I Speak Math

Integrating technology and mathematics.

I Speak Math

Category Archives: Problem Solving

“i feel so accomplished” – problem solving, noah’s ark.

“I feel so accomplished!” is what I overheard a student say after doing the Noah’s Ark problem solving activity in my class today.  I also heard, “You will REALLY like math class today!  It was so hard, but so much fun!”


I gave them the Noah’s Ark problem (thanks Fawn) !  I followed Fawn’s suggestions for problem solving because she is the expert.

  • Give them all their own copy of the problem.  (And a sheet of animals to cut out if they wanted it).   Noah’s Arc PS
  • Let them read it silently
  • Let one of them read it aloud while other students read along silently.
  • Let them work silently for a few minutes.
  • Let them work together.
  • Discuss solutions.

While working silently, many students came up with a solution.  However, once they started working with others, they realized that their solutions may not be correct.  I loved how they were explaining their solutions to their classmates, and their classmates would say, “Oh, but then you would have too many zebras.” and I would hear the, “Ohhhhh…”  My favorite had to be “But WHAT is kangaroo?  WHAT ARE YOU?”  Several students asked for another copy because they had written all over theirs and wanted to start again.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Some students let the animals equal animal values.

Most students had to work together to come up with the correct solution.  A cluster of my students decided to assign point values to some of the animals, and variables for others.

This was an altered version of substitution, and so interesting for me to see.  I loved how they molded the problem to fit their level of understanding.  Their minds work in fascinating ways!

Student Solutions:

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Here the animal cut-outs are used to visually show the substitution.  This was helpful for the students who were not convinced by the algebraic solution.


Noah’s Arc PS

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Proportional reasoning – capture recapture with goldfish.


I introduced the concept with a question from NRich , then we watched this video on YouTube .  It is imperative that you show your students the video.  If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, a good video can be worth 1,000 explanations.  The video starts with ping pong balls, then moves on to black cabs.  I only showed my student the ping pong portion with my students, and then stopped it before he showed the math.  I had them calculate the estimated number of balls, and then showed them the result.  They were hooked!

We moved on to Goldfish.  I gave each pair of two their own “pond” full of about 150 yellow Goldfish crackers in a container.  I also gave them a small sample of colored Goldfish in a dixie cup.  I first had them estimate the number of fish in their pond.  I would not let them dump the fish out  for the estimation as biologist do not dump the fish out of the pond.  We then counted the colored fish (our tagged sample) and replaced Goldfish with the tagged colored Goldfish.  I let them eat the fish they replaced.  After mixing the tagged fish into their pond, they took a sample and calculated the proportion.  To have accurate results, we repeated this 4 total times and then took an average.  After they calculated their average, they counted their fish and we compared results.  This was the best part!  They were shocked to see how close their calculated proportions were to the actual number!  Most groups were only off the actual count by 10 or less Goldfish!  I even  had groups come within 1, 2,  and 3 of the actual number of fish in their pond!

problem solving noah's ark answer key

  • Estimate number of Goldfish in pond and record.
  • Count the number of tagged fish, record.
  • Replace Goldfish with tagged fish.
  • Mix tagged fish into pond.
  • Take a new sample.  Count total sample and tagged fish, record.
  • Calculate proportion to find estimated number of fish in pond.
  • Repeat this three more times.
  • Find an average.
  • Count actual fish in the pond and compare.
  • Pdf –  Capture Recapture Data Sheet
  • Powerpoint –  Goldfish Proportions Capture Recapture
  • Slideshare File  (same as ppt, but in slideshare)

Goldfish Capture Recapture Worksheet

Problem Solving – MS Sunday Funday


For the next eight weeks, MS Sunday Funday will be participating in Explore the MTBoS !  Instead of blogging about MS Sunday Funday topics, I would like to encourage everyone who currently blogs (or would like to start blogging), to come and Explore with us!

October is problem solving month at Global Math and they have many great speakers this month.  Be sure to check it out!

Global Math

In honor of Global Math, this week’s topic was Problem Solving.  A special thanks to Beth who so consistently participates each week in MS Sunday Funday!

  • Beth, Upcoming Problem Solving
  • Julie Reulbach, @jreulbach, Problem Solving Webinar on Global Math

Problem Solving Webinar – Global Math

Tonight on Global Math, we will be discussing problem solving and our favorite problem based lessons and tasks.  I will be presenting, along with Alisan Royster and Justin Aion.  We would love to see you there!

To see the recorded webinar, click here to watch it on the Global Math site.

Bedtime Math for Math Club

Sadly, my math club has been cut down to 25 minutes this year, and that includes students eating lunch.  So, I need fun, engaging activities that are shorter in nature and are great for both 6th and 7th grade students.

Today I decided to try an interesting problem I saw in my email this morning from Bedtime Math .

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They went right to work and loved it!  We talked about the minimum wage amount ($7.25), and how many work hours were in a typical week.  We also had an interesting decimal discussion when one group of students divided the 10,000 by 70 days but then ROUNDED , coming up with only $994 a week instead of $1,000 per week for the study participants.  After we all decided that you make much more money over 70 days for the study, one student pointed out that you are actually making less per hour since you are really working 24 hours a day in the study.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

I have amazing math club students that make every day a joy!  Thank you so much Bedtime Math for your amazing free resource that helps me give them interesting and relevant problems!

Four Fours Problem Puzzler/Game

Problem solving has been the best thing that I have incorporated this year!  It’s more than one good thing.  It is actually many good things that happen every day that I MAKE the time to do problem solving with my students.  And yes, I do have to make the time.

The most important thing that I learned from this activity is that I also need to have students do individual problem solving, so that each student will learn to persevere in mathematics, and not rely on a group member.

I first heard about the Four Fours Problem while taking Jo Boaler’s “How To Learn Math” class this summer.  It sounded like a fun activity and I couldn’t wait to try it with my classes.

After doing Fawn’s PEMDAS Relay earlier in the week, I knew we still had some work to do with the order of operations.  I decided to give them the Four Fours for their problem solving brains.  However, I also wanted their work checked and corrected – but not by me.

Enter the Four Fours Problem GAME.  I reduced the assignment to make the numbers 1 – 10.  I explained the Four Fours, and then had them brainstorm answers for the number 1.  I then showed them 44/44, and they loved that!  Then, they had to fill out the top half of a sheet that I made with the remaining Four Fours problems.


After completing their Four Fours, I had them randomly assign the letters a-j to each problem.  Then, they wrote the problem, but not the solution, on the bottom half of their worksheet.  Once that was complete, they cut the sheet apart and swapped with another student.  That student then worked out their problems to see if they could find which number it equaled.  If they did not get a number between 1 and 10, or ALL of the numbers 1 through 10, someone made a mistake.  Then, they were to get with their partner and figure out who made the mistake.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Not every student was ecstatic however.  They have been doing problem solving in groups so far this year.  Since they had to trade papers, their problems had to be kept “secret”, so this was an individual assignment.  It was frustrating for several students.  They wanted to quit, constantly wanted me to check their work, or kept begging me to give them “just ONE hint for the number ____ !!!” They even begged me to let them switch solutions for just one number with another student.  “I need two and she needs five.  It’s just one number!”   “NO, you CAN do this!” was my answer every time.

Overall, it was a thrilling success.  At the end of class, I had several students ask me for an additional copy so they could take it home and give it to their siblings or parents, or come up with more Four Fours.  One student wanted to come up with negative answers.  This would actually be a great twist for 7th grade!

After doing this activity in class, I changed the Four Fours sheet to include instructions for the students and I made it a whole sheet of paper so they would have more room to work.

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Side Note:   This is more of a puzzle game than an actual competition and students weren’t really racing each other to finish first.  Of course, some students will finish this much more quickly than others.  That actually works out very well.  As they finish, they trade and work each other’s problems.  Then, they work on something else while the other students finish.  I use this time for in class project work but you could also have a row game ready for pairs who finish more quickly.

Pizza + Linear Equations = Fun, Free Mathalicious Lesson

Every kid loves pizza, right?  Well, my students do, and they LOVED their first Mathalicious lesson, Domino Effect.  The best part is that it is one of the sample lessons from Mathalicious so you can try it for free !

problem solving noah's ark answer key

This lesson is intended for students in Algebra 1. However I did this lesson with 6th grade students who had not learned linear equations yet. After introducing the lesson, I gave them the student handouts. The student handout was self-explanatory and easy for my 6th grade students to follow.  I gave each student their own set of handouts but let them work in pairs so they had someone to talk through their work with.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

The questions were leading enough so that my students (who had not written linear equations yet) were able to summarize their findings.  I was pleasantly surprised that several students even came up with an equation.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Many students ran into trouble in Act 2 on question number 2, when they assumed that the medium topping price was the price of toppings for all pizza sizes.  The layout of the chart alerted most of these students that they had made a mistake when they noticed that a 2-topping small pizza was $10.48, but a 3-topping small was only $10.99.  Other students discovered this when graphing the points.  I noticed that some students did not notice this discrepancy at all, but and let them continue to fill out the chart incorrectly.  To help students discover their mistake, I asked them if they could figure out how much a small, medium, and large 10-topping pizza would be.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Once they saw that other students pizza pricings were different, they had a heated class discussion about who was right.  “Proving” their calculations to each other helped all of the groups realize that the topping price was supposed to be different for differently sized pizzas.  After everyone had time to find and fix their mistakes, they updated the board chart to make sure everyone was now on the same page.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

I liked having them find the price of a 10-topping pizza because it prepared them for the big reveal.  My students pretty much lost it when they saw Domino’s actual pricing, since it was so much less than they had calculated.  They all wanted to fix their graphs, which of course, I was thrilled about, so I let them.  Notice the key at the bottom on the picture.  (That is supposed to be thought).

problem solving noah's ark answer key

I loved this lesson because it was fun, self-explanatory, and easy to implement.  It was written so that I was able to walk around the room and support students that needed extra assistance or were going down the wrong path.  I did not “teach a lesson”, but at the end of Act 1 several of my students had figured out the equation by going through the questions.

This can be done with younger students, even if you haven’t taught linear equations yet.  In fact, this is a great introduction to the topic of linear equations.  Next time I do this lesson with 6th grade students, I will do this over two days.  The first day I will do Act 1, and then finish with the chart on Act 2.  Then, on the second day I will explore Act 2, questions 3 and 4 in more depth.  Only a few students were able to come up with the equation in Act 1, so I will need more in class time to help them discover this in Act 2.  I anticipate that I can teach students about writing equations of lines and even explore what the y-intercept really means with this lesson.

Pictures of my students finished projects:

problem solving noah's ark answer key

PIzza Project  Rubric

Factor Craze – Success With Problem Solving

The first week of school I tried out Factor Craze on my students.

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It’s great timing for the beginning of school as we are reviewing prime factorization, exponential notation, and exponents in Pre-Algebra.  We had just finished working on the Sieve of Eratosthenes the day before, and this proved very helpful for the problem.

Factor Craze Slide

I gave zero directions, and most students started out the same way, listing the numbers that go with each rule.  I let them work and work.


During this work I had some questions and heard many great comments.

Does one count as a factor? There has to be an easier way to do this. Guys, let’s look for a pattern. There’s got to be a pattern here!

There were having an impossible time finding any pattern (well, any pattern that actually worked).  They were very creative however, and came up with many patterns that worked for some numbers.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and asked the class, “What have we been working on the past couple of days?”  “Prime factorization.” they answered.  I gave them the hint, “Well, maybe you should look at the prime factors of all of those numbers you have listed.  They looked at me doubtfully, but were happy to have any hint at this point in time so they went to it.

Not long after, students actually started screaming, “I found it!  I see a pattern!”  Well, they thought they had found part of a pattern, but weren’t quite there.  I told them how excited I was that they had found a pattern!  Then I asked them to test the next number and see if their pattern worked!  “Oh no! The three’s rule doesn’t work for 4! Maybe it’s all ODD numbers!”  After they tested AGAIN, “Oh no, it doesn’t work for 9!”  It took each group a while, but eventually they all discovered the rule for exactly three factors.  I encouraged them to write down their rule in words.  Then, I asked them if they could make it more, efficient or algebraic.  They were all able to make “a prime number squared”  into p^2.

Once this happened, they were inspired!  Most of them quickly discovered that this worked for each question.  And then I said, “That is sooo awesome!  Hey!  Look at your 4’s, does your rule work for all numbers listed?  What about 6, 10, 14, 15,… ?”  I was very excited when someone asked me if there could be more than one rule that worked, because I really didn’t want to give them another hint.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

At the end of the class, all students had discovered at least one rule.  I had them all take notes of what they had done on the giant whiteboards into their graph books.  For homework, I told them that I wanted them to continue to work on the problem, and see if they could discover any more rules.  Then, I told them that they could work together tonight, with anyone they wanted in both 7th grade classes.  At that point, students started making plans to chat on Skype and Google + that night.  I’m not going to lie, that was a pretty exciting moment for me.

The next day they all came in excited to tell me the new rules they had found.  I made a chart and posted it up on the board, and let all of the students come and write their rules.

The students had discovered all of the rules, although they did need just a small bit of questioning to help realize that they couldn’t write prime times a different prime as prime squared.  Luckily, they remembered their subscripts.  So, we used p sub 1 and p sub 2.


7th Grade – Problem Solving Goal 2013-2014

Much of my teaching is discovery lessons, interactive games/whiteboards, and project based learning.  This year, I want to add problem based learning to the mix.  I do a little of this now, but not nearly enough.  This year, it is going to be a focus, especially for 7th grade.

7th grade has always been tough for me.  I teach them two years in a row, so I’m not new to them anymore.  Plus, the math becomes more abstract as we segway into algebra.  I am trying to make 7th grade math just as (if not even more) exciting than 6th grade math.  As 7th grade math is an extension of the topics they learned in 6th grade, I also want to be sure I am challenging them, and that they are growing.  I changed homework workbooks again this year (third time in four years).  I change up the projects every year.  Sometimes, we hit gold and I find something they really love.  But 7th grade can be a tough crowd, and lessons that thrill 6th graders can fall flat in 7th.  So, I’ll pretty much do anything to get them excited about math!

This year, over half of my rising 7th grade participated in my Math Club last year.  They willingly gave up their lunch and recess time (even in the last weeks of school) to learn more math!  They loved playing with the pythagorean theorem and even the quadratic formula .  They gave up an additional recess to help me record the Draw-It game .  And, they had a fit over the Oreo question .  This class loves a challenge and I believe they are ripe for problem solving.

I am excited about my plan for this year and I hope I am up to the challenge!  I will keep combing the MathTwitterBlogosphere for resources.   I plan on starting with the Math Forum’s Problem of the Week , everything Fawn says , Exeter Problem Sets , NRich , and incorporating Mathalicious material.  There is also a Middle School Problem Solving page on the TMC wiki.  Right now it is pretty empty, but I plan on filling it up as I find more resources.

If you have a favorite problem solving site (or even a favorite problem).  Please put the link in the comments!  I could use the help!

Oreo Cookie Math – Double Stuf Steals the Show

When I saw Dan’s post on Oreo cookies I knew this was meant JUST FOR ME. It was especially interesting because Chris Danielson in part 1 2 and 3 , and Chris Lusto in part 1 and 2 also investigated it. I had to jump into the fun. I mean, WHO doesn’t love Oreos?

I have math club once a week and always bring them treats to eat. I’m not below bribery. So, when I saw Dan’s post I thought, “Awesome! I can feed Math Club AND make the food about math at the same time!” # Nguyen for sure.

Woodlawn Math Club

I pulled the four 4 packages of Oreo cookies I had bought to the “Oohs and ahhs!” of my math club. My 16 kids did the math in their heads instantly, calculating how many Oreos each of them were going to get to eat today. I opened the packages and pulled one out from each, original, double stuffed, chocolate, and triple stuffed. (Side note: I was very disappointed I couldn’t find a mega-stuffed package at the grocery store because I KNEW they would have gone nuts over that.) I then lined the cookies up next to each other. “Any Questions?” I asked as I handed them each a post-it note.


The room was a bustle of activity as the students went to work. I was the “official” weigher so I could ensure all of the results were consistent for a good comparison. All groups decided to weigh and measure several cookies (or cookie parts) so that we could get more accurate results. I was very busy with all of the weighing so unfortunately I do not have pictures of this stage. But I promise, it was fun, messy, and mathy!

After they were all finished they shared their results with each other. It was great because all four groups came to the same conclusion. Based on weight, double stuffed Oreos are MORE than double stuffing compared to regular Oreos!


In the end I videoed their conclusions, one representative from the girls side and one from the boys. Unfortunately, my iPhone went wonky and did not record the boys conclusions. this was tragic as they had made their own mega-stuffed Oreo and even had an Oreo dance! Ah, technology!

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Resources for new york state educators preparing adult students for high school equivalency and beyond, more on teaching the noah’s ark problem.

A teacher named Julie Reulbach blog post about using the Noah’s Ark problem with her students (includes samples of student work)

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September 4th, 2016 · Mark Trushkowsky · No Comments »

noahs-ark solving puzzles

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Noah’s Ark Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Noah’s Ark Questions & Answers. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of China Silk , The Dragon Lanterns and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice so, you can check these posts as well.

Noah’s Ark Questions & Answers

Question 1: why was god angry with humans.

Answer: God was angry with humans because people were hurting one another and making the world a bad place.

Question 2: Why did God choose Noah to do his work?

Answer: God chose Noah to do his work because Noah was the only good man.

Question 3: What did he tell Noah to do?

Answer: He told Noah to build a big boat which must be big enough to carry Noah’s family and two of every kind of animal and bird on earth.

Question 4: How did Noah build the ark?

Answer: Noah built the ark with the help of his three sons. They helped him to chop trees and make smooth planks to shape a fine boat.

Question 5: Read and answer the questions:

Noah did not question God. His wife and their three sons, Ham, Shem and Japhet helped him chop trees and make smooth planks to shape a fine boat.

(a) Who was Noah?

Answer: Noah was a good man and a believer in God.

(b) What did God tell him to do?

Answer: God told him to build a strong boat which was big enough to carry his family and two of every kind of animal and bird on the earth.

(c) Why did God tell him to do this?

Answer: God was going to send a great flood to cover the land and he wanted to save the family of Noah and two of every type of animal and bird on the earth.

(d) Who helped Noah in his work?

Answer: Noah’s wife and his three sons Ham, Shem and Japhet helped him.

Question 6: Which words of the people made Noah sad?

Answer: The people’s words that Noah was mad, made him sad.

Question 7: How many days did it rain?

Answer: It rained for forty days and nights.

Question 8: When did Noah and his family leave the ark?

Answer: Noah and his family left the ark when the dove that Noah had released did not come back.

Question 9: What did Noah do after reaching land?

Answer: After reaching land, Noah built an altar and thanked God for keeping him and his family safe.

Question 10: Why did God send a rainbow?

Answer: The rainbow was God’s promise that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood. So, these were Noah’s Ark Questions & Answers.

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Noah's Ark Crossword

Noah's Ark Crossword


Every man on earth was __________ except for Noah and his sons. God gave Noah instructions so he could ___________ the ark. This is another word for a promise that God made about the flood. Noah was ___________ because he was a righteous man and he walked with God. The ark was full of lots of pairs of these. Noah was very __________ and listened to God. Noah sent this type of bird first to see if there was land outside the ark. God washed the earth from all the evil by sending this. This is a sign that God will never flood the earth again. Noah and his family made this as soon as they get off the ark.

1 Samuel 1-14 Crossword

1 Samuel 1-14

Bible Characters  Crossword

Bible Characters

Edger Allan Poe Crossword

Edger Allan Poe Crossword

Jesus Crossword

Jesus Crossword

Noah's Ark Word Search

Noah's Ark

Word Search

George Washington Crossword

George Washington

The Birth of Our Savior (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 2:1-20) Crossword

The Birth of Our Savior (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 2:1-20)

KyRo & Sho Save The Unsiverse Crossword

KyRo & Sho Save The Unsiverse

Frequently asked questions, what is a crossword.

Crossword puzzles have been published in newspapers and other publications since 1873. They consist of a grid of squares where the player aims to write words both horizontally and vertically.

Next to the crossword will be a series of questions or clues, which relate to the various rows or lines of boxes in the crossword. The player reads the question or clue, and tries to find a word that answers the question in the same amount of letters as there are boxes in the related crossword row or line.

Some of the words will share letters, so will need to match up with each other. The words can vary in length and complexity, as can the clues.

Who is a crossword suitable for?

The fantastic thing about crosswords is, they are completely flexible for whatever age or reading level you need. You can use many words to create a complex crossword for adults, or just a couple of words for younger children.

Crosswords can use any word you like, big or small, so there are literally countless combinations that you can create for templates. It is easy to customise the template to the age or learning level of your students.

How do I create a crossword template?

For the easiest crossword templates, WordMint is the way to go!

Pre-made templates

For a quick and easy pre-made template, simply search through WordMint’s existing 500,000+ templates . With so many to choose from, you’re bound to find the right one for you!

Create your own from scratch

  • Log in to your account (it’s free to join!)
  • Head to ‘My Puzzles’
  • Click ‘Create New Puzzle’ and select ‘Crossword’
  • Select your layout, enter your title and your chosen clues and answers
  • That’s it! The template builder will create your crossword template for you and you can save it to your account, export as a word document or pdf and print!

How do I choose the clues for my crossword?

Once you’ve picked a theme, choose clues that match your students current difficulty level. For younger children, this may be as simple as a question of “What color is the sky?” with an answer of “blue”.

Are crosswords good for students?

Crosswords are a great exercise for students' problem solving and cognitive abilities. Not only do they need to solve a clue and think of the correct answer, but they also have to consider all of the other words in the crossword to make sure the words fit together.

Crosswords are great for building and using vocabulary.

If this is your first time using a crossword with your students, you could create a crossword FAQ template for them to give them the basic instructions.

Can I print my crossword template?

All of our templates can be exported into Microsoft Word to easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Your puzzles get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at work or at home!

Can I create crosswords in other languages?

Crosswords are a fantastic resource for students learning a foreign language as they test their reading, comprehension and writing all at the same time. When learning a new language, this type of test using multiple different skills is great to solidify students' learning.

We have full support for crossword templates in languages such as Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images, so you can create an entire crossword in your target language including all of the titles, and clues.

Bible Study Printables

Bible Study and Prayer Printables

Noahs Ark Wooksheets cover image

10+ Free Noah’s Ark Activity Worksheets

Noah's Ark Worksheets Pinterest image

Look for some free and (not free but really great) Noah’s Ark activity sheets to help your child learn about this important Bible story?

The story of Noah’s Ark is probably the best-known stories in the Bible. It is a timeless tale of faith, obedience, and survival, and it teaches children about God’s promise to moses.

The beloved story of faithful Noah teaches children the power and importance of doing what God asks – even when it makes no sense and everyone else makes fun of you.

 As parents, educators, and caregivers, we strive to find engaging and effective ways to introduce our children to these profound stories from the Bible. One such tool that has proven to be both entertaining and educational is the use of Noah’s Ark worksheets. 

Sunday school teachers can create engaging and meaningful lesson plans by incorporating a variety of Noah’s Ark activities that cater to different learning styles and age groups.

These activities can be seamlessly integrated into the curriculum, enriching the children’s understanding of the biblical story while making the learning experience enjoyable. 

Noah's Ark rainbow cover art

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Noah’s Ark Activity Sheets

Children are naturally curious and eager to learn when the process is enjoyable. Noah’s Ark activity sheets transform the story into interactive puzzles, coloring pages , and games that captivate young minds while also teaching the points of this great lesson.

These worksheets provide a wonderful balance between play and learning, making the biblical narrative come alive through the eyes of a child’s imagination.

Noah’s Ark activity sheets are educational materials designed for children to engage with and learn about the biblical story of Noah’s Ark in an interactive and enjoyable way.

These activity sheets typically include a variety of tasks, puzzles, and exercises related to the story. They can be used in schools, as a Sunday school lesson, or as part of your homeschool curriculum.

Or they can simply be added to your child’s play area as a fun activity to do during playtime.  

Activity sheets go beyond mere entertainment; they also serve as valuable tools to assess comprehension. By incorporating questions, puzzles , and sequencing tasks, children are encouraged to recall important details and develop critical thinking skills.

These activities enhance their understanding of the narrative, ensuring they grasp the key events and messages.

Noah’s Ark worksheets often feature creative tasks, such as writing prompts and crafts, which stimulate children’s imaginations.

These exercises encourage them to express their thoughts, retell the story in their own words, or envision the journey of the animals in the ark. Through creativity, children can forge a personal connection with the story, leaving a lasting impact on their spiritual development.

The story of Noah’s Ark offers valuable moral lessons on faith, obedience, and compassion. Activity sheets provide an excellent platform to highlight these virtues and discuss their significance with children.

As they engage with the story through various tasks, children can grasp the ethical implications and learn to apply these values in their daily lives.

Noah’s Ark Activity Bundles

If you are just looking for a single activity sheet to print out, you can find a variety of different ones on the sites listed below. 

Or, you can get a bundle that includes a wide variety of different activites.

Here are a couple of places to find activity bundles with lots of different activities and games for learning about this story.

45+ Page Noah’s Ark Activity Bundle

This Bible lesson bundle includes over 45 pages of activities for your  preschoolers and elementary-aged kids  that beautifully reflect the story of Noah in Genesis! Includes: Coloring pages with Bible verses, Fun Mazes – 6 options, 6 Word searches with answer, 20 BINGO sheets with calling cards included! Great for classroom settings. CHECK IT OUT HERE !

Noah's Ark Pack

Noah’s Ark Printable Activity Pack

Includes: 4 ~ I Spy sheets 8 ~ 9-piece puzzles 7 ~ pages of mazes 25 ~ page coloring book 5 ~ Spot the difference picture sets Memory Game cards Tell a story/sequence cards Bingo with 14 different playing cards. CHECK IT OUT HERE !

Noah’s Ark Activity Coloring Pages

Children are naturally drawn to colors and visuals. Coloring pages featuring the ark picture, animal pictures, and characters from the story captivate their attention, sparking curiosity and interest in the story.

These coloring pages are powerful educational tools that effectively engage children in the story. Through coloring, children connect emotionally with the characters, reinforce their comprehension of the story, and develop essential skills.

noahs ark coloring page

By embracing these activity pages, parents and educators can make learning about Noah’s Ark an enjoyable and enriching experience for children, allowing them to sail through this biblical tale with excitement and wonder.

You can find a variety of Noah’s Ark coloring pages to download for free (or for a small fee) below:

  • Mindy Jones Blog
  • Healing Home
  • Mary Martha Mama
  • Mom Junction

​Noah’s Ark Activity Puzzles

Noah’s Ark puzzles are invaluable tools for young kids to learn about this Bible story. They promote cognitive development, improve fine motor skills, and enhance problem-solving abilities.

Through visual representation and hands-on engagement, puzzles help children immerse themselves in the story, reinforcing memory retention and understanding of the story’s sequence.

Overall, a Noah’s Ark puzzle creates an interactive and enjoyable learning experience that deepens children’s connection to this timeless biblical tale.

  • Sermon 4 Kids
  • Share Faith Media

Noahs Ark Bible Bingo

Noahs’ Ark Bible Bingo Game

15 Unique bingo cards, 24 calling cards, and directions to play 3 different games with this set.


Noah’s Ark Activity Maze

Noah’s Ark mazes serve as valuable additions to Bible story activity packs by infusing fun, engagement, and interactive learning into the educational experience.

Through these mazes, children develop critical thinking skills, reinforce their understanding of the story, and cultivate moral values.

As part of activity packs, they enrich children’s exploration of the story of Noah’s Ark, leaving a lasting impact on their spiritual and cognitive development.

  • Christian Preschool Printables
  • In All You Do

​Noah’s Ark Craft Activities

In addition to printable worksheets, there are also some really fun and engaging craft activities for younger children as well as older children to engage with.

Here are just a few that you might want to check out:

  • Meaningful Mama
  • Ministry Spark
  • Inspire the Mom

The story of Noah’s Ark teaches children several valuable lessons that are relevant to their moral and spiritual development. Here are some of the key lessons:

  • Obedience to God:  The story highlights the importance of obedience to God’s commands. Noah’s unwavering faith and obedience in building the ark, despite being made fun of, serves as an example of trust in God’s plan for our life.
  • Faith and Trust:  Noah’s trust in God’s promise to protect him and the animals during the flood illustrates the significance of having faith and believing in something greater than ourselves.
  • Responsibility and Diligence:  Building the ark was an enormous task that required dedication and hard work. The story teaches children the value of taking responsibility for their actions and tasks, working diligently, and persevering through challenges.
  • Compassion for All Living Beings:  Noah’s Ark demonstrates compassion for animals and the preservation of life. Children learn the importance of caring for and protecting the environment and all living creatures.
  • Consequences of Actions:  The flood serves as a reminder that actions have consequences. Children learn that their choices and behavior can have far-reaching effects on themselves and others.
  • God’s Covenant:  The rainbow at the end of the story symbolizes God’s covenant with humanity never to destroy the world with a flood again. Children learn about God’s promises and the significance of symbols in religious traditions.
  • Hope and New Beginnings:  After the flood, Noah and his family begin a new life, offering a message of hope and new beginnings. Children learn that even in difficult times, there is the potential for renewal and positive change.
  • Unity and Family:  The story emphasizes the importance of family and unity. Noah’s family worked together to survive and thrive during the challenging journey on the ark, highlighting the strength of familial bonds.
  • God’s Love and Protection:  Children learn that God loves and protects those who remain faithful and righteous. The story emphasizes God’s care for His creation.
  • Cultural and Historical Values:  Noah’s Ark is a significant cultural and historical story that has been passed down through generations. By learning this story, children connect to their religious heritage and appreciate the wisdom of ancient teachings.

Overall, activity worksheets can be powerful educational tools for introducing and reinforcing the story of Noah’s Ark to children, enabling them to connect with the story, learn important values, and have a memorable learning experience.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

The story of Noah’s Ark teaches children several valuable lessons that are relevant to their moral and spiritual development.

Be sure to check out our additional children’s Bible study printables:

  • Bible Bingo
  • Bible Word Searches
  • Bible Crossword Puzzles
  • Bible Escape Room Games

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Noah’s Ark—Questions and Answers

Find answers to these common questions about Noah's Ark.

Q. How Big Was Noah’s Ark?

Imagine a ship as long as a football field. That’d be pretty long, right? Well, the Ark Noah built was half again as long (around 500 feet long, or 150 meters). Add to that the height of about 50 feet, which is like eight or nine grown men standing on each other’s shoulders. So, yes, that’s plenty of room for a floating zoo.

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Q. Did Noah Take Every Animal Species Alive Today on the Ark?

problem solving noah's ark answer key

Lots of people think this, but the answer is no. The Bible says God originally created kinds of animals during the Creation Week ( Genesis 1 ). These kinds had the information necessary to produce the variety we see in various species within those kinds (big cats and little cats with long or short hair, spots or stripes). So, Noah just took pairs of the kinds of land-dwelling, air-breathing animals, including the dinosaur kinds. Most dinosaurs weren’t huge—many of them were the size of a large sheep or bison. God likely sent Noah young dinosaurs that weren’t too big to fit on the Ark.

Q. How Did Noah Take Care of the Animals?

The same way you take care of your dog or cat—just on a much bigger scale. Noah had lived a long time before the waters came, and God gave him the plans for the ship. So, we can be sure God equipped this Flood survivor to care for the animals. Creation scientists have explained many ways eight people could do the job.

Q. Did the Flood Really Cover the Whole Earth?

Perhaps you’ve heard that the Flood of Noah’s day covered only a small part of the earth. But that doesn’t fit the Bible. In Genesis 6–9 , God’s Word says the Flood covered the whole earth—even the tallest mountains. Plus, the waters killed all the people, birds, and land animals outside the Ark. That could happen only with a global Flood.

Q. Is There Any Evidence of a Global Flood?

problem solving noah's ark answer key

The best evidence is God’s testimony in the Bible. But you are standing on another evidence! The Flood buried billions of dead things all over the earth in layer upon layer of rock. You’ll even find these fossils on the highest mountaintops, which shows they were once underwater. We can also see evidence of the Flood in how quickly those layers of rock must have formed.

Q. Could the Ark Have Survived the Flood?

Scientists now know that the proportions of the Ark made it incredibly seaworthy. (Proportions are the sizes of each side in comparison to the others, such as width, length, and height.) Even in storms, the ship could take a pounding and keep floating. It might not have kept away seasickness, but God knew how to protect Noah and his family.

Q. Has Anyone Found the Ark?

So far, no one has ever stumbled across Noah’s ship, but not for a lack of trying. Ark hunters have been seeking it for centuries. Unfortunately, we may never find it. That’s because Noah and his descendants may have used the wood to build houses and other structures. That’s a lot of wood to just leave on a mountain—especially in a world still recovering from the Flood.

How God Saved Noah

How God Saved Noah

This issue of Kids Answers investigates Noah’s Ark. How big was Noah’s Ark? Did the Flood cover the whole earth?

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A Flood of Evidence

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NRICH - Noah

NRICH - Noah

Subject: Counting and cardinality

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Other


Last updated

22 February 2018

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