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Do we really need to write cover letters in 2023.

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The earliest record of the cover letter for employment dates back to the 1950s according to The Atlantic, and has been used ever since as an addition to resumes, for candidates to prove to potential employers their desire and eligibility for posted roles. In recent years, however, especially since the post-pandemic unemployment upheaval, the choice of whether or not to include cover letters as part of the job application process has been a topic of contentious debate, and has left most candidates confused as to whether or not to include them, especially if the employer has not specifically requested them.

In a recent LinkedIn poll I conducted, more than 70% of respondents (a mix of recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates) voted that cover letters are no longer necessary as part of the shortlisting process. However, across the Internet, there were others who advocated its use, provided the right conditions were met.

The question remains, Should we write cover letters for jobs, even if they're not mandated in the application process?

When cover letters are needed

Emily Meekins , CEO and Founder of talent consultancy Workstrat, points out that she rarely reviews cover letters. "85% of the time, I can learn enough from your resume and LinkedIn profile. The application/interview process is time-consuming enough without a cover letter. I'd prefer candidates save their time and reapply it to other areas of their search." However, Meekins adds that she would look at a cover letter if she is on the fence and needs more information to help make an informed decision, or to check for quality of writing and communication skills.

I spoke with Yulia Saf , Founder and CEO of, who has hired and led a team of up to 12 employees remotely, and asked her to share her experiences and insights on this topic. Saf revealed that cover letters have significantly impacted her decision to hire candidates on several occasions, noting that "candidates who include a persuasive cover letter often stand out during the shortlisting phase, as it provides insight into their passion and determination for the role."

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Maurizio Petrone , founder of the remote-first digital media start-up, has been hiring talent for over 15 years, and highlights that from his experience, "cover letters have played an essential element in hiring decisions, even when we didn't specifically request them. Out of the hundreds of candidates we shortlisted over the past five years, about 70% included cover letters in their applications. These letters helped shed light on their motivations and gave a better insight into their soft skills - things often not immediately evident in resumes."

Cover letters are a fantastic way to explore beyond the confines of one's resume and tell a compelling narrative about your career journey, motivations and aspirations for the job, and even transferable skills, especially for those facing perceived barriers in the workplace. This makes it an excellent choice for those making a career pivot or transition.

As Thomas Codevilla , business attorney, Co-Founder and hiring manager at SK&S Law Group points out, "A well-written cover letter allows candidates to tell a compelling narrative about their experiences and how they can uniquely contribute to our organization. On the hiring side, I know that ATS often play a role in screening applications. What many candidates might not realize is that incorporating relevant keywords from the job posting into their cover letters can significantly improve their chances of getting past this initial screening stage.

"As a recruiter, I appreciate it when candidates address their cover letters to a specific individual or mention a mutual connection within the company. It not only shows that they've done their research but also increases the likelihood that their application will catch my attention.

"A cover letter gives candidates the opportunity to address any potential red flags in their resume, such as employment gaps or career changes. When a candidate proactively explains these issues, it shows their transparency and willingness to provide context, which can positively influence my perception of their application."

Best practice when crafting your cover letter

While cover letters are a great way to demonstrate your value to a potential employer, you should always ensure that it actually delivers real value and is not a mere repetition of your resume, HR generalist Mary Pizana of personal injury law firm Herrman and Herrman cautions.

Man applying for a job on the internet

Kirsty Barden , Head of Business Development at MDS, a talent acquisition company with 37 years in the business, highlights some best practices to remember when writing up a cover letter:

Customise each cover letter

"Tailor your cover letter for each specific application and company. Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name if possible and demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the role you're applying for."

Highlight relevant experiences and skills

"Emphasise the experiences and skills from your CV that directly relate to the job description and requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate your capabilities."

Showcase your passion

"Express genuine enthusiasm for the company and the opportunity. Explain why you are interested in the role and how it aligns with your career goals."

Keep it concise and focused

"A cover letter should be concise, typically one page. Avoid unnecessary details and maintain a clear focus on the key points you want to convey."

Be professional and error-free

"Pay close attention to grammar, spelling, and formatting. A well-written and error-free cover letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism."

Demonstrate cultural fit

"Highlight your alignment with the company's values and culture. Show that you are a team player and can thrive within the organization's environment."

End with a call to action

"Conclude the cover letter by expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply."


Executive Cleaning Services Vice President Thomas Giarraputo recommends candidates use Venn diagrams when beginning to craft their cover letter. "Telling stories from your career is an excellent way to demonstrate your skills and give hiring managers a glimpse of your demeanor and work style.

"Always refer to the position's requirements in the job description when searching for appropriate anecdotes to share. It is also beneficial to conduct additional online investigation on the company to gain a sense of its culture. Before writing your cover letter, compare your talents to the position's requirements.

"Utilizing Venn diagrams can be useful for generating ideas and determining which competencies and experiences to highlight. After creating this diagram and identifying what belongs in both circles, overlapping topics will guide and inspire the content of your cover letter."

When cover letters should not be used

On the flip side, Sam Greinetz , Recruiting Partner at Signed Talent, points out that the recruitment industry has witnessed a significant shift over the past decade, with hundreds of candidates applying for one position where there were only 10-15 a few years ago, and certain industries which rely more on hard skills, such as the tech industry, do not have the capacity for hiring managers and recruiters to read every cover letter sent through.

Recruiter screening interview

Greinetz recommends trying a different approach to sending in your cover letter. "Rather than a cover letter, if someone is especially interested in a role, they are better off reaching out to the recruiter or hiring manager directly either via email or on Linkedin to reiterate their excitement. That message can be similar to what a cover letter would include and will allow them to stick out in a crowded applicant pool. Show that you've done some homework, personalize it, talk about the team, product, etc. and don't be afraid to follow-up after a few days if you haven't heard anything."

Anthony Allen , VP of Recruiting at Supply Chain Talent Advisors, states that while he agrees that most recruiters don't have the time to read cover letters, if one is to be written, "the candidate must personalize and tailor the cover letter. A generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter is easy to spot and often disregarded. To stand out, research the company and the role, and tailor your cover letter accordingly. Mention how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements and the company's goals. By doing this, you show the hiring manager that you understand their needs and can bring specific value to the position. This level of personalization is what can make a cover letter impactful, even in situations where its importance might be diminishing."

So what does all of this mean for job seekers?

In a nutshell:

  • When applying for a job directly to an employer, use a cover letter that is well-personalized, tells impactful career stories, conveys your motivations for the role, and speaks to why you want to work for that particular employer. Demonstrate that you understand their pain-points, clients, and values, and that their mission and values align with yours.
  • Think creatively of other ways to include a cover letter approach, such as sending an email or LinkedIn InMail to the hiring manager directly.
  • Ensure your cover letter is not a repetition of your resume.
  • Cover letters are best used when facing barriers such as career gaps, career transitions, lack of experience, or to increase competitive edge, especially for senior level roles.
  • If applying for technical roles or applying directly through recruitment agencies, consider leaving the cover letter out altogether so as not to waste your time. Also take time to research if the industry you are entering or applying for roles in, typically reviews cover letters. After all, you don't want to waste your time or that of the recruiter/hiring manager.

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Do cover letters still matter?

Patrick O'Brien's take: Many companies today use "applicant tracking systems" (ATS) to make their recruiting efforts more efficient. When a firm utilizes an ATS, they require you to apply online. When you complete their online job application, you are actually just filling in the fields of their recruitment database so that you can be efficiently processed in their system.

An applicant tracking system allows an employer to sort recruits on anything from the type of degree they have earned or their college GPA, to the number of years' experience they have, or even how often they have changed jobs. It's a powerful tool.

When you applying online via an ATS, a cover letter is not required. In fact, you couldn't use one even if you had it.

However, the #1 way to get a job, even in this high tech world, is still networking.

How to network has evolved based on available tools and technology, but when you're networking in an attempt to get an interview (highly recommended), a cover letter is still a powerful tool.

Written well, it will encourage a recruiter to spend meaningful time reviewing your resume.

Even if you are required by a company to apply via an ATS, you can still send your resume to key decision makers and garner additional attention for your candidacy.

Here are some important principles in writing a great cover letter:

1. Be Brief. Your resume will tell your story more comprehensively. The cover letter shouldn't. If it looks like a long read, it will be quickly discarded.

2. Identify yourself. Immediately let the reader know who you are. Leverage any connection point you have with them. If you met the individual at a conference last weekend, remind them of that. If you are from the same hometown, college, or have a common hobby that you discussed, mention it at the beginning of the letter.

3. Exhibit your passion . Tell them why you'd LOVE to join their organization. Your resume won't do this — so make sure they know how well the company and job match your interests. This will differentiate you from people who blanket the market with resumes.

4. Sell your qualifications. BRIEFLY highlight the elements of your resume that you believe they will find of interest. What have you achieved that you believe a recruiter for this organization will find relevant? Think in terms of two sentences on this, not two paragraphs.

Patrick's Bottom Line: A well-written cover letter can still be a difference maker if you are creative enough to find a way around (or supplement) a company's online recruiting process. Keep it brief. Make it compelling. A great cover letter won't land you a job, but it will help get you an interview.


Susan Davis-Ali's take: I've hired a lot of people in my career — and very few got hired without a great cover letter.

The simple reason is because it's the first impression the hiring manager has of you. We all know that first impressions can be wrong when meeting people, but we also know how influential they are. The same is true for your cover letter.

I fully endorse the four elements that Pat already outlined, and I'll add four more that are key to a great cover letter:

1. Be human . One of the biggest mistake that I see on cover letters is candidates sounding like they inserted their name into a generic cover letter template. Even if you do use a generic template as your guide, say something interesting about yourself within the first two sentences.

Hiring managers are looking to hire interesting, qualified people, not robots. If you sound like a robot who sent out 50 of the same cover letters to 50 different job postings, you stand little chance.

2. Identify your unique fit. Many candidates use the cover letter to stress why they really want the job, while other candidates stress how they are highly qualified for the job.

Hiring managers are looking for a candidate who has both passion and ability. Your goal in your cover letter is to let the reviewer know how this job is the perfect fit for what you love to do and what you're good at doing.

3. Make it easy to read. Formatting is as important as content in a cover letter. If it looks like a dense novel, it won't get read. Use bullet points and/or very short paragraphs to highlight your strengths.

4. Highlight your "softer" skills. Your cover letter gives you a chance to mention skills that might not be highlighted on your resume. Such skills might include an eagerness to learn new things, an ability to work independently, the willingness to work long hours as needed or the ability to work well under stress.

Be honest and realistic in what you list and give a brief example of how you've demonstrated this skill in the past.

Susan's bottom line: A cover letter is the first impression in the hiring process, and its only human nature to favor a cover letter that is brief, easy to read, non-cookie cutter and compelling. A great cover letter sets the tone for your resume, so take the time to make it a great one.

Patrick O'Brien is a business executive, author of Making College Count and a professor at Miami University. He co-founded a company which has delivered success programs at more than 5000 high schools and colleges nationwide.

Susan Davis-Ali, PhD is the author of How to Become Successful Without Becoming a Man . She is the founder and President of Leadhership1®, and an Executive Education Fellow at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.

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This question is about are cover letters necessary .

Do cover letters really make a difference?

Yes, cover letters really make a difference. When you apply for a job, hiring managers are looking for reasons to either move your application forward in the hiring process or to eliminate you as a candidate, and your resume, answers to application questions, and cover letter provide the only information they have on which to base this decision.

A cover letter can play a variety of roles in your efforts to sell yourself as a candidate, including:

Explaining any gaps in employment.

Highlighting your soft skills if you're new to the industry and don't have much relevant experience .

Demonstrating your personality to make a personal connection.

Showing how your skills and experience relate to the position.

Sharing why you want this particular position and what you would add to the company if hired.

It isn't necessarily a given that you won't get a job without a cover letter and will get the job with one, but if you don't include one, you'll certainly miss out on all of the benefits that a cover letter can give you.

To further understand the difference a cover letter can make, put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. You have a stack of similar resumes that needs to shrink.

Wouldn't you be more likely to keep a candidate in the running if you could get a glimpse of their personality and passion for the job than someone with a similar list of accomplishments who didn't provide that information?

In addition, a cover letter can also answer questions that might turn into hesitations about whether or not you're a good candidate, helping to secure your chances of getting an interview.

Do cover letters really make a difference?

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Are Cover Letters Still Useful in 2024?

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Many people looking for jobs wonder, “Should I write a cover letter when I apply?”

Sometimes, job ads don’t make it clear if you need one.

But, most times, the answer is yes.

Cover letters are becoming more essential when applying for jobs. While some managers don’t mind receiving one, but many bosses like to see them .

This is more to the point if you’re just out of school or thinking about changing your job type.

Instead of just giving your name, sharing your resume, and hitting send, it’s good to tell them why you’re the right person for the job in a cover letter.

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In this article, we’ll talk about why writing cover letters helps and give you tips on improving yours.

How Often Employers Ask for a Cover Letter

When you apply for a job, sometimes they don’t ask for a cover letter. But they let you send one if you want.

Instead of thinking, “Will they ask for a cover letter?”, think, “Do they want to see one?”

A study in 2022 from Arcadia University said that 83% of job experts think a good cover letter can help you get an interview. It can even help if your resume isn’t that great.

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Why do some bosses like cover letters, even if they don’t ask for them? Here are some reasons:

  • Employers can learn more about you.
  • They can see if you truly want the job.
  • Hiring managers like that you did something extra.

We asked some job experts about cover letters. Most said they “aren’t needed, BUT they help pick the right person.”

Another Jobvite study in 2021 said that 36% of job experts spend up to 5 minutes looking at your resume and cover letter.

This means, based on the statistics building a resume and strong cover letter can help you stand out.

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Types of Jobs Cover Letters Can Impact

In some job areas, cover letters help you with some types of jobs more than others.

From what we’ve seen with our templates , people wrote cover letters mostly for jobs in :

  • Places like hotels and restaurants
  • Helping customers
  • Learning jobs (Internships)

If you are looking for these types of jobs, a cover letter can really come in handy.

How Cover Letters Make a Difference When Applying

Many people wish they didn’t have to write cover letters, but you shouldn’t follow the crowd.

A survey from Jobvite said not many people like writing them. 31% of job seekers wish hiring managers wouldn’t focus on them so much. 

However, data shows more and more bosses are looking at cover letters . In 2017, only 8% of recruiters thought they were important. But by 2021, that number jumped to 26% .

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So, why are cover letters getting more popular? Here are 5 reasons: 

  • Shows off your skills : Even if you’re new or don’t have much work experience, a cover letter can show what you’re talented at. This could be things you learned in school, hobbies, or other jobs .
  • Makes your application special : You can talk directly to the company and show you know about them. This can leave a big impression.
  • Clears up any questions : If you’re switching to a different sector, your resume alone might confuse bosses. In your letter, you can explain why you’re making the change.
  • Shows you really want the job : A great letter can show how excited you are about the job. Even if you haven’t done that job before, your excitement can make up for it.
  • Demonstrates what you can become : You can talk about how you’re ready to learn and become even better. Bosses love that.

By focusing on these points in your letter, you can have a better shot at getting the job.

How Cover Letters Help You Beat the ATS

When you apply for a job, companies often use a computer system called ATS, short for Applicant Tracking System .

This system checks your resume and cover letter to see if they match the job you’re applying for.

Wondering how it does that?

The ATS looks for special words that fit the job.

Here’s what you should and shouldn’t do to make sure your application gets to the next step:

  • Put the right keywords in your cover letter.
  • Make sure your letter is easy to read.
  • List skills and experiences that match what’s on your resume.


  • Use the same words over and over.
  • Forget to make your letter sound smooth.
  • Use overused words.

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Always be honest in your cover letter about what you can do. If not, you might get into trouble later.

5 Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

Writing a great cover letter might seem hard. But with these 5 tips, you can make a letter that grabs the attention of the hiring manager.

Learn About the Company

Before you start, find out about the company. What do they believe in? What’s their style? If your letter sounds like you really get them, they’ll see you’re not just looking for any job, but a place where you fit in.

Talk About Your Skills

Look at the job ad to see what they want. Then, in your letter, talk about times you’ve used those skills.

Share Your Story

Your cover letter is a chance to tell them about you . If you’re new to this kind of job or don’t have a lot of experience, tell them why. Maybe you’re changing jobs, or you’ve learned things that make you ready for this new challenge.

Keep it Short

People hiring might just glance at your letter. So, make your points clear and quick . Sometimes, saying less can mean more.

Check Your Work

Before you send it, read your letter again . Make sure there are no mistakes. A clean letter shows you care about the details and that you’re showing your best side.

Always remember, your cover letter isn’t just another resume. It’s your chance to show them why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

Using Cover Letter Examples

Figuring out what to write in your cover letter can be tricky. That’s why looking at a sample first can be helpful.

There are cover letter samples for many jobs you can look at, like

  • Customer Service Representative
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Office Manager

Once you’ve seen an example for your profession, you should be good to go.

Writing a cover letter might not be the most fun thing, but knowing why it’s important can motivate you to draft one.

Here’s what you should remember from this article:

  • More and more bosses want to see cover letters.
  • Some types of jobs like them.
  • Bosses like it when you show you know about their company.
  • Cover letters are a great place to talk about what you’re good at.

Don’t forget, using a sample or a tool to help you write can make things easier and faster!

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A man typing on a computer with keywords on the screen.


Are cover letters necessary Reddit?

Are Cover Letters Necessary Reddit?

When it comes to job applications, there’s a lot of debate about whether cover letters are still necessary. With the rise of online applications and resume screening software, some people argue that cover letters are a relic of the past. However, others swear by their effectiveness in setting candidates apart from the competition. In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide some insights on the importance of cover letters in today’s job market.

Direct Answer: Are Cover Letters Necessary Reddit?

In short, yes , cover letters are still necessary. While they may not be as crucial as they were in the past, a well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in your job application. According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 45% of employers consider cover letters to be an important factor in their hiring decisions.

Why Are Cover Letters Necessary?

So, why are cover letters still important? Here are some reasons why:

  • Showcase Your Personality : A cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your personality, tone, and writing style. It allows you to stand out from other applicants and give the hiring manager a sense of who you are and what you’re about.
  • Highlight Your Skills and Experience : A cover letter is a chance to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain how they align with the job requirements. This can help you to stand out from other applicants who may not have the same level of experience or skills.
  • Demonstrate Your Interest in the Company : A cover letter is an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the company and the role. You can show that you’ve done your research and are genuinely excited about the opportunity.
  • Address Gaps in Your Resume : A cover letter can be used to address gaps in your resume, such as employment gaps or career changes. This can help to explain any discrepancies and show that you’re taking the time to address them.

When to Use a Cover Letter

So, when should you use a cover letter? Here are some scenarios where a cover letter is particularly useful:

  • Applying for a Job with a Small Company : If you’re applying for a job with a small company, a cover letter can be a great way to stand out. Small companies often don’t have the resources to screen applicants as thoroughly, so a cover letter can help you to get noticed.
  • Applying for a Job in a Competitive Industry : If you’re applying for a job in a competitive industry, a cover letter can be a great way to differentiate yourself. This is especially true if you’re applying for a job in a field where many people have similar skills and experience.
  • Applying for a Job with a Large Company : If you’re applying for a job with a large company, a cover letter can be a great way to show that you’re willing to take the time to research the company and tailor your application. This can be especially important if you’re applying for a job with a company that receives many applications.

How to Write a Great Cover Letter

So, how do you write a great cover letter? Here are some tips:

  • Keep it Brief : Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Aim for around 3-4 paragraphs.
  • Use a Professional Tone : Use a professional tone and avoid using slang or overly casual language.
  • Show, Don’t Tell : Instead of simply stating your qualifications, use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and experience.
  • Proofread : Make sure to proofread your cover letter carefully to avoid any typos or grammatical errors.

Table: Cover Letter Structure

Section Content
Introduction Introduction to yourself and the job you’re applying for
Body Highlight your relevant skills and experience, and explain how they align with the job requirements
Conclusion Summarize your qualifications and express your enthusiasm for the job
Closing Close with a professional sign-off and your contact information

In conclusion, while the importance of cover letters may be debated, they are still a valuable tool in today’s job market. By showcasing your personality, highlighting your skills and experience, demonstrating your interest in the company, and addressing gaps in your resume, a cover letter can help you to stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of getting hired. Remember to keep your cover letter brief, professional, and well-written, and use it to tell a story about why you’re the best fit for the job.

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Does a Cover Letter Really Matter In 2024?

Are you still writing those one-page cover letters? You likely have wondered: What’s the point of cover letters? Don’t cover letters just summarize the resume but in letter format?

Cover letters started out as persuasive essays of sorts on the simple topic: Why should they hire you? While the purpose of the cover letter has evolved, the goal of how you write your cover letter really depends. But should you risk leaving that “optional” cover letter field and just type one out? Can you get a cover letter template down and use it on every job post? Can cover letters be written by AI? A ChatGPT cover letter? Decisions, decisions!

Many companies have ditched the whole cover letter. Finally!  But there are still a few stragglers out there that demand a cover letter or make it optional, but it’s still there . So, how important are cover letters in 2024?

Lucky us, the age of those novel-length cover letters, complete with “Dear sir or madam,” has gracefully retired. A round of applause, please! Doesn’t mean that employers don’t want a persuasive story backed with evidence from your reumse, just means that they got no time for a thesis. So how do you tackle it?

Cover letter Templates?

If you Google this, you’ll get millions of results. Here’s an example by kickresume. How do you pick a cover letter template?

Rule of thumb: brevity is your best buddy. Toss those outdated cover letter templates into the nostalgia bin. We’re talking 200 to 400 words, an elevator pitch. 

What do you actually write in a cover letter? Why you’re hyped about the gig, sprinkle in your career goals, and flaunt your victories with confidence. 63% of people in the Resume Lab survey say that sharing your why with the company is key. So, do that and highlight what you bring to the table for the company and how this job aligns with your career goals. And while you can absolutely use AI to write your cover letter, we strongly recommend that you only use the output as a guide and not a template. While AI is good, AI detectors are catching up real fast. You don’t want them to toss your application because of something like this! Make sure you sound human and genuine.

Should you go that EXTRA mile? 

If the job description’s playing coy about needing a cover letter, should you still serve one up? 

Word on the street is, about 75% of recruiting managers are still expecting that extra dash of effort. Even if they skim your letter faster than you do reels, your dedication doesn’t go unnoticed. 

Plus: A killer cover letter can be your knight in shining armor if your resume is still in training wheels mode. According to Resume Lab, 83% of hiring recruiters think your slick cover letter can land you an interview pass even if your resume’s a bit meh.

If you’re suiting up for an in-person interview and the company expects a physica copy, bring along a few cover letter copies. When you’re submitting a digital job application, remember, separate PDF files for your resume and your cover letter are important. Same applies if you are applying online.

Should you repeat your resume deets on the letter? 

Short answer: No. Your resume and cover letter are like peanut butter and jelly. They should complement each other, not be the same thing. Repeating yourself like a broken record can land your application in the “seen it, trashed it” pile. Instead, give your cover letter a spin with the spotlight on what you bring to the table and where you get it from – the skills and the experience you have that proves that you have those skills.

Last but not least, spell check like your future depends on it. Your cover letter is your verbal handshake, and trust me, typos are like spinach in your teeth during a job interview – not a good look! 

And a friendly reminder: make sure the company name isn’t playing hide-and-seek with your enthusiasm. Sending an app with the wrong name is like showing up to a party in your PJs. Not cool.

So, there you have it. The deets on the 2024 cover letter: shorter, snappier, and purposeful is the verdict.

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  1. Do cover letters really make a difference? : r/recruitinghell

    No and I don't apply for jobs where a cover letter is mandatory. If you're willing to experiment, just create a blank word doc, name it as <yourname> cover letter, and upload it. If you still hear back, your doubts will be gone forever. Skip the cover letter and put your energy into a great resume.

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    This is a question I see a lot on Reddit. The TLDR of it is this: if you're starting off your career, making a change in careers (say from accounting to data science), or have a gap in employment - yes, a cover letter helps a lot. ... While the point of this post is likely to make the point that cover letters do matter, I actually wanted to ...

  3. Does a cover letter actually matter? : r/csMajors

    This is a question I see a lot on Reddit. The TLDR of it is this: if you're starting off your career, making a change in careers (say from accounting to data science), or have a gap in employment - yes, a cover letter helps a lot. ... While the point of this post is likely to make the point that cover letters do matter, I actually wanted to ...

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    Cover letters are a fantastic way to explore beyond the confines of one's resume and tell a compelling narrative about your career journey, motivations and aspirations for the job, and even ...

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    Yes! It is hit or miss, and if your cover letter summarizes your resume it isn't worth sending. But it is your chance to tell your story. If you do that well, you can standout. I read all the cover letters. Only 1/100 candidates takes advantage of having my attention by giving me a good cover letter.

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    As a hiring manager, I can say that I would definitely prefer a candidate who has the same experience and qualifications over another candidate who did not write a cover letter. Not a generic cover letter, but one that is tailored to the job and company that they are applying for. As a job applicant I can't say that a cover letter has ...

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    ByZippia Team- Feb. 14, 2022. Yes, cover letters really make a difference. When you apply for a job, hiring managers are looking for reasons to either move your application forward in the hiring process or to eliminate you as a candidate, and your resume, answers to application questions, and cover letter provide the only information they have ...

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    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

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    Yes. Even if a cover letter is optional, any applicant who takes the time to write and submit one anyway — especially a thoughtful, well-written, spell-checked letter — will make a good impression, both experts agree. "When the majority of people take the easy way out, and don't submit a cover letter, then writing one can make a ...

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    Super-generic cover letters aren't worth the effort, but if you want to make your case, it's a great way to do it and it does make a difference. Reply reply ... I can appreciate applicants not wanting to do a cover letter (it was a pain for me in my own job searching), but just submitting the same generic Indeed-style resume is also not ...

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    As title says I was wondering how much difference does cover letter can make it IT job applying. If you think it makes big difference, what information do you put it in and how long do you make it. ... CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps ...

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    According to Resume Lab, 83% of hiring recruiters think your slick cover letter can land you an interview pass even if your resume's a bit meh. If you're suiting up for an in-person interview and the company expects a physica copy, bring along a few cover letter copies. When you're submitting a digital job application, remember, separate ...