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Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech

reported speech class 5 worksheet with answers

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Speech) updated for session 2024-25. State boards and CBSE students can take the benefits of these contents clearing their doubts. Lots of illustrations are given for practice the concepts.

Class 5 English Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect)

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Class: 5English Grammar
Chapter: 7Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect)

The following paragraphs illustrate the two ways in which we can report the words of a speaker.

  • 1. Teacher said, “Have you done your homework?” Student said, “Sorry, teacher, I could not complete it.” Teacher said, “Why couldn’t you complete your homework? Now get out of my class!”
  • 2. The teacher asked the student if he had done his homework. The student apologised that he could not do his homework. On knowing this, the teacher angrily asked him the reason for not doing the homework and asked him to get out of the class.

In 1, we give the exact words used by the speaker. This is called the Direct Speech. In 2, we do not give the exact words of the speaker but give only the substance of what he said. This is called the Indirect Speech or Narration.

The following rules will help you in changing Direct Speech into Indirect: Rule 1: If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is not changed at all. Direct: Meena says, “There is no water in the jug.” Indirect: Meena says that there is no water in the jug.

Rule 2: If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is also in the Past Tense. The matter inside the inverted comma will change as under. 1. The Simple Present becomes the Simple Past; as: Direct: Teacher said, “Kitty works very hard.” Indirect: Teacher said that Kitty worked very hard.

Rule 3: (Exception to Rule 2.) If the reported speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then the Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past, but remains unchanged. Direct: The Mother Teresa said, “Charity begins at home.” Indirect: The Mother Teresa said that Charity begins at home.

Rule 4: Students may carefully note the following in order to understand the change of persons. First Person is changed into the person of the subject. Second Person is changed into the person of the object. For the Third Person, there is no change.

Rule 5: In the Reported Speech ‘said to’ changes to “told”, thus: Direct: He said to me, “I will go there tomorrow.” Indirect: He told me that he would go there the next day.

Rule 6: In the Reported Speech the words expressing nearness are changed into words expressing distance or remoteness, thus: ex.: This- changes into- that

words expressing nearness words expressing distance or remoteness
This that
These those
Here there
Now then
Today that day
Tomorrow the next day
words expressing nearness words expressing distance or remoteness
Yesterday the previous day or the day before
Last night the previous night or the night before
Ago before
Just then
Come go
Next month the following month.

What is reported speech and its type in Chapter 7 Class 5 English Grammar?

Reported speech is the way we can express our thoughts. There are two type of reported speeches: (i). Direct Speech (ii). Indirect speech

What is the main difference between direct and indirect speeches in Class 5 Grammar Chapter 7?

Direct speech: in the direct speech sentences we give the exact words used by the speaker. This is called the Direct Speech. Ex.: Meena says, “There is no water in the jug.” Indirect speech: in the indirect speech sentences we do not give the exact words of the speaker but give only the substance of what he said. This is called the Indirect Speech or Narration. Ex.: Meena says that there is no water in the jug.

What is the indirect form of Present Perfect in 5th Grammar Chapter 7?

The Present Perfect becomes the Past Perfect; when sentence changes from direct speech to indirect speech. Ex.: Direct: Srikant said. “Mini has done his work.” Indirect: Srikant said that Mini had done his work.

In what condition Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past in Class 5 Grammar?

If the reported speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then the Simple Present in the Reported Speech is not changed into the corresponding Simple Past, but remains unchanged. Ex.: Direct: The Mother Teresa said, “Charity begins at home.” Indirect: The Mother Teresa said that Charity begins at home.

Class 5 Grammar Chapter 7 Reported Speech

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English Worksheet for CBSE Class 5 Direct and Indirect Speech Questions with Answer Download free PDF

Direct and indirect speech.

Direction: Change the narration of the following sentences from Direct to Indirect speech.

Q1. Rosa asked Jose, "Have you been studying English very long?"

(a) Rosa asked Jose when do you study English.

(b) Rosa asked Jose if he had studied English.

(c) Rosa asked Jose if he had been studying English very long.

(d) Rosa asked Jose if he was studying English very long.

Q2. Samira asked me, "May I borrow your English dictionary?"

(a) Samira asked me if she may borrow my English dictionary.

(b) Samira asked me if she might borrow my English dictionary

(c) Samira asked me if I could borrow her English dictionary.

(d) Samira asked me if I had borrowed her English dictionary

Q3. Monica Cheng asked Roeun, "Are you going to visit Cambodia?"

(a) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he is going to visit Cambodia.

(b) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had visited Cambodia.

(c) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he had gone to Cambodia,

(d) Monica Cheng asked Roeun if he was going to visit Cambodia.

Q4. The teacher said to the students, "Stand up on the bench.??

(a) The teacher told the students that stand up on the bench.

(b) The teacher ordered the students that stood up on the bench.

(c) The teacher ordered the students to stand up on the bench.

(d) The teacher advised the students to stood up on the bench.

Q5. The teacher said, 'don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday?.

(a) The teacher asked to us to don't come to school on Monday because it is a holiday.

(b) The teacher asked if we were coming to school on Monday because it is holiday.

(c) The teacher told to us don't come in school on Monday because it is a holiday.

(d) The teacher told to us don't come in school on Monday because it is a holiday.

Q6. The teacher said, ? Review exercises two and three for the test.?

(a) The teacher told us to review exercises two and three for the test.

(b) The teacher told to us review exercises two and three for the test.

(c) The teacher asked if we were going to review exercises two and three for the test.

(d) The teacher said us to review exercises two and three for their test.

Q7. Anne said, ?Don?t listed to Mr. bascomb because he is not an honest person.?

(a) Anne asked to us not to listed to me. bascomb because he is not an honest person.

(b) Anne said that Mr. bascomb is not an honest person.

(c) Anne said not to listed to Mr. barcomb because he is not an honest person.

(d) Anne told to us to don't listed to Mr. bascomb because he Is not an honest person.

Q8. Mr. bascomb said, 'Don't vote for otitis because he doesn't want to build factories.?

(a) Mr. bascomb Said not to vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories.

(b) Mr. bascomb asked to don't vote for Otis because he don't want to build factories.

(c) Mr. Bascomb told to us not to vote for Otis because he is not wanting to build factories.

(d) Mr. Bascomb said to us to don't vote for Otis because he had not wanted to build factories.

Q9. Olena said to Martha "You should visit Russia in the summer.'

(a) Olena asked Martha if she was visiting Russia in the summer.

(b) Olena told Martha that she should visit Russia in the summer.

(c) Olena told Martha if she should visit Russia in the summer

(d) Olena asked Martha where she should Visit in Russia this summer

Q10. Harold said, "Don't bring sodas near the computers!"

(a) Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers.

(b) Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers.

(c) Harold told to us that we had brimmed sodas near the computers.

(d) Harold said not to bring sodas near the computers.

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CBSE Class 5 English Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet PDF

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English - Class 5

reported speech class 5 worksheet with answers

Topic outline

Direct and Indirect Speech

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We can report the words of a speaker in two ways:

      1.    By repeating the exact words used by the speaker.

      2.    By reporting only the material of what he said.  

Now read the following sentences.

      1.    Ram said , “ Anand is a good boy .”

      2.    Ram said that Anand was a good boy.

In the first sentence , we repeat, or quote, the exact words spoken by the speaker. This is called Direct Speech or Narration . Here we put the exact words of the speaker within quotation marks (" ") and we place a colon after 'said'. We write first word inside the quotation marks with a capital letter.

A comma is placed after the Reporting Verb to separate it from the second part of the sentence. In the first sentence, “ said ” is called the reporting verb, and “ Anand is a good boy .” is called the Reported Speech.

In the second sentence , we do not give the exact words of the speaker but give only the substance of what he said. This is called Indirect Speech or Narration .

In Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech ), we do not use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word. Here colon is not used after said. Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. The Verb ‘is’ is changed to was. (The Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech is changed from the Present to the Past.). Here the Reported Speech is introduced by the Conjunction ‘that’.

Rules For Changing Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

Rule 1: If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is not changed at all. In other words, if in direct speech we find say, says or will say then we will not change the tense of the verb inside the quotation marks.

Here are some examples:

Direct Speech - Dia says, “There is no water in the glass.”

Indirect Speech - Dia says that there is no water in the glass.

Direct Speech - Ram will say, “Nobody was in the auditorium.”

Indirect Speech - Ram will say that nobody was in the auditorium.

Direct Speech - The tutor will say, “Hari will pass the entrance exam.”

Indirect Speech - The tutor will say that Hari will pass the entrance exam.

Direct Speech - She says, “Meena likes chicken curry.”

Indirect Speech - She says that Meena likes chicken curry.

Rule 2: If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the Verb in the Reported Speech is also changed to the Past Tense. In other word, if in direct speech we find reporting verb “said” then we will change the tense of the verb inside the quotation marks to the past tense.

      1.    The Simple Present becomes the Simple Past.

Direct Speech - Tia said, “Neena works very hard.”

Indirect Speech - Tia said that Neena worked very hard.

Direct Speech - She said, "It is cold outside."

Indirect Speech - She said it was cold outside.

      2.    The Present Continuous becomes the Past Continuous.

Direct Speech - He said, "I visited Delhi last year”

Indirect Speech - He said that he had visited Delhi the previous year.

Direct Speech - Meera said, "I'm teaching French online."

Indirect Speech - Meera said she was teaching French online.

      3.    The Present Perfect becomes the Past Perfect.

Direct Speech - Anu said, "I have lived here for a long time.”

Indirect Speech - Anu said that she had lived there for a long time.

Direct Speech - Meena said, “Kapil has written the article.”

Indirect Speech - Meena said that Kapil had written the article.

      4.    May is changed into might; can is changed into could.

Direct Speech - He said, “Rahul may clear the exam.”

Indirect Speech - He said that Rahul might clear the exam.

Direct Speech - I said, “I can solve this problem.”

Indirect Speech - I said that I could solve this problem.

      5.    The Simple Past becomes the Past Perfect.

Direct Speech - Dev,”Avi reached at night.”

Indirect Speech - Dev said that Avi had reached at night.

Direct Speech - He said, “She came at 11 a.m. in the morning.”

Indirect Speech - He said that she had come at 11 a.m. in the morning.

      6.    The Past Continuous becomes the Past Perfect Continuous.

Direct Speech - Ravi said, “All were looking at the magician.”

Indirect Speech - Ravi said that all had been looking at the magician.

Direct Speech - Jimmy said, “All the boys were shouting.”

Indirect Speech - Jimmy said that all the boys had been shouting.

      7.    Shall is changed into should; will is changed into would.

Direct Speech - Radha said, "I will open the door."

Indirect Speech - Radha said that she would open the door.

Direct Speech - I said, “I shall try to assist her.”

Indirect Speech - I said that I should try to assist her.

Rule 3: If in direct speech the Reported Speech contains some universal or habitual fact, then we will follow RULE ONE or in other words the tense inside the quotation marks remains unchanged.

Direct Speech - Ravi said, “Everything happens for a reason.”

Indirect Speech - Ravi said that everything happens for a reason.

Direct Speech - Teacher said, “The moon moves round the earth.”

Indirect Speech - Teacher said that the moon moves round the earth.

Direct Speech - She said, “God is never in hurry, but he is always on time.”

Indirect Speech - She said that God is never in hurry, but he is always on time.

Direct Speech - The teacher said,” The sun rises in the east”

Indirect Speech - The teacher said the sun rises in the east.

Rule 4: Pronouns of the First Person in Direct Speech are changed in indirect Speech to the same person as the subject of the introductory verb.

Direct Speech - Tia said, “I am tired.”

Indirect Speech - John said that I was tired.

Direct Speech - Sita said, “I have done my homework.”

Indirect Speech - Sita said that she had done her homework.

Direct Speech - He said, “I shall do my best.”

Indirect Speech - He said that he would do his best.

Direct Speech - He said, “I will not come.”

Indirect Speech - He said that he would not go there.

Direct Speech - I said, “The little boy calls me.”

Indirect Speech - I said that the little boy called me.

Rule 5: Pronouns of the Second Person in Direct Speech are changed in Indirect Speech to the same person as the noun or pronoun which comes after the introductory verb.

Direct Speech - Heera said to me, “You are genius.”

Indirect Speech - Heera told me that I was genius.

Direct Speech - Avi said to Abhi,”You are a smart boy.”

Indirect Speech - Avi told Abhi that he was a smart boy.

Direct Speech - Sia said to Kareena,”You are a nice girl.”

Indirect Speech - Sia told Kareena that she was a nice girl.

Direct Speech - Tom said to him, “You have not done your assignment.”

Indirect Speech - Tom told him that he had not done his assignment.

Direct Speech - Jimmy said to her, “You have done your job.”

Indirect Speech - Jimmy told her that she had done her job.

Rule 6: Pronouns of the Third Person in Direct Speech remain the same in Indirect Speech.

Direct Speech - Harmeet said to me, “She is not well.”

Indirect Speech - Harmeet told me that she was not well.

Direct Speech - He said to me, “She was correct.”

Indirect Speech - He told me that she was correct.

Direct Speech - Bali said to you, “You are mistaken.”

Indirect Speech - Bali told you that you are mistaken.

Note : - In all the above examples, the verb ‘said’ in Direct Speech becomes ‘told’ in Indirect Speech and the Preposition ‘to’ is omitted.

Rule 7: When turning a sentence from Direct into indirect Speech words showing ‘nearness’ are changed into words showing ‘distance.’ Thus:

Now becomes then.

Here becomes there.

Ago becomes before.

Today becomes before.

This becomes that.

These become those.

Tomorrow becomes the next day.

Yesterday becomes the day before (or the previous day).

Last night becomes the night before (or the previous night).

Direct Speech - Tim said, “I am free now.”

Indirect Speech - Tim said that he was free then.

Direct Speech - He said, “I have seen this woman in the market.”

Indirect Speech - He said that he had seen that woman in the market.

Direct Speech - I said, “These oranges are sour.”

Indirect Speech - I said that those oranges were sour.

Direct Speech - Heena said, “The red basket is here.”

Indirect Speech - Heena said that the red basket was there.

Direct Speech - She said,”Aftab may go tomorrow.”

Indirect Speech - She said that Aftab might go the next day.

Direct Speech - Teacher said, “Today is a sunny day.”

Indirect Speech - Teacher said that day was a sunny day.

Direct Speech - Ram said, “I went to the mall last night.”

Indirect Speech - Ram said that he had gone to the mall the night before.

Direct Speech - She said, “I went to cinema yesterday.”

Indirect Speech - She said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

Rule 8: Commands and Requests

In reporting a Command or a Request in the Indirect Speech, we change the introductory Verb to request, order, command, advice or some other word suiting the sense. Here the verb in Reported Speech is put in the Infinitive.

Direct Speech - I said to Karishma,”Please give me your pen.”

Indirect Speech - I requested Karishma to give me her pen.

Direct Speech - “You must read this article” said the teacher to Riya.

Indirect Speech - Teacher advised Riya to read that article.

Direct Speech - He said to the Principal, “Forgive me.”

Indirect Speech - He begged the Principal to forgive him.

Direct Speech - The teacher said, “Do your best, Radhika.”

Indirect Speech - The teacher advised Radhika to do her best.

Direct Speech - He said, “Listen to me carefully.”

Indirect Speech- He urged them to listen to him carefully.

Rule 9: In reporting question in the Indirect Speech, we change introductory Verb to ask or inquire. We use ‘whether’ or ‘if’ if the interrogative sentence begins with a verb. Here interrogative form is changed into the Declarative form. There is no need to use new connective is used if the interrogative sentence begins with who, whose, whom, which, what, how, when or why.

Direct Speech - He said to me, “Where are you staying in Delhi?”

Indirect Speech - He asked me where I was staying in Delhi.

Direct Speech - Rosy said to her,” How are you doing?”

Indirect Speech - Rosy asked her how she was doing.

Direct Speech - The teacher said to the boy, “Why are you crying?”

Indirect Speech - The teacher asked the boy why he was crying.

Direct Speech - She said to me, “Have you completed your project?”

Indirect Speech - She asked me if I had completed my project.

Direct Speech - Mahesh said to me, “Do you play badminton?”

Indirect Speech - Mahesh asked me whether I played badminton.

Rule 10: Exclamations and Wishes

In reporting an Exclamation or Wish in the Indirect Speech, we omit words showing exclamation such as alas, hurrah, etc. and sign of exclamation. We change the introductory Verb into wish, claim, pray, bless, curse, etc.

Direct Speech - Students said, “Hurrah! We have won the series.”

Indirect Speech - Students exclaimed with joy that they had won the series.

Direct Speech - She said to her, “May you live long!”

Indirect Speech - She wished that she might live long.

Direct Speech - Harish said to her, “My God bless you!”

Indirect Speech - Harish prayed that god might bless her.

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Reported speech worksheet

Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech.

1. The teacher said to the boys, ‘Have you done your homework?’

2. The little girl asked the man, ‘Will you help me?’

3. Janaki said, ‘I have been reading this book.’

4. Mother said to the daughter, ‘Go and change your dress.’

5. Susie said, ‘I had read this book before I gave it to you.’

6. Mike said, ‘I will bring my piano.’

7. The officer told the clerk, ‘Bring me that file.’

8. Jane asked, ‘Have you read that book?’

9. Malathi asked, ‘Where is your watch?’

10. Sophia said, ‘I watched this movie last week.’

11. Mother asked, ‘What is the matter?’

12. Shyam said, ‘I can solve this problem.’

1. The teacher asked the boys if they had done their homework.

2. The little girl asked the man if he would help her.

3. Janaki said that she had been reading that book.

4. Mother told the daughter to go and change her dresses.

5. Susie said that she had read that book before she gave it to me.

6. Mike said that he would bring his piano.

7. The officer told the clerk to bring him that file.

8. Jane asked if I had read that book.

9. Malathi asked where my watch was.

10. Sophia said that she had watched that movie the previous week.

11. Mother asked what the matter was.

12. Shyam said that he could solve that problem .

reported speech class 5 worksheet with answers

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5th Class English Direct and Indirect Speech Question Bank

Done direct and indirect speech total questions - 30.

Question Bank

Select the correct options that show the change from the direct to the indirect speech.

A)  Minu said, "Her house was nearby." done clear

B)  Minu said that my house is nearby. done clear

C)  Minu said that her house was nearby.   done clear

D)  Minu said, "that her house was nearby." done clear

A)  Raju said that "he has many toys." done clear

B)  Raju said that he had many toys.   done clear

C)  Raju said that I have many toys. done clear

D)  Raju said that he has many toys. done clear

A)  Vinni said that she will go to see my grandma tomorrow. done clear

B)  Vinni said, "that she will go to see my grandma tomorrow." done clear

C)  Vinni said that I will go to see my grandma the next day. done clear

D)  Vinni said that she would go to see her grandma the next day.   done clear

A)  Ali said that our English teacher was new. done clear

B)  Ali said that their English teacher was new.   done clear

C)  Ali said, "that our English teacher is new." done clear

D)  Ali said that our English teacher is new. done clear

A)  Hari said that we have a class today. done clear

B)  Hari said, "that they have a class today." done clear

C)  Hari said that they had a class that day.   done clear

D)  Hari said that they have a class this day. done clear

A)  Madhu said that they were learning these grammar rules. done clear

B)  Madhu said that they were learning those grammar rules.   done clear

C)  Madhu said that they are learning those grammar rules. done clear

D)  Madhu said, "that they are learning those grammar rules." done clear

A)  Vani said that she was painting now. done clear

B)  Vani said, "that I am painting the picture now." done clear

C)  Vani said that, "I am painting the picture now." done clear

D)  Vani said that she was painting the picture then.   done clear

A)  Mother said that, "he buys books." done clear

B)  Mother said that he buys books. done clear

C)  Mother said that I bought books. done clear

D)  Mother said that he bought books.   done clear

A)  The boy said that we'll take your book tomorrow. done clear

B)  The boy said that, "they will take their book the next day." done clear

C)  The boy said that they would take her book tomorrow. done clear

D)  The boy said that they would take her book the next day.   done clear

A)  Anu says, "that we lived in the heart of the city. done clear

B)  Anu says that they had lived in the heart of the city. done clear

C)  Anu says that they live in the heart of the city. done clear

D)  Anu said that they lived in the heart of the city.   done clear

Select the correct options that show the change from the Indirect to the Direct speech.

A)  He said, "Your house is nearby." done clear

B)  He said to the teacher that "Your house is nearby." done clear

C)  He said, "My house was nearby." done clear

D)  He said, "My house is nearby."   done clear

A)  Raj Kaur said, "We had a singing clock at home." done clear

B)  Raj Kaur said, "They had a singing clock at home." done clear

C)  Raj Kaur said, "We have a singing clock at home."   done clear

D)  Raj Kaur said, "That we have a singing clock at home." done clear

A)  "I am as wise as his brother," said Ravi. done clear

B)  "I am as wise as my brother," said Ravi.   done clear

C)  "He is as wise as his brother," said Ravi. done clear

D)  "He was as wise as your brother," said Ravi. done clear

A)  Ashok said, "They'll go to the film tomorrow." done clear

B)  Ashok said, "We would go to the film tomorrow." done clear

C)  Ashok said, "We will go to the film the next day." done clear

D)  Ashok said, "We will go to the film tomorrow."   done clear

A)  Vinay said, "Our library had many books." done clear

B)  Vinay said, "Our library has many books."   done clear

C)  Vinay said, "My library had many books." done clear

D)  Vinay said, "Their library has many books." done clear

A)  The newsreader said, "The President was visiting my native place today." done clear

B)  The newsreader said, "The President was visiting his native place today." done clear

C)  The newsreader said, "The President is visiting his native place today."   done clear

D)  The newsreader said, "The President is visiting his native place that day." done clear

A)  Ram's mother said, "She'll take him to the zoo the next day." done clear

B)  Ram's mother said, "that she'll take you to the zoo tomorrow." done clear

C)  Ram's mother said, "I would take you to the zoo tomorrow." done clear

D)  Ram's mother told Ram, "I'll take you to the zoo tomorrow."   done clear

A)  Mohit said, "They are going to Mumbai by air." done clear

B)  Mohit said, "We are going to Mumbai by air."   done clear

C)  Mohit said, "We were going to Mumbai by air." done clear

D)  Mohit said, "We went to Mumbai by air." done clear

A)  Payal said, "I live in a village."   done clear

B)  Payal said me, "I lived in a village." done clear

C)  Payal said to me, "She lived in a village." done clear

D)  Payal told to me, "I live in a village." done clear

A)  Ram said, "I'll present a gift to her." done clear

B)  Ram said, "He'll present a gift to her." done clear

C)  Ram said, "I will present a gift to you."   done clear

D)  Ram said, "I would present a gift to her." done clear

Select the correct options that show the change from the Direct speech to the reported speech.

A)  Vinay said he and Ramu gone to the beach yesterday. done clear

B)  Vinay said that he and Ramu had gone to the beach the day before.   done clear

C)  Ramu and he went to the beach the day before he said. done clear

D)  Vinay said that he and Ramu goes to the beach the day before. done clear

A)  Akhil said that they would go swimming the next day.   done clear

B)  Akhil said that they would go swimming the day before. done clear

C)  they had gone for swimming said Akhil. done clear

D)  Akhil said that they went swimming the day before. done clear

A)  Divya says her mother worked as a pharmacist. done clear

B)  Divya said that her mother is working as a pharmacist. done clear

C)  Divya said that her mother worked as a pharmacist.   done clear

D)  Divya said that her mother works as a pharmacist. done clear

A)  Amith told that he was having dinner when his father came home. done clear

B)  Amith said that he has been having dinner when his father came home. done clear

C)  Amith said that he had dinner when his father came home. done clear

D)  Amith said that he had been having dinner when his father came home.   done clear

A)  Jim said a snake has almost bitten him in the forest the day before. done clear

B)  Jim said that a snake had almost bitten him in the forest the day before.   done clear

C)  A snake almost bit me in the forest the next day said Jim. done clear

D)  Jim says a snake almost bit him in the forest the day before. done clear

A)  Maryam said that their class would start the following week.   done clear

B)  Maryam said that her class would start the following week. done clear

C)  Maryam said that their class will have started the following week. done clear

D)  Maryam said that their class would start the week before. done clear

A)  Rajesh said that they cannot enter the museum without a pass. done clear

B)  Rajesh said that he could not enter the museum without a pass. done clear

C)  Rajesh said that they could not enter the museum without a pass.   done clear

D)  Rajesh said that they will not enter the museum without a pass. done clear

A)  John asked what Kiran was doing.   done clear

B)  John said what Kiran was doing. done clear

C)  John asked what Kiran had been doing. done clear

D)  John asked what Kiran has been doing. done clear

A)  The teacher said to the boy where he was that afternoon. done clear

B)  The teacher asked the boy as to where he had been that afternoon.   done clear

C)  The teacher asked the boy where he has been that afternoon. done clear

D)  Where have you been asked the teacher to the boy. done clear

A)  Kavya told her son to close the windows as it was raining.   done clear

B)  Kavya said to her son to close the windows as it had been raining. done clear

C)  Kavya told her son to close the windows as it had rained. done clear

D)  Kavya told her son to close the windows as it is raining. done clear

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Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets

Sentence Swap Worksheet

Sentence Swap

Speech Selector Worksheet

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Indirect Shift Worksheet

Indirect Shift

Quote Conversion Worksheet

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Speech Facts Worksheet

Speech Facts

Punctuation Check Worksheet

Punctuation Check

Quote Mastery Worksheet

Quote Mastery

Dialogue Rewrite Worksheet

Dialogue Rewrite

Cartoon Quotes Worksheet

Cartoon Quotes

Statement Shifts Worksheet

Statement Shifts

Direct Conversion Worksheet

Direct Conversion

Quote Formatter Worksheet

Quote Formatter

Speech Shift Worksheet

Speech Shift

Winter Words Worksheet

Winter Words

Dialogue Craft Worksheet

Dialogue Craft

About these 15 worksheets.

This series of worksheets is an invaluable resource for teachers and homeschooling parents looking to enhance their students’ understanding of reported speech. These worksheets are thoughtfully designed to be both engaging and educational, providing students with a comprehensive approach to mastering the differences between direct and indirect speech. The collection, available in easy-to-access PDF format, offers a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles, making it an excellent tool for reinforcing this essential grammar concept in a fun and interactive way.

One of the standout features of this collection is its clear and simple explanations that guide students through the nuances of direct and indirect speech. For example, one worksheet starts by introducing the basics of direct speech, where the exact words of a speaker are quoted, and indirect speech, where those words are paraphrased without quotation marks. This foundational knowledge is then applied through exercises that ask students to identify whether a sentence uses direct or indirect speech, providing immediate practice that solidifies their understanding.

The collection also includes worksheets that focus on the practical application of these concepts. In one activity, students are asked to convert direct speech into indirect speech. For instance, a sentence like “Let’s go swimming,” George suggested, would be rewritten as “George suggested that they go swimming.” This exercise not only reinforces the rules of changing pronouns, verb tenses, and time expressions but also encourages students to think critically about how to convey the same meaning without using the speaker’s exact words.

Another engaging activity in this collection involves dialogue rewriting. Students are presented with a short conversation and are tasked with transforming it from direct speech into indirect speech. This type of exercise helps students understand the flow of dialogue and how to maintain the original message while adapting it into a different grammatical structure. It also fosters creativity as students must carefully consider how to rephrase each line while preserving its intent.

The worksheets also include true or false questions that challenge students to test their knowledge of the rules governing direct and indirect speech. These questions cover essential points, such as whether direct speech requires quotation marks and whether indirect speech can change the tense of the original statement. This activity is particularly effective for reinforcing the theoretical aspects of the topic, ensuring that students grasp the underlying rules before moving on to more complex tasks.

In addition to these activities, the collection features worksheets that focus on punctuation, an often overlooked but crucial aspect of direct speech. Students are given sentences and asked to determine whether they are punctuated correctly. This exercise sharpens their attention to detail and reinforces the importance of proper punctuation in conveying clear and accurate speech. By mastering these skills, students gain confidence in their writing and communication abilities.

The visual appeal of these worksheets also deserves mention. Each worksheet is accompanied by engaging illustrations that make the learning process more enjoyable for younger students. For instance, a worksheet might feature a cartoon character speaking a line of dialogue, which students must then convert into indirect speech. These visuals not only make the exercises more fun but also help visual learners better understand and remember the concepts being taught.

The worksheets include exercises that encourage students to think about the context in which direct and indirect speech is used. For example, students might be asked to rewrite a statement from a formal speech into indirect speech, considering the tone and formality required. This helps students understand how the context can influence the choice between direct and indirect speech, making them more versatile communicators.

This worksheet collection provides students with a thorough understanding of reported speech. By combining clear explanations with practical exercises, the worksheets help students grasp the rules of direct and indirect speech, apply them in various contexts, and develop strong communication skills. The variety of activities ensures that students remain engaged and challenged, making the learning process both effective and enjoyable. Whether used in the classroom or at home, these worksheets are an excellent resource for any teacher or parent looking to enhance their students’ grammar skills.

What Is Direct and Indirect Speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of conveying what someone has said, with distinct differences and some similarities. Direct speech involves quoting the exact words of the speaker, typically enclosed in quotation marks, and it maintains the original tense, pronouns, and punctuation used by the speaker. For example, “I am going to the store,” she said. In contrast, indirect speech involves paraphrasing the speaker’s words without using quotation marks, often resulting in changes to pronouns, verb tenses, and time expressions to fit the context of the report. For instance, the previous example in indirect speech would be, “She said that she was going to the store.” Both forms of speech aim to convey the original message, but while direct speech preserves the speaker’s exact words, indirect speech focuses on the meaning and adjusts the language to fit the narrative context. Despite these differences, both forms are used to communicate what someone has said, making them essential tools for reporting speech in various contexts.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.

1.    John said, ‘I am very busy now.’ 2.    He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’ 3.    ‘I know her name and address,’ said John. 4.    ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said. 5.    He said, ‘I am writing letters.’ 6.    ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said. 7.    He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’ 8.    He says, ‘I am glad to be here this evening.’ 9.    He said to me, ‘What are you doing?’ 10.    ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger. 11.    He said, ‘Will you listen to me?’ 12.    John said to Peter, ‘Go away.’ 13.    She said to me, ‘Please wait here till I return.’ 14.    ‘Call the witness,’ said the judge. 15.    The speaker said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’

1.    John said that he was very busy then. 2.    He said that the horse had been fed. 3.    John said that he knew/knows her name and address. (Note that the tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant or if it is a universal truth.) 4.    She said that German is/was easy to learn. 5.    He said that he was writing letters. 6.    Alice said that it was too late to go out. 7.    He told me that he didn’t believe me. OR He said he didn’t believe me. 8.    He says that he is glad to be here this evening. (When the reporting verb is in the present tense, adverbs of time and place do not normally change in indirect speech.) 9.    He asked me what I was doing. 10.    The stranger asked where the post office is/was. 11.    He asked me if I would listen to him. 12.    John ordered Peter to go away. 13.    She asked me to wait there till she returned. 14.    The judge commanded them to call the first witness. 15.    He urged them to be quiet and listen to them.

reported speech class 5 worksheet with answers

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Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet for Class 5 with Answers

We’re talking about Direct and Indirect Worksheet for Class 5. These worksheets help us learn how to talk to others in different ways. They’re super useful for improving grammar skills. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, these worksheets can make learning easier. Thank you!

Answers are given below with each exercise; refer to them to see if your answers are right.

Exercise 1  – Simple Present Tense

Jump ahead to:

Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech

  • Mother said, ”The dinner is ready.”
  • Tom said to me, ”I want to become an engineer.”
  • She said, ”I love this song.”
  • She said, “I enjoy reading books.”
  • He said, “I always eat breakfast at 8 AM.”
  • They said, “We visit our grandparents every weekend.”
  • Mary said, “I like to watch movies on Fridays.”
  • Alex said, “I play the guitar in a band.”
  • He said to me, ”I live in the city center.”
  • She said, ”I don’t want to go.”
  • Mother said that the dinner was ready.
  • Tom told me that he wanted to become an engineer.
  • She said that she loved that song.
  • She said that she enjoyed reading books.
  • He said that he always ate breakfast at 8 AM.
  • They said that they visited their grandparents every weekend.
  • Mary said that she liked to watch movies on Fridays.
  • Alex said that he played the guitar in a band.
  • He told me that he lived in the city center.
  • She said that she didn’t want to go.

Exercise 2  – Present Continuous Tense

  • Deepa said, ”Aakash is playing with his cousin.”
  • Jayesh said to his mother, ”I am feeling an engineer.”
  • My mother said, “I am going to take a short nap.”
  • She said, ”I am going home.”
  • Michael said to Tom, ”My father is helping me in study.”
  • Teacher said, ”I am speaking to the Principal.”
  • They said, ”We are shopping in Khan Market.”
  • He said, ”I am making the map of Pakistan.”
  • Ahmed said, ”I am winding the watch.”
  • The fishermen said, ”We are catching fish.”
  • Deepa said that Aakash was playing with his cousin.
  • Jayesh told his mother that he was feeling like an engineer.
  • My mother said that she was going to take a short nap.
  • She said that she was going home.
  • Michael told Tom that my father was helping him in study.
  • Teacher said that she was speaking to the principal.
  • They said that they were shopping in Khan Market.
  • He said that he was making the map of Pakistan.
  • Ahmed said that he was winding the watch.
  • The fisherman said that they were catching fish.

Exercise 3  – Present Perfect Tense

  • He told me, “I have been to London.”
  • They said, ”We have planned to visit the museum.”
  • Nikita said to me, ”I have finished my school project.”
  • She said, ”I have lived in Delhi.”
  • She said, ”You have a great sense of humour.”
  • The poor man said, ”I have no money.”
  • Boss said, ”I have some work.”
  • She said, ”I have seen the Taj Mahal.”
  • He said, ”I have watched the Avengers movie.”
  • Grandma said, ”Dad has made breakfast.”
  • He told me that I had been to London.
  • They said that they had planned to visit the museum.
  • Nikita told me that she had finished her school project.
  • She said that she had lived in Delhi.
  • She said that You had a great sense of humour.
  • The poor man said that he had no money.
  • Boss said that he had some work.
  • She said that she had seen the Taj Mahal.
  • He said that he had watched the Avengers movie.
  • Grandma said that Dad had made breakfast.

Exercise 4  – Simple Past Tense

  • My father said, ”I arrived in the morning.”
  • Azhar said, ”I went to the cinema yesterday.”
  • Robin said to me, ”They went to watch the circus last week.”
  • They said to him, ”We won the game.”
  • The man said, ”I dropped my wallet in the bus.”
  • He said, ”I lost my keys yesterday.”
  • Jill said to Ted , ” I did not sing well yesterday.”
  • He said, ”The bell rang an hour ago.”
  • The teacher said to his students, ”Did you finish your exercise?”
  • She said, ”I did not say that.”
  • My father said that I had arrived in the morning.
  • Azhar said that he had gone to the cinema that day.
  • Robin told me that they had gone to watch the circus the week before.
  • They told him that they had won the game.
  • The man said that he had dropped my wallet in the bus.
  • He said that he had lost his keys that day.
  • Jill told Ted that he had not sung well that day.
  • He said that the bell had rung an hour before.
  • The teacher asked his students if they had finished their exercise.
  • She said that she had not said that.

Exercise 5  – Past Continuous Tense

  • They said, ”I was living in Delhi.”
  • They said, ”We were enjoying the weather.”
  • She said, “I was studying for my exams all night.”
  • John said, “They were cooking dinner when the power went out.”
  • Sarah said, “I was watching a movie when you called.”
  • They shouted, “We were waiting for the bus for over an hour!”
  • The children exclaimed, “We were playing in the park when it started raining.”
  • He mentioned, “I was working on my project until late last night.”
  • She asked, “What were you doing at the time of the accident?”
  • Tom said to Mary, “We were traveling around Europe during the summer.”
  • She said that she had been living in Delhi.
  • They said that they had been enjoying the weather.
  • She said that she had been studying for her exams all night.
  • John said that they had been cooking dinner when the power went out.
  • Sarah said that she had been watching a movie when I called.
  • They complained that they had been waiting for the bus for over an hour.
  • The children said that they had been playing in the park when it started raining.
  • He mentioned that he had been working on his project until late last night.
  • She asked what I had been doing at the time of the accident.
  • Tom told Mary that they had been traveling around Europe during the summer.

Exercise 6  – Simple Future Tense

  • He said, “ I will study the book.”
  • She said, ”I will buy a computer.”
  • He promised, ”I will always love you.”
  • They exclaimed, “We will celebrate the success with a party!”
  • Jane said, “I will call you as soon as I reach home.”
  • He said, ”I will see you later.”
  • He said, ” I shall be in Paris on Monday.”
  • She said, “I will visit my grandparents next weekend.”
  • The teacher announced, “We will have a quiz on Friday.”
  • He promised, “I will finish the project by tomorrow.”
  • He said that he would study the book.
  • She said that she would buy a computer.
  • He promised that he would always love her.
  • They exclaimed that they would celebrate the success with a party.
  • Jane said that he would call you as soon as she reached home.
  • He said that he would see me later.
  • He said that he should be in Paris on Monday.
  • She said that she would visit her grandparents the following weekend.
  • The teacher announced that they would have a quiz on Friday.
  • He promised that he would finish the project by the next day.

Exercise 7 – Rewrite the Sentences from Direct to Indirect Speech

Read the sentences given below and rewrite them from direct to indirect speech

  • Father said, “I am going to the park for a walk.”
  • Praveen says, “I play football every evening.”
  • Rohan said, ”There is a dog inside the house.”
  • She said, ”I don’t know.”
  • They said , ”They have taken exercise.”
  • She said, ”I am waiting for Michael.”
  • He said, ”I was walking along the street.”
  • He said, “I bought a car.”
  • Mary said, ”I will study.”
  • She said, “My mother is not very well.”
  • Father said that he was going to the park for a walk.
  • Praveen said that he played football every evening.
  • Rohan said that there was a dog inside the house.
  •  She said that she didn’t know.
  • They said that they had taken exercise .
  • She said that she was waiting for Michael.
  • He said that he had been walking along the street.
  • He said that he had bought a car.
  • Mary said that he would study.
  • She said that my mother was not very well.

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8 Super ESL Games for Grammar Review “He Said What?” Top 10 ESL Activities for Reported Speech How to Teach Reported Speech - Statements How to Teach Reported Speech: Alternative Approach How to Teach Grammar: 5 Best Practices And You Can Quote Him: Backshifting in Reported Speech and What You Need to Know About It Let’s Be Indirect: Teachers’ Top 9 Fun and Creative Activities for Practicing Reported Speech What Did She Say? Tips on Teaching Reported Speech Can We Talk? Teaching Quotation to Your ESL Students 5 Simple Steps for Teaching and Practicing Reported Verbs --> resources Creative Writing Prompts 1-50 Creative Writing Prompts 51-100 Creative Writing Prompts 101-150 Creative Writing Prompts 151-200 Creative Writing Prompts 201-250 Creative Writing Prompts 251-300 Creative Writing Prompts 301-350 Creative Writing Prompts 351-400 Creative Writing Prompts 401-450 Creative Writing Prompts 451-500 Creative Writing Prompts 501-550 Creative Writing Prompts 551-600

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Homework: Reported Statements

She said she was bored. He told me he was tired. He mentioned it was lost...


With so many tricky rules to follow, reporting what people say in English isn’t always easy. It is, nevertheless, an essential skill to master for effective and accurate communication, so it’s vital that learners get to grips with it. This useful homework sheet helps students to practise Reported Statements through three different types of exercises.

After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page.

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Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer

Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer .

Some of the worksheets for this concept are Reported statements mixed exercise, Direct indirect speech, Direct and indirect speech, Reported speech work, Reported speech rs 1, Reported speech ejercicios, Grammar challenge, Reported speech.

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1. Reported Statements Mixed Exercise

2. direct . indirect speech, 3. direct and indirect speech, 4. reported speech worksheet, 5. reported speech rs 1 -, 6. reported speech ejercicios -, 7. grammar challenge, 8. reported speech.


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    English Grammar Class 5Reported SpeechToday we will study. n exciting topic "Reported speech". Reported speech refers to how we ha. e interpreted the words of the speaker. In simple terms, Reported speech refers to reporting the speech of the speaker i.e. whether conveying directly the words of the speaker or indirectly conveying.

  7. Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech

    Direct and Indirect Speech Select activity Direct and Indirect Speech - Questions Direct and Indirect Speech - Questions Page Direct and Indirect Speech We can report the words of a speaker in two ways: 1. By repeating the exact words used by the speaker. 2. By reporting only the material of what he said. Now read the following sentences. 1. Ram said, "Anand is a good boy." 2. Ram said ...

  8. PDF Lesson 35

    Reported Speech. Greg: "I am cooking dinner Maya.". Maya: "Greg said he was cooking dinner.". So most often, the reported speech is going to be in the past tense, because the original statement, will now be in the past! *We will learn about reporting verbs in part 2 of this lesson, but for now we will just use said/told.

  9. Reported Speech Exercises

    Strengthening your understanding of reported speech is key to effective communication in English. Our specially designed worksheet provides a thorough exploration of reported speech, featuring a variety of exercises that will help you practice and master the concept of relaying information as it was spoken by others.

  10. Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5

    Direct and Indirect Speech For Class 5: Here, we are going to learn about their Meaning, Examples, Worksheets, and PDF for free.

  11. Reported speech worksheet

    Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech. 1. The teacher said to the boys, 'Have you done your homework?' 2. The

  12. 5th Class English Direct and Indirect Speech Question Bank

    Free Question Bank for 5th Class English Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech

  13. PDF Reported Speech

    Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. 1. "Where are my gloves?" asked Jeremy. Jenny asked where her gloves were. 2. "It's so wet out there," Mary said. Mary said that it's so wet outside. 3. Peter called out, "wait for me!".

  14. Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets

    The worksheets also include true or false questions that challenge students to test their knowledge of the rules governing direct and indirect speech. These questions cover essential points, such as whether direct speech requires quotation marks and whether indirect speech can change the tense of the original statement.

  15. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

    Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises: In this article, explore Direct and Indirect Speech with answers. Direct and Indirect Speech is one of the important topics in English grammar. Visit to study and practise Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises.

  16. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise

    Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise. Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. 1. John said, 'I am very busy now.'. 2. He said, 'The horse has been fed.'. 3. 'I know her name and address,' said John. 4.

  17. Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet for Class 5 with Answers

    We're talking about Direct and Indirect Worksheet for Class 5. These worksheets help us learn how to talk to others in different ways. They're super useful for improving grammar skills. Whether you're a student or a teacher, these worksheets can make learning easier. Thank you!

  18. FREE Reported Speech Worksheets

    Welcome to the Reported Speech worksheets section, where you can find a number of free printable lesson handouts that you can use at home or with the students.


    This document provides examples of direct speech and asks the reader to rewrite them as reported speech by changing the verb tenses and pronouns. There are 4 sections with examples from the present, past, questions, and modals. The goal is to change the direct quotes into indirect reported statements that still convey the same essential information.

  20. Homework: Reported Statements

    This useful homework sheet helps students to practise Reported Statements through three different types of exercises. ⬇ Download. After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page. Back to Homework. Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker!

  21. Reported speech

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher.

  22. Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer

    Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Reported Speech For Grade 5 With Answer. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Reported statements mixed exercise, Direct indirect speech, Direct and indirect speech, Reported speech work, Reported speech rs 1, Reported speech ejercicios, Grammar challenge, Reported speech.