How to structure your viva presentation (with examples)

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Most PhD vivas and PhD defences start with a short presentation by the candidate. The structure of these presentations is very important! There are several factors and approaches to consider when developing your viva presentation structure.

Factors to consider when developing a viva presentation structure

Presenting a whole PhD in a short amount of time is very challenging. After all, a PhD is often the result of several years of work!

It is simply impossible to include everything in a viva presentation.

The structure of a viva presentation plays a crucial role in bringing across the key messages of your PhD.

Structuring your viva presentation traditionally

A very traditional viva presentation structure simply follows the structure of the PhD thesis.

The disadvantage of this traditional format is that it is very challenging to fit all the information in a – let’s say – 10-minute presentation.

Structuring your viva presentation around key findings

For instance, you can select your three main findings which you each connect to the existing literature, your unique research approach and your (new) empirical insights.

Furthermore, it might be tricky to find enough time during the presentation to discuss your theoretical framework and embed your discussion in the existing literature when addressing complex issues.

Structuring your viva presentation around key arguments

So, for example, your key argument 1 is your stance on an issue, combining your theoretical and empirical understanding of it. You use the existing theory to understand your empirical data, and your empirical data analysis to develop your theoretical understanding.

Structuring your viva presentation around case studies

Another common way to structure a viva presentation is around case studies or study contexts.

A viva presentation structure around case studies can be easy to follow for the audience, and shed light on the similarities and differences of cases.

Final thoughts on viva presentation structures

The key to a good viva presentation is to choose a structure which reflects the key points of your PhD thesis that you want to convey to the examiners.

The example viva presentation structures discussed here intend to showcase variety and possibilities and to provide inspiration.

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Completing the Doctoral Degree Requirements

Before the oral defense, after the oral defense, the post-defense submission.

Review your committee on Wolverine Access to verify that it is correct. This can be found on your unofficial transcript or the “View My Committee Information” link under Student Business.If adjustments need to be made, have your program submit a dissertation committee form immediately. It is recommended that you complete this step at least six months prior to the defense.

At least three weeks prior to the oral defense, register online for a pre-defense review . When registering, you will provide your name, program, U-M identification number, defense date, time, room location for in-person defenses, and Zoom meeting link as the online location; and information about your committee members, including email addresses.

Begin viewing your committee on Wolverine Access three business days prior to your defense to confirm all members have submitted their evaluation. All members must complete an evaluation before OARD can authorize the defense.

After confirming all evaluations have been received, an email with a link to your Final Oral Examination Report Form will be sent to you, your committee chair, and the graduate coordinator of your program. This form can be signed electronically at the defense and/or printed for physical signatures.

Oral Defense

Oral defenses may be held either in person or remotely via teleconference with Zoom, or both. Zoom also offers an option to record the defense. Directions for you and your committee members about how to arrange an oral defense using Zoom:

  • Setting Up a Registration for a Meeting
  • How to Secure Meetings in Zoom

Announcement of the Defense

Rackham OARD and your program will publicly announce the defense so others may choose to view it via Zoom.

Signing and Submitting the Final Oral Examination Report

Committee members may sign the digital PDF securely or non-securely. Some members may prefer to print the form, sign it physically, and scan or take a photo to submit it via email. The committee chair may sign for members participating remotely. The chair emails the form with signatures to Rackham OARD: [email protected] .

Submit all of the required content revisions and corrections to your committee chair for approval.

Arrange for a post-defense submission that must take place before the doctoral deadline . If the final deadline is exceeded, you will be required to enroll in the full term in which degree requirements are completed and pay tuition for 8 credit hours.

Before Submitting the Final Dissertation

  • Apply for graduation via Wolverine Access Student Business (required)
  • Complete the online NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates (required for Ph.D. students, optional for D.M.A. students)
  • Complete the Rackham Doctoral Recipients exit survey
  • Verify that your committee Chair has submitted the Final Oral Examination Report and the Certificate of Dissertation Committee Approval to Rackham OARD.

Submit online a complete, final, correctly formatted PDF of the dissertation (to be the official copy on record in the University Deep Blue digital archive).

  • Allow a minimum of two business days for us to review your dissertation.
  • Log in using your uniqname and Kerberos password.
  • Read and agree to the terms of the Author’s Deposit Agreement.
  • Cut and paste your abstract into the designated space (550 word limit, no special characters).
  • Select a category and topic from the drop-down menu that most closely classifies your dissertation.
  • Enter at least one (up to six) keywords or phrases associated with your dissertation topic.
  • During the submission process, you will have the opportunity to submit your dissertation to ProQuest. Although optional, it is recommended. You must opt out of submitting to ProQuest if you are requesting an embargo. Embargo information and form are on our website .

OARD will perform a final format check. If format revisions are required you will need to make the corrections and re-submit the dissertation before 5:00 p.m. EST on the deadline . Be mindful that more than 90% of submitted dissertations need format revisions and often need to be re-submitted more than once. The 5:00 p.m. deadline for the final corrected submission is firm and extensions are not permitted.

  • No changes are permitted to your dissertation once it is submitted online and you have received final approval from Rackham OARD.
  • Your dissertation will not be available in Deep Blue until after your degree conferral date.
  • If the final deadline is not met, you must register and pay for an 8 hour enrollment in the term the final degree requirements are completed.
  • Your diploma and transcript will not be issued if monies are owed. Verify your financial status with the Student Financial Services (phone 734.764.7447). Diploma information may be found at the Registrar’s website .

Contact Academic Records and Dissertations

0120 Rackham Building 915 E. Washington St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070 Phone: 734.763.0171 Fax: 734.936.3335

Academic Records and Dissertations is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The office is closed Saturdays and Sundays and on the following holidays: Thanksgiving (Thursday and the following Friday), Christmas through New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), and Labor Day.

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How to submit a PhD thesis

The final few months of a phd can often be the hardest, so here are a few tips from a doctoral candidate who recently submitted her thesis.

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phd good idea finish line final few days

You know the transitional phase of childbirth, where a woman says she can’t go on and the midwife will say that means you’re nearly there? Well, I’m hoping that it is the same with this thesis.

About a month before submitting my thesis , I found myself uttering this sentence (working on ancient infertility inevitably means that any analogies I make are related to childbirth in some way). This was at the stage where the tiredness had really set in, but it was also the point where the end was in sight and I finally began to believe that my thesis could be completed before the deadline for submission.

As anyone will tell you, the final few months before submitting a PhD thesis are a whirlwind. There are drafts and redrafts being pinged back and forth between you and your supervisors. That section of a chapter that you’ve been (often with good reason) putting off for the past three years can wait no longer. There are corrections to be made, references to chase, a bibliography to check and arguments to refine – and all you really want to do at this point is lie down in a dark room and pretend that the world doesn’t exist (this may have been just me, but I suspect it’s fairly common).

Although slightly manic, as the thesis came together I actually found that I enjoyed the final stages of thesis writing. Admittedly this may have been an academic version of Stockholm syndrome (where kidnap victims start to identify with their captors), but I learned a lot in those last few months before submission.

Having had some time to reflect, I thought I would share some of the tactics I employed to get my thesis written, things that helped me to keep my sanity – and one thing that meant that I nearly missed my deadline.

Get organised

In the final few months before submission, your world shrinks somewhat and your thesis is likely to become if not the only thing in your life, one of the few things that can grab your attention. Although this is true to some extent throughout your PhD, it does step up a gear at this point. Knowing that this would be the case a couple of months before submitting, I decided to get organised.

In terms of thesis, this meant going through all the criteria for submission from how to set out the title page to downloading the form that I needed to complete when I submitted. I also made sure that I had all the paper and ink cartridges I would need for printing. I also sorted out all the non-thesis things that needed to be done before submission. I wrote birthday cards, booked appointments and did anything I could that would mean I needed to keep as little as possible in my head and fewer things to distract me.

‘Thesis brain’

Unfortunately, being so focused on one thing means that inevitably other things fall out of your brain. This might be a case of not being able to remember simple facts or completely forgetting people’s names. In my case, it was forgetting that the university library doesn’t open on a bank holiday (let’s be honest, forgetting that it actually was a bank holiday). If your brain deems something non-essential, it may well refuse to recall it.

I termed this phenomena “thesis brain” and, if it does happen to you, rest assured that you probably aren’t losing your memory and it is (mostly) reversible once you've submitted. The other positive of thesis brain is that it gives you some interesting stories to tell post-submission (one of mine includes two suspected cases of Ebola – don’t ask).

Plan some time out

With a deadline looming, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “I don’t have time to stop”, but you do, and it’s essential that you do. This doesn’t have to be a big night out, and to be honest you will probably be too tired at this point anyhow. Take an hour out to have coffee with a friend or dinner with family or anything that involves communicating with another human being.

Admittedly, had I read this advice six months ago, I would have thought two things: a) what an obvious thing to say; and b) it’s OK for you to say that but I really don’t have time. However, in the middle of submitting a thesis, it’s easy to forget and, although it’s taken me a long time to learn this, taking that time out will make you more productive in the long run, I promise.

Beware of the inevitable guilt trip

On the subject of taking time out, this seems the perfect time to mention guilt . For me, and probably a lot of people, writing and guilt go together. From asking myself why hadn’t I read/written this before now, to “what on earth was I thinking taking a week off last Christmas?”: I could beat myself up about anything. About two months before submitting, I realised that I was spending too much time and energy (of which I had little to spare) on asking myself why I hadn’t done something already rather than getting tasks completed now.

In the end, I told myself that there was time to beat myself up after submitting (although to be fair, after the thesis was finished it didn’t matter any more) and right now it was about getting on with it – this telling-off was the best thing I ever did and freed me to get on with finishing the thesis.

There is no right way to complete a thesis

Of course, there are guidelines to follow and standards to be met, but how you go about getting there is unique to you. Just because Bob wrote his introduction in his first year and looks at you in horror when you say you haven’t written yours five months before submission does not mean you are doing the PhD wrong, just that you’re approaching it in a different way, and that’s fine (really it is). Also if, like Bob, you did write a perfect introduction by the end of your first year, that’s also fine, but do try to keep the looks of horror to a bare minimum – they are not helpful.

Do not – I repeat do not – finish proofing, print, bind and post off your thesis on the submission date

This is what I did – and it was nearly my undoing (and yes, I should know better). I was very lucky that this did not go terribly wrong. It will take you longer than you think to print out your thesis. In my case, this was a three-and-a-half hour printing marathon that involved much shouting at my printer (which I still cannot look at without an involuntary shudder) and cleaning the entire house because I could not stare any longer at the printer willing it to print quicker.

This resulted in my turning up at the binders 15 minutes before it shut. They (very kindly) ended up staying open 30 minutes later than normal, during which time they had to deal with a slightly hyper and very tired PhD student (I still owe them a box of chocolates). Then there was the sprint to the post office before it shut at 6pm.

Do not do this. However, if this does happen to you remember you are not alone.

Recognise that the end is in sight

One of the scariest things about a PhD is that it is your project and only you can write it. This is not merely scary; it can be overwhelming at times. However, in those final few months I realised that while the impending deadline was still scary, my thesis no longer was. Despite all its faults, all the things I might have done differently and all the things I still don’t know (I have a long list of all three), I had written a thesis. Four months before I submitted, I genuinely didn’t believe that this was something I would achieve. However, very slowly in those last few months, I began to feel that, although I still had no idea how it was going to happen, finishing my thesis was something I could do.

Those final few months are tough – there is no way around that – but for me they were also the most rewarding part of the entire PhD. In the final stages of thesis writing, everything happens fast: all of a sudden, chapters go from being drafts to being finished; you find a place for the pesky bit of evidence that needed to be included but didn’t seem to fit anywhere; and that perfect quote to open chapter five suddenly appears from nowhere. There is nothing like seeing a project you’ve been working on for so long come together in this way. However, in the midst of submitting a thesis, it’s easy not to recognise this and to ignore all the little accomplishments because all you can think about is what is left to do.

And perhaps this is the most important message I would pass on to anyone heading towards completing their thesis. No matter how stressful it is or how tired you are, take enjoyment out of seeing your thesis come together and from the knowledge that the end is in sight.

Rebecca Fallas  is a full-time PhD student in the Open University’s department of classical studies who has just submitted her thesis on “Individual Responsibility and the Culture of Blame Surrounding Infertility in Ancient Medical Texts”. This post originally appeared on her department’s blog .

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Pre-submission seminar

  • Annual Progress Report
  • Research Plan Review
  • Progress Support Strategy
  • Research Project Management
  • Graduate research
  • Current Students
  • Milestone seminars

The pre-submission seminar is non-assessable presentation and the final milestone before you submit your thesis for examination. This seminar is an opportunity to present the almost-complete version of your project and reflect on (and celebrate!) how far you and your proposal have come in the research process. It is also an opportunity for late-stage feedback from your peers and research community and for mentor academics to advise on possible next steps, such as where to publish your findings.

Seminar objectives

  • Provide an opportunity for you to present your research outcomes
  • Identify potential forms and channels of dissemination
  • Promote the University and its research by showcasing the project

When do you need to complete this milestone?

Full TimePart Time
Within prior to submissionWithin prior to submission
Within prior to submissionWithin prior to submission

Milestone steps

  • Discuss the format, content and seminar date with your Primary Supervisor.
  • Your Primary Supervisor will schedule the seminar into the faculty seminar timetable.
  • You present the seminar to your supervisory panel, Associate Dean Research (ADR) and members of the faculty.
  • Following the seminar, your supervisory panel will provide you with feedback and make recommendations on your next steps in your research.
  • Your Primary Supervisor will report your completion of the milestone in your Intention to Submit form as part of the thesis submission process.

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From the Desk of Former Vice Chancellor

Guidelines for, pre-thesis submission, general guidelines for pre-thesis submission presentation, research is a way to building knowledge. facilitating learning. understand various issues. increase public awareness..

  • The title of thesis should be exactly the same as approved by the university.
  • The research scholar must have earned at least 12 credits in the PhD coursework (16 credits in case of interdisciplinary research).
  • The research scholar must have published at least two research papers related to the approved topic of research in national/international journals of repute to the satisfaction of DRC/CRC.
  • The research scholar must have submitted and presented the Annual Progress Report (s), and secured a favourable decision of CRC/DRC for continuation of registration to the PhD programme in each of the APRs. Also, the research scholar should have completed the additional requirements, if any, mentioned by the CRC/DRC in their recommendation in Part III of the Annual Progress Report (s).
  • The research scholar should clear all the outstanding dues including fine, if any.
  • The research scholar should complete the research work and prepare a draft thesis which should be duly checked and certified by the approved supervisor(s). All the Chapters should be ready and properly arranged, Figures, Tables are properly numbered, and standard referencing guidelines as per APA format should be followed. Kindly make sure that there are no typographical, referencing and formatting errors.
  • Submit eight copies of summary of research work in soft binding at least two weeks in advance.
  • Request a mutually convenient date for pre thesis submission presentation in consultation with Director/Principal/Head of the concerned College/Department/Centre
  • Objectives and scope of the study
  • Literature review (briefly 3-5 slides only)
  • Identification of the research gap (s) based on literature review
  • Problem formulation
  • Research methodology
  • Experimentation/Survey
  • Data collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • General conclusions
  • Specific conclusions/contributions of the research
  • Contribution of the research to society
  • Further scope of research
  • If you’ll need any special arrangement/equipment for the presentation, inform the college/department/centre well in advance
  • Note the corrections/suggestions made during and after the pre thesis submission presentation for necessary action.
  • Collect the necessary proforma and the procedure for thesis submission.
  • The thesis should be submitted within three months of the date of Pre Thesis Submission Presentation incorporating the suggestions and observations made by the CRC/DRC.

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UGC guidelines for the award of PhD

UGC guidelines for the award of PhD

PhD is considered the highest degree in India. If you are looking for UGC rules and regulations for awarding PhD degrees , you are at the right place.

Here, we have provided University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines for awarding PhD degrees, which one must fulfill before submitting the PhD Thesis.

PhD admission without UGC NET

List of 11 criteria as per UGC (minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) Regulation, 2009 amended 2016

  • Admission by entrance test/interview or both.
  • Maximum number, M. Phil: 5, Ph.D.: 8 /Supervisor.
  • National/ Reservation Policy.
  • Coursework/Research Methodology Theory.
  • Research Advisory Committee- Review of the progress.
  • Part-1 methodology exam.
  • PRE Ph.D. presentation before summary submission.
  • Publication of at least 2 papers before thesis submission.
  • Presentation of 2 papers in conferences or seminars (One National & One International).
  • Evaluation of thesis by two experts other than the Supervisor, one out of the State.
  • Soft copy of the Thesis in the University for Shodhganga.

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19 thoughts on “ugc guidelines for the award of phd”.

I am a working professional, want to pursue the PhD course in HR Management.

Register with a university and start your course.

Look out for advertisement by any University which is nearer to your place of work for the admission requirements. Normally, January and July is the months wherein the admission by most of the University hold admission test advertisement.

list of article published for phd

Publication of at least 2 papers before thesis submission as a first author is necessary or as contributing author is enough.

Just publication of papers matters regardless of first author or second author. But University also imposes its own rules and regulations.

Is it compulsory to publish paper for PhD degree .I think it’s depend on guide and Researcher they want publish or not

It is mandatory to have publications beforehand. However, there are a very few subjects that are exempted.


You can do.

Is it mandatory to publish the papers in WOS/SCOPUS journals?

It is not mandatory to publish in WOS/ Scopus journals.

How many papers are required to be published before submiting PhdThesis..and which journals should we publish

According to UGC guidelines, One paper must be published in the referred journal (UGC CARE, or Scopus, or Web of Science).

What if our article is published in the journal which is in UGC list at the time of publication and later in the revised list it has been removed. Will that publication be counted for Thesis submission ?

What if our article is published in the UGC list at the time of publication and later in the revised list it has been removed. Will that be counted ?

Yes, you will get credit for that publication.

sir, My research paper has been published in valid Scopus indexed journal and is available on journal website, but it is (author name and surname) not found in Scopus author search. So University is not allowing to submit thesis.

Please guide regarding

You can mail to the editor of the Journal. They will help you in this regard. However, you can also contact to the Scopus.

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Major accountabilities:

• Perform medical review of ICSRs including (SUSARs, cases from special countries), assessment of Literature cases and authoring of enhanced MAC. • Support safety lead for authoring medical assessment letters based on the bi-annual/six monthly line listing. • Perform literature review of assigned articles (CQC, pre-screening and SICO) and assist safety lead in review of articles for inclusion in PBRER, DSUR, IB etc. • Provide rotating support to the TAs as per the business needs, (i.e. co-authoring safety documents, assisting in providing safety input to regulatory and clinical documents). • Assist the TA Safety Leads in monitoring the safety profile of products including but not limited to the activities such as literature review, medical review of individual cases, including collecting additional follow-up information as necessary, medical evaluation of quality defects. • Together with the Safety Leads, co-author of the PBRER. Provides medical inputs to the sections 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, including analytical input to PBRER for risks defined in the RMP. Perform follow up activities on HA assessment reports. • Co-authors and contributes to the medical sections of Development Safety Update Report (DSUR), Investigator Brochures (IB), labelling documents (e.g. CDS, (SMPC, USPI, Japanese PI), Product Guidance Documents (PGD) and Expert Statements. • Supports the preparation and review of Investigator Notifications (INs). • Provide support signal detection and signal evaluation activities for assigned products. • Provide support for the preparation of Health Authority queries.

• Assists Safety Leads in evaluating and writing other safety related documents including but not limited to Clinical Overview, Development Safety Profiling Plan (d-SPP) and RMP. • Provides safety input to Addendum to Clinical Overview (ACO) for license renewal. • Provides support as needed for new indication submission (regulatory document safety input). • Supports the safety lead for preparation and participation on internal review meetings like, SMT, MSRB and GLC. • Act as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Medical Function process and provide support during audit and inspections. • Collaborate with other Global Line Functions across Novartis and Third Parties to meet joint accountabilities. • Contribute to PV&PV initiatives as well as cross-functional projects to optimize medical review processes and quality. • Contribute to development and optimization of training materials. Deliver training to the Novartis staff and external.

Minimum Requirement :

• Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy /Bachelor of Science in Nursing / PharmD/PhD in relevant field or Medical Degree (MBBS or MD) required. Minimum 3yrs of experience in the pharmaceutical industry or related. Experience in safety document or medical writing including experience coding with MedDRA and WHO dictionaries. • Excellent understanding of clinical trial methodology, ICH GCP, GVP guidelines and medical terminology • Attention to detail and quality focused • Strong organizational and project management skills • Strong communication skills, and the ability to operate effectively in an international environment • Excellent understanding of Human physiology, pharmacology, clinical study objectives, and the drug development process • Strong technical understanding of Biomedical/Biostatics concepts and problem-solving skills • Good presentation skills • Strong computer skills including, but not limited to, creation of spreadsheets, templates, presentations and working with safety databases/applications. • Ability to work independently, under pressure, demonstrating initiative and flexibility through effective innovative leadership ability.

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    The pre-submission seminar is non-assessable presentation and the final milestone before you submit your thesis for examination. ... PhD/Professional Doctorate: Within 3-6 months prior to submission: ... Your Primary Supervisor will report your completion of the milestone in your Intention to Submit form as part of the thesis submission process.

  8. PDF Guidelines for preparation of Synopsis for the Ph.D. thesis

    preparation of Synopsis for the Ph.D. thesis1. The length of a synopsis for the Ph.D. Thesis should normally be 10. to 4000 words including tables and figur. The Synopsis should be on A4 size paper. Four copies. of.


    3. Dept. PhD Coordinator should ensure the correct format of the attendance sheet and comments sheet to be filled and submitted within two days to the PhD Office along with the pre synopsis copy. Final copy of synopsis to be submitted after all corrections suggested by members. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF THE SYNOPSIS 1.

  10. PDF Ph.D. Pre. Submission Seminar Report

    Date of Pre- Viva and mode Remarks With Comments (if required attach additional Sheet) 1. Recommended for submission of synopsis and thesis. 2. Not recommended for submission of synopsis and thesis. 3. Recommended for submission of synopsis & thesis with further modifications. Name of Committee member Designation Signature

  11. List For Phd Forms

    Ph.D. Pre-Synopsis Seminar Examination Report Format (To be submitted on presentation of Pre-Synopsis Seminar) Fri Sept 08 15:12:38 2023 Forms for Submission of Ph.D. Synopsis and Thesis (To be submitted alongwith Synopsis and Thesis) Mon July 15 11:05:35 2019 Form for Final Submission of Ph.D. Thesis (After Defence/Viva-voce Examination)

  12. PDF Guidelines for preparation and submission of Ph.D. thesis

    School and DepartmentGUIDELINE FOR SUBMISSION OF THESIS:The manual is intended to provide broad guidelines. o the research scholars in the preparation of the Thesis. In general, the Thesis shall report, in an organized and scholarly fashion, on account of original research work of the research scholar leading to the discovery of new facts or ...

  13. PDF Guidelines for Preparation of Synopsis

    is is the same as that for the thesis. Please consult the "Guidelines for Preparation of Thesis / Dissertatio. Reports" for IIT Ropar for reference.The length of a synopsis for the Ph.D. Thesis should normally be 1000 to 40. 0 words, including tables and figures. T. Synopsis should be on A4 size paper.Copy of the Synopsis must be submitted to ...


    Microsoft Word - 24a.GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF PH_169-172 blank_. GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF PH.D/M.Sc.(Engg.) THESIS. Reports should be typed neatly on one side of the paper with 1.5 spacing on a A4 size bond paper (210x297mm). The margins should be: Left - 1.25",Right - 1", Top and Bottom 0.75".


    Subject: Request for Pre Thesis Submission Presentation Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to above, the details of my registration to the PhD programme are as given below: I have completed my research work on the approved topic and my draft thesis is complete. So, I want to make a Pre Thesis Submission Presentation on my research work.

  16. PDF Guidelines for Ph.D Pre-Submission Viva Voce

    Guidelines for Ph.D Pre-Submission Viva Voce Research Scholars will present a power point presentation of 40 minutes, consisting of: 1. The presentation as per the following format (Duration: 30 minutes) (a) Introduction including gaps in the literature surveyed. (b) Methodology. (c) Experimental set up or process/statistical survey.

  17. Thesis preparation and submission

    Before submitting a thesis, please make sure the following has been considered and/or completed. Please note that students are not required to submit physical copies of their thesis. Thesis submission and examination is completed online via the Thesis Examination Portal. A student will only be required to submit a soft thermal-bound copy of ...

  18. PDF Ph.D. Pre-Submission Seminar Form

    9. Approved PhD Thesis Title at Pre-thesis seminar by SRC and DRC: 10. Expected date of PhD Thesis submission: 11. Nature of Fellowship/Scholarship/Stipend received (if any): 12. Total No. of PhD Progress reports presented prior to the Pre-Submission Seminar: 13. Leave availed during this semester (if any): 14.

  19. PDF Checklist for Pre-Submission Seminar on PhD Thesis

    Title: Microsoft Word - Checklist for Pre-Submission Seminar on PhD Thesis _final__07.02.2019_.docx Author: WBUHS7 Created Date: 9/27/2019 1:01:36 PM

  20. Guidelines for Pre-Thesis Submission

    Submit eight copies of summary of research work in soft binding at least two weeks in advance. Request a mutually convenient date for pre thesis submission presentation in consultation with Director/Principal/Head of the concerned College/Department/Centre. Prepare a presentation on the draft thesis of approximately 45 to 60 minutes using Power ...

  21. PDF Application for Pre-Ph.D. Thesis Submission Seminar

    Application for Pre-Ph.D. Thesis Submission Seminar The Dean Date: _____ School of _____ Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Sir/ Madam, This is to inform you that I have completed my research work for the degree of Doctor of ... All six-monthly progress reports (Since admission) Attendance record (Half yearly in %)

  22. PDF College of Engineering, Pune

    E. Pre-submission Seminar: After getting approval from CDC and guide, and departmental PhD Coordinator, candidate can present pre-submission seminar at least three months before submission of thesis. Department PhD Coordinator has to confirm the quality of research work by checking the publications of the candidate.

  23. UGC guidelines for the award of PhD

    PRE Ph.D. presentation before summary submission. Publication of at least 2 papers before thesis submission. Presentation of 2 papers in conferences or seminars (One National & One International). Evaluation of thesis by two experts other than the Supervisor, one out of the State. Soft copy of the Thesis in the University for Shodhganga.

  24. Medical Safety Expert

    Major accountabilities: • Perform medical review of ICSRs including (SUSARs, cases from special countries), assessment of Literature cases and authoring of enhanced MAC.• Support safety lead for authoring medical assessment letters based on the bi-annual/six monthly line listing.• Perform literature review of assigned articles (CQC, pre-screening and SICO) and assist safety lead in ...