Cloud Apps Readiness

Revision History

Feature Summary

Secure Access for Workers with Multiple Assignments

Filter Users Based on Assignment Status in the Roles Autoprovisioning Job

Support for Legislative Data Group in Role Autoprovisioning

Reduced Clicks To Summit Your File

Visibility of Spreadsheet Data Loading Support

Include Messages in the Failed Lines File

Business Object Enhancements

Enhanced Reporting

Preview of Extracts Run to Verify Extracts Definition

Snapshot API for Synchronous Data Reads

New Atom Feed for Cancelled Work Relationship

Person Spotlight for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancement

Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio Enhancements

Position Approvals: Route Approvals Based on the Incumbent

Performance Improvements for HCM BIP-Based Approval Notifications

HCM Digital Assistant - Chat Widget Configuration

Changes to the Global Header Icons

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations

Controlled Availability

Oracle Search Person Index Updates

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Product Feature Notes
28 JAN 2022

HCM Common Features

Updated document. Revised feature information.

24 SEP 2021

Controlled Availability

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 AUG 2021

HCM Common Features

Updated document. Revised feature information.

27 Aug 2021

HCM Common Features

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21C

27 Aug 2021 HCM Common Features

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21C.

30 JUL 2021 HCM Data Loader

Updated document. Revised feature information.

25 JUN 2021 HCM Common Features

Updated document. Feature delivered in update 21C.

03 JUN 2021     Created initial document.

HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates (21A, 21B, 21C, and 21D)
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1 ). These documents identify bug fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

  • HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
  • Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

  • Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)
  • Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
  • Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

  • Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found in Release Readiness under Human Capital Management or via the Oracle Help Center under Cloud Applications > Human Capital Management.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at [email protected] . Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Features Delivered Disabled = Action is needed BEFORE these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

Not disruptive as action is required to make these features ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you set your test and roll out timing.



UI or
Small Scale

UI or
Larger Scale*

Actions and Considerations

Applications Security

Oracle Applications Security provides a single console where IT Security Managers and Administrators can perform various functions including user lifecycle management, role definition, security policy management(both functional and data), role hierarchy maintenance, username and password policy administration, and certificate management. The console also enables users to simulate the effect of security changes, to run security reports, and download a connector for integration with Microsoft Active Directory.

We continue to enhance the HCM footprint for securing user access for workers by using assignment-level security, if your organization allows them to have multiple assignments. The current out-of-the-box behavior supports person-based security access, which means a user having access to a person has access to all assignments and personal information for that person. The new assignment-level security restricts a user's access to a person's assignment based on the user's area of access. By enabling a new assignment-level security profile option and regenerating your data grants and security profiles, your organization opts into this feature for your HCM Cloud implementation.

This is the fourth feature release of a multi-phased implementation for HCM Cloud customers and provides further enhancements to the Payroll OTBI Reporting area. The enhancements provide a broader and more consistent reporting user experience for organizations with multiple assignments. The users will be restricted to only those assignments to which they have access and not all assignments of the person just because they can access that person.

These are a few examples to explain this functionality:

Scenario 1: A line manager and HR specialist are responsible for a worker who is both a registered nurse in the emergency room (ER) department and also has a different assignment as a senior citizens memory ward coordinator. This worker may have two different line managers, and each should only see the worker's single assignment in their respective organizations. The line managers should not see assignments for different departments, in this case ER department and memory ward. Likewise, there may be two HR representatives supporting each department (or business unit). The HR representative should not be able to access the assignment in an organization that they don't have access to.

Scenario 2: Harry is a manager with multiple concurrent assignments. He also has a direct report, Jane who has two assignments herself with two different managers. In this scenario, Harry should only be able to access Jane's primary assignment and Franco (Jane's direct report). However, Harry should not be able to access Jane's second assignment, and certainly not Kyle.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Example of Intended Line Manager Access for a Worker with Multiple Concurrent Assignments

Scenario 3: A worker has two assignments each reporting to a different manager. The worker has document records against each assignment and one document record against their person record. Each manager should only be able to access the document record against the assignment they manage and both managers should have access to the document record against the person.

Scenario 4: Lisa works at a school and has two assignments, one as an academic counselor and as a sports coach. As an academic counselor, Lisa reports to Dave. Dave should be able to run reports on Lisa's absence plan accrual transactions, and any absences created specifically for the academic counselor assignment. Dave should not be able to access absence plan accruals for the sports coach assignment, and must not be able to run reports on any absences that only impacts the sports coach assignment. Securing the absence information by assignment works in these subject areas:

  • Workforce Management - Absence Calendar Details Real Time
  • Workforce Management - Absence Real Time
  • Workforce Management - Accrual Real Time
  • Absence Management - Leave Donations Real Time

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Manager Accessing the My Team Work Area with Person-Based Security Enabled

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Manager Accessing the My Team Work Area with Assignment-Based Security Enabled

If you turn on this feature, you can lock down security to the assignment level. This allows managers and organizations to only see information that is within their area of responsibility.

Steps to Enable


Enable approvals for transactions that use assignment-level security. For example, transactions, such as Administer Individual Compensation, Administer Salary, Manage Salary, Person External Identifiers, Salary History, Approve Performance Document, and Work-Schedule Assignments.

  • For information on enhancements to the approval rule page, refer to the 20C HCM Common What's New for the Enhancements to the Human Capital Management Approval Rules UI feature.
  • For information on enhancements to the transaction approvals supporting multiple assignments in HCM, refer to the Global HR 20D What's New for the Enhanced Transaction Approvals Support Multiple Assignments in Global Human Resources feature.

NOTE: Our regeneration processes will not alter any custom criteria. You must manually update security for custom roles because it is not a delivered functionality. 

NOTE:  You don’t need to enable these classic pages because they have no responsive pages:

  • Payroll Relationship
  • Element Entries
  • Calculation Entries
  • Costing for a Person
  • Absence Records
  • Work Schedule Assignments

To secure access for workers with multiple assignments, you must enable this profile option:  

Field Value
Profile Option Code


To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  • Search for and select the profile option.
  • Click to add a new Profile Value .
  • Select the Level as Site .
  • Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
  • Click Save and Close .

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Enabling Assignment-Level Security Profile Option

Run the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants ESS job set to convert person security profile grants and update data roles. These 2 processes are run as part of the job set:

  • Regenerate Data Security Grants
  • Regenerate Data Security Profiles

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Run Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants Job Set

NOTE:  Cloud Operations will initiate the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set as part of all 21C updates. Once the environment is returned, your IT Security Manager user will have the ability to view the status of the job set. The IT Security Manager must verify that the job set is successfully run to completion. Depending on the size of your organization, the job set process may still be running, so you should not release your user population without testing your custom data roles. If the job set fails for some reason, your IT Security Manager must manually run the job set, and make sure it completes successfully. On-premise HCM customers will still need to run the job set manually before beginning upgrade testing.

  • To enable assignment-level security in the employment contract, you must run the Migrate Employment Data process by selecting this run mode: Enhance contract data to enable its use in the responsive pages. For more information about the Migrate Employment Data process, see the Process to Migrate Contract Data topic under the Hire and Manage Workers chapter of the Using Global Human Resources guide. You can access the guide from Oracle Help Center .

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Person Security Profile Displays a Blue Banner Message to Confirm That the Assignment-Level Security is Enabled

Assignment-level security will work automatically for plan balances, disbursements, donations, and work-schedule assignments when you do the setup steps from 1 through 4. For existing absences and absence entry, assignment-level security is enabled only if Absences are entered at the assignment-level. To understand how this works, refer to the Absence Management 21A What's New features:  Prevent Absences from Impacting Multiple Assignments and Enhanced Absence Security for Workers with Multiple Assignments

Enable approvals for impacted transactions.

Absence Management flows:

Absences: On the absence type setup page, set the value for the Approvers field to: Managers of all relevant assignments. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click Navigator > My Client Groups > Absences > Absence Type . Create or edit an existing absence type
  • You can select the approvers from the Approvers list in the Absence Record Maintenance section.
  • The default value is Manager of employee’s primary assignment . Select Managers of all relevant assignments to set up approvals for managers of all assignments the employee is involved in.

Disbursements and donations: You can configure the approval task in the Transaction Console to send the approval request either to just the primary assignment manager or to the line manager of the assignment from which employee is requesting the cash disbursement or initiating the donation. For example, you can configure the approval rule to seek approval from the manager of the transaction’s assignment. Now, if an employee tries to initiate a donation from a specific assignment, the approval request goes to the line manager of that assignment.

Work-schedule assignments: Here’s how you can configure the work schedule assignment approvals so that the approval notifications for work-schedule assignment changes go to the relevant assignment’s manager of the employee instead of the primary assignment manager: For more information, refer to the Absence Management 21A What's New feature:  Route Work Schedule Assignment Approvals to the Appropriate Manager

  • Click Tools > Transaction Console in the Home Page.
  • Click Approval Rules .
  • Search Manage Work Schedule Assignment and click edit to configure approval rules.
  • Select the relevant component from the chain of approval.

NOTE:  When you pick "Requester" in the Approval Chain of field, the application assumes that this means the "employee". So, the approval will be routed to the employee's manager. 

  • Document Records flows: Approvals will now route to the manager of the appropriate assignment, if configured to do so.
  • Performance Management flows: You can configure the approval rule (to send the approval request to the primary assignment manager or assignment line manager) for the performance document manager who is submitting the approval. Select the assignment type configuration option (Use primary assignment or Use current assignment) in the approval rule definition.
  • Enable the responsive user interface, except for these classic user interfaces as there are no responsive equivalents for them.

There is no enabling responsive user interface because all classic pages which have a responsive equivalent have been removed in release 20D. All customers see responsive pages where responsive pages exist, otherwise, they see classic pages. The classic pages that we still support, and have been enhanced to support assignment-level security are: 

These classic pages will support assignment-level security when accessed only through the quick actions, and not through the Person Management page. Enable the responsive user interface using instructions from HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Doc ID 2399671.1 ) on My Oracle Support.

Tips And Considerations

You can't use assignment-level security with Oracle Search person indexes in release 21C. However, assignment-level security can be enabled simultaneously with the Oracle Search profile option (IRC_ELASTIC_SEARCH_ENABLED) of Oracle Recruiting.

The custom criteria on the Person Security Profile won't be modified by any Oracle processes, and you need to manage your custom criteria. To update your custom criteria, refer to the MOS Doc ID listed in the Key Resources section.

The Share Data Access action doesn't yet support assignment-level security. If you use the action in your organization, your users will continue to have access to all assignments for a shared person.


  • After you enable assignment-level security, you can’t use this navigation to manage assignment data for an assignment that you don’t have access to: Person Management work area > Classic Manage Employment page
  • The employment tree icon on the classic manage employment page won’t be visible after you enable assignment level security.

Talent Management:

  • The Talent Review, Succession, and Talent Pools features don’t support multiple assignments. The worker list of values (LOVs) only allow the user to select a primary assignment.
  • Succession Quick Actions: Although the quick action supports assignment-level security, if the user selects a nonprimary assignment from the quick actions search page, it’s the primary assignment information that will be displayed and saved in the succession plan.
  • Career Development Quick Actions: Although the quick action supports assignment-level security, the user will be able to view all development goals for the employees, irrespective of the assignment. This means a user, such as a line manager having access to a person has access to all development goals of that person.
  • Career Development Admin pages: The search results include all development goals for employees who meet the user's security profile definition. This means an HR specialist having access to a person has access to all development goals of that person.

Absence Management:

  • HCM Assignment security does not work on person-level absences, meaning any manager or HR administrator who has access to the employee can access all absences of this type. Any manager or administrator can view and manage advanced entries belonging to all assignments, even those that they are not authorized to see.
  • HCM Assignment Security, if enabled, applies only to absences entered at assignment-level. Such an absences is visible only to managers or administrators who are authorized to access the specific assignment for which the absence was created. Managers and administrators can enter assignment-level absences only for assignments that they have the authority to access.
  • If “Allow one assignment per absence” is selected, and the employee wants to take time off from all assignments using this type, the employee must enter separate absences for each assignment.
  • If you use absence approvals and implement HCM Assignment Security, you must configure the absence type to set the approvers to “Managers of relevant assignments”. This ensures that the notifications do not go to managers who don’t have access to the assignment for which the absence was created.
  • Once the absence is saved, the business title or assignment can’t be changed. If you want to change the business title, you need to withdraw the absence and create a new one.
  • If you enable HCM Assignment security and use absence approvals, you must configure the absence types to send approval requests to managers of relevant assignments. This ensures that absences are routed to the correct manager for approval.
  • Absences impacting multiple assignments are considered absences entered at person level. These absences will continue to be secured at person level. This means that any manager or administrator who has access to this employee will be able to view and manage all such absences.
  • Qualification plan entitlements and Entitlement Agreements are at the person-level. Therefore, this information will be visible to all administrators who have access to the person. 
  • If you want the absences to be fully secured, you need to ensure that they are entered at assignment level. This means that you need to ensure that a specific assignment is selected when entering an absence.
  • Absences data loaders do not support Assignment Security because they run with super user privileges.
  • Assignment-level security doesn’t work when using the classic Person Management page. It will only work through the quick actions. Administrators need to ensure that they access Absence Records page or Work Schedule Assignments page using the quick actions only.
  • Leave Donations Real Time will be secured by the donor assignment, and not the recipient assignment. A manager or administrator who can access the donor's information (or donor's assignment if assignment-level security is turned on) can access the entire donation transaction. This access includes all the information about the recipient of the leave donation, irrespective of whether the manager or administrator running the report has been explicitly granted access to the recipient's data or not.
  • Absences will be secured at the assignment level only if the absence was entered for a specific assignment. Any absence entered at the person-level will be visible to all managers and administrators who have access to the employee record.

Document Records:

  • This feature will not replace your existing application behavior, but if you want to leverage the feature, you have to make the necessary configuration changes.
  • This feature is applicable only to document record related approvals.
  • The default approval rule is set to primary assignment hierarchy.
  • If the approval rule is set to primary assignment hierarchy, irrespective of which assignment you select, the approval always goes to the line manager of the primary assignment.
  • If the approval rule is set to current assignment hierarchy, the approval always goes to the line manager of the assignment you selected.

Use of Document Records in the Benefits area remains at the person-level access only.

  • A manager can only see the assignments they have access to, but can't see person level document records.
  • A manager can see all assignments and then see document records for their assignment and the person level assignments.

Payroll OTBI:

The following subject areas are modified to include assignment-level security:

Payroll - Element Entries Real Time

Payroll - Element Entries History Real Time

Payroll - Costing Setup Details Real Time

These HCM flows have no enhancements in Update 21C, but are planned for a future release:

  • Areas of Responsibility (AOR)
  • Global HR - Mass Assignments
  • Global HR - Share Data Access - remains at person-level
  • Global HR - Share Information - remains at person-level
  • Global HR - My Team - Displaying Vacancies
  • Health & Safety
  • Human Resources Help Desk (HR HD)
  • Oracle Recruiting
  • Oracle Search (elastic search - limited/controlled-availability)
  • areasofResponsibility
  • publicWorkers
  • workerConnections
  • Risk Management - Access Certification
  • Risk Management - Advanced Access Controls
  • Time & Labor
  • Workforce Structures - Department
  • Workforce Structures - Position
  • Workforce Structures - Other than Position & Department
  • Workforce Modeling

These HCM flows have no enhancements, and are not currently planned at this time:

  • Benefits (Benefits document records will remain at the person level)
  • Global HR - Add Person
  • HCM Extracts
  • Absence Cases
  • Total Compensation Statement
  • Talent Review
  • Succession work area (Note: assignment-level security search is supported in Quick Actions)
  • Talent Pools work area (Note: assignment-level security search is supported in Quick Actions)
  • All Payroll Relationship-based processes and results (QuickPay, Person Results, Payslips, and so on)
  • All global processes and reports
  • Statutory reports
  • Fast Formula

These HCM flows have limited enhancements:  

Product area Task flow Enhancement

Global Human Resources

Local and Global Transfer

If there are multiple assignments in the selected assignment's work relationship, then all those assignments are listed in a banner on this task flow page, regardless of the user's access to those assignments.

Global Human Resources

Edit Work Relationship

If there are multiple assignments in the selected assignment's work relationship, then all those assignments are listed in a banner on this task flow page, regardless of the user's access to those assignments.

Global Human Resources

Change Legal Employer

If there are multiple assignments in the selected assignment's work relationship, then all those assignments are listed in a banner on this task flow page, regardless of the user's access to those assignments.

Global Human Resources

Cancel Work Relationship

If there are multiple assignments in the selected assignment's work relationship, then all those assignments are listed in a banner on this task flow page, regardless of the user's access to those assignments.

Global Human Resources

Seniority Dates

Quick Action worker search only.

Global Human Resources

Checklists and Onboarding

Quick Action worker search only.

Global Human Resources

Document Delivery Preferences

Quick Action worker search only.

Global Human Resources

Termination, Resignation, and End Assignment

Quick Action worker search only.

Global Human Resources

Manage User Account

Quick Action worker search only.



Changes to the consistency search in the Quick Action. Quick Action worker search only.



Support only for searching people in the Succession Quick Action.


Talent Pools

Support only for searching people in the Talent Pools Quick Action.



Support only for searching people in the Feedback and Request Feedback Quick Actions.


Career Development

Quick Action worker search only, and worker lists for Assign and Share actions.

Key Resources

  • Implementing assignment-level security in HCM, see this document on My Oracle Support: Implementing Assignment-Level Security in HCM (Document ID 2700661.1 )
  • Displaying document records based on assignment access when assignment-level security Is configured, refer to the Global HR 21A What's New feature:  Document Records Displayed Based on Assignment Access When Assignment-Level Security Is Configured
  • Routing document record approvals using current assignment hierarchy, refer to the Global HR 21A What's New feature:  Route Document Record Approvals Using Current Assignment Hierarchy
  • Regenerating roles, refer to the Regenerating Roles chapter in the Securing HCM guide on Oracle Help Center
  • Guidelines for copying HCM roles, refer to the Guidelines for Copying HCM Roles  topic in the Securing HCM guide on Oracle Help Center
  • Enhancing personal payment method for multiple assignments, refer to the Global Payroll 21A What's New feature:  Personal Payment Method Enhanced for Multiple Assignments
  • Enhancing performance document approvals, refer to the Performance Management 21A What's New feature:  Performance Document Approval Enhancements
  • Enhancing absence security for workers with multiple assignments, refer to the Absences 21A What's New feature:  Enhanced Absence Security for Workers with Multiple Assignments
  • Enhancing assignment-level security on payroll subject areas, refer to the Workforce Rewards 21C What's New feature: Assignment Level Security on Payroll Subject Areas

HCM Security

HCM Security includes enhancements to person security profiles, new-person task flows, role mappings, the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process, predefined job and abstract roles, and security setup.

Filter the users based on the Assignment Status parameter in the Roles Autoprovisioning ESS job. When this filter is applied, users with only specific assignment status type are processed.

This feature lets you strip out a specific population of employees from being processed (for instance: employees who no longer work in the company). If the filter is not selected, then all active users are processed.

This filtering mechanism significantly reduces the job run time, especially when there is large volume of employees (user accounts).

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Role autoprovisioning capabilities are improved with the support for Legislative Data Group attribute in role mapping.

Adding the Legislative Data Group attribute to role mapping simplifies the mapping rules in situations where hierarchical structure is required to drive the roles autoprovisioning.

This feature simplifies the role mapping rules.

HCM Data Loader

HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.

You can now submit your file in just one click on the Import File page. The Submit Now button allows you to immediately submit your file without first navigating to the Schedule Request page to review the parameters. The Submit button on the Import File page has now been replaced with two new buttons:

  • Review Parameters - Navigates you to the Schedule Request page where you can review and overwrite the default values of parameters before submitting.
  • Submit Now - immediately submits your file, using the configured parameter defaults

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Review Parameters or Submit Now

Immediately submit your selected file without reviewing the Import and Load HCM Data parameters.

You can now view the HCM Data Loader objects that support data loaded by business users using spreadsheets.

The business object table in the View Business Objects task now includes the Spreadsheet Loading Support column:

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Spreadsheet Loading Support

The Component Details tab on the Business Object details page displays the level of spreadsheet support:

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Component Detail Spreadsheet Loading Support

The Overview spreadsheet downloaded from the Business Object table displays the level of spreadsheet support:

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Overview Spreadsheet Loading Support

The View Business Objects task and Overview spreadsheet, available from this task, have been enhanced to include the spreadsheet loading support available for each object.

Generate a zip file containing the file lines and error messages for each business object that failed to load in the data set.

On the Import and Load Data page, click  Extract Failed Lines  on the table toolbar to initiate the file generation for a data set in error or for a single business object within a data set.

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Extract Failed Lines button

Specify if you want to extract just the failed file lines or the failed file lines and messages. If you are extracting the messages, specify the language to use for these messages.

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Specify action

The Failed Lines File column displays the status of the file generation process. Upon completion, use the download file icon to access the generated file.

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Click the download file icon to access the generated file

Messages are included as COMMENT lines immediately before the file line or group of file lines that caused the error:

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You can now include the messages raised when generating business object .dat files of the data lines that failed to be successfully loaded into Oracle HCM Cloud.

Use the Configure HCM Data Loader task, available from Setup and Maintenance to override the default for the Enable File Generation for Failed File Lines parameter to Extract failed lines and messages.

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  • While the file generation process is running, refresh the table content to review the current status.
  • The COMMENT lines at the top of the generated file explain how the file is organized.

Extend your data loading capabilities with these new and enhanced business objects:


Business Object Description
Potential Life Event Create, update, and delete potential life events for a person.


Global Payroll

Payroll Element Details :

  • You can now update the last effective end-date of Element Eligibility records

The AutomaticEntryFlag can now be used to correct existing records. The value supplied will update all date-effective records for the element eligibility and is not restricted to the date-range specified by the effective start and end dates.



Business Object Component New Attributes
Market Data Survey Composites

Market Data Survey Composites

Business Object Component New Attributes
Allocated Checklist Allocated Checklist
  Task Notifications
Checklist Template Checklist Template
  Task Notification Overrides
Task Library Task Library
  Task Library Notification
Organization Organization
Organization Translation Organization Translation
Role Mapping Role Mapping
Business Object Component New Attributes
Learning Record Learning Record

Talent Management

Business Object Component New Attributes
Goal Plan Goal Plan
Question Question
Questionnaire Questionnaire Question
Questionnaire Template Questionnaire Template
Questionnaire Template Template Question
Succession Plan Succession Plan Owner

Expand your bulk loading capabilities.

Use the View Business Objects task to review the latest business object information.

You can now extend your reporting capabilities for HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader with the introduction of these new folders in the HCM Real Time Integrations subject area:

  • Imported Objects
  • Spreadsheet Templates
  • Spreadsheet Template Parameters
  • Spreadsheet Template Roles
  • Spreadsheet Data Sets

You can create report on data sets with HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader for reconciliation and auditing.

HCM Extract

HCM Extracts provide a method for extracting data from your HCM applications that can be used for interfacing data to another source or extracting data to integrate reporting across systems.

You can now use the Preview option to verify the extracts design before finalizing the definition.

From Data Exchange work area, use the Extract Definition page to select the extract definition that you want to preview.

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Click Preview .

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The preview option allows you to verify the output structure of a sample data set by providing specific parameter values for defined parameters, if any.

Click the  Preview  button and then click  Download to download the sample XML output generated to build your BI Publisher templates. It also downloads the log file that you can use for troubleshooting.

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Preview option allows you to verify the extracts design before finalizing the definition.

- Preview option is only available when extracts are validated.

- Define extracts with Threading Database Item for improved efficiency.

- Provide Threading Object Id associated with Threading DBI to get sample data associated with specific object.

You can now extract data synchronously using the objectSnapshots REST API. You can define the data elements that you want to view using the Extracts definition and call the objectSnapshots API to extract the data by passing a snapshot key, which will be the threading database item, defined in the Extracts.

You now have Enable Object Snapshot and Object Snapshot Key options available on the Design tab of Extract Definition page. The  Enable Object Snapshot allows you to enable object snapshot support for extracts. Selecting this also enables the object snapshot key attribute. The Object Snapshot Key attribute is derived from the threading database item defined in the root data group. It is automatically filled in based on the defined threading DBI and is not available for edit.

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Enable Object Snapshot and Object Snapshot Key

Use this feature for faster and synchronous extraction of data using the objectSnapshots REST API.

Enable Object Snapshot and Object Snapshot Key options are available only for root data group.

For more information about the REST APIs in HCM, see the REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center .

Role Information

The following privilege is required to access the Object Snapshot REST API. The Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role inherits this privilege out of the box.

Privilege Code

Privilege Name

Privilege Description


Use REST Service - Object Snapshots

Allows access to the POST method in the Object Snapshots REST resource.

HCM Common Architecture

This section covers features used across all HCM Applications.

You can subscribe to the new Atom feed, cancelworkrelship , to receive updates when a work relationship is cancelled. This feed is triggered when a worker's work relationship is cancelled in Oracle HCM Cloud.

This feed is generated from the employee/cancelworkrelship collection when:

  • A worker doesn't show up for the job on the agreed start date.
  • A candidate rejects the offer.
  • An offer has been renegotiated resulting in different employment terms.
  • A global transfer has been reverted to correct the effective date of transfer and the legal employer.
  • A global temporary assignment has been reverted to correct the effective date of transfer and the legal employer.
  • A secondary work relationship creation has been reverted to correct the effective date of transfer, the legal employer, or the worker type.

The cancelworkrelship feed is generated with these details.






Triggering criteria Deletion of work relationship

Event Title

<Employee Display Name>'s Work Relationship Cancelled

Event Name


Event Summary/Description

Person Work Relationship Cancelled

Subscribe to the cancelworkrelship Atom feed and take advantage of synchronous processing of associated events in your downstream applications.

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

  • For more information, see the  REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud guide on the Oracle Help Center.

HCM Common Features

The tab names in Person Spotlight have been made read-only to avoid confusion when there is a need of translation. Though, you can't translate the tab names directly from the Person Spotlight, you can use User Interface Text and provide new strings along with translations, if needed.

For more details on how to translate messages, see the Key Resources section.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Read only tab name in Person Spotlight

This feature improves the user experience with additional capabilities to translate the tab names when required.

You need to translate existing strings using the User Interface Text configuration tool.

  • For more information on translating existing strings, refer to Translate Existing Strings Added Using Configuration Tools, Chapter 4: User Interface Text, Configuring and Extending Applications guide on the Oracle Help Center.

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to enable a sandbox.

Enhance the authoring experience in Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio with additional capabilities. These are the new features added to the tool. Person Disability business object is added to Autocomplete Rules.

Delivered Rules

You can now use the predefined rules delivered out-of-the-box covering the most common use cases in Document Records, Salary, and Workforce Structures (including job and position). For example, you can use Autocomplete Rules to validate the position name or job name to stars with an alphanumeric character. When working with delivered rules, you need to check the description in the Basic Info section that includes instructions on how to implement the rule.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Addition of Person Disability Business Object to Autocomplete Rules

You can now use the Person Disability business object to default or validate values in a worker's disability record. For example, you can create an autocomplete rule to validate if both, Registration Date and Expiration Date are specified on a worker's disability record.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Access from Person Business Object to Person Education ad Person Certification

Enhance the authoring experience in Autocomplete Rules for HCM Experience Design Studio with additional capabilities. A new view accessor, Get Profile is added so you can now author Autocomplete rules from a person to their talent profile. For example, you can validate the education degree or certification validity, or both when promoting a worker. You can use the Get Profile view accessor to traverse from the Person business object to the Person Profile Education and Person Profile Certification business objects.

Support of Extensible Flexfields Business Object to Autocomplete Rules

You can create Autocomplete validation rules on extensible flexfields (EFF) using the Extensible Flexfields business object. Extensible Flexfields provides a configurable expansion space that can be used to configure additional information named context and attributes named segments. Currently, only Additional Assignment Info is available in Autocomplete Rules.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Typically, these contexts are used to validate segment values such as retained grade segment based on assignment values. It's recommended that you don't enable flexfield validation and autocomplete validation at the same time for the same context.When you create an autocomplete rule on an extensible flexfield, you have to first select Extensible Flexfields from the list of business object, then the flexfield name and finally the context code. The context code corresponds to the list of contexts created and deployed in your environment.

You need to refresh and deploy the extensible flexfields offline prior to start working with EFFs in Autocomplete. It will make all the contexts and segments available in Autocomplete Rules You need to do this once before you start authoring autocomplete rules for the EFFs. As you create or update contexts, Autocomplete Rules will be refreshed with the new values when you deploy the new or updated contexts.

Extensible Flexfields: Exceptions

This table lists rules that can't be currently implemented for the Extensible Flexfields business object.

Rule Rule Type Actions Impacted Sections Impacted Fields Impacted Comments

Can't default for all actions

Object Defaulting, Field Modification,





Can't validate tabbing out a field

Field Validation




When you create the Contracts context and hire an employee, you won't be able to validate the retained grade based on a value entered in the Contracts context.

Cross contexts validation isn't supported






Access to Additional Assignment Info segment values in cache from other business objects isn't supported





When you hire an employee, you won't be able to validate the salary basis based on the retained grade as the value isn't stored in the database but is in the cache.

Access to other records in the same context for multi rows contexts isn't supported





You can't validate if the user has entered the same grade multiple times during the same transaction.

Prevent Usage of Characters Not Supported in Autocomplete Messages

Special characters such as curly brackets {} or double quotes "" are not supported in messages. You will be prompted to not use unsupported characters and use use the parenthesis () or square brackets [] instead when you tab out of the message.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Unclosed or unmatched parenthesis and square brackets are also not supported in messages.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

Default the Operator to Is Not Null for Attributes Supported by an LOV

The default operator for attributes supported by an LOV is Is not null . This is to avoid loading all values in the LOV initially. You can change the operator as per your requirement.

oracle hcm multiple assignments

This feature helps in improving your user experience and reducing time spent on transactions by defaulting values, ensures accurate and consistent data by validating user entries, and allowing your organization to adjust quickly with HR compliance without relying on new releases.

To enable this feature you need to log a Service Request (SR).

To enable Autocomplete Rules in the HCM Experience Design Studio, you need to log a Service Request (SR). To get access, please review and follow the instructions provided in the My Oracle Support document, Enabling Oracle HCM Cloud Autocomplete Rules (Document ID 2767655.1 ).

For more information on Autocomplete Rules for HCM products, refer these features in Update 21C:

Autocomplete Delivered Rules for Workforce Structures Business Objects

Autocomplete Rules for Document Records Business Object

Autocomplete Rule for Offer on Worker Assignment Business Object

Autocomplete Rules for Person Disability Business Object in Person

Autocomplete Support For Additional Assignment Info Business Object 

  • Autocomplete Rules for Salary Business Object in Compensation  

For additional information, refer the following resource on Oracle Help Center

  • Configuring and Extending HCM Using Autocomplete Rules guide, Human Resources Cloud

You must be granted the Human Capital Management Application Administrator role to work in a sandbox.

You can now route position approval rules to incumbents in the parent position instead of just the initiator’s hierarchy.

The approval routing to incumbents in the parent position is for these processes:

  • Create Position
  • Edit Position
  • Request New Position
  • Request Position Change

This feature enables you to route approvals to the appropriate people who should approve the position.

There is set up required for this feature. For more information, see the What's New for Human Resources > Position Approvals: Route Approvals Based on the Incumbent

For more information, see the What's New for Human Resources > Position Approvals: Route Approvals Based on the Incumbent

Additionally, refer to the following resources on the Oracle Help Center :

  • Chapter 15: Notifications and Approvals, Implementing Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud
  • Chapter 5: Jobs and Positions, Using Global Human Resources guide, Human Resources Cloud

In Update 20C a new XML Type column was introduced that replaced the existing DATA_CACHE column to improve the rendering time and overall performance of BIP-based approval notifications. We've added a new profile option that lets you continue to populate the DATA_CACHE column. If you are accessing the old DATA_CACHE column in your BIP data models, we recommend that you move to the new XML Type column as soon as possible. 

This enhancement improves performance time for HCM BIP-based approval notifications.

If you need the transaction data populated in the old DATA_CACHE column, then set the ORA_HCM_TRANSACTION_CLOB_DATACACHE_POPULATION_ENABLED profile option to Yes  at the site level. 

After the need to have data populated in the DATA_CACHE column is completed, ensure that the ORA_HCM_TRANSACTION_CLOB_DATACACHE_POPULATION_ENABLED profile option is set to No so that data will not be populated in the DATA_CACHE column for any new submitted transactions.

  • Search for and select the profile option: ORA_HCM_TRANSACTION_CLOB_DATACACHE_POPULATION_ENABLED.
  • In the Profile Values region, the Profile Level should be Site.
  • Set the Profile Value field to Yes.
  • Click Save and Close.

You can now use HCM Experience Design Studio to allow the usage of custom icons in HCM Digital Assistant for non Redwood-based user interfaces. You can also allow users to drag the chatbot launch button out of the way when it's blocking content on the web page.

Both these features are not available with Redwood-based user interfaces.

User friendly interface to configure features and functionality of the Digital Assistant Chat Widget.

For more information, see:

  • Oracle Digital Assistant - Extending FADigitalAssistant and the HCM Skill document
  • Customize the Chat Widget (Digital Assistant Client SDK document)

The icons in the global header are refreshed to make them consistent with the new Redwood look and feel of the application.

Here’s how the global header icons look now.

Global Header Icons

Icons in the Global Header

These icons are updated to match the new Redwood icons across the application.

  • You get the global header icons by default, irrespective of the theme you are on.
  • You can't make changes to the icons in the global header.
  • Sign In and Get Started


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.

Product Removed Feature Target Removal Replacement Feature Replaced In Additional Information
HCM Common 21C HCM Data Loader More than a year ago.  



The HCM Responsive User Experience has been available and promoted as our standard since Update 18B. If you are still using the older HCM Classic Simplified User Interface, you must transition to the HCM Responsive User Experience, as these older pages will no longer be supported.

For consolidated information on generic setup information you can refer to My Oracle Support Document ID 2399671.1 - HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information.



Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1 )

The following is a list of Controlled Availability features that are being offered by our Controlled Availability Program.

NOTE: These features are not generally available for all customers at this time. These are only available through the Controlled Availability Program and will require approval to become a part of the features program. To be a part of these programs you will be required to participate in testing and providing feedback. Some programs may require other participation as well.

Not to worry if you don't have to time to be a part of these early stage programs. You can uptake this feature when it is generally available for all customers. When these features are available for all customers you will see the features under their product headings as usual.

We invite you all to browse through the list of features to see if there are any features you are interested in implementing in advance of the features scheduled release. The table below will provide information on signing up for features. Please sign up soon, as these programs have limited availability and some are designed for specific types of customers.

The table below gives you a brief description of the features available and how to sign up. Some features are bigger than others, so for more information there may be a What's New describing the feature in more detail below this table.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as you participate the Controlled Availability programs!

Product Feature Name Feature Description Type of Customer Needed to Test How to Sign Up Controlled Availability Release Is the Program Still Open?

Across All HCM Products

New Global Search for HCM provides faster person search experience and introduces new person search capabilities.

It is based on Oracle Search, a dedicated search platform for Oracle Cloud.

It is dependent on the Oracle Search for HCM feature below.

See the following My Oracle Support Document on how to apply:

Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Oracle Search-Based Global Search Under Controlled Availability (Doc ID )

21A Open

Across All HCM Products

Oracle Search is a dedicated search engine available in your Human Capital Management Cloud environments.

Is dependent on Oracle Search-Based Global Search above or Connections that can be found in the 21A Global HR What's New under Controlled Availability Features.

Customers cannot request Oracle Search as a standalone feature. It has to be requested as via specific Oracle Search-dependent feature like Connections (In 21A Global HR What's New Under Controlled Availability Features or Oracle Search-based Global Search (In the 21A HCM Common What's New under Controlled Availability Features:

) )
21A Open

Across All HCM Products

This feature is needed for the two features above.

Use the Oracle Search person index optimized for better performance.

Controlled availability customers using HCM Oracle Search features (Connections, Oracle Search-based Global Search) are required to rebuild the index.

This change improves search performance of Oracle Search-based Controlled Availability features.

This feature is dependent on the two features above. See above two features. 21C Open

Controlled Availability Features

Features under this heading are under the Controlled Availability Program. The features are here to provide more information than what the table provides.

NOTE: These features are not generally available to customers and customers need to be approved to use these features.

Use the Oracle Search person index optimized for better performance.

Controlled availability customers using HCM Oracle Search features (Connections, Oracle Search-based Global Search, or Succession Organization Chart) are required to rebuild the index.

This change improves search performance of Oracle Search-based Controlled Availability features.

Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes page to run the process  ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS  with index name parameter  fa-hcm-person .

This feature applies only to controlled availability customers using these features:

  • Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Connections Under Controlled Availability (Document ID 2743183.1 )
  • Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Oracle Search-Based Global Search Under Controlled Availability (Document ID 2743208.1 )
  • Fusion Global HR: How to Apply for Succession Organization Chart Under Controlled Availability (Doc ID 2778004.1 )

ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS process is secured with FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV function privilege. The privilege is available in the ORA_FND_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB or ORA_FND_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_JOB job roles.


Use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HDSL) to provide bulk-data loading capabilities for your business users and inbound integrations. You can configure spreadsheet templates for your specific use cases and assign access to those templates to just the roles that require them. For example, your recruiting integration could have access to a New Hire spreadsheet, whereas the Overtime Hours spreadsheet would be available to your Payroll Administrator.

You design and test spreadsheet templates on your non-production environments. To do this you grant access to the Spreadsheet Templates task and the ability to load data using HSDL. You then configure which business objects the template designer can import and create templates for, using the Spreadsheet Business Object Access task.

The roles required to design and test HSDL templates

  • Task 1 explains how to grant access to the Spreadsheet Business Object Access task.
  • Task 2 explains how to create the template designer roles.
  • Task 3 explains how to configure the business objects and product area a template designer can create and import templates for.

You'll again use the Spreadsheet Templates task in your production environment to import your tested HSDL templates, assign the roles that can use the template and the access they have, and then activate them. For this you can create various template maintenance roles, configuring the business objects and product areas each role can import templates for.

The roles required to assign roles and activate templates

You create business object restricted roles on production in a similar way as you do on non-production environments. Alternatively, you can choose to create a single administrator role for importing templates into production, assigning role access and any ongoing maintenance.

  • Task 4 explains how to create production template maintenance roles for a restricted list of business objects.
  • Task 5 explains how to create a template administrator role which can access every template.

HSDL All Template Role Administrator role

If you have custom templates or want to provide access to templates not embedded into product pages, you'll need to create a custom role to provide access to the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader task. This will allow users to access all active templates they have a role assigned access to. Task 6 provides the steps to configure this role. --> Spreadsheet Data Set Admin Role

Some business objects don't allow HSDL templates to be assigned to business user roles. This is usually when the business object uses data security within the application, but that data security isn't available when uploading data using HSDL.

  • Task 6 lists the steps to create this role.

In this tutorial you will:

  • Create a role to configure the business objects your spreadsheet template designer roles can create and import templates for.
  • Create business object specific roles for designing and testing spreadsheet templates.
  • Create business object specific roles for importing and assigning role access to spreadsheet templates on production environments.
  • Create a template admin role for granting access to any template.
  • Create a spreadsheet data-set administrator role that can perform any supported action on all active templates.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Access to the Security Console .

Task 1: Grant Access to the Spreadsheet Business Object Access Task

The Spreadsheet Business Object Access task is used to configure which business objects a spreadsheet template designer can create and import templates for. This access would normally be granted to your application administrator. Here you'll define a new custom role to grant access.

  • Log in to the application with a user that has Security Console access.
  • Navigate to Tools > Security Console and click Create Role .
  • Specify a Role Name of HSDL Business Object Access or similar and supply a unique role code.
  • Specify a Role Category of HCM - Job Roles .
  • Add these Function Security Policies :
Function Security Policies
Policy Name Policy Code Grants Access To
Review HCM Data Loader Business Objects HRC_REVIEW_HDL_BUSINESS_OBJECTS_PRIV View Business Objects task
Manage Data Exchange Work Area HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV Data Exchange work area
  • Add these Role Hierarchies :
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
Manage HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Business Object Access ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_BO_ACCESS Spreadsheet Business Object Access task
Functional Setups User ORA_ASM_FUNCTIONAL_SETUPS_USER_ABSTRACT Setup and Maintenance
  • Save your changes.

You can now grant this role to the application administrator user responsible for configuring the business objects your HSDL template designers can create and import templates for.

Task 2: Grant Access to Design Spreadsheet Templates

This task describes how to create a role with the access needed to design HSDL templates.

  • Click Create Role in the Roles tab of the Security Console .
  • Specify a Role Name and Role Code that identifies the business objects this template designer can define templates for. For example, HSDL Template Designer - Worker .
Function Security Policies
Policy Name Policy Code Grants Access To
Review HCM Data Loader Business Objects HRC_REVIEW_HDL_BUSINESS_OBJECTS_PRIV View Business Objects task The task is the data dictionary for all HSDL supported objects. Use it to understand the business object shape and supported attributes when designing spreadsheet templates.
Manage Data Exchange Work Area HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV Data Exchange work area
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
Manage HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_TEMPLATES Spreadsheet Templates task
Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ORA_HRC_LOAD_DATA_USING_HSDL Load data using HSDL spreadsheets Don't grant access to the role hierarchy on your production environment. Your template designer role shouldn't be able to bulk load data in production environments.
  • Save your role.
  • Repeat for your other template designer roles.

Task 3: Configure Business Object Access

  • Log into the application with a user that has access to the Spreadsheet Business Object Access task. Refer to Task 1 for how to grant access to this task.
  • Navigate to My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance .
  • Select the HCM Data Loader functional area.
  • Click Spreadsheet Business Object Access .
  • Search for and select your custom role in the Job and Abstract Roles table.

Search for and select your job role

Assign an Individual Business Object

  • On the Assigned Business Objects table toolbar, click the Assign choice list and select Assign Individual Business Objects .

Click Assign Individual Business Objects

  • In the Search and Select Business Objects window, search for and select the Worker business object:

Select the Worker business object

  • Repeat for other individual business object or add product area access as required.
  • Click Save .

Assign all Business Objects in a Product Area

  • On the Assigned Business Objects table toolbar, click the Assign choice list and select Assign All Business Objects in a Product Area .

Click Assign All Business Objects in a Product Area

  • In the Select Product Area window, select the product area that the role can create templates for, such as Global HR - Work Structures .

Select Global HR - Work Structures

  • Click Add .
  • Repeat for additional product areas.

Assign All Business Objects

Click Assign All Business Objects

  • Click Add to confirm you want to grant access to define templates for any supported objects.

Click Assign All Business Objects

Task 4: Granting Template Maintenance Access for Production

  • Specify a Role Name and Role Code that identifies the business objects this template designer can define templates for. For example, HSDL Template Maintenance - Worker .
Function Security Policies
Policy Name Policy Code Grants Access To
Manage Data Exchange Work Area HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV Data Exchange work area
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
Manage HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_TEMPLATES Spreadsheet Templates task
  • Follow the steps in Task 3 to configure the business objects this role can import templates for.

Task 5: Configuring Access to Custom Templates

  • Navigate to My Client Groups > Data Exchange > Spreadsheet Templates .
  • Search for the template to configure role access for and click the template name.

Search for and select the template to assign role access for

  • On the Define page, check the Upload Data As field is set to Session user .

The template must be configured to upload data as the session user

  • Click Role Access .
  • Click Add on the Permitted Data Set Operations table toolbar.

Click Add on the Permitted Data Set Operations table toolbar

  • Use the Search and Select Roles window to search for an select the job role that should access to the template

Search for and select the role to assign to the template

  • Create data sets with a spreadsheet template
  • Save the spreadsheet rows to the data set
  • Upload valid spreadsheet rows to the application
  • Roll back successfully loaded spreadsheet rows, for objects that support roll back.
  • Uncheck any data set operations users of this role shouldn't have access to.
  • If users with this job role should be able to view all data sets, not just those they have created themselves, check the View All checkbox.

Review the data set operations

  • Repeat these steps for all job roles that should have access to use this template.
  • Click Add on the Template Maintenance table toolbar.

Click Add on the Template Maintenance table toolbar

  • Search for and select the role that can maintain the template, in the same way as assigning data set operations.
  • Click Define

Set the template status to active

  • Click Validate and Save .

Task 5: Grant Spreadsheet Template Administrator Access

Once a template is made active, business object security is replaced by template security and only the users with a job role configured to maintain a template can assign roles to it. To assign role access to a template you haven't assigned an admin role for, or for preconfigured templates that are already active without a template admin assigned, you'll need a spreadsheet template administrator role.

  • Specify a Role Name of HSDL All Templates Role Administrator or similar and supply a unique role code.
  • Click Next and on the Function Security Policy page, add these policies:
  • Navigate to the Role Hierarchy page and add these roles:
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_TEMPLATES Spreadsheet Templates task
HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Template Administration ORA_HRC_HSDL_TEMPLATE_ADMINISTRATION Create and maintain templates for all business objects.
  • Navigate to the Summary page and click Save and Close .

You can now assign this role to users responsible for maintaining all spreadsheet templates.

Task 5: Grant Access to Preconfigured Spreadsheet Templates

  • Log into the application with a user who has access to maintain all templates. Task 3 describes how to create this role.
  • Search for the template to assign access to.

Search for the preconfigured template

  • In the search results, check that the Upload Data As field is Session User .

Check the Upload Data As value

  • Click the template name to edit the template.

Search for and select the role to assign to the template

  • Click Save on the table toolbar.

Task 6: Grant Access to Run Spreadsheet Data Loader

  • Navigate to Tools > Security Console .
  • Search for and select your custom role to grant spreadsheet data-loading access
  • Click the action list and click Edit .

Search for the role and click edit

  • Navigate to the Role Hierarchy page and add the following roles:
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates ORA_HRC_ACCESS_HSDL_TEMPLATES Run Spreadsheet Data Loader task
Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ORA_HRC_LOAD_DATA_USING_HSDL Load data using HSDL spreadsheets

Task 6: Grant Administrator Access to Use All Templates

  • Click Create Role .
  • Specify a Role Name of HSDL Run All Templates Administrator or similar and supply a unique role code.
Role Hierarchies
Role Name Role Code Grants Access To
Load Data Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ORA_HRC_LOAD_DATA_USING_HSDL Load data using HSDL spreadsheets
HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Data Set Administration ORA_HRC_HSDL_DATA_SET_ADMINISTRATION Run HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader for all templates.

Related Links

  • Guidelines for using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
  • How You Enable Access to HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Tasks
  • Grant Access to Run HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader


  • Authors - Ema Johnson (Senior Principal Product Manager)

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For product documentation, visit Oracle Help Center .

Configure Access to Design and Maintain HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HSDL) Templates

August 2024


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    What happens if a person has multiple assignments or person types? A user who can access a person record can access all of the person's assignments, regardless of the assignment type. The assignments can also be with different legal employers. A user who can access a person record can access all of the person's assignments, regardless of the ...

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  5. Adding Additional Assignments

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    The assignment is created automatically when the work relationship is created. Including contract information in the assignment is optional. Multiple Assignments. If you select Multiple Assignments, each work relationship of any type can include one or more assignments. One assignment is created automatically when the work relationship is created.

  10. Securing HCM

    Sign in to Cloud. Access your cloud dashboard, manage orders, and more. Free Cloud Platform Trial

  11. Can A Person Have Multiple Active Primary Assignments in Oracle HR?

    In this Document. Goal. Solution. References. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Oracle Human Resources - Version 12.1.3 and later: Can A Person Have Multiple Active Primary Assignments in Oracle HR?

  12. Oracle HCM Cloud Common 21C What's New

    If you enable HCM Assignment security and use absence approvals, you must configure the absence types to send approval requests to managers of relevant assignments. This ensures that absences are routed to the correct manager for approval. Absences impacting multiple assignments are considered absences entered at person level.

  13. Multiple Assignment HCM Cloud

    Summary. Multiple Assignment HCM Cloud. Content. Hi, I had heard that oracle was doing away with multiple assignments concept in HCM Cloud. But i could not find any documentation regarding it. If any one has any document then please share it. Regards. Vishal.

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    Employee A has multiple active assignments, when submitting absence for this employee, there's one option to select for which assignment/job/ID it's submitting for. But when it comes to absence entry valdiation fast formula, its assignment contexts is always the second assignment.

  15. Move from single assignment to multiple assignment

    Dec 13, 2022 8:13PM. Oracle experts - We went live with Oracle (September 2019) and had set up the system for single assignments for employees. Now, we see a business case for our field employees to have multiple assignments and a different pay rate associated with each assignment. Can someone please list out the risks and high-level steps that ...

  16. Fusion Absence Management: Multiple Assignment Eligiblity

    Oracle Fusion Absence Management Cloud Service - Version and later: Fusion Absence Management: ... Multiple Assignment Eligiblity (Doc ID 2815024.1) Last updated on FEBRUARY 02, 2022. Applies to: Oracle Fusion Absence Management Cloud Service - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal.


    Tables and Views for HCM; PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_M; PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_M. This stores extensible data (Customer, Localization or Verticalization) for Assignments or Sets of Employment/Placement Terms. ... Foreign key to PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M. INFORMATION_TYPE: VARCHAR2: 40: Yes: Developer Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the ...

  18. Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud: How To Reuse Person Criteria to Add

    My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services. For more information about Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), visit

  19. Fusion Applications

    Fusion Applications - UK Statutory Absences Multiple Assignments - Assignments Starting/Ending or Returning to Work on Assignment During An Absence Period (Doc ID 2814126.1) Last updated on OCTOBER 14, 2021. Applies to: Oracle Fusion HRMS (UK) - Version 11.12.1.. and later

  20. Fusion Time and Labor: How To Get Multiple Assignment Id In OTL Fast

    In this Document. Goal. Solution. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Oracle Fusion Time and Labor Cloud Service - Version and later: Fusion Time and Labor: How To Get Multiple Assignment Id In OTL Fast Formula.


    ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID: NUMBER: 18: Yes: Foreign key to PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES. LANGUAGE: VARCHAR2: 4: Yes: Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated. SOURCE_LANG: VARCHAR2: 4: Yes: Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were ...

  22. Fusion Global HR: User Entity PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_UE Is Fetching

    But the UE is fetching multiple rows in the HCM Extract including the latest assignment row for the all work relationships belonging to one person. Example: If a person got hired, terminated, and again rehired, then the UE is bringing two rows of data one for the terminated work relationship and another for the rehire work relationship. Solution

  23. Areas of Responsibility with multiple assignments

    Get Started with Redwood for Oracle Cloud HCM Begin Now. Areas of Responsibility with multiple assignments. Received Response 42. Views. 1. ... We have multiple assignments, so when one ends, another one will start The issue we have, is when we give areas of resopnsibility to a person, it is on assignment level, so when one assignment ends, and ...

  24. Configure Access to HCM Data Loader

    Navigate to the HCM Data Loader Business Object Access task in Setup and Maintenance. Search for and select your custom role. Use the Assign dropdown on the Assigned Business Objects table toolbar to assign access to the HCM Data Loader business objects and product areas users with this role should be able to use. Save your changes.

  25. New—HCM Cloud adds Workforce Scheduling

    Oracle Workforce Scheduling, part of Workforce Management in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, connects data from across your organization in a unified scheduling solution. Since it uses the same technical foundation and data as Fusion Apps, it's inherently integrated, which links time, labor, scheduling, and leave management with payroll, financial ...

  26. Configure Access to Design and Maintain HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

    Assign All Business Objects. You can configure your template designer role to have access to any supported HSDL business object. On the Assigned Business Objects table toolbar, click the Assign choice list and select All Business Objects. Click Add to confirm you want to grant access to define templates for any supported objects. Click Save.

  27. Time Card approver details for multiple Assignment

    Hi Team, I have a requirement to get the approver details for each assignment hours in the Time Card. For example, a multiple assignment employee have 70 hours clocked in his Time Card in different assignments. Report need to fetch each hour entry and the respective approver for the assignment hours. I have completed the Time and Labor related ...