Essay on Bullying in Schools

School bullying can be defined as the situation in which one or more students (The Bullies) single out a child (victim) and intend in behavior intended to cause discomfort or harm the child. A bully will repeatedly target the same victim several times. Under all circumstances, bullies have an advantage over the victim as they possess more power. Compared to the victim, bullies usually have physically stronger with a large circle of friends or higher social standing. Bullying can inflict emotional distress, humiliation, and physical harm. More than 95% of learning institutions experience bullying globally. Bullying must be meet a specific rationale to be considered bullying. Such requirements include repetitiveness, recurrent imbalance of power, and provocation. Bullying can occur in schools, on campus, or the outskirts of school, but its setting must have been created within the school. Regardless of the position, all the stakeholders in a school context, such as parents, educators, children, and community members, are required to contribute to the prevention of bullying in schools. School bullying is increasingly becoming a social problem in modern society. Ideally, there are several types of school bullying attached to different causes. The effects of school bullying can be classified in psychological, economical, and academic dimensions.

Types of Bullying in Schools

The common types of bullying in a school setting include verbal, sexual, cyber, psychological, physical, and higher education bullying. Notably, victims in a learning context can experience bullying regardless of age. The aforementioned types of bullying are further classified as either direct or indirect bullying. Direct bullying is defined as an attack that is openly targeted to a victim. Direct bullying is either verbal or physical. Contrary, indirect bullying involves different forms of relational aggression that leads to social isolation through defaming one’s reputation and manipulating the conscience of others into falsehood. Indirect bullying is usually hard and subtle to detect in a school setting (Goodwin et al. 330). If undertaken by a group of bullies, direct and indirect bullying can be referred to as pack bullying. The different types of bullying can be defined either directly or indirectly relative to the implication to the victim.

Physical bullying occurs when there is unwanted physical contact between the victim and the bully. Physical contact can be hand to hand or tripping and throwing items at others that can cause physical harm. The second is emotional bullying. Emotional bullying can be defined as hurting others emotionally by negatively influencing their moods and psyche. The primary examples of emotional bullying include; belittling, spreading false information, and defamation. Verbal bullying can be defined as the usage of slanderous language or statements causing emotional distress to other people. Examples of verbal bullying include harassing, mocking, teasing, and threatening to cause harm. Finally, Cyberbullying is attached to the evolution of the internet and computers. The use of computers in bullying at schoolyards is on the surge. In most instances, schools experience difficulties in controlling cyberbullying as experiences are beyond the school fraternity.

The other common types of school bullying are sexual bullying and higher education bullying. Sexual bullying is either non-physical or physical, grounded on the gender or sexuality of the victim. In most instances, sexual bullying is undertaken by the male gender. The United States department of education reports an average of 60% of expulsions and suspensions from learning institutions attached to sexual bullying (Goodwin et al. 328). In most instances, the young ones are frames into tricks to share their nudes, after which there are forced to fulfill specific sexual demands at the expense of exposure. Higher education bullying occurs at the campus or college level. Around 95% of students have reported having been bullied at the college level. Higher education bullying results in depression and suicide in most cases.

Measures to Control Bullying

The main approaches in controlling bullying in school settings include the implementation of educative programs, creating a positive school climate, engaging parents, encouraging open communication and punishments. These techniques, however, vary depending on the learning level and the prevalence of bullying in the particular period. Education programs involve creating awareness to parents, students, and teachers regarding what constitutes bullying. Educative programs are instrumental in creating insight into the harmful nature of whichever kind of bullying. All the stakeholders within the school fraternity are enrolled in sessions of creating awareness on the signs of bullying and the most appropriate intervention criteria. The most common ways in educating on bullying include role-play, identification and reporting discussions, and other approaches to decline being involved in bullying. Nickerson(19) argued that educative programs are 62% effective in curbing the prevalence of bullying in learning institutions.

Secondly, schools can help in the prevention of bullying by promoting a positive school climate. Schools with a positive climate are presumed to have a healthy development, while the negative school climate results in a surge in bullying cases, unsafe feelings, victimization, and aggression. While the elements of positive school culture vary from norms relative to power, relationships, and feelings, it’s evident that a positive climate is a product of a conscious process that becomes self-reinforcing (Goodwin et al. 330). The main determinants of a positive climate include leadership and integrity in learning institutions. Therefore, the ability to have cognitive leaders is an advantage of coping with bullying in schools.

Third, schools should engage parents. Parents spend most of their time with children at the primary level. While there are many stakeholders involved in the lives of the children, parents play an essential role in understanding their behavior. Engaging parents in bullying scenarios means initiating communication on the progress of the children in terms of behavior and performance. Integration between parents and teachers is essential in providing consistent approaches that help yield a more productive and appropriate behavior (Nickerson 22). Parents can help their children recognize while being bullied by others. However, the approach is not viable in urban schools as parents experience difficulties establishing trust with schools.

Finally, schools should initiate open communication techniques. Open communication is essential in building rapport. Having open communication means that students can disclose their problems to teachers. Open communication helps the teachers gain more insight into existing bullies in the school (Nickerson 20). For instance, classroom meetings in grade 4 will enable teachers to obtain crucial information in enacting more controls to curb bullying in schools. Teachers are expected to listen carefully during the class meetings to avoid inflicting fear on the learners. Students should be assured of confidentiality and privacy of the information obtained as any disclosure might attract further bullying.

Effects of School Bullying 

The effect of school bullying can be categorized in psychological and academic dimensions. Bullying results in poor performance in school. More than 70% of learners subjected to bullying ends up recording a decline in academic performance. The results are more severe at a young age. Bullying would result in fading of interest and participation of learners in school activities as it results in unexplained injuries linked to affecting concentration (Menesini and Christina 246). The impact of bullying on educational performance is increasingly becoming imminent. Bullying installs fear in learners from attending school regularly, thus affecting their consistency and concentration in class. Based on this explanation, it’s evident that bullied students will experience difficulties in achieving their academic goals. Moreover, bullying is linked with an unsafe learning environment that creates a negative climate of fear and insecurities and the perception that teachers do not care about the welfare of learners, thus decline in quality of education.

Secondly, bullying is associated with psychological problems. While bullying to individuals helps them enhance their personality and perceptions as they grow, it’s presumed that bullying can risk an individual developing an antisocial personality disorder linked to committing crimes. Bullying leads to depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic symptoms, which often leads to alcohol and substance abuse by the victims at a later stage in their lives. It’s argued that victims of depression feel free and open to share their experience with others, unlike in bullying, where the victims would choose to shy talking about the feeling in fear of being bullied again. In the short run, bystanders of the bullying experience may develop the fear, guiltiness, and sadness, and if the experience persists, they might get psychologically drained (Sampson). Therefore, the victims of bullying experiences struggle with insomnia, suicidal thoughts, health problems, and depression. Bullying does affect not only the students but also their classmates and family. Feeling powerless, parents and immediate family members might fall victim to depression and emotional distress. Some parents would invest more time in protecting their children, thus affecting them psychologically and economically.

Causes of Bullying

There are numerous causes of school bullying attached to religion, socioeconomic status, race, and gender. Understanding the reasons why students chose to bully their classmates is significant to teachers in combating bullying. The National Center for Educational Statistics report established that 25% of Blacks, 22% of Caucasians, 17% of Hispanics, and 9% of Asian students were bullied in 2017 (Divecha). Some of the students that bully others have higher levels of courage and confidence and can respond aggressively if threatened by the behavior. Students at the college level get bullied on sexual matters. For instance, the subscribers to LGBTQA sexual orientation get bullied based on their decision as gay or lesbians. Moreover, bullying in schools is caused by other factors attached to families. Students from abuse and divorced families are likely to bully others due to jealousy, anger, and despair.

From the above discussion, it’s evident that school bullying in whichever capacity is detrimental to human dignity. School bullying is increasingly becoming a social problem in modern society. Ideally, there are several types of school bullying attached to different causes. The effects of school bullying can be classified in psychological, economical, and academic dimensions. The primary forms of school form such as verbal, sexual, cyber, psychological, physical, and higher education bullying are categorized into direct and indirect bullying. The intervention strategies to curb bullying should involve all the stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and students. The main approaches in controlling bullying in school settings include implementing educative programs, creating a positive school climate, engaging parents, and encouraging open communication and punishments.

Works Cited

Divecha, Diana. “What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Bullying in Schools?”  Greater Good , ng_in_schools

Sampson, Rana. “Center for Problem-Oriented Policing.” Arizona State University,

Menesini, Ersilia, and Christina Salmivalli. “Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions.”  Psychology, health & medicine  22.sup1 (2017): 240-253.

Goodwin, John, et al. “Bullying in schools: an evaluation of the use of drama in bullying prevention.” Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 14.3 (2019): 329-342.

Nickerson, Amanda B. “Preventing and intervening with bullying in schools: A framework for evidence- based practice.”  School Mental Health  11.1 (2019): 15-28.

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Grant Hilary Brenner MD, DFAPA

The Broad Impact of School Bullying, and What Must Be Done

Major interventions are required to make schools safe learning environments..

Posted May 2, 2021 | Reviewed by Hara Estroff Marano

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  • At least one in five kids is bullied, and a significant percentage are bullies. Both are negatively affected, as are bystanders.
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According to the U.S. federal government website :

There is no federal law that specifically applies to bullying . In some cases, when bullying is based on race or ethnicity , color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion, bullying overlaps with harassment and schools are legally obligated to address it.

The National Bullying Prevention Center reports data suggesting that one in five children have been bullied. There are many risk factors for being targeted, including being seen as weak, being different from peers including being LGBT or having learning differences or visible disabilities, being depressed or anxious, and having few friends. It's hard to measure how many engage in bullying, but estimates range from one in twenty, to much higher .

The American Association of University Women reports that in grades 7-12, 48 percent of students (56 percent of girls and 40 percent of boys) are sexually harassed. In college, rates of sexual harassment rise to 66 percent. Eleven percent are raped or sexually assaulted.

Silence facilitates traumatization

Only 20 percent of attacked young women report sexual assault . And 89 percent of undergraduate schools report zero sexual harassment. This means that children, adolescents, young adults and their friends are at high risk for being victimized. It means that many kids know what is happening, and don't do anything.

This may be from fear of retaliation and socialization into a trauma-permissive culture, and it may be from lack of proper education and training. Institutional betrayal , when organizations fail to uphold their promises and responsibilities, adds to the problem.

In some states such as New York, laws like “ the Dignity for All Students Act ” (DASA) apply only to public schools. Private, religious, and denominational schools are not included, leaving 20 percent of students in NYC and 10 percent throughout the state unprotected. Research shows that over the last decade, bullying in U.S. high schools has held steady around 20 percent, and 15 percent for cyberbullying.

The impact of bullying

While there is much research on how bullying affects mental health, social function, and academics, the results are scattered across dozens of papers. A recent paper in the Journal of School Violence (Halliday et al., 2021) presents a needed systematic literature review on bullying’s impact in children aged 10-18.

1. Psychological: Being a victim of bullying was associated with increased depression , anxiety , and psychosis . Victims of bullying reported more suicidal thinking and engaged in greater self-harming behaviors. They were more likely to experience social anxiety , body-image issues, and negative conduct. Simultaneous cyberbullying and conventional bullying were associated with more severe depression.

2. Social: Bullying victims reported greater problems in relationships with family, friends and in day-to-day social interactions. They reported they enjoyed time with family and friends less, felt they were being treated unfairly more easily, and liked less where they lived. Victimized children were less popular and likeable, and experienced more social rejection. They tended to be friends with other victims, potentially heightening problems while also providing social support.

3. Academic achievement: Victimized kids on average had lower grades. Over time, they did worse especially in math. They tended to be more proficient readers, perhaps as a result of turning to books for comfort in isolation (something people with a history of being bullied commonly report in therapy ).

essay of bullying at school

4. School attitudes: Bullied children and adolescents were less engaged in education, had poorer attendance, felt less belonging, and felt more negatively about school.

5. What happens with age? Researchers studied adult psychiatric outcomes of bullying, looking at both victims and bullies, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatry (Copeland et al., 2013). After controlling for other childhood hardships, researchers found that young adults experience increased rates of agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and increased depression risk. Men had higher suicide risk.

The impact of bullying does not stop in early adulthood. Research in the Journals of Gerontology (Hu, 2021) found that people over the age of 60 who were bullied as children had more severe depression and had lower life satisfaction.

6. Bullying and the brain: Work reported in Frontiers in Psychiatry (Muetzel et al., 2019) found that victims of bullying had thickening of the fusiform gyrus, an area of the cerebral cortex involved with facial recognition, and sensing emotions from facial expressions. 1 For those with posttraumatic stress disorder, brain changes may be extensive.

7. Bystanders are affected: Research also shows that bystanders have higher rates of anxiety and depression (Midgett et al., 2019). The problem is magnified for bystanders who are also victims. It is likely that taking appropriate action is protective.

Given that victims of bullying are at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ; Idsoe et al., 2012), it’s important to understand that many of the reported psychiatric findings may be better explained by PTSD than as a handful of overlapping but separate diagnoses. Trauma often goes unrecognized.

What can be done?

The psychosocial and academic costs of unmitigated bullying are astronomical, to say nothing of the considerable economic cost. Change is needed, but resistance to change, as with racism, gender bias, and other forms of discrimination , is built into how we see things.

Legislation: There is no federal antibullying legislation, and state laws may be weak and inconsistently applied. Given that bullying rates are no longer falling, it’s important for lawmakers and advocates to seek immediate changes.

Bullying prevention: Schools can adopt antibullying programs, though they are not universally effective and sometimes may backfire. Overall, however, research in JAMA Pediatrics (Fraguas et al., 2021) shows that antibullying programs reduce bullying, improve mental health outcomes, and stay effective over time. 2

Trauma-informed education creates an environment in which all participants are aware of the impact of childhood trauma and the need for specific modifications given how trauma is common among children and how it affects development.

According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN):

"The primary mission of schools is to support students in educational achievement. To reach this goal, children must feel safe, supported, and ready to learn. Children exposed to violence and trauma may not feel safe or ready to learn. Not only are individual children affected by traumatic experiences, but other students, the adults on campus, and the school community can be impacted by interacting or working with a child who has experienced trauma. Thus, as schools maintain their critical focus on education and achievement, they must also acknowledge that mental health and wellness are innately connected to students’ success in the classroom and to a thriving school environment."

Parenting makes a difference. Certain parenting styles may set kids up for emotional abuse in relationships , while others may be protective. A 2019 study reported in Frontiers in Public Health (Plexousakis et al.) found that children with anxious, overprotective mothers were more likely to be victims.

Those with cold or detached mothers were more likely to become bullies. Overprotective fathering was associated with worse PTSD symptoms, likely by getting in the way of socialization. The children of overprotective fathers were also more likely to be aggressive.

Quality parental bonding, however, appeared to help protect children from PTSD symptoms. A healthy home environment is essential both for helping victims of bullying and preventing bullying in at-risk children.

Parents who recognize the need to learn more positive approaches can help buffer again the all-too-common cycle of passing trauma from generation to generation, building resilience and nurturing secure attachment to enjoy better family experiences and equip children to thrive.

State-by-state legislation

Bullying prevention programs (the KiVA program is also notable)

Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration and Bystander Experiences , Centers for Disease Control

Trauma-informed teaching

US Government Stop Bullying

1. Such differences could both result from being bullied (e.g. needing to scan faces for threat) and could also make being bullied more likely (e.g. misreading social cues leading to increased risk of being targeted).

2. Such programs focus on reducing negative messaging in order to keep stakeholders engaged, monitor and respond quickly to bullying, involve students in bullying prevention and detection in positive ways (e.g. being an “upstander” instead of a bystander), monitor more closely for bullying when the risk is higher (e.g. after anti-bullying trainings), respond fairly with the understanding that bullies often have problems of their own and need help, involved parents and teachers in anti-bullying education, and devote specific resources for anti-bullying.

Sarah Halliday, Tess Gregory, Amanda Taylor, Christianna Digenis & Deborah Turnbull (2021): The Impact of Bullying Victimization in Early Adolescence on Subsequent Psychosocial and Academic Outcomes across the Adolescent Period: A Systematic Review, Journal of School Violence, DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2021.1913598

Copeland WE, Wolke D, Angold A, Costello EJ. Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013;70(4):419–426. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.504

Bo Hu, PhD, Is Bullying Victimization in Childhood Associated With Mental Health in Old Age, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 76, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 161–172,

Muetzel RL, Mulder RH, Lamballais S, Cortes Hidalgo AP, Jansen P, Güroğlu B, Vernooiji MW, Hillegers M, White T, El Marroun H and Tiemeier H (2019) Frequent Bullying Involvement and Brain Morphology in Children. Front. Psychiatry 10:696. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00696

Midgett, A., Doumas, D.M. Witnessing Bullying at School: The Association Between Being a Bystander and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms. School Mental Health 11, 454–463 (2019).

Idsoe, T., Dyregrov, A. & Idsoe, E.C. Bullying and PTSD Symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol 40, 901–911 (2012).

Fraguas D, Díaz-Caneja CM, Ayora M, Durán-Cutilla M, Abregú-Crespo R, Ezquiaga-Bravo I, Martín-Babarro J, Arango C. Assessment of School Anti-Bullying Interventions: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Pediatr. 2021 Jan 1;175(1):44-55. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.3541. PMID: 33136156; PMCID: PMC7607493.

Plexousakis SS, Kourkoutas E, Giovazolias T, Chatira K and Nikolopoulos D (2019) School Bullying and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: The Role of Parental Bonding. Front. Public Health 7:75. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00075

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Grant Hilary Brenner MD, DFAPA

Grant Hilary Brenner, M.D., a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, helps adults with mood and anxiety conditions, and works on many levels to help unleash their full capacities and live and love well.

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Essay on Bullying in Schools

Students are often asked to write an essay on Bullying in Schools in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Bullying in Schools

Understanding bullying.

Bullying in schools is a serious issue. It involves repeated, unwanted, aggressive behavior. It can be physical, verbal, or social.

Effects of Bullying

Bullying harms students both mentally and physically. It can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and even thoughts of suicide.

Preventing Bullying

Schools can prevent bullying by fostering a safe environment. Encourage students to report bullying and provide support for victims.

Role of Students

As students, you can help by standing up against bullying. Be a friend, not a bystander.

250 Words Essay on Bullying in Schools


Bullying in schools is a pervasive issue that affects students’ academic performance and emotional well-being. It is a detrimental act, characterized by the intention to cause harm, repetition, and power imbalance between the bully and the victim.

Prevalence and Impacts

The prevalence of bullying is alarmingly high, with approximately one in three students worldwide reporting being bullied. The impacts are far-reaching, causing significant psychological distress, leading to depression, anxiety, and, in severe cases, self-harm and suicide.

The Role of the Internet

The advent of the internet has given rise to cyberbullying, exacerbating the issue. Cyberbullying allows perpetrators to hide behind screens, making it easier to inflict harm and harder for victims to escape.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing bullying requires a comprehensive approach. Schools should foster a culture of respect and inclusion, implement anti-bullying policies, and ensure their enforcement. Teachers and parents need to be educated about recognizing and addressing bullying.

Bullying in schools is a critical issue that requires collective effort to combat. By fostering an environment of respect and empathy, we can mitigate the impacts of bullying and build safer, more inclusive educational environments.

500 Words Essay on Bullying in Schools

Bullying in schools is a pervasive issue that affects millions of students worldwide. It is a complex phenomenon that involves a range of harmful actions, both physical and psychological, carried out by one student or a group of students against their peers.

The Nature of Bullying

Bullying can take many forms, from physical aggression to verbal taunts, social exclusion, spreading rumors, and cyberbullying. The common thread is the intention to harm and the presence of a power imbalance, with the bully often being physically, socially, or psychologically dominant. Bullying can have severe and long-lasting impacts on the victims, including mental health issues, academic problems, and even suicidal ideation.

The Underlying Causes

The reasons why bullying occurs are multifaceted. Some scholars suggest it’s an expression of an innate human tendency for dominance and aggression. Others point to environmental factors such as family dynamics, school climate, and societal norms that tolerate or even endorse aggression. Bullying can also be a learned behavior, with bullies often having been victims of bullying themselves or having witnessed it in their surroundings.

The Role of Schools

Prevention and intervention strategies.

Addressing bullying requires comprehensive, evidence-based strategies. Schools should adopt a whole-school approach that involves students, staff, parents, and the wider community. This approach includes implementing clear anti-bullying policies, providing regular training for staff and students, fostering a positive school climate, and offering support services for victims.

Bystander intervention is also a promising strategy. Encouraging students to stand up against bullying, rather than passively witnessing it, can significantly reduce the prevalence of bullying. Furthermore, restorative justice approaches, where bullies are made to understand the harm they’ve caused and take responsibility for their actions, can be highly effective.

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School Bullying: Causes and Effects

Bullying has become one of the most urgent problems in modern society. It comes from different sources and affects victims’ psychological state and quality of life. In this essay, we analyze the causes of bullying in school, its effects on victims, and mitigation measures that should be taken.

Cause and Effect of Bullying: Essay Introduction

Cause of bullying in school, bullying causes and effects: mitigation measures, works cited.

Bullying is one of the main challenges children face at school. It is a global problem that is currently affecting many youth. The rate at which bullying cases are reported causes many worries to parents. The issue is severe to the extent that many children have learned to live with it, and some have created the notion that bullying is part of their life in the early years of their development. Several cases, especially in the United States and Japan, have been reported about children’s humiliation, mistreatment, physical attacks, and even rape cases of young female learners.

The effects of bullying on a child can be very traumatizing if not carefully addressed. These effects sometimes are long-lasting and can provoke the victim to take dangerous measures to forget the incidents. According to Rigby (64), bullying experiences can cost the lives of the victims if not prevented in time. In New York, it is reported that a young immigrant killed herself due to excessive bullying. This researcher argues that it is high time for the issue of bullying in schools to be addressed. The notion that bullying is a rite of passage should be eliminated. This research paper aims to explore the causes, effects, and possible solutions to bullying in schools.

According to Olweus (34), many reasons lead to bullying in schools. One of the main causes is the cultural factor. This includes race and ethnicity. A child may be a bully or a victim if he or she comes from a majority or minority race, respectively. Another cause of bullying in schools is the nature of life a child is exposed to. In many families in developed countries, children can comfortably watch TV even in their bedrooms. Instead of studying, such children spend their time playing computer games. Their games make them bullies because they see others practice the same.

According to Tattumand Lane (27), high expectations of parents of their children contribute to bullying. The reason is that a child will spend much time studying to perform well and meet the parents’ expectations. Failure to achieve the target may develop stress in a child, and they will express anger through shouting or bullying fellow learners. Another cause of bullying in schools emanates from the family’s social status. A child from a humble background will always have some pressurizing needs that are not met. This child will always want to express this frustration to fellow learners, especially those from stable families, by bullying them.

The effects of bullying, as mentioned above, can be very traumatizing. Victims of bullying may opt to drop out of school because of the trauma they experience. Others may develop irresponsible behavior that involves missing classes on most occasions. School irregularities among the learners result in poor performance. Bullying leads to stress among the victims. This, in turn, results in poor communication with these children. McGrath (44) argues that, in some cases, excessive bullying can lead to victims committing suicide to escape from painful experiences and memories.

Some of the effects are short-term, but if not well addressed, they can result in serious complications. The victims may have bed-wetting problems, unexplained worries, and digestive problems because of the fear instilled in them. Some victims with the intention of hitting back may develop very destructive behavior. Other victims may end up engaging in drug abuse to make them forget their painful experiences. Bullying affects the normal development of victims and makes them have low self-esteem (Dupper 62). 

Mitigating bullying in schools is not a one-person battle. Since it is a global issue, it calls for a collaborative and participatory approach to addressing the problem. Teachers, parents, and policymakers have a significant role in curbing this bad behavior in schools. Teachers spend much of their time with the learners and, therefore, can easily control their behavior while in school. They should be tough and keen to identify the bullies and expel or suspend them from school to avoid spreading such behaviors among other learners. School administrators should seriously punish the physically strong learners who take advantage of the weak ones by mistreating them. The administration should not tolerate any sign of bullying within the school (Tattum&Lane 53). 

Parents should also be strict with their children and avoid anything that may turn them into bullies. Watching TV and playing computer games must be regulated at home. The child should be seriously punished if he or she shows some bullying behavior while at home. The government also has an essential role in curbing this vice. Policymakers must enact policies that address bullying in schools. These policies should be implemented and strictly adhered to, and whoever violates them should face the law irrespective of age. All the stakeholders, including the humanitarian non-governmental organizations, must join hands to curb this vice in society. Through this collaborative approach, success will be achieved.

Dupper, David. School Bullying: New Perspectives on a Growing Problem . New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. Print.

McGrath, Mary. School Bullying: Tools for Avoiding Harm and Liability . Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press, 2007. Print.

Olweus, Dan. Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do . Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1993. Print.

Rigby, Ken. Bullying in Schools and What to Do About It . Melbourne, Vic: ACER, 2007. Print.

Tattum, Delwyn, and David Lane. Bullying in Schools . Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham, 1988. Print.

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School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention Essay

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Bullying in schools, what the police can do to prevent bullying in schools, community policing strategies, reference list.

Bullying is a form of scurrilous treatment which mainly entails emotional, physical or verbal harassment directed towards people of certain levels, gender, race and religion just to mention but a few. It mainly occurs when there is imbalance in power such that those deemed to be on the lower physical or social levels are bullied by those in the higher levels of power and social status.

Bullying can occur in many contexts especially where human beings interact with each other such as in the work places, learning institutions, family, churches among others. It is however more prone in schools as compared to the other areas. When bullying occurs, it causes oppression to the affected parties thus affecting their social life and studies in the case of students.

This paper is therefore an analysis of the possible causes and ways of preventing instances of bullying in schools by the police. Past and present approaches of addressing the issue of bullying in schools will further be discussed.

The problem of bullying in schools has been a major problem for many school going children and individuals. This is mainly because those who have undergone it or have seen fellow students in that situation will always have the fear of being in the same environment with the bullies.

As a matter of fact, recent research has shown that the instances of bullying in schools have been on the rise. This has been caused by the absence of ethos making some of the students or rather the bullies to obtain aggressive behavior to bully others.

It is for this reason that there has been need for the intervention of the community and the government to address the issue of bullying schools lest the school environment becomes the worst place to be in.

The fact that bullying in schools is very detrimental to the growth and psychological effects of most school going children leading to instances of depression, low self-esteem and in some cases suicide makes it require immediate causes of action to prevent it.

If this vice is left untreated, the school bullies end up being the societal criminals. School bullying has been identified to result into other antisocial behaviors such as shop lifting, drug and alcohol addicts, vandalism just to mention but a few. It therefore because of this reason that the police force comes in to prevent this act before it develops into more serious crimes.

To begin with is the enactment of the School Bullying Prevention Act which states regulates the control and discipline of school children thus prohibiting them from any form of harassment, bullying or intimidation in the school environment. Through the guidance of this policy, the police are therefore in a position to act in accordance to its provisions thus making any offender punishable under the law.

The police force can prevent instances of bullying in schools by visiting the nearby schools to give them presentation on bullying. This way, the students will understand the effects and consequences of bullying thus shun away from this practice.

Through the establishment of a good relationship with the school, the police force will educate the students on violent prevention and how they can deal with cases of bullying. This is to make sure that the students that nave been bullied report the matter to the authorities without fear since they are well informed of the measures to be taken. Through this information, the rate of bullying in schools will be reduced since the bullies will be aware of the impacts they could face after such acts.

A major obligation of the police force is that of provision of safety in the society. Therefore, the police force can use this as one way of dealing with bullying in schools. This is such that they ensure the school’s environment is very safe by making routine visits to the surrounding.

This will reduce bullying instances as the bullies usually use the hidden or the not-open ground to bully others. Thus in the instance that they are ware of police making visits in the school compound, they will deter from doing such acts for the fear of being caught.

Last but not least, the school’s administration should have direct hotline link with the police forces to ensure immediate response in case of bullying.

The problem of bullying in schools is not for a few but for everyone in the society. This is because the school children will at one point in time be members or leaders of the society. Therefore the community is no exception when it comes to dealing with the issue of bullying in schools. There are various community policy strategies that are applicable in stopping bullying in schools some of which include the following;

  • Involving professionals, parents, volunteers and the youth in the fight against bullying in school- This entails involving different groups and categories of people to advice and guide the children on bullying effects and impacts. These people could include the counselors who will have counseling sessions in schools to educate the children on how to deal with the problem of bullying for those addicted to it or on how to report it for the victims of bullying. Parents also play a great role by raising their children in a disciplined manner. All the aforementioned groups of people can again come together and form ‘stop bullying in schools’ campaign.
  • Raising community awareness; since bullying is often difficult at most times to understand, the community can raise awareness and inform people of how they can predict and recognize bullying. This will be through educating them on the signs of bullying and the consequent measures be taken.
  • Assessing the strength and needs of the community- This entails finding out how the society perceives the bullying vice and measures that have been put in place to deal with it. This way, one will be in a good position to know the requirements of the community in terms of the issue of bullying in schools.

From the above discussion, it can be clearly seen that bullying is a bone of contention for many people. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of all ambers of the society to deal with the issue of bullying in schools and not to be left on the hands of the school administrators only. Despite the fact that bullying instances have been on the rise in the recent past, ideal measures have been put in place to deal with the issue unlike it was in the past years.

Carey, T. (2003) Improving the success of anti-bullying intervention programs: A tool for matching programs with purposes. International Journal of Reality Therapy, 23(2), 16-23

Whitted, K.and Dupper, D. (2005). Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing

Bullying in Schools. Children and Schools , Vol. 27, No. 3, July 2005, pp. 167-175(9).

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 20). School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention.

"School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention." IvyPanda , 20 Mar. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention'. 20 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention." March 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention." March 20, 2019.


IvyPanda . "School Bullying: Causes and Police Prevention." March 20, 2019.

What you need to know about school violence and bullying

essay of bullying at school

Bullying in schools deprives millions of children and young people of their fundamental right to education. A recent UNESCO report revealed that more than 30% of the world's students have been victims of bullying, with devastating consequences on academic achievement, school dropout, and physical and mental health.

The world is marking the first International Day against Violence and Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying , on 5 November. Here is what you need to know about school violence and bullying.

What is school violence?

School violence refers to all forms of violence that takes place in and around schools and is experienced by students and perpetrated by other students, teachers and other school staff. This includes bullying and cyberbullying. Bullying is one of the most pervasive forms of school violence, affecting 1 in 3 young people.

What forms may school violence take?

Based on existing international surveys that collect data on violence in schools, UNESCO recognizes the following forms of school violence:

  • Physical violence, which is any form of physical aggression with intention to hurt perpetrated by peers, teachers or school staff.
  • Psychological violence as verbal and emotional abuse, which includes any forms of isolating, rejecting, ignoring, insults, spreading rumors, making up lies, name-calling, ridicule, humiliation and threats, and psychological punishment.
  • Sexual violence, which includes intimidation of a sexual nature, sexual harassment, unwanted touching, sexual coercion and rape, and it is perpetrated by a teacher, school staff or a schoolmate or classmate.
  • Physical bullying, including hitting, kicking and the destruction of property;
  • Psychological bullying, such as teasing, insulting and threatening; or relational, through the spreading of rumours and exclusion from a group; and
  • Sexual bullying, such as making fun of a victim with sexual jokes, comments or gestures, which may be defined as sexual ‘harassment’ in some countries.
  • Cyberbullying is a form of psychological or sexual bullying that takes place online. Examples of cyberbullying include posting or sending messages, pictures or videos, aimed at harassing, threatening or targeting another person via a variety of media and social media platforms. Cyberbullying may also include spreading rumours, posting false information, hurtful messages, embarrassing comments or photos, or excluding someone from online networks or other communications.

Who perpetrates school violence?

School violence is perpetrated by students, teachers and other school staff. However, available evidence shows that violence perpetrated by peers is the most common.

What are the main reasons why children are bullied?

All children can be bullied, yet evidence shows that children who are perceived to be “different” in any way are more at risk. Key factors include physical appearance, ethnic, linguistic or cultural background, gender, including not conforming to gender norms and stereotypes; social status and disability.

What are the consequences of school violence?

Educational consequences: Being bullied undermines the sense of belonging at school and affects continued engagement in education. Children who are frequently bullied are more likely to feel like an outsider at school, and more likely to want to leave school after finishing secondary education. Children who are bullied have lower academic achievements than those who are not frequently bullied.

Health consequences: Children’s mental health and well-being can be adversely impacted by bullying. Bullying is associated with higher rates of feeling lonely and suicidal, higher rates of smoking, alcohol and cannabis use and lower rates of self-reported life satisfaction and health. School violence can also cause physical injuries and harm.

What are the linkages between school violence and bullying, school-related gender-based violence and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression?

School violence may be perpetrated as a result of gender norms and stereotypes and enforced by unequal power dynamics and is therefore referred to as school-related gender-based violence. It includes, in particular, a specific type of gender-based violence that is linked to the actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity or expression of victims, including homophobic and transphobic bullying. School-related gender-based violence is a significant part of school violence that requires specific efforts to address.

Does school-related gender-based violence refer to sexual violence against girls only?         

No. School-related gender-based violence refers to all forms of school violence that is based on or driven by gender norms and stereotypes, which also includes violence against and between boys.

Is school violence always gender-based?           

There are many factors that drive school violence. Gender is one of the significant drivers of violence but not all school violence is based on gender. Moreover, international surveys do not systematically collect data on the gendered nature of school violence, nor on violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. 

Based on the analysis of global data, there are no major differences in the prevalence of bullying for boys and girls. However, there are some differences between boys and girls in terms of the types of bullying they experience. Boys are much more exposed to physical bullying, and to physical violence in general, than girls. Girls are slightly more exposed to psychological bullying, particularly through cyberbullying. According to the same data, sexual bullying the same proportion of boys and girls. Data coming from different countries, however, shows that girls are increasingly exposed to sexual bullying online.

How does UNESCO help prevent and address school violence and bullying?

The best available evidence shows that responses to school violence and bullying that are effective should be comprehensive and include a combination of policies and interventions. Often this comprehensive response to school violence and bullying is referred to as a whole-school approach. Based on an extensive review of existing conceptual frameworks that describe that whole-school approach, UNESCO has identified nine key components of a response that goes beyond schools and could be better described as a whole-education system or whole-education approach.  These components are the following:

  • Strong political leadership and robust legal and policy framework to address school violence and bullying;
  • Training and support for teachers on school violence and bullying prevention and positive classroom management
  • Curriculum, learning & teaching to promote, a caring (i.e. anti- school violence and bullying) school climate and students’ social and emotional skills
  • A safe psychological and physical school and classroom environment
  • Reporting mechanisms for students affected by school violence and bullying, together with support and referral services
  • Involvement of all stakeholders in the school community including parents
  • Student empowerment and participation
  • Collaboration and partnerships between the education sector and a wide range of partners (other government sectors, NGOs, academia)
  • Evidence: monitoring of school violence and bullying and evaluation of responses

More on UNESCO’s work to prevent and address school violence and bullying

Read UNESCO's publication Behind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying

Photo: Eakachai Leesin/

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Bullying: Problems and Solutions, Essay Example

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In recent years bullying has received greater attention in America’s schools, though the issue of bullying is hardly a new one. While many people might consider bullying to be a matter involving physical intimidation and even physical violence, the range of behaviors that comprise bullying are much broader, and include psychological as well as physical intimidation and actions. According to Long and Alexander (2010), bullying “has been defined as hostile actions, recurring over time that is deliberately destructive and occurs without provocation.” Long and Alexander go on to describe bullying as “a subtype of violent behavior,” driving home the point that the emotional impact of bullying is a form of violence even if no actual physical contact is involved. Bullying behaviors are not restricted to schools; they’re also found ion homes and other social settings, and even in the workplace among adults. From a statistical standpoint, however, bullying is especially pervasive among students of middle-school age (Long & Alexander), and as such it is of significant concern to administrators, teachers, and parents. The following paper examines some of the issues and problems associated with school bullying, as well as several possible solutions.

While bullying is associated with a number of problems for victims and those whose role it is to protect them, perhaps the most significant problem involving bullying is simply recognizing it. There are a number of reasons why bullying often goes unnoticed; among these is that many of the behaviors that constitute bullying often take place less overtly than some of the most blatant acts of physical intimidation or violence. Identifying is inherently subjective, and those who are tasked with identifying it and reporting it will not always see bullying when it occurs (Brank, Hoetger& Hazen, 2012). What might look like harmless teasing to one person might appear to be a clear case of bullying to another. Many forms of bullying fall under the heading of indirect or “relational” bullying, including gossip and rumor, social exclusion, and other social behaviors that can be difficult to identify as bullying (Long & Alexander). Another related problem is that even when some teachers or administrators are aware of bullying, they choose not to intervene. According to one study, 71% of teachers simply ignore most instances of bullying (Schroeder, 1999). Before any effective solutions can be found to bullying it is first necessary for teachers, administrators and parents to know how to identify it and to take it seriously.

Another set of problems associated with bullying are the risk factors that correlate to becoming a potential victim of bullying.Being the victim of bullying is known to be associated with a number of serious risk factors. Studies have determined that there are some cognitive and emotional factors that are commonly seen in victims, which seems to indicate a causal relationship between the two (Brank et al.) These include such conditions as Asperger’s syndrome, a condition on the autism spectrum that undermines an individual’s capacity to understand social norms and respond with socially appropriate behaviors. Children with stronger peer and friend relationships are less likely to be targeted for bullying, though there may be an inverse relationship at work, with victims of bullying retreating from social relationships, thereby affirming the conditions of victim status (Brank et al.). External factors such as socioeconomic background and race are also correlated with bullying, especially when these factors place victims in a social minority at school.

The most serious problems associated with bullying are, of course, the effects on victims. Bullying victims suffer from a range of problems, including higher rates of emotional disturbances such as depression and anxiety (Long & Alexander). Victims of bullying are at a greater risk of committing suicide, using drugs and alcohol, and becoming detached from social settings such as school and family (Brank et al). Victims may develop overt physical symptoms predicated by the stress of victimization, and often report headaches, stomachaches, and other ailments (Collier, 2013). Bullying has clear and often serious effects on victims.

Solving the problem of bullying has no one-size-fits-all solution, and typically requires a multi-pronged approach. The first step towards addressing the issue of bullying is simply raising awareness among responsible adults about the seriousness of the problem. Teachers, administrators, and parents must be given the tools and information to identify bullying behaviors and to understand their negative consequences in order to be able to intervene appropriately. This requires more than just informal conversations, and must include appropriate programs that are provided in an adequate and complete fashion. Settings fort this might include seminars and forums for school officials and teachers, as well as parent-teacher conferences and other settings where parents can be given educational materials and information about available resources.

This educational information must be backed up by practical structures and interventions in schools, with clearly-defined anti-bullying policies and clearly-defined consequences for students who victimize other students (Long & Alexander). Students must also be properly informed about the seriousness of bullying and about the consequences for bullies who engage in inappropriate behavior.  Many states have passed anti-bullying legislation which makes bullying a legal matter, and such legislation generally includes significant punitive measures for bullies, including suspension, expulsion, and even incarceration (Duncan, 2011). While such rules and laws are helpful and appropriate, the best way to protect potential victims is for those responsible for supervising students to intervene as early as possible to minimize the damage of bullying.

Parents of bullying victims can also take steps to minimize the effects of bullying. This can include providing “insulating or protective factors” (Brank et al) to help the victim avoid contact with the bully and to provide positive emotional support. For victims who do not have strong social bonds, parents can help by involving their children in activities of interest or, in some cases, switching schools or finding alternatives to typical education. Victims of bullying may be helped by counseling, and schools should help provide information about the resources available to victims and their families.

While bullying is clearly a serious problem for many victims, it is also clear that bullying behaviors often go unnoticed or ignored by those who are in a position to intervene. Teachers and school officials must learn to identify the range of bullying behaviors and to take these behaviors seriously, while school officials must provide appropriate information for teachers and establish guidelines and policies for students related to anti-bullying measures. Parents must learn to spot the signs that indicate their child is being bullied, and take advantage of the resources and information available to protect and help their children. There is no single solution to stopping bullying, but by working together, parents and schools can help to reduce the problem.

Brank,, E., Hoetger, L., & Hazen, K. (2012). Bullying.  Annual Review Of Law And Social Science I , 8 (2132).

Long, T., Alexander, K. (2010). Bullying: Dilemmas, Definitions, And Solutions. (2010).  Contemporary Issues In Education Research ,  3 (2).

Collier, R. (2013). Bullying Symptoms.  CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal ,  85 (16).

Duncan, S. (2011). Restorative Justice and Bullying: A Missing Solution in the Anti-Bullying Laws.  New England Journal On Criminal & Civil Confinement ,  327 (267).

Schroeder, K. (1999). Bullying.  The Education Digest ,  65 (4).

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Students Experiencing Bullying

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This information is designed to help teachers respond to students who may need support. It is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool or to replace the use of formal assessments employed by mental health professionals. Additionally, it is important to consider the context of the situation, individual differences, and cultural and linguistic considerations.

Teachers are an important part of establishing and maintaining healthy environments for children to learn and grow. Teachers are critical contributors to promoting safe school interactions and facilitating positive relationships.

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What is Bullying?

  • Bullying, including cyberbullying, involves repeated actions intended to cause harm in relationships where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
  • Bullying can be verbal (e.g., purposeful humiliation, teasing, threatening), physical (e.g., hitting, kicking, shoving) or relational (e.g., social exclusion, spreading hurtful rumors).
  • Bullying can occur in many contexts on school campus or off campus (e.g., in the virtual learning environment [VLE] or cyberbullying) Cyberbullying, for example, is not limited to either physical academic spaces or even the hours spent in them, but in fact, often occurs outside of both.
  • Bullying and cyberbullying includes the interactions among students who bully, targets of bullying, and, at times, bystanders. Students may fall into one or more of these groups, depending on the social situation.
  • Bias-based bullying is bullying that specifically targets a person because of characteristics of their identity (e.g., race, language, sexual orientation, ability, body size, gender identity, religion and/or practices).
  • Cyberbullying is distinct from in-person bullying. It is willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.
  • Cyberbullying content can be very public and pervasive, and can exist permanently in a digital archive, such as via social media. It can also be targeted directly to a single student, such as via text or direct messaging.

How Does Bullying Affect Students?

There is the potential for long-term negative mental health outcomes (e.g., anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression) for youth whoare the targets of bullying as well as those who bully.  Schools with healthy climates that discourage bullying have better academic outcomes.

  • Bullying may serve a function for students who instigate it (e.g., help them to achieve popularity, attention). Understanding the function that bullying serves can help teachers and professionals at school to identify other, more positive ways for students to succeed.
  • Students who initiate bullying may have been in a situation where they themselves were bullied.
  • Students who bully others are at a high risk for conduct problems (e.g., domestic violence, substance abuse).
  • Students who bully others need support from teachers and professionals in the school.
  • Students who engage in cyberbullying may feel more emboldened about doing so online than they would in person because of the actual physical separation, lack of school staff oversight, and/or anonymity offered by online communication.
  • Students who are targeted for bullying are often members of historically marginalized groups, such as racial and ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ community, and children with different abilities.
  • Students who are bullied can disengage from school, which can, in turn, negatively impacts their relationships and academic achievement. They may even engage in self-harm.
  • Students who are bullied may seek self-protection behaviors such as avoiding recess, defending themselves, or, in cases of cyberbullying, attempting to retaliate in kind.
  • Via device delivery, cyberbullying threatens the student with notifications, which can make them feel like the instigator is always near.
  • Students who are bullied need support from teachers and professionals in the school.
  • Students who are bullied should be encouraged to report bullying to trusted adults: a neighbor, mentor, parent, friend’s parent, teacher, coach, etc.
  • Bystanders are students who observe bullying but are not directly involved in bullying. These witnesses often fear being victimized themselves.
  • Bystanders can play four roles when they witness bullying:
  • Assistant: these children may not lead in the bullying behavior, but serve as an “assistant” to the children who are bullying by encouraging the behavior or occasionally joining in.
  • Reinforcer: these children are not directly involved in bullying, but they provide an audience. They will often laugh or provide other support for the children who are engaged in bullying, which may encourage the bullying to continue.
  • Outsider: these children remain separate from the bullying situation – they do not reinforce the bullying behavior, but neither do they defend the child being bullied. They may not show that they are on anyone’s side. However, just providing an audience can encourage bullying behavior.
  • Defenders: these children may intervene when bullying occurs, actively coming to the defense of or comforting the child being bullied.
  • Bystanders can play an important part in calling out and reporting bullying, and stopping it from occurring.
  • When bullying is ignored, bystanders may conclude these actions are condoned by the adults.
  • Student witnesses who fail to intervene can experience guilt that they did not stop the incident.

In-person Bullying on School Grounds

  • Name calling, fighting, humiliation, and public shaming in class or at school.
  • Excluding someone from a group or event, such as from the lunch table.
  • Gossiping or spreading rumors.
  • Physical acts such as shoving, pushing, punching, stealing, or even attempting to intimidate a peer to help them cheat in class or on homework.
  • Stalking and following.

Cyberbullying Via Classroom Chat, Social Media, or Gaming Platforms

  • Name calling, fighting, humiliation, and public shaming online.
  • Excluding someone from a chat or other online event.
  • Gossiping or spreading rumors, sometimes through a false impersonation/avatar/online personality.
  • Sharing incriminating or embarrassing pictures or texts.
  • Cyberstalking, inauthentically responding to a post or message, trolling, and “catfishing” or false online personality.

What Can Teachers Do?


Do : Address the inappropriate behavior early and often.

Don’t ignore problematic behavior. Inconsistent responses increase the likelihood of the behavior recurring.


Do : Separately engage students who bully, targets of bullying, and bystanders in resolving the incident.

Don’t focus only on a single individual in the situation or meet with all parties at the same time.


Do : Use consequences that repair the harm and help the perpetrator understand the impact of their actions. Express belief in the bullying student’s ability to engage in positive behaviors and offer praise.

Don’t address the instigator with punitive, humiliating, and exclusionary disciplinary practices (e.g., suspension, public admission of guilt, zero tolerance policies).


Do : Empower bystanders to intervene and report incidents of bullying and affirm their integrity and courage.

Don’t assume that witnesses are uninvolved, even in the VLE.


Do : Be consistent. Set expectations for student behavior and remind students of the expectations frequently. Specific expectations will likely differ between in-person classes and the VLE. Take the time to address microaggressions at the time of the incident.

Specific expectations will likely differ between in-person classes and the VLE. Take the time to address microaggressions at the time of the incident. 

Don’t wait for a major event or a designated initiative (e.g., AntiBullying Week) to address behaviors.


Do : Accurately label the inappropriate behavior as bullying.

Don’t minimize or downplay an incident based on assumptions about student characteristics or relationships.

Recommended Practices

  • Schools with safe and positive school climates often use an explicit social and emotional learning curriculum. Seek training on adopting a comprehensive social emotional learning curriculum to promote safe, positive school environments. Select a social emotional learning curriculum that specifically addresses bullying, cyberbullying, and bias-based bullying (bullying based on identity characteristics, such as race, language, gender). Consider the comfort of each student when planning meetings. Having the target of bullying and the instigator in the same room can be intimidating and embarrassing. Bystanders often wish to remain anonymous.
  • With your students, develop a class contract that specifies mutual respect, inclusion, and anti-bullying. Refer to the contract throughout the year.
  • Conduct classroom activities around bullying. Discuss its short-term and long-term impacts on health and personality. Have discussions to promote better peer relations.
  • Discuss bullying in the context of students’ sociopolitical contexts, including the possibility of bullying targeting students because of their identity, and the importance of addressing bias-based bullying and hate speech.
  • Be the adult your students need. Treat students with warmth and respect: Let students know that you are available to listen and help them.

Refer Students to Further Help if Needed

  • Be familiar with your state’s antibullying legislation and your school’s and district’s policies regarding bullying.
  • Encourage parents to report bullying to school staff, rather than attempting to resolve bullying incidents among themselves.
  • Review your school policy for seeking student supports.
  • Contact school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and other personnel.
  • Stop Bullying
  • BullyBusters Help & Advice
  • Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
  • APA Bullying Resource
  • Cyberbullying resources: Cyberbullying Research Center Common Sense KidsHealth Child Mind Institute Cyberbully411
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Related Mental Health Primers

Trauma exposure , depression , stress , low self-esteem

Empirical Research

Acker, M.M. & O’Leary, S.G. (1987). Effects of reprimands and praise on behavior in the classroom. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 15, 549-557.

DuPaul, G.J., Eckert, T.L., & Vilardo, B.A. (2012).  The effects of school-based interventions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analysis, 1996-2010. School Psychology Review, 41, 387-412. 

Fabiano, G.A., Pelham, W.E. Jr., Coles, E.K., Gnagy, E.M., Chronis-Tuscano, A., & O’Connor, B.C. (2009).  A meta-analysis of behavioral treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 29-140.

Pfiffner, L.J., Villodas, M., Kaiser, N., Rooney, M., & McBurnett, K. (2013). Educational outcomes of a collaborative school-home behavioral intervention for ADHD. School Psychology Quarterly, 28, 25-36.

Sarver, D.E., Rapport, M.D., Kofler, M.J., Raiker, J. S., & Friedman, L. M. (2015). Hyperactivity in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Impairing deficit or compensatory behavior? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43, 1219–1232.

The Mental Health Primers are developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education . This resource was updated in October 2021 with support from cooperative agreement NU87PS004366 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or endorsement of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.

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About Bullying

  • Bullying is a form of youth violence and an adverse childhood experience (ACE).
  • Bullying is widespread in the U.S., but bullying is preventable.

What is bullying?

CDC defines bullying as any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths, who are not siblings or current dating partners, that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance, and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm. 1 Common types of bullying include:

  • Physical such as hitting, kicking, and tripping.
  • Verbal including name-calling and teasing.
  • Relational or social such as spreading rumors and leaving out of the group.
  • Damage to victim's property.

Bullying can also occur through technology, which is called electronic bullying or cyberbullying. 1 A young person can be a perpetrator, a victim, or both (also known as "bully/victim").

For more information about bullying definitions, please see Bullying Surveillance Among Youths: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1 .

Quick facts and stats

Bullying is widespread in the United States. Bullying negatively impacts all youth involved including those who are bullied, those who bully others, and those who witness bullying, known as bystanders.

  • Bullying is common . About 1 in 5 high school students reported being bullied on school property. More than 1 in 6 high school students reported being bullied electronically in the last year. 2
  • Some youth experience bullying more than others . Nearly 40% of high school students who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and about 33% of those who were not sure of their sexual identity experienced bullying at school or electronically in the last year, compared to 22% of heterosexual high school students. About 30% of female high school students experienced bullying at school or electronically in the last year, compared to about 19% of males. Nearly 29% of white high school students experienced bullying at school or electronically in the last year compared to about 19% of Hispanic and 18% of Black high school students. 2
  • Reports of bullying are highest in middle schools (28%) followed by high schools (16%), combined schools (12%), and primary schools (9%).
  • Reports of cyberbullying are highest in middle schools (33%) followed by high schools (30%), combined schools (20%), and primary schools (5%). 3

Bullying can result in physical injury, social and emotional distress, self-harm, and even death. It also increases the risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school. Youth who bully others are at increased risk for substance misuse, academic problems, and experiencing violence later in adolescence and adulthood. 4 Youth who bully others and are bullied themselves suffer the most serious consequences and are at greater risk for mental health and behavioral problems.

Bullying is preventable. There are many factors that may increase or decrease the risk for perpetrating or experiencing bullying. To prevent bullying, we must understand and address the factors that put people at risk for or protect them from violence . CDC developed, Youth Violence Prevention Resource for Action , to help communities take advantage of the best available evidence to prevent youth violence. 5 This resource is also available in Spanish and can be used as a tool in efforts to impact individual behaviors as well as the relationship, family, school, community, and societal risk and protective factors for violence. The approaches in this resource, particularly universal school-based programs that strengthen youths' skills and modify the physical and social environment, have been shown to reduce violence and bullying or key risk factors.

Different types of violence are connected and often share root causes. Bullying is linked to other forms of violence through shared risk and protective factors. Addressing and preventing one form of violence may have an impact on preventing other forms of violence.

  • Gladden RM, Vivolo-Kantor AM, Hamburger ME, Lumpkin CD. Bullying surveillance among youths: Uniform definitions for public health and recommended data elements, Version 1.0. Atlanta, GA; National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of Education; 2013. Available from
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Youth risk behavior surveillance—United States, 2019. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report–Surveillance Summaries 2020; 69(SS1). Available from
  • Diliberti, M., Jackson, M., Correa, S., and Padgett, Z. (2019). Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools: Findings From the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2017–18 (NCES 2019-061). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
  • Farrington D, Baldry A. Individual risk factors for school bullying. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 2010; 2(1):4-16. Available from .
  • David-Ferdon, C., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Dahlberg, L. L., Marshall, K. J., Rainford, N. & Hall, J. E. (2016). Youth Violence Prevention Resource for Action: A Compilation of the Best Available Evidence. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Note: The title of this document was changed in July 2023 to align with other Prevention Resources being developed by CDC's Injury Center. The document was previously cited as "A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors."

Youth Violence Prevention

Youth violence affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities. CDC works to understand the problem of violence experienced by youth and prevent it.

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Effects of Bullying


Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying—or something else—is a concern.

Kids Who are Bullied

Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience:

  • Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood.
  • Health complaints
  • Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.

A very small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history of being bullied.

Kids Who Bully Others

Kids who bully others can also engage in violent and other risky behaviors into adulthood. Kids who bully are more likely to:

  • Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults
  • Get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school
  • Engage in early sexual activity
  • Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults 
  • Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults

Kids who witness bullying are more likely to:

  • Have increased use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs
  • Have increased mental health problems, including depression and anxiety
  • Miss or skip school

The Relationship between Bullying and Suicide

Media reports often link bullying with suicide. However, most youth who are bullied do not have thoughts of suicide or engage in suicidal behaviors. 

Although kids who are bullied are at risk of suicide, bullying alone is not the cause. Many issues contribute to suicide risk, including depression, problems at home, and trauma history. Additionally, specific groups have an increased risk of suicide, including American Indian and Alaskan Native, Asian American, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. This risk can be increased further when these kids are not supported by parents, peers, and schools. Bullying can make an unsupportive situation worse.

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As school returns, bullying unfortunately does as well.

essay of bullying at school

Young people’s return to their classrooms each fall usually is a routine, uneventful exercise, even for young men and women transitioning from high school to a college environment.

They’ve gone through the proverbial ritual of clothes-buying over the latter part of the summer, as well as having stocked up on pens and pencils, notebooks and other such necessities, not to mention the electronics — devices such as computers, printers and cellphones.

Even for those students who would much prefer additional freedom from classes, tests and homework, the final summer-vacation days have their share of excitement, also, as most young people look forward to seeing and interacting regularly with friends, possibly making new friends and otherwise stepping into new experiences that will help guide them further toward adulthood.

The key word, though, is “most.”

These final days of summer, for some young people, are, unfortunately, days of anxiety, fear, dread, stress and numerous other unwanted feelings as they wonder what disrespect, ridicule and/or sheer viciousness and hellish behavior will be directed their way over the next nearly nine months.

For them, concern, sadness and understanding should be abundant. Being the victim of such despicable conduct should not be construed as being a part of growing up.

Meanwhile, for many young people starting or returning to college, experiencing anxiety and uncertainty over how national and world events might affect or mold their higher-learning experience this academic year, some might actually be wishing that they had selected a different school or, perhaps, opted for a job rather than additional learning.

Our friends at the Altoona Mirror recently reviewed means by which the Altoona Area School District is working to curb bullying — and the determination as well as open-mindedness helping to guide those efforts. We hope similar strategies, determination and open-mindedness are in play in school districts in our region and throughout the state.

Some adults might feel that, by now, school systems ought to be adept and aggressive at addressing this problem that is not at all new to school environments. But bullying, not being a one-size-fits-all type of issue, requires availability of many kinds of responses, many punishment options and numerous degrees of possible punishment available.

And, as Altoona Area School District Superintendent Brad Hatch noted, Altoona Area’s bullying policy is reviewed annually by school board members and administrators and the policy is updated every three years, which is required by codes and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

A very troubling statistic in last weekend’s article was that, according to the 2023 Pennsylvania Youth Survey, 32.1% of Blair County students indicated that they had experienced bullying during the 12 months previous to the gathering of the data.

That statistic, up 7.7% from the 2021 survey, was 5.9% higher than the 2023 statewide statistic.

Bullying, though, was not what was bothering many college students over the past month or so. Rather, it was whether explosive demonstrations like those of the past school year over the war in Gaza would disrupt their particular campuses in the coming weeks.

The Wall Street Journal, in its Aug. 16 edition, reported on new campus rules aimed at outflanking activists and bringing calm back to campuses. However, the same report said the beefed-up rules have been reinvigorating some activists, rather than appearing to deter them.

Education does not deserve such undermining issues.

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See Hoda Kotb’s daughters hug it out in adorable video from first day of school post

Summer vacation is officially over for Hoda Kotb’s daughters Haley and Hope !

On Tuesday, Hoda shared photos of her kids posing for back-to-school pictures on their driveway. The sisters both opted for jumper dresses — Haley, 7, went with classic denim, while Hope chose pink and paired the look with white tights.  

“First day of school in the books!” a proud Hoda captioned her Instagram post.

The TODAY anchor also treated fans to a clip of Haley lifting Hope up off the ground for an adorable spinning hug greeting.

Haley is in second grade, while Hope just entered kindergarten. 

Hoda, who shares her children with her former partner, Joel Schiffman, recently moved from New York City to a house in the suburbs.

"We went for our first day of school," Hoda told Jenna Bush Hager on Sept. 4. "I carried a coffee and I had my sneakers and I walked my kids to school. It was awesome!

As they walked, Hope collected acorns and when Hoda looked behind, she noticed there were "10 to 12 kids" trailing them. Everyone was headed to the same place. Hoda said it reminded her of her own childhood in West Virginia.

"We've had seven great years in the city with kids and that's amazing, but I also think kids need to have their feet in the grass and dirt," she said.

The move has been an adjustment for the whole family.

“It’s all new— new kids, new school, new things, new everything,” Hoda said on TODAY in August .

Haley and Hope are also sleeping in separate bedrooms for the first time.  

“They are so excited to have their own space, a re ading chair. They’re excited about having a bean bag and their bed,” Hoda revealed. 

Earlier this year, Hoda compared the life changes she is navigating to “repotting. ”

“I feel like I’m in this repotting phase of my life,” Hoda said on her “Making Space” podcast. “I just feel it. I feel like my roots need a bigger pot, in all kinds of things. I’m physically moving with my kids, which was a big deal for us.”

“I realize, especially in recent weeks, that I’m making space to be a better mother and a better sister and a better worker,” she added. 

Rachel Paula Abrahamson is a lifestyle reporter who writes for the parenting, health and shop verticals. Her bylines have appeared in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and elsewhere. Rachel lives in the Boston area with her husband and their two daughters. Follow her on Instagram .

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As the mom to a neurodivergent child, seeing Gus Walz in the spotlight gives me courage

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Gus Walz's powerful DNC moment shows the need to confront bullying

Gus Walz cries as his father, Democratic vice presidential nominee...

Gus Walz cries as his father, Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, speaks during the Democratic National Convention Aug. 21, in Chicago. Credit: AP/Charles Rex Arbogast

This guest essay reflects the views of Saundra M. Gumerove, president of the board of directors at AHRC Nassau and adjunct professor at the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.

When the camera cut to Gus Walz on the floor of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, I saw a young man living a once-in-a-lifetime moment. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — his dad, his hero, his biggest supporter — was being considered for one of the highest offices in the land. Gus couldn’t contain his pride or tears.

It was a powerful moment, one that brought out the very best and the worst in the people who witnessed it. "Talk about weird," right-wing pundit Ann Coulter posted and subsequently deleted from X. "If the Walzs represent today's American man, this country is screwed," shot off conservative radio host Jay Weber on X in a longer, inflammatory post he later deleted. Both apologized. Weber was taken off the air.

Their apologies focused on how they didn’t know about Gus’ disability. Gus has ADHD, an anxiety disorder, and a nonverbal learning disorder. Bullying a teenager is always unacceptable, and I hate to break it to them but in real life bullying people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), including autism, looks and sounds exactly like that.

I see it every day as a mom and as a special needs attorney. My daughter Lauren has faced bullying her entire life. She was born with Sturge-Weber syndrome, which gives her a unique physical appearance and impacts cognition and medical health. When Lauren goes out in public people stare or make offhand comments like, "What’s wrong with her?"

The otherness projected onto my daughter isn’t her issue alone — it’s all of ours. We must collectively come together to address the roots of ableism and redirect focus to self-awareness about shifting social norms toward inclusion.

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Both sides of the aisle came to Gus Walz’s defense. We must be proactive and ensure that our political platforms remain inclusive. We cannot be bystanders to bullying especially now as the number of children with diagnoses of autism, intellectual disability or developmental delay is increasing, according to a 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Let’s show people how inclusion and belonging create a better future for everyone. People must see and believe it’s possible because even with federal and state anti-discrimination laws, disability discrimination and bullying persist. According to an Urban Institute 2023 report, adults with disabilities "have worse self-reported physical and mental health status, lower employment rates, and higher rates of chronic illness, poverty, and material hardship than adults without disabilities."

Working toward full inclusion and belonging starts with education, awareness, and relentless advocacy. It took 25 years for Nassau County to advance reimbursement rates for speech, occupational, and physical therapists assisting preschoolers. There's more to do.

Funding is lagging statewide to support people with I/DD in our communities. People with I/DD need hands-on assistance from individuals called direct support professionals to lead healthy and independent lives. This profession is relatively unknown outside of the sector and remains underfunded despite annual campaigns. On a positive note, federal recognition of these professionals is being considered with a bill in Congress that would ensure the Office of Management and Budget collects data on direct support professionals to help inform lawmakers’ funding decisions.

Please, take time to better understand these issues — and share your support with legislators. The spotlight that shone on Gus Walz shines on us, too, as our collective call to action.

This guest essay reflects the views of Saundra M. Gumerove, president of the board of directors at AHRC Nassau and adjunct professor at the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.

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Teacher’s Day Essay 2024: Short and Long Essays for School Students and Children

Teacher’s day essay in english: for the occasion of teacher’s day (september 5), we have provided here 10 lines, both short and long essays that students can use for essay and speech competitions at school.  you can also download the essays in pdf format. pour out your appreciation and gratitude for your teachers with these impactful essays..

Garima Jha

Teacher’s Day Essay 2024: Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year on September 5. This day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of renowned scholar and philosopher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.Teacher’s Day is an occasion to honour teachers and express gratitude towards them for their relentless dedication and unwavering efforts. Teachers mould the minds of students, nurture their dreams and shape their futures with wisdom and care. 

Teacher’s Day is an opportunity to thank teachers for all the wonderful things they do for students. Teachers not only teach students how to read and write but they show them how to be kind to others and to do their best. The amazing teachers inspire children to dream big and work hard to achieve the goals. They not only teach students but also shape their minds and characters. This event is celebrated with much fervour and excitement in schools. 

Also Check: 15 Best Teacher’s Day 2024 Poems in English for School Kids and Children

10 Lines on Teacher’s Day 

1. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5 every year in India. 

2.Teacher's Day is the day to pay gratitude and tribute to the guiding lights of your lives, the remarkable teachers.

3. On this special occasion of Teacher's Day, students express their deep gratitude for their tireless dedication and inexhaustible efforts.

4.Teachers are the force that shape minds and futures and nurture dreams with extreme wisdom and care.

5. The dedication and commitment of teachers towards fostering knowledge and character is commendable and inspiring.

6. On Teacher’s Day, let us appreciate the hard work and devotion of teachers. 

7. Teachers are like second parents just like how parents take care of students at home, teachers take care of them at school. 

8. On this day, let us also remember the great scholar, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose birthday we celebrate as Teacher's Day. He believed that teachers are the true builders of a nation's future. 

9.Let us all take a moment to thank our teachers for their dedication, patience and hard work.

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in 100 Words 

Teacher’s Day is an occasion to honour the teachers who play an irreplaceable role in the lives of students. This day is celebrated every year on September 5. This marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, distinguished scholar and teacher. Teacher’s Day is the occasion to honour teachers and express gratitude towards them for their relentless dedication and unwavering efforts.

Teachers are like beacons of knowledge, guiding students through the journey of learning. They ignite their curiosity, encourage critical thinking and inspire students to explore the world around them. Let us celebrate and appreciate the invaluable contributions of teachers. 

Short Essay on Teacher’s Day in 200 Words 

Teacher’s Day, celebrated on September 5, is the occasion to honour the invaluable contributions of teachers. September 5 is celebrated as Teacher’s Day as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a revered scholar and philosopher. The choice of this date originates from Dr. Radhakrishnan's own humility and his strong affinity for teaching.

During his tenure as the President of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan's associates proposed that his birthday be observed as a national holiday. He humbly suggested that instead of honouring him, the day should honour teachers. He firmly believed that teachers played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future and should be duly acknowledged.

Teachers are the guiding lights who illuminate the path of knowledge, wisdom and character-building for students. The essence of this day lies in appreciating and understanding the hard work of teachers. History tells us that in India, a teacher was called 'Guru'. In Sanskrit, Guru means 'Remover of Darkness'. 

Long Essay on Teacher’s Day in 500 Words 

Teacher’s Day is an occasion dedicated to honour and celebrate the remarkable contributions of teachers in the lives of students. Teacher’s day is observed on September 5 every year. This date was selected to mark the occasion as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, renowned philosopher and scholar. He was the second President of India. 

The essence of Teacher’s Day lies in not just celebrating teachers, but paying gratitude to all teachers who devote their lives to the purpose of imparting knowledge and inspiring students. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a firm believer in the principles of education as a transformative tool for society. He believed that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about fostering a sense of empathy and compassion.

It was his humility that led him to suggest that his birthday should be celebrated not as his own, but as a day to honour teachers. This gesture exemplifies the selflessness that defines the teaching profession. Teachers play an indispensable role in the lives of students as their role goes beyond the four walls of classrooms, shaping the minds of children. 

The journey of education is one that cannot be taken alone. Children need a hand that they can hold and trust. It requires the guidance, mentorship and support of dedicated teachers who nurture children along the way.

They invest their time, energy and passion in ensuring that students are equipped with the tools they need to succeed both academically and in life. They believe in students even when they doubt themselves and encourage them to reach for the stars. 

Teachers are not just educators, but they also play the roles of mentor, guide and friend. Their commitment to their profession is unparalleled. Every teacher is unique and brings their own approach to the classroom. Some teachers are strict taskmasters, pushing students to achieve their best, while others are compassionate listeners, ready to offer a guiding hand when students face challenges. 

Whatever be their method, every teacher has a common goal – to empower students with knowledge. Our wonderful teachers often leave an indelible mark on our lives. Teachers not only impart knowledge but instill the values of honesty, empathy and perseverance in children. 

Teachers are the driving force behind inspiring students to be curious and to seek knowledge beyond the confines of textbooks. On Teacher’s Day, students present tokens of admiration like cards and flowers to their teachers.  However, the significance of this day goes far beyond the celebrations. 

It is the day to reflect on the importance of both teachers and education. The teaching profession is one of dedication and sacrifice. It is essential that students acknowledge their efforts and convey appreciation not just on this day but throughout the year. 

On this Teacher's Day, let us honour the dedication of teachers and express our heartfelt gratitude. As students embark on the journey of learning, they should carry the torch of knowledge that their teachers have passed on to them and make them proud. 

Students use these essays to express your admiration and gratitude for teachers who are the guiding lights illuminating the path of knowledge, wisdom and character-building. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Interesting Facts 

You can use these additional facts to add value to your essays. 

1.Teachers’ Day was celebrated first in 1962 when Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of the nation.

2.He went on to serve as a professor in several renowned universities, including the University of Mysore and the University of Calcutta.

3.The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared October 5 to be World Teachers' Day in 1994.

4.Dr. Radhakrishnan's philosophical and intellectual pursuits earned him the Spalding Professorship of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford.

5.He served as the Vice President of India from 1952 to 1962.

6.When India became independent in 1947, Radhakrishnan represented India at UNESCO (1946–52) and was later Ambassador of India to the Soviet Union, from 1949 to 1952.

7.Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was nominated for the Nobel Prize 27 times- 16 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature and 11 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Bullying — What are The Causes and Effects of Bullying


What Are The Causes and Effects of Bullying

  • Categories: Anger Bullying

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Words: 583 |

Updated: 12 December, 2023

Words: 583 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

The essay analyzes the complex issue of bullying, exploring its underlying causes and the significant effects it has on individuals. The author defines bullying as a repetitive act of causing harm or hurt by individuals or groups with more power to those who feel helpless to respond. The essay delves into the root causes of bullying, highlighting family dynamics as a crucial factor. Growing up in a dysfunctional family with abusive or neglectful parents can lead to feelings of insecurity and anger, which may manifest as bullying behavior later in life.

The essay emphasizes that bullying can have profound and wide-ranging effects on victims. From mental health perspectives, victims often experience anxiety, depression, and various emotional struggles. They may exhibit symptoms such as poor appetite, sleep disorders, and nervous habits. In severe cases, bullying can lead to self-destructive behaviors and even suicidal tendencies.

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Prompt Examples for the “Bullying” Essays

  • Root Causes of Bullying Examine the various underlying causes of bullying, such as family dynamics, jealousy, attention-seeking, and low self-esteem. How do these factors contribute to the development of bullies, and what can be done to address them effectively?
  • The Psychological Effects of Bullying Analyze the psychological consequences of bullying on victims. Explore the link between bullying and conditions like anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. How does bullying affect a person’s mental health, and what interventions can help mitigate these effects?
  • Social and Academic Impact Discuss how bullying can interfere with a student’s academic performance and social involvement. Explore the effects of bullying on a student’s school attendance, grades, and participation in extracurricular activities. How can schools and communities address these challenges?
  • Prevention and Intervention Strategies Examine strategies for preventing bullying and intervening when it occurs. What proactive measures can schools, families, and communities take to create a safe environment? How can bystanders be empowered to help stop bullying?
  • Raising Awareness and Advocacy Discuss the importance of raising awareness about the issue of bullying and advocating for change. How can individuals and organizations work together to combat bullying and its long-term consequences? Share examples of successful anti-bullying campaigns.
  • Jan, A., & Husain, S. (2015). Bullying in elementary schools: Its causes and effects on students. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(19), 43-56. (
  • Oliveira, W. A. D., Silva, M. A. I., Mello, F. C. M. D., Porto, D. L., Yoshinaga, A. C. M., & Malta, D. C. (2015). The causes of bullying: results from the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE). Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 23, 275-282. (
  • Smith, P. K. (2016). Bullying: Definition, types, causes, consequences and intervention. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10(9), 519-532. (
  • Thornberg, R. (2010). Schoolchildren’s social representations on bullying causes. Psychology in the Schools, 47(4), 311-327. (
  • Weinhold, B. K. (2000). Uncovering the hidden causes of bullying and school violence. Counseling and Human Development, 32(6), 1. (

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What Are The Causes and Effects of Bullying Essay

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essay of bullying at school


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