found in this resource are available to the Harvard University Community through Interlibrary Loan.
  • British Library EThOS Dissertation source from the British Library listing doctoral theses awarded in the UK. Some available for immediate download and some others may be requested for scanning.
  • BASE from Bielefeld University Library Index of the open repositoris of most academic institutions. Includes many types of documents including doctoral and masters theses.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 8:59 AM
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Legal Method, Research and Writing

  • Academic Writing in Law
  • Legal Research Basics
  • Law Database Guides
  • Referencing in Law
  • Other Research Resources for Law

Email Ettiquette

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  • Don't use an unprofessional email address
  • Start with a new e-mail
  • Include an appropriate subject heading
  • Write a salutation
  • Write well!  
  • Provide context and background information
  • Write a clear and concise message
  • Sign your name
  • Proofread the e-mail
  • Allow adequate time for a reply
  • Writing Professional Emails More detailed advice about how to write emails to academic staff

Academic Writing and Research in Law

  • UTS Guide to Writing in Law A highly recommended helpful and comprehensive guide to writing law papers.
  • Monash University Guide to Writing in Law Law writing guide with helpful Q&A's and tips for planning out case argumentation.
  • University of Queensland Legal Research Essentials Introduction to Legal Research by The University of Queensland, Australia

Other Help:

  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarising The basic differences in how to writes quotes, how to write paraphrases, and how to write summaries of the sources you find.

Basic Rules

Academic and professional legal writing requires you to develop an argument and demonstrate relationships between the ideas you are expressing. 

Therefore, the ability to express yourself clearly and accurately is important.  Here you will find information to help you improve your writing for any purpose in your law degree.

Academic writing in law is:

sample of research paper in law

Academic writing in law does not:   

sample of research paper in law

Steps to Writing a Law Essay

Throughout your law degree, you will be expected to write a range of different texts, including research essays, responses to problem questions, and case notes.

Not matter the type of text you are asked to produce for an assignment, make sure you follow these steps:

  • Plan :  read the questions carefully and think about how you will answer it
  • Research :  read, read and read! Make use of everything available to you - don't forget the library!
  • Make thorough notes : include all important (and relevant) details and quotes and take note of the source. Make sure you organise your notes so as to make the writing task easier
  • Write the first draft :  before you start writing your first draft, refer back to your initial plan and make any necessary changes now you have done your research and gathered your notes. 
  • Review and edit :  remember to proofread your work!

The IRAC Method

IRAC is an acronym that stands for: Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion. It functions as a methodology for legal analysis and is used as a framework for organising your answer to an essay question in law school.

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In legal writing, issues are the core of the essay.

This part of the essay should:

  • Identify and state the issue
  • Name those involved (plaintiff and defendant) and briefly describe their individual issues
  • Work out what body of law may govern the resolution of the issue (e.g. Contract Law)

The rule describes which law applies to the issue. The rule should be stated as a general principle, and not a conclusion to the particular case being briefed.

  • Outline the legal principles that will be used to address to the issue
  • Source legal principles from cases and legislation

The application is the most important and longest part of your answer. It involves applying the Rule to the facts of the issue and demonstrating how those facts do or do not meet the requirements laid down by the rules. Discuss both sides of the case when possible.

  • Explain why the plaintiff's claims are or are not justified
  • Identify how the law will be used by the plaintiff and defendant to argue their case
  • Use relevant cases and legal principles to support your writing
  • Do not try to strengthen your argument by leaving out elements or facts that will hurt it

As with all essays, the conclusion is a statement that identifies your answer to the issue.

  • Identify what the result of your argument ir, or what it should be
  • State who is liable for what and to what extent
  • Consider how the plaintiff and defendant could have acted to avoid this legal issue

Useful Links:

  • UWA IRAC Guide This guide from the University of Western Australia offers examples of how the IRAC method can be applied to different cases.
  • Law School Survival: The IRAC Method A useful site that presents a detailed outline of the IRAC method as well as skeleton outlines.

Law Writing Media

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Law Research Paper Topics: Exploring Legal Frontiers


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Pick a Legal Research Topic?
  • 2.1 Civil Rights Topics of Law
  • 2.2 Business Law Topics for Research Papers
  • 2.3 Banking and Finance Law Topics
  • 2.4 Constitutional Law Research Paper Topics
  • 2.5 Criminal Law Topics for Essays
  • 2.6 International Law Research Topics
  • 2.7 Employment Law Research Paper Topics
  • 2.8 Family Law Legal Topics to Write About
  • 2.9 Environmental Law Research Paper Topics
  • 2.10 Animal Law Topics to Research
  • 2.11 Artificial Intelligence Law
  • 2.12 Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
  • 2.13 Medical Ethics and Health Law

Delving into law topics for research paper can be as challenging as rewarding. Crafting a paper that informs and engages requires a nuanced approach to selecting an intriguing and substantive subject. Many themes await scholarly exploration in legal studies, from the ever-evolving landscape of civil rights to the intricate nuances of international law. This guide aims to illuminate the path for students and researchers, providing a scaffold to build a compelling narrative around legal inquiries that resonate with contemporary issues and academic rigors.

How to Pick a Legal Research Topic?

Selecting topics for law research paper is an exercise of intellectual curiosity and scholarly contribution. Start with what piques your interest – issues you find yourself drawn to or questioning. Assess their impact on society and their place within academic discourse. Dive into the latest legal journals and case studies to uncover fresh perspectives and uncharted areas of law. Engage with your academic circle to sharpen your topic, ensuring it’s manageable and substantive. Choose a subject that promises a rich exploration and genuinely enthuses you. Your enthusiasm will drive the comprehensive analysis and persuasive arguments that will distinguish your work.

Writing a law research paper requires precision and in-depth analysis. If you’re looking for expert assistance to ensure your paper is well-written and thoroughly researched, consider using the best research paper writing service to help you achieve academic success.

List of Law Topics for Research Paper

Well-chosen legal research topics can set your law research paper apart. Consider these avenues: the legal ramifications of artificial intelligence, privacy laws in the digital age, the intersection of mental health and criminal defense, or the evolving landscape of international trade law.

Civil Rights Topics of Law

Civil rights law continues to evolve as society changes. These topics delve into how worldwide legal systems address new civil rights challenges.

  • Analyzing the Efficacy of Affirmative Action in the 21st Century
  • Voter ID Laws: Ensuring Integrity or Suppressing Rights?
  • The Legal Battle Over LGBTQ+ Adoption Rights
  • Disability Rights in Employment: A Legal Review
  • The Impact of Racial Profiling on Civil Liberties
  • Free Speech in the Digital Age: A Legal Perspective
  • Religious Apparel in the Workplace: A Civil Rights Analysis
  • The Evolution of Gender Equality Laws in Sports
  • Policing the Police: Legal Responses to Excessive Force
  • Housing Discrimination and the Law: Current Challenges

Business Law Topics for Research Papers

Business law topics examine the complex and dynamic relationship between the law and business practices in the modern economy.

  • Navigating Intellectual Property Rights in Global Trade
  • Legal Strategies for Preventing Corporate Espionage
  • Antitrust Laws and Big Tech: A Modern Analysis
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Legal Implications and Benefits
  • The Legality of Non-Compete Clauses in Employee Contracts
  • Cross-Border Mergers: Legal Challenges and Strategies
  • Legal Pitfalls in Online Business Ventures
  • Environmental Regulations Impacting Business Operations
  • Whistleblower Protections in the Corporate Sector
  • Arbitration vs. Litigation in Business Disputes

Banking and Finance Law Topics

These controversial topics in law explore the intricate legal frameworks that govern the ever-evolving financial and banking sectors worldwide.

  • Cryptocurrency Regulation: Legal Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Legality of High-Frequency Trading Practices
  • International Banking Laws Against Money Laundering
  • Consumer Protection in Online Banking Services
  • Legal Aspects of Crowdfunding Investments
  • Insider Trading Laws: An International Perspective
  • The Role of Law in Preventing Financial Crises
  • Sovereign Debt Disputes and International Law
  • Regulation of Derivatives: Legal Perspectives
  • Implementing Basel III Standards: A Legal Approach

Constitutional Law Research Paper Topics

Constitutional law remains a cornerstone in legal discussions, with these topics focusing on its application in current societal debates.

  • Same-Sex Marriage and Constitutional Law Developments
  • The Second Amendment: A Modern Legal Analysis
  • Freedom of the Press vs. National Security Concerns
  • Constitutional Changes in the Era of Digital Privacy
  • Legal Interpretations of Executive Powers in the 21st Century
  • The Constitutionality of Drone Surveillance
  • Separation of Church and State in Contemporary Legal Cases
  • Affirmative Action and Equal Protection Under Law
  • The Role of Judicial Review in Modern Governance
  • Eminent Domain: Balancing Public Interest and Private Rights

Criminal Law Topics for Essays

Criminal law topics for research paper reflect the complexities of maintaining justice and order in society while protecting the rights of the accused.

  • Decriminalization of Drug Use: A Legal Perspective
  • Cyberstalking Laws and Victim Protection
  • The Legal Response to White-Collar Crime in the Digital Age
  • Criminal Justice Reform and Rehabilitation Programs
  • The Death Penalty: A Comparative Legal Study
  • Forensic Science in Criminal Trials: Legal Considerations
  • Juvenile Delinquency: Legal Interventions and Outcomes
  • Legal Defenses in High-Profile Criminal Cases
  • Human Trafficking and International Criminal Law
  • Sentencing Guidelines: A Critical Legal Review

International Law Research Topics

International law governs the conduct of states and international organizations, presenting a range of topics for exploration in this globalized world.

  • The Law of the Sea: Navigating Maritime Disputes
  • International Humanitarian Law in Modern Warfare
  • The Legal Framework of Global Climate Agreements
  • Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: A Legal Quandary
  • The Role of the International Criminal Court
  • Trade Sanctions and International Law
  • Sovereignty vs. Human Rights: Legal Conflicts on the Global Stage
  • Legal Mechanisms for Protecting Endangered Species Internationally
  • The Legality of Unilateral Military Interventions
  • Diplomatic Immunity: Principles and Controversies

Employment Law Research Paper Topics

Employment law covers the rights and duties between employers and workers, and the topics showcase how these adapt to modern trends.

  • Legal Implications of Remote Work Policies
  • Discrimination Law in the Gig Economy
  • Sexual Harassment Laws in the Workplace
  • Workers’ Rights in the Age of Automation
  • The Legalities of Employee Surveillance
  • Unionization in the Tech Industry: A Legal Review
  • Minimum Wage Laws and Economic Impact
  • Occupational Safety Laws and Their Enforcement
  • Employee Privacy Rights Against Corporate Interests
  • Age Discrimination in Hiring Practices


Family Law Legal Topics to Write About

Family law is central to society’s fabric, and these topics address the legal complexities of family relationships and their protection under the law.

  • The Legal Status of Surrogacy Across Different Jurisdictions
  • Child Custody Laws and the Best Interests of the Child
  • Legal Challenges in Cross-Border Adoption
  • Divorce Law and the Division of Assets
  • Domestic Violence and Protective Order Efficacy
  • The Rights of Unmarried Couples Under Law
  • Paternity Laws and Disputes
  • Legal Implications of Parental Alienation
  • Same-Sex Couple Rights in Family Law
  • Child Support Enforcement Across Borders

Environmental Law Research Paper Topics

Environmental law aims to reconcile economic growth with the need to protect the environment, offering a range of pertinent research topics.

  • Legal Strategies for Combating Deforestation
  • Clean Air Act: A Legal Evaluation
  • The Role of Law in Protecting Endangered Species
  • Water Rights and Legal Disputes
  • Environmental Impact Assessments: Legal Requirements and Outcomes
  • Fracking Laws and Community Health Concerns
  • Climate Change Litigation and Corporate Accountability
  • Waste Management Laws and Policies
  • Legal Remedies for Oil Spill Disasters
  • Renewable Energy Laws and Sustainable Development

Animal Law Topics to Research

Animal research topics in law are an emerging field examining how the legal system addresses the complex issues related to animal rights and welfare.

  • Legal Protections for Wildlife in Urban Areas
  • The Legality of Animal Testing in Cosmetic Industries
  • Endangered Species Act: Legal Successes and Challenges
  • Animal Welfare Laws in Agricultural Practices
  • Legal Rights of Animals in Entertainment
  • Pet Ownership Disputes and the Law
  • The Trade of Exotic Animals: Legal and Ethical Dimensions
  • Animal Cruelty Laws and Enforcement Issues
  • Service Animals and Disability Rights
  • Wildlife Trafficking and International Law

Artificial Intelligence Law

Artificial intelligence law ideas for students examine the intersection of rapidly advancing technology and existing legal frameworks, a field ripe for academic inquiry.

  • Autonomous Vehicles and Liability Laws
  • AI in Healthcare: Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Intellectual Property Rights for AI Creations
  • Legal Personhood for AI: A Futuristic Debate
  • AI and Privacy Laws: Adapting to New Realities
  • AI in the Courtroom: Legal Implications
  • Bias in AI Decision-Making and the Law
  • Regulation of AI in Financial Services
  • AI and Employment Law: Shifting Paradigms
  • AI in National Security: Legal Frameworks


Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Data privacy and cybersecurity trending legal topics deal with the challenges of protecting personal information in the digital realm, a vital concern for governments, corporations, and individuals.

  • The Right to be Forgotten in the Digital Age
  • Cross-Border Data Transfer Laws
  • Cybersecurity Laws and the Protection of Critical Infrastructure
  • Legal Responses to Data Breaches
  • Data Privacy Laws for Children and Adolescents
  • Encryption Laws and National Security
  • Legal Implications of Biometric Data Use
  • Cyberbullying and Legal Recourse
  • Consumer Data Rights and Corporate Responsibilities
  • The GDPR: A Model for Global Data Privacy Laws

Medical Ethics and Health Law

Medical ethics and health law address the sensitive and often controversial legal issues that arise in the provision and management of healthcare.

  • End-of-Life Decision-Making and Legal Rights
  • Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act: A Legal Analysis
  • Legalities of Alternative Medicine Practices
  • Vaccine Mandates and Public Health Law
  • Mental Health Law and Patient Autonomy
  • Reproductive Rights and the Law
  • Legal Aspects of Organ Donation and Transplantation
  • Medical Malpractice: Prevention and Litigation
  • Health Insurance Laws and Access to Care
  • The Legalities of Medical Confidentiality

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Seminar Paper Research

  • Topic Selection
  • Preemption Checking
  • Guides to Academic Legal Writing
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • Evaluating Authority
  • Writing the Abstract
  • Problems in Constitutional Law Seminar Resources
  • Food Law and Policy
  • Gender and Criminal Justice Resources
  • Equality and Sports

Tips for Writing an Abstract

The abstract is a succinct description of your paper, and the first thing after your title that people read when they see your paper. Try to make it capture the reader's interest.

Outline of Abstract:

Paragraph 1

  • Sentence 1: One short sentence, that uses active verbs and states the current state of things on your topic.
  • Sentence 2: Describe the problem with the situation described in sentence one, possibly including a worst-case-scenario for what will happen if things continue in their current state.
  • Sentence 3: In one sentence, describe your entire paper--what needs to be done to correct the problem from Sentence 1 and avoid the disaster from Sentence 2?
  • Sentence 4: What has been written about this? If there is a common consensus among legal scholars, what is it? (Note any major scholars who espouse this vision).
  • Sentence 5: What are those arguments missing?

Paragraph 2 :

  • Sentence 1-3: How would you do it differently? Do you have a theoretical lens that you are applying in a new way? 
  • Sentence 4: In one sentence, state the intellectual contribution that your paper makes, identifying the importance of your paper.

(from " How to Write a Good Abstract for a Law Review Article ," The Faculty Lounge, 2012).

Sample Student Abstracts

The following abstracts are from student-written articles published in Law Reviews and Journals. These abstracts are from articles that were awarded a Law-Review Award by Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers . You can find more examples of student-written articles by searching the Law Journal Library in HeinOnline for the phrase "J.D. Candidate."

Mary E. Marshall, Miller v. Alabama and the Problem of Prediction, 119 Colum. L. Rev. 1633 (2019).  ​

Mary E. Marshall, Miller v. Alabama and the Problem of Prediction, 119 Colum. L. Rev. 1633 (2019) .

sample of research paper in law

Joseph DeMott, Rethinking Ashe v. Swenson from an Originalist Perspective, 71 Stan. L. Rev. 411 (2019)

sample of research paper in law

Julie Lynn Rooney, Going Postal: Analyzing the Abuse of Mail Covers Under the Fourth Amendment, 70 Vand. L. Rev. 1627 (2017).

sample of research paper in law

Michael Vincent, Computer-Managed Perpetual Trusts, 51 Jurimetrics J. 399 (2011).

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Stanford Law School's Theses and Dissertations Collection

  • Early Thesis and Dissertation of Stanford Law School, 1929 to 1956
  • Theses and Dissertations of Stanford Law School,1970-1995
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies’ Theses, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Law School’s Dissertations, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies Theses, 2011 to 2025

Collection Description

This collection contains Stanford Law School Students’ theses and dissertations written to fulfill the academic requirements for advanced degrees.   Historically, the collection of Theses and Dissertations were produced as part of the requirement coursework for receiving a Master of Laws (1933-1969), a Juris Doctor (1906-1932), or a Doctor of Jurisprudence.  

Currently, works received from students are produced under two different graduate programs.  Thesis are works were produced as part of the requirement for the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS). SPILS was established in 1995 by Professors Lawrence Friedman and Thomas C. Heller, to educate international students, lawyers, judges, public officials, and other professionals trained in the study of law outside the United States.  Students in the SPILS Program are required to do interdisciplinary research that affects the global community.  The culmination of this program is a research project that each individual student develops over the course of the year under a faculty advisor, after which the earns a Master of the Science of Law degree.  The research project must demonstrate the student's ability to employ empirical methods of investigation and must addresses issues in the international community or within a specific country.  These can cover a large range of topics that analyze legal cultures, legal reforms, or public policy.  

Dissertations are produced under Doctor of Science of Law program or JSD.  The JSD program as we know it was revised for the Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1969 is designed for students who are interested in pursuing an academic career. Doctor of Science of Law Students are selected from the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies and those who have a postgraduate degree in Legal Studies.

All materials in this collection were donated by individual authors to the Stanford Law Library's Special Collections.

Collection Identity Number: LAW-3781

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University of Bristol Law School

Law working papers series.

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Welcome to the Bristol Law Working Papers Series. The series publishes a broad range of legal scholarship in all subject areas from members of the University of Bristol Law School. All papers are published electronically and available to download as pdf files.

Working papers

Going forward by staying put: the political economy of stabilizing trade agreements and initiatives (pdf, 1,533kb).

Author: Christian Delev

This article examines the emerging practice of states entering into trade agreements or negotiating initiatives which sustain parties’ existing market access commitments and ‘behind-the-border’ regulatory barriers to trade.

The Legal Status and Targeting of Hacker Groups in the Russia-Ukraine Cyber Conflict (PDF, 1,750kB)

Author: Giacomo Biggio

The armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been characterized by a considerable number of cyber operations. This article considers the legal status of hacker groups and individuals who have conducted cyber operations in support of Ukraine and the legality of targeting of individuals who directly participate in hostilities.

Migration and Work in the Post-Brexit UK (PDF, 1,603kB)

Authors: Manoj Dias-Abey and Katie Bales

This briefing paper examines the major labour migration pathways in the new post-Brexit migration system that came into force on 1 January 2021.

Default Norms in Labour Law- From Private Right to Public Law (PDF, 1,525kB)

Author: Alan Bogg

How far can the common law limit freedom of contract in employment contracts? This paper considers the limits of freedom of contract in relation to (i) contracting out of employment status; (ii) contracting out of implied terms. It argues that public policy can impose necessary limits on the employer's contractual powers.

Exceptions and Regulatory Autonomy (PDF, 1,504kB)

Author: Joshua Paine

This paper provides a comparative overview and analysis of exceptions commonly included in Preferential Trade Agreements.

An Analysis of the UK–Australia FTA’s Investment Chapter (PDF, 630kB) Author: Joshua Paine

A Kantian moral cosmopolitan approach to teaching professional legal ethics (PDF, 693kB) Author: Omar Madhloom

COVID-19 at Work: How risk is assessed & its consequences in England & Sweden (PDF, 837kB) A‌uthors: Peter Andersson and Tonia Novitz

Capturing the value of community fuel poverty alleviation (PDF, 1,891kB) Authors: Colin Nolden, Daniela Rossade and Peter Thomas

Bridging the Spaces in-between? The IWGB and Strategic Litigation (PDF, 522kB)  Author: Manoj Dias-Abey

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  2. Writing a law school research paper or law review note

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    The following abstracts are from student-written articles published in Law Reviews and Journals. These abstracts are from articles that were awarded a Law-Review Award by Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers.You can find more examples of student-written articles by searching the Law Journal Library in HeinOnline for the phrase "J.D. Candidate."

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  23. Stanford Law School's Theses and Dissertations Collection

    Collection Description. This collection contains Stanford Law School Students' theses and dissertations written to fulfill the academic requirements for advanced degrees. Historically, the collection of Theses and Dissertations were produced as part of the requirement coursework for receiving a Master of Laws (1933-1969), a Juris Doctor (1906 ...

  24. Law Working Papers Series

    This paper considers the limits of freedom of contract in relation to (i) contracting out of employment status; (ii) contracting out of implied terms. It argues that public policy can impose necessary limits on the employer's contractual powers. Exceptions and Regulatory Autonomy (PDF, 1,504kB) Author: Joshua Paine.