Make a Living Writing


best creative writing retreats


best creative writing retreats


  • 20 Writer Retreats: Where To Take Your Next Creative Adventure

Sarah Rexford

Table of Contents

What are writer retreats , writer retreats in 4 regions, 1. united states , live free and write, private retreat in maui, retreat and create, writers’ trust, fireside writing retreat, pulp literature, warbler’s roost, corfu, greece writer retreats , tuscany, italy, loire valley, switzerland, himalayan writer retreats , memoir retreat , write your journey, business writing retreat, koh phangan, thailand, why attend writer retreats: your next step to success.

Writer retreats are highly anticipated events that can give writers the boost they need to move forward in their next project. 

If you feel that the excitement of the new year has long worn off and you’re looking for a way to re-inspire yourself in your writing endeavors, you may want to look into writer retreats near you. Or, if you have the ability to travel, you might consider making an extended trip out of it. 

No matter where you are in your writing process, choosing the best writing retreat for your needs can help you continue toward your goals. 

The goal of writer retreats is to to use dedicated writing time to progress any project in a supportive environment . Unlike writing conferences, retreats primarily focus on the activity of writing. When you attend a conference, the goal is usually multifaceted: 

  • Learn from the workshops you attend 
  • Pitch your project during appointments 
  • Network with other writers 

While writer retreats are a great place to network, their sole focus is to help you, the writer, get closer to the finish line in your work-in-progress. If you’re mid-project or need help getting started, here is a list of writer retreats you can attend no matter where you are in the world. 

Writer retreats span the globe. Whether you find yourself living in the US, Canada, or across the pond in Europe or Asia, below are twenty writer retreat options for you to choose from. 

First, let’s take a look at five writer retreats in the United States. 

This nonprofit residency program offers over 100 residencies and various themed residencies. No matter which session you attend, you will experience:

  • Uninterrupted time for writing 
  • An environment built to support your goals 
  • Fifty acres of idyllic prairie
  • Community dinner every night

Looking for writer retreats based out of New York? Millay offers writer retreats that are both two and four weeks long. These residencies are geared for poets and creative fiction and nonfiction writers. 

Located in New England, this writers’ retreat offers both workshops to strengthen your writing abilities and extended time to put your newfound skills to work. 

Join just one or two other writers and the retreat’s host in a private home. Surrounded by the scenes and scents of Hawaii, spend your mornings walking the beach and the rest of your day writing. 

Have you heard of writer retreats including massages and yoga? Look no further. This retreat offers solitary time to write, the option for community meals, and hiking to inspire you imagination. 

Next up, writer retreats in Canada. Whether you want to cross the border to attend or already reside there, these retreats could help your career.

Writer retreats are frequently open to writers in any stage of the process. This retreat in Canada is aimed at writers who have a minimum of one professionally published book. If you’re looking to surround yourself with established writers and fit the criteria, this is for you.

This retreat offers the option of fireside feedback. While you have time to write on your own, you can spend the evenings with other writers in the firelight, swapping tips. 

Don’t have much time but want a brief getaway? This single day writing retreat gives you space to write, workshop your story, and of course, enjoy the wine and dine offerings.

Rent space at a discounted rate, surround yourself with other creatives in a peaceful environment, and write your book at Warbler’s Roost in Ontario.

Writ e rs’ Residency

A two-week residency focused on poetry writers, this getaway is designed to help you take your writing to the next level in just two weeks.

Who doesn’t love a creative getaway in Europe? Let’s start in Greece.

This six night, seven day retreat takes place in Greece, surrounded by just four to seven other writers. If you’re ready for tantalizing food and fantastic views, this writer retreat is for you. 

Targeted for both writers and aspiring writers, this week away in Tuscany will fuel your creative juices and help you focus on writing in a breath-taking environment. 

Travel to rural France for peaceful writing sessions. Whether you’re a fiction writer, poet, songwriter, or academic, this retreat is for you. 

Writer retreats often offer one or two of the following, this one offers all three: Quiet time to write, workshops, and feedback sessions to aid your growth. 

This one week writer retreat helps you write your book in the time you spend in Mallorca. Are you on deadline? Sequester yourself on this island and crank out your novel! 

Last, but certainly not least, writer retreats throughout Asia.

Located in India, this retreat brings in professionals to teach you how to level-up your writing. If you can’t make the retreat in person, they offer online writing courses as well. 

This retreat encourages writers to bring their book ideas, first chapters, or even completed draft for feedback, and offer a wide array of idyllic locations for writing.

Set in Vietnam, this six day writing retreat provides you the atmosphere and leisure time to write your book. 

Writer retreats focused on the business aspect are few and far between, and this one is led by an author of six books who also provides business coaching. 

This week-long retreat takes place on a tropical island. Its focus is to help you take large steps toward the completion of your book, wherever you may be in the process.

If flying out of the country or even taking a week off work seems like a luxury you’re not sure you should take, don’t click away just yet. 

Most of us have some vacation time we can take, and even if traveling to one of the above retreats isn’t an option at this time, there is always the option of online writer retreats . 

If you can take the time off, but you’re not sure traveling to an aesthetic location can really balance out the other variables, consider these few points. Writer retreats:

  • Provide you a change of pace and environment to stimulate creativity 
  • Allow you to meet other like-minded creatives and network 
  • Create a space for you to write without distraction

Provided that you do have the option of going on a retreat this year, you may want to consider the pros of devoting time specifically to your writing. 

Yes, you can tell your friends and family you’ll be in your writing cave and not to disturb you, but we all know sometimes changing our location is the only way to eliminate distractions. 

Besides, you never know what ideas a change of scenery may inspire, what friends you may meet, or how restful writer retreats can be. Let us know if you decide to go on one, and which one you pick!

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Best Writers' Retreats Around the World in 2024

Do you dream of getting away from it all to write?

Do you need some help to improve your writing style or keen to start a novel or memoir? Would you like to meet and interact with other writers in a beautiful location? Then a creative writing retreat might be the answer. 

Most retreats are mentored by a professional writer and offer a combination of workshops and creative interaction with small groups of writers, and there’s also time set aside so you can relax and explore the location you’re in. 

You'll get to learn away from the demands and stresses of everyday life, and most retreats are set in beautiful surroundings.

Now here are our recommendations for the 12 best inspiring writers’ retreats worldwide that allow you to meet new people, relax in peaceful surroundings and get help, advice and inspirtion to help you develop your skills.

1. Inspired Writer's Retreat, Utah, United States

How many people have told you, “Wow! You ought to write a book!" and you know they're right? Have you thought, "In order to leap forward in my life and career, I've GOT to get this book out of my head, and onto the page" but you also know you want bestseller quality? Whether you have been writing for years or just getting started, our Inspired Writer's Retreat is here for you! 

In a beautiful, intimate setting with only a small group of authors, we dive deep into Your Inspired Story . The retreat includes:

  • 1-on-1 time with your host and book mentor, Bridget Cook-Burch (a NYT and WSJ Bestselling Author) 
  • A specially selected keynote speaker/author with an incredible story to share 
  • Our in-house editor
  • A private chef to provide delicious meals and needs
  • Cozy accommodations with stunning views, including some private room availability
  • A safe space to inspire and provide quiet writing time
  • Writing, outlining and craft development activities with experiential exercises you can't get in a classroom!

For writers of all levels, this accelerated learning takes you from outlining a true bestseller to navigating the best ways to publish. Visit our website to learn more: .

2. Writing Retreats in Mexico

Get Out of the Cold and Write , is what VSW (Vancouver School of Writing) likes to call their Mexico Writing Retreats. You can have a holiday and improve and finish your writing. Frankly, it's easier to write outside on a sunny day, a few palm trees and a balmy breeze.

But, what if someone experienced is there to help you along the way? Not only an inspiring coach, but a small group of other supportive writers? That is why VSW retreats are special, the great support and learning that writers get. People not only get their writing done, but bond at VSW retreats and frequently return.

These Mexico retreats feature:

  • Two-hour daily classes, with breakfast
  • Camaraderie of group
  • Evening share events and readings
  • One-on-one consultations with Kathrin Lake, writing coach
  • Open time to write and relax in tropical paradise
  • Guided workbook with great tools for any writing
  • Guided tours of lagoon and island
  • On site accommodation: Private bedroom/bathrooms and garden and terraza common areas
  • 2 blocks to beach

Annually VSW's Mexico writing retreats happen at the Retreat Centre, Casa Creatividad, at a town just north of Manzanillo, Mexico. Retreats start on Monday and go to Sunday. 10 person maximum. They keep group size small so quality and individual attention is high. Participants often come a day or two early so they are refreshed for morning class (accommodation fees are separate to allow for extra days).

For this year you will be able to book one of four possible weeks. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

3. Arvon, UK

Arvon has been running annual residential writing courses and retreats in Yorkshire, Shropshire and Devon since 1968. These retreats, located in beautiful countryside locations, give writers the time, space and inspiration to write. Expert tuition from leading authors is also on offer. The programme includes a wide range of literary genres, and caters for new and published writers. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

4. Victoria, BC, Canada Writer's Retreat

This retreat encompasses both fiction and non-fiction writers and includes 4 classes and one workshop, tour and picnic at the historic Craigdarroch Castle.

The retreat aims to build a solid support group of writers who will stay at their tranquil Ross Bay Beach house in Victoria. You also get customized one-on-one writing coaching included. Meanwhile, there will be optional guided and unguided time to explore historic and quaint Victoria, stroll beaches and visit restaurants and shops.

Due to Covid-19, this writing retreat is currently on hold for the moment. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

5. The Memoir Retreat, Greece

This writers’ retreat is held in Skala Eressos, on the lush, green island of Lesvos (sometimes called Lesbos or Mytilini).

Skala Eressos is a beach town and the retreat studios are set back from the beach on a beautiful allotment of land. It’s just a short walk from the main square and the beach with tavernas, cafes bars and small grocery stores. The sea is crystal clear and warm all summer. 

All courses at The Memoir Retreat are suitable for beginners and writers who just need some help with plotting or character development. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

6. Whiteface Lodge, Lake Placid, USA

Here’s a retreat a little further from home where you can pitch your laptop for a week or so and write. This is not a formal workshop, it’s just a wonderful place to let your fingers glide over the keyboard and finish your novel.

The rustic but utterly charming Whiteface Lodge, with its cast-iron fireplaces, pine beams and 6 million acres of mountain parkland, is in New York State. Your suite has a full kitchen, a writing desk and glorious mountain views.

If you prefer, you can work in front of the fire in the downstairs lounge, and once you’ve hit your daily word count, why not take off for some hiking, skiing, fishing or even canoeing. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

7. Moniack Mhor, UK

Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre in the Scottish Highlands, is just 14 miles from Inverness. The creative writing courses are tutored by some of the finest authors in the published world. Participants are accommodated in the original croft house at Moniack Mhor.

It has 2 en-suite bedrooms and a guest bedroom, and is warmed by a wood-burning stove. The centre offers a variety of courses and retreats. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

8. Wales National Writing Centre, Gwynedd, Wales

Ty Newydd is a beautiful house set in the gorgeous Llyn Peninsula overlooking Cardigan Bay in Wales. The Wales National Writing Centre is hosting a busy schedule of writing courses that include literary novels, scriptwriting, short fiction, and crime writing. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

9. The Writer’s Lab, Greece

Writers on the Skyros retreats at The Writer’ Lab are accommodated in traditional Greek townhouses and enjoy healthy breakfasts and some gentle yoga on the sunny terrace before writing lessons begin. Professional writers guide and mentor the participants until lunchtime; the afternoons being left free for swimming and sightseeing. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon. 

10. The Grange by the Sea, Isle of Wight, UK 

Closer to home, The Grange Country House Hotel on the Isle of Wight offers writing courses throughout the year, all led by experienced tutors. Courses include Life Writing, Your Writer’s Voice, and Your Story, among others. The island and hotel has a laid-back atmosphere where you can enjoy the fresh sea air and long walks along the beach. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

11. Moroccan Caravan, Morocco 

This 5-day writers’ travelling adventure takes you deep into the heart of the Moroccan desert and will inspire and revitalise your creativity. Finish that novel you’ve been working on or start a new project based on the sounds, smells and experiences of Morocco at Moroccan Caravan. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

12. Mont Blanc, Chamonix, France

The core of the Mont Blanc Writing programme is an intensive, 2-week workshop, during which time writers work together with a single faculty member.

Classes are no bigger than 12 and the instructor, a professional writer, helps you focus on your writing. The courses follow a traditional workshop format – each student’s work is critiqued twice by the group. Classes meet in the morning and typically last for about three hours.

Writers need to arrange their own accommodation, but booking an apartment or a room is remarkably easy. When it comes to food, Mont Blanc hosts several events with plenty to eat, but in general writers have to feed themselves. Most chalets and apartments in Chamonix have their own kitchens. New dates to be announced soon, check back soon.

Have you ever attended a writing retreat that you would recommend? Or do you have any advice for going? Let us know in the comments section below.

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7+ Best Writing Retreats for 2024 (In Person & Online)

by Kris Freeman

on Jan 4, 2024

Writing retreats are back on the calendar!

With the pandemic appearing in the rear-view mirror for most of us, we’re greeted with more options to attend retreats that appeal to any writer. 

Are you looking to travel domestically or internationally for a retreat?

Are you staying at home and looking for a retreat?

We have you covered! 

This post will surely meet you with a writer’s retreat that works for your budget, even if you’re stuck at home.

So let’s dive in and plan your next writer’s getaway!

best creative writing retreats

What Are Writing Retreats?

Writing retreats fall somewhere between a writing session and writing residencies.

Writing residencies often suggest writing in solitude in a tranquil place — while a writing session offers a more regimented schedule complete with networking and lecture opportunities.

A writing retreat takes the best of both worlds combining beautiful serene locations with the intimacy of connecting with other writers and bloggers for support.

How and Why Writing Retreats Enrich Your Writing Career 

The benefits of writing retreats include the following;

  • Transformative experiences that open you up to new possibilities
  • The distraction-free dedicated space in which to write — freeing you from your everyday life and to-do-list
  • There are no more excuses; you’re writers here and committed to doing this for you and completing your writing project.
  • The retreat becomes your escape from reality.
  • Spending time sharing with other fellow writers begins to create an intimate writing community.
  • New habits, friends, and connections can create new bonds that last a lifetime.

Ultimately, a writing retreat has you returning to your life refreshed and ready to write with more enthusiasm.

Our Top 3 Picks for Writing Retreats in North America

Travelling abroad may not be for everyone, so we’ve compiled this upcoming events list of top writing retreats in North America.

1. Writers Who Run — Lake Junaluska, North Carolina

Writers Who Run — Lake Junaluska, North Carolina

Writers Who Run is in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, and as the name suggests, this retreat caters to writers who are also avid runners.

Learning about the art of creative writing in a creative environment requires a combination of planned social activities and a special writing group workshop designed to hone your writing skills. 

Most importantly, while on this 7-day retreat, you’ll have dedicated time daily to write — a habit the writing center hopes you’ll bring back to your daily life.

  • Basic Writer ($2,125)
  • Advanced Writer ($2,525)
  • Super Awesome Author ($3,125)

All packages include food, lodging, daily runs, a writing group workshop, social events, and race entry.

2. Rekindle Retreat — Juneau, Alaska

Rekindle Retreat — Juneau, Alaska

The  Rekindle Retreat is a writing retreat hosted by the Lighthouse Writer’syou’ll Workshop. 

Featured highlights of this retreat include dedicated writing time, local exploration, manuscript feedback from seasoned writers, and connections with other writers to develop your writing progress .

The daily workshops are at the historic Baranof Hotel. It’s close to all the action — including the nearby city capital, coffee shops, restaurants, watering holes, library, beach, and hiking trails.

Some daily activities in Juneau may include:

  • An optional creative writing-centric Juneau activity, either in the morning or afternoon
  • Meals on your own or at a scheduled restaurant for the group
  • After-dinner social/cocktail hour with friends or colleagues
  • Meetings and manuscript review with instructors
  • Pricing and other details will be available in the fall.

3. Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway — Atlantic City, New Jersey

Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway — Atlantic City, New Jersey

The  Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway is a participant-focused writers’ conference.

The getaway boasts challenging and supportive workshops, insightful feedback, and a supportive community. This retreat space has something for everyone, with a wide array of workshops for various creative writing genres, including poetry , fiction, non-fiction, memoir , songwriting, and more.

One unique aspect of this creative writing retreat is focusing on the writing process versus listening. Most workshops are limited to 10 or fewer participants offering a small group intensive focus.

  • January 13-16
  • Tuition sliding scale $495 to $595. See different  lodging options .

The Wide, Wide, World: Global Writing Retreats

Do you have your passport updated and ready to go? 

Let’s see if one of these globe trekking future retreats catches your eye and inspires you to write.

4. Writeaway — Champtoce-Sur-Loire

Writeaway — Champtoce-Sur-Loire

The  Writeaway retreat at the Chateau du Pin (a castle in France) is an idyllic location to immerse yourself in all things writing and inspire your inner muse.

At the Chateau, your hosts, John and Mimi, will greet you, providing all your literary needs and beyond. Finding a secluded writing nook on this 300-acre estate won’t be hard.

  • June 30 – July 7, & July 8-15
  • 1 week or 2 weeks (choose to attend one or both weeks)
  • $4,950 for a single room, $2,350 each for friends or couples sharing a room for a single week.
  • $2,750 for a single room, $4,400 each for friends or couples sharing a room for both weeks/15 days.

5. Writers’ Retreat — Cape Town, Africa

Writers' Retreat — Cape Town, Africa

The  Writers’ Room team takes a full immersion writing retreat every year. All writers at any level are welcome, including authors, poets, graduate students and scholars!

The retreat is located outside Cape Town in a small coastal village at Hout Bay. The host, Sarah Bullen, is a writing coach and literary agent.

  • 23-27 November — Hout Bay, Cape Town
  • ​8-12 February — McGregor, Western Cape
  • 28-30 April — McGregor, Western Cape
  • 3 -5 days, depending on the dates
  • R5,000 for the November and February retreats (approx $275 US)
  • R3,900 for the April retreat (approx $215 US)

6. Iceland Writers Retreat — Reykjavik, Iceland

best creative writing retreats

The  Iceland Writers Retreat (IWR) is a series of workshops and panels led by an impressive team of international writers. Each of their featured authors will be teaching two different workshops.

Participants can expect the IWR to host intimate workshops and lectures. They will include tours to the spectacular Golden Circle, cozy cafes of Reykjavik, geothermal hot springs, Icelandic music, contemporary Icelandic writers, and the rich culture of Iceland. 

You’ll also be given dedicated blocks of time to work on your writing goals.

  • April 26 – 30
  • ISK 280,000 per person (approx $2,060 US)

Online Retreats for Writers Who Prefer the Comfort of Home

Is creating a staycation writer’s retreat more your speed? Then check out the following online personal retreats to get your creative juices flowing.

7. The Stay at Home Writing Retreat

Online Retreats for Writers Who Prefer the Comfort of Home

The  Stay at Home Writing Retreat is a weekend experience. 

On Friday night, you gather for a 2-hour session to meet the other participants. You’ll set the ground rules during this meet and greet and share your writing with the group.

On Saturday, you’ll participate in creativity-waking exercises like: “what wants to be written now?”

Then you’ll engage in more extended writing practice until stepping back fully in the evening to write and emerge Sunday morning.

  • November 25 – 27
  • $525 ($175 deposit when you register & $350 a week later)

8. 2024 Writer’s Retreat YACPA

The  2023 Writers Retreat hosted by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) — is a virtual retreat centred around the Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization. 

The ACPA’s mission is to help others understand that racist and settler colonial schooling has made it challenging for those with a voice to be heard.

This retreat offers community writing opportunities, individual and group coaching, and support from an experienced facilitator; in writing retreat settings, writing groups, workshops, and publishing possibilities within ACPA.

  • January 3-6
  • $249 for members
  • $349 for non-members ( membership saves $100)

9. Composed at Home Online Writing Retreat

Composed at Home Online Writing Retreat

Composed at Home Online Writing Retreat incorporates a systematic creative process that allows you to bust through your emotional writing blocks every time you write.

This online personal writing retreat serves writers who are:

  • Easily overwhelmed with doubt
  • Worried about the slowness of their writing
  • Have difficulty designating sacred writing space
  • Struggle to stay focused amidst the distractions
  • Tired of feeling not good enough 
  • Want to fall back in love with writing again 
  • Longing for a community of support and writer camaraderie
  • 5 & 1/2 days
  • $3,450 (Early Bird Price $2,950 available until November 18)

3 Ways to Host Your Own Writing Retreat

Is going to a writer’s retreat or attending an online retreat out of the question right now?

But are you still craving a legit getaway? 

Check out the following three examples to turn your ordinary writing nook into a retreat to re-energize your creative flow.

Simple Staycation

Writers don’t take authentic vacations; however, what if you took a break from the same old writing space using some of these tips?

  • Set the mood with a theme (Hawaiian, Spanish, Christmas in July)
  • Relocate to a different part of your residence (Set up an office in the garage)
  • Redecorate (change lighting, wall color, or add a fountain)

A Writer’s Traveling Tool Kit

Designate a backpack, briefcase, or even a sturdy shopping bag to house everything you’ll need to write from a coffee shop, friend’s house, library, etc.

When the mood strikes, you’re better equipped to jump ship and write from an offsite location.

Writer’s Will Wander

Writers can change the scenery by booking a cozy getaway with an Airbnb or similar service that allows them to exit their typical digs. 

And if you’re longing for company, invite some writing friends and turn it into your own writer’s retreat.

Writing Retreats For Every Writer

With the world moving forward, now is your time to refresh your writing career or hobby.

Those old excuses you used to hijack your love of writing are no longer valid against this realizable list of writing retreats.

It eliminates the excuses for not writing. 

No matter your budget or time, a writers’ retreat is possible.

So put on your warm fuzzy socks or sombrero, and imagine yourself writing in a location that inspires your inner muse.

Time to plan your writing retreat!

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Kris Freeman

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Written by kris freeman, latest from the blog.

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The Ultimate Guide to the Best Writing Retreats

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding the time and space to focus on your writing can be a challenge. That’s where writing retreats come in. These immersive experiences provide the perfect environment for writers to escape the distractions of everyday life, focus on their craft, and find inspiration in new surroundings. Whether you’re a seasoned author or a beginner looking to hone your skills, a writing retreat could be just what you need to take your work to the next level.

Why You Need a Writing Retreat

Writing retreats offer a unique opportunity to dedicate uninterrupted time to your writing. They provide a supportive environment where you can focus solely on your craft, away from the distractions and demands of your daily routine. Whether you’re working on a novel, a collection of short stories, or a screenplay, a writing retreat can provide the time, space, and inspiration you need to make significant progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at a writing retreat? At a writing retreat, you’ll typically spend your days writing, with breaks for meals, relaxation, and optional activities like workshops, seminars, or local excursions. Some retreats also offer one-on-one mentoring sessions with established authors or industry professionals.

Who should attend a writing retreat? Anyone with a passion for writing can benefit from a writing retreat. Whether you’re a seasoned author working on your latest novel, a beginner looking to improve your skills, or a busy professional seeking a creative outlet, a writing retreat can provide the time, space, and inspiration you need.

How do I choose the right writing retreat? Consider what you hope to achieve, your budget, and the type of environment in which you work best. Do you want a structured program with workshops and critiques, or do you prefer plenty of free time for independent writing? Do you want a solitary experience, or do you thrive in a community of writers? Research each retreat carefully to ensure it aligns with your goals and preferences.

Benefits of Writing Retreats

Focused Writing Time: With no distractions or responsibilities to pull you away, you can fully immerse yourself in your writing.

Inspiration: New environments, cultures, and experiences can spark creativity and provide fresh ideas for your writing.

Community: You’ll be surrounded by other passionate writers, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and feedback.

Skill Development: Many retreats offer workshops, seminars, and mentoring sessions where you can learn new techniques and receive personalized advice to improve your writing.

Wellbeing: Beyond the writing benefits, retreats often offer activities like yoga, meditation, hiking, and more, promoting a balance of physical and mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, writing retreats are a valuable investment in your writing journey. They offer a unique blend of focused writing time, professional development, and personal growth. Whether you’re looking to finish a manuscript, seeking inspiration, or wanting to connect with a community of writers, a writing retreat could be the perfect solution.

Best writing retreats for 2023

This list is a bit of a mess, please search for all the details if one sounds interesting! I’ll probably rent another castle eventually if you want to sign up to my list.

Writers in the Wild, Catskills Oct 20th to 24th.


Catskills Retreat

October 20-24, 2023

Located on a beautiful country estate with 355 acres and miles of trails to wander, you’ll leave your cares behind and truly dive into your creativity.  More details here .

The Ireland Writing Retreat in Donegal, Ireland, offers several retreats in 2023:

  • Spring Writing Retreat 2023
  • Summer Writing Retreat 2023
  • Autumn Writing Retreat 2023
  • Paris Writing Retreat 2023

However, the website does not provide specific dates and pricing information for these retreats. The retreats offer a combination of writing workshops, author talks, cultural experiences, and scenic walks. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking their official website or contacting them directly.

Here is the link to their website: Ireland Writing Retreat

The Himalayan Writing Retreat in India offers several retreats and workshops in 2023:

  • Creative Writing Course – Himalayas : July 19 – July 23, 2023, for ₹32,000.
  • Writing for the Screen – big & small : August 2 – August 6, 2023, for ₹29,000.
  • Creative Writing Course – Himalayas : September 2 – September 6, 2023, for ₹29,000.
  • Writing Masterclass with Jerry Pinto : September 20 – September 24, 2023, for ₹44,000.
  • Writing and Performing in Meter: Poetry Masterclass with Annie Finch : September 26 – October 1, 2023, for ₹36,000.
  • The Himalayan International Writers Retreat – Fall 2023 : October 3 – October 13, 2023, for $3,300.
  • Translation Masterclass with Arunava Sinha : November 1 – November 5, 2023, for ₹34,000.

Please note that prices are in Indian Rupees (₹) and US Dollars ($), and may vary depending on the specific retreat or workshop.

Here is the link to their website: The Himalayan Writing Retreat

Write Away Europe , Prague Writing Retreat – Here is the link to their website: Write Away Europe, Prague Writing Retreat

Iceland Writers Retreat , Reykjavik, Iceland: An annual retreat typically held in April, featuring a series of intimate writing workshops led by acclaimed authors and cultural tours across Iceland. Participants get a chance to network with fellow writers and get inspired by the country’s breathtaking landscapes. Website

Under the Volcano , Tepoztlán, Mexico: A 10-day retreat held annually in January, this program provides masterclasses for writers looking to advance their craft. It offers immersive learning with renowned authors, fostering a community of writers. Website

Paris American Academy’s Creative Writing Workshop, Paris, France: This month-long retreat every July offers writers a chance to work intensively on their projects while experiencing Paris’ rich culture. It includes writing workshops and cultural tours, providing ample inspiration for writers. Website

Arvon Foundation , United Kingdom: Offering week-long creative writing courses and retreats in serene countryside locations throughout the year. Each course is led by two tutors, allowing participants to engage in an intimate and focused learning environment. Website

Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference , Ripton, Vermont, USA: An annual 10-day event held in August, this conference features workshops, lectures, and classes for writers of all levels. It’s a great opportunity for networking and learning from renowned authors. Website

The Art of Writing , Tuscany, Italy: This retreat occurs in June, focusing on both writing and personal development. It offers a peaceful environment for writers to create, grow, and connect with other creative minds in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. Website

Greece Writers Retreat , Island of Thasos: A week-long retreat taking place in September. Participants can enjoy writing workshops, yoga sessions, and lots of free time to write, relax, and explore the picturesque island. Website

Vancouver and Victoria Schools of Writing , Canada: These schools offer various workshops and classes throughout the year. With a focus on fostering creativity and improving writing skills, these sessions provide a space for writers to learn and connect. Website

Centauri Arts Costa Rica Writing Retreat : This retreat caters to writers of all levels and provides coaching, classes, and communal activities amid the lush Costa Rican landscape. A perfect blend of learning and relaxation. Website

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Retreat , Colorado Springs, USA: This annual event is dedicated to fiction writers, providing a space to focus on their work and learn from experts in the genre. Writers can also network and share ideas with like-minded individuals. Website

Wide Open Writing , Isla Holbox Retreat, Mexico: This retreat offers guided writing sessions and recreational activities like yoga. A perfect opportunity for writers to combine creative exploration with relaxation and wellness. Website

Ireland Writing Retreat , Travel Writing Retreat, Donegal, Ireland: Based in the heart of Donegal, this retreat helps writers develop and enrich their travel writing skills through workshops and field experiences. Website

writing retreats

Verse Kraken Writing Retreat , Peumerit, France: Open to writers of all genres, this retreat offers a relaxing environment to hone writing skills in the French countryside.

Here is the link to their website: Verse Kraken Writing Retreat

Write Away Europe , Prague Writing Retreat: This retreat offers guided writing sessions, workshops, and cultural exploration in the vibrant city of Prague, Czech Republic. A unique opportunity for writers to immerse themselves in a different culture while refining their craft. Website

The Aegean Arts Circle Writing Workshops in Andros, Greece, are scheduled to take place from June 17th-25th, 2023. The workshops are led by award-winning authors and are designed for writers who need time away from their regular lives to write. The workshops are intensive and provide a small, close-knit writing community. The workshops meet every day and are challenging enough to bring out the best in participants, whether they are aspiring or published writers. However, the website does not provide specific pricing information for these workshops.

Here is the link to their website: Aegean Arts Circle Workshops

Black Sea Writing Retreat , Mai, Romania: This retreat specializes in travel, food, and entertainment writing. Participants get a chance to hone their skills in a specific genre, while also exploring the culturally rich region. Here is the link to their website: Black Sea Writing Retreat

The Creative Writer’s Workshop in Ireland offers several workshops and retreats in 2023:

  • Writing Retreats | Workshops
  • Fiction Writing Retreats | Workshops
  • Memoir Writing Retreats | Workshops
  • Fiction Writing Course Online

However, the website does not provide specific dates and pricing information for these workshops and retreats. The workshops are designed for writers of all levels and focus on both fiction and memoir writing. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking their official website or contacting them directly.

Here is the link to their website: The Creative Writer’s Workshop

Writing On Water Croatia Retreat: This retreat offers a variety of writing workshops in a villa overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Participants can enjoy the natural beauty of Croatia while focusing on their writing projects. Here is the link to their website: Writing On Water Croatia Retreat

Writing With Care at the Ochre House Retreat: A retreat for writers and creative artists providing an environment conducive to creativity. The location and activities are designed to foster a sense of community and inspire creativity. Here is the link to their website: Writing With Care at the Ochre House Retreat

Women Reading Aloud, Greece Writing Retreat: A women’s retreat on the island of Alonnisos in Greece, offering writing workshops and communal activities in an empowering, supportive environment. Here is the link to their website: Women Reading Aloud, Greece Writing Retreat

The Writers Who Run (Or Walk) Retreat in North Carolina, USA, is scheduled to take place from July 10-16, 2023. The deadline to register is June 23, 2023. The retreat is a week-long event that combines writing workshops with a 5K and 10K race. It offers a supportive and friendly environment for writers to be inspired, productive, and creative. However, the website does not provide specific pricing information for the retreat.

Here is the link to their website: Writers Who Run (Or Walk)

The Storyteller Within, Journey Into Sacred Expression Women’s Retreat in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, has two sessions scheduled for 2023:

  • July 7-15, 2023
  • August 25 – September 2, 2023

The retreat is designed for all women who want to reveal their own truths, connect to their intuition, reclaim their soul voice, feel empowered in their unique self-expression, and be inspired as the courageous storyteller of their own lives. However, the website does not provide specific pricing information for the retreat.

Here is the link to their website: The Storyteller Within

Hamlet’s Hideaway , Denmark: This retreat offers mentoring from established writers in a quiet, peaceful setting in Denmark. Participants can enjoy the solitude needed to focus on their work while also benefiting from expert guidance. Here is the link to their website: Hamlet’s Hideaway

Pink Pangaea , Writing and Hiking Retreat in the Swiss Alps: This retreat combines writing workshops with outdoor activities in the Swiss Alps. Participants can draw inspiration from nature while honing their writing skills. Here is the link to their website: Pink Pangaea, Writing and Hiking Retreat in the Swiss Alps

The Taos Writer’s Retreat , Taos, New Mexico, USA: A retreat for women writers offering workshops, meals, and activities at The Mabel Lodge Luhan House. A combination of professional guidance and community building. Here is the link to their website: The Taos Writer’s Retreat

The Writing Room , Write n’ Walk Spain, Asturias: This retreat offers a guided trek and writing sessions in Asturias, Spain. A perfect blend of outdoor exploration and focused writing. Here is the link to their website: The Writing Room, Write n’ Walk Spain

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best creative writing retreats

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Twenty-Two of the Most Inspiring Writers Retreats in the Country

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best creative writing retreats

Writing Retreats

Come write with us—from home..

The Center for Creative Writing offers annual writing retreats on multiple topics and genres for writers who seek an immersive experience.

Our writing retreats for the foreseeable future will be supportive, community-building, intensive…and 100% virtual. We adapted some of our in-person offerings to provide an incredible retreat experience you can enjoy from the safety and comfort of home. 

Center writing retreats are nurturing:

  • We connect you with a passionate teacher for expert guidance;
  • We help you build a tiny but mighty community of other writers; and
  • We offer private, luxury accommodations in beautiful, vacation-worthy places around the U.S.

Center writing retreats are accessible:

  • Our long-weekend intensive format provides an escape for even the most time-challenged writers, for whom a week or two away from jobs, families, and responsibilities is simply not feasible;
  • Our teachers work with retreat registrants to optimize sessions and content for their individual goals and projects, no matter their level of experience; and
  • We strive to choose locations that accommodate a range of special needs and requests, so your time spent writing is as comfortable as possible.

Center writing retreats are transformative:

  • You will be (re)energized in group sessions with people as dedicated to writing as you are and want to be;
  • You will remember why you write in productive solitary sessions; and
  • You will carry a renewed sense of wonder and inspiration home with you to fuel your creativity long after the retreat concludes.

VIRTUAL Write for Your Life retreat

Virtual Write for Your Life retreat (image of starry sky above pine trees)

Writing for Children long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lazy Pond Bed and Breakfast

Write for Your Life long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lake Raystown Resort and Lodge

Writing a Small-Scale Memoir long weekend intensive writing retreat

Lazy Pond Bed and Breakfast

Copyright 2020 ~ Center for Creative Writing

Writing Retreat

Explore. write. connect..

Black Bear Writing Retreat is a 5-day/6-night retreat for writers in any creative genre. The retreat combines three components daily: (1) sightseeing in a beautiful mountain setting, (2) enjoying a peaceful environment for relaxation, reflection, and creative writing exercises; (3) connecting with other writers and sharing writing experiences.

Why is it called Black Bear Retreat?

The name of the retreat was inspired by this black bear who visited the first group of participants.

Where does it take place?

In Nederland, Colorado, nestled at the eastern edge of the Indian Peaks Wilderness. Participant accommodations are in town; group discussions and writing exercises take place in my home at the edge of a forest; I am your driver for sightseeing outings.

What does Nederland have to explore?

In addition to our rugged mountain landscape, our local history as an 1800s gold and silver mining town. In summer we see abundant wildflower fields. In autumn we see golden aspen trees. You will want to bring your camera! All photos on this site are taken by me at places we will likely see during the retreat.


“The magical Black Bear Writing Retreat opened my eyes and my heart. I loved the writing exercises. Old words flowed in new patterns and surprising rhythms. The experience has colored my writing in unexpected ways, and I am grateful for the time I spent in Nederland.”

Barbara Robertson, award-winning travel essayist and entertainment journalist.

“I felt good about the balance between group interaction and individual free time. I paid so much more attention to sensory details around me because you asked us to write about our hikes. The group sessions pointed out strengths and weaknesses for all of us in a constructive, helpful way that I found particularly validating.”

Nancy LaTurner, author of Voluntary Nomads , Transit of Venus , and Chama Cormorants .

“I loved the way you scheduled the days — I loved the hikes and the assignments. And I loved the dinners; they were so key in bonding us all together and revealing each other’s life and writing experiences.”

Cynthia Darling, English Teacher and contributing writer to Teaching Music magazine and New York Family magazine.

What is unique about Black Bear Retreat?

The retreat strives to foster a camaraderie between writers. This is a peer group, not a workshop with a teacher or renowned literary figure to whom the average writer may not relate. This is about connection on a meaningful level to other writers. These five days are for examining and/or discovering our own strengths and weaknesses as writers, sharing them with others, and learning from each others’ strengths and weaknesses.

At Black Bear Retreat, every participant has an equal voice. Group discussions revolve around three aspects of writing: the initial creative process, the editing and revision process, the publishing process. In each discussion, all writers will contribute their thoughts and experiences equally.

The retreat is also about actively exploring our environment (and writing about it), and sharing happy hours and meals.

Who is Black Bear Retreat appropriate for?

This retreat is for practicing writers with publishing experience or who have begun the publishing process , i.e., completed and submitted a manuscript (or short story, poem, etc.), even if it has not yet been accepted. It’s for writers who want to connect with and learn from others. It’s a support group for the typical writer who experiences ups and downs, has both strengths and weaknesses, needs to be uplifted in some ways and can uplift others in another way. Black Bear Retreat is limited to a small, intimate group of 4 participants in order to allow all participants an equal voice, as well as for the consideration of logistics such as lodging, meeting space, and sightseeing transportation.

It’s also for adventurers! Our itinerary will include hiking (mild grades, nothing strenuous) and driving rough 4×4 roads.

Why was Black Bear Retreat established?

I established it out of my own desire to connect with other writers. I’m not associated with any academia. I’m an independent writer working out of my home, with only a handful of writer friends and close associates.

As a worldwide traveler, people often insist I should publish a book about this or that experience, glibly implying that it is effortless to write and easy to get published. Owing to these misperceptions, I’ve found it difficult to talk to most people in a meaningful way about writing; it’s exhausting and demoralizing, as well as very isolating. I established the Black Bear Retreat with the idea of connecting with other writers who understand the writing life — its trials and tribulations, as well as its triumphs.

Having been a participant in many workshops and peer-review writing groups, I’ve pulled together what I found to be the most valuable aspects into the structure of Black Bear.

best creative writing retreats

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Amazing Writing Retreats to Attend in 2024

  • on Nov 21, 2023
  • in International Writing Events
  • Last update: June 25th, 2024

Have you been going through a writing slump lately? We know the feeling. Fortunately, there are many ways to revive your creative spirits, and we just so happen to have a great solution for you: writing retreats!


If you’ve tried one in the past, then you know how a change in scenery can boost your spirits. You can sidestep the hassle of searching for the perfect writing retreat in 2024 by checking out the selection below.

Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway

Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway

Winter On the Farm Creative Writing Retreat

Winter On the Farm Creative Writing Retreat

Arvon Tutored Retreat: Fiction

Arvon Tutored Retreat: Fiction

Banff Winter Writers Retreat

Banff Winter Writers Retreat

Rekindle Creativity Women's Writing Retreat

Rekindle Creativity Women’s Writing Retreat

Foxes’ Day Writing Retreat

Foxes’ Day Writing Retreat

Writing Workshops: Hawaii Retreat

Writing Workshops: Hawaii Retreat

Casa Ana Creative Writing Retreat

Casa Ana Creative Writing Retreat

Open Your Art Flash Fiction Retreat

Open Your Art Flash Fiction Retreat

Open You Art Retreat

Open You Art Retreat

Write Your Journey: Vietnam Writing Retreat

Write Your Journey: Vietnam Writing Retreat

The Drilling Axe: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

The Drilling Axe: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Wandering Writers Retreat

Wandering Writers Retreat

Centauri Arts Creative Writing Retreat

Centauri Arts Creative Writing Retreat

Island Time Writing Retreat

Island Time Writing Retreat

Writing at Serra Retreat

Writing at Serra Retreat

Valeria Vescina Writing Retreat

Valeria Vescina Writing Retreat

The Rainforest Writers Village Retreat

The Rainforest Writers Village Retreat

Art of Writing Retreat

Art of Writing Retreat

Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat

Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat

Art of Writing Retreat: Deep Dive into Writing

Art of Writing Retreat: Deep Dive into Writing

Gunnas Weekend Writing Retreat

Gunnas Weekend Writing Retreat

Ossabaw Island Writers' Retreat

Ossabaw Island Writers’ Retreat

Rocaberti Writers Retreat

Rocaberti Writers Retreat

Fabled Retreats in New Hope

Fabled Retreats in New Hope

Susan Hagens: Women's Writing Retreat

Susan Hagens: Women’s Writing Retreat

Ego Break Retreat

Ego Break Retreat

Rocaberti Writers Retreat

Himalayan Writers Retreat

Develop your Novel Writers Retreat

Develop your Novel Writers Retreat

Haven Writing Retreats

Haven Writing Retreats

The Algonkian Writer Retreat and Novel Workshop

The Algonkian Writer Retreat and Novel Workshop

Stylish Writing Intensive

Stylish Writing Intensive

Steph Jagger: The Nature of Narrative Retreat

Steph Jagger: The Nature of Narrative Retreat

Ireland Writing Retreat

Ireland Writing Retreat

Mission of the Writer Retreat in California

Mission of the Writer Retreat in California

Writing Workshops: New York Retreat

Writing Workshops: New York Retreat

Fabled Retreats in Cape May

Fabled Retreats in Cape May

Foreword Retreats: David Rocklin Writing Retreat

Foreword Retreats: David Rocklin Writing Retreat

Novel Whisperer Galveston

Novel Whisperer Galveston

Writing Workshops: Biltmore Retreat

Writing Workshops: Biltmore Retreat

Susan Hagens: Women's Writing Retreat

Arvon: Fiction Retreat

Writers in the Wild Blue Ridge Retreat

Writers in the Wild Blue Ridge Retreat

Write Away: France Writing Retreat

Write Away: France Writing Retreat

Iceland Writers Retreat

Iceland Writers Retreat

Writing Workshops: Dublin Retreat

Writing Workshops: Dublin Retreat

The Taos Deep Dive & Revision Writer’s Retreat

The Taos Deep Dive & Revision Writer’s Retreat

Writing Retreat for Academics, PhD students and other professionals

Writing Retreat for Academics, PhD students and other professionals

Writing as a Pathway Through Grief, Loss, Uncertainty and Change: A Weeklong Retreat

Writing as a Pathway Through Grief, Loss, Uncertainty and Change: A Weeklong Retreat

Pink Panega: Writer’s Retreat in Rhodes

Pink Panega: Writer’s Retreat in Rhodes

A Writer Within Retreat in Tuscany

A Writer Within Retreat in Tuscany

Shine: Creative Writing + Pilates Retreat

Shine: Creative Writing + Pilates Retreat

Write Away Europe: Paros Greek Island Retreat

Write Away Europe: Paros Greek Island Retreat

Foreword Retreats: Jamie Ford Writing Retreat

Foreword Retreats: Jamie Ford Writing Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored May Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored May Retreat

Inspired Writer's Retreat

Inspired Writer’s Retreat

Foxes’ Day Writing Retreat

Fabled Retreats in Poconos

Writeaway in New Mexico

Writeaway in New Mexico

Lighthouse Writers: Rekindle Retreat

Lighthouse Writers: Rekindle Retreat

Memories into Memoir Writing Retreat

Memories into Memoir Writing Retreat

Paris Writers Retreat

Paris Writers Retreat

Wide Open Writing: Italy Retreat

Wide Open Writing: Italy Retreat

Foreword Retreats: Ellen Sussman Writing Retreat

Foreword Retreats: Ellen Sussman Writing Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Developing Your Poetry

The Garsdale Retreat: Developing Your Poetry

best creative writing retreats

Write, Travel, Transform: Back Roads of Bali

Valeria Vescina Writing Retreat

Writing Excuses (Re)Generate Retreat 2024: Unlock Your Creative Process

Retreat. Create. Revitalize.

Retreat. Create. Revitalize.

Come to Your Senses Writing Retreat with Author Karen Karbo

Come to Your Senses Writing Retreat with Author Karen Karbo

The Writing Room Retreat: Greece Writer's Retreat

The Writing Room Retreat: Greece Writer’s Retreat

Writing Workshops: Paris Retreat

Writing Workshops: Paris Retreat

Women Reading Aloud: Greece's Writer's Retreat

Women Reading Aloud: Greece’s Writer’s Retreat

Las Chimeneas Writing Retreat

Las Chimeneas Writing Retreat

All-Genre NIP Bookcamp Workshop & Writing Retreat

All-Genre NIP Bookcamp Workshop & Writing Retreat

Ireland Writing Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Novel Writing

Creative Connections Writing Retreat

Creative Connections Writing Retreat

Rainforest Writing Retreat

Rainforest Writing Retreat

Radical Craft Retreat

Radical Craft Retreat

Mountain Rise Writing Retreat

Mountain Rise Writing Retreat

Write Away Europe: Tuscany Writing Retreat

Write Away Europe: Tuscany Writing Retreat

Writing Workshops: Iceland Retreat

Writing Workshops: Iceland Retreat

Rosemont College: Summer Writers' Retreat and Publishing Seminar

Rosemont College: Summer Writers’ Retreat and Publishing Seminar

Writing Retreat in Tuscany, Italy

Writing Retreat in Tuscany, Italy

The White Mountain Book Writing Retreat

The White Mountain Book Writing Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored July Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored July Retreat

Wild Seeds Writers Retreat

Wild Seeds Writers Retreat

Summer on the Farm Novel Writing Retreat at ZigBone Farm

Summer on the Farm Novel Writing Retreat at ZigBone Farm

Writing Excuses Scotland: Research, Writing, and Swordplay Retreat

Writing Excuses Scotland: Research, Writing, and Swordplay Retreat

unplug and write in this all-inclusive luxury yoga and writing retreat

unplug and write in this all-inclusive luxury yoga and writing retreat

Denmark's Writing Retreat

Denmark’s Writing Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored August Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored August Retreat

Diana Friedman: Pyrenean Writing Retreats

Diana Friedman: Pyrenean Writing Retreats

Write. Run. Connect.

Write. Run. Connect.

A Creative Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago

A Creative Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago

Foreword Retreats: Christina Baker Kline & Paula McLain Writing Retreat

Foreword Retreats: Christina Baker Kline & Paula McLain Writing Retreat

Writeaway in Ireland

Writeaway in Ireland

Fiction & Autobiographical Writing Retreat

Fiction & Autobiographical Writing Retreat

Words & Clay Women's River Trip

Words & Clay Women’s River Trip

Writing Workshops: Mackinac Island Retreat

Writing Workshops: Mackinac Island Retreat

Writeaway in France

Writeaway in France

Into the West: Ireland Retreat

Into the West: Ireland Retreat

Wide Open Writing: Ireland Retreat

Wide Open Writing: Ireland Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored September Retreat

The Garsdale Retreat: Untutored September Retreat

Novel Whisperer Writing Adventure Retreat

Novel Whisperer Writing Adventure Retreat

Alison May, Developing your Novel – Tutored Retreat

Alison May, Developing your Novel – Tutored Retreat

Grand Tourist Writer's Retreat

Grand Tourist Writer’s Retreat

Writing Excuses Cruise 2024: Mexican Riviera

Writing Excuses Cruise 2024: Mexican Riviera

The Okoboji Writers’ Retreat

The Okoboji Writers’ Retreat

Mainely Memoir Retreat

Mainely Memoir Retreat

The White Mountain Book Writing Retreat

ISH Writers Retreat

Casa Ana Novel Writing Retreat

Casa Ana Novel Writing Retreat

The Writing Room: Writing Retreat in Mexico

The Writing Room: Writing Retreat in Mexico

Annual November 4-Day Writing Retreat

Annual November 4-Day Writing Retreat

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No matter where in the world you choose, writing retreats offer you benefits worth their weight in gold; you get to meet fellow writers, finish your manuscript, or simply relax and keep writing. It’s a golden opportunity to rejuvenate your mind and soul!

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The 8 Best Affordable Writing Retreats That Won’t Break the Bank

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Gift a friend (or yourself) what writers want most: time, space, and a place to focus.

best creative writing retreats

Networking, hustle, and industry understanding are unfortunate burdens of the life of a young and working writer. But trickier still is finding solitude. Privacy, quiet, and uninterruption are crucial to the craft; if solitude is one of the challenges of writing, it is also essential.

While residencies and fellowships are wonderful, most ask for applications and portfolios, and that can be prohibitive when you’re just starting out. Writing retreats are another means of getting away — and they can be done affordably, some even offering scholarships. Most bring together a small community of writers for a few days, so there is the opportunity for socializing and meeting the like-minded. Some involve travel to local sites or parks, or daily meetings to discuss the industry or the craft.

If you’re looking to get some peace and focus — or the best gift for your writerly friend this holiday season — here are some of the best writing retreats we found that won’t break your bank.

best creative writing retreats

Wellspring House Retreat  — Ashfield, Massachusetts, $260-$280/week

Retired English professor Preston Browning is the co-director of Wellspring House with his wife, author Ann Hutt Browning. The Wellspring House is run exclusively as a retreat for writers and artists, and as such is open all year: winter rates (mid-November to April 1st) are $260/week for an individual, and $290/week for a couple. Normal rates are only slightly higher: $280/week for an individual, and $310/week for a couple. You can also choose to stay just one to three nights for about $60–$90 per night. Each stay comes with access to the large living room and kitchen, along with access to one of the two common bathrooms (in total, the house hosts about six rooms). And if you’re really looking to get away, this retreat will help you do it: while the house offers modern amenities like laundry, the website warns that the house has no cell phone service.

best creative writing retreats

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Retreat  — Colorado Springs, Colorado, $65-$399

The Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Retreat takes place in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies, at the Franciscan Retreat Center. Spanning three nights, it often contains special agent and author guests — in 2018, for example, Sandra Bond from the Bond Literacy and authors Heather Webb and Corinne O’Flynn will be there, leading talks and workshops, including a Publishing AMA by Sandra Bond. Residents can choose days only ($65 total, including meals), to stay and share a bedroom with one other resident ($299 total), or to have their own private bedroom for the duration of the retreat ($399 total).

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God’s Whisper Farm Writer’s Retreat  — Radiant, Virginia, $195 + $25/night

At the God’s Whisper Farm Writer’s Retreat, writers stay on a farm containing goats, chickens, dogs, and cats. They can enjoy writing workshops, talks from writers, meditation sessions, open mics, and shared, home-cooked meals. All rooms have two bunks and cost $25/night, but if you want slightly more private accommodations, you can opt to stay at a nearby Airbnb or at Best Western. If you want to avoid fees altogether, there are also ten free campsites nearby. Keep in mind the $195 rate is an early bird rate; prices may go up if you book within about three months of the retreat, hosted in late June.

best creative writing retreats

Kundiman Retreat, in partnership with Fordham University  — Bronx, New York, $375 + $25 application fee

In partnership with Fordham University, the nonprofit organization Kundiman offers a retreat for 36 lucky participants who apply. Kundiman, according to their site, aims to nurture writers and readers of Asian American literature. Keeping with this mission, top Asian American poets and writers lead the Master Classes and manuscript consultations at the retreat. The five-day retreat also includes reading, writing circles, and informal social gatherings, with room and board included in the subsidized tuition fee. Applicants can apply to either the poetry or writing track: as part of the retreat, poetry fellows get a free consultation on a 10-page manuscript, while fiction fellows get a free consultation on a 15-page manuscript.

best creative writing retreats

‘The Moth’ Retreat for Artists and Writers , Cavan, Ireland, €300, or about $355 a week

If you want to submerse yourself in history during your retreat, try crossing the pond and attending The Moth Retreat for Artists and Writers, located at a house in Cavan, Ireland. According to the retreat website, Samuel Beckett went to school just a half an hour northwest of the home, while renowned writers like Seamus Heaney and Patrick Kavanagh all lived within an hour’s drive. The house itself is completely private, and includes a large studio, kitchen, and breakfast room downstairs, and a bedroom and bathroom upstairs. Fresh eggs are provided every morning, though you are expected to furnish your own meals. If you want to bring a friend or guest, that will cost you an extra 100 euros. Need a ride to the bus station or help finding other provisions? The publishers of The Moth are nearby and ready to help, according to the retreat website.

best creative writing retreats

The Good Contrivance Farm Writer’s Retreat  — Reisterstown, Maryland, $550 for one week

Another solitary retreat you could try is run by The Good Contrivance Farm, and is hosted in a contemporary loft apartment in the farm’s main barn. The Good Contrivance Farm is a non-profit that aims to preserve and restore historic farms in Maryland. To apply, send in a résumé and writing sample (space is booked on a first-come, first-served basis). Once booked, you’ll enjoy private use of the apartment, which includes great views of the farm, a full kitchen, 1.5 baths, a small library, and free WiFi. You can stay up to 4 weeks, with discounted rates the longer you stay (going as low as $450 per week if you stay the full four — though add $100 a week if you plan on having a second person stay with you.) Proceeds of the retreat all go to the non-profit.

best creative writing retreats

The Watering Hole Winter Retreat  — McCormick, South Carolina, $299–$399

The Watering Hole Winter Retreat is focused on building community among its 42 hosted poets. The retreat has no traditional classrooms, and aims to provide more publishing opportunities for poets of color, according to its site. Facilitators and speakers include renowned National Book Award winners, MacArthur Geniuses, recipients of the NAACP Image Award, and more. Interested writers can apply with a cover letter and three poems, and the site mentions that preference is given to applicants who are members of The Watering Hole Facebook Group and those who follow the organization’s Facebook fan page. During the fellowship, writers stay at modern cabins at Hickory Knob State Park.

best creative writing retreats

The Mariandale Center’s Life Writing/Memoir Retreat  — Ossining, New York, $350

The Mariandale Center is a quiet spot in Ossining, New York that hosts retreats and other programs. Included in the writing retreat are daily workshops, craft discussions, writing prompts, feedback on writing, and time to work on projects. Writers can also enjoy walks near the mountains and river. For this particular retreat, which spans three nights, all meals are included, and writers of all genres and experience levels are welcome.

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Home / Courses & Retreats / Masterclass: Concept to Screenplay: Screenwriting

Masterclass: Concept to Screenplay: Screenwriting

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  • Description

Drawing on her twenty-five years of experience, multi-award-winning screenwriter Abi Morgan will guide you through how to build a pitch for TV. In this Masterclass, you will learn how to refine a raw idea into a concept, how to develop character and story, and how to deliver the final pitch. Whether you are new to screenwriting or looking to hone your craft, this is an opportunity to acquire practical tools and techniques to help you create a compelling narrative ready for the screen. You should come away inspired and excited, brimming with fresh insights from a screenwriter at the top of her game.

The Masterclass will be delivered via Zoom webinar, so you can take the session at your own pace, without the pressure of having your video or camera on. Sessions are also recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you will have access to the recording for a month afterwards.

This course is available for concession pricing

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Abi Morgan is an award-winning playwright and screenwriter. Her plays include Skinned, Sleeping Around, Splendour (Paines Plough); Tiny…

Online: £40

Concessions: £20

As part of our effort to increase participation in the arts, half-price concessions are available for this course at checkout. There are a limited number of free subsidised places for those who cannot afford the concession price.

We are committed to making our Arvon at Home programme accessible to as many people as possible.

Across all of Arvon at Home

  • All sessions will have auto-generated captioning.
  • There is a Chat facility to ask any questions.


  • A recording of the Masterclass will be available to view for one month after it is aired live, simply log in to your account on our website and you’ll find a link under the ‘Event Details’ tab in the ‘Video recording’ column (you may need to scroll right on your screen to see it), similarly, if any learning resources are available, another link will appear under the ‘Course Materials’ tab.
  • There is a Chat and Q & A facility to ask any questions.
  • Zoom webinar format (your  video and audio will remain off throughout & your name will not be visible to other  participants,  so it is a ‘relaxed’ event).
  • During sessions we will have a text version available via screen share (if you require these in advance of the session, please email [email protected] ).  
  • Online Writing Day
  • A recording of the workshops will be available to view for one month after it is aired live, simply log in to your account on our website and you’ll find a link under the ‘Event Details’ tab in the ‘Video recording’ column (you may need to scroll right on your screen to see it), similarly, if any learning resources are available, another link will appear under the ‘Course Materials’ tab.
  • All sessions of the day are delivered live via Zoom meetings, with the option of cameras off or on. 
  • How I Write
  • There is a chat and Q&A facility to ask any questions.
  • Zoom webinar format (your video and audio will remain off throughout, & your name will not be visible to other participants so it is a ‘relaxed’ event).
  • A recording will be available to view for one month after the event is aired live, simply log in to your account on our website and you’ll find a link under the ‘Event Details’ tab in the ‘Video recording’ column (you may need to scroll right on your screen to see it), similarly, if any learning resources are available, another link will appear under the ‘Course Materials’ tab.  

Online Writing Weeks and Evening Courses

  • Courses are delivered by Zoom meeting, which means they are not recorded.  
  • Courses have much smaller groups than Masterclasses and How I Write events, and are also more interactive with your fellow course participants and tutors, so cameras and audio are usually on (though both are completely optional). If you would prefer your camera and audio to be off at all times, it would be helpful to let your course host know this in advance.  
  • We use Padlet as a landing page for all course materials, and to provide an optional platform for interaction with your tutors and fellow course participants. If you would like some more information about this, or if you have any anxiety about using this platform, please email [email protected] .   

Subject to funding/permissions (please contact [email protected] for more details)

  • Recording of Writing Weeks and Evening Courses.
  • Downloadable transcripts.
  • BSL interpretation.
  • Live captioning.

If you have any access issues that we have not covered here, please contact us on [email protected]

See here for more access information .

"These zoom opportunities are really helping to open my world and keep me inspired to write."
"Arvon at Home creates a model to participate in inspirational tutoring for writers, at a distance. The feeling of attending to my writing life in an excellent fashion, and still having a half-day for my work and caring responsibilities at home, felt like a good balance."
"It was an absolutely brilliant session and very very useful. And it made me realise how much I’ve missed this kind of workshop because of having children and family that I can’t leave. Now we’re all in the same boat the online stuff is truly transformative."


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I'm staying in Minsk for two days; what's the best plan to seeing both Mir and Nesvizh castles as well as Minsk?

My friend and I are planning a tour to many ex-Soviet states, and one of them is Belarus. We're arriving at Minsk early in the morning, around 5 AM if our train is on time, and then we stay that whole day, spend one night at a hostel, and leave the next day at 9:55 PM. So basically, we have two full days.

Would it be possible to see both Mir and Nesvizh castle in one day? Or would it be best to see Mir Castle the fist day and Nesvizh Castle the second day? We also want to go around Minsk and see the city, so I'm worried that seeing one castle a day will leave us very little time to see Minsk.

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Actor Chrissy Metz’s LA Hideaway Is a Creative Wonderland

Image may contain Chrissy Metz Floor Flooring Adult Person Arch Architecture Clothing Dress Lamp and Indoors

All products featured on Architectural Digest are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

When actor and singer Chrissy Metz first stepped into what is now her home, she just knew it was meant for her. “I remember going into the primary bathroom ,” the This Is Us alum says, “and they had these really beautiful ornate wood screens. I was like, ‘Yep, I want to live here.’”

In the competitive Los Angeles real estate market, Metz’s decisive moment—and offer—came just four hours after the listing had gone live. For the Emmy-nominated talent, whose decision-making typically wavers between uncertainty and conviction, this was an unequivocal yes. As Metz explains, “For me, it’s either, ‘Well, I don’t know,’ or I’m like, ‘Yes.’ And so if I do ever question anything, it really means no.”

The 5,700-square-foot Spanish Colonial Revival–style residence, located in a lush, gated community, represented more than just increased space and security for Metz. (Metz had experienced a break-in at her prior home.) It was kismet: As she puts it, the place was just “very intentional and very beautiful,” a quality evident in every detail. “Even the archways have vents that are arched,” Metz observes. “I think it’s different because the owner was the builder, and when the builder actually lives in the house, where there’s care that’s taken—it’s just very deliberate and purposeful.”

Image may contain Home Decor Lamp Couch Furniture Chair Rug Table Clothing Footwear and Shoe

The living room features a pair of Highgate sofas by Una Malan , as well as a pair of Ojai lounge chairs by Lawson Fenning . The Lupa ottoman, complete with feet, is by Martin & Brockett .

Krista Schrock and David John Dick of AD PRO Directory firm DISC Interiors were tasked with transforming Metz’s new space into a place that feels like home. Their partnership began unexpectedly—through the team’s design consultation website. “I thought that’s what I was doing [by giving them a call],” Metz says of what she thought would be a quick conversation. “And they’re like, ‘Oh, we thought you just wanted a consult.’ And I [said], ‘Oh, no, no, I need you to do my whole house.’”

What followed was a design process conducted largely via Zoom, with Metz as an engaged client. “I didn’t know how particular I was until we were going through it,” she admits, describing, for instance, her Princess and the Pea –like search for the ideal dining chair. “I must have sat on, I don’t know, 20 different dining room chairs. The chairs have to be comfortable, but your feet have to touch the ground, but the back has to be…I’m like, ‘Chrissy, just pick a chair.’”

Schrock and Dick skillfully incorporated Metz’s preference for color and jewel tones (more than they traditionally would use), creating a palette that Schrock describes as both “still grounded and very earthy, but still one that gave her the color.” Schrock adds, “The whole house is very calming. And also, it reflects her and her sensibility.” The result is a home that feels both refined and welcoming, a balance Metz articulates: “I want it to feel warm and cozy and also lived in…. I didn’t want it to be precious.”

Image may contain Indoors Adult Person Lamp Chair Furniture Plant Clothing Footwear Shoe Beauty Salon and Desk

Metz in her glam room. The actor loves this wallpaper, Future by Wallpaper Direct , because the pattern reminds her of how she’s learned to hold her hand on red carpets.

This approach is evident throughout the house from the sweet and whimsical glam room to the plush and inviting music room. A creative room also serves as Metz’s collaboration space. “I had a shaman come and sort of energetically clear the house, and she was telling me that the back room is a creative space, so we made it the writing room,” Metz explains. (Metz splits her time between LA and Nashville, where she is developing a one-woman show.)

For Metz, whose childhood upbringing was modest, she says, this house signifies more than just its aesthetic beauty. “To have a home that I can invite people to and entertain is so important to me,” the actor confides, adding that she always invites people over when she’s in town. “I want to entertain because I’m the happiest around my friends and obviously my family.” The front sitting room, for example, which doubles as a game room, is the scene of many convivial game nights.

Other favorite spots include the kitchen (“I like to bake more than cook”) and the serene bedroom, which Metz describes as “very peaceful,” with windows that look out to the pool, the mountains, and the canyon. She also loves her comfortable sectional in the family room. “I often fall asleep on it. I’m like, ‘Chrissy, go upstairs,’” she laughs.

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For Metz, the house does represent many dreams realized, however. “I grew up in a house so very small that it didn’t even fit a dining table,” she says joyfully. “I can’t even believe I have a glam room. I used to share a bathroom with five people. What in the world is my life?”

Image may contain Architecture Building Foyer Indoors Book Publication Lamp Desk Furniture and Table

The foyer staircase is accented by vintage sconces, original to the home. A 1920s Spanish carved walnut table from Revival Antiques fills out the space.

Image may contain Indoors Kitchen Interior Design Kitchen Island Bar Stool and Furniture

Ceramic pendants by Natalie Page put the focus on the kitchen’s extensive island. The Cayho woven leather stools are by France & Son .

Image may contain Architecture Building Dining Room Dining Table Furniture Indoors Room Table Floor and Lamp

A reclaimed pine dining table by Petersen Antiques is complemented by a half-dozen Byrd side chairs by Bright Chair , all covered in Designs of the Time ’s Gowan fabric.

Image may contain Home Decor Lamp Furniture Couch Desk Table Architecture Building Indoors Living Room and Room

A blend of deep and sophisticated gem-tone textiles makes for a very inviting family room. A Solstice sectional sofa by Evan Spencer is covered in Tramuntana fabric by Gancedo . The Brenna accent table is by Made Goods .

Image may contain Basin Sink Sink Faucet Lamp and Candle

In the powder room, which is painted in Farrow & Ball’s Dead Salmon , Posy wall sconces by Urban Electric Co. flank a vintage brass mirror from Panoplie .

Image may contain Architecture Building Furniture Indoors Living Room Room Lamp Chair and Keyboard

A music room was a must for Metz, who has recorded country, children, and faith-based songs. Walls are covered in Zak+Fox ’s Sarasa wallpaper. The lounge chairs are vintage 1980s pieces from MidcenturyLA .

Image may contain Lamp Home Decor Cushion Bed Furniture Indoors Interior Design Chair Bench Rug and Pillow

The primary bedroom retreat includes a custom bed by DISC Interiors , a Hanson bench from Arteriors covered in Mark Alexander ’s Lua Sienna fabric, and Dani nightstand lamps by Thomas O’Brien .

Image may contain Chair Furniture Lamp Home Decor Rug Sink Sink Faucet Bathing and Plate

The primary bathroom retains much of its original detail. The cozy rug runner is by Marc Phillips and the seagrass stool is by Lulu and Georgia .

Image may contain Architecture Building House Housing Villa Chair Furniture Outdoors Pool and Water

A private oasis with multiple dipping options. Bruder Construction was the previous owner’s builder.

Shop it out:

Buddha Stone Lamp

Buddha Stone Lamp by Robert Kuo

Oiled Walnut and Tan Leather Lounge Chair

Ojai Lounge Chair by Lawson-Fenning

103" Light Blue Performance Velvet Sofa

CB2 Ceva Performance Velvet Sofa

Pendant Light with fabric-covered cord.

Soren Globe Light by PINCH

The Future Perfect

This XXL monograph combines all of Kahlo’s 152 paintings with rare photos, diary pages, letters, and an illustrated biography.

Taschen Books: The Complete Paintings of Frida Kahlo (XXL Edition)

The Small Tabouret Table is a Moroccan inspired side table with six sides that can be made in American walnut or white oak.

Lawson-Fenning Tabouret Table


Glazed Ribbed Stoneware Table Vase in Noir - 8 inches

Afloral Table Vase

Blue & Beige Masuleh Cushion

Missoni Blue & Beige Masuleh Cushion

Crystal Round Chandelier

Pottery Barn Hersch Crystal Round Chandelier

Pottery Barn

Mid-Century Dining Chairs (Set of 8)

Mid-Century Dining Chairs (Set of 8)

60" Walnut Wood Round Dining Table

Crate & Barrel Tate Round Dining Table

Crate & Barrel

The Cicero lamp is handmade studio pottery by ceramic artist by Danny Kaplan. Shade included.

Cicero Lamp by Danny Kaplan

 Handpainted Harvest Taper Candles (Set of 2)

Anthropologie Handpainted Harvest Taper Candles (Set of 2)


Modern Classic White Alabaster Top Marble Base Table Lamp

Visual Comfort Marble Base Table Lamp

Kathy Kuo Home

Brown Velvet Bench

Rodin Bench by Athena Calderone

Cashmere Wool Patterned Throw

Quince Cashmere Wool Patterned Throw

Stripe Chocolate Wool & Tussar Silk

Pat McGann Ocean Stripe Chocolate Wool & Tussar Silk

Large Lamp in White Lime Plaster

Tera Lamp by Ceramicah

Warm White Boucle Dining Chair

Pula Boucle Dining Chair by Caleb Zipperer

Ombre Wool Rug

Dawn Ombre Wool Rug

Revival Rugs

Signature sconce in the form of a rose.

Posy by Urban Electric

Urban Electric

Wall Mirror

Alice Wall Mirror by Article

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    THE 10 BEST Writing Retreats for 2024

  4. Best Writers' Retreats Around the World in 2024

    7. Moniack Mhor, UK. Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre in the Scottish Highlands, is just 14 miles from Inverness. The creative writing courses are tutored by some of the finest authors in the published world. Participants are accommodated in the original croft house at Moniack Mhor.

  5. 7+ Best Writing Retreats for 2024 (In Person & Online)

    Basic Writer ($2,125) Advanced Writer ($2,525) Super Awesome Author ($3,125) All packages include food, lodging, daily runs, a writing group workshop, social events, and race entry. 2. Rekindle Retreat — Juneau, Alaska. The Rekindle Retreat is a writing retreat hosted by the Lighthouse Writer'syou'll Workshop.

  6. THE 10 BEST Writing Retreats in United States for 2024/2025

    4 Day White Mountain Book Writing & Yoga Retreat in NH, US. Franconia, New Hampshire, United States. Sep 23 - 26, 2024. 5.00. (12 reviews) The retreat is perfect for the writer that needs a comfortable, supportive environment to move his. From. USD $2,595. DetailsBook Now.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to the Best Writing Retreats

    Best writing retreats for 2023. This list is a bit of a mess, please search for all the details if one sounds interesting! ... Arvon Foundation, United Kingdom: Offering week-long creative writing courses and retreats in serene countryside locations throughout the year. Each course is led by two tutors, allowing participants to engage in an ...

  8. Acorn Writing Retreats

    Discover Acorn Writing Retreats, set by the breathtaking Loch Lomond and hosted at the multi-award winning Oak Tree Inn, Balmaha, Scotland. Our retreats are thoughtfully designed around Professor Rowena Murray's acclaimed structured writing retreat methods in an environment perfect for boosting productivity. Join us for a fulfilling retreat ...

  9. Writeaways

    Getting away from ordinary life and writing under the guidance of John and Mimi is a gift for any writer at any stage of experience. Creative writing workshops and retreats in Ireland, France, Italy, New Mexico and North Carolina. We provide rigorous attention to craft for all genres and all levels, and wonderful food and drink.

  10. Creative Writing Retreats

    Creative Writing Retreats. "Travel brings power and love back into your life.". - Rumi. Join bestselling author, professor, and TEDx presenter Jess Lourey for a life-changing creative writing retreat in 2023! Perfect for all levels of writers, fiction or nonfiction. For women, by women. It's time to write that book.

  11. 16 Writing Retreats for Women: Dream About Them, Then Apply

    Here are some women's writing retreat options to consider: 1. Pink Pangea Travel Writing Retreats. Pink Pangea is a community for women who love to travel, and in addition to holding online writing workshops, they run international writing retreats. While travel writing is the primary focus, writers interested in a broader range of genres are ...

  12. Twenty-Two of the Most Inspiring Writers Retreats in the Country

    Centrum Port Townsend Writers' Conference, P.O. Box 1158, Port Townsend, WA 98368. (360) 531-1472. "Blue Mountain Center is a residency that supports writers, artists, and activists in Blue Mountain Lake, New York. The center also serves as a resource for culturally based progressive movement building.

  13. Incredible Writing Retreats to Attend in 2022

    International Writers' Retreat. The MFA in Creative Writing program at Rosemont College will offer its annual International Writers' Retreat in January 2022. This year we will be traveling to Sicily and Rome. MFA in Creative Writing graduate credit, non-credit, and companion prices are available. Airfare is not included.

  14. The Writer's Refuge

    The Writer's Refuge

  15. Writing retreats at the Center for Creative Writing

    The Center for Creative Writing offers annual writing retreats on multiple topics and genres for writers who seek an immersive experience. Our writing retreats for the foreseeable future will be supportive, community-building, intensive…and 100% virtual. We adapted some of our in-person offerings to provide an incredible retreat experience ...

  16. Top 2023 Writing Retreats from All Over the World

    Haven Writing Retreats, led by New York Times bestselling author Laura Munson, welcomes writers at all levels. Haven meets you where you need to be met, whether you aspire to write and publish a book, or simply seek a deeper level of authentic self-expression. Dancing Spirit Ranch. Mar 22-26, 2023. $7,500.

  17. Home

    A. ABOUT US. Black Bear Writing Retreat is a 5-day/6-night retreat for writers in any creative genre. The retreat combines three components daily: (1) sightseeing in a beautiful mountain setting, (2) enjoying a peaceful environment for relaxation, reflection, and creative writing exercises; (3) connecting with other writers and sharing writing ...

  18. Amazing Writing Retreats to Attend in 2024

    Amazing Writing Retreats to Attend in 2024 - Kotobee Blog

  19. The 8 Best Affordable Writing Retreats That Won't Break the Bank

    Wellspring House Retreat — Ashfield, Massachusetts, $260-$280/week. Retired English professor Preston Browning is the co-director of Wellspring House with his wife, author Ann Hutt Browning. The Wellspring House is run exclusively as a retreat for writers and artists, and as such is open all year: winter rates (mid-November to April 1st) are ...

  20. Masterclass: Concept to Screenplay: Screenwriting

    Drawing on her twenty-five years of experience, multi-award-winning screenwriter Abi Morgan will guide you through how to build a pitch for TV. In this Masterclass, brought to you in partnership with Little Chick Productions and The Television Foundation, you will learn how to refine a raw idea into a concept, how to develop character and story, and how to deliver the final pitch.

  21. I'm staying in Minsk for two days; what's the best plan to ...

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  22. Actor Chrissy Metz's LA Hideaway Is a Creative Wonderland

    DISC Interiors helped the "This Is Us" alum turn her Spanish Colonial Revival-style house into a dreamy retreat with rooms for glam, recording, and writing

  23. THE 10 BEST Other Retreats in Minsk Region for 2024/2025

    Best Other Retreats in Minsk Region. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul with our broad selection of handpicked retreats. ... Notebook for your creative expression. Use of towels and bed linen. Reviews. 5.00 (6 reviews) Mariusz. ... Writing Retreats; Retreats For Depression; Artist Retreats; Singles Retreats; Hiking Retreats; Intimacy Retreats;

  24. THE 10 BEST Minsk Region Romantic Hotels

    Best Romantic Hotels in Minsk Region on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for 10 romantic hotels in Minsk Region, Belarus.

  25. THE BEST Minsk Region Couples' Activities

    Best Things to Do in Minsk Region for Couples. THE BEST Minsk Region Couples' Activities. Best Things to Do in Minsk Region for Couples. Enter dates. Attractions. Filters • 1. Sort. Map. All things to do. Category types. Attractions. Tours. Day Trips. Outdoor Activities. Concerts & Shows. Food & Drink. Shopping. Traveler Resources.