48.English Essay Example on: My Idea of a Happy Life

My idea of a happy life.

My idea of a happy life is quite different from other people’s idea. They crave for more wealth. They want to concentrate more power in their hands. They gauge their success in the form of bungalow, car, T.V. and V.C.R. Plenty of delicious and rich food is on the list of their luxuries. They lead a cosy and comfortable life. They do not work. Their forefathers have left plenty and to spare for them. They rest. They push a button and the comforts of life are there at their feet. For them, this is the end of life. This is the real pleasure of life. This is their idea of a gleeful (delightful) life. But my views are altogether unlike (different).

I want to lead a simple but busy life. I know an idle man’s brain is a devil’s workshop. I want to keep myself busy day and night. After all, what is this life? What is the purpose of our living longer? I do not measure life in terms of comforts and luxuries. I wish to spend a life which is full of work and more work, useful to others.

I want to live a life of selfless service. I want to die in my country. I want to serve my motherland heart and soul. I do not want anything in return for this noble sacrifice. I know that work is its own reward. There can be no better aim of life than this. People aver (assert) this is something utopian (ideally perfect but impracticable).

For a normal happy life, we must not soar sky-high. Let us be on firm ground. We are the creatures of this world. We live on this earth. Let us live a real life. Eat drink and be merry can be the objective of life for someone, but I want to be within my means. I will neither borrow nor lend. If ever I lend, I shall lend a helping hand. I shall wipe out tears &Om the eyes of the poor and the down-trodden.

I shall read and read. I shall increase my knowledge. I very well know that knowledge is power. It ensures a high place for us in the company of the learned and the wise. Let us strive hard to realize this idea of a peaceful happy life.

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Essay on “My Idea of A Happy Life” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

My Idea of A Happy Life

My idea of a happy life is quite different from those who crave for more and more riches and wealth. They like to possess all the luxuries of life. Bungalows, Cars, Gold and Jewellery are the wishes of most people now-a-days. Plenty of delicious and rich food is on the list of their luxuries. They want to lead a cozy and comfortable life. They do not like to work. They like to enjoy the fruit of the efforts of others or depend on the properties left over for them by their forefathers. This is their pleasure of life. But my views in this respect are quite different.

I want to lead a simple busy life. I want to have some worthwhile occupation which would provide for me the simple necessities of life. Further I want to involve myself in some social service to help the suffering people around me. I want to remove the sufferings of the lowest of the low by helping them and getting justice for them from the law of the land. How many are there who are exploited by the strong for their personal benefits. They are quite illiterate and are not aware about their rights. There are numerous problems of the downtrodden which can be removed to a large extent if a bit of sincere help is extended to them. There are problems of women who are especially exploited by their male counterparts only because they are weak and vulnerable to easy exploitation. These are some of my dreams and I would definitely get extreme pleasure by solving some problems of the people living below poverty line and illiterate. I want to make my life happy by doing something for them.

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Happiness Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on happiness.

Happiness is something which we can’t describe in words it can only be felt from someone’s expression of a smile. Likewise, happiness is a signal or identification of good and prosperous life. Happiness is very simple to feel and difficult to describe. Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal your happiness.

Happiness Essay

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Every day we see and meet people who look happy from the outside but deep down they are broken and are sad from the inside. For many people, money is the main cause of happiness or grief. But this is not right. Money can buy you food, luxurious house, healthy lifestyle servants, and many more facilities but money can’t buy you happiness.

And if money can buy happiness then the rich would be the happiest person on the earth. But, we see a contrary image of the rich as they are sad, fearful, anxious, stressed, and suffering from various problems.

In addition, they have money still they lack in social life with their family especially their wives and this is the main cause of divorce among them.

Also, due to money, they feel insecurity that everyone is after their money so to safeguard their money and them they hire security. While the condition of the poor is just the opposite. They do not have money but they are happy with and stress-free from these problems.

In addition, they take care of their wife and children and their divorce rate is also very low.

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Happiness Comes from Within

As we now know that we can’t buy happiness with money and there is no other shortcut to happiness. It is something that you feel from within.

In addition, true happiness comes from within yourself. Happiness is basically a state of mind.

Moreover, it can only be achieved by being positive and avoiding any negative thought in mind. And if we look at the bright side of ourselves only then we can be happy.

Happiness in a Relationship

People nowadays are not satisfied with their relationship because of their differences and much other reason. But for being happy in a relationship we have to understand that there are some rules or mutual understanding that keeps a relationship healthy and happy.

Firstly, take care of yourself then your partner because if you yourself are not happy then how can you make your partner happy.

Secondly, for a happy and healthy relationship give you partner some time and space. In addition, try to understand their feeling and comfort level because if you don’t understand these things then you won’t be able to properly understand your partner.

Most importantly, take initiative and plan to go out with your partner and family. Besides, if they have plans then go with them.

To conclude, we can say that happiness can only be achieved by having positive thinking and enjoying life. Also, for being happy and keeping the people around us happy we have to develop a healthy relationship with them. Additionally, we also have to give them the proper time.

FAQs about Happiness

Q.1 What is True Happiness? A.1 True happiness means the satisfaction that you find worthy. The long-lasting true happiness comes from life experience, a feeling of purpose, and a positive relationship.

Q.2 Who is happier the rich or the poor and who is more wealthy rich or poor? A.2 The poor are happier then the rich but if we talk about wealth the rich are more wealthy then the poor. Besides, wealth brings insecurity, anxiety and many other problems.

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Essay on “My Idea of A Happy Life” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10

My idea of a happy life.

When I begin to think of my idea of a happy life, I think first of all of money — plenty of money for everything all the time. Money to buy a beautiful house for my parents or my brothers and sisters with every convenience and luxury, money to buy a fine motor car, all the clothes we could ever want, and as many possessions like transistors, bicycles, and modern appliances, as the heart could desire. money too, for foreign travel and for a first-class education. Then, I think, I could be happy. But, is this really the answer? It is true that the possession of money contributes to comfort and easy living, but money in itself cannot create happiness.

Let us look at some of the world’s richest people. Barbara Hutton, the Woolworth’s heiress, for example, was divorced several times and lived a most unhappy life. There are many other rich people, whose misery is much greater than that of those living with only enough money for the barest necessities of life.

The essentials, therefore, of a happy life do not lie in money. Indeed, very many of them are things that money can never purchase. Good health is one of them and the one that we value least until we are in danger of losing it. It is true that brave people who suffer from ill-health do surmount it and often find great happiness, but this needs great courage and all of them would admit that they would be happier with a healthy body and leading a normal life.

Like most of my fellowmen, I am a gregarious animal and therefore, love and human companionship are important factors in my idea of a happy life. Since a child, I have needed the love of my parents and the affection of my brothers and sisters. In a wider circle, the interests of my uncles and aunts and the companionship of my school friends have all contributed to my happiness. Now that I am older, I realize that I must find a loving girl to marry, who will share all my joys and sorrows, and who will provide me with congenial home life as a refuge from the storms and stresses of the world outside. My childhood friends are being substituted for adult companions in college and in clubs, but I am still surrounded by a wealth of friendship and love, which to me are essential for happiness.

I am now training to be a lawyer at our university. This subject has always interested me and since a child, my dream has been to become a solicitor and to return to my town to work and to help people there. Here again, it is essential to happiness to be trained to do an interesting, worthwhile job that absorbs all one’s working attention and provides an outlet for one’s abilities and energies.

I like sport of all kinds, particularly basketball and swimming, and my idea of a happy life would include time and opportunity for these pursuits. It would also include time to reading and for all my leisure activities and hobbies. Public service has always interested me, and so I would want to take some part in public life. What I actually do will, of course, depend on where I am living, but I shall certainly want to be an active member of my Residents’ Committee and my local church.

My faith too is important to me and therefore, it is essential for happiness that I should be able to live in a country, where the people walk in freedom to practice their own faiths. Singapore today, is a living example to the world, of this. People here, of many diverse cultures, live side by side in peace, each contributing to the culture of the rest. All are tolerated. This is not so in every country of the world, and when freedom of speech and of action is taken away, as it regrettably can be, then all hope of happiness goes with it.

It is said, and rightly so, that happiness is the most elusive and evasive thing of all, Indeed cynics have remarked that a man can only be truly happy when he is dead. The world would indeed be a miserable place if this were so, but fortunately, the majority of us find more happiness than unhappiness in our lives. The secret of happiness perhaps lies in wanting the right things first, in working hard, in giving more than in receiving, so that eventually, we are able to achieve it.

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Essay on Happy Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Happy Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Happy Life

What is a happy life.

A happy life is one filled with joy and contentment. It’s when you are satisfied with what you have and who you are. You feel at peace. It is not about having lots of money or possessions. Instead, it’s about finding happiness in small things and enjoying each moment.

Importance of Relationships

A happy life often includes good relationships. These can be with family, friends, or even pets. Being kind and caring to others can make you feel good. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can also bring joy.

Health and Happiness

Good health is key to a happy life. This includes both physical and mental health. Eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising can help. Also, taking time to relax and do things you enjoy can boost your mood.

Learning and Growth

Learning new things can make life exciting and fun. It helps us grow as people. Trying new activities, reading books, or learning a new skill can bring happiness. It gives us a sense of achievement and boosts our confidence.

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250 Words Essay on Happy Life

A happy life is a life filled with joy and contentment. It’s when you feel good about who you are and what you do. It’s about being satisfied with what you have and not always wanting more. It’s about feeling loved and giving love to others.

How to Live a Happy Life?

Living a happy life is not hard, but it does need some effort. Here are some ways to live a happy life:

First, be thankful for what you have. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t have but being grateful for what we do have can make us happier.

Second, be kind to others. Being nice to people can make them happy, and their happiness can make us happy too.

The Role of Friends and Family

Friends and family play a big role in our happiness. Spending time with them, sharing our thoughts and feelings, and doing fun things together can make us feel loved and happy.

Challenges and Happiness

Life is not always easy. We all face challenges and problems. But even in tough times, we can find happiness. We can learn from our mistakes and grow stronger. We can find joy in small things like a beautiful sunset or a kind word from a friend.

500 Words Essay on Happy Life

A happy life is like a beautiful journey filled with joy and satisfaction. It is not about having a lot of money or expensive things. Instead, it is about feeling good about who you are and what you do. It is about having good health, loving relationships, and time to enjoy life’s little pleasures.

The Importance of Good Health

Good health is like a golden key to a happy life. When we are healthy, we can do anything we want. We can play, study, and spend time with our friends. We feel energetic and full of life. Eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are some ways to keep our health in top shape.

Value of Relationships

Importance of doing what you love.

Doing what we love can bring us a lot of happiness. It could be playing a sport, painting, reading, or even helping others. When we do what we love, we feel a sense of joy and fulfillment. It makes us feel that we are doing something meaningful. So, it’s important to find out what we love to do and spend some time doing it.

Learning to Appreciate Small Things

Sometimes, we forget to appreciate the small things in life. A beautiful sunrise, a delicious meal, a good book, or a kind word from a friend can bring us a lot of happiness. Learning to appreciate these small things can make our life more joyful and fulfilling.

Overcoming Challenges

Life is not always easy. There are times when we face difficulties and challenges. But overcoming these challenges can make us stronger and happier. It teaches us to be patient and to never give up. It helps us to appreciate the good times even more.

In conclusion, a happy life is about feeling good about ourselves, having good health, loving relationships, doing what we love, appreciating the small things, and overcoming challenges. It’s not about having a lot of money or expensive things. It’s about enjoying the journey of life with a positive attitude and a grateful heart. Remember, happiness is a choice. Choose to live a happy life.

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “My Idea of a Happy Life” English Essays for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduation Exams.

My Idea of a Happy Life

Every body wants to be happy. Happiness is the goal of our life. Scientists have worked hard to make us happy. They have tried their best to make mankind happy. Even then we find people unhappy. None is perfectly happy.

Our life is a story of pain as well as joy. It is a mingled yarn, good and ill together. Out of the shadows of pain, goodness often comes out. Even then a happy life means a life of freedom from the petty cares and worry of getting the daily bread. To be happy I should have enough to support myself, without being hampered by poverty or authority or influence. I do not mean that I should have untold wealth. This will cause trouble. But I should have just enough of the good things of life to keep my sense of independence.

Alongwith this should go clear conscience which is possible by virtuous living. One cannot have peace of mind unless one leads a holy life. ‘Virtues alone is happiness below’, said Pope long ago quite correctly.

Then again, to be really happy one should be a little far from the selfish affairs of the world. Ft does not mean that one should leave the world altogether. What I want is that I should be free from the thousand attractions of daily life so that I may taste all the enjoyments of body and mind. I do not want to be a selfish bundle of wants. In my seclusion, I would work for the achievement of my ideal that I should be human. I want to live happily and care free.

As far as I am concerned, I think plain living and high thinking is the best rule of life. We should do our duties honestly, sincerely and fearlessly. If we are not sincere in our work, if we are not honest, we will never be happy. Prayer and riches will not help us. A man of upright character is generally happy, whether he is rich or poor.

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Happiness Essay | Essay on Happiness for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Happiness Essay: There is no one hard and fast definition for the term happiness. Happiness differs from person to person; different people have different perceptions and conceptions of being happy. Whatever that may be, Happiness is an essential feature of human life. Without it, life holds no meaning at all. It is not possible at all for a person to live their lives devoid of joy and Happiness.

The topic of Happiness is of the utmost importance. It is also treated as a crucial and popular topic on which students are asked to write compositions. For the convenience of school students, we have compiled a collection of one extended Essay and one short Essay on the topic of Happiness. Additionally, a set of ten lines on the subject is also provided.

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Long and Short Essays on Happiness for Students and Kids in English

Below, you can find a 600-word Happiness essay as well as a 200-word Happiness essay for students and schoolchildren. Long Essay on Happiness is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short Essay on Happiness is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5, and 6.

Long Essay on Happiness 500 Words in English

Happiness is subjective. There is no one way in which the term can be defined. For different people, Happiness holds different connotations. For some, it implies a state of mind; for others, it might mean a standard of lifestyle. Each human being is an independent, free-thinking individual. Everyone has an outlook on life that is different from the other. Hence, the definition of Happiness is also variable for people. However, whatever may be the definition of Happiness, there is no denying that Happiness is an integral part of our lives. Without it, there is no point in living or going about in life.

There is a common phrase that goes: “Money cannot buy happiness.” To some extent, it can be heralded as being valid. However, some people may find it to be false. For a specific section of society, Happiness is defined by wealth. These people tend to consider wealth as the measuring rod for their joys in life. For them, Happiness in life comes from material possession and well-being. Riches, money, jewels, gold, and wealth make them happy; they remain content with these in their lives.

For another section of society, wealth does not act as the agent for Happiness in their lives. Many consider Happiness to be a peaceful and calm sense of joy that occurs within one’s mind. For them, it cannot be measured in terms of worldly things. Happiness tends to become a feeling, that can be grasped through the satisfaction of the mind and soul, and not through the pleasure of the body. Happiness, for some, can also imply success. Being ambitious, hardworking, and successful often become ways in which a person obtains Happiness in life.

Whatever be our modes and methods of becoming happy, it tends to keep changing over time. No feeling is absolute. It might happen that the things used to make us comfortable during our childhood, no longer hold the same significance in our lives. This happens because our priorities and our goals change over time. As we grow up, our outlook and vision in life mature, and we no longer base our Happiness on things we used to love previously.

Thus the state of being happy largely depends upon what a particular person wants from life. It depends upon a person’s desires and goals in life. Above all and in most cases, indulging in the things that one loves the most becomes the key to a happy life. Hence, love and Happiness are directly linked. Without love, Happiness does not persist. Likewise, without Happiness, love does not persist.

As mentioned, a variety of things make a variety of people happy. There is no right or wrong way to obtain Happiness. Different people have different methods by which they can derive Happiness. All of them are valid; none of them are false or incorrect. Judging people based on what they love and what they hate is not justifiable. We all have different priorities in life, and not all of those are similar. They can be different, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. Doing anything that makes one feel happy inside out should be considered as valid and rightful.

Short Essay on Happiness 150 Words in English

The key to happiness lies in doing what one loves. A lot of people end up having a remorseful life, filled with regrets; this happens because they settle for something that they do not genuinely like. Irrespective of what the society imposes on us, we must indulge in only that which makes us feel happy and joyous.

One cannot achieve complete and untainted happiness. Someone can’t dwell in a state of utmost bliss and Happiness. All of us have our fair share of miseries and regrets in life. But there also occurs moments of indefinite and immeasurable joys. We should all cling to those moments of joy and cherish them wholeheartedly to have a happy life in the grand scheme of things.

10 Lines on Happiness Essay in English

  • A happy life exudes positivity and joy.
  • Different people hold different opinions on Happiness.
  • Not everyone has a similar point of interest from which they derive Happiness.
  • Happiness is directly linked with love and positivity.
  • In an ideal situation, doing what one loves is the ultimate path to absolute Happiness.
  • The fulfillment of personal goals and desires makes one happy.
  • It is immensely important for a person to lead a happy life.
  • Without a happy life, one becomes exhausted and tired of daily routine.
  • The feeling of Happiness is not constant. It is lingering.
  • Happiness is subjective and cannot be tied to one particular thing alone.

FAQ’s on Happiness Essay

Question 1. How to lead a happy life?

Answer: To lead a happy life, one must dwell in a positive and encouraging environment. Taking up that which one loves doing as one’s profession and source of livelihood is also the key to a happy life.

Question 2. How to stay happy?

Answer: There is no hard and fast method of staying happy. One cannot remain satisfied all the time. We all have our depressing and sorrowful episodes. But life also gives us moments of joy and Happiness.

Question 3. Is Happiness important?

Answer: Yes. Happiness is important. Happiness Is probably the most significant aspect of one’s life.

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Essays About Happiness: 5 Essay Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

Being happy and content is essential to living a successful life. If you are writing essays about happiness, start by reading our helpful guide.

Whenever we feel positive emotions rushing through our heads, chances are we are feeling happy. Happiness is what you feel when you enter the house, the smell of your favorite food being cooked or when you finally save up enough money to buy something you’ve wanted. It is an undeniably magical feeling. 

Happiness can do wonders for your productivity and well-being; when you are happy, you are more energetic, optimistic, and motivated. So it is, without a doubt, important. However, do not become caught up in trying to be happy, as this may lead to worse problems. Instead, allow yourself to feel your emotions; be authentic, even if that means feeling a little more negative.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. causes of happiness by otis curtis, 2. how to be happy by tara parker-pope, 3. reflections on ‘happiness’ by shahzada sultan.

  • 4.  Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

5. Toxic positivity by Suhani Mahajan

6 prompts for essays about happiness, 1. why is it important to be happy, 2. what is happiness to you, 3. the role of material things in happiness, 4. how does happiness make you more productive, 5. is true happiness achievable, 6. happiness vs. truth.

“If you don’t feel good about yourself you will have a similarly negative attitude towards others and education is one way of having good self-esteem, as it helps you to live life successfully and happily. Education is one way of getting that dream job and education is an essential cog in the wheel to living comfortably and happily. One English survey that included over 15,000 participants revealed that 81 percent of people who had achieved a good level of education had a high level of life satisfaction.”

Based on personal beliefs and research, Curtis’ essay describes different contributing causes to people’s happiness. These include a loving, stable family and good health. Interestingly, there is a positive correlation between education level and happiness, as Curtis cites statistics showing that education leads to high self-esteem, which can make you happier. 

“Socratic questioning is the process of challenging and changing irrational thoughts. Studies show that this method can reduce depression symptoms. The goal is to get you from a negative mindset (“I’m a failure.”) to a more positive one (“I’ve had a lot of success in my career. This is just one setback that doesn’t reflect on me. I can learn from it and be better.”)”

Parker-Pope writes about the different factors of happiness and how to practice mindfulness and positivity in this guide. She gives tips such as doing breathing exercises, moving around more, and spending time in places and with people that make you happy. Most importantly, however, she reminds readers that negative thoughts should not be repressed. Instead, we should accept them but challenge that mindset.

“Happiness is our choice of not leaving our mind and soul at the mercy of the sways of excitement. Happiness cannot eliminate sorrow, suffering, pain or death from the scheme of things, but it can help keep fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, pessimism and other fathers of unhappiness at bay.”

Sultan discusses what happiness means to her personally. It provides an escape from all the dreariness and lousy news of daily life, not eliminating negative thoughts but keeping them at a distance, even just for a moment. She writes that to be happy; we should not base our happiness on the outcomes of our actions. We cannot control the world around us, so we should not link our happiness to it. If something doesn’t go our way, that is just how the world works. It is useless to be sad over what we cannot control.

4.   Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

“Our souls do float across the sea of life, taking on water as they go, sinking ever so slightly — perhaps even imperceptibly — into despair. But our souls are not the bucket. Happiness itself is. And it’s the bucket we use to pour water out our souls and keep us afloat. What we really need is peace. Peace patches the holes in our souls and stops the leaking. Once we have peace, we will no longer need to seek happiness.”

In his essay, Gorman reflects on how he stopped trying to chase happiness and instead focused on finding peace in life. He writes that we are often so desperate looking for happiness that our lives become complicated, chaotic, and even depressing at times. He wants readers to do what they are passionate about and be their authentic selves; that way, they will find true happiness. You might also be interested in these essays about courage .

“That’s the mindset most of us have. Half of toxic positivity is just the suppression of 200% acceptable feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and more. Any combination of such feelings is deemed “negative.” Honestly, mix ‘em up and serve them to me in a cocktail, eh? (Fine, fine, a mocktail. I reserve my right to one of those little umbrellas though.)

But by closing ourselves off to anything but positivity, we’re experiencing the same effects as being emotionally numb. Why are we doing this to ourselves?”

Mahajan writes about the phenomenon known as “toxic positivity” in which everyone is expected to be happy with their lives. It trivializes people’s misfortunes and sufferings, telling them to be happy with what they have instead. Mahajan opposes this, believing that everyone’s feelings are valid. She writes that it’s okay to be sad or angry at times, and the stigma around “negative feelings” should be erased. When we force ourselves to be happy, we may feel emotionally numb or even sad, the exact opposite of being happy. 

Essays About Happiness: Why is it important to be happy?

Many would say that happiness aids you in many aspects of your life. Based on personal experience and research, discuss the importance of being happy. Give a few benefits or advantages of happiness. These can include physical, mental, and psychological benefits, as well as anything else you can think of. 

Happiness means different things to different people and may come from various sources. In your essay, you can also explain how you define happiness. Reflect on this feeling and write about what makes you happy and why. Explain in detail for a more convincing essay; be sure to describe what you are writing about well. 

Essays About Happiness: The role of material things in happiness

Happiness has a myriad of causes, many of which are material. Research the extent to which material possessions can make one happy, and write your essay about whether or not material things can truly make us happy. Consider the question, “Can money buy happiness?” Evaluate the extent to which it can or cannot, depending on your stance.  

Happiness has often been associated with a higher level of productivity. In your essay, look into the link between these two. In particular, discuss the mental and chemical effects of happiness. Since this topic is rooted in research and statistics, vet your sources carefully: only use the most credible sources for an accurate essay.

In their essays, many, including Gorman and Mahajan, seem to hold a more critical view of happiness. Our world is full of suffering and despair, so some ask: “Can we truly be happy on this earth?” Reflect on this question and make the argument for your position. Be sure to provide evidence from your own experiences and those of others. 

In dystopian stories, authorities often restrict people’s knowledge to keep them happy. We are seeing this even today, with some governments withholding crucial information to keep the population satisfied or stable. Write about whether you believe what they are doing is defensible or not, and provide evidence to support your point. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

For help picking your next essay topic, check out our top essay topics about love .

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Happiness Essay: Definition, Outline & Examples

happiness essay

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A happiness essay is an academic paper that explores the concept of happiness, and how it can be achieved and maintained in our lives. The purpose of a happiness essay is to explore the psychological, social, and cultural factors that contribute to happiness. On this type of essay, students should provide insights into how individuals can cultivate a happy and fulfilling life.

In this article, we will explore the definition of happiness and its various components and outline the key elements of happiness essay structure. Whether you are seeking how to write a happiness essay or want to know more about this feeling, this is the right article. You will also find en example for your inspiration. Struggling with your writing? Say goodbye to stress and let our experts handle your ' write my essay for me ' challenge. Our team of skilled writers is ready to tackle any topic and deliver top-notch papers tailored to your instructions.

What Is a Happiness Essay?

The definition of a happiness essay can differ, but in general, a happiness essay is a paper that examines emotions, experiences, and perspectives related to the pursuit of contentment. Likewise, it may explore the philosophical and psychological aspects of delight and how it is affected by factors like wealth, relationships, and personal circumstances. A happiness essay provides a deeper understanding of enjoyment, how it can be achieved, and its influence on society. It is an opportunity to take readers on a reflective and stimulating journey, exploring the essence of joy. Writing a thematic essay on happiness is also a chance for writers to share their thoughts and observations with other people. Let's dive in and explore what delight really means to you!

Purpose of an Essay on Happiness

The reason for writing an essay about happiness is to explore the concept of delight to understand what it means to different people. For example, many believe it primarily depends on external factors such as wealth, success, or material possessions. However, it can be illustrated that true joy largely comes from internal factors, like one's outlook, personal growth, and relationships, especially with family and friends. A happiness essay helps to dispel common misconceptions about what satisfaction truly is. Writing a paper on this subject can describe a deeper, healthy understanding of this universal pursuit.

Ideas to Write a Happiness Essay on

When you want to write a happiness essay , first, it is important to ask: What is happiness to you? How can it be understood? One approach is to define happiness and examine its various dimensions, such as psychological, emotional, and physiological.  For example, career satisfaction is a crucial factor in achieving contentment. When people enjoy their jobs and feel fulfilled, they tend to report higher levels of delight. It's worth exploring the link between happiness and career satisfaction and how people can find meaning in their work.  Another idea of how to be happy would look at factors like relationships, personal growth, and achievement. Besides, the connection between money and happiness can also be a significant factor in the quality of life. Can you buy satisfaction?  The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental aspect of life, and analyzing its various dimensions can help us gain valuable insights into what leads to a happy life.

Happiness Essay Outline

An outline for a happiness essay serves as a roadmap for writers to keep their paper organized. It helps to break down researched content into manageable sections while ensuring that all necessary information is included.  The essay outline on happiness example might look something like this:

  • Topic definition
  • Topic importance
  • Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence
  • Concluding sentence, connected to your thesis
  • Summarizing main points
  • Final thoughts and future recommendations
  • Encouraging readers to reflect on their delight

This outline provides a comprehensive format for an essay about happiness, ensuring that articles are well-structured, easy to understand, and cover all the necessary information.

Structure of a Happiness Essay

Happiness essay structure is critical to a successful article because it helps to organize the ideas clearly and coherently. It is easier for readers to follow and understand writers' perspectives on this complex and multifaceted topic if the essay has the following sections: Introduction:  provides context for the topic with a clear thesis statement. Body:  delves into the details while providing evidence to support the thesis. Conclusion:  summarizes the main points while restating the thesis statement in a new way. By following this structure, writers can produce compelling essays on happiness in life that engage and inform readers.

Happiness Essay Introduction

The introduction of a happiness essay is critical to setting the stage for the article’s body. Good introductions should have three key elements: a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.  The hook draws readers in and keeps them engaged, but a boring or generic one may make them lose interest. The background information provides context for the topic and gives the audience a better understanding of why the essay is being written. Lastly, the thesis statement states the writer's stance on contentment, providing a roadmap for the rest of the essay.  An essay about happiness introduction is an important part that sets the tone and lays the foundation for the paper. By following this structure, authors can ensure that the introduction of their paper is well-organized, concise, and effective in drawing the readers into their piece.

Happiness Essay Introduction Example

An introduction to your paper should be engaging, interesting, brief, and to the point. It clearly states the objectives of the research and introduces readers to the key arguments that will be discussed. Here is an example of a happiness essay introduction:

Satisfaction is never a straightforward and easily attainable idea. It has intrigued philosophers, religious figures, and people alike for centuries. Some say contentment is found inside a material wealth lifestyle, and others believe it is a state of mind or a result of spiritual fulfillment. But what is happiness, really? And how can we cultivate it in our own lives?

Happiness Essay Thesis Statement

A happiness essay thesis statement is the backbone of an article and a crucial element in your paper. A good thesis statement about happiness should be arguable, specific, and relevant to the topic. It is important for defining the scope of an article and highlighting its focus while also identifying what it will not cover.  Finally, the thesis statement tells readers the writer's point of view and sets a standard for judging whether the essay achieves its goal. By creating an effective statement, writers can significantly impact their paper's quality by providing direction and focus to the author’s argument.

Happiness Thesis Statement Example

This thesis statement defines the pursuit of delight and outlines its contributing factors. Here is an example of a happiness essay thesis statement sample:

True happiness comes from family, friends, and learning to be content in life, while money can only purchase momentary happiness.

Happiness Essay Body

A happiness body paragraph is a component of the body section of an article that provides evidence, examples, and supporting arguments to develop an essay's central idea. Good paragraphs cover a topic in-depth and engage readers, prompting them to reflect on what brings joy and how to pursue it. A paragraph about happiness should be well-structured and focused, analyzing factors contributing to contentment in a logical and coherent manner. A well-crafted essay body on happiness includes several paragraphs, each focused on specific aspects of enjoyment while supporting an article's overall argument. Following these guidelines, writers can create persuasive essay paragraphs.

Happiness Body Paragraph Example

Body paragraphs should provide a deeper understanding of the topic while engaging readers with relevant, thought-provoking information. Happiness body paragraph example:

Contentment brings a smile to our faces, peace to our hearts, and a skip in our steps. It's what many of us strive for every day, and it turns out it's not just good for our spirits but our health too! Studies have linked contentment to lower stress, reduced risk of heart disease, and elevated life satisfaction. Delight can come from doing what you love, being with loved ones, or having a sense of purpose. Or, it may simply be found in everyday moments like a sunny day, a good meal, or a breathtaking sunset. Although joy can be fleeting and affected by life events, we can still work to cultivate it in our lives.

Happiness Essay Conclusion

A conclusion is the last section of an essay that summarizes the main points while offering a final perspective on the topic. To write a strong conclusion on a happiness essay, consider these key elements: 

  • summarize the main arguments
  • provide closure
  • include a final thought or reflection
  • leave a lasting impression
  • avoid introducing new information.

A good conclusion can make the difference between a forgettable essay and one that stays with the reader long after they've finished. Following these guidelines ensures that your essay conclusion about happiness effectively wraps up the argument and provides readers with memorable final impressions.

Happiness Essay Conclusion Sample

Conclusion helps readers better understand the topic by providing a sense of resolution or insight. Here is an example of a happiness essay conclusion:

In conclusion, delight is a difficult and multi-faceted concept that can influence various factors, including personal relationships, life events, and individual perspectives. The pursuit of contentment is a common initiative for all humans, and it is evident that becoming content requires a perfect balance and order of internal and external factors. This article presents evidence that helps you see clearly that contentment is not a fixed state. It is a journey that needs effort, reflection, and self-awareness to enjoy. I hope this paper has helped you realize a deeper understanding of this topic and become better equipped to embark on your pursuit of joy. 

How to Write an Essay on Happiness?

If you want to write an essay on happiness, remember that it can be a hard yet rewarding experience. Whether you are doing it for a class assignment, a job, a scholarship application, or personal growth, exploring what contentment means to you can be the journey of self-discovery.  You should clearly understand the topic and have a well-structured plan. The steps to effective happiness essay writing include defining satisfaction, conducting research, and organizing thoughts. When writing, it's crucial to consider factors that contribute to delight and obstacles that can hinder the process. Following the steps below, you can craft an article that effectively communicates your perspective on this topic.

1.  Pick a Topic About Happiness

Choosing a topic about happiness essay can be daunting, but with some guidance and creativity, you may find a subject that is both interesting and relevant. When brainstorming for happiness essay topics, follow these steps:

  • Start with a broad idea related to your issue. Narrow the focus to a specific aspect, gather information, list potential cases, evaluate options, refine the matter, and check for relevance to your audience.
  • Gather information, consider the different perspectives, and take note of the arguments you come across.
  • Come up with five to ten potential concerns and evaluate each, asking questions such as if it is interesting, has enough information available, and if you can find a unique approach.
  • Refine your chosen discussion to make it specific, focused, relevant, and interesting to your audience.

2. Do In-Depth Research

Gathering information from credible sources is crucial when writing an essay about happiness. Here are some tips to ensure that you collect accurate and relevant facts:

  • Research from trustworthy sources like academic journals, books by experts, and government websites.
  • Evaluate information's credibility and reliability. When you are reading, take notes on the information that you find. Write down the author, title, and publication date of each source to keep track of your research.
  • Use multiple sources to broaden your understanding of your topic.
  • Organize your research with a citation manager or bibliography.

Following these tips, you can delve into a wealth of credible sources for your happiness essays to elevate your article to new heights of insight.

3. Create an Outline for a Happiness Essay

Crafting an outline is essential in writing an essay on happiness and can give your work the structure and direction it needs to succeed. Here's how to create an effective happiness essay outline:

  • Framework Start by outlining the main sections of your essay - introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Pinpoint your ideas Determine the key points you want to convey in each section.
  • Supplement with specifics Add details that reinforce and support your ideas under each main point.
  • Follow the guide Use the happiness essay outline example above as a starting point, but feel free to customize depending on the situation.

By following these steps and utilizing an essay outline , you'll have a clear map to guide you as you craft your paper, ensuring that your ideas are coherently organized, and your writing flows effortlessly.

4. Write an Essay About Happiness

In this essay about happiness, we will delve into the elusive and complex nature of this emotion. Here is an example to follow when you write your happiness essay.

Contentment is a subjective experience that varies significantly from person to person. It is often considered the ultimate goal of human life, and many people spend their entire lives searching for it. Despite its elusive nature, it is a crucial component of well-being and has been linked to numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional health. The reasons to smile or experience joy are varied and can be both internal and external. Some individuals find joy in the simple things in life, like being with family, pursuing their passions, or exploring new experiences. On the other hand, others may find it through accomplishing personal goals, acquiring material goods, or attaining financial security. Nonetheless, it's crucial to keep in mind that these external sources of happiness may not always be possible and may not alleviate suffering. Conversely, true joy comes from within and is characterized by a sense of being content, satisfied, and with purpose. It can be cultivated through mindfulness, gratitude, and self-reflection. By focusing on personal growth, forming meaningful relationships, and finding meaning and purpose in life, individuals, including children, can develop a deep sense of satisfaction that is not dependent on external circumstances and is not easily disturbed by life's problems. In conclusion, delight is a complex and multifaceted experience that both internal and external factors can influence. While external sources can bring temporary joy, true and lasting contentment can only be found within. Individuals can create a foundation for joy that will endure throughout their lives by focusing on personal growth and cultivating a positive mindset.

5. Proofread Your Happiness Essay

When proofreading your happiness essay, make sure to take your time and approach it methodically. Follow these steps:

  • Read through the entire essay to get a sense of its overall structure and flow.
  • Pay close attention to the introduction, as this sets the tone for the entire piece.
  • Look for typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing .
  • Ensure your paragraphs are well-organized, with clear transitions between ideas. Check that your happy essay accurately reflects your thoughts and clearly conveys the message you want.
  • Finally, read the paper out loud to yourself, or have someone else read it to you.

This can help you pick up on any errors that you might have missed during your initial proofreading. Finally, the article will leave a lasting impression on your reader and enhance your credibility as a writer.

Happiness Essay Examples

If you're looking to write truly captivating happiness essays, it's always helpful to seek inspiration from various sources. Consider checking out these excellent essay examples about happiness:  Happiness essay example 1


Essay example about happiness 2

Happiness essay sample 3

Essay on happiness example 4

Example of a happiness essay 5

They offer a rich tapestry of perspectives on what enjoyment truly means. Whether you draw on your own experiences or delve into the experiences of others, a happiness essay example will serve as a valuable resource as you strive to make your mark on this timeless topic.

Happiness Essay Writing Tips

When writing a happiness essay, there are key tips to keep in mind to help you create a compelling piece of work. Here are a few suggestions to get you started in happiness essays writing:

  • Explore the concept from a cultural or historical perspective, looking at how attitudes towards your topic have changed over time across different societies.
  • Consider how relationships, community, and social connections shape our enjoyment. How can these factors interact?
  • Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches, such as positive or negative thinking, mindfulness, and self-care, offering a well-rounded perspective on the topic.
  • Reflect on the connection between happiness and success, considering whether one necessarily leads to the other or can be pursued independently of success.
  • Incorporate humor and lightheartedness into your writing, making your essay entertaining.

By going about integrating these unique tips into your writing day by day, you'll be able to craft essays on happiness that are both original and memorable, capturing the reader's imagination from start to finish. Students can explore a vast range of topics through our platform, from an essay about true friendship  and a  family essay to an illustration essay that will show how to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging way.

Bottom Line on Happiness Essay Writing

To write a happiness essay, you should consider providing long and in-depth ways to explore what truly brings us joy. Instead of repeating common knowledge, take a personal approach and reflect on the things that delight you. Consider the fact that relationships, gratitude, mindfulness, and activities all contribute to shaping our joy. Your happiness essays should also showcase your introspective side. Examine any challenges or obstacles you have faced in your journey toward contentment. This will make your paper not only unique but also relatable and insightful. The goal is to create a piece that offers a fresh perspective on the concept of happiness and a true reflection of your experiences.


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Happiness Essay

Happiness is a feeling that is challenging to put into words. It is a surreal experience that can only be felt. It is one of the most important amenities for living a blissful life. Every individual has a different perspective on the term "happiness." Some believe that having a good bank balance is what happiness is, while others believe that being in a happy relationship is true happiness. Here are a few sample essays on happiness.

Happiness Essay

100 Word Essay On Happiness

Happiness is a feeling you experience internally . True happiness also originates from within you. Happiness is essentially a mental state. It can be accomplished by thinking positively and keeping everything negative out of your head. It is a mental state in which one has the full and satisfying sensation that their heart is truly at peace; it is not simply about money or prosperity. Positive emotions not only make us feel good, but they also benefit our bodies and minds. Our immune system is strengthened, stress hormones are reduced, and anxiety and despair are lessened. Our happiness and well-being are greatly impacted by experiencing certain good feelings on a daily basis.

200 Word Essay On Happiness

Happiness is still a rare feeling, despite the fact that everyone longs for it. It is a blissful state, and in order to achieve it, your mind must be trained. The reason for this is that your mind accepts whatever you tell it. Many philosophers have offered various perspectives on this, but the most persuasive one is that happiness comes from within and shouldn't be sought after in the outside world.

You can attract happiness into your life in a few different ways.

Being in the present | You must live in the present. Reminiscing about the past will only keep you from having fun, so try to put it behind you. Don't worry too much about the future. Make the most of the moment you're in.

Develop optimistic thinking | Positive thoughts cause positive things to happen in your life, and happiness is attracted to happy things. So make an effort to stop thinking negatively and think positively.

Enjoy Contentment | One of the most important factors in achieving happiness is contentment. In a variety of situations that arise in your life, you shouldn't become overly excited or depressed. In every situation, try to maintain your composure.

We have the capacity to create happiness for ourselves through the use of happy feelings, which can only be attained through thinking happy thoughts and maintaining a happy attitude.

500 Words Essay On Happiness

Happiness is a way of life , not something that can be achieved. It is something that people chase their entire lives but never truly find. They have been taught to think that obtaining a good or secure job, admission to a prestigious university, or finding a devoted partner will make them happy. These things are unquestionably necessary for living a good life, but they alone cannot bring true happiness.

My Happiness

I can still clearly recall living with my grandmother back when she was still alive. In my entire family, she was one of the best cooks. She used to ask me to pick up some of her recipes so I could use them in the future. Some of the best native cuisines I prepare are learned with her assistance. After school, when I was accepted into college, my friends asked me to prepare their favourite dishes. I was initially anxious, but I knew I could succeed just like my grandmother. I was delighted when I succeeded in making the dish and received praise for it. You can see that being happy doesn't require much; all you need to do is be self-assured, have a positive outlook, and approach every obstacle you encounter in life in this way. As a result, it is clear that you are the source of your own happiness. True happiness can only be attained by someone who is able to realise this.

Aristotle's Philosophy Of Happiness

As a philosopher, Aristotle ranks among the best . He held the view that we are responsible for our own happiness. He asserts that happiness is the only reason for living. He claimed that virtue determines happiness and that it is a goal in and of itself. He believes that in order to live a happy life, many requirements must be met, including being in good physical and mental health. According to him, the majority of our desires—whether they be for favourable relationships, wealth, success, or power—come from our conviction that they will make us happy. To put it another way, happiness is the goal and everything else is just a means to get there.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Happiness is frequently linked to financial success. If this were the case, then wealthy people would never have experienced sadness. The wealthy, on the other hand, exhibit greater levels of stress, anxiety, and worry. They also frequently experience relationship issues and depression. However, people from lower or middle-class backgrounds are frequently happier and more carefree.

Being wealthy is not necessarily a bad thing, though. Access to a wide range of resources is made possible by having money. However, it is incorrect to think that having all of these things will make you happy. Short-term happiness can be temporarily brought on by material possessions, but lasting happiness cannot be attained this way.

We hold ourselves to a standard that is unreal. When this happens, we begin to value material possessions and judge ourselves against others. Our emotions, however, are solely the product of our thoughts. We, therefore, need to work on developing positive thoughts and a positive outlook on life, as these things would ultimately lead to genuine happiness.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “My Idea of A Happy Life” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Idea of A Happy Life

Everybody wants to be happy. Happiness is the goal of our life. Scientists have worked hard to make us happy. They have tried their best to make mankind happy. Even then we find people unhappy. None is perfectly happy.

Our life is a story of pain as well as joy. It is a mingled yarn, good and ill together. Out of the shadows of pain, goodness often comes out. Even then a happy life means a life of freedom from the petty cares and worry of getting the daily bread. To be happy I should have enough to support myself, without being hampered by poverty or authority or influence. I do not mean that I should have untold wealth. This will cause trouble. But I should have just enough of the good things of life to keep my sense of independence.

Alongwith this should go clear conscience which is possible by virtuous living. One cannot have peace of mind unless one leads a holy life. ‘Virtues alone is happiness below’, said Pope long ago quite correctly.

Then again, to be really happy one should be a little far from the selfish affairs of the world. It does not mean that one should leave the world altogether. What I want is that I should be free from the thousand attractions of daily life so that I may taste all the enjoyments of body and mind. I do not want to be a selfish bundle of wants. In my seclusion, I would work for the achievement of my ideal that I should be human. I want to live happily and care free.

As far as I am concerned, I think plain living and high thinking is the best rule of life. We should do our duties honestly, sincerely and fearlessly. If we are not sincere in our work, if we are not honest, we will never be happy. Prayer and riches will not help us. A man of upright character is generally happy, whether he is rich or poor.

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How to Live a Happy Life: An Honest Essay

What is a happy life?

Is it a fulfilling career? Money? Success? Approval? Fame?

What if I told you it is none of these things?

Would you be surprised, or is there something in you that recognizes that this is true?

In society, you are praised if you’re ambitious, successful, rich, and famous.

Yet none of these things lead to happiness. Sure, you could say money increases happiness, but that is only to the point of covering the necessities plus a little extra.

This article is will not cover what is convenient, but instead look at what leads to long-term peace.

1. Contemplate

To contemplate means to look at attentively and thoughtfully.

What is it that makes you happy? What is your definition of happy?

What made you happy in the past?

And I’m not pointing to buying a new house, getting a raise, or getting likes on social media. Those are passing pleasures.

You may even benefit from using a different word than happy. What about content or peaceful?

To me happy means the absence of suffering, and the absence of suffering doesn’t mean no pain. There will always be unpleasant sensations or pain, but what can be transcended is the follow-up reaction.

This is by no means an easy task, but it is also not impossible.

The journey begins with one tiny step.

2. Present Moment

What stops this moment from being enough?

Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that come up.

You could even say to yourself: Everything is perfect as it is.

This will no doubt bring up objections. Instead of believing the narrative, notice that there’s a feeling in your body that is being neglected.

Can you meet this feeling?

There’s no need to label it. Just feel the sensations. Notice how they move.

For a moment, imagine that every desire and aversion you have is an escape from this moment, from feeling.

If you feel overwhelmed with the feelings in the body, feel free to take things slow. Most people have avoided this for their whole lives.

3. Equanimity

We are thrown here and there not by life, but by our reactions to life.

Developing equanimity is seeing that these reactions serve no purpose. If someone cuts me off in traffic, does it benefit anyone for me to become angry?

The problem is that these reactions feel like who we are, so we never even question them.

There are plenty of people who drive cars that never become angry. This kind of inquiry into yourself is not comfortable, because you have to sit with unpleasant sensations.

If you are willing to do this, you will discover that there is no reason to react except to escape from a feeling we don’t want to feel.

Don’t try to eliminate reactions. Instead, become curious–what purpose do they serve?

Start small. Become aware of small irritations you have. Notice how those try to distract from a feeling.

Awareness is how this all starts. Just notice what is happening, and wonder if it has to be that way.

Starting a simple and easy meditation practice will make this process much easier.

4. Connections

Study after study shows the benefit of connecting with like-minded people.

Yet it’s not easy to reach out, especially if you’re an introvert, but it is worth it.

Here, too, emotional work is required, because there can be patterns of shame, pride, worthlessness, failure, and rejection that stop us from reaching out.

This has been the case for me, and exploring these hidden places brings up memories long forgotten. This kind of investigation is uncomfortable at first, but rewarding in the end.

If you’re unsure of doing this, get in touch with a professional that can guide you through the process. Sometimes you just need a few sessions in order to learn some tools and discover that you are capable of this.

There may even be resistance to seeking help. If so, that is the feeling that needs to be welcomed.

I told you that this article wasn’t going to be convenient, didn’t I?

If you pick even one of the tips above, and implement it, it will make a difference. The only problem is that these are not easy to integrate.

There’s no need to force any of this.

Even if you forget you ever read this, that’s okay. Life has a way of bringing you back if this is your path.

Sometimes we need to bang our heads against the wall until something breaks. Only then are we ready to try something new.

I know that’s definitely been the case for me.

So don’t be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the journey.

All the best, Henri

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What Is Happiness? – My Essay On Defining Your Happiness

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Updated on July 11, 2023

What is happiness essay featured image

Happiness is probably the most pursued factor in life, above wealth, health, and good relationships. We all want to be happy, above everything else, right? Who cares about money when you’re not happy? Who cares about friends when you’re not happy with who you are? Who cares about good health if you’re lonely and depressed?

Happiness is the thing that most people want, yet it is one of the most difficult aspects of life to quantify. How do we measure happiness? How do we define happiness? What is happiness!? This is an essay that explores the many different faces of happiness. As you’ll learn, happiness doesn’t have a single universal definition. Its definition is unique for every single human being out there. Including you.

After reading this essay, you’ll know exactly what happiness is, how to define it for yourself, and even how to find it based on actionable advice.

Definition of happiness

Happiness synonyms, different kinds of happiness, a happy balance, why eternal happiness doesn’t exist, why eternal happiness can still be pursued, defining your own happiness, closing words, what is happiness.

Before starting this essay about happiness, we must at least have a broad idea of what happiness is. Let’s first have a look at how happiness is defined across the web.

Definitions of happiness vary quite a bit across multiple sources. Google thinks happiness is defined as follows:

The state of being happy

happiness definition google

You can see how Google is pretty vague about the definition of happiness. Furthermore, it quickly follows with a long list of synonyms.

Wikipedia has a much more interesting definition of what happiness is.

The feeling of an emotion such as pleasure or joy, the appraisal of life satisfaction or the quality of life, subjective well-being and eudaimonia.

happiness definition wikipedia

Lesson learned? It is really difficult to find a universally correct and agreed-upon definition of what happiness really is.

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Think of all the synonyms that we use to describe feelings that are similar to happiness.

What I like about Google is that it shows synonyms of happiness to people that are looking for its definition.

It’s like they’re saying: “Hey, we don’t know exactly how to define happiness, but here are a couple of concepts that we believe are very much similar!”

The list of synonyms is quite big:

  • Contentment
  • Satisfaction
  • Carefreeness

I think there is a lot we can learn just from the fact that happiness has so many synonyms.

Why? Because these synonyms are all specific variants of what happiness means to me. And I bet you feel the same.

All these different emotions are part of what happiness truly is. And that’s what makes happiness so incredibly difficult to define and measure. It’s a weighted average of all these different synonyms, and the equation of happiness truly changes per person . I’ll even go as far as to say that the happiness equation changes per person per day.

If pleasure makes me happy today, it doesn’t mean that that same amount of pleasure makes me happy tomorrow.

If short-term satisfaction made me happy yesterday, then it won’t necessarily make me happy next week.

happiness definitions and synonyms

What I want you to realize is that your personal definition of happiness is unique. What makes you happy doesn’t necessarily make another person happy. In fact, your definition of happiness is likely a combination of satisfaction, cheeriness, merriment, and jollity.

But the way you personally define happiness will likely change from day to day as well.

And that’s one of the most critical aspects of happiness. That’s also why it’s supposedly so hard to measure and quantify. Here’s an entire article I wrote recently about how difficult it is to define happiness, but you can still try for yourself !

Still with me? Good, because I’m going to add yet another reason why happiness is such a difficult thing to measure!

There are different kinds of happiness. Not just in the way we define happiness, but also in the way we experience it.

As part of this essay, I want to introduce the concepts of short-term and long-term happiness.

Short-term happiness

Short-term happiness is relatively easy to explain. It’s based on small and easy to obtain, yet rather unsustainable happiness. When looking at the list of happiness synonyms, I think the following concepts are clearly centered around short-term happiness:

You see, short-term happiness is based on the release of the chemical dopamine in our brain . This organic chemical is released whenever we are stimulated by things that please us. Some examples are sex, having a laugh with friends, finishing a race, watching a funny video online, or watching an exciting game of football. A more extreme example is drugs.

These things result in short-term happiness because dopamine is released based on a single event. When this event is over, the pleasure is gone. That’s why I consider this to be short-term happiness.

And then there is long-term happiness.

Long-term happiness

Long-term happiness is a little bit harder to explain because it revolves around other concepts of happiness. Instead of joy, pleasure, and ecstasy, the concepts that make up long-term happiness are:

I hope you can spot the difference here. Long-term happiness is created by feeling happy about your purpose in life, the successes that you’ve had and/or the satisfaction of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Long-term happiness is based on concepts that are not created by a single event. For example, I’m happy at the moment because I’m grateful for the life that I have right now. This happiness is not caused by something I’m doing at this very moment. No, I’m happy because I work hard and have achieved things that I am proud of. I have created a situation in which I am happy by default, without having to rely on single events.

happiness long-term vs short-term balance

Now that you are aware of these two different kinds of happiness, I want you to picture some scenarios.

  • Picture a life in which you spent your youth partying, doing whatever you want to do, using drugs and living without planning for a good future. Sure, you feel pretty happy when doing these things, but you can probably see how this lifestyle will eventually catch up with you, right?

You might have guessed it, but this scenario is focused exclusively on short-term happiness. And the simple fact is that pursuing nothing but short-term happiness does not lead to a sustainable happy life.

Now picture the following scenario:

  • You’re in your early twenties and want to become the next Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. You have great ambitions and are incredibly disciplined and inspired to become everything that you think you can become. You spend an incredible amount of time working on your projects, and you even make sacrifices just for the sake of your goals. You don’t have time for sleep, social activities or relationships. Hell, even your health starts to decline. It doesn’t matter though, because you eventually want to reach your goals, and then you’ll be happy right?

This is another extreme example of happiness. You can probably see how this person is very likely unhappy. He is spending the best years of his life making sacrifices in anticipation of what he eventually wants to become. For a lot of people, this sounds like a logical decision. But to me, this sounds like a huge mistake. You might feel satisfied with the progress you’re making, but are you truly happy? If you get in a fatal car crash tomorrow, would you have any regrets?

I want you to think about this for a moment since a lot of people in industrialized countries have the urge to constantly be planning for the future. And while this is not a bad thing in principle, we often take it too far. As a result, we are constantly sprinting from one deadline to the other. Sure, you want to plan for a happy future, but what’s the point of all of this when you’re not happy in the process itself?

The thing is, these extreme examples are not something that you should want. You can only lead a truly happy life when you actively pursue both short-term and long-term happiness.

It’s important to find out what your perfect balance is.

I’m not here to tell you that you should focus 50% of your attention on short-term happiness and the other 50% on long-term happiness. No. I’m here to tell you that you should be aware of your own happiness. Every single person on this planet has a different definition of happiness. You need to find out what happiness means to you, and how you want to pursue it.

They say happiness is a journey and not a destination. I think happiness can – and should – be both.

For me personally, I often notice how much short-term happiness I’m sacrificing in anticipation of long-term happiness. Some examples:

  • I go out for a long-distance training run in the pouring rain because I want to eventually finish another marathon in 3 months. I don’t even enjoy the long-distance run but I think that it will eventually lead to a great finish time, and thus long-term happiness.
  • Instead of just playing a videogame, I decide to write an essay about my understanding of happiness. Why? Because I think it will grow my website, which will make me happy in the long run.
  • I skip a nice snack because I want to maintain my weight

These are some real examples of how I’ve been sacrificing my short-term happiness for long-term happiness. I want you to think of a couple of examples for yourself. Have you ever made a bad decision that resulted in a decreased level of happiness?

Think about some real scenarios that you’ve experienced and whether you should have acted differently.

I’m not saying that sacrificing short-term happiness for long-term happiness is bad. I just want you to know that you need to find a balance. For example, I do actually want to finish my next marathon within a decent time, but I’m not going to make myself miserable by pushing myself to the limit in preparation. That’s not the balance that I’m after.

The thing is, realizing the difference between short-term and long-term happiness makes it easier for us to pursue happiness in our lives.

Pursue happiness, you ask?

Yes! I believe that happiness can actively be pursued and that you can steer your life in the best direction possible by doing this. However, there are a number of people that believe that pursuing happiness is a loser’s game. These people argue that by pursuing happiness , you’ll be more tempted to choose short-term happiness over long-term happiness. This is where the hedonic treadmill will quickly evaporate whatever happiness you’ve created for yourself.

The hedonic treadmill

Imagine something that you would really like to do right now.

What did you think of? Taking a long warm bath? Drinking wine with your friends? Going to an amusement park?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could do that right now? That would definitely have a positive influence on your happiness, right?

Now think about doing that exact thing every day, for the rest of your life, until the day you die.

Do you think you’d still be happy from doing that same thing after the 10th time? Or the 100th time? Or the 1000th time?

The answer is probably no. Even though this example is extreme, the theory of diminishing returns applies here. When repeated, the effect of the same event on your happiness will diminish to zero. That’s because the norms of what defines your happiness are constantly adapting. Your happiness equation transforms with your changing life, whether it’s for better or worse.

One of the best examples of this hedonic treadmill is the following:

Think of a big salary bump. You receive a raise of 50%! Congratulations, you now have money to spend on all kinds of things that make you and your family happy ! Will that happiness sustain into the future? Unfortunately not. Instead of appreciating the luxury of your raise, you will grow accustomed to this extra money and will slowly take it for granted. This adaptation is known as the hedonic treadmill , and it is generally conceived as the arch-enemy of happiness.

what is happiness essay hedonic treadmill

Now that you know what this hedonic treadmill is, it might seem like a waste of time to continue reading this essay, right?

NO! While the hedonic treadmill is very much real – I’ll never deny that – I don’t want you to think that greater happiness can’t be achieved. You just need to be willing to actively look for it in the right places.

See, nobody on the internet will be able to define happiness for you. What makes you happy is a constantly changing equation that is unique in every way. Why would you believe some scientist when he or she claims that happiness is impossible to pursue? What does that scientist know about you? Nothing!

It’s up to you to define what makes you happy.

How to find your own happiness

By now, you should know 3 things:

  • Your happiness equation is unique. Nobody can tell you what exactly to do in order to be happy.
  • You can pursue both short-term happiness and long-term happiness. The key is to find the perfect balance between the two. You can be happy on the journey towards a happy future.
  • The hedonic treadmill will diminish the effect events have on your happiness over time.

Let’s combine this knowledge. I want you to realize that you can learn more about your own happiness equation. You can find out what it is that makes you happy.

Got it? Good, because the next step is to define what the difference is between short-term and long-term happiness. You have to find out how much you value your happiness on the journey itself and how much of that happiness you want to sacrifice by investing in a potentially happier future.

Now, what if I told you that a perfect balance between long-term and short-term happiness can limit the effect that the hedonic treadmill has on you?

Yes, by consciously varying the pursuit of short-term and long-term happiness, you can vary the factors in your life in a way that leads to greater happiness. If you are aware of your own happiness equation, you’re able to pursue happiness in the areas where it matters the most.

What I want you to do is consider your personal happiness again for a moment.

Think back at the last week, and remember what things or events had a positive influence on your happiness. Think of the things that really made you smile or feel satisfied with where you were or how you acted.

What came to your mind? Was it work? Was it your relationship? Was it that silly movie you watched? Was it a nice sunny day spent outside? It could be literally anything! What I want most of all now is that you realize how you just measured a part of your happiness.

You see, even though happiness is claimed to be the factor of life that’s the most difficult to measure, you can still measure what is currently part of your happiness equation. It’s simple. For me personally, when I think back to yesterday, I remember that I really enjoyed spending time with my girlfriend, walking through the woods on a sunny day, and just relaxing (a.k.a. doing nothing!)

These are happiness factors that were a vital part of my happiness equation yesterday. It was a weekend day after a long and busy week at work, so I was really trying to find some short-term happiness. The things that I did yesterday were perfect, as it was a very happy day for me.

You should not be surprised if I told you that I was consciously trying to be happy by spending my day doing things that satisfied my short-term happiness.

You can do exactly the same. All you need to do is to define your own happiness.

And with that said, I want to conclude this essay about happiness. Happiness is different for every single human being on this planet. If you arrived at this essay without having a clear idea of what happiness is, I hope you now know that your personal happiness can be defined, measured, and quantified. But only YOU can do this, no one else will be able to tell you what happiness really is. If you are willing to actively pursue greater happiness, I believe you can steer your life in the best direction.

Now it’s time to hear from you! How do you define your own happiness right now? What has been your biggest happiness factor last week? Do you think you can learn from your own happiness?

I’d love to hear all about it in the comments!


Founder of Tracking Happiness, with over 100 interviews and a focus on practical advice, our content extends beyond happiness tracking. Hailing from the Netherlands, I’m a skateboarding enthusiast, marathon runner, and a dedicated data junkie, tracking my happiness for over a decade.

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The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

What most people wish for in life is how to remain happy. However, being happy and remaining satisfied with one’s life is a great challenge. Today, people associate happiness with having money and the ability to afford world pleasures. Many studies have shown that happiness is affected by different factors and money may not be among the top factors. For example, a study by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Studies (2015) showed that there was an increase in the happiness index for people with a monthly household salary ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 by 7% while those with a monthly income less than $10,000 rose by 3%. Interestingly, those with high-income brackets of between $20,000 and $30,000 had their happiness index drop by 4.7%. These figures denote that happiness is not solely dependent on one’s wealth. Being surrounded by people especially friends and family is the key to happiness because they provide moral and social support, directs an individual in doing what pleases him, and provides real and lasting contentment with life.

Happiness has been mainly associated with moral and social support. Citing the sentiments of St. Aquinas and Aristotle, Mills (2014) pointed out that belonging to a tight-knit society enhances the feeling of being wanted which is a key factor in being happy. Even though the arguments by Aquinas and Aristotle were mainly based on the sense of belonging to a religious community and trusting in a Supreme being, their sentiments depict the importance of moral and social support. In modern society, such support can be realized if people have supportive families and friends. The social bonds between an individual and the family or friends provide a system where one feels protected and comfortable (Shannon, 2016). This is based on the understanding that compassion and the feeling of closeness between two or more people lead to a genuine and happy union in general life (Wu, 2014). It is in this regard that Mills (2014) states, “New friends expand your world by providing an entrance to new interests, opportunities, and activities and can be an invaluable source of support and information – and, just as happiness-inducing, you can play the same role for them” (p. 10).

Family members can guide individuals in the carrying out of the activities that please them. According to Shannon (2016), living well and happily is mainly dependent on one’s relationship with a spouse, other family members, and friends. For example, in the documentary ‘Happiness,’ the hunters and gatherers of Namibia in Africa were found to be having a high happiness index (Belic, 2013). This is despite their poor living conditions in the forest. Their happiness can be attributed to the family ties and support system that they use in the course of hunting and gathering. In the documentary, Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor at the University of California, advises that people should have the intention to be happy irrespective of the prevailing situation. For instance, the hunters have the intention to stay happy because they do not worry about material things. Their meaning and purpose in life are tied to getting daily food.

In conclusion, happiness is not defined by having material things. From the examples provided in the documentary “Happiness” and the assertions by Aristotle and Aquinas, the aspect of compassion that emanates from belonging to a social network, such as the family, leads to the feeling of satisfaction. Thus, friends and a supportive family are invaluable sources of happiness.

Belic, R. (2013). Happy: Happiness & its causes [Video file]. Web.

Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Studies. (2015). Happiness index for Hong Kong. Web.

Mills, R. (2014). A study of happiness. Journal of Undergraduate Research , 13 (1), 5-7.

Shannon, V. (2016). The keys to happiness. The New York Times . Web.

Wu, Z. (2014). Family is the most influential factor on happiness in high school students. Health , 5 (1), 336-341.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 17). The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-key-to-happiness-and-satisfaction-with-life/

"The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life." IvyPanda , 17 Sept. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/the-key-to-happiness-and-satisfaction-with-life/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life'. 17 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life." September 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-key-to-happiness-and-satisfaction-with-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life." September 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-key-to-happiness-and-satisfaction-with-life/.


IvyPanda . "The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life." September 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-key-to-happiness-and-satisfaction-with-life/.

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    Essay, Paragraph, Speech on "My Idea of a Happy Life" English Essays for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduation Exams. Baljit Singh October 11, 2017 English Essays, Paragraph Writing No Comments. My Idea of a Happy Life. Every body wants to be happy. Happiness is the goal of our life. Scientists have worked hard to make us happy.

  10. 189 Happiness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Meaning of Happiness. The word "happiness" means various things to various people, and it would be a good idea to explore this topic in your paper. To get some perspectives, you could ask your friends or family members what happiness is to them. Alternatively, browse sample essays on happiness online.

  11. Essay on Happiness for Students and Children in English

    February 12, 2024 by Prasanna. Happiness Essay: There is no one hard and fast definition for the term happiness. Happiness differs from person to person; different people have different perceptions and conceptions of being happy. Whatever that may be, Happiness is an essential feature of human life. Without it, life holds no meaning at all.

  12. What Is Happiness Essay

    One would say that happiness is to be with a loved one, the second would say that happiness is the stability, and the third, on the contrary, would say that happiness is the unpredictability. For someone, to be happy is to have a lot of money while for others - to be popular. All in all, there are plenty of different understandings of happiness.

  13. Essays About Happiness: 5 Essay Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

    You might also be interested in these essays about courage. 5. Toxic positivity by Suhani Mahajan. "That's the mindset most of us have. Half of toxic positivity is just the suppression of 200% acceptable feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and more. Any combination of such feelings is deemed "negative.".

  14. 792 My Idea of a Happy Life Class 10 Notes English ...

    All the students are advised to study from 792. My Idea of a Happy Life Class 10 Notes on a weekly basis to create a strong foundation of all the topics and memorise them in a way so that you remember them for a longer period of time. About 792. My Idea of a Happy Life Class 10 Notes PDF. All the students can have access to Class 10 792.

  15. A simple life is a happy life: [Essay Example], 517 words

    A Simple Life is a Happy Life. Categories: Drama. Words: 517 | Page: 1 | 3 min read. Published: Oct 4, 2018. In the contemporary world, living life simply is awesome as it gets. Earlier, I thought living a life that necessitated constant fulfillment for instance shopping, status or different types of drama would result to happiness, but in the ...

  16. Happiness Essay: Step-By-Step Writing Guide With Examples

    A happiness essay is an academic paper that explores the concept of happiness, and how it can be achieved and maintained in our lives. The purpose of a happiness essay is to explore the psychological, social, and cultural factors that contribute to happiness. On this type of essay, students should provide insights into how individuals can cultivate a happy and fulfilling life.

  17. Happiness Essay

    Happiness is a feeling that is challenging to put into words. It is a surreal experience that can only be felt. It is one of the most important amenities for living a blissful life. Every individual has a different perspective on the term "happiness." Some believe that having a good bank balance is what happiness is, while others believe that ...

  18. Essay, Paragraph or Speech on "My Idea of A Happy Life" Complete

    My Idea of A Happy Life. Everybody wants to be happy. Happiness is the goal of our life. Scientists have worked hard to make us happy. They have tried their best to make mankind happy. Even then we find people unhappy. None is perfectly happy. Our life is a story of pain as well as joy. It is a mingled yarn, good and ill together.

  19. How to Live a Happy Life: An Honest Essay

    Become aware of small irritations you have. Notice how those try to distract from a feeling. Awareness is how this all starts. Just notice what is happening, and wonder if it has to be that way. Starting a simple and easy meditation practice will make this process much easier. 4.

  20. How to Live a Happy Life: 101 Ways to Be Happier Essay

    1 hour! Therefore, if you want to be happy, first visualize your happiness, imagine yourself as a happy person. Then, set up particular goals or steps that you need to take to achieve your happiness. It should be a conscious process, some concrete goals, and concrete ways of accomplishing them.

  21. What Is Happiness?

    Wikipedia has a much more interesting definition of what happiness is. The feeling of an emotion such as pleasure or joy, the appraisal of life satisfaction or the quality of life, subjective well-being and eudaimonia. Wikipedia seems to better acknowledge how hard it is to define happiness.

  22. The Key to Happiness and Satisfaction with Life Essay

    For example, a study by Lingnan University's Centre for Public Studies (2015) showed that there was an increase in the happiness index for people with a monthly household salary ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 by 7% while those with a monthly income less than $10,000 rose by 3%. Interestingly, those with high-income brackets of between ...

  23. Essay on "My Idea Of Happy Life" in English

    Essay on "My Idea Of Happy Life" in English | "Happy Life" Essay | All About English Grammar📝 VIDEO TOPICS: 📝1. Meaning of Happiness.2. Difference between ...