Career Success Australia

Best Cover Letter Example Template for Australia

cover letter example templates for australia

The Best Cover Letter examples in Australia in 2022 will prompt a prospective employer to read your Resume. They do this by demonstrating how your skills and experience align with those sought after by the employer.

By briefly outlining how you can add value to their business, the hiring manager will see that you are someone worth investigating further.

Oftentimes, however, an application will be dismissed before the Resume is even read, as a result of mistakes in the Cover Letter.

Cover Letters play a massive role in whether you get called in for an interview or not. According to a survey conducted by ResumeLab, 83% of recruiters believe that Cover Letters are important in making hiring decisions, and can even convince recruiters to schedule an interview with an applicant despite a poor Resume.

While writing your Cover Letter, you may not be realising that you are making mistakes that are severely impacting your chances at securing the job. Our experts have analysed 100+ Cover Letter examples to highlight the most common mistakes to avoid.

It’s good to get into the habit of understanding these mistakes now before you jeopardise your chances of securing employment any further!

Here are the most important Cover Letter mistakes to avoid:

Best Cover Letter Examples: Avoid Typographical Errors

Page Contents

Most hiring companies in Australia are looking for people with outstanding communication skills.

Communication skills are one of the most important soft skills to have when looking for a job. Demonstrating high-quality communication skills helps to build trust, boost teamwork and furthers your professional relationships.

This will usually include written skills, as well as, verbal communication skills. Your Cover Letter is your first opportunity to show your prospective employer that you have the necessary language capabilities.

Typographical and grammatical errors will often see your application rejected immediately.

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure to use a spellchecker after drafting your Cover Letter . This is an easy step that you shouldn’t overlook! If your Cover Letter contains any spelling errors or typos, this immediately sends the message that the rest of your application is weak too.
  • Re-read it to make sure the content is grammatically and contextually correct. Present yourself in a strong and accurate way!
  • Ask someone else to read through it as well. Sometimes we can miss some obvious mistakes as we have read the content a number of times and are ‘too close to it’. Having someone else read your Cover Letter to check for any mistakes is always a fantastic idea!

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid using a standard or generic Cover Letter

You need to tailor your Cover Letter to the position you are applying for, and the best Cover Letter examples in Australia have shown that.

One of the quickest ways to have your application overlooked is to send out a generic Cover Letter which does not address the specific key selection criteria or skill set required.

Things to include in a tailored Cover Letter in Australia are:

  • Your contact information like email address, mobile number and LinkedIn Profile
  • The position you are applying for
  • The skills and experience you have which qualify you as being suitable for this specific job
  • An example of how you applied as many of those skills in a previous role – this should directly tie in with one of the key selection criteria listed in the job advertisement
  • The name of the organisation you are applying to; the name of the hiring manager and change the date of your Cover Letter if you are using a template from a previous application

Best Cover Letters Template Tips: Don’t write too much!

Your Cover Letter should be concise, encouraging the hiring manager to want to learn more about you by reading your Resume, and, ultimately, inviting you to an interview.

By rambling on too much and including unnecessary information, you risk alienating yourself and having your application dismissed. Recruiters love simple, short and concise Cover Letters. Get to the point!

Keep your Cover Letter to one page, highlighting your most relevant achievements and skills, always ensuring they match the key selection criteria stated in the position description.

Best Cover Letters in Australia: Avoid buzzwords

Using Buzzwords or clichés in your Cover Letter shows a lack of imagination and effort. You don’t want to give off the impression to recruiters of being unoriginal or lazy, do you?

Simply recycling those qualities listed in a job ad word-for-word and attributing them to yourself won’t do you much good. Without giving concrete examples of how they apply to you will see your application immediately brushed aside. Examples of such buzz words include: “team player”, “good communication skills”, “hard worker”, and “detail-oriented”.

Don’t just tell them you’re a hard worker, show them! Back-up your statements. You can do this by detailing specific tasks and outcomes you were responsible for, and successful at, while in your previous role(s).

Your Cover Letter and Resume may promise a certain level of personality or value, which is what will get you an interview, but once you’re face-to-face with a recruiter, that level of value will need to be made evident.

Best Cover Letters: Include appropriate personal details

Personal details such as your age, hobbies, and marital status should not be included in your Cover Letter .

Not only are they usually irrelevant to the job you are applying for, but they could also give the person reading your Cover Letter an excuse to dismiss your application without having read your Resume.

An employer wants to see how your previous work experience relates to the position on offer.  So, unless your outside interests are pertinent to the role, it’s best to not include them in your Cover Letter.

Best Cover Letters: Don’t exaggerate or lie about skills or experience

Sometimes job seekers are tempted to exaggerate their skills or experience to improve their chances of obtaining an interview. This is a big mistake.

Whether the prospective employer asks you about it during an interview or calls your previous employer to ask them, you will nearly always be found out.

It is much better to really think about how your actual experience relates to the qualities and key selection criteria being sought after. Once you have found qualitative and quantitative examples of this experience, aim to express this honestly and in your own words.

Even if you don’t have enough experience required for the job you’re applying for, you can overcome this by selling yourself in other ways.

A Cover Letter that highlights your achievements and includes similar projects or relatable experience can work in your favour. This will provide evidence of your value in terms of accomplishments which is what recruiters want to know about.

Also, if you’re qualified in any way, you can sell this in a Cover Letter or in the interview to convince recruiters of your value, regardless of any gaps in your experience, skill set or job history.

Download our Cover Letter Example Template For 2022 

To conclude, a good Cover Letter is a pivotal factor in the job application and job interview process. A Cover Letter should be well-written and engaging, and should convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate.

A Cover Letter is a brief introduction of a job applicant that captures the employer’s attention and conveys competence, professionalism, and enthusiasm. The Cover Letter should provide some basic facts about the applicant such as their current position, career goals, and key skills.

To help you develop the perfect Cover Letter, download our free Cover Letter Template today to get started! Our Cover Letter template includes tips and advice from top Australian recruiters which will help you catch the recruiter’s attention – so you land a job in 2022.

The template can be customised to apply for jobs in all industries including Information Technology, Engineering, Business, Finance, and Accounting.

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If you would like one-to-one support to create a high-quality and impactful Cover Letter to get more job interviews and jobs in Australia, please feel free to get in touch.

We wish you all the best in your job search! Careers Team, Career Success Australia

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How to write a cover letter

How to Write a Cover Letter!

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Top 7 Cover Letter Phrases to Avoid

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Bad Cover Letters vs. Good Cover Letters

cover letter for resume australia

Hello, It’s been a real challange finding job(s) that DON’T require vaccinations. How does one succeed in getting THAT job where this isn’t a requirement?

While the initial advertisment for a job doesn’t mention the need for a double vaccantion, it isn’t until the end or indeed, when one is called for a interview, that the question arises.

What can I, as one that has been stood down from a 15 year job, do to succeed in getting a job? And one where the mandate hasn’t been implemented or has been rescinded. It just seems so prejudicial.

Many thanks, Armand Haine

cover letter for resume australia

Hi Armand, yes, we have heard of many cases where the person hasn’t been able to have the vaccination due to medical reasons. At some point in time the vaccination certificate requirement that some companies ask for will phase out. What you can do Armand is increase the number of job interviews you attend. The more interviews you get, the more offers you will get which means you may find an employer that does not require the vaccination certificate. Also, it depends which industry you are trying to get into. Some industries require it, others, not so much. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your case in detail. Best wishes, Career Success Australia

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  • How To Write A Cover Letter (Examples, Templates & Guide)

Write a cover letter that impresses hiring managers.

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I founded three separate companies over the past decade to help leaders and organisations do their best work. Arielle Executive helps leaders get noticed while Arielle Partners & Talent Avenue connect organisations to Australia's best leadership talent.

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I lead a team of writers and editors to build Arielle's Think Big blog. Together, we share an audacious goal: create Australia's #1 publication for high-performance individuals.

Last updated: April 21st, 2024

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Australia’s job market is competitive. You will sell yourself short if you don’t submit a compelling cover letter in your job application.

Your application must give hiring managers confidence that you’re the ideal person to meet their needs — even if your skills and experience aren’t a perfect match.

Sure, you can download a cover letter template and plug in some generic information.

But a better strategy is to use the best cover letter examples and templates (including ours below) as a starting point for crafting a tailored and impactful cover letter.

Do This To Impress Employers (Before You Start Writing Your Cover Letter).

A cover letter is an introductory note that accompanies your resume as part of a job application, to communicate why you’re the best candidate for a job.

This isn’t a business document. It’s a reflection of your personal brand .

Expert Tip.

You’re personally writing to another human being, so use personal pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘you’. And keep your language natural – resist the temptation to sound like a corporate robot.

To articulate why you’re the best fit — before you start typing — take the time to:

  • Research the role and the company. Read the job description and learn about a company’s goals, challenges, values, industry and customer base so you can write intelligently about how you’ll add value (e.g., is the company vying for an IPO?).
  • Gather your best examples. Collate examples of projects you ran and the impact you made. Quantify as much as possible (e.g., reduced CRM costs by 35%, raised employee retention by 13%, closed $5m of sales in 2023).

Use your company research to identify the best person to address your cover letter to (if it’s not listed in the ad). This personalises your approach and makes you seem clued in and ready to step into a team.

How To Write A Cover Letter For Australian Employers.

Unless you have an insider connection, your cover letter can make or break your chances of  getting an interview . Every word needs to earn its place.

Here’s what to include and avoid as you write each part of your cover letter.

1. Write Contact Details And Salutation.

What to include:

  • A header with your name a a career tagline, e.g., Senior Sales Director.
  • Your contact details – limit this to your email address and mobile phone number.
  • A personal salutation , such as ‘Dear Peter,’.

Here’s an example:

Avoid the salutations “Dear Hiring Manager”. If you can’t find their name, use “To Whom It May Concern” as a last resort.

2. Write The First Paragraph.

Don’t waste space reiterating where and when you saw the job listing, as this will be tracked online and makes you appear out of touch with the market and digital job search.

Instead, launch into your main value proposition and the most powerful evidence of your suitability for the role.

Here’s an example of a strong introductory paragraph:

What to avoid:

  • Bragging , or coming across as arrogant or selfish will likely backfire on you. For example: “Australia’s best salesperson who consistently out-sells teammates with my take-no-prisoners attitude.” No one wants to work with a jerk.
  • Fake enthusiasm. Leading with how thrilled you would be to get the job smacks of insincerity and mediocrity – as though you have nothing substantive to say. Worse, it will make you sound just like every other applicant.

3. Write The Middle Paragraphs.

Continue to expand on your value proposition. In other words, add secondary and tertiary reasons that confirm your suitability for the role.

Effective ways to flesh out this section include:

  • A list of 3 or more achievements that offer tangible proof of your capabilities. (Learn how to radically increase the power of your achievements ) .
  • A good story , if you have one. Is there a unique experience you’ve had with their brand that can be described succinctly? A sincere way to create an emotional connection?

Take a look at this example:

Don’t repeat the achievements from your resume verbatim. You can use the same achievement in your resume and cover letter but you must find a different way to frame it.

  • Apologies. Perhaps you don’t tick every box — don’t downplay yourself. Explain why you are still the best candidate despite whatever obstacles you perceive in your background.
  • Flowery language and cliches. Assume everyone thinks they’re a “seasoned professional”, “team player”, or “dynamic”, “energetic”, or “proven” leader. Delete all buzzwords from your cover letter.

4. Write Your Concluding Statements.

If there’s room, throw in a few more value points — again, ensuring they’re relevant to the job ad/description. Finally, thank the potential employer for the opportunity.

Free Cover Letter Templates [Download].

Even though you’re learning how to write a unique cover letter, there’s nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from a cover letter template.

In fact, they’re really handy for guidance on the basic structure. And they can be a great way to organise your thoughts – freedom in a frame, so to speak.

Below are two cover letter templates for you to choose from. (Ensure you have a recent version of Word installed on your computer).

1. Contemporary Cover Letter Template.

Download Now :

2. Classic Cover Letter Template.

Download Now:

How Does Your Cover Letter Interact With Your Resume?

You’ll probably need to tweak your cover letter alongside your resume, and constantly cross-check to ensure they work together to convey your strengths.

A good cover letter should:

  • Dovetail with your resume: Ensure you reinforce what you say in your cover letter through the details you include on your resume. A disconnect between the two will either create confusion or arouse suspicion.
  • Close gaps left by your resume: It’s hard to explain nuanced life choices via dot points on a resume. Use your cover letter to provide context for major pivots between job types/industries, or periods of unemployment.

To ensure your resume hits all the right notes, consider using my recommended free resume builder . Or hire one of my top-rated resume writers if you want us to handle everything.

How Long Should Your Cover Letter Be?

Your cover letter is a teaser. It needs to pique the recruiter’s interest so they’ll pay closer attention to your resume.

Attention spans are short. Keep it punchy, with only the most relevant details, context and your most impressive achievements.

Ensure that the achievements you spotlight in your cover letter align with the role you’re applying for. Most job seekers fail to make the right impression by including the same achievements on their every job application.

Before You ‘Hit Send’ On Your Cover Letter.

Before you submit your application, use this checklist to ensure your cover letter includes key details:

Does it flow and make sense?
Have you spelt the hiring manager’s name right?
Is the cover letter aligned with the role? And your resume?
Break up and simplify dense or verbose sections. Make your cover letter look approachable and scannable.

A second set of eyes is always helpful when it comes to spotting mistakes or inconsistencies. Ask someone with superior writing skills to proofread your letter.

Additionally, I recommend sharing it with 2-3 people in your network to get their general feedback on whether you’ve made a compelling case to be hired.

There’s nothing like fresh eyes to speed up, and dial in, your final draft.

How Should You Format Your Cover Letter?

Here’s a quick tip that will double the impact of your job application – keep your cover letter’s design and format consistent with that of your resume.

This achieves a couple of objectives:

  • It helps you  build and reinforce your personal brand.
  • It helps the recruiter  with visual recognition of your application.

Don’t go too fancy or complex with your cover letter design or formatting, as it will distract the reader from the meat of your content.

See below for a side-by-side example of a branded set (resume and cover letter):

Here’s the best news. Remember the free cover letter templates that I gave you earlier? Well, I’ve created a matching set of resume templates, which you can download here .

Wait, Do Recruiters Even Read Cover Letters?

One reason that some recruiters don’t read cover letters is because they’re too generic, long-winded and boring.

A 2024 survey found that most people gloss over the cover letter and focus their attention on the CV/resume.

Regardless of  recruiter behaviour , you need to decide whether or not a cover will be valuable for your situation. You have 3 options:

  • Don’t write a cover letter. Let your resume promote you on its own. Maybe it will be seen, maybe not.
  • Write a quick’n’nasty cover letter. If it gets read, your resume likely won’t be.
  • Craft a unique, impactful & thoughtful cover letter. Invest the time and, chances are, both your cover letter and resume will see the light of day.

You’re probably better off not writing a cover letter than writing a bad one. However, going the extra mile to write a great cover letter puts you well above candidates who choose options 1 and 2.

Can AI Write A Good Enough Cover Letter For You?

If you’re keen to use AI as a writing tool, we recommend that you only use it to produce a quick first draft that you can then edit and enhance using your human smarts.

Depending on how skilled you are with prompts, a cover letter composed by an AI — such as ChatGPT or Google Bard — could provide a starting point and mimic the right professional tone.

So, you’ll need to review every sentence to add personality and specificity, and align the message with what the job-poster is looking for.

Do You Have More Questions?

By now, I’m trusting that most of your questions have been answered when it comes to writing a cover letter to accompany your resume for a specific job application.

But cutting through the candidate clutter is no easy feat. And unless you’re a professional writer, the task of creating a standout cover letter can feel overwhelming.

If that’s you, I’m here for you. If you have more questions about how to write a cover letter, feel free to ask me in the comments below.

Wishing you all the best in your upcoming job search, and your career.

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How to Write a Cover Letter: Template & Tips | Hays

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Form + Intro - Cover Letter | UB

The importance of cover letter, what is a cover letter.

Let’s go back to basics – what is a cover letter? A cover letter acts as a personal introduction in a professional setting. Usually, it’s a separate document that you attach to a job application along with your CV. You should use it to demonstrate your personality and summarise why you are the right person for the job, so the reader can consider the rest of your CV with this set up in mind. 

Follow our tips for how to write a cover letter or download our cover letter template.  

Why write a cover letter? 

The idea for writing cover letters for your resume is simple: it needs to be engaging enough for an employer to read to feel compelled to find out more about your skills and experience in your resume, before (hopefully) calling you in for an interview.

Not all candidates make the effort to write a tailored and personalised cover letter, so by making sure you write a cover letter that answers specifics needs in the job ad, it’ll help separate you from other applicants. In turn, giving you a greater likelihood of being shortlisted for an interview.  

Download your Cover Letter template 

Enter your details below to download your Cover Letter template. A copy of the template will be emailed to you shortly.

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Cover letter advice.

Recruiters & hiring managers often receive hundreds of applications for each job. You need to start with a great cover letter to gain attention. Learn how with this video from Hays.

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Resume & cover letters.

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How to write a CV

How to write a cover letter

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Resume & cover letters

Content block | cover letter | ub, how long should a cover letter be , how to write a cover letter | 3rd content block | ub, cover letter format, how to write a cover letter | 4th content block | ub, 1. do your research, 2. address your cover letter to the right person, 3. how to start a cover letter write an attention-grabbing introduction, 4. add evidence of your successes  , 5. highlight key skills, 6. sign off professionally, 7. review your cover letter , how to write a cover letter | 5th content block | ub, what not to include in a cover letter, excessive details, repeat your cv, don’t write in the third person, can ai write the perfect cover letter.

There’s no doubt that AI can aid the application process and it certainly makes sense to use all available tools to help you write a compelling cover letter to get noticed.  But it’s important to understand that AI is a tool with limited scope. There’s no one prompt that will generate the perfect cover letter, since both your skills and the requirements of each job are unique.    Rather, think of AI-generated copy as a starting point for your cover letter – consider it your first draft that you then personalise to reflect your skills and experience, and your personality.     Take the time to research an organisation and read the job description carefully, and then use this research to review and edit AI-generated copy to ensure it meets the specific requirements of the job and organisation. Add relevant keywords from the job description.    Also remove any generic or cliched copy produced by the AI and check for inconsistencies. Make sure the copy doesn’t misrepresent you.    Finally, add examples to showcase your unique value proposition. For instance, highlight relevant experiences, skills and achievements that directly match the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Mention your own career goals. Show genuine interest in the role and organisation.    By supplementing AI with your own personal effort, your cover letter will be a genuine reflection of you and your skills and experience. Customise the content, add examples and showcase your own voice to create a cover letter that captures your suitability for the job. 

How to write a cover letter | 6th content block | UB

Final tips around how to write a cover letter.

  • Keep it succinct and relevant to the job you’re applying for. Your cover letter should not exceed five paragraphs. 
  • State what your motivation is behind your application. 
  • Just as you would in your CV,  use strong verbs  to demonstrate action and accomplishments, such as ‘organise’ or ‘supervise’. 
  • Optimise the subject line. Also check the job description again, in case the employer asks applicants to include something specific in the subject line. 
  • If you are applying for a job online rather than email, consider putting your cover letter and resume into the same document so they don’t get separated. 
  • Remember, our cover letter template is free to download and can be used as another way to capture the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager and encourage them to more closely review your resume. Good luck.

How to write a cover letter | 7th content block | UB

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Cover Letter for Jobs in Australia: Sample & Tips

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on writing a cover letter for a job application in Australia. Crafting a compelling cover letter is crucial for landing your dream job and showcasing your skills and qualifications to potential employers.

In this guide, we will provide you with a detailed sample cover letter that you can use as a reference when drafting your own. We will also offer valuable tips and insights to help you tailor your cover letter specifically for the Australian job market.

Whether you’re a local candidate or an international applicant seeking opportunities in Australia, our expert advice will help you create a standout cover letter that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

Let’s dive in and learn how to create a compelling cover letter that will make a lasting impression on employers in Australia.

Note:  This is a general guide for writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia. It is recommended to customize your cover letter based on the specific requirements of the employer and the job you are targeting.

Recommended: Canadian Cover Letter Sample

Australian Jobs Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the job position at your company. I recently came across the job listing on your website and was immediately drawn to the exciting opportunities that your organization offers.

I am a highly motivated and qualified candidate with [number of years] years of experience in [industry/field]. I have a strong background in [specific skills/qualifications relevant to the job], which I believe would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Having recently relocated to Australia, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to the local job market. I am impressed by your company’s commitment to [specific values/goals], and I am confident that my skill set aligns well with your requirements.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to [mention key achievements/experiences that prove your competence]. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Additionally, my strong communication and problem-solving skills have allowed me to successfully collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver exceptional results.

I am particularly interested in the opportunity to work at your company because of [mention specific aspects of the company that you find appealing, such as its culture, mission, or reputation]. I believe that my passion for [mention relevant industry or field] and my dedication to continuous learning would make me a great fit for your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications and experience align with your company’s needs in more detail. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your continued success.

[Your Name]

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for a Job in Australia?

Writing a cover letter for jobs in Australia follows a similar structure and format as cover letters in other countries. Here are 10 key tips to help you craft an effective cover letter to apply for a job in Australia:

1. Contact Information:  Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page.

2. Salutation:  Begin your cover letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]”

3. Introduction:  Start by introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for. Mention how you learned about the job opening and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

4. Highlight Your Skills and Experience:  In the body paragraphs, showcase your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Draw attention to specific accomplishments that demonstrate your suitability for the role. Use bullet points or paragraphs to present this information clearly.

5. Research the Company:  Take the time to research the company and understand its values, goals, and culture. Mention specific aspects that align with your background or career aspirations.

6. Explain Your Motivation:  Explain why you are interested in working for the company and why you believe you are the right candidate for the position. It’s important to demonstrate your passion and commitment.

7. Customize for Each Application:  Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

8. Closing:  Conclude your letter by thanking the hiring manager for considering your application and expressing your interest in further discussing your qualifications.

9. Signature:  End the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name.

10. Proofread and Edit:  Before sending your application, thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any grammar or spelling errors. Read it aloud or ask someone else to review it as well.

Final Thought

Congratulations! You have now acquired the knowledge and tools to create an outstanding cover letter for job applications in Australia. By following our sample and utilizing the tips provided, you can confidently put together a document that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on potential employers and separate yourself from the competition. Tailoring your letter to the Australian job market will demonstrate your understanding of local expectations and increase your chances of success.

As you begin drafting your own cover letter, keep in mind the importance of personalization, showcasing your relevant skills, and conveying your enthusiasm for the job. Take the time to proofread and review your letter before sending it off, ensuring that it is error-free and clearly communicates your value as a candidate.

Best of luck with your job application in Australia! We are confident that with the information provided in this guide, you will be able to create a compelling cover letter that catches the attention of employers and sets you on the path to career success.

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Free cover letter templates

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Your ultimate professional cover letter template resource

Best cover letter examples & templates, how do i write the perfect cover letter, tips for an excellent cover letter.

  • Find the hiring manager's name and address them personally.  
  • Ensure your cover letter is completely free of mistakes.  
  • Take the time to proofread, and ask someone else to have a look – a fresh pair of eyes might catch that small error you’ve read over hundreds of times.  
  • Be professional, but also find small ways for your personality to come through.  
  • Start out strong in your opening statement, including a compelling reason for why you are an excellent fit for the job or company you are contacting. Then use the next few lines to elaborate on your skills and experience that back up that claim.  
  • Align your writing to the keywords used in the job advertisement.

What should be included in all cover letters?

  • An opening that is unique, personable, and gives a bit of insight into your personality and best skills and experience.  
  • Highlights of both professional and personal experiences and specialised knowledge of your industry.  
  • Strong closing which includes a summary of why you are an excellent candidate.

Writing not just a good cover letter, but a great one

Template 1: generic cover letter template, cover letter sample:, template 2: cover letter template for a job ad, template 3: cold cover letter template, template 4: recruiter cover letter template, guidelines for success, looking for more resources.

  • All the resume tips and tricks you need  
  • How to write a winning resume  

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Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task. Once you have the cover letter ready, read through these other resources to ensure your job application stands out from the crowd. 

All the resume tips and tricks you need

How to write a winning resume

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Resumes & cover letters: Cover letter templates

Free cover letter templates

A cover letter is often your first communication with a potential employer, and therefore it is vital that when writing a cover letter  you make it compelling and professional from the very first line, marking you out as a candidate they need to contact.

A good cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your written communication skills and your motivation for applying for the role. Writing a cover letter customised to the job demonstrates you have taken the time to put some effort into your application. You can also use a cover letter as an opportunity to highlight and provide more detail on any specific skills or experience which are relevant to the role you are applying for.

To help you structure your cover letter, we’ve developed 4 free cover letter templates and cover letter samples you can use to write a cover letter that will catch the eye of hiring managers and recruiters and increase your chances of getting an interview. For additional tips and advice on cover letter writing, check out our article How to write a cover letter .

Download our free cover letter templates

Cover letter template 1: response to a job ad, cover letter template 2: response to a job ad, cover letter template 3: letter to a recruiter on linkedin, cover letter template 4: ‘cold contact’ prospecting letter to a hiring manager.

Dear [name]:

I’m writing in response to your recently advertised position for a [role title]. I am very interested in this opportunity with [company] and believe that my qualifications, education and professional experience would make me
a strong candidate for the position.

I am a [insert personal characteristics] professional who [add more information on how you can add value to future company]. (You can insert short version of your career profile here).

Enclosed is my resume that more fully details my background and work experience, and how they relate to your position. As you can see, [pick out a few key details or experiences that align with the specific requirements of the advertised

I firmly believe that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about this position and how my experience could help [insert name of company] achieve its goals.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Dear Mr/Ms [name]:

I’m writing to express my interest in the recently advertised [position title] role. I believe I could bring valuable skills and experience to [company name] that would make me an ideal fit for this position.

I have [number] years of experience as a [your professional role/title] and in this time I have [briefly outline your experience in current or previous roles and mention key responsibilities and achievements].

[In this paragraph, outline how you specifically fit the requirements of the advertised role and mirror the language used in the job ad].

[In this paragraph, reinforce your unique selling proposition, what you have to offer and why you are an ideal fit].

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]

Dear [name]:

I came across your profile on LinkedIn and see that you are a recruitment specialist in [insert sector].

As a [insert your role title/function] interested in new positions in the [insert city] area, I would be keen to find out more about the positions you place and whether your agency might be able to assist me in my search.

I have [insert number] years of experience in the industry and most recently I have [insert a brief outline of your recent professional experience]. My key skills are [insert a few key points or strengths] and my career highlights

[In this paragraph, summarise your unique selling proposition – Example: “I am a strong and effective communicator and proven leader, able to navigate the corporate environment and respond to its demands.”]

I look forward to discussing my potential to contribute to your clients’ [or organisation’s] needs. Please do not hesitate to contact me on [insert mobile number].

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Dear [name]:

I have been researching your company with great interest and would be very keen to learn of any opportunities for employment with you. I believe my skills and experience could be a great match with your organisation’s initiatives
and culture. [In your opening, if you can draw any personal connection, such as a personal recommendation, recently attending one of their events or talks, or even reading about their company in the news, do so.]

As a [insert your role title/function] with [number] years of experience in the sector, I believe I could make a valuable contribution to furthering your company’s success and goals. [Briefly outline your experience and emphasise
any skills and strengths that would benefit the company. Mention any projects you’ve worked on that relate to what the company does.]

My career highlights include:

I have been very excited to learn about [cite some development, project or aspect of the company that appeals to you and demonstrates your knowledge of the company. Now explain how you would contribute to the company’s projects,
put forward an idea or demonstrate how you can help the company grow.]

I believe that my experience would make me an ideal fit for [company name]. I have attached my resume to provide more information about my background and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I may be able to contribute to
your organisation. I will call you next week to arrange a time to meet at your convenience, but please do not hesitate to contact me at [insert email address and mobile number].

Kind regards,

[Your name]

How to write a cover letter

A cover letter is your first introduction to a potential employer, so it needs to show that you’re a suitable candidate.

A cover letter is an important document that introduces your resume to potential employers and highlights your suitability for the role. The effort you put into a well-tailored cover letter can go a long way to convincing a prospective employer that you’re a highly motivated candidate, and will help you to stand out in the application process.

The purpose of a cover letter

A common misconception is that a cover letter is simply a reiteration of the information on your resume . However, the structure and purpose of each document is different. While your resume is a polished summary of what you’re offering, your cover letter is a professional letter that introduces your application and reasons for applying for the job, linking the relevant skills and experience on your resume to the job requirements and organisation.

An effective cover letter demonstrates to a potential employer:

1. A strong interest in the role and the organisation

Employers want to hire candidates who are genuinely interested in their job, not just any job. Do your research and explain why the organisation appeals to you.  

2. How you meet the selection criteria

Focus on the skills and attributes the employer has mentioned in the job advertisement. In your responses to selection criteria , offer short examples of how you have developed or utilised your skills for a positive outcome.

3. Excellent written communication skills

A cover letter should be written using professional language and structured paragraphs. Proofread your letter for spelling and grammatical errors.

Cover letter tips

The primary emphasis should be on what you could contribute to the organisation, rather than on what you expect from the organisation. For a cover letter to be effective:

  • Keep it to one A4 page.
  • Ensure your name, address, phone number and email address are included on the letter.
  • Include the title, name and job title of addressee (spelled correctly), as well as the organisation’s name and address on the letter. Only use “Dear Sir or Madam” if you can’t find the hiring manager’s name.
  • Be clear about which job you are applying for by referring to the job title or vacancy number listed in the job advertisement.
  • Use a professional font (eg, Arial, Calibri – nothing too ornate or difficult to read) and keep your formatting consistent with your other application documents.
  • Indent or leave a space between each paragraph.
  • Send your cover letter as an attachment, do not type it into the body of the email.
  • Do not send the same generic letter to every employer. It must be closely tailored to the job and the organisation.
  • Keep the information in your resume and cover letter consistent – your cover letter should not introduce experience that you have not listed in your resume.

Use our cover letter template

Need more cover letter tips, how to write a resume.

A clear, tailored and professional resume is essential for any job application. It should aim to convince an employer that your qualifications, work experience and skillset make you a strong match for the job.

Addressing selection criteria

Selection criteria are the skills, knowledge, and experience required to successfully do the job.

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How to write a resume and cover letter

A resume is a written record of your education, skills and experience. It provides a summary of your work history, training and knowledge.

A CV (curriculum vitae) is similar but tends to be longer and more detailed. Although both terms are often used in Australia, we will refer to resumes here.

As well as your resume, you will need a cover letter to accompany your job application. It should be short and specific, highlighting your skills and experience in relation to the position you are applying for.

Your resume and cover letter is your first chance to convince an employer that you are the right person for the job.

Before you begin writing your resume, think about your work history and note your achievements and skills.

The layout of your resume should be neat, simple and easy to read. Aim for 1–3 pages, depending on how long you have been in the workforce. Employers often have to read multiple job applications so use headings and dot points to make your resume easy to read.

Employers will be looking for your:

  • contact details
  • career strengths
  • employment history
  • education and training achievements

Read more about how to write an effective resume .

If you need help with formatting, resume templates are provided with some word processors (e.g. Microsoft Word) and are available online.

Go online to find templates, cover letters, resume examples and advice about how to apply for jobs (e.g. myfuture ).

Cover letters

Your cover letter is an important component of your application and should:

  • introduce you to the employer
  • identify the position you are applying for
  • convey your enthusiasm for the position
  • highlight the stand-out qualities that make you a great candidate
  • inspire the reader to continue reading your application (cover letters are not a summary of your resume).

You only need to write a 1 page cover letter and address it directly to the employer or contact person for the job.

All cover letters should be tailored to suit that particular job.

Learn more about writing good cover letters .

Selection criteria

Some jobs (especially government jobs) will ask you to meet particular requirements or selection criteria. Selection criteria may also be known as core or key capabilities.

Your responses should demonstrate, with relevant examples, that you have the required experience, skills and abilities to do the job. Be succinct and use dot points where appropriate.

Read more about how to write selection criteria .

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Resume templates and cover letter examples

Get inspired by browsing CVs and cover letters for different industries and career stages.

You can also browse these resources by career stage to view the fictional profile and job advertisement used to draft the sample documents.

What’s the purpose of a cover letter?

Your resumé provides hiring managers with an overview of your qualifications, skills and experience. But what is the purpose of a cover letter?

A cover letter is a more personalised introduction, a one-page document that accompanies your resumé when you submit a job application. It’s an opportunity to introduce yourself and elaborate on how your background makes you the ideal applicant for the role.

In this article, we explore the purpose of a cover letter, explain how to write a cover letter , and how to ensure yours stands out.

The cover letter’s purpose

How to write a cover letter.

What is the purpose of a cover letter? A cover letter provides an explanation of your professional history, qualifications and interest in the position. It should be closely tailored to the role you’re applying for and addressed to the hiring manager . It’s a formal introduction of who you are and how you meet the job criteria.

Express your enthusiasm

Use your cover letter as an opportunity to set yourself apart from the other job seekers applying for the same position. Rather than just stating that you’re applying for a role, take your time to explain what excites you about the specific position and company.

It can be a good idea to spend a bit of time researching the organisation’s mission, values and recent projects to demonstrate genuine interest and knowledge. This can also come in handy for the interview round of the application process.

Showcase your skills and experience

Your cover letter shouldn’t just repeat your resumé. Instead, select two to three skills or experiences directly related to the job description. From here, you can use the STAR method (situation, task, action, result) to provide examples demonstrating how you’ve applied these skills and achieved results. Consider quantifying your achievements, if relevant, for example: ‘Increased sales over three months by 20%.’ This helps to illustrate the specific value you can bring to the new role.

Tell your story

Use your cover letter to briefly explain your career path and motivations, connecting them to the position you're applying for. Highlight the relevant soft skills that you might not have captured in your resumé, like leadership, teamwork, problem solving and decision-making. While a cover letter is a great opportunity to provide a little more depth and context around your resumé, it’s important to keep it concise; around three short paragraphs.

Address requirements from the job description

Whether you’re writing your resumé or your cover letter, it’s important to pay close attention to the job description. If it mentions specific details to include, like salary expectations or relevant certifications, be sure to address them in your cover letter. Following instructions demonstrates your attention to detail and ability to follow directions, which are both important qualities for any employer.

When it comes to writing a cover letter , it always helps to have a plan. Here are a few steps to help you turn a blank page into an attention-grabbing cover letter for your next job application.

1. Do your research

Researching the company can take a bit of time, especially if you’re applying at several different places, but it’s essential to understand each company’s culture and values. Using company-specific information allows you to personalise your cover letter to suit not just the role, but the organisation too.

It’s even better if you can show an understanding of the problems the company is trying to solve (their main objectives, like expanding into a new market or getting highly skilled labourers). Highlight the experience you bring to the table to help them overcome these pain points.

2. Focus on the future

Use your cover letter to demonstrate how you can contribute to the company’s future successes. It can help to line up your career aspirations and professional goals with the company’s goals. Ultimately, you want to highlight what you can add to the company.

How to stand out from other applicants

Use your cover letter as an opportunity to set yourself apart from the other applicants. Avoid generic openings and start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. You could mention a specific achievement, a mutual connection or something unique about the company that excites you.

Here are a couple of examples of eye-catching email subject lines and letter introductions:

Subject line: Bringing [specific skill] to your [position] team

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

I am thrilled to apply for the maintenance plumber position at XYZ Corp. With 10 years of experience as a commercial plumber, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and knowledge to your team.

Subject line: Excited to apply for [position] at [company]

As a lifelong admirer of XYZ Corp’s commitment to sustainability, I am excited to apply for the environmental consultant position. I believe my recent project at Green Earth, where I led a team to reduce product carbon emissions by 15%, makes me a perfect addition to your team.

These are good examples of email introductions, because they:

  • Connect your abilities to the job ad criteria
  • Quantify related achievements
  • Show specific skills
  • Display professionalism and research skills

Things to avoid

There are also some things you may want to avoid when putting together your cover letter introduction. Here are some examples of what not to write when it comes to your email subject line and introduction.

Example 1: Being vague and generic

Subject line: Excited to apply for the banking consultant position

I am writing to apply for the consultant position as advertised online. I have more than five years’ experience across all areas of commercial banking and believe I could be an excellent addition to your team.

This is an okay introduction, but there are ways it can be improved:

  • It should be addressed to a person or the hiring manager
  • It can be more specific about past experience
  • It should mention the hiring company
  • It could include a quantifiable result

Example 2: Being too casual

Subject line: Please Hire Me As You New Night Manager!

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m an experienced night manager, with nearly two years of experience in luxury five-star hospitality. I’m an international student with a current work visa for working in Australia, and would be grateful if you could consider my application. I am sure I can do well in your company!

There are a few issues with this intro:

  • There is a typo in the subject line
  • It is too generic about past experience
  • It is too casual, especially for a manager-level role
  • It doesn’t mention the hiring company
  • It should be more concise, i.e. not repetitive or wordy

Emphasise your value proposition

Use your cover letter to identify and articulate your unique strengths . Be sure to connect your skills with the company’s needs to demonstrate the value you could bring to the team.

Convey enthusiasm, but ensure tone is professional

While it’s important to convey your enthusiasm for the position and company, balancing excitement with professionalism is important. For example, replace “I can’t wait to work with you guys” with “I’m eager to bring my skills to your team.” While the first example is too casual, the second example demonstrates your enthusiasm in a professional tone.

Here’s another example of an overly enthusiastic and informal tone, “I’m super excited about this job! I’ve always dreamed of working at XYZ Corp, and I know I’d be amazing in this role!”

Instead, you’d be better off saying, “I am excited to apply for the receptionist position at XYZ Corp. With my strong background in office administration and a passion for customer service excellence, I am eager to contribute to your team.”

Keep it short

Don’t go overboard with your cover letter. Even though your cover letter is meant to provide hiring managers with more information about you and what excites you about the role, it’s important to keep it concise and limit it to a single page.

To help you keep it short and sweet, focus on starting strong with an attention-grabbing introduction and tailor your content to ensure it’s specific and relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Writing a great cover letter is an essential part of the job application process. By tailoring your cover letter to the specific company and role, you’ll be able to highlight the skills, knowledge, and experience that are relevant to the position. Your cover letter plays a big role in whether you’ll get a callback for an interview, so it’s worth investing time and effort into getting it right.

What exactly is a cover letter and how is it different from a resumé?

While a resumé offers a bullet-listed overview of your skills and experience, your cover letter is like a personal pitch to the hiring manager, elaborating on your resumé and providing a little more detail to demonstrate why you’d be a good fit for the position.

Is a cover letter always mandatory when applying for a job?

Cover letters aren’t always a requirement for job applications, but it’s always a good idea to submit one. Not only can including a cover letter improve your chances of getting noticed, but it allows you to set yourself apart from the other applicants and further try to convince the hiring manager why you’re the right fit for the role.

What are the main benefits of including a cover letter with my job application?

Including a cover letter as part of your application can enhance your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Provides a personal introduction and good first impression
  • Allows you to highlight your most relevant skills and experience for the role
  • Demonstrates communication skills
  • Shows initiative and effort

How long should a cover letter typically be?

A cover letter shouldn’t be any longer than a single page. Aim for around 250–400 words or three or four paragraphs. The only time you should go over a page in length for your cover letter is if the job description specifically asks for a longer letter.

Should I use a generic cover letter template for all my applications?

There’s no harm in using a cover letter template to guide your cover letter, but it’s essential that you tailor every cover letter to suit the role and company. You should be adjusting your cover letter for each role you apply for.

What kind of information should I include in a cover letter to showcase my skills and experience?

Your cover letter should include details that are most relevant to the position and company you’re applying for. Based on your research, you should be able to identify specific skills, knowledge and experience that would help the company succeed.

Is it okay to mention my salary expectations in the cover letter?

Unless the job description specifically ask that you include your salary expectations in the cover letter, it’s often better to avoid this topic so early in the recruitment process . These types of discussions are better left for the interview.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter?

You want to make a positive first impression with your cover letter, so here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Using generic statements
  • Lack of research into the company
  • Repeating your resumé without adding anything new
  • Being too vague and not providing specific examples
  • Focusing on what you want rather than what you can provide to the company
  • Ignoring the job description keywords
  • Failing to proofread your cover letter before submitting it

Is a cover letter still necessary when applying for jobs online?

Yes, cover letters are still essential to the job application process for many roles. They give you a chance to stand out from the other applicants and fill in potential gaps that aren’t covered by your resumé. Not to mention, including a cover letter demonstrates your initiative and enthusiasm for the role.

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Operations Leader Cummins Meritor Australia

  • For Cummins-Meritor Australia this role will be responsible for operations across both the truck axle assembly plant and aftermarket parts distribution centre located in Sunshine and Derrimut respectively
  • Provides leadership to both the axle manufacturing plant and the national distribution warehouse operations teams
  • Manages compliance with health, safety, and environmental standards and compliance across both businesses and especially ensure a safe and positive work environment for all employees
  • Seeking out and applying best practices to optimises work methods and processes including welding, assembly, painting, pick and pack, and warehouse materials management.
  • Provide improvement focus in operations driving results, creating and monitoring measures, providing motivation, and setting expectations in safety, quality, delivery and cost.
  • Communicate with relevant stakeholders including customers, operations staff and support functions
  • Proactive to access Cummins global expertise and resources to achieve business plan objectives
  • Leads annual operating plan, forecasts, and other measurements for manufacturing operations, cascades relevant performance targets to all relevant leads and drives for accountable performance
  • Manage, coach and develop staff; work with employees to set goals in training and development, performance, and career planning
  • Oversees operations maintenance and facilities management
  • Develops a strong operations leadership culture and respectful environment in line with Cummins leadership behaviours and values

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  • University or a College degree is required
  • Significant level of relevant work experience in a similar industry would be preferred
  • 5 plus years of experience managing site operations including managerial, leadership, and budgetary experience is required.
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  2. Cv Cover Letter Examples Australia

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  3. Job Cover Letter Examples Australia

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  4. Write Perfect Australian CV

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  5. Cover Letter Writing Services Sydney, Australia-Resume To You

    cover letter for resume australia

  6. Australian Format Cover Letter & CV

    cover letter for resume australia


  1. Video Cover Letter/Resume for Assignment 2

  2. How to create cover letter with your resume

  3. How To Write A Professional Resume And Cover Letter

  4. Difference Between Resume & CV #resume #cv #jobs


  6. Resume/CV & Cover Letter Writing || BBS 1st & 2nd year English || Business Communication


  1. Samples of the Best Cover Letters (2024 Tips)

    Cover letter examples Here are some samples of cover letters that may help when writing your next cover letter: Recent graduate example Below is a cover letter example for when you recently graduated: Tom Phillips Glenelg, SA +61 0432-567-444 [email protected] April 23, 2022 Anita Kovak HR Manager Boston Marketing Group Adelaide, SA Dear Ms. Kovak, I am writing to apply for the position of ...

  2. Writing a Cover Letter With a Resume (Plus Tips and Examples)

    Cover letter example Here's a detailed example of a cover letter: Ian Jones Sydney, New South Wales (133) 426-7820 [email protected] February 28, 2022 Samuel Jacobs Hiring Manager Merida Diner Sydney, New South Wales Dear Mr. Jacobs, My name is Ian Jones and I'm interested in filling the server position vacancy at Merida Diner, as advertised on your website. . With my passion for food and ...

  3. Free Cover Letter Templates For 2024

    Cover letters are an integral part of the job application process. They're just as important as resumes, as they allow you to further sell yourself to an employer and demonstrate your genuine interest in a position.

  4. Free cover letter template

    A cover letter is all about making a great first impression and giving your job application the best chance of making progress. A well-written cover letter will encourage a potential employer to read through to your resumé and get in touch to find out more or set up an interview.

  5. How to write a cover letter

    A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to a potential employer and spark their interest in reading your resume. When you're prepping job applications, a cover letter might seem like an afterthought compared to your resume.

  6. Best Cover Letter Example Template For Australia

    The Best Cover Letter examples in Australia in 2022 will prompt a prospective employer to read your Resume. They do this by demonstrating how your skills and experience align with those sought after by the employer.

  7. How To Write A Cover Letter (Examples, Templates & Guide)

    Reading Time: 8 minutes Australia's job market is competitive. You will sell yourself short if you don't submit a compelling cover letter in your job application.

  8. How to Write a Cover Letter: Template & Tips

    The idea for writing cover letters for your resume is simple: it needs to be engaging enough for an employer to read to feel compelled to find out more about your skills and experience in your resume, before (hopefully) calling you in for an interview.

  9. How to Write a Cover Letter for the Australian Market in 2024

    Additional Insights into the Importance of cover letters are below: 1. Personalised Introduction: It provides an opportunity to introduce yourself in a more personalised manner than a resume allows.It lets you express your enthusiasm for the role and the company and explain why you're interested in the position.

  10. Write a cover letter

    Learn how to craft an effective cover letter to enhance job applications on Workforce Australia's dedicated webpage.

  11. Cover Letter for Jobs in Australia: Sample & Tips

    Craft an outstanding cover letter for job applications in Australia with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to tailor your cover letter to the Australian job market and showcase your skills and qualifications. Includes a sample cover letter and valuable tips to make a lasting impression on employers. Increase your chances of success and start your path to career success in Australia.

  12. Free cover letter templates

    Advice on how to write an excellent cover letter, and various free cover letter templates. Improve your job application with a resume covering letter.

  13. Australian Cover Letter Example

    DO. Address your letter to a named individual. Try to avoid 'To whom it may concern' at all costs. Take the time to find out the hiring manager's name and title, either via the job listing, company website or LinkedIn.

  14. How To Write A Cover Letter

    Often your cover letter is the first interaction the prospective employer will have with you - well before they open your resume. This is why it is imperative that when writing your cover letter you must introduce yourself and give the employer a sense of who you are and more importantly, why they should hire you for the role.

  15. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    What is a cover letter? A cover letter is a one-page document you might send to employers with your resume when applying for jobs. Typically, a cover letter is about three paragraphs long and includes information such as why you are applying for the position, a brief overview of your professional background and what makes you uniquely qualified for the job.

  16. Writing a resume and cover letter

    A cover letter is not a job application - it's a short, tailored letter that should accompany any resume or CV you send to a prospective employer.. Whether you are applying for a specific, advertised job or you are marketing yourself (through cold calling) for possible future work, your cover letter aims to:

  17. Cover letter templates

    A cover letter is often your first communication with a potential employer, and therefore it is vital that when writing a cover letter you make it compelling and professional from the very first line, marking you out as a candidate they need to contact.. A good cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your written communication skills and your motivation for applying for the role.

  18. How to write a cover letter

    A cover letter is an important document that introduces your resume to potential employers and highlights your suitability for the role. The effort you put into a well-tailored cover letter can go a long way to convincing a prospective employer that you're a highly motivated candidate, and will help you to stand out in the application process.

  19. Cover letter examples.

    Dear (hiring manager's name), I am writing to apply for the position of (job role) at (company name), as advertised at (the place where you found the job listing). I believe I would be an ideal candidate for this position, having had five years of experience working in a (previous job role)

  20. How to write a resume and cover letter

    A resume is a written record of your education, skills and experience. It provides a summary of your work history, training and knowledge. A CV (curriculum vitae) is similar but tends to be longer and more detailed.

  21. Resume templates and cover letter examples

    Get inspired by browsing CVs and cover letters for different industries and career stages.

  22. Cover Letter Examples and Templates (2024)

    Browse Indeed's library of free cover letter examples, templates and advice. Customise professional cover letter samples by job title based on your needs.

  23. What's the purpose of a cover letter?

    Do you really have to write a cover letter for a job application? Here's what a cover letter is for and how it can help you stand out.

  24. Professional Resume & Cover Letter Writing Service

    You've come to the right place if you want to stand out: for more than 30 years, we've led the way for professional resume writing in Australia, with a proven track record of helping more than 100,000 people make their career dreams a reality - and we want to do that for you, too.

  25. Operations Leader Cummins Meritor Australia

    Find our Operations Leader Cummins Meritor Australia job description for Cummins located in Melbourne, Australia, as well as other career opportunities that the company is hiring for.