best job in the world essay

6 best jobs in the world that combine purpose, profit and planet

6 best jobs in the world that combine purpose, profit and planet

What do the best jobs in the world mean to you? 

Do they mean having a high paycheck? Or do they have to offer room for skill development and fulfilment to take you further in life? 

There’s no denying that we have different criteria and opinions when it comes to landing a jobdisc we deem the best in the world. 

But it’s safe to say that the definition of the “ best jobs in the world ” is no longer within the confines of a hefty paycheck. 

These best jobs in the world typically share some common attributes, especially since we now live in a world where a harmonious work-life balance, opportunities for self-growth, and a positive impact on people and the planet are now important job factors for many of us. 

However, that doesn’t mean we seek low-paying jobs — rather we seek jobs that pay well, provide security, and make us feel proud of our work. 

A 2020 study has shown that 84% of those working would take a new job if it came with new opportunities and benefits, such as work-life balance, fulfilment, and a better paycheck. 

Job seekers are changing their demands and behaviours. The good news? So is the job market. 

best jobs in the world

In the earliest civilisation, people engaged in hunting, gathering, and simple agricultural activities for survival.  Source: AFP

Best paying jobs in the world: How it all began

The history of jobs and professional occupations is deeply intertwined with the evolution of mankind. 

The concept of work has undergone significant shifts over the millennia, shaped by cultural, technological and economic developments. 

But how did the concept of jobs begin, you wonder? 

In the earliest civilisation, people engaged in hunting, gathering, and simple agricultural activities for survival. 

While these roles weren’t exactly jobs, but survival skills, there was a division of labour, which was often based on age and gender, with different roles for men and women. 

Then came the innovation of agriculture, which shifted the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles to agricultural communities. 

With the domestication of plants and animals, people began to specialise in farming, herding and fishing. This specialisation marked a pivotal moment in human history, slowly paving the way to actual jobs. 

Eventually, it expanded to specialised skills (think craftsmanship, artisans, trading) and not long later, specialised knowledge (law, medicine, accounting). 

Finally, in the 20th century, we witnessed the professionalisation of various occupations. 

Licensing and accreditation became common in fields like medicine, law, engineering, and accounting. Professional associations were established to set ethical standards, ensure competence, and regulate entry into these fields. 

In other words, 9-to-5 jobs became the norm. 

And just when you think the job market couldn’t change any further, we have the 21st century fixing every mistake the 20th-century job market couldn’t — we have remote working, flexible hours and overall, a workplace where creating and delivering value takes precedence over time spent on the job. 

Does that mean that hard, manual labour in the 21st century has finally come to an end? 

While the job market for the best paying jobs has significantly changed, 3D jobs still very much exist, and will continue to do so. 

best jobs in the world

Meatpacking is considered a 3D job. Source: AFP

3D jobs: The opposite of the best jobs in the world

3D jobs refer to dirty, dangerous, and demeaning jobs, commonly found in agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and cleaning sectors. 

It’s essential to acknowledge the flip side of the best jobs — the occupations that epitomise hardship and challenges. 

3D jobs are essentially jobs that no one, especially the younger generation, wants to take up, which is becoming an increasing concern for many countries. 

In Malaysia, for example, the government has expressed its concern about Malaysian youths’ hesitance in picking up 3D jobs not because of the salary, but the nature of the jobs, which they find demeaning and “low class.” 

Even when there were almost 700,000 Malaysians out of jobs in 2022, many still refused to take up 3D jobs, and companies end up hiring workers from abroad instead.

In more developed (or even less developed) countries, however, you would see locals doing these 3D jobs. In most cases, they are more than happy to do them. 

Some are even paid three to six times more than what 3D workers get in Malaysia. 

Besides that, the citizens in these countries possess no social stigma surrounding jobs in the 3D sector, despite the possibility of these jobs being physically and mentally demanding. 

All in all, the hesitancy towards 3D jobs among the younger generations reflects a complex interplay of changing values, safety considerations, technological advancements and evolving career expectations.

But it’s important to remember that all jobs can be equally fulfilling, especially now that there’s more emphasis on taking and creating jobs that offer good pay, a healthy workplace culture, opportunities to grow, job security and good values. 

Best jobs in the world: From high-demand fields to specialised expertise

1. environmental engineer.

With a climate crisis and many other environmental challenges looming, environmental engineers  are now indispensable.

Beyond the high earning potential, you will engage in continuous learning, contributing to sustainable solutions for the planet. 

Your fieldwork and office responsibilities provide a well-rounded professional life. 

Valeria from Arizona State University finds studying environmental engineering especially meaningful because she is passionate about helping communities that don’t have access to proper sustainable and efficient solutions to managing the environment.

“For me, being an environmental engineer means putting hard work into helping the communities around us to enjoy better living conditions and making sure the next generations have all the resources they need. It is the perfect combination of science and social work,” she said, as quoted by Kaplan Pathways .

“I want to help people gain access to drinking water and I want to help cities in developing countries become more efficient when it comes to waste, resource management, and urban planning. I also want people to be more aware of the way that they are living their lives and what they could do to reduce their impact on the environment.”

best jobs in the world

Aside from a good paycheck, being a public health professional allows you to bring good to the community. Source: AFP

2. Public health professional

Aside from a good paycheck, being a public health professional allows you to bring good to the community — you will address global health challenges, which often require continuous learning as you work on the improvement of the well-being of communities worldwide. 

The job also consists of varied roles, from research to policy-making to implementation, allowing for a diverse work environment. 

In other words, it’s truly one of the most rewarding jobs out there.

Megan Hervy, who previously studied Master of Public Health at the Colorado School of Public Health , now works with the Harm Reduction Action Centre.

She is responsible for collaborating with syringe exchange patients, providing information about the centre’s programmes, and working with the staff to enhance the effectiveness of outreach efforts.

“It [public health] is such an expansive and interdisciplinary field that connects to every facet of our life on multiple levels, including through community-level and larger population-level lenses,” said Hervy.

best jobs in the world

Being a human resources manager means you’ll be geared towards the corporate field, where you’ll oversee talent management strategies. Source: Shutterstock

3. Human resources manager

Unlike the ones mentioned above, being a human resources manager means you’ll be geared towards the corporate field, where you’ll oversee talent management strategies. 

You’ll navigate diverse human resource challenges that contribute to the continuous professional development of your employees, fostering a positive workplace environment, and balancing employee relations and recruitment. 

In other words, you are the life of the company. 

Mmamanti Umoh, one of the young emerging leaders in Nigeria, once said, “Without the right succession planning put to play in human resources, we build for the future without a future.” 

Alumnus George Moschos who studied MSc Human Resource Management at the University of Portsmouth shares the same value. 

He said, “My passion is change, towards excellence and best practice. We naturally fall into complacent idleness, but through change, we evolve. This is why I like human resources as an area of work, since it puts me out there in the front, supporting and implementing change.”

best jobs in the field

Lecturers, or university professors, enjoy a satisfying paycheck, especially in in-demand fields. Source: AFP

4. Lecturer/university professor 

Lecturers, or university professors, enjoy a satisfying paycheck, especially in in-demand fields.

Beyond financial remuneration and shaping young bright minds, your role involves conducting research and publishing papers that could bring a significant impact to not just society, but the world. 

To truly enjoy your role, however, you must possess a love for research and teaching.

Many lecturers have shared that the journey to become an educator, albeit tough, is more than worth it. 

Professor Rebekka Sandmeier, director of the South African College of Music , shared: “Think very well before entering the university system. It is brilliant in that it gives you a lot of freedom. You can choose your topic to research and, to a certain extent, the courses you teach and the structuring of your time. And you’re in an intellectually challenging environment. 

“On the other hand, you need to be an expert in self-motivation and time management.”

best jobs in the world

French data scientist and creator of the Covid Tracker site Guillaume Rozier attends the 7th Interministerial Committee for Public Transformation, at the Matignon Hotel in Paris. Source: AFP

5. Data scientist

In the era of big data (it’s only becoming bigger!), data scientists play a crucial role in influencing decision-making across various industries. 

With the ability to extract meaningful insights and knowledge from large sets of structured and unstructured data, you will possess a blend of analytical, statistical, and programming skills that will make you highly valuable in research and making strategic business decisions. 

TY Shao, who is studying Master of Data Science at the University of California, wants to use her passion for data science to make a difference in the healthcare community after her father passed away from kidney cancer. 

“I intend to use the tools of data science to help expedite life-saving diagnoses to cancer patients and improve overall patient care. I am interested in working on cancer research throughout my career as a data scientist so that I can help other families who are also afflicted by this disease.”

Although impactful and rewarding, like every other job, data science comes with its share of challenges, such as technical complexity, data quality, and limited resources. 

It is a field which requires a great deal of continuous learning, resilience and determination.

best jobs in the world

France’s Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne (pictured on the left) speaks with a psychologist as she visits the “Enfant Bleu” (“Blue Child”) childhood victim support association in Issy-les-Moulineaux, in the south suburbs outside Paris. Source: AFP

6. Psychologist

Psychologists often work directly with people to address and alleviate mental and emotional challenges. 

You have the opportunity to make a positive impact on lives, helping them navigate and overcome difficulties.

If you like helping people, nothing can beat the feeling to helping people get through some of their darkest days.

While many people might think that a career in psychology is stagnant, that’s not true — it involves a lot of self-reflection and personal growth. 

As you’re always communicating and always dealing with second-hand trauma, you’ll develop strong interpersonal skills, empathy and resilience that can positively impact your personal lives as well. 

You also play a key role in advocating for mental health awareness and contributing to social change, potentially conducting groundbreaking research into new mental disorders and influencing policies and practices that promote wellbeing. 

Two psychology students, Elysia and Kristen, shared on CollegeVine how much their majors helped them grow as individuals:

“I think that studying psychology has taught me to value the experiences of the people around me. I’ve learned more about the viewpoints of people with different identities who come from different backgrounds. I understand that there is so much beyond my own narrow perspective, so I now know to look for those new avenues and embrace them.”

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The best job in the world

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Once again the organisation which promotes Australia, Tourism Australia, is advertising the best job in the world. But this year, they have six jobs going, all for six months, with a great salary and extra spending money. If you think one of these is your dream job, you have to make a 30-second video explaining why you are the best person for the role. But – be warned. Thousands of people will be competing for each post.

The job of 'outback adventurer' is for someone with a passion for outdoor life, and in the Northern Territory there are plenty of wide-open spaces. The job is for someone to find out the best adventures and jobs for young people on working holidays. You’d be getting close to wildlife, sleeping under the stars in a bush camp and flying over stunningly beautiful landscape in a hot air balloon. Your duties will include getting to know about aboriginal culture and eating traditional bushfoods, maybe including the famous witchetty grubs – insect larva.

Like the idea of 200 days of sunshine every year? Job number two is a park ranger in tropical Queensland. It’s a wonderful state with ancient rainforests, the world’s largest sand island and the awesome Great Barrier Reef. Here your duties would include protecting and promoting native plants and animals, spectacular waterfalls, dinosaur fossils, untouched beaches and indigenous culture. You’d get paid to patrol the beaches of Lizard Island and live a life most people can only dream about.

Another island job is as 'wildlife caretaker' on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. If you love all kinds of animals, this is the job for you. The advert says you’ll be able to talk to wallabies (a kind of small kangaroo), play with dolphins, cuddle koalas and sunbathe with seals on the unspoilt beach at Seal Bay. You would get about the island on foot, by bicycle, kayak or boat, taking photos and leaving only footprints. There is one potential drawback, though. You’d need to be pretty brave since you might come face to face with great white sharks.

Maybe you are not quite so keen on the great outdoors and your talents are more journalistic. If you fancy feature writing, photography and making videos, you can apply for the position of lifestyle photojournalist for Time Out in Melbourne. You would be required to photograph and write about the city's coolest cafés and musical events. But you’d also cover tourist activities in the whole state of Victoria, including surfing on the Great Ocean Road, skiing at Mount Hotham or watching the little penguins at Phillip Island.

Are you a foodie? Do you know about food, as well as love eating it? If the answer's yes, you can apply for the role of 'taste master' in Western Australia. Your job would be to promote the best restaurants, pubs, wineries and breweries. You’d also catch fresh seafood off the beautiful coast and learn all about making wine and beer.

Finally, a fantastic job in Sydney. We’ve all seen those amazing firework displays in Sydney Harbour. Well, you could be one of the people making that happen next year. New South Wales is looking for a 'chief funster', who would be based in Sydney while travelling around the state and tweeting about the coolest things going on. This job would appeal to someone interested in everything: sports, the arts, entertainment, food. You’d also be involved in making the Sydney Festival, Mardi Gras and Vivid Festival as spectacular, and as fun, as possible.

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Which of these jobs would suit you? Why?

best job in the world essay

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Why Teaching Is Still The Best Job In The World

Besides teaching, there aren’t many jobs where it’s your job to work with so many children to make their life better on a daily basis.

why teaching is the best job in the world

7 Reasons Why Teaching Is Still The Best Job In The World

by TeachThought Staff

Sometimes, good teachers quit.  

Teaching is an increasingly demanding job with divergent influences, dynamic sources of innovation, and sometimes aging dogma that makes it all a struggle. It can be emotionally draining, and at times, impossible.

But in lieu of that–and in an age where start-ups are glorified, entertainment is endlessly emphasized, and tech is kind, teaching continues to be the best job in the world. Or at least I think so anyway. Here are 7 reasons why.

7 Reasons Why Teaching Is The Best Job In The World

1. The potential to transform lives

Ask any teacher who has helped a student in any number of ways, from academic to welfare and emotional learning, and they will tell you that life is not only good, but amazing.

2. It gives you the chance to be continuously creative

Of course, there are increasing levels of accountability in teaching, but teachers are allowed to be creative in every lesson. Even in observations, in fact most of all in observations, lessons are encouraged to be creative and interesting to engage the students. Teachers have so many opportunities to try new ideas, and indulge in iterative process to ensure the optimum learning environment is created.

3. It offers you a chance to continuously get better

Teachers are not only encouraged to seek continuous professional development, but can ask for observation on a regular basis, to provide opportunities to grow and learn from masters or more experienced practitioners. In so few professions is there such support, and considering that as a minimum, contracts are for a year, teachers have so much time to demonstrate improvement. A growth mindset is part of the foundation of teaching.

4. It is a grounding, humbling profession

The amount of work teachers do compared to remuneration is shockingly disproportionate, in 2 senses: firstly, in terms of how many paid vs non paid hours of work they receive, and secondly, in relation to other similarly creative and important (and not so important) vocations in our society. But that is not why teachers teach. So few teachers go into the vocation for the salary – it’s a calling before anything else.

5. There is always satisfaction somewhere

Teaching is a calling, and no one enters it without his or her inner voice telling him or her that. Of course, there are always some imposters, but the massive majority have their hearts in the right place. How cool is that for the students?

Having said that, teaching can be and is incredibly demanding, and often we can lose sight of that calling, bogged down in aspects of the profession that don’t seem to be connected to it. But on closer inspection, most of the extra demands are actually central to the job itself: explaining to parents where you are coming from; being observed; collaborating with others; marking.

Take this last aspect, crucial to understanding whether students are learning what you believe you are teaching. Yes, it is very time consuming, but perhaps one of the most important and fundamental weapons in a teacher’s arsenal; any good school will understand this and the other cited demands, and create an environment where they become part of directed time.

It is when these aspects are not acknowledged in directed time that the conditions for burnout are rife.

6. It’s a chance to truly lead the world in the 21st century

Introducing students to new technologies and ways of presenting, curating, and collaborating with others with what they know is truly exciting and truly invigorating. Modern teachers are actually pioneering pedagogy, and can and will be able to hold their heads up high in the future when we look back and see how learning in this day and age took a radical but enormously beneficial turn for the better.

Engaging students in greater collaboration, and instilling initiative in curation and the promotion of information leads to truly independent learning, and setting up such learning environments is an opportunity that all teachers now have before them. There are few more gratifying feelings than being needed.

7. The children

This is why we teach, isn’t it? To improve the lives of children? There aren’t many careers where you have the opportunity to work directly with children while trying to make their today a little smarter and their tomorrow a little brighter.

Of course, so much of the technological addition to teaching has all been achieved mostly through our own initiative, having to source and implement the enterprising learning strategies. But this only provides another string to our bow, and in the context of how important 21st-century skills are, another example of why teaching is such an amazing thing to do. Sometimes teaching is exhausting, but friends, always come back to the core of what we are doing.

We are change-makers, and that is something to be proud of. Long live teaching, still the best job in the world!

Adapted image attribution flickr user alexandersaprykin; 6 Reasons Why Teaching Is The Best Job In The World

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best job in the world essay

Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs In The World 2024 (Inc Salaries)

Discover the highest-paying jobs in the world in 2024. This article discusses all, from data science to investment banking. Read more!

Money. It makes the world go round. It has led to invasions, conquest's, aggressive take-overs, and, as of 2023, the creation of 3,194 billionaires worldwide and hundreds of massive conglomerates that they oversee. Sounds great, but does money make us happier? Some say no, the majority say yes.

With money comes opportunity and a way out of poverty and into privilege. But, what do you need to do to land one of the highest-paying jobs in the world and where should you be looking?

The highest paying jobs can vary depending on factors such as location, industry, if you have a BBA or MBA, and experience in an industry. Among the top highest paying jobs with higher salaries that you may find include systems manager, data scientist, orthodontist, software engineer, CEO, investment banker, corporate lawyer, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, machine learning engineer, or anesthesiologists who administer anesthesia to patients.

To find specific high-paying job opportunities, consider using job search websites, industry-specific job boards, networking through professional organizations, and reaching out to recruitment agencies. Additionally, stay updated on industry trends and continuously develop your skills, as this can enhance your earning potential.

If you are looking for a job that pays handsomely, read on!

Top 15 Best Paying Jobs In The World 2024 (Inc Salaries)

1. data scientist .

A Data Scientist is a professional who utilizes their skills in statistics, mathematics, programming, and domain expertise to analyze and interpret complex data sets and maintain data infrastructure of a company. They typically possess a combination of skills in mathematics, statistics, programming (commonly using languages like Python or R), and domain knowledge relevant to the industry they work in and their primary goal is to extract valuable insights and knowledge from large and often unstructured datasets. These insights can then be used to inform business decisions, improve processes, and solve problems. They may also have expertise in data visualization tools and databases.

Becoming a data scientist requires a combination of education, skills development, and practical experience, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree in a related field such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering, or a related quantitative field is often a minimum requirement. Many data scientists also have advanced degrees, such as a master's or Ph.D., which can provide a deeper understanding of the field.

Learning programming languages commonly used in data science, such as Python or R. Learning how to clean, preprocess, and analyze data using tools like SQL for database querying and manipulation. Acquiring knowledge of machine learning algorithms and techniques. Developing skills in data visualization using tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly (for Python) and ggplot2 (for R).

The average annual salary for a Data Scientist in the US is $123,775.

2. Senior Software Engineer 

A Senior Software Engineer is an experienced and skilled professional in the field of software development. Their role is typically a more advanced position within a software engineering team, and individuals at this level are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining complex software systems. The title of Senior Software Engineer may vary from company to company, and in some organizations, this role might be referred to as a Lead Software Engineer or Software Development Engineer (SDE) III. The exact responsibilities and expectations can also depend on the specific needs and structure of the company.

Becoming a Senior Software Engineer involves a combination of education, practical experience, and skill development, but generally you will require: A Bachelor's degree in computer science or related field. Mastering multiple programming languages commonly used in software development, such as Java, Python, C++, or JavaScript.

Becoming proficient in relevant frameworks and technologies. Learning and using version control systems like Git for collaborative development. Considering pursuing advanced training or certifications in areas of interest, such as cloud computing, DevOps, or specialized frameworks.

The average annual salary for a Senior Software Engineer in the US is $194,220 and is therefore one of the best jobs around.

3. Investment Banker 

An Investment Banker is a financial professional who works in the investment banking industry. They play a crucial role in facilitating various financial transactions for corporations, governments, and other entities and their primary responsibilities include advising clients on financial strategies, managing mergers and acquisitions (M&A), raising capital through issuing securities, and providing strategic financial advice. They typically work for large financial institutions, such as investment banks, commercial banks, or boutique advisory firms. 

To become an investment broker, you'll need to follow a series of steps that involve education, gaining relevant experience, and obtaining necessary licenses, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree in finance, business, economics, or a related field. Developing a strong understanding of financial markets, investment products, and trading strategies. Acquiring skills in financial analysis and research. This includes analyzing financial statements, understanding market trends, and evaluating investment opportunities.

Obtaining the necessary securities licenses such as, General Securities Representative Exam and Uniform Securities State Law Exam. Understanding and complying with the regulatory requirements set by financial regulatory bodies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Considering pursuing additional certifications, such as the CFA designation, to enhance your credibility and expertise in financial analysis.

The average annual salary for an Investment Banker in the US is $144,633  and is one of those high-paying jobs that is always top of the pile.

4. Chief Executive Officer

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking of the top executives and is the leader of a company. They can be found in a variety of industries and company sizes, ranging from small startups to large multinational corporations and are responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company. More often than not CEOs act as the primary point of communication between the board of directors and the corporate operations.

Becoming a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is a significant career achievement that typically involves a combination of education, experience, leadership skills, and strategic vision, but generally you will require: Initially earning a bachelor's degree in a field relevant to the industry you're interested in. Common degrees for CEOs include business administration, finance, engineering, or other related fields.

Considering obtaining a master's degree (MBA or other advanced degrees) that can enhance your knowledge and credentials, making you more competitive for executive positions. Focusing on building expertise in a specific area relevant to the industry. This could involve becoming an expert in finance, marketing strategy, operations management, or another key aspect of business. Getting involved in strategic initiatives within your organization. This could involve participating in long-term planning, market analysis, or other projects that demonstrate your strategic thinking.

The average annual salary for CEO in the US is $197,747  and is one of those highly lucrative jobs.

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5. Corporate Lawyer

A Corporate Lawyer, also known as a business lawyer or corporate attorney, is a legal professional who specializes in providing legal advice and services to businesses, corporations, and other commercial entities. They are known to work in law firms, in-house legal departments of corporations, or as independent legal consultants and play a crucial role in guiding businesses through various legal aspects of their operations, transactions, and compliance with laws and regulations.

Becoming a corporate lawyer involves a combination of education, gaining relevant experience, and obtaining the necessary qualifications, but generally you will require: Pursuing a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as business, finance, political science, or pre-law. While there is no specific major required for law school, choosing one that develops critical thinking and analytical skills can be beneficial. Taking the Law School Admission Test. The LSAT is a standardized test required for admission to law school.

Enrolling in a law school and complete the Juris Doctor (JD) program. Be sure to choose courses that focus on business law, contracts, corporate governance, and other relevant subjects. Choosing elective courses that focus on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, securities law, and other related subjects. Taking and successfully passing the bar exam to get a law degree in the jurisdiction where you intend to practice. Preparation may involve attending bar review courses, studying legal materials, and practicing with sample questions.

The average annual salary for a Corporate Lawyer in the US is $149,686  and is one of many of the highest-paying jobs in the united states.

A Surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures to treat various medical conditions and improve the quality of life of individuals of all ages. Surgeons are highly trained and skilled professionals who have reached some of the highest levels of education and training, and display an extremely high level of attention to detail, and may focus on specific areas of the body or types of surgery. Their primary goal is to diagnose and treat diseases, injuries, or abnormalities through surgical interventions and can work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices.

Becoming a surgeon is a challenging and rewarding journey that involves several years of education, training, and professional development, but generally you will require: Completing a bachelor's degree with a focus on pre-medical coursework. While there is no specific major requirement, students often choose majors in biology, chemistry, or related fields that they must complete. Taking the MCAT, a standardized test required for admission to medical school. Completing medical school with a curriculum that includes classroom instruction, laboratory work, and clinical rotations.

Obtaining a medical degree which can be a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Completing a residency. During residency, surgeons receive intensive training in both clinical and surgical settings. Residents gradually assume increasing responsibilities and participate in surgeries under supervision. Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) to obtain a medical license. Obtaining a state medical license in the state where you plan to practice. Licensing requirements vary by state. Regularly renewing your medical license and fulfilling continuing education requirements to maintain licensure.

The average annual salary for a Surgeon in the US is $297,851  and is one of the best jobs in the world in the medical field.

7. Senior Software Engineer

A Senior Software Engineer is an experienced professional in the field of software development who has acquired a high level of expertise and skills. They often have several years of experience and a deep understanding of software architecture, design principles, and programming languages, and the role typically involves taking on more complex and challenging projects, providing technical leadership, and contributing to the overall success of the engineering team.

Becoming a Senior Software Engineer requires a combination of education, experience, technical skills, and effective collaboration with cross-functional teams, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. A solid educational foundation is crucial for understanding fundamental concepts in programming, algorithms, and software development.

Becoming proficient in one or more programming languages commonly used in software development, such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, or others. Familiarizing yourself with popular software development tools, frameworks, and version control systems. Pursuing advanced education with a master's degree in computer science or a related field to deepen your knowledge in specific areas and potentially open up more advanced career opportunities in an industry that is expected to grow in leaps and bounds in the next five years. 

The average annual salary for a Senior Software Engineer in the US is  $194,220  and makes the list of top 25 highest-paying jobs in the world.

8. Chartered Accountant

A Chartered Accountant (CA) is a professional accountant who has earned the designation through a combination of education, practical experience, and successful completion of a professional qualification program. They are highly regarded for their expertise in financial management, taxation, auditing, and business advisory services. The term "Chartered Accountant" is used in several countries, and the requirements to become a CA can vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Becoming a Chartered Accountant requires a combination of education, experience, and technical skills, but generally you will require: Obtaining a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or a related field. Some jurisdictions may accept equivalent degrees in business or commerce. Enrolling in a recognized Chartered Accountancy program, which is usually offered by professional accounting bodies. Examples include the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Completing a training contract or articleship, which involves gaining practical experience under the supervision of a qualified Chartered Accountant. Successfully completing a series of professional examinations covering topics such as financial accounting, taxation, auditing, and business management.

The average annual salary for a Chartered Accountant in the US is $109,901 . and is one of the top lucrative salaries on average for all occupations.

9. Financial Analyst 

A Financial Analyst is a professional who analyzes financial data, trends, and market conditions to provide insights and recommendations to businesses, organizations, or individuals. They play a crucial role in helping stakeholders make informed financial decisions by assessing the performance of investments, projects, or the overall financial health of a company, and may specialize in areas such as corporate finance, portfolio management, risk analysis, or investment banking.

Becoming a Financial Analyst typically involves a combination of education, practical experience, and the development of specific skills, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as finance, accounting, economics, business administration, or a related discipline. A strong foundation in finance and accounting concepts is essential.

Becoming proficient in financial modeling and analysis tools, spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Excel), and data visualization tools. Pursuing relevant certifications, such as the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA), to enhance your credentials and demonstrate expertise. Considering pursuing a master's degree in finance, business administration, or a related field to deepen your knowledge and potentially open up more advanced career opportunities. Acquiring skills in financial modeling, which involves creating mathematical models to represent financial situations and make informed business decisions. 

The average annual salary for a Financial Analyst in the US is $85,477 .

10. Cardiologist 

A Cardiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and conditions related to the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels. They are highly trained medical professionals who focus on the management of cardiovascular disorders and play a crucial role in promoting heart health and can work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, private practices, and academic institutions. Some cardiologists may choose to further specialize in areas such as interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, or heart failure.

Becoming a cardiologist involves a lengthy and rigorous educational and training path, but generally you will need to: Complete a bachelor's degree with a strong focus on pre-medical coursework. While there is no specific major required for medical school, common majors include biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or related fields.

Take the Medical College Admission Test that is a standardized test required for admission to medical school. Applying to and attending medical school to earn a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. Medical school typically takes four years and includes both classroom and clinical training. Completing a residency program in internal medicine, which usually lasts three years. Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) to obtain a medical license. Licensing requirements vary by state. Seeking board certification in cardiology by passing the relevant examinations offered by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM). 

The average annual salary for a Cardiologist in the US is $324,760 and is arguably the highest salary in the world.

11. Petroleum Engineer

A Petroleum Engineer is a professional who specializes in the exploration, extraction, and production of oil and natural gas. They play a crucial role in the energy industry by designing and implementing methods for extracting hydrocarbons from the earth in an efficient, safe, and environmentally responsible manner, and work to optimize the production of oil and gas reservoirs, ensuring the economic viability of extraction projects.

Becoming a petroleum engineer involves a combination of education, practical experience, and specialized training, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree in petroleum engineering or a related field such as chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, or geosciences. A petroleum engineering degree is the most direct path to entering the field.

Developing a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, as these subjects are essential for understanding the principles of petroleum engineering. Seeking internships or cooperative education (co-op) programs with oil and gas companies or engineering firms. Practical experience provides exposure to real-world projects and enhances your understanding of the industry. Familiarizing yourself with computer programming languages and simulation tools commonly used in petroleum engineering, such as reservoir simulation software. Consider pursuing a master's degree in petroleum engineering or a related field for more advanced and specialized knowledge. Some roles, especially those involving research or academia, may require a higher level of education. Obtaining Engineer-in-Training (EIT) or Engineer Intern (EI) certification is a step towards obtaining a Professional Engineer (PE) license, which can enhance career prospects. This may not always be required.

The average annual salary for a Petroleum Engineer in the US is  $130,523 and according to the bureau of labor statistics is one of the top 25 highest paying jobs.

12. Cloud Architect

A Cloud Architect is a professional responsible for designing and managing an organization's cloud computing architecture. Cloud computing involves the delivery of computing services, including storage, processing power, and software, over the internet. These highly skilled IT professionals play a crucial role in designing scalable, secure, and efficient cloud solutions that meet the business requirements of an organization.

Becoming a Cloud Architect involves a combination of education, practical experience, and the development of technical and architectural skills, but generally you will require: 

Obtaining a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Some Cloud Architects may pursue a master's degree for additional specialization, but it's not always mandatory. Earning relevant certifications from cloud service providers. Popular certifications include, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Learning IaC tools like Terraform or AWS Cloud Formation to automate the deployment and management of cloud infrastructure. Familiarizing yourself with containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes. Acquiring knowledge of cloud networking concepts, including VPCs, subnets, load balancers, and VPNs. Pursuing advanced certifications as you gain experience, such as specialized certifications in areas like security, networking, or DevOps.

The average annual salary for a Cloud Architect in the US is $144,000  and is one of the highest average salaries.

13. Gynecologist

A Gynecologist, often referred to as an OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist), is a medical doctor who specializes in the health of the female reproductive system. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions and issues related to the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. Becoming a gynecologist involves a significant amount of education, training, and clinical experience, but generally you will require:

A bachelor's degree with a focus on pre-medical coursework. Common majors include biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or other related fields. Taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), which is a standardized exam required for admission to medical school. Enrolling in and complete medical school to earn either a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.

After medical school, complete a residency program in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) residency programs usually last four years and provide specialized training in the diagnosis and management of conditions related to the female reproductive system. During residency, gain hands-on experience in various aspects of gynecology and obstetrics, including prenatal care, labor and delivery, gynecological surgeries, and reproductive health. Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) to obtain a medical license. Licensing requirements vary by state. Seeking board certification in obstetrics and gynecology by passing the relevant examinations offered by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) or the American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOBOG).

The average annual salary for a Gynecologist in the US is $120,037 .

14. Psychiatrist 

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses and emotional disorders. They are trained in both medicine and psychology, allowing them to assess and address mental health conditions using a combination of medical, psychological, and therapeutic interventions, and can provide a range of treatments, including medications, psychotherapy, and other therapeutic modalities.

Becoming a psychiatrist involves a comprehensive and specialized educational path, including medical school, residency training in psychiatry, and obtaining licensure, but generally you will require: A bachelor's degree with a focus on pre-medical coursework. Common majors include biology, chemistry, psychology, or related fields.

Taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), a standardized exam required for admission to medical school. Completing medical school to earn either a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. After medical school, completing a residency program in psychiatry. Psychiatry residency programs typically last four years and involve intensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. During residency, gaining hands-on experience in various aspects of psychiatry, including assessment, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology (medication management), and crisis intervention. Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) to obtain a medical license. Licensing requirements vary by state. Seeking board certification in psychiatry by passing the examinations administered by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) or the American Osteopathic Board of Neurology and  Psychiatry (AOBNP).

The average annual salary for a Psychiatrist in the US is  $255,812  and is one of the top 25 highest-paying jobs around.

15. Internet of Things Architect

An Internet of Things (IoT) Architect is a professional who specializes in designing and implementing the architecture of IoT systems. The Internet of Things refers to the network of interconnected devices that can communicate and share data with each other over the internet.  In this specialized tech arena, Internet of Things Architects play a crucial role in creating the infrastructure and framework that enables seamless communication, data processing, and control within IoT ecosystems and may work in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities, agriculture, and more.

Becoming an Internet of Things (IoT) Architect involves a combination of education, technical skills, and practical experience, but generally you will require:

A bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, or a related discipline. Some universities also offer specific IoT-related programs. Gaining proficiency in programming languages commonly used in IoT development, such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript. Familiarize yourself with embedded systems programming if possible. Learning about networking concepts and communication protocols relevant to IoT, including MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, and other protocols used for device communication. Gaining hands-on experience with embedded systems and IoT hardware platforms. Experiment with development boards like Arduino or Raspberry Pi to understand the basics of IoT hardware. Familiarizing yourself with cloud computing platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and understand how they integrate with IoT solutions. Learning about edge computing concepts and understand when and how to implement edge computing in IoT architectures. Developing a strong understanding of IoT security principles, including encryption, authentication, access control, and secure communication. 

The average annual salary for an Internet of Things Architect in the US is $131,646 .


Landing a high-paying job pretty much comes down to a combination of inspiration, education, and perspiration. But generally it requires a strategic approach that combines several key elements. Firstly, stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies is crucial; align your skills and knowledge with the evolving demands of the job market. Secondly pursue advanced degrees, relevant certifications, and specialized training programs can enhance your qualifications and set you apart from the competition. And thirdly, stay adaptable and demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning, as the highest paying jobs often require individuals who can navigate change and contribute innovative solutions to complex challenges.

If you're ready to get ahead in the job market and fatten up your bank account by landing one of the highest paying and best jobs in the world in 2024, like these , you'll need hard work and dedication, but also highly specialized skills that can be obtained by attending a college or university that offers a MBA or a BBA undergraduate degree from a US accredited university like  Nexford .

What is the highest paying job in the world? 

One of the frequently asked questions from people is 'What are some of the highest-paying jobs in the world. Whilst it is difficult to put a hard marker down on this as most leading job sites will differ on the average annual salary, the one that most job boards say is the highest paying average annual salary is that of a Cardiologist, earning a whopping  $324,760 per annum. 

What are the most in-demand skills needed to get into a high paying career?

The most in-demand skills for high-paying careers can vary depending on the industry and specific job roles. However, there are several skills that are generally highly sought after across various fields. Here are some of the most in-demand skills that can contribute to a successful and well-compensated career:

Proficiency in languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, or C++ is valuable in many tech-related fields. Skills in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling. Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Online marketing, social media management, and search engine optimization (SEO). Proficiency in graphic design, user interface (UI) design, and other digital design skills. Proficiency in project management tools and methodologies, such as Agile or Scrum. Financial analysis, risk management, and compliance. Ethical hacking, network security, and threat detection.

It's important to note that the specific skills needed can vary based on the industry, job role, and regional demand. Additionally, a combination of technical and soft skills is often ideal for career success.

Learn how to develop the most in-demand skills for your future career!

Discover how you can acquire the most in-demand skills with our free report, and open the doors to a successful career. 

What are some high-paying jobs you can get without a degree?

While many high-paying jobs typically require a college degree or advanced education, there are some occupations that offer competitive salaries without the need for a traditional four-year degree. Keep in mind that in many cases, alternative education, vocational training, certifications, and on-the-job experience may be required.

Here are some high-paying jobs that don't necessarily require a college degree: Computer Programmer, Web Developer, IT Support Specialist, Network Administrator, Commercial Pilot, Executive Assistant, Electrician, Plumber, Elevator Installer and Repairer, Commercial Driver, Construction Manager, Air Traffic Controller, and Commercial Truck Driver.

How can I improve my chances of getting a high-paying job?

Improving your chances of landing a high-paying job involves a combination of education, skills development, networking, and strategic career planning. Here are some tips to enhance your prospects:

Consider pursuing relevant advanced degrees or certifications that align with your career goals., or at least you will need a bachelor's degree. Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect with professionals in your field. Acquire in-demand technical skills relevant to your industry, such as programming languages, data analysis, or project management. Hone soft skills such as communication, leadership, critical thinking, and adaptability. Obtain industry-recognized certifications, undergraduate, or masters degrees that align with your career goals. This can enhance your credibility and qualifications. Connect with mentors or advisors in your industry who can provide guidance, share insights, and help you navigate your career path.

Is a degree really necessary to get the best paying job?

While having a degree, such as a bachelor's degree in marketing, can certainly open doors to various career opportunities and contribute to a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, it is not always a strict requirement for obtaining the best-paying jobs. The importance of a degree depends on the industry, specific job roles, and the preferences of employers.

Here are some considerations: Certain professions have strict educational requirements, and a degree is often necessary, which is why they usually hold a bachelor's degree. For example, jobs in medicine, law, engineering, and academia typically require specific degrees and professional certifications. In many industries, employers value practical experience, skills, and accomplishments over formal education. Building a strong portfolio, gaining hands-on experience through internships or projects, and acquiring relevant certifications can make you a competitive candidate.

Some employers are moving towards skills-based hiring, focusing on the specific skills required for a role rather than educational credentials. Certifications, coding bootcamps, and other specialized training programs can be alternatives to traditional degrees. Lifelong learning and staying updated on industry trends are essential for career success. Individuals who embrace continuous learning, whether through formal education or self-directed learning, can adapt to changing demands.

All-in-all, make sure that you research the specific requirements of your target industry and role. Some fields may have clear educational prerequisites, while others may be more flexible.

Learn how to develop the most in-demand skills to land one of the top 15 highest-paying jobs in the world!

Discover how you can acquire the most in-demand skills with our free report , and open the doors to a more lucrative and successful career. 

Joe McGoldrick

Known for strategy and attention to detail

Joe has more than 10 years of marketing experience, working within the public sector, client-side, and agency side.

He is passionate about using data and customer insights to improve marketing performance.

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Does Work Make You Happy? Evidence from the World Happiness Report

  • Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
  • George Ward

Blue collar vs. white collar, employed vs. unemployed, self-employed vs. the rest.

A new analysis draws on data from hundreds of thousands of individuals across the globe, investigating the ways in which elements of people’s working lives drive their wellbeing. The type of job you have matters: white-collar and managerial workers are generally happier than blue-collar workers. Where you live also matters: life evaluation fluctuates according to country. Interestingly, in all countries, self-employed people report both more positive and more negative work experiences, suggesting that being your own boss is both rewarding and stressful. Being unemployed is miserable, and not just for the unemployed person: people who remain employed in areas with high unemployment also report lower overall wellbeing. Finally, while pay is important, certain non-monetary aspects of employment matter too: factors like autonomy and work-life balance can influence how happy you feel.

Since most of us spend a great deal of our lives working, it is inevitable that work plays a key role in shaping our levels of happiness. In a recent chapter of the World Happiness Report — published annually to coincide with the United Nation’s International Day of Happiness — we look more closely at the relationship between work and happiness. We draw largely upon the Gallup World Poll , which has been surveying people in over 150 countries around the world since 2006. These efforts allow us to analyze data from hundreds of thousands of individuals across the globe and investigate the ways in which elements of people’s working lives drive their wellbeing.

  • JN Jan-Emmanuel De Neve is Associate Professor of Economics and Strategy at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and an Associate Editor of the World Happiness Report .
  • GW George Ward is a Ph.D. student at the Institute for Work and Employment Research, MIT Sloan School of Management.

Opinion: What summer jobs as teen taught me

best job in the world essay

photo by: Contributed

Bonnie Jean Feldkamp

Some parents like to say, “School is my kids’ job.” School is important, sure, but I preferred work to school as a teen. It gave me access to a seemingly adult world where I could learn job skills, hone communication skills and build confidence in my abilities.

I’m not cut out for the classroom. I’m more of a learn-by-doing person. This made living according to grades hard. It felt as if my self-worth was tied to metrics. In the workplace, I could quantify my worth in different ways and lean into my strengths.

I grew up on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River where the Cincinnati skyline was always a sight to behold. At 15, I got a job at Riverfront Stadium. After school, I’d ride the public TANK bus from school to the Cincinnati terminal downtown and then walk to the stadium where I’d make nachos and chili dogs, working in concessions. I watched the Reds and Bengals play. I saw Paul McCartney, The Beach Boys and New Kids on the Block in concert. All while serving nachos from a concessions stand. I worked there until I graduated high school in 1993. If you know your sports, then you know how cool that was. As a teenager, I got to work the 1990 World Series games.

I failed algebra in high school time and time again. Meanwhile at work, I excelled. I kept a balanced cash drawer. No credit card or computing machines in my day. Just a wooden drawer for cash and the ability to do the math in my head. I managed the inventory of cups and trays and reported out at the end of each night.

My best friend and I ran a concession stand together and were awarded many times for balancing the drawer to the penny — coming up even at the end of every night. Had it not been for that experience on the job, I would have let my inability to grasp algebra tell me that I wasn’t good at math. No, I just wasn’t good at algebra. Give me a spreadsheet and show me accounting and I could manage a budget.

Kids need to work out in the community. They need to discover their capabilities outside of a classroom setting. Understanding that I learned better through experience is why I sought mentorships and apprenticeships for the things that interested me. I’ve tried a lot of different positions knowing I was capable, knowing that I could lean into my communications skills to learn what I needed.

My kids weren’t required to have a paying job, but they did have to at least volunteer. Volunteering can give kids the benefits of working a job without the pressure of maintaining a work schedule on top of their school responsibilities.

Yes, school should come first. But on this Labor Day, I’m grateful for what I learned on the job as a young person. Mainly that I had something to offer in my community and that I was worth more than the letter grade on my report card.

— Bonnie Jean Feldkamp is a syndicated columnist with Creators.

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How to do IELTS

IELTS Essay: Jobs and Studying Abroad

by Dave | General Training | 4 Comments

IELTS Essay: Jobs and Studying Abroad

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of jobs and studying abroad from the real IELTS general training exam.

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In an era of globalization, some people think that studying abroad is the best way to attain a well-paid job while others believe other options are better.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some today would argue that the rise of globalization necessitates studying abroad if an individual desires a stable career path. In my opinion, though this is an ideal route to success, there are superior methods.

Those who argue in favor of studying abroad make the contention that it allows a person to network and understand the world better. The majority of students who study in other countries are leaving less developed nations to study in more affluent countries. When studying abroad, not only will they be exposed to other cultures and ways of living, but they are also likely to make key connections that can help them in the future. After graduation, they can rely on their network when applying for jobs, starting businesses, or simply seeking advice. Without these advantages, a person will have a more difficult time attaining a well-paying job.

However, the surest pathway to success is to gain experience in any given profession, regardless of the location. A person who is studying and working abroad faces roughly the same obstacles when applying for jobs. If they remain in their country of origin, they will not only understand the local market better but also possess inherent advantages in terms of language, culture, and family support. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world and highly-regarded executives studied and work in their native country. For instance, in Vietnam there are numerous start-up businesses that identify local needs and work to meet demand, oftentimes without the benefit of an education abroad or even an advanced university degree.

In conclusion, most individuals studying abroad are more likely to succeed because of other factors and therefore most individuals should pursue different means of securing stable employment in today’s volatile employment market. Governments should naturally support individuals in these matters.

1. Some today would argue that the rise of globalization necessitates studying abroad if an individual desires a stable career path. 2. In my opinion, though this is an ideal route to success, there are superior methods.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who argue in favor of studying abroad make the contention that it allows a person to network and understand the world better. 2. The majority of students who study in other countries are leaving less developed nations to study in more affluent countries. 3. When studying abroad, not only will they be exposed to other cultures and ways of living, but they are also likely to make key connections that can help them in the future. 4. After graduation, they can rely on their network when applying for jobs, starting businesses, or simply seeking advice. 5. Without these advantages, a person will have a more difficult time attaining a well-paying job.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Short sentences can make your writing clearer.

1. However, the surest pathway to success is to gain experience in any given profession, regardless of the location. 2. A person who is studying and working abroad faces roughly the same obstacles when applying for jobs. 3. If they remain in their country of origin, they will not only understand the local market better but also possess inherent advantages in terms of language, culture, and family support. 4. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world and highly-regarded executives studied and work in their native country. 5. For instance, in Vietnam there are numerous start-up businesses that identify local needs and work to meet demand, oftentimes without the benefit of an education abroad or even an advanced university degree.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, most individuals studying abroad are more likely to succeed because of other factors and therefore most individuals should pursue different means of securing stable employment in today’s volatile employment market. 2. Governments should naturally support individuals in these matters.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some today would argue that the rise of globalization necessitates studying abroad if an individual desires a stable career path . In my opinion, though this is an ideal route to success , there are superior methods .

Those who argue in favor of studying abroad make the contention that it allows a person to network and understand the world better . The majority of students who study in other countries are leaving less developed nations to study in more affluent countries . When studying abroad, not only will they be exposed to other cultures and ways of living , but they are also likely to make key connections that can help them in the future. After graduation , they can rely on their network when applying for jobs, starting businesses, or simply seeking advice . Without these advantages , a person will have a more difficult time attaining a well-paying job .

However, the surest pathway to success is to gain experience in any given profession , regardless of the location . A person who is studying and working abroad faces roughly the same obstacles when applying for jobs. If they remain in their country of origin, they will not only understand the local market better but also possess inherent advantages in terms of language, culture, and family support . Many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world and highly-regarded executives studied and work in their native country. For instance, in Vietnam there are numerous start-up businesses that identify local needs and work to meet demand , oftentimes without the benefit of an education abroad or even an advanced university degree .

In conclusion, most individuals studying abroad are more likely to succeed because of other factors and therefore most individuals should pursue different means of securing stable employment in today’s volatile employment market . Governments should naturally support individuals in these matters .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue make the point that

rise of globalization more and more countries interacting and influencing each other

necessitates makes it needed to do this

studying abroad learning in other countries

desires hopes to, wants to

stable career path good job

ideal route best way

success achievement

superior methods better ways

those who argue in favor of people who support

contention argument

allows permits

network people that you know

understand the world better learn more about life

The majority of most of

leaving less developed nations going away from poorer countries

affluent countries rich nations

exposed to be able to learn about

ways of living culture

make key connections network

graduation leaving school

rely on depend on

applying for making applications for

seeking advice looking for ideas

Without these advantages not having these benefits

difficult time attaining a well-paying job hard time getting good employment

surest pathway best way

gain experience have time doing things

any given profession a job

regardless of the location wherever you are

faces roughly the same obstacles has more or less similar challenges

remain stay

local market the place where you live

possess inherent advantages has intrinsic benefits

in terms of concerning

family support family members who can help

entrepreneurs people who start businesses

highly-regarded executives well-known businesspeople

numerous start-up businesses many new companies

identify local needs find out what people want

meet demand supply products and services

oftentimes usually

without the benefit of not having the advantage of

even an advanced university degree despite a masters or PhD

pursue different means of look for varied ways of

securing stable employment getting a good job

today’s volatile employment market nowadays difficult job market

naturally support normally help

in these matters in terms of these issues


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈɑːgjuː   raɪz ɒv ˌgləʊb(ə)laɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n   nɪˈsɛsɪteɪts   ˈstʌdiɪŋ əˈbrɔːd   dɪˈzaɪəz   ˈsteɪbl kəˈrɪə pɑːθ aɪˈdɪəl ruːt   səkˈsɛs sju(ː)ˈpɪərɪə ˈmɛθədz ðəʊz huː ˈɑːgjuː ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv   kənˈtɛnʃən   əˈlaʊz   ˈnɛtwɜːk   ˌʌndəˈstænd ðə wɜːld ˈbɛtə ðə məˈʤɒrɪti ɒv   ˈliːvɪŋ lɛs dɪˈvɛləpt ˈneɪʃənz   ˈæflʊənt ˈkʌntriz   ɪksˈpəʊzd tuː   weɪz ɒv ˈlɪvɪŋ meɪk kiː kəˈnɛkʃənz   ˌgrædjʊˈeɪʃən rɪˈlaɪ ɒn   əˈplaɪɪŋ fɔː   ˈsiːkɪŋ ədˈvaɪs wɪˈðaʊt ðiːz ədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz ˈdɪfɪkəlt taɪm əˈteɪnɪŋ ə wɛl-ˈpeɪɪŋ ʤɒb ˈʃʊərɪst ˈpɑːθweɪ   geɪn ɪksˈpɪərɪəns   ˈɛni ˈgɪvn prəˈfɛʃən rɪˈgɑːdlɪs ɒv ðə ləʊˈkeɪʃən ˈfeɪsɪz ˈrʌfli ðə seɪm ˈɒbstəklz rɪˈmeɪn   ˈləʊkəl ˈmɑːkɪt   pəˈzɛs ɪnˈhɪərənt ədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz   ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈfæmɪli səˈpɔːt ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːz   ˈhaɪli-rɪˈgɑːdɪd ɪgˈzɛkjʊtɪvz   ˈnjuːmərəs ˈstɑːtʌp ˈbɪznɪsɪz   aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ ˈləʊkəl niːdz   miːt dɪˈmɑːnd ˈɒfntaɪmz   wɪˈðaʊt ðə ˈbɛnɪfɪt ɒv   ˈiːvən ən ədˈvɑːnst ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti dɪˈgriː pəˈsjuː ˈdɪfrənt miːnz ɒv   sɪˈkjʊərɪŋ ˈsteɪbl ɪmˈplɔɪmənt   təˈdeɪz ˈvɒlətaɪl ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˈmɑːkɪt ˈnæʧrəli səˈpɔːt   ɪn ðiːz ˈmætəz

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some today would a_____e that the r________________n n____________s s_______________d if an individual d_________s a s_______________h . In my opinion, though this is an i___________e to s________s , there are s______________________s .

T___________________________f studying abroad make the c____________n that it a_______s a person to n__________k and u___________________________r . T________________________f students who study in other countries are l___________________________s to study in more a_______________s . When studying abroad, not only will they be e_____________o other cultures and w________________g , but they are also likely to m_____________________s that can help them in the future. After g_____________n , they can r________n their network when a______________r jobs, starting businesses, or simply s_________________e . W______________________s , a person will have a more d__________________________________________b .

However, the s__________________y to success is to g_____________e in a_______________n , r___________________n . A person who is studying and working abroad f___________________________s when applying for jobs. If they r_______n in their country of origin, they will not only understand the l____________t better but also p__________________s i___________f language, culture, and f______________t . Many of the most successful e_____________s in the world and h_____________________s studied and work in their native country. For instance, in Vietnam there are n__________________________s that i_____________________s and work to m____________d , o_____________s w_______________________f an education abroad or e_______________________e .

In conclusion, most individuals studying abroad are more likely to succeed because of other factors and therefore most individuals should p__________________________________________t in t_________________________t . Governments should n______________________t individuals i_____________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Did you like your school when you were a child?
  • What did you learn about?
  • Did you have a favorite teacher?
  • Are there many rules in schools in your country?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

Globalization is positive for economies but its negative sides should not be ignored.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Globalization

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Dear Dave ,

Hope everything is going well.

I feel the use of “ways of living” is not that accurate in the fist body paragraph of the essay. English speakers use “way of life” instead. If you consult the dictionary, you’ll see that English lexicographors use “way of life” as an ENTRY in its own.

I recommend that you use WAYS OF LIFE to improve the sentence .

Best regards,


Thanks for the comment, Hojat!

It does make sense in the way that I used it though and is perfectly acceptable – using ‘ways of life’ would also be fine.


Thanks for the feedback, Dave.

No problem, Hojat!

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best job in the world essay

The 10 best jobs in the world

What makes a great job? Is it the salary, the working hours, the variety? At Success at School, we've compiled our very own list of the best jobs in the world. We've based our list on various different factors, some include salary*, whereas others are simply based on working lifestyle . In our top ten, you'll find some of the highest paying jobs placed alongside interesting jobs that you wouldn't normally expect to find in a top ten.

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1. Anaesthetist

What is an anaesthetist.

An anaesthetist  is a medical doctor who gives patients local anesthetics when undergoing surgery.

What does an anaesthetist do?

They work closely with surgeons and nurses and are responsible for monitoring patients' life functions during medical procedures.

How much do anaesthetists earn?

Throughout the world, but particularly in the United States, anaesthesiology is one of the highest paying jobs on the market. In the UK, anaesthetists can expect to earn between £44,000 and £96,000 per year. For more information, read our article on how to become an anaesthetist .

2. Airline pilot

What does an airline pilot do.

An airline pilot is responsible for flying planes to destinations all over the world. This glamorous job has made our top ten, not so much because of the salary (although airline pilots are paid well) but because of the travel opportunities that come with the job.

What qualifications do you need to be an airline pilot?

To become an airline pilot, you'll typically need to have five GCSEs including Maths and Physics and preferably two A-Levels. Although it's not essential to have a degree, most airline pilots will have studied at university.

How much do airline pilots earn?

In the UK, airline pilots typically earn between £24,000 and £110,000, making it one of the best jobs in the world for both salary and lifestyle. Take a look at our hospitality, leisure and tourism career zone for more information on careers in travel .

What does a surgeon do?

A surgeon carries out medical procedures on patients in hospital using medical tools and technology. A surgeon typically works in a team with other surgeons and assistants.

What qualifications do you need to become a surgeon?

In order to become a surgeon , you'll need to have A-Level qualifications in Science subjects in order to be accepted in to university to study medicine. Becoming a surgeon can take some time as there is a lot of study required. A medical degree typically lasts four years, and medical residencies can last anywhere from 3-10 years.

How much do surgeons earn?

The typical salary of a surgeon in the UK is between £44,000 and £94,000, making it a high paying job. Given the responsibility you have as a surgeon, we consider it to be one of the best jobs in the world.

4. Chief executive

What is a chief executive.

A chief executive is the highest position available within a company or organisation. As a chief executive, you could work for a company with as few as one employee (yourself) or with thousands.

What do chief executives do?

Chief executives are generally responsible for making important decisions about the future of a company. The are responsible for ensuring that an organisation operates as it should and makes money.

How much do chief executives earn?

A chief executive in the UK can expect to earn between £45,000 and £120,000. However, this figure varies greatly from company to company. This job makes our top ten list of the best jobs in the world, not because of its high salary but because it can enable you to be your own boss and work for yourself.

What does a lawyer do?

A lawyer helps people who are having legal trouble. Their job involves settling legal disputes and representing people in court where necessary.

What qualifications do you need to become a lawyer?

In order to become a lawyer, you'll need to have good passes at A-Level. Competition to study law at university can be tough and it typically takes 4 years to complete a law degree. Once qualified, it can sometimes take a further 3 years training with a law firm before you can practice. If you're interested in a career as a lawyer , find out more on our law career zone.

How much do lawyers earn?

The average salary of a lawyer in the UK is between £25,000 and £100,000. We've added this job to our best jobs in the world because of the variety that the profession has to offer.

6. Architect

What does an architect do.

An architect designs buildings that shape the built environment around us. An architect typically spends time working on technical drawings and blueprints.

What qualifications do you need to become an architect?

To become an architect, you'll need to complete a 5 year university course recognised by the Architects Registration Board (ARB). After graduating, you'll also need to have 2 years professional experience.

How much do architects earn?

The average salary of an architect in the UK is £30,000 to £60,000. We think working as an architect is one of the best jobs in the world because you'll be responsible for designing buildings that will be around for hundreds, even thousands of years.

7. Video game tester

What does a video game tester do.

A video game tester is employed by games production companies to test their latest video games and give their feedback on the product.

What qualifications do you need to become a video game tester?

In general, you don't need any qualifications to become a video game tester but it's a popular job. You will need to be passionate about video games and their productions and be able to communicate your feedback in a clear way.

How much do video game testers earn?

Many video game testers work on an 'as needed' basis or as freelancers, so salaries will vary. However, you can expect to earn between £24,000 and £33,000.

8. Entrepreneur

What is an entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur is someone who owns or invests money in several businesses. An entrepreneur can work over many different industries or specialise in one particular area.

What does an entrepreneur do?

Although this role is very varied, an entrepreneur, typically looks for investment opportunities in order to make money. They often start their own businesses, rescue failing businesses by investing money in them or become involved in large, well-established companies.

How much do entrepreneurs earn?

It's very difficult to calculate the average salary of an entrepreneur. Successful investors can make millions, whereas unsuccessful entrepreneurs may never make anything and actually find themselves in debt. Although being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of risk, we think it's one of the best jobs in the world because it's so diverse. If you're interested in becoming an entrepreneur , take a look at our entrepreneur career zone.

9. Freelance writer or designer

What does working freelance mean.

Being freelance means working on a contract basis rather than as an employee of a company.

What do freelance writers and designers do?

Freelance writers and designers typically write/design for creative agencies or private clients over a range of different industries. Because freelancers work contractually, they are usually free to work from anywhere.

How much do freelancers earn?

The average salary of a freelancer can vary greatly as some may only work part-time. According to, however, the average salary of a freelance writer in the UK is between £18,000 and £46,000.

10. Songwriter

What do songwriters do.

Songwriters typically write songs to perform by themselves or they write songs for other people. Songwriters like Guy Chambers have had a very successful career writing songs for popular artists

What qualifications do you need to become a songwriter?

In essence, you don't need any qualifications to work as a songwriters although the industry is very competitive. You'll certainly need to have a good grasp of English and Music and understand what makes a good song.

How much do songwriters earn?

The average salary of a songwriter varies greatly. If you're successful, you will earn royalty fees every time your song is covered by an artist or used in a TV commercial, which can be very lucrative. Most songwriters however, remain at amateur level and don't usually make any money from their efforts. We've included songwriter among the best jobs in the world as the recognition you can potentially receive can be huge. For more information on becoming a songwriter , take a look at our performing arts career zone.

*Pay data is taken from National Careers Service unless otherwise stated.

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The 10 Best Websites to Find Academic Writing Jobs


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If you're a student looking for some extra dough, academic writing is one of the best ways to encash your skills. At the same time, it enhances your knowledge and helps you grow as a learner. In fact, it's not just for students; you can do it full-time if you are a professional writer.

Having the freedom to work from home, at your own pace, and having opportunities to grow are just a few perks of this job. So, if you are ready to delve deeper, let's look at ten great websites for finding academic writing jobs.

1. WritingCreek

An image showing the WritingCreek website homepage

WritingCreek is one of the best academic writing sites to work with if you are a beginner. It has a simple and free-of-cost hiring process, which usually takes 24 to 48 hours to complete. Once the team approves your account, you can start bidding and earning straight away. It offers a rate of $4.00 per page to beginners and up to $12.00 to experts.

The site lets you choose the subjects you are proficient in and has a regular stream of academic tasks with short and long deadlines. WritingCreek gives you the liberty to choose your tasks and work at your own pace, and its support team is always available for a live chat whenever you need them.

It also helps you enhance your skills as its in-house editors give feedback on the papers accepted by the client, offering useful tips for improvement. WritingCreek usually pays twice a month through different payment methods like Payoneer and PayPal without deducting any extra charges. You can also check out these technical writing jobs if you have the expertise.

2. EssayShark

An image showing the EssayShark website homepage

You can get started on EssayShark within a week after taking and passing its test. If you are a college student and have solid writing skills, this platform can help you earn a decent amount to aid you in your studies. The site lets you bid on papers that fall under your subject area.

You can choose your preferred subjects in advance to get relevant tasks and can chat with the customers directly to discuss the details of the paper. EssayShark pays you twice a month, and along with the pay, it also offers bonuses and rewards if the customers give you good ratings because of your timely submissions and high-quality work.


An image showing the website homepage

Being among the top academic writing websites, this platform targets professional-level writers and researchers to work for them. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours to review your application, and once approved, you can start working immediately. The site gets projects from all around the world and has a constant flow of work. It also offers 24/7 support to help you with any issues that you might face.

In addition, offers job promotions based on your performance, leading to status improvement and increased pay rates. It also has proofreading, editing, and presentation-related tasks, along with academic paper writing. Also, check out these great smartphone apps for freelance writers .

4. LancerHop

An image showing the LancerHop website homepage

LancerHop provides you with multiple fields to work in. It hires academic writers, web developers, editing experts, web content writers, copywriters, editing experts, and bloggers. The hiring process is similar to that of other academic writing websites, where you need to create a profile, and after passing the test, you can start working.

It creates a dashboard where the system assigns you tasks. All of your information regarding payment, task completion, and editing is available on the dashboard. The platform allows you to set flexible timings for your work by choosing from different time zones and also flexible working days like weekdays only.

5. Academia Research

An image showing the Academia Research website homepage

Academia Research offers you decent pay rates and career growth opportunities in the academic writing field. The registration process requires a test to get selected. Once the team approves your account, you start at a General level, where the pay is $3.00 per page for high school and college level papers.

You can move on to Advanced, Premium, and First Class levels to get paid $2.00 per page for master's and Ph.D. level papers. The site has a variety of tasks with flexible deadlines related to different subjects and education levels. It pays you twice a month through the payment method of your choice.

6. Essay Service

An image showing the Essay Service website homepage

This platform provides you with an easy-to-use website with a mobile-friendly interface to let you access your account from anywhere. Moreover, it has an efficient system for competitive bidding that also offers a price negotiation facility.

Essay Service helps you build a career and a network, and you can share your professional portfolio with your clients and other contacts, helping you expand your customer base in the process. You also get a 24/7 online support system to guide you at each step.

You can withdraw money every 48 hours through Skrill or wire transfer. In addition, it lets you stay connected through SMS, email, and push notifications without needing to go online.

7. Writers Labs

An image showing the WritersLabs website homepage

Writers Labs provides you with a variety of opportunities, including academic writing, article writing, and essay writing. Its pay rates are pretty decent, varying from $5.00 to $26.00 for one page, and it also offers a 2% to 4% bonus on high efficiency.

You get a list of tasks on the site and can choose from those tasks based on your preference and availability. In addition, its support team is there to guide you through the process to help you get started. Check out these ways to source clients as a freelance writer .

8. Write My Essay Online

An image showing the WriteMyEssayOnline website homepage

Write My Essay Online is a platform suitable for both academic writing beginners and experts. The website has a regular influx of tasks and helps you get assignments in the areas of your interest.

Registration on this website is free, much like on most sites on this list, and it has flexible work timing, allowing you to choose your projects as per your desire. Through bidding, you can decide your own rates and get paid twice a month.

9. Academic Minds

An image showing the Academic Minds website homepage

Academic Minds provides numerous services to help you unleash your academic writing potential. You have the option of taking up multiple roles, like tutoring, marking work, writing essays and dissertations, and editing. The website is UK based and helps international students in excelling in their academic tasks.

You can start bidding once your account is completely set up, and there is a potential to earn as much as $4000.00 per month through dissertations and tutoring. You can also showcase your online writing portfolio on these free platforms .

10. WriterBay

An image showing the WriterBay website homepage

WriterBay provides you with projects and assignments in numerous fields. It has a free lifetime membership that offers a platform where you can get long-term work.

After registering with WriterBay, you can manage the workload at your own pace. In addition, it offers competitive pay and opportunities for personal growth. Most of its services are similar to those offered by other sites on this list.

Find Your Next Academic Job Through These Sites

Academic writing jobs provide a valuable opportunity for learning and growth. It is a huge field of work that allows you to earn and grow in your career.

Most of the websites shared above help you earn well and offer flexible timings for easier management. You can choose one or more of these sites to move forward while enjoying the rewards from the comfort of your home.

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More From Forbes

The 30 fastest-growing jobs and careers for the next 10 years.

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates that overall employment in the U.S. will grow from “153.5 ... [+] million to 165.4 million over the 2020–30 decade, an increase of 11.9 million jobs.”

If you are starting out your career or have been in the workforce for a while, it's important to look into the future. Hockey star Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” It's the same way with your career. You  need to look forward. Anticipate the emerging trends. Figure out how you can leverage your skills to pivot toward a fast-growing career instead of being stuck with a job that’s going nowhere.

I write about the monthly jobs report compiled by the United States Department of Labor. Every month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows how many new jobs were created or lost. The data captures a moment in time. This division, as you can imagine, has access to a wealth of information and statistics about jobs and careers. 

While most economists, Wall Street professionals and nerdy guys like me pay attention to the monthly jobs reports, the BLS has some compelling reading for proactive people who strongly desire to advance their careers. It has put together lists of the fastest-growing jobs and careers . Additionally, the BLS shares how much these roles pay.

Before we go into the jobs, let’s look at the sectors that offer rapid growth. To start with, the BLS anticipates that overall employment in the U.S. will grow from “153.5 million to 165.4 million over the 2020–30 decade, an increase of 11.9 million jobs.” 

Employment in the restaurant, bar, travel, hotel and what’s referred to as the “leisure and hospitality sector,” as a catch-all, is projected to increase at the fastest rate. This will occur in response to the the country’s reopening and recovery. During the pandemic, workers in the leisure and hospitality space were one of first to lose their jobs or get furloughed. Now, due to nearly insatiable demand, the jobs have come roaring back. The bounceback has been so enormous that restaurants and businesses complain they can’t find enough workers. Large corporations, such as Walmart, Amazon and Target, have had to respond by offering sign-on bonuses, increases in wages and free tuition to entice people to join their companies.

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As you can imagine, in the current and eventually post-pandemic environment, healthcare will take precedence. Understandably, concerns about our health and safety will propel the healthcare and social assistance sector’s continued growth. This space is “projected to add the most jobs of all industry sectors, about 3.3 million jobs over 2020–30.” 

Within healthcare, employment in the individual and family services industry is projected to increase the fastest, with an annual growth rate of 3.3%. Some of the fast-growing healthcare occupations include nurse practitioners, physical therapist assistants and physician assistants. 

In the current and eventually post-pandemic environment, healthcare will take precedence.

A rising demand for the care of an aging Baby-Boomer population, longer life expectancies and continued growth in the number of patients with chronic conditions will call for a steady need for healthcare providers.

Technological advancements are expected to keep growing at a fast pace. We see an acceleration in artificial intelligence, robotics, self-driving vehicles, cryptocurrencies, gaming, virtual reality, online collaborative video platforms and the metaverse. There will be needs across the gamut, ranging from large tech giants to scrappy startups. As business continues moving online, demand will outstrip the supply of suitable job candidates. 

According to the BLS, “Computer and mathematical occupations are expected to see fast employment growth as strong demand is expected for IT security and software development, in part due to increased prevalence of telework spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic.” The downside is that technological changes facilitating increased automation are expected to result in declining employment for office and administrative support occupations.

Tangentially, there will be a large need for people to interpret the vast amount of data to help business leaders make smart, informed decisions. Demand for new products, such as the Internet of Things, and for analyzing and interpreting large datasets are also expected to contribute to fast employment growth for statisticians, information security analysts and data scientists.

We are likely to see a retirement boom. This will open up opportunities for younger workers. Demographics show that by 2030, Baby Boomers will be at least 65 years old. As they age, many will start retiring or leave the workforce. The BLS states, “The increasing share of people ages 65 and older contributes to a projected labor force growth rate that is slower than much of recent history, as well as a continued decline in the labor force participation rate, because older people have lower participation rates compared with younger age groups.”

Other trends, such as moving toward environmentally friendly initiatives, the massive adoption of pets during the pandemic, a mental health crisis, working from home and the desire to improve our health and lives, will create all sorts of new opportunities.  

Here are the jobs that the U.S. Labor Department and BLS project will be the fastest growing jobs going into 2030, along with the median annual pay:

  • Wind turbine service technicians: $56,230
  • Nurse practitioners: $111,680
  • Solar photovoltaic installers: $46,470
  • Statisticians: $92,270
  • Physical therapist assistants: $59,770
  • Information security analysts: $103,590
  • Home health and personal care aides: $27,080
  • Medical and health services managers: $104,280
  • Data scientists and mathematical science occupations, all other: $98,230
  • Physician assistants: $115,390
  • Epidemiologists: $74,560
  • Logisticians: $76,270
  • Speech-language pathologists: $80,480
  • Animal trainers: $31,520
  • Computer numerically controlled tool programmers: $57,740
  • Genetic counselors: $85,700
  • Crematory operators and personal care and service workers, all other: $28,420
  • Operations research analysts: $86,200
  • Actuaries: $111,030
  • Health specialties teachers, postsecondary: $99,090
  • Forest fire inspectors and prevention specialists: $42,150
  • Interpreters and translators: $52,330
  • Athletic trainers: $49,860
  • Respiratory therapists: $62,810
  • Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors: $47,660
  • Food preparation and serving related workers, all other: $27,080
  • Nursing instructors and teachers, postsecondary: $75,470
  • Woodworkers, all other: $33,630
  • Phlebotomists: $36,320
  • Software developers and software quality assurance analysts and testers: $110,140

Jack Kelly

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The Best Job of the World Essay Example

The Best Job of the World Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (485 words)
  • Published: August 29, 2016
  • Type: Essay

Have you even imaged that your dream work? Do you believe that a job can eat a tasty food and only play and travel? And than, you can record all the experience from you work? Importantly, you can earn 10 million dollar per month. Actually, it is occur in the world . The job from Australia government tourist office to hold the applications events . because the organization want to promote the famous view in Australia , that why they have this application and open to all. Many people made a application for this job including Germany, Japan, Hong Kong and other country.

This job is only to do six months and it can earn 80 million Hong Kong dollar. It sound a easy job in the world . Which six job for application from Australia government tour

ist office? The first one is wildlife caretaker, this job need explore Kangaroo island, the staff will swimming with dolphins and sea lions , they will train the animals and show the energy for the world. The second one is national park rangers. You must go to rainforest and waterfalls, after that the staff will share the experience in the internet.

Their duty is promote and protect the nature of Australia. Next on is player, the staff will be stay at Sydney for six month. The staff will participate in the cultural activities, art and cultural activities such as the Sydney festival. Their mission is promoting the Australia tourism. Next one is island adventurer, the staff keep close contact with wild animals and than the staff can travel balloon to enjoy the view. When

the staff go home, they will write the travel notes to share for everyone. Next one is taste masters, I think this is a attractive work, because he can explore the whole of western Australia of top restaurant and bars to tasting menu and wine.

Finally is lifestyle photographer, if you like take a photo for anything, this job is very suitable for you, because the staff will take photo of Australia little-Known side. I think all of you have a litter interest on this application. Actually, you must fit in this basic requirements. Firstly, your ages must be average eighteen to thirty. Because the organization want the staff have more energy to promote their country. And than ,your English skills must be better, because the job always connect another people.

Finally, you need have creative thinking and good at using internet, because the staff need upload a photo, note and information on facebook. The apply manner is very unusual, because this is not send apply letter or email for organization. They will request candidates to make a 30-second English introduce video. Because it can show candidates style and ability easily. Most people think this jobs a better than common work, because they think it was very exciting. If you have interest on this work, you can apply on next year.

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9 High-Paying Writing Jobs for Word People: Editors, Writers, and Beyond

person sitting in an office typing on a laptop

Thanks to the “starving artist” stereotype, most people don’t consider writing a lucrative career path. Outside of the few writers who luck out and make it big with a New York Times bestseller or an award-winning screenplay, people might picture a Dickensian peasant who can’t afford fingers for their gloves or, more modernly—someone like Nick from New Girl , forever mooching off his friends with quote-unquote real jobs and swearing that he’s working on his zombie novel. 

But the truth is, you don’t need to choose between your love of writing and a stable, profitable career. There are plenty of writing-centric jobs out there that pay well; you just need to know where to look.

We’ve compiled a list of nine high-paying jobs you should definitely consider if you love to write. For the purposes of this article, we’re defining a high-paying job as one where the average salary, based on data from the compensation resource PayScale , is above the median salary for all occupations in the U.S.—which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , was $55,068 in 2022. In many cases, the salary range and more senior roles along the same path mean your long-term earning potential is even higher.

Average salary : $57,164 Salary range: $38,000–$85,000

Editors oversee a piece of writing from inception to publication. Depending on the type of writing they’re editing (and the writer they’re working with), this can include honing the thesis, framing, and structure; ensuring the facts are accurate and the sources credible; making suggestions about how to improve the writing (for example, calling out inconsistencies in voice or tone); eliminating unnecessary sentences or paragraphs; and correcting grammar and spelling mistakes. Editors can work in a variety of settings, including for book publishers, media companies, magazines, newspapers, and any organization that produces written content or communications. 

Editors need to have an in-depth understanding of all things writing—including grammar, style, narrative, and structure. As such, most editors are writers themselves and/or hold a degree in a writing-related field (like English or journalism). The financial opportunity for editorial professionals increases as you progress in your career—with senior editors making an average of $75,646 per year and editorial directors pulling in an average of $100,936 annually.

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2. Content marketing manager

Average salary : $71,590 Salary range: $49,000–$104,000

Content marketing managers lead the charge when it comes to developing and executing content for a company. While some content marketing managers take a generalist approach, many specialize in creating and overseeing specific types of content—such as blog posts, ebooks, white papers, website content, and social media posts.

While content marketing managers do spend a significant amount of time creating content (including writing), they also spend a good amount of time on strategy—making this a great role if you love to write, but don’t want to spend all your time tapping at a keyboard. You’ll also have a chance to think about the bigger picture and figure out how content can support an organization’s overall mission and goals.

Some companies want their content marketing managers to hold degrees, but many are more interested in a candidate’s ability to strategize, create, and promote content—so as long as you’re a solid writer and understand the basics of content marketing, there are definitely opportunities to get into the field. Content marketing managers also have the opportunity for upward mobility (and the increased salary that goes with it)—with content marketing directors making an average of $103,327 per year.

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3. Communications manager

Average salary : $69,856 Salary range: $46,000–$109,000

Communications managers are, as you might guess, in charge of a company’s communications—often both internal and external. Responsibilities could include defining and developing the company’s voice, developing and managing the company’s communication strategy, writing internal guides and resources, managing client- and customer-facing communications (such as press releases, press conferences, or other media opportunities), and ensuring that all business communications, internal and external, are in line with the company’s mission and goals.

Because a communication manager is managing the company’s communication, a lot of writing and editing is involved—but there are also plenty of strategic responsibilities and opportunities to interact with colleagues and external partners to keep things interesting.

To get your foot in the door as a communications manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in communications, marketing, or a related field. And while communications managers demand competitive salaries, the financial opportunities will only increase as you grow in your career—with senior communications managers making an average of $105,624 per year and VPs making an average of $156,617.

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4. Technical writer

Average salary : $63,929 Salary range: $46,000–$91,000

Technical writers are responsible for writing copy that translates complex technical ideas into something a general audience can read and understand—including for instruction manuals, tutorials, journal articles, and educational resources.

As the title implies, writing is the main part of any technical writing gig. But to succeed in this role, you’ll need more than writing chops; you’ll also need a deep understanding of tech-related concepts—and the ability to communicate those concepts using nontechnical language. As such, technical writers often have a degree in English, communications, journalism, or similar, along with background knowledge relevant to the subject matter they’ll be writing about, such as computer science, information technology, scientific research in a certain field, environmental policies, or manufacturing processes (although, depending on the role and company, a degree might not be required to land a job). For senior technical writers, the average salary jumps up to $86,122.

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5. Medical writer

Average salary : $78,571 Salary range: $60,000–$108,000

Similar to a technical writer, a medical writer takes extremely complex concepts and ideas and translates them into easier-to-digest copy—only medical writers have a particular focus on all things healthcare. Medical writers can work in a variety of environments, including businesses (for example, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, supplement companies, or health tech startups), medical associations, or healthcare providers. They may work on a number of project types, including medical articles, policy documents, or training and educational materials.

Because medical and scientific know-how is a must to succeed, most medical writers have an academic background in biology or other sciences and some have experience in the medical field (for example, as a nurse). However, depending on the role, having impeccable research skills and the ability to understand medical concepts and translate them for the target audience may be enough to get into the field. And while medical writers make a great salary from the get-go, there’s also room for growth—with senior medical writers making an average of $97,850 per year.

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6. PR manager

Average salary : $73,930 Salary range: $50,000–$108,000

Public relations managers (also commonly referred to as PR managers) are responsible for building brand awareness and driving positive brand sentiment for a person, company, product, or service. They might accomplish those goals by building relationships with the media, drafting press releases, developing and leading consumer-facing campaigns, and minimizing the impact of negative press—among other strategies.

PR managers may work for an independent business (like a restaurant), a business group or corporation (like a hotel chain or a book publisher), a nonprofit (like a food bank), an academic or other institution (like a university), or an individual (like a politician, celebrity, or author) and generally need a bachelor’s degree in public relations, communications, marketing, or a related field. And while PR managers enjoy a great average salary, candidates who prove they can drive brand awareness and positive press can typically demand higher compensation packages—and PR directors make an average of $100,660.

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7. Copywriter

Average salary : $56,592 Salary range: $40,000–$79,000

Copywriters are responsible for writing material that persuades the reader to take action—whether that’s in the form of an advertisement, a website landing page, or a sales letter. Ultimately, copywriters create the content that helps businesses drive sales—making them an incredibly valuable asset to companies looking to engage their customers and move the needle on conversions and revenue.

While some companies will require their copywriters to hold a degree, many are primarily concerned with their ability to write copy that drives results. It should be noted that while the average copywriter demands a solid salary, many companies out there are willing to pay big bucks for results—so if you’re gifted at writing sales copy, you’ll likely be able to demand a higher salary. A senior copywriter, for example, makes an average of $79,618.

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8. Research analyst

Average salary : $59,644 Salary range: $44,000 - $85,000

Research analysts are responsible for collecting, verifying, organizing, and analyzing data—and using it to reach key business conclusions and make data-backed recommendations to their employer. Research analysts can work in a variety of fields and departments (including finance, marketing, economics, and operations).

While much of a research analyst’s job has to do with data, another major part of their role is sharing their analysis and findings to stakeholders within the company—and that means writing detailed reports and preparing and giving presentations. So if you’re looking for a job that combines your love of research and data with your love of writing? This could be the opportunity for you.

Generally, you need at least a bachelor’s degree to get started as a research analyst, but once you’ve got your foot in the door, there’s serious opportunity for growth—with senior research analysts making an average of $71,185 per year and, for those who want to eventually take on more of a leadership role, research directors making an average of $108,966 per year.

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9. Curriculum developer

Average salary : $69,161 Salary range: $48,000–$98,000

Curriculum developers are responsible for researching and writing academic, educational, and/or training materials, including textbooks, digital and college course materials (such as outlines and syllabi), and other resources to aid in teaching and/or training. Depending on the type of curriculum they specialize in, curriculum developers may work for universities, research institutions, nonprofits, or corporations.

Most curriculum developers have at least a bachelor’s degree, top-notch research and writing skills, and in-depth knowledge in their area of focus (for example, a curriculum developer writing a textbook on math would need to have an in-depth understanding of the subject matter). Next steps on your career path might include curriculum director (with an average salary of $76,049) or training director (with an average salary of $92,412).

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best job in the world essay

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Why the Teaching Profession is the Best Job in the World

Misty hance.

  • September 13, 2019

Teacher sitting at a table surrounded by students.

Many teachers will tell you that despite the stress, testing, and paperwork, teaching is still the best job in the world. Those who don’t teach often joke that it is because teachers get three months off in the summer. However, those that do teach know that the reasons behind this statement are so much deeper.

Observing that “Ah-ha” Moment

For many teachers, getting to observe the moment a child grasps a new concept is absolutely breathtaking. Most teachers understand there is a constructive struggle that comes with learning new material. For some students, they grasp the idea and move forward with application of that skill. For others, it takes longer to be able to understand how to tackle a skill. However, when that struggling student first discovers the way to solve a problem or complete a science experiment and their eyes brighten and their smile widens, the teacher shines within. It is that “Ah-ha” moment that makes the struggle of the learner fade away and the teacher shares in the pride of knowing a new skill has been mastered.

Every Day is Something New

Because children are so inquisitive and learn at different rates, there is no way to predict what each day will bring. Some days students come in eager to learn, and other days they come in needing to share about a recent trip, new pet, or last night’s ballgame. Many teachers love this uncertainty and enjoy the challenge of never knowing what the day may bring.

Every Year is Different

In a similar way, every year can be different for a teacher. That is why teachers get a new plan-book every year. Some classes as a whole may have been exposed to more experiences and may grasp skills quickly. Some may have had a disruptive previous year and need more counseling and support before learning can begin. Sometimes a teacher may choose to loop with a group of students and change grade levels with that group. Some may choose to teach a different subject or content area. No matter what, teachers have the opportunity to change each year and often they enjoy this flexibility and diversity of their job.

Positively Impact Young People

Many teachers realize and love the fact that they have the chance to positively impact student’s lives. For some students, school can be the best seven hours of the day. It is a place to feel safe, receive a warm meal, and know that someone cares. In addition, teachers can be a sounding board for students with personal issues. They can offer advice or find community support for a family problem. Teachers are able to help students understand that mistakes are for learning and shape their goals for the future.

Thinking Outside of the Box

For many adults, their ideas are fully developed, and it is hard to see another side of an issue. Teachers get the opportunity to see how students often bring different perspectives to a situation. They may find a new way of solving a problem or be able to help a friend in a way that the teacher had not considered. When teachers open their classroom for discussions on topics, the teacher often is the one who learns a new approach.

Watching Children Grow

Whether it is watching a student grow physically, emotionally, or academically, there is a sense of accomplishment on the part of the teacher. Watching a child grow from a baby-faced child to full-bodied youth in the course of a year is something most parents get to do only once per child, but teachers can see this transformation every year. Likewise, seeing a fledgling reader develop into a child who reads fluently with comprehension of the story can be just as exciting. Teachers get the opportunity to view these changes with a classroom full of students every year and continue to see them grow as they move grades throughout the school.

Professional Growth

Because teaching is not a stagnant career, there are always opportunities to grow professionally. Curriculum may change or new strategies may make learning easier. Teachers get the chance to be a part of this change and see how it affects student progress. In addition, teachers also get the chance to learn new jobs and advance in their field if it suits their interest. Some teachers may develop a love of helping students read and decide to become a reading coach. Some may love to see English Language Learners blossom in both the language and the content standards, then they may become certified in that area. Others may realize their love for leading and work to advance to the level of an administrator. Education is a career with many opportunities for professional growth and development.

Children Say the Funniest Things

Many careers are mundane work in stuffy offices with opinionated grownups talking about boring topics. Teaching is far from this setting. Students can come out with some of the funniest sayings, jokes, and thoughts that makes teaching a true joy. When a student spouts their rendition of something mom has said over dinner or summarizes a story in a matter-of-fact way, it can provide the chuckle a teacher needs to make it through the day. This is one of the best reasons teachers love their jobs, because they love their students and their perspective.

Building Lasting Relationships

Whether it is for a semester or for an entire school year, teachers have the opportunity to build relationships with their students . When a teacher becomes an active listener and provides support for students in all aspects of their lives, students will remember this. Years later, when shopping at the store and a grown child calls you by name and stops to catch you up on their progress, it is spectacular. Likewise, when a teacher gets the chance to teach the child of a former student or work alongside a former student who is now in the teaching profession, it can be exhilarating to know that you were a part of that successful story.

When all of these wonderful reasons are combined, it is easy to see why teaching is the best job in the world.

*Updated April 2021

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Liverpool City Council

Procurement Support Officers

Job introduction.

Right to work within the UK – unfortunately at this time we cannot provide working visa or sponsorship for overseas workers.  

Job title: Procurement Support Officers  

Salary: £28,770 - £33,024

Location: Cunard Building/Hybrid

A bit about us:  

Liverpool is home to vibrant, energetic and engaged communities, people who take real ownership of their local area and are passionate about making our city a better place. We've got ambitious targets to meet by 2025 and we need people who are driven, dynamic and ready to deliver the very best for our communities.  Public service is more important than ever, and this role represents a real opportunity to make a difference to our communities by transforming the way we work and placing our residents at the heart of everything we do.     

Working at Liverpool City Council provides an opportunity to contribute to your community and make a positive impact on the lives of residents. Our values shape how we work to deliver public services, and how we communicate with the residents we serve. We care about the best outcomes for local people, through our public services.   

We are proud of our world-famous thriving city with its rich culture, affordable housing, stunning waterfront and our beautiful green spaces – there’s really something for everyone!  

We are seeking outstanding procurement professionals in the following areas: 

  • Adults & Childrens Social Care
  • Neighbourhoods & City Development
  • Corporate (Including Culture & ICT) 

We also have opportunities to become part of a new team within the service facilitating lower value procurement activity.  Whilst experience of supporting those areas in a procurement role would be great, above all else we are looking for high quality individuals with a desire to pursue a career in procurement and make a difference.  

What will I be doing?   

  • Providing specialist support to designated procurement teams within the CPU as appropriate
  • Support Senior Procurement Business partners, Procurement Business Partners and Procurement Buying Service Manager and to manage designated projects and spend areas whilst providing advice, insight and challenge.
  • Ensuring contract compliance, adherence to related procurement policy and support of the Contract Standing Orders generally.  

Our offer to you:  

  • 35 hour working week with hybrid working model
  • At least 27 days holiday rising to 32 after 5 years service.- option to purchase further days
  • Agile working - A “Flexibility First” approach to Agile working where flexibility is the norm rather than the exception.
  • Part of the Local Government Pension scheme – option to join the AVC scheme
  • Progression - opportunities and training through a wide range of high quality learning
  • Health and Wellbeing - offer including Employee assistance programme
  • Cycle to Work and Travel Pass Schemes 
  • Drive Time – a salary sacrifice car lease scheme
  • Family friendly policies with enhanced leave  
  • Discounted Gym Memberships 
  • Employee Volunteering Scheme 

  Click on this link to view our Recruitment video and what life is like working at Liverpool city council -  

Closing Date is:    Tuesday 17th September 2024

If you would like to talk to a member of the team about the role or have an informal discussion, please contact – Trevor Ingham (Head of Procurement & Contracts) [email protected]  

Liverpool City Council is committed to fostering a workforce representative of the communities we serve. As an Equal Opportunities Employer, we believe in appointing candidates based on their skills, experience, qualifications, and abilities. To support this commitment, we guarantee an interview to candidates from under-represented groups who meet the minimum essential criteria for the role. 

If you require any reasonable adjustments in line with the Equality Act 2010, such as an application form in a different format or additional time to complete your application, please contact us at [email protected] 

Although we advertise on Jobs go public, and other websites, your application process will be directed to our Tribepad system. Please note that all communication regarding your application for this post will be sent to the email address that you have registered on Tribepad, including your invite to interview if you are shortlisted. Please check your emails regularly, including Spam/Junk, after the closing dates for notifications.  Please ensure you complete your full profile, work and education history in Tribepad.

We reserve the right to close vacancies earlier than the specified date should we receive sufficient applications. If interested, please complete an application as early as possible

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The following content displays a map of the job's location.

  • Salary £28770 - £33024
  • Frequency Annual
  • Job Reference liverpoolcitycouncil/TP/694/246
  • Contract Type Permanent Full Time
  • Closing Date 17 September, 2024
  • Job Category Procurement
  • Business Unit Finance & Resources
  • Location Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Posted on 03 September, 2024

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Jobs in the same category, vendor control officer.

Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom

£28770 - £33024

Permanent Full Time

Apply by 17 September, 2024

Senior Policy and Performance Manager

£60332 - £66750

Apply by 11 September, 2024

Posted on 28 August, 2024

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    The true story of the man with the Best Job in the World The Best Job in the World is the story of how following your passions can lead to life-changing opportunities. Adventurer Ben Southall shares his experiences and lessons learned as the winner of the inaugural Tourism Queensland's Best Job in the World campaign, and reveals how this has led to ongoing opportunities since. Part ...

  11. Top 10 Jobs of the Future

    Here's a list of jobs of the future 2030. Check out the top jobs that will be much in demand by the year 2030 and beyond that.

  12. Opinion: What summer jobs as teen taught me

    Some parents like to say, "School is my kids' job." School is important, sure, but I preferred work to school as a teen. It gave me access to a seemingly adult world where I could learn job ...

  13. IELTS Essay: Jobs and Studying Abroad

    IELTS Essay: Jobs and Studying Abroad In an era of globalization, some people think that studying abroad is the best way to attain a well-paid job while others believe other options are better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Some today would argue that the rise of globalization necessitates studying abroad if an individual desires a stable career path. In my opinion, though this ...

  14. Best Jobs in the World

    The 10 best jobs in the world What makes a great job? Is it the salary, the working hours, the variety? At Success at School, we've compiled our very own list of the best jobs in the world. We've based our list on various different factors, some include salary*, whereas others are simply based on . In our top ten, you'll find some of the highest paying jobs placed alongside interesting jobs ...

  15. Is US economy better now than under Trump?

    The Biden administration has repeatedly pointed to strong job growth as a major achievement. Before big job losses in 2020 due to Covid, in the first three years of Trump's presidency almost 6.7 ...

  16. 10 countries with the best work-life balance in the world

    Let's take a look at some of the countries in the world that provide the best work-life balance, according to Remote. New Zealand (Index score: 80.76/100) New Zealand holds the top spot in the list. This island country has a robust economy and has earned the top rank based on a number of measures.

  17. 'It's the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest

    'It's the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest, most misunderstood roles in a school.' Understanding the complexity of the SENCO role post-SEND reform

  18. The 10 Best Websites to Find Academic Writing Jobs

    Looking for a job in academic writing? These websites round up the best job opportunities around the world for you.

  19. The 30 Fastest-Growing Jobs And Careers For The Next 10 Years

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics has some compelling reading for proactive people who strongly desire to advance their careers. It has put together lists of the fastest-growing jobs and careers and ...

  20. The Best Job of the World Essay Example

    The Best Job of the World Essay Example 🎓 Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college essay examples and more than 100 000 flashcards and test answers from around the world!

  21. 50 Latest Job IELTS Topics

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "job" topic.

  22. 9 High-Paying Jobs for Folks Who Love Writing

    There are plenty of writing-centric jobs out there that pay well; you just need to know where to look. We've compiled a list of nine high-paying jobs you should definitely consider if you love to write.

  23. Factbox-Who Are the Six Israeli Hostages Found Dead in Gaza?

    The recovery of the bodies of six Israeli hostages seized by Palestinian militants during the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks has triggered deep shock in Israel, bringing half a million people into the ...

  24. Why the Teaching Profession is the Best Job in the World

    Reaching students in and out of class to embracing learning as lifelong, there are many reasons why the teaching profession is the best job in the world.

  25. Best job in the world

    The Best Job in the World campaign predominantly targeted the international youth market in the UK, Europe, USA, Japan, New Zealand, South Pacific, Ireland and Nordic regions, South East Asia, greater China and South Korea.

  26. The Most Important Job Of The World

    The Most Important Job Of The World Good Essays 2093 Words 9 Pages Open Document Sandy Tom McCourt ENGL 1302 3 December 2014 The Most Important Job in the World A properly watered seed will bloom into a beautiful flower. A growing seed that does not receive the proper care will wither away before it even reaches the sunlight.

  27. The best job in the world

    I saw the amazing job on the internet like Chocolate Constant, Tea Taster, The Prfessional Bridesmad and many more. know There were many amazing joband many job that we don't so we should standy more about it. The best. job. ever.

  28. The best job in the world Free Essays

    The Best Job in the World what is the best job in the world ? I recently read an article by the Financial Times journalist Lucy Kellaway. Lucy described meeting an acquaintance who had gone from being a marketing director on £200k per year to a postman earning £20k per year.

  29. Procurement Support Officers

    Jobs and careers with Liverpool City Council - Right to work within the UK - unfortunately at this time we cannot provide working visa or sponsorship for overseas workers. Job title: Procurement Support Officers Salary: £28,770 - £33,024Location: Cunard Building/Hybrid A bit about us: Liverpool is home to vibrant, energetic and engaged communities, people who take real ownership of their ...