How to Write a Coursework: Examples and Tips

Coursework is not like other assignments at a college or university. This task requires much more time and effort, which is necessary for research, planning, and writing. In our article, you will learn how to write your academic coursework and find high-quality examples that will help you get inspired for your work. EssayShark knows how to create the best coursework and is ready to share the experience!

Meet Coursework

If you want to know what is academic coursework, then you are on the right site. Academic coursework refers to the various tasks that are given to students as part of their educational program. These tasks are designed to assess students’ knowledge of the subjects they are studying. Coursework may include:

  • Essays and research papers . Written assignments require students to research a topic, conduct research, and present their findings in a structured format. In difficult moments when completing such tasks, you can always tell our professionals, “ Write my essay for me .”
  • Laboratory reports. Science and engineering courses include conducting experiments and documenting results and conclusions. Work throughout the semester must support the coursework.
  • Homework. Regular assignments, given to reinforce lessons learned in class, are often used during term paper writing. They become the foundation for completing such a voluminous task.
  • Practical works. Practical experience gained outside the classroom, often related to the subject of study, such as internships or research projects. During the research, the results of practical work are an excellent reinforcement of expertise.

How to Write a Coursework in a Few Simple Steps

Our writers are happy to share their years of experience creating various academic assignments. We have put together a detailed guide on how to write a coursework that will inspire you to get started.

Choosing a Topic for Coursework

The entire process of your work on the project will depend on which topic you choose. Your research can take much less time and be more enjoyable if you find a topic that inspires you. Use the tips below to determine the best topic for your coursework:

  • Make a list of topics suggested to you and analyze it.
  • Give preference to the topic that best suits your specialization.
  • Pay attention to the topics that interest you most.
  • Explore the number of information resources from which you can obtain data for coursework.
  • Be inspired by the work of students who received positive feedback.
  • Avoid topics you do not understand to avoid difficulties during work.

Gathering Information for the Project

To write coursework, you must spend more than one day researching, which will make up most of the project. In difficult moments, you can always turn to coursework writing help , and our professionals will find a way to relieve you of stress. Information sources such as books, online libraries, podcasts, and magazines become indispensable assistants during research.

You should base the project on a specific hypothesis, for which you need to find a method for collecting data. Choose what suits you best and follow the information that will help you succeed in your task. What three methods of collecting information are available to students?

  • Personal research. A summary of all possible relevant studies on the topic that other authors have conducted. This method uses various sources of information available on the Internet or in the library.
  • Survey or interview. During the research, the student conducts an interview and asks questions to a respondent with the necessary competence in the field of study. For example, this could be a survey of a professor who wrote a doctoral thesis on a chosen topic.
  • Group discussion. Gathering in groups, students discuss the information they found and share the sources they refer to in their coursework. Collective research reveals the topic much more extensively.

No matter your research methods, taking notes on each reliable source is best. This will help you retain the information you found and save time searching again. Write down the page numbers, websites, or even minutes of podcasts where you find the information you need.

How to Write a Coursework According to a Detailed Plan

Planning work on the coursework is the next stage after preliminary research. Of course, the structure of the plan depends on the subject of the project, and our coursework writing service has compiled a brief description of the basic plan.

  • Start with an introduction to the topic. Write the essence of your chosen topic and mention famous authors who will become an authoritative example and may be of interest.
  • Demonstrate the essence of the problem/task. Analyze the main objectives of your topic and provide the essential information you found in the necessary sources.
  • Writing the main part of the project. Review the information in detail and analyze the critical issues in your work to provide constructive solutions.
  • Providing methodology. Describe the methods you used during your analysis or research.
  • The discussion of the results. In your conclusions, demonstrate what results you came to and bring them to the main topic of your coursework.
  • Compiling a bibliography. Make a list of all the references you referenced while writing, considering the formatting described in your assignment.

Coursework Introduction

Once you start working and know precisely the coursework definition, after preliminary research and drawing up a plan, it’s time to draw up an introduction. Do not underestimate the introduction because the overall impression of the entire project depends on it. In the first paragraph, you need to interpret the main tasks assigned. Also, in the introduction, you need the following:

  • Write attention-grabbing sentences.
  • Briefly provide background information from the assignment.
  • Focus on the significance of the problem you solved or analyzed.
  • Write a clear statement of the thesis you have come up with.

Understanding how to write a coursework introduction will give you an advantage during the professor’s review. After all, how you present your thoughts at the beginning of the project will demonstrate how competent you are in the topic and set the level for the entire coursework.

How to Write a Coursework Report: Tips From Top Writers

Our writers have been helping students with coursework for many years and know how to create a project that will surprise every reader. Deciding whether to buy coursework online or write it yourself is an eternal dilemma. Every expert has their writing secrets, and we are happy to share some of them with you so that you can get a high grade.

  • Keep track of time management. You don’t need to put off doing work until later to avoid procrastination. It takes a lot of time to maintain the quality of the text and have time to research all the issues. Therefore, evenly distribute your time at work in your schedule to submit the project for review on time.
  • Choose trusted sources of information . It can be tough to analyze information because several sites may have different definitions of the same value. Use only verified information that will not harm your coursework. If you know what is coursework, you clearly understand the importance of the reliability of the research.
  • Follow the citation rules. The originality of the content in your coursework affects the final result. Your thoughts may agree with previously published articles, but all you need to do is rewrite parts that are not original. Follow the citation rules when mentioning an expert’s opinion and citing a specific source.
  • Avoid empty words. A course project is a lengthy task with much text, but this is not a reason to dilute the text with unnecessary context. Every sentence you write should make sense and reveal the essence of your project. You can always tell us, “ write my coursework ” and receive a high-quality project filled with information.
  • Editing is everything. Include several editing steps in your work plan. After writing each chapter of your coursework, edit it. It is best to edit the text after a break to avoid missing essential mistakes. After you complete the coursework, review the project yourself and ask a friend to review it again.

Coursework Examples From Professional Writers

In any job, having a quality example to inspire you is a chance to improve your skills. We are confident that our coursework sample will help you find the right path to success. With the help of our guide, you will not only learn how to write coursework but also see how a professional writer creates similar assignments.

Being a student means constantly watching and studying other people’s success because it is part of the learning process. If you want to see how to cite or format your project correctly, then our marketing coursework sample will help you. With us, you can easily return your lost muse and understand that coursework is not as scary as it seems. You will always find the support you need on our website, whether editing, writing, or searching for a quality example!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash

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How to Write a Coursework

coursework plan meaning

Coursework projects do not resemble essays, research papers, or dissertations. They are the combination of all three. Students spend less time writing coursework than on making a term paper, but this type of work requires more time and efforts than an ordinary essay - it is made of several essays. Thanks to our guide, each student can discover how to write coursework. If you are running out of time or lack experience to complete the specific coursework, we recommend using our coursework writing services to hire professional academic writers.

What is Coursework and Why Does It Matter?

Coursework definition: General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) coursework is a typical academic assignment, given in the course of study to evaluate the student’s knowledge, skills, and identify the final grade. Many students face this type of writing in the US colleges. One of the examples is a coursework UTD (The University of Texas at Dallas) - the requirements of this institution are strict, and many students fail to submit their papers and pass the corresponding courses.

Such type of assignment helps to have the ‘detective’ hat on: a student observes, examines, and evaluates the chosen topic using credible, up-to-date, and relevant sources. Working under controlled conditions is important. Participating in every school class will help to prepare good coursework by the end of the term. Take a look at the examples of what students of various profiles may face:

  • English Composition - English coursework is an extended essay in most cases. A student has a right to pick the topic. The tutors provide their students with the list of recommended titles to choose from, sources to observe & analyze, and a format (e.g., a comparison between different relevant articles)
  • Sciences - coursework for science is a complicated assignment. Such type of work appears in the form of a scientific paper to test what a writer investigates and reports independently.
  • Geography - geography coursework is about collecting, reporting, and explaining information to reply to a certain geographical question or offer solutions to the problem. One idea is to explore the usage of a shopping mall or analyze the recent tornado. No matter whether you have to prepare a coursework Columbia or such paper for other educational institutions, keep in mind these differences!

Types of Coursework Explained

English Language coursework is the most common type of this assignment. At advanced GCE level, the student will be expected to write a couple of essays, totaling 3,000 words. Every assignment is 20 marks maximum.

Types of Coursework

An analytical essay : Evaluate, compare, & contrast 3 different sources of data interconnected by a common theme; written /spoken / multimedia content. Discuss different uses for targeting various audiences. Learn more on our blog.

Original essay with a supportive commentary : A student will have to come up with a single piece of media writing in the observed modes (written, spoken, or multimodal). Add a supporting piece with details about the aspects of English language. English Language & Literature coursework is a bit different. The basic requirements are the same, and the parts are:

An analytical study : Sharing an analysis of the chosen piece and its relation to the related content. It will show how well the writer understands the original piece. Tutors grade such works based on the:

  • Use of the proper terminology and the coherence of the written words;
  • Understanding & evaluation of the way a structure, form, and language create the written & spoken word;
  • Opportunity to observe relationships between various pieces of writing.

Creative writing & commentary : Produce a creative piece that imitates the style of the assessed text. Share comments to backup your understanding. The goal is to show the knowledge, prove the competence, and use appropriate language skills in communicating with the target audience. You will also need a relevant coursework resume (review) in both cases. Keep on reading to learn how to write coursework of A level.

How to Write a Coursework: Guide for Students

Several factors may lead to the coursework being disqualified. It is a serious matter! The risk factors include:

  • Plagiarism - it is the worst thing that could happen to any type of academic assignment. Lots of relevant information is available on the world wide web today, and the tutors are strict about the issue of plagiarism. Write everything in your own words! If you decide to insert the quotes from the sources, apply the suggested citation format and develop a list of references. Sign the declaration claiming it is your original project. If you're unsure about how to approach this, seeking professional help by choosing to write my coursework can be a wise decision.
  • Word count - do not ignore the specific requirements concerning the length of the coursework. Specify if the footnotes, appendices, & references are included in the word count.
  • Topics - go through the list of available themes. If there is an examination planned on the specific topic, try to pick another idea for the coursework.
  • Tutor’s assistance - do not ignore the help of your instructor, ask them to provide guidance on what to write. Ask the questions to learn more details, but keep in mind they can go through the 1st draft once and just offer some general recommendations.

Choosing a Topic for Your Project

Dedicate enough time to this extra important question. Select the field of your interest if it is possible to relate it to the course. That is the golden rule of choosing a coursework topic - keep in mind the rest of the hints:

  • Analyze the offered list of topics or develop yours
  • Pick a topic from the area of your expertise related to the studied subject
  • Select the topic you are interested in
  • Choose the topic you’ve started to observe in the past
  • Check how much relevant, up-to-date information is available on the Internet about each of the topics
  • Pick what you can measure, change, & control (they call it a ‘fair test’)
  • Use the ideas of previous researchers and students
  • Do not choose a topic with a vast scope - you risk struggling to research it correctly

10 Good Coursework Topics

  • Non-traditional Forms of Poetry with TC Tolbert
  • Documentary Foundations: Usage of Oral Histories with Beth Alvarado
  • Traditional Forms of Poetry
  • Hermit Crabs: Type of Fiction
  • Writing the Autobiographical Poem
  • Creative Non-Fiction on the Examples of New Journalists
  • Authors without Borders
  • Writing the Sticky Stuff
  • Socially Engaged Literary Arts
  • Common Vocabulary

Research & Data Collection

Research is an integral part of coursework. Have you written research papers before? If yes, you will find it easier to select proper primary & secondary sources and gather the necessary information (evidence to support the main point - thesis). Depending on the required paper format, cite & reference the following sources:

  • Books & e-Books

Base the project on a specific hypothesis. The research must start with minimum one hypothesis. The research stage for some topics may consist of visiting websites to collect information. Leave another time for collecting the data as it is the heart of the research. Three methods of data collection are known:

  • Direct personal investigation : The one an author does individually (using literature and findings from previous studies);
  • Interview/Questionnaire : The researcher should gather the data from the respondents asking questions regarding required data;
  • Discussion with community leaders : Community leaders are approached to fetch information for the necessary data.

In case a student works on a scientific experiment, they should pay attention to planning the analysis with the help of rigorous scientific methods (keeping in mind the Health & Safety precautions you take). Review background information and theories. Take notes to express what you expect to occur to compare & contrast it to what happened in real life. In the write-up stage, one has to evaluate and present the findings.

6 steps to writing a good introduction

Writing a Coursework Outline

The writing process follows the research. Do not start it without preparing an action plan and scheduling the work - a paper pin for English coursework is based on an extended essay . An outline will look different for the science coursework projects. The goal of creating a plan is to prevent a writer from being disorganized and waffling.

Writing a Coursework Outline

Let us explain coursework outline on the specific example - a project on the global pursuit of lower costs and the role of human rights.

Start with the brief introduction explaining why it might be a topic of interest for many people. Mention those vast corporations like Wal-Mart abuse human rights by choosing and using child labor in the factories.

Provide an overview of the problem . Define human rights and costs. Pick the definitions from the official dictionaries and cite them properly when inserting in the text. Try to explain the terms in your own words.

Develop a body of the coursework , start with the case for & against ethical business practices. Using evidence and examples, list the arguments supporting ethical business practices and another side of the coin. Include a business case for ethical practices after the opening body paragraph.

Move to discussing ethical responsibilities ; explain why business organizations should care about the ethical aspects of their activities. After three sections of the body, one can conclude the paper. It can be a good idea to share a fact or statistics stressing the importance of research problem in the essay conclusion. End up with the reference list that may look this way:

  • Klein N (2000) No Logo (Flamingo, London)
  • Marcousé I, Gillespie A, Martin B, Surridge M and Wall N (2003) Business Studies 2e (Hodder Arnold, Oxon)
  • Royal Dutch Shell (2006) 4th Quarter Financial Report at (site example)


Additional Elements

Supporting materials and pictures are a must! The sciences & geography projects require tables, charts, graphs, and other types of images to illustrate the complicated topic. Not only should you add the pictures - it is essential to interpret and reference each of them. A separate part of the coursework where the student list and explains every visual element is Appendix , and it is an optional part. The presence of appendix increases the chances to earn an A+.

How to Write an Introduction for Coursework?

Most of the students underestimate the role of introduction & conclusion when it comes to writing an essay. An eye-catchy introduction is a key to success. The primary purposes of a coursework introduction are:

  • To grab the reader’s attention
  • To introduce the topic
  • To explain the research importance
  • To come up with a compelling thesis statement

The opening paragraph shows the depth of the writer’s acquaintance with the topic. Look at the expert tips below. They will help to learn how to write a coursework introduction to make the tutor want to read your entire paper.

What Is an Introduction?

The introduction of GCSE coursework is the opening paragraph that aims to interpret the central questions and purposes of the entire paper. It should have several elements to be effective. Those are:

  • A hook sentence
  • Background information
  • Problem significance
  • Solid thesis statement

Advice from our Experienced Writer

How to write an introduction to coursework? The quality of this part predetermines paper’s success. Look at some common mistakes writers do while working on the coursework introduction - try to prevent them!

Ignoring the prompt. Many students tend to neglect the tutor’s instructions. It is critical to read the prompt several times, highlight the main points, research question, rules, and grading rubric details.

Missing a plan. The prompt does not always say to develop a coursework outline. Without a plan for every separate section, it is impossible to write a flawless piece step-by-step. No matter whether you have to write a term paper, research paper, dissertation, or C3 coursework, get ready with the detailed plan. Once you understand how to write an introduction, it will be easier to develop the rest of the paper.

For those who need a helping hand in ensuring their work meets all the standards and deadlines, don't hesitate to buy coursework from trusted professionals.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

coursework plan meaning

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay

How to Write a Coursework: Complete Guide


In all academic writing assignments, coursework is the most important. It reveals students` writing skills. This type of academic writing is used to assess a student’s understanding of a subject. Coursework combines all the requirements needed in all types of academic writing. This means that a perfect coursework paper requires more than just decent and basic writing skills. However, this has been made easier by our team of experts who have combined their experience and expertise to create a guide on how to write an excellent coursework paper and ultimately improve our writing.

Coursework is a type of academic writing that can show the full capabilities of a student. It offers a different environment from an exam room while giving a student a chance to excel. The coursework assignment is an opportunity if you look at it in a literal way. If you cannot perform well in your exams, it can be a lifesaver, but it can be as challenging as an exam.

If that is not enough, our experts can also craft the best coursework paper for you to reinvent your writing ultimately. They have passed through special vetting and training to allow them to provide the highest quality of work for customers. Our company’s primary goal is not to make money but to give the top quality services to students all across the world at affordable prices.

Table of Contents

Coursework Simplified – What is Coursework?

Coursework papers can be described as an extension of a school project or essay. The role of coursework varies from different disciplines that a student is majoring in. When writing your coursework paper, conducting relevant research plays a very vital role. The emphasis required is independent for various topics. Doing the research is like an investigation, and every bit of detail matters largely. Act like a detective when searching, analyzing, and investigating sources of information for your topic.

How to Write a Good Coursework

We strongly recommend you to begin your coursework as soon as you are given such a task. Brilliant coursework needs a lot of time, so you have to start as early as possible. Always stay calm so that you cannot mess up your performance due to pressure. Do not rush to complete your assignment on one sitting. Divide your workload precisely and work slowly from day to day. This way, you can have manageable work to do every day, enabling you to pay great attention to your assignment.

Brilliant Writing Tips – How to Start a Coursework

The most important and vital part of coursework writing is research. Always make sure all the sources of information you use are credible. Various sources like material written by authentic writers, visiting the libraries, surfing the internet, or written class notes can be used as great sources.

Try to be organized and make an efficient timetable before you start working on your assignments. Follow your set timetable and avoid rushing your work. Never work on your coursework when your deadline is approaching. In case of emergencies, preset a completion date before you are required to submit your work.

The Perfect Way on How to Structure a Coursework

If you want to excel in coursework writing, you need to have a good structure. This means:

  • Structuring your coursework is essential for all academic writing for a reason. A structure allows a writer to thoroughly layout your assignments and plans on how your final paper will look.
  • A coursework structure is created after finishing the studying of your research sources. When doing this, you can loom at good coursework written by other students.
  • Be careful not to have plagiarism because it is a huge mistake that can cause you to ultimately fail your coursework paper.
  • Create a structure that can provide you with reliable follow up when writing your assignment.

A Proven and Brilliant Coursework Introduction

The introduction is what draws in a reader. It should be enticing but short. Your beginning statement should always draw in your reader. This will make the argument or information interesting, leaving your reader asking for more. Once you have a great beginning and all the context needed, countercheck your paper to make sure it is consistent and coherent. Don’t be discouraged if you write your introduction many times, it means you have a grasp of the right thing to do.

A Great Coursework Body

The body is where a writer states the main argument and fully develops it. Each paragraph should contain a key point clearly supporting an argument. The follow up should support all key points and be backed up with substantial evidence. The body of the essay is the building block for the coursework assignment. The body paragraph will be quite readable if it doesn’t contain large chunks of text. Simple paragraphs of 4-5 lines are quite enough.

A Moving Coursework Conclusion

A conclusion plays an important role in paper writing. It helps to reinforce your argument or main idea of your paper. Our experts insist that you have to restate the thesis statement and main idea of the coursework. Without a good conclusion, your essay will look blunt. This will make your assignment seem incomplete.

All this said, not everyone can put together with outstanding coursework. That’s why our experts have dedicated their valuable time and effort to writing brilliant coursework.

Our ‘ write my coursework for me ‘ service guarantee high-quality coursework papers that no writing service can top. Why hustle any longer with endless coursework assignments. Use our cheap coursework writing service to get outstanding academic papers. Use your time for other things while our writers toil. Order a paper now!

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What is Coursework: Definition, Examples, Guide | Nerdpapers

Rebekah Marshall

May 22, 2024

Read Time: 4 min

What is coursework an ultimate guide to coursework writing

Coursework is the most significant part of academic writing that requires so much time and effort. You should consider the guidance of your teachers and your seniors who have similar experiences in writing a coursework. This makes the process of working faster and more effective, which leads to the best outcomes. This guide will help you to understand what coursework is and how to write coursework effectively, based on expert tips from our  coursework writing service  team.

What is Coursework?

Coursework consists of all basic assignments given to students to evaluate their level of understanding. It includes many types of assignments, such as essay writing, research papers, discussion boards and written reports. To get excellent grades and grade point averages (GPA), students must understand the basic concepts of their courses. Coursework is difficult to define, even though it is usually important to complete a specific program. This kind of assignment can be completed in a wide range of formats. 

Importance of Coursework

Coursework is the most common type of assignment that teachers give students to understand their level of learning on a specific topic or subject. Moreover, it shows how well a student understands and uses the topic in various contexts. Through coursework writing, students may improve their research abilities, increase their understanding of a subject, develop their analytical skills, and apply the knowledge they have discovered to use independently. Furthermore, students learn to summarize the topic with key arguments and then draw conclusions by learning  how to write coursework . 

Types of Coursework

Five different types of coursework are given to students:

Types of coursework writing

Analytical Coursework

Analytical Coursework presents a thesis statement or claim and demonstrates how to study different things. It usually focuses on the literary style of the text rather than the synopsis.

Supportive Commentary

Supportive Commentary helps students to create a single piece of media writing. Coursework should be written in an experimental mode, such as written, spoken, or multimodal. Students must also include a supporting statement that contains all the information and aspects. 

Journal Coursework

Writing journals for coursework is regarded as an act that promotes casual writing as a regular activity. This can take many different forms and is useful for multiple purposes. It can be both creative and personal. In order to organize their thoughts, compose their ideas, and respond to them, students are always expected to keep journals as part of their coursework.

Analytical Study

Analytical study is the process of sharing an analysis of the chosen work and how it relates to the relevant material. It also shows how well the writer understands the entire process of writing. Students should use proper vocabulary and must maintain word consistency. Also, understand the structure and format of writing.  

Commentary and Creative Writing

In commentary and creative writing coursework, students are asked to generate creative content that reflects the tone or style of the assessed text. It also helps to share comments to support the knowledge. Additionally, the major purpose of creative writing and commentary is to demonstrate knowledge, test skills, and engage the target audience through various languages.

Coursework Writing Tips

There are some key points that you should keep in mind while writing coursework. 

Tips for writing coursework

It is the worst possible scenario for any kind of academic writing assignment. Today, the internet has tons of relevant information, and professors become rigorous in the context of plagiarism. Your own words should be used in all writing! Use the advised citation style and make references list if you choose to include quotations from the sources. Claim that it is your own project and sign the declaration.

Keep in mind the precise guidelines for the coursework’s length. Specify whether the references, appendices, and footnotes are counted as part of the word count.

Browse the possible topics. Try to pick a relevant coursework topic that is similar to the subject of the upcoming exam if one will be held on it. 

Get Help from Tutor

Never ignore your teacher’s advice; ask for their guidance on your topic. Also, to learn more, ask questions, but remember they may only read the first draft once and give general suggestions.

Perfect Coursework Writing Structure

The precision required for coursework writing depends not only on the writing process but also on the design. Even if you produce a stunning and thoroughly researched paper for the professor, poor design will still result in bad grades. We have chosen the most significant components to build a flawless coursework structure for you after reviewing many coursework standards. The structure consists of the following main components:

Introduction or Opening

The first step is to write the coursework introduction after choosing a topic. This introduction section needs to be extraordinary to catch the reader’s attention. Make sure to include all essential details, and keep it brief or precise. 

Include any background data about the topic you have chosen. Write down your goals as well. This section should contain your thesis statement. Also, write the introduction in such a way that it serves as the reader’s guide.

Main Body 

Your hard work and dedication will be reflected in this section. In the body section, you should add every minute detail you discovered on your research journey. Additionally, this section will be written in the past tense with an informative tone. 

Readers may find research findings boring because they are just stats and figures. Therefore, this section should include appealing tables, graphs, infographics and charts to make it interesting. Mention each statistic as it is; do not change any findings. 

Summarize your whole coursework in this section. The conclusion needs to be short while covering all the details. You might mention the essential takeaways from the coursework.

How to Write a Coursework: Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to write coursework effectively

Research : Gather information from primary and secondary sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Keep detailed notes and organize them in a table for easy reference.

Planning : Create a rough outline, deciding what to include in each section. Use a timeline to manage your tasks and meet deadlines.

Drafting : Start writing with the section you know best, using coursework examples to illustrate your points. Focus on gradually narrowing down your topic.

Editing : Proofread for consistency, style, grammar, and punctuation errors using tools like Grammarly. Ensure the document meets word count and formatting requirements, allowing time for thorough editing.

Formative vs Summative Coursework Assessments

Formative assessment assesses students’ understanding of a subject by offering them practice in essay creation and structure which can also be beneficial for tasks like  term paper writing . It assists students in evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and focuses on areas that require improvement. Moreover, formative assessments help instructors in identifying students’ areas of difficulty and taking prompt action to resolve issues

Summative assessments , on the other hand, evaluate students’ knowledge at the end of the semester. Summative assessment includes mid-term exams and final-year project. When completing courses, it is vital to understand the type of review you are submitting to. If you understand the coursework meaning and finish your assignments on time, you might obtain an A+.

Get Coursework Help from Experts

If you want to write your coursework successfully, follow all the steps mentioned above. If you still have difficulty writing coursework, you can get academic writing help at our  essay writing service  with one click. We have a group of experienced writers who can offer you timely, cost-effective coursework help online. 

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Full Guide on How to Write a Coursework with Tips and Topics

coursework plan meaning

Defining What is Coursework

Coursework writing guide, additional tips for coursework writing, useful coursework topics, final advice.

Picture this: it's a sunny day, and you're walking across your university campus, feeling energized and motivated. But as you look at your schedule, you notice the looming deadlines for your coursework assignments. Suddenly, your excitement turns into anxiety as you realize you're not quite sure what coursework even entails. Fear not, as we're here to help! In this paragraph, we'll define what is coursework and explore its various forms, so you can approach your assignments with confidence and clarity.

Coursework definition goes as a set of academic assignments, exercises, or projects that students are required to complete as part of their course requirements. It can take different forms, including essays, reports, presentations, research papers, lab reports, and other assignments.

Coursework aims to assess students' knowledge, understanding, and skills in a particular subject or field of study. Coursework assignments are usually completed outside of class time and are often graded by instructors to determine the student's level of achievement in the course.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of writing coursework? You're not alone. Coursework assignments can be challenging, especially if you're unsure of what's expected of you. But we've got you. We've prepared a comprehensive guide to fulfill your concern for 'how to write my coursework' that provides tips, strategies, and step-by-step instructions to help you produce high-quality assignments.

Our guide covers everything from choosing a topic to conducting research, developing a thesis, and structuring your coursework effectively. Whether you're a seasoned writer or new to coursework assignments, our guide is designed to help you succeed. So, let's dive in and get started.

To further ease your academic journey, you can also explore the option to buy coursework , which offers a tailored solution to meet your specific needs and ensure you achieve the best possible results.

Structure and Outline of a Coursework

The structure and outline of a coursework can vary depending on the specific type of assignment and subject matter. However, there are some commonalities between different types of coursework writing.

For instance, good coursework assignments follow a typical academic format that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Many coursework assignments require a reference list or bibliography to cite sources used in the research process.

Thesis and dissertation projects may have slightly different structures, often requiring additional sections such as a literature review, methodology, and discussion section. Research papers may also have another format, depending on the assignment's requirements and the subject matter.

coursework outline

Despite these variations, coursework assignments generally adopt a typical outline format that includes the following:

  • The title page - includes the assignment title, the student's name, the course title, and the date.
  • Table of contents - provides a list of the major sections and subsections of the assignment.
  • Abstract - a summary of the assignment that highlights the key points.
  • Introduction - provides an overview of the topic and the purpose of the assignment.
  • Body paragraph(s) - presents the main argument or analysis of the assignment, supported by evidence and research.
  • Conclusion - summarizes the main points of the assignment and provides a final analysis or evaluation.
  • Reference list - lists all sources used in the research process.

By following this coursework outline format and adapting it to the assignment's specific requirements, students can create clear, well-structured coursework papers. But if you need a professional writer's help, you can just ask us: 'Can you write my paper ?' and that's all the effort you need to make for a perfect paper.

How to Write a Coursework Introduction

The introduction is a crucial part of any coursework writing process, as it sets the tone for the rest of the paper and helps to engage the reader. Here are some points to help you master how to write a coursework introduction:

  • Explain the significance of your coursework topic - Start briefly explaining why your issue is essential, and highlight its relevance and potential impact.
  • Identify the main problem/question - By providing readers with a brief insight into the issue you'll be exploring, you can give them a sense of the scope and focus of your study.
  • Establish clear goals - This will help you stay focused and ensure your research aligns with your objectives.
  • Craft a thesis statement - By clearly stating what you hope to achieve and the results you plan to obtain, you can establish a roadmap for your research.
  • End your introduction with a thought-provoking statement - This can help to capture their attention and motivate them to continue reading your work.

Following these pointers, you can create a solid and engaging introduction that sets the stage for a well-structured and impressive coursework assignment.

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How to Write a Summary of Coursework in Resume

If you're a student, your resume may lack work experience, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to offer to potential employers. Including a summary of your relevant coursework writing can showcase the skills you're developing and help employers understand why you're a good fit for the job or internship.

To help you learn how to write a summary of coursework in resume, we gathered some tips:

  • Use single-column format - list the relevant courses under a section titled 'Relevant Coursework.' This format resembles the education section on your resume and presents the coursework in a simple list form.
  • Multi-column format - If you're applying for a job that requires expertise in multiple fields, you can group the columns into sections using a multi-column layout. For example:

- Academic Writing

- Internship involving Research

- Oral Communication Skills

  • Detailed Format - The detailed format offers a more comprehensive view of the coursework you choose to include on your resume. This format resembles the professional experience section, where you provide details about the course and two to four bullet points highlighting the study's relevant learnings or achievements.

How to Write a Coursework Report

How to write a coursework report can be a common question among students. A coursework report allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic, concept, or issue by conducting research, analyzing data, and presenting their findings in a written report. If you find it challenging to write this report before your deadline, you can say the magic words 'write my coursework report,' and an online paper writing service will provide it to you quickly.

The structure of a coursework report typically consists of several key components, including:

1.0 The Introduction

2.0 Key Issues (provides an overview of the main topics covered in this report, leading into sections 2.1 and 2.2)

2.1 Sub-topic 1

2.2 Sub-topic 2

3.0 Key Issues (outlines the main topics covered in this section, leading into sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

3.1 Sub-topic 1

3.2 Sub-topic 2

3.3 Sub-topic 3

4.0 Conclusions (summarizes the essential findings and insights, representing 5-10% of the word count)

5.0 Recommendations (provides actionable suggestions based on the conclusions and analysis presented in the report)

In this paragraph, we provided seven coursework writing tips that will help you to write your academic paper, definition essay examples , or any coursework perfectly:

tips for oursework

  • Start Early : Begin working on your coursework as soon as possible to avoid last-minute stress and ensure you have enough time for proper planning, research, writing, and editing.
  • Choose a Clear and Interesting Topic : Choose a topic that you are eager to write coursework about and is clear and specific. A precise topic will help you focus your research and writing, while an interesting topic will keep you engaged and motivated.
  • Use Evidence Effectively: Use evidence such as quotes and statistics to support your arguments, but use them selectively. Ensure your evidence is relevant and supports your main points, and always cite your sources correctly.
  • Follow the Instructions: Pay close attention to the instructions given by your professor, and ensure you understand the coursework requirements.
  • Structure Your Paper : Organize your paper into clear sections with headings and subheadings. This will make it easier for your readers to follow your arguments and understand your ideas.
  • Revise and Edit: Once you have completed your coursework, revise and edit it carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your ideas are presented clearly and coherently.
  • Use Feedback: If you receive feedback from your professor or peers, use it to improve your coursework. Consider the feedback carefully and make revisions where necessary.

To help you create your coursework examples effectively, we gathered some topics for you to write about:

Psychology Coursework:

  • Investigating the impact of stress on memory
  • Examining the effectiveness of different types of therapy for treating depression
  • Analyzing the effects of social media use on mental health

History Coursework:

  • Examining the causes and consequences of a particular historical event
  • Analyzing the impact of a particular historical figure on their time period
  • Investigating the role of propaganda in a particular historical context

Computer Science Coursework:

  • Developing a computer program to solve a particular problem
  • Analyzing the performance of different algorithms for a particular task
  • Examining the security risks associated with a particular technology or system.

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Celebrating 150 years of Harvard Summer School. Learn about our history.

Your Guide to Conquering College Coursework

Getting good grades in college can be a lot tougher than in high school. For many students, it requires building new skills and establishing new habits. Learning those skills now—before starting college—will help make your transition as easy and as successful as possible.

Mary Sharp Emerson

The transition from high school to college is a big one. Meeting new friends, living on your own, and creating your own schedule are just some of the new, exciting challenges that await you.   

In the excitement of starting a new life on campus, college coursework can sometimes become a second priority.

However, adjusting to college coursework is often the biggest challenge of all. Even the best students may be surprised at how difficult college courses are. The subject matter is more complex. The workload is larger. And instructors’ standards are higher.

Mastering college-level courses requires a new level of independence, advocacy, engagement, and time management.

You can prepare yourself to succeed before you even get to campus. Identifying the skills you need, and building those skills into established habits, will help make your transition to college academics, and college life, easier, less stressful, and more successful.

Be engaged in your college coursework

College courses require your full attention and active participation.

And the more you engage with your teachers, teaching assistants, and classmates both in and out of the classroom, the easier it will be for you to succeed in that class.

The importance of active listening

Active listening is one of the most critical parts of engaging in a course, according to Gina Neugebauer, assistant director of Harvard Summer School’s Secondary School Program.

“Professors and teaching assistants can tell if you’re actively listening. They notice if you’re taking notes and making eye contact. They also notice if you’re distracted by your phone or computer,” notes Neugebauer.

Active listening means not checking your social media accounts or texting friends during class.

It also means really giving the instructor and your classmates your full attention.

It sounds easy in theory but it takes practice. It can be tough to not think about all the work you have or your next party. But the more you work on actively listening, the easier it will be to not get distracted and miss important information in class.

Different ways to actively participate

Beyond active listening, there are many ways to participate in a course. And you can tailor your level of engagement to your personality and comfort level.

“It’s all about gauging what you’re comfortable with,” says Neugebauer.

“You may not be the person who raises their hand all the time but you actively respond to online discussion posts, for example. You may not feel comfortable talking in front of hundreds of students in a large lecture hall but you take advantage of TA office hours and email the instructor with questions.”

But don’t be afraid to push yourself if you aren’t someone who usually speaks up in class.

It’s ok to start small. Work on raising your hand in small seminars or discussion sections. As you gain confidence, you’ll find it gets easier to answer questions and share your opinions.

Build independence and advocate for yourself

In college, you are responsible for your own success. You will need to advocate for yourself and know when—and how—to ask for help. That requires a level of independence that you may not have needed in high school.

The good news is that instructors and teaching assistants want to help you.

“Instructors, on the whole, enjoy hearing from you. And they’d rather hear from you right from the start, rather than have you struggle on your own for three weeks,” says Neugebauer.

If you have a question about an assignment, send your instructor an email. Are you upset about a grade you got on a recent test? Visit your instructor or TA during office hours to discuss what went wrong and how you can improve.

But remember, says Neugebauer, professors are busy and you are only one of many students.

“Your email should include your full name, what course you’re taking, and a brief description of your question or concern. And you cannot expect an answer at 2 a.m. because that’s when you’re studying. When you reach out to an instructor, give them 24-48 hours to respond.”

And remember, always be respectful and non-confrontational.

Challenge yourself in a college course. Get a sneak peak at college life.

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Don’t be afraid to seek help

If you have excelled in high school without extra help, you might be tempted to persevere on your own.

In college, Neugebauer points out, asking for help is the norm.

“Once you get into your undergraduate program, you’ll find that almost everyone has, at some point, asked a TA for extra tutoring, gone to a tutoring center, or a writing or math center for extra help. It’s part of the learning process of an undergraduate program,” Neugebauer says.

Colleges have a variety of support systems in place to help you succeed.

TA office hours are a great place to start if you find yourself struggling with a specific concept or assignment. Peer tutoring programs enable you to learn from students who have been through the course themselves. Academic coaches can help with more general study tips or exam-related stress.

The key is seeking out help proactively, before you get too far behind. As the courses become more difficult, catching up becomes increasingly difficult.

Build time management techniques

Balancing everything that comes with life on a college campus can be difficult for many incoming college students.

“The biggest challenge we see facing high school students who are trying to adapt to college life is overcommitment. Students want to engage in every activity, a full course load, and even sometimes a part-time job. They don’t schedule enough time for self-care, quiet time, doing laundry, and plenty of study time. All those things take time,” Neugebauer says.

Good study habits and time management are key to avoiding the stress that comes from getting overcommitted.

Neugebauer recommends getting into the habit of keeping an accurate and up-to-date calendar.

“The best thing I can recommend is a calendar, such as Google Calendar. Use it to schedule everything: your class, your lunch time, time at the gym. It may seem counterintuitive, but work on scheduling literally everything, even sleep.”

Be sure to include assignments, tests, and other deadlines, as well as office hours for your instructors, TAs, and academic coaches.

Use your calendar to block off dedicated study time. And once you schedule it, stick to it! Avoid the temptation to procrastinate or use that time to hang out, play video games, or scroll on your phone.

Your calendar should also include dedicated time for self-care.

Regular mealtimes, good exercise habits, and a full night’s sleep are not only critical for your physical and mental health. You’ll also be surprised at how much they contribute to your academic success.

Challenge yourself as you engage in college coursework

Getting outside your comfort zone is a critical part of preparing yourself for the exciting challenges that await you in college.

“Being uncomfortable allows for growth. It means saying to yourself, ‘this is new. I want to try it. I want to see how it feels.’ This is all about adapting to a new environment but also examining yourself as a person,” says Neugebauer.

Taking on a new challenge—regardless of the ultimate outcome—builds resilience, mental toughness, and confidence, all of which you will need to succeed in your college courses.

But, warns Neugebauer, it’s also important to know your limitations.

“That uncomfortable feeling should be manageable. It should be a challenge but not so challenging that you feel panicked and wake up in cold sweats every night. It should be something that gets you a little nervous but also excited about what you’re involved in every day.”

However you decide to challenge yourself, it’s never too early to start if college is in your future. The sooner you start identifying and mastering the skills you need in college, the better prepared you’ll be to succeed right from day one.

Spend your summer at Harvard!

About the Author

Digital Content Producer

Emerson is a Digital Content Producer at Harvard DCE. She is a graduate of Brandeis University and Yale University and started her career as an international affairs analyst. She is an avid triathlete and has completed three Ironman triathlons, as well as the Boston Marathon.

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How to Write Coursework

By: Angelina Grin

How to Write Coursework

Impactful courseworks is one of the most important tasks a student has to compose in his college life. It's one of the most important bits of scholarly literature. The work of the course plays an incredibly significant part in having a decent result for a student. If the coursework is good, the student is likely to get good grades and guidance. A lot of studies and hard work is going into writing coursework.

Difference Between Coursework And Assignment

Math coursework, management system coursework, how to write coursework: guide for students, good coursework topics, research data collection, secondary data, quantitative data, qualitative analysis, writing a coursework outline, what is an introduction, a great coursework body, a moving coursework conclusion, coursework writing tips for college students, important things to remember.

Courseworks is a curriculum-mandated written work that students typically have to do beyond regular classroom hours. Coursework is a written or realistic work undertaken by a pupil during a course of study, typically measured to count against a final mark or grade of school or university. And we can get any assistance to students who need courseworks writing service, even if they need nursing coursework help .

The distinction between the courseworks and the assignment is that the assignment is any job that you need to perform in the study period (testing, homework, etc.) whilst the coursework is a longer work that incorporates the analysis method and involves the comprehension of all the course materials.

Types of Coursework Explained

To give you a clearer understanding of how coursework definition  differs from one subject to another, here are a few examples:

English courseworks typically takes the form of an extended essay with the title of your choosing. You typically have a choice of themes and/or texts to pursue, there may be different styles for every type, e.g.daramy may have different styles.

Technology courseworks for science subjects frequently takes the form of a scientific project or experiment that you perform and document on yourself.

Geography Courseworks typically focuses on the compilation, reporting, and evaluation of data intended to address a specific geographical query. For example, you might analyze the use of a shopping Centre or look at the erosion of a specific beach.

Typical math courseworks consists of an examination of historical evidence on the topic of study, an overview of the literature, and related calculations.

Business administration and Management System courseworks includes accounting, economics, finance, management, and business growth.

So how to start the work of the courseworks? Or How to write the course work? how to write the course work? Like every other academic piece, some certain rules and criteria decide what makes courseworks successful and outstanding. Students must consider any of the following points in writing to score a successful grade in school or university and avoid disqualifying their paper:

Students are not permitted to request assistance from teachers or fellow students of university or school until they are qualified or trained in a community course. However, the teacher is only required to provide instructions about how to treat a document and to point out particular areas that are objectively reviewed by the examiners.

Students are expected to prevent plagiarism. It is a law that, if committed, is deemed to be a serious academic crime. Under this law, the student is required to apply an original work written and not copied from another source. This is tested by using different plagiarism control tools.

Therefore, students should make sure that their own words are part of their work by signing a statement affirming that this is your piece of work.

Also, a student must check that the word counts on their document and ensure that the word limits are set without reference to appendices, references, and footnotes.

Students must be keen and alert when choosing subjects to prevent writing about an incorrect subject that is not addressed by the courseworks. Before printing, the topic already addressed should either be reviewed or debated with the faculty concerned.

Choosing a Topic for Your Project

Being able to select relevant subjects is a valuable ability for every student. It is very important to write a decent piece. It is a mandatory part of the degree.

The value of writing good courseworks will cause students to feel an immense and looming weight hanging over their heads as time progresses, but if you know a few key steps in selecting the right study topics, it can be fast, simple, and even enjoyable.

  • Choose a topic that suits the length of your article.
  • Stop a topic that would tempt you to outline rather than address or evaluate.
  • Choose a topic that attracts you.

If your task involves analysis, choose the subject on which you can find the content. Choose the topic where extensive debates can be found.

After you've chosen a topic, don't be afraid to change it if it doesn't work out.

The choice of the subject of the courseworks is the most critical stage of its writing. It depends on your preference whether you're writing it conveniently and rapidly or postponing it for the next three months. A strong subject brings insight and motivation, a poor one breaks the will to learn.

There are three potential options for selecting a topic:

  • You're doing it yourself;
  • Choose from the list of alternatives proposed;
  • You comply with the supervisor's decision.

An individual  choice of subject is an incentive to pick the most interesting field of study for you. However, we do not suggest using this option if you do not understand the topic and what you can study there.

Data collection is a method of obtaining information from all accessible sources to find solutions to the study issue, to validate the theory, and to analyze the findings. Data collection methods can be classified into two categories: secondary data collection methods and primary data collection methods.

Secondary data is a form of data that has already been published in books, articles, magazines, libraries, journals, news, web portals, etc. There is an abundance of data accessible in these outlets about your field of study of market studies, almost irrespective of the quality of the research region. The implementation of an appropriate set of parameters for the collection of secondary data to be used in the analysis thus plays an important role in raising the degree of legitimacy and reliability of the research or hypothesis.

Primary Data

Primary data collection approaches can be classified into two categories: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative data processing techniques are based on statistical equations in diverse formats. Quantitative data collection and interpretation approaches include closed-ended questionnaires, correlation, and regression methods, mean, form and median, and other resources.

Qualitative analysis techniques, on the other hand, do not require statistics or statistical equations. Qualitative analysis is closely related to words, sounds, thoughts, attitudes, colors, and other non-quantifiable components.

A thorough overview of the coursework helps students to evaluate the courseworks following their academic needs, to understand better what is required of them and how they can benefit from the learning.

There are several potential components of the outline of the course, but the general outline of the course is presented below and can be adapted to fit within different organizational training systems and developing a coursework outline guide is an easy way to standardize the course descriptions and catalog information for subsequent updates or offers.

The following parts should be included in the courseworks outline:

  • Name, Number, Credits, and Summary of Course
  • Prerequisites/Corequisites
  • Name of Learners, Contact Info, and Biography
  • Schedule of courses
  • Outcomes of Learning
  • Material breakdown by session
  • Instructional means in the usage
  • Course Assessment Process, Policies, and Size
  • Laws of Classroom/Code of Conduct Standards
  • Materials of the subject
  • Details on the basic idea
  • Name, Number, Credits, and Summary of project

How to Write an Introduction for Coursework?

Why does it matter? In certain situations, the intro shows the extent of your understanding of the subject, and thus, even though the main body of your work is written perfectly, you still have high chances to fail in university or school if you don't know how to write the intro!

We are listing a few tips and tricks How to write the guide to the coursework in the most effective manner.

Courseworks is a typical form of analytical writing that is given to students and is typically meant to test their knowledge and to decide the final score. The intro to this paper is the first paragraph, which outlines the key problems, goals, and objectives of the work as a whole, and includes a topic that reveals the importance of the theme chosen.

Get a proposal, man! Many students who don't know how to write decent introductory courseworks make this mistake. It is advised that you should have a thorough outline, no matter whether you are writing an article on History, a term paper on English literature, a report on geography, a business plan, or a C3 course! Why? Why? And if you have a strategy, you'll be able to write a decent job effectively, comfortably, and efficiently!

And how can you write an introduction to the courseworks? To build a strong intro that meets all the criteria, take the reader's attention, and give you a high ranking for your article, you need to follow these basic steps:

  • Show the importance of your subject
  • Identify the study concern or query
  • Define the priorities
  • Allow a declaration of thesis
  • Finish your intro with an insightful idea.

The body is where the key point is put out and thoroughly formed by the writer. Each paragraph should include a central point that explicitly supports an argument. The follow-up should confirm all key points and be backed up by substantial evidence. The body of the article is the building block for the assignment. The body paragraph would be very readable if it does not contain big chunks of text. Easy paragraphs of 4-5 lines are enough.

The conclusion is a very important part, it provides an end result and an important point of work. A well-written conclusion allows you a variety of valuable chances to explain to the reader your general interpretation of the research topic. This includes the following:

In a general style,

  • Summarize your subject, learning outcomes, and why it is relevant,
  • Reset your thesis/claim,
  • Address contrary views and justify why readers should align with your stance,
  • Request for intervention or overview of future study prospects.

Coursework writing is an academic task given to students that leads to the achievement of good grades. A study by the student, his method, structure, content, and writing style can differ from assignment to assignment.

Have Your Time Cool And Take Your Time

It is highly advised that you commence your job as soon as possible. Start early and take your time to finish your task. Keep cool so that your tension does not impede your assignment results.

Divide the Job Into the Pieces

Don't finish the whole task in one sitting. Find your productive time every day and split your workload accordingly. In this way, you will pay more attention to the substance of your task. You may also prevent errors by checking the previously done job each time you continue to do so.

The study is the first and most critical factor in the writing of courseworks. Make sure you use reliable resources for incredible writing. For this reason, you can use a range of outlets, such as archives, the internet, news, content is written by expert writers and classroom lectures.

Managing Time

Organize yourself and make a plan as soon as you start working on your assignment. Follow the schedule set to prevent writing hastily near the deadline. In the case of emergency cases, please ensure that you set the deadline for finishing your work before the date of the request.

Ask for Help

An unclear mind cannot produce quality work. If you are unable to understand your topic you should ask your teacher for help and check all available coursework writing service resources. It is always better to take guidance from the teacher who assigns you the work.

Check for Errors

Always sure you proofread the work before you file it. Go through your task to locate spelling and grammatical errors. It's a smart idea to send your task to someone with strong skills and vocabulary for proofreading. You should also pay particular attention to the look of your job.

Evitate Plagiarism

Many students copy the content from the internet as they run out of time to apply their coursework. It's a really bad idea and it's going to make you miss your marks. You may consider materials from any source, but your content should be original. And if possible, include correct quotations.

  • Schedule before you start working on the subject.
  • Rationally express their thoughts.
  • Choose a special subject instead of a common one.
  • Demonstrate your effort to obtain good grades rather than desperation.
  • Backup the job.
  • Make writing style appealing and use strong vocabulary.

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Coursework: Requirements for an A+ Paper

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Academic writing is an essential activity in higher education and comes in various forms. Basically, one of these forms is coursework writing, where instructors assess students’ levels of understanding of a course during a semester. Unlike other papers, coursework assignments evaluate students’ understanding of a particular course and not just a topic in a class. Besides, various forms of coursework writing include essays, term papers, theses, dissertations, report projects, and others. Hence, people need to learn what is a coursework assignment and how to write such a paper effectively.

General Aspects

College and university students undertake different kinds of academic exercises, with writing projects taking a significant portion of their grades. Basically, one of these exercises is the writing of a coursework paper, an assignment they submit at the end of their semester. This kind of work also assesses students’ understanding of a particular field of study within a single semester. In turn, instructors rarely require someone to write a paper for things they learned during a previous semester. Therefore, coursework entails completing various writing assignments, such as essays, research projects, experiments, and presentations that assess a student’s understanding and application of a subject material.

What Is a Coursework and Its Purpose

According to its definition, coursework is an academic project assignment that students are required to undertake as part of their educational curriculum and which they must submit before a final closure of an entire semester. The primary purpose of writing a coursework assignment is to evaluate learners’ levels of knowledge and skills acquisition, meaning such a project contributes to their final grades (Godfrey, 2022). Ideally, coursework is what students learn during a semester, and such an assignment is meant to measure how well they have understood a subject matter. Moreover, individuals use reliable and relevant sources to study, examine, and evaluate a chosen coursework topic (Haines, 2021). As such, this task is very similar to other academic assignments, such as essays, research papers, reports, thesis writing, dissertations, and other types of papers . In terms of pages and words, the length of a coursework assignment depends on academic levels, subjects, institution’s requirements, and its nature and scope, while general guidelines are:

High School

  • Length: 6-10 pages
  • Words: 1,500-2,500 words
  • Length: 10-16 pages
  • Words: 2,500-4,000 words

University (Undergraduate)

  • Length: 16-24 pages
  • Words: 4,000-6,000 words


  • Length: 24-32 pages
  • Words: 6,000-8,000 words
  • Length: 32-52 pages or more (depending on the complexity and depth of the research)
  • Words: 8,000-13,000 words or more


Title PageIncludes a specific title of a coursework project, student’s name, instructor’s name, course name, and date.
Table of ContentsOutlines all the sections and subsections with page numbers.
Abstract/Executive SummaryPresents a brief summary of an entire paper, including main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Typically, its length is about 150-250 words.
IntroductionIntroduces an assigned topic, provides background information, states a research question or thesis, and outlines a primary purpose and objectives of an entire coursework.
Literature ReviewReviews relevant literature, highlighting key theories, concepts, and studies related to a picked topic.
MethodologyDescribes research methods and procedures used to collect and analyze data and includes details about a study design, participants, instruments, and procedures.
ResultsPresents key findings of a particular research or analysis and includes tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate these results.
DiscussionInterprets obtained results, discussing their implications, significance, and relevance to a research question or thesis, addresses any limitations, and suggests areas for future research.
ConclusionSummarizes central findings and arguments, reiterates a study’s significance, and provides a final thought or call to action.
List of ReferencesProvides all the sources cited in a whole coursework and formatted according to a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian).
AppendicesIncludes any additional material, such as raw data, detailed calculations, or supplementary information, that supports a main text but is too lengthy to include in its main sections.

Note: Some sections of a coursework paper can be added, deleted, or combined with each other, and it depends on specific college instructions. However, a typical structure of coursework covers a title page, table of contents, abstract/executive summary, introduction with a thesis or research question, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices.

Differences With Other Papers

In any course of their classes, students write different types of papers, including essays, research papers, and reports. Basically, the major difference between coursework writing and these papers is that it assesses people’ understanding of what they have discovered throughout a semester (Couch, 2021). In contrast, essays and other papers assess learners’ understanding of a specific topic, concept, result, or theory. Moreover, students may need to address an issue in their project they might have covered in an essay assignment sometime during a previous semester. As such, a coursework assignment is broader in scope than other papers.


Like essays and other papers, a coursework assignment varies from one area of study to another. For example, there is a coursework for the English subject and another for the sciences (Godfrey, 2022). Therefore, individuals are expected to complete their coursework assignments according to their instructor’s or department’s instructions. In most cases, this expectation includes presenting an assignment in an essay format, where they select a title of their choice. Depending on a specific subject, some assignments expect students to collect, examine, infer, and report data when answering a specific question (Haines, 2021). Finally, in college, coursework refers to writing assignments, projects, and tasks students must complete as part of their academic curriculum to demonstrate their understanding and application of a subject material.

When it comes to a grading aspect of academic assignments, instructors look at how well a student has attended to all the requirements and expectations. For instance, these requirements include writing about a choice of themes or text excerpts in a given format (Haines, 2021). In essence, people must use a good approach they believe is likely to give them a higher grade, meaning a technique that helps them to answer a specific question methodically, logically, and critically by using relevant information. In essence, these are three dimensions for grading a coursework assignment (Couch, 2021). As such, to write a coursework paper effectively, one should conduct thorough research, follow a clear and organized structure, adhere to given guidelines, and proofread a final document to ensure accuracy and coherence.

Steps on How to Write a Coursework Paper

Like an essay, a coursework assignment takes a particular structure. Basically, students should understand core components and make sure they address them in their academic writing (Bjorn et al., 2022). In this case, the most significant issue for writers is to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Moreover, developing a thesis statement is essential to provide high-quality essays with a guideline on focal issues. Primarily, these issues are class concepts and theories a person has learned in a specific course during a semester (Godfrey, 2022). As a result, to write coursework, students thoroughly research their topics, create detailed outlines, adhere to specified formats, draft their content clearly and concisely, and proofread their papers for any mistakes.

Step 1: Preparation

Planning or preparation is the first step in writing a coursework paper. For instance, an essence of any form of academic writing is to measure a person’s level of understanding about a particular area of study (Haines, 2021). To start coursework, students begin by carefully reviewing assignment guidelines, conducting preliminary research to understand their assigned topics, and outlining main points and structure of their papers. Since such an project measures what a student has learned in a given course, it is paramount for each person to prepare well when executing an assignment. Here, learners have to choose a topic that they are comfortable with, one that they are passionate about. Additionally, they should generate ideas about their coursework by deciding what is relevant and what is not. In principle, a typical reasoning that guides this decision is a particular expectation outlined in assignment instructions (Godfrey, 2022). Lastly, people should understand their audience – consumers of their work or readers. Like any other assignment, a target audience is course instructors. Hence, writers should ensure their class projects satisfy a curiosity of readers. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning a coursework paper include:

  • In recent years, the topic of [subject] has gained a significant attention due to its direct impact on [related field/issue], while this coursework aims to explore … .
  • The origins of [subject] can be traced back to [year/era], when [important event/person] first introduced a particular concept of … .
  • Understanding [subject] is crucial for [reason/field], as it offers more insights into [related concept or application], and this paper seeks to examine … .
  • Currently, [subject] is experiencing a period of rapid development, with new research and advancements being made in areas, such as … .
  • By exploring a research question: [research question], this paper aims to examine [purpose of the study] … .
  • While much has been written about [subject], there remains a significant knowledge gap in a current literature regarding [specific aspect], which this paper will investigate … .
  • During my studies/experience in [related field], I observed [specific phenomenon], which prompted me to investigate [subject] more thoroughly … .
  • According to recent statistics, [relevant statistic] highlights the importance of [subject], which this coursework will explore … .
  • As [author/expert] once said, ‘[relevant quote],’ this statement underscores a real significance of [subject], which will be a particular focus of this paper in … .
  • This coursework is based on a particular hypothesis that [hypothesis statement], and this comprehensive analysis and research will seek to prove/disprove … .

Step 2: Setting Up

After preparation, people should set up the stage for coursework writing. Basically, a first preoccupation is to find sources relevant to an assignment prompt – those that are more likely to provide enough evidence and support needed claims. As scholars review credible sources, they should take notes to provide a strong argumentation in their projects (Walter & Stouck, 2020). Then, another activity involves deciding on a coursework outline, which should help to answer an assignment prompt logically and critically. Lastly, learners should create an annotated bibliography, a summary of each source they intend to use as a valid basis for their arguments in an entire document.

Step 3: Writing a First Draft

After preparing and setting up the stage, students should start writing a first version of their coursework assignment. In this case, armed with notes taken during a review of reliable sources and an outline they have created, people should start with a first draft, where they develop a thesis statement. Basing all opinions and arguments on a thesis, writers should answer an assignment prompt methodically, logically, and critically. For example, a coursework statement is a concise declaration of a main objective or thesis that an entire project aims to explore and demonstrate (Godfrey, 2022). Moreover, a thesis statement should ‘hook’ a target audience and make them interested in reading a substantial part of a paper – a body. In essence, a body section is where students use all the evidence they have gathered about an assigned topic, while a thesis informs a target audience of what individuals have focused on in their papers. As a result, any coursework paper adopts a typical outline, as indicated below:

  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract or Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph(s)
  • Reference List
  • Appendices (Optional)

Step 4: Wrapping It Up

It is normal for a writer to make mistakes when writing an academic document. For example, these mistakes include inconsistent arguments, irrelevant content, punctuation errors, and countless grammatical mistakes (Haines, 2021). Therefore, after completing a first draft, writers should read it through, at least twice, to identify these mistakes and correct them. Basically, common processes of correction include revising and editing a written paper. Regarding revisions, students should give their work to a friend or mentor to read it through. In their feedback, these individuals are likely to point out areas where authors should make corrections for their papers to be logical and interesting to read. Concerning editing a complete document, people should proofread their work to ensure it is free of spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and other grammatical mishaps.

Step 5: Developing Body Paragraphs

A body paragraph of any academic text, including a coursework assignment, utilizes several features to make a whole paper logical. Basically, the first feature is writing a topic sentence that opens up each paragraph (Couch, 2021). In principle, a primary purpose of this feature is to strengthen a central idea captured in a thesis statement. Then, the rest of a single paragraph structure backs up this claim using evidence gathered from different sources. In turn, another feature is a concluding sentence, which closes each paragraph (Godfrey, 2022). As such, a main goal of this aspect is to connect a topic sentence with a thesis statement. Finally, another feature is transition words and phrases that help readers to sense a logical flow of ideas throughout a whole paper. In short, writers use transitions within and between paragraphs to create a logical flow of information and ideas.

Step 6: Referencing Format and Peer Reviewing

Besides ensuring an entire paper is written methodically and logically, authors should see it meets the highest academic writing standards. In this regard, they should ensure it follows a particular format – APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian. In most cases, an assignment prompt dictates a specific format learners should use. Moreover, a particular referencing manual informs about a typical structure of a whole paper and its format of citations. In turn, another essential activity that students should perform is to commit a complete document to peer review. Here, authors give coursework papers to distinguished scholars, such as a professor or classmate, to assess an overall validity and quality of information used, including sources.

Step 7: Writing a Final Draft

After subjecting a first draft to vigorous scrutiny through revisions, editions, and peer review, people should start writing a final draft of a coursework paper. Basically, this draft should be thoroughly polished, meaning it should be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes, as well as inconsistent arguments and irrelevant sentences (Lawrence, 2020). Moreover, it should indicate an effective use of transitions in paper’s body paragraphs. In short, a final draft is an improved version of a first draft because writers have revised and edited it and incorporated feedback from a friend, mentor, or professor. However, they still need to read through a final draft, at least once, to ensure it is perfect before submission to a grading department. In turn, if someone notes several mistakes, it means another revision is necessary. Hence, a student’s focus should be a correct content, organization of ideas, style of writing, and format.

Types of Coursework

Given that coursework assignments test students’ levels of understanding about a course’s content in a given semester, it means such a project takes several writing forms. For example, these documents include a term paper, a Master’s thesis, a dissertation, or a report project (Godfrey, 2022). Ideally, such a composition is an essential requirement for a student to complete an entire course successfully. It also means such a project is essential to be awarded a degree. Moreover, the only difference between these types of coursework assignments is that they take a different approach to examining and analyzing a course’s content, with each subject taking a unique approach. In turn, common types of coursework projects include:

EssayA written document that talks about a specific topic or argument and requires analysis and critical thinking.
Research PaperAn in-depth study on a specific topic that involves gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data and evidence from various credible sources.
Laboratory ReportA detailed account of an experiment, including methodology, results, and analysis of findings.
Case StudyAn examination of a particular instance or event, analyzing it in detail to draw conclusions or lessons.
ProjectA comprehensive task that often includes research, design, and implementation, resulting in a final product or presentation.
PresentationAn oral or visual display of research or knowledge on a particular topic, using PowerPoint slides or other visual aids.
PortfolioA collection of work samples that demonstrate skills, competencies, and achievements over a period of time.
Dissertation/ThesisAn extensive and original piece of research conducted independently, and such a paper is required for completing a degree program.
Annotated BibliographyA list of found sources with brief descriptions and evaluations of each, and such an assignment is used as a preparatory step for a research project.
Creative WorkA project that involves creating original content, such as a piece of art, literature, or a multimedia presentation.

Writing Techniques

The dream of every student is to pass any assessment and attain a higher grade. In a coursework assignment, learners can utilize different techniques to ensure they attain higher grades after assessments (Haines, 2021). As indicated earlier about a grading aspect of coursework, writers should use an approach they believe answers an assignment prompt methodically, logically, and critically. As a result, every technique they use must allow them to answer a specific question in a way that satisfies these three grading dimensions.

Compare and Contrast

A compare and contrast essay technique is about analyzing two subjects, ideas, concepts, or theories by comparing them, contrasting them, or doing both. Basically, a primary purpose of answering a coursework assignment through this writing approach is that students must not state obvious things (Couch, 2021). Instead, they need to shed light on subtle differences or unexpected similarities between subjects, ideas, concepts, or theories.

Cause and Effect

A cause and effect essay technique allows writers to develop their paper’s body by analyzing possible reasons for and consequences of a decision, action, or event. When organizing a paragraph, students adopt a structure that allows them to arrange defined causes and effects in a chronological or reverse chronological order (Godfrey, 2022). Alternatively, authors can present their arguments through emphasis, starting from least important to most important aspects, or vice versa.


An investigation technique involves undertaking an in-depth examination of a topic, idea, concept, or theory. Basically, this technique’s primary goal is to demonstrate that students have gained a thorough knowledge of a specific subject, which is indicated in their methodical, logical, and critical analysis and presentation of information. In esense, ensuring research findings are interpreted and presented in an organized manner throughout a research paper is critical (Walter & Stouck, 2020). Ultimately, such a technique enables writers to demonstrate their articulate understanding of various viewpoints about a particular issue under investigation. 

How to Present Strong Arguments

For an academic paper to capture an audience’s attention and interest, students must not only develop a thesis statement but also ensure they use strong arguments to back up a central idea in a main statement. Basically, the “they say, I say” technique is the simplest method to present arguments properly (Couch, 2021). In this regard, the information that a person uses in answering a coursework assignment prompt should be free of plagiarism and cite all sources properly. Then, another way to ensure an entire writing is persuasive is to confirm that authors have attained a required word count limit without counting footnotes, endnotes, references, and appendices (Haines, 2021). Ideally, selecting a topic that one is comfortable with and passionate about enables an overall writing to be high-quality in terms of argumentation. Besides, students should discuss alternatives with their mentor or instructor. Finally, a thesis statement should not be complicated.

Scope of Research

Students make different kinds of mistakes when writing academic texts. For example, a common mistake in coursework writing involves a scope, where students fail to focus on one area of a particular topic and instead try to be broad in their argumentation (Godfrey, 2022). In principle, they may waste space talking about irrelevant material, leaving them with little space to write about a core idea. As such, an effective solution to this problem is to develop a thesis statement that sets out a paper’s specific agenda. In doing so, authors can realize every time they go off-topic.


By considering colloquialisms, students may use a language that is not standard for academic writing. Essentially, this problem is particularly common with learners who become excited about a specific topic and try to express their ideas creatively (Haines, 2021). Moreover, a whole project shifts from being evidence-based to a document about an author’s opinion. In turn, a particular solution to such a problem is to pick a topic that is exciting and critically discussed in an existing literature. As a result, students can identify several sources that discuss their assigned topics to use as bases for evidence of their claims and arguments about their central themes.

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of Clarity in Thesis Statement: Failing to clearly define a main argument or purpose of an entire paper can lead to a lack of focus throughout a coursework project.
  • Insufficient Research: Relying on too few sources or not consulting credible and up-to-date references can weaken an overall quality and depth of an analysis.
  • Poor Organization: Not following a logical writing structure can make a paper difficult to follow due to an inadequate flow of ideas.
  • Overuse of Quotations: Excessively quoting sources rather than paraphrasing or synthesizing information can make a whole paper seem unoriginal and reduce an author’s voice.
  • Ignoring Formatting Guidelines: Not adhering to a required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian) or formatting instructions can result in a loss of marks.
  • Lack of Proofreading: Submitting a paper with grammatical errors, typos, and spelling mistakes can undermine an overall professionalism and readability of a project.
  • Inadequate Analysis: Simply describing sources without critically analyzing or interpreting the information can lead to writing a biased paper.
  • Failure to Address a Prompt: Straying from an assigned topic or not fully addressing a coursework prompt can result in an irrelevant or incomplete paper.
  • Plagiarism: Copying text without proper citing attribution, even unintentionally, can lead to serious academic consequences.
  • Weak Conclusion: Ending a coursework paper without a clear closure or failing to adequately summarize key findings and implications can leave any reader unsatisfied.

Coursework vs. Research Paper

Ideally, an outline of a coursework assignment is similar to that of a research paper. In this case, an abstract serves as a brief overview of a research paper and informs readers of writer’s focal points. More importantly, such an outline has a body, where writers use different paragraphs to make an argument about a specific topic. In turn, each of the paragraphs begins with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding sentence. Like research papers, body paragraphs of a coursework assignment serve to cement writer’s claims and arguments, which are linked to a thesis statement.

Students should master following tips when it comes to writing a coursework assignment:

  • Choose an exciting topic and stick to it. Basically, students come across tons of exciting information about their topic. However, to avoid going off-script, they should focus on their core subject and avoid a particular temptation of using data that may prove irrelevant.
  • Use evidence (quotes and statistics) selectively. In principle, relevancy is a significant indicator of a high-grade paper. As such, where authors are not going to refer to some data directly because it adds no value to their argument, they should avoid dwelling on it in their paper.
  • Cite sources correctly. When citing sources, writers should note format standards in use – APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian – as each has a unique approach.
  • Revise, edit, and proofread a complete paper. High-quality coursework writing should be free of inconsistent arguments, irrelevant sentences, and spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.

A coursework project is among writing assignments that students in colleges and universities undertake in preparation for their degree. Unlike other papers, this assignment assesses learners’ understanding of what they have learned in a course in a given semester. As such, students must complete and submit it before a semester comes to closure. Finally, different types of coursework include essays, term papers, theses, dissertations, and report projects.

Bjorn, G. A., Quaynor, L., & Burgasser, A. J. (2022). Reading research for writing: Co-constructing core skills using primary literature. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice , 7 (1), 47–58.

Couch, D. (2021). Your guide to college writing . Chemeketa Press.

Godfrey, J. (2022). Writing for university . Bloomsbury Academic.

Haines, C. (2021). Assessing students’ written work marking essays and reports . Routledge.

Lawrence, T. S. (2020). Writing a research paper. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics , 106 (4), 674–676.

Walter, L., & Stouck, J. (2020). Writing the literature review: Graduate student experiences. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning , 11 (1), 1–15.

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What is Coursework? | Definition, Meaning & keypoints!

What is coursework.

Coursework is a practical work or study done by a student in partial fulfilment of a degree or training. Projects, field work, design studies, long essays etc constitutes a coursework. The nature of work which requires to be carried out depends on the course. It is largely a part of learning exercise and a step to prepare you to handle the required work/ task effectively and efficiently.

Written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, usually assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade.

Who assigns coursework and why?

Major types of coursework & how to go about them, coursework for academic topics which require writing:, what makes a good and effective content, coursework requiring you to make something like model, sculpture or artwork, key points to be kept in mind while working on coursework.

Doctorates are the highest degrees conferred by universities. An online or on campus doctorate can lead to a high-level position in a number of different fields, from business administration to health care to quality control. The lengthy road to earning a doctorate can be shortened by at least several months through online study.

Admission to doctoral programs requires completion of an undergraduate degree program and typically, but not always, of a master’s degree program. Students earning a doctorate must take a specified number of advanced graduate-level courses, requiring at least two or three years of study beyond the master’s degree. Upon passing written or oral examinations, or a combination of both, doctoral students are granted the status of doctoral candidates. Then they must research and write a dissertation on an original topic, and then satisfactorily defend the dissertation before a committee of professors in the field.

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What is Coursework, Students

What is Coursework

First of all, you need to understand what is coursework and how to write it. When one is writing a coursework, they have to do profound research that will reveal their knowledge base. A coursework may consist of design studies, field work, projects, long essays, and other kinds of work. Depending on the particular course, it can be performed in a number of ways. You need to write a coursework not only to show what you know about a particular subject and enlarge your knowledge base but also to prepare yourself to deal with the work you will need to perform in the future.

The Oxford Dictionary defines coursework as the type of practical or written work performed by a student and assessed by their professor. Hopefully, it makes the coursework meaning clearer for you.

coursework plan meaning

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Why coursework is necessary and who assigns it.

Now when you know what is coursework, you also have to understand why it is needed. Usually, a student's mentor or teacher assigns coursework as it is a part of the course structure. Writing a coursework is important since it helps the student reflect on what they have learned from the given course. Realizing the coursework meaning, one can understand the material better and see how their knowledge can be applied in various situations. This type of work also reveals the student's way of thinking and helps them learn how to express their thoughts. Coursework has an utterly diverse nature. A student's instructor can ask them to perform it in a written way and work on an essay, term paper, or thesis (this form of coursework is the most widespread). A coursework can also be done in a more creative way; for example, a student may be asked to create a sculpture. At times, taking a test is preferred by the instructor. In some cases, several types of coursework can be combined into one. Choosing a specific type or a combination of types depends on the course. Whatever the kind of coursework is, it always requires being evaluated. The student's mark will be based on their understanding of the topic, creativity, as well as on the innovative aspect of their work.

How to Perform the Most Important Types of Coursework?

Even understanding the coursework meaning, students have mixed feelings on it. Some of them like to do research, learn new information, and write about the results, while for others, it seems to be an unnecessary task, or even a burden. Whichever opinion is true for you, being a student, you will still have to write a coursework at some point. For this reason, you need to know how to do it successfully. Below you see the list of rules and guidelines that will make this task easier for you.

Read these steps carefully and make sure you follow them as they will help you get started.

Coursework that requires writing:

  • Carry out superficial research on the topic of your coursework.
  • Settle on your topic.
  • Work on the structure of your coursework.
  • Make a summary or an abstract and confirm it with your instructor.
  • Conduct profound research to find all the information you need.
  • While writing, keep on researching the topic more.
  • When you are done, check your coursework for plagiarism.
  • Make a reference list.

To make sure that your coursework features a good content that is clear and easy-to-understand for your reader, work on the structure of your work. Check out if you maintain its consistency, use relevant information, complete your topic, and make it look concise.<

Coursework that requires to create a model, sculpture, or artwork:

  • Find a design or concept you like.
  • See how it can be applied to the area of your study.
  • Think about what you want to create and decide on the scale of this object.
  • Decide what kind of materials you need to finalize your work.
  • Find everything you need for creating your artwork.
  • Make sure that you have a mental image of the result and make a rough sketch of it.
  • Begin working!

Key points you should consider:

  • Originality - You need to be sure that your topic or idea is original. It is an extremely important point you have to keep in mind from the very beginning of your work. Numerous researches are being done by numerous people, so you have to make yours stand out.
  • Need - Your coursework should be able to answer certain questions or find solutions. For that, it has to identify the key problems and help the reader understand them clearly.
  • Uniqueness - Both your topic and your content have to be unique. Make sure to avoid plagiarism and never copy information from other sources. Conduct surveys or prepare questionnaires to add originality to the content of your coursework.
  • Your input - This aspect is very important. When working on your coursework, you need to reflect on your topic a lot and understand how you can apply it. If you do it, the purpose of writing a coursework is served. For this reason, do your best to make as much input in your work as possible.
  • Outcomes & future applications - Even if you have worked hard and put a lot of effort into writing your coursework, it can turn out to be a failure in case you do not show useful outcomes. Therefore, you need to provide a well-made analysis of the information you used. Make a well-structured conclusion for your topic and talk about the way it can be researched further.

If you keep all these points in mind and follow the guidelines, you will certainly write a good coursework.

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coursework plan meaning

What is Coursework?

Table of Contents

coursework plan meaning

Definition and Meaning

So what is coursework? Coursework is an integral part of the educational process, which refers to written or practical tasks that students perform during educational courses. These assignments are typically evaluated and contribute to the final grade or mark. The coursework definition, especially the term “curriculum-mandated” signifies that instructors are required to assign coursework within certain guidelines. This aspect of academic work is crucial as it extends learning beyond the traditional classroom setting.

what is coursework definition

While some coursework may involve practical tasks conducted within the classroom, a significant portion is often completed independently by students, such as in their homes or dormitories. Notably, certain colleges in Texas are adopting policies that mandate a minimum of 20% of writing coursework to be completed in class, under the supervision of educators. This approach ensures the authenticity of students’ work and provides an opportunity for direct observation of their writing skills.

Additionally, it’s common for students to access previously submitted coursework online, serving as a resource for their own assignments. However, when utilizing such materials, it is imperative to thoroughly rewrite and adapt the content to maintain originality and avoid plagiarism.

Types and Examples of Coursework

The many faces of coursework.

So, what is coursework? Coursework isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. It morphs to fit the subject, the course, and the learning objectives. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Essays and Written Assignments. From reflective pieces to extensive research papers, these are staples in humanities and social sciences.
  • Lab Reports and Scientific Research. Science and engineering students often get hands-on with experiments, followed by detailed reporting.
  • Art and Design Portfolios. For the creatives, it’s about showcasing their artistic journey through portfolios.
  • Group Projects and Presentations. These emphasize collaboration and communication skills, common in business and management courses.
  • Fieldwork and Case Studies. Especially in disciplines like anthropology or marketing, where real-world application is key.

Examples in Different Fields

  • Biology Coursework. Might involve a lab-based investigation into a specific biological phenomenon.
  • Literature Coursework. Could be an analysis of a particular literary work or a comparative study of multiple pieces.
  • Computer Science Coursework. Often involves coding projects or developing software solutions.

Importance and Objectives

More than just grades.

What is coursework? Coursework is about more than chasing an ‘A’. It’s an integral part of the learning process. Through coursework, you:

  • Develop Critical Skills. Like research, analysis, and problem-solving.
  • Apply Theoretical Knowledge. It’s your chance to use what you’ve learned in a practical context.
  • Prepare for the Future. Whether it’s further academic pursuits or the professional world, coursework lays the groundwork.

Educational Objectives

Graduate coursework, in particular, is designed to deepen expertise in a field. It’s less about memorizing facts and more about developing a sophisticated understanding of complex concepts.

Challenges and Strategies

Common roadblocks.

  • Time Management: Juggling multiple assignments can be overwhelming.
  • Understanding Requirements: Sometimes, assignment briefs are as clear as mud.
  • Maintaining Academic Integrity: The line between inspiration and plagiarism can get blurry.

Navigating the Coursework Maze

  • Start Early: Procrastination is your enemy. Begin as soon as you get the assignment.
  • Seek Clarification: If you’re not sure, ask. Better safe than sorry.
  • Use Resources Wisely: Libraries, online databases, and even study groups can be goldmines.

Helpful Sources

  • Cambridge Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster
  • Can you attend two colleges at once ?

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, what is coursework? Coursework is an indispensable part of the academic journey. It’s where theory meets practice, where skills are honed, and knowledge is deepened. As education continues to evolve with technology and changing societal needs, so does coursework. It adapts, transforms, and continues to play a crucial role in shaping competent, well-rounded individuals ready to take on the world. So, embrace your coursework – it’s not just a stepping stone to a grade, but a pathway to learning, growth, and success.


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5 Simple Ways to Manage Coursework

Nov 22, 2016 | Pupils | 0 |

5 Simple Ways to Manage Coursework

Coursework can be one of the most stressful parts of your education. You have a strict deadline, and a lot of work to do within that period of time. As a result, many students end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the workload.

Feeling overwhelmed often leads to procrastination and a lack of enthusiasm for your work. However, it does not have to be that way. There are quite a few techniques that you can implement to make things easier.

Managing your coursework has never been easier than with these five simple management methods.

Plan Carefully

Before you begin your coursework, you need to carefully plan how you are going to lay your coursework out. Plan where each section will go as well as the topics you plan to cover.

This way you can calculate how many words are required for each section, where the information goes, and a firm structure that you can base the final piece on. Often, the first day is spent planning so that when you start the process is much faster.

Be Realistic

When it comes to planning time to work on your coursework, be realistic about the time each section will take you to complete. It’s unlikely that you are going to be able to complete a section in an hour, so set aside two to three hours per area.

That way, you are not putting yourself under unnecessary pressure and if you finish earlier than the allotted time it can give you a good confidence boost.

Take Breaks

One of the worst things you can do when you are working on your coursework is go all day without a break.

The brain becomes tired and sloppy after constant work, and it is during this period that you are more likely to make severe spelling and grammar mistakes that you could miss later on. Make sure you schedule breaks into your work day to refresh your mind and take time for yourself. Working in chunks has the best results.

Proof Reading

Your coursework’s first draft should be finished two to three weeks before the final deadline. When this is done you should show it to a friend or family member and ask them to read through it, pointing out any spelling or grammar errors that they come across while reading it.

This means that you have time to correct anything that is wrong, so if a sentence makes no sense or there are quite a few grammar errors, you have plenty of time to work on it and get it checked through again before handing it in.

Reward Yourself

When you are doing your coursework, you often forget to reward yourself for your good efforts. Part of coursework management is ensuring that you reward yourself for working hard, which boosts your motivation and ability to work.

Whether it’s an object or some time out with friends, it is important to keep your spirits up while you work.

To Conclude

Coursework can be stressful at times, but with these five tips for coursework management, you will be able to get through it with minimum stress. Just remember to set your work hours and plan as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the less stressful it will be for you.

Just remember to leave yourself enough time for breaks and to never start your coursework close to the deadline.

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How to Write a Coursework

What is coursework.

Let’s begin with a coursework definition. A coursework paper is an academic paper written during or after a course. The aim of this paper is to show your writing abilities and how well have you understood the course program. A coursework paper is an independent study that involves active reading and thinking. This paper allows you to communicate your ideas within a certain discipline and track your progress in a particular field of knowledge.

how to write a coursework

How to Do a Coursework Paper: What’s So Special

A coursework paper is usually assigned to students with the aim to test their knowledge in a particular theme or course. Typically coursework papers are written in the form of extended essays at the end of the year. Depending on your course, you will be completing normal coursework as homework which will be controlled by your teacher.

This paper may take the form of an extended essay, a record of field works, a report, a case study, a book review, a presentation of received information, and more. For example, during math classes your coursework may take the form of answers to a list of questions.

The coursework assignment is usually accompanied by a list of requirements that the student needs to consider while coursework writing. Activities involved in coursework writing may differ from one course to another. The topic for coursework may be assigned by the teacher or of your choice.

If you need to write a coursework paper for the first time, or you just want to improve your writing skills – this guide is for you. In the following paragraphs we will tell you how to write a coursework paper step by step, as well as give helpful tips and an example paper.

How to Write a Coursework Paper Step by Step

1. Come up with the topic. It is necessary to pick a good topic for the coursework paper, as it should be interesting enough to motivate you to make the research and write a great paper. Don’t pick a topic too wide, as you won’t be able to write about everything in the limited word count. You can look through already completed coursework on your course to see what good topics look like. On this there is no need to come up with the full title – you need to find the right direction. If you were assigned a particular topic, then you should check attentively what you are asked to do.

Note: Arrange a meeting with your supervisor for advice. Make a list of interesting topics and ask him or her what topic is better to choose. The teacher will point out what topic is from the right perspective and good to discuss, and what topic is better to put away. If you are lucky enough, you may be advised on a list of books and other sources that contain necessary information related to the topic.

Also, consider the fact that in the future you can mention your coursework in your resume. Think about your future career ahead of time and how to write relevant coursework, resume that contains such projects will be highly appreciated.

2. Conduct a preliminary reading. Conduct research to find out more information about the topic and narrow it down. Choose only reliable and relevant sources of information. Mention the most useful information that you can use as a source for citation and basis for your research.

Try to store all information, links, and documents in one place. Such a habit will be helpful when writing more voluminous works like theses and dissertations. Ask your tutor to help you choose the right topic for your project if you experience troubles with choosing the right one.

Take notes along the research. You can create a document on your desktop and save the most powerful quotes (with links to the source) or just make a bullet list of ideas and main points that came into your mind while reading sources. Always mention the resource for proper referencing.

3. Create a plan. When you have an informational basis, it will be time to create a plan that will help you organize your ideas and time. Don’t strive for perfection, as you can change the plan during writing coursework – it may become clear that some chapters are odd or you need to add a chapter to make everything clear about the topic. You can use any creative techniques and brainstorm to come up with the list of points.

The typical structure of a coursework paper looks like this:

  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph
  • References list

Select your own paragraphs according to the information available, and ask your tutor for coursework help if necessary. Remember, proper planning is a good way to be sure that your thoughts move in the right way, so that your coursework will have unity and coherence.

4. Conduct research. Choose the most appropriate type of research and choose the needed tools. If you need to conduct a field study or an experiment, keep in mind that you will need to plan them ahead and consider the peculiarities of conducting the particular type of research (resources, people, admissions, etc.). Take notes while conducting the research and analyze the results.

5. Start writing body paragraph(s). Following the paper plan, start creating body paragraphs. Make sure that you highlight one particular idea for one paragraph. It is important to consider requirements and principles of academic conventions while preparing your paper.

Write this paragraph with the idea that your reader is intelligent, but doesn’t know much about your topic. Don’t state well-known information or repeat something that you have already described. Each paragraph should give an answer to a certain question, so make sure that you have created transitions between paragraphs and how it all refers to the main topic.

Use diagrams, tables, and charts to illustrate the received data. Make a short interpretation of the data below the illustration. Use only the data that is directly connected to the paragraph. Add headings and descriptions if necessary. Support materials that don’t relate directly to the paragraph can be attached in the appendix.

6. End your paper with a relevant coursework resume. In the conclusion, it is necessary to sum up the work done and draw conclusions. Repeat the main points in brief form and express your opinion on the current state of the problem. If the assignment asks you to answer a certain question, state the final answer in the conclusion.

How to write the conclusion of coursework? Do the same as with the introduction.

What should be in the conclusion?

  • Introductory text about the goal and objectives of the work
  • A brief description of the object and subject of research
  • Conclusions, for each chapter, starting with the first, sequentially stated
  • Conclusion on the compliance of the work performed with its plan, goals, and objectives
  • Confirmed evidence of the relevance and significance of the work performed
  • Identified tasks and directions for the development of the subject matter of coursework.

7. When all parts mentioned above will be written, it will be time to write the introduction. Why have we left this part for last? It is quite simple. The best time to write an introduction is when you have the full text of your paper and you can say that you know everything about your work. This will help you make your introduction engaging and full of needed information. Don’t forget to write a thesis statement that will cover the main goal of your paper.

The introduction should contain the following:

  • Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic
  • Review of the degree of knowledge of the problem
  • Goals and objectives of coursework
  • Subject and object of research
  • Description of the structure of coursework
  • Characteristics of the literature used
  • Description of the research methods used.

8. Edit and proofread the text. As you will finish the last sentence of your paper, put the text aside for some time. Reread your text several times with fresh eyes. Make a grammar and spelling check. Ask a friend or relative who is skillful in academic writing to proofread your text. Also, make sure that your text is readable and logically structured. Each paragraph should smoothly flow into the next. Answer the following questions to be sure that your text doesn’t need corrections:

  • Have you identified the key issue in the thesis statement?
  • Have you selected relevant primary and secondary sources?
  • Have you clearly structured the text?
  • Is the information presented in a logical manner?
  • Have you demonstrated the relationships between paragraphs?
  • Does your writing adhere to the requirements?
  • Have you properly referenced sources in an appropriate manner?
  • Have you analyzed sources properly? Have you used summarization?
  • Does your research fully answer the main question?
  • Are data and illustrations at the right place?

9. Prepare for the oral presentation (if required). Some coursework assignments ask students to make a presentation of their research and give an oral presentation. Ask your teacher how much time you will be given for the presentation. Your presentation should have the same structure as your paper. Include only the most interesting and important points in your paper.

Coursework Example Analyzed

We think that theory is good, but practice is better. We accompany this guide with an example you can use as a model essay and learn how a finished coursework paper should look. In the following sample the author discussed the ways of preventing age discrimination in the workplace. Look how the author approaches the topic and organizes ideas into a well-structured text. Please, note that this sample is not a full work – it is only an excerpt of a coursework paper. Check our blog for more coursework examples ! You can use such coursework examples during the writing process to avoid any mistakes in your paper.

Click the images to see their full size.

how to write a coursework sample

Tips on How to Write a Coursework Paper

We have gathered a list of tips that you should consider while writing to produce a well-crafted text.

  • If you encounter a problem with your coursework, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for help.
  • Make your introduction shine. Professors usually read the introduction with high attention, so don’t spoil the first impression from your work with weak words in the introduction.
  • Start working on your coursework as soon as possible. Make a timetable to be sure that you will complete your work on time. This will help you to keep calm, because you won’t be writing in a rush.
  • Divide the work into several parts. It is too hard to complete a paper just in one sitting.
  • Ask for help if you don’t understand some points in your assignment. Ask the teacher who has assigned this coursework to assist you in your work.
  • Always mention sources that you have used in your paper and properly cite this source according to the required formatting style.
  • Pay attention to the research part of your paper. Your writing shouldn’t just be a summary of the sources. Gather as much information about the topic as you can.
  • Save all versions of your coursework. It will be especially useful if you decide to cut a big part of the text, and then used it once again in another context.
  • Strive to finish the final draft of your paper ahead of the deadline. This will allow you to leave more time for corrections and ask your supervisor to give feedback on your paper.

How to Write a Coursework without Mistakes

Here we have gathered a list of mistakes students frequently make while writing coursework papers. It is important to know what points you need to consider to create a good paper. Read them all to be able to avoid them and improve your paper.

  • Don’t exceed the word limit. Don’t think that more words will give you a better mark. One of the aims of academic writing is to present information in a correct and concise way.
  • Avoid personal opinions in the body paragraph. Leave your thoughts to the conclusion.
  • Don’t list references that you haven’t used in your paper just to increase the number.
  • If you have found a completed coursework paper on similar topic, don’t copy it! You may be accused of plagiarism.
  • Don’t skip formatting and editing the paper. Pay attention to this point, as organizing your text in the wrong way can lower your grade.
  • Don’t include in your coursework information that doesn’t relate to your topic.
  • Don’t fail to read instructions and demands attentively. Read the instructions provided by your professor and analyze them. Make sure that you have understood everything.
  • Don’t concentrate on grammar and spelling while writing. This may distract you from important ideas and mistakes you will correct when you finish the text.
  • Don’t forget to leave enough time for the research.

In this article we have gathered an extensive list of advice about how to do coursework papers. We hope that you will find our guide and tips on writing a coursework paper helpful. If you are still experiencing some troubles with your paper, for example, if you are uncertain what type of research you need to do, ask your teacher for advice.

How to Choose Coursework Topics

  • Ask your supervising teacher for help. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher or coursework writer for help. You are still studying and no one will judge you for this. If you already have some English coursework ideas , your instructor will help you to express them in the right words. Also, he or she can tell you if you have enough information for this or that topic or if you should refuse from writing about this theme. Also, your instructor can help you to find reliable sources thatare crucial for writing coursework.
  • Define your area of interests. It would be easier to write on the topic that makes you feel enthusiastic. If you can’t find one, choose the least boring for you. Anyway, we sure you’ll find some interesting information no matter what topic you choose.
  • Think over prospects. If you decide what college or university you would like to enter, find the information about the projects in this or that institution affiliation. Also, you should think about your future profession. Sometimes, when you don’t have working experience, your coursework can be taken into account. So, think of your future occupation now and take steps toward your goal.

In this article we have gathered an extensive list of advice about how to do coursework papers. We hope that you will find our guide and tips on writing a coursework paper helpful. If you are still experiencing some troubles with your writing, for example, with a research paper, you can always ask us for help. Just leave a request, “ write my research paper ” on our site.

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  • How to Make Your Coursework as Good as It Can Possibly Be

coursework plan meaning

Many GCSE and A-level subjects are assessed in part by coursework in addition to exams, meaning that the mark you receive for coursework contributes to your overall grade. Many students prefer coursework, because it’s a chance to showcase your academic abilities away from the high-pressured environment of the exam room, making it ideal for those who don’t perform to the best of their abilities in exams. However, the time you have available for coursework, in contrast with the time constraints of the exam room, can lull some students into a false sense of security. Coursework is arguably just as challenging as exams, just in different ways – and, given the fact that you have more time, much higher standards are expected of you in coursework than in exams. Careful planning and research are needed for successful coursework, as well as strong data-gathering and essay-writing skills. In this article, we look at how to produce excellent coursework, from planning to proofreading. This information might also be useful to you if you’re planning on attending an Oxford Summer School this summer.

What is coursework?

GCSE and A-level coursework typically takes the form of an extended essay or project. Its objectives vary from one subject to another, but there’s usually an emphasis on the student conducting independent research into a topic of their own choice. Thus coursework often takes the form of some sort of investigation; it may, therefore, help to have your ‘detective’ hat on as you explore, investigate and analyse your topic. You can usually work on your coursework at home, though it’s sometimes completed under controlled conditions through sessions at school. To give you a better idea of how coursework varies from one subject to another, here are some examples:

  • English – English coursework usually takes the form of an extended essay with a title of your choice. You’re usually given a choice of themes and/or texts to explore, and you could choose a format such as a comparison between a set text and another one.
  • Geography – Geography coursework usually focuses on the gathering, reporting and interpretation of data designed to answer a particular geographical question. You could investigate usage of a shopping centre, for example, or look at erosion on a particular beach.
  • Sciences – coursework for science subjects often takes the form of a scientific project or experiment that you conduct and report on yourself.

Before you start work on your coursework, it’s essential that you have a thorough understanding of the rules. Failing to conform to the rules – inadvertently or not – may result in your coursework (or possibly even your entire qualification) being disqualified, so it’s a serious matter.

  • No plagiarism – this is particularly dangerous given the ready availability of relevant information on the internet these days. Make sure everything is in your own words; you’ll need to sign a declaration stating that it’s your own original work.
  • There’s only so much help your teacher can give you . They can provide guidance on what you need to include, and on what the examiners will be looking for. You can ask them questions, but they’ll usually only be able to check through your first draft once and offer broad hints on updating it.
  • Check the word count , and stick to it. Find out whether footnotes, appendices and bibliographies are included in the word count.
  • Check what topics you’re allowed to do your coursework on; if there’s an exam on this topic, you’ll almost certainly have to choose a different one for your coursework.

Choose your topic wisely

Ideally, choose something you’re genuinely interested in, as your enthusiasm will come across and you’ll find it more enjoyable to write. If there’s something you’ve been working on for the course so far that you’ve particularly enjoyed, you may be able to focus more on this as part of your coursework. For science coursework, you’ll need to choose something to investigate that you can measure, change and control; it should be what’s called a ‘fair test’, meaning that you have to acknowledge all the controls you use in the experiment and why. Try not to pick a topic for which the scope is too vast, as you’ll struggle to research it properly and you’re unlikely to do it justice, and it’ll be hard to keep within the word limit. Ask your teachers for some guidance on choosing your topic if you’re not sure what to write about; they might even tell you a bit about what previous students have done to give you some inspiration.

Plan how long it’s going to take

Never leave your coursework until the last minute, even if this is your normal approach to essays and it usually works for you. Make sure you understand when the deadlines are, including time for submitting a first draft for comments from your teacher. Then schedule blocks of time for working on it, allowing plenty of time before the deadline to cater for any unexpected delays. Allow ample time for making corrections based on teacher feedback on your first draft, and keep some time aside before the deadline for final editing and proofreading. Because actual deadlines are few and far between, you’ll need to take responsibility for the writing process and impose some deadlines on yourself to ensure it’s finished in time. Write down your deadlines on a calendar, with the coursework broken into stages and dates assigned to each, by which time each task should be complete. You can base your stages on the next few points in this article – research and data gathering, a structure plan for the piece of work, writing up, and so on.

Conducting your research and gathering data

As coursework is primarily a research exercise, the research phase is crucial, so don’t be tempted to skimp on it and go straight to writing up. Use as many different resources as you can to gather data: books, journals, newspapers, television, radio, the internet and anything else you think might be relevant. For science and Geography coursework, you’ll need to base your work on a hypothesis, so the research stage should start by coming up with at least one hypothesis, otherwise your research will lack direction. The research phase for some subjects may involve site visits for gathering data, so allow plenty of time for this, particularly if you need your parents to drive you somewhere to do so. If it’s a scientific experiment you’re conducting for your coursework, you’ll need to pay careful attention to planning the experiment using rigorous scientific methods (also noting what Health and Safety precautions you are taking), as well as reading up on the background and theory so that you have an idea of what to expect from the outcome of your experiment. In the research stage, make notes about what you expect to happen, so that you can later compare your expectations with what actually did happen. The experiment itself also forms part of the research and data-gathering stage for your science coursework; in the write-up stage, which we come onto shortly, you analyse and write up the results.

Plan your structure

Once you’ve completed your research, the process of writing up begins. Before you get down to the actual writing, however, it’s advisable to write a plan for how you’re going to structure it – essentially an essay plan for English coursework and other subjects for which the coursework is based on an extended essay. It’ll look slightly different from an essay plan for science subjects and others that revolve around project work, but the principle is the same: plan out what order you’re going to present your information in. For big projects, this is particularly important, because with a lot of information to convey, you risk being disorganised and waffling.

Writing up your project

For any coursework, but particularly coursework based around an extended essay, you’ll need to perfect your essay-writing abilities. For science coursework, writing up your project also involves data analysis, as you interpret the results of your experiment and work your notes into formal scientific language.

When you’re writing up, it’s important to find a place where you can work quietly, without distractions that could cause you to make careless errors. You wouldn’t want noise or distractions when you were in an exam room, so treat your coursework with the same reverence.

Supporting materials and images

For some subjects, namely the sciences and Geography, it would be appropriate to include images, graphs, charts, tables and so on in your coursework. For example, for Geography coursework, your extra material could include annotated images and maps of the site you’re talking about, plus tables, graphs and charts. An appendix could then detail your raw data; if, for example, your coursework focused on the results of a survey, you could put the raw survey responses in an appendix and provide summaries and analysis in the main body of the coursework.

Footnotes and bibliography

As we said earlier, it’s important that you always use your own words in your coursework to avoid the possibility of falling foul of plagiarism rules. However, it’s acceptable to quote from another source, as you would in any piece of academic writing, but you must make sure that you state where it is from and use quotation marks to show that it’s a quote from somewhere else. The best way of citing another work is to use a footnote; word processors will allow you to insert one, and it just puts a little number at the end of the sentence and another in the footer of the document, into which you put the name of the author and work, and the page within that work that the quote can be found. At the end of your piece of work, include a bibliography that includes a list of every external source you’ve used in the creation of your coursework. Stick to a set formula when including books. A common format is: Author Surname, Initial. (Date) – Title of Book , page number For example: Lewis, C.S. (1960) – Studies in Words , p. 45 When you get to university, you’ll be expected to include footnotes and bibliographies in all your essays, so it’s a good habit to get into and coursework gives you good practice at it.

The final pre-submission check

Having completed a first draft, received feedback from your teacher, and honed your work into a finished piece of coursework, have a final check through it before you send off your coursework for submission.

  • Sense check : have a read through your completed piece of work and check that it all makes sense. Make sure you haven’t contradicted yourself anywhere, or repeated yourself, or laboured the point. If there are any facts that you may have meant to look up to double check their accuracy, do so now.
  • Word count : ensure that the completed work falls within the word count, and double check whether the bibliography should be included in the word count. If you’ve exceeded it, you’ll need to work through the piece and tighten up your writing, omitting unnecessary information, reordering sentences so that they use fewer words, and so on.
  • Proofread : check your spelling and grammar, and ensure that there are no typos. Don’t just use the spellcheck – go through it with a fine toothcomb, manually, and if you can, ask someone to read through it for you to see if they spot anything you haven’t.
  • Formatting : check that you’ve included page numbers, and that the font and line spacing is consistent throughout the work. Ensure that the font is plain and easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Bibliography : check that you’ve included everything, that the format is the same for all sources mentioned, and that the right information is included for each.

Once this stage is complete, you’re ready to submit your coursework along with your declaration that it’s entirely your own work. Get ready for a feeling of immense satisfaction when you finally send off your hard work!

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1890, in the meaning defined above

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Meaning of coursework in English

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  • academic year
  • access course
  • Advanced Placement
  • asynchronous
  • grade retention
  • immersion course
  • on a course
  • open admissions
  • open classroom
  • work placement

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How to plan your Coursework

Is your coursework deadline looming? It’s easy to panic about getting all your studies completed, especially when a percentage of your grade is riding on how good your coursework is. However, it can be a great advantage to have part of your GCSE, A Level or other result safely under your belt when you go into your exams. You’re not under the same intense pressure that you would be in an exam situation, so your work is likely to be of a higher standard. Here’s how to make sure you get it right…

  •   Get a clear understanding of what is required

If you have an essay question, for example, write it down before taking it apart. Look at each word of the question and write what it means. If you’re in any doubt about what you’re being asked to do, talk to your tutor or teacher. You should also check how many marks are being allocated for each part of the coursework: the number of marks will dictate how much time and detail should go into each section. If possible, read a few sample answers to get a good idea of what you need to do to get it right.

  •  Plan your research

Whatever the subject of your coursework, you will need to read texts and do research online to arm yourself with everything you need to answer the questions that are being put to you. Make a list of all the sources of information you will be using, and allocate specific amounts of time to spend reading and taking notes for each.

  •  Don’t rush the writing

Your coursework plan should include plenty of time to write your essay and answer the questions posed, or to present your findings. Do not leave this until the night before. Despite the fact that lots of students might say this works for them, you will just feel unbearably stressed and pressurised, and your work will not be to the highest standard it could be. Give yourself a few days to complete the bulk of the writing at a relaxed pace with time for breaks, and your coursework will be much more likely to help you get that grade you’re after.

  •  Factor in editing time

No matter how hard you’ve worked, the first draft of your coursework will not be your best work. Allocate time for drafting well in advance of the deadline so that you can correct mistakes and make improvements. If you find it difficult to read your own work with a critical eye, ask a friend, family member or tutor to offer ideas on how you can make sure that your work is the best it can be.

The key to successfully planning coursework for any subject is allowing plenty of time, and incorporating as much detail as possible into your schedule. This is your chance to make sure you’re going into the exam knowing that you’re part of the way there, so don’t waste it!

Emma Somersett

See more by Emma Somersett

I'm a former English teacher and private tutor who is passionate about education. I've been writing professionally for the past three years and have written educational worksheets for use in schools as well as contributing to an educational journal. I've also written on every other topic under the sun!

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  • Faith & Values
  • National Politics
  • The American South
  • Women of the Century
  • Coronavirus

What is Project 2025? Is it Trump's plan? What to know about the right-wing plan for a conservative nation

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Social media has been abuzz with the ultra-conservative initiative Project 2025. So just what is it?

The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank out of Washington, D.C., launched the 2025 Presidential Transition Project to "assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State."

It is based on a more than 800-page  "Mandate for Leadership,"  published in April 2023 by the Foundation, reimagining the executive branch and as a plan to overhaul multiple federal government agencies, including the FBI, Department of Justice and Department of Education, and that isn't even talking about the want to ban certain words from the legislature and what jobs in the federal government will be appointed.

All of this is intended to be the playbook for the next conservative president to follow .

Here's what we know about Project 2025 and what it could mean for the 2024 presidential election.

What is Project 2025?

For many it is being referred to as just Project 2025, and it has become a hot topic among celebrities, political figures, media and on social media in recent weeks.

The  "Mandate for Leadership" outlines conservative agendas that would mean the repeal of parts of initiatives President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama brought forth during their tenure at the White House, including student debt forgiveness and the Affordable Care Act. Beyond that, the deportation of undocumented immigrants is high up on Project 2025's to-do list.

There is also a section of this plan that appears to undo LGBTQ+ rights in multiple different areas, including banning people with HIV or those who are transgender from serving in the military, rescinding regulations  that bar discrimination “on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics,” and also seems to oppose same-sex marriage and gay couples adopting children by seeking to "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."

Here are just some other items that Project 2025 entails:

  • Passing sweeping tax cuts and changes to the tax code which will impact those with lower incomes while benefiting those with a higher income .
  • Reversal of DEI programs
  • Development of new nuclear weapons and building of more nuclear power plants
  • Dismantling of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration due to it being "one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.”
  • Ending Head Start and dismantling the Education Department
  • Outlawing pornography

Why are people worried about Project 2025?

One of the main things in this playbook? The reinstatement of a  Trump executive order  augmenting a president's power to hire and fire federal officials by replacing civil servants with political appointees throughout government.

Project 2025 has been “pre-screening the ideologies” of thousands to become part of the federal government once a conservative takes office to have, “a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists."

Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation leadership have also called this group "conservative warriors," and enacted imagery of them marching into Washington, D.C., like an army.

While the Heritage Foundation's nearly 900-page mandate is a blueprint for a far-right way of "taking back control" of the federal government, it is also the rhetoric that is coming from people like the group's president, Kevin Roberts.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless ― if the left allows it to be,” Roberts  said  on a conservative media outlet called Real America’s Voice.

"Project 2025 should scare every single American," said President Joe Biden, in a speech slamming former President Donald Trump for having any part of Project 2025. "It would give Trump limitless power over our daily lives and let him use the presidency to enact 'revenge' on his enemies, ban abortion nationwide and punish women who have an abortion, and gut the checks and balances that make America the greatest democracy in the world."

Is Project 2025 part of Trump's plan if he wins the 2024 presidential election?

Though the plan's organizers want Trump to follow Project 2025 if he wins the November election ― it even has his name in different areas throughout the plan ― the businessman turned politician has tried to distance himself from the Heritage Foundation after Biden slammed him in the press for being affiliated with the group.

Trump took to his Truth social media account in an attempt to lead the narrative away from his affiliation with Heritage Foundation writing. "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

In a post early Thursday morning he wrote, " I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it. The Radical Left Democrats are having a field day, however, trying to hook me into whatever policies are stated or said. It is pure disinformation on their part. By now, after all of these years, everyone knows where I stand on EVERYTHING! DJT"

And while Trump denies knowing the people who are "in charge of it," some are members of his previous staff.

  • Russ Vought (Project 2025 writer) headed the Office of Management and Budget under Trump
  • John McEntee (senior adviser for Project 2025) was the director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump
  • Paul Dans (head of Project 2025 team), former Trump staffer
  • Spencer Chretien (head of Project 2025 team), former Trump staffer
  • Troup Hemnway (head of Project 2025 team), former Trump staffer

Project 2025 said it “does not speak for any candidate or campaign” in a  July 5 post on X , formerly Twitter. Its playbook is comprised of suggestions the coalition believes will benefit the "next conservative president."

Who is involved with Project 2025?

The Heritage Foundation has pulled together 100 coalition partners of conservative groups in the country. Here are the partners of Project 2025 reported by the Heritage Foundation:

  • 1792 Exchange
  • American Accountability Foundation 
  • American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Alabama Policy Institute 
  • Alliance Defending Freedom 
  • ACLJ Action
  • American Commitment
  • American Compass 
  • American Cornerstone Institute
  • The American Conservative
  • American Council of Trustees and Alumni
  • American Family Association
  • America First Legal 
  • American Juris Link
  • American Legislative Exchange Council 
  • The American Main Street Initiative 
  • American Moment 
  • American Principles Project 
  • The American Family Project
  • The American Redistricting Project
  • Americans United for Life
  • AMAC Action
  • California Family Council
  • Centennial Institute
  • Center for a Secure Free Society
  • Center for Equal Opportunity 
  • Center for Family and Human Rights 
  • Center for Immigration Studies 
  • Center for Military Readiness
  • Center for Renewing America 
  • Citizens Against Government Waste
  • The Claremont Institute 
  • Coalition for a Prosperous America
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute 
  • Concerned Women for America 
  • Conservative Partnership Institute
  • Defense of Freedom Institute
  • Discovery Institute
  • Eagle Forum
  • Ethics and Public Policy Center
  • Fairer America
  • Family Policy Alliance 
  • Family Research Council 
  • Feds for Freedom
  • First Liberty Institute
  • For America
  • Forge Leadership Network 
  • Foundation for American Innovation
  • Foundation for Defense of Democracies
  • Foundation for Government Accountability 
  • Freedom’s Journal Institute
  • The Frederick Douglass Foundation
  • Calvert Task Group
  • The Heartland Institute
  • The Heritage Foundation
  • MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates
  • Hillsdale College 
  • Honest Elections Project
  • Independent Women’s Forum 
  • Institute for Education Reform
  • Institute for Energy Research 
  • Institute for the American Worker 
  • The Institute for Women’s Health
  • Intercollegiate Studies Institute
  • Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
  • The James Madison Institute 
  • Job Creators Network
  • Keystone Policy
  • The Leadership Institute 
  • League of American Workers
  • Liberty University 
  • Mackinac Center for Public Policy
  • The Malone Institute
  • Media Research Center
  • Mississippi Center for Public Policy
  • Moms for Liberty
  • Mountain States Policy Center
  • National Association of Scholars
  • National Center for Public Policy Research
  • Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation
  • Noah Webster Educational Foundation
  • Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
  • Project 21 Black Leadership Network
  • Pacific Research Institute
  • The Palm Beach Freedom Institute
  • Palmetto Promise
  • Patrick Henry College
  • The Patriot Foundation Trust
  • Personnel Policy Operations
  • Public Interest Legal Foundation
  • Recovery for America Now Foundation
  • Republicans Overseas Foundation
  • Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
  • Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services
  • Students for Life of America
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
  • Tea Party Patriots
  • Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • Teneo Network
  • Turning Point USA
  • Young America’s Foundation

USA TODAY contributed to this report.

As Trump creates distance from Project 2025, the conservative Agenda47 comes into focus

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As the Republican National Convention (RNC) continues into its third day, speakers and party members have rallied around a firm support of Trump, despite a tumultuous few years that resulted in 34 felony convictions for falsifying business records, among other controversies.

At the RNC , political speakers outlined issues the Republican party considers to be some of the biggest facing Americans, including crime, immigration and identity politics. While some also proposed solutions that would be ushered in under a conservative president, voters don't have to guess Trump's plans; instead, they can simply head over to his website.

Starting in 2022, Trump's official campaign began uploading a series of policy plans to its website, detailing how the Republican candidate plans to tackle some of the country's most pressing issues. Called Agenda47 , the campaign materials paint a big picture of what Americans may expect under another Trump presidency.

Here's what to know about Agenda47.

What to know about Heritage Foundation: Main group behind Project 2025 and RNC sponsor

What is Agenda47 and how is it different from Project 2025?

Agenda47 is the Trump administration's official policy platform for the 2024 presidential election. Outlined in a series of videos and statements on the Trump website, the proposals were released during primary election season.

Many of the actions proposed would be achieved through executive order and touch on topics ranging from climate change and education to the economy and immigration.

The policies are separate from Project 2025, an ultra-conservative initiative created by far-right think tank the Heritage Foundation . Project 2025 is something of a playbook for the next conservative president and details a reimagining of the executive branch and plans to overhaul federal government agencies in a conservative image.

It was created by a team that includes several members of Trump's former staff, but Trump has since attempted to distance himself from the Heritage Foundation after President Joe Biden publicly criticized his ties to the project.

Agenda47, on the other hand, is the official outline for Trump's campaign.

What Agenda47 says about education

Trump's proposals for education reform focus on defunding and punishing educators and institutions that do not teach conservative values and creating new organizations to enforce rules created around Republican talking points to "save" schools from "Radical Left maniacs."

These plans include:

  • Cutting federal funding for any school or programs teaching "Critical Race Theory," "gender ideology" or other lessons deemed "inappropriate."
  • Keeping "men out of women's sports."
  • Abolishing teacher tenure.
  • Pushing prayer in public schools.
  • Seeking out and undoing "Marxism" in education.
  • Certifying only teachers “who embrace patriotic values" through a new credential program.
  • Undoing DEI policies.
  • Encouraging home and religious schooling.
  • Creating a "Parental Bill of Rights" to give parents control over curriculum.
  • Allowing parents to elect school officials and favoring school districts that enable teachers to carry firearms.

On the college level, Agenda47 wants to punish universities like Harvard for "turning students into Communists and terrorists" and plans to do away with the existing accreditation system, replacing it with one that adheres to GOP values and heavily fines those that don't comply. With money made from the fines, Agenda47 proposes the creation of a free online “American Academy" with "no wokeness or jihadism."


Anti-immigrant rhetoric is a prominent feature of Trump's 2024 campaign, a fact reflected in Agenda47. In the discussion of policy around immigration, Trump's preamble relies on the message that immigrants are "criminals" and "birth tourists" taking over America.

According to the plan, Trump will sign an executive order on "day one" to end automatic citizenship for children of "illegal aliens."

The agenda also envisions a slew of proposed executive and presidential orders that will:

  • Determine the "correct" interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
  • Completely prohibit undocumented immigrants from receiving any form of government benefit.
  • Impose a travel ban on certain countries.
  • Close the border to asylum seekers.
  • Stop refugee admissions.
  • Suspend visa programs including family visas, the visa lottery and "non-essential" work visas.
  • Stop federal funding to sanctuary cities.
  • Create a vetting center for "extreme vetting of foreign nationals,"

Agenda47 says it wants to restore "law and order" to address what Trump claims is "out of control crime ."

The plan proposes an investment in hiring, retention, and training for police officers and increasing their liability protections as well as supporting policing policies like stop-and-frisk and local police working with ICE on deportation.

Agenda47 also wants to:

  • Overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors
  • Have the DOJ "dismantle every gang, street crew, and drug network in America.” 
  • Deploy federal troops for "law and order."
  • Establish a DOJ task force for “protecting the right to self-defense.”
  • Facilitate the hiring of 100 U.S. attorneys to investigate what Trump believes to be "left-leaning" district attorney and "anti-conservative bias" in law schools and firms.

Agenda47 places a focus on pharmaceuticals and medical devices manufactured within the U.S.

Under the plan, essential medical devices and medicines would be manufactured in the U.S. and federal agencies would be required to “Buy American" to prevent shortages.

It also calls for an increase in the production of drugs domestically, bans agencies from other countries from buying "essential drugs" and demands that pharmaceutical companies only be paid the “best price they offer to foreign nations.”

Agenda47 describes proposed economic policies under Trump as "pro-American" and blames Biden's "pro-China" administration for the poor state of the economy.

The agenda proposes cutting federal regulations on resources like energy, cutting taxes, raising tariffs on foreign producers while lowering taxes for domestic producers, imposing universal tariffs on most foreign products, "eliminating dependence on China" and banning federal contracts for any company that outsources to China.

Welfare, social security

Agenda47 says "Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security."

In the proposal, Trump blames threats to the programs on Biden's spending and says the Democrats are trying to undo Social Security, though Republicans have previously proposed a higher retirement age and funding cuts.

Trump's agenda proposes cutting tax dollars going to "corrupt foreign countries," "illegal aliens," "left-wing gender programs from our military" and "climate extremism" to save Social Security funding.

The proposal also bans undocumented immigrants from receiving any welfare monies and seeks to address homelessness , banning "public camping" and instead giving unhoused individuals the option to go to some form unspecified of "treatment" or being arrested.

It also proposes the creation of large tent cities to accommodate unhoused people with doctors and social workers on site.

LGBTQIA+ rights

Trump makes apparent throughout his policy plans an anti-LGTBQIA+ stance that specifically targets transgender individuals.

Proposed policies include

Removing any healthcare provider that offers gender-affirming care to youth from Medicare and Medicaid eligibility.

Pushing Congress to pass laws that say “the only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female—and they are assigned at birth."

  • Defunding any school where a staff member discusses gender identity.
  • Passing laws that ban what he calls "child sexual mutilation."
  • Promoting education around the traditional nuclear family in schools.
  • Supporting private lawsuits against doctors who provide gender-affirming care.
  • Demanding any federal agencies "cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age."
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A plan to replenish the Colorado River could mean dry alfalfa fields. And many farmers are for it


FILE - A worker diverts water as a sprinkler system is installed for alfalfa at the Cox family farm Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, near Brawley, Calif. Under a new program, farmers of certain forage crops, including alfalfa, will be paid to shut off water to their fields for a short period of time during the hot summer months, which are not peak times for the crop and which won’t affect its long-term viability. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File)

FILE - Alfalfa grows on a field at Tom Brundy’s farm as he walks in the background Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, near Calexico, Calif. Under a new program, farmers of certain forage crops, including alfalfa, will be paid to shut off water to their fields for a short period of time during the hot summer months, which are not peak times for the crop and which won’t affect its long-term viability. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File)

FILE - Tom Brundy looks over a field that is in preparation for planting at his farm Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, near Calexico, Calif. Under a new program, farmers of certain forage crops, including alfalfa, will be paid to shut off water to their fields for a short period of time during the hot summer months, which are not peak times for the crop and which won’t affect its long-term viability. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File)

FILE - In this Friday, Nov. 13, 2015 photo, a pickup truck stirs up dust as it drives along the road between farmlands in Blythe, Calif. Under a new program, farmers of certain forage crops, including alfalfa, will be paid to shut off water to their fields for a short period of time during the hot summer months, which are not peak times for the crop and which won’t affect its long-term viability. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

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A plan to help shore up the depleted Colorado River by cutting off water to alfalfa fields in California’s crop-rich Imperial Valley is finding support from the farmers who grow it.

The Imperial Irrigation District — the biggest user of water from the 1,450-mile (2,334-kilometer) river — has offered to pay farmers to shut off irrigation to forage crops including alfalfa for up to 60 days during the peak of the sweltering summer. While farmers often balk at the idea of letting fields lie fallow, at least 80% of properties eligible for the new program have been signed up to participate, said Tina Shields, the district’s water department manager.

“We don’t like to do fallowing down here,” Shields said. “They’re making business decisions.”

The move comes as farmers of alfalfa and other crops that feed cattle have seen the price of hay plummet amid rising supply. For many, that means a summer crop of alfalfa could bring in less in revenue than the $300 in federal funding per acre-foot of water that the water district is willing to fork over if they simply stop watering it, experts said.

From California to Arkansas, farmers have reported a stellar year for hay and many are scrambling to find buyers or deciding whether it’s worth paying to store it, said Sue Arnold, executive director of the Ohio-based National Hay Association.


“They have a lot more hay than they typically have this time of year so their barns are full,” she said of the organization’s members. “They’re scared, ‘I am going to have all this inventory.’”

Hay exporters are struggling with the strong U.S. dollar and some overseas markets are willing to take a lower quality product than the top notch hay grown in the United States, especially in the Imperial Valley, Arnold said.

The idea to pay the farmers to halt irrigation arose last year as part of an agreement among Arizona, Nevada and California to aid the dwindling Colorado River, which provides water to 40 million people in seven U.S. states, parts of Mexico and more than two dozen Native American tribes — and saw water levels decline during a punishing drought.

Under the plan, the federal government agreed to spend $1.2 billion for users to temporarily scale back their water use. The goal was to conserve an additional 3 million acre-feet of water through 2026 — with more than half of those cuts coming from California — when current guidelines for how the river is shared expire.

The Imperial Irrigation District, which is California’s biggest user of Colorado River water, drafted the voluntary program for farmers to temporarily stop watering Alfalfa, Bermuda grass, or Klein grass in the summer — crops that can withstand going dry for a short while. The idea is to do so when yields are already down in summer, more water is required and dairies tend to keep their number of head low.

The district had proposed to roll out the program in the spring but faced delays over environmental concerns including the fate of the tiny, endangered desert pupfish , which thrives on irrigation runoff. Environmental approvals are still pending but the district opted to sign up takers for the program now to save time, Shields said.

So far, the program has applications from about 170 different businesses covering nearly 160,000 acres (64,750 hectares) of fields, which could conserve about 215,000 acre feet of water, she said.

Trevor Tagg, a hay farmer in the Imperial Valley, is among many opting for the program. He said alfalfa prices have plummeted in the past two years as supply has risen and farmers are left with little choice but to keep growing on fields hoping that prices rise in the future. He said he and many others sat down and did the math — what the water district is offering is a better shot than what he can get cutting the crop right now.

A couple of years ago, he said a ton of hay could command $400 but might now only fetch $100.

“The pendulum is swinging really hard,” he said. “Things have been really tough. You are seeing farms on the brink of bankruptcy — many, many of them.”

Tough times force farmers to make difficult choices and turning off the water for a month or two is seen as a better option than fallowing fields for longer and walloping the local economy, where equipment suppliers and local restaurants also depend on farming for their livelihoods. About a quarter of Imperial County’s farm production comes from field crops, according to a county agricultural report.

“It keeps us farming for another day,” Tagg said. “It supports the river, it supports Lake Mead. It supports everything we’re trying to do.”

“It’s not perfect for anybody,” he said.

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Project 2025: What a second Trump term could mean for media and technology policies

Subscribe to the center for technology innovation newsletter, roxana muenster roxana muenster compass fellow - the brookings institution, phd student - department of communication, cornell university, graduate affiliate - center for information, technology, and public life, university of north carolina.

July 22, 2024

  • Project 2025 echoes Donald Trump’s critical view of the media. As a result, it proposes to strip public broadcasting of its funding and legal status, thus endangering access to reliable news for American citizens.
  • The authors allege that Big Tech colluded with the government to attack American values and advance “wokeism.” In response, they envision sweeping antitrust enforcement not on economic grounds, but for socio-political reasons.
  • On artificial intelligence policy, Project 2025 remains vague and fails to propose solutions for key policy areas such as privacy, safety, and the information ecosystem. Lagging on AI oversight and dismantling existing protections is dangerous for individuals and democracies alike.
  • Trump denies involvement with Project 2025 despite close ties to its authors. His policy proposals, Agenda47, closely mirror those outlined in Project 2025.  
  • 22 min read

In a 900-page volume titled Project 2025, a conservative movement of over 400 scholars led by the Heritage Foundation has outlined a comprehensive policy vision for what a conservative administration c ould implement upon taking office in January 2025. The writers and contributors make recommendations regarding foreign and domestic policy, education, and the economy to give the administration a running start into a short four-year term. C ritics have called it a blueprint for autocratic takeover . This blog will look at a key aspect of Project 2025 ’s blueprint: Its plans for technology, media, and communications policies and the potential implications on the future of existing public policies .    

Since Ronald Reagan’s first presidential candidacy in 1981, experts from the Heritage Foundation have collated comprehensive policy agendas for prospective conservative administrations in a series titled “Mandate for Leadership.” Their suggestions have been successful: According to the authors, Reagan enacted 60% of the original volume’s recommendations in his first year in office, 1 and in 2018 then-President and current candidate Donald Trump boasted he had accomplished 64% of the 2016 Mandate’s policy plans. 

This time around, Project 2025 aims to provide a potential incoming Republican administration with a detailed policy agenda and “an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared” 2   personnel so that the president can accomplish as much as possible in the short presidential term. 3  This proposed transition plan contains sweeping reforms to dismantle the bureaucracy of the so-called “Administrative State” 4  and the civil service, 5  bring independent agencies under White House control , 6 and address what they term the Biden administration’s “economic, military, cultural, and foreign policy turmoil” 7  by fighting the political elite’s 8   “totalitarian cult” of the “Great Awokening.” 9      

A spokesperson for Trump has said he is not affiliated with the project and does not necessarily endorse its recommendations. However, much of the team behind Project 2025 is closely connected to the president or served in his previous administration, among them John McEntee, director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump and a senior advisor to Project 2025 ; Jonathan Berry, Chief Counsel to the Trump presidential transition team; 10  Ken Cuccinelli, former Acting Deputy Secretary for Homeland Security under Trump; 11  and Peter Navarro, a currently jailed Trump advisor. Brendan Carr, a sitting Federal Communications Commissioner (FCC) who was appointed by Trump, is also the author of Project 2025’s section on the FCC. In his first term, Trump boasted about enacting many of the 2016 Mandate’s suggestions. 12  And the MAGA SuperPAC itself is funding messaging about Trump and Project 2025. These and other reasons are why the assertions in Project 2025 should be taken seriously.   

Compiling a policy agenda ahead of taking office is not unique to one party. Democrat-aligned organizations have done the same thing in past elections. Nor is the hiring of talented, loyal staff who align with the president’s vision—each administration only has four years , after all, and the 77 days between the election and inauguration leave little room to plan. Project 2025, however, is different, its critics say , because its recommendations are so comprehensive, radical, and risky, and therefore could endanger democratic institutions, dismantle civil liberties , and concentrate presidential power. Its implications on media and technology are similarly daunting, and worth further exploring.  

In 2019, then-President Trump called the press “ the enemy of the people. ” Project 2025 seems to share that view. According to the authors, the next conservative president must reform media wherever possible. Commercial news outlets do not fall under presidential control, but a dire fate might befall the domestic public broadcast service if Trump is elected. The authors of Project 2025 allege public broadcasting can no longer be classified as educational (in fact, they see it as “noneducational” 13  and claim it is a biased liberal forum engaged in suppressing conservative views). 14  To end what they consider unjustly privileged outlets, 15 they say outlets that include the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)and the National Public Radio (NPR) should be defunded and stripped of their status as noncommercial, educational stations, and thereby required to pay hefty licensing fees. 16  The authors also suggest the next administration should reconsider their relationship with news media more broadly, such as by reexamining the relationship between the White House and the Correspondents Association, and investigating whether journalists should even be granted space on White House grounds. 17

Though they are correct in their assertion that the White House has no legal requirement to internally house and host media, 18 the suggestion to restrict journalists’ access to executive decision-making and relevant public discussions should send alarming signals about the willingness of Project 2025’s authors to let government be held accountable. In fact, it was a rumor that then-President Wilson was considering halting the tradition of press conferences which led to the Correspondents’ Association creation in 1914, whose mission was to ensure fair and continuous reporting on the president’s politics and activities. Access to the president, their press secretary, and the White House is beneficial for both the administration and the press—one gets to communicate their policies to the public; for the other, news gathering and questioning of said policies is more readily facilitated. Both, in turn, make for a more informed public, which is vital to the democratic system. A “reexamination” of the relationship with the Correspondents’ Association—an organization that comprises journalists from a variety of outlets including Fox News, the New York Times, and the BBC—as suggested by “ Mandate for Leadership” could encourage an administration to grant access only to journalists who are favorable to its agenda, not those who will question or push back.  

Project 2025’s attacks on public broadcasting similarly signal a hostile attitude toward news media. Considering the former president’s rhetoric about them, it is not surprising that his advisors and staffers share his negative views of the “mainstream news.” 19   In April, Mr. Trump himself called for NPR funding to be rescinded via his social media platform Truth Social, alleging, without providing evidence, the network is “a liberal disinformation machine.” Still, Project 2025’s policy recommendations should be cause for concern: Congress enacted the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act because they believed an educated and informed citizenry was in the public, local, and national interest and that, freed from commercial constraints, public service would be able to support these goals through creative, high quality, and diverse programming. Its status as an organization separate from the government is instrumental in ensuring its independence, as is its consideration as a public, not commercial, entity.  

Though the question of what is in the public interest is one that has long been discussed in regulatory, legal, and philosophical terms, it should not be political, or so we think. Disagreement with independent, free reporting should not be the cause for the punishment of media organizations. Defunding public broadcasting would be disastrous for many rural communities, which depend on radio and television stations funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and in which there is relatively high, albeit declining, bipartisan trust . Public broadcasting also allows newer, long-marginalized journalistic voices to be heard, provides educational entertainment for children, and includes programming which blurs the line between concepts of ‘hard news’ and what was long relegated to less important ‘ soft news. ’ And research shows a clear benefit of public media overall: When well-funded and independent, they are associated with healthy democracies. A diet of public news media leads to better-informed publics on hard news matters than a reliance on commercial news, and countries with a mix of public and private systems have a higher voter turnout than private-only media environments. For the 2024 fiscal year, $525 million were allocated for public broadcasting. This amounts to roughly $1.60 per U.S. citizen—a small price to pay for a commitment to an informed public at a time when, on average, the U.S. loses 2.5 newsrooms per week.   

Nonetheless, editors at NPR should not ignore declining audience numbers and debates around bias that have received renewed attention after an editor penned an essay deriding what he diagnosed as an encroachment of progressive advocacy into journalism. But lack of trust in mass media is a problem beyond public media, especially among conservatives , and accusations of bias are levelled also at private media companies . Audiences generally agree that to establish trust, news outlets should be transparent and conduct themselves in line with high ethical standards to produce fair and unbiased reporting. Public media should also prioritize coverage of issues that are relevant to their audience and that they, in their function as a public broadcaster, are uniquely positioned and mandated to report on, such as reporting on rural regions which are often underserved by commercial interests. Politicians can help solve the problem by refraining from accusations of propaganda and bias over unfavorable coverage, which is a driver for mis- and disinformation. Governments can also support efforts to strengthen the information ecosystem and media literacy.   

On Big Tech, Project 2025 is confrontational. From its authors’ viewpoint, tech companies have harmed the U.S. in three ways: national security, health, and freedom of speech.  

On national security, short-video platform TikTok takes center stage in the all-out assault. The authors, much like the Biden administration , assert that the app must be banned. 20  A similar fate would befall the messaging app WeChat. 21 Both apps, the authors say, present a serious national security threat due to the opportunities for data collection and influence it offers the Chinese government. 22  American social media, they say, should be prohibited from censoring Chinese users at the behest of the Chinese government and fined 23  if they are found to support Chinese surveillance, censorship, or the “Great Firewall”. 24 Fears surrounding the threat of Chinese influence extend beyond Project 2025’s social media policy: The U.S. should end dependency on Chinese chips and technology manufacturing 25  by reviving American industry, 26 ban the equipment used to spy on Americans by Chinese manufacturers, 27  and replace parts that are already in place. 28 The authors also consider restricting Chinese individuals or companies from investing in “cutting edge” technology firms 29  and funding research at American universities 30 to prevent national security threats, theft of intellectual property, and aid China in “unwittingly or wittingly” supporting Chinese tech ambitions. 31    

Concerns about privacy, data collection, and sales of data are valid. In fact, it would do either administration well to enact comprehensive data privacy protections across digital platforms as opposed to focusing only on Chinese companies’ practices, as well as to address foreign interference by any entity on any social media platform. A TikTok ban alone would be insufficient in addressing any of these concerns. But privacy overall receives little attention beyond complaints that privacy legislation enforced by the European Union is tantamount to an allied “betrayal,” 32 assertions that the Privacy Act should be carefully enforced to protect U.S. citizens and permanent residents only, 33  and calls to withdraw “politicized” HIPAA guidance on abortion privacy as HIPAA should protect the fetus. 34    

For the authors of the current volume of “ Mandate for Leadership ,” social media platforms have fared little better on child protection online, and the next administration should address what they term “industrial-scale child abuse.” 35  The authors allege that platforms, which they liken to drug dealers, 36  have made Americans less happy 37  and children mentally ill. 38 That Project 2025’s technology policy focuses on children’s media use should come as no surprise. A computational analysis of speeches held by the Chairs of the FCC spanning over the past two decades revealed that Republican FCC Chairs are more likely to prioritize topics related to media and children than their Democrat counterparts. But concern over children’s use of technology is bipartisan: Vivek Murthy, Surgeon General under both Biden and Obama, has named the health effects of social media as one of his administration’s priorities and in June called for warning labels for social media platforms, citing concerns about youth mental health. While the effect of social media on adolescent mental health is contested , protecting children from online data exploitation, exposure to harmful content, or being targeted through explicit AI-generated images are important policy goals. Project 2025’s rhetoric, however, provides few clear policy suggestions to do so and instead echoes language surrounding libraries and book bans, another battlefield in the culture wars.   

Lastly, social media platforms receive criticism for their role in undermining democratic processes and free speech. Project 2025 alleges several firms colluded with the Biden administration on censorship and illegally curtailed free expression under the guise of combatting mis- and disinformation. 39   Though the Supreme Court recently rejected this argument, the writers claim social media platforms represent a threat to American values, free speech, and the family. 40   Project 2025 argues that Big Tech, in cooperation with the Department of Justice, has shut down “politically disfavored speech” under the guise of combatting mis- and disinformation; 41    lent their capabilities to authoritarian regimes to spread propaganda, 42  and present a risk to the livelihood of American business and individuals through their discriminatory moderation and content ranking practices. 43    

To rein in Big Tech, Project 2025 envisions an overhaul of the FCC to halt Big Tech’s abuse of its dominance in the market through interferences in democratic processes and suppression of diverse opinions. 44   It is useful to point out, here, that the FCC has limited jurisdictional authority and thus may not be very effective in curtailing Big Tech’s market power. Project 2025 suggests using antidiscrimination provisions to protect “undesirable” political views and radically reforming the application of Section 230. 45 While Project 2025’s authors acknowledge companies should not be required to host illegal or profane content, they say Big Tech—including social media and service providers—should also not be able to rely on the protection of Section 230 if they censor protected political speech. 46 This regulation, the authors say, should focus on dominant platforms and exclude specialized platforms, newspapers’ comment sections, or subcommunities of larger platforms which moderate themselves. 47 Project 2025 also suggests that users should be able to curate their own experience, such as through the selection of their preferred content filters or fact checking agents. 48   This invocation of antidiscrimination runs counter to their text on the obliteration of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, especially given the myopic viewpoints of the document.   

Much of the public shares fears about the impact of social media on democratic processes and the information ecosystem. But the suggestions outlined in Project 2025 would do little to alleviate these fears. Users are already free to rely on their own fact checkers and disregard fact checks they do not consider worthy—this has not helped “ post-truth ” America. Some platforms also offer users the choice to mute or filter out certain phrases. And to some extent, algorithms might already end up curating timelines of content that reinforces the users’ existing beliefs. Further institutionalizing what would, in effect, be partisan existences on digital platforms would only reinforce polarization and ultimately hamper democracy.   

Section 230 , which governs whether internet platforms should be held responsible for the content they post, remains a topic of debate across the political aisle. Courts and Congress must balance the risks of mandating platform over-moderating, thereby removing content for fear of litigation, and under-moderating, which could allow illegal or harmful content to flourish. Focusing legislation on large, dominant platforms is a common policy approach : Placing the same requirements on smaller, alternative platforms could stifle budding competition. Still, the law, as it is set out in Project 2025, could protect a number of small social media platforms associated with the authors of the paper and the administration that they envision, such as Trump’s own Truth Social , the user base of which pales in comparison to Meta’s mega-platforms, and r/The_Donald , one of the most active self-moderated subcommunities on Reddit prior to being banned for disregarding platform policy.

The antidiscrimination protections that Project 2025 speaks of refer to the must-carry laws enacted by Texas and Florida that posit platforms discriminated against viewpoints by removing COVID-19 misinformation. Both cases were considered by the Supreme Court but remanded back to lower courts . Leaving aside the danger misinformation presents to public health if allowed to spread unencumbered, must-carry laws could force platforms to host all manner of harmful content. Must carry-laws place political speech under protections which are intended to protect identities and to ensure algorithms do not discriminate against racialized or marginalized communities. This could create a paradox in which discriminatory speech is protected on platforms under antidiscrimination laws . To see how this kind of lax approach to content moderation turns out for users, companies, and advertisers, one need only to turn to X: Since its acquisition by Elon Musk, the platform has taken a hands-off approach to content moderation. As a result, users and advertisers alike have turned their back on a platform on which hate speech, spam, and explicit content prevail.   

Additional policy priorities for the FCC, according to Project 2025, include increasing agency accountability while decreasing wasteful spending, and promoting national security and economic prosperity. 49  While the authors lament that regulation on media ownership is outdated and stifles competition, 50  they also say adversary ownership of above 10% in any American entity should be transparently disclosed to ensure national security. 51  To support economic prosperity, the administration should reduce the digital divide and expand connectivity for every American by supporting the expansion of 5G 52  and satellites such as StarLink. 53  And the authors want Big Tech to pay up: The Universal Service Fund, currently funded through telephone bills, should be supported by the companies which benefit from them. 54  

Project 2025 suggests a similar overhaul for the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) approach to Big Tech, which has been the agency leading the charge on antitrust enforcement. For the authors of “ Mandate for Leadership ,” Big Tech represents a significant departure from previous industries, one which requires hitherto accepted economic theory and antitrust law to be rethought and applied anew. 55  They see in Big Tech’s power the “possibility of real injury to the structure of important American institutions such as democratic accountability and speech,” and suggest this gives reason to apply antitrust laws more rigorously than previously. 56  They see evidence for collusion between the Biden White House and Big Tech on the censorship of scientific fact, “uncomfortable political truths,” and criticism. 57  Though disagreement among the authors of the volume is acknowledged on this point, Project 2025 argues that business concentration should no longer be considered in strictly economic terms, but also in the socio-political sense. 58 Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices; 59 “cancel culture”; 60 and the use of market power to advance a “leftist” agenda, 61 they argue, all point to one conclusion: Big Tech poses a threat to American happiness and democracy, and antitrust law should consider this. 62  There is some overlap with public sentiments and Democrat positions, here: People from both parties believe that social media companies censor certain viewpoints, and the Democratic Party, like the Republicans, recognize that Big Tech’s gatekeeping role in information sharing and public opinion building is fraught, though they reject assertions of collusion or censorship against Republican viewpoints. Democrats also agree that Big Tech’s monopoly power must be curbed.  Project 2025’s plan, however, would privilege the ideological, social, and political concerns of Trump’s Republican Party and discriminate against other viewpoints.   

Project 2025 correctly identifies that digital platforms function differently from earlier industries based on which antitrust law was conceptualized . Today, leading companies’ reach extends far into the private life of individuals and many democratic processes. The power this affords them should be monitored carefully and curtailed when they are found to abuse their economic prowess. In fact, there is bipartisan agreement on the role they have played in democratically erosive processes such as disinformation. “ Mandate for Leadership ,” however, proposes a dramatic overreach of the FTC’s responsibilities without providing substantive evidence of the collusion and censorship they are alleging. Companies are well within their rights to consider values and social considerations in their governance. It seems some in camp Trump would agree. In a post encouraging his followers to buy shares of a SPAC which merged with the “ values-aligned ” alternative online marketplace PublicSq in 2023, Donald Trump, Jr. voiced support for the parallel economy, alternatives to mainstream corporations based around American values .

On the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), Project 2025 focuses on the adversarial relationship with China: The U.S., according to them, must subvert China’s goal to become the global leader on AI. 63 To do so, the government should invest in and protect American innovation 64  while barring American companies from helping China achieve technological dominance. 65  The authors also envision the use of AI to support a variety of processes, such as the detection and disruption of foreign interference on social media 66  and the detection of Medicare and trade abuses. 67    

Project 2025’s AI policy is neither clear nor comprehensive. OpenAI, the key player in the market currently under FTC investigation, finds no mention in the 920-page volume, neither do its competitors. Privacy and copyright concerns related to the vast amounts of training data required to build AI seem to be of little concern, and so are the risk of job loss related to AI, the potential harm of AI-generated misleading content such as deepfakes , or its impact on energy consumption and climate change. Biden’s Executive Order on AI mandates principles such as standards for AI safety, protection of user privacy and civil rights, and promoting healthy competition and innovation. Trump has said he will reverse this Executive Order, claiming it is an example of government overreach . The AI industry is developing at a rapid pace: Comprehensive policy must be in place to protect individuals and societies, curtail abuses of power, and guide research in beneficial, safe directions.   

Trump continues to deny involvement in Project 2025 despite harboring close connections to its authors, praising it in the past, and even acknowledging in a speech in 2022 that the Heritage Foundation would write a detailed plan for the movement’s next administration. And the plans laid out in Agenda47, Trump’s own official policy agenda, closely echo those of Project 2025. In short videos on his campaign website former president Trump, though in much less detail than the 900-page volume, outlines his vision for a second term, which, on technology policy issues, includes investigations of Big Tech and the FBI for what he describes as an anti-American regime of censorship; intentions to block federal efforts to curb domestic mis- and disinformation, and the firing and investigating of employees engaged in this task in the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, or any other agency. He also plans to revise Section 230; limit social media’s ability to both moderate content and ban individuals from their platforms; and bring both the FCC and the FTC under presidential authority .

On technology and media policy, Project 2025 and Agenda47 have common themes: Plans to expand presidential power and limit departmental agency, accusations that technology companies and the government colluded in what they deem censorship, and restricting Chinese ownership and investments . Like the language used by the Heritage Foundation, Agenda47 ties Trump’s technology and communication policy to conservative values and ideals, saying : “The fight for Free Speech [capitalization in original] is a matter of victory or death for America—and for the survival of Western Civilization [capitalization in original] itself.” And both plans fail to provide detailed visions for how to regulate AI. The policy agendas mirror each other closely, and both suggest a vision for technology and communication policy that is both repressive and lax.   

The policy agenda outlined in Project 2025 is seemingly motivated by a sense of discrimination against conservative ideology. 68  The federal government, it says, has been “weaponized against conservative values,” 69  putting “liberty and freedom under siege.” 70 In response, the authors aim to weaken those institutions which they consider part of the attack. Their domestic enemies in technology and communication policy range from the mainstream media generally and public broadcasting specifically to Big Tech and includes the agencies which support and regulate them. If enacted, these policies could harm democracy by restricting press access to the administration and defunding those that report on them, create a mainstream internet landscape which mirrors unmoderated breeding grounds for extremism such as 4chan, and miss the opportunity to enact comprehensive and safe data protections and guardrails for AI.

Google and Meta are general, unrestricted donors to the Brookings Institution. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions posted in this piece are solely those of the authors and are not influenced by any donation. 

  • [2] Ibid., p. xiv
  • [3] Ibid., p. xiv, p. 69
  • [4] Ibid., p. 9
  • [5] Ibid., p. 54
  • [6] Ibid., p. 872
  • [7] Ibid., p. 886
  • [8] Ibid., p. 3 
  • [9] Ibid., p. 1 
  • [10] Ibid., p. xv
  • [11] Ibid., p. xvii
  • [12] Ibid., p. xx
  • [13] Ibid., p. 248
  • [14] Ibid., p. 246
  • [15] Ibid., p. 246
  • [16] Ibid., p. 246-247
  • [17] Ibid., p. 29-30
  • [18] Ibid., p. 29
  • [19] Ibid., p. 240
  • [20] Ibid., p. 13, p. 851
  • [21] Ibid., p. 789
  • [22] Ibid., p. 851
  • [23] Ibid., p. 790
  • [24] Ibid., p. 12
  • [25] Ibid., p. 790
  • [26] Ibid., p. 13
  • [27] Ibid., p. 784
  • [28] Ibid., p. 852
  • [29] Ibid., p. 786
  • [30] Ibid., p. 784
  • [31] Ibid., p. 786
  • [32] Ibid., p. 226
  • [33] Ibid., p. 50, p. 165
  • [34] Ibid., p. 497
  • [35] Ibid., p. 5-6
  • [36] Ibid., p. 5
  • [37] Ibid., p. 877
  • [38] Ibid., p. 5-6
  • [39] Ibid., p. 545-546
  • [40] Ibid., p. 879, p. 4-5
  • [41] Ibid., p. 548
  • [42] Ibid., p. 196
  • [43] Ibid., p. 848, 
  • [44] Ibid., p. 847, p. 849
  • [45] Ibid., p. 849
  • [46] Ibid., p. 826
  • [47] Ibid., p. 849
  • [48] Ibid., p. 849
  • [49] Ibid., p. 847, p. 852-855
  • [50] Ibid., p. 857
  • [51] Ibid., p. 852
  • [52] Ibid., p. 853
  • [53] Ibid., p. 855
  • [54] Ibid., p. 850
  • [55] Ibid., p. 877-878
  • [56] Ibid., p. 877-879
  • [57] Ibid., p. 872
  • [58] Ibid., p. 872
  • [59] Ibid., p. 874
  • [60] Ibid., p. 874
  • [61] Ibid., p. 873
  • [62] Ibid., p. 879
  • [63] Ibid., p. 216, p. 852
  • [64] Ibid., p. 106, 392
  • [65] Ibid., p. 852-853
  • [66] Ibid., p. 790
  • [67] Ibid., p. 463, p. 667
  • [68] Ibid., p. 60
  • [69] Ibid., p. xiv
  • [70] Ibid., p. xiv

Artificial Intelligence Media & Journalism Social Media Technology Policy & Regulation

Campaigns & Elections Political Parties Political Polarization Presidency U.S. Democracy

Governance Studies

U.S. States and Territories

Center for Technology Innovation

Election ’24: Issues at Stake

Natan Sachs

July 25, 2024

Yang You, Mark Muro

Valerie Wirtschafter, Derek Belle


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  1. PDF How to Plan and Write Good Coursework

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  2. Coursework Meaning & Definition: A Complete Guide

    Coursework is practical work or studies completed by a student in partial fulfilment of training or degree. Coursework includes projects, fieldwork, design studies, extensive college essays, and other activities. The type of work required varies on the course. It is mostly a part of the learning process and a step towards preparing students to ...

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    A coursework is a written or practical work done by student in form of thesis, dissertation, project or paper as a part of course. This is often an essential requirement for being awarded a degree and counts towards successful completion of the course. A coursework is assessed by class instructors or by other teachers in the school.

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    When writing coursework, students demonstrate their course knowledge. This method needs careful study. Coursework should be proofread for grammar, plagiarism, and readability. Students must know what to make and the requirements. Before composing the main sections, evaluate the work's structure and layout.

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    Importance of Coursework. Coursework is the most common type of assignment that teachers give students to understand their level of learning on a specific topic or subject. Moreover, it shows how well a student understands and uses the topic in various contexts. Through coursework writing, students may improve their research abilities, increase ...

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    Despite these variations, coursework assignments generally adopt a typical outline format that includes the following: The title page - includes the assignment title, the student's name, the course title, and the date.; Table of contents - provides a list of the major sections and subsections of the assignment.; Abstract - a summary of the assignment that highlights the key points.

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    As a result, to write coursework, students thoroughly research their topics, create detailed outlines, adhere to specified formats, draft their content clearly and concisely, and proofread their papers for any mistakes. Step 1: Preparation. Planning or preparation is the first step in writing a coursework paper.

  13. What is Coursework?

    Coursework is a practical work or study done by a student in partial fulfilment of a degree or training. Projects, field work, design studies, long essays etc constitutes a coursework. The nature of work which requires to be carried out depends on the course. It is largely a part of learning exercise and a step to prepare you to handle the ...

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    Coursework that requires writing: Carry out superficial research on the topic of your coursework. Settle on your topic. Work on the structure of your coursework. Make a summary or an abstract and confirm it with your instructor. Conduct profound research to find all the information you need.

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    Coursework is an integral part of the educational process, which refers to written or practical tasks that students perform during educational courses. These assignments are typically evaluated and contribute to the final grade or mark. The coursework definition, especially the term "curriculum-mandated" signifies that instructors are ...

  16. 5 Simple Ways To Manage Coursework

    Coursework can be stressful at times, but with these five tips for coursework management, you will be able to get through it with minimum stress. Just remember to set your work hours and plan as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the less stressful it will be for you.

  17. How to Write a Coursework Paper: Writing Guide withTips

    1. Come up with the topic. It is necessary to pick a good topic for the coursework paper, as it should be interesting enough to motivate you to make the research and write a great paper. Don't pick a topic too wide, as you won't be able to write about everything in the limited word count.

  18. How to Make Your Coursework as Good as It Can Possibly Be

    Many GCSE and A-level subjects are assessed in part by coursework in addition to exams, meaning that the mark you receive for coursework contributes to your overall grade. ... It'll look slightly different from an essay plan for science subjects and others that revolve around project work, but the principle is the same: plan out what order ...

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    Write key point 5 (350 words, 1 day) 4. the intro task (150 words, half a day) 5. the conclusion task (150 words, half a day) 6. the bibliography task (half a day) 7. the proofread and edit task (half a day). If you're thinking, 'Luke, that list is stressing me out', it's because you're still looking at the whole thing.

  20. Courseworks Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of COURSEWORK is work that is assigned or performed as part of a course of study. How to use coursework in a sentence.


    COURSEWORK definition: 1. work set at regular periods as part of an educational course 2. work set at regular periods as…. Learn more.

  22. How to plan your Coursework I Oxford Open Learning

    Plan your research; Whatever the subject of your coursework, you will need to read texts and do research online to arm yourself with everything you need to answer the questions that are being put to you. Make a list of all the sources of information you will be using, and allocate specific amounts of time to spend reading and taking notes for each.

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    UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Relevant Coursework: Language and Cognitive Development, Psychology of Emotion, Psychological Statistics, Cognitive Linguistics. If you add the relevant courses to a resume in this way, you'll have plenty of room for including other academic achievements on your resume. 2.

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    Where Kamala Harris Stands on the Issues: Abortion, Immigration and More. She wants to protect the right to abortion nationally. Here's what else to know about her positions.

  28. A plan to replenish the Colorado River could mean dry alfalfa fields

    A plan to help shore up the Colorado River by cutting off water to alfalfa fields in California's crop-rich Imperial Valley is finding support among water managers and farmers. ... A plan to replenish the Colorado River could mean dry alfalfa fields. And many farmers are for it. A plan to replenish the Colorado River could mean dry alfalfa ...

  29. Project 2025: What a second Trump term could mean for media and

    Project 2025 echoes Donald Trump's critical view of the media. As a result, it proposes to strip public broadcasting of its funding and legal status, thus endangering access to reliable news for ...

  30. China Shows Few Signs of Tilting Economy Toward Consumers in New Plan

    The outcome was a plan released on Sunday offering more than 300 steps on everything from taxes to religion. It echoed many familiar themes, like an emphasis on government investments in high-tech ...