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Grad school personal statement examples.

Get accepted to your top choice graduate school with your compelling personal statement.

You are a thoughtful, intelligent, and unique individual. You already know that – now you just need to convince top grad school adcoms that you’re a cut above the rest.

By reading the sample graduate school essays provided above, you should get a clear idea of how to translate your qualifications, passions, and individual experiences into words. You will see that the samples here employ a creative voice, use detailed examples, and draw the reader in with a clear writing style. Most importantly, these personal statements are compelling – each one does a fine job of convincing you that the author of the essay is a human being worth getting to know, or better yet, worth having in your next top grad school class. Grad school statement of purpose sample essays should be engaging and attention grabbing.

Here are the 5 things to include in a grad school personal statement:

  • Engaging opening
  • Consistent use of opening imagery
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together
  • Solid structure
  • Good use of transitions

Grad school essay example #1: The environmental studies student

Two scenes stand out in my mind from my visit to Brazil’s Wetland: Forests burning before seed planting and trees as hedgerows. Before the planting season, I could see the leafless remnants of burnt trees still standing.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: The author immediately grabs your attention by placing them in the midst of the scene and vividly conveying what the author saw.
  • Vivid, visual opening: You can almost smell the burnt trees and see the ranches and farms thriving behind their protective forests.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: The writer clearly states an interest in the clash between economic and environmental concerns throughout the essay. Discussion of coursework taken and how it influenced the author’s decision to pursue both master’s and PhD in Environmental Studies also flows through the essay.
  • Solid structure: Thanks to the continued theme of the clash between economic and environmental concerns, this is a very easy essay to read. Mentions of different courses that piqued the writer’s interest also help to hold this essay together.
  • Good use of transitions: Transitions help your reader move from one topic to the next as you connect the topic in the preceding paragraph to the topic in the next. They can consist of a few words or a phrase or simply the repetition of the topic by name as opposed to using a pronoun.  The writer used the terminology connecting economics and the environment at the end of the first paragraph, and uses the same words at the beginning of the second one.

Grad school essay example #2: The engineering student

A simple bridge truss was the first structure I ever analyzed. The simple combination of beams that could hold cars, trains, and trucks over long spans of water fascinated me. Having the tools to analyze the loads on the truss further increased my interest in structures.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: This writer immediately shared his fascination with bridge truss designs and makes the reader want to learn more about structural engineering.
  • Consistent use of opening imagery: The writer begins his essay with the image of the first structure he ever analyzed – a simple bridge truss. This bridge truss becomes the basis for all of his future study of structural engineering and design. Toward the end of the essay, he states that design structure has fascinated him since he saw that first image of a bridge truss for his first engineering class.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: The theme of structural design runs throughout the essay. It is mentioned right at the beginning of the essay, in following paragraphs and in the final paragraph as well. Toward the end of the essay, the writer discusses how a grad degree in engineering will help him reach both his short- and long-term goals. 
  • Solid structure: Since the theme of structural design and engineering are so strong throughout the essay, it is easy to follow along as the writer talks about different classes he has taken, an internship he did, and even an experience as a student volunteer. 
  • Good use of transitions: The author ends his first paragraph talking about the textbook for his first engineering class, and continues on this theme in the next paragraph. He then transitioned from classes he took to student volunteer research he participated in. When discussing what he plans to study in grad school, the same terminology is used again, joining the whole essay into one cohesive whole. 

Grad school essay example #3: The public health student

What if people lived healthier lives, practiced preventive medicine, and took precautions against illness and disease? My days in the physical therapy department often made me think about the prevention of injuries as well as the injuries themselves. I was already doubting my future career choice as a physical therapist.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: The author of this essay makes an early case for why he wants to leave the field of physical therapy and move to the public health arena. You can almost feel the writer’s frustration with physical therapy and their need to find a way to reach a broader population, provide primary care to them, while challenging and motivating the writer to improve.
  • Consistent use of opening imagery: The idea of providing primary care to large populations and the benefits the population could get from this care are woven through the whole essay. Finding ways to improve the health of underprivileged populations is also found throughout the essay.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: Provision of primary care to large communities is a theme that runs throughout the essay. The author’s work at a county health clinic cemented this idea and led to him choosing to pursue an education and career in public health.
  • Solid structure: The theme of providing primary care to large underprivileged populations is a theme that ties this personal statement together.
  • Good use of transitions: The words “public health” occur in every paragraph. The author ends the second paragraph talking about work in the field, and begins the next paragraph by mentioning field experience. This makes it easy to follow the flow of the essay.

Grad school essay example #4: The physician assistant student

I was nine years old and in the middle of Mrs. Russell’s third grade class when my stomach began to itch uncontrollably. I remember thinking to myself, “Did I get bitten by a bug?” Completely distracted by the incessant itching, I asked Mrs. Russell if I could go to the nurse’s office. When the nurse lifted my shirt, I saw the biggest “bug bites” I had ever seen covering the majority of my stomach.  READ MORE>>>

Note:  The character limit for the CASPA PS is 5,000 characters with spaces. You need to keep this limit in mind as you write your personal statement.

  • Attention-grabbing opening and consistent use of opening imagery: The writer of this essay immediately grabs the reader’s attention by making them feel her fear and frustration of having an undiagnosed medical condition. You can also feel her relief when she is finally diagnosed – and treated – by a PA.
  • Vivid, visual opening and consistent use of opening imagery: Your heart beats a little faster as you read how a 9-year-old girl’s medical condition couldn’t be diagnosed until a visit with a PA who helped her discover her passion. She continues to illustrate her love of all things medical throughout the essay.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: Her essay has a clear theme – her interest in medicine and healthcare, and her connection with PAs. This theme is touched upon in every paragraph of her personal statement. Whether discussing her love of learning or the skills learned through sports, the ultimate goal of becoming a PA comes through. 
  • Solid structure: The author’s themes of love of learning and medicine, and the desire to become a PA to help others flow through this essay. They make it cohesive, readable, and interesting. 
  • Good use of transition: The writer shows how her interest in being a PA grows throughout her life through a series of events – her illness, attending a youth leadership forum where she first saw infected human organs, and finally her mother’s own illness and the care given by the same PA who diagnosed the author at the age of 9. The imagery of the “itchy little” girl from the first paragraph appears again in the last paragraph, pulling the entire personal statement together.


In your grad school statement of purpose, get expert help with your graduate school application.

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You want to get accepted to a top school, but you need to show you're more qualified than other applicants. U.S. News reports the average graduate school acceptance rate is 20% for the top 10 engineering programs and 15% for the top 10 education programs, but our grad school clients enjoy an  85% ACCEPTANCE RATE.  How can you best your competition? By writing an excellent statement of purpose.


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How to write a standout graduate admissions essay, article highlights.

  • Reflect before you begin your application essays.
  • Outline your ideas before you put pen to paper.
  • Write freely, and then return to edit your essay on the second draft.
  • Take your time. Break between writing and editing for a fresh perspective.
  • Gather feedback from a trusted source.
  • Read your essay aloud to identify needed edits.

Everyone has a story to tell, and we know there’s more to you and your talents than what’s on your resume.  But how will you stand out from the crowd when applying to Johns Hopkins Carey Business School?  

The essay portion of the application is your opportunity to expand beyond your transcript and resume. Share your unique strengths, your background, your growth, or whatever else makes you a strong candidate for Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.  

click to watch a video about crafting the best application essay

In this article, you will find a detailed explanation of how to write a standout admissions essay.  

How to prepare

Before you begin writing, read the essay prompts carefully.  Take a moment to reflect and explore why you’re pursuing a graduate business degree. Consider having a pen and notepad nearby as you participate in this reflection exercise. Think about your path thus far and pinpoint moments of growth and learning. Take note of how these moments have shaped you and how these experiences will guide you through your graduate business degree at Carey.  

Map your ideas: 

Now that you have an idea of how to share your story within the context of the essay prompts, it’s time to draft an outline . Map out your key points and outline the supporting examples. As you map the direction and flow of your essay through the outline, keep in mind your audience. Our admissions officers read thousands of application essays, so you want to find a creative hook to make your story stand out.  

Don’t overthink it! Start writing:  

As you start to write your first draft, let the words flow.  At this stage, don’t fixate on grammar or finding the perfect word– just get your thoughts on paper. You will finesse and polish your essay in the second draft.  

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What to read next.

two carey business school students talking

Take a break: 

Once you complete your first draft, take a day or two before returning to edit it. Coming back to your writing with fresh eyes allows you to read it with a new perspective. Tackle the details of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary during this second pass. Consider reading your essay backward to help catch typos. 

Get feedback: 

Once you feel your essays are in a good place, it is highly recommended that you share them for review.  Share them with your advisor, a trusted colleague, friend, or even  your recommender . Getting insights from a trusted source can help you make your essay stronger, as well as catch any typos or small edits.  

Finalize and submit:  

You are almost done. Before submitting your essays, do a final review. Run a spell check and read the essays out loud to yourself. This trick allows you to identify areas that may need clarification or tweaks. As you review your final draft, make sure that you actually answered the question posed on the application.  

Remember, the essay portion of your application is your chance to stand out from the crowd. By sharing who you are as a person, your growth thus far, your passions, your goals, and your voice, you can make a lasting impression. Best of luck with your application process!  

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Graduate School Application Essays

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Types of Essays

Regardless of the type of school you are applying to, you will be required to submit an admissions essay as part of the application process. Graduate programs want students with clear commitment to the field. Essay prompts typically ask applicants to discuss their previous experience, future professional goals, and how the program can help them in achieving those objectives. The essay gives the applicant the chance to articulate these goals and display strong writing skills. Remember to tailor your essay to each school and the faculty committee that reviews your application. But first, take note of what kind of essay is being requested of you. Here are the two main admission essays:

Personal Statement

A personal statement is a narrative piece describing how your character and experiences have formed you into someone who will contribute positively and effectively to not only the department but the academic discipline as a whole. This is often achieved by detailing social, educational, cultural, and economic obstacles you have overcome in your journey to get to where you are today and your future objectives. A personal statement is also an opportunity to highlight what is unique about you and how you will advance diversity within the institution.

Check out Personal Statement Resources for Graduate School Applications in the Resources section of Handshake for a brainstorming activity and essay samples that can help you get started on your personal statement.

Statement of Purpose

Interchangeably called a “research statement”, a statement of purpose will prompt you to describe your research interests and professional goals, how you plan to accomplish them, and why a specific program is best suited for you to do so. Be specific about your specialized interests within your major field. Be clear about the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan connects with your previous training and future goals.

Use the Outlining Your Statement of Purpose guide in the Resources section of Handshake to get started on your statement outline.

How to Write a Powerful Admission Essay

Whatever required format, your essay should be thoughtful, concise, compelling, and interesting. Remember, admissions officers read hundreds of personal essays. Below are some tips for your admissions essay writing process:

Before Writing

  • Read the question:  Be sure you are aware of all aspects of the prompt. Failing to pay attention to details in the prompt won’t reflect well on you as a potential candidate.
  • What is distinct, special, and/or impressive about me and my life story?
  • Have I overcome any particular hardships or obstacles?
  • When did I become interested in this field and what have I learned about it?
  • What are my career goals?
  • What personal traits, values, and skill sets do I have that would make me stand out from other applicants?
  • Create an outline:  You might have a lot that you want to say, but you will need to whittle down your many thoughts and experiences to a concrete thesis with a select number of examples to support it. Create an outline for your draft, not only to organize your points and examples, but to help tailor your essay for your readers.
  • Know your audience:  Consider how your narrative can best meet the expectations of admissions committee members. Will faculty be reading this? Administrators? Experts in the field? Knowing your audience ahead of time will assist you in addressing the prompt appropriately.

While Writing

  • Grab your reader’s attention:  Start your essay with something that will grab the reader’s attention such as a personal anecdote, questions, or engaging depiction of a scene. Avoid starting things off with common phrases such as “I was born in…” or “I have always wanted to…” Consider the experiences that have shaped you or your career decision, and delve into them with a creative hook.
  • Write well:  Your essay is a sample of your writing abilities, so it’s important to convey your thoughts clearly and effectively. Be succinct—you don’t need to write out your full autobiography or resume in prose. Exclude anything that doesn’t support your thesis. Gentle humor is okay, but don’t overdo it. Also, don’t make things up! Be honest about your experiences.
  • End strong:  End your essay with a conclusion that refers back to the lead and restates your thesis. This helps unify your essay as a whole, connecting your detailed experiences back to the reason you are writing this essay in the first place—to show your qualifications for your graduate program of choice.

Final Touches

  • Use resources: The MIT Communication Labs have a CommKit that collects all of the Comm Lab resources relevant to the grad application process , including recommendation letters & interviews
  • Revise:  Give yourself enough time to step away from your draft. Return with a fresh pair of eyes to make your edits. Be realistic with yourself, not your harshest critic. Make a few rounds of revisions if you need.
  • Ask for help:  Have your essay critiqued by friends, family, educators, and the  MIT Writing and Communication Center or our Career Services staff.
  • Proofread:  Read your essay out loud or even record yourself and listen to the recording, to help you catch mistakes or poor phrasing you may have missed when reading to yourself. Also, don’t rely exclusively on your computer to check your spelling.

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Application Essays

What this handout is about.

This handout will help you write and revise the personal statement required by many graduate programs, internships, and special academic programs.

Before you start writing

Because the application essay can have a critical effect upon your progress toward a career, you should spend significantly more time, thought, and effort on it than its typically brief length would suggest. It should reflect how you arrived at your professional goals, why the program is ideal for you, and what you bring to the program. Don’t make this a deadline task—now’s the time to write, read, rewrite, give to a reader, revise again, and on until the essay is clear, concise, and compelling. At the same time, don’t be afraid. You know most of the things you need to say already.

Read the instructions carefully. One of the basic tasks of the application essay is to follow the directions. If you don’t do what they ask, the reader may wonder if you will be able to follow directions in their program. Make sure you follow page and word limits exactly—err on the side of shortness, not length. The essay may take two forms:

  • A one-page essay answering a general question
  • Several short answers to more specific questions

Do some research before you start writing. Think about…

  • The field. Why do you want to be a _____? No, really. Think about why you and you particularly want to enter that field. What are the benefits and what are the shortcomings? When did you become interested in the field and why? What path in that career interests you right now? Brainstorm and write these ideas out.
  • The program. Why is this the program you want to be admitted to? What is special about the faculty, the courses offered, the placement record, the facilities you might be using? If you can’t think of anything particular, read the brochures they offer, go to events, or meet with a faculty member or student in the program. A word about honesty here—you may have a reason for choosing a program that wouldn’t necessarily sway your reader; for example, you want to live near the beach, or the program is the most prestigious and would look better on your resume. You don’t want to be completely straightforward in these cases and appear superficial, but skirting around them or lying can look even worse. Turn these aspects into positives. For example, you may want to go to a program in a particular location because it is a place that you know very well and have ties to, or because there is a need in your field there. Again, doing research on the program may reveal ways to legitimate even your most superficial and selfish reasons for applying.
  • Yourself. What details or anecdotes would help your reader understand you? What makes you special? Is there something about your family, your education, your work/life experience, or your values that has shaped you and brought you to this career field? What motivates or interests you? Do you have special skills, like leadership, management, research, or communication? Why would the members of the program want to choose you over other applicants? Be honest with yourself and write down your ideas. If you are having trouble, ask a friend or relative to make a list of your strengths or unique qualities that you plan to read on your own (and not argue about immediately). Ask them to give you examples to back up their impressions (For example, if they say you are “caring,” ask them to describe an incident they remember in which they perceived you as caring).

Now, write a draft

This is a hard essay to write. It’s probably much more personal than any of the papers you have written for class because it’s about you, not World War II or planaria. You may want to start by just getting something—anything—on paper. Try freewriting. Think about the questions we asked above and the prompt for the essay, and then write for 15 or 30 minutes without stopping. What do you want your audience to know after reading your essay? What do you want them to feel? Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, organization, or anything else. Just get out the ideas you have. For help getting started, see our handout on brainstorming .

Now, look at what you’ve written. Find the most relevant, memorable, concrete statements and focus in on them. Eliminate any generalizations or platitudes (“I’m a people person”, “Doctors save lives”, or “Mr. Calleson’s classes changed my life”), or anything that could be cut and pasted into anyone else’s application. Find what is specific to you about the ideas that generated those platitudes and express them more directly. Eliminate irrelevant issues (“I was a track star in high school, so I think I’ll make a good veterinarian.”) or issues that might be controversial for your reader (“My faith is the one true faith, and only nurses with that faith are worthwhile,” or “Lawyers who only care about money are evil.”).

Often, writers start out with generalizations as a way to get to the really meaningful statements, and that’s OK. Just make sure that you replace the generalizations with examples as you revise. A hint: you may find yourself writing a good, specific sentence right after a general, meaningless one. If you spot that, try to use the second sentence and delete the first.

Applications that have several short-answer essays require even more detail. Get straight to the point in every case, and address what they’ve asked you to address.

Now that you’ve generated some ideas, get a little bit pickier. It’s time to remember one of the most significant aspects of the application essay: your audience. Your readers may have thousands of essays to read, many or most of which will come from qualified applicants. This essay may be your best opportunity to communicate with the decision makers in the application process, and you don’t want to bore them, offend them, or make them feel you are wasting their time.

With this in mind:

  • Do assure your audience that you understand and look forward to the challenges of the program and the field, not just the benefits.
  • Do assure your audience that you understand exactly the nature of the work in the field and that you are prepared for it, psychologically and morally as well as educationally.
  • Do assure your audience that you care about them and their time by writing a clear, organized, and concise essay.
  • Do address any information about yourself and your application that needs to be explained (for example, weak grades or unusual coursework for your program). Include that information in your essay, and be straightforward about it. Your audience will be more impressed with your having learned from setbacks or having a unique approach than your failure to address those issues.
  • Don’t waste space with information you have provided in the rest of the application. Every sentence should be effective and directly related to the rest of the essay. Don’t ramble or use fifteen words to express something you could say in eight.
  • Don’t overstate your case for what you want to do, being so specific about your future goals that you come off as presumptuous or naïve (“I want to become a dentist so that I can train in wisdom tooth extraction, because I intend to focus my life’s work on taking 13 rather than 15 minutes per tooth.”). Your goals may change–show that such a change won’t devastate you.
  • And, one more time, don’t write in cliches and platitudes. Every doctor wants to help save lives, every lawyer wants to work for justice—your reader has read these general cliches a million times.

Imagine the worst-case scenario (which may never come true—we’re talking hypothetically): the person who reads your essay has been in the field for decades. She is on the application committee because she has to be, and she’s read 48 essays so far that morning. You are number 49, and your reader is tired, bored, and thinking about lunch. How are you going to catch and keep her attention?

Assure your audience that you are capable academically, willing to stick to the program’s demands, and interesting to have around. For more tips, see our handout on audience .

Voice and style

The voice you use and the style in which you write can intrigue your audience. The voice you use in your essay should be yours. Remember when your high school English teacher said “never say ‘I’”? Here’s your chance to use all those “I”s you’ve been saving up. The narrative should reflect your perspective, experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Focusing on events or ideas may give your audience an indirect idea of how these things became important in forming your outlook, but many others have had equally compelling experiences. By simply talking about those events in your own voice, you put the emphasis on you rather than the event or idea. Look at this anecdote:

During the night shift at Wirth Memorial Hospital, a man walked into the Emergency Room wearing a monkey costume and holding his head. He seemed confused and was moaning in pain. One of the nurses ascertained that he had been swinging from tree branches in a local park and had hit his head when he fell out of a tree. This tragic tale signified the moment at which I realized psychiatry was the only career path I could take.

An interesting tale, yes, but what does it tell you about the narrator? The following example takes the same anecdote and recasts it to make the narrator more of a presence in the story:

I was working in the Emergency Room at Wirth Memorial Hospital one night when a man walked in wearing a monkey costume and holding his head. I could tell he was confused and in pain. After a nurse asked him a few questions, I listened in surprise as he explained that he had been a monkey all of his life and knew that it was time to live with his brothers in the trees. Like many other patients I would see that year, this man suffered from an illness that only a combination of psychological and medical care would effectively treat. I realized then that I wanted to be able to help people by using that particular combination of skills only a psychiatrist develops.

The voice you use should be approachable as well as intelligent. This essay is not the place to stun your reader with ten prepositional phrases (“the goal of my study of the field of law in the winter of my discontent can best be understood by the gathering of more information about my youth”) and thirty nouns (“the research and study of the motivation behind my insights into the field of dentistry contains many pitfalls and disappointments but even more joy and enlightenment”) per sentence. (Note: If you are having trouble forming clear sentences without all the prepositions and nouns, take a look at our handout on style .)

You may want to create an impression of expertise in the field by using specialized or technical language. But beware of this unless you really know what you are doing—a mistake will look twice as ignorant as not knowing the terms in the first place. Your audience may be smart, but you don’t want to make them turn to a dictionary or fall asleep between the first word and the period of your first sentence. Keep in mind that this is a personal statement. Would you think you were learning a lot about a person whose personal statement sounded like a journal article? Would you want to spend hours in a lab or on a committee with someone who shuns plain language?

Of course, you don’t want to be chatty to the point of making them think you only speak slang, either. Your audience may not know what “I kicked that lame-o to the curb for dissing my research project” means. Keep it casual enough to be easy to follow, but formal enough to be respectful of the audience’s intelligence.

Just use an honest voice and represent yourself as naturally as possible. It may help to think of the essay as a sort of face-to-face interview, only the interviewer isn’t actually present.

Too much style

A well-written, dramatic essay is much more memorable than one that fails to make an emotional impact on the reader. Good anecdotes and personal insights can really attract an audience’s attention. BUT be careful not to let your drama turn into melodrama. You want your reader to see your choices motivated by passion and drive, not hyperbole and a lack of reality. Don’t invent drama where there isn’t any, and don’t let the drama take over. Getting someone else to read your drafts can help you figure out when you’ve gone too far.

Taking risks

Many guides to writing application essays encourage you to take a risk, either by saying something off-beat or daring or by using a unique writing style. When done well, this strategy can work—your goal is to stand out from the rest of the applicants and taking a risk with your essay will help you do that. An essay that impresses your reader with your ability to think and express yourself in original ways and shows you really care about what you are saying is better than one that shows hesitancy, lack of imagination, or lack of interest.

But be warned: this strategy is a risk. If you don’t carefully consider what you are saying and how you are saying it, you may offend your readers or leave them with a bad impression of you as flaky, immature, or careless. Do not alienate your readers.

Some writers take risks by using irony (your suffering at the hands of a barbaric dentist led you to want to become a gentle one), beginning with a personal failure (that eventually leads to the writer’s overcoming it), or showing great imagination (one famous successful example involved a student who answered a prompt about past formative experiences by beginning with a basic answer—”I have volunteered at homeless shelters”—that evolved into a ridiculous one—”I have sealed the hole in the ozone layer with plastic wrap”). One student applying to an art program described the person he did not want to be, contrasting it with the person he thought he was and would develop into if accepted. Another person wrote an essay about her grandmother without directly linking her narrative to the fact that she was applying for medical school. Her essay was risky because it called on the reader to infer things about the student’s character and abilities from the story.

Assess your credentials and your likelihood of getting into the program before you choose to take a risk. If you have little chance of getting in, try something daring. If you are almost certainly guaranteed a spot, you have more flexibility. In any case, make sure that you answer the essay question in some identifiable way.

After you’ve written a draft

Get several people to read it and write their comments down. It is worthwhile to seek out someone in the field, perhaps a professor who has read such essays before. Give it to a friend, your mom, or a neighbor. The key is to get more than one point of view, and then compare these with your own. Remember, you are the one best equipped to judge how accurately you are representing yourself. For tips on putting this advice to good use, see our handout on getting feedback .

After you’ve received feedback, revise the essay. Put it away. Get it out and revise it again (you can see why we said to start right away—this process may take time). Get someone to read it again. Revise it again.

When you think it is totally finished, you are ready to proofread and format the essay. Check every sentence and punctuation mark. You cannot afford a careless error in this essay. (If you are not comfortable with your proofreading skills, check out our handout on editing and proofreading ).

If you find that your essay is too long, do not reformat it extensively to make it fit. Making readers deal with a nine-point font and quarter-inch margins will only irritate them. Figure out what material you can cut and cut it. For strategies for meeting word limits, see our handout on writing concisely .

Finally, proofread it again. We’re not kidding.

Other resources

Don’t be afraid to talk to professors or professionals in the field. Many of them would be flattered that you asked their advice, and they will have useful suggestions that others might not have. Also keep in mind that many colleges and professional programs offer websites addressing the personal statement. You can find them either through the website of the school to which you are applying or by searching under “personal statement” or “application essays” using a search engine.

If your schedule and ours permit, we invite you to come to the Writing Center. Be aware that during busy times in the semester, we limit students to a total of two visits to discuss application essays and personal statements (two visits per student, not per essay); we do this so that students working on papers for courses will have a better chance of being seen. Make an appointment or submit your essay to our online writing center (note that we cannot guarantee that an online tutor will help you in time).

For information on other aspects of the application process, you can consult the resources at University Career Services .

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Asher, Donald. 2012. Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way Into the Graduate School of Your Choice , 4th ed. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

Curry, Boykin, Emily Angel Baer, and Brian Kasbar. 2003. Essays That Worked for College Applications: 50 Essays That Helped Students Get Into the Nation’s Top Colleges . New York: Ballantine Books.

Stelzer, Richard. 2002. How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School , 3rd ed. Lawrenceville, NJ: Thomson Peterson.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Writing an outstanding graduate school essay – insider tips from experts.

How to write a grad school essay

Are you ready to embark on the next stage of your academic journey? As you contemplate pursuing a graduate degree, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of your statement of purpose. This essential document serves as your opportunity to stand out among the highly competitive pool of applicants and persuade the admissions committee why you belong in their esteemed program.

While the thought of distilling your accomplishments, goals, and motivations into a single essay may seem intimidating, fear not! With a strategic approach, you can create a captivating statement of purpose that showcases your unique qualities and potential contributions to your chosen field.

One key strategy to master is storytelling. Rather than simply listing your achievements and aspirations, weave a narrative that engages the reader and conveys your passion. By sharing experiences that have shaped your academic trajectory and personal growth, you can craft a compelling narrative that demonstrates your commitment and drive.

How to Make Your Grad School Essay Stand Out

Ensuring that your grad school essay catches the attention of the admissions committee is crucial to increasing your chances of acceptance. To achieve this, it is important to focus on crafting a unique and compelling essay that showcases your individuality, strengths, and potential contributions to the academic community.

One strategy is to begin your essay with a captivating anecdote or personal story that relates to your field of study or demonstrates your passion and dedication. This approach can help to engage the reader from the very beginning and create a memorable impression.

Another way to make your grad school essay stand out is to showcase your research and academic accomplishments. Highlighting any relevant publications, research projects, or awards can demonstrate your commitment to your chosen field and establish your credibility as a prospective graduate student.

Furthermore, it is important to tailor your essay to the specific program or institution you are applying to. Researching the program and understanding its unique qualities and values can allow you to effectively demonstrate how your own goals and aspirations align with those of the program, making your essay more compelling and convincing.

Additionally, focusing on your future goals and aspirations can help to demonstrate your motivation and potential for success in graduate school. Clearly articulating how the program will help you achieve your career objectives can showcase your ambition and dedication, distinguishing you from other applicants.

In conclusion, crafting a grad school essay that stands out requires a combination of creativity, research, and self-reflection. By showcasing your unique qualities, academic achievements, and future goals, you can create a compelling essay that grabs the attention of the admissions committee and increases your chances of being accepted into your desired graduate program.

Why a compelling opening is crucial

Having an attention-grabbing introduction is essential when it comes to writing a standout essay for graduate school admissions. The beginning of your essay sets the tone for the entire piece, capturing the reader’s interest and making them want to keep reading. It is the first impression you make on the admissions committee, and it can make a significant impact on their decision-making process.

A compelling opening establishes your voice and demonstrates your ability to engage the reader. It showcases your writing skills and creativity, indicating that you possess the qualities necessary for success in graduate school. An impressive introduction helps you stand out from the competition and makes your essay memorable.

Moreover, a strong opening can also help to establish a connection with the reader. It can evoke emotions, create empathy, or raise thought-provoking questions that stimulate their interest. By capturing their attention from the beginning, you have a better chance of keeping them engaged throughout your essay.

Additionally, a well-crafted introduction should provide a glimpse into your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree. It should convey the reasons behind your choice and highlight your passion and commitment to the field. By communicating your genuine interest and dedication, you present yourself as a desirable candidate to the admissions committee.

In conclusion, a compelling opening is crucial for a successful grad school essay. It sets the tone, showcases your writing skills, and establishes a connection with the reader. By crafting an attention-grabbing introduction, you increase your chances of making a positive impression and standing out among other applicants. So, take the time to develop an engaging beginning that captures the reader’s interest and leaves a lasting impact.

Highlight your unique experiences and achievements

Highlight your unique experiences and achievements

Shine a light on the aspects of your life that make you stand out from other applicants by highlighting your unique experiences and achievements. Show the admissions committee the qualities, skills, and talents that make you a compelling candidate for their graduate program.

When writing your grad school essay, consider the different experiences you have had that have shaped you as an individual. Maybe you have lived in different countries or have volunteered in a unique community service program. Highlight these experiences and explain how they have influenced your worldview and your desire to pursue advanced education.

Besides experiences, also focus on your achievements. Have you received any awards or recognition for your work? Have you published any research or articles? Have you completed any notable projects that demonstrate your skills and abilities? These achievements can help demonstrate your commitment and ability to succeed in graduate school.

It’s important to remember that while talking about your experiences and achievements, you should also tie them back to your goals and aspirations for graduate school. Show how these experiences have motivated you to pursue further education and how they have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

In conclusion, when writing your grad school essay, don’t shy away from showcasing your unique experiences and achievements. They can help differentiate you from other applicants and demonstrate your potential as a graduate student. Use specific examples and vivid language to paint a clear picture of who you are and what you have to offer to the graduate program you are applying to.

Showcase your passion and commitment for the subject

One of the most important aspects of writing an effective grad school essay is to showcase your genuine passion and unwavering commitment for the subject you are applying for. Admissions committees are not just looking for applicants who meet the academic requirements; they want to see individuals who are truly passionate about their chosen field of study.

When writing your essay, it is essential to convey your enthusiasm and dedication in a compelling way. You can achieve this by sharing personal anecdotes that illustrate how you discovered your passion for the subject and how it has shaped your academic and professional aspirations. By painting a vivid picture of your journey, you can help the admissions committee understand why you are the ideal candidate for their program.

Furthermore, it is vital to demonstrate your commitment to the subject by highlighting your relevant experiences and achievements. This could include internships, research projects, publications, or any other activities that demonstrate your active involvement within the field. Showcasing these accomplishments not only highlights your dedication but also provides tangible evidence of your abilities and potential for success in graduate school.

In addition to describing your experiences, it is essential to explain how these experiences have influenced your goals and aspirations. What specific lessons did you learn? How have these experiences shaped your understanding of the subject? By reflecting on these questions, you can provide deeper insights into your passion and commitment, showing the admissions committee that you have a thoughtful and informed understanding of your chosen field.

Finally, while it is crucial to showcase your passion and commitment, it is equally important to maintain a professional and concise writing style. Avoid excessive enthusiasm or exaggeration; instead, focus on presenting your genuine interest and dedication in a clear and concise manner. Strive to strike a balance between showcasing your passion and commitment while also demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively and professionally.

In conclusion, showcasing your passion and commitment for the subject is essential in writing an effective grad school essay. By sharing personal anecdotes, highlighting relevant experiences, explaining the lessons learned, and maintaining a professional tone, you can convince the admissions committee that you are not only passionate but also well-prepared to contribute to their program.

Emphasize your potential for future success

Highlighting your potential for future success is crucial when writing your graduate school essay. This section allows you to showcase your unique qualities, skills, and experiences that make you stand out as a candidate.

  • Focus on your achievements: Demonstrate your past accomplishments and how they have shaped your character and professional aspirations. Highlight any leadership roles, academic awards, research projects, or internships that have contributed to your growth and development.
  • Showcase your passion: Share your genuine passion for your field of study and your drive to make a meaningful impact. Discuss specific experiences or events that have inspired you and how they have influenced your career goals.
  • Highlight your skills: Identify the key skills and strengths that will enable you to succeed in your chosen field. Whether it’s critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, or teamwork, provide examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in the past.
  • Outline your future goals: Clearly articulate your short-term and long-term goals and how attending graduate school will help you achieve them. Explain how your previous experiences and skills have prepared you for these goals and how the graduate program aligns with your future plans.
  • Demonstrate your dedication: Show your commitment to your field of study by discussing any relevant extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or professional experiences. Highlight your ability to balance multiple responsibilities and how you have gone above and beyond to pursue your passion.

This section of your graduate school essay allows you to paint a picture of your potential for future success. By showcasing your achievements, passion, skills, goals, and dedication, you can convince the admissions committee that you are not only qualified for the program but also have the drive and potential to excel in your field.

The importance of proofreading and editing

Ensuring the accuracy and clarity of your writing is essential when it comes to presenting your ideas effectively in a graduate school essay. That’s why proofreading and editing play a crucial role in the writing process. They go beyond simply checking for spelling and grammar errors, and involve reviewing and revising your content to improve its overall quality.

Proofreading involves carefully reading through your essay to identify any errors or inconsistencies. This includes checking for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and punctuation errors. It also involves reviewing the structure and flow of your sentences and paragraphs to ensure they are clear and coherent.

Editing, on the other hand, focuses on making revisions to improve the content and style of your essay. This includes clarifying your ideas, removing any unnecessary or repetitive information, and rephrasing sentences for clarity and conciseness. Editing also involves checking the overall organization and structure of your essay to ensure it follows a logical and cohesive format.

The importance of proofreading and editing cannot be overstated. When you take the time to carefully review and revise your work, you can eliminate any errors or weaknesses that may weaken your argument or confuse your readers. By ensuring your writing is clear, concise, and well-structured, you can effectively convey your ideas and make a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Proofreading and editing also help you to improve your writing skills. By carefully reviewing your work and identifying areas for improvement, you can learn from your mistakes and grow as a writer. It allows you to develop a critical eye and attention to detail, which are valuable skills that can benefit you not only in your graduate studies but also in your future career.

In conclusion, proofreading and editing are essential steps in the writing process for a graduate school essay. They ensure the accuracy, clarity, and overall quality of your writing, allowing you to effectively convey your ideas to the admissions committee. Additionally, they help to improve your writing skills and develop important attention to detail. So take the time to thoroughly proofread and edit your essay to make it the best it can be.

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Graduate School Admissions Essays

Your admissions essay can make your break your graduate school application. With tips on how to write an effective essay, what to include and avoid, and which essay questions you can expect, this collection will help you write an essay that sets you apart.

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Articles & Advice > Graduate School > Articles

6 Tips for Writing a Killer Grad School Application Essay

You don't have to write the great American novel to get into grad school. You probably only have 500 words or fewer! Here are six ways to make them count.

by Dawn Papandrea Freelance Writer

Last Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Originally Posted: Jan 15, 2014

As any graduate school admission officer will tell you, numbers don’t always tell the complete story. If that was the case, students would be admitted or denied solely on their numerical grades and test scores. Instead, graduate school applications usually require an essay component so that school officials can get a sense of a student’s personality, ideals, and commitment to their studies. Depending on the type of program you wish to enter and the essay question itself, the writing portion of your application could be a chance to tout your achievements, offer a lighthearted glimpse into your personality and writing style, and/or explain what contributions you’d make as a student. Don’t fret: you don’t have to write the great American novel to get into grad school. On the contrary, you probably have to share your thoughts in 500 words or fewer. Here are six ways to make those words count.

1. Don’t become a graduate school essay cliché

Grad school essays may require you to answer a specific question (i.e., Discuss a piece of literature that changed your life.); ask you for a general statement (Tell us about yourself.); or about your goals (What do you hope your graduate studies will help you achieve?). No matter the question, you don’t want to end up boring the admission committee with a clichéd response. They have already read thousands of submissions detailing how a traumatic childhood experience influenced your career goals or how a volunteer endeavor changed the way you see the world. Don’t write about lofty ideals or brag about academic triumphs either, just because you assume it’s what admission officers want to hear. Instead, write about something that’s honest, reveals your personality in some way, and makes you a standout applicant.

Related:  7 Ways to Stand Out as a Graduate School Applicant

2. Follow the directions

Forget about the content of your essay for a second. The quickest way to blow it is to ignore the directions. If there is a suggested word count, aim to come as close to it as possible. If there is a direct question, answer it without veering off on a tangent. If you are asked to submit the essay as a single-spaced document in Comic Sans font (okay, probably not, but you never know), then so be it.

3. Keep it clean

You should have impeccable spelling, grammar, and punctuation throughout your essay, and avoid texting slang or vulgar language unless there is an absolutely compelling reason why it needs to be in your story. (Hint: there’s probably not.) If you’re sending in a hard copy, it should be on also be on crisp, white paper without fold marks, crumples, or pizza stains. If you’re emailing or attaching a file, be sure it’s named appropriately, and keep the formatting simple (or as directed).

4. Tell your story, in your words

Ditch the thesaurus. Admission folks will not be impressed by a litany of 14-syllable words or Shakespearean quotes, unless there is a reason why they tie into your story. Use conversational language and a consistent, friendly tone. Try reading your essay out loud to make sure it sounds natural. And this probably goes without saying, but it’s a good reminder anyway—never, ever plagiarize or lift words from another source in your personal essay. With the exception of a quote, which you’ll attribute appropriately, the words in your essay must come from your brain. Better yet, they should come from your heart. Try these brainstorming techniques to help get past writer’s block.

Related:  Good Strategies for Writing Grad School Personal Essays

5. Take the Instagram approach

No, we’re not saying to use photos and hashtags in your essay. It’s just a modern way of telling you to “show, don’t tell” (remember that from Creative Writing 101?). In other words, be descriptive and detailed, use colorful metaphors, and avoid superlative terms. You want to try to take your reader to a place or time and help them understand who you are and what makes you tick. Generalized statements like “attending BLANK University will help me achieve my dreams” or “BLANK made me the person I am today” are throwaway sentences.

6. Know your audience

You should never write a one-size-fits-all essay if you’re applying to multiple programs and schools. Even if the topics are similar, you still want to tailor your writing so that each university you're applying to feels like you’re writing it for them. For instance, you might take a different approach for a small Christian university like Olivet Nazarene in Illinois as opposed to a large urban public institution like New York University or a more specialized program like at the Rhode Island School of Design .

Related:  3 Great Grad School Application Essay Examples

Writing your grad school essays needs to be handled with care. They carry big weight in the graduate admission process, and you only have one chance to submit them, so you want to get it right. Now that you’re armed with these prose pointers, you can put them into practice and wow any grad school admission officer. Happy writing!

While you’re working on your essays, make sure you’re on track with your other steps in the application process with our Essential Grad School Search and Application Timeline .

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Applying to Graduate Programs

  • Writing Statements of Purpose and Other Application Essays

As noted in the application qualifications and admissions criteria section of this website, the statement of purpose (in other words, the primary application essay; sometimes also called personal statement , background statement , and other names) can play a major role in determining whether an applicant is invited to interview and in final selection decisions.  Specifically, the statement can be used to assess the applicant’s fit with the program, match with faculty members, writing ability, and more.  Thus, spending the time to craft a well-written statement of purpose or other types of application essays is necessary in order for your application to have a chance of succeeding.  To help with this process, here we provide an overview of the process of writing such statements and other application essays. 

Types of Statements of Purpose and Other Application Essays

Depending on the program, you may be required to provide a statement of purpose , application essay , autobiographical essay , personal statement , career goal statement, background statement , or other similarly named piece of writing.  Each of these commonly is your opportunity to provide information about yourself beyond that communicated in the rest of your application materials.  You may also be asked to provide supplementary essays such as a diversity statement. 

Typically, graduate applications provide an essay prompt which includes specific questions or themes that you should address in the essay.  Common themes include: 1,2

  • Your long-term career plans
  • Your research interests or areas of interest in psychology
  • Your reasons for choosing the program that you are applying to
  • Your prior research experiences
  • Your academic background or objectives
  • Your motivation for pursuing your field of study

It is common for programs to specify how the essay should be formatted, or at a minimum, its maximum length.  For instance, an application essay may be stated to be “no longer than 2 double-spaced pages” or no more than 500 words.  It is important to follow all directions and not exceed that limit.

Using the same exact essay for each application is not advised . 1,3   Each program typically has specific information that they are seeking, and if you do not directly address those details in your essay, your application will suffer.  You may be able to reuse different parts of your application essays, but you should expect to have to write new material for each application.

Are there example statements of purpose that I should examine?  A variety of online sources do contain example statements, and you can find links to example statements at the bottom of this page.  However, application essays in general are unique to each individual – each person has a different set of experiences and different aspects that they may wish to emphasize.  Moreover, writing an application essay that resembles someone else’s can result in that essay appearing derivative – and given the highly competitive application process, that is something you should avoid.  Thus, examples are for reference only.

How to Write a Statement of Purpose and Other Application Essays

When writing an application essay, it can be helpful to rely on the following steps.  Please note that these procedures represent a common approach for writing application essays; you may wish to adapt some of the steps, or use/add others, for best results. 1,3

1. Brainstorming/clustering

At this first stage, jot down your thoughts as you think of answers to the essay prompt.  Try to think of themes that you wish to emphasize, as well as concrete examples that you may wish to describe in the essay.  You can organize them into clusters (for example, write ideas in circles and draw connecting lines).  Remember that the overall goal of the essay is to convince the admissions committee that you are an attractive candidate and a good fit for their program.

2. Outlining

This is an optional step.  Take your brainstorming/clustering notes and organize them into an outline of how the essay will be structured.  You might have a chronological structure that begins with your earlier experiences and advances towards your more recent activities.  Alternatively, you may organize your essay around themes (for example, research topics).  A common outline involves an opening paragraph, then discussion of academic accomplishments, research experience, other experiences, future plans and suitability for the program of interest, and a concluding paragraph. 4

3. Freewriting/initial draft

Often one of the biggest hurdles is just getting words on the page.  The key here is to not worry about having your words sound perfectly the first time around.  Try drafting several sentences, a paragraph or two, and see whether your thoughts translate well into prose.  It is common at this stage to discard whole sections of text in favor of new material.  At this conclusion of this process, you should aim to have a completed first draft.

4. Revising

It is easy to get burned out on writing, so after you have completed that first draft, set it aside for a while.  Then, return with fresh eyes and read through it carefully.  You are likely to find areas that need improvement – be sure to take notes or highlight them.  It can help to read the essay out loud; a general rule is that if it sounds unusual when spoken aloud, it should be rewritten.  Then, revise the essay.

5. Solicit feedback

Have another individual or individuals read your essays critically and provide feedback.  Your mentor can be an ideal person to provide that feedback; alternatively, you might try a university writing center or your peers. 

6. Revise and finalize your essay

Using the feedback and your own thoughts while reading the essay, edit it further until it is a polished product.  Be sure to proofread, check formatting, and make sure that all aspects of the essay prompt are clearly and thoroughly addressed.

Statement of Purpose Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some recommended elements to include, strategies to try, and recommended elements or strategies to avoid. 1,3

  • Do emphasize your individual strengths
  • Do customize each statement to the program that you are submitting it to
  • Do provide specific examples of relevant experiences (such as research, coursework, etc.)
  • Do thoroughly address all aspects of the essay prompt
  • Do use clear topic sentences, connective words or phrases, and paragraph transitions (for more information, please see the improving scientific writing section of this website)
  • Do consider emphasizing your fit to the program that you are applying to
  • Do consider discussing faculty mentors of interest


  • Don’t use jokes, humor, or try to be funny
  • Don’t excessively self-disclose personal problems
  • Don’t be very general or vague in your research interests
  • Don’t include complaints and criticisms
  • Don’t use clichés such as “since my childhood I have always been interested in” or “I just want to help everyone”, unless you can genuinely and convincingly use them

Financial Aid, Fellowships, and Scholarship Application Essays

As you complete your graduate applications, you might also consider applying for financial aid or some sort of graduate research fellowship such as the Ford Foundation Fellowship or the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship .  Such fellowships typically require a background statement that is similar in some aspects to the statement of purpose. 

Workshops and Downloadable Resources

  • For in-person discussion of the process of applying to graduate programs in psychology, neuroscience, and related fields, please consider attending this department’s “Paths to PhDs” workshop and other related events (for dates and times, please check the undergraduate workshops calendar).
  • Tips for Applying to Graduate Programs in Psychology (a brief summary) [ PDF ]

Further Resources

How-To Videos     

  • Applying to Grad School Videos

Recommended Reading

  • American Psychological Association (2007). Getting in: a step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology .  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Keith-Spiegel, P., & Wiederman, M. W. (2000). The complete guide to graduate school admission: psychology, counseling, and related professions . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Slideshow guide to writing winning statements of purpose from UCLA
  • Guide to writing statements of purpose from Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Tips for writing the statement of purpose from UC Berkeley
  • 10 tips for writing statements of purpose from USC
  • 11 tips for writing powerful statements of purpose from
  • Choosing a graduate program from the Association for Psychological Science
  • Smart shopping for psychology doctoral programs [PDF]

APA Videos on Graduate Applications

  • Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology [12-part video series]
  • Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology [video slides in PDF format]
  • UCSD Graduate Division Statement of Purpose Prompt
  • UCSD Career Center Graduate Application Process
  • UCSD OASIS Language and Writing Program
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1  American Psychological Association (2007).  Getting in: a step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology . 

2  norcross, j. c., & hogan, t. p. (2016).  preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology: 12 modules. american psychological association [video workshop]., 3  keith-spiegel, p., & wiederman, m. w. (2000). the complete guide to graduate school admission: psychology, counseling, and related professions . psychology press., 4  rutgers university camden college of arts and sciences.  writing a personal statement ., prepared by s. c. pan for ucsd psychology, graphic adapted with permission from leoncastro under creative commons attribution-share alike 4.0 international license..

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Five elements of a killer graduate school essay

So you’ve taken the GRE/GMAT/TOEFL, got your recommendations lined up, and picked your list of top schools. Now comes the part some people get really nervous about: translating your story into a really powerful application essay that convinces the admissions committee that they just have to have you. Below are five key elements of a strong graduate school application essay that are universally transferable across all graduate degree programs.

1. A defining moment, personal anecdote, or vision

Right now, your application is a lot of numbers, words and bullets. The admissions committee is reading thousands of these. Bring yourself to life by sharing what is most meaningful to you, or a transformative time in your life that has made you who you are or driven you to pursue this path. Make it personal. Humanize yourself. Maybe it’s a lofty vision to change something about a certain industry, or make yourself a better leader. Maybe it’s a personal struggle or that of a family member. Maybe it’s a story that highlights why you’re passionate about your field. Whatever it is, bring it to life and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. That shows courage, self-awareness, and leadership - huge standouts to any admissions committee.

2. The accomplishments that have prepared you to excel

Although your resume is undoubtedly among your application materials, it is critical to underscore some of your most relevant and noteworthy professional, extracurricular, or personal accomplishments. Instead of listing your job titles and responsibilities that are similar to what’s on your resume, highlight the skills it took to achieve some of your biggest outcomes, as well as any obstacles or barriers you overcame to achieve success. You can talk about how you had to bring together diverse team members with differing views to finish a complex project, or how you learned that empathy was a powerful skill in connecting with someone you had conflict with, or whatever it is that you accomplished in your past experiences. This is your chance to provide context behind your resume bullets and help the admissions committee see why your accomplishment was even more impressive, and how you can bring teamwork, leadership, and dedication to their school.

3. Why you need to go to graduate school to achieve your career vision

Paramount to any great application essay is a critical path analysis - why you made the big decisions you made in your professional career, and how they weave together to paint a complete picture of why this next step for you makes sense. You can mention things like why you chose your undergraduate school, why you chose certain internships, why you moved from your first job to your second, why you switched industries or careers, etc,. Highlighting the motivations behind these decisions will help the admissions committee see how you have approached your career and life so far, and see that you are thoughtful about applying to graduate school. Most important to highlight is why you need to go to graduate school to further your long-term goals (this piece may be less relevant to medical school applicants), and what skillsets, experiences, or networks in this degree program will be useful to your future.

4. Why this graduate school is the ideal place to help you get there

This section is particularly important to show the admissions committee that you are serious about their school. Do your research. Be able to name specific courses, research projects, professors, extracurricular activities, experiences, capstone components of the program, and other elements unique to the school/program that have especially appealed to you and that fit into the skills you want to develop at this school. This section doesn’t need to be long, but a couple of sentences are crucial to demonstrating your understanding of the school’s culture and academic and social offerings and highlighting what you want to get out of the experience.

5. What you will bring to the community

It can’t all be about what you will take from the experience. You should also share what you will give back and bring to the school’s community. For example, you could talk about your own diverse perspective on a certain topic, your unique work experience, your background, your plans to create student clubs, or your skills at bringing classmates together. The list is endless. Think about the three things that really define who you are and what you’ve done, and use that to show the admissions committee that investing in you will bring a different voice to the class they are crafting.

Good luck! Remember to always be authentic and honest in your essays. You will find the right school who really values you.

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Grad's Guide to Graduate Admissions Essays

Grad's Guide to Graduate Admissions Essays

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Grad's Guide to Graduate Admissions Essays provides more than 50 successful admissions essays straight from the source—recent college graduates making the transition to earning advanced degrees at highly selective graduate programs. Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, and Northwestern are just a few of the universities to which these students were admitted. Each of the essays contains designated segments highlighting the particular characteristics that make them outstanding admissions essays. Additionally, the essays are interspersed with segments labeled “Writer's Words of Wisdom,” which contain statements from the author of the particular essay with advice on the admissions process. By receiving guidance from successful graduate school applicants, readers can glean advice from a variety of perspectives, while still obtaining the critical information as it relates to well-written essays for programs within a variety of fields including law, business, medicine, education, and humanities.


Part 1 | 53  pages, chapter chapter 1 | 3  pages, university of houston law center, chapter chapter 2 | 3  pages, fordham university school of law, chapter chapter 3 | 4  pages, university of chicago law school, chapter chapter 4 | 4  pages, university of florida levin college of law, chapter chapter 5 | 4  pages, emory university school of law, chapter chapter 6 | 3  pages, georgetown university law center, chapter chapter 7 | 3  pages, boston college law school, chapter chapter 8 | 3  pages, george mason university school of law, chapter chapter 9 | 3  pages, university of texas school of law, chapter chapter 10 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 11 | 3  pages, american university washington college of law, chapter chapter 12 | 3  pages, harvard law school, chapter chapter 13 | 3  pages, part ii | 57  pages, chapter chapter 14 | 4  pages, harvard business school, chapter choice 15 | 4  pages, university of california, los angeles, chapter chapter 16 | 5  pages, university of pennsylvania, chapter chapter 17 | 3  pages, dartmouth college, chapter chapter 18 | 3  pages, northwestern university, chapter chapter 19 | 8  pages, london business school, chapter chapter 20 | 3  pages, northwestern, chapter chapter 21 | 7  pages, university of california, berkeley, chapter chapter 22 | 3  pages, duke university, chapter chapter 23 | 3  pages, university of virginia, chapter chapter 24 | 2  pages, chapter chapter 25 | 3  pages, stanford graduate school of business, part ii | 41  pages, medicine/ nursing/ health, chapter chapter 26 | 4  pages, rush medical college, chapter chapter 27 | 4  pages, vanderbilt university school of medicine, chapter chapter 28 | 3  pages, university of southern california, chapter chapter 29 | 4  pages, yale school of public health, chapter chapter 30 | 3  pages, george washington university, chapter chapter 31 | 3  pages, northeastern university, chapter chapter 32 | 3  pages, georgetown university school of medicine, chapter chapter 33 | 4  pages, university of north carolina at chapel hill, chapter chapter 34 | 4  pages, georgetown university, chapter chapter 35 | 3  pages, the ohio state university college of medicine, part iv | 83  pages, general graduate studies, chapter chapter 36 | 4  pages, middlebury college, chapter chapter 37 | 5  pages, harvard graduate school of education, chapter chapter 38 | 4  pages, university of minnesota, chapter chapter 39 | 3  pages, cornell university, chapter chapter 40 | 3  pages, columbia university, chapter chapter 41 | 4  pages, chapter chapter 42 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 43 | 4  pages, chapter chapter 44 | 4  pages, chapter chapter 45 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 46 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 47 | 3  pages, university of dayton, chapter chapter 48 | 3  pages, university of st andrews, chapter chapter 49 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 50 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 51 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 52 | 3  pages, chapter chapter 53 | 4  pages, new york university, chapter chapter 54 | 3  pages, university of michigan, chapter | 3  pages.

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How to Write a Winning Personal Statement

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Writing a Winning Personal Statement for Grad School Tips and Advice for Standing Out as a Graduate Program Candidate

Applying to graduate school can be a significant step toward reaching academic and career goals, which can make the admissions process even more intimidating. Along with gathering letters of recommendation, taking exams and submitting transcripts, prospective graduate students typically have to write personal statements to include with their applications. The personal statement is an oft-elusive element of the grad school application, but it fulfills a specific and significant need in the eyes of admissions committees. By learning about the personal statement and its role, getting familiar with this essay's key elements and soaking in tons of advice from an admissions expert, graduate school applicants can prepare to write outstanding personal essays that can help them land spots in their ideal graduate programs.

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Personal Statement Example

Additional resources, what's the personal statement on a grad school app.

Graduate school applications often have prospective students include personal statements. These help admissions committees get to know the person behind each application. A personal statement is a short essay that introduces a grad school candidate and his or her personal reasons for applying to a particular program. While metrics such as GPA and test scores can give an admissions committee an idea of a student's qualifications, they are impersonal and don't indicate whether a candidate would be a good fit for a given program. "Metrics only show one small part of the entire picture," says career coach and former university admissions representative Meg Radunich. "Graduate programs care about the person behind the standardized test score and grade point average. A personal statement is the only part of the application where a candidate gets to make their own case for what they can add to the cohort of incoming first year students."

grad school entry essay

Students may get applications that ask for statements of purpose, or statements of intent, as well as personal statements. With such similar names, it's no surprise that many students wonder whether there is a difference. Depending on the program and writing prompt, a personal statement and a statement of purpose may fill the same need in the eyes of the admissions committee. In cases where both are required, however, things can get a little tricky. In general, the statement of purpose focuses more on a student's reasons for applying to that particular graduate program and may address topics such as career and research goals, how his or her academic track record demonstrates qualification for that particular school or program of study and how a given program will impact the student's future.

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By contrast, personal statements usually lend more freedom when it comes to content and form and are intended to give the admissions committee a glimpse into a candidate's personality. This narrative essay combines specific, self-reflective anecdotes with details about past experiences (internships, volunteer experiences, etc.) and a clear delineation of a student's goals and interest in the prospective graduate program to provide a fuller picture of the applicant. This combination, often unaccompanied by an explicit writing prompt or set of instructions, can make even the most practiced essay writers freeze up. Familiarizing themselves with the ins and outs of writing strong personal statements for graduate school can alleviate stress and ease the process of sending out those applications.

Components of a Successful Personal Statement

Because personal statements are individual to the applicant, there is no one-size-fits-all way to write them. However, there are a few key elements of strong personal statements that prospective graduate students should keep in mind as they write.

  • Broad Understanding
  • Vulnerability and Sincerity
  • Awareness of Audience
  • Individuality

When writing personal statements, students may feel pressured to tell admissions committees everything about themselves. People are multifaceted, and it seems extra important to hit all your personality highlights and accomplishments. However, the personal essay isn't meant to be an autobiography or a long-form reiteration of the applicant's resume. "One major mistake I see all the time is students who try to tell too much in the personal statement," says Radunich. "Tell one or two specific stories or scenarios really well instead of having a broad focus and attempting to tell your life story. The goal of the essay is to get an interview, one-on-one face time that will you allow you to divulge more. Use that personal statement to tease them just enough so they feel like they need to get you in for an interview to learn the rest of your story."

  • An MFA program applicant could build his statement around a sculpture class reluctantly taken during sophomore year of undergraduate study that encouraged him to experiment and ultimately changed his art style and approach. This is more telling and interesting than meandering through a lifelong love of art that began at childhood.
  • Students should try to keep the scope of their personal statements within the past few years, as admissions committees are generally most interested in applicants' undergraduate experiences.

The best personal statements have clear purposes and easily draw readers in. Students should be cautious about turning their personal statements into risky or edgy creative writing projects and instead maintain a strong narrative structure using anecdotes for support when necessary. "Everyone loves a coming-of-age story," Radunich says. "Remember that the faculty have a vested interest in admitting students who will be fun for them to work with and watch grow." Applicants should determine which key points about themselves are most important to make and then choose situations or experiences that demonstrate those points. This serves as the main content of the personal statement. It's important that students remember to keep anecdotes relevant to the specific programs to which they are applying and to make it clear how the experiences led them to those programs.

  • A prospective engineering student who volunteered abroad might set the scene by writing about how working with members of the local community who had their own innovations based on supplies that were readily available in their area, like flip phone batteries and dismantled mopeds, challenged her exclusively Western understanding of infrastructure and exposed holes in her knowledge.
  • She could follow up with brief but concrete examples that showcase both hard and soft skills relevant to her program of study, like how experience as a resident assistant affirmed her desire to help people, and her senior thesis project pushed her to reach out to others and collaborate for the sake of better research.

Along with a focused narrative, grad school applicants should demonstrate for the admissions committee why they want to attend this program and how doing so relates to their place academically, locally and globally. Radunich notes that strong personal statements show that candidates understand the "big picture" of the profession and the true meaning and impact they will have in their communities.

Applicants often feel as if they have to show how highly accomplished and impressive they are in their personal statements, but Radunich stresses the significance of being honest and vulnerable. "It helps the reader connect. Admissions deans read enough essays from 23-year-old applicants who brag about their accomplishments and think they have life figured out." Acknowledging faults or weaknesses shows the committee that an applicant is self-aware, teachable and eager to grow.

  • "One medical school candidate I worked with wanted to become a psychiatrist due to her own personal experience with anxiety in high school," recalls Radunich. "Instead of hiding this experience, she owned it. Her personal statement was phenomenal as a result."
  • Vulnerability should be presented as something that leads to growth rather than an excuse for doing poorly in certain academic areas.

Strong personal statements demonstrate awareness of audience and how content may be received. Radunich advises applicants to think about their essays from admissions deans' perspectives: What would and wouldn't you want to read it if you were in their shoes? As they write, students should remember that admissions personnel must read many personal statements and sort through thousands of applications. Being conscious of how words or stories may be perceived by those with experiences different from their own can be invaluable to students.

  • Radunich cites a time when she worked with a student who wrote about her experience providing medical care in a developing country as part of her medical school application: "The student had good intentions, but in writing she sounded patronizing and even condescending when describing her interactions with patients. She had no idea. Remember that people who see the world differently from you will be reading this essay."

One of the biggest keys to writing a successful personal statement is in the name itself. This essay is meant to be personal and completely unique to the writer. "You have full control over this part of your application," Radunich says, urging students to avoid coming across as desperate in their essays. "Fight the urge to ‘shape shift' into whom you think that program wants you to be. You're not going to be a perfect fit for every single graduate program. Be you, and if a graduate program doesn't get it, you most likely aren't going to be happy in that program for the next three or more years." Many applicants may have similar metrics, but each student has different experiences to write about in a personal statement. Students should commit to their experiences and own them rather than err too far on the side of safety, something Radunich says is a common pitfall.

  • "Students also make a mistake when they play it safe and write personal statements that have been played out. For example, medical students tend to cite experiencing illnesses, watching family members struggle with their health or wanting to help people as the reason why they want to become a doctor. Admissions deans have to read thousands of these. Make it personal and offbeat. Give them something new to read."

Applicants must take time to ensure their personal statements are tight and free of errors. Radunich stresses the importance of proofreading. "Do not even bother sending in an application with a personal statement that has spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. This personal statement is a reflection of the quality of work you will submit for the program."

One of the hardest parts of writing a personal statement is getting started. These steps and strategies can help prospective graduate students push through the initial hesitation and get on their way to writing winning personal statements.

  • Read the instructions. Some applications provide little in the way of guidance, asking prospective students to expand on why they want to apply to the program or supply information on their backgrounds and interests. Others, however, give specific guidelines on content, format, word count and submission method. It's crucial that applicants read and understand what is expected of their personal statements. It won't matter how beautifully crafted the statement is if it doesn't address the prompt or disregards stated length requirements.
  • Self-reflect. Before sitting down to write, students should spend a good amount of time thinking about their strengths and what they want to convey to admissions committees. Radunich says it's essential for students to really dwell on what makes them special. "Take time to reflect on your personal brand. What qualities do you bring to a cohort of graduate students that this program doesn't know they need?" When students are confident in their positive qualities, it can make it easier to convince admissions officers the value they bring to any given graduate program.
  • Talk to friends and family. Sometimes figuring out how to write about oneself or what elements to highlight can be tough. Radunich says that this is where friends and family can be extremely helpful. She recommends talking those who know you best. "Ask the people who have been with you throughout your journey to provide feedback on who you are and what they've observed. Use them to provide feedback on what you have to offer a graduate program. How would they describe you in five words? This is your ‘essence self' — what makes you stand apart from others."
  • Be authentic. "We hear this all the time, but it's the best advice," says Radunich. "Admissions personnel can smell a phony. They know when you're using words outside of your vocabulary or when you're exaggerating what an experience meant to you. They read thousands of personal statements per year and also see which applicants show up as the people they said they were once they're admitted. Don't sell yourself to an admissions panel; present a polished yet real account of who you are and what you care about. This way, the right school will recognize what you bring to the table."
  • Keep it relevant. The focus should remain on why the student is qualified and wants to apply to that particular program. Admissions personnel want to get familiar with their applicants, but they mostly want to make sure they choose students who value the program and have specific reasons for applying. For instance, a student may be drawn to a program because one or two faculty members conduct research that aligns with that student's interests. That is something worth mentioning in a statement. Anecdotes and stories bring a personal element, but it's also important to include practical, academic- and career-focused details, too.
  • Get feedback from outside sources. It's helpful for students to ask other people to read their personal statements. As Radunich points out, this can help students see how their statements may be perceived by others, and another set of eyes can help a student determine whether or not the essay is engaging and well-organized. Friends, family members, teachers and writing center staff can all be great resources.
  • Use specific examples. Grad school applicants should do their best to avoid using general statements or listing their experiences and qualifications. "Use specific examples and strong storytelling to pull the reader into your life and care about you by the end," suggests Radunich. "For example, if you're applying to medical school, give us one specific, personal story about something that happened while volunteering at the hospital that changed your worldview, challenged you and confirmed your goal of being a doctor."
  • Address potential shortcomings. The personal statement is an excellent opportunity for a candidate whose metrics aren't top notch to stand out and plead his or her case. "If the student earned less-than-stellar grades during their undergraduate education," notes Radunich, "(the student) can provide some context in the personal statement." Students may not feel this is necessary or be comfortable with this, but it is an option. Applicants should be cautious about how they address any weak points; explanations should not sound like excuses but should be framed in a way that demonstrates perseverance, improvement or the learning that followed those challenges.
  • Use space efficiently. Personal statements are generally pretty short, often ranging between 500 and 1,000 words. This means that filler words and phrases, such as "the truth is," or "it's my personal belief that," take up valuable space that could be used to compel admissions into requesting an interview. It's important to convey a clear image in a few paragraphs, so be both concise and precise. In statements allowing longer word counts, keep in mind that more isn't always better. Admissions committees read thousands of personal essays each year, and longer ones may be at greater risk of being skimmed through rather than thoroughly read.
  • Draft, edit, repeat. Depending on the program, a student's personal statement can carry considerable weight. It shouldn't be thrown together at the last minute. Allowing for adequate time to write multiple drafts, edit and thoroughly proofread is a must. Have other people proofread and check for grammar before sending in the application; they may catch errors that were glossed over in earlier drafts.

Writing a personal statement can be intimidating, which may make it difficult for applicants to get started. Having enough time to ruminate and write is also valuable and can give students the opportunity to choose a strong point of view rather than feel pushed to write about the first thing that comes to mind. Radunich emphasizes that students who aren't sure what to write about or how to approach writing about themselves should do some considerable brainstorming and get input from those who know them well. Students are often self-critical, especially in high-stakes situations, and they may not realize the positive qualities they may have that stand out to others.

Radunich also offers tips for getting in the mindset of admissions personnel: "They're reading the personal statement and gauging the candidate's fitness for the program. Can this person deal with stress and persevere? Does he/she have grit? Has this person overcome adversity, and does that give us confidence that they can handle the three demanding years of law school? Can this person handle receiving feedback, or will he/she drop out after the slightest bit of challenge or criticism? Can this student tolerate differing viewpoints and be open to growth?" Considering these questions can help guide students through the writing process.

It may also help students to look at example personal statements and see how these key considerations play out in an actual essay. Take a look at this example personal statement from a prospective grad student.

As I approached the convention hall, I wondered if I had gotten the room number wrong. I couldn't hear any signs of life, and I was losing my nerve to open the door and risk embarrassing myself. As I imagined a security guard striding up and chiding me for being somewhere I shouldn't be, a hand reached past me and pushed the door open, jolting me back to the real world. I peeked in. More hands. Hundreds of them. Hands were flying, waving, articulating, dancing . I was at once taken by awe and fear.

You can do this.

I had never planned on taking American Sign Language, and I certainly hadn't planned on it taking my heart. In my first term of college, I signed up for German, a language I had loved the sound of since I was a child. A week before classes began, however, the course section was cut. In my frustration, I decided I would take the first available language class in the course register. In hindsight, that probably wasn't the smartest approach, but it was a decision that completely altered my supposedly set-in-stone plan of becoming a linguist. The complexities of nonverbal language floored me, and I found myself thinking about hand signs while writing essays on Saussure's linguistic signs. I rearranged my schedule so I could take improv classes to help with my facial and body expressions. Theater! That was completely out of character, but I suddenly found myself compelled toward anything that would help immerse me in ASL and deaf culture.

Except actually getting involved in the community.

I knew going to my first deaf convention would be intimidating. My hands shake when I'm anxious, and nothing brings on nerves quite like throwing yourself into a situation where you are a total outsider. Between my limited vocabulary, quaking fingers and fear-frozen face, would anyone be able to understand me? What was I doing here? I had been studying American Sign Language for nearly three years and had somehow managed to avoid spontaneous conversation with the deaf community, and I was terrified. Workbook exercises and casual conversations with classmates — who had roughly the same ASL vocabulary and relied on the same linguistic crutches as I did — had become increasingly comfortable, but immersing myself in deaf culture and community was something entirely different. I was afraid. However, American Sign Language and deaf studies had captured my heart, and I knew this fear was a huge barrier I needed to get past in order to continue working toward my goal of becoming an advocate and deaf studies educator.

It must have been pretty obvious that I was both hearing and petrified, because I was immediately greeted by someone who, very formally and slowly, asked if I was a student and offered to accompany me. This small gesture is representative of how I became so fond of deaf culture in such a short period of time. The hearing community tends toward posturing, indirect communication and a sometimes isolating emphasis on individualism, and my limited experiences within the deaf community have been the opposite. The straightforward communication that exists in a beautifully nuanced and perspicacious language and the welcoming enthusiasm to grow the community is something I intend to be part of. I am an outsider, and I have much to learn, but I want to do everything I can to encourage understanding and exchange between the deaf and hearing communities and make hearing spaces more inclusive, especially for those who have more experience as outsiders than I do.

My devotion to language and learning about culture through communication hasn't changed, but the path by which I want to pursue that passion has. My foray into deaf studies and American Sign Language may have started as an accident, but no matter how nervous I still get when my fingers fumble or I have to spell something out, I am humbled and grateful that this accident led me to a calling that could have remained unheard my whole life.

Brainstorming is an important step in writing a convincing personal essay, and Coggle may be just the tool to help. Coggle is a mind-mapping app that helps users organize their thoughts in visual, nonlinear ways. Users can easily share with collaborators, such as writing coaches, advisers or friends.

Inspiration may strike at any time. Students can make sure they're prepared to jot down any personal statement ideas, gather inspiration and organize their thoughts with Evernote , a popular note-taking app.

Writing personal statements requires distraction-free writing time. However, most students do their writing on their most distracting devices. FocusWriter is a simple tool that helps mitigate the distraction problem by hiding computer interfaces and substituting a clean, clear digital writing environment.

This web browser add-on makes checking grammar quick and easy. Grammarly scans users' text and provides context-specific suggestions and corrections. Detailed explanations of each suggestion help users improve their writing over time.

This subject-specific book is a guide to writing personal statements for graduate school. It includes tons of tips and examples to help students write their application essays.

Microsoft's OneNote app is one of the most popular among those who like to use outlines to gather and organize their thoughts, but its many features make it a great prewriting tool for writers of all organizational preferences.

Mindomo can help grad school candidates brainstorm and pinpoint key elements to include in their personal statements. The app's mind maps, concept maps and outlines help users easily visualize and organize their ideas.

Students who are looking for an advanced editing tool to help them power through their grad school applications might want to look into ProWritingAid , a comprehensive application that helps with basic and advanced editing and addresses issues in style, word choice and structure.

The academic writing standby, Purdue OWL , weighs in on the 10 essential dos and don'ts of personal statement writing.

The UNR Writing Center offers this extensive, alphabetized list of tips on writing, from academic voice to writing introductions, to help with the writing process. Students should also consider consulting their own undergraduate schools' campus writing centers for help as well.

UNC provides specific guidance for students writing personal statements and other significant academic essays. The guidance on this page is not exclusive to UNC, so students from many different schools may find these tips helpful.

Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences provides this online manual to help students understand and successfully write personal statements and other graduate admissions and scholarship essays. The easy-to-navigate chapters provide many examples and tips to meet a range of criteria.

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The graduate application essay is generally 1-5 pages and is your opportunity to share relevant information about yourself, your goals and why you would make a good match for the particular graduate program to which you are applying.

First, check if your program of interest is listed below with a program-specific application essay question. If so, answer your program-specific essay question.  

If not, the following essay question must be answered by all other graduate applicants.

Standard essay question (unless your program is listed below)*

Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some areas of discussion might include: Specific attributes of the program at UD that lead you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives. Within the area of study you have selected, are there areas of special interest to you?

Applied Physiology

Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some additional areas of discussion might include: Specific attributes of the program at UD that lead you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives. Within the area of study you have selected, please identify the faculty member you would like to work with as well as any areas of special interest to you.

Art History

What are your research interests and professional objectives? How will studying at the University of Delaware help you to pursue them? How have your education and extracurricular experiences prepared you for graduate studies in art history? In your response, you may wish to discuss a recent book you read, a museum exhibition you visited or a work experience you had and explain how it shaped your ideas about art history and your interest in pursuing a graduate degree.

Athletic Training

A personal statement or essay. The purpose of this statement is to introduce yourself to the admission committee and discuss your academic and career interests and goals as they stand now, and how you think the graduate program aligns with your interests and a career in athletic training. Limit your essay to no more than two double-spaced pages.

Biological Sciences

  • What scientific research experience have you had?
  • What are your research interests and long-term professional objectives?
  • What specific attributes of our department make you feel that it would be a good place for you?
  • Are there any special circumstances related to your academic record that you feel we should know about?


  • What scientific research/employment experience have you had? Please be specific about the field of work and job responsibilities.
  • What are your long-term professional objectives?
  • What specific attributes of our department and the PSM (Professional Science Master's) in biotechnology make you feel this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives?

*NOTE: Applications to the PSM or certificate in biotechnology programs also must include a resume or CV outlining work and/or academic experience in the field of biotechnology.

Business Analytics and Information Management

  • Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some areas of discussion might include specific attributes of the program at UD that lead you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives.
  • Describe an obstacle you have faced in your professional or academic life. How did you overcome this obstacle and how did it foster your development?
  • Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?

Childhood Education in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Your personal statement is a very important part of the application and is read with great care. It is highly recommended that you invest ample time in composing this statement and include enough detail to communicate your fit with our program. Your statement should address the following matters:

  • It should describe why you have selected our program (MAFLL, MAFLP or MACFLE) and how you intend to use the degree to fulfill your career goals or further educational aspirations.
  • It should provide any other information about you (your experience, specific interests, talents or abilities, and/or your academic record) that you believe is important for the admission committee to know. If you are currently registered in a graduate program at this or another university, please explain why you wish to leave.
  • If you are an MAFLP applicant intending to pursue the certification track, please mention this in your essay.

Clinical Exercise Physiology

  • In 500 words or less, explain how being accepted in the clinical exercise physiology master’s degree program at the University of Delaware will help you achieve your career goals?
  • In 500 words or less, explain what three qualities are most important to being a successful graduate student.
  • In 500 words or less, explain your greatest weakness as a student and how you will overcome that weakness in a graduate program.


Describe how your research interest relates to the research expertise of the department’s faculty.

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Describe your research experience, include length and type of experience and designate your preference of a primary and secondary advisor from the department’s faculty.

Disaster Science and Management M.S.

What are your vocational objectives and how will your proposed plan of graduate study relate to them and allow you to achieve them? Within your major field, are there special areas of interest to you? Please explain. Are there any special circumstances related to your academic record that you wish to explain or that we should know?

Disaster Science and Management Ph.D.

  • Please also provide an example of scholarly writing (paper or thesis) as a second writing sample.

Applicants should discuss educational and career goals related to the Ph.D. in education program and how this program is a good match for their interests. Applicants should identify their area of specialization and potential research interest. While there are no requirements set by the School of Education, personal statements are generally 2-5 pages in length.

Educational Leadership

  • Explain why you are applying to this particular program, that is, why do you want to be admitted to the Ed.D. in educational leadership?
  • The Ed.D. in educational leadership requires that candidates be involved in planning and implementing a series of initiatives targeted at specific improvement needs that candidates identify and in which they may exercise leadership. Describe the contexts and responsibilities in your current position which would allow you to exercise leadership.
  • Describe a problem in your area of interest that typifies the kind of issue that you would like to pursue as a leadership professional and why you think it is important to address.

Exceptional Children and Youth

  • Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some areas of discussion might include specific attributes of the program at UD that lead you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives. Within the area of study you have selected, are there areas of special interest to you? If the applicant plans to pursue initial teacher certification through the MPCP track or additional certification through the 4+1 or MP track in addition to the degree, this must be stated.
  • In this writing sample, the applicant should address one of the following questions in a brief essay of 500 words or less:  1) Select an important problem facing individuals with disabilities or the schools, teachers, or other people who work with them and propose a solution to this problem; or 2) Describe an experience in your own life that influenced your decision to work with individuals with disabilities.

Exceptional Children and Youth Online

  • Outline your educational plans and career goals and discuss how your proposed plan of graduate study relates to them. Some areas of discussion might include: Which specific attributes of the program at UD led you to believe that this degree is appropriate to help you achieve your professional objectives? Within the area of study you have selected, are there areas of special interest to you?
  • Select an important problem facing individuals with disabilities or the schools, teachers, or other people who work with them, and propose a solution to this problem; OR
  • Describe an experience in your own life that influenced your decision to work with individuals with disabilities.

How will an M.S. in finance from the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware help you achieve your professional goals?

Health Behavior Science and Promotion

How do your research interests relate to those of at least two health behavior science and promotion faculty members?

International Business

  • Why do you wish to pursue your graduate studies at the University of Delaware? What, in your opinion, makes UD special?
  • What are your career objectives and how will the M.S. in international business help you achieve your goals?
  • What does the word “global” mean to you?

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

  • It should provide any other information about you (your experience, specific interests, talents or abilities and/or your academic record) that you believe is important for the admission committee to know. If you are currently registered in a graduate program at this or another university, please explain why you wish to leave.

Liberal Studies

  • Submit a three to five page essay (double-spaced) about your intellectual interests and life experiences and how you think these can be developed in the M.A.L.S. (master of arts in liberal studies) program. Please discuss your personal or professional objectives and why you believe this degree is appropriate to help you reach them.
  • Write a short essay (no more than three pages, double-spaced) about a book, essay, story or article that has been important to you (fiction or nonfiction). Discuss the author’s primary theme or argument and how it is developed. Describe how the work has influenced you.

Literacy Online

Three written, 500-word essays responding to the following three prompts:

  • Outline your short-term and long-term career goals and how an M.Ed. in literacy relates to them.
  • Describe a problem in your professional setting that typifies an issue you would like to pursue as a reading/literacy specialist and why you think it is important to address.
  • As you know, the M.Ed. in literacy program at the University of Delaware is offered online. It requires students to be self-initiated learners and excellent time managers. Additionally, many of the courses require you to apply what you learn to an educational setting with students. Specifically, EDUC 630 and EDUC 763 require you to tutor a child regularly in reading and writing. Describe (a) how you plan to manage your time so you are able to fulfill your course requirements and (b) how you will identify appropriate educational settings so you can fulfill course requirements. Be specific.

M.A. in Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Pedagogy

M.b.a. (business administration).

The Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics program essays are reviewed for originality and proper referencing of cited materials.

  • Getting your message across to prospective customers is a key element of a business plan. Please critique our effort to market the University of Delaware MBA programs by using specific examples of where and how you heard about our program (e.g., specific radio station, internet site, publication, TV station, etc.) and honestly assess how effective that vehicle was in drawing you to apply for admission. What are some strengths of these marketing efforts and what could be done better? What is the best way to reach prospective students like you? We are looking for insightful, specific and brief essays.
  • (Optional) Is there any other information, not covered elsewhere in your application, that you would like to share with the department’s Graduate Admissions Committee? Are there special circumstances related to your academic record, such as low GPA or low GRE/GMAT scores that you feel we should know about? Are there any challenging social, economic, educational, cultural or other life circumstance that you have overcame to achieve success in higher education?

M.B.A. Online (Business Administration)

M.p.a. (public administration).

  • What are your vocational objectives and how will your proposed plan of graduate study relate to them and allow you to achieve them?
  • Within your major field, are there special areas of interest to you? Please explain.
  • Are there any special circumstances related to your academic record that you wish to explain or that we should know?

M.P.A. Online (Public Administration)

M.p.p. (public policy), nursing: nursing science.

  • What is your research area/topic of interest? Use the literature to provide an explanation about what is known about this topic and why additional research needs to be done in this area. Based on your review of the literature, propose three research questions that you would like to explore in doctoral studies.
  • What are your professional objectives? How will resources (i.e., faculty, other) at the University of Delaware help you to achieve your objectives and pursue your area of interest? Which School of Nursing faculty member would best fit as your mentor? Why?
  • How have your education, prior research experience and professional and/or personal activities and achievements prepared you for doctoral studies in nursing science? Cite specific examples.

Nutrition Science

Describe how your research interests relate to at least two potential nutrition faculty advisors.

School Psychology

M.A. in school psychology applicants should answer the following questions:

  • What qualities and experiences do you have that should help make you an excellent graduate student and school psychologist?
  • What are your career objectives and how will obtaining your degree in school psychology from the University of Delaware contribute to them?

Teacher Leadership Online

  • Outline your short-term and long-term career goals and discuss how an M.Ed. in teacher lLeadership relates to them.
  • The M.Ed. in teacher leadership teaches candidates to lead from the classroom. Describe a problem in your professional setting that typifies an issue you would like to pursue as a teacher leader and why you think it is important to address.
  • The M.Ed. in teacher leadership is delivered 100% online. It requires students to be self-initiated learners and excellent time managers. Describe how you plan to manage your time so you are able to fulfill your course requirements.

Teaching English as a Second Language

You should present a carefully planned and written statement of one to two pages in length describing what led you to pursue a degree in TESL, any past work in TESL or TEFL, your expectations of the University of Delaware M.A. in TESL program, and how you intend to use the degree to fulfill your professional career or further educational aspirations. Please include additional information you feel important for the graduate committee to know about you. If you are currently registered in a graduate program at this or another university, please explain why you wish to leave. The personal statement must be submitted electronically as part of the admissions application.

Urban Affairs and Public Policy

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Harvard business school announces 3 new application essays.

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Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School announced a surprising departure from its single, open-ended application essay to three short essays with specific prompts. The HBS website sums up the kind of applicant the school is seeking: “We are looking for future leaders who are passionate about business, leadership, and growth.”

The prompts for the class that will begin in fall 2025 instruct applicants to address each topic in turn.

  • Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)
  • Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)
  • Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

The prompts ask applicants to go beyond simply asserting their allegiance to the ideals of business, leadership and growth. Each of the three questions asks for evidence: “experiences,” “experiences” and “an example,” respectively.

The prompts do not expect a straightforward list of what happened in the past. Rather, they encourage reflection on how these experiences affected present realities and future goals.

Applicants are asked to reflect on past, present and future as an ongoing process of becoming who they are now and who they wish to become. Even the “Business-Minded Essay” is about past choices and future impact; it also assumes you “plan to serve.” The “Leadership-Focused Essay” does not ask applicants to recite a list of titles, but to discuss who they are and how they relate to others; not what title they aspire to, but “what kind of leader you wish to become.”

Perhaps the most surprising essay prompt is No. 3, which asks about curiosity. It opens the door for applicants to discuss a more personal aspect of their candidacies. The prompt asks not about end result, but about the process of change. Once again, the emphasis is on “growth.”

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In short, the prompts ask about person and process.

How The 3 New Prompts Differ From Last Year’s Single Question

This year’s prompts give applicants more direction than the previous open-ended instruction, which was: “As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?”

Applicants may find it easier to follow these more detailed instructions and to stay on topic. They no longer need to face an open question and a blank page.

Another aid is the shorter word limit. The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each.

A third difference is the specific inquiry about business. Last year’s prompt allowed candidates to choose anything they thought would be important for HBS to consider. Some applicants struggled to decide whether to focus on business or something beyond work. While the “Business-Minded Essay” is still personal, it does ask applicants to reflect on their careers.

One might also speculate that the new, more directive prompts makes it easier for the admissions committee to compare essays across applications, while still leaving room for considerable variation in how applicants choose to address the essay prompts.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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40 Phrases Every Graduate Student Should Know

  • Publication date June 28, 2024
  • Categories: Grad School
  • Categories: glossary , graduate school , online grad school , online learning , terminology , terms to know

Three University students are seen sitting together in class as they work together on an grad school terminology. They have a laptop open between them as they each give input for the assignment.

Graduate school can feel like it has its own language. You may have heard students and faculty say certain phrases in passing, but what does it mean? Are these terms critical for your own studies, or are they just academic lingo? At WPI, we are experts in all things  graduate school , and we’ve got your back! Click through to discover some essential phrases you may encounter during grad school and what they really mean!

You may have heard this phrase before from faculty describing student status.  refers to students who have been formally accepted into a degree program.  refers to students taking courses at the university without being formally admitted to a degree program.
  When considering advanced education, you might choose between a graduate certificate and a graduate degree. A graduate certificate is a focused, shorter program that provides specialized knowledge in a specific area. A graduate degree, such as a master’s or doctorate, involves more extensive study and research in a broader field. 
These are terms that refer to the type of courses students are taking.   refers to learning that occurs   without real-time interaction, such as recorded lessons and flexible deadlines.   refers to learning in real-time, with live interaction between students and instructors, such as a traditional classroom.
You may have encountered these terms when exploring graduate engineering programs. refers to a professionally oriented degree focusing on practical skills, designed to prepare students for engineering practice. , on the other hand, is usually research-oriented, requiring a thesis or significant research project, and focuses on developing theoretical knowledge and research skills.
In graduate programs, you might hear about TAs and RAs. A is a graduate student who assists with teaching duties, such as grading, leading discussion sections, or lecturing. A , in contrast, is a graduate student who assists with research projects, often working closely with faculty on experiments, data analysis, and other research activities.

grad school entry essay

These terms often come up in discussions about graduate research requirements. A is a research project required for a master’s degree, involving original research on a specific topic and presenting the findings in a written document. A , however, is an extensive research project required for a doctoral degree, involving more comprehensive and in-depth research.
In academic settings, you might hear about cohorts and classes. A is a group of students who start and progress through a program together, fostering a sense of community and support. A , however, refers to a group of students attending a particular course who may or may not interact outside that course.
Graduate students often face these exams at different stages. cover a wide range of material from the student’s field of study and are usually required to earn a degree. assess a student’s readiness to undertake dissertation research and are typically part of doctoral programs.
Graduate students often have both advisors and mentors. An is a faculty member assigned to guide a student through their academic program, helping with course selection and research direction. A , meanwhile, is a more experienced individual who provides broader career and personal guidance, often going beyond academic concerns.
In academic and professional contexts, you might be asked to provide a CV or a resume. A curriculum is a detailed document outlining your academic achievements, publications, and professional history. A , in contrast, is a concise document highlighting your skills, experiences, and education, typically for job applications.

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  These terms are often used interchangeably in academic institutions. Credits are points earned by completing courses, used to measure academic progress toward a degree. Units, though often synonymous with credits, can sometimes refer to different measurements depending on the institution. 
  When writing research papers, you’ll encounter both the abstract and the introduction. An abstract is a brief summary of the research paper, providing an overview of the main points and findings. The introduction, on the other hand, is the opening section that introduces the topic, provides background information, and outlines the research question and objectives.
  Graduate students often seek financial support through fellowships and scholarships. A fellowship is financial support that often includes a stipend, tuition, and research funds, and is usually awarded based on academic merit. A scholarship, however, is financial aid awarded based on merit or need, typically for tuition support. 
  In the context of research funding, you’ll hear about grants and fellowships. A is funding provided for a specific research project, often requiring detailed proposals and reports. A offers broader financial support for a student, which may include a stipend and tuition, without being tied to a specific project. 
  In the journey of a PhD student, candidacy and postdoctoral positions are important milestones. Candidacy refers to a stage in a PhD program where the student has passed required exams and can begin dissertation research. A postdoctoral position, however, is a research position undertaken after completing a doctoral degree, focusing on further specialized research. 

grad school entry essay

In professional programs, you might encounter internships and practicums. An internship is work experience, often paid, that provides practical experience in a student’s field. A practicum, on the other hand, is a supervised practical application of previously studied theory, often part of professional programs like education or healthcare. 
  Many universities and colleges alike refer to , or classes required to take in a degree program. You will also hear about , which are optional courses that students can choose based on their interests.  
  You might already be familiar with GPA terminology if you attended high school in America. is a numerical representation of a student’s academic performance. However, some classes or exams may be referred to as where students receive either a “pass” or “fail” instead of a traditional letter or number grade. 
  You may hear this term referring to student academic work. An is a short, written overview of a research study’s purpose, methods, results, and conclusions, usually about a paragraph or so. A refers to a longer synopsis that can include various aspects of the entire document or topic to provide the reader with more context. 
  You may hear this term referring to student academic work. An is a short, written overview of a research study’s purpose, methods, results, and conclusions, usually about a paragraph or so. A refers to a longer synopsis that can include various aspects of the entire document or topic to provide the reader with more context. 

We hope that this article can help you decipher some of the tricky terminology you might hear about grad school. Understanding these terms can make navigating your graduate education journey smoother and more manageable. Whether you’re just starting to explore graduate programs or are already immersed in your studies, having a clear grasp of these concepts will help you make informed decisions and better communicate with your peers and faculty. Good luck on your academic journey and remember, every step you take brings you closer to achieving your goals! 

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A year after affirmative action ban, how students are pitching themselves to colleges

  • Deep Read ( 13 Min. )
  • By Olivia Sanchez, Nirvi Shah, and Meredith Kolodner The Hechinger Report

June 28, 2024

In the year since the U.S. Supreme Court banned the consideration of race in college admissions, students have had to give more thought to how they present themselves in their application essays – to what they will disclose.

Data from the Common Application shows that in this admissions cycle, about 12% of students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups used at least one of 38 identity-related phrases in their essays, a decrease of roughly 1% from the previous year. The data shows that about 20% of American Indian and Alaskan Native applicants used one of these phrases; meanwhile 15% of Asian students, 14% of Black students, 11% of Latinx students, and fewer than 3% of white students did so.

Why We Wrote This

A year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court barred affirmative action in college admissions. Students have since used their application essays as a place to explore identity.

To better understand how students were deciding what to include, The Hechinger Report asked newly accepted students from across the United States to share their application essays and to describe how they thought their writing choices ultimately influenced their admissions outcomes. Among them was Jaleel Gomes Cardoso from Boston, who wrote about being Black. 

“If you’re not going to see what my race is in my application, then I’m definitely putting it in my writing,” he says, “because you have to know that this is the person who I am.”   

In the year since the Supreme Court banned  the consideration of race in college admissions last June, students have had to give more thought to how they present themselves in their application essays .

Previously, they could write about their racial or ethnic identity if they wanted to, but colleges would usually know it either way and could use it as a factor in admissions. Now, it’s entirely up to students to disclose their identity or not.

Data from the Common Application shows that in this admissions cycle about 12% of students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups used at least one of 38 identity-related phrases in their essays, a decrease of roughly 1% from the previous year. The data shows that about 20% of American Indian and Alaskan Native applicants used one of these phrases; meanwhile 15% of Asian students, 14% of Black students, 11% of Latinx students, and fewer than 3% of white students did so.

To better understand how students were making this decision and introducing themselves to colleges, The Hechinger Report asked newly accepted students from across the country to share their college application essays. The Hechinger staff read more than 50 essays and talked to many students about their writing process, who gave them advice, and how they think their choices ultimately influenced their admissions outcomes.

Here are thoughts from a sampling of those students, with excerpts from their essays. 

Jaleel Gomes Cardoso of Boston: A risky decision

As Jaleel Gomes Cardoso sat looking at the essay prompt for Yale University, he wasn’t sure how honest he should be. “Reflect on your membership in a community to which you feel connected,” it read. “Why is this community meaningful to you?” He wanted to write about being part of the Black community – it was the obvious choice – but the Supreme Court’s decision to ban the consideration of a student’s race in admissions gave him pause.

“Ever since the decision about affirmative action, it kind of worried me about talking about race,” says Mr. Cardoso, who grew up in Boston. “That entire topic felt like a risky decision.” 

In the past, he had always felt that taking a risk produced some of his best writing, but he thought that an entire essay about being Black might be going too far. 

“The risk was just so heavy on the topic of race when the Court’s decision was to not take race into account,” he says. “It was as if I was disregarding that decision. It felt very controversial, just to make it so out in the open.” 

grad school entry essay

In the end, he did write an essay that put his racial identity front and center. He wasn’t accepted to Yale, but he has no regrets about his choice.

“If you’re not going to see what my race is in my application, then I’m definitely putting it in my writing,” says Mr. Cardoso, who will attend Dartmouth College this fall, “because you have to know that this is the person who I am.”                       

 – Meredith Kolodner

Essay excerpt:

I was thrust into a narrative of indifference and insignificance from the moment I entered this world. I was labeled as black, which placed me in the margins of society. It seemed that my destiny had been predetermined; to be part of a minority group constantly oppressed under the weight of a social construct called race. Blackness became my life, an identity I initially battled against. I knew others viewed it as a flaw that tainted their perception of me. As I matured, I realized that being different was not easy, but it was what I loved most about myself.  

Klaryssa Cobian of Los Angeles: A seminomadic mattress life

Klaryssa Cobian is Latina – a first-generation Mexican American – and so was nearly everyone else in the Southeast Los Angeles community where she grew up. Because that world was so homogenous, she really didn’t notice her race until she was a teenager.

Then she earned a scholarship to a prestigious private high school in Pasadena. For the first time, she was meaningfully interacting with people of other races and ethnicities, but she felt the greatest gulf between her and her peers came from her socioeconomic status, not the color of her skin. 

Although Ms. Cobian has generally tried to keep her home life private, she felt that colleges needed to understand the way her family’s severe economic disadvantages had affected her. She wrote about how she’d long been “desperate to feel at home.”

She was 16 years old before she had a mattress of her own. Her essay cataloged all the places she lay her head before that. She wrote about her first bed, a queen-sized mattress shared with her parents and younger sister. She wrote about sleeping in the backseat of her mother’s red Mustang, before they lost the car. She wrote about moving into her grandparents’ home and sharing a mattress on the floor with her sister, in the same room as two uncles. She wrote about the great independence she felt when she “moved out” into the living room and onto the couch.  

“Which mattress I sleep on has defined my life, my independence, my dependence,” Ms. Cobian wrote. 

She’d initially considered writing about the ways she felt she’d had to sacrifice her Latino culture and identity to pursue her education, but said she hesitated after the Supreme Court ruled on the use of affirmative action in admissions. Ultimately, she decided that her experience of poverty was more pertinent. 

grad school entry essay

“If I’m in a room of people, it’s like, I can talk to other Latinos, and I can talk to other brown people, but that does not mean I’m going to connect with them. Because, I learned, brown people can be rich,” Ms. Cobian says.  She’s headed to the University of California, Berkeley, in the fall.

– Olivia Sanchez

Essay excerpt: 

With the only income, my mom automatically assumed custody of me and my younger sister, Alyssa. With no mattress and no home, the backseat of my mom’s red mustang became my new mattress. Bob Marley blasted from her red convertible as we sang out “could you be loved” every day on our ride back from elementary school. Eventually, we lost the mustang too and would take the bus home from Downtown Los Angeles, still singing “could you be loved” to each other.  

Oluwademilade Egunjobi of Providence, Rhode Island: The perfect introduction

Oluwademilade Egunjobi worked on her college essay from June until November. Not every single day, and not on only one version, but for five months she was writing and editing and asking anyone who would listen for advice.

She considered submitting essays about the value of sex education, or the philosophical theory of solipsism (in which the only thing that is guaranteed to exist is your own mind). 

But most of the advice she got was to write about her identity. So, to introduce herself to colleges, Oluwademilade Egunjobi wrote about her name.

Ms. Egunjobi is the daughter of Nigerian immigrants who, she wrote, chose her first name because it means she’s been crowned by God. In naming her, she said, her parents prioritized pride in their heritage over ease of pronunciation for people outside their culture. 

And although Ms. Egunjobi loves that she will always be connected to her culture, this choice has put her in a lifelong loop of exasperating introductions and questions from non-Nigerians about her name. 

The loop often ends when the person asks if they can call her by her nickname, Demi. “I smile through my irritation and say I prefer it anyways, and then the situation repeats time and time again,” Egunjobi wrote. 

grad school entry essay

She was nervous when she learned about the Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision, wondering what it might mean for where she would get into college. Her teachers and college advisors from a program called Matriculate told her she didn’t have to write a sob story, but that she should write about her identity, how it affects the way she moves through the world and the resilience it’s taught her. 

She heeded their advice, and it worked out. In the fall, she will enter the University of Pennsylvania to study philosophy, politics, and economics. 

I don’t think I’ve ever had to fight so hard to love something as hard as I’ve fought to love my name. I’m grateful for it because it’ll never allow me to reject my culture and my identity, but I get frustrated by this daily performance. I’ve learned that this performance is an inescapable fate, but the best way to deal with fate is to show up with joy. I am Nigerian, but specifically from the ethnic group, Yoruba. In Yoruba culture, most names are manifestations. Oluwademilade means God has crowned me, and my middle name is Favor, so my parents have manifested that I’ll be favored above others and have good success in life. No matter where I go, people familiar with the language will recognize my name and understand its meaning. I love that I’ll always carry a piece of my culture with me.  

Francisco Garcia of Fort Worth, Texas: Accepted to college and by his community

In the opening paragraph of his college application essay, Francisco Garcia quotes his mother, speaking to him in Spanish, expressing disappointment that her son was failing to live up to her Catholic ideals. It was her reaction to Mr. Garcia revealing his bisexuality. 

Mr. Garcia said those nine Spanish words were “the most intentional thing I did to share my background” with colleges. The rest of his essay delves into how his Catholic upbringing, at least for a time, squelched his ability to be honest with friends about his sexual identity, and how his relationship with the church changed. He said he had striven, however, to avoid coming across as pessimistic or sad, aiming instead to share “what I’ve been through [and] how I’ve become a better person because of it.” 

He worked on his essay throughout July, August, and September, with guidance from college officials he met during campus visits and from an adviser he was paired with by Matriculate, which works with students who are high achievers from low-income families. Be very personal, they told Mr. Garcia, but within limits. 

“I am fortunate to have support from all my friends, who encourage me to explore complexities within myself,” he wrote. “My friends give me what my mother denied me: acceptance.”

He was accepted by Dartmouth, one of the eight schools to which he applied, after graduating from Saginaw High School near Fort Worth, Texas, this spring.

– Nirvi Shah

Essay excerpt:  

By the time I got to high school, I had made new friends who I felt safe around. While I felt I was more authentic with them, I was still unsure whether they would judge me for who I liked. It became increasingly difficult for me to keep hiding this part of myself, so I vented to both my mom and my closest friend, Yoana ... When I confessed that I was bisexual to Yoana, they were shocked, and I almost lost hope. However, after the initial shock, they texted back, “I’m really chill with this. Nothing has changed Francisco:)”. The smiley face, even if it took 2 characters, was enough to bring me to tears. 

Hafsa Sheikh of Pearland, Texas: Family focus above all 

Hafsa Sheikh felt her applications would be incomplete without the important context of her home life: She became a primary financial contributor to her household when she was just 15, because her father, once the family’s sole breadwinner, could not work due to his major depressive disorder. Her work in a pizza parlor on the weekends and as a tutor after school helped pay the bills. 

She found it challenging to open up this way, but felt she needed to tell colleges that, although working two jobs throughout high school made her feel like crying from exhaustion every night, she would do anything for her family. 

grad school entry essay

“It’s definitely not easy sharing some of the things that you’ve been through with, like really a stranger,” she says, “because you don’t know who’s reading it.”

And especially after the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action, Ms. Sheikh felt she needed to write about her cultural identity. It’s a core part of who she is, but it’s also a major part of why her father’s mental illness affected her life so profoundly. 

Ms. Sheikh, the daughter of Pakistani immigrants, said her family became isolated because of the negative stigma surrounding mental health in their South Asian culture. She said they became the point of gossip in the community and even among extended family members, and they were excluded from many social gatherings. This was happening as she was watching the typical high school experiences pass her by, she wrote. Because of the long hours she had to work, she had to forgo the opportunity to try out for the girls’ basketball team and debate club, and often couldn’t justify cutting back her hours to spend time with her friends.  

She wrote that reflecting on one of her favorite passages in the Holy Quran gave her hope:

“One of my favorite ayahs, ‘verily, with every hardship comes ease,’ serves as a timeless reminder that adversity is not the end; rather, there is always light on the other side,” Ms. Sheikh wrote.

Her perseverance paid off, with admission to Princeton University.

-- Olivia Sanchez

Besides the financial responsibility on my mother and I, we had to deal with the stigma surrounding mental health in South Asian culture and the importance of upholding traditional gender roles. My family became a point of great gossip within the local Pakistani community and even extended family. Slowly, the invitations to social gatherings diminished, and I bailed on plans with friends because I couldn’t afford to miss even a single hour of earnings.

David Arturo Munoz-Matta of McAllen, Texas: Weighing the risks of being honest

It was Nov. 30 and David Arturo Munoz-Matta had eight college essays due the next day. He had spent the prior weeks slammed with homework while also grieving the loss of his uncle who had just died. He knew the essays were going to require all the mental energy he could muster – not to mention whatever hours were left in the day. But he got home from school to discover he had no electricity. 

“I was like, ‘What am I gonna do?’” says Mr. Munoz-Matta, who graduated from Lamar Academy in McAllen, Texas. “I was panicking for a while, and my mom was like, ‘You know what? I’m just gonna drop you off at Starbucks and then just call me when you finish with all your essays.’ And so I was there at Starbucks from 4 until 12 in the morning.” 

The personal statement he agonized over most was the one he submitted to Georgetown University.  

“I don’t want to be mean or anything, but I feel like a lot of these institutions are very elitist, and that my story might not resonate with the admissions officers,” Mr. Munoz-Matta says. “It was a very big risk, especially when I said I was born in Mexico, when I said I grew up in an abusive environment. I believed at the time that would not be good for universities, that they might feel like, ‘I don’t want this kid, he won’t be a good fit with the student body.’”

He didn’t have an adult to help him with his essay, but another student encouraged him to be honest. It worked. He got into his dream school, Georgetown University, with a full ride. Many of his peers were not as fortunate. 

“I know because of the affirmative action decision, a lot of my friends did not even apply to these universities, like the Ivies, because they felt like they were not going to get in,” he says. “That was a very big sentiment in my school.”                       

– Meredith Kolodner  

While many others in my grade level had lawyers and doctors for parents and came from exemplary middle schools at the top of their classes, I was the opposite. I came into Lamar without middle school recognition, recalling my 8th-grade science teacher’s claim that I would never make it. At Lamar, freshman year was a significant challenge as I constantly struggled, feeling like I had reached my wit’s end. By the middle of Freshman year, I was the only kid left from my middle school, since everyone else had dropped out. Rather than following suit, I kept going. I felt like I had something to prove to myself because I knew I could make it.

Kendall Martin of Austin, Texas: From frustration to love

Kendall Martin wanted to be clear with college admissions officers about one thing: She is a young Black woman, and her race is central to who she is. Ms. Martin was ranked 15th in her graduating class from KIPP Austin Collegiate. She was a key figure on her high school basketball team. She wanted colleges to know she had overcome adversity. But most importantly, Ms. Martin says, she wanted to be sure, when her application was reviewed, “Y’all know who you are accepting.”

grad school entry essay

It wouldn’t be as simple as checking a box, though, which led Ms. Martin, of Kyle, Texas, to the topic she chose for her college admissions essay, the year after the Supreme Court said race could not be a factor in college admissions. Instead, she looked at the hair framing her face, hair still scarred from being straightened time and again. 

Ms. Martin wrote about the struggles she faced growing up with hair that she says required extensive time to tame so she could simply run her fingers through it. Now headed to Rice University in Houston – her first choice from a half-dozen options – she included a photo of her braids as part of her application. Her essay described her journey from hating her hair to embracing it, from heat damage to learning to braid, from frustration to love, a feeling she now hopes to inspire in her sister.  

“That’s what I wanted to get across: my growing up, my experiences, everything that made me who I am,” she says.

–  Nirvi Shah

I’m still recovering from the heat damage I caused by straightening my hair every day, because I was so determined to prove that I had length. When I was younger, a lot of my self worth was based on how long my hair was, so when kids made fun of my “short hair,” I despised my curls more and more. I begged my mom to let me get a relaxer, but she continued to deny my wish. This would make me so angry, because who was she to tell me what I could and couldn’t do with my hair? But looking back, I’m so glad she never let me. I see now that a relaxer wasn’t the key to making me prettier, and my love for my curls has reached an all-time high. 

This story about  college admission essays  was produced by  The Hechinger Report , a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for Hechinger’s  higher education newsletter . Listen to Hechinger’s  higher education podcast .

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