PhD, Postdoc, and Professor Salaries in Sweden

There’s no denying Sweden is a great place to work. Swedish employees have some of the world’s best vacation, healthcare, pension, and job security benefits. Combine that with several high-ranking universities and it’s easy to see why Sweden is a favourite destination for academics. Here's a breakdown of the most common Swedish academic jobs and their salaries. All salary statistics in this article are in Swedish kronor (SEK) and are pre-tax. Swedish taxes are based on where you live (around 30%) and how much you earn .

PhD Student Salary

A student working towards a PhD is called a doktorand in Swedish. On average it takes four years to complete a PhD in Sweden. Each university regulates its PhD salaries in a local collective agreement. This means that base salaries and the accompanying salary scales will differ between universities. For example at Karolinska Institutet, PhD student salaries range from 27,900 kr to 31,200 kr per month. At KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the minimum PhD salary was 30,300 kr and the maximum was 34,800 kr per month. According to SACO, the Swedish Academics Central Organization, the median salary for a PhD student in September 2020 was 30,223 kr per month.

Postdoc Salary

After earning their PhD, most researchers go on to do a postdoc or postdoktor in Swedish. In Sweden, postdocs can either be on a stipend/fellowship or have an employment contract with their university. Stipend postdocs are not entitled to the benefits that usually come with an employment contract (such as sick pay and paid parental leave), however their stipends are not taxed. According to SACO the average salary for a postdoc in Sweden in September 2020 was 37,548 kr per month. The median postdoc salary at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2022 is 38,000 kr per month.

Biträdande Lektor Salary

Biträdande Lektor is the Swedish position equivalent to a tenure-track assistant professor. It is a position that allows an academic who earned their PhD in the last five years to develop as a researcher, scholar, and teacher. At the end of their contact, the biträdande lektor is evaluated promoted to the permanent position of lektor if successful. The average salary for a biträdande lektor was 44,760 kr per month in September 2020 according to SACO and the median salary at KTH Royal Institute of Technology for 2022 is 48,960 kr per month.

Lektor Salary

This position is equivalent to a tenured associate professor. In addition to researching and publishing, a lektor is expected to teach and supervise PhD students. The avera ge monthly salary for a lektor was 49,586 kr in September 2020 according to SACO . The median salary for this position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology i n 2022 is 57,500 kr per month while at Uppsala University it is 52,900 kr per month. 

Professor Salary

This position used to be quite rare at Swedish universities as was only held by department chairs, but since 1999 it has become more and more common. Similar to a full professor in the US, Swedish professors have strong publication records, proven teaching skills, and have been successful as a PhD supervisor. They have usually established themselves as an international or national leader in their field. According to SACO , the average monthly salary of a Swedish professor was 67,550 kr per month in September 2020 but there is some variance from university to university. In 2022, professors were paid a median of 78,050 kr per month at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and a median of 78,266 kr per month at Uppsala University .

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phd salary in sweden 2022

  • PhD Study in Sweden – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD in Sweden is an opportunity to study in a country that combines a historic higher education system with a culture of ingenuity and invention. The country’s universities date back to the fifteenth century, whilst Swedish brands and technologies such as Spotify, IKEA and Bluetooth continue to shape the modern world.

This covers what you need to know about PhD study in Sweden , including information on applications, funding opportunities and doctoral fees (spoiler: there aren’t any).

PhD opportunities in Sweden – what’s on offer for 2024?

If the goal for your doctorate is to produce original and potentially innovative work (it should be) then a PhD in Sweden may well be the ideal choice.

Like its Scandinavian neighbours, Sweden is also a highly tolerant country, with progressive and inclusive laws that support LGBT rights and welcome international students and visitors.

Here's some reasons to consider a PhD in Sweden for international students:

  • Creativity and originality – You may not discover the next big music streaming solution (and even a PhD may not help you understand *that step* in those IKEA instructions) but your doctoral research will be right at home in a country that celebrates free-thinking and supports new ideas
  • Prize-winning research - Sweden's status as the home of the Nobel Prize (with 34 winners) reflects its proud history of recognising and rewarding research, excellence and innovation
  • No PhD fees – Swedish PhD programmes normally charge no tuition fees to their students (regardless of nationality)
  • Historic (and respected) universities – Higher education in Sweden dates back to the 1400s and the country’s universities are well placed in modern rankings, with particular specialisms in Medicine, Life Sciences and related subjects

We’ve studiously avoided making any ABBA references in this section, but if you want a university to take a chance on your research proposal and eventually give you, give you, give you a PhD without charging much money, money, money for fees*. . . well, there are worse destinations to choose than Sweden.

*We're sorry.

PhD Study in Sweden - Key Details
4 years
August to June

Swedish universities

There are 39 state-funded universities and equivalent institutions in Sweden, alongside a smaller number of privately funded higher education providers.

Degrees are organised using a three-cycle system , in common with the wider European Higher Education Area . Your PhD in Sweden will be a third-cycle qualification , usually taking place after Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) study.

Universities and university colleges

Higher education providers in Sweden are divided into two types:

  • Universities ( universitet ) are large institutions awarding degrees in a broad range of subjects. They carry out original research alongside academic teaching and therefore have the capacity to support and train PhD students.
  • University colleges ( högskola ) focus on technical and professional training, often in applied sciences and related subjects. They are less likely to award PhDs but may do so in certain subject areas.

The distinction between these two categories isn’t always obvious or clear from an institution’s name (university colleges may simply refer to themselves as universities). The good news is that you don’t need to worry too much about it. As a PhD student you’re likely to end up studying at a university, but the smaller number of doctoral programmes offered by university colleges are equally rigorous and respected.

Swedish university rankings

Sweden is home to one of Europe’s top-performing higher education systems, at least so far as university rankings are concerned. Of the 38 universities in Sweden, 10 rank within the current Times Higher Education world top 400.

Top 10 Swedish Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Karolinska Institute 50 - 37
KTH Royal Institute of Technology =97 =73 201-300
Lund University =106 =85 151-200
Uppsala University =140 105 82
Stockholm University =185 118 98
Chalmers University of Technology 189 129 401-500
University of Gothenburg 201-250 187 101-150
Linköping University 251-300 =268 301-400
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 301-350 - 301-400
Umeå University 401-500 =465 601-700
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

PhD structure

A PhD in Sweden represents the highest level of academic achievement for students. As in other countries, the emphasis is on your independent research towards an original thesis that makes a new contribution to knowledge in your field.

Swedish doctoral degrees

Doctoral level study in Sweden takes one of two forms:

A standard PhD in Sweden requires a minimum of four years full-time work (equivalent to 240 ECTS credits ) and awards a full doctorate (along with the all-important title of ‘doctor’).

Alternatively, you may choose to study for a shorter licentiate degree. This generally only requires two years of full-time work towards a shorter and less ambitious thesis (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits ). The Swedish licentiate is similar to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) offered in the UK or other countries and some students initially enrol for this qualification before upgrading to become full PhD candidates.

The academic year in Sweden runs from August to June with two teaching terms (August to January and January to June) separated by summer and winter holidays. As a PhD student you’ll normally work more flexibly throughout the year, but some additional courses and other activities may be linked to specific teaching periods.


You’ll complete your PhD (or licentiate) with the support of two or more expert supervisors whose job it will be to guide your work. Their roles will vary slightly depending on your field:

  • Supervisors for Arts , Humanities and some Social Science projects will serve primarily as mentors. They won’t be directly involved in your research, but they will be able to advise on the direction your project is taking.
  • Supervisors for Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) projects may also be carrying out similar research as the lead or principal investigator for the laboratory or research group your PhD is part of. This means they may also work alongside you or even collaborate on some experiments. However, your PhD thesis will still be an independent piece of work, based on your personal findings and analysis.

You’ll always have at least two PhD supervisors, one of whom will be the principal supervisor for your PhD. Some universities also appoint additional assistant supervisors with responsibility for specific tasks (such as training or pastoral care and support).

Your supervisors’ roles and expectations will be set by your university. As a minimum they’ll usually include arranging regular progress meetings, reviewing results and drafts and supporting you as you prepare to submit your thesis. Some additional responsibilities might include identifying and fulfilling training needs or assisting with other aspects of your professional and academic development.

PhD supervision

Our guides explain how to choose (and contact ) a PhD supervisor and introduce the working relationship you'll have with yours as a doctoral student.

Programme structure

Your main focus during a PhD in Sweden will be the original research required for your thesis. You’ll normally begin by assessing the scholarship in your subject (a literature review) before moving on to collecting sources or experimental data and eventually writing up your conclusions and results.

Some universities also offer more structured training alongside your research. This may involve attending short courses and / or attending short courses on research methods and other useful skills for your project.

It’s also common for PhD students at Swedish universities to serve as junior academic staff within their departments or faculties as part of their funding arrangements. If so, you’ll also have additional duties such as teaching or demonstrating.

Assessment and examinations

The assessment of a Swedish PhD is based on the quality of the doctoral thesis you submit at the end of your research. This needs to demonstrate that your work has been original, that it has made a significant contribution to your subject and that you have personally been responsible for designing and carrying out the research involved.

All of these qualities will be formally assessed during a final public defence of your thesis.

This is similar to the viva voce used in the UK and other countries but follows a slightly different procedure. Instead of being examined in private, you will present your thesis to an examining committee in front of an audience that may include other academics, fellow PhD students and your family and friends.

One of the committee will be an external expert (from outside your university) appointed to serve as your ‘opponent’. They will ask questions about your thesis and challenge you to explain your findings and conclusions. Other members of the committee (and audience) may also ask questions.

At the end of the examination your committee will decide whether or not you have successfully defended your thesis and can be awarded your PhD. This ‘live’ examination process may seem daunting, but you should think of it as an appropriate climax for your research, allowing you to assert your expertise and prove your qualification. It’s also quite rare for students to fail at this stage.

Masters study in Sweden

Looking to study a Masters in Sweden? We have all the information you need on our sister site, FindAMasters .

Fees and funding

There are no fees for PhD study in Sweden at state-funded universities (note that this doesn’t apply to Masters or Bachelors degrees). Doctoral programmes are free for EU, EEA and international (non EU) students.

The same applies to application fees – you don’t need to pay these for a PhD in Sweden.

You will need to cover your accommodation and living costs, but support may be available from your university to help with this.

Study grants

It’s common for PhD students in Sweden to also be recognised as staff, subject to an employment contract with their university. If applicable, this pays you to a salary known as a study grant ( utbildningsbidrag ) worth approximately €1,500 per month (but subject to tax).

Your employment status may vary during your PhD. For the first two years you will receive your study grant, but not be entitled to benefits and social security. For the final two years you will normally hold a full employment contract ( anställning ) and be entitled to support during illness, parental leave or other circumstances. More information will be available from your university.

In return for your study grant you will normally be required to carry out some responsibilities within your department, such as teaching undergraduates or assisting with administrative work.

PhD funding

Other scholarships and bursaries for PhD study in Sweden may also be available to help top up (or substitute for) a study grant.

The main source of PhD funding for international students in Sweden is the Swedish Institute (SI). They offer scholarships for students from specific regions including Turkey, the Balkans and the Baltic. More information is available on the official Study in Sweden website.

Other funding may be available from universities in Sweden, or from specific academic organisations and research charities relevant to your subject area. Our guides provide information on a range of PhD scholarships and other funding options .

Applying for a PhD in Sweden

You should apply directly to universities for PhD study in Sweden. How you do so will depend on the kind of project you are interested in:

  • PhDs in Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics will often be advertised as specific projects. You should view current opportunities and apply according to the guidelines set by specific adverts. This will often mean submitting a personal statement along with your academic CV and references .
  • Students in Arts , Humanities and Social Sciences are more likely to put forward their own project ideas. You’ll need to submit a strong research proposal , perhaps after contacting a potential supervisor for guidance and advice.

However you apply, make sure you check the specific requirements and procedure with your university.

Admissions requirements

Swedish universities are free to set their own entry requirements for PhD study . The minimum qualification will usually be a Bachelors degree in an appropriate subject, but a Masters is also desirable – particularly if you’re applying for funding.

Just as important as your previous qualifications will be your ability to demonstrate previous research experience . This could simply be the dissertation project for one or both of your previous degrees, but it’s important that you can show some preparation for the independent research you’ll be doing on your PhD.

The general eligibility criteria for PhD applications in Sweden is similar to most other countries in the EU.

Language requirements

A large proportion of teaching at Swedish universities takes place in English. This means you won’t necessarily need to know Swedish to study abroad in Sweden, but it’s worth checking with the specific university or department you plan to study within. Even if English isn’t required, picking up some language skills will help you settle in and enjoy your degree.

If English isn’t your first language you may need to submit a recognised test score . Exceptions might be made if you’ve completed a previous university degree taught in English.

Your university may invite you for an interview as part of the admissions process (in person, or online). This is a good sign! It means your application is suitably interesting and impressive and the university wants to hear more from you.

Student visas

Visa information for uk students in sweden.

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Sweden. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

You won’t need a visa to study in Sweden as a PhD student (student visas are required for visits of less than three months, but your PhD is guaranteed to take longer than this!).

EU, EEA and Nordic students

If you’re a citizen of an EU, EEA or Nordic country (a group that includes Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway as well as Sweden) you won’t need a residence permit to live in Sweden during your PhD. However, you will need to register with a local branch of the Swedish Tax Agency ( Skatteverket ).

You’ll need to bring your passport plus any marriage or birth certificates (if you are married and / or have children). You’ll also need to bring proof of admission to a Swedish university and a signed declaration that you have sufficient funds to live on during your PhD (the minimum requirement is €826 per month ).

Other international students

Students from countries outside the EU, EEA and Nordic group must formally apply for a residence permit in order to study in Sweden for longer than three months.

You can do this online. You’ll need to provide copies of your passport, along with proof that you have been admitted to a Swedish university, have paid the first instalment of your tuition fees and can support yourself financially during your PhD the minimum requirement is €826 per month ).

Health insurance

All students in Sweden will need full health insurance. If you already hold a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) you will normally be automatically covered. Alternatively, your university may provide cover as part of your study grant, or offer an affordable policy for you to purchase.

Sweden is a multicultural and inclusive country with plenty of opportunities for talented PhD graduates to apply their skills and expertise. Who knows – your work could be part of the next great Swedish innovation.

Can I work in Sweden after my PhD?

EU, EEA and Nordic students can live and work in Sweden without restriction. Other international students will need to apply for a post-study residence permit , allowing you to stay in Sweden for another six months as you look for work. To obtain this you’ll need to have completed your degree, still be in Sweden and hold a valid passport.

If you are successful in finding a job within six months, you can go on toapply for a work permit. Further information is available from the Swedish Migration Office .

Find a PhD in Sweden

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Sweden ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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PhD programmes

When you apply for a phd programme in sweden, you’re actually applying for a job. yeah, you read that right. 👀.

phd salary in sweden 2022

“Do a master’s here – I’d say it’s a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master’s at Malmö University and now I’m doing a PhD at Lund University” – Sanjay, Malmö University. Photo: Oskar Omne

So that means – no tuition fees, no scholarships. But you’ll receive a monthly salary instead. Nice, eh? And that’s why available PhD positions are listed on a university’s job board.

How to apply for a PhD position? You’ll apply directly to the university.

Just so you know, there’s no centralised application process. And things like requirements and application dates? This kind of stuff is decided by each department. But we do know that you’ll need to have a master’s degree – in the same field of study – and a great level of English to apply for a PhD here. You might even need to be fluent in Swedish. But that’ll depend on the subject.

+ - Find a PhD at a Swedish university

  • PhD at Blekinge Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Chalmers University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Dalarna University ↗️
  • PhD at Halmstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Jönköping University ↗️
  • PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Karlstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Karolinska Institutet ↗️
  • PhD at Konstfack ↗️
  • PhD at Linköping University ↗️
  • PhD at Linnaeus University ↗️
  • PhD at Luleå University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Lund University ↗️
  • PhD at Malmö University ↗️
  • PhD at Marie Cederschiöld University ↗️
  • PhD at Mälardalen University ↗️
  • PhD at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm School of Economics ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University of the Arts ↗️
  • PhD at the Swedish Defence University ↗️
  • PhD at Södertörn University ↗️
  • PhD at Umeå University ↗️
  • PhD at University College Stockholm ↗️
  • PhD at University West ↗️
  • PhD at University of Borås ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gothenburg ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gävle ↗️
  • PhD at University of Skövde ↗️
  • PhD at Uppsala University ↗️
  • PhD at Örebro University ↗️

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  • University Positions ↗️
  • Academic Positions ↗️
  • EURAXESS academic positions in Europe ↗️

+ - Useful info about research

  • CORDIS ↗️ – EU Research and Information Service
  • EURAXESS information ↗️ – Portal for information and practical assistance for researchers moving to Sweden
  • Formas ↗️ – The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
  • Swedish Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare ↗️
  • Swedish Research Council ↗️
  • Vinnova — Sweden’s Innovation Agency ↗️ – An organisation that integrates research and development in technology, transport and working life
  • Handbook for International Researchers ↗️ – Stockholm University’s handbook for international researchers

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  • Find a research position at a Swedish university ↗️

Department of Education

Phd programme overview.

In Sweden, applicants apply competitively for paid positions as PhD students . The PhD students receive a salary for a maximum of 48 months/8 semesters/4 years. Salaries are set according to the Stockholm University salary scale for PhD students .

The PhD programme consists of 240 Swedish higher education credits. The course work amounts to a third of the programme - 90 course credits – of which 52.5 credits consists of required courses and 37.5 are elective course credits. PhD students are expected to complete the required courses during the first two years of the programme. Their education, including course work and actual research, is conducted during weekdays and is mainly done on campus.

Our doctoral students have three supervisors cooperating and providing different skills in an effort to support the PhD student to become a proficient researcher in Education. A PhD student is expected to work independently to a high extent and receives supervision about 1-2 times per month.

Together with their supervisors, PhD students can choose elective courses in relation to their specific area of research. Students may choose elective courses among the courses offered by our department or by other departments/universities in both Sweden and abroad.

A PhD student is expected to engage in the research seminars at the department and cooperate with peers in creating a rich social environment with interesting and challenging discussions.

During the programme, PhD students are expected to present their research at, at least one international conference.

Please note that doctoral studies are only offered on campus. It is not possible to enrol through distance learning. Doctoral students are expected to actively participate in the departmental research environment through regularly participating in seminars.

Last updated: August 23, 2024

Source: IPD

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Last updated: March 18, 2024

Source: Department of Education

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Doctorate (PhD) Degree

Doctorate (PhD)

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Years of Experience

Gender breakdown for doctorate (phd).

Doctoral student salary agreement

The doctoral student agreement are locally agreed monthly salaries for employees as doctoral students at KTH

Doctoral student salary

Initial - step 1: 32 000 kr (30 800 kr)

30 % - step 2: 32 600 kr (31 600 kr)

50 % - step 3: 35 000 kr (33 800 kr)

80 % - step 4: 36 100 kr (35 100 kr)

The amounts apply from 2023-10-01. Last years amounts in paranthesis. Monthly salary at full-time before tax.

Structure of the doctoral degree:

Step 1 is the initial salary. Advancement to step 2, 3 and 4 is done after achieving the sub targets which are defined in the Individual Study Plan (ISP) corresponding 30 %, 50 % and 80 % of the total degree requirements of a doctoral diploma. Deviations from the schedule in the ISP must be motivated in writing by the main supervisor in consultation with the Director of Third Cycle Education. In absence of explicit and objective sub targets in the ISP advancement in the doctoral ladder is done after 30 %, 50 % and 80 % of the time plan for the studies.

Deviation from initial salary:

Agreements on higher wages may, after consultation with the director of personnel or persons appointed by the director, be concluded in cases of clearly stated recruitment competition or a professional experience relevant to the employment.

phd salary in sweden 2022

  • Denna sida på svenska
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Employment as a doctoral student at KI

According to the Higher Education Ordinance, employment is the most common means of support for doctoral students at KI. This page has important information about salary, other benefits, holiday and parental leave for students appointed to a doctoral studentship (employed as a doctoral student) at KI. Employment through a doctoral studentship is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5 Sections 1-7.

Those appointed to a doctoral studentship shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. However, within the framework of a studentship, a doctoral student may take part in educational tasks and other departmental duties up to 20 % of a full-time post. If this arrangement has been planned in advance in the student’s individual study plan, the appointment can be extended with the corresponding length of time, although maximum 20 %

 A doctoral studentship shall be a full-time post. If a doctoral student so requests, the appointment may be a part-time post but for no less than 50 % of a full-time post. A person may be appointed to a doctoral studentship for a total of eight years. The total employment period may, however, not exceed the time corresponding to full-time doctoral education for four years. The total period of employment may exceed that time if special grounds exist, such as illness, leave of absence for service in the defence forces, or an elected position in a trade union, or parental leave. In some cases, Covid-19 may also be regarded as special grounds. For more information, see the bottom of this page, under "*". “Leave of absence, from the employment as a doctoral student, that does not allow extension under the Higher Education Ordinance should not be granted Instead the doctoral student should terminate the appointment in order to save his/her appointment time as stated in the Higher Education Ordinance.

The initial appointment can be for maximum one year. An appointment can be renewed for maximum two years at a time. At KI, it is recommended that doctoral students be appointed for one year at a time.

In exceptional cases, a doctoral student who has not finished during the employment period available according to HF can be employed for a limited time according to LAS (The Employment Protection Act) as “Doktorand-L”. Special fixed-term employment (SÄVA) can be held for 360 days during a five-year period and began to apply on 1 October 2022 (General fixed-term employment (ALVA) can be held for two years during a five-year period, but the form of employment ceased to apply from 1 October 2022.) Employment according to LAS (for example ALVA and SÄVA) cannot be extended due to special reasons. The employment may affect the possibility of employment as a postdoctoral researcher at KI in the future.

The salary levels for employed doctoral students are regulated in a local collective agreement.

Quick reference guide doctoral

Local collective agreement (in Swedish)

Social benefits for doctoral students

Doctoral students employed by KI enjoy the same social benefits as other employees at the university.

Doctoral students at KI have a so called standard vacation (”schablonsemester”)

Parental leave

Parental leave is regulated through general agreements and Swedish law. KI also has a local agreement on parental benefits.

Information about parental leave, parental leave pay, reduction of work time for parents, taking care of a sick child and temporary parental benefits in conjunction with childbirth

If you get ill

If you are sick you should report this to your workplace the same day. KI pays your salary for the first 14 days of a sick leave. As of the 15th day, the National Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) pays out sickness benefits.

Information about calling in sick and reporting return to work, sickness pay and sickness benefits, doctor’s certification and reimbursement for medical care and drugs

Retirement pension

Doctoral students employed at KI have a pensionable income.

Information about pension for employees


Doctoral students who meet the requirements of Omställningsavtalet are covered by Trygghetsstiftelsen but only for the benefits resulting from 2 years of employment. Read more on Trygghetsstiftelsen's website.

Additional information for employees at KI

More information for employees at KI

Doctoral students employed at KI and supervisors that have questions about employment or employment conditions should contact HR at their departments.

Doctoral students with questions regarding their education should contact the supervisor, study director ("studierektor") or administrator for doctoral education at their home department.

Doctoral students employed by another employer

Many doctoral students at KI combine their doctoral studies with other types of employment, e.g. in the healthcare or in the industry. Approximately 35 % of the doctoral students at KI have an active affiliation to Region Stockholm.

It is the responsibility of the Department to upon admission to doctoral education assess whether a doctoral student can be ensured financial support during the entire period of their doctoral education. If the applicant plans to pursue doctoral education in parallel with employment within another organisation, e.g. Region Stockholm, there is a requirement that the head of the organisation approve the financing plan and certify that the doctoral student will have time and opportunity to perform the doctoral education.

When doctoral education is to be performed within the framework of an employment with another employer than KI and the other employer is responsible for the financing, it is recommended that a contract is established that regulates the financial terms up to and including the intended degree.

Social benefits

For questions regarding vacation, parental leave, illness and other benefits, please turn to the employer.

Doctoral reference guide (PDF, 171.74 KB)

*Extension of a doctoral studentship because of studies being interrupted as a result of Covid-19:

The Swedish Agency for Government Employers has issued the following statement regarding this matter:

”The Swedish Agency for Government Employers deems that if a doctoral student has not been able to fulfil his/her obligations or perform tasks because of circumstances that can be linked to Covid-19, it should be possible to extend the total period of appointment.”

The following criteria are to be followed when a doctoral studentship is to be extended because studies have been interrupted as a result of Covid-19:

 •The extension must be directly and clearly linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some examples of such circumstances are that a project did not take place , the doctoral student or supervisor has been on sick leave because of Covid-19 for an extended period of time, or that the doctoral student has been forced to interrupt his/her studies because of circumstances beyond the doctoral student’s control . It must be emphasised that it is the doctoral student’s responsibility to make his/her way to KI and a fear of travelling by public transport is not a valid reason for interrupted studies that enables the appointment to be extended.

•The reason for the interrupted studies must be clearly documented in the individual study plan.

•The doctoral student’s appointment can be extended for the required length of time, although no longer that the period of time the studies were interrupted .

•Extension can only be made when the supervisor in charge can see that the doctoral student will not be able to complete and defend the doctoral thesis in time. This should imply, for example, that there is no reason to extend the doctoral studentship of a doctoral student who has recently started his/her doctoral studies.

If an employer extends a doctoral studentship without taking the above-mentioned points into account, there is a risk that the extension of the doctoral studentship (employment as a doctoral student) is not permitted.

phd salary in sweden 2022

Countries offering the highest PhD stipends

highest PhD stipend

As inflation in the UK hits an all-time high in four decades, postgraduate students are searching for institutions with the highest PhD stipend.  The Guardian  reported that the increased cost of living has pushed stipends below the living wage, resulting in some struggling to pay rent and forcing them to work part-time jobs.

In June 2022,  UK Research and Innovation  (UKRI), the UK’s largest single funder, which supports about 105,000 postgraduate research students through seven research councils, announced that the minimum stipend for UKRI-supported students is due to increase by 2.9% for  the 2022-23 academic year .

Students are saying this isn’t enough. In an open letter to UKRI , they request doctoral stipends to be raised with current inflation levels.

At the time of writing, the  Bank of England  reports that the current inflation rate in the UK is at 10.1%, according to the Consumer Price Index. Meanwhile, inflation in Canada has hit an  all-time high  in three decades.

You might be considering whether it is worth pursuing a PhD in the current economic climate. If you are struggling financially, Muhammad Mohsin Ijaz, author of “Is PhD for me”, pens down a few countries that are affordable for postgraduate students to pursue their PhD, using Numbeo to check the living wage of a country. Here are his top recommendations:

highest PhD stipend

The cost of living in a specific country can make or break your decision to pursue a PhD. Source: Thomas Padilla/Cointreau

Four countries with the highest PhD stipend

Average PhD stipend (per annum): US54,935 US dollars

Average living cost, including rent (per annum): US$32,520

Pursuing your PhD in a country regularly ranked with the  best quality of life in the world can be a fulfilling experience. Plus, there are no tuition fees in the Norwegian higher education system  since you are an employee of the university — earning a doctoral salary and associated worker’s rights.

Norway is also strategically located between  Europe and the Arctic , allowing for  specialised research opportunities  like  marine research ,  energy and climate ,  medicine and health ,  food , and many more. There are four types of universities in Norway to pursue your PhD: universities, specialised universities, university colleges, and private specialised universities, as stated by FindAPhd .

Average PhD stipend (per annum):  US$54,636

Average living cost, including rent (per annum):  US$33,960

While students from the European Union or European Economic Area can pursue their PhD at public universities in Denmark for free, this country is also suitable for international postgraduate students. T uition fees for PhD students reportedly range between 6,000 and 16,000 euros per year — which is more affordable than studying in the US, Canada, or Australia.

Furthermore, Denmark’s universities are  top-ranked . This means they are well-equipped and can provide excellent research opportunities for PhD students. Some of these universities include the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and the Technical University of Denmark.

highest PhD stipend

Switzerland is home to multiple QS-ranked universities, such as the University of Geneva and the University of Zurich. Source: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP

3. Switzerland

Average PhD stipend (per annum):  US$53,434

Average living cost, including rent (per annum):  US$37,656

When you think about Switzerland, the first thought might be the famous Matterhorn or Lake Geneva — but did you know that 50% of PhD students in Switzerland are international students? There are good reasons for this. Every year, the Swiss Confederation  and  Swiss National Science Foundation  award scholarships to international postgraduate researchers who desire to pursue their PhD in Switzerland.

Pair this with the fact that there are four national languages in Switzerland (French, German, Italian, and Romansch) and you will experience a diverse learning environment.

Average PhD stipend (per annum): US$35,388

Average living cost, including rent (per annum): US$26,148

Like Denmark, Finland charges a tuition fee for international students who enrol at a public university. Fees range from 5,000 to 15,000 euros per year, with the University of Helsinki being the most expensive institution, according to Studyportals .

Alongside a solid infrastructure,   Business Finland reports that the nation has the world’s most advanced 5G test network. The entire country is linked by a comprehensive bus and rail network — making it easy for students to commute daily to classes or explore the city.

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Doing phd in sweden.

Sven Johanson


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Doctoral student salary agreement

Salary ladder.



Starting salary, minimum



Completed one year of net study period



Completed mid-way review/ Completed licentiate degree***



Completed three years of net study period



Completed doctoral degree


* Adjusted from 1 October 2023 according to the local collective agreement for doctoral student salaries at SLU (SLU id:

** As SLU's ability to recruit doctoral students is indicative in determining entry salary, a higher entry salary can be agreed upon.

***Level C salaries will be paid retroactively following completion of the mid-way review. The payments will begin in the first month of the second half of the actual period of study.

Please contact your HR specialist if you have any questions.  

Agreement from 1 July 2015  (in Swedish only)

HR specialists HR Unit , Division of Human Resources

Master, PhD and Postdoc Scholarships

Our Fastepo team has listed some fully funded PhD Positions in Sweden where English is the language of instruction at different Swedish universities on this page.

Fully Funded PhD in Sweden

Are you on the hunt for an enriching PhD position or scholarship with a monthly stipend at a Swedish university? Look no further! Our dedicated Fastepo team has meticulously curated a selection of fully-funded PhD Positions in Sweden, where English serves as the primary language of instruction. These opportunities span a multitude of esteemed Swedish universities, each offering its unique academic environment. To streamline your journey, each post seamlessly connects you to the dedicated page of the respective Swedish university:

  • Fully-funded PhD positions at Chalmers University of Technology
  • Fully Funded PhD Positions at Stockholm University
  • Fully funded PhD Positions at University of Gothenburg
  • Open Available fully-funded PhD Positions at Uppsala University
  • Available fully funded PhD Positions at Lund University
  • Funded PhD Positions at Karolinska Institutet
  • Fully Funded PhD Positions at Umeå University
  • Fully Funded PhD Positions at Linköping University
  • Available fully-funded PhD positions at Mid Sweden University
  • Available Fully Funded PhD at Malardalen University
  • Available Fully Funded PhD Vacancies at Örebro University
  • Available Fully Funded PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
  • Available Fully Funded PhD Vacancies at Lulea University of Technology

Would you like to know the salary amount of PhD and postdoc positions in Europe? 

  • PhD Salary in Denmark
  • Postdoc Salary in Denmark
  • Salary of a PhD student and Postdoc in Norway
  • PhD Salary in Switzerland
  • Salary ladder for PhD students in Sweden
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Germany
  • Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland
  • Salary of Postdocs in France
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the UK
  • Professors’ salary in the UK
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the Netherlands
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Finland
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Austria
  • Salary of Marie-curie postdoctoral fellowship
  • Salary of PhD student in Marie-Curie ITN
  • Doctorate Degree Business Administration Salary

You can find all the available full-funded PhD positions in different countries here.

  • Germany – Fully Funded PhD
  • Switzerland – Fully Funded PhD
  • Denmark – Fully Funded PhD
  • UK – Fully Funded PhD
  • Sweden – Fully Funded PhD
  • Finland – Fully Funded PhD
  • Netherlands – Fully Funded PhD
  • Norway – Fully Funded PhD
  • Belgium – Fully Funded PhD
  • Austria – Fully Funded PhD
  • Australia – Fully Funded PhD
  • France – Fully Funded PhD
  • New Zealand – Fully Funded PhD
  • Canada – Fully Funded PhD
  • USA – Fully Funded PhD
  • Luxembourg – Fully Funded PhD
  • Spain – Fully Funded PhD
  • Italy – Fully Funded PhD
  • Iceland -Fully Funded PhD

Beyond the confines of this page, our commitment to serving your academic journey extends to our Home Page , which we regularly update to include a diverse range of academic vacancies, encompassing Fully Funded PhDs , Fully Funded Scholarships , and Open Postdoctoral Positions across various countries. To stay informed and stay ahead of emerging opportunities, we encourage you to follow our social media channels and explore the valuable content available on our YouTube channel .

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  1. Average PhD salary and highest-paying Subjects in Sweden

    phd salary in sweden 2022

  2. Salary in Sweden 2022

    phd salary in sweden 2022

  3. Paid PhD in Sweden for International Students

    phd salary in sweden 2022

  4. Average Salary in Sweden for 2023

    phd salary in sweden 2022

  5. Comparison of Salary of PhD Students in Europe

    phd salary in sweden 2022

  6. The PhD Degrees That Pay Off With The Highest Salaries [Infographic

    phd salary in sweden 2022


  1. Postdoc Fellowship salary in Sweden #podcast #career #postdoc #salary #sweden #india #academia

  2. Top 7 highest paying jobs in Sweden 2023

  3. ස්විඩනයේ රැකියා සදහා ගෙවන වැටුප්

  4. Fully Funded Si Scholarship To Study In Sweden, Covers All Costs For Master's Students

  5. 13 Highest Salary Paying Countries for PhD in 2023

  6. 77 Scholarships Available at University in Sweden #msc #phd #viral #viralvideo #sweden subscribe 🔔🔔🔔


  1. PhD, Postdoc, and Professor Salaries in Sweden

    PhD Student Salary. A student working towards a PhD is called a doktorand in Swedish. On average it takes four years to complete a PhD in Sweden. Each university regulates its PhD salaries in a local collective agreement. ... The median postdoc salary at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2022 is 38,000 kr per month. Biträdande Lektor Salary.

  2. PhD salary in Sweden

    Sweden boasts one of Europe's highest average salaries, with PhD student salaries varying based on the field of study, experience, and funding source. According to the Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF), the average monthly gross salary for doctoral students in 2021 stood at SEK 35,000 (approximately USD 4,080 ...

  3. Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Sweden

    Gross salaries for postdoctoral researchers fall within the range of 32,000 SEK to 37,000 SEK per month, while net salaries typically span from 24,000 SEK to 28,000 SEK per month. Scholarships and stipends are also prevalent in Sweden, offering varying amounts depending on their funding source. As a general guideline, PhD and Postdoc stipend ...

  4. PhD Study in Sweden

    A standard PhD in Sweden requires a minimum of four years full-time work (equivalent to 240 ECTS credits) and awards a full doctorate (along with the all-important title of 'doctor'). Alternatively, you may choose to study for a shorter licentiate degree. This generally only requires two years of full-time work towards a shorter and less ...

  5. PhD programmes

    When you apply for a PhD programme in Sweden, you're actually applying for a job. Yeah, you read that right. 👀. "Do a master's here - I'd say it's a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master's at Malmö University and now I'm doing a PhD at Lund University" - Sanjay, Malmö University. So that means - no ...

  6. PhD Programme Overview

    PhD Programme Overview. In Sweden, applicants apply competitively for paid positions as PhD students. The PhD students receive a salary for a maximum of 48 months/8 semesters/4 years. Salaries are set according to the Stockholm University salary scale for PhD students. The PhD programme consists of 240 Swedish higher education credits.

  7. Doctorate (PhD) Salary in Sweden

    This data is based on 6 survey responses. Gender Breakdown for Doctorate (PhD) Female. 60.0 %. Avg. Salary: 0 kr - 0 kr. Male. 40.0 %. Avg. Salary: 0 kr - 0 kr. This data is based on 5 survey ...

  8. Salary: Phd in Sweden 2024

    SEK 3K - SEK 28K/moBase pay. The estimated salary for a Phd is SEK 15,450 per month in the Sweden area. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th ...

  9. Salary: PhD in Stockholm, Sweden 2022

    The average salary for a PhD is $3,252 per year in Stockholm, Sweden. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  10. Salary: Phd in Stockholm, Sweden 2024

    The estimated salary for a PhD is SEK 2,899 per month in the Stockholm, Sweden area. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all ...

  11. Doctoral student salary agreement

    Doctoral student salary. Initial - step 1: 32 000 kr (30 800 kr) 30 % - step 2: 32 600 kr (31 600 kr) 50 % - step 3: 35 000 kr (33 800 kr) 80 % - step 4: 36 100 kr (35 100 kr) The amounts apply from 2023-10-01. Last years amounts in paranthesis. Monthly salary at full-time before tax. Structure of the doctoral degree: Step 1 is the initial salary.

  12. Salary: Phd in Sweden 2024

    The national average salary for a Phd is kr 15,450 in Sweden. Filter by location to see Phd salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 2 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Phd employees. How accurate is an average base pay range of SEK 3T-SEK 28T/mo? Low.

  13. Employment as a doctoral student at KI

    According to the Higher Education Ordinance, employment is the most common means of support for doctoral students at KI. This page has important information about salary, other benefits, holiday and parental leave for students appointed to a doctoral studentship (employed as a doctoral student) at KI. Employment through a doctoral studentship is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance ...

  14. Salary: Phd Student in Stockholm, Sweden 2024

    The average salary for PhD Student is SEK 31,950 per month in the Stockholm, Sweden. The average additional cash compensation for a PhD Student in the Stockholm, Sweden is SEK 250, with a range from SEK 108 - SEK 296. Salaries estimates are based on 808 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by PhD Student employees in Stockholm, Sweden.

  15. 4 countries offering the highest PhD stipends

    Four countries with the highest PhD stipend 1. Norway. Average PhD stipend (per annum): US54,935 US dollars Average living cost, including rent (per annum): US$32,520 Pursuing your PhD in a country regularly ranked with the best quality of life in the world can be a fulfilling experience. Plus, there are no tuition fees in the Norwegian higher education system since you are an employee of the ...

  16. Doing PhD in Sweden

    Nov 12 2022. Doing PhD in Sweden. Sven Johanson. ... - The total time for PhD in Sweden is often from 4-5 years. ... you can stay at home with your kids up to 180 days (called parental leave) and still get 80% PhD salary. Your PhD contract also be extended if you take a parental leave. - You will have around 28 days/year for taking vacation ...

  17. Salary: Phd Student in Sweden 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Phd Student is SEK 32,780 per month in the Sweden area, with an average salary of SEK 32,551 per month. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is SEK 229 per month.

  18. Doctoral student salary agreement

    E. Completed doctoral degree. + SEK 1,500 (35,600) * Adjusted from 1 October 2023 according to the local collective agreement for doctoral student salaries at SLU (SLU id: ** As SLU's ability to recruit doctoral students is indicative in determining entry salary, a higher entry salary can be agreed upon.

  19. Salary: PhD Candidate (December, 2022)

    The average salary for a PhD Candidate is £32,211 per year in Sweden. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  20. Fully Funded PhD in Sweden

    Look no further! Our dedicated Fastepo team has meticulously curated a selection of fully-funded PhD Positions in Sweden, where English serves as the primary language of instruction. These opportunities span a multitude of esteemed Swedish universities, each offering its unique academic environment. To streamline your journey, each post ...

  21. michelle bergin

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Candidate with the Horizon 2020 P4Play Occupational Science programme at University of Technology,Luleä, Sweden. Co Registered with University College Cork, Ireland. · I am currently completing a PhD as part of a European Horizon 2020 project P4Play.

  22. Salary: Phd Student in Stockholm, Sweden 2024

    The estimated total pay for a PhD Student is SEK 31,975 per month in the Stockholm, Sweden area, with an average salary of SEK 31,725 per month. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is SEK ...

  23. List of European countries by average wage

    The salary distribution is right-skewed, therefore more than 50% of people earn less than the average gross salary. Thus, the median figures provided further below might be more representative than averages. ... 2022 2,583 1,984 3,345 Sweden: SEK 37,480 [99] SEK 48,482 [100] 0.087 [101] 2024-04 4,220 3,263 4,173 Switzerland: CHF 5,333 [102] CHF ...