Assigning Service Principals to Groups and Roles with the Azure CLI

The more I use Azure the more often I find myself needing to assign various managed identities / service principals to various groups and roles, and while that can be done in the Portal, it's cumbersome and I'd prefer to automate it.

So in this post I'll sharing a few Azure CLI commands that should prove useful whenever you're configuring Service Principals.

Getting a service principal's object id

Suppose you know the name of the service principal, but not the "object id", which is required for assigning it to groups and roles. You can use a filter with the az ad sp list command to find that service principal and then a query to pick out just the object id.

Note that you should avoid trying to use the query parameter to find the matching name, as that will likely not find it as it only applies to the first page of results .

Note that the object id is different from the app id. If you do need the app id for any reason you just need to change the query parameter:

Adding to a group

Suppose we want to add the service principal to a group. We need the group id to do that, and if we need to look it up, we can do so with the az ad group list command and using a filter .

Then the az ad group member add command allows us to add the object id of our service principal to the group.

Creating a role assignment

If we want to create a role assignment, then as well as knowing the user we're assigning the role to and the name of the role, we also need to provide a " scope " for that to apply to. This is typically a long / delimited path to an Azure resource. So for a KeyVault it might look like this:

You can of course construct this string yourself, but actually this is quite often just the "ID" of the resource as returned by the Azure CLI. So we could get the above value with the following command:

And now that we have the scope, we can simply use the az role assignment create to assign the role to our service principal, and we can pass the role name directly (in this example it's "Key Vault Administrator"):

Hope this proves useful to you.

create role assignment azure cli { "description": "Grant Toon administrator access on application Z.", "client_type" : "user", "client_principal_name": "[email protected]", "server_app_registration_name": "app-registration-z-prod", "role_name": "administrator" }
"description": "Grant service principal X reader access on application Z.",
"client_type" : "application",
"client_principal_name": "service-principal-x-prod",
"server_app_registration_name": "app-registration-z-prod",
"role_name": "reader"

You can use the script like this:

  • Download the script and the config file.
  • Update the config files to your needs
  • Trigger the script via PowerShell

If you are interested, this is how the script looks like:

param (
[string] $TenantId,
[string] $ConfigFilePath
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Write-Host Start Azure AD role assignment script
Write-Host "-Tenant Id:" $TenantId -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host "-Config File Path:" $ConfigFilePath -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host Installing and importing AzureAD Module
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AzureAD) {
Import-Module -Name "AzureAD"
else {
Install-Module -Name "AzureAD" -Force
Write-Host Connecting to Azure AD Tenant within current security context
$azure_context = Get-AzContext
$account_id = $azure_context.Account.Id
Write-Host "-Account Id:" $azure_context.Account.Id -ForegroundColor Gray
Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $TenantId -AccountId $account_id
Write-Host Loading role assignments from config file
$role_assignments = (Get-Content $ConfigFilePath -Raw) | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host Looping each configured role assignment
foreach($role_assignment in $role_assignments)
Write-Host Applying role assigment... started -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "-Description:" $role_assignment.description -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host "-Client principal Name:" $role_assignment.client_principal_name -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host "-Server App Registration Name:" $role_assignment.server_app_registration_name -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host "-Role Name:" $role_assignment.role_name -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host Getting the server application registration
$aad_filter = "DisplayName eq '" + $role_assignment.server_app_registration_name + "'"
$server_application_registration = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter $aad_filter
if (!$server_application_registration) { throw "Cannot find configured server application registration with name '" + $role_assignment.server_app_registration_name + "'" }
Write-Host Getting the server service principal id
$aad_filter = "AppId eq '" + $server_application_registration.AppId + "'"
$server_service_principal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter $aad_filter
$server_service_principal_id = $server_service_principal.ObjectId
Write-Host "-Server service principal Id: " $server_service_principal_id -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host Getting the Id for the configured application role
$role_id = ($server_application_registration.AppRoles | Where-Object DisplayName -eq $role_assignment.role_name).Id
if (!$role_id) { throw "Cannot find configured application role with name '" + $role_assignment.role_name + "'" }
Write-Host "-Role Id: " $role_id -ForegroundColor Gray
if(($role_assignment.client_type -ne "application") -and ($role_assignment.client_type -ne "user")) { throw "Incorrect client_type '" + $role_assignment.client_type + "' provided." }
switch ($role_assignment.client_type)
Write-Host Getting the configured client service principal
$aad_filter = "DisplayName eq '" + $role_assignment.client_principal_name + "'"
$client_service_principal = (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter $aad_filter)
if (!$client_service_principal) { throw "Cannot find configured client service principal with name '" + $role_assignment.client_principal_name + "'" }
$client_service_principal_id = $client_service_principal.ObjectId
$client_service_principal_name = $client_service_principal.DisplayName
Write-Host "-Client service principal Id:" $client_service_principal_id -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host Assigning the Azure Ad role to the configured service principal
New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -Id $role_id -ResourceId $server_service_principal_id -ObjectId $client_service_principal_id -PrincipalId $client_service_principal_id
if( $_.Exception.Message -like '*Permission being assigned already exists on the object*')
Write-Host Permission already exists
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host Getting the configured client user
$user = Get-AzureADUser -searchstring $role_assignment.client_principal_name
if (!$user) { throw "Cannot find configured client users with name '" + $role_assignment.client_principal_name + "'" }
$user_id = $user.ObjectId
Write-Host "-User Id:" $user_id -ForegroundColor Gray
Write-Host Assigning the Azure Ad role to the configured user
New-AzureADUserAppRoleAssignment -Id $role_id -ResourceId $server_service_principal_id -ObjectId $user_id -PrincipalId $user_id
if( $_.Exception.Message -like '*Permission being assigned already exists on the object*')
Write-Host Permission already exists
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host Applying role assigment... done -ForegroundColor Green

I hope that this script helps you to accelerate your security automation.

Cheers Toon



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How to find all the Azure Built-In Roles for Azure RBAC with Azure CLI, PowerShell, Docs, or AzAdvertizer

Here are a bunch of ways you can find which roles are built into Azure. This will come in super handy when you need to assign a role to a service principal or user with Azure CLI commands like this:

  • Query the big honking json
  • Query all, but only return Name and Id in a nice table
  • Filter by name contains:

This one filters for roles with “Map” in the name:

Azure PowerShell

This page has all the built in roles:


Just found this site today by Julian Hayward. It’s a great way to find roles


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What is the default RBAC scope used when assigning a role in Azure with the CLI?

This is the documentation for the az role assignment create command:

--score is an optional parameter. This is what the documentation says about it:

Scope at which the role assignment or definition applies to, e.g., /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333, /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333/resourceGroups/myGroup, or /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333/resourceGroups/myGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVM.

As you can see, it doesn't say what the default value for this parameter is. I can't find it anywhere, so I found myself forced to ask here.

Adrian's user avatar

  • I can't select my own answer as the correct one because I have to wait 2 days, but that's the correct answer anyways. –  Adrian Commented Jan 22, 2022 at 4:25

Apparently, when the --scope parameter is not provided its value depends on whether the --resource-group parameter is provided or not. If you provide that parameter, then it's like if you specified the resource group scope. Else, the subscription scope is assumed.

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Role assignment creation failed through az ad sp create-for-rbac command #22837


francisrod01 commented Jun 11, 2022

I'm following the Azure container Apps doc to .

-pull \ --scopes $(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output tsv) \ --role acrpull \ --query password \ --output tsv

Steps to reproduce the behavior. Note that argument values have been redacted, as they may contain sensitive information.


yonzhan commented Jun 11, 2022

for awareness

Sorry, something went wrong.


francisrod01 commented Jun 11, 2022 • edited Loading

More to add:

I've tried downgrades but it didn't work, previous versions aren't able to run the comment mentioned above.
I followed this issue:

francisrod01 commented Jun 12, 2022

I think you guys are working on it,
'cause I keep seeing the deprecated message, but I could run it successfully. 🚀 🎉


jiasli commented Jun 13, 2022

Duplicate of

  • 👍 1 reaction


spanchal1980 commented Sep 18, 2023

Any update on this. I am getting same issue.

No branches or pull requests


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Tutorial: Create an Azure custom role using Azure CLI

  • 6 contributors

If the Azure built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your organization, you can create your own custom roles. For this tutorial, you create a custom role named Reader Support Tickets using Azure CLI. The custom role allows the user to view everything in the control plane of a subscription and also open support tickets.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

Create a custom role

List custom roles, update a custom role, delete a custom role.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Permissions to create custom roles, such as User Access Administrator
  • Azure Cloud Shell or Azure CLI

Sign in to Azure CLI

Sign in to Azure CLI .

The easiest way to create a custom role is to start with a JSON template, add your changes, and then create a new role.

Review the list of actions for the Microsoft.Support resource provider . It's helpful to know the actions that are available to create your permissions.

Action Description
Microsoft.Support/register/action Registers to Support Resource Provider
Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/read Gets Support Ticket details (including status, severity, contact details and communications) or gets the list of Support Tickets across subscriptions.
Microsoft.Support/supportTickets/write Creates or Updates a Support Ticket. You can create a Support Ticket for Technical, Billing, Quotas or Subscription Management related issues. You can update severity, contact details and communications for existing support tickets.

Create a new file named ReaderSupportRole.json .

Open ReaderSupportRole.json in an editor and add the following JSON.

For information about the different properties, see Azure custom roles .

Add the following actions to the Actions property. These actions allow the user to view everything in the subscription and create support tickets.

Get the ID of your subscription using the az account list command.

In AssignableScopes , replace {subscriptionId1} with your subscription ID.

You must add explicit subscription IDs, otherwise you won't be allowed to import the role into your subscription.

Change the Name and Description properties to "Reader Support Tickets" and "View everything in the subscription and also open support tickets."

Your JSON file should look like the following:

To create the new custom role, use the az role definition create command and specify the JSON role definition file.

The new custom role is now available and can be assigned to users, groups, or service principals just like built-in roles.

To list all your custom roles, use the az role definition list command with the --custom-role-only parameter.

You can also see the custom role in the Azure portal.

screenshot of custom role imported in the Azure portal

To update the custom role, update the JSON file and then update the custom role.

Open the ReaderSupportRole.json file.

In Actions , add the action to create and manage resource group deployments "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*" . Be sure to include a comma after the previous action.

Your updated JSON file should look like the following:

To update the custom role, use the az role definition update command and specify the updated JSON file.

Use the az role definition delete command and specify the role name or role ID to delete the custom role.

Create or update Azure custom roles using Azure CLI

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Renew JSON authentication key of Service Principal

I have created a Service Principal to access resources in CI before using the az ad sp create-for-rbac command:

This command yields a JSON object with the secret, a few IDs, and a few endpoint URL.

Now that secret is close to expiring. I know that I can renew the secret using az ad app credential reset --id <my-sp-id> . However, that command outputs a different JSON schema.

How do I obtain a drop-in replacement for the --json-auth token that az ad sp create-for-rbac generated?

  • azure-active-directory

Sridevi's user avatar

  • 2 What's your exact requirement? Could you brief more regarding it? If you are looking for equivalent command to get similar json response while resetting secret, it's not possible. –  Sridevi Commented yesterday

Initially, I ran same CLI command in my environment and got below JSON response:

enter image description here

When you reset the client secret with below CLI command, you will get only few values in response as the remaining will stay same:

enter image description here

Note that, there is no direct CLI command to get similar JSON response while resetting client secret. Alternatively, you can make use of below script that adds remaining values manually in response:

enter image description here

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create role assignment azure cli


  1. List Azure role assignments using the Azure portal

    create role assignment azure cli

  2. Funções do Azure, funções do Microsoft Entra e funções clássicas de administrador de assinatura

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  3. Grant permission to applications to access an Azure key vault using Azure RBAC

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  4. List Azure role assignments using the Azure portal

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  5. Create custom roles in Azure AD role-based access control

    create role assignment azure cli

  6. Tutorial: Create an Azure custom role with Azure CLI

    create role assignment azure cli


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  1. Assign Azure roles using Azure CLI

    To assign a role, you might need to specify the unique ID of the object. The ID has the format: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111. You can get the ID using the Azure portal or Azure CLI. User. For a Microsoft Entra user, get the user principal name, such as [email protected] or the user object ID.

  2. az role assignment

    Name Description Type Status; az role assignment create: Create a new role assignment for a user, group, or service principal. Core GA az role assignment delete

  3. Create or update Azure custom roles using Azure CLI

    To list a custom role definition, use az role definition list. This command is the same command you would use for a built-in role. Azure CLI. Copy. az role definition list --name {roleName} The following example lists the Virtual Machine Operator role definition: Azure CLI. Copy.

  4. How do I create custom roles using the Azure CLI?

    This is the Azure CLI Command to create a new role in Azure, where RoleInfo.json is the local file with all the configurations, scope, actions, data actions regarding that role. You need to follow the Microsoft's Custom Role Creation Documentation to make sure everything is setup in a proper way. az role definition create --role-definition ...

  5. Assigning Service Principals to Groups and Roles with the Azure CLI

    Adding to a group. Suppose we want to add the service principal to a group. We need the group id to do that, and if we need to look it up, we can do so with the az ad group list command and using a filter. --query "[].id" -o tsv. Then the az ad group member add command allows us to add the object id of our service principal to the group.

  6. Step-By-Step: Enabling Custom Role Based Access Control in Azure

    The Azure-CLI command documentation can be found here. az role definition create --role-definition vm-restart.json . Once the role has been create you can use the following command to assign it to a group or user(s) az role assignment create --role "Restart Virtual Machines" --assignee [email protected] or assign it using the portal.

  7. Scripting Azure AD application role assignments

    .\aad-apply-role-assignments.ps1 -TenantId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -ConfigFilePath ".\aad-role-assignments.json" If you are interested, this is how the script looks like: This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below.

  8. How to find all the Azure Built-In Roles for Azure RBAC with Azure CLI

    Here are a bunch of ways you can find which roles are built into Azure. This will come in super handy when you need to assign a role to a service principal or user with Azure CLI commands like this: az role assignment create --assignee 3db3ad97-06be-4c28-aa96-f1bac93aeed3 --role "Azure Maps Data Reader" Azure CLI. Query the big honking json

  9. az role

    Manage role assignments. Create a new role assignment for a user, group, or service principal. Delete role assignments. List role assignments. List changelogs for role assignments. Update an existing role assignment for a user, group, or service principal. Manage role definitions. Create a custom role definition.

  10. What is the default RBAC scope used when assigning a role in Azure with

    Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site

  11. Role assignment creation failed through `az ad sp create-for-rbac

    This is autogenerated. Please review and update as needed. Describe the bug I'm following the Azure container Apps doc to Create a service principal and store credential. Command Name az ad sp create-for-rbac az ad sp create-for-rbac \ -...

  12. List Azure role assignments using Azure CLI

    List role assignments for a user. To list the role assignments for a specific user, use az role assignment list: Azure CLI. Copy. az role assignment list --assignee {assignee} By default, only role assignments for the current subscription will be displayed. To view role assignments for the current subscription and below, add the --all parameter.

  13. Add or edit Azure role assignment conditions using Azure CLI

    In this article. An Azure role assignment condition is an additional check that you can optionally add to your role assignment to provide more fine-grained access control. For example, you can add a condition that requires an object to have a specific tag to read the object. This article describes how to add, edit, list, or delete conditions for your role assignments using Azure CLI.

  14. Fine-Tune and Integrate Custom Phi-3 Models with Prompt Flow in Azure

    Select + Create. Add Contributor role assignment to Managed Identity. Navigate to the Managed Identity resource that you created. Select Azure role assignments from the left side tab. Select +Add role assignment from the navigation menu. Inside Add role assignment page, Perform the following tasks: Select the Scope to Resource group.

  15. Tutorial: Create an Azure custom role using Azure CLI

    In this article. If the Azure built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your organization, you can create your own custom roles. For this tutorial, you create a custom role named Reader Support Tickets using Azure CLI. The custom role allows the user to view everything in the control plane of a subscription and also open support tickets.

  16. bash

    Note that, there is no direct Azure CLI command to create custom directory role in Microsoft Entra ID. Alternatively, you can make use of either curl or az rest by calling Microsoft Graph API. In my case, I used below bash script that calls curl request and got response like this: TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token --resource https://graph ...

  17. azure active directory

    The Global admin is an Administrator role in Azure AD, and the Owner is an RBAC role in the subscription. They are different things. When you use the azure cli like below to create the role assignment, it adds the service principal joytestsp as an Owner to the storage account. The service principal which you login needs to call the AAD Graph to ...

  18. azure

    I have created a Service Principal to access resources in CI before using the az ad sp create-for-rbac command: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "my-ci-sp" --role contributor \ --scopes /