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8th Grade Essay: Examples, Topics, & Writing Tips

The picture introduces to the requirements of an 8th grade essay.

If you find yourself on this page, you are probably going to another level of your education – the final year of Middle school!

Isn’t it exciting?

One of the most common assignments in the 8th grade is an essay. Indeed, it gains new features. An eighth-grade essay is not the same as the sixth or seventh-grade one. It has more requirements and needs a deeper level of analysis.

How to write an 8th-grade essay? How many paragraphs should it contain? What is a standard 8th-grade essay format? On this page, you’ll find the answers to these and other questions that might arise. We’ve prepared creative 8th-grade essay topics, examples, and tips to write an A+ informative, narrative, or persuasive essay.

  • 🧩 8th Grade Essay 101
  • 📑 8th-Grade Essay Types
  • 💾 Topics for the 8 th -Graders

🍎 8th Grade Essay Examples

🧩 8th-grade essay format explained.

Once again: the 8th-grade essay format is a bit different from that of the previous years.

Below, we thoroughly explain how long an 8th-grade essay should be and how to write it. We guarantee you’ll have no questions about the format and assessment of this type of work.

What Is the 8 th Grade Essay Format?

In this section, you’ll know which parts comprise any 8th-grade essay.

The first thing to remember: you’ve got onto an entirely new level. So, your writing isn’t as simple and short as it used to be in the previous school years.

Let’s start with the structure. The fundamental parts are the same as in any type of essay:

Introduction should contain something intriguing to catch your audience’s attention. It’s usually a hook: a starting point that makes your readers keep reading your essay.

The next significant part of your introduction is the It’s the leading thought of your paper that reveals to the reader the essay’s subject matter.
Body paragraphs contain supportive arguments and evidence. They have to be solid and persuasive.
ConclusionAfter everything is written, you are to the ideas you’ve delivered.

The picture contains information about the language style required for an 8th grade essay.

8th Grade Essay: How to Write & Typical Mistakes

With the help of this section, you’ll get to know the most straightforward and helpful tips for 8th-grade essay writing.

These are the things that any 8th grader should know!

8 th Grade Essay Do’s

  • Look for reliable sources to find arguments and evidence.
  • Try to arouse eagerness for writing: it surely will ease the whole process for you.
  • Choose the topic that is interesting for you if you have such an option.
  • Use academic language, special terms, consistent phrases, and correct grammar.
  • Use good quotations from reputable sources to solidify your ideas.

8 th Grade Essay Don’ts

  • Don’t write dully: an essay is a story. It should be exciting and consistent.
  • Don’t make all your examples too similar: diversity is of the essence.
  • Don’t let your text look like an unreadable pile of words: use graphic tools to highlight the most critical points.
  • Don’t use unreliable sources and websites for citation.
  • Don’t be afraid of honest self-expression. Your identity and thoughts are what make your 8th-grade essay unique.
  • Don’t forget to revise your text after you’ve finished writing it.

8th Grade Essay Rubric

Meet the assessment strategies for 8th-grade writing. Here you’ll also find some prompts that improve your essay and lead you to a higher score.

So, the assessment pattern of a written piece comprises several main points. These are the things that assessors pay attention to:

🗣️FluencyIf it’s easy to follow the stream of your thoughts, you got it right. Pay attention to the variety of sentence patterns.
📄ContentYour writing has to give off credibility. Remember to spice it up with reliable facts & details.
🖋️GrammarWatch the syntactic structures in sentences of your essay carefully.
🧱StructureAn 8th-grade essay must be consistently and logically organized.

ConventionsYour writing must also include proper punctuation, capitalization, and smooth transitions between the parts.

📑 Eighth Grade Essay Types

We suppose that you come across different types of assignments during middle school. Among them, there indeed were descriptive and narrative essays.

However, now you are to face other exciting formats of writing. In the section below, you’ll get to know a few new types.

8th Grade Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing where you make a claim and prove your point of view with solid arguments. Your aim at this point is to make readers nod in contempt while reading and share your opinion.

The structure may be pretty familiar to you:

The picture contains an exemplary outline for an 8th grade argumentative essay.

In your argumentative essay, you should back up your opinion with some exact data: statistics, figures, research studies, and polls.

To solidify your claim, you can use three types of arguments:

  • Aristotelian . The classical way – you make a statement and try to persuade the audience that it is the one that is fair and right.
  • Rogerian . First, you display an issue, then present the opposing view. After that, reveal your own opinion and start convincing readers why they should take up your point.
  • Toulmin . Present your thesis statement, then provide the audience with the grounds to support it. The final touch is to connect these parts.

PRO TIP: Explain why you disagree with the opposing point of view on your issue.

8th Grade Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is very similar to argumentative writing. There you have to pick up a mainly burning issue and establish a firm opinion towards it. The primary goal is the same as in the argumentative essay: to make your readers believe you.

The picture contains an exemplary outline for an 8th grade persuasive essay.

Remember the three essentials of persuasive writing:

  • Logos appeals to logic, which is apparent. Deliver your thoughts cohesively and reasonably.
  • Ethos is about persuading the readers, appealing to their sense of ethics and morality.
  • Pathos helps you convince through emotions.

8th Grade Essay – Informative

An expository essay brings concepts to complete understanding. In other words, you explain something to give a clue about the subject in question. Successful expository writing makes the audience get the whole picture, leaving no questions or misunderstandings.

To familiarize yourself with expository essay structure, check our recently updated guide on writing an expository essay .

And briefly look at six major types of expository essays:

The picture contains brief descriptions of exposutory essay types.

💾 8th Grade Essay Topics

8th grade argumentative essay topics.

  • What is the main challenge you’ve ever met?
  • What was the happiest moment of your childhood?
  • Tell about the accomplishment you’re most proud of.
  • What are the personal qualities you like most?
  • Write about an inspiring celebrity.
  • What does emotional intelligence mean?
  • Write about the largest challenge of getting older.
  • How is adolescence different from childhood?

Read the list of topics we’ve prepared for an 8th-grade essay. Choose your favorite or use our Free Essay Topics Generator to find the best one.

Persuasive Essay Topics for 8th Grade

  • Would limited screen time be beneficial for health?
  • Will the global use of electric vehicles save us from the ecological crisis?
  • The government should provide citizens with more qualified psychological help.
  • What are the pros and cons of buying a pet for a child?
  • Should people use paper and textile bags instead of plastic ones?
  • Is it necessary to attend PE classes in school?
  • Is it ethical to use smartphones during the lesson?
  • Should parents forbid their children from watching TikTok?
  • Pros and cons of cheating on exams: immoral or beneficial?
  • Should there be only healthy snack vending machines at schools?
  • Is it acceptable for a teacher to raise the voice at a student?
  • Should modern rappers’ songs be put through censorship?
  • Is it ethical for students to discuss their teachers?
  • Should all cosmetic products become cruelty-free?
  • Should we stop the overconsumption of sugar for the sake of our health?
  • Should zoos and circuses be banned forever?

8th Grade Informative Essay Topics

  • Compare and contrast the environmental policies of the USA and Europe.
  • What are the harmful effects of CO 2 emissions on the environment?
  • How is the concept of freedom reflected in 20th-century literature?
  • Reveal the details of the famous friendship of Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
  • Brush off or fight: how to act when you come across bullying at school?
  • What are the most significant challenges school attendees usually face?
  • How to overcome your fears without getting traumatized?
  • How to prepare for the exam period and overcome anxiety?
  • Freedom or despair: the history and concept of trailer parks in the USA.
  • Explain the concept of sustainability and what benefits it has.
  • Provide a classification of American lifestyles based on location.
  • A reasonable person: describe the concept and the features.

Look at our 8th grade essay examples. These are mostly just excerpts, but we included the most significant parts. Approach us in case you need a similar paper or have any questions.

8th Grade Argumentative Essay Example (#1)

The most notorious substance in the ecological discourse: is CO 2 really that bad?

Did you know that it’s better for the earth if you work out or jog with your mouth tightly shut? It’s not common knowledge, but professionals know: we need a considerable amount of CO 2 in our blood. In some terms, it’s even more vital than oxygen. Undoubtedly, there has to be a proper balance, and here is the point: CO 2 can be beneficial.

Though what good does it make to nature and the environment?

It’s all the same as with our body: CO 2 is not evil on earth, but there must be a proper balance. Now, this balance is critical, and we must make serious efforts to change the situation.

  • According to last year’s research, the USA is in the second place among countries producing the most significant part of CO 2 in the whole world. The website statista.com published striking figures. 4.57 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions were produced in 2020 by the energy consumption sphere in the United States.
  • Besides, a recently published report from the IEA agency reveals another piece of statistics. Compared to the previous year, the amount of CO 2 emissions will rise to 5% in 2021. This year we’re facing 33 billion tons of this greenhouse gas.
  • These figures mean nothing without context. Here you are: nature suffers greatly from CO 2 influence. Due to the greenhouse effect caused by an excess of CO 2 , the water temperature in oceans and seas is rising. This process is not positive at all because the natural habitat for sea creatures is altering. The changes are dramatic and lead to the extinction of many species.

In conclusion, we need to find an efficient way to improve the ecological situation regarding CO 2 emissions. The key is global social and individual awareness and consciousness. Each and every inhabitant of the Earth has to understand the meaning of CO 2 for global warming clearly. So, try to jog with your lips closed and choose a bike instead of a car.

Example #2: 8th Grade Persuasive Essay

Is it essential to stay away from social media for the sake of mental health?

Nielsen Company conducted research that says that the average US adult spends more than 10 hours interacting with social media each day. Indeed, social media plays a very considerable role in the life of a modern person. Most of us are more likely to spend time watching short videos than reading a good book. But is it harmful to our mental health to the extent that we have to quit using social media platforms?

To my mind, we are greatly dependent on our Instagram and TikTok accounts, and the content posted there. It certainly has a negative impact, too. However, the complete cancellation of social media is not a way out. The key to good mental condition is in the skill of managing your relations with them.

  • One of the recent surveys by the Lancet reports that Facebook users who scroll the newsfeed before sleep tend to be more depressed. Apparently, the deprivation of sleep affects mental well-being to a great extent.
  • FInancesOnline has recently posted the results of the research. According to this data, Facebook constitutes 72% of people’s FOMO and anxiety. Posts about traveling and active social life create most of these feelings.
  • At the same time, healthy rivalry can motivate development and growth. There’s a reasonable quotation saying that one should compare themselves yesterday instead of comparing to others. The best thing one can do to take care of their mental health is to take a digital detox for a while.

Thus, it is vital to trace your obsessions with social media and negative feelings caused by comparison with others on the Internet. Try to get more aware of it, take your time to rest from social media, and plunge into real life.

5 Paragraph Essay Example for 8th Grade (#3)

The Financier and American Tragedy : compare and contrast two main characters of Dreiser’s novels.

Do you know that Theodore Dreiser is sometimes called an American Fyodor Dostoevsky? Both writers touched upon the most sensitive social and existential issues. However, the subject of this paper is not the comparison of the authors but two famous Dreiser characters: Clyde Griffiths and Frank Cowperwood.

Both of these young American men were striving to reach financial and social success in a world of brutal struggle and hardships.

  • Clyde Griffiths represents the desperate strive for American Dream. Born in a poor and religious family, he grows greedy for money and status. In his blind obsession with gaining a high social position, he doesn’t notice his spiritual degradation. He is smart enough to struggle his way into high society but not so witty to solidify his standing with decent means. He cheats, lies, and finally commits a murder: Clyde seems to be already born guilty at times. On reading the story, there doesn’t appear any sympathy toward him. On the contrary, he provokes feelings of abomination and disgust.
  • Frank Cowperwood also aims to become wealthy and socially firm. He wants to improve his family’s life quality. Still, his ways and means astonish. Frank is a natural-born predator and strategist. His sophistication and sharp wit show up in him since his very childhood. He isn’t a man of high moral standards: Frank doesn’t mind cheating on his wife and manipulating city treasure money. However, he’s a passionate man, honest and open in his heart urges and impulses. That is the reason why fortune favors him.

However, having similar goals but different personalities and mindsets, Griffiths and Cowperwood reach completely different destination points.

How to Write an Essay in 8th Grade?

– You should pick up a good topic and formulate your attitude to the problem. – Write an outline. – Make a clear and brief thesis statement. – Think of at least 3 firm arguments if the essay type demands it. – Impress your readers with a firm conclusion. Voila! Do not forget to proofread!

How Long Is an Essay in 8th Grade?

The length of the 8th-grade essay slightly depends on the format and the particular type of writing. However, it varies from approximately 500 to 800 words. Within this framework, you have to make yourself clear and deliver all necessary points.

How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph for 8th Grade?

The size of a paragraph in the 8th-grade essay has to be not less than 8 sentences in each. Besides that, mind that the sentences are primarily compound or complex, error-free, and coherent. Also, remember to connect the sentences and paragraphs with particular language means.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay in 8th Grade?

Choose an exciting and acute topic. Make up a thesis statement out of the problem. Draft an outline or a brief plan. Explore some reliable sources for the evidence and arguments for your essay. Organize the facts and information into a cohesive structure.

I’m an 8th grade student at a private school, and my teacher assigns us up to 4-6 pages most to write. First of all we get other essays on top of this, and usually have nearly to a week to finish. Me and my classmates struggle with this. Do you guys think this is too much for an average 8th grade student?

i am writin apaper right now and it is averreding and its about the changes we woud make to our cafeteria it has to be 5 paragraphs long

Thanks for stopping by at our blog. We would be happy to help you with your paper. You can be interested in some other posts on this blog (https://overnightessay.com/blog/category/essay-tips/) or contact our friendly Support Team to get professional writign help from experienced writers. Good luck with your paper! Best regards,

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Free Printable Informative Essay Structure Worksheets for 8th Grade

Informative Essay Structure: Discover a collection of free printable Reading & Writing worksheets tailored for Grade 8 students, designed to enhance their understanding and mastery of crafting well-structured informative essays.


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Explore printable Informative Essay Structure worksheets for 8th Grade

Informative Essay Structure worksheets for Grade 8 are essential tools for teachers who want to help their students develop strong reading and writing skills. These worksheets provide a clear framework for organizing and structuring an informative essay, ensuring that students understand the importance of a well-crafted introduction, body, and conclusion. By using these worksheets, teachers can guide their students through the process of planning, drafting, and revising their essays, while also reinforcing essential writing organization and structure concepts. In addition, these worksheets can be easily integrated into any Grade 8 Reading & Writing curriculum, making them a valuable resource for educators who want to enhance their students' writing abilities.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to utilize in conjunction with Informative Essay Structure worksheets for Grade 8, as it offers a variety of engaging and interactive activities that can help students improve their writing skills. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, educators can create customized quizzes and games that focus on specific aspects of writing organization and structure, allowing students to practice and reinforce their understanding of these concepts in a fun and engaging way. Additionally, Quizizz offers a wide range of other resources, such as flashcards, polls, and collaborative challenges, which can be used to supplement the Grade 8 Reading & Writing curriculum and further support students' development of strong writing skills. Overall, Quizizz is an invaluable tool for teachers who want to enhance their students' learning experience and help them excel in their writing endeavors.

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70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Tell them what you know.

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

Informative essays are a chance to show what you know. They’re all about informing the reader, without trying to persuade or offer an opinion. Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays . Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages.

How-To Informative Essay Topics

Social studies informative essay topics, science informative essay topics, pop culture informative essay topics.

Teach your reader the steps or process to:

  • Cook a recipe
  • Set a table
  • Make a quilt
  • Change a tire
  • Start a recycling program
  • Play a game
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Plant a garden
  • Make and care for a compost pile

Make and care for a compost pile.

  • Care for an animal
  • Start a business
  • Catch a fish
  • Tie a necktie
  • Train for a marathon
  • Prepare a campsite
  • Make a campfire
  • Clean a room
  • Wrap a gift
  • Plan a party
  • Kick a bad habit
  • Use social media responsibly

Use social media responsibly.

  • Manage time effectively
  • Make a budget
  • Describe the life of a world leader.
  • How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

  • Explore the current path to becoming an American citizen.
  • What are some of the possible ways the pyramids were built?
  • Describe a time period in history.
  • How does one country’s economy affect another country?
  • What is the difference between socialism and communism?
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of legalizing drugs.
  • Describe the political system in a foreign country.
  • Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

  • How is a new law passed in the United States?
  • Give an overview of the history of any country, state, or city.
  • Describe the three branches of American government.
  • Explain how the American judicial system works.
  • Describe the evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

  • Explain what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • What is the relationship between calories and fat?
  • What is the physics behind a bicycle?
  • How do plants convert sunlight into energy?
  • Describe any element from the periodic table, including its makeup and uses.
  • What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
  • Describe the life cycle of any animal.
  • What are the benefits of recycling?
  • Describe the life of a prominent scientist.
  • Explain what E = mc 2 means.
  • Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

  • Why do leaves change color in the fall?
  • Explain the difference between climate and weather.
  • Describe a specific ecosystem, including the plants and animals that live there.
  • Describe the history of video games.
  • What are recent trends in the video game industry?
  • Describe your favorite superhero.
  • Explain the motivations of any fictional villain.
  • Describe the life of your favorite celebrity.
  • Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

  • Describe the process of making a movie or TV show.
  • Tell the story of any band, including its founding, successes and challenges, and breakup (if applicable).
  • Describe the life of a famous artist.
  • Explore the history of Disney World (or any theme park).
  • Plan the perfect fantasy football league team.
  • Describe popular trends and fads from any decade.
  • Explore the history of the Olympics.
  • Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

  • Explain the history of the internet.

What are some of your favorite informative essay topics? Come share your ideas in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (100+ ideas).

70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

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grade 8 informative writing rubric

8th Grade informative writing rubric

Offer 8th-grade students a standards-aligned structure for informative writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

Turnitin Teaching and Learning Innovations Team

Offer 7th-8th grade students a standards-aligned structure for assignments focused on the defense of a position on a topic.

informative essay grade 8

Offer 6th-8th Grade students a standards-aligned structure for analysis writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio.

Rubric suitable for formative and summative assignments with tasks involving the explanation of a topic. Use this rubric when asking students to explain information about a topic, to compare and contrast features, to discuss the benefits and limitations of something, etc. Consider using the 6th-8th Grade Informative QuickMark set with this rubric. These drag-and-drop comments were tailor-made by veteran educators to give actionable, formative feedback directly to students. While they were explicitly aligned to this particular rubric, you can edit or add your own content to any QuickMark. This rubric is available and ready to use in your Feedback Studio account. However, if you would like to customize its criteria, you can "Duplicate this rubric" in your Feedback Studio account and then edit the rubric as needed. Or, you can download this .rbc file and then import to your account to begin editing the content.

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Write an Informative Essay: Analyze a Model

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Focus Standards:  These are the standards the instruction addresses.

  • RL.8.5, W.8.2, W.8.4, L.8.1a

Supporting Standards:  These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.

  • RL.8.1, RL.8.2, RL.8.4, RL.8.10
  • I can identify the parts of a model literary analysis essay and explain the purpose of each. ( W.8.2 )
  • I can determine criteria for an effective literary analysis essay. ( W.8.2, W.8.4 )
  • I can explain the function of gerund and infinitive phrases. ( L.8.1a )
  • Opening A: Entrance Ticket
  • Work Time A: Annotated, color-coded Model Literary Analysis Essay: Relationship of Structure to Meaning ( W.8.2, W.8.4 )
  • Work Time B: Annotated Informative Writing Checklist ( W.8.2, W.8.4 )
  • Work Time C: Selected and Constructed Response Questions: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases ( L.8.1a )
AgendaTeaching Notes

A. Engage the Learner - (5 minutes)

A. Read and Analyze a Model - (15 minutes)

B. Analyze Criteria: Informative Writing Checklist - (10 minutes)

C. Introduce Gerunds and Infinitive Phrases - a (10 minutes)

A. Debrief: Analyze Text Structures - (5 minutes)

A. Answer Constructed and Selected Response Questions: Students complete Homework: Gist, Theme, and Infinitive Phrases to answer selected and constructed response questions about language and meaning in "Often a Minute" and the model essay.

– Work Time A: Students use the Painted Essay® structure to examine a model literary analysis essay and add to their understanding of the criteria of an effective informative essay. – Work Time A: Students analyze the organization and development of a model informative essay, reflecting on how the organization of each paragraph relates to the author’s purpose. – Work Time B: Students use a model informative essay and the Informative Writing Checklist to analyze how the essay conveys ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content and then generate specific criteria for their own essays.  – Work Time C: Students are introduced to the structures of gerund and infinitive phrases and work to explain how these verbals function within sentences in a model essay.  – Closing and Assessment A: Students view an anchor chart listing various literary structures and begin to think about how the structures contribute to the meaning of a text. and the poem "The Blind Men and the Elephant." They also focus on working to become effective learners, persevering as they read and analyze the model essay with partners and independently.

and the poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant” or between the novel and poems, in general. that include at least one gerund or infinitive phrase.

and the poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant,” examining how the structures contribute to meaning in the texts. Although students wrote a compare and contrast essay in Module 1, this essay exhibits more complexity by requiring students to identify and compare themes as well as structure in the texts. The essay will have four Proof Paragraphs, which is a new and important format for students to identify in the model essay and apply when planning their own writing in upcoming lessons.

  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 1
  • Model Literary Analysis Essay: Relationship of Structure to Meaning
  • Informative Writing checklist
  • Read the Paint an Essay lesson plan to review the color-coding and purpose of each choice of color.
  • Ensure there is a copy of Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 1 at each student's workspace.
  • Review the anchor charts used in this lesson: Structure anchor chart and Characteristics of a Literary Analysis Essay anchor chart.
  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

  • Work Time B: Convert the Model Literary Analysis Essay: Relationship of Structure to Meaning, and invite students to complete it in an online format—for example, http://eled.org/0158 .
  • Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout previous modules to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 8.I.B.6 and 8.I.B.8.

Important Points in the Lesson Itself

  • To support ELLs, this lesson includes scaffolded work with analyzing a model compare and contrast essay that uses the Painted Essay® format and analyzing the structure of texts. Students will consider the structure of Maus I and the way in which the author uses dialogue, chronology, and flashbacks to tell his father’s story. Students will participate in a mini lesson on the form and function of gerunds and infinitives and the relationships between words and phrases in sentences (L.8.1a, L.8.5b). The lesson includes collaborative discussion and familiar routines to help students navigate both the writing and language content and skills that they will encounter.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to navigate the breadth of concepts and tasks presented in this lesson. Students will be exploring a number of things for the first time: structure in texts, a compare and contrast essay format that identifies similarities and differences in structure within texts, and the grammatical concept of verbals. Encourage students to consider all that they already learned that will inform their work in each portion of this lesson and refer back to content and concepts from Modules 1 and 2 where possible.
  • gerund, infinitive (A)

(A): Academic Vocabulary

(DS): Domain-Specific Vocabulary

Paint an Essay lesson plan (for teacher reference) (from Module 1, Unit 3, Lesson 6, Work Time A)

Painted Essay® Template (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 3, Lesson 6, Work Time B)

  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 1 (answers for teacher reference)
  • Model Literary Analysis Essay: Relationship of Structure to Meaning (example for teacher reference)
  • Characteristics of a Literary Analysis Essay anchor chart (one for display)
  • Informative Writing checklist (example for teacher reference)
  • Gerund and Infinitive Phrases anchor chart (example for teacher reference)
  • Gerund and Infinitive Phrases anchor chart (one for display; co-created in Work Time C)
  • Selected and Constructed Response Questions: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases (answers for teacher reference)
  • Structure anchor chart (one for display)
  • Homework: Gist, Theme, and Infinitive Phrases (answers for reference) (see Homework Resources)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 2, Lesson 1 (one per student)
  • Model Literary Analysis Essay: Relationship of Structure to Meaning (one per student)
  • Informative Writing checklist (one per student and one for display)
  • Selected and Constructed Response Questions: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases (one per student)
  • Homework: Gist, Theme, and Infinitive Phrases (one per student; see Homework Resources)
  • Homework Resources (for families) (see Homework Resources)

Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


. . Highlight the key components of a literary analysis essay, and allow students to recognize their growth as a writer.
Work TimeLevels of Support

and ‘Often a Minute,’ and analyze how the differing structures contribute to each theme.” and the poem “Often a Minute,” which they will read and analyze during a close read in the next lesson. In order to write this essay, they will first analyze a model essay. , which they should remember well from Module 1. The other text is the poem called "The Blind Men and the Elephant" that they read for homework last night. Review the gist of the poem. (Gist: Six blind men encounter different parts of an elephant, leads each to limited experiences and differing incorrect perspectives on what an elephant is.)

. Read the model aloud as students follow along, reading silently.

Summer of the Mariposas

Summer of the Mariposas

and “The Blind Men and the Elephant”). However, instead of describing new experiences the characters have and how that leads to differing themes, these paragraphs identify and describe the structures used in each text and how they contribute to understanding the themes. Ask students to Turn and Talk:

Summer of the Mariposas

for reference as needed. Refer to the for further detail. , and capture any significant notices from the model literary analysis, such as how the model contains four Proof Paragraphs.

. Invite students to read the checklist to themselves. I use strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast and cause/effect, to organize information." I use relevant facts, definitions, details, quotations, and examples to explain my thinking."


= gerund
Example: , ): + (object) = gerund phrase
Example: . Reference the as needed. Add any non-examples students share to the non-example column to highlight that other phrases can seem deceptively similar to gerunds and infinitives. (Note: It is a phrase's function in a sentence [noun, adjective, adverb] that determines whether it is a gerund or infinitive, rather than the presence of an - ending or the word .)

and direct students' attention to the two sentences from the introduction of the model essay.

as necessary to support students.

, and ask a student to read the structures listed in the “Common Structures Used in Narratives” section of the chart. Explain to students that writers typically use a particular structure in their writing, and the structure determines how the text is organized. Often these structures help the writer clearly convey meaning.

Maus I.

Maus I Maus I


to answer selected and constructed response questions about language and meaning in "Often a Minute" and the model essay.

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Informative Essay

Informative Essay Topics

Nova A.

Good Informative Essay Topics for All Academic Levels

15 min read

Published on: Mar 24, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

Informative Essay Topics

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Students are always looking for new, informative, and interesting topics to write about. However, it is challenging to find a topic that meets all the requirements of an effective essay. 

There are many potential options out there for you. That’s why, we've narrowed down the list of captivating essay topics for your informative essay .

These topics will engage the readers at first glance. So get ready to pick a favorite informational topic to write your essay. You never know what might spark an interest in you!

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Informative Essay Topics for College Students 

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on employment
  • Sustainable practices in urban planning
  • The influence of social media on mental health
  • Exploring renewable energy sources: Pros and cons
  • The history and future of space exploration
  • Cybersecurity threats in the digital age
  • The economics of climate change: Challenges and solutions
  • The role of women in science and technology
  • The evolution of Internet privacy policies
  • The cultural significance of indigenous languages

Informative Essay Topics for High School Students

Here are some interesting and thought-provoking informative essay topics for 10th grade students: 

  • The effect of social media on teenage relationships
  • The history and significance of the Bill of Rights
  • The science behind climate change and its effects
  • The role of music in shaping cultural identity
  • Exploring different types of renewable energy
  • The influence of art on society and individual perception
  • The evolution of sustainable agriculture practices
  • Understanding the causes and consequences of cyberbullying
  • The importance of financial literacy for high school students
  • The cultural and historical significance of traditional festivals

Informative Essay Topics for Middle School Students

  • The journey of plastics: From production to recycling
  • Exploring the wonders of bioluminescent organisms
  • The impact of social media on young adolescents
  • The impact of technology on sleep 
  • The history and cultural significance of board games
  • How different cultures celebrate coming-of-age ceremonies
  • The marvels of ancient engineering: Pyramids and beyond
  • Understanding the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain
  • The evolution of communication: From smoke signals to smartphones
  • The art and science of bonsai tree cultivation

Informative Essay Topics for 8th Grade 

  • The impact of virtual reality on education and learning
  • The surprising world of underwater caves and their ecosystems
  • Exploring the history and uses of ancient herbal remedies
  • The science behind holography: more than just 3D
  • Unraveling the mystery of dark matter in the universe
  • The cultural significance of traditional Indigenous games
  • How coding shapes the digital world we live in
  • How solar panels convert sunlight into energy
  • The intricate art of forensic science in solving crimes
  • Understanding the ecological importance of wetlands and marshes

Informative Essay Topics for 7th Grade

  • Examine the benefits and drawbacks of plastic surgery
  • Discuss homosexuality and its repercussions on society
  • What is domestic violence? 
  • Making tattoos is intriguing in what way? 
  • Is organ donation legal? 
  • Discuss the harmful effects of drinking.
  • What is gambling, and what are its consequences? 
  • Describe the significance of a well-balanced diet
  • How does water pollution affect the ecosystem?
  • Discuss the idea of vegetarianism.

Informative Essay Topics for 6th Graders

  • Here are a few 6th-grade informative essay topics you could choose from. 
  • The reasons why smoking is bad. 
  • Secret ingredient in cooking pasta  
  • Ways to find a way out of the forest if you are lost
  • What was your worst travel experience?
  • What are the best vitamins for good health?
  • How to win the title of the Prom Queen?
  • How is making tattoos interesting?
  • Is caffeine addiction a serious problem?
  • How to get good grades in hard subjects?
  • How do dolphins communicate?

Informative Essay Topics for Elementary School Students

Informative essays are a great way to teach elementary school students about the world. Here are some great topics that will help you learn.

Informative Essay Topics for 3rd Grade

  • What is the importance of water conservation?
  • The benefits of reading aloud to children
  • The science behind the environment and global warming 
  • Exploring the world of robotics
  • The power of friendship in a person’s life 
  • The importance of recycling in our society 
  • What is climate change?
  • The importance of having a balanced diet 
  • What are countries, and how many are there in the world?

Informative Essay Topics for 4th Grade 

  • The importance of brushing your teeth
  • What is the role of technology in our everyday lives?
  • What are the benefits of physical activity?
  • Exploring different types of energy and their uses The causes and effects of air pollution
  • Importance of preserving threatened species
  • How do plants help humans to survive?
  • The use of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of global warming on our planet
  • How to reduce waste and help the environment

Informative Essay Topics for 5th Grade

  • Ways to deal with bullying
  • How can you get rid of phobias? 
  • Examine Darwin's Theory of Evolution
  • What were the causes and consequences of WWII? 
  • How does one become a billionaire? 
  • Discuss various civilizations from across the world
  • How do you plan a surprise party? 
  • Describe the African taboos
  • Examine the United States’ educational system
  • How to train your dog? 

Informative Essay Topics About Education

  • Do you think gender inequality exists in our society? 
  • The advantages of campus social activities and seminars
  • The effects of poor policies on education
  • The role of education in national development
  • The impact of a field trip
  • Ways to protect yourself from violence on campuses
  • Promoting and defending the right to an education
  • Education as the ideal tool for social change
  • Relation between education and wealth
  • How does culture impact our ability to learn?

Informative Essay Topics About Stress

  • What are the causes of stress?
  • How to deal with money stress?
  • Breathe techniques to overcome stress
  • How to encounter stress?
  • Causes of chronic stress
  • Effect of college stress on students
  • How does stress affect your relationships? 
  • Effects of stress on your health
  • Stress in the workplace
  • How does stress keep people awake at night? 

Science Informative Essay Topics 

  • Define Big Bang Theory? 
  • 7 ways Artificial Intelligence changes the world
  • How can calories cause more body fat?
  • How do some allergies protect against certain diseases?
  • Viruses and immunization
  • Epidemiological research and its use in the treatment of certain disorders
  • Radioactivity and its scientific applications
  • Causes and treatment of cancer
  • Life on other planets
  • Einstein’s theory of relativity

Informative Essay Topics About Animals 

  • What is the impact of climate change on endangered animals
  • Exploring the unique mating habits of wild animals
  • How animal migration patterns affect ecosystems
  • The role of animal behavior in conservation
  • Investigating the genetic variability of species
  • Exploring human interactions with wild animals
  • What is responsible pet ownership
  • What are the long-term effects of animal captivity 
  • Examining the impact of human-animal conflict on wildlife conservation 
  • What are the effects of pollution on marine animals?

Informative Essay Topics About History 

  • What was the impact of the European Industrial Revolution on society?
  • What were the key moments in World War II?
  • How did ancient Greek civilization influence modern culture?
  • Discuss the significance of Vikings in history
  • What were the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • Examine the cultural origins of democracy
  • Explore the life and works of Confucius
  • What was the impact of the slave trade in Europe?
  • What is the cultural legacy of Ancient Egypt?
  • Explore the influence of Genghis Khan throughout history. 

Informative Essay Ideas About Sports

  • Discuss the history of football 
  • Exploring the impact of steroid use in sports 
  • The significance of teamwork in professional sports 
  • What is the importance of nutrition for athletes? 
  • How does extreme weather affect outdoor sports? 
  • Examining the role of coaching in professional sports 
  • What are the benefits and risks associated with extreme sports? 
  • Exploring the world of esports and its effect on society 
  • What is the impact of online gaming on physical activity? 
  • Discussing the role of sponsorships in professional sports 

Informative Essay Topics on Social Issues 

  • How to prevent cyberbullying?
  • Examine the issue of abortion and its consequences
  • Factors that contribute to eating disorders
  • Obesity and social interaction
  • What is materialism in society?
  • What can the government do to put an end to child abuse?
  • Sex work, often known as paid rape
  • Gay marriages are illegal
  • What issues arise due to social stratification? 
  • Social networking is promoting unhealthy habits among young people

Informative Essay Topics on Religion 

  • Role of Islam in politics
  • Religion and psychological well-being
  • Interfaith marriages pose unique challenges.
  • The relationship between religion and evolution
  • Religious practices in the workplace
  • What is the best way to learn about religions?
  • The importance of faiths in 21st century
  • The influence of religions on personality
  • How do faith-related stereotypes affect society?
  • Causes of church-state separation

Informative Essay Topics About Mental Health

  • The connection between nutrition and mental well-being
  • Exploring the impact of nature on mental health
  • The role of pets in providing emotional support
  • Art therapy and its positive effects on mental health
  • Understanding the link between exercise and mental resilience
  • The influence of social media on adolescent mental health
  • Sleep hygiene and its significance for mental well-being
  • Exploring different meditation techniques for stress reduction
  • The stigma surrounding mental health in different cultures
  • The intersection of technology and mental health support

Informative Essay Topics About Health

  • The benefits of drinking eight glass of water daily
  • Simple exercises for daily fitness
  • How to create healthy and balanced meals
  • The importance of regular handwashing
  • Understanding the basics of dental care
  • Tips for a good night's sleep
  • The role of fresh fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet
  • Easy home workouts for beginners
  • The impact of outdoor activities on physical well-being
  • Basic tips for maintaining a healthy posture

Informative Process Analysis Essay Topics

  • Losing weight in a healthy way
  • Tips for back-to-school preparation
  • Methods for dealing with insomnia and other sleep problems
  • Suggestions for staying sober on Saturday Night
  • Camping without having to worry about hazardous insects
  • Tips and methods for gaining weight
  • How to write an informative essay for a student 
  • How to overcome Insomnia
  • How can you break a bad habit?
  • How do solar panels function?

Compare and Contrast Informative Essay Topics 

  • What is the connection between work and education?
  • Traditional vs. Online commerce
  • Persuasive vs. Argumentative Paper
  • Jazz vs. Rock
  • What are the major differences between high school and college?
  • What is the difference between a Master's degree and a Ph.D.?
  • Fascism and Nazism
  • Coke vs. Pepsi
  • TOEFL vs. SAT: A Comparison
  • Forbes or New York Times

Business and Economics Informative Essay Topics

  • E-commerce in the workplace
  • The popularity of the gig economy
  • How do taxes affect the economy? 
  • The importance of human resources in business
  • Role of marketing and branding sales
  • The effects of demonetization 
  • What are the different types of stock markets? 
  • How to manage a budget effectively? 
  • What is the consequence of monopoly in an economy? 
  • Exploring the impact of globalization on businesses 
  • Examine the importance of supply chain management

Funny Informative Essay Topics

  • What is the most ridiculous invention ever? 
  • How did people survive without video games in the past?
  • Exploring the strange rituals of different cultures 
  • How to win an argument using memes 
  • The effects of trying out new hairstyles on your friends 
  • The science behind why we laugh at jokes  
  • Exploring the crazy fashions of the 80s 
  • Why talking to a pet can be therapeutic 
  • The consequences of playing pranks on your friends
  • What is the funniest event in history?

Easy Informative Essay Topics

  • The role of the parents for college students. 
  • Public opinion on gun control
  • How to make a persuasive student speech?
  • How to remove grass stains?  
  • How are new art movements started?
  • How do car sports make you smarter?
  • Vegetarian lifestyle and eating meat
  • What is free will?
  • What do bees do all day?
  • Role of marketing and branding in sales 

Unique Informative Essay Topic 2024

  • What is the impact of blockchain technology on finance? 
  • Examining the potential applications of quantum computing 
  • Exploring the evolution of renewable energy sources 
  • Understanding the implications of nanotechnology in medicine 
  • Discussing what role biometric technology will have in society 
  • The future of virtual reality and its effect on our lives 
  • What will be the impact of driverless cars on our economy? 
  • How might artificial intelligence revolutionize education? 
  • Exploring the potential uses and implications of human augmentation technology

Controversial Informative Essay Topics

  • The ethics of genetic engineering and designer babies
  • The pros and cons of gun control legislation
  • The impact of legalizing marijuana on society
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The controversy surrounding vaccinations
  • The debate on climate change and its causes
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
  • The pros and cons of nuclear energy
  • The controversial history of capital punishment

How to Choose Informative Essay Topics?

The purpose of informative writing is to educate the readers about a topic they are interested in. So even though you only present facts and information, you should choose a topic that is engaging.

Follow these steps to choose an interesting, informative essay topic.

Identify Your Interests and Expertise

Begin by considering subjects that genuinely interest you. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, and you're more likely to enjoy the research process. 

For instance, if you're passionate about technology, you might explore the evolution of smartphones or the impact of artificial intelligence.

Consider Your Audience

Think about who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to your audience's interests and level of understanding.  For example, if you're writing for fellow students, you might choose a topic like "The Benefits of Mindful Studying Techniques."

Evaluate the Scope of Information

Assess the availability of information on your chosen topic. Ensure there's enough credible material to support your essay.  If you're intrigued by "The Science of Black Holes," make sure there's sufficient scientific research and explanations to delve into.

Relevance to Current Trends or Issues

Explore topics that are relevant to current trends or issues. This not only keeps your essay timely but also adds an element of real-world significance. 

For example, "The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health" addresses a contemporary concern.

Balance Uniqueness and Significance

Aim for a balance between a unique, engaging topic and one that holds broader significance. Your essay should offer fresh insights while addressing broader themes. 

For example, "The Forgotten Art of Handwriting: Its Relevance in the Digital Age" combines uniqueness with cultural relevance.

Personal Connection or Experience

If applicable, consider incorporating a personal connection or experience into your topic. This adds a unique perspective and can make your essay more relatable. 

For instance, "Overcoming Stage Fright: A Personal Journey" can blend personal experience with informative insights.

Check Assignment Guidelines

Always refer to any guidelines provided by your instructor. Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with the assignment requirements, such as length, format, and specific instructions.

The common purpose of conveying information to an audience is what ties together an informative speech and an informative essay. If you're seeking inspiration for delivering information to a live audience, explore our specialized blog dedicated to informative speech topics .

To sum up, These were a few informative essay topic ideas you can use in your essay. Make sure to choose a topic that is interesting for you and your audience. Moreover, ensure that the topic fulfills the criteria and standards of your teachers if you are writing for an assignment.

Do you still need help with your informative essay writing? Don't worry, we’ve got you covered. The professionals at CollegeEssay.org are here to help you. 

We can provide you with an informative essay written from scratch and tailored to your unique needs.

We are a top essay writing service and we guarantee your satisfaction every step of the way. 

So feel free to contact us for writing help today! 

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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    Standard W.8.2 Grade 8 Proficient Kennedy's Perspective In 1963, as integration was progressing across the nation, President Kennedy addressed a crowd in Burlington, Alabama. He spoke his mind on what integration meant to America, and why equal treatment of all citizens was important. He spoke about why he thought that fair and

  15. Write an Informative Essay: Plan Proof Paragraphs

    B. Analyze Models and Plan Proof Paragraphs - W.8.5 (25 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment. A. Pair-Share: Proof Paragraphs Feedback - SL.8.4 (5 minutes) 4. Homework. A. Revise Informative Essay Plan: Students use the feedback from Closing and Assessment A to revise their own independent research essay plan.

  16. 100 Interesting 8th Grade Writing Prompts

    These fun and interesting 8th-grade writing prompts will inspire older students to write longer and more in-depth work. ... These exciting prompts will help them get started writing everything from informational essays to journals, and even reluctant writers will enjoy the process. ... General expository writing prompts help 8th graders learn ...

  17. 70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

    All Grades K-5 All Grades 6-12 PreK 6th Grade Kindergarten 7th Grade 1st Grade 8th Grade 2nd Grade 9th Grade 3rd Grade 10th Grade 4th Grade 11th Grade 5th Grade 12th Grade. Topic Topics. ... Informative essays are a chance to show what you know. They're all about informing the reader, without trying to persuade or offer an opinion. ...

  18. PDF Grade English/Language Arts Informative/Explanatory Text-Based Writing

    29 - 36 = Meets Grade Level Expectations ( ) = partially meets requirements of the standard. 22 - 28 = Approaching Grade Level Expectations Overall Score:

  19. Write an Informative Essay: Plan Introduction and Body Paragraphs

    A. Introduce the Literary Analysis Essay Prompt - W.8.4 (5 Minutes) Explain that students will be writing their own literary analysis essays in Lessons 5-6. Remind students that they have had a lot of practice with informative essays this year. Literary analysis essays are a type of informative essay that examines literature. Tell students:

  20. 8th Grade informative writing rubric

    Rubric. Offer 6th-8th Grade students a standards-aligned structure for analysis writing with this educator-developed rubric for Feedback Studio. Rubric suitable for formative and summative assignments with tasks involving the explanation of a topic. Consider using the 6th-8th Grade Informative QuickMark set with this rubric.

  21. Write an Informative Essay: Analyze a Model

    W.8.2 - Work Time A: Students use the Painted Essay® structure to examine a model literary analysis essay and add to their understanding of the criteria of an effective informative essay. W.8.4 - Work Time A: Students analyze the organization and development of a model informative essay, reflecting on how the organization of each paragraph ...

  22. 250+ Informative Essay Topics for Students

    Informative Essay Topics for Elementary School Students. Informative essays are a great way to teach elementary school students about the world. Here are some great topics that will help you learn. Informative Essay Topics for 3rd Grade. What is the importance of water conservation? The benefits of reading aloud to children