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Tips on Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

Have you ever argued with someone who thinks that their point of view is the only right point? Such people don’t even try to consider the arguments and evidence from the opposite side, that’s what makes such conversations frustrating. There are many complex issues, where it’s not easy to make a choice. Our world is not black-and-white, and if you want to make a point, you should also consider the opposite point. Fortunately, writing classes teach students analytical thinking, and pros and cons essays are the best exercises. When writing such essays, you should consider both sides of an issue, and tips from specialists at College-Writers.Com will help you with it.

What Is a Pros and Cons Essay?

To write a decent pros and cons essay, you should perfectly understand what it is. This type of writing assignments is exactly what it sounds like: it’s an argumentative essay that requires you to consider both positive and negative aspects of a subject.

Perhaps, the most difficult thing about this type of writing is that you cannot just write a list of pros and cons. Instead, you should synthesize the facts that you have, picking a side and clearly stating your own point. However, your essay shouldn’t be all about supporting your point. It should provide arguments, and your opinion must be just your personal conclusion that you came to after analyzing all the arguments.

What to Consider When Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

First, you should choose a debatable topic. It means that you must be able to provide a balanced number of both negatives and positives. For example, genocide is not debatable because you cannot say anything good about it, and charity is also not debatable because there’s nothing bad you can say about it.

Another important thing to consider is that both pros and cons should be given equal weight in your essay. You should carefully analyze both sides of the argument. When you read a good pros and cons essay, you cannot understand what is the author’s opinion until you see the thesis statement at the end. Now let’s take a closer look at the writing process itself.

Pros and Cons Essays: Step-By-Step Guide

The writing process is somewhat similar to that of any argumentative essay because it includes researching, writing an outline, writing a draft, and proofreading. However, the pros and cons essays also have their own specific features.

1. Research your topic

If you’ve got your topic assigned by your instructor, or if you’ve chosen a good debatable topic, start researching it. Make sure to look for credible sources and avoid being biased. You must be open-minded about your subject, even if you have a certain opinion. Don’t let your opinion affect your research.

2. Brainstorm the pros and cons

While researching, divide the information into two categories: pros, and cons. At this point, you don’t need to write an outline, just make a list of positive and negative aspects that will serve as the basis for your outline.

3. Write an outline

Once you’ve got a list of pros and cons, write your outline. It should consist of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the body of the essay, you should address the pros and cons. You may choose to list all the pros first and then address the cons, or you may devote each paragraph of the body to a certain aspect of the issue, explaining its pros and cons. Here’s an example:

  • Thesis statement
  • Final thoughts

4. Write the introduction

The introduction should start with a strong hook — the very first sentence that should motivate your readers to keep reading your essay. The thesis statement must provide your opinion on the subject. However, when writing pros and cons essays, you may also present your thesis statement in the conclusion. If you include your thesis statement in the introduction, it may provide a general understanding of what the body paragraphs will be about.

5. Add details to your outline

Once you’ve written the thesis statement and the outline, it won’t be a problem for you to write the body paragraphs. Just elaborate on the points from your outline and add more details. Every body paragraph should only focus on one point but all the paragraphs should be related to the thesis statement.

6. Write the conclusion

The conclusion has two main purposes. First, it should summarize the whole essay. Secondly, it should leave your readers with something to think about. It may also reveal your opinion by presenting the thesis statement if you haven’t stated it in the introduction.

As you can see, writing a pros and cons essay is not a difficult task. If you’re still not sure that you can write a good essay, we suggest that you ask experts from College-Writers.com for help. Our professional writers know everything about writing assignments of any kind, and they will provide you with outstanding papers on any topic.

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What is a Pro and Con Thesis?

Tips for writing a pro & con thesis:, 1. research your topic, 2. brainstorm pros and cons, 3. take a stand, 4. put it together, how to write a pro & con thesis statement.

You may be required to write a paper evaluating the pros and cons of a particular issue, providing both positive and negative attributes of a specific subject as well as your position.

  • It tells readers what you want them to know or consider about the topic after reading your essay.

The key to developing a pro and con thesis statement that includes the most relevant information is research.

Research helps you become better informed and determine what it is about your topic you want to examine.

  • Gather resources that help you establish inferences or raise questions.
  • Use information gathered from credible sources to determine your position, support your claim, and defend your viewpoints against opposing arguments.

Informed writers write a more authoritative thesis statement.

Once you have completed your research, brainstorm and list all pros and cons you can think of concerning your topic.

  • This can be done by separating positive from negative sides or randomly listing them together.
  • Try to develop a counterpoint for each pro and con.
  • You need at least three pros and cons for a sufficient argument.

A strong thesis statement is one that takes a stand and can be defended.

  • Decide which side of the argument you support and group all your thoughts into one central theme.

In order to take a stand, you must know opposing viewpoints and provide evidence against them.

  • Your viewpoints must be clearly defined, and all of your pro and con points should prove your thesis or disprove the opposing side.
  • Do not use words such as “I believe” or “I feel” in your thesis statement.
  • Your opinion of the topic must be a powerful statement that fits the facts.

A formula for putting together a pro and con thesis statement that shows both positive and negative benefits and chooses a position is by making a claim plus reason.

  • Make your claim and give the reason for it.

A claim plus reason thesis allows the writer to determine the focus, simplifies the relationship between ideas and keeps the reader focused on the viewpoint.

  • you may decide to write about the effects of being a child star and state the thesis like this: “Although being a child star can be a learning experience and a stepping stone to a successful adult acting career, it can be harmful because a child actor has an unstable school schedule, less social activity with other children and more exposure to adult subject matter.”
  • Using a claim plus reason formula gives your reader enough detail about the topic to grasp your argument.

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Argument and Persuasion: Structuring and Writing an Argument Essay

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Page Overview

This page deals with the process of writing the argument: planning, structuring, strategies, writing, revision.

Pre-Writing Considerations

There are things that should be given some attention before you begin writing your argument.  Thoughtful planning in the pre-writing stage increases the chances of your argument successfully convincing your audience.  A well-executed piece of writing should be unified, coherent, and complete.

unified = the paper presents only a single idea or, if more than one idea, one point is made the principal one and the others are subordinated to it 

coherent = the discussion flows smoothly and logically and is easy for the reader to follow; trying to make sense of the writing does not become an ordeal

complete = everything that should be said, has been said; no questions are left in the mind of the reader

Achieving a coherent, complete, unified piece of Argumentative Writing 

1.  Clearly state the argument/proposition of your essay.

2.  Analyze the proposition.  First, jot down points of conflict between your view and the opposing view.  Second, think over your jottings and try to decide which points are the issues on which your argument should hinge.  Third, arrange your jottings in order to give unity and coherence to your essay.

3.  Write a paragraph (or more if necessary) on each point of conflict.  (This step will have some variation, depending on whether you are using the block or point pattern of organization.)

4.  Analyze and evaluate what you have written to see whether (a) the evidence seems reliable and (b) the reasoning free of fallacies.

5.  Establish effective transitions between the discussions of the various points ( coherence ), keeping in mind that your objective is to connect each point to the main contention of your theme, the main proposition.

6.  Think of your introduction.  What makes the topic worth arguing about now (purpose)?  (NOTE:  Your topic should be broad enough to interest a large number of people, yet narrow enough that you can focus and manage the discussion.)  What kind of people are you writing for (audience)?  Can you depend on an interested and sympathetic hearing, or must you strive to gain attention and win people over?  If you have to gain attention, how will you go about it?  After you have thought about these things and written a first draft of your introduction, do you think it necessary to go back and revise the discussion in the body of your essay to make it better adapted to your audience?

7.  Treat your conclusion as the last impression you will leave on your readers.  Do you return here to your key point (your thesis), showing how your whole argument essay bears on and supports it?  Do you leave your readers with a positive impression of your effort, even if you cannot be sure of having totally convinced them by reason? 

Outlines for an Argument Essay

Pattern Outlines for an Argument Essay



I. Introduction 

A. Main Point 1

B. Main Point 2

C. Main Point 3

D. Main Point 4

II. Response Section 

A. Summarize the opposition argument against your Main Point 1, offering counter argument that uses explanation and proof to defend your point of view.

Follow this strategy for the other points of your argument.

III. Summary

A. Briefly restate the arguments  pro and con on the topic 

IV. Conclusion

A. Give a strong defense of your position, referencing your supporting evidence

I. Introduction

II. Main point 1

A. Summarize Point 1

B. Refute opposing arguments to Point 1, supporting  your statements with explanation

III. Main Point 2

A. Summarize Point 2  

B. Refute opposing arguments to Point 2, supporting  your statements with explanation

IV. Main Point 3

A. Summarize Point 3

B. Refute opposing arguments to Point 3, supporting  your statements with explanation

V. Main Point 4

A. Summarize Point 4

B. Refute opposing arguments to Point 4, supporting  your statements with explanation

VI. Conclusion

(Based on https://apps.spokane.edu/.../Summary%20Response%20Essay%20Assignment.pdf

     In the context of argument, "pro" means agree/support, and "con" means disagree/oppose.   Whether you structure your argument to follow the block style or point-by-point pattern, the three principal components of presentation, support, and refutation must be included.  A point-by-point structure probably will be easier to follow, as the block style creates some separation between the "pro" and "con" sides of an argument which may require readers to do some up-and-down "scrolling" of the text.

Breaking it Down in Detail

  • Argument Deconstructed Source: Mesa Community College. Provides multiple links to cover argument in-depth and from many aspects. Includes argument essay charts, outlines, and worksheets.

Defining Arguments:  defines what argument is and is not while providing some insights on laying the groundwork before the writing begins

How To Create an Argument:  covers the stages of pre-writng, writing, and revising an argument

Argument at a Glance: P.A.P.A.: a blank page with no content

Argument Claims:  discusses types of claims and perspectives from which to launch your argument; includes links to sample readings

Argument Outline:  provides outlines for various argument structures and types and also contains worksheets for preparing an argument

Rogerian Argument:  explains an alternative approach to the "traditional" argumentative style

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos:  offers tips on how to interact with the audience in an argumentative context

Fallacies:   a glossary of things to avoid

Sample Essays:  a selection of seven argumentative essays written by students

Argument on the Web

The Purdue OWL:   The OWL is the Online Writing Laboratory maintained by Purdue University.  It is a comprehensive, encyclopedic online reference source for nearly all aspects of research and writing, from topic selection to citation styles and source evaluation.  Every serious researcher should bookmark the OWL. 

For information regarding writing argumentative papers, either type "Purdue OWL"   argument  into an internet search box.  The first page of results provides links to more specific aspects of writing argument.  Or, you can type the word argument into the "Search the OWL" box (https://owl.purdue.edu/search.html).   Once you have landed on any OWL screen, it is good to scan the left pane for other pages which you may find useful.  

CAVEAT:  Purdue OWL has merged with Chegg, a for-profit company who has created a citation machine service for citation management.  This partnership has resulted in pop-up advertisements appearing on OWL screens as well as permitting Chegg influence on OWL's citation help pages.  Those using the OWL may wish to keep these things in mind.

Useful options besides the Purdue OWL are 

  • Excelsior College Online Writing Lab  ( https://owl.excelsior.edu/ )
  • Massey University OWLL ( http://owll.massey.ac.nz/index.php )

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  • Last Updated: Aug 9, 2024 11:12 AM
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An Example of How to Write a Pro & Con Essay

Todd bowerman.

Pen om paper.jpg

“Pro and Con” essays are impartial reports engineered to provide the reader with both the positive and negative aspects of any given topic. Your job as the writer of one of these essays is to provide accurate information that backs up both sides of the argument, yet does not show any favor toward one side or another. Writing a pro and con essay is similar to writing any other type of essay with a few minor tweaks.

Explore this article

  • Choose a good topic
  • Brainstorm as many negative and positive qualities as and of your topic
  • Isolate three or four or
  • Use a traditional essay format

1 Choose a good topic

Choose a good topic. The most important step in writing your essay is finding a subject that has both pros and cons. Writing a pro and con essay on a topic that is clearly beneficial or clearly dangerous will prove to be difficult and time-consuming. If you are allowed to choose your own topic, pick something that has two clear sides, each with their own set of arguments. For instance, you could choose to illustrate the pros and cons of a vehicle with a manual transmission. Since driving a manual isn't overwhelmingly good or bad, it is a perfect example of the type of topic to look for.

2 Brainstorm as many negative and positive qualities as and of your topic

Brainstorm as many negative and positive qualities of your topic as possible. Start two columns on a piece of paper, one labeled “Pros” and one labeled “Cons.” Fill this page with as many details as you can. Sticking with the manual transmission example, pros could include better gas mileage, less transmission maintenance, more fun and better performance. Cons could include damage caused by user error, inconvenience in slow traffic or hazardous situations and difficulty.

3 Isolate three or four or

Isolate three or four of the largest benefits and three or four of the largest problems with your topic from your brainstorming list. You cannot write about every pro or con, so stick with the ones that are at the core of your issue. Using the manual transmission example again, the strongest pros would be better gas mileage and less maintenance, while the strongest cons are the learning curve and possible user error causing expensive damage. You will likely have far more options from which to choose.

Research your topic at a library or using trusted resources on the Internet. A pro and con essay should be backed by as many facts as you can provide to strengthen both sides of the argument. For instance, Consumer Reports has found that a manual transmission improves gas mileage by 2 to 5 miles per gallon. That's a concrete fact that can help make the case for the pros of driving a stick. On the cons side, an expensive problem like clutch wear is verifiable evidence of the possible costs involved in driving a stick.

5 Use a traditional essay format

Use a traditional essay format to argue the case. Your first paragraph should be an introduction that speaks briefly on the topic at hand and what you intend to do with it. Use middle paragraphs to discuss pros and cons, devoting one section of your paper to each. Wrap your essay up with the conclusion you have drawn from doing this research and writing your paper. Be sure to mention your own opinion somewhere in the conclusion paragraph. Your closing line can be simple, along the lines of, "Based on the information I have discovered in my research, driving a vehicle with a manual transmission is clearly the better option for drivers concerned about the long-term cost and health of their vehicles."

  • 1 Essay Town: How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay

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Pros/Cons Essay Writing: Take Both Sides, Present Stehgths and Weaknesses

  • Oct 06, 2008
  • Academic Writing

pros cons essay

A pro/con essay is essentially a persuasive essay where the object is for you to convince the reader that your position is more valid by presenting facts to prove the point. In a pros and cons essay, the writer will support the argument through both presenting facts and also “objections”, or counter-arguments , to other elements that are not in support of the argument . Even though a pro/con essay is the author’s attempt to subjectively prove his or her opinion, the bulk of the pro/con essay must be well-researched facts that either prove the argument or disprove the counter-argument. Your success will rise and fall based on how well facts are presented and whether or not your reader comes to a different view of the topic.

How to Write a Pro/Con Essay

The first step is to choose and understand the topic . Sometimes you will be able to choose the topic, and if so, make sure that the topic that is chosen is one with clearly defined viewpoints. Usually,  current event topics are excellent for this. Once the topic is chosen, you must decide the side of the issue which you will support. This will help to guide research and writing . A strong thesis statement that makes a claim is also necessary at this point. So before deciding on your stance, make sure you researched both angles of the issue and analyzed all of the arguments. Make the thesis statement clear and able to be defended and promoted. All of the points of a pro/con essay should either prove the thesis or undercut the opposing position. Ensure that your viewpoints have credibility by sticking to the facts when presenting information, even though a pro/con essay will have some subjectivity to it because of the persuasive element. When writing the conclusion, be sure to reiterate the thesis and main points , but do not include any new information. Crisp, clean writing that effectively argues the point will set a great essay apart from a good essay.

Outline Template


  • Introduce the topic
  • Thesis: Pick a side of the topic to be advocated for through the essay
  • Present arguments and evidence supporting the thesis
  • Undercut arguments and evidence against the thesis
  • Summarize main points
  • Reiterate thesis

If you need help with pros/cons essay writing, our experts can help you research, write and edit your essay. 

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(Some) Outlining Methods Pros and Cons

Outlines are not everybody’s thing. I know that, but they can be incredibly useful. I’ve said before that I wasn’t an outlining kind of writer when I first started, mostly because I didn’t know it was an option, but I’ve come around a bit and I’ve been testing out how to effectively outline this past year or so.

There are a couple of reasons I’ve done this, first being that I was getting stuck. I would write myself into a situation that had to be a certain way because of character traits and decisions made earlier in the story and because of said situation I was forced to go in a certain direction that I didn’t want to go in because it was either that or do a total rewrite. In short, I was stuck in a loop of starting over and over and over until I lost interest. Outlining doesn’t necessarily fix that problem entirely, but it helps test the waters for things that may be problems and helps me direct my characters away from directions I don’t want to go. I find that it also helps me write faster since I’m not spending as much time wondering what I should do next, and it helps me get hyped about my story. It’s not a sure-fire thing, but it’s certainly preventative.

I think there’s a misconception, which a lot of people have about the outline, that it’s a set in stone contract or a walkthrough of your story. The truth is that you may not even use the outline at all, you may simply make it and never touch it again because it may have already fulfilled its purpose to you. The point of an outline is to get you to think about your story before you actually write it. Brian A. Klems puts it this way in his article “Choosing the Best Outline Method for You” in Writer’s Digest :

“Think of it, perhaps, as a recipe. You can follow a recipe exactly for, say, a cheesecake, or you can add a bit of chocolate to the batter, and poof—chocolate cheesecake! Or, you can add a graham cracker crust and some cherries to the top, and you’ve got a different version of the same classic. Recipes guide us—but the creativity still belongs to the head chef.”

So, if you’re convinced, and you want to start using outlines, you may be wondering “What the fuck do I do now?” And I might respond “That is a very good question, I was hoping you could tell me.” Just as there is no one way to use an outline, there is no one way to make an outline. Here are a few ways people suggest you go about it, and some pros and cons to each strategy:

  • The Expanding Outline (aka The Snowflake Method):

The idea with this one is that you start with your basic premise

Ex. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water

Then you keep expanding and adding more details to it

Ex. Jack the seventh son of a seventh son with his twin sister Jill must hike up the mount Hecuba to retrieve the water of youth to heal their sick mother. à Jack the seventh son of a seventh son with his twin sister Jill must hike up the mount Hecuba to retrieve the water of youth to heal their sick mother, because they are the only one’s powerful enough to defeat wicked Zolo. Zolo almost kills them several times (with his henchmen, his giant hawk, and with his turtle Steve), but Jack and Jill persevere and face Zolo for one final battle when Jack falls from the mountain, leaving Jill to follow him down quickly or perish. ETC.

More information here .

  • Helps identify the places that need expanding
  • Can be used on the micro and macro level.

This one’s easy. Just start writing the story but summarize the conversations and scenes.

  • Straight forward
  • Easy to follow after it’s done
  • Not good for much brainstorming
  • May have to do it several times
  • Skeletal Outline:

This is the one most people think of when they think of outlines. It’s like when you were a kid in elementary school and they made you do those outlines for essays that have the class hated more than writing the actual essay. You basically just use a story common story structure and plug in elements of your story

  • Easy to follow
  • Easy to organize and reorganize
  • Bird’s eye view
  • Helps identify key elements
  • May have to try different story structures out
  • Free-Writing:

This is method I use a lot with in my outlining process. It’s basically just doing a dry-run of the story with low attention to detail. I use this when I have no ideas, but I think that writing will help me think clearer.

  • Good brainstorming
  • Not easy to follow
  • May cause you to get lost or too focused on small details
  • May not help with the flow of the piece
  • Contextual Preperation:

This one I think should just me standard if you’re writing a story. It’s not outlining the story elements or plot, just hammering out details about the world and the characters. What are the politics, climate, history, ruling class, etc. of the world and what are your characters’ motivations, fears, habits, ticks, appearances, history, etc..

  • You know what every element of the world will and won’t do
  • Good reference
  • Good descriptions
  • Good for pantsers
  • Goos motivation
  • You will probably use this
  • Not step-by-step
  • 3 Act 9 Part 27 Chapter Outline:

This is a basic structure that I’ve used before, more information here. You can manipulate the details, but it gives you points to touch on.

  • Step-by-step
  • Good for making sure you touch on why things are happening and how your main character is influencing the plot
  • Need to make sure your chapters flow
  • Maybe not the layout you want
  • Notecard Method:

Honestly I don’t understand this one. I think it’s useful if you have elements you want and don’t want to commit to a place for them yet. You can use notecards to move around elements easily. More information here .

  • Easy to manipulate
  • Easy to follow when it’s done
  • Not easy in the brainstorming stage

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50 Pros and Cons Essay Topics

What is the point of pros and cons essay topics? They help students understand what they would like to write about. Imagine that you got an assignment: your professor asked you to craft an essay where you evaluate an object along with its advantages and disadvantages. This would be a pros & cons type of task, and it’s represented by a set of different features. You might be concerned about how much research you’re going to need and when to find time for writing, but the truth is, selecting which pros and cons subjects to explore is one of the major factors affecting your success. If you make a wrong decision, then your research and efforts won’t pay off as well as they could have otherwise. This kind of essay is essential because it develops your analytical skills and teaches you to look into the depth of an object, underlining its weak and strong sides. We hope to assist you by making it clear why choice of topics plays such a major role in writing and where to find inspiration for it.

How to Choose Pro Con Essay Topics?

All students should follow some writing strategies when they start working on a new task. We’re going to outline four of them. Take a look and try to keep these things in mind. They usually apply in all situations, and with their help, you have more chances at writing a strong and engaging essay.

  • Always make things interesting for yourself.  All topics could be made interesting, at least to an extent. If you were forced to take a topic from a professor-generated list, then it could be tough, but otherwise, you can always look for something that will trigger your honest interest. There are plenty of good pros and cons topics — all you need is take a dive into your own mind. Think about stuff that you’re invested in. Perhaps you’re an athlete passionate about swimming. Maybe you love cooking, prefer theater performances over movies, or love sea over the ocean. Why not write about this? It would be exciting for you, and if you feel interested in your topic, your writing is going to reflect it, so your readers will find enjoyment as well.
  • Preserve your objectivity.  Some pro con paper topics are less fortunate than others. Try not to pick something that is obviously good or bad. For example, if you decided on exploring the benefits and cons unemployment has, the latter will clearly prevail, so you won’t be able to write a balanced essay. If you have passion for some topic, it might be great, but it could also hinder you from being objective. Assess your reactions and attitudes, and choose a theme you could build a fantastic essay on.
  • Check if your ideas are supported.  Pro con topics could be controversial, which is something professors usually like, but you’re going to have to use sources for supporting your points. Don’t make statements that reality refutes. Even if you feel strongly about a topic, you should rely on facts, not emotions. So watch out for it and check whether there are enough articles or books that could be incorporated as you need it.
  • Discuss.  Talk about your ideas with others. This could be a teacher — in most cases, they appreciate being consulted. Classmates are also a great bet: discuss your ideas together and brainstorm. Maybe you’ll find common inspiration. Talk with your friends or family members — they could offer you ideas you haven’t considered. Write about things you like, and you’ll learn to feel enjoyment during this process.

50 Useful Pro and Cons Topics

The list below has various suggestions you could use for your essay. We devised it so that you could find inspiration whenever you need it: just look through these 50 options and settle on the ones you like. Take them and write an essay on them or shift some ideas in the way you like before doing this. The choice is yours: we are here only for boosting your productivity.

Education Pros and Cons Essay Topics

In many ways, success depends on the education you receive. These pros and cons topics could let you argue against this point or in favor of it.

  • Should Students Be Motivated to Receive Education in the US?
  • Doing Homework: Is This a Good Idea?
  • Prolonging Education by Getting a Master’s Degree: Waste of Time or Step Toward a Better Future?
  • Moving into Campus: Good or Bad Decision?
  • Sending Children to Preschool: Do They Really Need to Go There?
  • Tuition Costing Money: What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of This Issue?
  • Academic Grades As a Method for Evaluating Performance: Motivating or Discouraging?
  • What Are the Perks and Drawbacks of Online Education?
  • Taking Gap Year Before Entering College: Yes or No?
  • Purpose of Application Essays and Degrees of Effectiveness

Health Pros and Cons Essay Ideas

Billions of people all over the world are terrified for their health right now. Choose a pro con topic that speaks to you most.

  • Wearing Masks Outside: Pros & Cons
  • Hospice: Place of Hope or Despair for Those Who Are Already Dying?
  • Should Students Choose Nursing as Their Career?
  • Pros & Cons of Studying at Medical University
  • Is Personal Hygiene Really That Important?
  • The Benefits & Dangers of Alternative Medicine
  • Should People Who Want to Lose Weight Rely on Diets?
  • Reasons for Getting or Not Getting Health Insurance in the US
  • Going Vegan: Should Most People Do It?
  • Safety & Dangers Presented By Modern Vaccines

Social Media and Technology Topics

Almost all of us have an account on one of social media platforms. These pro and con topics reflect this trend.

  • What Are the Benefits and Dangers Posed By Online Dating?
  • Discuss What Makes iPhones a Great & Terrible Choice
  • Gaining Popularity on Social Platforms: A Curse or a Blessing?
  • Using Facebook For Most Communication Needs
  • Reading E-Books Instead of Physical Books: Did This Change Make People’s Lives Easier?
  • Relying on Your Cell Phone: Why Is This Useful & What Dangers It Could Lead To
  • Evolution of Technology: Did It Improve Our Lives or Made Them Unhealthier?
  • Becoming a Technician: Is There a Point?
  • Skype as a Way to Stay in Touch Visually No Matter the Distance: Pluses and Minuses
  • Twitter as a Platform for Exchanging Crucial Info.

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History and Politics

Here’s an example of advantage and disadvantage topics related to historical & political aspects of our life.

  • Was Trump a Good President for Americans?
  • Was Obama’s Presidency a Good or Bad Thing for Other Countries?
  • Different Wars from the perspective of the US: Who Got Rich & Poor?
  • Monarchy as System of Government: Should It Be Applied More Often?
  • Age Limit for Participating for President Position: Is It Necessary?
  • Being a Queen That Rules an Entire Country: Too Much Trouble or Endless Pleasure?
  • Civil Right Movements: Victories and Losses That Resulted From It
  • Should Students Be Encouraged to Study Political Science In Colleges?
  • Is There a Sense in Political Theories Or Are They All Meaningless?
  • Communism as Structure Based on Equality: In What Way Does It Work in Reality?

Morality and Social Issues Pro and Cons Essays Topics

Morality could be seen as a simple area of discussions, but at the same time, it’s incredibly complex. These topics with pros and cons could push you in the right direction.

  • Provision of Free Apartments for Homeless People: Is This a Viable Solution?
  • Discuss if Death Penalty Should Be Applied in Violent Cases Where Guilt Is Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt
  • Living in a Third World Country: Positive & Negative Aspects
  • Adopting Pets From Shelter: Is It Always a Better Choice?
  • Having Children Despite Being Poor: Should It Be Done?
  • Living with a Person You No Longer Love for the Sake of Children
  • Giving Gifts to People You Do Not Care About: Is There a Point?
  • Helping People Despite Not Being Well Off Yourself
  • Being Brave Regardless of the Circumstances: Is It Noble or Stupid?
  • Should Children Be Punished by Their Parents If They Misbehave?

Learn How to Pick Pros and Cons Essay Topics and Improve Your Writing

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Pro/Con & Compare/Contrast Essay

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Writing a pros and cons essay.

pro con essay outline


  • -Write a list noting the advantages and disadvantages of your topic. Arrange them in the order you plan on writing them in your essay. Create a rough outline of your essay, including how many paragraphs you want and what you plan on writing for the conclusion.
  • - Use transitions when writing your essay. Do not start every sentence with the words, one advantage or one disadvantage. Use words like despite, nevertheless, yet, however and although. Keep your advantages and disadvantages grouped together. Write one or two paragraphs for each.
  • -Do not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc) in the introduction or the main body of compositions, reports and articles.

pro con essay outline

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218 perfect pros and cons topics to write your paper on.

pros and cons topics

A pro con topic is bordered on writing a persuasive essay. Topics with pros and cons are about debating the advantages and disadvantages of any subject.

Students examine the advantages and disadvantages of any topics which involve showing their perspectives at the end of the day. This gives room for genuine comparison of a subject as opinionated essays.

This is why there are pro versus con debate topics that show two sides of an argument before a judgment is formed. These two parts present the right information and analyze them.

Pros and Cons Paper Outline

Writing a pros and cons paper can become a challenge not only because there are so many topics to choose from but also because it can be difficult to structure. Preparing an outline can be crucial in writing the perfect pros and cons paper. Check out this sample outline to help you out:

  • Introduction: Every successful paper begins with an intro. Introduce your topic. In the case of a pros and cons paper make sure to write out your thesis, which should be a statement that you will be examining the pros and cons of.
  • First Body Paragraph: Here you should begin by choosing the pro and con side and focusing on it. Make sure to clearly state the pros and then provide supporting statements.
  • Second Body Paragraph: In the second body paragraph you can now shift to the opposite side of the argument. If you wrote about pros, now you can focus on the cons.
  • Third Body Paragraph: Finally, in the third paragraph you can provide counterarguments, and make an evaluation of the initial thesis, and if it is more  beneficial or detrimental.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your findings and discussion in the conclusion. Repeat your thesis and your evaluation statements.

As students, you may need to create better essays through pro con topics. These are hot pros and cons subjects that require high quality writing skills for expression.

Pros and Cons Ideas

There are a series of existing ideas that can be developed from interesting pros and cons subjects. Your topics could be on any issue you’ve considered before or problems that are affecting the globe at present.

As students of a college or a university, you may need these topics for your semester break assignment. You can awe your professor with these hot pro con topics:

  • Examine the pros and cons of the use of computers in the modern world.
  • What are the pros and cons of having same-sex parents?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a single parent?
  • What are the pros and cons of writing adult essays as a teenager?
  • What are the pros and cons of studying in a day school as an adult?
  • What are the pros and cons of living in the countryside without the knowledge of the city?
  • What are the pros and cons of technology in our day-to-day life?
  • Examine the pros and cons of physical labor amongst teenagers.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of working amongst children in orphanage houses.
  • What are the pros and cons of quitting a job and getting fired from the job?
  • Weigh the pros and cons of engaging in remote work.
  • Examine the pros and cons of mixed marriages and multilingual experiences for kids.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of living an imposing parent’s dream.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of hiring older employees for physical labor in a manufacturing company.
  • Examine the pros and cons of hiring younger employees as school bus drivers.
  • What are the pros and cons of public transportation in the US?
  • What are the pros and cons of making an order for a ride with a driver you do not know?
  • Examine the pros and cons of any business model of your choice.
  • Examine the pros and cons of traveling in risky places.
  • Examine the pros and cons of being a wildlife fan.
  • Examine the pros and cons of working with the government.
  • Identify the pros and cons of working with private companies that require that you travel often.
  • Examine the pros and cons of the space race during the Cold War
  • Analyze the pros and cons of having a business and not being a partner.
  • Identify the pros and cons of getting into a partnership with strange people.
  • Write the pros and cons of getting an unsecured personal loan.
  • Write the pros and cons of learning multiple languages.
  • Identify the pros and cons of marrying a woman older than you as a man.
  • Identify the pros and cons of pursuing a career you don’t like but fetching money.
  • What are the pros and cons of business competition in the digital world?

Good Pros and Cons Topics

Rather than consult a paper help team for your homework pro vs con topics, you can consider many topics in this list. Students are always expected to be bright and creative with topics.

If time doesn’t allow you, you can be creative with these topics. Express your ideas on the following customized pro con topics:

  • Identify the pros and cons of having a career in the technical niche.
  • What are the pros and cons of online and distance learning?
  • Analyze the pros and cons of going on vacations.
  • Examine the pros and cons of working with NGOs.
  • What are the pros and cons of learning amongst a group of people?
  • What are the pros and cons of playing the “Truth or Dare” game?
  • Examine the pros and cons of complying with struct rules as students.
  • What are the pros and cons of getting vocational training in today’s world?
  • What are the pros and cons of using an iPhone rather than an android?
  • Examine the pros and cons of traditional and modern teaching methods.
  • What are the pros and cons of using the media as an entertainer?
  • What are the pros and cons of separating average students from exceptional students in schools?
  • What are the pros and cons of having same-sex schools?
  • What are the pros and cons of engaging in extracurricular activities?
  • Examine the pros and cons of having a part-time job while studying.
  • What are the pros and cons of living in a dormitory as students?
  • Examine the pros and cons of being a part of a fraternity group.
  • Are there any pros and cons to bullying?
  • What are the pros and cons of Halloween parties?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a long-distance relationship?
  • What are the pros and cons of living with parents as adults?
  • Examine the pros and cons of living alone as a teenager.
  • Identify the pros and cons of encouraging tourism even in dangerous cities.
  • Identify the pros and cons of attending strange people’s wedding ceremonies.
  • Identify the pros and cons of hooking up.
  • Examine the pros and cons of staying married.
  • Are there pros and cons of testing on animals?
  • What are the pros and cons of residing alone in the woods or forests?
  • What are the pros and cons of studying abroad?
  • Examine the pros and cons of having an insecure partner, friend, or parent.

Pro Con Paper Topics

As a university student, having pro con topics for your paper could be intriguing. If you want to consider it, you can awe your professors with an intellectual and creative argument.

You can flex your creative muscles around these pro and cons topics through in-depth research:

  • Examine the psychological pros and cons of obsessive partners.
  • What are the pros and cons of being a tour guide to strange people?
  • Examine the pros and cons of doing business with people you do not know before.
  • What are the pros and cons of traveling by car?
  • What are the pros and cons of hiking alone?
  • Examine the pro and cons of visiting unexplored places.
  • Examine the pros and cons of having a child early.
  • What are the pros and cons of living as a foreigner in a country?
  • Examine the pros and cons of listening to music at a concert.
  • Examine the pros and cons of going to the cinema.
  • What are the pros and cons of taking a break from work?
  • Examine the pros and cons of being an only child.
  • What are the pros and cons of using an HP laptop to an Apple laptop?
  • What are the pros and cons of dieting?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a private school?l
  • Examine the pros and cons of studying alone.
  • Identify the pros and cons of having a terrible drinking habit.
  • What are the pros and cons of having a big house?
  • What are the pros and cons of living with a dog?
  • What are the pros and cons of living and working as a writer?
  • Examine the pros and cons of living and eating with a stranger in a private residence.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of being a leader.
  • Critically diagnose the pros and cons of having a big family.
  • Critically examine the pros and cons of having a big house.
  • Critically examine the pros and cons of having short nights.
  • Critically examine the pros and cons of seeing horror movies.
  • What are the pros and cons of having unhealthy eating habits?
  • Examine the pros and cons of cooking and eating your food compared to buying
  • What are the pros and cons of daily exercise?
  • Identify the pros and cons of having different rooms as couples.

Pro Con Controversial Topics

These are topics that could lift eyebrows. These are controversial topics that could cause resentment amongst conservatives.

As students, you must know how to present healthy arguments to drive home your points. You can thus consider:

  • The pros and cons of free education.
  • The pros and cons of free health care in the US.
  • The pros and cons of taking COVID-19 vaccines.
  • The pros and cons of purchasing pirate music.
  • The pros and cons of drinking beer.
  • The pros and cons of believing in feminism.
  • Examine the pros and cons of investing in digital currencies like cryptocurrencies.
  • The pros and cons of having transgender athletes contest with women athletes born in women’s bodies.
  • The pros and cons of plastic surgery.
  • The pros and cons of a video game.
  • The pros and cons of pornography.
  • The pros and cons of having irregular working shifts.
  • The pros and cons of having flexible working hours.
  • The pros and cons of looking for jobs online.
  • The pros and cons of having leisure time.
  • The pros and cons of hooking up rather than marriage.
  • The pros and cons of receiving government salaries over wages.
  • The pros and cons of having more than one sexual partner.
  • The pros and cons of working abroad.
  • The pros and cons of giving out discounts and other offers as entrepreneurs.

Pros and Cons Issues

You can express reasonable pro con arguments on pressing issues in the global world. These are issues that are challenging and important that this generation solves. Consider these topics as what your teachers will like and write.

  • What are the pros and cons of eating out in a restaurant?
  • Examine the pros and cons of physical sports in an insecure world.
  • Examine the pros and cons of unstable climatic conditions.
  • What are the pro and cons of having your house close to the water?
  • Examine the pros and cons of windy climates.
  • Examine the pros and cons of having different societal classes.
  • What are the pros and cons of market and free-market economies?
  • Examine the pros and cons of communism and capitalism.
  • Examine the pros and cons of democracy.
  • Examine the pros and cons of the different voting systems.
  • Examine the pros and cons of parliamentary and presidential systems of government.
  • What are the pros and cons of having a parliament in your country?
  • What are the pros and cons of having women in Parliament?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a woman as president?
  • Examine the pros and cons of a monarchy.
  • Examine the pros and cons of religion.
  • Examine the pros and cons of identifying as an atheist.
  • What are the pros and cons of genetics in today’s world?
  • Examine the pros and cons of cloning.
  • Examine the pros and cons of clinical trials on kids.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of the internet of things in the interconnected world.
  • Examine the pros and cons of globalization in an increasingly anarchical international system.
  • Examine the pros and cons of believing in yourself, not God.
  • What are the pros and cons of creating networks for your business
  • Identify the pros and cons of poor research studies?
  • Would you say schooling has pros and cons?
  • Would you say having multiple jobs has pros and cons?
  • What are your pro and con thoughts on artificial intelligence?
  • Express your views on the disadvantages and advantages of animal testing.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of keeping pets.

Pro and Con Debate Topics

If you want to engage in intellectual pro and con debates, you can also add your voice to existential issues. Consider these pro and cons topics for an intelligent discussion even in your school. You can also use them for inter-school or class competitions. They are:

  • Examine the pros and cons of policing marginalized communities of youths
  • What are the pros and cons of abolishing the death penalty

You can also consider these direct topics where you need to weigh the pros and cons:

  • There are no moral grounds for legalizing abortion
  • There is no peer pressure in abstaining or conceding to violence
  • The juvenile factor should be unnecessary when giving judgment on a teen manslaughter
  • Cloning should be accepted in every country
  • Democracy is the best political system that exists
  • Marijuana is okay, and it should be legalized
  • Nationalism is baseless and should big be encouraged even amongst the military
  • Euthanasia is the best way to help patients whose hopes of recovery are slim
  • The minimum wage must be raised to meet the existing crisis
  • Domestic policies must be ratified to help low-income earners
  • Climate Change remains dangerous and irreversible
  • More national parks should be created
  • Should Adolf Hitler be branded as a hero or villain to Germans before the end of WWII
  • Should having an animal circus be considered an act of animal cruelty
  • Genetics unmodified foods are the best choices for any society
  • Free speech doesn’t exist in any country
  • Every country is corrupt; the level of corruption is only different
  • The rates at which taxes accelerate in the US is okay
  • Racial inequality is not as challenging as many people think it is
  • All white men are racist because it is entrenched in the culture
  • Incarceration of minors does nothing but shape them to be better adults
  • An aspirant to public offices must be active on social media
  • The Facebook ban of Donald Trump was what was supposed to happen
  • Donald Trump should be banned for the White House Riot
  • There is a low impact of global warming on humanity
  • Social networking sites are now used to stalk other peoples
  • Religion does more good than harm to people
  • There can be no end to wars in the world even if we avoid all-out conflicts

Pros and Cons Topics for Middle School

As a middle school student, you may need pros and cons topics for your level. You don’t need to overthink the things you want to write about.

Your teacher already knows that you have limited experience of the world. You can thus choose any of these topics and give your best in discussing them:

  • What are the pros and cons of hot and cold weather conditions for farmers
  • What are the pros and cons of having a career in a favored profession
  • Would farming have pros and cons?
  • What are the pros and cons of having a hobby
  • Examine the pros and cons of globalization
  • Examine the pros and cons of internet regulations
  • Examine the pros and cons of gender stereotypes
  • Examine the pros and cons of learning about pop culture
  • Examine the pros and cons of having high mortality rates
  • What are the pros and cons of video games
  • What are the pros and cons of online dating
  • What are the pros and cons of reading books and watching movies?
  • What are the pros and cons of working without parents permission
  • What are the pros and cons of using social networking platforms as a teenager
  • What are the pros and cons of war
  • What are the pros and cons of lying?
  • Does life insurance have short pros and cons?
  • What are the pros and cons of health insurance
  • Discuss renewable energy’s pros and cons
  • Examine the pros and cons of using synthetic materials over plastic
  • Discuss the pros and cons of being active on social media
  • Discuss the pros and cons of physical dating over online dating
  • Identify student loans’ pros and cons
  • Identify the pros and cons of nuclear energy
  • Discuss the pros and cons of solar energy to the society
  • What are the pros and cons of being a pastor’s son?
  • Business owning pros and cons
  • Examine the pros and cons of learning how to write
  • What are the pros and cons of doing your assignment by yourself
  • Identify the pros and cons of having a lot of friends

Pros and Cons Topics List

If you want to create brilliant and exceptional topics for your schoolwork, you can consider this topic list. You can choose the following subjects to write on:

  • Getting involved in marital affairs
  • Earning wages over salaries
  • Hiring people for your services over DIY-ing
  • Robots in place of work over people
  • Having more national holidays
  • Having more leisure time at work
  • Reducing weekly work hours
  • Spending more time with partners than friends
  • Working out
  • Working hard after high school without Interest in going to college
  • Taking a break from school before doing a PhD
  • Working with business organizations over creating your company
  • The gender differences in sport question
  • Making independent or collective choices
  • The global economy concerns
  • The domination of western economies in third world countries
  • The role played by NATO in maintaining or worsening world security
  • The effect of pornography

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    Pros and Cons. The body of your paper should clearly outline the pros and cons of a particular issue. Devote at least one paragraph to each argument. You might, for example, dedicate a paragraph each to arguments in favor of the death penalty such as vengeance and deterrence, and a paragraph each to arguments against it such as executing the ...

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    You might use a graphic organizer to bring order to your findings. Draw a large lowercase "t" on a sheet of paper. Title the left side "pros" and list all the pros of the issue on the left side. Include citations from your research. Title the right side "cons" and repeat the process.

  8. Argumentative Essay: Guide on How to Write

    1. First evidential support of your reason (known as confirmatio) 2. Second evidential support of your reason, then third, and so on. B. Summarize your first reason again and tie it together with evidential support. III. Second reason, etc. A. Continue to list your reasons in the same format as the first.

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    Tips for Writing a Pro & Con Thesis: 1. Research Your Topic. The key to developing a pro and con thesis statement that includes the most relevant information is research. Research helps you become better informed and determine what it is about your topic you want to examine. Gather resources that help you establish inferences or raise questions ...

  10. ProCon Essay Outlining

    1. What are the levels of a pro-con essay outline?2. What is the purpose of each level?3. How do I use my thesis to help me write my outline?

  11. Pro Con Sheet

    Pro/Con Outline for Argumentative Essay. Course. English Composition II (ENGL 1020 ) 32 Documents. Students shared 32 documents in this course. University Southwest Tennessee Community College. Academic year: 2021/2022. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student.

  12. Structuring and Writing an Argument Essay

    A point-by-point structure probably will be easier to follow, as the block style creates some separation between the "pro" and "con" sides of an argument which may require readers to do some up-and-down "scrolling" of the text. Breaking it Down in Detail. ... Includes argument essay charts, outlines, and worksheets. Defining Arguments: ...

  13. How to Write a Pros & Cons Essay

    A pros and cons essay is a type of persuasive assignment where you discuss both sides of a debatable issue before revealing your own position. The objective, balanced structure allows audiences to formulate their own opinions before hearing your final analysis. You can write a good pros and cons essay by giving fair, ...

  14. An Example of How to Write a Pro & Con Essay

    "Pro and Con" essays are impartial reports engineered to provide the reader with both the positive and negative aspects of any given topic. Your job as the writer of one of these essays is to provide accurate information that backs up both sides of the argument, yet does not show any favor toward one side or ...

  15. PDF 1) Introduction/Claim (One paragraph) Start with a hook or attention

    Argumentative Essay Outline (Claim) Directions: Use this outline as a "road map" to write your essay. If you need more examples or sentence starters, use page 2 to help you! 1) Introduction/Claim (One paragraph) • Start with a hook or attention getting sentence.

  16. Pros/Cons Essay Writing: Take Both Sides, Present Stehgths and

    A pro/con essay is essentially a persuasive essay where the object is for you to convince the reader that your position is more valid by presenting facts to prove the point. In a pros and cons essay, the writer will support the argument through both presenting facts and also "objections", or counter-arguments, to other elements that are not in support of the argument.

  17. (Some) Outlining Methods Pros and Cons

    Cons: Not good for much brainstorming; May have to do it several times . Skeletal Outline: This is the one most people think of when they think of outlines. It's like when you were a kid in elementary school and they made you do those outlines for essays that have the class hated more than writing the actual essay.

  18. A for and against essay

    Top Tips for writing. 1. Start each paragraph with a word or phrase so the reader knows what to expect, for example Firstly, On the other hand or To sum up. 2. Link your sentences with these words: In addition; Another advantage is that; However; Also; Another disadvantage is that. 3. Organise your essay in paragraphs. paragraph 1 - introduction.

  19. 50 Pros and Cons Essay Topics For College Students

    Pros and cons essay topics presents a list of advantages and disadvantages for your essay. Choose among a variety of subjects and write an outstanding essay. ... We're going to outline four of them. Take a look and try to keep these things in mind. They usually apply in all situations, and with their help, you have more chances at writing a ...

  20. Pro And Con Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Online Advertising Pro and Con. PAGES 5 WORDS 1583. Producers have the ability to use flashy advertising as a substitute for a good product, and to deceive the customer through paid, sponsored relationships with bloggers and advertisers. Consumers may still have difficulty understanding when a blogger is in the employ of a company.

  21. iRubric: Pro/Con Argumentative Essay rubric

    tm. iRubric J49A3C: Students are expected to write a 500-600 word pro/con or compare/contrast essay of their choice. The students were asked to be very knowledgeable on their topic. It included, but did not limit, comparing and contrasting two different sports, the pros and cons or music, or the pros and cons or open campus at lunch.

  22. My English Corner: WRITING A PROS AND CONS ESSAY

    Instructions. 1. Begin your essay by introducing your topic and explaining that you are exploring the advantages and disadvantages of this topic. You do not need a thesis because this is not a persuasive-paper. You aren't proving anything; you are simply giving informationIn articles and compositions, we may use any of the following techniques ...

  23. 218 Most Controversial Pros and Cons Topics For Students

    A pro con topic is bordered on writing a persuasive essay. Topics with pros and cons are about debating the advantages and disadvantages of any subject. ... Pros and Cons Paper Outline. Writing a pros and cons paper can become a challenge not only because there are so many topics to choose from but also because it can be difficult to structure ...

  24. Exploring the Pros and Cons of Social Media: A Comprehensive

    Here's a basic outline for a five-paragraph essay on the pros and cons of social media: ### **Introduction** - **Hook:** Start with a compelling statement or question about the pervasive role of social media in today's society. - **Background:** Briefly mention the rise of social media platforms and their significance in modern communication, business, and entertainment.