phd courses amsterdam umc

Onderzoekschool Oncologie Amsterdam

Oncology graduate school amsterdam, welcome to ooa.

Also known as: Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam. OOA is a joint graduate school of the Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam and the Netherlands Cancer Institute, VU and UvA. We are dedicated to the training of more than 1000 PhD students working in the field of Oncology.

phd courses amsterdam umc

Strong integration of basic, translational and clinical oncology research

OOA, accredited most recently for the period 2023-2028, provides an educational program for PhD students in Amsterdam. Our program consists of a series of courses that cover specific topics in oncology, a PhD day and an annual retreat. The fruitful collaboration between Amsterdam UMC and NKI-AvL provides PhD candidates the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with many internationally recognized scientists.

This website gives you an overview of our education programme and a brief description of ongoing research. Please contact us for more detailed information.

Check out our upcoming courses

phd courses amsterdam umc

Conference on Cancer Vaccines and Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy

  • September 4, 2024
  • ‘De Rode Hoed’, Amsterdam

phd courses amsterdam umc

Ethics and integrity for NKI PhD candidates – sept

  • September 30, 2024

phd courses amsterdam umc

OOA retreat 2024

  • October 9 - 11, 2024

phd courses amsterdam umc

Ethics and Integrity for NKI PhD candidates – Oct

  • 21 October, 2024

Welcome to the new OOA website!

Our website had a big restyling. 

Enjoy reading!

Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc via Social Media

Courses on Research Integrity

  • Several dates

All scientists will recognize the pressure to publish and to gain grants. This may result in the temptation to cut a few corners, or worse. Resisting that temptation is not always easy. There are also many dilemmas for which the answer is not easy to give and which raise doubts about what is the right thing to do. We will discuss these issues in our blended course.

phd courses amsterdam umc


What does it mean to do ‘good’ research and to be a ‘good’ researcher? What does it mean to act ‘professionally’ and with ‘integrity’? How can we approach moral dilemmas experienced in research?

This VIRT2UE PhD course for Research Integrity will explore these questions and more. The course follows a blended learning approach. PhD students undertake series of short interactive eLearning modules as preparatory assignments: 1) ‘Introduction to Research Integrity’; 2) ‘Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity’; 3) ‘Virtue Ethics under Current Research Conditions’ 4) ‘Introduction to Responsible Supervision, Mentoring and Role-modelling’.

Over in-person sessions covering two days, PhD students are guided through a series of structured dialogical exercises for fostering reflection on scientific virtues, and how to promote understanding of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity , which is the primary guidance document on research integrity for academic institutions in Europe.

Students are also made aware of the institutional support available to them when they encounter questionable research practices.

This course is free for PhD students of Amsterdam UMC.

  • €550,-
  • Faculteit der Geneeskunde Vrije Universiteit

eLearning modules

-          Introduction to research integrity -          Introduction of virtue ethics to research integrity -          Virtue ethics under current circumstances -          Introduction to Responsible Supervision, Mentoring and Role-modeling

In-person sessions 1,5 days days of online participatory learning consisting of lectures, small group work and Q&A sessions on research integrity.

Assignments Individual and group assignments

Target group

This course is appropriate for all PhD students. It is a mandatory course for students from Amsterdam UMC.

Registration Costs

The online course is free for PhD students of Amsterdam UMC External registration is € 550,-

Research Integrity group D, 2023

Day 1: Thursday September 7th - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs Day 2: Thursday September 28th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group E, 2023

Day 1: Monday October 2nd - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs Day 2: Monday October 30th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group F, 2023

Day 1: Thursday November 9th - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs Day 2: Thursday November 30th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Research Integrity group G, 2023

Day 1: Thursday November 23rd - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs Day 2: Thursday December 14th - 09.30 - 13.00 hrs

Course coordinator

Dr. Natalie Evans, Assistant Professor, Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities


Cancellation of your registration may only be done in writing at the latest one month prior to the first day of the course. We will refund the amount due except Euro 35,- administration fee. After this date, no amount will be refunded.

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  • Amsterdam Public Health
  • Research Lifecycle
  • Research information
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  • Proposal Writing
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  • Methods & Data Collection
  • Process & Analyze Data
  • Writing & Publication
  • Archiving & Open Data
  • Knowledge Utilization
  • Supervision
  • Compliance, Training & Supervision
  • Starting your PhD checklist
  • Finish your PhD checklist
  • Advice and support

Each Amsterdam UMC PhD candidate follows an individual training program learning how to conduct independent, original and scientifically significant research, and critically evaluate their own work and that of others. According to the Doctorate Regulations VUmc PhD candidate shall devote at least 30 ECTS (840 hours) to training. AMC PhD candidates are advised to build a portfolio of 20-30 ECTS.

Registered Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates (AMC/UvA at AMC Graduate School, VUmc/VU at Hora Finita) may apply at any time for one or more courses of the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School. Unless stated otherwise, the courses are offered free of charge. The general introductory course ‘The Amsterdam UMC World of Science’ is highly recommended for all new Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates. This course should preferably be taken during the first year of research. The other courses can be taken in any order. An overview of courses can be found on the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School website.

Recommended PhD courses for all APH PhD candidates (Amsterdam UMC, VU or UvA) can be found on the APH website . Amsterdam Public Health aims to support, educate and guide the next generation of public health researchers. Besides the VUmc/VU education requirements the APH research institute’s education requirements include 6 EC on courses focused on advanced (methodological) research skills in public health. For other research institutes education requirements, read the APH PhD Handbook.

For PhD candidates working on a project that is embedded within APH, a discount of 25% applies to the course fee of epidemiology and advanced methodology courses organized by EpidM and/or the Master program in Epidemiology. A condition for obtaining the discount is that the research project is embedded within APH. This means that the project must have been approved by the Scientific Quality Committee of APH and has received the official embedding letter with a SQC number.

To meet the latest requirements to be allowed to carry out scientific research in the Netherlands the University Medical Centers in the Netherlands developed a Basic Course Organization Clinical scientific research (‘ B asiscu r sus  O rganisatie  K linisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek’; BROK course). For information about the BROK course see websites; VUmc ; AMC and NFU.

Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc Social Media (Dutch)

phd courses amsterdam umc

Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA)

OOA is joint graduate school of VUmc, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Nederlands Kanker Instituut - NKI) and the Amsterdam Medical Center (AMC). The OOA's graduate students are scientists-in-training who also receive theoretical and practical education on various subjects related to cancer research PhD candidates who work on  cancer-related research projects join OOA. About 500 PhD candidates are currently members of OOA.  The Graduate School OOA offers an annual retreat, meet-the-expert sessions and courses that cover specific topics in the field of oncology. This programme is flexible and focuses on cutting edge scientific topics, ranging from functional genomics to animal models in cancer and from protein structure to invasion and metastasis. Students make a selection from these courses on the basis of their interests and research background. Please see our  OOA website  for more information about the OOA.

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  • Ik wil verwijzen naar Amsterdam UMC
  • Ik wil mijn bezoek plannen


  • Poliklinieken en verpleegafdelingen
  • Specialismen
  • Bijzondere zorg (Expertisecentra)
  • Soorten zorgverleners
  • Wachtlijstinformatie
  • Patiëntenfolders
  • Laboratoriumbepalingen
  • Gegevens wijzigen
  • Mijn Dossier
  • Rechten en plichten
  • Route en parkeren
  • Coronamaatregelen
  • Ik wil arts worden
  • Ik wil een academische opleiding in de zorg
  • Ik ben aios
  • I'm an international student
  • Ik ben docent

Locatie AMC

  • Opleiding Geneeskunde
  • Opleiding Medische informatiekunde
  • Opleiding Biomedische wetenschappen
  • Medisch specialistische vervolgopleidingen
  • Bij- en nascholing/professionalisering
  • Master Evidence Based Pratice in Health Care
  • Master Health Informatics
  • Opleiding Verpleegkunde (HvA)
  • Paramedische opleidingen (Hva) en stages
  • Faculty Development
  • Instituut Onderwijs en Opleiden/Onderwijssupport
  • Het Medical Skills and Simulation Center

Locatie VUmc

  • Overzicht alle opleidingen
  • Overzicht opleidingen per thema
  • Overzicht opleidingen per doelgroep
  • Over Amsterdam UMC

Computing in R (AMC PhD Program)

Information about the course Computing in R.

Go to application form.

R is a simple programming language for statistical computing. Due to its simplicity, flexibility and the large variety of statistical functions available in R, it is a popular alternative for programs like SPSS. However, for a beginner mastering R can be rather difficult. This course helps the PhD candidate to become familiar with the basics of R. After the course the PhD candidate will be able to write short programs in R for basic data analyses and for plotting high-quality figures.

This course is part of the 'Systems Medicine' training program that includes the courses Bioinformatic, Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis, Systems Medicine, E-science, Computing in R and Unix.

The course is given twice a year on four morning sessions and consists of a mix of lectures and computer exercises. If you already have some experience with R, you are encouraged to take your own clinical or omics data with you and bring what has been learnt into practice on this dataset during the 2nd afternoon session.

Scheduled dates:

  • September 21, 22, 24 and 25, 2020
  • March 22, 23, 25 and 26, 2021

Topics covered are:

  • Installation of R and its packages.
  • Data import and export.
  • R syntax: data structures and functions .
  • Graphics in R.
  • Documentation and help.
  • Data manipulation.
  • Simple statistical functions: model fitting.
  • Programming in R.

Target Audience:

AMC PhD candidates. Note that the focus of this course is not on statistics. The AMC Graduate School provides the courses Practical Biostatistics and Advanced Topics in Biostatistics for PhD candidates interested in learning more about the principles of biostatistics.

The course is given in English, unless all participants understand Dutch. Course material is provided in English.


To qualify for the certificate, a participant must attend all lectures and workshops, and complete all assignments satisfactorily. Attendance is registered.

Study load:

12 hours, which is comparable to 0.4 ECTS points.

Number of participants:

Maximum 40 per course.

No charge for registered AMC PhD candidates.

Course Coordinator:

Dr. ir. P.D. Moerland / Department of Clinical Epidemiology / [email protected] / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 4660.

More information:

From the course coordinator or AMC Graduate School / [email protected] / room E2-172 / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 4618.

AMC Graduate School E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +31 (0)20 - 566 3108

phd courses amsterdam umc

Our mission

Welcome to ASAP, the Association of Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates!

Since the foundation of ASAP in 2006 by Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates, our goal has been to enhance your PhD experience, through:

Connection : ASAP organizes a variety of activities throughout the year where you can learn, develop yourself, have fun and meet fellow PhD candidates. Some of our events include the Science Night, Career Event, PhD Thesis Printer’s Fair, career and personal development workshops, as well as Summer and New Year’s Drinks. Check out our upcoming and past events . 

Information : Stay updated through our monthly newsletter. We bring you news about our events, but also employment conditions, rights, and opportunities within Amsterdam UMC. You can sign up to our newsletter here .

Representation : In order to advocate for PhD candidates, ASAP is in contact and involved with several organisations in- and outside of the UMC including the Doctoral School and Research Institutes, AUMC Board of Directors, AMR, AMC, VUmc and the Dutch Network of PhD Candidates (PNN)   at the national level. ASAP is supported by the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School , which provides general information for PhD candidates about the PhD trajectory, supervision and courses.

ASAP membership is free! Sign up for our newsletter , or find us on Instagram ( @asap_amsterdamumc ) and LinkedIn .

Want to be involved? Become an ASAP PhD representative in your department! Find more info on what it entails on this page , and meet our board members on this page .

phd courses amsterdam umc


Faculty of Medicine (Amsterdam UMC)

Amsterdam UMC is one of eight university medical centres in the Netherlands and one of the leading international centres in the field of academic medicine. As a university medical centre, Amsterdam UMC has three main tasks:

  • treatment of patients
  • academic medical research
  • providing medical education

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The UvA uses cookies to measure, optimise, and ensure the proper functioning of the website. Cookies are also placed in order to display third-party content and for marketing purposes. Click 'Accept' to agree to the placement of all cookies; if you only want to accept functional and analytical cookies, select ‘Decline’. You can change your preferences at any time by clicking on 'Cookie settings' at the bottom of each page. Also read the UvA Privacy statement .

The Postdoc Network

The Amsterdam UMC Postdoc Network is an association of Postdoctoral Researchers and last-year PhD students who are affiliated to AMR, AMC or VUmc. The aim of the network is to support , educate and connect early career researchers by organizing networking events and courses on scientific and transferable skills.

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Who are we?

Upcoming events, past events, newsletters.

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Welcome to r/StudyInTheNetherlands, the largest online community for all Dutch and International students studying in the Netherlands!

Offered a PhD position at Amsterdam UMC -- any input/advice/insight much appreciated.

Hello there r/StudyInTheNetherlands !

I was recently offered a PhD position at Amsterdam UMC -- it was an unexpected offer after a casual Skype interview because I have yet to start my master thesis. The offer will be right after finishing my thesis in September/October, and therefore, the original project I applied for might still be available (or not). I was assured that in the span of time from now until then, an exact project might not be determined yet, however, funding is set to be given to the exact research topic.

In anticipation of this, I would like to be well-informed before committing to anything. I am currently doing my master's in Germany, and I am planning to stay in Europe for my PhD in Life Science. I am an American citizen, and therefore, I have decided against applying to any UK universities because of their UK/EU residency requirements for most fundings.

I have read about the salary for 1st year PhD, and I expect to get around 1690euro net (please correct me if I am wrong). I have a couple of questions that I was hoping people could help me out with.

Health Insurance -- Not included in the salary, correct? Do I have to deduct it to my net salary?

30% tax rule -- does not apply to me since I live in Bonn, Germany, the past 14 months (less than 150km from a Dutch border)

Transportation -- are there any public transportation benefits? Is there a city-wide benefit if you are employed in Amsterdam? I am considering living outside of the city if public transportation is cheap.

Good areas to live in Amsterdam? I would like to put a cap on my rent for around 30% of my salary. I am open to a shared flat, or a small studio in desirable areas in or around Amsterdam (of course I know the limitation of my budget).

Municipal Taxes (or any other taxes expenses) -- are there any other taxes or expenses most ex-pats are overlooking? For example, after moving to Germany, I was not aware of the media/TV tax that they have per apartment. Anything like this in the Netherlands? I heard Municipal Tax is one thing.

Savings -- any other money-saving tips? With my US student loans and some financial responsibilities with my family, having something saved is something I would like to achieve.

Any other advice pertaining to doing a PhD in the Netherlands? Any ex-pats who can give me a rundown of the pros and cons?

Any other suggestions/comments/advice with regards to general things.

Finally, I would just like to say that I am very excited about this offer. The group I am joining in is very familiar to me in terms of their research and even professional connections. Also, the country itself is definitely another highlight of the offer. Amsterdam, although, one of my favorite cities, worries me with the cost of living. After living in Germany for a bit, I am certain I would like to live in a busier city, so if my budget only allows me to live outside of the city limits of Amsterdam, I can see that as a downside.

Thank you very much! And I hope you guys are having a great start of the year!

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Doctoral school

  • University of Amsterdam UvA

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU

Steps to take to complete your uva phd degree.

Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School Awards

Best PhD Thesis, best PhD Thesis Design, best Phd Poster, best PhD Publication

Office of Doctorate Affairs

All formalities surrounding your doctorate (PhD) are handled by the Office of Doctorate Affairs (in Dutch: Bureau Promotiezaken ). The applicable regulations are laid down in the following downloads:

University of Amsterdam Doctorate Regulations 2020 (Promotiereglement 2020)

Supplementary regulations faculty of medicine - amsterdam umc (in dutch and english).

phd courses amsterdam umc

Contact information:

Room: E2-176 (location AMC)

Telephone: +31(0)205667477

Email: [email protected]

Questions? Would you like to deliver your thesis or documents?

Opening hours:.

Monday to Thursday: 9.00 to 17.00

In case of absence and on Friday: please use the mailbox, next to room E2-176

Making an appointment is not necessary

Support services

Research institutes.

Cancer Center Amsterdam

Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences

Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunology

Amsterdam Public Health

Amsterdam Movement Sciences

Amsterdam Neuroscience

Amsterdam Gastroenterology Metabolism

Amsterdam Reproduction and Development

Research Support

Supportive Services

The Dutch PhD Coach

Dutch language course

All Links & Supportive services

phd courses amsterdam umc

Steps to take to complete your VU PhD degree

All formalities surrounding your doctorate (PhD) are handled by the Office of Doctorate Affairs (in Dutch: Bureau Promotiezaken ). The applicable regulations are laid down in the following download:

VU University Doctorate Regulations 2023 ( Promotiereglement 2023 )

Peerdeman, Saskia

VUmc Office of Doctorate Affairs     

Room: E2-172 (location AMC)

Telephone: +31(0)205663108

Email: [email protected]



  1. MD/PhD Scholarships 2023-24 at Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands

    phd courses amsterdam umc

  2. Amsterdam UMC-wide training plan for oncology PhD students

    phd courses amsterdam umc

  3. Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School: A central place for all PhD candidates

    phd courses amsterdam umc

  4. Amsterdam UMC PhD Award for Anke Mennen

    phd courses amsterdam umc

  5. Amsterdam-UMC

    phd courses amsterdam umc

  6. Amsterdam UMC

    phd courses amsterdam umc


  1. Doctoral School Courses

    [email protected]. 031 20 566 3108. Each Amsterdam UMC PhD candidate follows an individual training program. The course programme offers training to develop scientific skills, acquire transferable skills and broaden and deepen scientific understanding.

  2. Doctoral School: PhD trajectory

    Search in all subjects. The Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School supports PhD Candidates and their supervisors by information provision, administration, advice and education. Our course program helps PhD candidates in conducting independent, original and scientifically significant research, and critically evaluating their own work and that of others.

  3. Procedure & Information

    The general introductory course (about 30 minutes) is highly recommended for all new Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates. This course should preferably be taken during the first year of research. The other courses can be taken in any order. All courses are taught in English, in case the course is in Dutch this will be mentioned.

  4. Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC

    The AMC PhD Course Program is international, demand-driven, elective, modular, and tailored to AMC PhD research. The courses are small-scale, interactive, and 'just-in-time'. They are offered as blended learning: e-learning when possible and/of face-to-face when needed. The course program offers training to PhD candidates to develop their ...

  5. Amsterdam UMC, Locatie VUmc

    Other PhD students will pay a registration fee of Euro 300,-. Post-docs for online participation will pay a registration fee of Euro 100,-. January 29 - February 09, 2024 (two weeks, full time) Auditorium O2 building, Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, De Boelelaan 1108, Amsterdam. For PhD's to qualify for the certificate, a participant must attend ...

  6. Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC

    AMC Graduate School. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +31 (0)20 - 566 3108. Information about the course Infectious Diseases in the AMC.

  7. Amsterdam UMC, Locatie VUmc

    The Integral PhD-program: from Student to Professional teaches PhD students valuable skills to become a professional. Read more about this VUmc course here and register. Een integrale PhD-programma: promovendi/ onderzoekers leren waardevolle vaardigheden om een professional te worden. ... Module 1: € 425,- for employees Amsterdam UMC. € 525 ...

  8. Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School, Ph.D.

    Top 1% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking. 4.2 Read 118 reviews. Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School trains thousands of young people to become doctors, specialists or nurses. Amsterdam UMC has eight research institutes. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam researchers affiliated with these are internationally among the top in medical scientific ...

  9. Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC

    From the course coordinator or AMC Graduate School / [email protected] / room E2-172 / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 4618. Contact: AMC Graduate School ... AMC en VUmc zijn al een tijdje samen Amsterdam UMC. Dit gaat u ook merken aan de websites: steeds meer informatie verhuist naar Volg ons op Facebook Twitter LinkedIn ...

  10. PhD trajectory

    Pre-PhD (AMC/UvA) According to the Dutch law a Dutch Master's degree is a requirement to start a PhD trajectory. Under very strict conditions the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral Graduate School also recognizes pre-PhD students. PhD courses. Our course program helps PhD candidates in conducting independent, original and scientifically significant ...

  11. OOA

    OOA is a joint graduate school of the Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam and the Netherlands Cancer Institute, VU and UvA. We are dedicated to the training of more than 1000 PhD students working in the field of Oncology. ... Our program consists of a series of courses that cover specific topics in oncology, a PhD day and an annual retreat. ...

  12. Amsterdam UMC, Locatie VUmc

    It is a mandatory course for students from Amsterdam UMC. Registration Costs. The online course is free for PhD students of Amsterdam UMC External registration is € 550,-Dates 2023 Research Integrity group D, 2023. Day 1: Thursday September 7th - 09:30 - 17:00 hrs

  13. PhD

    Amsterdam UMC converts the promising results into applications for patients, such as new types of medicines and treatments, and improves diagnostics and preventive healthcare as well. More about our patient care : Location AMC (Dutch) Location VUmc (Dutch) Education & training. Scientist works in a laboratorium environment.

  14. Courses

    Courses. Each Amsterdam UMC PhD candidate follows an individual training program learning how to conduct independent, original and scientifically significant research, and critically evaluate their own work and that of others. According to the Doctorate Regulations VUmc PhD candidate shall devote at least 30 ECTS (840 hours) to training.


    Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) Subsidies and fees; VUmc Research Guide and Research Code ... Students make a selection from these courses on the basis of their interests and research background. ... General Phonenumber (+3120) 444 4444 Patient Servicecenter phonenumber (+3120) 444 0700. All contact options About Amsterdam UMC Location ...

  16. Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC

    Contact: AMC Graduate School E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +31 (0)20 - 566 3108. Information about the course Computing in R in the AMC.

  17. About the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School

    The Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School is to support you during your PhD trajectory and strives to be a well-known and appreciated partner for PhD candidates and their supervisors. ... General & PhD Courses. [email protected]. 031 20 566 3108. PhD Support and Advice . [email protected]. 031 20 566 3108.

  18. Our mission

    Welcome to ASAP, the Association of Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates! Since the foundation of ASAP in 2006 by Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates, our goal has been to enhance your PhD experience, through: Connection: ASAP organizes a variety of activities throughout the year where you can learn, develop yourself, have fun and meet fellow PhD candidates.

  19. Faculty of Medicine (Amsterdam UMC)

    Amsterdam UMC is one of eight university medical centres in the Netherlands and one of the leading international centres in the field of academic medicine. As a university medical centre, Amsterdam UMC has three main tasks: treatment of patients. academic medical research. providing medical education.

  20. MD/PhD programme (Amsterdam UMC/VU)

    An MD/PhD student combines the Master and PhD within a formalized study arrangement. For Amsterdam UMC/VU students Amsterdam UMC/VU offers an MD/PhD programme. Find more information below. Note: At Amsterdam UMC/UvA the definition of an MD-PhD programme is different. For Amsterdam UMC/UvA this programme is offered in the form of a scholarship.

  21. The Postdoc Network

    The Amsterdam UMC Postdoc Network is an association of Postdoctoral Researchers and last-year PhD students who are affiliated to AMR, AMC or VUmc. The aim of the network is to support, educate and connect early career researchers by organizing networking events and courses on scientific and transferable skills.

  22. Offered a PhD position at Amsterdam UMC

    I was recently offered a PhD position at Amsterdam UMC -- it was an unexpected offer after a casual Skype interview because I have yet to start my master thesis. The offer will be right after finishing my thesis in September/October, and therefore, the original project I applied for might still be available (or not).

  23. PhD graduation

    Supplementary regulations Faculty of Medicine - Amsterdam UMC (in Dutch and English) Saskia Peerdeman. Member of the Board of Directors and Dean, Amsterdam UMC. VUmc Office of Doctorate Affairs. Room: E2-172 (location AMC) Telephone: +31 (0)205663108. Timeline and information of your PhD graduation at Amsterdam UMC.