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Michael Olafusi

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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Table of Contents

English Essay Writing or Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday

There are many topics that you may be required to write an essay on in your English language classes. But writing an essay about how you spent your last holiday is one of the most enjoyable. The reason is because it brings back lovely memories as you thoughtfully reflect on your holiday experience and put them in writing.

As you write, your goal is to capture your readers’ attention and sustain their interest from the beginning of the essay till the end.

You can achieve this goal by:

  • writing clear and simple sentences.
  • using so, but, and, because and other transition words to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly throughout your essay.
  • being as descriptive as possible by using adjectives that paint a vivid picture of what you are saying.
  • being honest and authentic as you share your feelings about your experience.

I will give you a basic outline that you can develop into the compelling essay you have in mind.

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Basic Outline for Composing an Essay on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Here is a basic outline that will help you to write a good composition about how you spent your last holiday:


You need to begin your essay with a catchy opening sentence that would grab your reader’s attention. Then quickly introduce the topic or purpose of your essay, and say where you went for the holiday and what you did.

Body Paragraphs

Just like you would do in the body of any other essay, divide your holiday experience into several key events or activities.

Then describe each event or activity in details in different paragraphs. Remember that, as much as possible, each paragraph should focus on a specific event or activity.

The number of paragraphs would depend on the number of words the essay is expected to cover.

Whatever the target word-count, ensure that your essay is vivid and engaging by using sensory details. It’s simple. Just describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt during each experience.

Then reflect on the significance or impact of each event or activity. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? Did it change your perspective on anything? And so on.

This is where you end your essay. A good conclusion would provide a brief summary of the key points of your essay, including the lessons you learned.

You can tell whether the holiday experience met your expectations, and how you feel about it even at the point of penning down your essay. Then state whether you plan to do anything in the future drawing inspiration from your holiday experience.

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Sample How I Spent My Last Holiday Essays

The following are sample essays of different word counts on how I spent my last holiday. You can choose any composition that comes close to your own holiday experience and use it to craft yours.

My Relaxing Holiday 200 Words

My last holiday was amazing! I did not travel to any new or interesting location, but I had a lot of fun staying home. I took time to enjoy early morning sleep every day. This alone felt like a treat after waking up early for school the entire term.

In the afternoons, I went outside to play with my friends. We played the soccer ball around in the park, and would enjoy pretending to famous athletes.

Sometimes during the holiday, it would rain. And when that happened, I just stayed inside and got cozy. I got a good book and devoured it with a mug of hot chocolate by my side. I also liked watching funny movies with my family and munching on popcorn.

In some evenings, we had barbecues in the backyard. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, while Dad told us stories about when he was a kid. I don’t think that anything can feel more special than spending so much time together.

Although I did not travel anywhere, my holiday was full of fun and relaxation. I feel recharged and ready to go back to school now!

My Last Holiday Adventure 250 Words

Since I have been spending my holidays, none had been as enjoyable as the last one. When we vacated last term, I spent two weeks at home in order to assist my parents in farm work. After this, I left for Onitsha in order to visit some places of interest.

I visited the modern and popular Niger bridge which links Onitsha and Asaba, Mid-West. I also visited the famous Onitsha Main Market. It has no rival in comparison in West Africa just as Ibadan Liberty Stadium has no comparison in West Africa. When I was being taken round the great Onitsha Main Market by a friend, I observed that traders in their respective stalls felt at home. Some of them tuned in their radio sets. They were happy.

I spent one week at Onitsha and departed for Enugu. When I was at Enugu I visited the Eastern Nigeria Parliament, and I saw Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Statue just close to the house of Assembly. I also visited Enugu Airport and several other places of interest. I spent five days in Enugu and departed for Lagos by a train. “Lagos Limited”, and that was my first time of entering train. When I reached Lagos, I hardly believed that it was a town in Nigeria. It was very beautiful indeed just like London.

When I was in Lagos, I went to the House of Representatives, the Senate, National Stadium, Air- port, Tinubu Square and other places of interest.

I spent 5 days in Lagos and returned home to resume School. I wrote a story on all my observations in the journey.

My Last Holiday Essay 300 Words

Last summer, I went on a trip that I will not easily forget. This is because it meant much more to me than just a vacation; rather, my perception was changed.

I had never been in Thailand before the holiday but only heard of its beauty. Finally visiting the country made my holiday worthwhile. The place was so different from home! Their market was busy with many colorful items for sale and their food was so delicious. I tried several new and amazing dishes, and they were all lovely. While in Thailand, I couldn’t fail to notice how beautiful their temples are with roofs gold plated and other carvings done wonderfully.

I am an outdoor kind of person. That is why spending time in nature during my holiday made me very happy. Some days I would hike through forests while others would find me relaxing at the beach. On one fine morning, I woke up early to witness sunrise over New Zealand’s mountains. It was simply breathtaking and that made me feel alive.

Lastly, to add some holiday fun into it; i did some daring activities too. For instance, skydiving and bungee jumping were included in my itinerary. Although at first scared, it turned out pretty awesome! I learned that it’s good to challenge yourself and try new things sometimes.

Looking back on my last holiday, I feel very grateful for all the experiences I had. I discovered a lot of new things and also made new friends. Yes, the holiday is over, but the memories I made will stay with me forever.

From the samples above, you can see that the key to writing a good essay about your holiday is to engage your readers with descriptive details and thoughtful reflections.

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how i spent my mid term break 450 words essay


Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Narrative essay generator.

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

My adventure commenced with the excitement of traveling to a place I had never visited before. The anticipation built up as I packed my bags, ensuring I had everything needed for a week of exploration. The journey to the coastal town was a scenic delight, with winding roads flanked by lush greenery and the occasional glimpse of the ocean’s horizon promising a serene escape.

Exploring the Coastal Town

Upon arrival, the beauty of the town exceeded my expectations. The air was filled with the salty breeze of the sea and the streets buzzed with the energy of daily life. My first day was spent wandering through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. I visited local markets, where I marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans and indulged in the town’s culinary delights, tasting dishes that were a fusion of traditional recipes and the bounty of the sea.

The Heart of Nature

The following days were dedicated to exploring the natural wonders surrounding the town. I embarked on hikes through nearby trails, each revealing breathtaking views of the landscape. The highlight was a trek to a secluded beach, accessible only by a narrow path through the cliffs. The effort was rewarded with a serene beach, untouched by the hustle and bustle of tourist spots. Here, I spent hours swimming in the clear waters, reading under the shade of palm trees, and reflecting on the simple pleasures of life.

Cultural Immersion

My holiday was not just about relaxation but also about immersing myself in the local culture. I attended a traditional dance performance, where the rhythmic beats and expressive movements of the dancers told stories of the town’s history and folklore. I also participated in a cooking class, learning to prepare local dishes that combined fresh seafood with exotic spices, gaining not only culinary skills but also insights into the lifestyle and traditions of the people.

The Bond of Friendship

One of the most unexpected and rewarding aspects of my holiday was the friendships I formed. Whether it was conversations with local residents, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or the camaraderie with the host of my accommodation, these connections added depth to my experience. Through these interactions, I gained a richer understanding of the world from different perspectives, reminding me of the value of openness and the universal language of kindness.

Reflections and Realizations

As my holiday drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the journey. Beyond the relaxation and enjoyment, it was a period of personal growth and learning. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and embraced the unfamiliar. This holiday taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the moment, and the joy of discovering new places and cultures.

My holiday in the coastal town was more than just a break from routine; it was a journey of discovery, connection, and personal growth. It reminded me of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that bind us. As I returned home, I brought back not only souvenirs and photographs but memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of adventure, ready to explore what lies beyond the horizon.


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Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My holiday fun.

I spent my holiday with family and friends. We went to a nearby beach. The sun was warm, and the water looked like shiny blue glass. I built sandcastles and collected pretty shells. My sister and I laughed a lot.

Visiting the Zoo

Enjoying ice cream.

Every evening, we ate ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate. It was the best part of the day.

Reading Time

At night, I read storybooks. Stories of adventure and magic filled my dreams. It was a peaceful way to end my days.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Visiting my grandparents.

The first part of my holiday was spent at my grandparents’ house. They live in a small village surrounded by beautiful fields. Every morning, I would go for a walk with my grandfather and he would tell me stories from when he was young. My grandmother baked delicious cookies and I helped her decorate them.

Playing and Learning

Back at home, I played a lot with my friends. We rode bikes, played soccer in the park, and had a picnic on a sunny day. I also read a couple of interesting books. They were adventure stories that took me to far-off lands without leaving my room.

Trying New Things

I tried to learn something new during my holiday. I started learning how to play the guitar. My fingers hurt at first, but by the end of the holiday, I could play a whole song. It felt great to learn something by practicing a little every day.

Helping Around the House

I also helped my parents with chores. I learned to make a few simple dishes and helped with cleaning. It made me feel responsible and grown-up.

In conclusion, my holiday was a mix of fun, learning, and spending time with my loved ones. I enjoyed every moment and was ready to start school again with fresh energy and new stories to tell.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Introduction to my holiday.

The first thing I did was visit my grandparents who live in a small village. They have a big house with a garden full of fruits and flowers. Every morning, I would help my grandma water the plants. She taught me the names of different flowers. My grandpa and I would go for walks in the evening, and he would tell me stories from his childhood. I loved listening to his adventures.

Learning to Cook

During my stay, my grandma also taught me how to cook simple dishes. We made pancakes, cookies, and even a small cake. I enjoyed mixing the ingredients and decorating the cake with icing and colorful sprinkles. It was a messy but fun activity, and the best part was eating what we had made.

Reading Books

At home, I spent a lot of time reading books. I had brought a few storybooks with me, and I read them under the shade of a big tree in the backyard. The quiet time with my books was peaceful, and it let my imagination run wild with the adventures in the stories.

Playing with Friends

Learning a new hobby.

My uncle, who lives near my grandparents, is good at painting. I asked him to teach me, and he was happy to. He showed me how to hold a paintbrush and mix colors. I painted a picture of the sunset one evening. It wasn’t perfect, but I was proud of it. Painting became a new hobby for me to enjoy.

Helping Around

Conclusion: a memorable holiday.

My holiday was filled with new experiences and joy. I learned, played, and spent quality time with my family. It was a break from my regular school routine, and I felt refreshed and ready to go back to school with lots of stories to tell my friends. This holiday will always be a special memory for me.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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how i spent my mid term break 450 words essay

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how i spent my mid term break 450 words essay

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

In This Blog We Will Discuss

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

 In my last summer vacation , I have long holidays. I wanted to visit our own village, where I have not visited for two years long. I asked my father to make a trip there. He was agreed with me. He had free time too. I, my father and mother finally visited our village. It takes 4 hours by car journey.

My father was driving the car. My mother also drove for a couple of miles. Finally, we reached our village . My uncles and aunties came to the main road to receive us. They were really pleased to see us. I found a few of my cousins there.

We went home and meet my grandparents. They were really happy. I found so many things have been changed in two years. The village was improving. I was happy to see that. But there was the same natural beauty. In the afternoon, I came out with my cousins to explore the beauty of the village. I met with lots of villagers, I know most of them and they also know me. My father is really popular here because he does charity for villagers.    

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home (300 Words) For Class 4, 5

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I have spent a really exciting holiday with my family and cousins. We arranged a small picnic that was really interesting. My parents helped us a lot to arrange the entire program.  

Picnic with Family: Picnic with family is always fun. We can get a chance to meet my uncle, aunties, and cousins. I always love to spend time with my cousins. In the holidays, we get a chance to meet each other. We decided to visit the nearest jungle and there was a really beautiful spot for a picnic. Lots of people go there on weekends.

We also decided to go there. We reached our destination at 10 o’clock morning. We were really excited to see natural beauty. The place was really silent and we found lots of jungle hens and other little animals. I was speechless to see all of these. One of my cousins wanted to explore the place real quick. I was agreed with him. One of the uncles came with us and we took a 10 minutes small walk.

We saw so many things. There was a beautiful river beside the jungle. The water is really clean there. The river was not deep and we were able to cross the river walking through big rocks. We collected some beautiful rocks too. The bird’s sound was really sweet and we saw several types of birds. An uncle was describing every bird and was sharing information about them as a bird-expert.  

Cousins: In the whole picnic and holidays, my cousins were the most important part of it. They helped me to enjoy the vacation. When I am with them, I feel really good and they all are my best friends.  

Conclusion: I was really excited about the whole thing. I wish to be there again. This day is really memorable for me.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (400 Words) for Class 6, 7, 8

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I always love the holidays. The reason is, it comes with so much fun and excitement. Always we do something different for every holiday. We have spent long holidays a few weeks ago and that was amazing and memorable in my life. I spent the entire holidays in my home, but it was significant.  

My Cousins : The most important part of my holidays was, of course, my cousins . I have lots of cousins, living in the same city. But we can’t meet often because of the tight school schedule and our parents are also always busy. But in the holidays it’s an amazing chance to meet everyone.

We gathered in one house and spend a few days together. This time we planned to spend the entire holiday in our house. I said to my parents and they were happy about it. My parents are really loving and they never get worried or angry with me. My cousins are really incredible.

When we meet together, we so many unbelievable things make the meet funnier. So finally all of my cousins came to my house. They were five in total. Including me, we were six. So it’s not a small number. We all are pretty much the same age and that’s why we have got amazing bonding.  

Drawing Competition: One of my uncles arranged a drawing competition for us. The first prize was 10 books, second prize was 5 books and the third prize was 3 books. And every participant will get one book each. He gave us two days to practice. We were really excited about the competition.

First of all, we took a day to finalize the drawing subject. We showed our drawing subject to our uncle. He approved them and gave us some drawing suggestions. Finally, that day arrived. There were four people as a judge. Two of my uncles and one of my aunties and my mother was in the judging team. I was really excited about my performance. We all draw and Nila nominated as the best artist among us.

She draws a landscape that was looking awesome. I loved that drawing. Nikhil was second and I was third. I wasn’t worried about my ranking, because they both made an amazing drawing. And overall, it was a fun competition.  

Conclusion:  I spend a really amazing time with my cousins. I wish I can spend all of my holidays with them. They all are amazing and loving. We have great bonding.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (500 Words) for Class 9, 10  

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: Today I am going to share my experience on how I spent my holidays at home. That was an amazing experience. I went to our village. We actually go there after a couple of years. That’s why I always become excited. There are lots of things to do and see. My father spent his whole life in that village. Spending holidays in the village is really fun for me.  

My Holidays at Home: We arrived in the village at noon. it took 5 hours car journey. The road was pretty good. The government is working on these local areas. My uncles, cousins, and grandparents were ready to welcome us. They were really happy to see us visiting them. My younger sister was really excited to see everyone.

When she came here a few years ago she was a kid, she can’t remember anything and that’s why she has to learn everything again. I find all of my cousins and went to our home with them. My cousins are really helpful. They love me a lot. Whenever I visit the village, they try to spend all of the time with me. They really care about me. I was really tired because of that long journey.

I took a bath and ate some ‘pitha’ made by aunties. They were amazing. I loved the taste. Then I asked every uncles and aunty about their life. Few neighbors also came to meet my family. Most of them were female.  I met with so many peoples. I was feeling really good to know such loving peoples in my own village.  

Visiting the Village: After taking some rest and meeting with people, one of my cousins Bhuvan asked me to go out. I was agreed and few of us planned to take a little walk through the village. I wanted to see the entire village. We met lots of people on the road. I know some of them and don’t know some.

It’s a really great experience to see the village from so close. Lots of things have been changed but the beauty of an Indian village was still there. Villagers are really easy people and peace-loving. They love living together without having any problem. I loved their lifestyle. Most of them are fisherman, farmers.

But in this generation, lots of kids are educated and lots of them are studying in school and college. We have a college near our village and two schools in the village. That’s a really good thing that my village is progressing.  

My Grandparents: The most important reason for visiting the village is my grandparents. I love them so much and I always wanted to spend some time with them. They were really excited to see us. Especially my grandmother really loves and she loves me a lot. She shared lots of stories with us. I still listen to her stories and loved them.  

Conclusion: It was an amazing experience to spend time in my village . These holidays were the best holidays of my life.    

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how i spent my mid term break 450 words essay

450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas

You may think that 450-word essays are easy to write. After all, they are short and often take less than a page in length. But that’s precisely what makes them so tricky for an average student. Not everyone can cover complex topics in just a few paragraphs!

Popular types of 450-word papers are book reviews, lab reports, college essays, and abstracts. If you’ve been assigned one of these and need help writing it, you came to the right place. This article will teach you everything you need to know to complete a 400-450 words essay successfully. In addition, we’ve prepared plenty of outstanding topics and samples that will help you boost your inspiration. You can get even more ideas in IvyPanda’s free topic database , so make sure to check that out, too!

Now, let’s get right to it and see how to write an excellent 450-word essay without trouble.

  • 📜 Narrative Essay Examples
  • 👪 I Wish I Had Listened to My Parents: Topics
  • 🔬 Effect of Drug Abuse Essay Examples
  • 🔍 Freedom Is the Greatest Bondage Topics

✍️ How to Write a 450-Word Essay

  • 🏠 Personal Living Space Topics
  • 😳 Topics about an Embarrassing Situation
  • 📱 Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media Examples
  • 🤝 How I Help People in My Neighborhood: Topics
  • ⏰ “Better Late Than Never” Topics

📜 Narrative Essay: 450 Words Examples

  • Counseling and Social Work Challenges Also, it may be important to try to work with different people and assess the impact that individual differences have on the work results.
  • Blog Response: Developing Different Kinds of Narratives I get the news set that makes her keep asking “is this journalism” and feel relaxed as she makes me realize am reading and not in the situation.
  • A Horrible Walk in the Wilderness Upon some reflection, Ashley concluded that she should have asked someone to meet her at the bus stop when she arrived at 10 o’clock and guide her to the picnic site.”One would have thought that […]
  • Walking Tour: Irving Street in San Francisco The first place, which you can see is the Baskin Robbins store at the corner of the 24th avenue. The fine restaurant is located nearby the intersection of the Irving Street and the 23rd avenue.

👪 I Wish I Had Listened to My Parents: 450 Words Essay Topics

  • The moment I knew my parents were right about my future.
  • The best advice given to me by my parents.
  • How my mother’s advice helped me choose the best college .
  • How I got in trouble due to neglecting my parents’ advice.
  • How I learned about responsibility the hard way.
  • How parental guidance influenced my career choice .
  • When rebellion against parents leads to regret.
  • Following in your parents’ footsteps vs. finding your own way: which would you choose?
  • How I once got lost because I didn’t listen to my parents.
  • Is it true that parents always know better ?

🔬 Effect of Drug Abuse Essay: 450 Words Examples

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Young People It is evident among drinkers that, when the BACs are low they develop a feeling of elation and when it rises, a feeling of friendliness begins to develop.
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🔍 Freedom Is the Greatest Bondage Essay: 450 Words Topics

  • The price we have to pay to become free.
  • Freedom of speech : a blessing or a curse?
  • With freedom comes responsibility.
  • Is true freedom possible?
  • Discuss relationships as an anchor of our freedom.
  • How can our views alter our perception of freedom?
  • Write about the sacrifices we make to become free.
  • The paradox of freedom.
  • Why freedom always has restrictions.
  • Corruption, loneliness, and other adverse consequences of freedom .

The biggest challenge in writing a 450-word essay is expressing your thoughts in a limited number of words. Want to know how to do it effectively? Then check out the essay-writing guide below!

450-Word Essay Structure

First, you’ll need to learn about essay structure. This knowledge will help you create a proper outline and give you an idea of what to include in each paragraph.

The picture shows 450-word essay structure.

A 450-word essay has the following structure:

  • The introduction consists of 1 paragraph with 100 words. It contains a hook, a thesis, and the topic’s background .
  • The main body usually comprises 2-3 paragraphs with 100 words each. In this main part, you cover your arguments.
  • The conclusion , just like the introduction, is usually 1 paragraph with 100 words. It covers your findings and final thoughts on the topic.

Keep these numbers in mind while outlining your paper. You may also use our outline generator to structure your essay quickly and conveniently.

450-Word Essay Introduction

The main priority when writing your introduction would be to make it as concise as possible. At the same time, remember to make it sufficiently informative. To achieve that goal, aim for the following:

  • The approximate size of your opening paragraph should be around 10% to 15% of the overall essay.
  • Ideally, your thesis should be very brief. One extended sentence will be just enough.
  • Your audience needs to be informed about your topic. Give some background info, but make it super-short and straight to the point.

If you need additional assistance writing a good introduction, we recommend you try our introduction generator . It can save a ton of your time and is 100% free!

450-Words Essay Conclusion

Your conclusion should recap all the key ideas from your essay and glue everything together into a coherent final thought. Ideally, your audience will have a feeling of finality after reading your paper.

Before proceeding to the conclusion, make sure to count the number of words that you’ve already used in the introduction and main body. If it exceeds 450, remove some segments or shorten your sentences.

To create a successful conclusion, you can use our free conclusion generator . It will save you time and ensure perfect results.

How Many References Should a 400-450 Word Essay Have?

The final thing that you’ll need to do is add some references to your essay. The usual requirement is 10 citations for every 1000 words. That means that for a 450-word paper, you’ll need to add 3-4 references. Our free citation generator will help you format them correctly.

🏠 Essay on Personal Living Space: 450 Words Topics

  • Convey your idea of a perfect home.
  • Compare living in the countryside with living in a city.
  • How can you protect your living space from the elements?
  • What color is the most suitable for your ideal personal space ?
  • How much space does each person need to live comfortably?
  • Write about your thoughts on ideal interior design .
  • Flat vs. cottage: which one is more comfortable?
  • How personal living space differs in various countries.
  • Describe the pros and cons of owning property .
  • Pros and cons of living with your parents.
  • Suggest how to use a small living space effectively.
  • How owning pets changes your personal living space.
  • Review the history of personal living spaces on college campuses.
  • What does your home mean to you?
  • Describe your vision of an ideal hotel.

😳 Essay on an Embarrassing Situation I Faced in 450 Words: Topics

  • Top 5 moments that I wish would have gone differently.
  • How I managed to go through my first public speech .
  • How my friend helped me avoid embarrassing myself.
  • Embarrassment vs. guilt : how these two things differ.
  • How fear of embarrassment prevented me from doing what I wanted.
  • How I managed to turn embarrassment into a triumph.
  • The feeling of embarrassment during my first date.
  • A humorous retelling of my most embarrassing moment.
  • How I usually cope with embarrassment.
  • How embarrassment teaches us self-acceptance .

📱 Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media Essay: 450 Words

  • Social Media and Its Effects on Adolescents Orben, Tomova, and Blakemore have found that social deprivation might cause severe psychological complications to adolescents, particularly in the period of the pandemic.
  • Social Media and Its Effects: Mending One Rift While Creating Another The effects of social media on people’s ability and willingness to engage in online interactions have been viewed mainly as negative despite the presence of apparent benefits, such as the removal of barriers to communication. […]
  • Social Media Use in Universities: Benefits This paper describes how the university might integrate at least two social media and networking technologies to accomplish its goals.
  • The Effects of Social Media on Egypt Revolution It will examine the communication strategies employed by social media experts to magnify the evils of the ruling regime to warrant its expulsion from power. This author conducted research and provided information about the effects […]
  • Social Media Benefits for Non-Profit Organizations Being a relatively liberal platform, the use of social media like Facebook do not surcharge to gain exposure among the target audience and double as an advocacy tool to champion issues that are of interest […]

🤝 450-Word Essay on How I Help People in My Neighborhood: Topics

  • The role of volunteering in my life.
  • Why is it important to help your family?
  • How I fight racial prejudice in my community.
  • How I help those who are in need.
  • Why should we selflessly help others?
  • How I use my skills to make our world a better place.
  • Why is it essential to promote volunteering ?
  • Charity as a form of help.
  • How I help people through my art.
  • Helping others vs. helping yourself: what is more important?
  • What motivates me to help others.
  • How my desire to help others shaped my career choice.
  • Volunteering as a form of hobby .
  • How my help changed my neighborhood.
  • Why do we need to help older people?

⏰ “Better Late Than Never” Story Essay: 450 Words Topics

  • What does it mean to be a late bloomer ?
  • How I’ve managed to overcome laziness after years of procrastination.
  • How my dream came true later than expected.
  • The time when procrastination lead to a good outcome.
  • What I do when I forget something important.
  • How waiting and hoping helped me achieve fulfillment .
  • Why is it better to do something late than never?
  • How I found my calling later in life.
  • Why is it better to confess a lie early on?
  • How I started doing sports after years of hesitating.
  • Why I want to be punctual .
  • Which decisions can be postponed, and which are better to be made immediately?
  • What can I start doing now to help save our planet?
  • How I started enjoying arts in midlife.
  • Changed one’s career path later in life.

📌 450 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 450 words essay.

How many pages is a 450-word essay? It depends on the line spacing. A paper of this length will take a page (single-spaced) or 2 pages (double-spaced). The exact length of your 450 words will depend on the citation style used, the footnotes, and the bibliography.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Is 450 Words?

How many paragraphs is a 450-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 450 words will consist of 5 to 7 paragraphs.

📌 450 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 450-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 450 words are not less than 23-26 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 450-Word Paper Outline?

A 450-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 450-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 450 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 450-word essay? It will take you 9-18 minutes to type 450 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than hour and a half for a 450-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 450-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 450-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.

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1. IvyPanda . "450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." November 24, 2023.


IvyPanda . "450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas." November 24, 2023.

  • Our Mission

How I Spent My Holiday Break

Rest. Relaxation. Rejuvenation. We look forward to our holiday breaks as a way to refresh ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We look forward to spending time with our families and staying at home adjusting to a new routine of no alarm clocks, no papers to grade, no lessons to plan.

When we come back from our holiday break, we’re ready. We’re going to begin a new unit plan, or we’ve adjusted an old one, or our guest speaker has been scheduled. The point is, we’re ready to be with our students and begin again.

Why then did students seem so tense, so anxious before their most recent holiday break? It wasn’t a sense of impending joy they were feeling, but more a sense of impending doom. 

I noticed that many students’ trepidation was on overdrive. About a week before our scheduled break, I stood outside my office during passing time. But this particular morning I noticed the hallway language. Sure, every once in a while one might hear a curse word said by a negligent student. But, one “bomb” after another was exploding in my little corner of the world. I found myself encouraging students to be aware of their language, be courteous to their peers, and be on their way to their next class. When I mentioned to a colleague that something must be up, he quipped, “Just a full moon.”

However, as the days wore on, it became evident there was more to this than just a full moon. The students were surly and fretful, and some were downright sad. While I was looking forward to all the wonderful things that come with time off, what could some of my students be looking forward to? I began to wonder.

As much as our students might complain about school, about teachers, and about homework, let’s not forget about all of the things that we do provide, things that can’t be measured in data-driven reports and standardized tests. Schools provide a routine, a scheduled haven from life’s curveballs. We provide directions, both written and verbal, on what to do. And let’s face it, on some days that may be all a student can do. We provide socialization, the opportunity to see friends and catch up on the latest news. We give students a reason to get up in the morning.

Therefore, the holiday break could be a stinging slap of change from the warm embrace of their reality. Their routine has now changed. A routine created by a bell system now allows students to do whatever they want; they are making decisions and perhaps allowing temptations too challenging to overcome. Directions are no longer clear to them, and it’s quite possible that no adult is home to offer important directives. Now the student becomes the adult taking care of siblings and in charge of household chores. Finally, socialization is cut off. Being at home may be a stressful—it may be a violent place where basic social skills are nonexistent.

As we move into second semester and into third quarter, I know another break is looming in the not too distant future. I can’t help but feel a little worried for some of them. How can one offer a sense of calm before what could be considered a storm of change?

I don’t have all the answers; none of us do. We don’t have control over our students’ parents, their households, or their friends. But we do have power over our words and actions. Here are some suggestions to help our students slide into a smooth transition that may not be too jarring or too sudden.

First, don’t oversell the break. Are you consistently referring to time off? “After break,” “don’t forget about the break,” “when we get back from break.” Perhaps too much “breaking” will cause our students to break beyond their limits. While we might need to refer to the time, let’s try to put it in the proper perspective.

Next, let’s offer students a list of pertinent websites or movies that they might enjoy reading and watching during this time. Appeal to your students—after all, you know their likes and dislikes. Also, offer students some hopeful, inspiring films you think they may want to watch. A positive message lets them know you care. 

Also, the value of reading could allow them to escape to another time and place. Offering some contemporary poetry anthologies to take home sends the message that you’ll be thinking of them.

Finally, a brief handwritten message offers a sense of belonging and connectedness. Let them know that you will be thinking about them with a personalized note.

As we move on toward third quarter, excited over all the possibilities of progress, we know how quickly time moves. Let’s take a few moments to reflect on those students who won’t be fortunate enough to enjoy what some of us might take for granted. Be mindful of our language in creating a sense of departure. Create those lists and compose those notes.

Hopefully, instead of hearing curses in the hallways, we might hear a joyful noise. What was once anxiety might be replaced by a sense of assurance that we will be together again, very soon—rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.

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Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney essay

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Honorable members, To improve the quality of services, we have changed the design and structure of FG study quiz.Which has changed the address of some old pages. If you are not getting the required content/page please go to this link معزز ممبران، خدمات کے معیار کو بہتر کرنے کے لئے ہم نے ایف جی اسٹڈی کوئز کے ڈیزائن اور ڈھانچے کو تبدیل کیا ہے۔جس سے کچھ پرانے صفحات کا ایڈریس تبدیل ہوچکا ہے۔اگر آپ کو مطلوبہ مواد/صفحہ نہیں مل رہا تو براہ کرم اس لنک پر جائیں

Essays About Myself | How I Spend My Mid-Term Holiday The climate of Murree suits me well, but there is a time in the year, usually when the rainy season is well advanced. When I begin to feel tired. This year I was feeling slack and not inclined for work, so I was quite pleased when my cousin Asim who had come down to have his eyes tested by an oculist asked me to come back to Murree for a few days with him. My father gave permission so I went off gladly.

I shall never forget my first impressions of the lovely scenery of the hills. I had never before been far from Murree and pictures of hill scenery had altogether failed to convey to me a true picture of the beauty and majesty of the lofty. Slowly the bus puffed its way up the slopes. There were other boys in the bus and they agreed that the engine was saying I think I can. Slowly and with effort. When it reached the top of the hill and started to produce smoke fast again it was saying " I knew I could I knew I could".

But the hills covered with noble trees and picturesque rocks and great valley lying in between all combined to fill my mind with a sense of awe and admiration. I am told that there is more impressive scenery in the New Murree Hills but nothing will make me forget the rapture of that first sight of the deodar trees. My uncle's house is just outside Murree and we went frequently for walks across the open country.

I found at once a great difference in the air. It seemed to be Murree stimulating more refreshing. Frequently I was not content to walk but had to run a little from pure joy of living. The splendid apples of Murree were no longer available the season being too late for them but I tasted some of the finest figs have ever enjoyed. Murree is a fresh clean city and the pure airs always sweep through the streets.

I thought of the olden times now people used to live in these snow covered hills, I went to enjoy Kashmir Point. There I had beautiful scenery. Later I went to Pindi Point. There I enjoyed the chair lift. All it looked wonderful. It was as if the week I spent there passed like a cinema film which had been shown much too fast and I regretted having to leave, though cheered with a promise that I should return in the coming summer and perhaps even visit the neighbouring beauty spot of Murree Hills. Essays About Myself,mid term break essay plan,how i plan to spend my mid term break,how i spent my last holiday essay,how i spent my semester break,how i spent my holidays school essay,how i spent my holiday essay 200 words,essay on how i spent my holidays at home,how i spent my last school holiday

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Mid-Term Break

By Seamus Heaney

‘Mid-Term Break’ by Seamus Heaney describes the emotional turmoil experienced by a speaker who has lost a loved one in a traumatic way. 

Seamus Heaney

Nationality: Irish

After he passed away in 2013, the world went into grieving.

Emma Baldwin

Poem Analyzed by Emma Baldwin

B.A. English (Minor: Creative Writing), B.F.A. Fine Art, B.A. Art Histories

‘Mid-Term Break’  was published in  Death of a Naturalist,  Heaney’s most-famous volume, in 1966. It is dedicated to Heaney’s brother who died in a car accident in 1953 when he was only four years old. Heaney was 14 at the time. The text is incredibly personal and moving while at the same time analytical as Heaney tries to understand social roles.

Explore Mid-Term Break

  • 3 Structure and Form
  • 4 Literary Devices
  • 5 Analysis of Mid-Term Break
  • 6 Similar Poetry

Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney

The poem begins with the speaker stating that he is being quarantined within a “sick bay” of his college. It is here he waited for his neighbours to come and pick him up and take him home. The boy has suffered a loss, one which does not become clear until the final line of the poem.  

He travels home and is met by his suffering family. His father is crying, and his mother is unable to even speak. There are many strangers around attempting to sympathize with the family, but their efforts appear awkward and are often unwanted.  

The body arrives via ambulance the next day and the boy takes a look at it when he is alone one morning. There are no great injuries that he can see but he knows this is due to the fact that this person was thrown by the bumper of a car. The final line states that the coffin will only be four feet long, the same length as the child’s age, making clear to the reader that the speaker has lost his young brother in a terrible accident.  

In  ‘Mid-Term Break’  Heaney engages with themes of loss and grief. It focuses on the aftermath of the car accident that killed Heaney’s younger brother. The accident is in the background of how everyone around Heaney responds. There is anger, pure sorrow, and detachment that he observes in his family members. The death threw off the family dynamic and shifted the way that everyone responded to everyday events. Gender roles shift, and the reader is left to contend with their own ideas of what grief looks like and how it can change one’s life.

Structure and Form

‘ Mid-Term Break’ by Seamus Heaney is a seven-stanza poem that is made up of sets of three lines, or tercets . These tercets remain consistent throughout the poem until the reader comes to the final line. This line is separate from the preceding stanzas and acts as a point of summary for the entire piece. ‘ Mid-Term Break’ does not follow a specific rhyme scheme , but is still unified through the similar line lengths and the moments of the half and full rhymes that exist throughout its text.

Literary Devices

Heaney makes use of several literary devices in ‘Mid-Term Break.’  These include but are not limited to alliteration , enjambment , caesura , and imagery . The latter is one of the most important techniques a poet can make use of in their work. Without imagery, the reader will likely leave the poem unaffected by what they’ve read. For example, these lines from the first stanza : “Counting bells knelling classes to a close. / At two o’clock our neighbours drove me home.”

Alliteration is seen quite clearly in the first stanza in which the poet uses a number of words that start with a “c” sound. These include, “college,” “counting,” classes,” “clock,” and “close,” all within three lines.   

Caesura and enjambment are formal devices that impact the way readers understand the lines. Enjambment is concerned with line breaks while caesura is focused on pauses in the middle of lines. For example, the last line of the poem reads: “A four-foot box, a foot for every year.” There are several examples of enjambment as well. For instance, the transition between lines one and two of stanza six as well as line three of stanza four and line one of stanza five.

Analysis of Mid-Term Break

I sat all morning in the college sick bay (…) At two o’clock our neighbours drove me home.

The poem begins with the speaker stating that he has been trapped within a “sick bay” of his college medical center for the entire morning. One might initially think that this is due to an illness that the speaker has contracted, something that requires he be kept separate from the rest of the student body. This is and isn’t the case. As the reader will learn in the following stanzas, the speaker has lost someone very close to him, and the “sick bay” is where he is made to wait for his “neighbours” to drive him home.  

The poet has chosen to emphasize the alienating impact that loss has on someone by keeping the speaker separate from any friends or colleagues he might have in the school. He is made to suffer alone so no one has to see what he is going through.

While waiting, he knows the school day is going on outside the wall of the office. He can hear the bells ringing and understands that it is “two o’clock” before anyone comes to get him. The depth of his loss is made clear by the fact that it is not a family member who retrieves him, but the neighbours.  

In the porch I met my father crying— (…) And Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow.

In the second stanza, the speaker has arrived home and the first thing he sees is his father on the porch crying. This is a shocking sight, as in the past, when they have attended funerals before, the father has always “taken [them] in his stride.” He has never been very moved, at least on the outside, by death. But there is something different about this loss.  

A neighbour, named “Big Jim Evans,” comes up to the speaker and tells him that this loss was a “hard blow” on the speaker’s father.  

The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram (…) By old men standing up to shake my hand

He is now inside the house and with his closest relations. There is a baby in the room, blissfully unaware of the mourning going on around it. It is there, “cooing” in it’s “pram.”  

The men in the room, associates of his father’s and friends of the family, stand up and “shake [his] hand” when he comes into the house. He is caught off guard and embarrassed by this action. He does not know how to respond to it. At this point, the reader still does not know who it is that the speaker has lost.  

Lines 10-12

And tell me they were ‘sorry for my trouble’. (…) Away at school, as my mother held my hand

In the fourth stanza, it is made clear that it is not his mother who has died, as she is there holding his hand as all the strangers speak to him. Endless numbers line up and tell him how sorry they are for his “trouble.” Even here, at this funeral, the men and women are unable to confront what has happened. It is “trouble” that has occurred, rather than the death of a loved one, or important loss.  

The strangers are all around the small family. The young speaker is able to hear them telling one another that he is the “eldest child” who was “away at school” when whatever happened, happened.  

Lines 13-15

In hers and coughed out angry tearless sighs. (…) With the corpse, stanched and bandaged by the nurses.

The mother is still holding her son’s hand. She is unable to express herself, all she can manage is coughing out “angry tearless sighs.” The loss is too great for real meaningful words.  

Finally, the ambulance arrives. An amount of time has passed since the boy first learned of this loss and the corpse has been processed. It has been “stanched and bandaged by the nurses.” It is no longer bleeding, and all serious wounds have been covered.  

Lines 16-18

Next morning I went up into the room. Snowdrops (…) For the first time in six weeks. Paler now,

In the second to last stanza, the speaker is finally able to confront the body. He goes up to the room in which the body is kept the “Next morning” and sees the “Snowdrops / And candles” beside the bed. It is a peaceful scene, one of meditation and quiet contemplation.  

This is the first time the boy has seen this person in “six weeks.” It is unclear how long it has been since the accident that killed this loved one, but the boy has been away at school for quite some time.  

Lines 19-22

Wearing a poppy bruise on his left temple, (…) A four-foot box, a foot for every year.

In the final stanza, and in the hanging of the last line, the identity of the person is finally revealed. First, the speaker gives some details regarding the state of the body. There is a red, “poppy” colored bruise on the side of the person’s head, but other than that there are no “gaudy scars” that would tell of what happened in the accident.  

In the next phrase, it is revealed that the body is in such a state because the “bumper knocked him clear” of the greater accident. Whoever this person was, they died from the impact of a car.  

The final line is that which makes clear the person’s identity. The body belongs to the speaker’s brother, who was only four years old when he was killed. His body rests in a box that is suited for his age and size. It is only four feet long, the same length as the years he lived on the earth.  

Similar Poetry

Readers who enjoyed  ‘Mid-Term Break’  should also consider reading some of Heaney’s other best-known poems. For example,  ‘ Digging, ‘ ‘The Other Side ,’  and  ‘ The Harvest Bow. ‘  The latter was published in Heaney’s 1979 collection Field Work.  It speaks of nostalgia and memories connected to childhood. ‘The Other Side’  explores themes of division and difference in religion as well as the possibility of reconciliation. These are common topics in Heaney’s work in regard to Northern Ireland. ‘Digging’  is also considered to be autobiographical in nature. It depicts Heaney sitting inside while his father works outside in the garden.

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be saving peoples grades out here

Lee-James Bovey

That’s what we do. Not all heroes wear capes 😉


just noticed this while reading the poem, in line six a funeralgoer says it was “a hard blow”. you could also say that this foreshadows the ending as the child was killed by a hard blow



How does Heaney present childhood in “Mid-Term Break”? Comment in detail on Heaney’s choice of diction, use of point of view, and figurative language.

this is, not!

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Baldwin, Emma. "Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney". Poem Analysis , . Accessed 21 June 2024.

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Miss Purdon – Boclair Academy

Miss Purdon – Boclair Academy

how i spent my mid term break 450 words essay

‘Mid Term Break Critical Essay – Due 24/11/2015

Choose a poem which describes an emotional situation. Give a brief description of the situation and show how the poet explains the emotions involved.

Introduction following TARTSS structure

Paragraph 1 – Describe the situation (Referring to first part of essay question)

  • Shows the irony of the poem
  • Expect a normal, happy school holiday
  • Reality is a forced break caused by his brother’s death

Paragraph 2 – First emotion – isolation

Seamus Heaney’s poem deals with a range of emotions but the theme of isolation is present from the beginning of the poem. The speaker has to spend most of his day seemingly waiting alone:

‘I sat all morning in the college sick bay’

Heaney’s use of the first person pronoun ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ instantly establishes the notion of the boy waiting alone. As this is the first word in the whole poem, it places a focus on the speaker as isolated. As we know ‘Midterm Break’ is an autobiographical poem, we can surmise that the speaker is male. He is not only waiting alone but waiting in the ‘college sick bay’ connotes the idea of sickness and unpleasantness; this foreshadows what is to come later in the poem. The bells are ‘knelling’ and Heaney’s word choice here is significant. Knelling bells are normally heard at funerals and have connotations of death. As the boy is sitting alone, in an unpleasant surrounding, hearing funereal bells, the reader is immediately alerted to not only the theme of grief, but also the theme of isolation. We feel sympathetic to the boy as he waits, picked up by neighbours, to be taken home where the body of his little brother awaits him.

The theme of isolation is further strengthened later in the poem when the speaker finally learns about the death of his brother. Heaney’s word choice is suggestive of isolation when he writes:

‘With the corpse, stanched and bandaged by the                                               nurses’

The poet’s use of the word ‘corpse’ has connotations of death and decay. These are unusual connotations to give to a sibling so it suggests that the speaker feels a sense of detachment towards the body of his brother – perhaps he is in disbelief about his death. Ultimately, the detachment the speaker feels towards ‘the corpse’ is emblematic of the emotion of isolation and suggests not only the literal distance between the two brothers – one dead, one alive, but also the emotional disconnection as he seems to be detached from his grief.

Paragraph 3 – reader (and speaker) in suspense as ignorant as to who has died

Paragraph 4 – inexperience / uncertainty (About the way adults treat him)

Paragraph 5 – grief – Parents’ grief

Paragraph 6 – speaker’s grief/loss – goes from controlled/detached to guilt?

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500+ Words Essay On How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Are you trying to write an essay on how I spent my summer vacation ? In that case, this article should be helpful. Here you will find helpful samples of summer vacation essays within 500, 200, and 300 words.

So, if you need help, you can use the samples I have provided as references to write an essay on summer vacation.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation: 500 Words Essay

Spent My Summer Vacation

Who does not love summer vacations? All students look forward to this time of the year. We have different plans to spend this time of the year through different activities. While some of us love to go on tours, some would love to spend time at home. But, no matter how you spend your summer vacation, it helps create memories we treasure.

Importance Of Summer Vacation

Summer vacations are the most awaited time of the year. It is the time when students finally get to spend some time away from the monotony of school and regular classes. Education and schooling are essential indeed. However, we all need a break so that the healthy process of learning and developing ourselves does not feel tiring. Summer vacation is the best opportunity for a rejuvenating experience. So, here is how I spent my summer vacation –

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

This summer vacation, I spent my time in the city with my aunt. Being a village student, I never had the opportunity to explore the cities until this summer vacation. This summer vacation, I spent time with my aunt, who lives in Kolkata. My Aunt is a doctor in Kolkata. This summer vacation, I came to live with her for a few days.

Since my aunt had to work the night shift, she could spend the day with me. During the, we would take the public bus and take a tour of the City of Joy, Kolkata. She used to take me to some of the historical places and local attractions.

Kolkata is known for its vivacity, culture, and colors. Located in the eastern part of India, it is the center of many historical events and home to diverse cultures. This summer vacation, I spent time visiting some of the most prestigious places in Kolkata.

Places I Visited

I went to Victoria Memorial, a famous landmark in Kolkata housing some of the most famous sculptures, and paintings, artifacts from the colonial era in India. I also saw the magnificent Howrah Bridge over the Hooghly river in Kolkata. This is one of the busiest bridges in the world and stores the unique engineering marvel of the city of joy.

Memory I Made

What I loved the most during this trip was going to M. P. Birla Planetarium . It is one of the finest astrological observatories, and I cannot stop thinking about all the collections of their astronomy gallery. I also enjoyed my trip to the Alipur zoo with my aunt.

This is where I saw the tiger, the lion, and the python. We also tasted different street foods with my aunt during our trips. She used to treat me to the best street foods available in Kolkata. Sometimes we were late to return home, and my aunt had to go to work during the evening. However, I loved the experience of traveling around the city with my aunt. It was a thrilling experience for me.

Once the summer vacation was over, I had to return home and go back to school again. Although I returned, my mind was filled with the memories of the busy city streets, historical places, and vibrant city life. This summer vacation was full of great experiences I will never forget.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation: 400-450 Word Essay

It is true that for a student, summer vacations are one of the most anticipated times of the year. I used to look forward to summer vacations too till last year. But now that I am in my final year of school, the realization slowly started sinking in that summer vacations won’t be a carefree time for me as this year I have to spend the vacation preparing for my school final examinations. Because of this, I was not really looking forward to summer vacation this year. Almost all of my friends were also feeling the same way as the vacations were drawing near. 

The Surprise

So you can well understand the happiness I felt when my parents announced that they had planned a trip for me to go on during summer vacation. But Little did I know that more surprises awaited me. My parents along with my friends’ parents have decided that since this is our final summer vacation in school, they will allow us to go on a trip together alone with no parental supervision. We will all be going to Shimla and staying at the house of one of my friend’s relatives.

Imagine the happiness and excitement that my friends and I felt upon hearing this news. Since all our parents decided to break the news on the same evening, we all got to know around the same time. Since we will be leaving in three days, the next few days were spent simultaneously packing and planning with our friends on the phone. On the day, a car driven by a friend’s older brother picked all of us up from our homes. It took us around 9 hours to reach Shimla.

What we did in Shimla

We were tired and fell asleep. But the next day, we rose early to explore Shimla. We went on a short trek to visit Jakhu Temple and enjoyed the panoramic view from the hilltop. The next day, we went on a day trip to Kufri, a hill station near Shimla where we tried various adventurous activities like skiing and horse riding. The adrenaline rush I felt was simply amazing. We also visited several historical landmarks, strolled down the Mall road, visited local markets and apple farms, rode the toy train, and took a walk in the pine forests. 

We were in Shimla for 15 days and I think we tried out all the activities for tourists and visited almost every part of Shimla. All the time we were in Shimla, we were in awe of the beautiful natural scenery surrounding us. Needless to say, I immensely enjoyed my very first trip with friends. I will forever cherish the memories I made on this trip.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation: 200 Words Essay

Spent My Summer Vacation

Summer vacations are my most awaited time of the year. Every year, My school arranges small trips to different places with students of different classes. This year, they did not have any plan like that. So, I, and other students of my school, had to spend the vacation at home.

Unexpectedly, this summer vacation was different for me. I spent most of the time of the day indoors. But this was one of the best experiences since I got to spend lots of time with my friends and family.

During this summer vacation, I spent lots of time on my hobbies and favorite activities. I love drawing, so this summer vacation, I picked up on it and spent most of the time of my days drawing. I also love to read science fiction, so I indulged in this hobby as well.

But, when I was not spending my time in these activities, I was playing Chess with my father. Once we had lunch, we used to watch movies together. In the afternoon, I used to go out with my friends from the village . Sometimes we played cricket, and sometimes we only strolled around the riverside.

The summer vacation was fun, relaxing, and full of fond memories for me. The different experience I had this year makes me look forward to the summer vacation in the coming years.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation: 100 Words Essay

Spent My Summer Vacation

My summer vacation was a fun-filled and memorable experience. I spent most of my time with my family and friends, enjoying various activities. We went on a road trip, visited amusement parks, went swimming, and watched movies. I also took up a new hobby, learning to play the guitar.

I spent several hours every day practicing and improving my skills. Overall, it was a relaxing and enjoyable break from school and a chance to recharge my batteries. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones and pursue my interests.

Bottom Line

how did you spend your summer vacation? You should also write your experience of this summer vacation. However, if you need help writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation,” then the above essays should help. However, if you have any further queries, please reach out to us in the comment section. We will try to answer your queries as soon as possible.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

Every student's most eagerly anticipated period of the year is summer break. Summer breaks provide every student with an opportunity to unwind from their regular schedule and spend time with family and friends. Every year, students look forward to their summer breaks. Here are a few sample essays on ‘How I Spent My Summer Vacation’.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

100 Words Essay On How I spent My Summer Vacation

The ideal time to have true fun is when on a summer vacation. My vacation this time gave me the right opportunity to try new things and learn new skills. I enrolled in a summer camp during my break. I took part in camp activities including karate, yoga, painting, singing, and dancing. On the fifteenth day of the training, my trainers organised a trip to the nearby park. We all had a terrific time despite the bad weather. I had my first experience with animals up close. I had a lot of memories from camp. I made some new friends and participated in all the activities.

200 Words Essay On How I spent My Summer Vacation

All of the kids who have struggled all academic year with tests and homework look forward to summer break. During this time, kids are unconstrained and free from parental or academic pressure to spend their days doing whatever they like. Most students choose to take a relaxing trip to a hill station, a hamlet, or another location with their parents or friends. However, vacations can also be enjoyed when they are spent at home.

My Summer Vacation

I made the choice this year to remain home for the summer instead of taking a trip. To use my free time productively, I enrolled in programmes where I studied canvas painting and concurrently began learning table tennis. In the afternoons, I aided my mother in the kitchen and my father with a few accounting-related jobs. I felt the most connected to and engaged with my family during this period. I then went out with pals for the remainder of the evening. Additionally, I watched a few movies and web series. These TV episodes and films not only entertained me, but also gave me some valuable life lessons.

I used my summer break to spend more time with my family and myself than I could have during the school year. I came to see how productive and fulfilling spending vacations at home truly was.

500 Words Essay on How I spent My Summer Vacation

Since there is no academic pressure or mental stress over the summer, it is thought that this is the perfect time for kids to learn more about themselves and their environment. Additionally, this provides them with much-needed relief from the sweltering heat. Summer vacations provide a terrific opportunity for kids to take a stress-relieving excursion and be outside, something they can't do with their busy schedules during the year.

My Visit to a Hill Station

This year, our family decided to take a summer vacation to a hill station. The visual splendour of several attractive locations in India is well-known, including Mussoorie, Ooty, Wilson Hills, Kufri, Nainital, Manali, Kerala, and Rishikesh. We debated which hill station to visit for a while before deciding on Shimla.

Our Trip to Shimla

My family and I drove to Shimla in our car and arrived early in the morning. We then proceeded right away to the hotel that we had reserved. Shimla has everything to entice travellers, from opulent hotels to gorgeous settings, and mall lanes to retail streets teeming with people from many cultures.

The tour was scheduled to last five days. We visited Mall Road and Jhaku Hills, two of the city's most popular tourist destinations, on the evening of our first day of travel. There are several events taking place there in the evening. Experiencing Shimla's nightlife was also incredible. We went to the Footloose Discotheque, which was packed with lively people and humming with wonderful music.

We rode the toy train the next day. This miniature train travels between Kalka and Shimla. Only 3 such trains operate in our country, and this one is one of them. Even though they move slowly, passing through them is fun. Skiing and bungee jumping were among the winter sports we engaged in that evening.

The next days were spent travelling to towns close to Shimla including Chail, Kufri, and Chitkul. Along with admiring their stunning natural beauty, these locations may be visited for some snowy adventure.

For foodies like myself, Shimla is also a nice treat. Shimla's cuisine is peculiar in that there is no middle ground, with little eateries serving just quick food, fine restaurants serving costly booze, and cafés serving a range of teas and cold beverages. Indulgent salami burgers were what we enjoyed on weekdays on our evening stroll.

We used to become exhausted in the evening after all these days full of activity, but the nightlife there or just gazing up at the stars made us feel really happy and re-energized. Curvy roads force one to see those beautiful hills from all directions, big trees that are standing erect, and that brisk air that exalts one's spirit and emotions.

After five days in Shimla, full of enjoyment, we returned to Delhi. This trip's memories are still fresh in my mind and I have taken many pictures to show to my friends. Shimla is unquestionably the queen of the hill towns. I’m definitely looking forward to the next time we visit.

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    Poetry essay on Mid-term break poetry essay: break seamus heaney heaney used both the title and imagery to covey the message of the poem. the message of this. Skip to document. ... The title's ironic as a mid-term break usually refers to a time that learners are excited about, a wonderful time. The break that the speaker's taking from ...

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    How I Spent My Summer Vacation: 400-450 Word Essay. It is true that for a student, summer vacations are one of the most anticipated times of the year. ... Overall, it was a relaxing and enjoyable break from school and a chance to recharge my batteries. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones and pursue my interests.

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