sad story english essay

25+ Sad Stories That Will Break Your Heart (And Make You Think About Life)

January Nelson

Sad stories will make you cry, but they will also make you contemplate life in a way that can be very rewarding. A strong sad story will make you feel less alone—more aware of the fact that no one’s experience of this world is all rainbows and unicorns. We all have to trudge through the darker aspects of existence. Read these sad stories because they’re beautiful, and because they reflect real life.

18 Two-Sentence Sad Stories From Reddit

Language is a wonderful medium. In just two carefully crafted sentences, you can tug at a person’s heart strings. Make them think. Move them deeply. In the below sad stories, so much emotion is conveyed with so few words. Brace yourself and read on—if you have the strength.

I found the love of my life. She didn’t.

He promised he would wait for her forever. She kept him to his word.

It was a lot. It just wasn’t enough.

He woke up, rolled over, and reached for her. She wasn’t there, and never would be again.

They told me they could save either my wife or my son. They were wrong.

After months of waiting he finally saw his wife. He’d never been happier but he knew he’d have to wake up soon.

He never wanted to leave his wife. But it was getting late and the graveyard gates were about to be closed.

My owner won’t wake up. My food bowl has been empty for so long.

I pick up your little collar and leash, and I almost expect you to come running at the sound.I will never get used to the awful silence.

I rock my baby in my arms and sing softly to her. It helps me pretend she is only sleeping.

I had carried her to the hospital, half conscious and overdosed, but alive. I was the only one who waited with her for her recovery, and every day she would reiterate how much she loathed me for it.

I became an EMT to save people’s lives. Twenty minutes of CPR on my dad proved that was a lie.

The heart monitor chimed its final tune. Come the end there was no applause.

I told her she would be okay. That was the first lie I ever told.

“He’s not coming, is he?” I asked, squeezing my mother’s hand, the multi-colored party hat on my head slipping down. My mother squeezed back, and without a word walked back inside the house.

9 months of excitement came to an end. She never cried.

I kept the ultrasound. Someone I never met.

Mommy promised her the monsters weren’t real. But mommy didn’t know that daddy was the monster.

10 Tragic Love Stories From Literature That Will Break Your Heart

But V-Day’s contemporary style is as far removed from its origins as your family’s Thanksgiving dinner is from your syphilis-sharing Pilgrim predecessors. Valentine’s Day is rooted in violence and loss. Brutality. Death. The punishment of the innocent. V-Day’s always had love notes and flowers. It’s just that they were written moments before slaughter and placed carefully next to a cracked skull and a fresh grave.

So in the true spirit of Valentine’s Day, here are 10 Tragic Love Stories that Will Break Your Heart. Because as St. Valentine knew better than anyone, the best romances don’t end happily, and the greatest love stories are tragedies above all.

1. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Yes, it’s creepy. But it’s also a tragic love story. Perhaps one of the greatest ever written. A pedophiliac road trip that turns into a suburban farce, it features an entirely unreliable, endlessly nauseating, yet inexplicably compelling narrator–a middle-aged lit professor in love with a 12 year old girl. After causing the death of her mother, then driving her across an American wilderness, Humbert Humbert is part Walter White, part Kevin Spacey in  American Beauty.  And he’s Nabokov’s most magical accomplishment: an at-once pathetic, frustratingly endearing, unquestionably disgusting figure. His final act–to kill a man who has taken advantage of his now-grown Lolita–is both satisfying and ironic. The story ends as you’d imagine: in complete ruination of everyone involved.

2. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Skip the movie–despite Carrie Mulligan and Kiera Knightley.  Read the book. Ishiguro’s sleight of hand will astonish you, and 100 pages in you’ll feel your stomach drop. Then you’ll fly to the end. Teenagers in England, growing up as friends in a strange kind of boarding school, are forced to confront the meaning of their short lives and imagine the possibility that love and friendship can make their years mean more than their commodotized bodies. This novel will crush you. And the pleasure of that pain will make you want to read it again.

3. Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin

I read  Giovanni’s Room  for a literature class in college. It is the one novel that has stayed with me after all these years (there is no shortage of good quotes). No one gets closer to the essence of human emotion than Baldwin does—he claws at it, pokes and prods at it, fully exposes it. He understands pain, forces his reader to feel every last ounce of it along with the characters. It’s an intense, fearless love story involving three different people. You’ll fall in love with all of them.

4. The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

Astonishingly contemporary for a book written 110 years ago, Wharton’s breakout novel features a young, hot Lily Bart, who might as well be a millennial in modern-day midtown Manhattan. Caught in a sticky social web of wealth and infidelity, Lily clumsily traverses a world of elite parties and stock market gamesmanship, engaging in an endless series of missed connections with the man she’s meant to be with. Scandals in New York lead to scandals in Europe. Millions are lost and gained. Yacht trips are taken. This is Gatsby before F Scott. The moral vacuum of the Manhattanite elite before Wolfe was born to write it. Eventually Lilly has her moral awakening. And the man of her dreams realizes he loves her as she him. But in a master-stroke of love eternally unrequited, he arrives to tell her so mere hours after she has expired from an overdose of sleeping pills. Ouch.

5. This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz

This novel, like Drown and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao , features our favorite reckless bad boy, Yunior. While Diaz’s two other novels focus mainly on Yunior’s childhood and formidable years, in This is How You Lose Her , we zoom in on his tumultuous and confused love life. It’s a side of Diaz that isn’t quite exposed in his other books—we are witness to a different type of hurt, caused by Yunior’s careless/selfish decisions in his encounters with various women.  My favorite line: “And that’s when I know it’s over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it’s the end.”

6. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

If you haven’t yet read or seen the movie, I suggest you do, either by yourself or with a loved one—it’s by far, Nicholas Sparks’ best novel. It’s a story filled with love and loss, and finding love again, and with characters that you find yourself becoming so completely attached to that you refuse to accept anything but a happy ending. You’ll cry—a lot. So keep that pile of tissues close.

7. The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud

This is a book in which nothing happens. And that’s why it’s magic. For anyone who has ever felt like they are living on “the treadmill of the ordinary” in “a cage built of convention and consumerism and obligation and fear,” this book gives you a mirror. A broken woman, lost in her regrets and addicted to replaying the inequities of the past, offers a picture of the invisible, inconsequential person we all fear we’ll become. Reading it forces you to climb deep inside the castle of your own insecurities. Close it and you come back out again, broken and motivated, eyes open to the small tragedies of the lives that stride past you on the snowy sidewalk.

8. The Wings of the Dove by Henry James

If you thought  House of Mirth  harnessed melodrama to drive a dagger through your heart, just wait until Henry James introduces you to Milly Theale. Pristine in every way, wealthy beyond belief, Milly’s flaws number only one: she is dying. Tragic news on its own terms, but more tragic still when the news reaches Densher, the handsome Londoner that Milly has fallen in love with. But Densher, lacking in money or social standing, is in love with Kate, who is no better off than he. You can guess the plan: Densher will trick Milly into thinking he loves her. They’ll marry. She’ll die. And Voila! Densher will inherit her cash and then he’ll marry Kate. Happily ever after. The brilliant plan failed to account for one detail: Milly’s unshakeable kindness, her unflappable spirit. As the con plays out, Densher is won over by the dying woman’s moral brilliance, and after her death he presents Kate with a terrible choice: turn down all the money and marry him, or take all the money and lose him. Few novels ask the reader more directly to imagine which they’d choose: money or love.

9. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

I know, The Bell Jar isn’t your typical lovey-dovey, romance novel–it’s way beyond that. This novel is the closest we’ll ever get to the true Sylvia Plath. But more than that, it’s a twisted coming of age story of a young girl trying to chase her dreams in the city known for its glamour, wealth, and fame. I view it as being about the importance of learning to love yourself, and I don’t think Sylvia Plath’s Esther Greenwood ever had that chance. Instead, she was locked away in a psych ward, essentially pushed into her insanity.

10. Under the Jeweled Sky by Alison McQueen

I had the privilege of reading Under the Jeweled Sky while it was still in draft form, and I hadn’t read such a brilliant and beautiful, emotionally-charged love story in so long. I followed the main character Sophie from her gardens in India to the gloom of London, and back again. It’s a deep exploration into forbidden love, scandal, and leaving a beloved and magical place behind. You’ll be teary-eyed at the end but you’ll have become attached to Sophie, and you’ll be better for it.

Meta Bonus: 14 Thought Catalog Articles That Will Make You Cry

Over the years, life will give you many reasons to just sit around and do some soul searching, quiet reflection, read a little, and maybe get a little emotional and let it all out. Words are powerful, and they can help us heal broken hearts and broken spirits. Here are some of the best Thought Catalog articles for a good cry. 

1.  How To Emotionally Detach Yourself From The Person You Love  — Koty Neelis

“So you’ll end it because you know it’s for the best, it’s the right thing to do. You’ll separate your things into his and her boxes and silently wonder how you’re ever going to feel whole again. You’ll convince yourself you two will stay friends while secretly knowing you’re simply lying to yourself to pass the time.”

2.  38 Gut-Wrenching Photos That Will Leave You Speechless   — Erin Cosetta

“‘If it makes you laugh, if it makes you cry, if it rips out your heart, that’s a good picture’ -Eddie Adams (a Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist)”

3.  What It Feels Like To Be In Love When You Don’t Believe You Are Worth Loving  — Jamie Varon

“You will study your face in the mirror and you will replay conversations in your mind and you will try to find the thing that makes them love you. You will doubt their love so completely and so arduously that they will tire of your doubts and your jealousy. You will not blame them. You will be the first to call off the relationship. You will feel sad but also relieved each time you two break up because, at least now you don’t have to hold out some false belief that you’re worth loving.”

4.  What It’s Like To Grow Up With An Autistic Sibling  — Crissy Milazzo

“When you grow up with an autistic sibling, you learn patience, with strangers, your parents, and the world at large. You hold your sibling when they cry, or you try to. You learn not to cry when they pull your hair on a long car ride. You stop comparing yourself to them.”

5.  Ode To Bucky Goad  — Jim Goad

“Johnny says that with the way Bucky was treated, it’s a miracle he never became a serial killer. But he says Bucky never acted bitter, mean, or violent. Time and time again after being tricked, robbed, shit on, and abused, he merely dusted himself off and came back naively seeking kindness.”

6.  What It Means To Date A Girl Without A Father  — Ari Eastman

“She will shy away from discussing problems. She tiptoes when you wish she would just walk. You don’t understand how someone so feisty, so full of opinions and fire, can go mute when confrontation approaches. She is flight when you would have been sure she’d fight. You get too close, things get too real, and she runs. She has tennis shoes on stand by.”

7.  Deprived Of Romantic Love  — Kovie Biakolo

“No, this sadness would be for desperate people. No, you’re supposed to put a smile on your face and tell everyone that every  single  day is such a beautiful, wonderful day to fall in love with yourself. Even on the days you feel numb inside from the performance of it all. You don’t want to perform – you just want to cry and be intoxicated with feeling empty but full, intense yet devoid of anything real; that cliché of feeling everything and then nothing all at once. And then maybe cry some more.”

8.  One Sentence Love Story  — Nick Cox

“Sometimes when you think you love something what you really love is not the thing itself but just some small and inessential part of it: you think you love banana splits but really you just love the maraschino cherry on top and you think you love autumn but really you just love getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks and you think you love  Shrek  but really you just love that montage near the end after Shrek and Fiona have their falling out when he’s sitting in his swamp all alone and she’s getting ready for her wedding and Rufus Wainwright’s cover of “Hallelujah” is playing in the background,”

9.  Reflections On Seeing My Ex-Lover’s Novel For Sale At The Mall  — Oliver MIller

“I experienced all the expected thoughts of failure and jealousy. My cheap new shirt was still in my backpack; suddenly it seemed very cheap and very new. I thought about my ex-lover, who now had a movie coming out. She did not have to live in a house with a bunch of alcoholics; she had met famous actors and did not have to buy cheap shirts.”

10.  Long-Distance Relationships Mean Always Getting to Say Hello  — Ted Pillow

“She’s much braver than me, at a new school in a new state, making new friends, away from her family and her home. How does she do it? I get anxious when it’s time to change the clocks forward an hour for daylight saving time – I could never make it.”

11.  Why Do I Hate My Body?  — Jamie Varon

“To be hot is to be everything. To be hot is to be afforded the luxury of having not be anything else. Female hotness is the ultimate aspiration. And. I. hate. it. Maybe I would hate it less if I were hot, if I was profiting off the system, the game. But, you know, I think I could be hot. I could devote my life to being hot. There are means. There are ways.”

12.  A Letter To My Dead Father  — Ari Eastman

“I closed my eyes, tried to quiet the rest of the world. I took a deep breath. I saw your smile. The gap in between your two front teeth, just like mine. The reason I won’t allow the cosmetic surgeon to touch it. This imperfection in my smile that reminds me of you. But I couldn’t hear your laugh. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t hear it, Dad. I tried, I  really  did. I feel like it’s not so much to ask that I just hear it once more. Just  once.”

13.  The One Who Cares Less  — Kovie Biakolo

“What people don’t seem to realize about the person who cares less or acts like they care less is that they’re usually the one who ends up being hurt the most. It is human to want love and to want to be taken care of and to want to take care of someone else. To deny that, is simply to deny one’s humanity.”

14.  The Soulmate You Deserve  — Cody Gohl

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

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135+ Sad Writing Prompts to Stir Deep Emotions in Readers

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Writing Prompts

135+ Sad Writing Prompts to Stir Deep Emotions in Readers

The benefits of using sad writing prompts

Unlocking creative depths.

man looking at wall colorful sketch formulae creativity flowing

Enhancing writing skills

Young female writer writing sad articles in cafe

Exploring emotions and improving mental health

Man lying sofa Psychological Session with Psychologist counsellor

Sad writing prompts to unleash creative depths

Exploring health challenges and personal struggles.

Man stressed hold nose in front of computer working struggling

1 Write a narrative about a strong protagonist who has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Focus on how this disease disrupts their everyday life and relationships, emphasizing the struggle with the unpredictability of life and the impact of health on personal identity.
2 Create a story about a resilient protagonist who is slowly losing their sight and will soon be completely blind. Highlight the challenges they face, the inevitability of change, and their courage in adapting to a life without sight.
3 Explore the psychological and emotional journey of a person living with a terminal illness. Highlight the preciousness of life and the courage in accepting one’s destiny.
4 Write a personal narrative about living with a physical disability, highlighting the daily challenges, social discrimination and personal victories.
5 Narrate a story about a character with a disability who confronts and overcomes societal prejudices to achieve their dream. Emphasize social awareness about disabilities, the injustices they face, and the triumph of the human spirit against odds.
6 Write a story that delves into the emotional journey of caring for someone with a terminal illness or the stress of raising a child with special needs. Highlight the sacrifice, the emotional toll, and the resilience required in caregiving roles.
7 Craft a personal blog post detailing the moment you first acknowledged the need for mental health therapy. Focus on the importance of mental health, the stigma often attached to seeking help, and the relief and empowerment that comes with taking the first step.

Man self introducing Into Mental Health mixed racial Group

8 Write about a soldier’s struggle with upon returning from war. Focus on the often-ignored aspect of the aftermath of war, showcasing the need for better mental health resources for veterans.
9 Write a memoir from the perspective of someone overcoming addiction and the impact it has on their relationships. Document their recovery journey and show the realities of addiction.
10 Create a character who begins to question their own sanity following a series of bizarre, inexplicable events. Highlight the struggle of understanding one’s mental health, the terrifying journey into the unknown, and the importance of seeking help.
11 Cover the story of a high-profile person who is open about their mental health struggles to raise awareness about mental health.
12 Write a screenplay about a character who survives a natural disaster or a tragic accident, focusing on their journey to rebuild their life. Highlight the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, the process of healing, and the rebuilding of life after devastation.
13 Chronicle the journey of a successful musician battling drug addiction. Highlight the destructive power of addiction, the personal struggles faced, and the road to recovery.
14 Describe a couple’s emotional journey as they grapple with infertility, and how it impacts their relationship. Highlight the social stigmas surrounding infertility and the strength of relationships in times of crisis.

Tackling social challenges and environmental crises

Male Beggar Lying On Street homeless and hungry cardboard

1 Write a story about a character who spends years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit and their journey towards freedom and redemption. The story details the flaws in the justice system that contribute to wrongful prosecutions.
2 Write about a prosperous entrepreneur who becomes homeless overnight due to a market crash. Showcase the harsh reality of economic instability and the resilience needed to survive adversity.
3 Write about the emotional toll of encountering poverty first-hand during a journey or event, highlighting the socio-economic disparities and humanizing the struggles of those living in poverty.
4 Construct a narrative where a character, whose family once enjoyed wealth but is now bankrupt, revisits their former home. Highlight the themes of loss, change, and the transient nature of material wealth.
5 Detail the inner struggles of a character who loses their job amid an economic crisis. Focus on the anxiety of the unknown future and the harsh realities of economic downturns.
6 Narrate a story about a middle-aged character replaced by AI in their job, underscoring the uncertainties faced by the workforce due to technological advancements and the need to adapt.
7 Write a memoir from the viewpoint of a person who endured racial discrimination at their workplace. Emphasize the impact of systemic racism, the need for social change, and the journey towards equality.
8 Write an investigative report about the poverty cycle in a particular community. Highlight the systemic issues maintaining the cycle and the necessity of societal intervention.
9 Create a screenplay revolving around a family in poverty striving to secure a better future for their children. Focus on the challenges they face and the strength of familial love.
10 Tell the story of a young person growing up in a war-torn country, emphasizing their pursuit of peace amidst chaos and the resilience of the human spirit.

The Childrens War Victims Monument in Lidice Czech republic

11 Detail the journey of a character forced to flee their war-ravaged homeland and their experiences in a refugee camp, emphasizing the impact of conflict on human lives and the quest for safety.
12 Write a screenplay about a child in a challenging neighborhood who matures rapidly to safeguard their younger sibling and disabled parents. Focus on the themes of forced maturity, familial love, and resilience in adversity.
13 Dive into the experiences of a college student grappling with mental health issues brought on by the dual pressures of academics and finances. Shine a light on the often neglected stress young adults face, the urgent need for improved mental health resources, and the grim truth about mental health treatment facilities in your city.
14 Write a feature addressing the rising epidemic of loneliness in the digital age, backed by personal narratives and expert insights, emphasizing the paradox of connection and isolation in the digital era.
15 Construct a story or artwork illustrating the draining effects of social media on users. Highlight the mental and emotional toll of digital overconsumption.
16 Chronicle the journey of an individual battling , emphasizing the importance of mental health awareness and the courage to seek help.
17 Compose an investigative article exploring the systemic obstacles hindering escape from domestic violence. Integrate survivor narratives and expert opinions to highlight the need for comprehensive support systems.
18 Following a series of wildfires, a family loses everything. Bring out the devastation caused by climate change and the human spirit’s undying hope in the face of such a calamity.
19 Document the rebuilding process of a small town after being hit by a devastating hurricane or flooding. Highlight climate change’s catastrophic impact and the resilience of communities in the face of adversity.
20 Unravel the story of an immigrant family grappling with language barriers, cultural differences, and financial woes. Emphasize the social awareness of the immigrant struggle and the resilience of the human spirit.
21 Describe the emotional aftermath of a public mass shooting. Focus on the community’s collective grief and resilience, underscoring the need for stricter gun control.
22 Share a beloved teacher’s struggle to reclaim their dignity and profession amidst false allegations. Focus on the implications of and the power of perseverance.

Delving into personal relationships and trust issues

Young Couple Quarreling at Home. Jealousy in Relationship dont talk

1 Write a narrative wherein your protagonist grapples with a moral conflict that could harm their loved ones. Highlight the painful complexity of personal versus collective welfare and the moral spectrum in decision making.
2 Set up a scene where your character crosses paths with someone they’ve wronged in the past and is now seeking forgiveness. Illuminate the theme of remorse, personal growth, and the power of forgiveness in healing relationships.
3 Share the tale of a young widow trying to raise two children while dealing with grief. Emphasize the harsh realities of unexpected loss and the strength of a single parent.
4 Develop a scenario in which your character experiences a deep loss of faith in a once trusted individual. Stress the emotional toll of shattered trust and the journey towards resilience and discernment.
5 Weave a narrative where your main character unearths a shocking secret kept by their partner. Focus on the repercussions of deceit in relationships and the journey towards healing and understanding.
6 Write a personal account of a character who experiences betrayal from a close friend or lover, and explore how this shifts their view on trust and affects their relationships moving forward. Emphasize the aftermath of betrayal and the process of regaining trust in oneself and others.
7 Share a personal narrative of a moment when you had to part ways with a or relationship. Highlight the importance of self-care and the courage required to prioritize one’s mental and emotional health.

Toxic friends Gossiping About a friend looking sad annoyed

8 Pen a story about a character who escapes an abusive relationship. Focus on the resources they leverage, their mental health recovery process, and the rebuilding of their life. Highlight the resilience in the face of adversity and the journey towards self-renewal.
9 Write a brief tale about a character who expresses their love to a longtime friend, only to find their affection isn’t reciprocated. Emphasize the emotional resilience required to preserve the friendship and personal growth in the face of unrequited love.
10 Write a personal account of a character who forsakes a treasured dream to care for a loved one. Underline the self-sacrifice, the themes of love and devotion, and the search for personal fulfillment in care-giving.
11 Conduct a detailed interview with someone who has triumphed over childhood trauma, shedding light on its effect on their adult life and their healing journey. Showcase resilience and the path towards healing from past wounds.
12 Unearth a real-life Romeo and Juliet saga where love struggles against societal and familial disputes. Highlight the heart-wrenching struggle of love against external forces and the questions it raises about societal norms.
13 Probe into and narrate the emotional aftermath for someone who learns that one of their parents killed the other. Emphasize the personal turmoil, the shattering of familial trust, and the journey towards acceptance and healing.

Artistic expressions of emotions

musician Playing Brown Acoustic Guitar composing sad song

1 Craft an artwork or song that embodies the turmoil of inner conflict, revealing the struggle between our values, desires, and actions, and prompting reflection on self-awareness.
2 Compose a poem that encapsulates a moment of profound self-reflection, shedding light on the transformative power of introspection and self-awareness.
3 Create an artwork or song that conveys the concept of shedding light on the complex emotions related to surviving a tragedy others did not.
4 Express profound regret over a past decision through the use of color, shape, melody, or rhythm, emphasizing the enduring power of regret in shaping our perspectives and behavior.
5 In the form of a poem, illustrate the sensory experience of regret, capturing the human struggle with past mistakes and missed opportunities.
6 Through your art or music, depict how a personal error significantly altered your character’s life, underscoring the life-altering power of our decisions.
7 Craft an artwork or song that portrays the tumultuous journey of living with anxiety, underlining the often misunderstood struggles of individuals with anxiety disorders.
8 Create a mural or song that encapsulates the daily trials and resilience of those living in poverty, calling for empathy and awareness of the socio-economic struggles faced by many.
9 Compose a sonnet or create a painting that captures the bittersweet essence of unrequited love, emphasizing the pain and growth that can stem from such experiences.
10 Produce an artwork or song that narrates the journey from grief to acceptance, emphasizing the human capacity to heal and grow from loss.
11 Pen a verse about a pivotal moment in therapy that led to self-discovery, emphasizing the transformative power of mental health care.
12 Write a piece that captures the silent agony of a significant loss, underscoring the deep emotional impact of grief and the struggle to give voice to our pain.
13 Compose a poem charting your character’s journey from fear to courage, highlighting personal growth and the empowering nature of overcoming fear.
14 Describe the transition from sadness to acceptance using a natural phenomenon as a metaphor, emphasizing the natural process of healing and acceptance.
15 Paint a picture from the perspective of the first person to move to Mars, exploring their coping mechanisms for extreme loneliness, highlighting the human struggle for connection in isolation.

Sad writing prompts to develop students’ writing skills

Addressing academic pressure and anxiety.

Teen girl in math class overwhelmed anxiety stressed

1 Write a story about a character who is under immense pressure to get perfect grades, and the moment they realize that there’s more to life than a report card.
2 Describe an instance when your character failed at something they were passionate about. How did they handle the failure, and how to find motivation and courage to try again?
3 Write a dialogue between your character and a mentor about the stress of high school academics and finding balance in life.
4 Write a letter to your future self, talking about the fears and hopes you currently have. Imagine what your future self says to it.
5 Describe a character who feels overwhelmed by future decisions they have to make. What event helps them understand that it’s okay not to have all the answers?
6 Write a story about a character who learns the hard way that they can’t do everything and must prioritize their responsibilities and learn how to better manage their time.
7 Detail a character’s first day at a new school, focusing on their feelings of loneliness and anxiety.
8 Write a poem from the perspective of a character who is learning to embrace their unique identity and to how to boost their self-esteem.
9 Write about a time when a character felt different or left out in school. How did they handle the situation?
10 A student works tirelessly throughout high school to save for college, only to have their parents steal their savings and gamble it all away, just days before the tuition payment is due.

Understanding family dynamics and common issues

Quarrelled Mother and teen Daughter at Home

1 Write a story where the main character is dealing with a conflict between their dreams and their parents’ expectations.
2 Write a story about a character who feels abandoned / misunderstood by their parents.
3 Write a scene in which a character must cope with their parents’ divorce.
4 Write about a character experiencing the first Mother’s Day / Father’s day after the loss of their parent.
5 Write a story about a character who helps their family overcome a crisis, showing the importance of resilience and togetherness.
6 After their parents’ unexpected death, a teenager must take on the role of parent to their younger siblings, while balancing school and a part-time job.
7 A young boy has always admired his father’s bravery as a firefighter, but one tragic day, his father doesn’t return from a dangerous rescue mission.

Confronting bullying and peer pressure

Young female student turning down alcohol peer pressure

1 Write a first-person account of a character who is dealing with cyberbullying, focusing on their thoughts, feelings, and the steps they take to overcome this challenge.
2 Write a story about a character who witnesses and intervenes to stop bullying in school.
3 Write about a character who gives in to peer pressure and the consequences they face, ultimately leading to personal growth.
4 Write about a character who is struggling with acceptance due to societal discrimination.
5 Describe a moment when your character had to stand up for what they believe, even if no one around them understands it.
6 Narrate the journey of self-acceptance of a teen bullied for their weight. Emphasize the pervasive and the importance of self-love.

Navigating friendship and unexpected setbacks

teen friends hugging saying good byes in sadness

1 Write a narrative about a character who helps a friend struggling with a mental health issue, highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding.
2 Describe a situation where your character must say a difficult goodbye to a good friend who is moving away.
3 Describe a situation where you had to move to a new city and leave your friends behind. Are you feeling a complex mix of excitement and sadness? How did you cope with the change?
4 Write a conversation between two friends who’ve grown apart, whether due to evolving interests or a misunderstanding that sparked deep resentment.
5 Write a diary entry from the perspective of a character who has lost their best friend to a misunderstanding after a heated argument / a tragic event.
6 Write a letter to someone you loved and respected but already passed away. What would you say?
7 Write a story about your character experiencing their first heartbreak and the lessons they learn about love and loss.
8 A teenager finally musters up the courage to ask their long-time crush to prom, only to discover they’ve already agreed to go with another classmate.
9 Tell the emotionally charged story of a talented young athlete who aspired to join the national team, only to have their dreams shattered by an accident that cost them a limb. Focus on the harsh realities of life’s unfairness and their journey to find a new purpose.
10 A talented young musician who has always dreamt of becoming a broadway singer develops a serious condition that damages her vocal cords.

Sad writing prompts to facilitate emotional expressions and personal growth

Facing anxiety and fear.

sad story english essay

This exercise aims to externalize your anxiety, helping you to understand and manage your feelings more objectively.
This sad writing prompt is designed to help you personify and address your fear, encouraging courage and personal growth.
This activity encourages introspection and helps you identify what gives you comfort, fostering self-care strategies.
This prompt can assist in expressing your emotional state, enhancing empathy and self-awareness, and acknowledging your daily struggles.
This sad writing prompt allows you to express your feelings about your mental health struggles, fostering self-understanding and acceptance.
This exercise encourages understanding of your internal conflicts, promoting emotional regulation and conflict resolution skills.
This task helps you express feelings about a dominant emotion, encouraging emotional understanding, and balance.
This prompt helps you acknowledge your fears and coping mechanisms, encouraging resilience and personal growth.
This exercise encourages you to recognize the strength in vulnerability, promoting emotional honesty and personal growth.
This activity encourages self-reflection, forward thinking, and personal growth by exploring future perspectives.
This exercise aids in understanding the subconscious mind’s manifestation and interpretation of deep-seated emotions and fears.

Examining loneliness and isolation

Anxious woman crying in bed anxious mental health issues

This exercise is intended to help you externalize and better understand your feelings of loneliness, providing insights for self-awareness and potential coping mechanisms.
This sad writing prompt is designed to help you explore your feelings of social disconnection, fostering emotional expression and encouraging self-compassion.
This activity encourages introspection, helps in identifying what brings you comfort, and promotes self-care strategies.
This prompt is useful to express your feelings about rejection and to understand its influence on your self-perception, encouraging resilience and personal growth.
This task helps you explore your coping mechanisms during loneliness, encouraging emotional understanding, self-compassion, and the potential discovery of internal resources.

Reflecting on regrets and mistakes

sad white kitty looking at carpet alone

This exercise is intended to facilitate understanding of emotional triggers and promote self-awareness towards better emotional management.
This prompt helps in accepting past mistakes, learning from them and encourages the development of better decision-making skills.
This exercise fosters the expression of complex emotions and promotes resilience by highlighting the courage needed to make tough decisions.
This activity assists in facilitating self-forgiveness, reducing feelings of guilt, and promoting emotional wellbeing.
This exercise encourages reflection, recognition of growth from past errors, and fosters self-compassion.
This prompt is designed to explore feelings of regret, understand their origins and impacts, and encourage acceptance of the past.
This task facilitates introspection and understanding of self-expectations, fostering emotional expression and self-acceptance.
This exercise assists in retrospective analysis, promoting resilience and growth through the re-evaluation of past challenges.

Dealing with loss and heartbreak

man writing my mistakes in a note self reflection

This activity encourages emotional expression, processes feelings of loss and cultivates strength to endure life changes.
This prompt is designed to delve into the depths of personal emotions, fostering resilience and understanding of personal capacity to recover and learn from emotional pain.
This exercise allows exploration of attachment, memories, and understanding the value of tangible and intangible aspects of life.
This prompt encourages the expression of unvoiced feelings, fostering emotional healing and acceptance of loss.
This prompt encourages navigation through deep grief and understanding of how significant losses can influence personal growth and worldview.
This activity promotes introspection, fosters self-compassion, and encourages the understanding of personal growth that arises from hardships.
This prompt encourages emotional exploration, self-awareness, and emotional expression, facilitating emotional health and wellbeing.

Unraveling betrayal, conflict, and misunderstandings

woman upset crying lost heartbroken comforted by a friend

This task assists in visualizing emotions, enhancing self-awareness, and understanding emotional responses to betrayal.
This exercise facilitates the expression of complex emotions, fosters conflict resolution skills, and enhances emotional literacy.
This activity promotes understanding of interpersonal relationships, communication, and self-perception in diverse contexts, fostering personal growth.
This task encourages self-reflection, empathy, and growth through the acknowledgement and acceptance of past mistakes.
This exercise assists in expressing unvoiced feelings, encourages emotional release, and fosters resilience, thereby promoting emotional health.
This prompt fosters understanding of expectations, emotional resilience, and the complexity of relationships, contributing to emotional wellbeing and self-awareness.
This prompt encourages introspection, self-awareness, and emotional exploration, fostering resilience in the face of interpersonal challenges.
This exercise facilitates cognitive flexibility, self-awareness, and growth through the exploration of personal beliefs and values.
This activity enhances empathy, societal awareness, and personal growth by exploring diverse perspectives.

Do sad writing prompts have to be with a sad or tragic ending?

Unhappy Couple Having Argument at Home misunderstanding

Conclusion: Gateways to emotional depth, imagination, and transformation

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sad story english essay

8 Sad Short Stories to Quickly Bring the Tears

If you want a little shot of sadness, here are some of the best sad short stories to get the emotions flowing in no time!

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Addison Rizer

Addison Rizer is a writer and reader of anything that can be described as weird, sad, or scary. She has an MA in Professional Writing and a BA in English. She writes for Book Riot and Publishers Weekly and is always looking for more ways to gush about the books she loves. Find her published work or contact her on her website or at addisonrizer at gmaildotcom.

View All posts by Addison Rizer

Everywhere I look, people are begging for sad books! They want books to make them ugly cry , books with devastating endings , books that make them cry in public , the list is endless! Some might think it’s strange to willingly submit yourself to something sure to make you upset, but according to VeryWellMind , it’s perfectly reasonable. Sad short stories and novels alike connect us to our real-life emotions in a controlled way. They make us more grateful for our relationships and the meaning we hold about our lives. This is called the “ tragic paradox ” or the “ paradox of tragedy ,” the psychological contradiction of enjoying a tragic story that spans back to even Aristotle.

We’ve always liked to feel things in our fiction. It seems logical one of those feelings is sadness in its many forms. Grief, of course, is a huge focus of many novels like A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness or This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno. There’s also a bittersweet sadness like in The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro or a lot of coming-of-age novels. Melancholy, heartbreak, disappointment, they all are types of sad in my book or, well, books.

But maybe you don’t want to read a whole book. Maybe you just want a little shot of sadness on your lunch break or right before bed. Whatever the reason (I don’t judge), here are the best sad short stories to get the emotions flowing in no time!

“ Paper Menagerie ” by Ken Liu

As a child, Jack’s mother folded origami animals out of left-over wrapping paper. They were special, they were alive. But as he got older, Jack started to resent that his mother couldn’t speak English, that she didn’t cook American food. After she gets sick, he finds a letter in the box where he kept all of her origami animals, in which she tells him everything he refused to listen to for years.

“ Mercedes’ Special Talent ” by Tere Davilla, Translated by Rebecca Hanssens-Reed

Growing up, the narrator’s mother, Mercedes, was convinced she was going to die. A chronic smoker and manic, she served as a counterpoint to her father who worshipped Mercedes, lit her every cigarette, and had a tendency for jealousy if anyone so much as came near her. When her father comes to her, saying he’s sick, they agree to keep it from Mercedes. The final image of this is what’s so striking to me, a man on his deathbed still dedicated to his wife.

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“ D Day ” by Rachel Khong

After a notification goes out to everyone’s phone that God’s getting rid of human beings in order to erase racism, climate change, and myriad other societal issues, everyone must choose an animal to become instead. Best friends and artists Jade and Ruby discuss what they want to be, researching what animals have friends, get drunk, or sleep the most. As they debate options back and forth, they must face the fact that they probably won’t miss each other, or even remember each other, once the day comes.

“ Pre-Simulation Consultation XF007867 ” by Kim Fu

An unnamed narrator has a conversation with an operator of a simulation program. All they want is to spend some time in the simulation with their deceased mother, chatting about nothing and present, really present, just this once. But bureaucracy keeps getting in the way as the operator tells them it’s against the rules.

“ The Knowers ” by Helen Phillips

Some people want to know when they die, others don’t. Ellie, the narrator, is the former, her husband the latter. When she goes to the DMV-esque building to find out when she dies, she tells her husband the date but not the year. Every year, they plan something for that day, and every year they do their best to be grateful and live it to the fullest. But we all know what waits at the end of the story and, really, every story.

“ You, Disappearing ” by Alexandra Kleeman

When the apocalypse comes, it’s not loud and violent and Earth-shaking. It’s quiet, so quiet, when things start disappearing. Your keys, your cat, your memories. The stress of it all causes the narrators relationship to crumble, but when their cat disappears, they call their old love to reminisce.

“ Nnabuike ” by Arinze Ifeakandu

After the narrator moves into a lodge and greets the neighbors, he’s immediately attracted to Onyebuchi. They quickly wind up in a sexual relationship, one that Onyebuchi stays detached from. Then, one day, he is gone with the narrator’s things, with the other boys’ things, and with nothing left behind to commemorate what they were to each other.

“ The Travel Guide to the Dimension of Lost Things ” by Effie Seiberg

There is a place where lost things go, where a gray sky sits perpetually overhead, where pain exists. This place is the Dimension of Lost Things. This place is depression. As the narrator debates how to get out, of if they even want to, they do laundry and clean their space, finding it makes them feel ever so slightly better.

Are you in the mood for more sad stories? Check out these sad romance books or these LGBT books sure to make you cry !

sad story english essay

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11 Sad Short Stories You Can Finish In One Read

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“Each moment and everywhere, civilizations rise and fall, much as the stars are born and die.”

There’s something about reading a sad story that lasts with you much longer than one with a happy ending. But, whilst it might seem strange on the outside to go out of your way to find something that’s going to make you upset, there are a myriad of real-life psychological and emotional benefits to reading sad stories. Whether it be grief, heartbreak, resentment, melancholy or a mixture of them all, fiction allows us to project the emotions we feel in our real lives in a controlled way. But, you can sometimes have too much of a good thing. Maybe you just want a snappy short read you can read in one sitting before bed or through one lazy Sunday. From the poignant to the thought-provoking, join us today at What We Reading as we run you through some of our favourite sad short stories!

Incarnations Of Burned Children – David Foster Wallace 

First up on our list of sad short stories is Incarnations of Burned Children by David Foster Wallace. First featured in Esquire Magazine and later included in his Oblivion: Stories, the narrative is clinically told and begins with a small child being burned by boiling water. The ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mommy’ frantically rush to help. Their efforts to soothe and treat their child are emphasised while the true extent of his suffering becomes gradually apparent. 

Wallace’s writing style is what makes this such a harrowing and sad read, with his use of long complex sentences and parenthetical asides creating an uncomfortable feeling of chaos and panic for the reader. It is a powerful and disturbing portrait of pain, our responses to it and the different forms it can take. 

sad short stories - incarnations of burned children

The Knowers – Helen Phillips 

The Knowers is a speculative short story that explores morality, knowledge and the human desire for certainty. Author Helen Phillips introduces a world where a service called ‘the Notice’ allows people to find out the exact date of their death. 

Ellie, the narrator of the story, is someone who wants to know when she will die. Her husband, Tem, is the opposite. She goes to the Notice, and learns her death date, but only tells her husband the date but not the year. Every year, they plan something for that day and every year they do their utmost to be grateful for what they have. Extisetnail, philosophical and poignant, it is one of the best speculative sad short stories. 

Check Out These Heartfelt Books With Sad Endings

The Little Widow From The Capital – Yohanca Delgado 

One of the best poignant sad short stories, Yohanca Delgado’s The Little Widow from the Capital follows a widow as she moves from the capital to a smaller town following the passing of her husband. Readers see her daily life, and her interactions with the local community and hear her inner thoughts. Through these, readers gain a window into her past life in the capital, her marriage, and the profound sense of loss she feels. 

As the widow continues to navigate her new life, she ponders on the nature of memory and the passage of time. She reflects on the sorrowful and joyful moments from her relationship and the lingering presence her husband continues to occupy in her head. Delgado’s work makes for one of the most powerful short stories that demonstrates the tension between holding onto the past, moving forward and finding purpose in the aftermath of loss. 

The Story Of An Hour – Kate Chopin 

Louise Mallard is a woman with heart trouble who is told by her sister, Josephine, that her husband, Brently, has died in a railroad accident. At first, Louise is naturally grief-stricken. She locks herself in her room, slumps in an armchair and looks out the window. Gradually, however, her feelings begin to change. She soon begins to feel a sense of relief, realising that she is free from the confines of her nineteenth-century marriage and able to forge a life for herself. 

But, just as Louise is about to embrace being able to make her own decisions, Brently Mallard walks through the front door, alive and well. One of the most sudden shocking short stories, Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour is an exploration of the oppressive nature of marriages from the era, as well as the conflict that can arise from personal liberation. 

You, Disappearing – Alexandra Kleeman 

Set against a backdrop of a world where objects and people mysteriously start to disappear, Alexandra Kleeman’s You, Disappearing follows a woman whose partner is slowly fading away. Instead of chaos or panic, however, there is a surrealness and resigned approach to this new reality, which manages to make this short story even sadder. 

The woman grapples with the slow, inevitable, loss of her partner as they become less and less substantial as time passes. She reflects on their time together, the memories and moments they have created and the nature of existence as it continues to slip away. Gradually, her efforts become more desperate, serving as a metaphor for just how fragile the connections we make in life can be. 

I Can Speak – George Saunders 

A sad short story with more of a satirical and social critique angle, George Saunders’ I Can Speak is structured as a promotional letter from a company named KidLuv, Inc. The company are advertising a product called ‘I Can Speak!’, a mechanical voice box designed to be given to babies and toddlers. This device allows children to speak fluently, articulately far better than they would be able to normally. 

The letter’s overly cheerful and persuasive tone highlights the benefits of the product for skipping through the fears and frustrations of not being able to work out what a baby wants or needs. However, as the letter goes on, it subtly hints at the absurdity and concerns raised about the product. 

The Red Convertible – Louise Erdrich 

Lyman Lamartine and his brother Henry are two close brothers who copple together the money they have saved and purchase a red convertible. The car becomes a symbol of their newfound freedom and connection, and they embark on a road trip together. Their lives are suddenly upended when Henry is drafted into the Vietnam War. He returns a deeply changed man, suffering from PTSD and retreating from the once carefree, happy individual Lyman once knew. 

Desperate to repair his relationship with his brother, Lyman damages their red convertible, hoping that fixing it together might mend Henry’s spirits. And, as they set to work on fixing up their car, it appears that Henry may be recovering. With the convertible restored, the two brothers set off on another road trip, hoping to capture the feel of adventure and freedom again. 

Paper Menagerie – Ken Liu 

Paper Menagerie is an award-winning sad short story by Ken Liu. Jack’s mother, Ma, is a Chinese immigrant who possesses a special ability to animate origami animals. It’s an ability that involves her breathing into them, but the technique is something only she knows. She creates a menagerie of these paper animals for Jack, who quickly become his most cherished companions and a symbol of their tight-knit bond. 

As Jack grows older, he becomes increasingly embarrassed by his mother’s Chinese heritage and her traditional ways. In the face of racism and a struggle to assimilate, he rejects his background entirely and distances himself from his mother. But, when Ma is hospitalised after falling ill, he discovers a letter from her to him and finds the last paper animal she made for him. 

Cat Person – Kristen Roupenian

A sad short story that first appeared in The New Yorker back in 2017, Kristen Roupenian’s Cat Person follows college student Margot who meets a man named Robert whilst working at a movie theatre. The two begin texting and soon go on a date together. Whilst she initially finds him intriguing, Margot begins to feel increasingly uneasy about Robert. Despite her growing reservations, she nevertheless continues to see him. 

The story is told mainly through text messages and encounters that escalate physically. Margot finds herself going along with things that she isn’t entirely comfortable with to keep Robert’s interest. Power dynamics, consent and the blurred lines of attraction are all explored powerfully in this poignant tale. 

The Great Silence – Ted Chiang 

Ted Chiang’s The Great Silence is set in a future where humans have made contact with numerous extraterrestrial species, but are yet to receive any responses from them. The protagonist of the tale is a parrot named Teff, who lives with a scientist named Peter. In this world, animals have been hoisted to human-level intelligence thanks to technological advances. 

Teff has been chosen as one of the animals in a project designed to decipher the language of these extraterrestrial species. Following Teff, readers learn about his thoughts and observations, reflecting on his intelligence, language, communication and understanding. Poignant and thought-provoking, this sci-fi short story ponders on the vastness of the universe and the loneliness that arises from possibly being the only ones present in the cosmos. 

The Travel Guide To The Dimension Of Lost Things – Effie Seiberg 

Another one of the best whimsical sad short stories comes from Effie Seiberg in The Travel Guide to the Dimension of Lost Things . Delivered in the structure of a travel guide, offering practical advice and descriptions for first-time visitors, the story introduces readers to a fantastical dimension where everything that has ever been lost in the world winds up. 

The guide begins by introducing readers to the dimension and how someone might end up there. Landmarks and regions such as the Fields of Lost Socks and Forest of Misplaced Keys are explored, inhabitants of the world such as creatures made up of lost items are introduced and tips on how to navigate the tricky terrain, interact with the locals and avoid pitfalls such as getting stuck in the Quagmire of Lost Thoughts are all covered in detail in this poignant and charmingly creative short story. 

James Metcalfe

Part-time reader, part-time rambler, and full-time Horror enthusiast, James has been writing for What We Reading since 2022. His earliest reading memories involved Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Horror tales, which he has continued to take with him to this day. James’ favourite books include The Last (Hanna Jameson), The Troop (Nick Cutter) and Chasing The Boogeyman (Richard Chizmar).

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Essay Samples on Sad Story

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The Great Power of the Flawed Song

The last evening's soft light was shining at Captain Tony Samuel's Badge. The 250-meter tall commercial freighter of 80 thousand metric tons of capacity was standing on the bridge of MV Columbus, giving him a small sip of coffee beef. The fatness of the strong...

Katherine's Call for Help in the Deafening Silence

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The Tragic Story of Teenagers with Issues in The Breakfast Club

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Best topics on Sad Story

1. Sad Story About Dog in My Life

2. The Sad and Tearful Story of Christ

3. The Great Power of the Flawed Song

4. Katherine’s Call for Help in the Deafening Silence

5. The Tragic Story of Teenagers with Issues in The Breakfast Club

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  • Career Goals
  • Personality
  • Personal Experience
  • Influential Person

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101 Sorrowful Writing Prompts That Are Sadder Than Sad

The most powerful way to engage your reader is to invoke strong emotion .

Readers who quickly empathize are more likely to keep reading a story that invites them to do just that. 

We’ve rounded up 101 heartbreaking, sad writing prompts to make your job easier. 

And since sad prompts aren’t always enough, we’ve thrown in some story ideas to show how you can spin a few words into a story your reader can’t put down. 

#1 — She never slept in this late… 

#2 — “what would you say if i asked you… “, #3 — the folks at work call me a “cat lady.”, #4 — she took her time choosing the perfect stone for this one. , #5 — he had that luxury., 101 sad writing prompts to inspire your next heart-wrenching story , what are some sad story ideas .

Check out these five sad book ideas, each based on a prompt but taking it a step further.

As you move on to the prompts list, pay attention to those that start developing in your mind into story ideas. Then set a timer for a writing sprint and see what happens. 

But as he rolled out of bed that morning, he seized upon the idea of surprising her with breakfast in bed. It took longer than he expected, and for a moment, he feared she would wake before he brought it to her. 

He needn’t have worried. 

The eggs and toast were cold now on the breakfast tray. He hadn’t noticed the folded letter on the bedside table, which the officer held in her hand as she read it. Then, she looked up at him, her mouth closed and her eyes unreadable behind the reflective lenses. 

“Can I read it, now?” he asked. 

“Asked me to what?” He visibly stiffened in his chair. She took a deep breath. 

“I want you to empty one of the two rooms you’ve filled with your things — and I mean completely empty it, closet and all — by the beginning of summer… Or I’m out.” 

girl sad while reading sad writing prompts

He turned away, but she saw him swallow, heard him clear his throat, and take a deep, noisy breath through his nose. 

Without looking at her, he nodded briefly and said, “I’ll see what I can do.” 

I have two of them. And while my mother had earned a reputation for trapping strays in her house and taking them to the vet to be spayed or neutered, I was nowhere near that ambitious. 

Mischa and Cal just got me. Both were spayed. Both patrolled the apartment with the confidence of creatures whose mere will sustained the universe. 

Right now, they mutually shunned my guest, yowling every time the smell assaulted their nostrils. 

“Patience, kitties. Wait ‘til the embalming fluid does its work. It’s a special recipe. You’ll warm up to him no time.” 

They’d switched to cremation after she lost the first baby. Six more followed, and this one — the one she’d named Hope — had almost survived the ordeal of childbirth. It had started normally, but her doctor had urged an emergency C-section. She hadn’t argued. 

No time for anesthesia. No time to say goodbye to her husband, who told her he would be in there as soon as he could. 

Hope was silent. They tried reviving her, and she… lying on the table with her abdomen cut open, waited, afraid to breathe. 

The door opened then to let her husband in.

The luxury of agreeing to work whatever hours he chose. Not being the family chauffeur gave him a freedom he’d gotten used to. He couldn’t see why none of her interviews resulted in a job offer. 

He was about to learn. 

“Jax and Lily finish school at 2:00. Ben’s done at 3. Then Lily starts her shift at 4 and is done by 7. Jax doesn’t work today, but they do tomorrow. And no, neither of them can cancel last minute.”

“Why not? How am I supposed to get anything done if I’m constantly heading out the door to get them from something?” he asked. 

“Oh… Sorry, does your boss not know you have kids?”

Read through these sad story prompts until you find one you’d like to use, either for a new story contest or for your own creative journaling .

Develop at least one of them into an idea today. Which of these will get you started on your next writing sprint?

1. The lone survivor of an advanced race tells the story of their family’s mission to Earth and what it cost them. 

2. The main character receives a devastating diagnosis and decides to track down and try to reconnect with their estranged daughter and son. 

3. She asked him a question she wished she’d asked him years ago. He reacted much as she’d expected. 

4. One look at his face, and she knew he’d been through a lifetime’s worth of pain but hadn’t been beaten by it.

5. Whose idea was it to add “‘Till death do us part” to the wedding vows? And did only one kind of death matter to them?

6. “How did I not see it in my own daughter? She was dying right in front of me!” 

7. He teased her for not being a “detail person.” But she noticed well enough how he looked at her best friend. 

woman focused on reading book sad writing prompts

8. “A hero would sacrifice you to save the world. I’m not a hero.” 

9. They were playing hide-and-seek. She never found him. Until now. 

10. “You’ve had 15 years to notice… It just didn’t bother you enough to do something about it.” 

11. “I was hoping you’d prove me wrong. Being right is the last thing I want to be right now.” 

12. “She gave me one last look before walking out into the storm. No one has seen her since.” 

13. He had no idea how much she already knew. He walked in the door, ready to tell her everything. 

14. “You were angry with me … because I made you look bad to your family. What am I, then?” 

15. I was old enough to remember the day I became an orphan. 

16. “You honestly think this is the first time he’s done this? Where have you been?”

17. “It gets worse at night. We can’t allow anyone into that room with her.“

18. She wanted to marry her best friend. He wanted an idea she couldn’t live up to. 

19. She emptied the hope chest, filled it with potting soil, and, planting it full of cacti, left it behind his car before she drove off.

20. Being depressed is hard enough. Trying to hide it is what led to this moment.

21. “You have no idea how messed up it is that you’re fine with the way things are.”

22. Most of my nightmares are about things that happen when the sun is shining.

23. “I know I need to grieve what I thought I would have with him. But right now, I’m just relieved.” 

24. She gave him her house key and the garage door button with a small smile and nod before walking to her car.

25. “I was a different woman when I married him. And I’ve never been enough. But good Catholic husbands don’t give up, right?” 

26. “I was waiting in the car when the rain started. He stepped out onto the covered porch, looked at me, and shook his head.”

27. “What kind of retreat was this anyway?” she thought. But then she saw it: the perfect stone, worn smooth and darker than its neighbors.

28. She spent the week in bed, unable to do more than sleep between small sips of water. He wasn’t there when she recovered.

29. It was the best part of their usual cycle, but even then, she saw the beginnings of the next stage. Nothing had changed.

30. “It’s not that I’m not motivated to put in the effort to become a saint. It’s that I’d rather be anything else.”

31. His voice brought back memories she wasn’t ready for. 

32. “Don’t wait until you’re ready. No one’s really ready until they have nothing left to lose — and not enough time to enjoy winning.”

33. “One day, when he grows up and tells the church to piss off, he’ll find someone else, and they’ll be happy together. I hope.” 

34. Maybe I’m ready for a job that requires me to shower on a daily basis. Maybe I need that now. 

35. This was the song that was playing when we met. It hits differently, now. 

36. He wasn’t a stranger for long. Something he said within those first few minutes flipped a switch. And just like that, he was my home.

37. “You seriously overestimate my need for certainty.” 

38. All anyone can guess is that she took the wrong prescription by mistake. It was right next to hers. No one knew about the allergy. 

39. One day at a time, she sorted through her things, boxed them up, hauled donations out the door. This time was different. She was ready. 

40. That cat was the only creature who brought a smile to her face. No one’s seen her leave the house since. 

41. He sent her a bouquet of pink Gerbera daisies with a note. She bit her lip as she read it, sighing deeply before looking up.

42. She was the only one putting up signs when the child went missing. No one knew why until the police arrived at her door.

43. The flowers he bought meant something. The ones she bought for herself meant something else. 

44. She never needed the alcohol to numb herself. It just made it easier to stay.

45. Retirement was finally just a week away. The cardiac wing of the hospital wasn’t the vacation spot he had in mind.

46. She listed every item in the donation box, making sure to add a value estimate to every gift she’d kept. 

47. He left a note on the kitchen countertop: “I ate the cake you made for book club. It was dry.” Terrible last words.

48. “You have no idea how little those words mean right now.”

49. He’d forgotten how nice it was when people showed up when they said they would. 

50. The last teddy bear sat on top of the pile, his head bowed. 

51. The best thing about the property was the trees. One by one, they started dying. 

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52. She brewed his favorite tea every morning and started her day with it. 

53. Find a box that will work for my Dell tower, monitor (in a pillowcase w/ padding), keyboard, speakers, and cords. 

54. What could have been doesn’t matter anymore. I’m more interested in what’s next.

55. He interpreted my being demisexual to mean I wasn’t attracted to him. He was right about that — but wrong to think he could fix it.

56. We never needed a perfect dad — just one that kept trying. 

57. The “functional” bit in functional alcoholic is the word we use to trick ourselves into thinking we’re still in control — or that we ever were. 

58. He had what he said he’d always wanted. It wasn’t enough. 

59. They told her to choose between her own life and that of her unborn child. He chose for her. 

60. After years of waiting for him to see what this was costing her, she finally told him. 

61. Her leash and collar still hang on the hook by the front door.

62. He meant well. But he shouldn’t have used their daughter’s dead guinea pig as his first taxidermy project. 

63. The child had a habit of eating houseplants, and his mother, the “salad queen,” was distracted. 

64. She named her house “the Owlery” and started collecting them on her front porch, one cage at a time.

65. She folded the clothes and gently laid them in the donation box. These were for the woman she used to be. 

66. Ankle-length skirts, demure necklines, muted colors… they no longer had a place in her wardrobe. She smiled and closed the box. 

67. She paused just outside the door, hearing the dance music playing inside. She caught her reflection, and her shoulders sank.

68. She wasn’t used to being missed. So, she hadn’t called to let her parents know when she’d need a ride. 

69. For years he would ask for it, teasing her one day and then resorting to guilt. 

70. She’d burned a CD with his favorite songs, including some he’d introduced to her. She gently laid it near his cold hands. 

71. Every time she heard a dog bark, she’d freeze, waiting to hear it again. 

72. “Why are you grieving? Isn’t this what you want,” she asked. It is, now, I thought. But it wasn’t always.

73. If she were a house, her doors would be locked. But there might still be a way in for someone determined to find it. 

74. Her interview was tomorrow. The clothes would arrive next week. 

75. If there was ever a time for expedited shipping, this was it. She clicked on the box, wincing at the price. He would know.

76. I hadn’t known I was pregnant when I went out that night. 

77. She would have chosen her child. I would have chosen her. The virus chose for both of us. 

78. “Yes, beauty is fleeting,” she said. “But it’s right in front of us, now. Why not enjoy it?”

79. The flowers she’d bought the day before lay wilting on the sidewalk. 

80. “You don’t know how hard I looked for it,” he said. “It wasn’t there.” 

81. The rain and wind suddenly fell silent, and her eyes turned toward the deck window, her face paler than I’ve ever seen it.

82. She rubbed the lotion into her hands absent-mindedly, her fingernails shorter than they were before the movie started.

83. She held her doll to her face while her mother scooped her up and headed out the door. 

84. The dog stood patiently by the door as he always did, waiting for his return. 

85. Our cats all end up in the same place eventually. It’s a busy road. 

86. She’d made her famous noodle casserole for every family that came to hire her husband. This one was different.

87. The phone rang five times before the seven-year-old picked it up. “No one’s here,” he said. 

88. “The only apples that grow on those trees are half-eaten by worms by the time they ripen. You want applesauce? Buy some.”

89. I’d seen him chase her down the road, carrying something and yelling at her. The cops found them both an hour later.

90. They thought he would come when they sent word of his mother’s illness. Only after she passed did they learn the truth.

91. He had the best balance of all of us — and the least fear. 

92. No one could see that he was actually suffocating until he passed out. 

93. The box was empty. All of them were. She looked up with tears in her eyes.

94. Seconds before he pulled the trigger, I realized I was the villain in this story. 

95. Now that I’m leaving, he won’t have to worry about renting storage space for all the things he wants to keep. 

96. I could see that the front door was ajar when I pulled in. I left the engine running. 

97. The curtain fell, and behind it, so did she. 

98. She wasn’t trying to be the perfect mother. She was just trying to get through the day. 

99. She trimmed the crusts off his sandwiches and brought them to his bed. 

100. He has no idea most people aren’t born that way. No one’s told him. 

101. Someone had left the starving animal chained to a fence post in the middle of nowhere. 

Now that you’ve looked through all the sad story prompts and story ideas in this post, we hope you found at least one you’re itching to write about today. Jot it down, along with any ideas that come — snippets of dialogue, setting details, etc. 

Then pick a time and let those words flow. 

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How to Write a Sad Story: 33 Best Tips + Examples

Writing a sad story requires the mastery of various literary techniques, the ability to express emotion convincingly, and the skill to create characters and situations that resonate with readers.

Here is how to write a sad story:

Write a sad story by developing empathetic characters, crafting a tragic backstory, using detailed descriptive language, creating high stakes, and incorporating a fitting setting. Effective use of literary devices like symbolism, metaphors, and flashbacks can enhance the emotional depth.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 33 techniques that can help you write a compelling sad story.

Tip 1: Develop Empathetic Characters

Cartoon writer looking sad - How To Write a Sad Story

Table of Contents

To create a story that genuinely moves readers, it’s essential to develop characters that they can empathize with.

Spend time developing your characters—understand their backgrounds, their motivations, their strengths, and weaknesses.

The more real your characters feel, the more readers will care about what happens to them.

For example, in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the characters George and Lennie are portrayed with such depth that their struggles and ultimate downfall are deeply affecting to the reader.

Tip 2: Use Show Don’t Tell

“Show, don’t tell” is a classic writing advice that applies excellently when writing a sad story.

Instead of telling readers how a character feels, show it through their actions, dialogues, or reactions. This method involves readers more deeply as it lets them infer the emotional state of the characters.

Take as an example J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Order of Phoeni x.

Instead of saying “Harry was angry,” she shows it: “ Harry was silent. His fists were clenched in his pockets. He seemed to be chewing the interior of his mouth. “

Tip 3: Craft a Tragic Backstory

Creating a tragic backstory for your character can evoke sympathy from the reader.

This backstory can be slowly revealed through the narrative, increasing reader’s investment in the character’s fate.

For instance, in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the protagonist Amir’s guilt over his past actions towards his friend Hassan lends a heartbreaking undertone to the entire story.

Tip 4: Use Symbolism and Foreshadowing

Symbolism and foreshadowing can be used effectively to deepen the sadness in a story.

Symbols can represent a character’s emotions or foreshadow their fate, and foreshadowing can create a sense of impending doom that enhances the tragic atmosphere.

In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the green light stands for dreams that Gatsby can’t reach. It hints of his eventual tragedy are sprinkled throughout the book.

Tip 5: Create High Stakes

High stakes can make a story more gripping and its sad moments more impactful.

Make sure something significant is at risk – whether it’s the character’s life, their loved ones, or their cherished dreams.

Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games is a prime example.

Katniss Everdeen volunteers for the deadly Hunger Games to save her sister, making the stakes extremely high.

Tip 6: Use Detailed Descriptive Language

Using detailed descriptive language can help convey the emotional tone of a scene and make readers feel the sadness more acutely.

Describe not just what’s happening, but also the sensory details and the character’s internal thoughts.

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout’s detailed narration of events brings a potent sense of innocence lost, making the unfairness and sadness of the story even more poignant.

Tip 7: Evoke Pathos

Pathos is a rhetorical device that appeals to the reader’s emotions.

Use it to create a strong emotional connection between the reader and your characters. This can be achieved through the portrayal of universal human experiences and raw emotions that the reader can relate to.

Consider Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arm s, where the protagonist’s despair and loss in war evoke deep pathos.

Tip 8: Write Realistic Dialogue

Well-written dialogue can reveal a character’s emotions, making the sadness in your story more real and relatable.

Ensure the dialogue feels natural and true to the character, and avoid melodramatic speeches that may come off as insincere.

In The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, the dialogue between Hazel and Gus is filled with raw emotion, making their tragic story even more heartbreaking.

Tip 9: Use Contrast

Contrasting happy moments with sad ones can make the tragic elements of your story stand out more.

This can be done by contrasting scenes, characters, or moods. The sudden shift from joy to sorrow can intensify the emotional impact.

An example is in Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, where the joyous moments only serve to highlight the tragic circumstances of the characters’ lives.

Tip 10: Choose a Fitting Setting

Create an atmosphere of sadness.

The setting of your story can contribute to the overall mood. A gloomy, desolate, or oppressive setting can reinforce the sad tone of your story.

Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights uses the bleak moorland setting to mirror the tragic and passionate story of Heathcliff and Cathy.

Tip 11: Use Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and similes can be used to depict emotions in a creative and impactful way.

They can offer fresh perspectives and deeper insights into a character’s feelings.

For example, in 1984 by George Orwell, the metaphor “His heart seemed to be frozen” vividly conveys the character’s despair.

Tip 12: Use Internal Monologue

There are few techniques more visceral than when you dive into the character’s mind.

Internal monologue can give readers a direct insight into a character’s thoughts, feelings, and struggles. This can make the emotional journey more personal and touching.

An example is in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, where the characters’ stream of consciousness provides a poignant look into their inner lives.

Tip 13: Create Relatable Characters

In other words, make your characters human.

Ensure your characters are relatable and have human flaws.

Readers are more likely to feel for characters who are believable and imperfect, rather than idealized or one-dimensional.

In A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, the characters’ struggles with their personal demons are so human and raw that it’s impossible not to be moved by their story.

Tip 14: Use Irony

Irony, especially tragic irony, can enhance the sadness in a story.

It occurs when a character’s actions have the opposite effect of what was intended, or when the reader is aware of information that the character isn’t.

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a classic example, in a situation where Oedipus, without his knowledge, makes a prophecy come true by ending up killing his father and marrying his mother, leading to his ultimate downfall.

Tip 15: Ramp Up Conflict and Tension

Conflict and tension are the driving forces of any story.

They keep readers engaged and invested in the characters’ journeys. The more the characters struggle, the more tragic their failures or losses will feel.

In Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Scarlett O’Hara’s constant struggles and conflicts, both external and internal, lend a tragic undertone to the entire story, making her eventual losses deeply affecting.

Tip 16: Write from the Heart

Let your own raw emotions flow into and through the story.

Writing a sad story requires a certain amount of emotional investment. Don’t shy away from channeling your own feelings into the narrative.

Genuine emotion can make a story resonate more deeply with readers.

In Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, the author’s real-life experiences and emotions about his mentor’s illness give the story a heartfelt and moving quality.

Tip 17: Use Pacing Effectively

You want to control the emotional intensity.

Pacing plays a crucial role in managing the emotional intensity of your story. Too much sadness can be overwhelming, while too little can feel underwhelming.

Strike a balance by interspersing sad moments with lighter ones, and build up to the most emotional scenes gradually.

The pacing in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is masterfully done.

The story unfolds slowly, building tension and emotional intensity until it culminates in a deeply affecting climax.

Tip 18: Use Imagery

As the author of a sad story, create a vivid emotional landscape.

Imagery is a powerful tool for evoking emotion. Use it to create a vivid emotional landscape that reflects the characters’ feelings.

This can be done through descriptions of the physical environment, the characters’ actions, or symbolic images.

Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse is renowned for its emotive imagery.

The recurring image of the distant lighthouse, for instance, mirrors the characters’ yearning for connection and their sense of isolation.

Tip 19: Deepen Emotional Impact With Flashbacks

Flashbacks can be used to reveal a character’s past, deepen their characterization, and increase the emotional impact of the story.

They can offer insights into why a character feels a certain way, making their emotions more understandable and poignant.

In Beloved by Toni Morrison, flashbacks to the characters’ traumatic experiences during slavery add a profound layer of sadness to the story.

Tip 20: Don’t Overdo the Drama

While it’s important to evoke strong emotions, be careful not to overdo the drama.

Excessive melodrama can come off as manipulative or insincere.

The key is to keep the emotions and reactions of your characters believable and relatable.

In The Road by Cormac McCarthy, the post-apocalyptic world is bleak and the father and son’s struggle to survive is heart-wrenching, yet their emotions and reactions are so realistically portrayed that the sadness feels genuine and profound.

Tip 21: Heighten Your Prose With a Poetic Writing Style

A poetic writing style can lend a certain emotional intensity to your story.

This can be achieved through the use of rhythmic sentences, beautiful metaphors, and evocative language.

The writing style in The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is notably poetic.

Her beautiful and evocative descriptions of the protagonist’s depression make the story all the more heartbreaking.

Tip 22: Create a Sense of Loss

Loss is a universal human experience that can evoke strong emotions.

By creating a sense of loss in your story, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a dream, or innocence, you can tap into the readers’ emotions.

You make them feel the sadness more acutely (and, if you do your job right, even desperately ).

In Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, the sudden loss of a dear friend leads to a profound sense of grief, making the story deeply sad and moving.

Tip 23: Use Emotional Honesty

Emotional honesty is crucial when writing a sad story.

Don’t shy away from portraying the raw, messy, and sometimes ugly side of emotions. The more honest you are in depicting emotions, the more readers will resonate with your story.

The emotionally honest portrayal of grief in The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is deeply affecting.

Her unflinching look at the reality of losing a loved one makes the book a poignant exploration of grief.

Tip 24: Let Characters Grow and Change

Characters who grow and change in response to tragic events can make a story more meaningful and impactful.

Show how the characters are affected by the sad events, how they cope, and how they change as a result.

This can make the tragedy feel more real and significant.

In Atonement by Ian McEwan, the characters’ lives are profoundly affected by a tragic event, and their subsequent growth and change add depth and poignancy to the story.

Tip 25: Create a Bittersweet Ending

A bittersweet ending, where there’s some joy but also sadness, can leave a lasting emotional impact. It can make readers reflect on the story long after they’ve finished reading.

In “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks, the ending is bittersweet. The couple is finally together, but the circumstances are far from ideal, leaving readers with a mix of joy and sorrow.

Tip 26: Use a Limited Point of View

Enhance the emotional intensity.

A limited point of view can make the emotions in your story more immediate and intense.

By limiting the perspective to one character, you can dive deeper into their thoughts and feelings.

Also, you can make readers feel more connected to them.

In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye , we only see things from the protagonist’s perspective. Holden Caulfield allows readers to experience his alienation and sadness firsthand.

Tip 27: Use Repetition for Emphasis

Another important tip is to highlight important emotional themes.

Repetition can be used to emphasize important emotional themes or symbols in your story.

By repeating certain words, phrases, or images, you can create a pattern that reinforces the sad tone of your story.

In Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, the repetition of the term “donors” and “completing” serves as a constant reminder of the characters’ tragic fate, adding a sense of dread and sadness to the narrative.

Tip 28: Use Silence and Pauses

Silence and pauses can be used effectively to create emotional impact.

A pause in dialogue, a moment of silence, or an absence can speak volumes about a character’s emotional state and enhance the sad atmosphere.

In The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, the protagonist’s silences and pauses reveal his repressed emotions and regrets, making the story subtly tragic.

Tip 29: Use Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is a situation where the audience has more information about what’s happening than the characters in the story.

And it can be used to increase the emotional tension and sadness in your story.

This can make readers more engaged as they anticipate the tragic outcomes the characters are unaware of.

A classic example is in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, where the audience knows about the tragic miscommunications and misunderstandings before the characters do.

By doing so, you make the ending all the more heartbreaking.

Tip 30: Give the Reader a Tragic Hero

A tragic hero, a protagonist with a fatal flaw that leads to their downfall, can make your story more emotionally compelling.

The hero’s struggle against their fate and their eventual downfall can evoke a sense of pity and sadness.

Jay Gatsby is depicted as a doomed hero in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby .

His obsession with the past and an unattainable dream leads to his tragic end, making the story deeply sad.

Tip 31: Apply a Ticking Clock

A ticking clock, a deadline that the characters are racing against, can increase the tension and urgency in your story.

The fear of not making it in time can make the stakes higher and the tragic outcomes more poignant.

In On the Beach by Nevil Shute, the imminent arrival of deadly radiation increases the tension and urgency, making the characters’ attempts to live normally in their final days deeply tragic.

Tip 32: Keep Readers Guessing an Unreliable Narrator

An unreliable narrator, who is not entirely trustworthy or truthful, can make your story more intriguing and emotionally complex.

The uncertainty and the eventual revelation of the truth can add an element of sadness.

In the context of a sad story, an unreliable narrator can indirectly reveal their emotional turmoil, mental instability, or personal biases, which might be the sources of their sadness.

Their skewed perceptions of reality can gradually unfold to the reader.

For example, if the narrator minimizes their pain or grief, readers might only come to realize the extent of the narrator’s suffering as the story progresses.

Or, the narrator might misinterpret events due to their depressive or anxious state, leading to tragic misunderstandings or decisions.

Tip 33: Master the Art of Subtext

Subtext, what’s implied but not directly stated, can be a powerful tool for conveying emotions indirectly.

It can make the dialogue more realistic and the emotions more nuanced.

In Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, the subtext in the dialogue between the couple reveals the tension and sadness beneath the surface, making the story emotionally resonant despite its brevity.

Here is a good video about how to write a sad story:

Summary Chart of Tips for Writing a Sad Story

Develop Empathetic CharactersUnderstand your characters’ backgrounds, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses to create a strong emotional connection with readers.
Use Show Don’t TellShow characters’ emotions through their actions, dialogues, or reactions rather than explicitly stating them.
Craft a Tragic BackstoryCreate a tragic backstory for your characters to evoke sympathy and increase readers’ investment in their fate.
Use Symbolism and ForeshadowingUse symbols to represent emotions and foreshadow tragic events to heighten the emotional impact.
Create High StakesMake the outcomes of the story matter to the characters and to the readers.
Use Detailed Descriptive LanguageUse detailed descriptions to convey the emotional tone of a scene and the characters’ internal thoughts.
Evoke PathosUse pathos to create a strong emotional connection between the reader and your characters.
Write Realistic DialogueUse dialogue to reveal character emotions and keep it natural and true to the character.
Use ContrastUse contrast to highlight the tragic elements of your story.
Choose a Fitting SettingSelect a setting that reinforces the sad tone of your story.
Use Metaphors and SimilesUse these literary devices to depict emotions in a creative and impactful way.
Use Internal MonologueProvide direct insight into a character’s thoughts, feelings, and struggles.
Create Relatable CharactersMake characters believable and imperfect to enhance reader engagement.
Use IronyUse irony, especially tragic irony, to enhance the sadness in a story.
Use Conflict and TensionThese elements can keep readers engaged and invested in the characters’ journeys.
Write from the HeartChannel your own feelings into the narrative to make a story resonate more deeply with readers.
Use Pacing EffectivelyUse pacing to manage the emotional intensity of your story.
Use ImageryUse vivid imagery to create a poignant emotional landscape.
Use FlashbacksFlashbacks can reveal a character’s past and increase the emotional impact of the story.
Don’t Overdo the DramaKeep emotions and reactions of your characters believable and relatable.
Use a Poetic Writing StyleUse rhythmic sentences, beautiful metaphors, and evocative language to add emotional intensity to your story.
Create a Sense of LossDepicting loss can evoke strong emotions and make readers feel the sadness more acutely.
Use Emotional HonestyBe truthful in portraying emotions to make readers resonate with your story.
Let Characters Grow and ChangeShow how characters are affected by sad events, how they cope, and how they change.
Create a Bittersweet EndingA bittersweet ending can leave a lasting emotional impact.
Use a Limited Point of ViewEnhance emotional intensity by limiting the perspective to one character.
Use Repetition for EmphasisUse repetition to highlight important emotional themes or symbols.
Use Silence and PausesUse absence to create emotional impact and to reflect a character’s emotional state.
Use Dramatic IronyDramatic irony can increase the emotional tension and sadness in your story.
Use a Tragic HeroCreate a protagonist with a fatal flaw that leads to their downfall.
Use a Ticking ClockIncrease the tension and urgency in your story.
Use an Unreliable NarratorAn unreliable narrator can make your story more intriguing and emotionally complex.
Master the Art of SubtextUse subtext to convey emotions indirectly and make the dialogue more realistic and nuanced.

Final Thoughts: How to Write a Sad Story

Writing a sad story is an art that requires sensitivity, skill, and a deep understanding of human emotions.

By using these tips, you can create a story that touches readers’ hearts and leaves a lasting emotional impact.

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  • How To Write a Sad Scene (Full Guide With 10 Examples)

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The best sad writing prompts

One great thing about creative writing prompts is that they are always there for you, especially when you want sad writing prompts. Writing is a beautiful outlet to engage with life and the world around us — and sometimes, it's the only way to deal with something painful or raw.

If you’re a writer who’s looking for some sad writing prompts to help get you in touch with your feelings or deal with such themes as love and death, this page is for you. We hope that it provides you with the inspiration that you need. 

If you're looking to cut to the chase, here’s a list of top sad writing prompts:

  • Someone in the story has a lot of hard lessons to learn.
  • Write a story about someone tired of their day-to-day routines.
  • Write a story about someone who loses their cat.
  • Write a story based on the metaphor: "Beauty is a fading flower."
  • Write a story inspired by this quote from Ally Condie: "Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that."
  • Write a story that feels lonely, despite being set in a packed city.
  • Write a story that starts with two people saying goodbye.
  • Write about one character’s fundamental misunderstanding of another character’s job.

If you’re interested in becoming an author, check out our free resources on the topic:

  • Character profile template (free resource)  — All stories are character-driven, and it might be argued that this is especially true for sad stories. If you want to figure out what’s driving your character’s emotions, this free character profile template is here to help. 
  • How to Write Believable Dialogue that Develops Plot and Character (free course)  — If your story requires your characters to navigate some difficult conversations about sadness, you may find this helpful. Dialogue is one of the most important writing tools that can drive character and plot. Let this free ten-day course show you how.  

Ready to start writing? Check out  Reedsy’s weekly short story contest  for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of  writing contests  or our directory of  literary magazines  for more opportunities to submit your story.


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sad story english essay

50 Sad Story Ideas That Will Leave Your Readers Shattered

sad story english essay

What is it about a sad story idea that’s so appealing?

I mean, it seems weird, right—the things readers want us to put them through? And it might be even weirder that we fulfill their requests so eagerly.

Maybe it’s because a book is a safe space. Sad stories give us an opportunity to explore difficult topics and our own capacity for sorrow without enduring real-life trauma.

Or maybe it’s that, like a sad song, a devastating story is cathartic. If we could use a good cry, a heart-wrenching book will get the job done.

Or maybe—and this is my favorite explanation—it’s the connective experience of seeing our own familiar pain reflected in an unfamiliar life. What reveals our common humanity more than our shared knowledge of loss, rejection, heartache, and isolation? 

And what’s more reassuring than our ability to hurt because someone else—even a fictional someone else—is hurting?

Of course, in order to pull any of this off, you’ve got to know how to use your sad story idea well . You need to know how to write a tearjerker without leaning on clichés or accidentally exploiting real-life trauma.

Fortunately, you’re about to learn exactly that. I’ll also share 50 sad story ideas you can use to write a novel your readers will never get over.

Let’s get started.

How to Evoke Emotion

A female presenting person in a white blouse leans against a fence at stares off into the distance.

The key to evoking emotion is to make your story feel real for your readers. Help them forget they’re reading fiction.

Now, a carefully crafted plot and fully developed characters will go a long way towards accomplishing this goal. But you’ll need a few nuanced moves to really drive those big feelings home. Moves like this:

Create Context

A little context helps your reader not only connect with your character’s sadness but also understand the depth and complexity of their sadness.

It’s one thing for your protagonist to lose their beloved dog. It’s another for them to lose the dog that sat loyally at their feet for every AA meeting when they were at the lowest point in their life.

Creating context can be as simple as adding a couple sentences or as revealing a full backstory through flashbacks . Either way, help your reader understand what this harrowing situation actually means for the character. 

Keep It Real

Our hungry little author brains devour all the tricks and maneuvers other writers use to spark emotions. Then, sometimes, we accidentally regurgitate those strategies onto the page (gross), using them as a sort of shortcut to accomplish what those other writers did.

That’s how we get clichés —characters sobbing into pillows and punching walls and saying “Don’t you die on me!” 

To avoid this, key into your own emotions and life experiences. 

How does loss feel in your body? What mannerisms do you observe when your romantic partner is angry? How would you describe the sounds and smells of a hospital if you’d never read another author’s description?

By all means, notice when another author’s story puts the sting in your tear ducts. But ask yourself why you feel so connected to the story. Is it the characterization? The sensory details ? A vivid metaphor?

Take the lesson and make it your own.

Show, Don’t Tell

If you’re not already familiar with this popular piece of writing advice, here’s the gist:

Great writing shows the reader what’s happening rather than explaining the scene.

For example, this is showing:

“So many times my eyes in the mirror were vacant or bruised with sorrow. Tonight they are clear and kohl lined, seemingly darkened by mystery and secrets, a cat-eyed stare shining with anticipation.” – Before I Let Go

This is telling:

“I’m used to seeing myself look sad in the mirror. Tonight my make-up looks good and I feel more alive.” –Me, ruining the line from Before I Let Go

Help the reader experience the moment for themselves. If you could use some help building your “show, don’t tell” muscles, we’ve got worksheets for that exact purpose.

At some point in your writerly life, you’re going to have to write about a trauma you have not experienced yourself. When you do, a strong imagination and deep sense of empathy can get you pretty far. But it won’t be enough.

Take some time to research the experience you’re writing about. Find articles about the psychological effects. Listen to podcasts in which specialists or survivors discuss that particular kind of trauma. Read the memoirs of people who’ve been through similar struggles.

(Little tip: we’ve got a couple articles to get you started on respectfully writing depressed and abused characters .)

It may also be a good idea to hire a sensitivity reader who can review your next-to-final draft and make sure you’re representing that experience respectfully.

This extra effort can help you…

Stay Out of the Exploitation Zone

There are two big things you want to look out for when you brainstorm sad story ideas.

First, notice if you have a character who’s defined exclusively by the sad thing that happens to them. 

For example, do you have an abused character who’s got nothing else going on other than being victimized? Or do they also experience joy and hope on occasion? Do they look for ways to find some sense of control?

As tragic as a character’s situation may genuinely be, painting them with one big trauma brush flattens them. They become sadness caricatures and the reader becomes super aware that the author’s trying to make them cry.

Second, be extremely careful about sad story ideas that are basically just “the protagonist is from a marginalized community” (assuming it’s not your community). 

For one thing, there’s a risk of portraying someone else’s entire identity as inherently sad. In no universe is that a good thing. 

And for another, marginalized voices are only beginning to get a shot at the spotlight. They’ve endured generations of watching writers from outside their community tell their stories with very little effort to get it right. 

I personally believe that when it comes to the identity-specific challenges of a marginalized demographic, it’s best to let the people who’ve lived it tell their own stories. 

50 Sad Story Ideas

Now that you’ve had a quick lesson on devastating readers both effectively and ethically, let’s get those wheels turning.

Here are 50 sad story ideas spanning five different topics.

Purpose and Identity

A male-presenting person in a blue shirt holds out a polaroid photo of themselves, covering up their real face.

  • After a crushing loss, a talented artist struggles to regain their creative spark.
  • A serious injury forces a young athlete to end the career they’ve built their entire identity around.
  • When a grandparent is diagnosed with dementia, they invite their adult grandchild on a cross-country roadtrip, hoping to connect on a deeper level before their condition progresses.
  • A struggling musician plans a final performance before giving up on their dream.
  • A military chaplain experiences a crisis of faith after witnessing atrocities on the war front.
  • While working with a therapist to process a friend’s death by suicide, an emotionally avoidant person confronts their own mental health struggles.
  • Unhoused for the first time, a middle-aged person navigates the challenges of life without a home.
  • After spending the first part of their life as “the only one of their kind,” an adolescent “extraterrestrial” embarks on a mission to find their planet of origin, only to learn they were made in a lab. 
  • A teenager is forced to rethink everything when they realize the “religion” they were raised in is actually a cult.
  • A person finds themselves feeling trapped and unhappy in their “idyllic” life, realizing for the first time that they worked hard to build a life that would spark everyone’s envy but their own. 

Two adults sit talk to a child at a kitchen table. The child stares down at a large teacup.

  • The accidental loss of a cherished family heirloom sparks a long-overdue family feud and unearths old grievances.
  • A couple considers divorce when they reach an impasse about how to handle their fertility struggles.
  • A young adult goes on a mission to find their twin who went missing as a child. Along the way, they’re forced to confront their resentment over a childhood that was always about the sibling who wasn’t there.
  • Parents fight to get their kidnapped and adopted child back from the adoptive parents. (Or the reverse perspective: parents learn that their adopted child was kidnapped—not orphaned—and the birth parents want the child back.)
  • A peasant child adopted into a royal family feels trapped between worlds.
  • Two siblings who had very different experiences in the foster care system struggle to find a connection as adults.
  • A stray dog goes on a journey to find a loving home.
  • A single parent struggles to rescue their adult child from a cult.
  • Conflict arises when an economic crisis threatens the survival of a 90-year-old family business.
  • After stumbling on a family secret they were never supposed to know, three cousins carry the burden of deciding whether or not to reveal information that could destroy their family.


An older couple embraces.

  • An elderly couple struggles to stay connected after their different medical needs force them to live in separate care facilities.
  • Lifelong friends find themselves on opposite ends of the political divide, both sucked into social media rage culture and ultimately unable to find their way back to one another.
  • Two teenagers struggling with anxiety and isolation during the pandemic discover a deeper connection in their virtual study group.
  • After spending a decade together, a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity forces a couple to navigate a long-distance relationship. New opportunities and experiences cause them to question whether their relationship allows them to be their true selves.
  • Young lovers are torn apart when one becomes the accused in a literal witch trial. 
  • After fighting with their neighbor/friend, a person leaks a rumor about the neighbor that has more devastating consequences than they expected.
  • A young, orphaned wizard discovers their adored mentor has been luring them towards danger this whole time.
  • Now in danger of losing their house, a newly unemployed person discovers their best friend is to blame for their firing.
  • A divorced couple reunite after two years of not speaking to put their cat to sleep together. They spend the remainder of the day hashing out what went wrong in their marriage.
  • An engaged couple begins to question if love really is enough as they endure the painful process of planning a wedding that doesn’t involve their disapproving parents.

A firefighter points and yells in front of burned down rubble.

  • A soldier returns home to a changed world.
  • After accidentally starting a destructive wildfire, a former #vanlife influencer struggles to forgive themselves even as they try to make amends with the communities they’ve hurt.
  • A family is separated while fleeing war and must find their way back to one another.
  • Questioning the accuracy of their own recollections, the witness to a violent crime grapples with the power of their testimony to destroy the defendant’s life. 
  • Having recently witnessed a mass shooting, a student struggles to find a sense of purpose or hope as they begin their first year of college.
  • A general makes a seemingly minor error that results in a devastating attack on their utopian kingdom.
  • A teacher must keep their students safe after an earthquake leaves them trapped in their classroom.
  • When severe drought causes a lake to shrink, an unidentified body surfaces. A detective works tirelessly to determine who the person is and provide closure for the family.
  • After being seriously injured in an avalanche, a skier must come to terms with the loss of their Olympic dreams.
  • A child tries to find their way home after being swept away in a flash flood.  

A painted stone reading "For all those we have loved & lost" sits on top of a wood bench.

  • Still grappling with their own mortality, a heart transplant recipient decides to honor their donor by completing the donor’s unfinished bucket list.
  • A hospice nurse is at a loss when the time comes to guide her own father through his final days.
  • As their single parent battles a terminal illness, a young teenager has no choice but to serve as primary caretaker.
  • After losing their mentor in a diving accident, a deep-sea diver confronts their new fear of the ocean by taking on a dangerous cave diving expedition.
  • A widow(er) learns their late spouse committed a heartbreaking betrayal. Now they must grieve not only their partner but also the person they believed their partner was.
  • After the death of the family dog, a child seeks the answer to whether there’s an afterlife for pets.
  • Unable to move on, a widow(er)/scientist keeps traveling back in time to relive their best days with their spouse. Meanwhile, their current life is crumbling due to their neglect.
  • Now able to see and understand their loved ones on a deeper level, the ghost of a recently deceased person feels regret for the way they handled their relationships in life.
  • A person with a terminal illness seeks to make amends with an estranged relative before it’s too late.
  • A teenager grapples with survivor guilt after a close friend dies saving their life.

Craft Your Tearjerker With Dabble

Hopefully a few of those ideas spoke to you or inspired some of your own. And now that the sad story ideas are coming in hot, you’re gonna need a place to store and organize your brilliant brainstorm .

Allow me to suggest Dabble . From Story Notes and the famous Plot Grid to co-authoring and commenting, Dabble has everything you need to stay organized through the entire writing process.

Screenshot of the Dabble Plot Grid with columns for scenes and character arcs.

Plus, you can access Dabble on any device, online or off, and never worry about losing a word of genius thanks to autosave. 

Want to try it for yourself? Snag a free 14-day trial by clicking this link .

Now get there and utterly destroy your readers. In a good way.

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


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Sad Writing Prompts: Over 50 Ideas That Are Complete Tearjerkers

  • July 14, 2022

Strong emotions make for great story-telling. 

Sadness is one of those emotions that pulls on the heartstrings and makes a story engaging and memorable. 

The saddest stories make us cry and even summon a tear when we remember them long after we first heard them.

Even though sadness is a complex emotion, it’s part of life. 

Each of us will face feelings of sadness at some point in our lives. 

When it comes to story-telling, exploring sadness offers some benefits.

It allows readers to connect with the characters on a deeply personal level and can be incredibly cathartic. Catharsis is the purging of emotions through storytelling.

We’ve got you covered if you’re a writer and want an idea for a sad short story. 

This article has over 50 sad writing prompts to help you get started. 

The prompts below include general sad story ideas, sad opening lines, and suggestions for sad dialogue. 

We’ve also included sad lines and quotes from world-famous novels to inspire you further.

50+ sad writing prompts

Check out the 50+ sad story prompts below to inspire you!

Ideas for sad short stories

The main character is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Write a story about their attempts to reconnect with distant family members during the short time they have left.

A couple who lost their child to an illness years ago adopted an orphan. Write a story from the parents’ perspective as they learn to love this adopted child.

Write a story about a teenager trying to get through high school while also battling her depression. Explore her background, trials, tribulations, and the main character’s rocky relationship with herself.

Write a story from the perspective of a dead person who watches over their loved ones from the afterlife.

One of the last remaining members of an animal species is caged in a zoo. Write a story about their memories of life before the zoo, how they got caught, and their thoughts and sentiments today.

A couple about to reunite after ten years has their plans thwarted by a global pandemic. Write a series of letters between the two lovers yearning for each other during this unprecedented pandemic. For extra drama, add a conflict to the correspondence. Does a letter go missing? Is there some vital information revealed in one of the letters, something that might change the relationship?

An older, overweight woman just wants some love and affection. Her size and the amount of time since she was held by someone make her believe she is unlovable. One day, an old friend from school shows up to ask how she is. They spend time together, have lots of fun, and make lasting memories. Our main character develops feelings for her old friend, but he won’t be around forever.

A young boy is destined to become a superhero and save the world. To fulfill his destiny, he must leave his friends and family behind without telling them and enter a strict training regime in a secret location. Write a story from the perspective of his friends and family members who believe their loved one has gone missing.

A young high school couple decides to try a long-distance relationship when high school ends, and both go to different states for college. Write a letter from one partner to another explaining why they think they should break up—include memories and sentiments from the relationship and important last things they say to each other.

Write a story about a young girl whose cat was run over on the road outside her house. Explore how her parents teach her about death and grief.

Sad writing prompts

An old man slowly dying in a hospital bed recounts the story of his life to his young grandson.

A father’s alcoholism tears a family apart. Write a story from the perspective of a daughter who needs her father, but his addiction makes him indisposed to help.

In high school, all the girls receive Valentine’s day cards from the boys in class. All but one. Write a story about the girl who doesn’t get a card.

Two young lovers are forbidden from seeing each other. Yearning for each other’s company, they sneak out of their respective homes. Knowing that their love is forbidden, they never return home.

A woman whose husband is killed in war dreams about him every night and wakes up alone every morning. Tired of the pain of waking up alone, she tries to go to sleep forever.

An old man and his dog are best friends and have only had each other for years. When the old man dies, the dog is left alone. The man’s relatives take the dog into their home. Every day, the dog runs away and sits on his former owner’s grave until his new owner comes to bring him home.

Sad short story opening line prompts

When I was a child I always wanted a dog, and I had one. The three months I spent with my dog was some of the most fun I’ve ever had.

Maria couldn’t cry. She was sad and angry but tired, and crying required far more energy than she could summon.

One morning, Brian woke up alone. He was surprised until he remembered that his dream life was a dream.

The best way to break a person’s heart is to pretend that you care about them.

I loved her, and she loved me. Now I’m a stranger, and she’s a memory.

One day I woke up, and she was gone. No text, no note, nothing. Just the smell of her hair on the pillow and my loneliness were all that was left.

You never know how much you love someone until they’re gone. That was one of the hardest lessons I ever had to learn.

Have you ever loved someone so much that it broke your heart?

When I was younger, I thought love was about butterflies, smiles, holding hands, and being happy forever after. Now that I’m older, I realize how much pain it causes. Still, that doesn’t mean we should stop loving.

The day the doctor told me I was sick was the first day of the rest of my life.

Looking back on my life before I died, I realize that there were so many things I could have done differently. All the worry, the procrastination, the pointless arguments, what a waste of time!

I’m done with love. Over. Never again.

Sad short story dialogue prompts

‘No, I won’t let you go!’

‘I love you.’

‘I’m sorry, but I have to leave.’

‘I was waiting for you.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I wish you told me how you felt before today.’

‘I understand if you never want to see me again.’

‘Can we just talk?’

‘I don’t love you anymore.’

‘I heard this song, which made me think of us.’

‘Loving you is the best and worst thing ever to me.’

‘Is there someone else?’

‘I have some bad news.’

‘How could you do this to me?’

‘I need to tell you something.’

‘I have to go, and I don’t know when I’ll be back.’

‘I really thought things would be different this time.’

‘I can’t help myself.’

‘I hope you never miss someone as much as I miss you.’

Emotional writing prompts

‘Words can’t describe the pain I feel right now.’

‘I’m worried about you; call me?’

‘All I want is one more moment with you; is that wrong?’

‘I know you don’t want to talk to me anymore, but I just want to thank you for making me a better person.’

‘I thought you would notice, but you didn’t.’

‘How can I possibly trust you anymore?’

‘I’m not mad at you, but I’m very disappointed.’

‘One time, I would have screamed and argued with you, but now I just don’t have the energy.’

‘I heard you’re happy now.’

‘All of this hurt, all of this pain, and still I love you.’

‘I never realized loving you would hurt this much. Still, I don’t regret a thing.’

‘I dreamed we were still together, you and me.’

Sad lines and quotes from literature

“Beautiful things grow to a certain height, and then they fall and fade off, breathing out memories as they decay.” F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned
“Time was passing like a hand waving from a train I wanted to be on. I hope you never have to think about anything as much as I think about you.” Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
“If you have a sister and she dies, do you stop saying you have one? Or are you always a sister, even when the other half of the equation is gone?” Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper
“There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood.” Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner
“I know so many last words. But I will never know hers.” John Green, Looking for Alaska
“I have scars on my hands from touching certain people.” J. D. Salinger,  Raise High the Roof Beam
“I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I placed them.” Amy Tan, Saving Fish from Drowning
“You see I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me.” F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
“The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves until one day there are none. No hopes. Nothing remains.” Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha
‘I think everyone feels alone in their sadness, and there’s a certain value to hearing other people’s sad stories.’   Brandon Stanton, American Novelist

Sad stories evoke difficult emotions. 

All of us have some sadness in our lives somewhere. Such is the nature of human life. 

Many of us would rather avoid sadness altogether and only allow ourselves to feel positive emotions. 

However, integrating and accepting sadness is essential for living a life of emotional stability.

Sad stories, though emotionally heavy, can help us process our own sadness. 

American Novelist Brandon Stanton believes that hearing others’ stories is valuable. We experience catharsis, the purging of emotions through experiencing them vicariously through fictional characters . 

Sad stories also help us feel sympathy, empathy, and compassion for others.

For writers, sad stories pose a challenge. 

It’s essential to approach sad scenes and themes with authenticity and honesty. 

At the same time, one shouldn’t indulge in sadness. It should exist as a theme as a by-product of the natural unfolding of events in a story.

So, if you’re a writer and you want to write a heart-heavy, tear-jerker story, use any of the prompts and ideas outlined above. 

Feel free to chop and change elements of each prompt to suit you. 

Take inspiration from one or several of the prompts above and craft your unique story that will bring a tear of sadness to your reader’s eye.

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Sad Love Story: My Love and Broken Heart

  • Categories: Relationship

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Words: 576 |

Published: Jan 4, 2019

Words: 576 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Sad Love Story Essay 2

Works cited:.

  • American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Careers in psychology.
  • Cherry, K. (2022, March 28). What is a psychologist and what do they do? Verywell Mind.
  • Comer, R. J. (2016). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (8th ed.). Worth Publishers.
  • Goodtherapy. (n.d.). Psychologist vs. psychiatrist: What’s the difference?
  • Lepeshova, T. (2020). Formation of the professional competencies of future psychologists. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(5), 4403-4409.
  • National Association of School Psychologists. (n.d.). Who are school psychologists?
  • Pomerantz, A. M., & Handelsman, M. M. (2019). Clinical psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • Psychology Today. (n.d.). Find a therapist.
  • (2003). What does a psychologist do?
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2022, March 31). Psychologists.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Describing Sadness in Creative Writing: 33 Ways to Capture the Blues

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on August 25, 2023

Categories Creative Writing , Writing

Describing sadness in creative writing can be a challenging task for any writer.

Sadness is an emotion that can be felt in different ways, and it’s important to be able to convey it in a way that is authentic and relatable to readers. Whether you’re writing a novel, short story, or even a poem, the ability to describe sadness can make or break a story.

Understanding sadness in writing is essential to creating a believable character or scene. Sadness is a complex emotion that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as loss, disappointment, or loneliness. It’s important to consider the context in which the sadness is occurring, as this can influence the way it is expressed.

By exploring the emotional spectrum of characters and the physical manifestations of sadness, writers can create a more authentic portrayal of the emotion.

In this article, we will explore the different ways to describe sadness in creative writing. We will discuss the emotional spectrum of characters, the physical manifestations of sadness, and the language and dialogue used to express it. We’ll also look at expert views on emotion and provide unique examples of describing sadness.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how to authentically convey sadness in your writing.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the emotional spectrum of characters is essential to creating a believable portrayal of sadness.
  • Physical manifestations of sadness can be used to convey the emotion in a more authentic way.
  • Authenticity in describing sadness can be achieved through language and dialogue, as well as expert views on emotion.

33 Ways to Express Sadness in Creative Writing

Let’s start with some concrete examples of sadness metaphors and similes:

Here are 33 ways to express sadness in creative writing:

  • A heavy sigh escaped her lips as a tear rolled down her cheek.
  • His eyes glistened with unleashed tears that he quickly blinked away.
  • Her heart felt like it was being squeezed by a cold, metal fist.
  • A profound emptiness opened up inside him, threatening to swallow him whole.
  • An avalanche of sorrow crashed over her without warning.
  • His spirit sank like a stone in water.
  • A dark cloud of grief descended on her.
  • Waves of sadness washed over him, pulling him under.
  • She felt like she was drowning in an ocean of melancholy.
  • His eyes darkened with sadness like a gathering storm.
  • Grief enveloped her like a wet blanket, heavy and smothering.
  • The light in his eyes dimmed to a flicker behind tears.
  • Sadness seeped through her veins like icy slush.
  • The corners of his mouth drooped like a wilting flower.
  • Her breath came in short, ragged gasps between sobs.
  • A profound melancholy oozed from his pores.
  • The weight of despair crushed her like a vice.
  • A haunted, hollow look glazed over his eyes.
  • An invisible hand squeezed her heart, wringing out all joy.
  • His soul curdled like spoiled milk.
  • A silent scream lodged in her throat.
  • He was consumed by a fathomless gloom.
  • Sorrow pulsed through her veins with every beat of her heart.
  • Grief blanketed him like new-fallen snow, numbing and icy.
  • Tears stung her eyes like shards of glass.
  • A cold, dark abyss of sadness swallowed him.
  • Melancholy seeped from her like rain from a leaky roof.
  • His spirit shriveled and sank like a deflating balloon.
  • A sick, hollow ache blossomed inside her.
  • Rivulets of anguish trickled down his cheeks.
  • Sadness smothered her like a poisonous fog.
  • Gloom settled on his shoulders like a black shroud.
  • Her sorrow poured out in a river of tears.

Understanding Sadness in Writing

Describing sadness in writing can be a challenging task.

Sadness is a complex emotion that can manifest in different ways. It can be expressed through tears, sighs, silence, or even a simple change in posture. As a writer, you need to be able to convey sadness effectively to your readers, while also avoiding cliches and melodrama.

One way to approach describing sadness is to focus on the physical sensations and reactions that accompany it. For example, you might describe the feeling of a lump in your throat, or the tightness in your chest. You could also describe the way your eyes become watery, or the way your hands tremble.

These physical descriptions can help your readers to empathize with your characters and feel the same emotions.

Another important aspect of describing sadness is the tone of your writing. You want to strike a balance between conveying the depth of the emotion and avoiding excessive sentimentality.

One way to achieve this is to use simple, direct language that conveys the emotion without resorting to flowery language or overwrought metaphors.

When describing sadness, it’s also important to consider the context in which it occurs. Sadness can be a response to many different situations, such as loss, disappointment, or rejection. It can also be accompanied by other emotions, such as anger, confusion, or melancholy.

By considering the context and accompanying emotions, you can create a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of sadness in your writing.

Finally, it can be helpful to draw on examples of how other writers have successfully described sadness. By studying the techniques and descriptions used by other writers, you can gain a better understanding of how to effectively convey sadness in your own writing.

In conclusion, describing sadness in writing requires a careful balance of physical descriptions, tone, context, and examples. By focusing on these elements, you can create a more nuanced and effective portrayal of this complex emotion.

Emotional Spectrum in Characters

In creative writing, it’s important to create characters that are multi-dimensional and have a wide range of emotions. When it comes to describing sadness, it’s essential to understand the emotional spectrum of characters and how they respond to different situations.

Characters can experience a variety of emotions, including love, happiness, surprise, anger, fear, nervousness, and more.

Each character has a unique personality that influences their emotional responses. For example, a protagonist might respond to sadness with a broken heart, dismay, or feeling desolate.

On the other hand, a character might respond with anger, contempt, or apathy.

When describing sadness, it’s important to consider the emotional response of the character. For example, a haunted character might respond to sadness with exhaustion or a sense of being drained. A crestfallen character might respond with a sense of defeat or disappointment.

It’s also important to consider how sadness affects the character’s personality. Some characters might become withdrawn or depressed, while others might become more emotional or volatile. When describing sadness, it’s important to show how it affects the character’s behavior and interactions with others.

Overall, the emotional spectrum of characters is an important aspect of creative writing. By understanding how characters respond to different emotions, you can create more realistic and relatable characters. When describing sadness, it’s important to consider the character’s emotional response, personality, and behavior.

Physical Manifestations of Sadness

When you’re feeling sad, it’s not just an emotion that you experience mentally. It can also manifest physically. Here are some physical manifestations of sadness that you can use in your creative writing to make your characters more believable.

Tears are one of the most common physical manifestations of sadness. When you’re feeling sad, your eyes may start to water, and tears may fall down your cheeks. Tears can be used to show that a character is feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Crying is another physical manifestation of sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may cry. Crying can be used to show that a character is feeling deeply hurt or upset.

Numbness is a physical sensation that can accompany sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may feel emotionally numb. This can be used to show that a character is feeling disconnected from their emotions.

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions can also be used to show sadness. When you’re feeling sad, your face may droop, and your eyes may look downcast. This can be used to show that a character is feeling down or depressed.

Gestures can also be used to show sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may slump your shoulders or hang your head. This can be used to show that a character is feeling defeated or hopeless.

Body Language

Body language can also be used to show sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may cross your arms or hunch over. This can be used to show that a character is feeling closed off or defensive.

Cold and Heat

Sadness can also affect your body temperature. When you’re feeling sad, you may feel cold or hot. This can be used to show that a character is feeling uncomfortable or out of place.

Sobbing is another physical manifestation of sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may sob uncontrollably. This can be used to show that a character is feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Sweating is another physical manifestation of sadness. When you’re feeling sad, you may sweat profusely. This can be used to show that a character is feeling anxious or nervous.

By using these physical manifestations of sadness in your writing, you can make your characters more realistic and relatable. Remember to use them sparingly and only when they are relevant to the story.

Authenticity in Describing Sadness

When it comes to describing sadness in creative writing, authenticity is key. Readers can tell when an author is not being genuine, and it can make the story feel less impactful. In order to authentically describe sadness, it’s important to tap into your own emotions and experiences.

Think about a time when you felt truly sad. What did it feel like? What physical sensations did you experience? How did your thoughts and emotions change? By tapping into your own experiences, you can better convey the emotions of your characters.

It’s also important to remember that sadness can manifest in different ways for different people. Some people may cry, while others may become withdrawn or angry. By understanding the unique ways that sadness can present itself, you can create more authentic and realistic characters.

If you’re struggling to authentically describe sadness, consider talking to a loved one or best friend about their experiences. Hearing firsthand accounts can help you better understand the nuances of the emotion.

Ultimately, the key to authentically describing sadness is to approach it with empathy and understanding. By putting yourself in the shoes of your characters and readers, you can create a powerful and impactful story that resonates with your audience.

Language and Dialogue in Expressing Sadness

When writing about sadness, the language you use can make a big difference in how your readers will perceive the emotions of your characters.

Consider using metaphors and similes to create vivid images that will help your readers connect with the emotions of your characters.

For example, you might describe the sadness as a heavy weight on the character’s chest or a dark cloud hanging over their head.

In addition to using metaphors, you can also use adjectives to describe the character’s emotions. Be careful not to overuse adjectives, as this can detract from the impact of your writing. Instead, choose a few powerful adjectives that will help your readers understand the depth of the character’s sadness.

For example, you might describe the sadness as overwhelming, suffocating, or unbearable.

When it comes to dialogue, it’s important to remember that people don’t always express their emotions directly. In fact, sometimes what isn’t said is just as important as what is said.

Consider using subtext to convey the character’s sadness indirectly. For example, a character might say “I’m fine,” when in reality they are struggling with intense sadness.

Another way to use dialogue to convey sadness is through the use of behaviors. For example, a character might withdraw from social situations, stop eating or sleeping properly, or engage in self-destructive behaviors as a result of their sadness.

By showing these behaviors, you can help your readers understand the depth of the character’s emotions.

Finally, when describing sadness, it’s important to consider the overall mood of the scene. Use sensory details to create a somber atmosphere that will help your readers connect with the emotions of your characters.

For example, you might describe the rain falling heavily outside, the silence of an empty room, or the dim lighting of a funeral home.

Overall, when writing about sadness, it’s important to choose your words carefully and use a variety of techniques to convey the depth of your character’s emotions.

By using metaphors, adjectives, dialogue, behaviors, and sensory details, you can create a powerful and emotionally resonant story that will stay with your readers long after they’ve finished reading.

Expert Views on Emotion

When it comes to writing about emotions, it’s important to have a deep understanding of how they work and how they can be conveyed effectively through writing. Here are some expert views on emotion that can help you write about sadness in a more effective and engaging way.

Dr. Paul Ekman

Dr. Paul Ekman is a renowned psychologist who has spent decades studying emotions and their expressions. According to Dr. Ekman, there are six basic emotions that are universally recognized across cultures: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust.

When it comes to writing about sadness, Dr. Ekman suggests focusing on the physical sensations that accompany the emotion.

For example, you might describe the heaviness in your chest, the lump in your throat, or the tears that well up in your eyes. By focusing on these physical sensations, you can help your readers connect with the emotion on a deeper level.

While sadness is often seen as a “negative” emotion, it’s important to remember that all emotions have their place in creative writing. Disgust, for example, can be a powerful tool for conveying a character’s revulsion or aversion to something.

When writing about disgust, it’s important to be specific about what is causing the emotion. For example, you might describe the smell of rotting garbage, the sight of maggots wriggling in a pile of food, or the texture of slimy, raw meat.

By being specific, you can help your readers feel the full force of the emotion and understand why your character is feeling it.

Overall, when it comes to writing about emotions, it’s important to be both specific and authentic. By drawing on your own experiences and using concrete details to describe the physical sensations and causes of emotions, you can create a more engaging and emotionally resonant piece of writing.

Unique Examples of Describing Sadness

When it comes to describing sadness in creative writing, there are many unique ways to convey this emotion to your readers. Here are some examples that can help you create a powerful and moving scene:

  • The crying scene : One of the most common ways to show sadness is through tears. However, instead of just saying “she cried,” try to describe the crying scene in detail. For instance, you could describe how her tears fell like raindrops on the floor, or how her sobs shook her body like a violent storm. This will help your readers visualize the scene and feel the character’s pain.
  • The socks : Another way to show sadness is through symbolism. For example, you could describe how the character is wearing mismatched socks, which represents how her life is falling apart and nothing seems to fit together anymore. This can be a subtle yet effective way to convey sadness without being too obvious.
  • John : If your character is named John, you can use his name to create a sense of melancholy. For example, you could describe how the raindrops fell on John’s shoulders, weighing him down like the burdens of his life. This can be a creative way to convey sadness while also adding depth to your character.

Remember, when describing sadness in creative writing, it’s important to be specific and use vivid language. This will help your readers connect with your character on a deeper level and feel their pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective ways to describe a person’s sadness without using the word ‘sad’.

When describing sadness, it’s important to avoid using the word “sad” as it can come across as cliché and lackluster. Instead, try using more descriptive words that evoke a sense of sadness in the reader. For example, you could use words like “heartbroken,” “bereft,” “devastated,” “despondent,” or “forlorn.” These words help to create a more vivid and emotional description of sadness that readers can connect with.

How can you describe the physical manifestations of sadness on a person’s face?

When describing the physical manifestations of sadness on a person’s face, it’s important to pay attention to the small details. For example, you could describe the way their eyes become red and swollen from crying, or how their mouth trembles as they try to hold back tears. You could also describe the way their shoulders slump or how they withdraw into themselves. By focusing on these small but telling details, you can create a more realistic and relatable portrayal of sadness.

What are some examples of using metaphor and simile to convey sadness in creative writing?

Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools for conveying sadness in creative writing. For example, you could compare a person’s sadness to a heavy weight that they’re carrying on their shoulders, or to a storm cloud that follows them wherever they go. You could also use metaphors and similes to describe the way sadness feels, such as a “gnawing ache” in the pit of their stomach or a “cold, empty void” inside their chest.

How can you effectively convey the emotional weight of sadness through dialogue?

When writing dialogue for a character who is experiencing sadness, it’s important to focus on the emotions and feelings that they’re experiencing. Use short, simple sentences to convey the character’s sadness, and avoid using overly complex language or metaphors. You could also use pauses and silences to create a sense of emotional weight and tension in the scene.

What are some techniques for describing a character’s inner sadness in a way that is relatable to the reader?

One effective technique for describing a character’s inner sadness is to focus on their thoughts and feelings. Use introspection to delve into the character’s emotions and describe how they’re feeling in a way that is relatable to the reader. You could also use flashbacks or memories to show why the character is feeling sad, and how it’s affecting their current actions and decisions.

How can you use sensory language to create a vivid portrayal of sadness in a poem or story?

Sensory language is an effective way to create a vivid portrayal of sadness in a poem or story. Use descriptive words that evoke the senses, such as the smell of rain on a sad day or the sound of a distant train whistle. You could also use sensory language to describe the physical sensations of sadness, such as the weight of a heavy heart or the taste of tears on the tongue. By using sensory language, you can create a more immersive and emotional reading experience for your audience.


Essay on Saddest Day of My Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Saddest Day of My Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Saddest Day of My Life

The unforgettable day.

One day that I will forever remember as the saddest day of my life is when I lost my pet dog, Max.

Max, My Best Friend

Max was more than just a pet, he was my best friend. We shared countless memories together.

The Heartbreaking Incident

One dreadful day, Max fell ill suddenly. Despite all the efforts, we could not save him.

Life Without Max

Losing Max left a void in my life that is hard to fill. The house seems quiet and empty without his cheerful presence.

250 Words Essay on Saddest Day of My Life


Life is a mosaic of experiences, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow. Among these, the saddest day of my life was the day I lost my grandfather. His departure left an indelible mark on my life, forever altering my perception of mortality and love.

My grandfather was a constant presence in my life, a beacon of wisdom and warmth. His stories were my bedtime lullabies, his laughter my favorite symphony. On the fateful day of his departure, the world seemed to lose its color, the sun its warmth. The house, once filled with his resonating laughter, was now echoing with deafening silence.

The Aftermath

The pain of loss was profound. It felt as if a part of my identity had been erased, leaving behind an unfillable void. The days following his demise were filled with melancholic nostalgia, every corner of our house whispering tales of his presence. His absence was a stark reminder of the impermanence of life, a lesson learned in the harshest manner.

Resilience and Growth

Despite the sorrow, this tragic event was also a catalyst for growth. It taught me the value of cherishing moments and relationships, of living life with gratitude and grace. It was a stark reminder that life, with all its uncertainties, is a gift to be treasured.

The saddest day of my life was indeed a turning point, a poignant reminder of life’s fleeting nature. It was a day of loss, but also a day of learning and growth. It taught me that even in the face of profound sorrow, life’s beauty and worth remain undiminished.

500 Words Essay on Saddest Day of My Life

The unforeseen loss.

The day started as any other ordinary day. The sun was shining brightly, and birds were chirping, oblivious to the storm that was about to hit my life. I received a call from my mother. Her trembling voice and tear-choked words instantly filled me with dread. My beloved grandfather, my mentor, and confidante, had passed away suddenly due to a heart attack. The news hit me like a bolt from the blue.

The Emotional Turmoil

I was in a state of shock and disbelief. My grandfather was not just a family member, but a strong pillar of support in my life. His wisdom, his stories, his teachings, and his unyielding faith in me had always been my guiding light. His unexpected departure left a void in my heart that was impossible to fill. I felt as if a part of me had been brutally ripped away, leaving a gaping wound.

The Funeral

In the days that followed, I grappled with my grief and tried to come to terms with my loss. His absence was palpable in every corner of our house, in every family gathering, and in every conversation. I was constantly reminded of him, and each memory brought a fresh wave of sorrow. The house seemed quieter, the laughter less hearty, and the joy less profound.

The saddest day of my life taught me the harsh reality of life and death, and the inevitable cycle of existence. It made me realize the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with our loved ones. It was a day of profound loss and sorrow, but it was also a day that shaped my understanding of life and its transient nature. It was a day that I will never forget, a day that left an indelible mark on my soul. It was indeed, the saddest day of my life.

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327 Depression Essay Titles & Examples

When choosing a title about depression, you have to remain mindful since this is a sensitive subject. This is why our experts have listed 177 depression essay topics to help you get started.

🌧️ How to Write a Depression Essay: Do’s and Don’ts

🏆 unique titles about depression, 🥇 most interesting depression title ideas, 📌 good titles for depression essay, ✅ simple & easy depression essay titles, 🎓 interesting topics to write about depression, 📑 good research topics about depression.

  • ❓ Research Questions for a Depression Essay

Depression is a disorder characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and loss of interest in life. The symptoms include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and trouble concentrating. This disorder can produce physical problems, self-esteem issues, and general stress in a person’s life. Difficult life events and trauma are typical causes of depression. Want to find out more? Check out our compilation below.

A depression essay is an important assignment that will help you to explore the subject and its impact on people. Writing this type of paper may seem challenging at first, but there are some secrets that will make achieving a high grade much easier. Check below for a list of do’s and don’ts to get started!

DO select a narrow topic. Before starting writing, define the subject of the paper, and write down some possible titles. This will help you to focus your thoughts instead of offering generic information that can easily be found on Wikipedia. Consider writing about a particular population or about the consequences of depression. For example, a teenage depression essay could earn you excellent marks! If you find this step challenging, try searching for depression essay topics online. This will surely give you some inspiration.

DON’T copy from peers or other students. Today, tutors are usually aware of the power of the Internet and will check your paper for plagiarism. Hence, if you copy information from other depression essays, you could lose a lot of marks. You could search for depression essay titles or sample papers online, but avoid copying any details from these sources.

DO your research before starting. High-quality research is crucial when you write essays on mental health issues. There are plenty of online resources that could help you, including Google Scholar, PubMed, and others. To find relevant scientific articles, search for your primary and secondary topics of interest. Then filter results by relevance, publication date, and access type. This will help you to identify sources that you can view online and use to support your ideas.

DON’T rely on unverified sources. This is a crucial mistake many students make that usually results in failing the paper. Sources that are not academic, such as websites, blogs, and Wiki pages, may contain false or outdated information. Some exceptions are official publications and web pages of medical organizations, such as the CDC, APA, and the World Health Organization.

DO consider related health issues. Depression is often associated with other mental or physical health issues, so you should reflect on this in your paper. Some examples of problems related to depression are suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, and panic attack disorder. To show your in-depth understanding of the issue, you could write a depression and anxiety essay that shows the relationship between the two. Alternatively, you can devote one or two paragraphs to examining the prevalence of other mental health problems in people with depression.

DON’T include personal opinions and experiences unless required. A good essay on the subject of depression should be focused and objective. Hence, you should rely on research rather than on your understanding of the theme. For example, if you have to answer the question “What is depression?” look for scientific articles or official publications that contain the definition rather than trying to explain it in your own words.

DON’T forget about structure. The structure of your essay helps to present arguments or points logically, thus assisting the reader in making sense of the information. A good thing to do is to write a depression essay outline before you start the paper. You should list your key points supported by relevant depression quotes from academic publications. Follow the outline carefully to avoid gaps and inconsistencies.

Use these do’s and don’ts, and you will be able to write an excellent paper on depression! If you want to see more tips and tricks that will help you elevate your writing, look around our website!

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  • Depression Detection Tests Analysis The problem of the abundance of psychological tests leads to the need to compare multiple testing options for indicators of their purpose, features, and interpretations of the evaluation and validity.
  • Nursing Care for Patients With COVID-19 & Depression The significance of the selected problem contributed to the emergence of numerous research works devoted to the issue. This approach to choosing individuals guaranteed the increased credibility of findings and provided the authors with the […]
  • 16 Personality Factors Test for Depression Patient Pablos results, it is necessary to understand the interaction and pattern of the scores of the primary factors. A combination of high Apprehension and high Self-Reliance is a pattern describing a tendency to isolate oneself.
  • Depression in a 30-Year-Old Female Client In the given case, it would be useful to identify the patterns in Alex’s relationships and reconsider her responses to her partner.
  • Depression in Primary Care: Screening and Diagnosis The clinical topics for this research are the incidence of depression in young adults and how to diagnose this disorder early in the primary care setting using screening tools such as PHQ9.
  • Major Depression and Cognitive Behavior Therapy Since the intervention had no significant effect on Lola, the paper will explore the physical health implication of anxiolytics and antidepressants in adolescents, including the teaching strategies that nurses can utilize on consumers to recognize […]
  • Jungian Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety They work as a pizza delivery man in their spare time from scientific activities, and their parents also send them a small amount of money every month.S.migrated to New York not only to get an […]
  • COVID-19 and Depression: The Impact of Nursing Care and Technology Nevertheless, combatting depression is a crucial step in posing positive achievements to recover from mental and physical wellness caused by COVID-19.
  • Depression Disorder Intervention The researchers evaluated the socioemotional signs of mental illnesses in a sample of diagnostically referred adolescents with clinical depression required to undergo regular cognitive behavioral therapy in a medical setting.
  • Financial Difficulties in Childhood and Adult Depression in Europe The authors found that the existence of closer ties between the catalyst of depression and the person suffering from depression leads to worse consequences.
  • Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression Studies have shown that women’s mood and cardiorespiratory fitness improve when they engage in moderate-intensity physical activity in the weeks and months after giving birth to a child.
  • Clinical Depression: Causes and Development Therefore, according to Aaron Beck, the causes and development of depression can be explained through the concepts of schema and negative cognitive triad.
  • Aspects of Working With Depression It also contributes to the maintenance and rooting of a bad mood, as the patient has sad thoughts due to the fact that the usual does not cause satisfaction.
  • Depression Among Nurses in COVID-19 Wards The findings are of great significance to researchers and governments and can indicate the prevalence of anxiety and depression among nurses working in COVID-19 wards in the North-East of England during the pandemic.
  • Depression Associated With Sleep Disorders Y, Chang, C. Consequently, it directly affects the manifestation of obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and periodic limb movement disorder in people with depression.
  • Depression in a 25-Year-Old Male Patient Moreover, a person in depression complains of the slowness in mental processes, notes the oppression of instincts, the loss of the instinct of self-preservation, and the lack of the ability to enjoy life.
  • Aspects and Manifestation of Depression Although, symptoms of depression in young people, in contrast to older adults, are described by psychomotor agitation or lethargy, fatigue, and loss of energy.
  • Complementary Therapy for Postpartum Depression in Primary Care Thus, the woman faced frustration and sadness, preventing her from taking good care of the child, and the lack of support led to the emergence of concerns similar to those in the past.
  • Depression and Anxiety Clinical Case Many of the factors come from the background and life experiences of the patient. The client then had a chance to reflect on the results and think of the possible alternative thoughts.
  • Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes and Depression Treatment The data synthesis demonstrates that carefully chosen depression and anxiety treatment is likely to result in better A1C outcomes for the patient on the condition that the treatment is regular and convenient for the patients.
  • Technology to Fight Postpartum Depression in African American Women I would like to introduce the app “Peanut” the social network designed to help and unite women exclusively, as a technology aimed at fighting postpartum depression in African American Women.
  • Complementary Therapy in Treatment of Depression Such practices lower the general level of anxiety and remove the high risks of manifestation of states of abulia, that is, clinical lack of will and acute depression.
  • Social Determinants of Health and Depression Among African American Adults The article “Social Determinants of Health and Depression among African American Adults: A Scoping Review of Current Research” examines the current research on the relationship between social determinants of health and depression among African American […]
  • Outcomes Exercise Has on Depression for People Between 45-55 Years According to the WHO, the rate of depression in the U.S.was 31. 5% as of October 2021, with the majority of the victims being adults aged between 45 and 55 years.
  • The Postpartum Depression in Afro-Americans Policy The distribution of the funds is managed and administered on the state level. Minnesota and Maryland focused on passing the legislation regulating the adoption of Medicaid in 2013.
  • Depression Among the Medicare Population in Maryland The statistics about the prevalence and comorbidity rates of depression are provided from the Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard and are portrayed in the table included in the paper.
  • Depression as Public Health Population-Based Issue In regard to particular races and ethnicities, CDC provided the following breakdown of female breast cancer cases and deaths: White women: 128 new cases and 20 deaths per 100.
  • Managing Mental Health Medications for Depression and its Ethical Contradiction The second objective is to discover ethical contradictions in such treatment for people of various cultures and how different people perceive the disorder and react to the medication.
  • Aspects of Depression and Obesity In some cases, people with mild to severe depression choose not to seek professional care and instead try to overcome their depression with self-help or the support of family and friends.
  • Antidepressant Treatment of Adolescent Depression At the same time, scientists evidenced that in the case of negative exposure to stress and depression, the human organism diminishes BDNF expression in the hippocampus.
  • Online Peer Support Groups for Depression and Anxiety Disorder The main objective of peer support groups is connecting people with the same life experiences and challenges to share and support each other in healing and recovery.
  • Emotional Encounter With a Patient With Major Depression Disorder I shared this idea with him and was trying to create the treatment plan, sharing some general thoughts on the issue.
  • Childhood Depression in Sub-Saharan Africa According to Sterling et al, depression in early childhood places a significant load on individuals, relatives, and society by increasing hospitalization and fatality and negatively impacting the quality of life during periods of severe depression.
  • Breastfeeding and Risk of Postpartum Depression The primary goal of the research conducted by Islam et al.was to analyze the correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and the risk of postpartum depression among new mothers.
  • Nursing Intervention in Case of Severe Depression The patient was laid off from work and went through a divorce in the year. This led to a change in prescribed medications, and the patient was put on tricyclic anti-depressants.
  • Screening for Depression in Acute Care The literature review provides EB analysis for the topic of depression to identify the need for an appropriate screening tool in addition to the PHQ-9 in the assessment evaluation process.
  • Social Media Use and the Risk of Depression Thapa and Subedi explain that the reason for the development of depressive symptoms is the lack of face to face conversation and the development of perceived isolation. Is there a relationship between social media use […]
  • Depression in the Field of a Healthcare Administrator According to Davey and Harrison, the most challenging part of healthcare administration in terms of depression is the presence of distorted views, shaped by patients’ thoughts.
  • The Treatment of Adolescents With Depression While treating a teenager with depression, it is important to maintain the link between the cause of the mental illness’ progression and the treatment.
  • Depression in the Black Community The speaker said that her counselor was culturally sensitive, which presumes that regardless of the race one belongs to, a specialist must value their background.
  • Loneliness and Depression During COVID-19 While the article discusses the prevalence of loneliness and depression among young people, I agree that young people may be more subject to mental health problems than other population groups, but I do not agree […]
  • Depression Screening in the Acute Setting Hence, it is possible to develop a policy recommending the use of the PHQ-9, such as the EBDST, in the acute setting.
  • Ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression: Neurobiology and Applications It is known that a violation of the functions of the serotonergic pathways leads to various mental deviations, the most typical of which is clinical depression.
  • Treating Obesity Co-Occurring With Depression In most cases, the efficiency of obesity treatment is relatively low and commonly leads to the appearance of a comorbid mental health disorder depression.
  • Treadmill Exercise Ameliorates Social Isolation-Induced Depression The groups included: the social isolation group, the control group, and the exercise and social isolation and exercise group. In the treadmill exercise protocol, the rat pups ran on the treadmill once a day for […]
  • Depression and Anxiety Among Chronic Pain Patients The researchers used The Depression Module of the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale to interview participants, evaluate their answers, and conduct the study.
  • The Difference Between Art Deco and Depression Modern Design By and whole, Art Deco and Depression differ in their characteristics and their meanings as they bring unlike messages to the viewers.
  • Postpartum Depression in African American Women As far as African American women are concerned, the issue becomes even more complex due to several reasons: the stigma associated with the mental health of African American women and the mental health complications that […]
  • The Depression Construct and Instrument Analysis For the therapist, this scaling allows to assess the general picture of the patient’s psychological state and obtain a result that is suitable for measurement.
  • The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Depression in Adults Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is a vast number of mental disorders that prevent people from leading their normal lives and are quite challenging to treat. One such psychological condition is depression (Li et al., 2020). Since there is a social stigma of depression, and some of its symptoms are similar to […]
  • Stress and Depression Among Nursing Students The study aims to determine how different the manifestations of stress and depression are among American nursing students compared to students of other disciplines and what supports nursing students in continuing their education.
  • Depression in Diabetes Patients The presence of depression concomitant to diabetes mellitus prevents the adaptation of the patient and negatively affects the course of the underlying disease.
  • Depression among Homosexual Males The literature used for the research on the paper aims to overview depression among homosexual males and describe the role of the nurse and practices based on the Recovery Model throughout the depression.
  • “What the Depression Did to People” by Edward Robb Ellis Nevertheless, the way the facts are grouped and delivered could be conducive to students’ ability to develop a clearer picture of the catastrophic downturn’s influences on the nation’s and the poor population’s mentalities.
  • Economic Inequality During COVID-19: Correlation With Depression and Addiction Thus, during the pandemic, people with lower incomes experienced depression and increased their addictive behaviors to cope with the stress of COVID-19.
  • Obesity Co-Occurring With Depression The assessment will identify the patient with the two conditions, address the existing literature on the issue, examine how patients are affected by organizational and governmental policies, and propose strategies to improve the patient experience.
  • Depression in the Black and Minority Ethnic Groups The third sector of the economy includes all non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary, philanthropic, and charitable organizations and social enterprises specializing in various types of activities, which did not find a place in either the public or […]
  • Biological and Social-Cognitive Perspectives on Depression The social-cognitive perspective states that the disorder’s development is influenced by the events in the patient’s life and their way of thinking.
  • A Description on the Topic Screening Depression If there is the implementation of evidence-based care, a reduction in the proportion of disability for patients with depression would be expected. A proposal was written describing the need for screening depression patients of nearly […]
  • “Disclosure of Symptoms of Postnatal Depression, …” by Carolyn Chew-Graham Critique In light of hypothesizing the research question, the researchers suggest that health practitioners have the ability to create a conducive environment for the disclosure of information.
  • Depression – Psychotherapeutic Treatment Taking into account the fact that the specialist is not able to prescribe the medicine or a sort of treatment if he/she is not sure in the positive effect it might have on the health […]
  • Depression as a Major Health Issue The purpose of the study was to examine the implications of cognitive behavior approaches for depression in old women receiving health care in different facilities.
  • Effective Ways to Address Anxiety and Depression Looking deep into the roots of the problem will provide a vast and detailed vision of it, and will help to develop ways to enhance the disorders.
  • Einstepam: The Treatment of Depression The treatment of depression has greatly revolutionized since the development of tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the 1950s. In the brain, it inhibits the NMDA receptors and isoforms of NOS.
  • The Potential of Psilocybin in Treating Depression First of all, it is essential to understand the general effects of psilocybin on the brain that are present in the current literature.
  • Depression Among High School Students The major problem surrounding depression among adolescents is that they are rarely diagnosed in time and therefore do not receive treatment they need.
  • NICE Guidelines for Depression Management: Project Proposal This topic is of importance for VEGA because the center does not employ any specific depression management guidelines.
  • Depression: Diagnostics, Prevention and Treatment Constant communication with the patient and their relatives, purposeful questioning of the patient, special scales and tests, active observation of the patient’s appearance and behavior are the steps in the nursing diagnosis of depression.
  • Depression and Anxiety Intervention Plan John’s Wort to intervene for her condition together with the prescribed anti-depressant drugs, I would advise and educate her on the drug-to-drug relations, and the various complications brought about by combining St. Conducting proper patient […]
  • The Use of Psychedelic Drugs in Treating Depression This study aims to establish whether depressive patients can significantly benefit from psilocybin without substantial side effects like in the case of other psychedelic drugs.
  • Postpartum Depression Among the Low-Income U.S. Mothers Mothers who take part in the programs develop skills and knowledge to use the existing social entities to ensure that they protect themselves from the undesirable consequences associated with the PPD and other related psychological […]
  • Depression: Description, Symptoms and Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment A diagnosis is made in situations where the symptoms persist for at least two weeks and lead to a change in the individual’s level of functioning.
  • Psychedelic Drugs and Their Effects on Anxiety and Depression The participants must also be willing to remain in the study for the duration of the experiments and consent to the drugs’ use.
  • VEGA Medical Center: The Quality of Depression Management This presentation is going to provide an overview of a project dedicated to the implementation of NICE guidelines at the VEGA Medical Center.
  • Anxiety and Depression in Hispanic Youth in Monmouth County Therefore, the Health Project in Monmouth County will help Hispanic children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 to cope with anxiety and depression through behavioral therapy.
  • Anxiety Disorders and Depression In her case, anxiety made her feel that she needed to do more, and everything needed to be perfect. She noted that the background of her depression and anxiety disorders was her family.
  • Clinical Case Report: Depression It is possible to assume that being in close contact with a person who has depression also increases the probability of experiencing its symptoms.
  • PICO Analysis of Depression In other words, the causes of the given mental disorder can highly vary, and there is no sufficient evidence to point out a primary factor that triggers depression.
  • Interventions for Treating Depression after Stroke Inherently, the link between depression and stroke can be analyzed on the basis of post-stroke depression that is identified as the major neuropsychiatric corollary of stroke.
  • Depression: The Implications and Challenges in Managing the Illness At home, these people lack interest in their family and are not be able to enjoy the shared activities and company of the family.
  • Expression Symptoms of Depression A major finding of the critique is that although the research method and design are appropriate to this type of study, the results may be speculative in their validity and reliability as the researchers used […]
  • Researching Postnatal Depression Health professionals suggest that the fluctuations in the level of hormones cause changes in the chemical composition of the brain. The researcher has stated that the sample was selected from the general practitioners and health […]
  • The Older Women With Depression Living in Long-Term Care The researchers used the probability-sampling method to select the institutions that were included in the study. The health care professionals working in the nursing homes were interviewed to ascertain the diagnosis of depression as well […]
  • Medical Evaluation: 82-Year-Old Patient With Depression Her extreme level of weakness unfolded when the patient admitted that she lacked the strength to stand on her feet and to head back to her sleeping bed on a disastrous night.Mrs.
  • Depression in Adults: Community Health Needs The challenge of depression in the elderly is the recognition of signs and symptoms or the frequent underreporting of the symptoms of depression in adults over the age of 65.
  • The Discussion about Depression in Older Patients Depression is often identified as the most prevalent psychiatric disorder in the elderly and is usually determined by symptoms that belong to somatic, affective, and cognitive categories.
  • Depression in Older People in Australia Although a good number of depressed elderly patients aspire to play an active role in the treatment decision-making process, some prefer to delegate this role to their doctors.
  • In-Vitro Fertilization and Postpartum Depression The research was conducted through based on professional information sources and statistical data collected from the research study used to further validate the evidence and outcome of this study.
  • Depression: Screening and Diagnosis What he tries to do is to live a day and observe the changes that occur around. What do you do to change your attitude to life?
  • Depression in Australia. Evaluation of Different Factors In attempts to identify the biological causes of depression, the researchers focus on the analysis of brain functioning, chemical mediators, their correlations with the neurologic centers in the brain, and impact on the limbic system […]
  • Mental Health Paper: Depression The prevalence of mental health conditions has been the subject of many studies, with most of these highlighting the increase in these illnesses.
  • The Two Hit Model of Cytokine-Induced-Depression The association between IL-6 polymorphism and reduced risk of depressive symptoms confirms the role of the inflammatory response system in the pathophysiology of IFN-alpha-induced depression.
  • Ante-Partum & Postpartum Exposure to Maternal Depression The researchers engaged in the research work on this particular study topic by approaching it on the basis of maternal behavior and circumstances, as they connect to depressive conditions in their own lives and the […]
  • Depression in Australia, How Treat This Disorder According to The World Health Organization, depression is defined as a disorder in the mental health system that is presented with feelings of guiltiness, low concentration, and a decrease in the need for sleep.
  • Steroid Use and Teen Depression In this manner, the researcher will be in a position to determine which of the two indicators is strongest, and then later, the indicators can be narrowed down to the most basic and relevant.
  • Depression Among Minority Groups Mental disorders are among the major problems facing the health sector in America and across the world in the contemporary society.
  • Aspects and Definition of Depression: Psychiatry This is the personal counseling of a patient with the doctor, and it is one of the very best processes. In the case of a physician dealing with a mental patient, the most preferable way […]
  • Alcoholism and Depression: Intervention Strategies The intention of the research paper is to assess if indeed there is an association between alcoholism as manifested by Jackson, and a case of depression.
  • Depression and Paranoid Personality Disorder Bainbridge include: The analysis of paranoia and anxiety caused by substance abuse reveals that the diagnosis can be correct based on the symptoms, but the long-lasting nature of the symptoms rejects this diagnosis in favor […]
  • Antidepressant Drugs for Depression or Dysthymia These are the newer form of antidepressant that are based on both the principle of serotonin reuptake prevention and norepinephrine action.
  • The Relationship of Type 2 Diabetes and Depression Type 2 diabetes is generally recognized as an imbalance between insulin sensitivity and beta cell function We have chosen a rural area in Wisconsin where we can focus our study and select a group of […]
  • Teenage Depression and Alcoholism There also has been a demonstrated connection between alcoholism and depression in all ages; as such, people engage in alcoholism as a method of self medication to dull the feelings of depression, hopelessness and lack […]
  • “Relationships of Problematic Internet Use With Depression”: Study Strengths and Weaknesses One of the study strengths is that the subject selection process is excellently and well-designed, where the subjects represent the study sample, in general.
  • Depression Treatment: Biopsychosocial Theory More to the point, the roles of nurses, an interprofessional team, and the patient’s family will be examined regarding the improvement of Majorie’s health condition.
  • Postpartum Depression and Its Impact on Infants The goal of this research was “to investigate the prevalence of maternal depressive symptoms at 5 and 9 months postpartum in a low-income and predominantly Hispanic sample, and evaluate the impact on infant weight gain, […]
  • Postpartum Depression: Statistics and Methods of Diagnosis The incorporation of the screening tools into the existing electronic medical support system has proved to lead to positive outcomes for both mothers and children.
  • Comorbidity of Depression and Pain It is also known that dysregulation of 5-HT receptors in the brain is directly related to the development of depression and the regulation of the effects of substance P, glutamate, GABA and other pain mediators. […]
  • Depression Among University Students The greatest majority of the affected individuals in different universities will be unable to take good care of their bodies and living rooms.
  • Hallucinations and Geriatric Depression Intervention Sandy has asserted further that the cleaners at the residence have been giving him the wrong medication since they are conspiring to end his life with the FBI.Mr.
  • Changes in Approaches to the Treatment of Depression Over the Past Decade In spite of the fact that over the past decade many approaches to the treatment of depression remained the same, a lot of new methods appeared and replaced some old ones due to the development […]
  • Management of Treatment-Resistant Depression The significance of the problem, the project’s aims, the impact that the project may have on the nursing practice, and the coverage of this condition are the primary focuses of this paper.
  • Teenage Depression: Psychology-Based Treatment This finding underlines the need to interrogate the issue of depression’s ontology and epistemology. Hence, there is the need to have an elaborate and comprehensive policy for addressing teenage depression.
  • Depression and Anxiety in Dialysis Patients However, the study indicates the lack of research behind the connection of depression and cognitive impairment, which is a significant limitation to the conclusive statement.
  • Adolescent Grief and Depression In looking for an activity that may help him or her keep away from the pain he or she is experiencing, the victim may decide to engage in sexual activities. Later, the adolescent is also […]
  • Depression Disorder: Key Factors Epidemiology refers to the study of the distribution and determinants of health related events in specific populations and its applications to health problems.
  • Depression Effects of School Children However the present difficulties that he is going through being a 16 year old; may be associated to a possible cause of Down syndrome complications, or the feelings and behavioral deficiency he associates to the […]
  • Depression, Hallucination, and Suicide: Mental Cases How they handle the process determines the kind of aftermath they will experience for instance it can take the route of hallucinations which is treatable or suicide which is irreversible thus how each case is […]
  • Depression, Its Perspective and Management Therefore this paper seeks to point out that stress is a major ingredient of depression; show the causes, symptoms, highlight how stresses is manifested in different kinds of people, show how to manage stress that […]
  • The Theory of Personality Psychology During Depression The study concerns personality pathology, and the results of the treatment given to patients who are under depression, and how personalities may have adverse effects on the consequences of the cure.
  • Depression and the Media Other components of the cognitive triad of depression are the aspect of seeing the environment as overwhelming and that one is too small to make an impact and also seeing the future as bleak and […]
  • Poor Body Image, Anxiety, and Depression: Women Who Undergo Breast Implants H02: There is no difference in overt attractiveness to, and frequency of intimacy initiated by, the husband or cohabitating partner of a breast implant patient both before and after the procedure.
  • Depression: A Cognitive Perspective Therefore, the cause of depression on this line may be a real shortage of skills, accompanied by negative self-evaluation because the individual is more likely to see the negative aspects or the skills he lacks […]
  • Stress, Depression and Psychoneuroimmunology The causes and symptoms of stress may vary from person to person and the symptoms can be mental as well as physical.
  • Depression: Helping Students in the Classroom
  • Family Therapy for Treating Major Depression
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences Cause Depression
  • Rumination, Perfectionism and Depression in Young People
  • Beck’s Cognitive Therapy Approach to Depression Treatment
  • Depression: Risk Factors, Incidence, Preventive Measures & Prognostic Factors
  • Depression Diagnostics Methods
  • Concept Analysis of Loneliness, Depression, Self-esteem
  • Teen Suicide and Depression
  • The Correlation Between Perfectionism and Depression
  • Geriatric Dementia, Delirium, and Depression
  • Dementia, Delirium, and Depression in Older Adults
  • Depression in People With Alcohol Dependence
  • Creating a Comprehensive Psychological Treatment Plan: Depression
  • Experimental Psychology. Bouldering for Treating Depression
  • Depression and Psychotherapy in Adolescence
  • Postpartum Depression: Treatment and Therapy
  • Atypical Depression Symptoms and Treatment
  • Dementia, Delirium, and Depression in Frail Elders
  • Depression & Patient Safety: Speak Up Program
  • Mindfulness Meditation Therapy in Depression Cases
  • A Review of Postpartum Depression and Continued Post Birth Support
  • Psychodynamic Therapy for Depression
  • Depression as a Psychological Disorder
  • Great Depression in “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty
  • Depression in Adolescents and Interventions
  • Bipolar Disorder: Reoccurring Hypomania & Depression
  • Postpartum Depression: Understanding the Needs of Women
  • Major Depression Treatment During Pregnancy
  • Patients’ Depression and Practitioners’ Suggestions
  • Traditional Symptoms of Depression
  • Social Media Impact on Depression and Eating Disorder
  • Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents
  • Depression Studies and Online Research Sources
  • Depression Explanation in Psychological Theories
  • Depression Assessment Using Intake Notes
  • Depression in Adolescents and Cognitive Therapy
  • Depression and Grief in the “Ordinary People” Film
  • Diagnosing Depression: Implementation and Evaluation Plan
  • Depression in Iranian Women and Health Policies
  • Depression Patients and Psychiatrist’s Work
  • Depression Patients’ Needs and Treatment Issues
  • Depression in Patients with Comorbidity
  • Depression After Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment
  • Depression and Psychosis: 32-Year-Old Female Patient
  • Postpartum Depression and Acute Depressive Symptoms
  • Postpartum Depression and Its Peculiarities
  • Exercises as a Treatment for Depression
  • Depression Treatment Changes in 2006-2017
  • Depression in Elders: Social Factors
  • Depression Among High School Students
  • False Memories in Patients with Depression
  • Postpartum Depression Analysis in “Yellow Wallpaper”
  • The Canadian Depression Causes
  • Teen Website: Fish Will Keep Depression Away
  • Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression
  • Fast Food, Obesity, Depression, and Other Issues
  • Depression in the Future Public Health
  • Depression: Patients With a Difficult Psychological State
  • Depression: Pathophysiology and Treatment
  • Stress, Depression, and Responses to Them
  • Problem of the Depression in Teenagers
  • Supporting the Health Needs of Patients With Parkinson’s, Preeclampsia, and Postpartum Depression
  • Depression and Its Causes in the Modern Society
  • Hamilton Depression Rating Scale Application
  • Yoga for Depression and Anxiety
  • Sleep Disturbance, Depression, Anxiety Correlation
  • Depression in Late Life: Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Postpartum Depression and Comorbid Disorders
  • Arab-Americans’ Acculturation and Depression
  • Relationship Between Depression and Sleep Disturbance
  • Child’s Mental Health and Depression in Adulthood
  • Parents’ Depression and Toddler Behaviors
  • Managing Stress and Depression at Work Places – Psychology
  • Job’ Stress and Depression
  • Depression Measurements – Psychology
  • Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression
  • Relationship Between Sleep and Depression in Adolescence
  • The Effects of Depression on Physical Activity
  • Psychological Disorder: Depression
  • Depression and Workplace Violence
  • The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional Abuse
  • Depression Diagnosis and Theoretical Models
  • The Impact of Exercise on Women Who Suffer From Depression
  • Evolutionary Psychology: Depression
  • Depression in the Elderly
  • Poly-Substance Abuse in Adolescent Males With Depression
  • How Does Peer Pressure Contribute to Adolescent Depression?
  • How Do Genetic and Environmental Factors Contribute To The Expression of Depression?
  • Depression and Cognitive Therapy
  • Cognitive Treatment of Depression
  • Book Review: “Breadwinning Daughters: Young Women Working in a Depression- Era City, 1929-1939” by Katrina Srigley
  • Depression: A Critical Evaluation
  • Psychopharmacological Treatment for Depression
  • “Breadwinning Daughters: Young Working Women in a Depression-Era City” by Katrina Srigley
  • Interpersonal Communication Strategies Regarding Depression
  • Depression: Law Enforcement Officers and Stress
  • Social Influences on Behavior: Towards Understanding Depression and Alcoholism Based on Social Situations
  • Depression Experiences in Law Enforcement
  • Childhood Depression & Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Depression Psychological Evaluation
  • Concept of Childhood Depression
  • Correlation Between Multiple Pregnancies and Postpartum Depression or Psychosis
  • Depression and Its Effects on Participants’ Performance in the Workplace
  • Catatonic Depression: Etiology and Management
  • Depression: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
  • Depression Levels and Development
  • Depression Treatment: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  • Concept of Depression Disorder
  • Does Divorce Have a Greater Impact on Men than on Women in Terms of Depression?
  • Oral versus Written Administration of the Geriatric Depression Scale

❓Research Questions for a Depression Essay

  • Does Poverty Impact Depression in African American Adolescents and the Development of Suicidal Ideations?
  • Does Neighborhood Violence Lead to Depression Among Caregivers of Children With Asthma?
  • Does Parent Depression Correspond With Child Depression?
  • How Depression Affects Our Lives?
  • Does Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Have an Effect on Depression Levels in Elderly Women?
  • How Can Overcome Depression Through 6 Lifestyle Changes?
  • Does Maternal Depression Have a Negative Effect on Parent-Child Attachment?
  • Can Providers’ Education About Postpartum Depression?
  • Can Vacation Help With Depression?
  • How Children Deal With Depression?
  • Can Diet Help Stop Depression and Violence?
  • Does Depression Assist Eating Disorders?
  • Does Depression Lead to Suicide and Decreased Life Expectancy?
  • Can Obesity Cause Depression?
  • Can Exercise Increase Fitness and Reduce Weight in Patients With Depression?
  • Does Fruit and Vegetable Consumption During Adolescence Predict Adult Depression?
  • Does Depression Cause Cancer?
  • Does Money Relieve Depression?
  • Does the Average Person Experience Depression Throughout Their Life?
  • Are Vaccines Cause Depression?
  • Does Social Anxiety Lead to Depression?
  • Does Stress Cause Depression?
  • How Bipolar and Depression Are Linked?
  • Does Postpartum Depression Affect Employment?
  • Does Postpartum Depression Predict Emotional and Cognitive Difficulties in 11-Year-Olds?
  • Does Regular Exercise Reduce Stress Levels, and Thus Reduce Symptoms of Depression?
  • Does the Natural Light During Winters Really Create Depression?
  • How Can Art Overcome Depression?
  • How Anxiety and Depression Are Connected?
  • Does Positive Psychology Ease Symptoms of Depression?
  • Bullying Research Topics
  • Conflict Research Topics
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Topics
  • Disease Questions
  • Burnout Questions
  • Hyperactivity Disorder Research Ideas
  • Insomnia Questions
  • Eating Disorders Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

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A Very Sad Experience essay

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  1. How To Write A Good Sad Story

    sad story english essay

  2. 😍 Sad story essay example. 366 Words Essay on The Saddest Day of My

    sad story english essay

  3. Sad Memories-Full Essay

    sad story english essay

  4. ⇉A Sad Incident In My Life Narrative Essay Essay Example

    sad story english essay

  5. How To Write A Good Sad Story

    sad story english essay

  6. Sad Love Story

    sad story english essay


  1. Moral story : Two Frogs

  2. Learn English With Story || English Essay || Learning A Foreign Language

  3. Moral Story : The Needle Tree

  4. Moral story : Greedy Dog


  1. 9810+ Best Sad Short Stories to Read Online for Free

    The sun was setting over Gaza, painting the sky with shades of orange and red. The warm colors seemed a sad contrast to the cold reality surrounding Samir. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he looked out the window, his heart heavy. His hometown, his home, was slowly disappearing among the rubble and explosions.

  2. 25+ Sad Stories That Will Break Your Heart (And Make You Think About

    18 Two-Sentence Sad Stories From Reddit. Language is a wonderful medium. In just two carefully crafted sentences, you can tug at a person's heart strings. Make them think. Move them deeply. In the below sad stories, so much emotion is conveyed with so few words. Brace yourself and read on—if you have the strength. 1. I found the love of my ...

  3. The Saddest Moment of My life: Narrative Essay

    Download. It was about 2015, and everything was normal. I was living in Clarkston, Michigan with my parents, siblings, and my dog, Denali. My dog was my best friend besides the ones at school, she would comfort me when I was sad, and she always made me happy. I came home from school, it was a good day, and I was excited to see my family.

  4. 101 Sad Story Ideas That Will Make Your Audience Cry

    7. Homeless Heart: A homeless man receives a job, but his past mistakes haunt him. The sad story unfolds as he tries to rebuild his life, offering a message of redemption. 8. The Writer's Block: A writer struggling with their craft receives writing advice from an unlikely source, their late mother's letters.

  5. Essay Examples on a Sad Story

    When it comes to writing a sad story essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good sad story essay topic should be thought-provoking, emotionally engaging, and unique. It should elicit empathy and evoke strong emotions in the reader. In this section, we will discuss What Makes a Good sad story essay topic and provide recommendations on how ...

  6. 135+ Sad Writing Prompts to Stir Deep Emotions in Readers

    2. Compose a poem that encapsulates a moment of profound self-reflection, shedding light on the transformative power of introspection and self-awareness. 3. Create an artwork or song that conveys the concept of "survivor's guilt," shedding light on the complex emotions related to surviving a tragedy others did not. 4.

  7. 8 Sad Short Stories to Quickly Bring the Tears

    Maybe you just want a little shot of sadness on your lunch break or right before bed. Whatever the reason (I don't judge), here are the best sad short stories to get the emotions flowing in no time! " Paper Menagerie " by Ken Liu. As a child, Jack's mother folded origami animals out of left-over wrapping paper. They were special, they ...

  8. The End of the Line

    I lie facing the window, sensing the solid wall of your back; your arm a buttress near my own. We are on two different sides; we could wave to each other from our battlements, if we ever turned to face each other. Blank faces. Faces peer anywhere but at me. Down into their phones, up at the signs: exit A, B, C….

  9. 11 Of The Best Sad Short Stories

    The Little Widow From The Capital - Yohanca Delgado. One of the best poignant sad short stories, Yohanca Delgado's The Little Widow from the Capital follows a widow as she moves from the capital to a smaller town following the passing of her husband. Readers see her daily life, and her interactions with the local community and hear her ...

  10. Sad Short Stories That Might Make You Cry Online

    This story can be read in the preview of Great Short Stories of the Masters. (select in Table of Contents, 73% into preview) 2. A Dark Brown Dog by Stephen Crane. A child is standing on a street corner when a little brown dog approaches. They have a friendly exchange, but it quickly turns rough with the child hitting the dog.

  11. How to Write a Sad Story: 6 Tips for Evoking Emotion in Writing

    5. Use backstories to add weight. If you show your character's history, that can help build up to an emotional reaction to minor-seeming actions, language, or even body language. Foreshadowing a sad event with a backstory can make the climax feel more intense. 6. Use sad moments to further character development.

  12. Sad Story Essays at WritingBros

    The Breakfast Club is a comedy drama directed and written by John Hughes, released in 1985. This cult movie around the life of the teen and high school environment is considered as one of the pioneers of the genre. On a Saturday, five students with... Film Analysis. Sad Story.

  13. 101 Sad Writing Prompts For Your Next Heart-Wrenching Story

    12. "She gave me one last look before walking out into the storm. No one has seen her since.". 13. He had no idea how much she already knew. He walked in the door, ready to tell her everything. 14. "You were angry with me … because I made you look bad to your family.

  14. How to Write a Sad Story: 33 Best Tips

    Use pathos to create a strong emotional connection between the reader and your characters. Write Realistic Dialogue. Use dialogue to reveal character emotions and keep it natural and true to the character. Use Contrast. Use contrast to highlight the tragic elements of your story. Choose a Fitting Setting.

  15. How to show sadness in writing (with 5 examples from fiction)

    Facial expressions are another great way to show sadness in writing. A mouth is downturned. Eyes close or widen. A bottom lip trembles. A face crumples. A person who is trying to conceal their sadness may clench their jaw, jut their chin or bite their lip. They may smile, but without the smile reaching the eyes.

  16. Best Sad Writing Prompts of 2023

    We hope that it provides you with the inspiration that you need. If you're looking to cut to the chase, here's a list of top sad writing prompts: Someone in the story has a lot of hard lessons to learn. Write a story about someone tired of their day-to-day routines. Write a story about someone who loses their cat.

  17. 50 Sad Story Ideas That Will Leave Your Readers Shattered

    A peasant child adopted into a royal family feels trapped between worlds. Two siblings who had very different experiences in the foster care system struggle to find a connection as adults. A stray dog goes on a journey to find a loving home. A single parent struggles to rescue their adult child from a cult.

  18. Sad Writing Prompts: Over 50 Ideas That Are Complete Tearjerkers

    50+ sad writing prompts. Check out the 50+ sad story prompts below to inspire you! Ideas for sad short stories. The main character is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Write a story about their attempts to reconnect with distant family members during the short time they have left. A couple who lost their child to an illness years ago adopted ...

  19. Sad Love Story: My Love and Broken Heart

    Sad Love Story Essay 2. I met her in the city of love - Paris. Francine peered through the crowd, rocking on her heels. The icy cold hair swept her lush bouncy brunette hair across her plump face. There was sunshine in her smile and her chocolate brown eyes woke the butterflies in my stomach. She dressed in casual clothing, the ubiquitous ...

  20. Describing Sadness in Creative Writing: 33 Ways to ...

    Instead, try using more descriptive words that evoke a sense of sadness in the reader. For example, you could use words like "heartbroken," "bereft," "devastated," "despondent," or "forlorn.". These words help to create a more vivid and emotional description of sadness that readers can connect with.

  21. Essay on Saddest Day of My Life

    The saddest day of my life taught me the harsh reality of life and death, and the inevitable cycle of existence. It made me realize the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with our loved ones. It was a day of profound loss and sorrow, but it was also a day that shaped my understanding of life and its transient nature ...

  22. 327 Depression Essay Titles & Examples

    Depression is a disorder characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and loss of interest in life. The symptoms include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and trouble concentrating. This disorder can produce physical problems, self-esteem issues, and general stress in a person's life. Difficult life events and trauma are typical causes of ...

  23. A Very Sad Experience Free Essay Example

    A Very Sad Experience. Categories: Experience. Download. Essay, Pages 2 (462 words) Views. 5691. I had an emergency call from a family, back in my country, telling me that I need to go home as soon as possible. Before that, I had already a plan for vacation to visit my family, especially my dad who was very ill that time.

  24. Queer review: Daniel Craig is 'heartbreaking' in this explicit gay

    Luca Guadagnino's latest film sees the James Bond star on exceptional form as a dissolute writer into casual sex and strong liquor. He's easily the best thing about it.