How to Write the University of Wisconsin Madison Supplemental Essays: Examples + Guide 2023/2024

how to write university of wisconsin madison essay


  • What are the U Wisconsin Madison supplemental essay prompts?
  • How to write each supplemental essay prompt for U Wisconsin Madison
  • Prompt #1: Personal statement
  • Prompt #2: "Why us?" essay

If you’re looking for something special from your college experience, the University of Wisconsin-Madison probably has it. With over 70 programs ranking in the top 10 of their respective fields and a well-rounded, rigorous academic climate, there’s a place in the school’s 30,000+ student body for just about everyone. If you’re excited to wade into the wealth of resources the school has to offer but don’t know where to start on the UW supplemental essays, we’re here to help by providing some examples and tips to kick off the writing and brainstorming process.

Want to get an even better sense of what the University of Wisconsin-Madison is looking for? You’ll find an extensive, by-the-numbers look at its offerings, from enrollment and tuition statistics to student life and financial aid information, on its Common Data Set . For deep insights into how this public university envisions student success (and how it wants to grow and evolve), read through its most recent self-study report —a simple yet elegant way to quickly get a strong idea of what the University of Wisconsin-Madison values.

What are the University of Wisconsin Madison supplemental essay prompts?

University of wisconsin madison supplemental essay prompt #1.

(Only for students applying through the UW System Application) This part is all about you. Tell us about something you’ve done — academically or personally — and what you’ve learned from it (approx. 1 page). Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education?

University of Wisconsin Madison Supplemental Essay Prompt #2

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words max)

How to Write Each Supplemental Essay Prompt for U Wisconsin Madison

How to write the u wisconsin madison supplemental essay prompt #1.

This prompt is only for students applying through the UW System Application. This part is all about you. Tell us about something you’ve done — academically or personally — and what you’ve learned from it (approx. 1 page). Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education?

This question is basically the UW System’s equivalent of the Common App personal statement. By that, we mean that it’s looking for you to answer three very important questions:

Who are you?

Will you contribute something of value to our campus?

Can you write?

Because this prompt can essentially be anything you want it to be, it’s important that you come in with a game plan before sitting down and writing. Great brainstorming is the first step toward a great essay. Here are five exercises for you to try out as you begin to look for a topic:

Essence Objects Exercise (12 min)

Values Exercise (4 min)

21 Details Exercise (20 min)

Everything I Want Colleges to Know About Me Exercise (20 min)

The Feelings and Needs Exercise (15-20 min)

If you’re short on time and can’t do all five, we recommend completing the first two. Carving out some time and tackling those exercises will help give you a blueprint for an essay that better amplifies the story you want to tell. Based on your topic, you might choose to write a narrative essay or a montage essay . A narrative essay is often centered around a challenge or series of challenges and  follows a more linear storyline, whereas a montage essay is a series of moments or experiences connected by a common thematic thread. We have more details about what those approaches look like and what they require in our extensive guide on How to Write a College Essay .

No matter what you end up writing about, a standout essay will often do three things: focus on an un common topic, make un common connections, and use un common language. Lots of people, for example, write about sports and how it’s taught them the value of sportsmanship and hard work. But not a lot of people talk about how playing basketball has shown them the importance of beauty or activism, for example. Even if your topic is common, creating unexpected connections to your values can help you stand out.

Below is a great example of what a strong essay looks like for this prompt. 

U Wisconsin Madison Essay Example 1:

Day 1: “Labbayka Allāhumma Labbayk. Labbayk Lā Sharīka Laka Labbayk,” we chant, sweat dripping onto the wispy sand in brutal Arabian heat, as millions of us prepare to march from the rocky desert hills of Mount Arafat to the cool, flat valleys of Muzdalifa. As we make our way into the Haram, my heart shakes. Tears rolling down my cheeks, we circumvent the Ka’ba one last time before embarking on Hajj, the compulsory pilgrimage of Islam. It became the spiritual, visceral, and linguistic journey of a lifetime. Day 3: “Ureed an Aśhtareę Hijab.” “Al-harir aw al-Qathan?” “Ķhilaahuma.” “Kham ťhamanu-huma?” “Mi’at Riyal.” “La. Khizth sab’een.” “Sa’uethikhá Sab’een.” “Shukran laķ.” “Show me hijabs.” “Silk or cotton?” “Both.” “How much do these cost?” “100 Riyal.” “No. Take 70.” “Fine. Thanks Hajjah.” In Makkah, I quickly learn shopkeepers rip off foreigners, so exchanges like this, where I only have to say a few Arabic words, make me appear local. It also connects me with real locals: the Saudi Arabian pharmacist who sells me cough syrup, the Egyptian grandmother seeking directions to the restroom, the Moroccan family who educates me on the Algerian conflict. As the sounds of Arabic swirl around me like the fluttering sands (Jamal, Naqah, Ibl, Ba’eer…), I’m reconnecting with an old friend: we’d first met when I decided to add a third language to English and Bengali. Day 6: The tents of Mina. Temperature blazing. Humidity high. I sleep next to an old woman who just embarked on her twentieth Hajj. When I discover she’s Pakistani, I speak to her in Urdu. Her ninety-year old energy--grounded, spiritual, and non-materialistic--inspires me. So far, every day has been a new discovery of my courage, spirit, and faith, and I see myself going on this journey many more times in my life. My new friend is curious where I, a Bengali, learned Urdu. I explain that as a Muslim living in America’s divided political climate, I wanted to understand my religion better by reading an ancient account of the life of Prophet Muhammad, but Seerat-un-Nabi is only in Urdu, so I learned to read it. I was delighted to discover the resonances: Qi-yaa-mah in Arabic becomes Qi-ya-mat in Urdu, Dh-a-lim becomes Zaa-lim… Urdu, which I had previously only understood academically, was the key to developing a personal connection with a generation different from mine. Day 8: “Fix your hair. You look silly,” my mom says in Bengali. When my parents want to speak privately, they speak our native tongue. Phrases like, “Can you grab some guava juice?” draw us closer together. My parents taught me to look out for myself from a young age, so Hajj is one of the only times we experienced something formative together. Our “secret” language made me see Bengali, which I’ve spoken all my life, as beautiful. It also made me aware of how important shared traditions are. As I think back to those sweltering, eclectic days, the stories and spiritual connections linger. No matter what languages we spoke, we are all Muslims in a Muslim country, the first time I’d ever experienced that. I came out of my American bubble and discovered I was someone to be looked up to. Having studied Islam my whole life, I knew the ins and outs of Hajj. This, along with my love for language, made me, the youngest, the sage of our group. Whether at the Al-Baik store in our camp or the Jamarat where Satan is stoned, people asked me about standards for wearing hijab or to read the Quran out loud. I left the journey feeling fearless. Throughout my life, I’ll continue to seek opportunities where I’m respected, proud to be Muslim, and strong enough to stand up for others. The next time I go to Hajj, I want to speak two more languages: donc je peux parler à plus de gens and quiero escuchar más historias. — — — 

Tips + Analysis:

Use images to convey a sense of time, place, and self. Notice how this author’s use of images and details gives this essay a dream-like quality, hopping between spaces, people, languages, and thoughts. This approach allows the author to talk about many different aspects of their culture. The way the details are conveyed also speaks to the author’s aesthetic sensibilities, providing another window into who they are as a person. When you’re writing, consider using imagistic language to show the reader what you care about. 

Leverage dialogue. Dialogue isn’t always the best strategy, as it can take up a good chunk of your word count without explicitly saying anything about who you are. In this piece, however, the author does a great job of using their conversations with people they meet along their journey to convey their values and interests. Not only does the dialogue emphasize their fascination with language and cultural exchange, but it breaks up what would have been dense paragraphs into nicely manageable chunks that are easier to read.

Use visceral and evocative language. Details about the specific resonance of Urdu words and the conversations this author shared with the people they met on their Hajj brings this essay to life. Nearly every line is full of vivid imagery and textured language . Those details make this piece fun to read, while drawing us into the author’s world. When you’re writing, think about how you can engage all five senses to show, not simply tell, how you engage with the world around you. 

How to write the U Wisconsin Madison Supplemental Essay Prompt #2

This is what we call a “Why us?” prompt. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate — through specific details and examples — why you’re a great match for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and why it’s the perfect school for you. We recommend checking out this complete guide on how to write the “Why us?” essay , paying close attention to the “Why Cornell” and “Why Penn” examples, which are two of our favorites.

A number of schools ask some variation on this question on their applications, so you may be writing more than one of these “Why us?” essays during your college application journey. Here are six common mistakes to look out for, and avoid, when answering:

Mistake #1: Writing about the school’s size, location, reputation, weather, or ranking.

Mistake #2: Simply using emotional language to demonstrate fit (i.e., “It just felt right”).

Mistake #3: Screwing up the mascot, stadium, team colors, or names of any important people or places on campus.

Mistake #4: Parroting the brochures or website language.

Mistake #5: Describing traditions the school is well-known for.

Mistake #6: Think of this only as a “Why them” essay.

The common theme here is: Do your research. Most of these mistakes are the result of students not taking the time to conduct a thorough dive into a college’s website and available resources. Really take your time with this prompt and find specific clubs, events, professors, classes, etc., that pique your interest. Most importantly, connect those specific opportunities to your specific values (remember the Values Exercise). Remember, this essay is a two-way street. Talk about not just what UW can offer you, but also what you can offer the university. 

If you don’t have the time to read the full guide linked above, here’s the SparkNotes version of how to write the “Why us?” essay:

Spend 1 hr+ researching 10+ reasons why UW-Madison might be a great fit for you (ideally 3-5 of the reasons will be unique to the University of Wisconsin and connect back to you).

Make a copy of this chart to map out your college research.

Create an outline for your essay based on either Approach 1, 2 (recommended), or 3 in the full guide above.

Write a first draft!

Here’s a great sample essay for this prompt:

U Wisconsin Madison Essay Example 2:

When I was young, I drew planes almost everyday. Planes with three, four, or even eight turbines. Planes with multiple wings and two fuselages. My planes were impossible according to the laws of physics, but I tried to create them anyways.  In middle school, I became fascinated with building planes. After watching hundreds of hours of FliteTest on YouTube and building their kits, I was ready to create my own. My first idea started with a single wing. I drew up a 3’ 4” long wing on a sheet of foam board and, after drawing three more prototypes, I assembled it. Then, I wired the two servos and a single 2280kv Radial 2218 brushless motor. On its maiden flight, I threw it into the air and it went straight into the ground. Too much weight in the front, Kanishka. Back to the garage.  In high school, I became captivated with cars, more specifically hydrogen and electric cars. I created a Hydrogen Car team to compete in a hydrogen fuel cell endurance race. I learned how to make a fuel cell more efficient. Ambitious, I worked tirelessly to get to the world finals. I devised a way to use the motor’s thermal energy and convert it into electrical energy, making our car more efficient.  I am a creator. The laws of physics often hinder my creativity, but I keep trying to push the limits of what is possible.  In college, I hope to combine my research in hydrogen fuel cells and airplanes to design a new type of plane that isn’t electric or combustion based. At UW, I want to major in mechanical engineering to accomplish just that.  For me, learning through building is essential. I enjoy applying angular momentum equations from AP Physics C into my coding projects to make a virtual car move. At UW, I am particularly interested in the project-based format of some classes. I’m eager to take Energy Systems Laboratory as it is a unique class to UW that explores different energy conversion systems in a lab-based format. By learning about the different systems, I can explore how they can be combined to achieve maximum efficiency.  Outside the classroom, I want to conduct research on energy systems in the transportation sector. UW’s Energy Institute is perfect for that. I’m intrigued by Professor Xin Wang’s research on ‘Energy Sponges.’ I think that his idea could be used in a lot of transportation sectors and could change the way we use energy. I want to assist him in his research. Further, I want to conduct research on thermoelectric plates and the possibility of making them flexible to accommodate a greater variety of uses.  Throughout high school, racing has been my favorite extracurricular. The drive to create a car that is 12% more efficient while also being 10% faster keeps me thinking of different ways to cut weight or innovate upon the fuel cell. In college, I want to continue racing. As lead engineer of the UW Formula Electric SAE Team, I want to utilize thermoelectric plates and new battery technology to make a faster, more efficient car.  While my future is still unknown, UW will provide me the skills needed to create new technology. Further, I’ll contribute in racing and engineering through meaningful activities and research.  — — —

Build a personal narrative. The author could have just said, “I like physics and am interested in airplanes.” But we’re glad he didn’t. Because, instead of just telling us about his interests, he builds a vivid picture of himself as an applicant: curious, innovative, pragmatic. Specific details about the length of the airplane wings and his thought process as he watched YouTube videos help us envision what kind of person he is beyond his academic credentials and extracurricular activities. Using stories in your essay can help make you multidimensional, adding details that can allow readers to see you in a more personal and intimate way. Also, notice that, because the author starts with an anecdote from his childhood, he’s able to use the passage of time to show how he’s developed his interests and to expand on the work he’s done since. The first sentence in each paragraph takes us closer to the present, allowing us to see how he’s grown over time. Think of how you too can create a narrative that helps you structure your essay and highlight your unique thought processes.

Connect to university-specific resources. You can tell this student has done his research. After he gives us some background info about his interest in engineering, he tells us he wants to major in mechanical engineering at UW and take some project-based classes (like Energy Systems Laboratory). He takes it to the next level by explaining why the lab-based format of the class is particularly appealing to him, showing that he’s looked into the syllabus and done more than a quick, 5-minute search on the UW website. He names a UW professor (Professor Xin Wang) he’d like to do research with on “energy sponges” and expands on why that work would suit his academic goals. The takeaway here: Do more than the bare minimum in terms of looking into what the school has to offer. And, when you identify university-specific opportunities that you’re excited about, briefly explain why they speak to you, to offer a further peek into what motivates and inspires you. 

Vary sentence and paragraph length. If you want to keep your reader engaged throughout your essay, it’s important to think about how you can use structure to pace your writing. Notice how most of this student’s paragraphs are no more than 3-4 sentences max. He doesn't drone on about one topic for long or try to cram everything into a huge, dense block of text that’s impossible to read. He uses paragraph breaks to delineate between different focuses or resources, intuitively guiding readers through his story. Short sentences and sentence fragments can also be your friend. If used well, they can create impact and help draw the reader’s attention to a specific idea or value. In other words, be intentional with how you write and structure your piece.

With that, you should be ready to start researching and writing your UW supplementals.

Want advice on dozens of other supplemental essays? Click here

how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

Special thanks to Luci for contributing to this post.

Luci is an audiophile and storyteller with a love of all things radio and writing. In the wild, you might catch her struggling through a NY Times crossword puzzle, snuggling her abnormally fluffy dog Oreo, or saying her favorite expression “cool beans.” Crosswords, cute dogs, cool beans. What more could you ask for?

Top values: Interpersonal connections | humor | openness to new experience

how to write university of wisconsin madison essay


The Admissions Strategist

How to write the university of wisconsin-madison essays 2020-2021: the complete guide.

Wisconsin may not be home to New York City, but if your heart desires a sprawling campus with countless ways to enjoy the outdoors, look no further than the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

It has an acceptance rate that hovers around 51%.

The university sits on 936 acres – that’s not a typo, folks – it’s really that huge. The campus is located between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona.

Beyond a range of academic programs, the university offers extensive opportunities to play sports, join clubs, and participate in on-campus and community activities. Applying to the University of Wisconsin-Madison can be done either through the Common App or directly through the UW website .

What are the University of Wisconsin-Madison supplemental essay requirements?

Two essays are required for admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

University of Wisconsin - Madison Supplemental Essays: How to Write Them!

Click above to watch a video on Wisconsin Madison Supplemental Essays.

If you apply through the Common App, you will have to answer question #2 below, in addition to the first question.

If you apply through the UW System Application, you will need to respond to both of the following:

1 ) Tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education? 2) Tell us why you would like to attend the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest.

In the UW System Application, the maximum word count allowed is 650 words. However, according to the “Application Tips” page on the UW website, admissions prefers for you to plan for 300-500 words.

Note: If a university publishes an application tips page, follow it precisely. Not only will your application be stronger, but admissions will be able to tell you did your research.

Wisconsin – Madison Supplemental Essay 1: Academic & Personal Achievements

1 ) Tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education?

Before writing this essay, it’s important to note that UW isn’t looking for a resume or laundry list. Don’t get trapped into writing a list of achievements.

It’s important to the admissions committee to understand the story of your achievements. In order to tell that story, you must begin to analyze what you’ve accomplished and learned from those achievements.

Therefore, we must identify the two separate pieces to this prompt.

  • Your academic and personal accomplishments.
  • Lessons learned from those achievements and challenges.

As you begin to break down your accomplishments, think about the communities, projects, academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and teams to which you’ve contributed. UW suggests developing your thoughts with an outline before you begin writing.

Don’t limit yourself to academic or official accomplishments. Also consider your contributions to:

  • Religious institution (ex. church, mosque, synagogue)
  • Volunteer organization (ex. Meals on Wheels)
  • Neighborhood/city/county/state

For each of these communities, brainstorm people/places/ideas/events you believe often go unnoticed and are important to you. 

Don’t get hung up on language. “Achievements” and “accomplishments” are subjective. You can also write about small personal victories and contributions that led to a greater result. All told, you don’t need to have won a ribbon or trophy to justify your action as an achievement.

When brainstorming achievements, consider creating a bubble map for a visual representation of your ideas. If you’re digitally savvy, you could use a tool like to create your map.

Once you have a detailed list , start narrowing down your choices by considering what is most important to you.

  • The more you care about a pursuit, the more you will be able to write about it and convey your passion.
  • Again, don’t shy away from topics that are strictly personal to you – that’s what this essay is all about!

Your goal is to find an accomplishment or string of achievements that are closely related.

  • Did you take care of a sick sibling while mom worked to pay the bills?
  • Were you a founder or leader of an extracurricular activity that grew by 15% during your high school career?
  • Did you raise $200 for a political campaign or charity that worked on issues you care about?

Now that you’ve identified achievement(s), it’s time to start drafting an essay. Context is always important when you are writing to strangers.

  • Start your essay by providing some background information, a cold hook, or a quote.

While context is important, do keep it short. You want to save the majority of your word count for explaining why the achievement is important to you.

The second part of the essay is critical:

  • UW – Madison wants to know how you’re a better person for having achieved or struggled?
  • And how will you bring that change to their campus?

Don’t be afraid to talk about your challenges—in life, failure and struggle are often the best teachers.

You spent the first part of your essay introducing and describing your achievement. This includes the actions you took to succeed (20- 25% of your essay).

Now, spend close to 30-40% of the essay explaining what you learned from those accomplishments. If you’re having trouble thinking of how you changed, brainstorm these questions:

  • What qualities did I need to display to accomplish this goal?
  • How am I a better person for having gone through this challenge?
  • What qualities of mine can I improve?
  • Were there qualities that I did improve?

Once you’re done with this part, it’s time to move to the last part of your essay: explaining how you’ll implement your lessons learned into your education. Spend the rest of your essay on:

  • Describing how your learning pattern has changed
  • Your newfound appreciation for teamwork
  • Developing a conceptual understanding of a field
  • A budding curiosity of a teaching style
  • Affirmed passion for an educational vector

Whatever you choose, make sure you’re telling UW – Madison that you’re a developing student who is looking forward to implementing your lessons learned on campus.

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Wisconsin – madison supplemental essay 2: why this school.

2) Tell us why you would like to attend the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest.

In the second essay, you will have to address why you applied to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and what you hope to get out of the academic experience.

The first part of this prompt is fairly standard and, if you’re applying to multiple universities, it should start to sound familiar.

However, your response to the question shouldn’t sound familiar to UW’s admissions committee. Instead, your answer must be tailored to you and the University of Wisconsin-Madison specifically.

  • The litmus test for this requirement is to read through your final draft and ask: Could this essay be submitted to any other university other than the University of Wisconsin?
  • If you answered “yes,” you need to revise .

The best way to prepare for this essay is to perform research. This, by the way, is not only beneficial for your essay but will also help you to get an idea whether this school is the right fit for you.

  • First, browse through the University of Wisconsin-Madison website.
  • Don’t stop at the admissions page. Explore the plethora of information on academics, research opportunities, sports, clubs, daily living, and so on.
  • Search for more information about UW on college review websites, which often feature testimonials from current students.
  • If possible, go to the campus for a tour to see in person what the university has to offer.
  • Most important: Research the academic program you’re interested in. Explore professors, projects, fellowships, internships, career counseling, grants, and public-private partnerships.

All of the above research will fuel your essay and give you concrete reasons to help you describe why you are applying to the school. When writing your essay, try to focus on one significant reason or a few reasons instead of just a single superficial idea, such as “academics” or “because I’m receiving a swim scholarship.”

As a rule, never write about one of the following topics:

  • Social life

Then, think about what you want to get out of your college experience and how your future goals are related to obtaining a degree.

When describing your reasons for applying, use detail, and then link those details back to your professional or academic goals.

Admissions officers want to see that their university is an important channel that will help you achieve your college and career goals.

Even if you have yet to decide on a major, you should address this question through the lens of your academic interest(s). Consider both your research and academic/extracurricular history.

  • What majors or academic programs are you interested in pursuing? What you write about now isn’t final, so don’t worry if you waver between different subjects. Choose a subject.
  • Are there research programs or co-ops for which you are interested in applying?

Perhaps you are really interested in medicine and engineering, leaning toward pursuing biomedical engineering. You could take a look at the senior design courses where you work in a team with a clinician or industry professional to create a product.

When writing your essay, link back to previous ideas and your big-picture goals.

Let the university know that they’re the perfect fit, and you are passionate and enthusiastic about their program offerings.

  • Don’t write about what you think they want to hear.
  • Instead, be honest and allow the admissions committee to see your interests and values through your response.
  • Ultimately, what UW – Madison has to offer needs to relate to you.
  • Don’t spend too much time complimenting their academic offerings. Trust me, they know they’re a great school. They want to know why you think you’re a good fit.

We strongly recommend that you include the following elements in your essay:

  • A short introductory story or hook that explains your interest in the field, major, or program.
  • Toward the end of your essay, explain your professional ambitions and how you’d use your UW education to contribute to your community, country, or the world.

Here’s an outline of a “Why UW – Madison” essay that effectively answers this prompt:

  • Your parents were never interested in community politics and barely ever voted. A few years ago, a local politician approved the building of a large chain store near your home, which lead to increased pollution and traffic in your community.
  • You canvassed to stop the construction, but it wasn’t enough. You didn’t get enough signatures. Still, this process sparked your love for politics. You realize that your parents were mistaken.
  • You want to study in UW – Madison’s political science program because you’re interested in increasing voter turnout. UW has a fellowship and multiple research programs in this vector.
  • After explaining how you’d take advantage of a fellowship and research opportunity, you want to become a community organizer. UW will help you do that.

Conclusion: Writing the University of Wisconsin – Madison Supplemental Essays

Before submitting your essays, you should definitely check out the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s page of Application Tips . There you’ll learn more about the university’s vision and advice for applying.

In regards to essays, here’s a short list of the university’s advice:

  • Plan for 300-500 words, although the maximum is 650
  • Revise, proofread, and share your writing with a peer/trusted adult
  • Be honest and authentic in your writing

If you have questions that are particular to the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s requirements, they welcome you to contact them directly.

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Tips for Writing a Better Essay

Write like you, about you.

Your UWs realize you’re still young. You’re a work in progress. That means no matter how well you did in high school, what matters most is the challenges you faced and how you responded. It’s also worth saying that while your instincts probably tell you to puff up your accomplishments and go big, bragging is never interesting. Give yourself permission to just be you when you write.

Questions to get you started

  • What are your 2 biggest academic achievements?
  • What are your 2 biggest personal achievements?
  • What are your 2 biggest strengths?
  • What were your 2 biggest challenges?
  • What are the 2 biggest obstacles you’ve overcome (and how did you do it)?
  • What are your 2 biggest failures (and what did you learn)?
  • What beliefs have you challenged (why, and what did you learn)?


  • Write your essay in a program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs so you can simply copy and paste it into your online application.
  • Keep your essay between 250 and 650 words (UW–Madison requires all essays to strictly follow these guidelines).
  • Ask a friend or teacher to look for inconsistencies, grammatical mistakes, and typos.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. You don’t want some small mistake to accidentally make it look like you don’t care.
  • Proofread again.
  • Tell your UWs something about yourself that you can’t capture in the application.
  • Jump off the bandwagon. Don’t write what you think your UWs will want to hear. Let your UWs know about what drives you.
  • Use your own voice. Ask someone you trust to read your essay to see if it “sounds like you.”
  • Be short and sweet. Clear, concise writing matters more than length.
  • Show, don’t tell. Be specific and factual.
  • Write about your real life. Don’t exaggerate or embellish (you’d be surprised at how well your UWs can smell baloney).
  • Be confident. Skip all the maybes, sort ofs, I thinks, and so on.

Essay Questions

Check out the actual questions from your UWs that you’ll need to answer in your essay.

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How to Write the University of Wisconsin–Madison Supplemental Essays 2023–2024

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The University of Wisconsin–Madison , home of the Badgers since 1848 , is known as a formidable research institution with high expectations for their applicants. Their storied alumni include Senator Tammy Baldwin, astronaut Laurel Clark, author Joyce Carol Oates, naturalist John Muir, and many others. Looking to become a Badger? First, you’ll need to write your UW-Madison supplemental essays. Let’s dive in.

700 Block at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin–Madison’s 2023-2024 Prompts

UW-Madison asks for two essays, but you might only need to complete one of them. The first prompt is only applicable to students applying through the Universities of Wisconsin Application. So, if you’re applying through the Common App, you only need to worry about the second essay. The second essay is required for all applicants.

Note that although the essays can both extend to 650 words, the admissions team recommends planning for a 300-500 word essay. Keeping your essay(s) concise, at least in the initial draft(s), could enable you to add extra details in your later drafts if needed. Without further ado, here are the prompts for the UW-Madison supplemental essays:

Universities of Wisconsin Application Essay:

  • This part is all about you. Tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education?

Required Essay for All Applicants:

  • Tell us why you would like to attend the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest.

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General Tips

Both of these essays permit more words than the average college essay. Apart from the Common App personal essay, which has the same word count maximum of 650 words, most college essays tend to be less than 500 words, with most required to be less than 300. Therefore, the UW-Madison supplemental essays present some challenges, but also some freedoms.

With longer supplemental essays, students tend to either have trouble writing too much, or not writing enough. To tackle the first problem, it can be helpful to restrict yourself to a smaller word count for the first draft. Then, if you later realize anything essential is missing, you have the space to add it in. In order to keep the word count down, focus on avoiding passive voice, cutting down on your conjunctions (use punctuation marks instead), and using more concise verbs. For instance, “I thought” is more concise than “I was thinking.” Little changes like this one can help your whole essay shrink to fit the space it’s allotted.

To tackle the second issue of not writing enough, look for areas where the reader might have questions. If you have a description in your essay, make that description more vivid. If you jumped through a narrative, consider providing more of the interim steps. Remember, though, your essay can be 300 words without any penalty. As long as you comprehensively answer the question asked by the prompt, you’ll be okay.

Universities of Wisconsin Application Essay

This part is all about you. tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. was it a success or a challenge did it represent a turning point in your life how did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education (650 words or fewer).

You choose: would you prefer to answer this essay prompt or complete a Common App personal essay? If you choose to write the Common App personal essay, skip ahead to the next prompt. Note that the latter is a more flexible option. Your Common App personal essay can be used for thousands of different college applications. That said, the admissions team at UW-Madison don’t maintain a preference for one essay over the other. The choice is yours.

If you choose to answer this prompt, you can approach it pretty similarly to how you would a Common App personal essay. In this particular essay, you have the opportunity to show who you are as a person. Specifically, the admissions team wants to hear about an accomplishment you’ve achieved, or a challenge you’ve overcome. In other words, an act in your past that has shaped the person you are today.

Provide the past, present, and future of this accomplishment or challenge. What did you do, how has it made you the person you are today, and how it will it impact your future? The topic of your essay can be big or small, but it should be meaningful to you.

When beginning this essay, you may want to start with an outline. If possible, use a narrative structure for this essay, given that it should be based around a single “success or a challenge,” to use the wording of the prompt. Your outline doesn’t need to be linear: you can start with the challenge or achievement, describe how you see it impacting your future, and then return to discuss its past and present impacts on you. If you choose to take a linear approach, though, this might be the easiest strategy for a first draft. Either way, organization is key!

University of Wisconsin–Madison Required Essay

Tell us why you would like to attend the university of wisconsin–madison. in addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. if you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words or fewer).

This is your “Why University of Wisconsin-Madison?” essay. For this kind of essay, research is your friend. First, identify your prospective area(s) of study. Then, look up specific courses, professors, programs, and other opportunities in your department(s) of interest that will be available to you if you attend UW-Madison. Next, identify any non-academic reasons that UW-Madison is a school on your college list. These reasons should be specific to UW – Madison . Lastly, structure your essay around these details that you have researched.

Ideally, your essay does not merely list the opportunities at UW-Madison to you. Instead, your essay goes a step further and expresses why these opportunities excite you and how these opportunities will help you achieve your goals. Your reasons for applying to UW-Madison should have some unique elements. Without any unique elements, the admissions team might not see why UW-Madison is a better fit for you than another school. In other words, you might leave the reader feeling that you are not eager to attend UW-Madison and excited about the education they offer.

Specificity is important in this essay. By sharing why you specifically would like to attend UW-Madison, and your specific reasons for wanting to attend, you demonstrate interest . According to UW-Madison’s Common Data Set , their admissions team does not track each student’s level of interest in attending the University. Therefore, this essay might be your only opportunity to show the UW–Madison admission team how excited you are to attend. Bring your passion for UW–Madison and your well-researched, specific pieces of information to this essay, and you’ll do great.

If you need help polishing up your UW-Madison supplemental essays, check out our College Essay Review service. You can receive detailed feedback from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison: Supplemental Essays 2023-24

September 6, 2023

The University of Wisconsin—Madison has joined the ranks of other premier flagship universities that high-achieving teens from all around the country/world now line up for a chance to attend. Like  UVA,   UNC—Chapel Hill , and the  University of Michigan , UW-Madison requires its in-state residents to sport excellent grades and test scores. Further, it has an even higher bar for out-of-state hopefuls. This makes the University of Wisconsin – Madison supplemental essay more important than ever before.

 (Want to learn more about How to Get Into UW-Madison? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Admissions Data and Strategies   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

In evaluating applicants, the University of Wisconsin—Madison places a strong emphasis on the quality of one’s essays. Below are UW-Madison’s supplemental prompts for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with our advice for creating a needle-moving admissions essay.

2023-2024 University of Wisconsin-Madison Supplemental Essay Question—Common App

The following prompt is the only supplemental essay that students will encounter when applying to UW-Madison via the Common App:

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words max)

Prospective Badgers face a two-parter here. You are tasked with presenting a compelling case as to:

1) Why you want to attend UW-Madison.

2) Why you have picked your particular academic discipline.

University of Wisconsin Madison Supplemental Essay (Continued)

As you move through the “Why Us?” and “Why this Major?” portions of this essay, consider taking some of the following steps to address why UW-Madison is the perfect fit for you  and  why you are the perfect fit for UW-Madison:

  • How did your interest in your major of choice begin and how has it matured over the years?
  • How do you pursue knowledge about your subject of interest? Talk about sources of learning (teachers, podcasts, books, news, etc.).
  • While pursuing your majors(s)/interest(s) of choice, how will you take advantage of the university’s immense resources both inside and outside of the classroom? Be sure to cite specific academic programs , professors,  research opportunities , internship/externship programs ,  study abroad programs , etc. Discuss why they pique your interest.
  • How will you be an active, contributing member of the Badger student body? What special talents and passions will you bring to the University of Wisconsin-Madison? Check out this list of nearly  1,000 student-run organizations  on campus.
  • Lastly, show evidence of how your past/current endeavors (academic and extracurricular) will carry over onto UW-Madison’s campus.

Again, if you are applying through the Common App, this essay will be the only supplement you need to worry about. However, if you elect to apply via the UW System Application (as some in-state students applying to multiple UW campuses do), you need to address the next prompt as well.

2023-2024 University of Wisconsin-Madison Supplemental Essay Question— UW System Application

(Only for students applying through the UW System Application)

This part is all about you. Tell us about something you’ve done — academically or personally — and what you’ve learned from it. Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education? (650 words)

This open-ended prompt is a platform from which you can share more about an academic or extracurricular achievement, chronicle a challenge/obstacle you overcame, or just share a meaningful event in your life.

No matter which route you choose, what truly matters here is that you use this essay as an opportunity to reveal something deep and important about yourself. Use the questions provided— Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education?— to guide your content. It’s clear that UW-Madison is interested in both short- and long-term influence. Accordingly, before you start writing, do some brainstorming to make sure that the experience/event/achievement that you chose can satisfy all aspects of the prompt.

Remember, these essays will be your best chance to forge a human connection with an admissions officer since UW-Madison is too large a school to offer you an interview. In sum, be honest, vulnerable, sincere, and reflective in your essay and the result will be a compelling composition that will ultimately aid your admissions chances.

How important is the essay at the UW-Madison?

The essays are “very important” to the University of Wisconsin–Madison admissions committee. The only other factor rated this highly is the rigor of one’s secondary school record. GPA, recommendations, and state residency are rated as “important.” In other words, the University of Wisconsin is clearly very interested in the quality of your essay. Therefore, we can conclude that the admissions committee will weigh your essays heavily in their evaluation of your candidacy.

Want Personalized Essay Assistance?

Interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your University of Wisconsin—Madison supplement? We encourage you to get a quote  today.

  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

How to Write the University of Wisconsin-Madison Essays 2016-2017

Check out the university of wisconsin application essays for 2017-2018.

Sporting an expansive campus, diverse and energetic student population, and overall strong academic programs, it’s no wonder the University of Wisconsin-Madison prides itself as a top-tier public institution. The campus is bordered by two lakes, surrounded by over 1200 acres of nature, and connected to the comfortable, lively Midwest college town of Madison by State Street.

Despite the well-known parking problem on campus, Badgers have a lot to pride themselves on. Madison is viewed as the #1 college football town in America, and there is a great amount of badger pride for the D1 Big Ten athletics, especially football and basketball.

On the academic side, Wisconsin is considered one of the “Public Ivies” — there are over 230 majors to choose from, 20 schools and colleges to apply to, and an average class size of 29 students. Emphasis is placed on academic growth and research, and the school boasts exceptional programs in nuclear engineering and risk management business.

The Wisconsin Idea guides the school: “I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every home in the state.” Students aim to solve real-world problems and have a broad-reaching impact on all people through the work done at the university.

Despite the school’s size (which makes it easy to get lost in the massive lecture halls), professors and TAs are very accessible. Students’ issues with diversity and on-campus food have been strongly addressed and corrected in the past few years. No matter where you are from, there are always options, especially with student organizations.

Wisconsin boasts an enrollment of around 43,000 and acceptance rate of 47.5% as of 2014. To be competitive in this large applicant pool, it’s important to understand what makes the University of Wisconsin unique.

Want to learn what University of Wisconsin Madison will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take?  Here’s what every student considering University of Wisconsin Madison needs to know.

Focus on Being Specific and Personal

Consider something in your life you think goes unnoticed and write about why it’s important to you. (650 words)

When answering this prompt, students may default to thinking about the “unnoticed marginalized people of this world” or “of the climate change that is going unnoticed.” While those are important issues, they are global topics that, contrary to the prompt, are indeed noticed, and thus probably won’t make for a good response here.

There’s a reason why the question asks for “something in your life” and “why it’s important to you .” Rather than talking about something of global relevance, take this opportunity to get personal and write about something that is of particular importance to you, even if it may appear irrelevant to the reader at first glance.

This is your chance to bring the reader into your world, using your perspective and feelings to convey what is important to you. A cliché to avoid, however, is talking about how your parents care for you, i.e., talking about how your mom’s care for you often goes unnoticed and is important to you. Since that is such a commonly used trope, unless you take an extremely unique approach, it will be difficult to stand out.

Two Ways to Work Through this Essay

There are two ways to approach this supplement: things that go unnoticed to you that you are now reflecting on (e.g., you never noticed how beautiful the parks near your house were because you would always drive by, busy with errands and life, instead of walking through and enjoying the sites), or things in your life that you either do or happen that generally go unnoticed by others (e.g., you always clean up after your younger sibling at the dinner table, even if he doesn’t seem to appreciate it, so that your parents don’t get angry).

It could be how the garbage man takes extra effort for your block in the mornings, but no one is awake to notice until one morning you did. It could be how the cat that visits your house every evening unknowingly helps you de-stress from homework. Or maybe the two-hour commute your coach takes to come and train you every day, but never mentions or complains about.

When writing, in order to take a unique approach, try starting with an anecdote or narrative that subtly introduces your topics, rather than immediately stating to the reader that X or Y is going unnoticed. Follow the thematic concept of “show” over “tell.”

Tonal variety is also important. Reveal your thought processes and perspective, using descriptive language and connotation to put the reader in your shoes. In this, avoid using passive language, and instead write a narrative that transports the reader into the present before zooming out, looking at the big picture, and highlighting how the story of this unnoticed thing is important and vital to your development as a human being.

Be Detailed about Your College Choice

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In addition, share with us the academic, extracurricular, or research opportunities you would take advantage of as a student. If applicable, provide details of any circumstance that could have had an impact on your academic performance and/or extracurricular involvement. (650 words)

This is a standard “Why this school?” essay mixed in with a little “Why this major?” This is your time to reveal why you believe you are qualified for that school and why you’re applying. Do your research: talk about specific academic, extracurricular, public service, and research opportunities you will take advantage of (such as WISCIENCE and SROP or Badger Volunteers); why you want to pursue those opportunities; the names of professors and classes you’re interested in; and how you will benefit from these and contribute to them, etc.

It goes without saying that you should delve into the details and talk about the opportunities at Wisconsin in your response. However, often times students forget to be specific and generalize, referring to “the tennis club team” and “the universities renowned labs” — statements that can be applied to almost any other university and don’t show that you’ve done your research on Wisconsin in particular. In order to get their attention, you want to show that you know about this school and are applying with a purpose.

For the second part of the prompt that asks about any personal circumstances, don’t feel compelled to write something. Use more space to write about the first part of the prompt.

However, if there are any circumstances that could impact your involvement, i.e., a physical impediment or inability to participate in a certain activity, do mention that. Be humble and honest in why it may hamper you, how you plan on working around it, and how the resources that Wisconsin provides may even help you overcome that challenge. This is a subtle opportunity to reveal what is unique about you and how you are able to handle whatever Wisconsin might throw your way.

Bring Out What Makes Your Activity Unique

Briefly explain (in 50-100 words) which activity you entered in the Common App Activities section is the most important to you.

This is a simple question, so you can just use a brief narrative and explanation to explain an activity. This could be a sport you’ve done for years, an instrument you play, participation in theater, etc.

Note that the prompt asks which activity is “the most important to you,” not “most impressive;” this way, you have a chance to personalize your response. Talk about the activity that you have the greatest personal connection to and investment in, and why it’s that important to you.

It could be tied into your major, the career you have planned, etc. No matter what activity you choose to write about, focus on giving some background and personal information and demonstrating why this activity in particular is worth highlighting. Additionally, keep the word count in mind as you write, and strive to be concise.

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how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin

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University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Why this college essay.

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided please describe your areas of possible academic interest.

Life Experience Essay

Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. (UW Application Only)

Diversity Short Response

Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. Community might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, sports team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW. (UW Application Only)

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the UW-Madison essay prompts? With tips from an Ivy League graduate,’s guide to the UW-Madison essay prompts will show you exactly how to write engaging essays for your UW-Madison application and maximize your chances against the UW-Madison acceptance rate.

Want help crafting your UW-Madison essay prompts? Create your free  account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

UW-Madison  Supplemental Essay Guide Quick Facts:

  • The UW-Madison acceptance rate is 57%— U.S. News  ranks UW-Madison as a  competitive  school.
  • We recommend answering all UW-Madison supplemental essays comprehensively and thoughtfully.

What is the acceptance rate for the University of Wisconsin-Madison?

According to U.S. News, the UW-Madison acceptance rate is 57%. Last year, over 53,000 students applied to the school, which was a  17% increase  over the previous year. While the UW-Madison acceptance rate increased temporarily to about 60%, the normal rate falls near 57%. Like most schools, UW-Madison was  test-optional  last year in response to COVID. This year, they’ve continued the test-optional policy. Admissions experts believe that changes in testing requirements have caused the spike in applications that most schools have experienced.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, it does indicate that the UW-Madison supplemental essays will be an important part of your application. Without mandatory test scores and given the rise in applications, admissions officers will pay more attention to other aspects of your application.

In other words, for your best chance against the UW-Madison acceptance rate, we recommend that you take time to make sure that your responses to the UW-Madison essay prompts reflect your strengths.

Additionally, remember that the UW-Madison acceptance rate is not the only factor to consider when building your school list. Make sure that you’re looking at schools holistically. For more information on how to evaluate the UW-Madison acceptance rate (and more details on the data behind acceptance rates), read  our article .

What is the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s ranking?

The UW-Madison ranking is #42 in  National Universities , according to U.S. News.

Other U.S. News UW-Madison rankings: the UW-Madison ranking in  Best Undergraduate Teaching  is #71; UW-Madison ranking in  Best Value Schools  is #81; and the UW-Madison ranking in  Top Public Schools  is #14.

In terms of specific programs, the UW-Madison ranking is #15 in  Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs , and the US Madison ranking is #19 in  Nursing .

Finally, the UW-Madison ranking is #64 in  First-Year Experiences .

These are just some of the UW-Madison rankings. However, a school’s rankings should not be the only thing you take into consideration when compiling your college list. You should also consider other factors—including the school’s location, programs available, and size—when you look at schools. The UW-Madison rankings are not the only important factor in deciding to apply.

Keep in mind that the best college for you may not be the one you expected! There are a lot of different resources available when it comes to researching colleges; be sure to consult a few to ensure you create a comprehensive list.

Need help creating a college list? Check out our resources on the college list process  here .

Does the University of Wisconsin-Madison require essays?

Yes. In addition to the  Common App   personal essay, there are specific UW-Madison essay prompts. The UW-Madison supplemental essays differ depending on how you submit your application. The Common Application and  UW System Application  are available for all applicants. You will be required to write a “Why UW-Madison” essay no matter how you submit your application.

Need tips on writing your Common App essay? Check out our  blog article .

How many essays does the University of Wisconsin-Madison require?

In addition to the Common Application Personal Statement, there is one required UW-Madison essay that all applicants must complete: the “Why UW-Madison” essay.

However, if you apply through the UW application portal rather than the Common App, you will have to submit a second UW-Madison essay. This second essay functions as a replacement for the Common App essay. If you apply via the UW application portal, give yourself ample to complete both UW-Madison essay prompts.

Does the University of Wisconsin-Madison care about essays?

Yes, all colleges care about your essays, UW-Madison included. The UW-Madison essay prompts are a great chance to show admissions officers something new about yourself. When responding to the UW-Madison essay prompts, you will want to demonstrate that you would be a great fit for their UW-Madison. This is especially true when writing the “Why UW-Madison” essay. This is referred to as demonstrated interest (DI). DI is a tool the admissions officers use to determine how interested a student is in attending their particular school. By writing specific “Why UW-Madison” essays, students can show their DI in attending UW-Madison and increase their admissions odds.

The high UW-Madison ranking indicates that students may apply just because of UW-Madison’s prestige. In response to this, admissions officers will be on the lookout for students whose interest in the school runs deeper than its reputation. For more information on DI and how to use it to your advantage, check out this article from  Forbes .

Finally, in light of the UW-Madison acceptance rate, well-crafted responses to the UW-Madison essay prompts will strengthen your application. Don’t underestimate the UW-Madison essays and their impact.

Does the University of Wisconsin-Madison have a “Why UW-Madison” essay?

Yes. This is the classic supplemental essay question, and the UW-Madison essay prompts are no exception—all colleges want to know what makes them special to you. The “Why UW-Madison” essay is your chance to showcase any research you have done about UW-Madison while you’ve been writing your UW-Madison supplemental essay or as you’ve been completing the rest of the application.

Given the UW-Madison acceptance rate, your research will be an important part of acing the why UW-Madison essay. Why? When it comes down to two candidates with similar GPAs and extracurriculars, a strong “Why UW-Madison” essay can be the determining factor in who is admitted.

UW-Madison Essay Prompts – Question 1 (required)

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected “undecided” please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words maximum).

How do I write a good essay for UW-Madison?

The rest of this guide will show you how to write engaging UW-Madison supplemental essays.

Let’s start with the first UW-Madison essay, which is required of all applicants. You have 650 words to respond to this why UW-Madison essay, which is the same length as the Common Application’s personal statement. You should be prepared to spend a fair bit of time both researching and writing this UW-Madison essay, considering its length.

For this UW-Madison essay, avoid over-generalizing with statements like “The campus is beautiful” or “I just feel like I belong there.” Instead, offer concrete examples of why you belong there. You should do research into specific aspects of the UW-Madison community that appeal to you.

This UW-Madison essay prompt has two parts. First, the prompt asks why you decided to apply to UW-Madison. Then, it asks why you are interested in your chosen academic field. You’ll want to ensure you respond to both parts of the question. If you are undecided in your major, you will still want to address your academic interests and explain how attending UW-Madison would help you to hone these interests and discover a major that excites you.

Do your research

Before answering the first part of this UW-Madison essay prompt, do some reading. For example, you can look into  extracurricular activities , research, or  travel opportunities  that only UW-Madison offers to its students. You might also review the  calendar  of student events. The  list of student organizations  on their website can be a great resource to find campus organizations you’d like to join.

If you want to get your finger on the pulse of student life, check out UW-Madison’s student publications. Additionally, leverage the alumni network to ask questions about previous students’ experiences. This can help you learn about student-specific traditions and events that you can’t read about on the website.

Start free-writing

If all of these options seem overwhelming, try starting with a structured free-write session. Take about 15-20 minutes and create two lists. Under one, list every reason why you want to attend UW-Madison. Under the second list, list every reason why you selected your major. If you’re unsure of your major, list every area of academic interest that you may want to pursue. Then, take an additional 15 minutes and draw connections between the two. Perhaps you listed that you want to participate in UW-Madison’s  DSE Mentorship Program  for undergraduate engineers. If you also engineering as a possible major, that’s a great connection to highlight in your essay.

The second part of this UW-Madison essay prompt is a great way to demonstrate your academic and intellectual goals. Take a look at their list of 9,192 courses and 288 undergraduate majors and certificates. Pick three courses that look interesting and explain why each of those courses appeals to you. How would you benefit from taking these courses? How do your previous academic experiences set you up for success?

Avoid statistics

You want to avoid listing out numbers and statistics that admissions officers already know. For instance, instead of spending words talking about how the average class size is 31, explain specifically which professors you would be excited to learn from in such a personal teaching environment. If you are interested in two contrasting majors, you should support both of them with anecdotes about your academic experiences.

This is the space to show off your expert investigation skills and name-drop courses, clubs, professors, and research opportunities only available at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Colleges can tell when you swap out their name for another University and submit the same “Why here?” answer. Your application will be stronger if your answer to this “why UW-Madison” essay could not be swapped with any other schools’ applications.

UW-Madison Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Do you prove that you’ve done research on the school?
  • Do you explain what unique opportunities UW-Madison would provide you that you could not get anywhere else?
  • Does your draft provide specific details about what you hope to do while on UW-Madison’s campus?

UW-Madison Essay Prompts – Question 2

If you apply using the Common Application, you will be asked to respond to one of the freshman Common Application essays. If you apply within the UW System Application, you will need to answer the following prompt:
This part is all about you. Tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. Was it a success or a challenge? Did it represent a turning point in your life? How did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence your education? (650 words maximum).

Who completes this prompt?

Not everyone applying to UW-Madison will complete this UW-Madison essay. If you are applying to UW-Madison through the Common App, you will  not need  to respond to this UW-Madison essay prompt. If you are applying through the UW Systems Admissions Application then this UW-Madison essay will be the substitute for your Common App personal essay. This means you will want to spend a fair amount of time drafting your response to this UW-Madison essay prompt, since UW-Madison will not read your Common App personal essay if you apply through their college-specific portal.

There are several different parts to this UW-Madison essay prompt. At first glance, it may seem quite general. “Something you’ve done” is a pretty broad topic. However, the follow-up questions might qualify your chosen topic a bit more. You’ll need to describe how you learned from the situation. Was it something you succeeded in or was it a challenge you overcame? Did you find it to be a turning point that pushed you into a new phase of your life? You should be sure to address the final part of this UW-Madison essay prompt—about the event’s influence—and discuss how it will influence your education moving forward.

Avoid cliches

For this UW-Madison essay prompt, you could expand on something that is already present in your application. However, make sure that your topic is proportional to the length of this UW-Madison supplemental essay. For example, if you decide to write about an extracurricular, you will want to select something that you have a large role in. You should then discuss an anecdote that really challenged you, and as a result, prompted you to grow. Topics such as scoring an A on a big exam or winning an important sports game can be a little clichéd. Try to think of a unique situation that you overcame and the skills that you gained from that experience.

One of the most important parts of this UW-Madison essay is how your topic will impact your education. Make sure you discuss how you will contribute to academic life at UW-Madison. However, don’t repeat anything you already said in your “Why UW-Madison” essay. Overall, you want to make sure this UW-Madison supplemental essay shows who you are as a person and how you have grown. Given the relatively low UW-Madison acceptance rate, you should present detailed, well-written answers to the UW-Madison essay prompts.

UW-Madison Essay Prompts: Final Thoughts

Completing the UW-Madison essay prompts can seem daunting in light of the UW-Madison acceptance rate and high UW-Madison rankings. However, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from applying. The UW-Madison supplemental essays are a great opportunity to introduce yourself to UW-Madison admissions officers. With the lower UW-Madison acceptance rate, these UW-Madison essay prompts can boost your application if you have a lower-than-average GPA or  SAT score .

Use this guide as a step-by-step aid when approaching the UW-Madison supplemental essays, and start earlier than you think you should. Don’t be afraid to ask for revisions from someone; it’s helpful to have another set of eyes checking your UW-Madison supplemental essays for grammatical errors, tone, and clarity. Good luck!

This 2021-2022 essay guide on UW-Madison was written by  Laura Frustaci , Harvard ‘21. For your best chance against the UW-Madison acceptance rate, and more resources, click  here . Want help crafting your UW-Madison supplemental essays? Create your free  account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Early Action: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 15

University of Wisconsin-Madison 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanation

The Requirements: 1 essay of 650 words (or less)

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why

Tell us why you would like to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (You may enter up to 650 words, but 300-500 is recommended).

This sneaky prompt is a twofer, though both parts cover classic why essay territory: admissions wants to know just what appeals to you about the University of Wisconsin-Madison. So, take a moment to look inside. What exactly do you want out of your college experience? Research opportunities? Weekend football games? To dip your toe into city life? Now, if you were to imagine a Venn diagram of your expectations and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s offerings, what would land in the overlap? The only way to know for sure is to do your research!  

The goal is to show admissions that you’ve done your homework. Make sure Admissions Officers know that you’ve already thought about what you want to do when you get there and that you’re ready to act on those hopes and dreams and so forth. 

But, wait, there’s more! The second part of the prompt gives you the opportunity to include information about specific academic programs at Madison that appeal to you. So just as before, utilize the school’s website, but this time pay careful attention to the specific majors and academic offerings that catch your eye. What do you love about your chosen major and/or minor? If you’re interested in UW’s Gender & Women’s Studies pr ogram, can you describe what you will take away from this program and how it relates to your long-term ambitions ? How did you become interested in this field, and what resources does Madison provide that will help you achieve your goals? Finally, if you’re undecided, think about what makes Madison the ideal environment for your academic exploration. How do you plan to hone in on the perfect major as you attend? Remember, the more details you include, the better.

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How to Write the University of Wisconsin-Madison Supplemental Essays

Tell us why you decided to apply to the university of wisconsin-madison. in addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. if you selected undecided please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (you may enter up to 650 words, but 300-500 is recommended)..

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s supplemental essay is a great opportunity to showcase your voice to the admissions committee and convey your academic passions and knowledge of the school. When writing your UW-Madison supplement, be sure to address both parts of the prompt: explain your interest in the majors you’ve selected and discuss what draws you to UW-Madison. UW-Madison generously provides a word count of up to 650, so you have ample space to elaborate on the past experiences and values that have led you to your area of study, and also write about the school-specific resources at UW-Madison that you would like to take advantage of during your undergraduate career.

Before you begin drafting your UW-Madison supplemental essay, you’ll want to do some “why school” research. UW-Madison offers 20+ schools with many niche majors and certificates ; therefore, you’ll want to spend some time on the website to identify the specific program that is the best fit for you. If UW-Madison offers programs that can’t be found at any other universities that align with your interests, you can cite these and make an even stronger case for why UW-Madison is the best school for you! Some particular academic strengths of UW-Madison include its programs in Education, Agriculture, Communication, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Economics. You can look through the web pages of specific departments and schools, and see if there are general resources that are well-suited to you. For instance, UW-Madison’s Integrated Liberal Studies programs, Living-Learning Communities, First Year Interest Groups, and Honors programs integrate communal life with academic pursuits in a way that may be appealing to you.

As with any “why school” essay, you’ll want to not only cite school-specific resources, but also share what you know about the school’s values and reflect upon how these values align with your own. UW-Madison often emphasizes the “Wisconsin Idea”, or the idea that a successful state university should inspire its students to seek truth and apply the resulting knowledge to benefit themselves and society. UW-Madison students are highly involved with their communities and the causes that matter to them. In your UW-Madison supplemental essay, you’ll want to explore how your academic and personal journey to date has reflected the principles of the Wisconsin Idea, and discuss which academic course of study, extracurriculars, and other opportunities at UW-Madison will put you in a position to serve others and bring positive change to society.

If you apply with the UW System Application, you will need to answer the following prompt:

This part is all about you. tell us about something you’ve done—academically or personally—and what you’ve learned from it. was it a success or a challenge did it represent a turning point in your life how did this particular moment in your life influence you, and how will it continue to influence you as you pursue your college education.

If you apply to UW-Madison through the UW system rather than the Common Application, this is the equivalent of the Common Application’s personal statement. Unlike the Common App, you won’t get a choice of prompts to respond to–you must answer this question, and the “why school” supplement if you are applying to UW-Madison.

For this UW essay, carefully examine the wording of the prompt before you dive into writing. UW admissions readers are looking for you to discuss something you’ve actively done rather than something that’s happened to you, so to select a strong topic, you’ll want to reflect on any memorable accomplishments, initiatives you started, intellectual interests you’ve pursued, or risks you’ve taken in the past four years. These can be in the context of your academics, extracurriculars, or personal life. Then, it’d be best to gravitate towards a specific moment–rather than a story that covers a long span of time–and select one that was highly influential in determining your academic path, personal values, or worldview.

This is a multi-part prompt, so ensure that you are answering each question within the prompt. You should respond directly to all parts of the prompt, including “something you’ve done,” “what you’ve learned,” “how did this particular moment in your life influence you,” and “how will it continue to influence you [in college].” While you don’t need to answer the questions of “success or challenge” or “turning point” in language that’s as head-on (e.g. sentences like “My accomplishment was a success” or “This was a turning point for me”), it should be very clear and obvious to admissions readers whether you’re writing about a success or challenge, and how that event worked as a turning point in your life.

If you have already written a personal statement for the Common Application, you’re in luck if you’ve responded to prompt #2 (“The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?”), prompt #5 (“Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.”), or potentially even prompt #3 (“Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?”). There is significant overlap between these prompts and UW’s, so it’s likely that you can recycle your Common App essay with some light modifications. In particular, make sure that you add material that addresses the final part of the prompt, discussing how the moment you selected will influence your approach to your journey as an undergraduate. That being said, if you’ve already written an essay for the Common App, we definitely recommend applying to UW through the Common App! Best of luck with your UW-Madison essays!

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UW–Madison Admission Essays

Understanding the intricacies of university application essays is crucial for aspiring students. The University of Wisconsin–Madison, renowned for its rigorous academic environment, demands essays that reflect a student's intellectual capabilities and personal growth. In fact, analyzing UW Madison essay examples can offer significant insights into the level of depth and articulation expected by such prestigious institutions. These essays are a vital component of the application process, offering a unique opportunity for students to showcase their individuality, experiences, and aspirations. In this guide, we'll explore various aspects of the University of Wisconsin–Madison essay requirements, providing insights and examples, including those akin to UW Madison essay examples, to help students navigate this critical aspect of their university applications.

Key Features of UW–Madison Essays

The University of Wisconsin–Madison's essay requirements are strategically designed to assess a candidate's alignment with the university's educational ethos and academic vigor. These essays, transcending mere writing tasks, provide a window into an applicant's personality, intellectual curiosity, and potential impact on the university's dynamic community. In this context, UW Madison application essay examples can serve as invaluable guides, illustrating how to effectively engage with the essay prompts. These prompts encourage deep reflection on personal growth, academic objectives, and societal responsibilities, allowing students to demonstrate their suitability for the rigorous academic environment of UW–Madison. Engaging with the essence of these essays and crafting responses that resonate with the admissions committee are crucial for enhancing admission chances, underlining their significance in UW–Madison's holistic application process.

  • Essays emphasize personal development, academic aspirations, and community involvement.
  • Annually updated prompts reflect current topics and values.
  • They provide a platform for students to express their individual viewpoints.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Admission Requirements

Securing admission to the esteemed University of Wisconsin–Madison involves fulfilling a range of stringent criteria. The university selects students who exhibit academic excellence, well-rounded personalities, leadership skills, and alignment with its core principles and culture. These criteria aim to identify not only academically adept students but also those ready to positively contribute to the campus community. Every application aspect, from scholastic achievements to extracurricular involvement and personal essays, undergoes thorough evaluation to ensure the selected candidates are ideally suited for UW–Madison's diverse and dynamic environment.

  • High academic performance, evidenced in GPA and standardized tests.
  • Diverse extracurricular engagement demonstrating leadership and initiative.
  • Impactful personal statement and supplemental essays.
  • Recommendation letters from academic or professional mentors.
  • Proof of adherence to the university's values and ethos.

Role of UW-Madison Supplemental Essay Examples in Applications

UW-Madison supplemental essay examples in the application process is instrumental for prospective students. These examples serve as a vital guide, illustrating the depth of analysis, personal reflection, and writing quality expected by the University of Wisconsin–Madison. By studying these examples, applicants gain crucial insights into crafting essays that go beyond academic metrics, highlighting their unique personalities and experiences. Effective UW Madison supplemental essay examples showcase critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of the university's core values, such as community engagement and academic excellence. They teach the art of storytelling and the importance of specific details for impactful narratives. While these examples are valuable resources, it's essential for applicants to maintain authenticity and originality in their essays. The examples should inspire, not be replicated, guiding students to produce essays that are true to their experiences and resonate with UW-Madison's ethos.

UW-Madison Supplemental Essay Examples: Prompts for 2023

Committed to a comprehensive and all-encompassing review process, UW–Madison has introduced several thought-provoking supplemental essay prompts for the 2023 cycle. These prompts aim to allow applicants to display various facets of their personalities, experiences, and future plans. The prompts are crafted to elicit responses that showcase the applicant's self-reflection abilities, challenges they've overcome, and their vision for the future. They also provide a glimpse into how applicants envision their contributions to the university community. Collectively, these prompts are vital in the application, offering a stage for applicants to persuasively argue why they are an excellent match for UW–Madison.

  • Challenge and Growth: Applicants share a significant challenge they've overcome and the lessons learned, demonstrating resilience and personal growth.
  • Academic and Career Aspirations: This prompt asks students to detail their goals and how UW–Madison can aid in achieving them, focusing on the alignment of the applicant's plans with the university's resources.
  • Community Contribution: Applicants discuss how they plan to contribute to the UW–Madison community, showcasing their understanding of community values and social responsibility.

These prompts encourage applicants to provide thoughtful, personal responses, illustrating their readiness for university life and their potential to enrich the UW–Madison community. Effective responses range from narratives about overcoming personal adversities and articulating clear academic and career pathways to well-planned community engagement and leadership roles within the university.

Guidelines for Writing UW–Madison Supplemental Essays

Writing compelling supplemental essays for UW–Madison is a vital part of the application process. These essays offer an opportunity to stand out and show the admissions committee your unique identity beyond academic metrics. To gain a clearer perspective, reviewing University of Wisconsin Madison supplemental essay examples can be extremely beneficial. These examples provide practical insights into effective storytelling and structuring, helping you understand how to convey your experiences and aspirations authentically. Here are essential tips to help craft impactful and memorable essays, inspired by the strategies evident in University of Wisconsin Madison supplemental essay examples:

  • Interpreting the Prompts: Carefully read and understand each essay prompt. Reflect on how your experiences and aspirations align with the questions posed.
  • Self-Reflection: Engage in introspection about your experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. Authentic, self-aware essays often leave a lasting impression.
  • Authentic Voice: Write in a manner that's true to your personality. Authenticity is crucial for connecting with the admissions officers.
  • Specific Examples: Use detailed examples and stories to bring your essays to life. Specific experiences add depth and relatability to your narrative.
  • Structured Approach: A well-organized essay with a clear beginning, middle, and end enhances readability and impact. Ensure your essay flows logically.

Remember, UW–Madison's supplemental essays are your chance to provide the admissions committee with a deeper understanding of your character, values, and ambitions. A well-crafted essay can significantly impact your application.

Leveraging UW–Madison Essay Examples for Success

UW–Madison essay examples are invaluable resources for understanding what the admissions committee seeks. These examples often showcase creativity, depth, and a strong connection with the university's values. Utilizing these essays as models can aid in developing your own narratives, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining originality and authenticity in your writing:

  • Reflecting on Challenges and Growth at UW–Madison
  • Learning from Failures: A Journey to Success
  • Charting a Path in Environmental Advocacy
  • Community Service: Lessons in Leadership
  • The Influence of Personal Research on Academic Choices
  • Promoting Educational Inclusivity: A Personal Mission
  • Harmonizing Music with Academic and Career Goals
  • Resilience: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
  • Embracing Multilingualism and Global Perspectives
  • Envisioning Sustainable Practices at UW–Madison

Maximizing Impact with UW–Madison Essay Examples

In conclusion, UW–Madison essays are an integral part of the application, offering a platform for students to express their individuality and suitability for the university. To effectively navigate this crucial aspect, examining University of Wisconsin Madison essay examples can be incredibly instructive. These examples provide a clearer understanding of the expected caliber and style, aiding students in crafting their narratives. Understanding and adhering to the essay requirements, drawing inspiration from such examples, and infusing personal experiences and insights into your writing can significantly enhance your chances of admission. Remember, well-written essays, much like the University of Wisconsin Madison essay examples, can profoundly influence the admissions committee's decision, emphasizing the importance of dedicating time and effort to develop compelling, authentic stories.

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The Ideal Candidate: Embracing Excellence at UW-Madison

As I stand at the precipice of higher education, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey, I find myself drawn to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Its storied tradition of academic excellence, commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community, and vibrant campus atmosphere have captivated…

From Science Fair Challenges to Innovative Solutions

Whether it was building intricate structures with Legos or finding new ways to solve complex math problems, I have always been driven to find creative solutions to challenges that come my way. This passion for innovation and problem-solving has shaped my outlook on life and…

A Journey to the World of Language

From the moment I first laid eyes on the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I knew that it was the perfect place for me to continue my education. The campus is absolutely stunning, with its historic buildings and charming atmosphere. Beyond the physical beauty of the campus,…

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— EST. 1848 —

49,886 (2022) Students

Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Public Land-Grant Research University

Cardinal and White

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how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

University of Wisconsin-Madison

About university of wisconsin-madison.

Located in Madison, the capital of the State of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) is a public, land-grant institution that was founded in 1848. It held its first class in the February of 1849.

Home to 13 colleges and schools, the university’s main campus stretches over 900 acres along the southern shore of Lake Mendota.

The city itself has plenty to offer students, including national landmarks and the colourful State Street and Capitol Square, lined with restaurants, coffee shops, music venues and boutiques. 

Madison is known as being a ‘green’ city, with plenty of opportunities for skiing, fishing, boating, and other outdoor sports. The newspaper USA Today ranked Madison fourth best cycling town in America for its network of biking paths and bike-share program.

Its student body of 40,000 collectively represents 50 states and 124 countries.

The university boasts almost 900 student organisations and its official mascot is the Bucky Badger.

A research university, UW has been home to number of pioneering achievements, such as the discovery of vitamins in the early 20th century, the cultivation of embryonic stem cells in the late 20th century and, in 2010, the discovery of a new human species.

Since its inception, over a dozen Nobel Prize awards have been awarded to faculty and alumni of UW. Other alumni include 33 Pulitzer Prize winners, the founders of the satirical news media company, The Onion , and the founder of Earth Day, the annual event that champions environmental protection.

One of the university’s longest traditions is the ‘Wisconsin Idea’ – the principle that the university should enhance people’s lives beyond the classroom. The Idea has been synonymous with Wisconsin for over 100 years and has become the primary ethos of the university’s outreach efforts across the globe.

The university’s motto is ‘Numen Lumen’, which translates as ‘God, our light’.

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how to write university of wisconsin madison essay

How to Write the University of Wisconsin-Madison Supplement 2023-2024

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a prestigious public state school known equally for its academics and its culture (go Badgers!). Located in Madison, Wisconsin, the school is set in a mid-sized city that isn’t completely taken over by the university but is heavily dominated by it. This isn’t surprising, given that that total student body of nearly 50,000 accounts for nearly 20% of the city’s population. The university is ranked as the 10th best public university in the United States out of over 1,600 schools, and, despite its size, it holds community values at its core. Public service is considered central to the identity of the university, and the school is a top source for Peace Corps volunteers. While the published acceptance rate is 60%, we consider that number very misleading as the acceptance rate for in-state applicants is much higher than for those applying from outside of Wisconsin . A few years ago, the university received a whopping 42,627 applicants for 6,800 spots.

If you’re not a fan of standardized tests, you’ll be glad to hear that the University of Wisconsin-Madison is remaining test optional for the 2023-24 application cycle, and, they say, “you will not be disadvantaged in our evaluation process if you choose to not include these scores for consideration.” Scores are also not required for scholarship consideration. They are very clear about what they do prioritize in decision-making. Namely, they want to see mostly A’s, especially in challenging, high-level classes, and they like to see credit for more than four years of math. They expect four years of English, three to four years of science, social science, and world language, and two years of fine arts or additional academic pursuits. These are minimums, of course, and they’d love to see more.

In exchange for this hard work, they keep the supplement simple — which we’ll get into in a sec.

If you’re planning on applying to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, send us an email . We know how to help.  

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has one question in addition to the Common App essay, and it’s in a format you’ll be getting pretty used to while writing college applications. It is, as you’ve probably guessed, a “why us” essay. And, while you are able to submit up to 650 words, they recommend limiting your response to 300-500 words (and we beg you to follow that direction). The admissions team also recommends that you give yourself time to brainstorm, draft, and edit (and we agree completely, that’s all sort of our thing), and that you are honest and don’t make spelling mistakes. Hopefully, you knew that already.

Now that you have the lay of the land, let’s get into the supplement.

Tell us why you would like to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. *

*Up to 650 words, but really 300-500 — please.  

First up, let’s clear something up. We do not believe in ever marking your major as “undecided” for an application. Why? Well, because one of the things colleges are looking for are students who know what they care about. They know that you may change your major — and that’s fine. But they want to see focus right now even with the possibility of future changes. So, disregard that “if you selected undecided,” part because it’s not relevant to you.  

Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to do some research. All “why us” essays start with research, and there are some things we need you to find before you can start writing:

Major Related Things to Find:

The name of your prospective major

A program or area of focus within your major, if applicable

Two classes within your major

A Professor in your major department that you’d like to study under, and a few specific reasons why you’d like to study under them (remember, you have up to 500 words for this supplement so there is room to put a lot of detail in)

An extracurricular related to what you want to major in

Then there are two other things we need you to find. First, two extracurriculars that aren’t related to your major but that are connected in some way to things you have expressed interest and/or experience in elsewhere in your application. These do not need to be academic in any way. Lastly, something about the university that you connect with on a personal level. It could be the culture of service, the sports ‘stuff,’ the residential neighborhoods, or anything else that, when you heard about it, you said “yes, that, I want that.”

Once you’ve done your research, it’s brainstorming time. You need a story to introduce your supplement that isn’t, “When I came on campus, I knew I belonged here,” or any iteration of that. They know they have a great campus. They know the school spirit is off the charts. They know their academics are top-notch. What they don’t know is you, and that’s what you need to lead with.

We recommend starting from what you want to study, and identify a small story, such as an experience you had as an intern helping count fish off the coast of North Carolina. Use that small story as the introduction to the supplement. This helps them get to know you better before you focus in on how you’ll fit in at the university.

Next, it’s time to use your research. Share what you want to study, the courses you want to take, etc., before finishing by sharing where you see your experience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison taking you into your early career. Do you want to pursue another degree after you graduate? Or perhaps you plan on going straight into the workforce? The know that you don’t have this all figured out and that your plans will probably change, but they want to see that you are confident, clear, and have a potential trajectory.

Applying to college is all about finding a perfect fit, and to do that you need to show the university how you’ll fit in with what they have to offer. By doing your research and tying your past experiences into what they can offer, you’ll make the case for yourself as an ideal member of their academic community.

If applying to college has you pulling your hair out, send us an email . We are experts at this.

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  14. University of Wisconsin-Madison

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    When writing your UW-Madison supplement, be sure to address both parts of the prompt: explain your interest in the majors you've selected and discuss what draws you to UW-Madison. UW-Madison generously provides a word count of up to 650, so you have ample space to elaborate on the past experiences and values that have led you to your area of ...

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  24. University of Wisconsin-Madison

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  26. How to Write the University of Wisconsin-Madison Supplement 2023-2024

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  28. ESL 117 syllabus Spring 2023 (docx)

    English document from University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6 pages, ESL 117: Academic Writing I Credits: 3 Learn at UW: Canvas Meeting Time and Location: See Canvas for details Instructional Mode: In-person Course Materials: See Canvas for details For Instructor, Office Location, Office Hours, and Email Information, see C

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    Focus on being authentic rather than hitting objective "key" points. Be specific but make sure to focus on things that are important to you about Madison. not trying to focus on how good the school is (we all know), but how you fit to this school and how this school fits you.

  30. Meet OBB trailblazer Jean Feraca

    Jean Feraca has championed the power of the humanities her whole career, whether as a board member for the Wisconsin Humanities Council, a host for Wisconsin Public Radio, or an instructor for Odyssey. "The humanities teach us to be human. As Socrates says, 'The unexamined life is not worth living.'