
Essay on World Food Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on World Food Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on World Food Day


World Food Day is a global event celebrated every year on October 16th. It is a day dedicated to tackling global hunger.

Purpose of the Day

The day aims to promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger. It also advocates for sustainable ways to ensure food security.


World Food Day is significant because it reminds us of the importance of agriculture and nutritious meals. It encourages us to think about what we eat and how it reaches us.

By observing World Food Day, we can work together to end hunger, improve health, and sustain our planet.

250 Words Essay on World Food Day

World Food Day, observed on October 16th every year, is a global initiative led by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This day is dedicated to raising awareness about food security, hunger, and poverty, with the aim of promoting a future where everyone has access to adequate, nutritious food.

Significance of World Food Day

World Food Day is significant because it highlights the critical issues of food scarcity, waste, and malnutrition. It brings to the forefront the fact that despite the world producing enough food to feed everyone, about 690 million people still go hungry. This day serves as a call to action to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.

Themes and Initiatives

Each year, World Food Day focuses on a specific theme related to food and agriculture. Themes have ranged from “Our Actions are our Future” to “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together.” These themes not only highlight the issues but also offer solutions, urging individuals, communities, and governments to take action.

Impact and Future Goals

World Food Day has had a significant impact in raising awareness and mobilizing resources to fight hunger. However, the battle is far from over. By 2030, the UN aims to achieve Zero Hunger worldwide, a goal that requires collective action. World Food Day serves as a reminder of this goal and the urgent need for action.

In conclusion, World Food Day is a vital observance that underscores the importance of food security and nutrition. It is a call to each one of us to contribute in whatever way we can to ensure a hunger-free world.

500 Words Essay on World Food Day

Introduction: the significance of world food day.

World Food Day, held annually on October 16th, is a day of action and awareness dedicated to tackling global hunger. Established by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1979, it serves as a platform to highlight the criticality of food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture.

The Global Food Crisis: An Ongoing Battle

Despite the technological advancements and economic progress of the 21st century, hunger remains a persistent issue. According to the United Nations, nearly 690 million people went hungry in 2019, an increase of 10 million from the previous year. The reasons behind this are multifaceted, ranging from economic inequality, climate change, to conflicts and displacement.

The Role of World Food Day: Advocacy and Action

World Food Day plays a crucial role in raising awareness about these issues. By dedicating a day to the global food crisis, the FAO aims to galvanize governments, corporations, and individuals into action. The day is marked by events across the globe, including educational programs, food drives, and campaigns aimed at influencing policy change. Each year carries a different theme, reflecting the dynamic nature of food security and the need for versatile solutions.

World Food Day and Sustainable Development Goals

World Food Day also aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 2: Zero Hunger. This goal aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, ensuring access to nutritious food for everyone, particularly those in vulnerable situations. By aligning with the SDGs, World Food Day contributes to a broader, more coordinated effort to combat global hunger.

World Food Day: A Call to Individual Action

Conclusion: the imperative of world food day.

In conclusion, World Food Day serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing global food crisis. It provides a platform for advocacy and action, aligns with broader development goals, and calls for individual responsibility. As we move further into the 21st century, the importance of World Food Day only grows. It underscores the need for a global commitment to sustainable agriculture, equitable food systems, and ultimately, a world free from hunger.

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10 Lines on World Food Day for Students and Children in English

April 3, 2023 by Prasanna

10 lines on World Food Day:  World Food Day is a global action dedicated to tackling the clutches of global hunger. This Day is held an annual celebration held on October 16. People across the globe join hands together to eradicate worldwide hunger.

The main focus rests on reaching zero hunger across the globe and on eradicating chronic food deprivation. World Food Day is celebrated across the world and honors our commitment to defeating hunger.

The below-mentioned ten lines will help you formulate paragraph writings and essays about World Food Day.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on World Food Day for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • World Food Day is a global action dedicated annually on October 16.
  • World Food Day came into effect at the 20th General Conference. The Food and Agriculture Organization conducted it in November in the year 1979.
  • An estimate stated that nearly 98 percent of global hunger exists in underdeveloped countries.
  • The main focus revolves around the fact that food is a fundamental human right.
  • World Food Day ensures nutritious diets and food security across the globe.
  • Various organizations like the International Fund for Agricultural Development and World Food Programme join hands to celebrate.
  • World Food Day is commemorated in more than 150 countries across the globe.
  • World Food Day is a global platform for raising awareness of issues about hunger and poverty.
  • World Food Day uses themes that revolve around agriculture as agriculture happens to be the only investment.
  • Through World Food Day, let us join hands together to solve the problem of eliminating hunger.

10 Lines on World Food Day for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on World Food Day for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • World Food Day is a global awareness action celebrated annually on October 16.
  • World Food Day is a platform to promote awareness of global hunger and worldwide movement.
  • On World Food Day, steps are taken to publish ideas, take action, and create awareness for people to join the change.
  • This Day is commemorated by various other organizations concerned with food security.
  • It also highlights that despite hunger, another rooting problem is obesity and overweight.
  • World Food Day came into effect in November 1979 and was put forth by the Food and Agriculture Organization’s member countries.
  • The World Food Day 2019 theme focused on ‘Our Actions are our Future,’ a call for sustainable and healthy diets.
  • World Food Day ensures that proper nutrition is provided in the early stages of life and leads to 46 percent more lifetime earnings.
  • In India, the World Food Day has commemorated in honor the founding date of the FAO of the United Nations held in 1945.
  • Word Food Day establishes a role that we, along with the government, remain responsible for improving the food system and our health.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on World Food Day for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • October 16 was dedicated to the World Food Day by the United Nations.
  • World Food Day is a global action to strengthen international and national solidarity in the fight to end poverty, malnutrition, and hunger.
  • World Food Day 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • The world is moving to the center stage in the global struggle for food security, rising temperatures, water shortage, and crisis and eroding soil.
  • Chronic undernourishment prevails among almost 5 million children under the age of five, and around 60 percent of women die of malnutrition-related causes every day.
  • World Food Day creates a platform for 150 countries to celebrate the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that aims to eliminate world hunger.
  • Activities such as hunger marches, marathons, cultural performances, exhibitions, concerts, and contests are organized to create awareness of Food hunger.
  • World Food Day launches a call for global unanimity to ensure that food systems become more resilient to food shocks and sustainable.
  • Since 1981, World Food Day is celebrated with them that highlights and focuses on the areas needed for action and provides a common focus.
  • Many NGOs, activists, civil society organizations, and private businesses join together with multimedia content in several languages to create awareness of global food hunger.

10 Lines on World Food Day for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on World Food Day

Question 1. What is World Food Day, and when is it celebrated?

Answer: World Food Day is a global action dedicated to tackling the clutches of worldwide hunger and is celebrated annually on October 16 across the world.

Question 2. When was World Food Day initiated and by whom?

Answer: World Food Day was dedicated in November 1979 as a global platform to eradicate global hunger. The Day was initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization and its member countries.

Question 3. What is the main focus of World Food Day?

Answer: The main focus of World Food Day is to ensure nutritious diets and food security across the globe and to promote awareness of global hunger and worldwide movement.

Question 4. What are the activities undertaken to promote World Food Day?

Answer: On World Food Day, activities such as hunger marches, marathons, cultural performances, exhibitions, concerts, and contests are organized to create awareness of Food hunger.

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World Food Day

World Food Day | Essay on World Food Day for Students and Children in English

World Food Day: October 16 , is the day to highlight the plight of the Hungry, the undernourished, and the malnourished of the World — particularly it highlights the plight of such children and mothers.

In spite of all scientific growth and so much of food production, so much of surplus food grains, still, people are reported to be dying of starvation.

10 Lines on World Food Day

  • Who started World Food Day?
  • Why is World Food Day celebrated?
  • Why is World Food Day important?

World Food Day

Short Essay on World Food Day 300 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on World Food Day is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The problem that faces the food front is that of storage and transportation. The surplus food grains in certain parts of the world are in such a quantity that there is no space and no provision of storing them. Then arises the problem of carrying them to such regions where people are needing them. The net result of this confusion is that nearly 300 million people go to bed hungry. Even those who work hard to produce the food grains remain hungry. 600 million live in the villages out of which 400 million depend upon agriculture.

The U.N.O. has made a survey of the food supply world over and their report says —

“Women do not have the same access to food as men. This Ill-arrangement does not only affect their health but also the future of the health of children. Hunger weakens people not only physically but even physiologically and psychologically and it is a vicious cycle in which they get caught.

Short Essay on World Food Day

What malnutrition to mothers can do is alarming. It can be so harmful for the child that they bear and give birth to. Low birth weight, stunted growth, weakness since birth easy to catch diseases. It even causes the brain to lack development, which makes life hellish.

These are the causes and considerations that have led the U.N.O. to call for a day, to be observed as the World’s Food Day and that day is October 16.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • October 16 has been fixed as to be observed as the World’s Food Day.
  • World Food Day is celebrated by several organizations that are concerned with food security.
  • This day is about the awareness globally for those who suffer from hunger and need for a nutritious diet to all.
  • Various events will be organized on this day to create awareness.
  • What has shaken and awakened the world body is the fact that in spite of all scientific development in the field of agriculture people still die of starvation.
  • Due to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles obesity in people is increasing in developed.
  • Storage and transportation are twin problems.
  • Even those who work hard to produce food go hungry — 600 million live in villages, 400 million depend upon agriculture.
  • Women do not get the same food as menfolk — the result effects future generation — children — they are born unhealthy, live unhealthily.
  • In the field of empowerment of women, the first step should be providing them proper nutrition.

Why is World Food Day Important

FAQs on World Food Day

1. Who started World Food Day?

World Food Day (WFD) was established by FAO’s Member Countries at the Organization’s 20th General Conference in November 1979.

2. Why is World Food Day celebrated?

World Food Day is celebrated annually on 16 October to commemorate the founding date of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1945.

3. Why is World Food Day important?

World Food Day is a day of action dedicated to tackling global hunger. These events promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.

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Essay On World’s Food Day

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  • Reading time: 7 mins read

Set 1: Essay On World’s Food Day

Every year World’s Food Day is observed around the world on 16th October. This day is also considered as ‘Food Engineers’ Day’.

World’s Food Day or Food Engineers’ Day is observed in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations. This day shows more importance towards the sufferings of the hungry and the malnourished or undernourished people in different parts of the world. The day is celebrated by many food safety organizations like World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

In November 1945, World’s Food Day was established by member countries of Food and Agriculture Organization. It was established at 20th General Conference. Dr. Pal Romany played an active role at this conference. He suggested the idea of celebrating the World’s Food Day. Since then it has been observed every year in more than 150 countries. The main aim to observe this day is to raise awareness towards the problems behind the availability of food, poverty and starvation.

It also aims to improve the condition of poor foodless masses around the world.Since 1981, World Food Day has adopted different themes each year. This has helped in focusing the areas that requires improvement and development. The World’s Food Day theme for 2014 was Family Farming. Its slogan was, “Feeding the world, caring for the Earth”. Different events take place in different countries to mark the occassion of World’s Food Day.

People across the world die due to starvation. The production of food has increased due to various scientific methods and the knowledge used in making machines, technologies, etc. Storage and transportation becomes major problems due to excessive production of food in certain countries. Food grains are not carried to places where people are in serious need of food. Sometimes millions of family do not get two full meals a day. Many times farmers who work hard to produce the food grains remain hungry.

Shocking effects on mothers and their newly born babies are seen due to starvation and lack of nutritious food. Underdeveloped growth, lack of brain development, low birth weight, etc. are some of the major problems faced by millions of babies across the world.

These are the main reasons that have led the United Nations Organization to call for a day that is observed as the World’s Food Day.

Set 2: Essay On World’s Food Day

October 16, is the day to highlight the plight of the Hungry, the undernourished and the malnourished of the World particularly it highlights the plight of such children and mothers.

Inspite of all scientific growth and so much of food production, so much of surplus food grains, still people are reported to be dying of starvation.

The problem that faces the food front is that of storage and transportation. The surplus food grains in certain parts of the world are in such a quantity that there is no space and no provision of storing them. Then arises the problem of carrying them to such regions where people are needing them. The net result of this confusion is that nearly 300 million of people go to bed hungry. Even those who work hard to produce the food grains remain hungry. 600 million live in the villages out of which 400 million depend upon agriculture.

The U.N.O. has made a survey of the food supply world over and their report says.

“Women do not have the same access to food as men. This Ill-arrangement does not only affect their health but also the future of the health of children …”.

Hunger weakens people not only physically but even physiologically and psychologically and it is a vicious cycle in which they get caught.

Seven out of ten of the world’s poor, are women and girls. There is so much of talk of empowering women. If it is seriously thought about, the first thing to do about this empowering would be to serve them proper food and nutrition, reduce poverty and make distribution of food equitably to all men and women.

What malnutrition to mothers can do is alarming. It can be so harmful for the child that they bear and give birth to. Low birth weight, stunted growth, weakness since birth easy to catch diseases. It even causes the brain to lack development, which makes life hellish.

These are the causes and considerations that have led the U.N.O. to call for a day, to be observed as the World’s Food Day and that day is October 16.

Essay On World's Food Day

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Essay on Food for School Students: 100, 200, 300 Words

world food day essay in english

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 15, 2023

Essay on food

Did you know the potato was the first fruit planted in zero gravity? Food is both a basic human requirement and the fuel for sustenance. It’s critical that kids and the younger generation recognize the significance of food in our lives. Acknowledging its significance will not only aid in appreciating its worth but also help in decreasing food waste.  In order to help schoolchildren comprehend the value of food and develop healthy eating habits for a quality life, in this blog we will be providing an essay on food in 100, 200, and 300 words. Continue reading to know more.

Also Read: Essay on Junk Food

Essay on Food in 100 Words 

Food is a necessary nourishment for every living being to survive. Every living creature needs food in addition to clothing and shelter in order to exist. It provides us with energy and makes our bodies capable of functioning properly. To ensure that our body gets all the vital nutrients it needs to function properly, we must eat a variety of foods.

Living cells require a balance of all nutrients, including minerals, fiber, vitamins, proteins, and fats, in order to be healthy and fit. This implies that in order to sustain health and vitality, a variety of foods in the proper proportions must be consumed. Consuming a variety of foods boosts our immune system and helps us fight against a range of diseases because each type of food has a special nutritional value. 

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Essay on Food in 200 Words

When we observe those who lack access to wholesome food, the significance of food becomes easy to understand. A distinct demographic of impoverished individuals does not have access to two meals a day and doesn’t think about the option of enhancing their meals with additional nutrients. Some people are fortunate enough to have the ability to choose what they eat and can prepare or order anything they choose, but others are not as fortunate and have to settle for whatever is provided to them or whatever they get. 

It’s important to recognize that food is necessary for survival. In light of this, we ought to raise awareness and urge people to avoid wasting food. 

Food not only provides us with energy, but a varied diet also maintains us healthy and allows our bodies to operate as intended. All of the necessary elements found in food, such as vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbs, must be present.

With time, choosing reasonable, healthful foods not only reduces our chance of contracting multiple illnesses but also improves our overall well-being and mood. Thus, in order to live an ideal life, we must stay away from junk food and cultivate good eating habits. 

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Essay on Food in 300 Words

Food is vital to our survival and keeps our bodies in a functioning state. Food becomes a necessary component of our body’s functioning the moment we are born. A balanced diet improves our ability to fend off sickness, boosts our immunity, gives us energy throughout the day, and controls our mood. It further aids in meeting our body’s developmental benchmarks at various growth stages. 

Furthermore, food plays a significant role in fostering global cultural experiences and connections with a diverse range of individuals. It’s interesting to note that food has the ability to strengthen bonds between people and reach the heart. A common way that we can show one another how much we care and how connected we are is by sharing our meals together with family and friends. It’s also the easiest method for making wonderful memories. 

People who share common food preferences, love to cook, or are curious to try new cuisines often feel connected quickly. It is also frequently the focal point of celebrations of any kind.

It is a representation of the various cuisines around the world. A diverse array of food options is available to fulfill our eating preferences, ranging from basic meals like grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, to meat and dairy products. 

Unfortunately, food waste is becoming a more pressing worldwide issue. One of the main causes of the major negative effects on the environment and the economy is food waste. 

Cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish are some of the most common types of food sources. 

Italian, Chinese, and Indian cuisines are some of the most popular cuisines in the world.

Junk food does not have essential nutrients that are required for our body to function that is the reason why it is called junk. 

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Nidhi Mishra

Nidhi Mishra is a seasoned senior content writer with more than eight years of diverse experience in the field of education. Her varied career encompasses work in teaching, training, counselling, developing curriculum, and content creation. Nidhi has a solid background in education and has developed her abilities to meet the diverse needs of students, especially students who want to study abroad. Throughout her career, Nidhi has been an invaluable resource to students with their test-taking efforts, offering thorough career assistance and insightful advice on how to navigate the complexity of the system of education. Her speciality is creating interesting and educational content that is specifically designed to fulfil the needs of students who want to pursue higher education abroad. Together with her wonderful writing skills, Nidhi's love of education has allowed her to produce content that has a lasting impression on readers, educators, and students alike. She is committed to providing high-quality, timely, and insightful content because she believes that education can empower people.

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Check out the World Food Day Speech here: Short & Long

World Food Day is a global action dedicated to combating global hunger. This Day is a yearly celebration held on October 16. People from all over the world join forces to end global hunger. The primary goal is to eradicate chronic food insecurity and achieve zero hunger globally. World Food Day is observed around the world to honour our commitment to ending hunger. The World Food Day Speech provided below will assist you in developing paragraphs, essays, and speeches about World Food Day.

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Continue reading this article to get a sample 10-line World Food Day speech , a short World Food Day speech , and a long World Food Day speech .

Table of Contents

10 Lines Speech on World Food Day

Short world food day speech, long world food day speech, world food day speech faqs.

Check out the following 10 lines about the World Food Day Speech for students:

Hello everyone! My name is _____. I am here to deliver a speech on World Food Day.

  • World Food Day is an annual global awareness campaign held on October 16.
  • World Food Day is a platform for raising awareness of global hunger and mobilising people around the world.
  • On World Food Day, steps are taken to publish ideas, take action, and raise awareness in order for people to become involved in the change.
  • Various other organisations concerned with food security observe this day.
  • It also emphasises that, in addition to hunger, another underlying issue is obesity and being overweight.
  • World Food Day was established in November 1979 by member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • The theme of World Food Day 2022 is “leave no one behind” a call for sustainable and healthy diets.
  • World Food Day promotes proper nutrition in childhood and leads to a 46 per cent increase in lifetime earnings.
  • In India, World Food Day commemorates the founding date of the FAO of the United Nations, which occurred in 1945.
  • Word Food Day establishes a role in which we, along with the government, continue to be accountable for improving the food system and our health.

Use the short speech provided below to help you write a World Food Day Speech. This World Food Day speech in English will give you a clue about how to write your own short speech on World Food Day.

Every year on October 16, the world celebrates World Food Day to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This day is dedicated to addressing global hunger and working to eradicate hunger worldwide.

Every year, we observe World Food Day honour the incredible food we consume while also addressing global hunger. This day is observed on October 16, the anniversary of the establishment of the FAO in 1945.

Dr Pal Romany, former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food, proposed World Food Day in November 1979. It is observed in more than 150 countries worldwide. This year’s World Food Day 2022 theme is “leave no one behind.”

World Food Day commemorates the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization. It also highlights a specific section of the world that suffers from extreme hunger.

World Food Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the global hunger crisis and to spread the message that food is a fundamental and basic human right. On this day, various awareness campaigns are also held to educate people about malnutrition and obesity, both of which cause serious health complications.

You can modify the above-mentioned speech on World Food Day for students to suit your needs and prepare your own short World Food Day speech.

Use the long speech on World Food Day in English provided below to help you write a World Food Day Speech.

Food brings people together in a wide range of situations, from family reunions to first dates. Everyone has a favourite food, which can range from pizza to pasta, cookies to cakes, and everything in between! Today, there are so many amazing dishes and ingredients to try, and World Food Day celebrates them all.

World Food Day is about more than just celebrating the amazing food that people have the luxury of enjoying; it is also about raising awareness for those who do not have this luxury. People all over the world are hungry. Starvation is a major issue in many countries, and we must do more to raise awareness and combat it.

World Food Day can also be used to raise awareness about healthy eating habits and what our bodies require. Education about healthy diets and which foods are healthy or unhealthy has grown in recent years, but we are still not there! World Food Day provides an excellent opportunity to increase education and awareness in this area.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a United Nations specialised agency, established World Food Day in 1945. However, it would take another 34 years until it was declared a world holiday at the 20th FAO conference in November 1979. Following this, 150 countries celebrated the day after it was officially recognised by the United Nations. Since 2014, the day’s popularity has been used to promote the concept of feeding the world and eradicating poverty in rural nations.

The main principle that World Food Day celebrates is the advancement of food security around the world, particularly in times of crisis. The UN’s establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization has played a significant role in moving this worthy goal forward. Its annual celebration serves as a reminder of the organization’s significance and raises awareness of the critical need for successful agriculture policies to be implemented by governments all over the world to ensure there is enough food for everyone.

World Food Day has used its annual day of celebration in recent years to highlight various aspects of food security and agriculture, such as fishing communities, climate change, and biodiversity.

Over the years, World Food Day has been associated with a variety of different themes. Previous themes have included: The climate is shifting. Food and agriculture must work together to break the cycle of rural poverty and feed the world while caring for the environment.

This day is now observed by many different organisations around the world, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme. Many businesses participate as well. World Food Day serves as a reminder that gathering with friends and family around a well-set table is a privilege that not everyone has, but that everyone should have.

There are numerous ways to participate in World Food Day! Make a donation to a food bank or charity, visit a farm or food producer, or attend a World Food Day event to commemorate the occasion.

You can modify the above-mentioned student speech on World Food Day to prepare your long World Food Day speech as needed.

Hope you found this article on speech writing on World Food Day speech helpful. Take help from the speech on World Food Day samples and curate your best speech for the day.

World Food Day is a global action dedicated to combating the grip of global hunger that is observed annually on October 16 around the world.

World Food Day was established in November 1979 as a global platform for the abolition of global hunger. The Food and Agriculture Organization and its member countries established World Food Day.

The primary goal of World Food Day is to promote nutritious diets and food security around the world, as well as to raise awareness of global hunger and the global movement.

Hunger marches, marathons, cultural performances, exhibitions, concerts, and contests are organized on World Food Day to raise awareness of food insecurity.

“Leave no one behind” is the theme of World Food Day 2022.

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world food day essay in english

World Food Day 2022

World Food Day is observed annually on 16 October to highlight the millions of people worldwide who cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for regular access to nutritious food. The theme for 2022 is  Leave NO ONE behind .

World Food Day 2022  is being marked in a year with multiple global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change, rising prices and international tensions. All of this is affecting global food security. The Day is led by  The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) .

Learn more:

What you need to know about combatting food loss and waste

The Six-sector solution to the climate crises - Agriculture, Food & Waste

World Food Day


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16 October 2024

World food day, youth taking action, calling all youth.

We're excited to invite you to join a special call for videos. Read our brief and create a short video on one of the three featured topics. Your video will be showcased alongside entries from around the world at the Junior World Food Day School Assembly during World Food Week in October.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of a global event!

world food day essay in english

Children's Activity Book  

The right to food means we should all be able to enjoy nutritious food so that we can grow and live an active life. Some food choices are based on preference, culture, time- or cooking skills. But two very important things affect what many decide to eat: how much it costs and how easy it is to find. With this year's World Food Day Activity Book, explore the importance of food as a human right, healthy diets, the global challenges that impact our food systems, and the solutions that rely on our actions. No matter your age, each of us can learn how our choices can contribute to a world where everyone has enough diverse nutritious and safe food, leaving no one behind. 

5+ Junior Activity Books

Take your young ones on an enriching journey of discovery with our new captivating activity books, specially designed for youth aged 5 and above. Explore global issues, empower and nurture their sense of empathy and curiosity as you navigate these big concepts together. This edition of activity books is meant as a learning exercise to inspire the young minds of tomorrow to take action and create a brighter future.

Story of a t-shirt

Food hero and sustainable fashion activist, Matteo Ward brings young people on a journey into the world of clothing and textiles, many of which originate in fields and pastures, in the "Story of a t-shirt". Through interactive activities and colourful illustrations, young readers will discover how our favourite garments originate from agriculture and the importance of caring for the natural resources involved in their creation. 

Story of a T-Shirt

FAO’s  Activity Book Series   offers children a chance to engage with global issues in a fun and educational way.

world food day essay in english

Maria's story

Climate action. Maria's story

world food day essay in english

Leave no one behind

world food day essay in english

Our actions are our future

world food day essay in english

Food heroes

world food day essay in english

Healthy plants, healthy planet

world food day essay in english

Working for ZeroHunger

world food day essay in english

Eating healthy matters

world food day essay in english

Climate is Changing

world food day essay in english

Change the Future of Migration

world food day essay in english

Your Guide to FAO

Your Guide to FAO 

World Food Day Poster Contest  2024

Calling all parents, teachers and anyone who knows a 5-19 years old! Join the World Food Day Poster Contest and show us your creativity. Design a poster that symbolizes your favourite dish or recipe, representing the importance of diverse, nutritious, safe and affordable foods. Show us what this means to you, your community or the world through art.

The submission deadline is 8 November 2024.

Video animations for youths

Right to foods for a better life and a better future

Healthy Diets for a #ZeroHunger World!

We are all connected

Together we can get to #ZeroHunger

  • Food Heroes

world food day essay in english

Register now for the Junior World Food Day School Assembly at the World Food Forum!  

This year, the Junior World Food Day will join forces with the World Food Forum’s School Assembly as one large event for students at FAO Headquarters at 10.00 on 17 October 2024 . Register your class now and have your students join a conversation on food with international leaders, youth activists, sports food heroes and celebrities.  This fun event will be packed with stories, music, interactive quizzes and games, guaranteed to inspire action for a sustainable food-secure future. The event will also be live streamed on fao.org.

Let the power of music spark your creativity!  

The World Food Day music videos combine uplifting lyrics and catchy beats, uniting young people from around the world to drive positive change and become #FoodHeroes. Listen in, learn the lyrics, and let the rhythm inspire change! 

Explore the youth music videos

Every child has the right to food - Music video

Water is life, water is food - Music video

Leave No One Behind - Music video

We can all become Food Heroes - Music video

Aurora Cesari

Group Visits and Experiences  

FAO’s Group Visits team is eager to meet you! Visit the group visits website to discover our tours and multimedia experiences. Whether in-person or online, learn about the Organization’s work to achieve food security, sustainable agriculture and affordable healthy diets for all. 

There’s more! Get to know FAO through new multimedia experiences. Download our interactive web Apps, like Discover FAO , see thematic exhibits and videos , and read youth activity books on global issues from anywhere around the world.   

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English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “World Food Day – 16th Oct.” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students for Exam.

World Food Day – 16th Oct.

World Food Day on the 16th of October is an awareness day for food, celebrated every year. Actually, Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) is a United Nations associated Agency and was formed on this day. It is a group of Non-governmental organisations. It works and supervises to secure improvements in the production and distribution of food and agricultural products. It is a fundamental right of a person to have proper food for living. Hence in keeping this very notion in mind, this very day is celebrated to highlight the food problems of underdeveloped and developing countries. Many plans and programmes are devised on this very day, for the promotion of food and food products. For long term planning of food production seeds, fertilizers, agricultural implements and technical know-how are provided to help them. Not only this the food deficient countries are taught to grow food for themselves. Thus on the special day of world food day, there is hectic meetings every year to look into the problems of food deficient places, malnutrition among human beings and chalk out plans for the fulfilment of these.

Keeping in mind, the different problems adhering to provide food to food-deprived persons places, and countries, a Hunger-Project has been formulated. Different branches of this project collect money for it at different places in different countries. It is the call of humanity to provide food for our starving brethren. If there would be bellyful humans around us, the human race will flourish.

“Food and food for all, Humanity demands this call.”

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Global food crisis: Let’s move from ‘despair to hope and action’, urges Guterres

Vegetables are prepared for an agricultural training session for farmers in Taita, Kenya.

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In the face of the growing hunger crisis, the head of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization stressed on Friday, ahead of World Food Day , the need to “harness the power of solidarity and collective action” to build a sustainable world with enough to eat for everyone.

Director-General QU Dongyu led the ceremony at FAO Headquarters in Rome, declaring that with food security worsening, and risk of serious levels of hunger in Asia and Africa at an all-time high, the world must “leave no one behind”.

‘A challenging moment’

Food and Agriculture Organization October 14, 2022

Sending a special message to the event, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was taking place “at a challenging moment for global food security”.

A staggering three billion people cannot afford a healthy diet; the war in Ukraine has triggered surging food, fertilizer, and energy prices; and the most vulnerable are being battered by the pandemic, climate crisis, environmental degradation, conflict, and deepening inequalities.

“The number of people affected by hunger has more than doubled in the past three years”, he said, adding that “almost a million people are living in famine conditions, with starvation and death a daily reality”.  

Be the change

Referring to this year’s theme, Leave no one behind. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life , Mr. Guterres said that farmers need to access reasonably priced fertilizers to ensure enough food next year.

Governments, scientists, and civil society need to work together to make nutritious diets available and affordable for everyone and financial institutions must increase support to developing countries.

“Together, we must move from despair to hope and action” the Secretary-General said. “On World Food Day and every day, I call on you to be part of the change”.

Multiple threats

The commemoration took place at a time when global food security faces multiple threats, pushing food, energy and fertilizer prices sky high amidst climate crisis and long-standing conflicts.

Moreover, the knock-on effect of COVID continues to highlight how interconnected economies and lives have become, as 970,000 people risk famine  in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen.

FAO’s latest  The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World  report illuminates that hunger worldwide is on the rise.

Raising their voices

A message read on behalf of Pope Francis reminded that people “are not just numbers, data or an endless stream of statistics”.

Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development ( IFAD ) said the day should be a call to ramp up action to “help small-scale farmers in rural areas, who supply food to their communities and countries…despite inequality, vulnerability, and poverty”.

World Food Programme ( WFP ) chief David Beasley described the food availability crisis as his “gravest concern”, saying “the world must open its eyes to this unprecedented global food crisis and act now to stop it spinning out of control”.

Secretary-General António Guterres delivers a message via video link at a FAO World Food Day event held in Rome, Italy.

Celebrating the day

Events in Rome included an exhibit featuring photos taken from space by European Space Agency astronaut and FAO Goodwill Ambassador Thomas Pesquet, which highlights the climate crisis.

FAO’s first-ever  Achievement Awards were handed out to people whose actions are transforming agrifood systems, and a Junior World Food Day event was held with a host of Food Heroes .

Awareness-raising events on the global fight against hunger will continue to take centre stage in the coming week.

Meanwhile, FAO’s Hand in Hand initiative continues to work to accelerate agrifood system transformation by eradicating poverty , ending hunger , and reducing inequalities .

It aims to promote decent rural employment, foster gender equality, social protection, end child labour, and support rural and Indigenous Peoples - custodians of much of the earth’s biodiversity.

Click here to watch the ceremony.

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Why improving food safety is important

Access to sufficient amounts of safe food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health. Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and often invisible to the plain eye, caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.

Food safety has a critical role in assuring that food stays safe at every stage of the food chain - from production to harvest, processing, storage, distribution, all the way to preparation and consumption.

With an estimated 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses annually, unsafe food is a threat to human health and economies, disproportionally affecting vulnerable and marginalized people, especially women and children, populations affected by conflict, and migrants. An estimated 420 000 people around the world die every year after eating contaminated food and children under 5 years of age carry 40% of the foodborne disease burden, with 125 000 deaths every year.

World Food Safety Day on 7 June aims to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly facilitate the observance of World Food Safety Day, in collaboration with Member States and other relevant organizations. This international day is an opportunity to strengthen efforts to ensure that the food we eat is safe, mainstream food safety in the public agenda and reduce the burden of foodborne diseases globally.

FAO Logo

Get involved!

Whether you grow, process, transport, store, distribute, sell, prepare, serve or consume food, you have a role to play in keeping it safe. Take part in the celebration! For inspiration check the World Food Safety Day ‘ How to participate ’ pages or  news items on past events .

Food safety is everyone’s business

Under the slogan “Food safety, everyone’s business”, the action-oriented campaign promotes global food safety awareness and calls upon countries and decision makers, the private sector, civil society, UN organizations and the general public to take action.

The way in which food is produced, stored, handled and consumed affects the safety of our food. Complying with Global food standards, establishing effective regulatory food control systems including emergency preparedness and response, providing access to clean water, applying good agriculture practices (terrestrial, aquatic, livestock, horticulture), strengthening the use of food safety management systems by food business operators, and building capacities of consumers to make healthy food choices are some ways in which governments, international organizations, scientists, the private sector and civil society work to ensure food safety.

Food safety is a shared responsibility between governments, producers and consumers. Everybody has a role to play from farm to table to ensure the food we consume is safe and will not damage our health. Through World Food Safety Day, WHO and FAO pursue efforts to mainstream food safety in the public agenda and reduce the burden of foodborne diseases globally.

#WorldFoodSafetyDay #FoodSafety #SafeFood

Virtual Event

Event poster

Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow

7 June 2021 | 13:00-13:45 CEST (GMT +2)

The discussion will focus on the crucial role of science in keeping food safe throughout the food chain. A few examples of successful and inspiring food safety stories will be shared from across the world.

Follow the event live or watch the recording.

Did you know?

  • Unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances causes more than 200 diseases.
  • Recent estimates indicate that the impact of unsafe food costs low- and middle-income economies around US$ 95 billion in lost productivity each year.
  • Good hygiene practices in the food and agricultural sectors help to reduce the emergence and spread of foodborne diseases.

Source:  WHO 2020

Related Links

  • World Food Safety Day campaign site
  • FAO’s work on food safety
  • WHO's work on food safety
  • Codex Alimentarius – International Food Standards
  • WHO World Food Safety Day campaign webpage
  • Trello board

farm worker gathering tomatoes

Global Issues: Food

Even though today's global food production is enough to feed everyone on the planet, hunger continues to increase in some parts of the world. Despite some recent progress in reducing hunger in Asia and Latin America, the world is still facing food crises in many regions, especially in Africa, where the situation is dire.

Dishes with food

Communication toolkit

This toolkit was developed by FAO and WHO to present information about the World Food Safety Day, and to share ideas on how to take part in the celebrations. Visuals and messages available on Trello .

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances .


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  3. About

    Collective action across 150 countries worldwide, in up to 50 languages, is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. Hundreds of events and outreach activities bring together governments, municipalities, businesses, CSOs, the media, the public, even youth. They promote worldwide awareness of hunger and ...

  4. World Food Day

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  5. World Food Day Speech in English for Students

    World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year around the world on October 16. The United Nations chose October 16 because the Food and Agriculture Organisation was founded on the same day in 1946. This global event is related to hunger and food security. It is observed by other international organisations like World Food ...

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  7. Home

    Collective action across 150 countries is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. Hundreds of events and outreach activities bring together governments, businesses, NGOs, the media, and general public. They promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all.

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  13. PDF World Food Day

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  16. World Food Day 2022

    World Food Day is observed annually on 16 October to highlight the millions of people worldwide who cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for regular access to nutritious food. The theme for 2022 is Leave NO ONE behind. World Food Day 2022 is being marked in a year with multiple global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change, rising prices and international ...

  17. Youth

    Register now for the Junior World Food Day School Assembly at the World Food Forum! This year, the Junior World Food Day will join forces with the World Food Forum's School Assembly as one large event for students at FAO Headquarters at 10.00 on 17 October 2024.Register your class now and have your students join a conversation on food with international leaders, youth activists, sports food ...

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    English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on "World Food Day - 16th Oct." Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students for Exam. World Food Day - 16th Oct. World Food Day on the 16th of October is an awareness day for food, celebrated every year.

  19. Global food crisis: Let's move from 'despair to hope and action', urges

    Celebrating the day. Events in Rome included an exhibit featuring photos taken from space by European Space Agency astronaut and FAO Goodwill Ambassador Thomas Pesquet, which highlights the climate crisis.. FAO's first-ever Achievement Awards were handed out to people whose actions are transforming agrifood systems, and a Junior World Food Day event was held with a host of Food Heroes.

  20. World Food Safety Day

    An estimated 420 000 people around the world die every year after eating contaminated food and children under 5 years of age carry 40% of the foodborne disease burden, with 125 000 deaths every ...

  21. Essay On World Food Day In English

    Essay On World Food Day In English || 10 Lines Essay On World Food Day ||Hello students in this video i am sharing 10 Lines Essay On World Food Day in Eng...

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    Welcome to my channel#StudyPrideHubHello EveryoneToday in this video we will learnHow to write Essay on World food day, Essay on World food day in English#St...

  23. Essay on World food Day (200 Words) in English // World food Day Essay

    Dont forget to subscribehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSsx-weETUJcG8WW-4wqZw/videosShort essay on World food Day in 200 wordsThis video will help you to ...