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4 Celebration of Life Speech Examples

When a loved one passes away, a celebration of life is an opportunity to honor their memory and share heartfelt stories with family and friends.

It’s a time to reflect on the impact they had on our lives and the legacy they leave behind.

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

Celebration of Life Speech Examples

As you prepare to deliver a celebration of life speech, you may be wondering where to start and what to say.

The following examples will guide you in crafting a meaningful tribute that captures the essence of your loved one’s life.

Short Celebration of Life Speech (300 words)

[Uncle John] was a man who lived life to the fullest. His infectious laughter and kind heart touched everyone he met. He had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the room, always ready with a listening ear and a word of encouragement.

One of my fondest memories of [Uncle John] was the summer we spent together at the family cabin. He taught me how to fish, and we spent hours on the lake, talking about life and sharing stories. His patience and wisdom left a lasting impact on me, shaping the person I am today.

[Uncle John]’s love for his family knew no bounds. He was a devoted husband to [Aunt Sarah] for over 50 years, and a loving father to [cousins]. His grandchildren were his pride and joy, and he never missed an opportunity to attend their school plays or sporting events.

Beyond his family, [Uncle John] was a pillar of the community. He volunteered at the local food bank and was always the first to lend a helping hand to those in need. His generosity and compassion touched countless lives, and his legacy will live on through the many people he inspired.

As we gather today to celebrate [Uncle John]’s life, let us remember the laughter, the love, and the countless memories he gifted us. May we carry his spirit with us always, and strive to live our lives with the same joy and kindness that he embodied every day.


Commentary: This short speech is suitable for a close family member or friend, focusing on personal memories and the impact the loved one had on the speaker’s life. It highlights the deceased’s roles as a family man, mentor, and community member, making it appropriate for intimate gatherings or smaller celebrations of life.

Medium-length Celebration of Life Speech (500 words)

[Grandma Rose] was a woman ahead of her time. Born in an era when women were expected to stay at home, she defied societal norms and pursued her dreams with unwavering determination. Her strength, resilience, and indomitable spirit continue to inspire us all.

Growing up, I spent countless summers at [Grandma Rose]’s house. She would wake me up early in the morning, and we’d spend hours in the garden, tending to her beloved roses. As we worked side by side, she would share stories of her childhood, her struggles, and her triumphs. Those moments instilled in me a deep appreciation for hard work and perseverance.

[Grandma Rose]’s passion for learning was contagious. She believed that education was the key to unlocking one’s potential, and she encouraged everyone around her to pursue their dreams. When I was struggling in school, she was there to offer guidance and support, never letting me give up on myself.

Beyond her role as a grandmother, [Grandma Rose] was a trailblazer in her community. She was one of the first women to open a business in our town, paving the way for future generations of female entrepreneurs. Her shop became a gathering place for friends and neighbors, a testament to her warm and welcoming nature.

[Grandma Rose]’s legacy extends far beyond her immediate family. She touched the lives of countless individuals through her volunteer work at the local library and her involvement in various charitable organizations. Her compassion and generosity knew no bounds, and she always put the needs of others before her own.

As we bid farewell to [Grandma Rose], let us remember the invaluable lessons she taught us. May we embrace her zest for life, her tireless pursuit of knowledge, and her unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Let us honor her memory by living our lives with the same grace, resilience, and love that she exemplified every day.

Commentary: This medium-length speech is fitting for a grandparent or an influential family member who has made a significant impact on the lives of others. It showcases the deceased’s role as a mentor, trailblazer, and community leader, making it suitable for a celebration of life attended by both family and friends from various aspects of the person’s life.

Long Celebration of Life Speech (700 words)

[Dr. Elizabeth Johnson] was a remarkable woman whose life was a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and unwavering faith in the human spirit. As we gather today to celebrate her life, I am honored to share a few words about the profound impact she had on all those who knew her.

From a young age, [Elizabeth] displayed an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to help others. Her passion for science and medicine led her to pursue a career as a pediatrician, a path that would define her life’s work. She excelled in her studies, graduating at the top of her class and earning numerous accolades along the way.

But [Elizabeth]’s true greatness lay not in her academic achievements, but in the way she used her knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of others. She treated every child who came into her care with the same love and attention she gave her own children, always going above and beyond to ensure their well-being.

Her dedication to her patients was matched only by her commitment to her family. [Elizabeth] was a loving wife to [Robert] for over 40 years, and a devoted mother to [Sarah], [Michael], and [David]. She instilled in them the same values of compassion, integrity, and service that guided her own life, and she took immense pride in their accomplishments.

Beyond her roles as a doctor and a family woman, [Elizabeth] was a pillar of strength in her community. She volunteered at the local homeless shelter, providing medical care to those who could not afford it. She also served on the board of several non-profit organizations, tirelessly advocating for the rights of children and families.

[Elizabeth]’s faith was the cornerstone of her life, and it was evident in everything she did. She found solace and guidance in her church community, and she used her faith to inspire and uplift others. Even in the face of adversity, she remained steadfast in her beliefs, always trusting in the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

As we mourn [Elizabeth]’s passing, let us also celebrate the incredible legacy she leaves behind. May we honor her memory by embracing the values she held so dear: compassion, service, and an unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Let us find comfort in the knowledge that her spirit lives on through the countless lives she touched, and through the love and memories we will cherish forever.

Commentary: This long speech is appropriate for a highly respected and influential figure, such as a community leader, doctor, or philanthropist. It delves into the various aspects of the person’s life, highlighting their professional achievements, family values, and community involvement. This speech is suitable for a large celebration of life attended by family, friends, colleagues, and members of the community who were touched by the individual’s life and work.

Lengthy Celebration of Life Speech (1000+ words)

[Professor Thomas Anderson] was a man of many talents, a visionary whose boundless curiosity and thirst for knowledge knew no limits. As we come together today to celebrate his extraordinary life, I am humbled by the opportunity to share some of the countless ways in which he touched the lives of so many.

Born into a family of modest means, [Thomas] quickly discovered the transformative power of education. He devoured books at an astonishing pace, his young mind absorbing information like a sponge. His parents, recognizing his exceptional intellect, made countless sacrifices to ensure that he had every opportunity to pursue his dreams.

[Thomas]’s journey led him to [prestigious university], where he excelled in his studies, earning multiple degrees in physics and mathematics. His brilliance caught the attention of his professors, who encouraged him to pursue a career in academia. It was a path that would come to define his life’s work and leave an indelible mark on the world of science.

As a professor, [Thomas] was a true innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what was possible. His groundbreaking research in [field of study] revolutionized the way we understand the universe, earning him international acclaim and numerous awards. But for [Thomas], the true reward was the opportunity to share his knowledge with others and inspire the next generation of scientists.

In the classroom, [Thomas] was a masterful teacher, able to break down complex concepts into easily digestible pieces. His lectures were legendary, often packed to capacity with students eager to learn from one of the greatest minds of our time. He had a gift for making even the most abstract ideas come alive, and his infectious enthusiasm for his subject matter was impossible to resist.

But [Thomas]’s impact extended far beyond the halls of academia. He was a passionate advocate for science education, working tirelessly to promote STEM programs in schools and encourage young people, particularly those from underrepresented communities, to pursue careers in science. He believed that everyone deserved the opportunity to unlock their full potential, and he dedicated himself to making that a reality.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, [Thomas] was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He met his beloved wife, [Emily], during his graduate studies, and together they built a life filled with love, laughter, and endless intellectual curiosity. They instilled in their children, [Michael] and [Sarah], the same love of learning that had defined their own lives, and they took immense pride in their every achievement.

In his later years, [Thomas] found great joy in his role as a grandfather, regaling his grandchildren with stories of his adventures in science and encouraging them to follow their own passions. He was a constant source of wisdom and support, always ready with a listening ear and a word of encouragement.

[Thomas]’s legacy extends far beyond his immediate family and the countless students he taught over the years. His groundbreaking research laid the foundation for countless discoveries and innovations, and his tireless advocacy for science education has inspired a new generation of scientists and thinkers.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable man, let us remember the invaluable lessons he taught us. May we embrace his boundless curiosity, his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, and his deep belief in the power of education to transform lives. Let us honor his memory by continuing his work, by striving to make the world a better place through science, compassion, and a never-ending quest for understanding.

[Thomas Anderson] may no longer be with us in body, but his spirit lives on through the countless lives he touched, through the discoveries yet to be made, and through the love and memories we will cherish forever. Let us find comfort in the knowledge that his light will continue to shine brightly, guiding us towards a future filled with wonder, hope, and endless possibility.

Commentary: This lengthy speech is suitable for a highly distinguished individual, such as a renowned scientist, professor, or thought leader, who has made significant contributions to their field and society as a whole. It delves deep into the person’s life story, highlighting their humble beginnings, academic pursuits, professional achievements, and personal values. The speech also touches on the individual’s roles as a family man, mentor, and advocate for education, making it appropriate for a large-scale celebration of life attended by family, friends, colleagues, and members of the extended community who have been impacted by the person’s life and work.

Celebrating the life of a loved one is a deeply personal and emotional experience.

By sharing heartfelt stories, cherished memories, and the enduring impact they had on our lives, we honor their legacy and keep their spirit alive.

As you write your own celebration of life speech, remember to speak from the heart, focusing on the qualities and experiences that made your loved one so special.

Whether your speech is short and intimate or lengthy and all-encompassing, the most important thing is that it captures the essence of the person you are celebrating.

May these examples serve as a guide and inspiration as you pay tribute to the life of someone who meant the world to you.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to honor a loved one’s memory – what matters most is that you speak with love, sincerity, and gratitude for the time you shared together.

What Is a Ceremonial Speech and How Do You Write One? (Featuring Examples)

Updated 08/28/2023

Published 08/29/2022

Sam Tetrault, BA in English

Sam Tetrault, BA in English

Contributing writer

Learn how a ceremonial speech works with information on what makes this type of speech different and how to write a ceremonial speech with step-by-step directions.

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Also known as a commemorative speech, a ceremonial speech is a type of speech given as part of a special occasion. They’re designed to pay tribute to an individual, event, idea, or institution. Unlike other types of speeches, they usually also focus on values as a form of celebration. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

How does a ceremonial speech work, ceremonial speech vs. other types of special speeches, how to write a ceremonial speech.

You might encounter ceremonial speeches as part of a graduation, wedding, or funeral program. However, they’re generally upbeat. It’s more than just a list of information. It’s a way to celebrate the value behind a person, idea, place, or institution. In other words, it’s a way to encourage the audience to join the speaker in celebration. 

In this guide, we’ll explore what a ceremonial speech is and how you write one yourself. If you’ve been tasked with writing your own ceremonial speech for a special occasion, it can be intimidating to know where to begin. We also include some examples to help inspire you. 

With that in mind, how does a ceremonial speech work? If you’re unfamiliar with different types of speeches, it’s normal to be confused with this type in particular. You’ve likely seen many of these different speeches first hand throughout your life, though you might not have realized it at the time. 

These speeches come in all different tones. They can be:

  • Accomplishment-focused
  • Inspirational

Above all, the theme should be consistent with the person or place you’re trying to honor. Like all speeches, they contain the same basic elements like an introduction, key details or stories, and a final conclusion. The opening remarks for a funeral , for example, could be considered a type of ceremonial speech. 

When would Someone give a ceremonial speech?

Similarly, when would someone give a ceremonial speech? As explained above, these speeches are given for any number of reasons. You’ll most often see these speeches for these purposes:

  • At a funeral service (also known as a eulogy )
  • As part of a wedding reception
  • When honoring someone’s retirement
  • Recognizing a special event or organization
  • Introducing an important figure
  • Celebrating a graduating class
  • A final farewell to someone moving away

You most frequently see these speeches given at a ceremony, funeral, wedding, or another special event. They can be formal or casual, depending on the setting. It can mark an anniversary, degree, legacy, or other accomplishment. It’s becoming more common for commemorative speeches to be given virtually, as well. 

Who can give a ceremonial speech?

Finally, who can give a ceremonial speech to honor a special person or occasion? There are no limits to who can provide this type of speech. If you’re comfortable speaking in front of others, odds are you’re a good fit. 

In some cases, you might be asked to give a ceremonial speech. This is true even if you have no prior speaking experience. For example, it’s common for close friends and family to speak on behalf of the deceased at a funeral service. Alternatively, you might be invited to welcome a new colleague with a commemorative speech. 

The good news is it doesn’t take prior skills or experiences to give a successful ceremonial speech. Unlike other types of public speaking, a ceremonial speech comes from the heart. The more authentic and genuine you are with your speaking, the bigger your impact becomes on your audience. 

If you’re familiar with public speaking, you might know many different types of speeches to choose from. These all have their pros and cons, and it’s helpful to understand how they differ in practice. Let’s review some of the most common types of speeches: 

  • Presentation speech: A presentation speech is given to present an idea to an audience, usually educationally-focused. 
  • Acceptance: If you’ve ever watched an award show, you’ve seen acceptance speeches in action. This is when someone accepts an award for their service, experience, or so on. 
  • Toast: Toasts are often confused with ceremonial speeches, and they have a lot in common. A toast is similar to a tribute, but it’s usually much more brief and conversational. 
  • Keynote: A keynote address is a longer speech that’s goal is to inspire or inform. It’s a formal call to action. 

Above, you’ll find the most common types of speeches, excluding ceremonial speeches. A ceremonial speech, on the other hand, specifically honors someone or something. It can be long, short, conversational, formal, or any combination of these. 

If you’re been tasked with writing a ceremonial speech, you might not know where to begin. Learning how to write a speech for a funeral , graduation, wedding, or other special events can be intimidating. Luckily, anyone can do this with a bit of planning and patience. 

Step 1. Understand the theme

To begin, make sure you fully understand the theme of your commemorative speech. You want to recognize the person, place, or thing you focus on. This usually means you’ll want to keep the theme upbeat or light, focusing on their accomplishments and hope. 

Here are a few questions to guide your search for the right theme:

  • If someone was giving this ceremonial speech about you, what would you expect them to say?
  • What is the significance of what you’re talking about?
  • What are the key memories or ideas around this person/place/institution that you want to share?
  • What did this person/place mean to you?

Finding a personal connection brings your speech to life. Anyone can explain something in a passive way. A real speaker dives deeping, making a larger point from the full speech. 

Step 2. Begin with an outline

While you might be ready to jump right into writing your speech, hold on for a moment. A speech outline goes a long way to keep your ideas organized. Your outline should highlight the most important points you don’t want to forget. This might change over time, but it should help you keep your speech on the topic from start to finish. 

Step 3. Craft an introduction

Next, it’s time to craft your ceremonial speech introduction. Though often overlooked, your speech introduction is the most important part. This can make or break the rest of your time on stage, and you want to grab the audience’s attention quickly. 

When writing this type of speech, consider starting with the goal of your speech. You can build a personal connection with a heartfelt story, share an attention-grabbing statement, or make a big assertion about what this person/place meant to you. 

Step 4. Explore more details about your topic

From there, dive into the meat and gravy of your speech. Add details and information about your subject, including anecdotes and special tidbits when necessary. It might help to talk to others who knew this person or who were a part of this event. The more input you have, the easier it is to create a wider, clearer story. 

Step 5. Wrap up your speech

When you’re ready, wrap up your speech naturally. This should flow as though it’s slowly coming to a clear conclusion, not like you’re abruptly ending your thought out of nowhere. Ultimately, summarize the impact of your topic, possibly leaving the audience with something hopeful or encouraging. 

Step 6. Practice, practice, practice

Last but not least, don’t forget to practice. Your speech could be amazing, but your words still fall flat if you don’t feel confident giving it. Practice giving your speech to yourself, in front of others, or front of a camera. Listen to feedback and adjust as needed. It’s okay if your speech isn’t perfect right away! 

Ceremonial Speech Examples

One of the best ways to learn how to write your own ceremonial speech is to read examples. Though you probably have heard some of these speeches in your life, here are some specific examples to draw inspiration from. 

Honor a friend at a funeral

Today, I’m going to talk about my good friend George. I’ve known George since high school, and he’s always been there for me. Since our first days trying to make it through Algebra to raising our kids in the same neighborhood, he’s stood by me. He’s a testament to all things compassion, kindness, and bravery. The first to speak up for someone in need and the quickest to lend a helping hand, I hope to learn from his inspirational life. Thank you.

Recognize a mentor 

Though I’m the one graduating today, I wanted to commemorate the person who helped me get here. Dr. Jan was the first person I met on my first day of university four years ago, and she’s also the first person I went to share my med school acceptance news. More than a smart professor, she’s a valued friend and leader. Even when I didn’t think I could do it, she pushed me to always do my best. I have so much to thank her for, today and everyday. 

Are You Writing a Ceremonial Speech?

If you’re writing a ceremonial speech of your own, don’t fret. There are many ways to make your words come to life, no matter the story you’re trying to tell. Life is short. There are only so many opportunities to highlight the most important things to you. 

Ultimately, a ceremonial speech is a way we share our legacies. What does legacy mean to you? How do you want to be remembered? 


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Celebration Speech

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a celebratory speech definition

There are a lot of events when we are required to present a speech. It may be for expressing our gratitude to some specific people who attended the event, making best wishes for a newly-wed couple or giving an inspirational message. For whatever purpose that is, it is important to produce a speech that can catch the attention of your audience through drawing their willingness to listen and understand.

10+ Celebration Speech Examples

1. 15th anniversary celebration speech.

15th Anniversary Celebration Speech

Size: 318 KB

2. 75th Anniversary Celebration Speech

75th Anniversary Celebrations Speech

Size: 738 KB

3. An Evening Celebration Speech

An Evening Celebrations Speech

4. CCC 35th Anniversary Celebration Speech

CCC 35th Anniversary Celebration Speech

Size: 85 KB

5. Foundation Day Celebration Speech

Foundation Day Celebration Speech

Size: 29 KB

6. Golden Jubilee Celebration Speech

Golden Jubilee Celebration Speech

Size: 98 KB

7. Graduation Celebration Speech

Graduation Celebrations Speech

Size: 136 KB

8. Professional Celebration Speech

Professional Celebration Speech

Size: 139 KB

9. Queens Award Celebration Speech

Queens Award Celebration Speech

10. Sample Celebration Speech

Sample Celebration Speech

Size: 11 KB

11. Silver Jubilee Celebration Speech

Silver Jubilee Celebration Speech

Size: 67 KB

12. Student Celebration Speech

Student Celebration Speech

Size: 81 KB

What is a Graduation Speech?

A graduation speech is delivered verbally. It is a type of message that you use to deliver to your audience during a graduation ceremony. An ideal speech is the one that is delivered in clear, loud voice.

How to write a Graduation Speech?

1. Provide an introduction . This may be in a form of thanking everyone who are present in the event including your family, the faculty, the students and the like.

2. Provide a good opening statement. This may be in a form a question or a quote. Let’s just say you are going to speak about student motivation using a quote. You may address it in this way:

According to Thomas Edison, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

How about if you want to start your speech with a question? You may do so. You may start by asking the students,  “How much are you willing to sacrifice for your success?” . In this way, they might be thinking about their own answers to that question. This would also appear to be more interactive than providing a quote alone.

3.  Learn to group the paragraphs of your speech . This is for you not to be confused on where you are at making your own speech. Always remember the three basic sections: introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction is your chance to get the attention of the listeners. The body is in charge of giving your main points, The conclusion is simply the summary of your entire speech.

4. You are always free to express your opinion. You don’t have to write boring contents about your topic. You also have to write about what you think. Your opinions matter!

5. Focus on the topic.  You might be too overwhelmed about the speech you are making and you might be lost along the way. It is important to keep yourself focused on the topic to maintain the coherence of your speech. Your audience might be confused as to what you should supposed to tell them, so you better keep track on it.

Below is an example of a graduation speech:

First of all, I would like to say thank you to my hardworking parents, the faculty and staff, my dear students and most especially to God who never failed to be with me since day 1. 

I would like to take a quote from Alfred Mercier. He stated, “What we learn in pleasure we never forget.” Every start of the school year, teachers always ask that one question. “What will be your expectation in this class?” Students will also answer, “I expect that this class would be fun.” Some teachers would misinterpret and then they would tell us that we cannot learn something if all is incorporated with fun. I tell you, dear professors, that is not the case all the time. We seek for fun even during our study time because it is our only gateway to remember something especially when we go out of the campus to live our own lives as professionals. We can easily remember things from memories that are being cherished. We learn from the four corners of our respective classrooms, but most importantly we learn from our own experiences. 

Students, let us continue to be an inspiration to everyone. Let us continue to be the best version of ourselves no matter what we do or where we are. Always remember that a little sacrifice is worthy to help us achieve our personal goals.

Once again, I am Christa Merced. Congratulations to all of us. God bless us all!

How long should a graduation speech be?

It doesn’t have to be too short or too long. It should be enough that your audience will not be left hanging or not feel bored.

Should I have to be specific in my graduation speech?

Not necessarily.

Why does salutatory speech comes before the valedictory speech?

It is the job of the salutatorian to speak in behalf of the class through welcoming everyone in the event.


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Table of contents, key differences, comparison chart, part of speech, compare with definitions, celebration, celebratory, common curiosities, is a toast at a wedding celebratory, what defines a celebration, what does celebratory mean, can a small gathering be considered a celebration, do celebrations always involve large groups of people, are celebratory items always physical objects, can a celebration be a quiet affair, is a celebratory speech part of the celebration, do all cultures celebrate in the same way, are fireworks always celebratory, can a day of remembrance be considered a celebration, can a song be celebratory, can a meal be celebratory, is "celebratory" only used to describe positive events, what's the main difference between a celebration and something that's celebratory, share your discovery.

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[ sel - uh -br uh -tawr-ee ]

The month of December features several celebratory occasions for our family—both our parents’ birthdays, their wedding anniversary, and Christmas.

His new single, recorded last month, is a celebratory ode to family and life on the land.

The New Year was underway at the ski resort even before the celebratory hangovers from last night's party had faded away.

Word History and Origins

Origin of celebratory 1

Example Sentences

With Labor Day around the corner, many of us are still stuck on how to celebrate the day off, while also staying safe and socially distant.

It’s also partnering with the National Safety Council to develop guidelines for safe ways to celebrate Halloween amid the pandemic.

We hope to be able to celebrate together in the future, and we’ll be in touch if we are able to set a new date.

Major League Baseball celebrates a pandemic-delayed Jackie Robinson day, the NBA gets back to work following the Jacob Blake strikes, and protestors march on Washington—once again.

This event celebrates the day women were granted the right to vote on August 26, 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was certified as law.

I expected it to be less traditional, more celebratory, possibly even a little camp.

Akbar and McCain raced out of the courtroom, recording a celebratory Vine in the elevator.

It transforms the protest into a joyful celebratory atmosphere that is hard to control.

For the first time in this war, the sounds of rifle file were celebratory rather than a part of combat.

Homeland fans made ranting about the awfulness of petulant teen Dana Brody into a weekly celebratory ritual.

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Definition of celebrate

transitive verb

intransitive verb

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keep , observe , celebrate , commemorate mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.

keep stresses the idea of not neglecting or violating.

observe suggests marking the occasion by ceremonious performance.

celebrate suggests acknowledging an occasion by festivity.

commemorate suggests that an occasion is marked by observances that remind one of the origin and significance of the event.

Examples of celebrate in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'celebrate.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English celebraten , borrowed from Latin celebrātus , past participle of celebrāre "to throng, frequent, observe (an occasion, festivity), praise" (probably originally back-formation from earlier concelebrāre "to frequent, honor"), derivative of celebr-, celeber "much used, frequented, widely known, famed," probably going back to *kelesri- , of uncertain origin

15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

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“Celebrate.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/celebrate. Accessed 7 Sep. 2024.

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Commemorative Speaking

What is a commemorative speech.

Commemorative speeches are sometimes known as "ceremonial" or "epideictic" speeches. At the most basic level, commemorative speeches pay tribute or praise a person, an institution, an event, idea, or place. Their focus is on VALUES. All societies hold certain values central to human existence: beauty, loyalty, wisdom, kindness, tradition, success, innocence, experience, and courage, for example. The commemorative speech will celebrate these values. Types of commemorative speeches include the eulogy, the speech of nomination, the speech of goodwill, the wedding toast, and the award acceptance speech.

Please note that the commemorative speech is not just informative. Thus, a speaker would not just give a biography of Ghandi, but rather would celebrate who he was, why he was worthy of praise, and encourage the audience to celebrate those values.

Commemorative Speaking and the Future

Often, the inspiring commemorative speech goes beyond celebrating past or present accomplishments to give the audience hope for the future. For example, in 1986, when Ronald Reagan gave his now famous eulogy for the Challenger astronauts, he not only praised Christa MacAuliffe and the deceased astronauts, he gave the people of the United States a message of hope for the future of the space program—that it would not die with this mission, but would continue to thrive. Consider how the speaker can link past, present, and future in a commemorative speech.

As you may have guessed, language becomes an essential part of effective commemorative speeches. Using stories, illustrations, and figurative language helps the audience to share your experience.

Note that it is difficult to pay tribute to trivial topics. Therefore, a commemorative speech on, say, “tailgating parties” would not be appropriate. This speech is about what is most important to society --honor, trust, gentleness, etc.

Sentence examples for celebratory from inspiring English sources


In the manner of, or forming part of, a celebration.

The word "celebratory" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to describe something that is related to a celebration or festivities. For example, "The restaurateur prepared a celebratory feast for the special occasion.".

But it is also a hugely celebratory collective insanity, a world away from the portentousness and individualism of much current hip-hop and rock.

A full half-century after its release, Lulu opened a celebratory evening with an exuberant version of her signature single Shout, while – in a twist that was nothing if not original – the thousands of athletes emerged from hundreds of tents on the Hampden Park pitch.

When the final whistle went 15 minutes later, they embraced, shouted and danced in celebratory circles.

Pioneering, inclusive and celebratory , the NVA redefines the video game arcade, and moves the medium closer to a cultural legitimacy that has, to date, proved elusive.

It was, undeniably, a ground-breaking image, the first time that a Serie A player has taken a celebratory selfie – and that lack of past precedent might also explain how he escaped a booking.

Her pieces varied in mood from lacerating and shocking to playful, comical and celebratory , but for most of her career she grappled with that brutally simple, tortuously difficult question: in the face of so much cruelty and suffering in the world, what are an artist's ethical and political responsibilities?

While Argentina rang with celebratory church bells at the news of the first Latin American pope, some were seized by doubt and confusion.

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  • celebratory

adjective as in commemorative

Strong match

Weak matches

  • commemoratory
  • in remembrance

adjective as in congratulatory

Strongest match

  • complimentary

adjective as in honorary

  • congratulatory

adjective as in triumphant

Strongest matches

  • in the lead
  • looking good
  • prizewinning

Example Sentences

With Labor Day around the corner, many of us are still stuck on how to celebrate the day off, while also staying safe and socially distant.

It’s also partnering with the National Safety Council to develop guidelines for safe ways to celebrate Halloween amid the pandemic.

We hope to be able to celebrate together in the future, and we’ll be in touch if we are able to set a new date.

Major League Baseball celebrates a pandemic-delayed Jackie Robinson day, the NBA gets back to work following the Jacob Blake strikes, and protestors march on Washington—once again.

This event celebrates the day women were granted the right to vote on August 26, 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was certified as law.

I expected it to be less traditional, more celebratory, possibly even a little camp.

Akbar and McCain raced out of the courtroom, recording a celebratory Vine in the elevator.

It transforms the protest into a joyful celebratory atmosphere that is hard to control.

For the first time in this war, the sounds of rifle file were celebratory rather than a part of combat.

Homeland fans made ranting about the awfulness of petulant teen Dana Brody into a weekly celebratory ritual.

Related Words

Words related to celebratory are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word celebratory . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

adjective as in in honor of something

adjective as in congratulating

adjective as in honorific

adjective as in successful

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Definition of celebration noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


  • The occasion was the 40th anniversary celebrations of the orchestra.
  • birthday celebrations
  • wedding/victory celebrations
  • I hope you'll join in the Christmas celebrations.
  • They held a celebration to mark forty years of the lifeboat service.
  • As part of the celebrations, the school is planning an open day for the public.
  • They were among the crowd that attended the celebration.
  • at a celebration The winners will be honoured at a celebration in Boston next week.
  • 50th anniversary celebrations
  • Poor weather prevented the official celebrations from taking place.
  • There were wild street celebrations when England won the Cup.
  • They held a special celebration in his honour.
  • a double birthday celebration
  • The celebrations continued with a cabaret dinner.
  • The villagers are so delighted they're holding a celebration to mark the best harvest in years.
  • They are already preparing for his 80th birthday celebrations in October.
  • The country is gearing up for Republic Day celebrations on 26 January.
  • in celebration of
  • a cause for celebration
  • a celebration of somebody’s life
  • a celebration to mark something

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a celebratory speech definition


  1. Celebration Speech

    a celebratory speech definition

  2. Celebration Speech

    a celebratory speech definition

  3. Commemorative Speech: Definition, Guide, Tips and Examples

    a celebratory speech definition

  4. Commemorative Speech: Definition, Guide, Tips and Examples

    a celebratory speech definition

  5. Celebration Speech

    a celebratory speech definition

  6. Celebration Speech

    a celebratory speech definition


  1. Celebration

  2. Public speaking speech, tribute/celebratory

  3. Celebratory Speech Fall 23

  4. Speech #5

  5. Celebratory Speech



  1. Celebratory Definition & Meaning

    How to use celebratory in a sentence. of, relating to, expressing, or characterized by celebration : used or intended for use in celebrating… See the full definition

  2. 4 Celebration of Life Speech Examples

    Long Celebration of Life Speech (700 words) [Dr. Elizabeth Johnson] was a remarkable woman whose life was a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and unwavering faith in the human spirit. As we gather today to celebrate her life, I am honored to share a few words about the profound impact she had on all those who knew her.


    CELEBRATORY definition: 1. celebrating an important event or a special occasion: 2. celebrating an important event or a…. Learn more.

  4. What Is a Ceremonial Speech and How Do You Write One? (Featuring ...

    Also known as a commemorative speech, a ceremonial speech is a type of speech given as part of a special occasion. They're designed to pay tribute to an individual, event, idea, or institution. Unlike other types of speeches, they usually also focus on values as a form of celebration.

  5. Celebration Speech

    1. Provide an introduction. This may be in a form of thanking everyone who are present in the event including your family, the faculty, the students and the like. 2. Provide a good opening statement. This may be in a form a question or a quote. Let's just say you are going to speak about student motivation using a quote.

  6. Ceremonial Speaking: Identification, Magnification, Narration

    Identification means to relate to your audience. Magnification means to find traits about the person you are talking about and magnify them. Narration means to tell a story to help your audience feel something. Ceremonial speeches should always include identification, magnification, and narration. Please share your feedback, suggestions ...


    CELEBRATORY meaning: 1. celebrating an important event or a special occasion: 2. celebrating an important event or a…. Learn more.

  8. Celebratory

    used for celebrating. DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word 'celebratory'.Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors. Send us feedback

  9. Definition of celebratory

    CELEBRATORY meaning: done to celebrate something or wanting to celebrate something: . Learn more.

  10. celebratory adjective

    Definition of celebratory adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  11. Examples of 'Celebratory' in a Sentence

    The tension on Sunday was in stark contrast to the otherwise celebratory feel of the first day of the French Open. — Matthew Futterman, New York Times, 28 May 2023. Williams also just seemed to want to have fun, with a choir at the end of the runway creating a celebratory tone. — Tara Gonzalez, Harper's BAZAAR, 21 June 2023.

  12. Celebration vs. Celebratory

    While a celebration is a noun that denotes the actual event, gathering, or activity held to mark a joyous occasion, celebratory is an adjective that characterizes the atmosphere, items, or actions related to the act of celebrating. For example, a birthday party is a celebration, whereas the toast given during the party is celebratory.

  13. CELEBRATORY Definition & Meaning

    Celebratory definition: relating to or being the commemoration of an event with ceremonies or festivities. See examples of CELEBRATORY used in a sentence.

  14. CELEBRATORY definition in American English

    Definition of 'celebratory' COBUILD frequency band. ... This week's Learning English blog focuses on indirect speech: learn all about how indirect speech is communicated in English, how it differs from direct speech. Read more. Formula One™ and the vocabulary of motor racing.

  15. Celebrate Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of CELEBRATE is to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites. How to use celebrate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Celebrate.

  16. Commemorative Speaking

    The commemorative speech will celebrate these values. Types of commemorative speeches include the eulogy, the speech of nomination, the speech of goodwill, the wedding toast, and the award acceptance speech. Please note that the commemorative speech is not just informative. Thus, a speaker would not just give a biography of Ghandi, but rather ...

  17. Writing a Commemorative Speech That Makes an Impact

    Are you writing a commemorative speech and looking for some tips and advice? Learn how to write something meaningful, respectful and courteous here. Dictionary ... Commemorative speeches are often written as a way of remembering who has passed away or for a celebration that honors a person, place, or event. Such a speech needs to be meaningful ...

  18. celebratory

    celebratory. adjective. In the manner of, or forming part of, a celebration. AI Feedback. The word "celebratory" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to describe something that is related to a celebration or festivities. For example, "The restaurateur prepared a celebratory feast for the special occasion.".

  19. CELEBRATORY definition and meaning

    A celebratory meal, drink, or other activity takes place to celebrate something such as a.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  20. celebrate verb

    [intransitive, transitive] to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate. We had good reason to celebrate. celebrate something to celebrate a birthday; We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.; to celebrate a victory/a success/an achievement; The Film Festival is currently celebrating its 27th year.

  21. 47 Synonyms & Antonyms for CELEBRATORY

    Find 47 different ways to say CELEBRATORY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  22. celebrate

    definition 1: to observe or commemorate (an occasion or event), as with gifts, festivities, or special rituals. They celebrated their daughter's birthday with a small party. Christians celebrate Easter in the spring. America celebrated its bicentennial in 1976.

  23. celebration noun

    [countable] a special event that people organize in order to celebrate something The occasion was the 40th anniversary celebrations of the orchestra.; birthday celebrations; wedding/victory celebrations; I hope you'll join in the Christmas celebrations. They held a celebration to mark forty years of the lifeboat service.