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Canva for Academic Presentations and Posters: Creating a Scientific Poster with Canva

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  • Creating a Scientific Poster with Canva

Using Canva to Create a Scientific Poster

Canva is an excellent option for creating posters for presenting scientific research. To create a poster:

  • Log into Canva ( ). See the "Getting Started" tab for information on setting up an account.
  • Click Create a Design .
  • In the search bar, type " poster ." Select the size you need. Keep in mind that landscape (where the width is greater than the height) is better for posters that will be viewed online.
  • If you need to, you can resize your poster by clicking the Resize button in the upper left. (NOTE: if you are presenting your poster at a conference, check the required dimensions before starting your project.).
  • Use a design template (by browsing through them using the search button) OR start with a blank design .
  • If you have a lot of charts and graphs, you might want to start with a blank design.
  • Add text, elements, and graphics. Drag them around to arrange them on the poster. As you drag items around, the system shows gridlines to help you align elements. 
  • Keep in mind that the size of your poster will be much bigger than your screen. Slide the percentage bar at the bottom right to 100% to zoom into full size. The text should be large enough to read from 5 feet away .
  • You can print your poster through Canva, or download it to a PNG file and have it printed elsewhere.

canva research poster

YouTube Video

This YouTube video gives a great overview of using Canva to create a scientific poster.

Additional Instruction

  • How to Design a Research Poster Using Canva (Chris Lysy)
  • Designing Your Poster in Canva (Canva Design School)
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  • Last Updated: Jan 30, 2024 1:22 PM
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How to design a research poster using Canva

How to design a research poster using Canva

Today’s post is about designing research poster presentations using Canva. Even if you’ve never created a research poster in your life, I think this post can really help you get a solid jump on your next design.

Because ready or not, it’s happening. After a long COVID-19 break, a bunch of evaluation conferences are going to be live again. And with live conferences you also get actual live presentations. And you also get those big poster presentation nights.

In this post:

  • I’ll show you how to create a research poster, including a new approach I really appreciate.
  • Grid based design and why planning your poster in content blocks is a good idea.
  • A bunch of alternative poster styles that use the same underlying grid.
  • Free research poster Canva templates, and some tools to help you design your next poster.

Designing Research Posters using Canva by

The research poster presentation mindset.

So imagine yourself in a room standing in front of a research poster surrounded by people just like you. The attendees at the session might be holding drinks and are continuously running into old friends. Some glance at your work and keep right on walking. Others might ask you a question or two as they peruse your poster.

And there you are, standing in front of your poster that you’ve agonized over. The one you had to carry in a big tube through a crowded airport and then inside a crowded airport shuttle.

A research poster isn’t some stand alone document or social media infographic. It’s your wingman. Your partner in crime. It stays by your side, supporting the communication of your work. A better poster design won’t just help you communicate, it can also make your time in that room feel a little less awkward.

The usual approach to research poster design.

canva research poster

Most research posters tend to just be adaptations of a research paper. As such, a lot of academics will simply take their paper title and put it at the top of the research poster. They will then create sections on the poster that mirror the sections in their paper.

Ultimately they end up with a research poster outline that looks just like a research paper outline. This is definitely not my preferred approach to research poster design. But if this is the way that you decide to create your poster, at least take some basic steps to ensure it’s readable.

Years ago, Stephanie Evergreen and Chris Metzner created a quick little guide on how to design a research poster for the American Evaluation Association’s Potent Presentations Initiative. Definitely check it out . Especially if you just want to polish a poster you’ve already created.

How to create a better research poster in less time.

I really like the poster approach outlined by Mike Morrison .

The gist, if you don’t feel like watching the video, is that research posters should be designed more like billboards than infographics.

Because during a poster session there is a lot of competing information. So instead of trying to capture and retain the attention of just a few attendees, focus on sharing a very specific point to a lot of attendees. And then use a QR code to link to the full paper and other more in-depth information.

What is the standard size for a research poster?

Okay this is kind of a trick question. There are standardish sizes, but the people who decide on the size are almost always the ones putting on the conference.

In the past at least, the American Evaluation Association has required a square 44 inch by 44 inch design. Other common sizes include 36 inch tall by 48 inch wide and 42 inch tall by 56 inch wide.

But before you start designing, always check the specific conference’s website and follow their design guidelines.

A research poster design process using Canva.

So for my research poster designs I’m going to use .

Research Poster process

Instead of starting with a base template, we’ll just click on the “Create a design” and click custom size. I’ll be creating a square 48 inch by 48 inch poster.

Creating a custom design size in Canva.

Designing research posters with a Grid.

Research posters pose a layout challenge. Everyone gets the same amount of space, you just have to choose how you will use that space.

I’ve created a couple of basic grids to use with my 48 inch square research poster. The grids themselves are just a series of square shapes.

A 3 by 3 grid is going to give me 9 total blocks.

Creating a 3 by 3 grid in Canva.

A 4 by 4 grid is going to give me 16 total blocks.

Creating a 4 by 4 grid in Canva

The more blocks you have, the more flexibility you have in your design. But it also increases the complexity. Just remember that there is still a lot that you can do even with the simplest grids.

Using content blocks to design your research poster.

I like to consider each square in my grid as a content block. I can order my overall design by changing the colors of individual blocks, or by deleting them.

Let’s say I want to create a large 2 block by 2 block panel for my big message. I just delete those four blocks in the upper left corner.

Tweaking your canva grid.

Now I can start designing by adding content.

Adding Content to your Canva grid.

Since I’m not at the point where I have the content all figured out, I can either fake some content or use some Lorem Ipsum filler text. There are some fun ones on the web you can find with a Google search. For my templates I’m using some filler text from Office Ipsum .

Template with filler text.

What size font should I use on my research poster?

I’ve seen some guidance that you should use at least 24 pt fonts. I usually bump it up a bit more.

I’ll use a body font, one or two sub heading fonts, and a large main message font. For me that ended up being 32 pt, 48 pt, 64 pt, and 128 pt. I also just used Open Sans (as it’s a really versatile font and I plan to just share out the templates).

Research poster examples.

Okay, so now I’m just going to play around with the grids and different content types. None of this from a real presentation, but I think you’ll see the utility.

Let’s start with the 3 by 3 grid.

This one is really simple, it uses 4 blocks for the big message content in the top left. It uses 2 blocks for the sidebar 1, 2, 3, content. And it uses the final bottom three blocks to expand on the image.

3 by 3 grid research poster version 1

Here is an alternative. It uses the same amount of content, but the order is switched around. I also added a different visual element to highlight the message in the middle.

3 by 3 grid research poster version 2

Here is a third alternative. It uses a little less content (The 1,2,3 sidebar is reduced by about 225 words) but uses a big of negative space and color to make the big message stand out.

3 by 3 grid research poster version 3

There is no perfect one way to create any design. Try different things out, pick the one you prefer. Each orientation will likely change the way the information is perceived at least a little, even with the same content. If you don’t trust your eye, ask others for their insight. But just remember that everyone’s taste is a bit different.

Now let’s play with the 4 by 4 grid.

So with the 4 by 4 grid I’m just going to use a lot of made up text and images. I just want you to get a sense of how this works, and the kinds of things that you can do.

In this example we use a series of charts (small multiple). This let’s you share a lot of data but still make it easy to understand. Each chart and caption sentence uses 1 content block (out of 16). I used the two in the upper left for the big point. I used the two in the upper right for an image and the signature content.

4 by 4 grid small multiple chart research poster

Sometimes you’ll have a lot more text to share. This entire fairly word heavy research poster is still under 1,000 words. If you push your word counts too high, you’re going to start making your poster super wonky.

4 by 4 grid text heavy research poster

Perhaps you are more a qualitative evaluator or researcher. The design process here is similar to designing a photo collage or scrapbook. You’re basically just mixing pictures and quotes.

For this poster, the middle section takes up 4 blocks. Then there are 6 picture blocks and 6 text blocks. Each text block has just over 100 words (including the subtitle).

4 by 4 grid qualitative research poster

Finally, sometimes you just want to make a big point and shout it across the room. In this example I increased the font size to 250. We still have some smaller 100 word blocks on the bottom, but this poster is really designed to deliver a big point then lead your audience an external document or website.

4 by 4 grid billboard research poster

Research poster templates.

So do you want all the Canva templates I shared in this post? Including the 3 by 3 and 4 by 4 grids You can get access to them here :

Research poster canva templates

Want the PowerPoint Research Poster Templates Instead?

Since I used a few premium Canva stock images I didn’t feel comfortable sharing the Power Power Templates. But here is the thing. All you have to do is go into Canva and save the set as a Microsoft PowerPoint.

If you don’t have Canva premium just switch out any premium stock photos before you download. This will make it a free download and not violate Canva’s terms.

Canva download as PowerPoint.

Design tools that can help support the research poster design process.

Canva stock icons.

Canva has an integrated icon library. There are millions of icons which you can check out here .

Canva Images

Canva has an integrated stock photo library. You can also peruse the stock images here .

Canva Color Wheel

I wrote a whole post the other week on Color featuring a bunch of Canva tools . If you don’t already have colors set before you start your design, I suggest you check it out.

Canva Presentation Templates

Lots of research poster presentations also require handouts. Why not try making a simple slidedoc to go alongside your poster? Just use a Canva Presentation Template but add a bit more text. Enough that the person with the handout can read through without having you there to explain everything.

QR Code Monkey

Need to create a QR code for your poster? Here is a nice free site >

QRCode Monkey Screenshot

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Designing a Research Poster

  • Getting Started
  • Sections of a Poster
  • Design Tips
  • Using Images

Creating a Poster using PowerPoint

Tips & tricks for designing in powerpoint, choose a background, adding content.

  • Poster Examples

* These directions are for PowerPoint 2013*

Start by resizing your poster.  This is an essential first step!  If you resize the poster later, all your text and images will come out stretched and blurry. 

Click on the  Design Tab ,  Slide Size,  then  Custom Size.

canva research poster

Conferences and gatherings will let you know what size posters are acceptable.

Enter in the required dimensions. 

canva research poster

You will be prompted to either  Maximize  or  Ensure Fit  of your content due to choosing a custom slide size. Because you have no content on your slide yet, choose Maximize. 

canva research poster

Click on the  Themes Tab ,  page Setup,  then  Custom Size.

canva research poster

You may be prompted by the following box. Click OK. 

canva research poster

Grouping Content  

Grouping content is very helpful when you want to move more than one element on your poster but keep original spacing, formatting, etc. To group content like shapes, charts, and text boxes you can 1) click and drag the mouse over the selected element until you see all elements are selected or 2) select one element then to hold the Shift key and click on the remaining elements until they are all selected. Click on the Format tab and select "Group". 

Evenly Sizing Content

If you have an image or text box that you'd like to equally size (i.e. keep original proportions but make larger or smaller) click on the element, hold the Control key, and size the element with your mouse. 

Moving Content

If you need to minimally move content, you can use your keyboard instead of your mouse. Just select the element and use the arrow buttons on your keyboard. 

Duplicate Content

To duplicate shapes, charts, and other elements, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

After formatting the slide size and before adding content to your poster, choose a background.  You can choose a solid or gradient color and also change the transparency of the background. You can also upload an image to use for the poster background.  If you do use an image, make sure it does not distract from the content or make your poster look too busy. 

Select the  Design Tab  and then the  Format Background  button. 

canva research poster

Select the  ThemesTab  and then the  Background  button. Select  Format Background.  Choosing Format Background will open another box. 

canva research poster

Choose from a variety of background type such as solid, gradient, picture or patterned design. 

canva research poster

Before adding content, add gridlines, guides, or ruler views to aid in the layout of your content. 

Select the  View Tab  and then check the appropriate box. 

canva research poster

Now you're ready to start adding content! You'll use the  Insert Tab  to add images, tables, charts, text boxes, and shapes to your poster. To create columns, select the rectangle shape from the shapes box or create a colored text box. You can overlay a textbox over a shape to add text.

Don't forget to use your gridlines and ruler to keep spacing even and create a margin for the border of your poster. 

canva research poster

Select View from the main menu and then choose the appropriate option. 

canva research poster

Now you're ready to start adding content! From the Home  tab, you'll use the Insert section to add images, text boxes, and shapes to your poster. To create columns, select the rectangle shape from the shapes box or create a colored text box. You can overlay a textbox over a shape to add text.

canva research poster

You will use the Tables and Charts Tabs to insert addition content. These can be great options to visually represent your research. 

canva research poster

You can find simple Poster Presentation templates freely available on the Internet. If you'd rather use a template, go ahead! Remember to d ouble check that the size of the slide is correct before you begin adding content. 

  • Canva Invite more people to attend talks and seminars by promoting the research topics on custom-designed posters from Canva's collection.
  • Poster Presentations Free poster presentation templates that you can modify
  • Scientific Posters from Makesigns Check out this site for inspiration on poster design (remember: these templates are not free).
  • Designing Conference Posters A great blog post by Colin Purrington about designing research posters. Includes several free poster templates.
  • << Previous: Using Images
  • Next: Poster Examples >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024 11:15 AM
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Research Posters

What are research posters, what should a research poster look like, what software can i use to make one, where can i print my poster.

  • Themes, Colors, and Emphasis
  • Text Formatting
  • Writing Style
  • Hyperlinks and URLs
  • Including Images
  • Actual Examples
  • How to Present Posters


This guide is based off of Librarian Professor Ashley Orehek Rossi's presentation at the 2024 Student Scholar Showcase Workshop series .

Research posters provide general (or detailed) overviews about research either you are currently working on or already completed. Think of them like "mini research papers" or a summarized version of your research -- You want to discuss your research project in a short, concise narrative (with pictures!).

canva research poster

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Slides
  • Microsoft Publisher

PowerPoint is versatile! You have the freedom to place objects wherever you want on a page. It will also help you line up and space content evenly. PowerPoint is a very popular software to make posters in.

How do I adjust the slide size to my poster size?

For example, let's say you need a poster that is 36 inches by 48 inches. In the menu ribbon: 

Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size. Change the  Slides sized for:  to  Custom . Enter the dimensions as 36 inches wide by 48 inches high. Click  OK .

Just like PowerPoint, Google Slides is versatile and you have the freedom to place objects wherever on a page.

File > Page Setup > Custom. Change the Page Setup  to  Custom . Enter the dimensions as 36 inches wide by 48 inches high. Click Apply .

Publisher is a graphic design app from Microsoft. It allows users to create various types of documents using templates provided, downloaded templates, or starting from a blank canvas. Like PowerPoint, you can place objects anywhere you want on a page.

PRO:  What makes it preferred than Microsoft Word is that page layout is emphasized, so you don't need to fret about adjusting alignments or line spacing -- You have the freedom to place objects wherever you need to on the document.

CON: It is only available on desktop or laptop computers - You cannot access it from Microsoft 365 online.

How do I resize my Publisher page?

Page Design > Page Setup > Change Width and Height values and/or units.

Canva is like an online version of Microsoft Publisher. It allows user to make designs for both online content and printed materials. Media types include, but not limited to, videos, social media posts, documents, and websites. You can also invite others to collaborate on projects, just like Google Docs.

Canva offers two plans for account holders: Free and Pro.

No monthly or annual subscription fees $15 per month or $120 per year
5 GB cloud storage 1 TB cloud storage
Access limited to 250,000+ free templates, 100+ design types, 1+ million photos and graphics Unlimited access to their library of templates, stock photos, videos, fonts, graphics, and more.
Access to some AI-powered tools Access to all AI-powered tools

Information from (Accessed 25 Oct 2023). 

The WKU Print Center (ground floor DSU) can print posters for you for a fee. You can also check with your academic major department if they have a poster printer available. 

Stores like Staples and Office Depot / OfficeMax  offer poster printing services. 

  • Next: Themes, Colors, and Emphasis >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 3:37 PM
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How To Make a Fabric Research Poster with Canva

  • Sport Piqué

Substrate note: In April 2024, we changed the name of Performance Piqué to Sport Piqué. It’s the same fabric, but a different name! We’ve changed the name of the fabric in the post, but you’ll see the name Performance Piqué on some images in this post as it was written before the name change. When ordering your poster, please select Sport Piqué as your fabric.

Jennifer : Canva* is great to create professional presentation posters without having to download any software programs and something I love to recommend to our community when they’re looking for a free design resource. Before we get started, you might be asking yourself, “Why should I print my poster on fabric?”, but the real question you should be asking yourself is, “Why haven’t  I been printing my poster on fabric?”! 

Spoonflower’s custom-printed fabric posters  travel well ,  never crease or tear  and can be easily stored in a backpack or carry-on … all for a fraction of the price of a traditional paper poster. Bonus: When you order your poster on our preferred poster fabric, Sport Piqué, n o hemming is required –simply trim the edges and display your work!

*Please note, Canva should be used for posters that are no larger than 52″ in length or width.

Ready to see how it’s done?

Part 1: Design Your Poster on Canva

1. After creating a free Canva account , choose “use custom dimensions” in the top right corner.

2.  Next, enter the dimensions you would like to use for your poster* and select the green “Design!” button. I want to create a 48 x 36″ poster so I entered 48 for the width and 36 for the length. Remember to switch to inches in the drop-down menu to the left of the green design button. 

3.  Once on your design page, you can explore all of the options Canva has to offer. There are different font, text and template options. You even the ability to upload your own images. Once you’ve determined your poster layout, enter all of your information and research as needed. 

4. When moving photos or text around on your poster, guides will automatically appear to help with alignment.

Pro tip : If you need to include graphs and charts on your poster, save each one individually as a JPG or PNG prior to uploading to Canva.

How to Print a Poster on Fabric has been written in a black serif font on a blank page in Canva.

5. When you are ready to save your poster design, name your file and then choose the “PDF – PRINT” option under the download tab.  Once your design has downloaded to your computer, you’ll need to adjust the file type prior to uploading to Spoonflower.

For  Mac users , you can open your design file from your desktop. From top toolbar, choose “File > Export”. From that window, choose PNG as the file type. Make sure you keep the file at 150 for the DPI (resolution) . This will ensure it will print to scale once uploaded to Spoonflower.

For Windows users , you can convert this PDF into a PNG using any software program you have (GIMP, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat) or you can use a  photo converting website to change your PDF to PNG.  Make sure you keep the file at 150 for the DPI (resolution) .

Now, you’re ready to upload your file to Spoonflower!

Part 2: Upload Your Poster to Spoonflower

1. From the Spoonflower top navigation choose Design > Upload . From this page you can choose your PNG file from your computer and upload it to our site.

Pro tip : If your original poster size was 36 x 48″, rotate your design 90º before uploading to Spoonflower to ensure it fits on 1 yard of fabric.

2. Once uploaded, you will automatically see your poster on a design page. You can choose your fabric, yardage amount and repeat option. I chose 1 yard of Sport Piqué ( Name change note! Performance Piqué is now Sport Piqué! It’s the exact same fabric, different same. So you’ll want to select Sport Piqué in the drop-down menu.)

You’ll also want to select the center repeat option so the poster prints directly in the center of the fabric. Text might appear blurry in the preview window, but as long as your image shows up sharp and clear when viewed at 100% in Canva, it will print out clearly with Spoonflower.

3. Once your poster is on the right fabric base and repeat, you’re ready to place your order  and focus on perfecting your presentation!

Anatomy of a 1 Yard Research Poster

  • The preview window is the best way to predict how a design will print. The rulers along the edge of the preview are also a great way to estimate the finished size of a print.
  • The repeat options available for your poster. Choose the center repeat to ensure your poster prints once on a yard of fabric.
  • The dimensions (width x height) of the poster you uploaded to Spoonflower. If you are making a 48 x 36″ poster and these dimensions are smaller than 48 x 36″, double check your original file!
  • If you make a change to the repeat or scale of your poster, “lock in” your changes by selecting the S ave This Layout button.
  • The type of fabric your poster will print on. The default is Basic Cotton Ultra. (Another name change note! Instead of Basic Cotton Ultra, we now offer Petal Signature Cotton® .) Therefore, be sure to adjust to the preferred fabric base for a poster, Sport Piqué, in the Choose a Fabric dropdown menu.
  • The amount of fabric your poster will print on. To ensure your poster prints in its entirety, make sure to choose the yard option in the Choose a Size dropdown menu.

The popularity of printing posters on fabric at Spoonflower has grown in popularity and I’ve noticed two common issues: ordering the wrong fabric base and choosing the wrong repeat.

Common Issue #1: Incorrect Fabric Base

Common issue #2: incorrect repeat.

Pro Tip : If you are working under a deadline, we do always recommend choosing Rush or Guaranteed Delivery from the shipping options available in the shopping cart screen. These options work on a fixed schedule, and will also display a delivery date.

Have you used Spoonflower for printing a research poster? We’ve love to know! Share your poster pictures on social media with #spoonflower or leave a comment below.

Anna Fletcher

Anna is a self-taught sewist, award-winning cosplayer and digital artist. In her free time, she’s either stitching up new costumes and creating fun content , binging some sort of animated series or snuggling her cats, Mina and Opal.

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' src=

Clearly I’m late to the poster/display party! What a great idea! Does anyone who’s done this have any pics of how they displayed their poster on the road? Thanks all!

' src=

Hi Kimberly,

So glad you found this helpful! I found this article and it looks like push pins work great for displaying.

Best of luck! Amy Spoonflower

' src=

My poster is 52 inches X 36 inches in power point. I save it to other formats (TIF, JPG…) and when I upload into Spoonflower, it is sized to 36 X 24 – even if I choose the correct fabric and change the ppi to 150. Any other suggestions?

' src=

We’re sorry for the trouble and we’d be happy to assist you further! If you’d be able to send an email to [email protected] and include the file in your email, we’ll be happy to take a look and see what might be causing the trouble.

' src=

Never thought of making banners or posters with spoonflower!

But, ok, which repeat should be used? The centered one?

Hi Rowan, Once you try printing your poster on fabric, you may never go back to traditional paper posters!

To ensure your poster prints once, please select the center repeat option. Keep in mind that the preview window is the best way to predict how a design will print once you’ve adjusted your repeat option. Please send us an email at [email protected] if you have any other questions!

-Meredith at Spoonflower

' src=

Perfect! thanks for this because I’m planning to make a banner. My page logo is deigned by CANVA. love it!

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How to create a research poster

  • Getting Started
  • Planning your Poster
  • Designing a Poster
  • Poster Templates & Examples
  • Printing your Poster
  • Additional Guides

Poster Templates

  • PHD Posters - Templates These basic template files make it easy to get your PowerPoint poster just the right size.
  • Free research poster templates - Slidesgo
  • Free Research Posters on Canva Browse high quality Research Poster templates for your next design. Requires a Canva account (free).

Poster Examples

  • PHD Posters - Examples Some examples of PhD posters (also useful templates for research posters)
  • ePosters - The Online Library of Scientific Posters ePosters is an open-access library (ISSN 1754-1417) that allows you to view the latest scientific and medical posters. Presenters are welcome to upload their posters and reach a new global audience. Conference organizers and scientific companies can partner with us to showcase their posters in dedicated galleries
  • Faculty of 1000 Poster Repository A few example of posters for health sciences research.
  • << Previous: Designing a Poster
  • Next: Printing your Poster >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 12, 2023 2:45 PM
  • URL:

Can You Make a Research Poster on Canva?

Can You Make a Research Poster on Canva?

Research posters are an essential tool for presenting your work in a visually appealing and concise manner. Traditionally, creating a research poster required specialized software or design skills. However, with the rise of user-friendly online design platforms like Canva, anyone can now create professional-looking posters without any prior design experience.

Using Canva's intuitive interface, you can easily customize your research poster to match your project's theme and convey your findings effectively. Let's explore how you can create a research poster on Canva.

Getting Started: To get started, sign up for a free Canva account or log in if you already have one. Once you're in, search for "poster" in the search bar to find pre-designed templates specifically tailored for posters.

Choosing a Template: Canva offers an extensive collection of templates designed by professionals. These templates are fully customizable and can serve as an excellent starting point for your research poster. Look for templates that align with the theme and purpose of your project.

Customizing Your Poster:

Once you've chosen a template, it's time to make it your own. Canva provides various customization options to help you personalize every aspect of your poster.

1. Adding Text: Use the text tool to add headings, subheadings, and body text to present your research content. Experiment with different fonts, sizes, and colors to make your text visually appealing and easy to read.

2. Incorporating Images: Images play a crucial role in grabbing attention and conveying information effectively.

You can upload images directly from your computer or choose from Canva's vast library of free-to-use images. Consider adding graphs, charts, or relevant visual content that enhances the understanding of your research findings.

3. Including Icons and Shapes: Icons and shapes can be used to highlight key points or add visual interest to your poster. Canva provides a wide range of icons and shapes that can be easily added and resized to fit your design.

4. Customizing Colors and Background: To maintain consistency with your project's branding or theme, customize the colors and background of your poster. Canva allows you to choose from a variety of color palettes or create your own using the color picker tool.

Sharing and Printing:

Once you're satisfied with your research poster design, it's time to share or print it. Canva offers multiple options for sharing, such as downloading it as an image file (JPEG or PNG) or PDF for printing.

Considerations for Printing: When printing your research poster, it's important to select the appropriate size and resolution. Canva provides preset dimensions for common poster sizes like A0, A1, and Letter. Additionally, ensure that the resolution is high enough to maintain sharpness when printed.

In Conclusion:

Creating a research poster on Canva is an accessible and user-friendly process that eliminates the need for specialized design skills. With its wide range of customizable templates and intuitive tools, anyone can create visually engaging posters to showcase their research findings effectively.

So why not give it a try Explore Canva's features, unleash your creativity, and bring your research to life with an impressive poster design!

canva research poster

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Creating Academic Posters with Canva

poster example

  • Pre-workshop activities: 20 min
  • Introductory presentation: 15 min
  • Hands-on activities: 50 min


Posters are an expressive medium that can be used to engage an audience by communicating sometimes complex information in a simplified form. Within the academic community, research posters are commonly used to deliver the main points of a research project quickly and easily at a conference or event. Research posters summarize information or research into a concise, visually appealing format, which helps publicize the information and generate discussion.

Canva is a free graphic design tool that helps users create customizable posters, brochures, cards, social media posts and more. Canva has numerous templates and features that can act as inspiration and can be changed according to your goals. This tool is web-based and works like Google Docs but for layout with design elements. It auto-saves your work so you can work across multiple computers and collaborate with teammates. Canva has a free and a premium tier. This workshop goes over how to utilize the free tools within Canva. Even on the free side of Canva, there are options to use pay-as-you-go elements (clip art and photos) but they aren’t necessary to design excellent work in this software.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to do the following by the end of this workshop:

  • Be able to find an appropriate poster template
  • Be aware of how to format text in a poster template so it is appropriately sized and formatted
  • Be able to import photos and logos in Canva
  • Be able to create charts in Canva
  • Be aware of the importance of photo resolution when printing large posters
  • Be able to create a QR code
  • Be able to change the poster size in Canva

Attendees can apply the skills learned in this workshop to the other layouts available on Canva.

NEXT STEP: Pre-Workshop Activities

Can You Make a Research Poster on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 12:14 pm

If you’re looking to create a research poster, Canva is a great option. With its easy-to-use design tools and wide range of templates, you can create a professional-looking poster in no time.

To get started, simply sign up for a free account and then choose the “Create a Design” option. From there, select “Poster” from the list of design types. You can then browse through Canva’s library of templates, or start from scratch to create your own custom design.

Once you’ve selected a template or created your own design, adding text and images is easy. Simply click on the element you want to edit and enter your content.

You can also adjust the font, color, and size of your text to suit your needs.

When you’re happy with your poster, simply download it as a PDF or print it out. And that’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can create a great-looking research poster using Canva.

Can You Make a Research Poster on Canva

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Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.

Stop spending hours resizing and aligning boxes on your poster.

Design beautiful research posters in minutes with biorender's poster builder. experience quick and easy poster-making with this powerful tool, built by scientists for scientists..

a laptop showing the BioRender poster builder software

The easiest poster building experience you’ve ever tried.

  • Create a poster from scratch in minutes with drag and drop components.
  • Everything magically resizes to fit the poster size and maintain consistent margins. Change your poster from landscape to portrait with one click.
  • Easily pan and zoom around the canvas to ensure every detail is perfect.
  • Add BioRender figures with just a few clicks. All of your files live in one place.

Save time by starting with a professionally designed, fully customizable template.

  • Templates are available in landscape, portrait, and square orientation.
  • Choose from a wide range of color themes or customize the poster to match institutional branding.
  • Default font sizes and margins, optimized for printed posters.
  • High quality export available in PDF, PNG, and JPG file formats for all your print and presentation needs.

Using Poster Builder is a really, really nice experience— it only took me a day to put together a poster . The same poster would probably take me a week to do in PowerPoint.

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Never email posters back and forth again.

  • Quickly give and receive contextual feedback with comments.
  • Never email posters back and forth again. Share and collaborate on posters with your colleagues in real-time, no matter where you’re located.
  • Easily retrieve previous versions for a worry-free editing experience.

Use BioRender for...

Ready to get started.

canva research poster


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