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A Push To Modernize Philippine Transport Threatens The Beloved Jeepney


Ashley Westerman

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Jeepneys, often known in the Philippines as "King of the Road," join traffic on a busy street in Manila last May. Authorities are moving to phase them out, citing pollution and safety concerns. Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

Jeepneys, often known in the Philippines as "King of the Road," join traffic on a busy street in Manila last May. Authorities are moving to phase them out, citing pollution and safety concerns.

Down a dark, cramped alleyway in the heart of densely packed Manila, a resistance movement is holding strong.

The movement is focused on protecting a beloved Philippine form of public transport, the passenger truck known as the jeepney — but to reach its headquarters in a nearly hidden lane, it's a good idea to ditch your own vehicle. The lane is so narrow that even the slightest wrong move could result in scratches or a dislodged side-view mirror from hitting a wall.

Outside the office's metal gate is a beat-up jeepney with a sign reading: "Ibasura ang Jeepney Phaseout!" or "No To Jeepney Phaseout!"

Inside, George San Mateo sits eating his dinner. He's a warm, welcoming man sporting a salt-and-pepper goatee, glasses and a newsboy cap. San Mateo, 51, has been a driver for almost three decades and now heads the transport rights group Piston, short for Pinagkaisang Samahan ng mga Tsuper at Operator Nationwide, or "unified nationwide organization of drivers and operators." It's in this role that he's leading the resistance to a government plan to "modernize" old jeepneys and replace them with newer, more eco-friendly models.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

A jeepney adorned with eye-catching lettering sits parked in at a gas station in Calamba, Leguna, about an hour south of the capital Manila. Jeepneys often sport a name, phrase or symbol important to their driver. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

A jeepney adorned with eye-catching lettering sits parked in at a gas station in Calamba, Leguna, about an hour south of the capital Manila. Jeepneys often sport a name, phrase or symbol important to their driver.

"Piston has no problem with modernization because we consider ourselves progressive," San Mateo says. "We are progressive, so we are not anti-development. But the problem with the modernization program ...it is anti-poor and profit-oriented."

Jeepneys have become synonymous with Philippine daily life. The first were cobbled together using parts of surplus Jeeps left behind by American troops after World War II. The Filipinos converted them into transport vehicles that could hold between 15 to 20 people at a time (though not all those passengers may actually fit inside the vehicle).

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

George San Mateo is the leader of Piston, a nationwide transportation workers' rights group in the Philippines. He's called on President Rodrigo Duterte to scrap the current transport modernization plan and create a new one focusing on nationalizing transport. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

George San Mateo is the leader of Piston, a nationwide transportation workers' rights group in the Philippines. He's called on President Rodrigo Duterte to scrap the current transport modernization plan and create a new one focusing on nationalizing transport.

"The reason why jeepneys became the dominant mode of transport [is] because after World War II, the government did not establish a mass transport system," San Mateo explains.

Though numbers are hard to come by, various estimates say there are somewhere between 180,000 and 270,000 franchised jeepneys on the road across the Philippines, with some 75,000 in Metro Manila alone. Studies have shown they are the country's most popular mode of transportation, taking millions to and from work every day. They're easy to spot on the traffic-choked roads, often painted with bright colors and adorned with flashy ornaments. Many jeepneys sport names or slogans painted in big, elaborate fonts.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Passengers ride in a jeepney in Manila. Depending on the size, a jeepney can hold up to 20 people. While the vehicles have designated routes, they don't have designated stops, meaning riders hop on and hop off whenever they choose. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

Passengers ride in a jeepney in Manila. Depending on the size, a jeepney can hold up to 20 people. While the vehicles have designated routes, they don't have designated stops, meaning riders hop on and hop off whenever they choose.

The jeepneys are often blamed for heavy traffic congestion because of their indiscriminate stopping and going to let people on and off. They have designated routes but no designated stops, so they operate much like hop-on-hop-off buses.

And while jeepney bodies have changed over time (almost all parts are now made overseas and shipped to the Philippines to be assembled), the vehicles are notorious polluters. While jeepneys can run on both gasoline and diesel, a 2016 study by the Manila Observatory, a nonprofit science research institute, found that diesel-fed jeepneys were responsible for 15 percent of the particulate matter emissions in Metro Manila.

That's why the government of President Rodrigo Duterte plans to take all jeepneys 15 years or older off the roads and replace them with a more eco-friendly, minivan-like version that's bigger, safer and produces fewer emissions. The modernization plan started in January, and the government hopes to have all old jeepneys off the road by 2020.

But San Mateo says placing the blame for pollution solely on jeepneys is unfair in a city with so many other polluting vehicles. He says if the government didn't impose so many fees, fines and penalties on jeepney drivers and operators, they would have more money to maintain their sometimes dilapidated vehicles.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

A jeepney crowned with the name "Morning Glory" navigates a Manila street during rush hour. Many jeepneys reach areas of the city where other public transit does not go. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

A jeepney crowned with the name "Morning Glory" navigates a Manila street during rush hour. Many jeepneys reach areas of the city where other public transit does not go.

In Metro Manila, a city of 12 million-plus and one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world, jeepneys are second only to walking when it comes to getting around. They're the cheapest option by far, with rides costing an average of 8 Filipino pisos, about 16 cents. Jeepneys are a popular option over the city's light rail system, taxis, commuter buses and even trikes — motorcycles with sidecars — across income levels, but especially for the poor. Despite a fast-growing economy, millions of Filipinos remain below the poverty line .

"Let us remember that jeepney commuters are some of the poorest of the poor in the Philippines," says Mateo. "Our vast passengers are not Uber-riding passengers, these are minimum-wage earners and their sons and daughters."

Jeepney drivers and operators don't earn a lot, either. San Mateo says a driver makes about 500 to 600 pisos, or about $11, for two days of work. Earnings depend on factors such as profitability of the route, passenger volume and seating capacity. San Mateo says top-of-the-line jeepneys today cost about 600,000 to 700,000 pisos, or $11,000 to $13,000. The new model the government wants them to purchase costs 1.6 million to 1.8 million pisos, or between $30,000 and $35,000.

San Mateo warns that the costs to run and maintain these newer models will be passed on to commuters in the form of increased fares.

"That's why there's a deadlock on this," says San Mateo. "So we have no choice but to fight back and launch transport strikes and transport protests."

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Raffy Solongon (in rear-view mirror), 47, drives his jeepney through Makati City in Manila. He earns about $10 a day and is one of thousands of drivers who say they can't afford the new jeepney model the government wants them to buy. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

Raffy Solongon (in rear-view mirror), 47, drives his jeepney through Makati City in Manila. He earns about $10 a day and is one of thousands of drivers who say they can't afford the new jeepney model the government wants them to buy.

He wants President Duterte to scrap the current plan and work toward nationalizing the public transport system so drivers might get government help to buy or operate their jeepneys.

"What we want in a modernization program...[is] the framework should be socially just, democratic, public service-oriented and its long-term perspective should be nationalization of public transport," San Mateo says. "But government doesn't want that."

Last year, San Mateo helped organize two strikes: a jeepney drivers' strike in February, which San Mateo was arrested for leading , and a two-day, nationwide transport strike in October. The government has filed a case against San Mateo in connection with the October strike.

"You're poor?" Duterte snapped in a speech, addressing drivers during the October protests. "Son of a bitch, suffer hardship and hunger. I don't care."

Duterte's administration has rebuffed criticism that the plan is "anti-poor," and claims its goal is not to completely phase out jeepneys, but to make them more efficient and profitable. It wants to establish new routes with designated drop-off and load points and restructure and consolidate the ownership of jeepneys.

Riders seem split on the issue.

"It's better for the environment," says Win Tan, who rides a jeepney to work every day to her job as a car rental assistant. "But for the operators, it's not that good."

Cath Volentino is a tax consultant who has been riding jeepneys since she was a kid.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Jeepneys line up at a depot in Makati City in Manila. Jeepneys are the main mode of transportation for Filipinos nationwide, moving millions to and from work every day. Ashley Westerman/NPR hide caption

Jeepneys line up at a depot in Makati City in Manila. Jeepneys are the main mode of transportation for Filipinos nationwide, moving millions to and from work every day.

"The government is quite right that people need to have a better ride, but how about those jeepney drivers that can't afford to have a new jeepney?" she says. "It's okay if the government wants to provide for them, but it's quite a hassle."

Jose Gamo, who has also been riding jeepneys since he was a child, says the government's plan could lead to chaos for commuters.

"I think the government needs better time to help the jeepney operators adjust to the change, as well as help the commuters," he says. "Because if you phase out everything, there won't be enough new jeepneys immediately. So you need better planning for transition."

Gamo says he can't imagine a Manila without the jeepneys he knows and loves.

"It's going to be incredibly hard to get around anywhere," he says.

Back at Piston's headquarters, San Mateo says he and his fellow jeepney drivers have no intention of letting that happen.

"We are not yet giving up," he says, "so we are not yet entertaining a post-defeat scenario."

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IN NUMBERS: Why jeepney phaseout is anti-poor, will do little for environment

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This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.

IN NUMBERS: Why jeepney phaseout is anti-poor, will do little for environment

FREE RIDE. The local government of Manila utilizes e-Trike for 'Libreng Sakay' vehicle for stranded passengers as jeepney drivers and their supporters plying the Morayta-Divisoria route conduct a 'tigil pasada' protest along Morayta, during the first day of the week-long transport strike, on March 6, 2023.

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government’s move to force jeepney drivers to shift to the more environment-friendly, modern jeepney has faced backlash over its anti-poor terms.

The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is forcing drivers and operators to use an electric vehicle or a combustion engine that complies with a Euro IV emission standard, as prescribed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, toxic fumes, and other forms of air pollution.

But here are some numbers that show that the government’s modernization plan is clunky at best:

2% Jeepneys comprise only 2% of the total registered vehicles in the Philippines

According to data from the Department of Energy and LTFRB, there are over 9 million registered vehicles in the Philippines. Of the total, jeepneys comprise only over 250,000. Of the total jeepneys, around a quarter operate in Metro Manila.

15% Jeepneys and other public utility vehicles contribute 15% of the total particulate matter emissions in manila

While jeepneys play an important role in providing services in the country, a study by the Blacksmith Institute and Clean Air Asia found that diesel-powered jeepneys contribute 15% of the total particulate matter emissions in Metro Manila.

The Center for Energy, Ecology and Development (CEED) argued that air pollution reduction efforts “would be negligible if modernization efforts focused on jeepneys compared to private vehicles.”

“Not to mention, private car owners would also be more likely financially capable of modernizing their vehicles,” CEED said.

Jeepneys are mostly fitted with imported, second-hand engines which have higher emissions than modern diesel technologies.

The study also found that the majority of jeepney owners own only one unit, making it difficult for them to save on costs and properly maintain vehicles.

1,766.7% The modern jeepney is 1,766.7% more expensive than the traditional jeepney

A traditional jeepney costs around P150,000 to P250,000. A modern e-jeepney would force drivers and operators to cough up as much as P2.8 million, a 1,766.7% increase in cost.

5.7% The government’s proposed subsidy covers only 5.7% of the total cost

The LTFRB said that a subsidy of P160,000 will be provided. This is only 5.7% of the total cost of the modern jeepney.

Rappler was able to talk to some jeepney drivers who said that they earn around P2,000 per day. Should they upgrade to modern jeepneys, they would need to earn at least P3,500 to pay off their debt.

The LTFRB insists only operators who have consolidated into either a cooperative or corporation will be allowed to operate. Jeepney drivers fear that the program would eventually phase out their units and require them to buy new modernized jeeps that they can’t afford.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Past efforts

Before the PUV modernization push, several programs had been explored in the past but failed.

In 2007, the DENR explored the replacement of old engines used in jeepneys with new engines. Mitsubishi UFJ Securities and the University of the Philippines-National Center for Transportation Studies were asked to come up with a proposal. They found that new engines cost P300,000. 

But the plan failed as the program needed additional public and private funding.

In 2011, liquefied petroleum gas or LPG jeepneys were launched. By using LPG engines, jeepneys became Euro III-compliant. 

However, this also failed since the engine and transmission components cost P350,000 and LPG stations were limited.

In 2008, the first electric jeepneys were introduced in Makati City through the Institute for Climate and Sustanable Cities and the Philippine Utility Vehicle. Limitations in battery capacity limited these e-jeepneys to shorter routes.

Marcos’ broken promise: Why jeepney drivers protest modernization

Marcos’ broken promise: Why jeepney drivers protest modernization

Just transition

During the 19th Congress, former Manila 1st District representative Manuel Luis Lopez filed a just transition bill that aimed to shift drivers to e-vehicles with sufficient financial support from government.

His proposal included the following:

  • Vehicle subsidy – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) will provide financial assistance to drivers and operators not lower than 50% of the cost per unit of modern jeepneys.
  • Fuel subsidy – The DOTr will pay a portion of the fuel consumed by affected drivers on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Concessional loan – A tripartite mechanism including the government, financial institutions, and transport workers will establish a loan program. The interest rate will not exceed 1% annual interest. The loan amortization will be at least 15 years, subject to recomputation if the transport worker decides to shorten the said period.
  • Financial assistance – Drivers who cannot be part of the transportation industry due to their incapacity to take out a loan will be given no less than P300,000 to shift to other forms of livelihood.

– Rappler.com

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argumentative essay jeepney phase out

#OPINION | Jeepney modernization: An erasure of livelihoods

The Science Scholar

The Science Scholar

by Katch Viernesto and Siobe Saavedra

“ Sana intindihin niya kaming mga maliliit, kaming mga driver.”

(I hope he understands us who are below, us drivers.)

These were the words of jeepney driver Danilo Santos , calling on President Bongbong Marcos to consider their side on the approval of the Memorandum Circular №2023–013 by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) last February 20.

As one of many jeepney drivers, he rightfully feared for the loss of his source of income. The circular states that individual operators of Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs), including jeepneys, are allowed to operate only until June 30 of this year unless they join a “consolidated entity.” This deadline has since been extended to December 31.

Despite the government’s promises of no one being left behind , this requirement — along with its plans of “modernizing” PUVs — poses a threat to the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of drivers and operators who are supporting their families. Instead of actively destroying the industry with their current, insensitive plans that provide little to no assistance for Filipino workers, the government must rethink the modernization program to ensure that it actually improves it.

‘Modernizing’ transportation

The gears of the government’s PUV Modernization Program, headed by the Department of Transportation (DOTr), have been turning since June of 2017 , with objectives including “safe and comfortable transport” and “fair regulations.” Since its launch, there have been plans of phasing out traditional jeepneys and other PUVs, in addition to the proposed consolidation of franchisers.

Until now, the government urges jeepney operators to replace their jeepneys with more environmentally friendly ones, as all PUVs contribute to 15 percent of the total particulate matter emissions in Metro Manila. Despite seemingly noble intentions of safety for commuters and operators alike, “modernized” jeepneys, manufactured by large and sometimes even foreign companies, that run on electricity or more eco-friendly fuel are significantly more expensive and high-maintenance.

These cost around Php 2.4 to 2.6 million — a drastic comparison to the Php 200,000 to 600,000 cost of traditional jeepneys. This is a demanding ask for a single jeepney operator who earns around Php 2,000 a day and does not work a nine-to-five job. The amount that the LTFRB offered as subsidy is a mere Php 160,000, which covers only 5.7 percent of the total costs.

No matter if the operator loans or uses their own money to acquire and successfully maintain a “modernized” jeepney unit; they would still have to work more and even possibly hike up their fare prices to make up for the costs. This would also adversely affect commuters, a large chunk of which are working class.

If the government wants to meet its set objectives, then it should instead support jeepney manufacturing industries, allowing them to make their designs more environmentally friendly instead of forcing operators to buy from large companies. The government should be the ones shouldering these costs — especially if it chooses to go through with jeepney phaseout — not the drivers and operators. If people are being made to trade their source of income for something better for the environment, the least the government can do is provide them with the resources they need to follow through with this change.

It is appalling to think that they would just expect jeepney drivers and operators to abandon a steady source of income and even pay for it out of their own pockets with no guaranteed promise of a better situation.

If cards were dealt, these people would be the ones with the losing hands.

Anti-poor and anti-people

What good are national development and modernization if they fail to include everyone in their progress?

The only possible evidence that the government actually considered the affected sectors is its extension of the deadline to give operators more time to consolidate — a weak attempt at that.

While Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista did claim to offer a discussion with drivers associations about the program, this inclusion in the conversation is yet to happen. Not only has this not happened, but it was only suggested after they received criticisms for the implementation of the rule. Yes, these plans have been made public since 2017, but springing such a relatively near deadline on jeepney drivers without prior discussion was, at its core, insensitive.

The government’s objective to have all operating jeepneys enter a consolidated entity endangers — and may even kill — the livelihoods of operators; smaller operators might not be given the chance to keep their jobs and participate.

With a big corporation to work for and please, there is a possibility that every jeepney driver and operator would be required to meet a daily quota. And with a daily quota to reach, there is another possibility that they would be able to only partially keep their earnings while the rest would go to the consolidated entity they are under. This is privatization painted with the guise of modernization.

Before the announcement of the LTFRB memorandum, a driver owned their own jeepney and could keep every coin and every bill received from commuters. But if they don’t because of this new directive that’s anti-poor and anti-people in almost every direction you choose to view it, there would be yet another reason for a fare hike and a more back-tiring decade of driving.

With their demands falling on deaf ears, affected transport groups and other Filipinos who wish to support them were left with no choice but to hold a week-long transport strike last March 6 to 12 to criticize the government, the supposed primary purpose of which is to serve its people.

To spark citizens’ outrage even more, reports of harassment and intimidation were made before and during the strike itself of police officers threatening those who would or did participate in it. The government has so many plans of “modernization” when it couldn’t even plan to treat its citizens right. This oppression and direct violation of their basic right to expression just adds to the everflowing list of proof of the administration’s incompetence and thoughtlessness.

Phasing out a piece of culture

Traditional jeepneys are iconic symbols of Filipino culture — colorful, open-air minitrucks originally created from U.S. military jeeps post–World War II, reproduced for Filipinos’ transport needs. They are the most popular form of public transport in the Philippines as they are extremely economical and affordable for the people.

Jeepney art is usually characterized by vibrant and imaginative designs inspired by Filipino folklore and culture. The limitless style is reminiscent of mural art and a canvas for Filipino artists’ self-expression.

With the modernization of jeepneys, these artists’ creativity is erased in favor of blank, impersonal PUVs, eventually leading to an erasure of this form of Filipino artistry and expression.

Behind this art is the talent of local jeepney artists whose livelihoods are also at stake due to the jeepney modernization. If anything, they should continue to be employed to incorporate similar art on modernized PUVs to encapsulate the significance these vehicles have in our country and for its people.

Without it, we are left with the loss of yet another piece of our culture, which would not exist at all without the hard work of both jeepney artists and operators who strive to keep that part of our culture alive. The government again refuses to see past their myopic lens of nationwide development to actually recognize what is happening: jobs are being destroyed, and both the people and their cultural identity are starting to struggle because of their decisions.

No one left behind

In reality, modernization is not something that people should fear and reject; but if it is being steamrolled amidst legitimate public concerns, then the government should reassess and change it. Working toward the betterment of the community should be a collective effort, not something that leaves jeepney drivers to fend for themselves.

For now, we have the formidable power to use our voices to incite change, take a stand, and provide our unwavering support for those affected. Even with all the obstacles, we must remember that this fight is larger than one might think; this memorandum is not as simple as it seems.

With strike after strike and protest after protest, we must continue to fight as the government continues to dismiss.

The Science Scholar

Written by The Science Scholar

The official English publication of the Philippine Science High School–Main Campus. Views are representative of the entire paper.

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Analyzing the Jeepney Phaseout and Its Pros and Cons

  • BusinessMirror
  • August 30, 2022
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Defining “modernization”, the pros of transport modernization: justifying the phaseout, the cons of transport modernization: arguing for the people phaseout, weighing the jeepney modernization’s pros and cons: finding the balance.

Traffic has always been a huge problem in the country. Several urban planners recently stressed that the government must focus on modernizing the transport system particularly in Metro Manila “because there is no solution to the traffic.” Public transportation, particularly jeepney, modernization has been a touted solution with pros and cons being heavily discussed by various stakeholders.

As a response, the Traffic Crisis Act, or House Bill (HB) 4334, and the Department of Transportation’s (DOTr) transport modernization program was proposed in congress and government institutions. The program includes jeepney modernization as one of its main parts. Unfortunately, this initiative towards transportation modernization has been met with criticism of being anti-poor.

There will always be pros and cons to any issue. The government’s transport-modernization program, aimed mainly at jeepneys, buses, school buses and others, is no exception. In this article, we discuss the pros and cons of jeepney phase out.

The government is right to modernize the jeepneys. If it follows its own definition that a modern transport is “roadworthy, safe, reliable” and, above all, “prevents pollution” or has “emissions within acceptable standards.” If that is the case, then transportation modernization is certainly a necessity.

The definition of modernization is extended by Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Resolution 2013, dated January 11, 2013, to mean a “strict 15-year age limit on public-utility vehicles, from the date of manufacture of the vehicle instead of the date of initial registration with the Land Transportation Office [LTO].”

Transportation modernization certainly has its pros. Vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and financiers will rejoice at this new replacement market as it translates to massive spurts in business. The jeepney phase out, however, has both pros and cons–especially when we talk about one of the main stakeholders: the drivers.

Several jeepney groups oppose the phase out, including the newly formed National Jeepney Federation for Environmental Sustainable Transport (NJFEST). Headed by Ronald Baroidan, the NJFEST disagrees with the looming transportation modernization program, but seriously wants to comply with the Clean Air Act (CAA). While each sector adds onto the debate of jeepney phase out pros and cons, NJFEST grabs this chance as its “defining moment” to address why the government’s definition of modernization is partly wrong.

Exploring the Jeepney Phaseout’s Pros and Cons

With traffic ever-increasing and carbon emissions rising, it seems that modernizing mass transport is a step in the right direction. However, drivers and operators are unsatisfied with its current parameters. This issue remains and the transportation sector in elections is a common topic.

In this part, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of jeepney modernization:

Here are some of the benefits of the jeepney phase out:

Higher Job Demand for the Transport Sector

One of the biggest pros of jeepney modernization is that it can provide the country with more jobs. The jeepney modernization potentially raises the need for skilled drivers and operators. With newer models needed, there is also a higher demand for workers and laborers in vehicle manufacturing.

Lessened Carbon Emissions

Older jeepney models emit a lot of carbon and have often been cited as violators of the Clean Air Act. As the country leans towards a greener standpoint, modernizing jeepneys is one of the steps that the government sees fit. With newer units, a significant decrease in carbon emissions is expected.

On the other hand, here are the disadvantages of the transport modernization:

Modern jeepneys are expensive. A modern jeepney costs about 600,000-700,000 PHP, while the government’s preferred units cost around 1.6-1.8 million PHP. The average jeepney driver earns around 500-600 PHP a day–but with rising costs of gasoline and other factors, it is safe to assume that they earn less.

Drivers and transport laborers point out how out of budget these units are, even with government assistance. Many drivers express that they have no objections to PUV modernizations, especially with all its pros. However, cost is a big con that they cannot overlook.

Possible Lack of Jeepneys

When we talk about the jeepney phase out’s pros and cons, we also need to consider the possible impacts. One of the biggest impacts that the jeepney phaseout can have is the severe lack of jeepneys in the country. As less and less jeepneys ride, commuters may find it difficult to catch a ride.

The government should have an option that provides a more affordable way for drivers to acquire one of the vehicles. Otherwise, it is not an exaggeration to say that many drivers will have issues getting one. This will inevitably lead to a severe lack of PUVs and can even lead to bigger difficulties in traffic.

Minimal Environmental Impact

A study done by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland shows almost a direct correlation of the effects of PAHs or LCOs on emissions. By reducing PAH content in diesel by 80 percent from 5-percent weight content to only 1 percent, PAH-related emissions also dropped massively by a range to as much as 80 percent. Sweden A-1 diesel is now down to a PAH-content of 0.02 percent with Finland at 0.2 percent owing to a tax incentive to refiners, but average PAH content in diesel in Europe is still about 4.5 percent, with a few still high at 10 percent. Bringing it down to 6 percent costs the industry in Europe about €312 million, and will increase costs for every drop in PAH content to as high as €2.249 billion at 1-percent content.

In short, what we do not see is how diesel is produced behind the scenes, somehow coming out now from behind from the tailpipe emissions. But science now tells us that when a vehicle farts from behind, these can still be measured, even if many toxic fumes, like carbon monoxide, are odorless and invisible.

Minimal Traffic Congestion Difference

Jeepneys have always been looked at as a violator of the Clean Air Act and a cause of congestion in roads. Unfortunately, what many fail to realize is that the number of private cars also contribute to air pollution and traffic congestion. Simply proposing transport modernization is not a complete solution.

Ishmael Ace Sevilla, chairman of the NCR Toda Coalition of 17 Metro Manila Toda federations, claims he could not also understand why franchises of tricycles and pedicabs will be revoked within six months upon publication of HB 4334 once enacted into law (Section 15), when the traffic is on major roads like Edsa, where tricycles are banned anyway. Tricycles only service the secondary and tertiary roads.

The bill is aimed to ease traffic as a small treat, perhaps, to commuters and motorists complaining about traffic, but it appears it’s more a threat to small guys, who only earn a few hundred pesos a day.

The jeepney phaseout is a longstanding issue that affects many sectors in the country. From commuters to jeepney drivers, stakeholders have spoken about their perceived pros and cons on the issue. While the government has put this on hold, many experts and citizens continue to weigh in on how transport modernization can be done more efficiently.

Image credits: Dreamstime.com

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Colorful, Iconic Jeepneys May Soon Be Off the Road in the Philippines

The passenger vehicles have been ubiquitous for decades. The way the government wants to replace them with pricey new minibuses is rankling operators.

A busy intersection is crowded with vehicles, pedestrians and motorbikes. The vehicles include blue, yellow, red and green open-air passenger jeeps known as jeepneys in the Philippines.

By Jason Gutierrez

MANILA — In the Philippines, they are known as “kings of the road,” colorful, open-air vehicles with loud horns and diesel engines that ferry millions of Filipinos on their daily commutes. Called “jeepneys” for their origins as U.S. military jeeps, they are cramped and stiflingly hot, ubiquitous on the busy city streets where many riders consider them an icon.

The government wants the iconic rides off the road.

Jeepneys nationwide were scheduled to be phased out by the end of the year, to be replaced by more expensive minibuses under a government modernization program. At a price of $43,600, the new replacement vehicles are more energy-efficient, comfortable and safe. But many jeepney drivers say they can’t afford them, and not having a vehicle would mean the end of their livelihood.

They also dislike the program’s approach to helping them afford the minibuses. The plan would require jeepney drivers to form a cooperative to be able to borrow funds from government banks to purchase the new vehicles. These transport cooperatives would then operate on a profit-sharing scheme, a model that drivers say will eat into their earnings and bury them in debt.

The plan was introduced by former President Rodrigo Duterte in 2017, who said the phaseout would help improve Manila’s poor air quality and ease gridlocked traffic. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has agreed to move forward with the contentious proposal.

This week, transportation groups; workers affiliated with the industry, such as mechanics; and drivers in Manila organized a brief work stoppage to protest the planned phaseout. The authorities had to suspend in-person classes, and businesses were told to plan for remote work as a result.

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EDITORIAL - Modern jeepneys good, but...

vuukle comment

Yesterday was the first day of a week-long strike in several parts of the country to protest the government’s plan to phase out the traditional jeepneys.

We sympathize with the plight of those who stand to lose their livelihood, but it must be said that we cannot solve our public transportation woes unless we put something better on the road.

The traditional jeepneys we have now just cannot cope with the volume of passengers, or make the requirements to keep the planet livable.

Jeepneys evolved from the General Purpose --GP, hence the word jeep-- vehicles left behind by Americans after World War II. It could fit five at most, driver included. The traditional jeepney was born after some entrepreneurs modified them, put a roof over them, and extended the rear to accommodate passengers.

Over time jeepneys became bigger while still retaining the same familiar design; a small and constricted cockpit, side-facing passenger seats, and rear exit/entry. For a while the jeepneys were a source of Filipino pride and ingenuity, some were even seen as works of art with their unique paintwork.

But over time it became obvious they could no longer support the needs of the modern transport system. Which is why Metro Manila turned to the MRT, the LRT, vans-for-hire, and even motorcycle taxis.

That is also becoming true for many cities outside the capital. In Cebu City one only has look at the frantic early morning and late afternoon rush for vehicles to realize that we need something better than the jeepneys we have now.

It also became obvious many jeepneys are poorly maintained. Many have sharp edges in the passenger cabin, rust in the interior, and insufficient cover for passengers when it rains. Breakdowns in the street are also common. Many jeepneys also belch smoke into the air, causing pollution.

All that said, some drivers’ organizations and other stakeholders are right in saying the government cannot just require them to switch to modern jeepneys and not help in acquiring them.

“They didn’t mention how we can acquire the technology that they say are needed to create a fully electric jeepney. They just left us without any tools to do what they want in this modernization program,” said Sarao motors plant supervisor Ed Sarao.

If a jeepney plant supervisor like Sarao is having a hard time modernizing, imagine how small-time operators or owners of single jeepney units will do.

Before imposing their deadline, the government must help to make sure those who need to have modern jeepneys can get them.


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Jeepney phase-out in the philippines: a controversial shift towards modernization of public transportation.

Karen Ranara

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If someone asks, “What makes the Philippines unique?” many of us would answer with “jeepney,” a cultural icon that is endemic to our streets. Since the 1940s, they have been a staple of Filipino public transportation, originating from the World War II Willys General Purpose vehicles left by the American military. Jeepneys, known for their loudness, colorful designs, and affordability, have evolved from small vehicles into extended ones to carry more passengers. However, improvements in efficiency, safety, and comfort have been minimal. This has led to the controversial proposal of jeepney phase out in the Philippines, aiming to improve public transport by phasing out old vehicles and introducing new systems and standards for vehicles. 

Table of contents

What is a jeepney phase out  , scope of the phase out  , proposal of jeepney phase out, opposition to jeepney phase out , conclusion .

As discussed in “The Jeepney Phase-out Explained,” published by Manila Bulletin, the jeepney phase-out is a significant revision of how Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) franchises are granted, along with the organization of routes. In essence, it’s a small part of a larger initiative called PUV Modernization.

Moreover,  LTFRB defines Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) as the government’s response to address both the aggravating transport related problems and the future transportation demand of the country. 

The program is designed to transform the public transport system in the country to global standards, making commuting more dignified and humane.

 It also aims to improve the lives of Filipinos by providing a safer, more efficient, reliable, convenient, affordable, and environmentally sustainable transportation system.

Is the jeepney phase out nationwide? The answer is yes. The Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department (CPBRD) outlined in their Policy Brief No. 2020-02:

“The Philippine government launched the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) in 2017 as a move towards changing the landscape of public transportation in the country.”

The abstract continued, “Despite PUVMP’s objective to provide a comfortable, accessible, reliable, environment friendly, and sustainable public transportation for every Filipino, several challenges impede the progress of its implementation.”

Who proposed the jeepney phase out? On September 21, 2016, jeepney operators and drivers planned to hold a nationwide transport holiday if the Congress passed a bill that would approve the newly named Department of Transportation’s (DOTr) plan to carry out the PUV phaseout program, among other projects. The bill also pushed to give emergency powers to former President Rodrigo Duterte to solve the transport crisis. 

Role of Marcos in jeepney phase out

Under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista emphasizes the necessity of modernizing PUVs, clarifying that the plan is far from being discarded. 

Sec. Bautista added that the project will bolster the CASA program in the transport sector, generating more jobs and leading to more organized groups with efficient operations. 

The modernization program will end the boundary system, allowing drivers to earn more within reasonable working hours, and will implement a standard to maximize the benefits of modern jeepneys nationwide. 

On December 12, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. announced that the government will not extend its year-end deadline for jeepney drivers to consolidate into cooperatives or corporations.

However, on December 28, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) announced that non-consolidated jeepneys could continue to operate on specific routes until January 31. This announcement was made despite the deadline for public utility vehicle (PUV) operators to consolidate operations or at least submit applications before the end of the year.

Since the start of the modernization program, some transport groups have labeled it as ‘anti-poor’. They argue that the responsibility of upgrading their vehicles will fall on the operators and drivers. Additionally, they suggest this could be a scheme to boost vehicle sales for foreign businessmen and large automotive companies.

According to a timeline by CNN on the government’s PUV phaseout program, transport groups like Piston, Stop and Go Coalition, Manibela and FEJODAP  have conducted a series of nationwide protests since 2016. Online petitions such as ‘ No to Jeepney Phaseout and Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program’ and ‘ NO TO JEEPNEY PHASE OUT ‘ were created.

On November 20, jeepney drivers held another strike against the government’s December 31 deadline. 

PISTON national president Mody Floranda stated, “Wag na nila lituhin ang taumbayan. Ang franchise consolidation ay phaseout. Ang franchise consolidation ay pagbawi at pagmasaker sa mga indibidwal na prangkisa at pagpasa nito sa mga malalaking transport corporation na sila lang may kapasidad na magbayad at sumunod sa mga pakana ng gubyerno.” 

The jeepney phase out brought by the modernization program brought several challenges to drivers and operators. The government is urging current drivers and operators to surrender their franchises, offering financial assistance for new vehicle acquisition or career change. 

The new Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs) are expensive but compliant with regulations and more efficient. A ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program is being considered to incentivize the scrapping of old PUVs. However, the acquisition of land for operations presents a challenge, especially in developed areas with high land values.

Furthermore, Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) drivers and operators face challenges transitioning from a single franchise system to forming cooperatives, due to lack of knowledge in paperwork and business planning. 

Additionally, securing loans is difficult due to the absence of viable business plans and banks’ requirements for clean records. Some PUV suppliers assist with paperwork, but resistance remains, particularly regarding banks’ handling of earnings and expenses once loans are granted.

In a recent report by CNA, there are concerns that the impending consolidation could result in the loss of thousands of jobs for drivers and operators who don’t join a cooperative and potentially increase transport costs.

Many traditional jeepney drivers are skeptical of the modernization program, believing that the traditional scheme offers better take-home pay.

Consequently, small jeepney operators are uncertain about how to form a cooperative due to a lack of information and support from the government. They also worry about losing money to corrupt or poorly managed cooperatives.

One operator expressed, “The modern jeepneys will be owned by the cooperative, not us. We would just be employees, so we don’t like the programme.”

Another operator said he feels he has no option but to relinquish his small business if it enables him to send his children to school.

“If they phase out jeepneys, many will starve and lose their livelihood. Many of us are 40 to 70 years old,” one driver said.

The jeepney phase-out in the Philippines, aimed at modernizing public transport, has been met with considerable opposition. While the plan promises improved efficiency, safety, and sustainability, concerns persist about the economic impact on drivers and operators. The transition to a cooperative system, high costs of new vehicles, and potential job losses have sparked nationwide protests led by transport groups who believe that the program is ‘anti-poor.’ 

Sources: (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) , (6) , (7) , (8) , (9) , (10)

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Jeepney Modernization Debate Explained: Pros & Cons & Latest Updates

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The Jeepney modernization debate is still happening seriously. Should this program be implemented? What are the pros & cons? Click to find out the answer.

1. Jeepney phase out debate: What is it all about?

The Jeepney modernization program was organized by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board ( LTFRB ) in 2015. The program revolves around a government initiative to improve Jeepney vehicles to make them safer.

To reduce fatal accidents, the government considered replacing old and poorly maintained cars, and eliminating outdated jeepneys on the streets which were expected to help tackle environmental pollution.

Based on the LTFRB resolution, the owners of public vehicles cannot franchise, increase the number of vehicles, or renew the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) in any way. In addition, they are not allowed to circulate vehicles that are older than 15 years from the date of manufacture.

jeepneys on Philippine road

The initiative to modernize jeepneys aims to reduce fatal accidents and tackle emvironmental pollution

In general, in addition to reconstructing jeepneys older than 15 years, other public transports such as buses have also been improved.

The jeepney modernization program focuses on the following 3 areas:

New franchising system

If the existing franchise system is owned by jeepneys operators, this new system and the routes for jeepneys will be entirely managed by the government. Any franchising authority is no longer valid to the unit operator.

The minimum number of jeepneys to be franchised was previously 20 vehicles. However, in 2019, that number was increased to 40.

Improving PUVs to international standards

To ensure absolute safety as well as being environmentally friendly, the government has circulated a set of guides for all types of vehicles.

All vehicles must comply with national standards and international safety conventions. Of course, the specifications will vary based on each kind of PUV, meeting the Department of Transportation's Omnibus Guidelines.

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Philippine road packed with jeepneys

The current jeepneys are claimed to emit too much pollution due to out-dated technology

Here is a summary of the most well-known and affecting upgrades applied to PUVs in the future in the Philippines:

Vehicles with internal gas engines need low emissions, which must meet EURO IV emissions standards or higher.

  • Speed limiters
  • Selected types of PUVs must have Closed-circuit television camera
  • Dashboard camera
  • Friendly with disability 
  • Satisfactory seats
  • Provide Wi-Fi access 
  • No more than five people stand on the bus

Training for drivers

Traffic modernization programs that want to be successful require cooperation from vehicle drivers. Therefore, training the PUV drivers is essential.

The training course includes training on driving techniques, traffic safety measures, and codes of conduct with passengers.

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2. why do we need a jeepney modernization program.

Firstly, the Philippines has a lot of traffic overlapping in terms of routes, concessions, and services. This caused classic congestion in our country.

Secondly, jeepneys are used by the Filipinos for personal purposes. Initially, these vehicles were used as air transport vehicles or long-distance vehicles. However, many people have turned it into public transport, and charge a small fee when a passenger travels a particular route.

In addition, many owners crammed with customers in excess of the permitted number (exceeding 26 people). The design of the jeepney is quite inconvenient and small. The rows of seats are arranged to face each other, making it difficult to stand upright. Therefore, moving and carrying customers is not safe.

a poster about jeepney modernization program

The jeepney phase out opinions differ largely among Filipinos

Finally, because of the franchise, it's challenging to track how many vehicles are running the same route or counterfeit franchises.

Those are the crucial reasons that urged the Philippine Government to come up with an initiative to modernize the jeepneys nationwide. However, the jeepney modernization itself comes with both pros and cons, which has led to the jeepney phase out debate for years.

In order to provide readers with a good understanding of the jeepney modernization debate, Philtoyota.com will discuss some popular jeepney phase out opinions regarding both advantages and disadvantages of the program.

3. Jeepney modernization debate: Advantages

Basically, the program aims at helping workers to have safe, comfortable and environmentally-friendly transportation.

Reduce pollution

Most people use public transport to get around. Therefore, the modernization of jeepneys helps to reduce harmful smoke and dust into the environment. The government has policies to help them "greener" and create conditions for a clean air environment.

a modernized jeepney

The all-new appearance of jeepney

Improve public safety

The Jeepneys program ensures people safety by two important things:

  • CCTV and GPS are installed on new jeepney models.
  • The driver is more well-trained and disciplined.

Improve punctuality

The Philippines is famous for its traffic congestion. However, thanks to this program, people will be informed in advance of the schedule of routes, which helps to travel faster and avoid congestion.

Enhance comfort

Another jeepney modernization advantage is that it brings significant improvements to the jeepney’s comfort features. For example, the jeepneys will come equipped with larger storage space, and the doors are placed on the sidelines, which are also safer and more convenient for parking.

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4. Jeepney modernization: Disadvantages

First of all, the modernization of a jeepney can substantially increase the cost of the vehicle and thus, making it a major burden for many jeepney drivers and even operators to buy one.

At this point, a lot of operators might have to stop the business, which leads to the possibility of the private companies taking over the jeepney operations. As a result, fare prices will go up and Filipino commuters will suffer more.

Protest against Jeepney modernization program by jeepney drivers

Protest against Jeepney modernization program by jeepney drivers

5. Jeepney modernization debate among Covid-19

In order to limit the spread of the Covid-19, the government has banned the operation of public transport, including the traditional jeepneys. However, many people consider this act as "inhuman" because the state does not recognize the plight of thousands of drivers. Many people had to beg on the big streets because they lost their main source of income.

a jeepney driver checking body temperature for a passenger

Jeepney drivers got heavily affected by the outbreak of Covid-19

Senate public services committee chair - Poe said that while she supported this effort of the state, the planners also need to listen to the public to come up with the best policy for all. 

She submitted to Senate Bill No. 867 on providing reasonable loans to jeepney drivers and cash subsidies for them. On the other hand, Olarte, President of Clean Air Philippines Movement Inc also told that the government should provide food rations when waiting for the jeepney resumption.

>>> Read more:  6 most common issues Filipinos have with Jeepneys

6. Debate about jeepney phase out: Final thoughts

The outbreak of the Covid-19 has somehow led to the delayed implementation of the program and also stirred up the jeepney phase out debate among Filipinos . Looking on the bright side, the Government however will have more time to consider the benefits of all stakeholders to come up with the best solution.

With jeepney modernization pros and cons thoroughly discussed, we hope you have learnt helpful knowledge from this post. Follow us at Philtoyota.com for more motoring updates and car tips.


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Art+ Magazine

This is Why We Shouldn’t Phase Out Jeepneys

With the on-going transportation strike, it is time to look back at your ‘byahero’ experience and discover the reasons why we should not phase out jeepneys. .

By Patricia Lanzagarita Photos courtesy of Jeepney Philippines November 24, 2023

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As a student who studies in Manila and who lives far from the university, I tend to wake up early in the morning with concern for the hustle and bustle of the city, specifically the commuting. Throughout my experience as a student who commutes every day, my saving grace against the fear of missing out and being late for classes has been jeepneys.

With their accessibility on the roads, jeepneys became one of my preferred types of transportation, which also became a witness to my journey as a student and as an individual.

Jeepneys are embedded in our culture and also in our experiences as commuters–well, for me, if not for others. Thus, here are the reasons why jeepneys should not be phased out:

Contribution to Filipino identity

Historically, jeepneys are the products of damages from World War II. As the then cable cars were completely ruined because of all the bombings in the city, local manufacturers modified and altered them to accommodate more passengers and to mobilize the urban population of the country.

Even though it was considered a temporary solution to wake the people after the destruction of the war, jeepneys eventually became a cultural symbol of the country as they became fundamental to the lives of every Filipino, especially commuters.

Soon after, jeepneys were hailed as the ‘Hari ng Kalsada’ for their festive designs and vibrant colors, along with their roaring engine sounds, which befit the loud ornaments and designs that they have.

As it became iconic, you couldn't see a single tourist who didn't seem amused and charmed by jeepneys. Known as the backbone of Filipino transportation, it became a part of the Filipino landscape, culture, and identity as it became the symbol and source of pride for Filipinos.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarao Jeepney (@jeepneyphilippines)

Least advantage to the environment

One of the goals of the modernization program is to lessen the air pollution. Yet, it is important to take note that jeepneys only constitute 2 percent of all the registered vehicles in the country.

As most Filipinos can’t afford to purchase their own vehicles, they are forced to use jeepneys, which fit their purpose of accommodating a large number of passengers.

With this, it reduces traffic, prohibits more greenhouse emissions, and reduces air pollution. In numbers, singling out jeepneys for traffic jams, road accidents, and carbon emissions won’t alter the problem of air pollution.

Phaseout’s burden to transport workers and commuters

With the recent calls for the halt of phaseout, one of the concerns that the PUV drivers are screaming about is the financial burden of the modernization program.

Modern jeepneys approximately cost P2.8 million, at least for the year 2023, while traditional jeepneys cost P200,000 to P400,000. This amount will be shouldered by the operators and jeepney drivers, which exceeds the financial capacity of a normal ‘tsuper’ who only depends on their earnings from driving a jeepney.

Furthermore, the phase-out doesn’t only affect the transport workers but also the commuters, as the accommodation for thousands of passengers in a day won’t be enough. Also, the privatization of the traditional jeepneys will result in fare hikes, which will affect students and minimum wage-earner Filipinos.

Modernization is constant and necessary, yet resonating with our experiences and transport workers’ livelihoods, jeepneys should not be completely eradicated from the roads. Find a middle ground where they can assure the livelihood of the drivers and operators while certifying the safety, comfort, and welfare of commuters.

Looking at the two sides of the coin, aside from the livelihood of local transport workers, it will also erase the profound culture of the country. The culture that once brought vibrant experiences and identity to Filipinos, which should be carried all throughout the constant changes of time.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

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Modernization, yes; jeepney phaseout, no

Dear President Marcos Jr.,

I, Michael Benedict Ordenes, a senior high school student from Laguna, am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed jeepney phaseout.

As a regular commuter and a concerned citizen, I believe that the government’s initiative toward modernizing the public transportation system should not come at the cost of completely removing the iconic jeepney from our roads.

The jeepney is not just a mode of transport, it is a part of our culture and heritage. For decades, it has been serving the people of the Philippines and is considered the backbone of our public transportation system. While modernization is necessary, it should not completely eliminate jeepneys from our roads. Instead, we can make efforts to modernize them by adhering to the basic standards for a public transport vehicle that ensures the comfort of both drivers and commuters while still maintaining their classic look.

It is also imperative for the government to recognize the importance of supporting the livelihood of jeepney drivers and operators. The phaseout has been met with resistance as it presents a significant financial burden to the affected parties, from the prohibitive cost of the new vehicles to other additional expenses such as fuel, maintenance, and repair.

I urge the government to take immediate action and cease the ongoing jeepney phaseout until a viable solution that works for all is reached.

Michael Benedict Ordenes

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Jeepney phaseout: It’s more than just new vehicles

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MANILA, Philippines—The validity of provisional authorities (PAs), which allows individual operators to ply traditional jeepneys, has been extended again but transport group Manibela vowed to proceed with its week-long strike from March 6 to 12.

Mar Valbuena, national president of Manibela, told INQUIRER.net that the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) did not heed any of the group’s calls.

“We will proceed with the strike. What the LTFRB released is just an extension of our agony since it did not contain any of the provisions we have been asking them to include,” he said.

READ: Week-long transport strike on March 6 will continue, says Manibela

It was on Feb. 27 when transport groups, like Manibela and Piston, decided to stage a week-long strike to protest the “phaseout” of traditional jeepneys and convince the LTFRB to shelve the implementation of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP).

argumentative essay jeepney phase out


As stressed by Piston national president Mody Floranda, “drivers and small operators are ready to protect their livelihood because the lives of their families are at stake, especially at a time of intense economic crisis.”

But on March 2, the LTFRB said it decided to extend the validity of the PAs, or franchises, of traditional jeepneys from June 30 to Dec. 31 to give individual operators “more time” to consolidate into corporations or cooperatives.

This, as based on the Department of Transportation’s (DOTr) Omnibus Franchising Guidelines, only individual operators, who are able to join an existing consolidated entity on or before the deadline, shall be allowed to have their PA extended.

READ: Jeepney franchises extended

The LTFRB, however, stressed that the decision to extend the validity of PAs was not brought by pressure from the planned strike, which Manibela said was expected to be backed by close to 100,000 drivers and operators all over the Philippines.

Based on data from Manibela, out of the 100,000 drivers and operators, 40,000 are in Metro Manila. So as a result, millions of commuters will be affected, Elvira Medina, chairperson of the National Center for Commuters Safety and Protection, said.

She told CNN Philippines that 8 million commuters in Metro Manila alone will directly feel the impact of the week-long strike. Local executives in the region already directed the deployment of all available vehicles to provide commuters with free rides .

‘Modernization’ hits hard

Looking back, it was in 2017 when the government launched its biggest non-infrastructure program through DOTr Department Order No. 2017-011, or the PUVMP.

This, as the DOTr said it shall reduce reliance on private vehicle use and move toward environmentally-sound mobility solutions, and shall develop and promote high quality public transportation systems.

As stressed by retired University of the Philippines Los Baños professor Teodoro Mendoza, who wrote a paper on addressing the “blind sides” of the PUVMP, the program seeks to replace old PUVs, including jeepneys, with modern ones.

Mendoza’s “Addressing the ‘blind side’ of the government’s jeepney ‘modernization’ program” was published by the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies’ Program for Alternative Development.

“Modern PUVs,” he said are more environment-friendly and fuel-efficient to provide Filipinos with safer, comfortable, and reliable public transportation, while also mitigating the “hazards” of “inefficient and smoke-belching PUVs.

RELATED STORY: Obstacle to jeepney modernization

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

“However, this ‘solution’ to road safety and climate change is seen as a problem by its stakeholders, given the divergent realities in the backdrop of the program and the import-dependent nature of the said ‘modernization’,” he said.

Floranda told INQUIRER.net that drivers are not totally against the PUVMP, stressing that “what we are opposed to is the way the government is implementing the program, where big businesses, especially those overseas, are advantaged.”

Even the Senate expressed concern over the implementation of the program, saying in a resolution passed this week that the LTFRB should first address problems confronting the PUVMP.

“The LTFRB should not coerce PUV operators into complying with their guidelines without addressing the sector’s concerns, particularly on the high capital costs of acquiring modern jeeps,” said the Senate resolution.

Too expensive

As stressed by Mendoza in his 2021 paper on jeepney modernization, the PUVMP has two main “blind sides”—the high cost per unit of modern jeepneys and the possible fare hike to cover the cost.

He said based on data, modern vehicles that operate through electricity or more environment-friendly fuel are “expensive” at P2.4 to P2.6 million each in 2020, which meant an increase in capital outlay for operators of P1.4 million to P1.6 million.

Piston earlier said this was way too expensive compared to a traditional jeepney, which only costs P200,000 to P600,000. As Floranda said, if the government does not want the traditional ones, it should at least let individual operators “rehabilitate” their units.

This way, “modernizing won’t be too expensive,” he said, explaining that in one instance, an individual operator who rehabilitated his jeepney in accordance with the DOTr’s Omnibus Franchising Guidelines, only spent P900,000.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

Based on the DOTr guidelines, a modern jeepney should be less than 7 meters in length with door locations allowing boarding and alighting only from the curbside, not from the rear.

It should likewise have a GNSS receiver, free Wi-Fi, CCTV with continuous recording of past 72 hours of operations, automatic fare collection system for PUJs and UV Express within highly urbanized independent cities.

The modern jeepney is “appropriate as feeder services operating in arterial, collector, and local roads, linking neighborhoods and communities to mass transit lines and bus routes, and traversing commercial, industrial, recreational, or residential areas.”

Modern vehicles, like the minibus, meanwhile should either be non-air conditioned, air conditioned, loop, shuttle, and/or express with fare collection that is based on distance and/or zone.

The DOTr stated that a minibus should be single deck with no wooden components and is 7 to 9 meters in length and should have a mini coach with emergency exit, tempered glass windows.

The guidelines provided that for urban routes, the minibus should be low entry for quick boarding and alighting, and with space for at least one passenger with wheelchair and foldable or retractable wheelchair ramp at the curbside.

A minibus operates along major arterial roads, highways, expressways and identified collector roads, and are “appropriate for corridors where demand may be sufficient for operation or larger-sized buses.”

Almost impossible

As Floranda stressed, “who would not want a more efficient and comfortable vehicle?”

The problem, however, is that acquiring a new unit, which costs P2.4 to P2.6 million each, is almost impossible for drivers and small operators who only rely on everyday operation to recoup expenses.

Floranda said a driver who is on a “boundary” agreement with an individual operator only brings home an average of P500 from over 12 hours of plying highly congested roads.

argumentative essay jeepney phase out

He explained that the P500 is from the P2,500 to P3,000 daily gross income of the small operator. Expenses for fuel and maintenance will also be deducted from the gross income.

“This is the reason that we are calling for rehabilitation as a way to ‘modernize’ instead,” Floranda said, stressing that rehabilitation will also strengthen the local industry, which in turn is expected to provide more jobs.

Dindo Rosales, a representative of the Alyansa Kontra PUV Phaseout, said “we are against this deadly modernization program that promotes loans,” pointing out that drivers don’t want themselves to be buried in debt.

RELATED STORY: Jeepney operators strike back

As explained by Mendoza, to address the high cost of modern PUVs, the Development Bank of the Philippines and the Land Bank of the Philippines had each designed a loan facility for the program.

‘No to consolidation’

One more reason for the opposition to the PUVMP is “Industry Consolidation,” which aims to “put together the fragmented transport industry by encouraging single operators and drivers to come together as one legal entity.”

Based on the DOTr’s Omnibus Franchising Guidelines, only corporations or cooperatives with at least 15 vehicles would be allowed to apply for new franchises, restricting small-capacity vehicles on main roads.

However, some small operators are protesting, stressing their concern that they do not have enough resources to complete the requirement of 15 units.

Ricardo Rebaño, president of the Federation of Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association of the Philippines, pointed out that operators would need to pay a monthly amortization of P475,000 to operate 15 modern vehicles.

As stressed by Floranda, mandating operators to consolidate their individual franchises under a cooperative or corporation is “wrong, deceitful, and coercive” as it deprives operators of their rights and privileges as individual franchise holders.

He said “only big corporations with single consolidated franchises have the financial capacity to purchase and fully comply with the current PUVMP schemes.”

It was explained by Floranda that once you consolidate your franchise under a cooperative or corporation, you surrender your right to have an individual franchise: “Once you fail to shoulder the weight of expensive modernization, you have nothing to go back to.”

“What happens to the consolidated franchise of your cooperative? It will be bid out by the LTFRB to large corporations who have the capacity to pay for imported minibuses promoted by the government,” he said.

With the new deadline set on Dec. 31, individual operators have 10 months to consolidate.

As Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said, “the phaseout will happen in areas where the modernization program is almost already implemented in full.”

“But in areas where we think that we know it’s hard to get new equipment right away, we will give operators a chance to join cooperatives to consolidate so that they get the help they need to get new equipment,” he said.

Bautista assured operators that “no phaseouts will happen yet in areas where new units still cannot realistically operate.”

Some 61 percent, or 96,380 of the 158,000 target jeepneys nationwide, have complied with the consolidation requirements of the public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization program, the LTFRB said.

Joel Bolano, LTFRB technical division chief, said across the Philippines, there are already more than 5,300 units of modernized jeepneys operating.

Gov’t will help

“We are willing to bend backward, suggesting to the board of LTFRB to relax the requirements to enable drivers to [adapt] to the program,” Bautista said.

He said “we even offered to dialogue with drivers associations displeased with the PUVMP to explore how they can be accommodated into the program.”

Bautista, however, did not specify which requirements he was referring to, but the LTFRB told INQUIRER.net that this is the same order that moved the LTFRB to extend the deadline until Dec. 31.

Mendoza explained that there are two numeric aspects of the PUVMP that must be considered to complete the program, assuming that there is no more opposition from the drivers and operators.

“These are the speed of local assembly of the modern jeepneys and financing for the jeepney units,” he said.

READ: As strike looms, gov’t moves jeepney franchise deadline

“With the very slow rate of local assembly of modern jeepneys (at only 1,000 units per year), it will take 70 years before all the traditional jeepneys in Metro Manila will be replaced with modern jeepneys,” he said.

Then for all traditional jeepneys in the Philippines to be replaced, it will take 270 years, even if there is no more opposition from drivers and operators.

A large amount is also needed for the program, he said.

For Metro Manila alone, about P11.68 billion is needed for the 73,000 traditional jeepneys to be replaced. To replace 300,000 traditional jeepneys nationwide, financing will amount from P540 billion to P750 billion.

“Given this, will government banks have sufficient money to fund this enormous project of the government and will these banks provide loans to new cooperatives that are yet to have a track record in managing huge amounts of loans? The expensive modern jeepney seems to present an insurmountable problem rather than a solution,” he said.

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“Achieving the goals of jeepney modernization requires a considerable amount of resources (e.g., funding and infrastructure) and suitable management (e.g., cooperative-led or private-led fleet management),” he said.

RELATED STORY: Senators bat for postponement of traditional jeepney phase out

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Are you for or against the jeepney phaseout?

Through his latest installations, renz baluyot participates in the socio-political conversation.

Filipinos have been divided on the issue of the jeepney phaseout. The internet, especially social media, has been flooded with opinions, often opposing. The jeepney drivers, directly hit by this issue, have voiced out their thoughts through a transport strike. But what would it be like when an artist used his medium to join this important societal conversation?


Renz Baluyot;  God Bless Our Trip I , Found object, acrylic rod, wooden base, lighting fixtures, 2023

This is what people witnessed in Renz Baluyot’s recent solo show “God Bless Our Trip,” on display at Mono8 Gallery from March 8 to 31. This graduate from the University of the Philippines, Diliman with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts is known for expressing and exploring various socio-political narratives through his works. In this show, he once again used his platform to tell a story of the nation.

“The show is about LTFRB’s Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) or more known as the jeepney phaseout and my connection to it through my personal history,” he said. “I am from two generations of drivers. My paternal grandfather served as a jeepney driver for 32 years in Mandaluyong City. That occupation provided for his family, his wife and nine children. My father has been a school service driver and operator since 1996, the same year my grandfather stopped driving his jeepney. Ferrying passengers is a big part of our family. It has become our livelihood.”

After not being able to showcase his signature style at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Baluyot using his medium, a combination of found and fabricated objects, in an installation honors his family’s history.

“Going around and sourcing materials are a big part of my installation process. I had not been able to do that until only recently,” he says. “Objects in urban scenes that were used and discarded, architecture, and interesting forms, I see them as a marker of time, material history, and cultures. They either become subjects of my paintings or get incorporated in my installations. They hold so much meaning and representation and at times serve as an evidence and mirror of society, enough that I do not use people as subject matter.”

God Bless Our Trip II, Subliminal print on fabric, 2023.jpeg

God Bless Our Trip II , Subliminal print on fabric, 2023

In this four-part show, he used different materials that are part of Philippine history and are close to the hearts of Filipino people.

In Part 1 , he used a Sarao horse that had lost one leg “to represent and symbolize the current state of the transport groups and passengers.” In Parts 2 and 3 , he openly shared an important part of his personal life by printing his family photos on two Good Morning towels.

“To represent our family’s history in regards to fathers as drivers, I’ve printed our family pictures on Good Morning Towels,” intimates Baluyot. “This towel has been associated with drivers. Normally sold on the streets these as you know are usually found hung on the neck of drivers and blue collar workers to wipe off sweat.”

In Part 4 , through a corpse-like sculptural work, the artist gave people a glimpse of what would happen to some drivers once the phaseout pushed through.

“The jeepney is a popular means of transportation for the Filipino masses, culturally and practically. [It’s] one of the cheapest ways to go around in and out of Metro Manila and other provinces and lower bracket Filipinos depend on it every day,” he says. “The stainless steel antennas sticking out of the lying body are normally installed on jeepneys and tricycles mainly for aesthetics. At the tip of these antennas are rust dyed flags printed with a Driver’s Prayer I found on my mother’s prayer book. Hoping and praying for everyone’s safety. Sampaguita flowers are spread around the lying body. So the scent is also a part of the experience.”


God Bless Our Trip IV , Sculptural installation with found objects, fiberglass mannequin, fabric, sampaguita, 2023

In this day and age when people who speak up about their beliefs are being shamed, it takes a lot of courage for an artist to stand for what he believes in, let alone depict it in his works. But this is not the case for Baluyot, as he is looking forward to sharing more about the issues he feels strongly about in his future shows.

“My inspiration for doing work comes mainly from everyday life…. oftentimes overseen objects from our mundane life bring me much thought and inspiration and how they relate to recent or further histories of our people,” he says. “Personally, this is what I love doing. Creating is a passion of mine. It is personal, meditative, and therapeutic during creation and communal when shared. It is my expression and in a way my life’s documentation. I feel better being part of the society I am in when I am able to do what I am passionate about and decent at.”

Debate on "jeepney phaseout" plan escalates in the Philippines


Debate on "jeepney phaseout" plan escalates in the Philippines

A colorful jeepney is seen during the Jeepney Design Challenge inside a mall in Pasay City, the Philippines, on Dec. 22, 2014. (Xinhua file/Rouelle Umali)

MANILA, March 28 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines has revived plans to remove jeepneys that are older than 10 years from Manila's gridlocked streets, stirring a fresh debate on the fate of the iconic vehicles that have been chugging along the streets since the 1950s.

The Philippine government and society have been talking about the "jeepney phaseout" for decades and the new "jeepney modernization" plan is an attempt to cut traffic emissions and ease the ever-worsening traffic congestion currently gripping the Philippine capital.

However, jeepney operators and drivers are up in arms over the planned measure, saying it is meant to kill off small transport operators in the country.

Last month, several transport groups took to the streets to protest the plan. Another group is mulling holding a similar demonstration in the coming days.

The jeepney, which traces its roots to the U.S. Willys jeep used by the U.S. army during World War ll, are elongated, flatbed passenger vehicles that have been plying the Philippine streets for more than five decades. It remains the main form of transport for millions of Filipinos across the archipelago.

Filipinos modified the Army Jeep, making it artsy by customizing the vehicle with Filipino touches such as chrome horses, banks of colored headlights, radio antennae, paintings of the Virgin Mary and unique artwork inspired by rustic scenes.

Indeed, the jeepney has become the symbol of Filipino creativity, ingenuity and innovativeness, making it one of the most recognizable icons of Filipino pop culture.

But critics say the jeepney has become a tarnished icon that has acquired a rather unsavory reputation, symbolizing the country's technological backwardness and inability to adapt to changing times.

The jeepney was often called the "King of the Road" because of their sheer numbers on the city streets or rural roads, but Jeepney drivers are notorious for never following traffic regulations.

The smoke-belching jeepneys that ply Manila's traffic-choked streets around the clock are blamed for clogging the roads, compounding the dismal traffic problem and dirtying the city's air.

Electric Jeepneys ply in Makati District of Manila, capital of the Philippines, Nov. 10, 2009. (Xinhua file/Luis Liwanag)

Jeepneys are also being blamed for increasing road accidents, due in part to their wild drivers' notoriously reckless ways on Manila's streets. At night, jeepney drivers often don't use their headlights, making it dangerous for other motorists.

Ousted President Joseph Estrada, now the mayor of Manila City, made the jeepney his personal motif to symbolize his being "pro-poor" when he campaigned for president in 1998. He even named his showcase jeepney "Jeep ni Erap." Erap is Estrada's popular nickname.

The government wants to have the number of jeepneys pared down, if not phased out totally.

But the ubiquitous jeepneys have survived despite the rising popularity of the Japanese-made air conditioned Toyota Tamaraw FX, the Mitsubishi "mega taxis' on the streets and the elevated trains that run throughout the metropolis.

An estimated 220,000 to 230,000 jeepneys are on the streets of Metro Manila and other provinces on any given day, according to government statistics.

George San Mateo, the national president of a militant transport group, said the planned "jeepney phaseout" would affect at least 162,500 jeepney drivers and 45,000 operators.

Rather than making a business out of modernization, he said the government should extend support to drivers and operators to allow them to rehabilitate their aging units.

The Philippine Star, one of the leading English newspapers in the Philippines, ran an editorial recently saying the campaign of the Duterte administration to phase out jeepneys "will end up as another exercise in futility unless concerns are sufficiently addressed."

"One is livelihood for the drivers who will be displaced as well as the operators, most of whom are small-scale transport owners," the editorial said.

It said that so far the government has not come up with an alternative to the jeepney. "More buses must be fielded and the light rail and commuter train services substantially upgraded if the administration wants the jeepney phaseout to enjoy mass support," it said.

"Unless these concerns are addressed, the latest effort to phase out jeepneys will go the way of previous efforts -- straight to the wastebasket," the editorial said.


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A conversation with gad saad: the parasitic mind and education.

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Gad Saad discusses idea pathogens and that for education to thrive, students must be exposed to ... [+] critical thinking tools and a rich ecosystem of competing ideas.

This is the first part of a two-part series.

Gad Saad has been at the forefront of applying concepts from evolutionary theory to areas of human behavior. A marketing professor at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, he has had success both as a serious academic, with over 75 scientific publications (many of which are in leading peer-reviewed journals), and as a public intellectual with over 307K subscribers to his YouTube channel and countless appearances on podcasts. His most recent book, The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life , has just been released in paperback.

While Gad Saad’s ideas are an education in themselves, they have implications for how education should be conducted if we want to produce resilient and capable students.

If education is about training people to think, it is important to identify what can cause people to think poorly. By way of analogy, consider training an athlete. While it may be that an athlete without formal training cannot reach his full potential, an athlete trained poorly may not only underperform his untrained counterpart but may see his career end prematurely through injuries caused by training the wrong way. Identifying why and how people come to think poorly is of tremendous value. The goal of education is not just to learn a body of facts; it is to develop the ways of thinking and habits of mind that prepare for the unknown experiences of the future.

Our conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, is reprinted below.

Ray Ravaglia: In your 2020 book, The Parasitic Mind , you introduced the concept of “idea pathogens.” Did this grow out of your evolutionary work?

Gad Saad: There is a very natural segue from my evolutionary work to The Parasitic Mind. I was the first professor housed in a business school trying to apply evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology to answer the question of how to understand business-related behavior in general and consumer behavior in particular. When I was navigating among my academic colleagues, I was astounded that they found the ideas and theories that I was promulgating to be dangerous, corrosive, and controversial. What's controversial about the fact that hormones should affect our economic decision-making?

I felt a lot of antipathy toward me because they just didn't want to believe that there are such things as sex differences, that hormones matter, that biology matters. These are supposedly intelligent people. How could it be that we're debating whether human beings are biological beings?

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Today’s nyt ‘strands’ hint, spangram and answers for friday, july 5, demanding biden step down because he’s ‘too old’ is wrong. here’s why.

It became very clear to me that even though you may have very highly educated people who are called professors, they could fall prey to these unbelievably ridiculous blind spots.

Ray Ravaglia: And what about the origin of the parasitology analogy?

Gad Saad: One of the things evolutionary-minded scientists do is to compare the behaviors of humans to other animals. I'd already been trained to think, when I'm developing an evolutionary argument, to look at the animal kingdom for analogies. And so, what should be the framework that I use to explain how people can develop such shoddy thinking?

I fell upon the field of parasitology in general and neuroparasitology in particular. A neuroparasite looks to the host's brain usually to alter its behavior, to suit its reproductive interest. So, for example, a wood cricket abhors water. When it is parasitized by a hairworm, in order for the hairworm to complete its reproductive cycle, it needs to get the wood cricket to jump into the water. So, once it is parasitized, it happily jumps into the water and effectively commits suicide in the service of the neuroparasite that has parasitized its brain.

And so I had my Eureka moment. Human beings can not only be parasitized by actual physical brain worms, but they could also be parasitized by ideological brain worms. Hence, I developed the idea of idea pathogens, parasitic ideas, and so on.

Ray Ravaglia: What makes a community more susceptible to being parasitized? I imagine it is when you have a group of people coming together, all having the same ideas and a lot of uniformity, so it’s easy for the parasite to enter because no one will call it out. Viewed from this angle, an education should strive to build the immune system by exposing students to critical thinking tools and provide a rich ecosystem of competing ideas so that the parasitic ones don’t have free reign.

Gad Saad: That's an excellent point. In The Parasitic Mind, I talk about the astounding political uniformity within the professoriate class across many disciplines.

Whether I am right-leaning or left-leaning should not matter if I'm teaching the theory of evolution, natural selection, or quantum mechanics; it is what it is. But if I'm trying to explain the moral framework by which we should decide whether the death penalty is a good idea or not, or what the proper foreign policy (isolationist or interventionist), it is valuable to hear from multiple political viewpoints.

In such contexts, there is no absolute accepted scientific fact, therefore, a student stands to be enriched from hearing from the multiplicity of possible arguments. One may be right-leaning, but there might be some really compelling reasons why maybe the death penalty is bad. Regrettably, professors are fragile about their ideological positions; as such, they need to ensure that there are no stressors against their belief systems. And how does one ensure to do that? Only hire people who share exactly my views, who only ape my positions, and I use the pulpit of my professorial title to brainwash students rather than simply teaching them how to think critically. And so, you're exactly right. The only way that these parasitic ideas can proliferate is if there's no natural predator against them called opposing ideas.

Ray Ravaglia: One of the things I have noticed is that when we teach students to write, the focus is always on finding a strong thesis statement and then three supporting statements taken from outside sources. Students will pick a thesis, look for support, and then assemble their essays. They piece the result together like a mathematical proof rather than an empirical claim about the world, an approach more likely to cement their beliefs than uncover truths. While this approach is understandable, it is also very unscientific – students should be formulating hypotheses, thinking about tests for validity, and then going out and collecting evidence. Why don’t we teach writing this way?

Gad Saad: I would add to what you just said. In any course that I teach, I always have a semester-long project where students have to identify a research question, posit a set of hypotheses that flow out of that research question, read the literature, and decide what the data collection procedure is. They then have to collect the data and apply the statistical inferential test to arrive to the appropriate conclusion. I always tell them that content-specific knowledge is important, but the most important thing that you'll get out of this course is how to think like a scientist, an epistemological skill that you could apply in any sphere of your life. You don't have to be a practicing scientist to think like a scientist.

But oftentimes academic scientists don't adhere to key tenets of the scientific method. And I say this with great chagrin. I've seen it throughout my career amongst my colleagues. As a matter of fact, I can typically read an academic paper, peruse the posited hypotheses, and quickly gauge if the authors are honest or not. If you propose a hypothesis that has a 3-way interaction in it, then what you're likely communicating to me is that “I am a cheater, and I did not really posit this hypothesis until after I scoured the data” because the human mind cannot typically generate 3-way interactions as a priori hypotheses.

Here is an example of a hypothesis that makes sense, coming from my own research (with one of my former graduate students): When women are in the maximally fertile phase of their menstrual cycles, they're more likely to beautify themselves. This is a very clear hypothesis that could easily be falsified, and the data for what would falsify it are also very clear.

But if you say, “Under low mood, but medium expertise, but high stress, something happens,” then I know you're cheating because there's no way that your brain could have a priori come up with all of these 3-way interactions. So, what you did in this case is you likely ran the data, found the 3-way interaction, and then went back, post hoc, and said, “Oh yeah, that was my a priori hypothesis.”

I'm a professor in my DNA. I love academia. But if you really love academia, you want to make sure that it is as pure as it can be. There are many things that we could improve in academia beyond inoculating brains from parasitic ideas.

To be continued…

Ray Ravaglia

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  1. SM 304

    argumentative essay jeepney phase out

  2. Position Paper on Jeepney Phaseout.pdf

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  3. Jeepney phaseout: 'Pro-korporasyon'

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  4. Jeepney Phase Out Advocacy Campaign Booklet on Behance

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  5. An Argumentative Essay on the Jeepney Phase

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  6. Opinion

    argumentative essay jeepney phase out


  1. An Argumentative Essay on the Jeepney Phase

    out these cars due to safety and environmental concerns. The jeepney phase-out will be analyzed in this essay, along with the reasons for and against it, as well as its probable effects on Filipino society. The jeepneys' negative environmental effects are one of the key arguments in support of their phase-out.

  2. [OPINION] The jeepney phaseout as a cultural issue

    Indeed, the jeepney as a cultural issue is essential, urgent, but sadly, not readily appreciated. This is where our educational and cultural institutions ought to enlighten our people, especially ...

  3. A Push To Modernize Philippine Transport Threatens The Beloved Jeepney

    The colorful, crowded vehicles are a cheap and popular form of public transport. But they also pollute the air. Jeepney drivers have been pushing back against government plans to phase them out.

  4. IN NUMBERS: Why jeepney phaseout is anti-poor, will do little for

    A traditional jeepney costs around P150,000 to P250,000. A modern e-jeepney would force drivers and operators to cough up as much as P2.8 million, a 1,766.7% increase in cost. 5.7%. The government ...


    Modernized Public Utility Jeepneys. Photo from Carmudi Philippines.. These cost around Php 2.4 to 2.6 million — a drastic comparison to the Php 200,000 to 600,000 cost of traditional jeepneys ...

  6. Jeepney Modernization: Pros and Cons

    High Cost. Modern jeepneys are expensive. A modern jeepney costs about 600,000-700,000 PHP, while the government's preferred units cost around 1.6-1.8 million PHP. The average jeepney driver ...


    A traditional jeepney costs from P600,000 to P700,000. The price tag for a modern jeepney, from P1.6 million to P2.4 million, is considered too steep by operators even when they consolidate and ...

  8. Colorful, Iconic Jeepneys May Soon Be Off the Road in the Philippines

    March 9, 2023. MANILA — In the Philippines, they are known as "kings of the road," colorful, open-air vehicles with loud horns and diesel engines that ferry millions of Filipinos on their ...


    March 7, 2023 | 12:00am. Yesterday was the first day of a week-long strike in several parts of the country to protest the government's plan to phase out the traditional jeepneys. We sympathize ...


    This essay focuses on the governments PUV Modernization program where the public utility jeepney mandate the phasing out. Jeepney's were originally made from U.S as military transportation.

  11. The Jeepney Phase-out Explained

    The Jeepney Phase-out Explained. The PUV Modernization program and why jeepney drivers and operators oppose it. BY Inigo Roces. Mar 11, 2023 04:43 AM. At a glance. The Jeepney Phase-out is a major overhaul of how PUV franchises are granted and routes are organized. The Jeepney Phaseout is just a small step in a larger plan called PUV Modernization.

  12. Jeepney Phase-Out in the Philippines: A Controversial Shift Towards

    Proposal of jeepney phase out. Who proposed the jeepney phase out? On September 21, 2016, jeepney operators and drivers planned to hold a nationwide transport holiday if the Congress passed a bill that would approve the newly named Department of Transportation's (DOTr) plan to carry out the PUV phaseout program, among other projects.

  13. Jeepney Modernization Debate Explained: Pros & Cons ...

    6. Debate about jeepney phase out: Final thoughts. The outbreak of the Covid-19 has somehow led to the delayed implementation of the program and also stirred up the jeepney phase out debate among Filipinos. Looking on the bright side, the Government however will have more time to consider the benefits of all stakeholders to come up with the ...

  14. This is Why We Shouldn't Phase Out Jeepneys

    Phaseout's burden to transport workers and commuters. With the recent calls for the halt of phaseout, one of the concerns that the PUV drivers are screaming about is the financial burden of the modernization program. Modern jeepneys approximately cost P2.8 million, at least for the year 2023, while traditional jeepneys cost P200,000 to P400,000.

  15. Modernization, yes; jeepney phaseout, no

    Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:10 AM March 14, 2023. Dear President Marcos Jr., I, Michael Benedict Ordenes, a senior high school student from Laguna, am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed jeepney phaseout. As a regular commuter and a concerned citizen, I believe that the government's initiative toward modernizing the ...

  16. Jeepney phaseout: It's more than just new vehicles

    Then for all traditional jeepneys in the Philippines to be replaced, it will take 270 years, even if there is no more opposition from drivers and operators. A large amount is also needed for the ...


    View ARGUMENTATIVE-ESSAY-JEEPNEY-MODERNIZATION.docx from ENGLISH ENG4 at University of Santo Tomas. JEEPNEY MODERNIZATION: Beep Beep, Goodbye Jeep? ... This is a government initiative that aims to phase out outdated street jeepneys that are poorly maintained to bring on the road ... you are going to fill out a 1040 for Connor Busy in this ...

  18. Argumentative Essay Jeepney Phaseout

    ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY JEEPNEY PHASEOUT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. jeepney phaseout essay

  19. SM 304

    This level of assistance is insufficient for drivers and operators. The change can also worry commuters since drivers and operators can't afford the government-mandated upgraded jeepneys; many jeepney operators will go out of business due to this scheme. After that, they'll be bought out by other private corporations.

  20. Are you for or against the jeepney phaseout?

    "The show is about LTFRB's Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) or more known as the jeepney phaseout and my connection to it through my personal history," he said. "I am from two generations of drivers. My paternal grandfather served as a jeepney driver for 32 years in Mandaluyong City.

  21. Debate on "jeepney phaseout" plan escalates in the Philippines

    Ousted President Joseph Estrada, now the mayor of Manila City, made the jeepney his personal motif to symbolize his being "pro-poor" when he campaigned for president in 1998. He even named his showcase jeepney "Jeep ni Erap." Erap is Estrada's popular nickname. The government wants to have the number of jeepneys pared down, if not phased out ...

  22. Debate (Pro)

    Sagot: Tama na hindi lang jeepney ang nakakapagdulot ng trapik, ngunit maaaring mapabuti ng pag- phase out ng mga jeepney ang sitwasyon sa trapik. Ayon sa isang pag-aaral ng World Bank, ang paglilipat sa mas modernong mga sasakyan ay maaring magpababa ng mga oras ng biyahe sa kalsada at maaring magdulot ng malaking bentahe sa ekonomiya.

  23. Do You Think That Jeepneys Should Be Phased Out

    Do you think that jeepneys should be phased out - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. While jeepneys contribute to traffic congestion due to driver violations, phasing them out would negatively impact many Filipinos who rely on their affordable fares. Jeepney drivers earn low profits that are just enough for their families, so ...

  24. A Conversation With Gad Saad: The Parasitic Mind And Education

    Gad Saad: One of the things evolutionary-minded scientists do is to compare the behaviors of humans to other animals.I'd already been trained to think, when I'm developing an evolutionary argument ...