My School Picnic Essay

School picnics are full of with great fun. Just like our school friends and experiences we have during our school life the memories of school picnics are also one to be cherished for a lifetime. I have been lucky to have gone on numerous school picnics and made several memories.

The amount of fun we have on school picnics is simply unmatched. We cannot have as much fun on any other outing. Here are essays on My School Picnic of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Picnic essay as per you need:

Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English

We have provided below Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English. The My School Picnic Essay have been written in simple and easy to understand English language to make the reading pleasurable.

After reading the essays you will know the meaning of school picnic, the activities involved in a school picnic, advantages of school picnic and how to ensure safety of self and others on a school picnic etc.

These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”.

Essay on My School Picnic – Essay 1 (200 words)

It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. This year’s picnic was destined to be at Vananchal resort which is located in the forest of Jambughoda. Luckily for me and my group permission of our parents has never been a problem, so we were set to go since the day of announcement.

It was a cold winter morning, the school bus departed at sharp seven in the morning. Almost two hour long route to the resort felt like a matter of few minutes as we played fun games with fellow classmates. We reported to the resort at around 9, we were all provided welcome drinks. Then we left for nature walk where we saw varied types of trees and birds. After the nature walk it was time for the most exciting part of the picnic.

Yes! It was pool time which unfortunately couldn’t last whole day. That’s the thing about pool, no matter how long you get to be in it, it’s never enough. Then we had lunch, followed by some fun activities such as rappelling and zip-line which too was fun. The time passed so soon that we couldn’t even realize the day was over. This was indeed a day I’ll cherish for a long time.

Essay on School Picnic to Water Park – Essay 2 (300 words)


“Picnic”, a day every student in the school is eagerly awaits the whole year. This year’s school picnic was to be held at Splash Water Park which was at three hour’s drive from our school. Everyone from my class was showing up for the picnic expect for one of my friend Kashyap who unfortunately was out of station on the day of picnic to attend some family function.

School Picnic to Water Park

On the day of the picnic unlike every other day we reported to the school earlier than our regular timings, due to excitement, obviously! Our class was divided into four groups of ten students each. Each group had one leader to watch upon the respective team members. I was the captain of our group.

We reached the destination at 10am and were given half an hour to collect our swim suits take a shower and get ready for the real fun. Water Park was full of amazing water rides namely Demon’s hole, lazy river, Amazonia, free fall, loop hole, etc. Demon’s hole and Amazonia were my favourite. Demon’s hole was a dark cylindrical water slide with utterly thrilling twists and turns and Amazonia was a super large water slide which took us through an artificially created jungle, which gave a feel of passing through the streams in Amazon rain forests.

In lunch, we were served lip-smacking Punjabi food with gulab jamuns in dessert. Then, there was a wave pool, besides which there was a beautiful artificial waterfall. We checked out from the park at 5pm in the evening and returned to our school at around eight.

I remember almost nothing from the return journey as we were all tired till the end of the day. Our legs were paining as they had exercised hard while climbing those steps for the slides, and thus out of exhaustion almost everyone was asleep in the bus while returning. It was a day well spent.

Essay on School Picnic to Amusement Park – Essay 3 (400 words)

Amusement park have always been my favourite destination for a day out. To my delight this year’s school picnic was destined to Essel world. This picnic meant a lot as it was our tenth standard and maybe was the last year together in school. Next year I and my friends will be in different streams. We had every hope to make this one memorable so that we bid goodbye having loads of happy memories.

School Picnic to Amusement Park

Sleepless night has always been a pre-picnic symptom for me. I could never sleep until late at night before picnic out of thoughts of how amazing the following day would be. The way from school to the amusement park was quite a long one during which we played dumb charades and truth and dare to kill time.

We were dropped at a place via bus from which we had to check in a boat to further reach the amusement park. From the boat we could see a ride called Shot-N-Drop. We could hear the shouts of people enjoying the ride and could feel the thrill from the boat itself. It was our day today, maybe the last one with our people, and we had to make the most out of it. So, without even wasting a minute we rushed into the park to gain the most out of it.

Today, I don’t remember every ride we had been on, but I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when a ride named thunder swung us all from one side to the other, those moments of thrill and fear when Shot-N-Drop had us on free fall, those goose bumps when Top-Spin whirled us round, those stupid laughs when our dashing cars dashed into others, that joy of finally making out of Alibaba’s mirror maze and that tingling moment when Aqua-dive splash splashed upon us the droplets of cold water.

The happiness that we gained in the most simple things in life, bursting into laughter after playing pranks on our fellow classmates and that momentary anger of the one who had been pranked, those tired yet smiling faces at the end of the day and many more tingling moments are the memories to cherish forever.

Memories of this day will always hold a cosy corner in my and all our hearts. Somewhere I still wish if I could go back to this day again and feel that same thing with those same people all over again.

Essay on School Picnic to Zoo – Essay 4 (500 words)

I was in standard 3 rd when my school had arranged a picnic to Kamla Nehru zoo situated besides Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad. Being a kid, I was extremely excited for the picnic. A day before picnic I went to the nearby shop with my father to buy some snacks for the picnic. I bought a packet of chips, cookies, soya sticks and few packets of chewing gum.

My School Picnic to Zoo

This was probably the only day in the whole year when I would pack my things up the previous night, obviously because I didn’t want to get late on the picnic day. After making my things ready I made a conference call with my friends. We discussed about how excited we all were for our picnic. We fixed the time we were going to catch up the next day.

I was up before the alarm despite not being able to sleep until late at night. I got to school at around 7am in the morning, half an hour prior to the reporting time. We had to be in pair on this day, which was decided on the basis of roll numbers, luckily for me I partnered up with Manan whose number was right next to me. Singing, dancing, playing we travelled the road till the destination. We were served ice-cream as soon as we got there. We were all excited to step in the zoo.

First of all we had to enter the bird section where we saw a number of varied and beautiful birds. Toucan, a black and yellow coloured bird with a large beak, kingfisher a little bird with most vivid colours, Hornbill a beautiful bird with a horn like thing on its head and albatross a fine white and black coloured with aquatic habitat were some of the birds we saw. We also saw deer, hippopotamus, fox, wolf, alligator, crocodile, wild ass, yellow python snake, bear and many more. But our favourite ones were still left, where we had to visit after the lunch.

Finally, after the lunch it was the time for which we were all so excited about – to see the fastest animal cheetah, the national animal tiger and of course the king of the jungle, lion. We also saw jaguar and leopard. We were done with the zoo at around 3 in the afternoon, and we had time until 5 pm so the teachers decided to take us all to have a look around at Kankaria Lake. It was a beautiful place.

We sat on a mini toy train there which took us on a ride around the lake. After everyone completed the ride, it was almost 5 which was the time to leave for home. Teachers started counting the number of students, which brought them to the conclusion that one kid from our class has been missing. The teachers panicked however they were finally able to find Hussain, the lost one after 10 minutes of search operation.

Today, it might be a mere picnic to a zoo, but when I remember back I realized how these little things used to make me happy.

Essay on School Picnic to Kidzania – Essay 5 (600 words)

School trips are the most awaited ones. They not only give us a long break from our monotonous lives but also bring lots of memories. Last year, I went to Kidzania for the school trip and here are my experiences from that trip.

My School Picnic to Kidzania

Our day at Kidzania began at 9 in the morning. I was stunned looking at this wonderful place which was actually a city which we have all dreamt about. It was clean, had well organized buildings, well developed roads, factories, police station, grocery shops, trees and everything that is present in a well developed city. The day began with Kidzania theme song where all the staff members dance and welcome the kids and their parents.

Just as every country has its own currency; Kidzania also has its own currency named Kidzos. After entering every child is given a cheque of 50 Kidzos which he/ she can withdraw whenever needed to enjoy the activities in the Kidzania world.

There were different buildings build for different purposes. There were offices, factories and many other places where we can work and get salary in Kidzos. The kids are divided in different groups for different jobs as per their age. First of all, I and my friends went to the dentist and learnt some skills for removing the tooth having cavities. Not only this, we also did check up of other kids with different instruments. At the end of that, the head dentist made us understand about how crucial it is to do proper brushing. After that, we went to the bakery and made our very own delicious donuts.

We also did the wall painting on a very huge wall besides the road. Then, we got to know that there is a fashion show and we can walk on the ramp wearing those beautiful clothes. I and my friends couldn’t control our excitement and we immediately went for that. We walked through the ramp and it was an amazing experience. To our excitement, we saw an ice cream parlour next to that building. Going inside we realized that we can make our own ice cream, of whichever flavour we like. Similarly, there was a Kinder Joy factory where we made Kinder Joy and a Kellogs factory where we made Chocos.

Not just work, there were buildings in which there were classes to learn dance, play guitar, drums and flute, and also sing. So, we tried out almost everything we could. I learnt few notes on guitar and that was my first time on any musical instrument. After learning all this new stuff, we thought to try our hands on gadgets also. So, we went to the gadget store nearby where we were given information about the technology used in mobile phones and laptops. It was real fun.

To end our tour, there was a series of folk dances and music where all the kids had prepared something of their own for the entertainment of the audiences. I was also a part of a group with whom I performed Bhangra. This made us interact with other kids more and that is where I made my new friends who were basically from Amritsar, my birth place. All of the shows, including the singing event, helped us know how amazingly talented other kids were. After all of this there was a thank you speech by the staff members with whom we were also connected now.

All of this experience of being part of this amazing world was beyond words. It was the world where we not just used the amenities but also helped in creating them. The joy of making something on your own was just beyond words. Every kid should once visit Kidzania in their childhood and make long lasting memories there.

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Essay on My School Picnic | My School Picnic Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My School Picnic: It’s no surprise that Schools are a second home to the children and an important part when they grow up in their lives. Schools became a place where a child learns how to dream, and how to follow the steps that lead to his destination in Life.

But Among the vigorous hard-working days, Even the students yearn for a break where they can laugh limitlessly and find ways to succeed seamlessly. Here we have presented short and Long Essays on ‘My School Picnic’ with pointers at the End to help them frame the Idea of the Essays.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on My School Picnic for Students and Kids in English

We are providing an extended essay on My School Picnic of 400-500 words and a short essay of 100 to 200 words on the topic My School Picnic.

Long Essay on My School Picnic in English 500 words

My School Picnic essay will be helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 for their assignments or as an examination essay reference

I Enjoy Picnics. A Picnic is something that puts me in just the right mood after Days of drawling away on math sums and learning Geographical Locations in the world which I may not even visit in this Lifetime. After the Board Exams, The Picnic itinerary was sent to all of us in our emails, and It was a huge relief seeing the subject of the email as ‘Picnic’ instead of ‘Homework’ or ‘Practice Sheets.’

The School Picnic is a short but lovely experience that engages the teachers and students into a world of fun that can never happen in classrooms. In short, it is an occasion that we all look forward to. This year we planned to visit the Eldorado park in Mumbai. Most of the students had not visited this place and it was a mystery that held a lot of surprises between us. The Eldorado park sits in a Flood Zone, but we did not know that it would flood our day with such immense joy! As we were all dressed in our best outfits, we were all in our best moods, and the breezy weather added to our happiness.

Entering the park, we looked around and chose the rides that we wanted to hop on. The Rides ranged from safe to merely thrilling and I was someone who wanted thrill at all times. We sat on the rollercoaster ride which was an extremely enthusiastic ride as we roamed up and down the rail relentlessly. The ‘Flip-line’ was also a joy but a bit scary for some people who were afraid of heights. We were strapped on with safety belts from our torsos and sent off hanging on the line from one point to the other.

We had a mesmerizing view of the mountain tops that resided near the amusement park. Some people even had stripped off their clothes and after putting on some light clothes, jumped into the pool. Yes, the pool time was one of my favorites which did not last for long. We jumped around and got out during the evening time.

The school workers took out their pots and pans along with the food. After thirty minutes, a delicious smell filled the air. After all, Picnics were all about good company and superb food, and we had both! As we all devoured the delicious Chinese food and Maggi watching the sunset, we realized that there would be no moment beautiful than this. After dinner, we all danced to music with all our hearts, though none of us was even near to being a good dancer.

Soon, The Time passed so soon that we didn’t even realize that the day was over. But at that moment, glancing through the windows of my bus and with earphones hanging from my ears, the music had a different meaning of happiness that not only soothed the mind but reached the heart and caressed it. Undoubtedly, this was going to be cherished as the best days of my normal human life.

Short Essay on My School Picnic in English 150 words

My School Picnic essay is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

‘Picnic’. Hearing this word every student starts to flutter and laughter fills the air. One such day arrived in my life when all of us were to be taken to a Monumental Temple in Ahmedabad, as soon as our exams ended.

The Best thing about that picnic was that we did not have to dress up in our boring uniforms, but colored clothes that made us look cute to the core. School picnics are fun because of all the hard-working days this is the day when you can enjoy yourself with your teachers without any worries. The Monumental Temple was a temple of Lord Krishna that showed his life story with a series of statues and scriptures underneath them. It was a very beautiful trip with all types of knowledge.

The Day ended with a delicious dinner of Chinese food and drinks that had filled us with happiness at its best. This was the most memorable day of my school Life! So, these were the samples of the essay. You can access more Essay Writing on this given topic and many others.

10 Lines on Essay on My School Picnic in English

  • A School Picnic is a memorable event in a student’s life as they are freed from mountains of work during this occasion.
  • The School Picnic consists of good company, best weather, and lovely food, all in the span of one occasion.
  • The School picnic starts at 10.00 am and continues the day with beautiful places to go and enjoy.
  • The students are asked to bring food of their choices like cake, fruit or food that they like the most.
  • Teachers play lots of games with the students and the students are very happy that they don’t have to follow any kind of discipline at all.
  • The picnic spots are generally open and wide locations that allow everyone to move around freely and without any restrictions.
  • The picnic consists of different groups that stay together without any kind of opposition from the teacher and enjoy the freedom.
  • The freedom from school uniforms is also a huge plus to the situation.
  • The Day of the picnic ends with delicious food and pleasure which is a relief in a busy student’s life.

FAQ’s on Essay on My School Picnic

Question 1. What does a School Picnic mean to a child?

Answer: A School Picnic is the best day of a student’s life as they can enjoy to their fullest without any hindrance from the teachers. A School picnic is a day when the teachers and students enjoy simultaneously.

Question 2. What does a School Picnic generally consist of?

Answer: A School Picnic cannot be fixated in an answer, there are different types of school picnics. They can be of a single day or they can be of many days altogether. But the general idea behind a school picnic is to have fun with food and good company within the plan that is decided.

Question 3. What are the most important things in a School Picnic?

Answer: The place that is selected for the picnic, the groups or company that is selected and the atmosphere also matters the most in a picnic.

Question 4. What are the memoirs that are received from a picnic?

Answer: The best memoirs that are received from a picnic is the unlimited amount of joy and the beautiful memories that are formed due to the different experiences during the picnic.

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Essay on School Picnic for Children and Students in English

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Table of Contents

School picnics are full of with great fun. Just like our school friends and experiences we have during our school life the memories of school picnics are also one to be cherished for a lifetime. I have been lucky to have gone on numerous school picnics and made several memories.

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The amount of fun we have on school picnics is simply unmatched. We cannot have as much fun on any other outing. Here are essays on My School Picnic of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Picnic essay as per you need:

Long and Short Essay on School Picnic in English

We have provided below Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English. The My School Picnic Essay have been written in simple and easy to understand English language to make the reading pleasurable.

After reading the essays you will know the meaning of school picnic, the activities involved in a school picnic, advantages of school picnic and how to ensure safety of self and others on a school picnic etc.

These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”.

Essay on School Picnic 200 words

It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. This year’s picnic was destined to be at Vananchal resort which is located in the forest of Jambughoda. Luckily for me and my group permission of our parents has never been a problem, so we were set to go since the day of announcement.

It was a cold winter morning, the school bus departed at sharp seven in the morning. Almost two hour long route to the resort felt like a matter of few minutes as we played fun games with fellow classmates. We reported to the resort at around 9, we were all provided welcome drinks. Then we left for nature walk where we saw varied types of trees and birds. After the nature walk it was time for the most exciting part of the picnic.

Yes! It was pool time which unfortunately couldn’t last whole day. That’s the thing about pool, no matter how long you get to be in it, it’s never enough. Then we had lunch, followed by some fun activities such as rappelling and zip-line which too was fun. The time passed so soon that we couldn’t even realize the day was over. This was indeed a day I’ll cherish for a long time.

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Essay on School Picnic to Water Park 300 words

“Picnic”, a day every student in the school is eagerly awaits the whole year. This year’s school picnic was to be held at Splash Water Park which was at three hour’s drive from our school. Everyone from my class was showing up for the picnic expect for one of my friend Kashyap who unfortunately was out of station on the day of picnic to attend some family function.

School Picnic to Water Park

On the day of the picnic unlike every other day we reported to the school earlier than our regular timings, due to excitement, obviously! Our class was divided into four groups of ten students each. Each group had one leader to watch upon the respective team members. I was the captain of our group.

We reached the destination at 10am and were given half an hour to collect our swim suits take a shower and get ready for the real fun. Water Park was full of amazing water rides namely Demon’s hole, lazy river, Amazonia, free fall, loop hole, etc. Demon’s hole and Amazonia were my favourite. Demon’s hole was a dark cylindrical water slide with utterly thrilling twists and turns and Amazonia was a super large water slide which took us through an artificially created jungle, which gave a feel of passing through the streams in Amazon rain forests.

In lunch, we were served lip-smacking Punjabi food with gulab jamuns in dessert. Then, there was a wave pool, besides which there was a beautiful artificial waterfall. We checked out from the park at 5pm in the evening and returned to our school at around eight.

I remember almost nothing from the return journey as we were all tired till the end of the day. Our legs were paining as they had exercised hard while climbing those steps for the slides, and thus out of exhaustion almost everyone was asleep in the bus while returning. It was a day well spent.

Essay on School Picnic to Amusement Park 400 words

Amusement park have always been my favourite destination for a day out. To my delight this year’s school picnic was destined to Essel world. This picnic meant a lot as it was our tenth standard and maybe was the last year together in school. Next year I and my friends will be in different streams. We had every hope to make this one memorable so that we bid goodbye having loads of happy memories.

School Picnic to Amusement Park

Sleepless night has always been a pre-picnic symptom for me. I could never sleep until late at night before picnic out of thoughts of how amazing the following day would be. The way from school to the amusement park was quite a long one during which we played dumb charades and truth and dare to kill time.

We were dropped at a place via bus from which we had to check in a boat to further reach the amusement park. From the boat we could see a ride called Shot-N-Drop. We could hear the shouts of people enjoying the ride and could feel the thrill from the boat itself. It was our day today, maybe the last one with our people, and we had to make the most out of it. So, without even wasting a minute we rushed into the park to gain the most out of it.

Today, I don’t remember every ride we had been on, but I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when a ride named thunder swung us all from one side to the other, those moments of thrill and fear when Shot-N-Drop had us on free fall, those goose bumps when Top-Spin whirled us round, those stupid laughs when our dashing cars dashed into others, that joy of finally making out of Alibaba’s mirror maze and that tingling moment when Aqua-dive splash splashed upon us the droplets of cold water.

The happiness that we gained in the most simple things in life, bursting into laughter after playing pranks on our fellow classmates and that momentary anger of the one who had been pranked, those tired yet smiling faces at the end of the day and many more tingling moments are the memories to cherish forever.

Memories of this day will always hold a cosy corner in my and all our hearts. Somewhere I still wish if I could go back to this day again and feel that same thing with those same people all over again.

Also Check: My School Paragraph

Essay on School Picnic to Zoo 500 words

I was in standard 3 rd when my school had arranged a picnic to Kamla Nehru zoo situated besides Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad. Being a kid, I was extremely excited for the picnic. A day before picnic I went to the nearby shop with my father to buy some snacks for the picnic. I bought a packet of chips, cookies, soya sticks and few packets of chewing gum.

My School Picnic to Zoo

This was probably the only day in the whole year when I would pack my things up the previous night, obviously because I didn’t want to get late on the picnic day. After making my things ready I made a conference call with my friends. We discussed about how excited we all were for our picnic. We fixed the time we were going to catch up the next day.

I was up before the alarm despite not being able to sleep until late at night. I got to school at around 7am in the morning, half an hour prior to the reporting time. We had to be in pair on this day, which was decided on the basis of roll numbers, luckily for me I partnered up with Manan whose number was right next to me. Singing, dancing, playing we travelled the road till the destination. We were served ice-cream as soon as we got there. We were all excited to step in the zoo.

First of all we had to enter the bird section where we saw a number of varied and beautiful birds. Toucan, a black and yellow coloured bird with a large beak, kingfisher a little bird with most vivid colours, Hornbill a beautiful bird with a horn like thing on its head and albatross a fine white and black coloured with aquatic habitat were some of the birds we saw. We also saw deer, hippopotamus, fox, wolf, alligator, crocodile, wild ass, yellow python snake, bear and many more. But our favourite ones were still left, where we had to visit after the lunch.

Finally, after the lunch it was the time for which we were all so excited about – to see the fastest animal cheetah, the national animal tiger and of course the king of the jungle, lion. We also saw jaguar and leopard. We were done with the zoo at around 3 in the afternoon, and we had time until 5 pm so the teachers decided to take us all to have a look around at Kankaria Lake. It was a beautiful place.

We sat on a mini toy train there which took us on a ride around the lake. After everyone completed the ride, it was almost 5 which was the time to leave for home. Teachers started counting the number of students, which brought them to the conclusion that one kid from our class has been missing. The teachers panicked however they were finally able to find Hussain, the lost one after 10 minutes of search operation.

Today, it might be a mere picnic to a zoo, but when I remember back I realized how these little things used to make me happy.

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Essay on School Picnic to Kidzania 600 words

School trips are the most awaited ones. They not only give us a long break from our monotonous lives but also bring lots of memories. Last year, I went to Kidzania for the school trip and here are my experiences from that trip.

My School Picnic to Kidzania

Our day at Kidzania began at 9 in the morning. I was stunned looking at this wonderful place which was actually a city which we have all dreamt about. It was clean, had well organized buildings, well developed roads, factories, police station, grocery shops, trees and everything that is present in a well developed city. The day began with Kidzania theme song where all the staff members dance and welcome the kids and their parents.

Just as every country has its own currency; Kidzania also has its own currency named Kidzos. After entering every child is given a cheque of 50 Kidzos which he/ she can withdraw whenever needed to enjoy the activities in the Kidzania world.

There were different buildings build for different purposes. There were offices, factories and many other places where we can work and get salary in Kidzos. The kids are divided in different groups for different jobs as per their age. First of all, I and my friends went to the dentist and learnt some skills for removing the tooth having cavities. Not only this, we also did check up of other kids with different instruments. At the end of that, the head dentist made us understand about how crucial it is to do proper brushing. After that, we went to the bakery and made our very own delicious donuts.

We also did the wall painting on a very huge wall besides the road. Then, we got to know that there is a fashion show and we can walk on the ramp wearing those beautiful clothes. I and my friends couldn’t control our excitement and we immediately went for that. We walked through the ramp and it was an amazing experience. To our excitement, we saw an ice cream parlour next to that building. Going inside we realized that we can make our own ice cream, of whichever flavour we like. Similarly, there was a Kinder Joy factory where we made Kinder Joy and a Kellogs factory where we made Chocos.

Not just work, there were buildings in which there were classes to learn dance, play guitar, drums and flute, and also sing. So, we tried out almost everything we could. I learnt few notes on guitar and that was my first time on any musical instrument. After learning all this new stuff, we thought to try our hands on gadgets also. So, we went to the gadget store nearby where we were given information about the technology used in mobile phones and laptops. It was real fun.

To end our tour, there was a series of folk dances and music where all the kids had prepared something of their own for the entertainment of the audiences. I was also a part of a group with whom I performed Bhangra. This made us interact with other kids more and that is where I made my new friends who were basically from Amritsar, my birth place. All of the shows, including the singing event, helped us know how amazingly talented other kids were. After all of this there was a thank you speech by the staff members with whom we were also connected now.

All of this experience of being part of this amazing world was beyond words. It was the world where we not just used the amenities but also helped in creating them. The joy of making something on your own was just beyond words. Every kid should once visit Kidzania in their childhood and make long lasting memories there.

Essay on School Picnic FAQs

How do you write a school picnic essay.

To write a school picnic essay, start with an introduction, describe the picnic's location and activities, share your experiences, and end with a conclusion.

How would you describe a school picnic?

A school picnic is an outdoor trip where students and teachers visit a park or another place for fun, games, and bonding.

Why picnic is important in school life?

Picnics are important in school life as they promote teamwork, social interaction, and relaxation while learning about nature and history.

How do you write a school picnic paragraph?

To write a school picnic paragraph, briefly introduce the picnic, describe the location, mention activities, and express your feelings.

How do you write a picnic essay?

To write a picnic essay, begin with an introduction, describe the picnic's setting and activities, share your experiences, and conclude with your thoughts.

What is a school picnic in English?

In English, a school picnic is a special outing where students and teachers enjoy outdoor activities together.

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Essay On Picnic (School and Family) For Children – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay


Key Points To Note: Essay On A Picnic For Lower Primary Classes

Importance and purpose of a picnic for children, what precautions should kids take while going on a picnic, how can kids enjoy a picnic with their family, 10-line essay on ‘school picnic’, 10-line essay on ‘picnic with family’ in english, short essay on ‘school picnic’ for kids, short essay on ‘picnic with family’ for kids, long essay on ‘picnic’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

An essay on the topic ‘picnic’ for classes 1, 2 and 3 is a great way to teach them the basics of essay writing. To write an essay on picnic in English, children need to understand the main message that needs to be highlighted. Picnics are a great and fun way to engage with friends and family. Children must know that when writing an essay on a picnic, they need to highlight how it helps them stay connected with their loved ones. Read below to learn about educating children on some key points to remember when writing an essay on picnic and some sample essays that would be a good guide.

When teaching kids how to write a paragraph on a picnic, there are points that they need to remember. The lower primary classes have to focus on how the key message is conveyed. Below are a few key points to remember:

  • An introduction to the topic – picnic.
  • The essay’s main body should speak about the details.
  • The essay should also speak about how a picnic makes a difference.
  • A conclusion that emphasises that the purpose was achieved.
  • Adequate examples must be provided.

Picnics are a great way to engage with family and friends. Spending quality time with people close to us is a great idea. It is an ideal solution to bond when one does not have the time to go for a long trip or a holiday. Easier to plan and affordable, picnics can be a great way to kill boredom and monotony.

When going on a picnic, it is vital to take necessary precautions. It is mandatory to be aware of the venue and its hazards. Thorough research about the place needs to be done and surveyed before planning. One should also check on the amenities and safety procedures there.

There are many ways for kids to enjoy a picnic with their family. There are many ways to have fun, from outdoor games like lemon and spoon race, football, etc., to indoor games like Bingo, Scrabble, and Monopoly. Singing sessions and impromptu dance duos could also be a good idea.

Kids in classes 1 and 2 often go on a picnic from school, which is a good topic to get them to write creatively. Below is a template for an essay for classes 1 and 2 on school picnic:

  • My class went for a picnic to a flower garden last week.
  • The students of standard 1 went for a picnic with the class teachers.
  • We sang songs during the journey.
  • We ate snacks on the bus.
  • We reached the flower garden, and our teachers took us inside.
  • We toured the garden and saw some beautiful flowers.
  • When it was lunchtime, we laid our mats on the ground and had our lunch.
  • Our teachers made us play games like hide and seek and relay races.
  • We started the journey back to school in the evening.
  • I enjoyed my day with my friends and teachers in the flower garden.

Family picnics are a great time for bonding and spending quality time with our close ones. Here’s a template to help kids write the essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • My family and I went on a picnic to a museum yesterday.
  • My father, mother, brother and I went together, as we wanted to visit a museum.
  • My mother had made a picnic basket with food, snacks and drinks for us to eat at a scenic spot.
  • My brother and I took our football to play together, as the museum also had a garden. 
  • Once we reached the museum, we walked around the area.
  • After touring the museum, we went to the garden and lay down our mats.
  • We then ate the delicious food that my mother had packed.
  • Once we finished lunch, my brother and I played football for some time.
  • My mother, father, brother, and I played a few board games.
  • We came back in the evening. We enjoyed our day and decided to go on more such picnics.

Children in the lower primary classes will be expected to write a short paragraph on a picnic for the essay section. An example of a short essay on picnics below could be used as a guide:

Our school organised a picnic for us on Children’s Day. We went to a water park that was full of rides and greenery. We travelled with our friends and teachers. On reaching the water park, we were served hot tomato soup as it was the winter season. We then changed into our swimming dresses to go on the rides. Our teachers joined us too. We spent our time on the rides until lunchtime. We were served hot pizzas, french fries, and juice for lunch. Before we left, we were given a small token from the resort, and we took a group photo together. The picnic was a lot of fun, and we enjoyed spending time with our friends and teachers.

Writing a family essay could be an easy task for kids. But an essay on a picnic with family could be a little difficult. The example below could be a start for writing an essay about a picnic with family:

My family decided to go on a picnic over the long weekend. The farmhouse near the city’s outskirts was chosen as the venue. My mother, father, sister, and I drove to the farmhouse early in the morning with my uncle, aunt and their son. We reached there at 10 in the morning. The farmhouse had a pool, garden and an entertainment room. We spent some time swimming in the pool and then played a few games of cricket in the garden. We then took a short break for some refreshments. We went back to playing football in the garden and played until lunch. For lunch, we ordered a meal from the restaurant next door. We enjoyed the delicious lunch and then went to the entertainment room to relax. We watched a movie and then went to the nearby cafĂ© for snacks in the evening. After a cup of coffee, we took photos together as a family for memories. We then started back home and reached by evening. It was a memorable day for all of us.

Children in class 3 can articulate better and have more knowledge. However, an essay template could really help them. Below is a picnic essay for class 3 that could help them spark their creativity:

I once went on a picnic at a resort with my school. We took a bus to the resort and, on the way, sang songs along with the teachers. After we reached the resort, we played in the garden and spent time on the rides. We spent time on the rides until lunchtime, and then our teachers took us to the dining hall for lunch. The lunch was delicious, with large portions of dishes. After we finished our lunch, our teachers gathered us in the garden, and we played some games like hopscotch, egg and spoon race, and more. We enjoyed spending time with our friends and teachers until the evening when it was time to leave. We clicked a few group photos and took the bus back home. It was such a wonderful day spent with my friends.

Another picnic that I love is the one with my family. It was a long weekend, and since we did not want to go on a long holiday, we decided to take a day trip to the beach. My father, mother, brother, and I set off early to the beach as the weather was hot and sunny. My mother packed some snacks and drinks to eat on the way. My father decided to drive, and we listened to music as we travelled to the beach. When we reached the beach, we immediately headed to the water and spent time swimming! After a few hours, we tucked into the refreshments that my mother had packed. We then drove back home, and I thoroughly enjoyed my day with my family.

By writing on this topic, a child learns to articulate their thoughts about spending quality time with people. Writing on this topic can be developed by getting children to organise their thoughts.

Essay writing is a vital skill for children to learn right from the primary classes. Reading and writing will help children develop these skills. The above templates will help children know how to structure their essays on a topic like a picnic.

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Essay on Picnic: Samples in 200, 300, 400 Words

a school picnic in essay

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 9, 2023

Essay on Picnic

Essay on Picnic: We all go through various levels of stress, so as to seek departure from all our daily life issues. We often plan a day out with our friends and family. One of the best ways to relieve our stress is to go on a picnic. Picnics are usually enjoyed by both children and adults. Going out on a picnic acts as a remedy to our stress and helps us come back with a lot of freshness and rejuvenation. 

In this blog, we have provided an essay on picnic in 200, 300 and 400 words. This will help all the students to write on this topic. Read more to get a fair idea as to how you can write on it. 

Essay on Picnic in 200 Words

A picnic, an old custom, provides the ideal diversion from the pressures of modern life. It’s a day of simplicity, joy, and connectedness to loved ones and the natural world.

Families and friends assemble in parks, on the shores of lakes while the sun warmly illuminates the surroundings. They spread out blankets decorated with an abundance of homemade treats. The hungry will find sandwiches, seasonal fruits, and refreshing lemonade. A dinner becomes a memorable feast when it is simply shared outside. This simple act of doing so increases the food’s flavour.

The natural melody of birds and rustling leaves is delightfully complemented by conversation and laughter. While kids discover the outdoor attractions, soccer balls and frisbees may fly. The day is for playing games, unwinding, and admiring the scenery.

Picnics promote quality time spent with loved ones and strengthen ties. They provide a break from screens, emails, and due dates while bringing back memories of simpler pleasures in life. Picnics produce priceless memories, whether they are enjoyed by the tranquil sound of a lake or in the shadow of a large oak tree.

In those moments, the world feels beautifully uncomplicated, and our souls find solace in the embrace of nature. Picnics are more than just meals outdoors; they are a celebration of life, love, and the enduring human need for connection and relaxation.

Essay on Picnic in 300 Words

Picnics are enjoyable outings that enrich and calm our lives. Last summer, when my family and I made the decision to get away from the rush and bustle of city life and spend the day in the middle of nature, I had one such unforgettable picnic.

We settled on a gorgeous location next to a calm lake surrounded by luxuriant green foliage. A pleasant symphony was produced by the rustling of the leaves as the early sun touched the water and placed a golden hue on it.

The day was jam-packed with entertainment. I was playing catch with my younger sister as my parents had a leisurely stroll around the lake. My mother made those sandwiches with such care, and they were just unmatched in flavour.

We decided to continue our exploration of the area after lunch. In the midst of the tranquil beauty of the lake, we rented a rowboat and set out on the water. Fish were darting beneath the surface in the glisteningly bright water. Even my father gave fishing a shot, but we only managed to reel in a few little fish.

We gathered along the lake’s side as the day dragged on to watch the sunset. The horizon was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple as the sky changed into a canvas of warm colours. We were all in amazement at the sight, which served as a reminder of nature’s utter beauty.

We started a bonfire and told tales around it as darkness began to fall over the scene. The roaring fire and the shooting stars above gave the night a magical touch.

We reluctantly packed our things and said goodbye to our wonderful location. That picnic’s memories will live on in my heart always. It served as a reminder that, despite our hectic schedules, these are the times we actually value. 

Essay on Picnic in 400 Words

A picnic is a lovely outdoor activity that enables individuals to escape from the bustle of daily life, spend quality time with loved ones, and connect with nature. The core of a picnic is found in the straightforward joys it provides, whether the excursion is a last-minute adventure or a carefully planned outing. 

Selecting the ideal venue is the first step in picnic planning. Numerous elements, including closeness, the beauty of the surrounding area, and the activities on offer, may have an impact on this choice. 

The menu is the most important consideration after the location is chosen. Delicious food is synonymous with picnics, and a thoughtfully planned spread may increase everyone’s enjoyment. Popular options include cold sandwiches, fruit, chips, salads, and homemade desserts. To guarantee that everyone’s taste buds are satiated, pack a variety of dishes.

The menu comes second in importance after the choice of site. Delicious food is a picnic staple, and a well-planned spread may increase everyone’s enjoyment. Fresh fruit, chips, salads, cold sandwiches, and handmade sweets are all common options. Everyone’s taste buds will be satiated if a variety of dishes are packed.

Excitation is in the air as the gang gathers on the day of the picnic. Gathered with smiles, baskets, and blankets, friends and family are prepared to enjoy the embrace of nature. Everyone contributes in order to create the ideal setting for relaxation as they work together to set up a cosy picnic area.

The menu comes next in importance once the venue has been selected. A thoughtfully planned spread can improve the entire enjoyment of a picnic, which is linked with good food. Popular options include cold sandwiches, fruits straight from the garden, chips, salads, and homemade desserts. 

The picnickers are filled with satisfaction as the day comes to an end and the sun starts to set. It’s time to tidy up, store the leftovers from the feast, and leave the area as spotless as you found it. This commitment to the environment assures that picnickers in the future can take in the same unspoiled splendour.

In conclusion, a picnic is more than just a lunch outside; it’s a rejuvenating event for both body and spirit. It’s time to unplug from technology and re-establish relationships with friends, family, and the environment. 

Related Articles:

Every year, International Picnic Day is celebrated on 18 June 2023. Going or organising a picnic is a fun way to rejuvenate oneself.

During Picnic Day, one goes to refresh himself/herself. This is the oldest form of entertainment when people used to go outside to parks for fun activities.

International Picnic Day is celebrated to celebrate togetherness, enjoy nature and simply enjoy outdoor dining with family and friends. 

We hope this blog provided you with all the information on picnics and how they are important for one. To discover more essay-writing articles, then keep reading at Leverage Edu ! 

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Essay On My School Picnic

a school picnic in essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My School Picnic

A school picnic is an exciting and much-awaited event for students and teachers alike. My school picnic was one such event that I will always cherish. It was organized to mark the end of the academic year and provide an opportunity for students and teachers to bond and have fun.

The picnic was held at a local amusement park and we reached there by bus early in the morning. The atmosphere was electric with excitement as students and teachers chatted and laughed with each other. The amusement park had several thrilling rides and games, and we all had a great time trying them out.

I particularly enjoyed the roller coaster ride and the water park. The water park was especially fun as it was a hot day and the cool water provided a welcome respite. We also played several games and sports, such as soccer and volleyball, which helped us to bond and work as a team.

Lunch was an enjoyable affair as we sat together, shared our food and had a great time chatting. We also had ice-cream and other snacks, which added to the festive atmosphere.

The highlight of the picnic was a talent show in which students and teachers showcased their skills. There were some talented singers, dancers, and comedians, and the audience was thoroughly entertained.

The school picnic was a great success, and I believe that it helped to strengthen the bond between students and teachers. It was a fun and memorable day and will always hold a special place in my heart.

In conclusion, a school picnic is a great way for students and teachers to bond and have fun. It provides an opportunity to unwind and enjoy each other’s company, and to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Long Essay On My School Picnic

We all have fond memories of our school picnics – the fun games, the delicious food, and the carefree atmosphere. In this essay, we take a look at how you can reminisce on those happy moments by writing an essay about your own school picnic. Read on to find out how you can make your essay unique and get the most out of it!


As a kid, I looked forward to school picnics. It was a chance to get out of the classroom and have some fun. We would play games, eat lunch and just enjoy being outdoors.

Now that I am a teacher, I get to see the other side of school picnics. I get to help plan them and make sure they are successful. I also get to see the joy on the kids’ faces when they are enjoying themselves.

School picnics are a great way for students to bond with each other and with their teachers. They are a time to relax and have fun. And, they are a great opportunity for teachers to get to know their students better.

Preparations for the Picnic

Before the picnic, we had to do some preparations. We had to collect wood for the bonfire, set up the tents, and prepare the food. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.

On the day of the picnic, we woke up early and started setting up everything. We made sure that the fire was lit and that the food was ready. Then, we went on a hike to explore the area around us.

When we got back, we were exhausted but happy. We sat around the fire and talked, ate, and laughed until it was time to go home. It was a perfect day and I’ll never forget it.

Journey to the Picnic Spot

It was a hot, sunny day when our school went on a picnic to the nearby park. The park was very big and there were lots of trees and flowers. We had brought our own food and drinks so we didn’t have to buy anything. We played games and ran around for a while before we sat down to eat. After lunch, we went on a nature walk and saw some birds and squirrels. Then we went back to the bus and came home. It was a really fun day!

Fun Activities at the Picnic

One of the best things about picnics is that there are so many fun activities that can be enjoyed. Here are some great ideas for activities to make your next picnic even more enjoyable:

1. Water Balloon Toss – This classic picnic game is always a hit with kids and adults alike. Fill up some water balloons and start tossing them back and forth between team members. Whoever drops the balloon loses!

2. Potato Sack Race – Another classic picnic game, the potato sack race is sure to get everyone laughing. Place a potato sack at the feet of each player, and then see who can race to the finish line first without falling over.

3. Frisbee – A game of Frisbee is the perfect way to enjoy some time outdoors with friends or family. Just make sure you don’t accidentally hit anyone in the head!

4. Horseshoes – This classic lawn game is perfect for picnics and BBQs alike. Set up a horseshoe pit and see who can come closest to landing their horseshoes around the stake.

5. Cornhole – Another great lawn game, cornhole is perfect for picnics and cookouts. Players take turns throwing bean bags at a raised platform with a hole in it, and points are scored for each bag that goes through the hole or lands on the platform.

Food and Refreshments

Assuming you would like a list of food and refreshments for a school picnic:

-Sandwiches (PB&J, turkey and cheese, ham and cheese, etc.) -Chips -Cookies -Fruit (grapes, apples, oranges, bananas, etc.) -Veggies (carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers, etc.) -Drinks (water, juice boxes, soda)

Group Photo and Prizes

It was the best day of the year – the last day of school! We woke up early and got dressed in our best clothes. Then we went downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, we went outside to wait for the bus.

When the bus arrived, we all climbed aboard and found our seats. We were so excited! We knew we were going to have a great time.

Finally, we arrived at the park. We got off the bus and walked to the picnic area. There was a big table with food on it, and games set up nearby. We sat down and started to eat.

After a while, it was time for the awards ceremony. Our teacher handed out prizes for things like “Most Improved Student” and “Best Attendance Record”. Then she took a group photo of us all together.

We were so happy! It was a perfect end to a perfect year.

My school picnic was a memorable experience. I got the opportunity to explore the natural beauty around our school, bond with my classmates and make some great memories that will stay with me for a long time. The food was amazing and we even had an enjoyable game of volleyball. It’s experiences like this that remind us why going to school is important-it isn’t just about learning, it’s also about having fun!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on School Picnic – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on School Picnic

Essay on School Picnic: School picnics are a much-anticipated event for students as it offers a break from the routine of classes and exams. It is a day filled with fun, laughter, and memories that will be cherished for years to come. In this essay, we will explore the excitement and joy of a school picnic, the activities that take place, and the importance of such outings in fostering camaraderie among students. Join us as we delve into the world of school picnics and relive the magic of these unforgettable experiences.

Table of Contents

School Picnic Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of the school picnic and its significance in the school calendar. Mention how it is a fun and exciting event that students look forward to every year.

2. Describe the preparations that go into planning a school picnic, such as selecting a suitable location, arranging transportation, and organizing activities and games for the students to enjoy.

3. Discuss the benefits of school picnics, such as providing students with an opportunity to bond with their classmates outside of the classroom, fostering a sense of community and teamwork, and promoting physical activity and outdoor play.

4. Share your personal experience of attending a school picnic, highlighting the memorable moments, the delicious food, the laughter and camaraderie among friends, and the joy of exploring new surroundings.

5. Reflect on the lessons learned from participating in a school picnic, such as the importance of teamwork, communication, and cooperation in achieving common goals, as well as the value of taking a break from academic studies to relax and have fun.

6. Offer suggestions for improving future school picnics, such as incorporating more interactive and engaging activities, providing healthier food options, and encouraging greater participation from all students.

7. Conclude your essay by emphasizing the positive impact of school picnics on student well-being and social development, and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to create lasting memories with your classmates in a fun and enjoyable setting.

8. Proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and make sure your ideas are presented clearly and cohesively to engage the reader and convey your message effectively.

By following these writing tips, you can create a well-structured and engaging essay on school picnics that captures the spirit of this beloved school tradition and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Essay on School Picnic in 10 Lines – Examples

1. School picnics are a fun and exciting way for students to bond with their classmates outside of the classroom. 2. They provide an opportunity for students to explore new places and create lasting memories with their friends. 3. School picnics often involve outdoor activities such as games, sports, and nature walks, which can help students relax and unwind. 4. Picnics also promote a sense of community and teamwork among students as they work together to plan and organize the event. 5. Students can enjoy delicious food and snacks while socializing with their peers in a relaxed and informal setting. 6. School picnics can help students develop important social skills such as communication, cooperation, and leadership. 7. They provide a break from the routine of school and allow students to recharge and rejuvenate their minds and bodies. 8. Picnics can also be educational, as students may have the opportunity to learn about nature, history, or culture during the outing. 9. School picnics are a great way for teachers and students to build positive relationships and strengthen their bond outside of the classroom. 10. Overall, school picnics are a valuable and enjoyable experience that can enhance the overall school community and create lasting memories for students.

Sample Essay on School Picnic in 100-180 Words

A school picnic is a fun and exciting event that allows students to bond with their classmates outside of the classroom. It is a great way to relax and enjoy the company of friends in a different setting. The picnic usually involves games, activities, and delicious food that everyone can enjoy.

One of the best things about a school picnic is the opportunity to explore new places and create lasting memories with friends. Whether it is a trip to a nearby park, beach, or amusement park, the picnic allows students to have a break from their regular routine and have a day filled with fun and laughter.

Overall, a school picnic is a wonderful experience that brings students together and creates a sense of camaraderie among classmates. It is a day to unwind, have fun, and make unforgettable memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Short Essay on School Picnic in 200-500 Words

School Picnic

One of the most anticipated events for students in a school year is the school picnic. It is a day filled with fun, laughter, and excitement as students get a break from their regular routine and enjoy a day out with their friends and teachers. The school picnic is a great way for students to bond with their classmates and teachers outside of the classroom setting.

The school picnic usually takes place at a park, beach, or any other outdoor location that offers a variety of activities for students to enjoy. Students are usually divided into groups and assigned a teacher as a chaperone to ensure their safety and well-being throughout the day. The day starts with a bus ride to the picnic location, with students eagerly chatting and singing songs along the way.

Once at the picnic location, students are free to explore and participate in various activities such as sports, games, and team-building exercises. Some popular activities at school picnics include sack races, tug-of-war, treasure hunts, and relay races. These activities not only provide entertainment but also promote teamwork and cooperation among students.

One of the highlights of the school picnic is the food. Students are usually treated to a delicious picnic lunch consisting of sandwiches, fruits, snacks, and drinks. The picnic lunch is a great opportunity for students to relax and enjoy a meal together with their friends and teachers. It also gives them a chance to socialize and bond with each other in a casual setting.

Apart from the fun and games, the school picnic also serves as a learning experience for students. It allows them to appreciate nature and the outdoors, as well as learn about the importance of teamwork and cooperation. The school picnic also helps students develop social skills, communication skills, and leadership qualities as they interact with their peers and teachers throughout the day.

Overall, the school picnic is a day that students look forward to with excitement and anticipation. It is a day filled with joy, laughter, and memories that will last a lifetime. The school picnic not only provides a break from the regular school routine but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among students and teachers. It is a day that brings everyone together and creates lasting bonds that will be cherished for years to come.

Essay on School Picnic in 1000-1500 Words

A school picnic is an event that every student looks forward to with great excitement and anticipation. It is a day when students get a break from their regular routine of classes and homework and get to spend a fun-filled day outdoors with their friends and teachers. School picnics are not only a source of entertainment and enjoyment but also serve as a great opportunity for students to bond with their classmates and teachers in a more relaxed and informal setting.

The school picnic is usually organized by the school authorities, with the help of teachers and parent volunteers. The location of the picnic is carefully chosen to ensure that it is safe, accessible, and offers a range of activities and facilities for the students to enjoy. Some popular picnic spots include parks, beaches, amusement parks, and nature reserves. The school picnic is typically held during the spring or fall when the weather is pleasant and conducive to outdoor activities.

On the day of the picnic, students are usually asked to arrive at school early in the morning, dressed in comfortable and casual clothing suitable for outdoor activities. They are also instructed to bring along a packed lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, and any other items they may need for the day. The students are divided into groups, with each group assigned a teacher or parent volunteer as a chaperone.

Once everyone is ready, the students board buses or vans that will take them to the picnic spot. The journey to the picnic spot is often filled with excitement and chatter as students eagerly anticipate the day ahead. Upon arrival, the students are given some time to explore the area and familiarize themselves with the facilities available. Some students may choose to play games, go for a walk, or simply relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.

One of the highlights of the school picnic is the picnic lunch. Students gather in a designated area to enjoy their packed lunches, sharing food and stories with their friends. The picnic lunch is a great opportunity for students to socialize and bond with their classmates, as well as with their teachers and parent volunteers. It is a time for laughter, camaraderie, and making memories that will last a lifetime.

After lunch, the students are free to participate in a range of activities and games organized by the school. These may include sports competitions, treasure hunts, relay races, and team-building exercises. The activities are designed to promote teamwork, cooperation, and physical fitness among the students, as well as to provide them with a fun and engaging way to spend the day.

Another popular activity at school picnics is the talent show. Students are encouraged to showcase their talents, whether it be singing, dancing, acting, or playing a musical instrument. The talent show is a great way for students to express themselves creatively and to share their talents with their peers. It is also a chance for students to support and encourage each other, creating a sense of community and camaraderie among the students.

As the day draws to a close, the students gather for a closing ceremony to celebrate the success of the school picnic. Prizes and awards may be given out to students who have excelled in the activities and games, and everyone is thanked for their participation and enthusiasm. The students board the buses or vans to return to school, tired but happy after a day of fun and adventure.

In conclusion, a school picnic is a much-anticipated event that brings students together for a day of fun, friendship, and memories. It is a time for students to relax, unwind, and enjoy the outdoors with their classmates and teachers. The school picnic provides students with an opportunity to bond with their peers, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and create lasting memories that they will cherish for years to come. It is a day that students look forward to with great excitement and anticipation, and one that they will remember fondly for a long time.

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Essay on My School Picnic

A school picnic is an event where students go outside with teachers and enjoy the day together.

School life is a happy life not because we don’t have any career pressure but because we have lots of happy memories. Various events, programs, activities, etc make study more interesting and engaging. School is a stair that took us toward a successful life journey. In the busy schedule of studies, the name that turns all of us excited is a school picnic. This word by the teacher is enough to make all of us excited in school. The memories of school picnics are incredible and unforgettable.

Short and Long My School Picnic Essay in English

Here, I’m providing short and long essays on My School Picnic. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12. The language is kept easy so that every student can understand it properly.

My School Picnic Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) School picnic is a day when we are free from studies.

2) All the students were very excited about the school picnic.

3) We went to a nearby beach by our school bus.

4) The beach was full of people and we were instructed not to go far.

5) I along with my friends played lots of games.

6) Our teachers also joined us in playing.

7) After playing, we all had lunch together.

8) We enjoyed ourselves at the beach till evening.

9) Then we all moved to our bus for going back.

10) Our school bus took us home and we all were very tired.

Short Essay on My School Picnic (200 – 250 Words)

On the day of the school picnic, we all reached school on time. After attending the school prayer, we went near the school bus. Then we went to an amusement park under the supervision of two teachers. Students were not restricted to wear school uniforms. The school bus was filled with colorful students.

Most of us visited an amusement park for the first time so it was an amazing experience. We were not allowed on dangerous rides. However, we enjoyed roller coaster rides. After a few hours of enjoyment, our teachers called all of us for lunch. We all enjoyed lunch together and then came back to the pool. All the students along with teachers danced together in the shower.   

We didn’t even know how time passed and we were asked to pack our bags. No one wanted to leave the fun and enjoyment of the park. But it was afternoon so we all came out of the pool. All the students then moved back to the bus. We all get back to our respective seats and went back home. We reach school in the evening. The parents of every student were waiting to take us home. I ran toward my father and didn’t wait a while to narrate my experience. My father laughed all the way home. I enjoyed my school picnic very much. 

Long Essay on My School Picnic (500 – 600 Words)


A picnic is an event when people go outside either with friends or family to enjoy the day and location. Schools also organize picnics to take children out so that they feel relaxed from everyday studies. The school picnic is a wonderful experience for both children and students. The school picnic is a break for both students and teachers from the burden of work. It is also beneficial for children’s physical health.

Preparation for School Picnic

Like every year, my school planned a picnic this summer. When our class teacher announced the school picnic, all the students were filled with excitement and started shouting. We started planning for the picnic from the day we heard about it. Out of all the locations, we decided to visit a zoo. We were happy because our favorite teacher is going with us. I packed my bag a day before the picnic. I kept chips and chocolates for my all friends. After several days of preparation, finally, the day came.

My School Picnic to a Zoo

In the morning, we all came to school in time. The zoo was far from our school. We played antaksari the entire route and had chips and chocolates. After a few hours, we reached there. Teachers took the tickets and we all entered the zoo in a queue. There was a crowd and so the teacher instructed us to stay together. We saw many animals there. The first animal we saw was deer. Then we saw many animals like wolf, monkey, elephant, fox, etc. Then we came to the king of the jungle, the lion. The lion was roaring, some of my friends were scared while others started laughing at them. We also saw a bear with his cubs. We were just having fun that it was time for lunch. The teacher collected all the students in the canteen area for lunch. All the students brought their lunch boxes. We shared our food and enjoyed lunch.

After lunch, we moved to the bird and reptile section. There we saw different birds that I was never seen before. All the birds were very colorful and looked so amazing. We also studied the board that described the animals in the cage. Our teacher also gave us information regarding the animals. We saw two peacocks with their feathers open. The scene was really awesome. Then we moved to the reptile section. Most of the reptiles were kept in glass cages while some are kept in soil that is well packed from a safety point of view. Many huge snakes like python and cobra were looking dangerous. I saw all of them from a distance as I am afraid of snakes.

The day ended so soon that it turned evening. The teacher collected all the students near the school bus. The bus was filled with silence, no one was even talking. All of us were very tired. Some students even slept on their seats. The bus dropped us at our bus stops and we reached home.

We collected lots of memories during the picnic. Every year we eagerly wait for the picnic time. It is only one day’s enjoyment but the impact remains for the whole year of our life. On a picnic, every small thing makes us happy. Remembering those days still gives me goosebumps and happiness. I always miss my school picnic and my friends.

I hope the above given essay on My School Picnic will be helpful to write a short and long essay for all the students.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My School Picnic

Ans. School picnics are important for students’ physical health and personality development. It gives them a stress-free environment where they can explore many new things.

Ans. International Picnic Day is celebrated on 18 June.

Ans. In 1909, the first picnic day was celebrated.

Ans. 11 July is termed as a Teddy bear picnic when people went to a picnic with their family and teddy bear.

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Essay on My Picnic

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Picnic in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on My Picnic

Planning the picnic.

My friends and I decided to have a picnic. We chose a beautiful park as our picnic spot. We were excited and started preparing for our day out.

Packing the Essentials

We packed sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. We also packed games like frisbee and badminton to play.

The Picnic Day

On the day, we reached the park early. The weather was perfect. We played, ate, and laughed together. It was a day full of fun and enjoyment.

Memorable Day

The picnic was a break from routine. It was a day that brought us closer and created beautiful memories.

250 Words Essay on My Picnic

Introduction, the journey.

Our journey began at dawn. The excitement was palpable as we packed our picnic baskets with homemade sandwiches, fruits, and refreshing beverages. We embarked on our adventure towards the picturesque countryside, the destination being a serene lakeside spot, nestled amidst lush greenery.

Activities and Interactions

Upon reaching, we were greeted by the tranquil beauty of nature. The chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves created a symphony that soothed our city-weary souls. We engaged in various activities – from playing frisbee to swimming in the cool lake. The picnic also served as an opportunity for intellectual exchanges. We discussed literature, politics, and philosophy, learning from each other’s perspectives.

The Picnic Feast

As the sun reached its zenith, we laid out our picnic spread. The food tasted even better in the open air, the flavors enhanced by the joy of sharing and the beauty of our surroundings. Post-lunch, we indulged in a brief siesta, basking in the warm sun.

As the day ended, we packed our belongings, leaving the spot as untouched as we had found it. The picnic was not just a day off, but a reminder of the simple pleasures of life – good food, great company, and the therapeutic beauty of nature. It was an experience that left us rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges of academic life.

500 Words Essay on My Picnic

Picnics are a timeless tradition that allows us to step away from the monotony of everyday life and immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature. They provide a unique opportunity to bond with friends, family, or colleagues, while enjoying the tranquillity and splendour of the great outdoors.

The Anticipation

Preparation and journey.

The preparation for a picnic is a fun-filled activity in itself. The bustle of packing a variety of delicious food items, the selection of games and sports equipment, and the arrangement of travel logistics are all part of the thrill. The journey to the picnic spot is filled with laughter, singing, and sharing of stories, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and bonding.

The Picnic Experience

Arriving at the picnic spot, the beauty of nature unfolds in front of our eyes, providing a sense of peace and relaxation. The spread of food, from sandwiches to fruits, from cookies to cold drinks, is a feast for the eyes and the palate. The joy of sharing food in the open air, under the canopy of the sky, is an experience that cannot be replicated indoors.

Reflection and Conclusion

As the day winds down, the setting sun paints the sky with hues of orange and pink, signaling the end of a memorable day. This is the time for reflection, for sitting quietly and soaking in the beauty of nature, for appreciating the joy of togetherness.

Picnics are not just about food and games; they provide an escape from our daily routine, a chance to connect with nature, and an opportunity to strengthen our bonds with others. They remind us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and to make time for leisure and relaxation. As the saying goes, “Life is a picnic on a beach, not a trip to the beach.” So, let’s embrace the picnic spirit and make the most of the beautiful world around us.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay on Picnic for Students

Picnics are a cherished tradition that brings people together to enjoy the great outdoors while sharing delicious food and creating lasting memories. In this essay, we will explore the beauty of picnics, their cultural significance, the benefits they offer, and how they can foster a sense of connection with nature and each other.

The Essence of a Picnic

At its core, a picnic is a simple yet delightful activity where people gather outdoors to share a meal. Picnics can take place in parks, gardens, beaches, and even in the comfort of your backyard. They often involve packing a basket with a variety of delicious foods and beverages, from sandwiches and fruits to cheese and homemade treats.

Cultural Significance

Picnicking has a rich cultural history dating back centuries. It has been celebrated in literature, art, and film, often depicted as a symbol of leisure, relaxation, and community. For example, the famous French painter Édouard Manet’s painting “Le DĂ©jeuner sur l’herbe” portrays a group of people enjoying a picnic in a natural setting, highlighting its cultural significance.

The Benefits of Picnicking

Picnics offer a range of benefits, both for individuals and for families and friends who gather for these outdoor feasts. One of the primary advantages is the opportunity to connect with nature. Spending time in natural surroundings, such as parks or forests, can reduce stress and increase overall well-being.

According to a study published in the journal “Environmental Science & Technology,” spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone) and improve mood. Picnics provide a wonderful excuse to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse ourselves in the beauty of the outdoors.

Social Connection

Picnics foster social connection and bonding among friends and family. Sharing a meal outdoors encourages conversations, laughter, and the creation of lasting memories. Picnics are a great way for people to strengthen their relationships and build deeper connections with one another.

In a world where technology often keeps us glued to screens, picnics offer a refreshing opportunity for face-to-face interaction and genuine connection. Whether it’s a romantic picnic for two or a lively gathering with a group of friends, picnics create spaces for meaningful conversations and shared laughter.

Creativity and Relaxation

Picnicking encourages creativity and relaxation. Planning and preparing a picnic involve choosing the perfect location, selecting delicious foods, and arranging a comfortable and inviting space. It’s an opportunity to showcase culinary skills or try out new recipes.

Additionally, picnics provide a break from the daily routine, allowing individuals to relax, unwind, and appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. Lounging on a blanket, feeling the warmth of the sun, and enjoying the gentle breeze can be incredibly refreshing and rejuvenating.

Connecting with Food

Picnics create a unique relationship between people and the food they consume. Packing a picnic basket with carefully chosen items and savoring them in a natural setting enhances the sensory experience of eating. It encourages mindfulness and appreciation for the flavors and textures of the food.

Picnics also promote healthy eating habits. Unlike fast food or processed snacks, picnic meals often include fresh fruits, vegetables, and homemade dishes, contributing to a balanced diet and overall well-being.

Conclusion of Essay on Picnic

In conclusion, picnics are a beautiful and enriching tradition that brings people together in harmony with nature. They offer a wealth of benefits, including stress reduction, social connection, creativity, relaxation, and a deeper appreciation of food. Whether enjoyed with family, friends, or loved ones, picnics create moments of joy and togetherness that become cherished memories.

In a world that sometimes seems hectic and disconnected, picnics remind us of the simple pleasures of life and the importance of nurturing our bonds with both nature and each other. So, grab a blanket, pack a basket, and embark on a picnic adventure to experience the joy and wonder of this timeless tradition.

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Whenever we encounter stress in our life, we always seek an escape so that we can ignore our daily life worries and enjoy our time away from the pollution and chaos of the city. To achieve that, the best option is to go to a picnic. Picnics are equally loved and enjoyed by children as well as adults. It acts as a remedy to our stress and also works in adding a little variety to our regular monotonous schedule. It takes us to a world which is generally in contrast to what we see today. Charming and refreshing as picnics are, here is a detailed description of why a breeze is considered the best way to escape the chaos.

An outdoor activity once in a while helps us calm our minds and maintain good mental health. Picnic is the way in which we can add pleasantness to our dull life. There are various types of picnics based on the people who arrange it or the people we go with. There could be school picnics, office picnics, family picnics and more.

It would not be wrong to say that our daily life is full of stress and noise. Living in such an environment gets tough, and a picnic works in introducing a change in our daily routine and makes life smooth. Going out in open areas helps in bringing out the fun side of us. We play games we don't usually play, we sing and dance etc. It encourages the best version of us to come forth, be it physical or mental. A picnic is a very effective way of bringing people close to each other, be it a group of colleagues, family members, classmates or acquaintances. Everyone forms a bond with each other during picnics. A picnic is an effective way to solidify emotional bonds.

Picnics are a way of relaxing our body and mind. When we put on a picnic with our people, we lose the feeling of being judged and enjoy our time to our fullest, at least we should because that is exactly what picnics are all about. It gives us a chance to unwind ourselves and take a calm breath after long weeks of ongoing work that we do. Physical activities are probably the best part of picnics if we minus the food. Games are responsible for increasing our stamina and benefit our body as well.

The picnic also involves a very interested and most delicious factor in it, i.e., food. For some people who are required to follow a particular diet, picnics are a way to make their diet flexible for one day and have whatever food they like. People take their favourite snacks to picnics and enjoy them under the sky. Food items like sandwiches, fruit juices, and wafers are some items that are present in every lunch packed for a picnic. Lunch can be counted as a very important part of a picnic.

Some of the most amazing and happy memories that we make in our childhood involve picnics in them. Children enjoy picnics a lot as it is like a fun ticket to them. From getting up early to pack their outdoor toys to have their favourite snacks, everything adds to the fun, and it makes picnics the best days for them.

People take various types of food with them when they go for a picnic. Although picnics are about enjoying great scenery, beautiful weather and loving company, it is also about delicious food. There are various types of food that people across the world add to their picnic baskets, and they are worth carrying as well.

Food is the thing that makes our picnic extra special, and here are some food items worth bringing when going on a picnic.

Drinks on a summer day act as life savers, and you may take the below-listed drinks with you on a picnic.

Pineapple juice is a very nutrient-rich juice and helps our body in a number of ways. It promotes a healthy heart and helps boost immunity. A drink made of fresh pineapple and lemon is rich in vitamin C and fibre. It has the adequate balance of sweet and sour required. This excellent drink is also responsible for helping in digestion and thus is a must after having heavy snacks.

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a remedy for dehydration. Carrying lemonade with us when going to a picnic is a perfect choice everyone should make because nothing is better than a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It's acidic and a great source of energy.

Cucumber sandwiches are low-calorie, easy to make, fibre-rich and fat-free. They are quick-prepared bite-sized sandwiches having cucumber slices in the middle. They are the perfect picnic food and a must in your picnic basket. These sandwiches are easily digestible and are rich in various nutrients and vitamins. Although some people like them healthy, some also add mayonnaise or cheese layer. But cheese or not, it is the perfect food item to count on when planning a picnic.

Chicken sandwiches are considered a very healthy food item that can be brought to a picnic. Rich in protein, chicken, helps us in gaining energy and maintaining a healthy body. Chicken sandwiches are made which grilled chicken filled inside bread along with various seasonings. It is beneficial but a very tasty snack to have on a picnic.

Some people also add salad to their sandwiches. The simple chicken sandwich but with slices of cucumbers and tomatoes and a little mayonnaise and cheese. All in all, chicken sandwiches are an excellent pick for picnics.

In addition to all the drinks and sandwiches, fruits are another healthy pick for picnics. Fruit salads are a delicious way of ensuring health. There are different food salads like mixed fruit salads, watermelon salads and much more. Making different combinations of fruits of our liking is fun food preparation.

Vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, carrots etc., are good for making tasty vegetable salads. These salads are extremely healthy, contain various vitamins and are rich in iron. For the person who is conscious about their health, these salads are a great option to take to a picnic.

There are different types of picnics that are planned between other social groups. Some examples are given below.

Company picnics are the outdoor lunch planned by the members of a workplace. They meet outside their working space to have food and enjoy fun activities like games and other things. These picnics are planned at a spot which has fresh air and a beautiful view and often involves picnic food like sandwiches and lemonade. Grills are also arranged sometimes to make the food on the spot, and these picnics may also have some kind of themes, for example- beach parties.

School days are the golden days of our life, and it is something that cannot be denied. And the experiences that add to this prestigious time are that school trips and picnics. Let us understand what a school picnic is all about.

A school picnic usually refers to an outdoor get-together of school students under the guidance of their teacher where all the students play, eat and enjoy nature. School picnics are usually arranged in open areas like parks and gardens. They might also be near lakes and fountains. School picnics are usually day picnics and end by the time when it's dusk. Some picnics are arranged in the parks, which are close to museums and historical places, as students can also have short educational trips to historical sites in addition to picnics.

For the people who have regular jobs and face difficulties in taking leaves, it is hard to take time for our loved ones, and this gets frustrating. We all want an escape from our daily life and laugh at silly jokes with our family members. But planning a long vacation is tough and expensive altogether, and thus a picnic might just be the right solution. Planning picnics on weekends and taking a break from the chaos of our daily life, and having our dear ones close is a joy everyone craves for.

Family picnics are a lot more different than other picnics as we have our kids taking part in snack preparation and packing stuff. We sit with the family to decide the destination that everyone loves and so on. There are a lot of conversations and fun tasks related to just the preparation of picnics. Also, playing games on the picnic spot is a must, and if the players are our loved ones like wives or children, it gets a lot more interesting and fun-filled.

To sum it all up, picnics are the best way to have some time away from the never-ending problems of our daily life. Everything about a picnic is bliss to our soul, be it the food, the games, the place, the air or even the preparations for a picnic is really fun. The trip to that picnic spot is also filled with excitement. Any kind of picnic, be it company, school or that one with family, helps us bond with each other and have fun together.


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  • Paragraph on A Picnic | Paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 Words

In This Blog We Will Discuss

A Picnic: Short Paragraph (100 Words)

Picnic is the best way to make pleasure and enjoyment in leisure time . A few weeks ago I went on a picnic from my school . We went to Tajmahal , Agra. As you know it is a very popular spot. It takes 3 hours by bus from our village to go there. We hired a micro-bus because we were 10 students and two teachers. That was fun driving, the roadside was amazing. We started our journey at 8 AM and reached there at 11.30 AM. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. Tajmahal was full of spectators and tourists. I did hang out with a few foreign tourists too.

A Picnic I Enjoyed: Paragraph (150 Words)

I think a picnic can give us so much fun and entertainment. From our regular boring life, we need to take a break and go for a small picnic. A few weeks ago, I had a picnic with my college friends. We visited the historical Jaisalmer Fort in Rajasthan. As you all know that it is a very popular fort among the tourists.

A huge number of tourists visit this place often. We hired a car because we were four only. And a car was enough for us. It took 4 hours in driving and reaching there. We started our journey early in the morning, and that’s why we reached a little quickly.

The place is full of love history and sensational forts. I love watching forts and old buildings that’s why I picked Jaisalmer as our picnic spot. We had our lunch in a local restaurant and it was really delicious. We took so many photos and wish to visit there again. That was a fun time.

A Picnic with Family: Paragraph (200 Words)

A picnic can refresh your mind, and if you go on a picnic with your family then it comes with more joy and fun. I had that experience a few days ago. I was on a picnic with my parents and my two siblings in Taraporevala Aquarium, Mumbai.

My parents know that we all siblings love the aquarium and that’s why they decided to take us in that place. I think this place is best for a one day picnic. It took only an hour to go to the Taraporevala Aquarium from our home. We drove in our own car and that’s why we didn’t face so many traffic problems .

As all of you know that this is India’s oldest aquarium and one of the main attractions of the whole Mumbai city. Lots of people come here for fun and quality time spending. I can guarantee you that it’s the best place to see in this city. I loved the time when I was there.

My dad promised to take us there again. I can’t explain the feelings on word how beautiful the Aquarium is actually. We took so many photos there. Picnic with family is really amazing. I wish to go more picnic with my family .

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Essay on a Picnic with Family for Students and Children

500+ words essay on a picnic with family.

“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” –George Bernard Shaw.

We, human beings are social animals. This means that we cannot live in isolation, instead, we need to live in groups for our survival. This group can be termed as a society, but the nucleus of the society is family. When some individuals’ who belong to a similar gene pool and share a certain common set of hormones , live together, they are termed as family. The benefits of living with the family are numerous, it provides us support, strength, happiness, courage, feeling of oneness. Let us go through a beautiful real-life experience of rejoicing picnic with the family.

essay on a picnic with family

Picnic with Family

Last summer our family went to a memorable picnic at a nearby water park. The day when we spoke for the first time about going to a picnic, the adrenaline rush has been started flowing within us. The flow of happiness amongst the family was at its peak while preparing for the picnic. Everybody was excited about this outdoor adventure. Finally, the day had arrived. We all left our home and soon were on our way to the picnic.  The car was full of chatters. Every family member was so excited about the picnic with the family. All of us were in a totally different form.

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Picnic Spot

Finally, we reached our destination. The moment we reached the ticket window, the kids in the family started jumping with excitement. While we were purchasing the tickets, the kids started getting restless to wait. Then we entered for our awaiting adventure for the picnic with the family. As soon as we entered, the beauty of the place welcomed us with a cool breeze on our faces.

We put on the costumes and entered the pool. The coldness of the water was soothing one. Each splash brought a smile on everyone’s face. Everybody went back to their childhood. The youngest one in the picnic with family was 3.5-year-old, who had entered the pool for the first time. He was the happiest amongst all. After spending a considerate amount of time playing with water, we had to struggle a lot to take kids out from the pool.  What a memorable time it was during a picnic with the family.

Then we started heading towards the food zone. The fun in the pool has led to an empty stomach which was making a lot of funny noise. And the aroma of the delicious food which was coming from the food zone had aced our pace towards it.

The kids in the family started making a list of all the things that they wanted to eat. We ordered everyone’s favorite dish and sat waiting for the food to come. This waiting time was the most torturous one. And finally, our hot and tasty food came. We literally attacked it like the hungry animals. The next 30 minutes was complete silence. Everybody in the picnic with family was busy enjoying their own favorite delicacy. We finished eating and left for home.

Though the picnic with family was over, still it is alive in over memories. All the good time we spent together, a lot of beautiful pictures, will always be with us in our memories. We will soon plan our next picnic with family to rejoice our love, bonding, and happiness together.

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"The greater the work the more important it is to establish it on a solid foundation. Thus it will not only be more perfect; it will also be more lasting.”

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Associates host summer picnic.

On Sunday, August 11, 2024, the Cincinnati Associates hosted a “Back to School” themed summer picnic for Sisters and Associates in Cedars Auditorium. The gathering included prayer, fellowship, sharing and a delicious assortment of food to enjoy. At the picnic’s conclusion, S. Joyce Richter invited anyone who wished to join her for a hike at the Bender Mountain Preserve.

a school picnic in essay

I love being a messy, imperfect summer mom

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When my kids file out of school before lunch on that final Friday in June, and I take the obligatory photos for the "before" and "after" posts , I get emotional, as all the parents do. But when I later walk away from the class picnic or playground and offer heartfelt goodbyes to the school year, I'm not sure whose heart is lighter — mine or my kids.

Sure, I'm sad to say goodbye to another year, but I'm also elated to step into my favorite yearly role as — summer mom .

I shine as a parent during the summer

As a true type B who loves eating ice cream, jumping in as many bodies of water as possible, soaking up outdoor arts and culture — and most importantly, being a laissez-faire parent — I embrace summer mom life with gusto. I genuinely feel that the months of July and August are my time to shine as a parent, and I dread the turning of the leaves.

Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the learning, growth, and, most of all, the routine of the school year and the extra time it gives me to take care of myself. And I hate all the planning and forethought that goes into summer scheduling, especially camp signups.

But that can't make up for the essential joy that settles into my being along with the heat. It's not actually the lack of school that brings me joy; it's the lack of layers, physical and metaphorical, between us and the world all summer long.

It's pointing out sunsets and putting our feet in streams and sprinklers. It's the smell of chlorine and wet pine trees after a storm. And yes, I prefer the brisk, scented efficiency of applying sunscreen and bug spray to hunting for mittens and jackets.

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Nothing really counts during the summer

As we head out to all our activities, I relish a general sense that nothing "counts" in the summer, and there are fewer judgmental eyes on you as you shepherd your kids around.

If their hair is unkempt and they wear the t-shirts they slept in, it doesn't matter. That shirt and that hair will be covered by popsicle melt , sand, sweat, or dirt within a few hours anyway.

There are smaller but deeper pleasures, too: longer days and more relaxed mornings mean that we don't have to worry about super early wake-ups, which is great by itself. But the bonus is that our evenings are more fun, too — even when I work a full day, I can still enjoy my kids for a few hours, perhaps watching the Olympics or baseball, maybe even roaming around our city neighborhood and getting sprayed by a fire hydrant after dinner.

I also feel less pressure about my own appearance. During the school year, I try to maintain a certain level of dignity in how I look and dress. But in the summer, I put pink streaks in my hair and embrace a regular uniform of baseball cap, fanny pack, croakies on my sunglasses, and sensible waterproof sandals.

It makes me feel proud of myself as a parent, too. Because even if I'm not the neatest, the most organized, the queen of gentle parenting techniques, or the best at attending PTA meetings (or ever attending them), I have passed on to my offspring a little bit of what I love most about being a human.

I'm my best because I'm most relaxed

So even with the morning meltdowns, late bedtimes, bug bites, heat, and endless scheduling of different camps, I feel like I'm able to be at my best. And I'm at my best because I'm at my happiest and most relaxed.

I always cry on Labor Day when it's all over. I know the school year will bring us all a good dose of sanity, calm, and productivity. And I know a lot of parents prefer the routine of the school year. But my heart will always cherish the chaos of summer.

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Picnics hosted by Conscious Connection help people feeling lonely form new friendships

feel good Picnics hosted by Conscious Connection help people feeling lonely form new friendships

Women chatting in small groups as they sit on picnic rugs in a park.

Gathered in a leafy inner-city park, 50 young women are sprawled across picnic rugs laughing like lifelong friends.

An hour before they were complete strangers with one common problem, they were all sick of feeling lonely. 

Research shows this is something one in four young Australians can relate to.

That's why these women are here, nestled on cushions and sharing cheeseboards beneath a century-old fig tree in Brisbane's New Farm Park.

Sheriden Hackney wears a shirt that reads Conscious Connection.

Attendees exchange details and concoct plans for their next catch-up — the constant stream of chatter and occasional shrieks of laughter paint a distinctly friendly picture.

The event is one of many held every month across the country. It's the creation of Sheriden Hackney, a young woman who was tired of feeling alone in crowded rooms. 

Exhausted by insincere catch-ups in pubs and mundane chats about the weather, she took matters into her own hands.

"I just thought that there had to be other people out there who are craving more from their friendships," she said.

Social connection a 'biological need'

Ms Hackney hosted her first dinner party in early 2022 with a few strangers she met through social media.

Two-and-a-half years on, she now hosts monthly picnics for other young people seeking social connection. 

Two women smiling while sitting side-by-side at a park picnic.

According to data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, social isolation and feelings of loneliness jumped after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The latest data, released in 2022, shows one in seven people across Australia reported feeling socially isolated — a figure that rises to 25 per cent among people aged 15 to 24. 

Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Trish Obst said social catch ups were incredibly valuable as more young people reported feeling socially isolated.

Trish Obst has short hair and wears a red top.

"Up to about 40 per cent of the variance in our wellbeing can actually be accounted for by the quality of our social connections, so it's hugely important," she said.

"We're a social species, and that need to connect is a biological need."

Last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared loneliness to be a pressing global health threat, with consequences that are still under-recognised.

A collage of women sharing a picnic lunch in the park, laughing and taking photos together.

"Prolonged social isolation and loneliness is as bad for the human body as smoking 15 cigarettes every day," Dr Jasmine Vergara of the WHO said.

"Those who lack social connection are at a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, dementia, cardiovascular disease and stroke."

Seeking 'deeper connection, genuine friendships'

Ms Hackney said the response to her picnics had been overwhelming.

"I had to start capping ticket sales to 80 people at a time and every event sells out," she said.

"People are really seeking that deeper connection and genuine friendships."

McKeeley Makin met her four new best mates at one of the picnics.

McKaylee Makin wears glasses and colourful earrings.

"I heard about the picnics at a time where I was feeling pretty lonely, so I bought a ticket, came along in January, and it has been genuinely life-changing," Ms Makin said.

"We're seeing each other every second weekend, if not more, and every time we catch up, it's just so easy and genuine and lovely."

Many attendees have formed lifelong friendship at these picnics, which is no accident.

A collage of friends spending time together, out at a restaurant and also at home.

Ms Hackney said after hosting dozens of events, she believes she has perfected the art of friendship matchmaking.

Before each event, attendees answer several questions designed to help Ms Hackney work out what makes them tick.

A group of women sit on picnic rugs under a tree in a park.

Once the results are in, each guest is paired with four to six others who share similar interests and are around the same age.

Testimonies from picnic attendees show she has a pretty high success rate.

Regular Bethany Machin said her only regret was not seeking connection with strangers earlier.

Bethany Machin has dark hair and wears a black top.

"I know there's so many people out there feeling the way I was, but they absolutely don't have to," Ms Machin said.

"So just come along, you'll have a chat, have a good laugh and you'll leave with your heart full."

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