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how to make doodle presentation


Make doodle videos using simple drag and drop mechanism.

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Why should Whiteboard be White anymore?

Now you can create doodle videos in 5 different styles!

2D Animation Video


Whiteboard Animation Video


  • 1 Choose one of our templates or start from scratch
  • 2 Select the type of board you want doodle animations on
  • 3 Add props, characters and text
  • 4 Sprinkle some music
  • 5 Export to Youtube and Facebook or download directly

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how to make doodle presentation

Being an artist myself, I have to say that Doodle animations in Animaker are very realistic!

- Ziaquet Ali

I use Animaker to create Doodle Video Presentations. The Animation Library is huge - probably the biggest I’ve ever come across.

- Chia Marquez

The best thing is that you can mix things up with many styles of Doodle Boards.

- Lakhwan Singh

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Create kickass doodle videos in less than half an hour!

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What Is a Doodle Video and How Do You Make One? (Beginner’s Guide)

The marketing industry is ever-changing, with new trends coming and going. One recent trend that has gained a great deal of momentum in recent years with no signs of slowing down is doodle videos. These quick, entertaining videos are everywhere and have been used by some of the largest companies for various reasons. So, today let’s talk about what a doodle video is and how you can make one.

Table of Contents

What Is a Doodle Video?

Doodle videos are used for many reasons but most commonly for training or marketing videos. They are also called doodle animations or whiteboard animations because they depict hand-drawn illustrations to create a narrative or message with which viewers can engage and digest the information more visually.

More specifically, a doodle video is a particular type of animation which shows cartoons being hand-drawn while the narrator is speaking during the message . The combination of watching the drawing and listening to the message helps viewers with engagement and the absorption of the information you hope to convey. And with video marketing still on the rise, using animations like doodle videos will provide you with a more creative way to advertise or promote a business.

Here’s a perfect example of a video Doodle Google created to celebrate the 32nd birthday of Avicii (Tim Bergling).

What Is Doodle Drawing?

A doodle is a small drawing that someone makes while their attention is otherwise elsewhere. Doodles are simple drawings that may represent concrete meanings or simply be composed of random or abstract lines where the person doesn’t actually lift the pencil from the paper. In the latter, it’s usually a scribble.

The word doodle was first used during the early 17th century, and it meant simpleton or fool. It wasn’t until the early 18th century that doodle became a verb used to mean “to make a fool of or swindle.” Today’s meaning for the word emerged to describe politicians who do nothing while in office at the taxpayer’s expense. This led to a more generalized verb meaning “to doodle,” which literally means to do nothing. However, doodling in the drawing sense was made mainstream in the 1930s movie Mr. Deeds Goes To Town.

Today, doodling is commonplace among people who are bored while talking on the phone, thinking, or simply with nothing better to do. Yet, many researchers believe that doodles are more than merely drawings on paper . In fact, science has found that doodling is good for you!

Here are some ways it’s important:

  • It helps you pay attention. Despite what you may have heard, doodling can keep you focused with just enough stimulation to prevent your brain from reverting to the default state of “spacing out.”
  • It provides an emotional outlet. If you’re having trouble putting emotions into words or communicating, doodling can help you express these feelings. They can even make you relaxed and calm during times of increased anxiety, depression, and frustration.
  • It enhances creative thought. Doodling creates a mental state somewhere between daydreaming and awareness, making it perfect for coming up with creative, new ideas.

Example of Hand-Drawn Sketchy Doodles

Furthermore, scientists believe that doodling can also provide rare insight into your psyche . Doodles aren’t thought of as just random drawings; here are some examples of what your doodles may mean:

  • Flowers: Drawing flowers can indicate a fragile, gentle, or passive nature.
  • Bricks: Doodling a brick wall can signify obstacles between you and your goals.
  • Flying Animals: While these types of animals are cute, drawing them can signify your want to be free and not be tied down.

Difference Between Doodle Videos And Whiteboard Video Animation?

There is essentially no difference between doodle videos and whiteboard video animation. These names are interchangeable, and both videos are types of explainer videos . As we mentioned, doodle videos are used as animated training or marketing videos. Much like you can use infographics to convey information in a more digestible form, doodle or whiteboard videos are short and perfect for helping your audience retain more information than they would simply by reading text.

Additionally, both infographics and doodle videos are beneficial for businesses, as they can be used to drive traffic, simply get your name out, or as marketing tools (we’ll discuss this more later). Just as infographics use graphics to help tell a story, doodle videos use the power of animation. Since stories are a proven method of assisting people to retain important facts, you can use this to your company’s advantage to explain the benefits or features of your service or product.

Using whiteboard video animation or a doodle video is excellent for keeping a person’s attention. This works because as the hand draws the first letter of a word, the brain begins trying to predict what the word will be. This same concept applies to drawing as well because humans are curious creatures that want to figure out what’s going to happen next. As you can see, the creation is a motivation for the viewers to continue watching your video. And, when someone stays on your site longer, this increases the chance of them visiting other pages, and ultimately, lowers your site’s bounce rate. Using doodle videos will not only keep your viewer’s attention, but they also help build a relationship and can make a person more likely to buy something from you.

Why Use Doodle Videos?

But, the truth is, you should use doodle videos in marketing for many more reasons than we just discussed. There are times when creating a doodle video is more effective than any other form of marketing. Here are nine times you should use a doodle video:

The idea is complex.

If you’re discussing a system or product that’s highly technical by nature, a whiteboard animation video may be the easiest way to present the information. Keep in mind that people tend to get bored during complex explanations, and the more details included, the harder many find it is to focus.

But, regardless of if you’re promoting products on a landing page or sharing new ideas with the team, using high-quality doodle videos can get your point across by capturing and keeping your audience’s attention.

A doodle video should be fast-moving and visually detailed. It also helps when there are lots of colors, making the video fun and easy to watch.

You’re explaining multiple ideas at one time.

For similar reasons, a doodle video is excellent for when you have large amounts of information to include in a presentation. As ideas begin to unfold visually and the narrator explains what’s happening, you have an excellent opportunity to present many different ideas without having to worry about losing interest from the audience.

You have a story to tell.

There’s no easier way to tell your company or brand’s story than with a whiteboard animation or doodle video. Walt Disney proved nearly a hundred years ago that animation is a highly effective way to tell a story. Why not try for yourself?

You have old content to reuse.

Are you looking to repurpose content you already own? Perhaps you have a speech, podcast, or other audio you recorded on the topic; you can pair this with your doodle video. This is a great way to breathe new life into content that you’ve already used, and you’ll capitalize off it as well.

You want to get the attention of another business.

Have you ever considered using doodle animations for B2B marketing? Whiteboard animation features an industrial look that’s also casual, so it fits nicely into a corporate setting. When companies opt to use these videos, it gives them the edge over competitors when approaching other businesses with an offer.

You want a presentation to include humor.

If you want to make a video presentation that includes humor, doodle animation is one of the best ways to get genuine laughs. Amateur or bad actors are annoying and awkward when they attempt to be funny on film. However, doodle animation features a visual style that’s laid-back, which helps it communicate comedy flawlessly.

You don’t want to hire amateur actors.

And speaking of amateur actors, if you don’t want to hire any, then whiteboard animation is your best bet because you won’t have to! Not only will this save you from the embarrassment of lousy acting, but it can also be a great cost saver of time and money.

The subject at hand is very dull.

Much like overly technical topics, those that are very boring, such as legal terms, for instance, can benefit from doodle videos. As you know, people tend to pay more attention to something being explained visually, which means that they also learn more. Using the combination of a narrator and animation will really help your audience understand and remember what you presented.

You will use the content for social media marketing.

Do you plan to use YouTube or other social media network ads for marketing? If so, doodle videos lend themselves well to this format. People like animation, so it increases your chances of getting clicks, views, and sales.

And here’s a fun fact for you – Did you know that YouTube alone gets 300 billion searches each month? If you want your share of this traffic, try using a doodle video and watch what happens!

How Do You Make A Good Doodle Video?

A compelling doodle video will make your message easier to understand and retain. With this being said, they appeal to companies because of their educational value, but there are some things you need to know before you start doodling on a whiteboard.

Here are 7 tips for making a good doodle video:

Always begin with a script.

The first step to creating animation is writing a script. The script will require a solid structure (beginning, middle, and end) and for the information to be distributed strategically. It will serve as the backbone for the video and make all subsequent steps of the animation process more manageable.

If you’re stuck and don’t know where to start, you can use the words ‘what, how, and why’ to assign the basic parts to the narrator.

  • What: Inform your audience of the specific problem you’re trying to solve.
  • How: Explain how the problem is solved.
  • Why: Discuss why your idea is the best option available.

Also, keep in mind that when writing a doodle video script, it should be educational. So, don’t focus so much on selling, as you do teaching and explaining. The unique thing about doodle animations is that you can take complex ideas and break them into smaller pieces that are easier to digest.

Create a storyboard

Now that you have a good script, you’ll move on to creating a storyboard. A simple way to think about a storyboard is to consider it a draft for illustrations. It should depict every scene of your video to make the process easier for voice-over artists, illustrators, animators, or anyone else working on the project.

Remember these three hallmarks.

Doodle videos are like magic because they require only three elements to create: the whiteboard, doodle drawings, and the hand.

The ‘white’ on the whiteboard.

A white background is essential, so don’t try replacing it with different backgrounds. Consider other video formats such as cartoon animated explainer videos if you are set on using any other background.

The drawing should be interconnected.

This will reinforce the idea that an artist is doodling on a whiteboard while also helping the audience follow the visual narrative. When done right, it should make your story cohesive and continuous.

The hand is required.

No whiteboard animation or doodle video is complete without the hand that’s drawing. It combines everything, and if there isn’t one present, your video is considered traditional animation and not doodle animation.

There are lots of other elements that you can add as well. For example, you can create your own drawing style and strategically add some color to it. Regardless of how you go about it, just be sure the three elements we just discussed are present.

Don’t forget to include brand awareness.

Your doodle animation doesn’t need to be black and white strictly. While you should stick to specific aesthetic rules, you can still have some fun too. And this is especially true if the fun elements are planned to boost brand awareness. So, feel free to add some brand color and use any other element to make your brand stand out, such as the logo or sounds.

Create a connection between your brand and target audience.

Using the audience in the narrative is an excellent trick that helps these types of videos perform extraordinarily well. It also acts as an extra detail to your video’s customization. One effective way to do this is by creating characters that are inspired by the buyer’s personas or appearance. When viewers see themselves in a video, it helps the message resonate better and gives the video more impact.

Keep it short and to the point.

Attention spans are shorter now than they’ve ever been, and this is especially true for those multitasking online. For instance, how many tabs do you have open right now? Chances are you have several, and if we’re honest, there’s no way you’re paying attention to all of them at once. This is why it’s vital to capture your viewer’s attention from start to finish.

So, when you create a doodle video that’s short, and to the point, you’re more likely to keep everyone’s attention until the end. Most experts agree that you should aim to keep the video between 60 and 90 seconds long as this is plenty of time to communicate a good message and keep their attention. Just keep in mind that most viewers will only watch the first 10 or 15 seconds of your doodle video before they decide they are interested or not.

When creating an effective doodle animation, save suspense for Hollywood, and communicate your most important message from the start.

Don’t skimp on quality.

It doesn’t matter what type of marketing videos you’re using; they are always one of the best options for getting your message to the world. So this means they represent your brand on the public stage, so always aim for nothing less than the best quality you can afford.

This may sound a bit harsh, but customers may remember your poor-quality content and then think that your services or products are probably low quality as well. Alternatively, brands that have high content standards are more widely viewed as trustworthy and reliable.

Since marketing is basically behavioral science, you’ll need to ensure that you create high-quality doodle videos to represent your company. If you don’t have the skills, keep reading for some recommendations on learning or finding a freelancer.

Let’s review what we’ve learned so far.

Let’s review the most important things to know about doodle videos:

  • Doodle animations can help communicate all types of concepts, even the most complex.
  • These videos use storytelling and unconventional graphics to create a visually appealing experience.
  • Doodle videos can be used to represent your audience through the characters, thus creating a video with a solid story and personal feel.

Our Top 5 Doodle Video Examples

There are examples of doodle videos all over the internet; all you have to do is look. To save you some trouble, here are our top 5 doodle video examples:

#1 Red Bull’s Doodle Cartoons

There is a whole collection of red bull cartoons that are actually doodle videos. The company came up with its own style of doodle people who are placed in lots of different situations where you may need a Red Bull. They did a great job because the drawing style is very unique and even has its own distinctive color pattern. The cartoons work because they are consistent and on-brand for the energy drink company.

#2 Doc Mike Evans

Dr. Mike is a YouTube personality who uses whiteboard animation videos to present himself talking about health issues. He covers topics such as healthy eating , suicide, concussions, and other medical-related concerns. Most of the videos start with him drawing a picture of his face before proceeding into other relevant doodles being drawn while discussing the topic. He uses the basic colors of white and black but adds small amounts of different hues such as red.

#3 How having a kid changes your life

Many parents already know this, but if you don’t, check out this explainer video from Wienot Films . The short one-minute doodle animation discusses if it’s worth it to have kids or not. The style depicts a small whiteboard where the person doodles images and then uses an eraser to draw something else.

#4 How to give an awesome (Powerpoint) presentation

This explainer video, also from Wienot Films , uses whiteboard animation and doodles to explain how to give an incredible presentation. The video uses words and random doodles to get their point across, but you’ll find that they did a great job with it even though they left the drawing hand out.

#5 Gem Home Buyers

Gem Home Buyers uses this doodle video to explain their services to potential clients. The video uses whiteboard animation and other content and images to depict what the narrator is saying.

Top 5 Video Doodle Makers

Let’s take a look at our top 5 video doodle makers:

Doodly was one of the original whiteboard video maker tools on the market. Their software is simple to use, and anyone, regardless of skill, can create a professional doodle video in minutes.

#2 Renderforest

Are you in need of an all-in-one branding suite? Check out Renderforest ; they can help with all your needs, from doodle animations to logos and other graphics.

#3 VideoScribe

VideoScribe is a dedicated doodle animation maker that can help take your video from an idea to an entire storyboard. The software is easy to use, and you’ll have a whiteboard animation video created within minutes.

#4  Explee

The Explee application is a powerful doodle video maker that will help you create videos that people will remember.

Are you looking for a doodle video maker free app? Then look no further than Benime Whiteboard Animation. You can use this app right from your phone or tablet to create beautiful doodle videos in minutes.

Hire A (Freelance) Professional To Do It For You

We understand that it doesn’t matter how easy software claims to be; some people just don’t have the time or patience to use a doodle animation maker. Not to worry! You can always hire a freelance professional to do it for you. Here are our top choices for outsourcing the services:

Essence Studios

Essence Studios is an explainer video production company that serves clients all over the world. They offer design services for graphics, 2d animation, illustrations, whiteboard animation, and app explainer videos.

Brafton is a full-service content marketing agency. They can help you with everything from creating content and infographics to doodle videos.

Next Day Animations

If you need an explainer video fast, check out Next Day Animations . They’ve worked with some of the nation’s largest companies such as Holiday Inn, AARP, and The World Bank.

Idea Rocket

Idea Rocket is a startup video company whose quality of service is unmatched. They can help take your doodle video from an idea to the finished product and have worked with many renowned companies such as Ford, Tiffany & Co., Marriott, and Bank of America, just to name a few.

Another excellent option is WowMakers . They can use their storytelling expertise to explain your service, idea, or product to the world. This company has provided whiteboard animation services to LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mercedes Benz, and Citibank.

Fiverr’s website is also home to many talented freelancers who offer many types of services. And it’s another place where you can find professionals to create whiteboard animation videos. If you are a fan of this platform, check out sellers such as Siluete Pro and Jumpstart Video .

How Much Does A Doodle Video Cost?

The cost of a doodle video can vary considerably. Recently, marketer Matt Byrom tried to answer this question by collecting estimates from numerous companies. He found that depending on your doodle animation style, time, and complexity, the price can range anywhere from $700 up to $72,000, with the average cost being around $7,972. So, it’s safe to say that these services can range from as little as $500 and go up to over $50,000.

In Conclusion

As you can see, doodle videos and whiteboard explainer videos are valuable assets to use as part of your marketing strategy. If you haven’t included this into your plan yet, it’s time to stop procrastinating and figure out how to make your first video. Regardless if you create the doodle video yourself using doodle maker software or outsource to a freelance professional, you’ll be glad you did when you start reviewing conversion and sales rates.

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Learn how to make a whiteboard animation video.

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What is a whiteboard animation?

You’ve probably used a dry-erase whiteboard to sketch ideas out during a meeting, illustrate a problem in math class, or keep track of your grocery list. But you can also use a whiteboard to create animated videos.

Since the style lends itself well to illustrating complex ideas in a visual way, most whiteboard animations are created as marketing videos or educational explainer videos. The combination of bright, graphic illustrations with an engaging and interesting story instantly grabs attention and can keep both customers and students engaged.

“Whiteboard animation is traditionally done on a dry-erase whiteboard with simple pens. There’s no shading, and it’s usually made with very quick line drawings,” explains animator and illustrator Mark Wooding. The videos are often accompanied by a voice-over, explaining the content or narrating the scene.

How to make a great whiteboard animation video.

1. make an outline for your whiteboard animation video..

The key to a great video is a great script. “The video will only be as successful as the story is. If you want to make a really compelling video, it has to begin with a great script,” says animator and illustrator William Warren. Before jumping in with your pens, focus on the content of your video, what you want to say, and how you want to say it.

Most  whiteboard videos explain  a topic or tell a story. But remember, even dull educational topics can be engaging when presented in the right way. “There’s always a compelling story to tell. It doesn’t matter what your topic is, you can always communicate it well with principles of good storytelling,” explains Warren.

Keep your visuals in mind as you write your whiteboard animation video script. Planning one symbol or illustration for each sentence is a good cadence to keep. “You don’t want to do three drawings in one sentence because that’s too much for the viewer to handle. But you also don’t want one drawing for a paragraph, because then the viewer is left waiting for the next thing,” explains Wooding. Be sure to read your script out loud as you write. This can help you plan the pace and tone of your story and make sure the flow feels natural for the final video animation.

Black-and-white whiteboard drawings for a start-up business

2. Create storyboards and decide on an animation style.

Planning and creating your storyboards  will help you decide what imagery should pair with each part of your voice-over. “If you have a great step-by-step storyboard to begin with, the odds are that your final product will be great too,” says Warren.

Plan your drawings for each part of the animation, and consider how they’ll work together. “With a whiteboard video, it’s the visual concepts that steal the show. Seeing those visuals come to life gets people’s attention and draws them in,” explains Wooding. Think about what animated characters you want to include. Think about the colors you plan to work with. Consider including some text elements in addition to illustrations. For complex parts of your voice-over, write out certain words to keep viewers engaged.

Whiteboard drawings for a start-up business

3. Gather the tools you need.

The next step of the production process is to set up your filming location and get your equipment ready. Whiteboard animations are traditionally done using a dry-erase board, but you can also use foam board or large sheets of white paper. This allows you to experiment with different kinds of pens, but it does eliminate your ability to erase. When you’ve decided on your physical medium, pick a location and set up your lights and camera.

Position the camera above the whiteboard or foam board to get a straight-on view of the illustration you’re creating. Check your hand and camera positioning to make sure you have enough room in the frame to finish your illustrations. And  make sure the scene is well lit  to avoid casting weird shadows with your hand as you draw.

4. Draw and film your whiteboard video.

Be sure to warm up your drawing hand before you start video production. “I usually do about 20 quick drawings before I actually start drawing on the whiteboard. When you first start, you’re kind of tight and rigid, so those initial drawings often aren’t too dynamic,” explains Wooding.

Take your time drawing every illustration, icon, or word. You can always go back and speed things up in post-production, but it’s a little more complicated to fix a specific drawing after you’ve finished recording. Keep your storyboards on hand so you don’t unintentionally leave anything out, and have some fun while creating your illustrations.

Video recording interface superimposed over a whiteboard drawing for a start-up business

5. Record your voice-over and sound effects.

Whether you record the audio yourself, or someone else does it for you, the quality of the voice-over is key to creating a quality video. If you record it yourself, try setting up an  at-home recording studio . When you’ve captured your voice-over, try editing out undesired background noise with  Adobe Audition . From there you can finish cleaning up the track and layer in sound effects when needed.

6. Bring it all together in post-production.

Use  like  Adobe Premiere Pro  to line up your voice-over with the corresponding illustrations:

  • Start by  adding your voice-over track and sound effects  to your video file. When it’s all in the same place, you can start putting the pieces together.
  • Speed up or slow down your video  so it lines up with the voice-over. Your entire visual recording will probably need to be sped up, but not at a uniform pace throughout. Cut your visuals into sections, and adjust the speed for each illustration individually to edit for flow and pace.
  • Use layer masks to  eliminate any drawing mistakes or ease transitions between illustrations . Sometimes you may not notice a smear or mark left on the whiteboard until after you’ve finished recording. You can use masks to eliminate specific parts of the frame to keep it looking pristine.

When edits are done, you can export and share your new animated video with your client, your creative team, or with your friends on social media. 

Examples of different whiteboard video styles.

Aside from the  classic whiteboard animations  described above, artists have also replicated the whiteboard animation style using digital tools.

Some artists  combine whiteboard animation with digital assets  in post-production. This allows you to give your characters movement using  Adobe Animate  but retain the look and process of drawing each image by hand.

Alternatively, other creators replicate the whiteboard style exclusively using  digital designs and illustrations . They achieve the same educational tone without physically drawing on a whiteboard.

However you choose to approach whiteboard animations, keep this in mind: “Push yourself to always be improving. I’ve experimented quite a bit, and I’ve tried different pens, different lighting, different boards, and different styles of editing,” says Wooding. If you’re not totally satisfied with your video, try something new, and make something different. The possibilities are endless, and the tools are at your fingertips.


William Warren ,  Mark Wooding

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how to make doodle presentation

Fast, Efficient Creation

Enjoy all the powerful features for creating doodle videos easier and faster. Featured with an easy-to-use editor, Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Maker allows you to add photos, vectors, audio files, and other media by simply dragging and dropping. Use the simplified timeline to manage all your hand drawing video elements in one place. Edit and customize images and audio directly within our doodle video creator . 

Your Doodle Video, Your Personalized Look

Design your hand-drawn art with maximum flexibility. Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Maker enables you to tailor every part of the whiteboard doodle video the way you like. Customize the built-in animations, images, and backgrounds with ease. Import your own whiteboard video elements in seconds. Use our doodle video creator to get creative and make your video content stand out.

Hand Animations at Your Fingertips

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The Power of Voiceover

A great voiceover delivers an immersive experience. Leverage the power and speed of the audio tool in the doodle video creator . Simply click the Record button to create your own voiceover. Use the built-in audio editor to adjust the volume, or split the audio in just a few clicks. Record your own narration to add to your whiteboard doodle video and engage your viewers.

Create Outstanding Whiteboard Videos with Doodle Video Creator

Get the whiteboard animation software, create your whiteboard doodle video, apply animation effects, publish and share, create stunning doodle videos with the best doodle video creator free, fast & fun.

how to make doodle presentation

Free animation maker to make explainer videos, promo videos, training videos, whiteboard videos, character videos, and text videos.

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9 Best Whiteboard Animation Software In 2022 (Free & Paid)

how to make doodle presentation

Whiteboard animations are incredibly powerful in capturing viewer’s attention. These videos have an ‘artist’ draw out doodles as a narrator speaks.

Classically though, these types of videos required artistic skills and an overhead camera to capture the time lapsed doodles. This was both time consuming and required some level of creativity.

But, with the help of whiteboard animation software, it is now super easy to create your own whiteboard animation .

Best whiteboard animation software

#1 Recommended

Doodly icon

Fantastic doodle library and the ability to create custom draw paths!

Best Free Option

Animaker icon

Create up to 5 short videos a month without paying a penny!

Best for Beginners


VideoScribe icon

Intuitive interface and great onboarding to get you started!

In the post below, I describe the 9 best whiteboard animation software available. Some of these are paid, while others are free, so there should be something to suit everyone’s needs.

If you think I’ve missed something, be sure to leave me a comment to let me know!

Doodly (#1 Recommended)

Doodly is my number one recommended whiteboard animation software.

Doodly homepage

Doodly is my favorite software for creating whiteboard animations. It’s super easy to use!

With Doodly you can create whiteboard, greenboard and even glassboard animations.

There are a range of hand types to pick from including male and females, as well as different ethnicities.

A great aspect of Doodly is their custom drawing (Smart Draw) feature. With Smart Draw you can add in your own images and tell the software how you want it to be drawn. This can take some time to do, but the final effect is natural looking and totally worth it.

There are two recurring price options: Standard and Enterprise. Prices start from $20 per month (annual billing).

Standard comes with a basic set of 2,500 pre-made doodle assets, whereas Enterprise comes with more assets (>7,000) and access to the Doodly Club. Members of the Doodly Club get sent new doodle assets each month.

With Doodly, you also get access to the Doodly Design private Facebook group. This active group has over 80,000 members and is full of advice and support on creating your whiteboard animations with Doodly.

  • Related: Doodly Review: The Best Whiteboard Animation Software?
  • Related: How To Create A Whiteboard Video

✔️ >2,500 pre-made doodles ✔️ Custom draw paths ✔️ Record voice over ✔️ Windows and Mac support

VideoScribe by SPARKOL offers a 7-day free trial so you can try before you buy.

VideoScribe website

VideoScribe is another big player in the whiteboard animation field that has been used by companies such as the BBC.

With VideoScribe you can choose to go with their standalone program – Desktop – or their online browser-based version – Browser.

There is an extremely large library of free images to choose from (>11,000 images), that already have animations attached. Custom image imports are also supported, however, the custom draw paths cannot be edited directly in VideoScribe.

There are two pricing options for VideoScribe: Monthly and Annual. Prices are cheapest on their Annual plan, which works out at a reasonable $14 per month.

As mentioned, there is also a 7-day free trial so you can give the software a good test before you buy. There are some limitations with the trial, however, including the presence of a watermark and the lack of high definition video support.

  • Related: VideoScribe Review: Is The Whiteboard Software Any Good?
  • Related: Doodly vs VideoScribe: Which Software Is Better?

✔️ 7-day free trial ✔️ >11,000 pre-made doodles ✔️ Record voice over ✔️ Windows, Mac and browser support

Vyond , formerly GoAnimate, is a premium online whiteboard animation software.

Vyond homepage

Vyond is a fully browser-based software; but, don’t let that put you off. I can assure you Vyond is packed with with all the features you need to create awesome whiteboard videos.

One of the great things about Vyond is the sense of freedom to truly customize the whiteboard animations to the way you want. For example, you can change the facial expression of each doodle character. Want to make them confused? It only takes 2 clicks!

You can even create your own doodle characters from scratch by using their design wizard!

Creating voice overs with Vyond is also super easy. You can either record directly within the software, upload an audio file or use their advanced text-to-speech feature.

Vyond’s pricing starts around $25 per month (annual billing); however, their cheapest plan will include a Vyond logo in the corner of the video.

If you want to see what Vyond can do for you, then you can take advantage of their 14-day completely free trial (no credit card information is required).

✔️ 14-day free trial ✔️ Create your own doodles ✔️ Record voice over ✔️ Browser-based software

Explaindio is an all in one 2D/3D animated video and whiteboard animation software.

Explaindio homepage

If you’re looking to go beyond whiteboard animations, then Explaindio may be for you.

As well as having the ability to create whiteboard animations, you can also use the software to create a range of animated videos – this is ideal for the all round internet marketers.

In terms of assets available for whiteboard animations, with Explaindio you get access to 800 doodle images (black and color). There is also the option to import your own images or browse the integrated Pixabay library.

Imported bitmap images have a draw path automatically attached to them, therefore making them animate without having to do anything.

Explaindio costs $5.58 per monthv ($67 per year), when billed annually.

There is no free trial for Explaindio, but they do have a 14-day money-back guarantee.

✔️ Record voice over ✔️ >800 pre-made doodles ✔️ Windows and Mac support


Renderforest is a freemium software that has a whiteboard animation feature.

Renderforest homepage

Renderforest is the Swiss Army Knife of online video creation. Its versatile capabilities include an animation, cartoon and whiteboard creator. Best of all, there is a free plan available!

Despite labelled as a software, Renderforest is completely browser-based, so there is no need to download and install anything.

There are over 1,000 whiteboard animation scenes that are ready to use and customize. Unlike other whiteboard animation software, the editing capabilities of the scenes are rather restricted, so you can only edit certain areas on the canvas.

With the Free plan, you can create videos up to 3 minutes in length with the use of a limited number of assets. Video exports are restricted to 720p quality and they also contain a watermark.

If you later decide to get away from these restrictions, there are also a number of premium plans to suit your needs.

✔️ 300 MB free storage ✔️ >1,000 whiteboard scenes ✔️ Add color to images

Animaker is an intuitive video explainer creator that can be used for whiteboard animations.

Animaker homepage

Built using the powerful HTML5 engine, Animaker let’s you create professional looking videos in as little as 10 minutes.

As well as the standard whiteboard background, with Animaker there is also the option to create blackboard, notepad, glassboard and even stitchboard videos!

With Animaker you can record your own voice over, or if you cringe at the sound of your own voice, you can use their state of the art text-to-speech feature to create a human-like voice over directly from text.

The free Animaker plan enables you to create standard definition quality videos of up to 2 minutes in length. You can export up to 5 videos to YouTube each month, each will contain an Animaker watermark.

Upgrading to a premium plan is also fairly cheap – with costs starting at just $10 per month (annual billing).

✔️ 5 video exports per month ✔️ Upload to YouTube ✔️ Record voice over ✔️ Import images

Raw Shorts is another web-based video creator that can generate whiteboard animations.

Raw Shorts homepage

Raw Shorts, like Renderforest, works completely through a web browser.

You start by selecting from dozens of professionally designed templates. Then, customize your animation by adding your own media, text, transitions, effects and audio. Finally, you can promote your video directly through popular social media networks.

The free plan allows you to create 5 short videos (2 minutes long) per month that can be uploaded to YouTube. These videos will also have a watermark and will be in 480p resolution.

If you upgrade to their premium plans, starting at $20 per month (annual billing), then these restrictions start to reduce.

✔️ 100 MB free storage ✔️ Upload to YouTube ✔️ 6 media libraries

Animiz’s free plan is one of the best around for creating whiteboard animation videos.

Animiz homepage

Animiz, unlike the other free software in this list, is an actual software.

Without paying a penny, you get a massive 10 GB of cloud storage. There are also no limitations on the length of recordings and number of videos that can be created using Animiz.

Despite this, videos are exported in standard definition (576p) only and have a watermark attached.

The watermark can be removed by upgrading to their premium plans, which start at $29 per month.

✔️ 10 GB free storage ✔️ >500 image assets ✔️ No video length limitation ✔️ Windows support

Powtoon is a freemium, browser-based, short video creator that can design whiteboard videos.

Powtoon homepage

Their limited Free plan is aimed at those who are casual video creators. You can create HD videos up to 3 minutes long, but it will contain the Powtoon branding when exported.

To remove that pesky branding, their Pro plan lets you export 5 videos that are up to 10 minutes long in full HD every month. It even includes commercial use rights so you can use the videos for commercial and marketing purposes.

Prices for a paid Powtoon plan start at $20 per month (annual billing).

✔️ 100 MB free storage ✔️ Export to YouTube ✔️ 15 whiteboard templates

What to look for in whiteboard animation software?

When thinking about getting a whiteboard animation software, be sure to consider the following:

Voice over support

Custom drawing.

One of the main aspects you need to decide upon is whether you are after a premium or free whiteboard animation software.

The price you pay usually determines what features you will get. The premium ones undoubtedly enable you to create flawless animations, whereas you will be heavily restricted when using free software.

If you are strapped for cash and need a free software, be sure to consider the limitations. These include watermarks, recording time restrictions and low-quality export options.

Most whiteboard animations have a voice over with a narration that complements the drawings.

Some software have voice over recording support, whereas others only allow audio files to be imported. If you’re going to use a voice over, be sure to look for those that have this feature to make you life a little bit easier.

Most whiteboard animation software come with a library of doodle assets that are ready to use. This means that the doodles will be drawn in a natural fashion since they have a draw path attached.

Some of these libraries can be rather limited, and so you may want to add your own images. Only certain software support custom image imports with custom drawing paths.

With custom draw paths, you can decide how the images are drawn. This way, the doodle animation looks more natural compared with a general hand movement to reveal the image.

When you are after a paid whiteboard animation software, then ideally you will want to try before you buy. Look out for those that offer a free trial, or a free plan, to get an idea of the functionality and doodle library on offer.

If there is no free trial, then your next best thing is to look out for a money-back guarantee.

Wrapping up

Whiteboard animations are great videos to grab the viewer’s attention. The great news is that anyone can now create their own animation with the help of the best whiteboard animation software.

If you want all the bells and whistles, then go for a paid software. I use Doodly and absolutely love it.

Got no money to commit? Well start off by using a free alternative. Animaker and RenderForest have strong sets of features without having to pay a penny.

Do you create whiteboard animations? If so, let me know in the comments below the software you use – I’d love to hear them!

Also, if you’re interested in learning about some of the best animation software, then I recommend this list from Pixpa.

Further reading on SideHustleTeach.com

If you want to learn more as to why I believe Doodly is the best whiteboard animation software, then check out my detailed Doodly review . I’ve also got a step-by-step guide on how to create a whiteboard animation too.

Photo of author

Steven Bradburn

20 thoughts on “9 Best Whiteboard Animation Software In 2022 (Free & Paid)”

hi thanks for so informative article. Could you suggest a software desktop preferably) free or paid which can convert a power point presentation to whiteboard video / doodle?

Hi Roshan, Many thanks for the feedback 🙂 So, I do not know of a software that has such a feature. Especially if the presentation has a voiceover narration over it, this will be hard to match up the animations automatically with software. An alternative way would be to recreate the PowerPoint presentation within a whiteboard software, such as Doodly. You could export any voiceover from the presentation and import it into the whiteboard software and use this for your timings. I hope that makes sense? Do let me know if you find a method, as I am interested myself. Steven

Hi Steven, I think the software Powtoon allows you to convert PowerPoints into animation.

Many thanks for sharing Musab. I’ll check Powtoon out

Can Doodle doodle over an existing running video or is that option onl available on Easy Scetch Pro?

Hi Carina, Unfortunately, you cannot import a video into Doodly. It is on their Feature Request list, so we may see this in the future. I hope that helps. Steven

can we export a video from doodle to our laptop

Hi Imran, Yes you can 🙂 Thanks, Steven

Bonjour, Que pensez vous de VideoRobot ? Merci

Hello, Many thanks for the suggestion. I have never used VideoRobot before. But, I will have a look and see. Thanks

Bonjour, Merci beaucoup pour la suggestion. Je n’ai jamais utilisé VideoRobot auparavant. Mais, je vais jeter un œil et voir. Merci

Very welcome Kartikane!

Hi Steven, Great blog post! Can any of these be used with a Mac?

Thanks Kim! So, Doodly and VideoScribe are both available for Mac, both of which are great options! A lot of the free software are mainly browser-based 🙂 I’ll also update the post so it is clearer which systems are supported for each software. Thanks, Steven

Great information. Thanks.

Thanks Pratima

Very informative Thanks a lot👏

Thanks Pritam

does both doodly and videoscribe work with M1 mac?

Hi Paul, Yes, Doodly and VideoScribe both work on Mac 🙂 All the best, Steven

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Doodles Free Template for Google Slides or PowerPoint Presentations

Doodles Template for Google Slides or PowerPoint

Free Template  for PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentations Doodles

Doodles is one of those especial requests. Let Twitter tell the story:

Well, I am not very good at doodling or sketch noting so I asked the Twitterverse for help:

Even though I am working on my doodling, I am far from being good at it, maybe someone wants to collaborate? If some of you have the time, I would love to give it a try and make this sketchnoting theme with some of your doodles! https://t.co/d9jAZnbWcl — SlidesMania (@SlidesManiaSM) November 17, 2019

And the amazing Jennifer Leban came to the rescue! If you want to see more of her work you can visit her site: ILLUSTRATION 

And not only Jennifer gave us a hand, Omar López also sent us more doodles and hand drawn icons! 

I am beyond thankful to Jennifer and Omar, there was no way for me to make this template without their help. Please do follow them if you are a Twitter user!

I’ve vectorized the drawings so you can resize them without loosing quality. You can choose different paper backgrounds and also change the background color behind the notepad / sketchbook.

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IQ Doodle School

How to Doodle a Presentation

How would you draw a presentation? Is there an easy way to represent this? Well, there might be. Let’s begin by doodling the easel. Use straight lines to draw a rectangle in the middle of your page. Then doodle the legs using three additional straight lines.

To draw the person presenting, doodle an oval shape that will represent the head of our presenter. Then for the body, doodle a couple of slightly curved lines. Then join them together using a straight line.

To doodle the arms and legs, use a combination of straight and curved lines. Notice the angles of these lines and the positioning of the hands and feet. This is, of course, just one example of the positioning. Feel free to experiment with this.

Use several additional straight lines for the legs of our easel and for the presentation wand. Notice the simplicity of our drawing. Doodling isn’t about having artistic skills, but rather about getting our message across in the simplest way possible.

Finish off your presentation doodle by giving your presenter and the easel some color. Feel free to mix and match these colors. Feel free to also give you presenter shoes, a face, hair, and maybe even a tie. Use your imagination. 🙂

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Shana - Business Owner

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Amplify Your Impact, Reach and Results

Animated doodle videos drive sky high engagement

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Animated whiteboard videos have been shown to increase visitor and click through rates over traditional marketing materials - cartoonmedia.com

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Doodle animation videos retain subject attention by 15% MORE than a live-narrative film - Dr. Richard Wiseman, highly regarded science and psychology professor

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But There Is A Problem...

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Creating great videos yourself takes time & technical skill

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and can still take You HOURS to produce just 90 seconds of video

Welcome to the future of video creation.

The Generation of Artificial intelligence Has Arrived


High impact doodle videos in, 3 easy steps, create unlimited doodle videos - no limits.

Whiteboard, Blackboard, Glassboard Or Videos With Your Custom Backgrounds

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Blackboard doodle studio, glassboard doodle studio, artificial intelligence, video maker.

Experience the fastest animated doodle maker on the planet.

This first-to-market A.I. technology simplifies video creation to save you hours. It does all the heavy lifting to produce premium quality videos on any topic.

Multilingual Videos

Exploit unsaturated markets & untapped traffic sources.

The software can translate any video into over 60 languages on-the-fly.

Choose from 160+ human-sounding voices to give life to your message.


Video capabilities.

Create Whiteboard, Glassboard, Blackboard or videos with your own custom background image or color from inside ONE platform!

Full Color Or Black & White

Set the perfect theme for any message by creating videos in vivid full color or timeless black and white .

Doodle Maker

Unleashes unlimited possibilities.

Easily Make Videos For Any Goal

Lead Generation & Sales

Social Media

Affiliate Marketing

Traffic Campaigns

Product Creation

Agency Business

With Unmatched Versatility, Flexibility &

True creative freedom.

Create from over 300+ templates

Create from scratch

Use one-click translation and AI to turn old videos into attention-grabbing doodle videos in any language!

Use built-in A.I. to create world-class videos faster than ever before.

With Doodle Maker You Can Easily Make Brand New Videos

And re-purpose content you already have.

Convert ALL your existing content including

Blog & Social Posts | YouTube Videos | Slideshow Presentations

Into engaging animated doodle videos effortlessly with next generation A.I.

One Platform For Universal Doodle Video Applications

Here's just a tiny selection of who doodle maker software is perfect for.

Content Creators


Digital Marketers

Offline & Online Businesses

Affiliate Marketers

Social Media Managers

And Many others

Unlimited Possibilities From One

All-inclusive dashboard.

Sales Videos (VSLs)

Facebook Ads

Educational Videos

YouTube Videos


Training Videos

Sketch Logo Openers

And a whole lot more

*REMEMBER - With Doodle Maker's multilingual Video translation capabilities and text-to-speech in 60+ languages, accents and over 160+ Realistic Human voice to choose from you can attract global audiences and clients with ease!

It's Paul Ponna & Sid Diwar

We have been digital entrepreneurs with over 2 decades of experience and have amassed countless awards for creating cutting edge software solutions and products that help people get results.

We are fortunate to be able to serve over 500,000 customers worldwide.

Our company has developed dozens of top-selling video applications that cater to a whole range of people, including but not limited to individuals, freelancers, agencies and marketers of all backgrounds, ages, skill levels and experience.

Thousands of these customers have told us they need to adapt to the changing market conditions of the new online reality.

So we developed Doodle Maker to solve the struggles people have with using video to achieve their goals

Everything You Need For Multi-Purpose Doodle Videos In ANY Language Inside

One dashboard, need global traffic.

SOLVED: Create videos in any language with on-the-fly translation, industry-leading text-to-speech and the ability to record or upload your own voiceover.

Not enough time or technical skill?

SOLVED: Make videos in minutes with zero technical skills using first-to-market artificial intelligence technology.

Need unlimited versatility?

SOLVED: Generate whiteboard, glassboard and blackboard doodle videos with ease from templates, from scratch or from other content.

Need Professional Quality?

SOLVED: DoodleMaker features stunning templates, visual media, special effects & animations for studio quality productions.

Need a budget-friendly solution?

SOLVED: make unlimited, expert-level doodle videos without expensive equipment or any monthly fees.

Lacking ideas or creativity?

SOLVED: Let the A.I. Video Translation Engine turn other content - even YouTube Creative Commons - into unique videos for you!

Attract, Engage and Convert With Stunning Doodle Videos

Animated doodle videos are unbeatable for grabbing attention and inspiring action BECAUSE they're multi-sensory so people listen, read and watch at the same time. Now you can enjoy next-level video engagement for ANY project WITHOUT experience, multiple tools, or ever being on camera

Limitless Video Creation On The Cloud...

Animated Doodle Video Creator Powered By Artificial Intelligence


Works on any device, nothing to install, automatic updates

Unlimited Videos

Create & render unlimited videos with no restrictions

Enterprise License

Sell Doodle Maker videos to clients and keep all the revenues

Look Like A PRO Video Animator With Over 300 Stunning Templates Across Today's Hottest Niches & Industries

It's the easiest way to get guaranteed results with video, 100+ ultra-versatile whiteboard video templates, 100+ dynamic glassboard video templates, 100+ sleek blackboard video templates, every professionally-designed template includes:, natural sounding.

Male and Female voiceovers in 60 Languages & 160 Voices

Doodle style effects, transitions and animations

Point & click customization:

change colors, backgrounds, images and more

Create Doodle Videos From Templates , From Scratch or From Old Videos In Minutes

Step #1 select.

Choose a Whiteboard , Blackboard , Glassboard or Custom Background Canvas

Select a ready-made template with over 300+ to choose from or start from scratch

or you can enter your YouTube URL and repurpose your own old content!

Step #2 DOODLE

You're ready to go!

Customize your doodle for that more unique touch, Change images , colors , texts and animations , select a voice , choose any language , add a soundtrack .

Step #3 PROFIT

Hit Generate and create High quality gorgeous doodle videos in ANY language within minutes!

Now you can capture, convert, and profit!

Rob - Brand Manager

Seeing is Believing: Automatic Video Creation In Any Niche ...

With unmatched flexibility, see how to attract, engage, educate & convert audiences with stunning doodle videos made in minutes., skyrocket your results with industry-leading features.

For Videos Your Viewers Will Love & Competitors Will Envy

300+ Video Templates Inside

Select from a wide variety of ready-made whiteboard , glassboard , & blackboard video templates from the hottest niches & industries.

Our stunning templates come loaded with human male & female voiceovers with effects and animations already done and ready to go!

Customize the templates as you like for endless possibilities for personal or commercial use!

Human-Style Text-To-Speech

In 60+ languages.

Turn any text into a beautiful male or female voice to use as a voiceover for your videos! Supports all major languages & accents!

There's no need to be on camera, record your own voice or pay for high-priced voiceover artists.

1-Click Video Translation Engine

Effortlessly convert your videos into ANY language with 1-click translation engine for true global reach

Blackboard, Whiteboard,

Glassboard switcher.

Convert any video into 3 different formats in seconds. Create any video and switch to a different style with 1-click!

The built-in artificial intelligence engine will automatically turn your images & text into different colors to match your video style!

In-App Voice Recording

or upload and sync a pre-recorded audio file to use as the voiceover for the Doodle videos you create.

Millions Of High Quality

Doodle images & icons.

Customize your masterpiece from the included library of doodle images, Pixabay / iconfinder integration or by uploading your own images.

Image To Sketch Converter

Turn any image into a sketch style doodle in seconds. Add unlimited variety to make any scene unique

Built-In Color Changer

Make videos in black-and-white or color with total ease. Change colors of any element with the click of your mouse.

Built-In Doodle Style Transitions

Next-gen doodle style transitions to add an extra POP and professional feel to your videos. Have your text and images Fade-in, Slide-from-Bottom, Slide from left/right, or hand paint with 1-click!

Share Anywhere In HD Quality

Save time with the included YouTube and Vimeo Publisher.

Recap Of Everything You Get

Text-to-speech, multi lingual 60+ languages, 160+ male & female voices, record your own voice, icon finder and pixabay api, built-in library images, colour image to sketch converter, board switcher, add your own watermark, built-in transitions, element speed changer, colour changer, export in 720p or 1080p hd quality, youtube and vimeo publisher, create unlimited videos, freehand editor, 300+ ready made templates, intuitive text to image finder, live preview: perfect your video before rendering, unlimited usage no limits, create unlimited doodles, built-in music library - choose from high quality royalty-free music tracks, 100% uptime: hosted on enterprise grade servers, eight different hand styles to choose from, commercial & personal use license included, free commercial license included [$97 value], sell doodlemaker videos for extra income with no limits.

Here are THREE Easy Ways To Profit With Doodle Videos

Charge businesses and marketers either per video or a monthly retainer

Earn by helping coaches, consultants & educators convert old content into dynamic doodle videos for online audiences

Add doodle videos to your existing service offerings to maximize revenues per client!

Short doodle videos sell for $300 - $500 on freelance websites

With DoodleMaker you can make them for clients in any industry in minutes with no technical skills or special knowledge!

Forget Spending Big Bucks On Old & Outdated Doodle Apps

Doodle Maker Gives You The Competitive Edge WITHOUT Any Of The Limitations Of Other Tools

NO Monthly Fees

No limits on # of videos, no video storage costs, no hosting costs, no extra rendering fees, no learning curve, simplify your life, business & balance sheet.

Replace MULTIPLE Expensive Apps & Subscriptions

YES! Doodle Maker does it all.

Doodle videos from templates, from scratch or from any content with the power of artificial intelligence

On-the-fly language translation, text-to-speech in over 60 languages, voiceovers in 160+ male and female voices

Whiteboard, blackboard & glassboard switcher, color image to doodle sketch converter

Built-in animations, transitions and effortless customization.

Compare Doodle Maker To Other Apps

The choice is clear.

  • Artificial Intelligence Video Creation
  • Convert Any Text or Content To Doodle Videos
  • 300+ Customizable Niche Templates
  • 1-Click Language Translation Engine
  • 160+ Life-Like Text-To-Speech Voices
  • Video Translation Into 60+ Languages
  • Automatic Whiteboard, Blackboard & GlassBoard Switcher
  • Background Doodle Color Changer
  • Image To Doodle Sketch Converter
  • Unlimited Photo Background Removal
  • Media Library & Integrations To Access Millions Of Images, Icons and Visual Assets
  • Convert Any Youtube Video Into A doodle Presentation

Doodle maker

Yes get instant access to doodlemaker, act now to claim the following custom fast action bonuses with your access, royalty-free image library value $197.

You never need to buy images. You have access to a library of high quality images with over a million to choose from!

Royalty-Free Music Library Value $197

Engaging audio is proven to boost video conversions, but it's not easy to find music you can legally use.

You're covered with this huge variety of royalty-free tracks for your videos

  • Commercial License

For a limited time only sell your doodle video services to clients and charge hefty fees

  • Unlimited Video Renders

You get the ability to create unlimited doodles. We cover all the costs for you!

There's So Much Here For So Little What's The Catch?

Your license to DoodleMaker includes unlimited video creation, for both you and clients. This involves significant, ongoing costs to us. So the catch is we can only accept a limited number of people at this LOW one-time price . Once this exclusive offer closes, the one-time price may expire and be replaced by a monthly subscription without notice. IMPORTANT : Maintaining premium service for all customers requires robust hosting infrastructure and bandwidth. Ongoing app updates and feature upgrades require a further investment in specialized developers. So we expect the price to rise to a monthly subscription of at least $67 per month in the near future. The reason we're offering DoodleMaker at such a low one time price today is to give anyone the ability to leverage next-generation doodle videos for game changing results. Just please understand the price can't - and won't - stay this low for long. So take advantage of this amazingly low introductory price while you can!

DoodleMaker Is Backed By A FULL 30-Day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!

Pick The Option That's Best For You


  • Unlimited Videos: No Limits!
  • Artificial Intelligence Video Maker
  • 300+ Ready-Made Video Templates
  • From Scratch Custom Video Editor
  • A.I. Video Translation Engine
  • Color & Black-and-White Doodles
  • 5 Million Royalty-Free Images
  • Copyright-Free Music Library
  • Doodle Style Animations
  • 720P HD Videos
  • Step-By-Step Training
  • Up To 6 Minutes Video Length

(Launch Discount Expires Soon)

Only $47.00! BUY NOW

30 Day money back guarantee!


  • 1080P HD Videos
  • Up To 15 Minutes Video Length
  • Client-Getting Training

(Use Coupon "DM20OFF" For $20 OFF)

Only $69.00! BUY NOW

Thanks for visiting this page. We wish you all success!

Meet The Founders

Paul Ponna is an award winning tech entrepreneur, speaker, author & consultant with over 14 years of experience online from Canada. He is the founder of several million dollar SAAS companies.

Sid Diwar is an experienced tech entrepreneur, software developer and marketing consultant from Canada. He worked behind the scenes designing marketing campaigns and product ideas that went on to become million dollar ventures!

Frequently Asked Questions

YES! If you are not satisfied for any reason, you can contact us at [email protected] for a no questions asked refund.

YES - DoodleMaker comes with step-by-step video training walking you through the entire process right from creating your videos to getting results. (yes, this also includes how to sell your videos for top dollar!)

DoodleMaker comes loaded with industry leading features that are not available in any other app.

Artificial intelligence, 300 ready-made video templates, text-to-speech, 1-click language translation, text-to-doodle video converter, colour or black&white doodles, millions of doodle assets and a whole lot more.

You get everything for a low one-time price. Nothing comes close!

Yes! You can easily upload all your own images, photos, logos and other content, remove their backgrounds automatically and convert them into doodle style videos effortlessly from within the app.

There is no catch! You can use DoodleMaker to create as many videos as you want, as often as you want, in as many niches as you want. Unlimited text-to-speech and language translation is also included. No limits.

Yes! We're including commercial rights, so you can create and sell videos to clients as often as you want … and keep 100% of the profits.

YES! Since you can create UNLIMITED videos with DoodleMaker. If you want more length, you can create multiple videos and attach them together. We have a step by step video tutorial on how to do this.

Are There Any Monthly or Yearly Charges? You only pay ONCE for all the features and unlimited usage. There are NO monthly or yearly fees ever!

Contact Support

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  • Privacy Policy


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how to make doodle presentation

AI presentation maker

When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

how to make doodle presentation

Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

how to make doodle presentation

How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!


  1. How to Doodle a Presentation

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  2. Doodle Presentation Template

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  3. 16 Doodle Tutorials (Step By Step) For Your Bullet Journal

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  4. How to Doodle a Presentation

    how to make doodle presentation

  5. Free Doodle Presentation: 3 Slides AI, PSD, PPTX

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  6. Doodle Presentation Template

    how to make doodle presentation


  1. easy way to make doodle art 🎨 #shortvideo #viralshort #likeshareandsubscribe #watchtillend 👌✨️

  2. how to make doodle art. @multipurposecraft5831

  3. How to make Doodle Jump in Scratch

  4. Blue Doodle Project Presentation PowerPoint 2024 04 01 23 23 58

  5. Blue Doodle Project Presentation PowerPoint 2024 04 01 23 17 45

  6. Let's Make doodle art 🎨


  1. How To Create Doodle Styled Animated Presentation Slides On Canva

    Unleash your creativity with Canva's animated presentation slides! Learn how to create captivating doodle-styled animations in this tutorial. From lively dra...

  2. Create Doodle Videos in 5 different Styles

    Create Doodle videos in 5 different styles: Whiteboard, Chalkboard, Glassboard, Stitchboard and Notepad. Get access to the World's Largest Animation Library! ... I use Animaker to create Doodle Video Presentations. The Animation Library is huge - probably the biggest I've ever come across.

  3. Whiteboard Animation

    Easily make free whiteboard or doodle videos directly in your browser. Whiteboard doodle creation was never so easy! Create My Whiteboard. ... With our cutting-edge whiteboard animation software, creating a spectacular presentation has never been easier. Introduce your message to the world with a bang, captivating your audience from the very ...

  4. What Is a Doodle Video and How Do You Make One? (Beginner's Guide)

    Doodles are simple drawings that may represent concrete meanings or simply be composed of random or abstract lines where the person doesn't actually lift the pencil from the paper. In the latter, it's usually a scribble. The word doodle was first used during the early 17th century, and it meant simpleton or fool.

  5. How to Doodle/Scribble Effect Animation in PowerPoint

    Happy Holidays! In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a dope animated doodle effect in PowerPoint. #doodle #powerpoint #dinselamoresImage from:Pexels.c...

  6. [Full] Doodly

    Download and try Doodly today! https://createvidello.com/doodly Want to make your photos stand out? Check out this awesome tool that can turn your boring pic...

  7. Free Doodle Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the "Social Justice and Activism - Spanish - 12th Grade" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space ...

  8. What is a whiteboard animation & how to create one

    1. Make an outline for your whiteboard animation video. The key to a great video is a great script. "The video will only be as successful as the story is. If you want to make a really compelling video, it has to begin with a great script," says animator and illustrator William Warren. Before jumping in with your pens, focus on the content ...

  9. Free Doodle Video Maker

    Easy-to-use Editor. Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Maker comes with a super easy to use video editor. Simply drag and drop built-in images, shapes, texts, and other assets to create a whiteboard doodle video in minutes. Our free doodle video maker is designed for all levels of users. Everyone can create doodle videos without needing to do ...

  10. Google Slides: Online Slideshow Maker

    Use Google Slides to create online slideshows. Make beautiful presentations together with secure sharing in real-time and from any device.

  11. Create Doodle Videos Easily

    Add personality to your videos with doodle art like arrows, lines, circles, cartoon patterns, characters, and animated icons. Enhance your message with photos, text overlays, voiceovers, background music, and more. Explore our library of customizable doodle video templates to streamline your creative process! Make a Free Video. Handy video editor.

  12. Free Doodle Video Creator to Make Perfect Doodle Videos

    Leverage the power and speed of the audio tool in the doodle video creator. Simply click the Record button to create your own voiceover. Use the built-in audio editor to adjust the volume, or split the audio in just a few clicks. Record your own narration to add to your whiteboard doodle video and engage your viewers.

  13. 9 Best Whiteboard Animation Software In 2022 (Free & Paid)

    Animiz. Animiz's free plan is one of the best around for creating whiteboard animation videos. Animiz, unlike the other free software in this list, is an actual software. Without paying a penny, you get a massive 10 GB of cloud storage.

  14. How To Create Doodle-Styled Animated Presentation Slides On Canva


  15. Doodles Free Template for Google Slides or PowerPoint Presentations

    I've vectorized the drawings so you can resize them without loosing quality. You can choose different paper backgrounds and also change the background color behind the notepad / sketchbook. A beautiful template for Google Slides or PowerPoint featuring doodles and hand drawn illustrations made by Jennifer Leban and Omar López!

  16. Doodle Sketchbook Slides theme and PowerPoint template

    Great! Then, this lovely template is for you. This theme is based on an educational multi-purpose structure, perfect for school presentations! The design is simple and very white. The slides look like a sketchbook with a lot of doodles!: alarm clocks, light bulbs, rulers, books, notebooks…. Isn't it creative?

  17. How to Doodle a Presentation

    Step 5. Finish off your presentation doodle by giving your presenter and the easel some color. Feel free to mix and match these colors. Feel free to also give you presenter shoes, a face, hair, and maybe even a tie. Use your imagination.

  18. Doodly

    Doodly Is The First And Only Doodle Video Creation Software To Allow Anyone, Regardless Of Technical Or Design Skills To Create Professional, Realistic Doodle Videos In Minutes… No longer will you be forced to pay outrageous fees, and wait weeks to months for professional designers and videographers to create hand-sketched, doodle videos for you.

  19. Doodle Videos Animated Doodle Video Presentations

    go to ----- http://www.sellamations.com for more information on how to make a cool doodle video that sells for you.Sellamation can create scribed doodle vide...

  20. DoodleMaker

    DoodleMaker comes loaded with industry leading features that are not available in any other app. Artificial intelligence, 300 ready-made video templates, text-to-speech, 1-click language translation, text-to-doodle video converter, colour or black&white doodles, millions of doodle assets and a whole lot more.

  21. Easily Add Powerpoint Slides to Create STUNNING Doodly Videos

    Check out these related video tutorials for Doodly:Doodly for Business | How to Make a Simple ONBOARDING Video https://youtu.be/mT06KDc6jAsHow to make a SIMP...

  22. Doodle Chalkboard Background Presentation

    Download the "Doodle Chalkboard Background" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations and ...

  23. Free AI presentation maker

    AI presentation maker. When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you're worried about, it's a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you'll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs. And it's totally free!

  24. How to Doodle on Your PowerPoint Presentation

    If you want to highlight certain points or ideas in your PowerPoint presentation but the laser pointer isn't quite cutting it, you can try another tactic. He...