How to Write Your First Job Resume [For 2024]

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So there you are, sitting in front of a screen, staring at a blank Word page for hours, with one task at hand: writing your first job resume.

Where do you even start?

And most importantly: How do you fill those 1-2 pages when you have no work experience?

We feel your struggle and we’re here to help!

In this article, we’re going to guide you through the entire process of creating a first job resume from start to finish.

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

How to Write Your First Job Resume

  • Pick the right resume template
  • Write down your contact information (correctly)
  • Include a resume objective
  • List your education (in detail)
  • Instead of work experience, focus on…
  • Highlight your skills
  • Mention optional sections
  • Stick to the one-page limit
  • Get inspired by a first-job resume example

Don’t worry, we’re going to cover all of the above in detail!

Starting with the first step:

#1. Pick the Right First Job Resume Format and Template

There are 3 main resume formats you can pick from. Each of them highlights a different part of your resume.

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume - In this format, your work experiences and education are listed in reverse-chronological order. 
  • Functional Resume - Instead of work experience, this format focuses on your skills and achievements.
  • Combination (or Hybrid) Resume - This format focuses on both your skills and work experience.

For 99% of job-seekers, we recommend sticking with the reverse-chronological format.

While a functional resume can sometimes help for career changers or recent graduates, it’s still nowhere near as common as the reverse chronological one.

Plus, recruiters world-wide are familiar with the reverse-chronological format, making it a safer bet.

A reverse-chronological resume looks as follows:

reverse chronological format for first job

Once you’ve picked the format, the next step is to perfect your layout, font, and the like. Here’s what we recommend for that:

  • Use a Two-Column Layout. A two-column resume layout allows you to fit a lot more content into your resume.
  • Pick a Common Font. We recommend Ubuntu, Overpass, or Roboto.
  • Use Bullets to Describe Your Experiences.
  • Don’t Go Over One Page. Unless you’re a professional with a decade of work experience, we recommend sticking to the one-page resume limit.

Want to avoid all the hassle of formatting your resume layout? We don’t blame you - if you wanted to build a good-looking resume from scratch, it would take you hours before you could even start filling it in.

Thankfully, there’s an easier way out: using a resume builder.

With Novoresume, all you have to do is pick a template, and fill in the contents. It’s that simple.

And on top of that, Novorésumé resumes are ATS-friendly . Meaning, your resume won’t be swallowed up by an applicant tracking system just because it can’t read it.

Want to get started with Novorésumé? Browse our resume templates .

first job resume examples

#2. Write Down Your Contact Information (Correctly)

It’s important for the recruiter to have at least two ways of reaching back to you.

Meaning, you should always provide your contact information in your resume . That includes: 

  • First and last name
  • Phone number

Apart from these must-haves, you can also provide:

  • LinkedIn URL - This is a good way to complement your resume. It also makes the recruiter’s life easier since they usually check your LinkedIn profile anyway. Make sure all information is updated and consistent with your resume, though.
  • Relevant social media (like Quora or StackOverflow) - Any social media that is related to the job position and puts you in good light should be included in your resume. In most cases. If you’re a developer, it could be projects on GitHub. Writer? Personal blog.
  • Website or blog - Again, this should be something related to the job. It shows your interest and dedication to the industry and how you spend some of your free time.

When it comes to your contact information, the key is to write everything correctly . Double-check you’ve spelled your name and email right, make sure the phone number you’ve listed can be reached, and that the accounts you have linked to are up to date . 

Something else you should know regarding location is how much detail you should be providing. 

The reason recruiters want to know your location is so that they have an idea of whether you’re in the vicinity of the company or not (and if you’ll need to relocate for work). 

That means, providing the city and country where you live will be enough. No need for your full home address. 

#3. Include a Resume Objective

Recruiters spend on average 7 seconds scanning each resume before deciding if it’s worth more consideration or not. 

That means your resume has about 7 seconds to leave a great first impression and convince the recruiter you’re the person they’re looking for.

A good resume objective does that for you. 

A resume objective is a 2-3 sentence snapshot of your skills, achievements, and career goals . Its purpose is to communicate your motivation for getting into the field and your interest in this particular position. 

This makes it ideal for the first job resume of a recent graduate or somebody who’s changing careers. Basically, any resume with no work experience . 

Your resume objective should be tailored to the position you are applying for and highlight skills that will help the company achieve its goal. Use as many facts and numbers as you can to back up any statements or achievements. 

  • Creative and motivated recent graduate with a B.A. in Marketing from the University of Michigan. Seeking permanent employment in the field of marketing after completing successful internships in 2 major media companies. Looking to further develop my market analysis skills and contribute to future marketing strategy developments at XY Company.
  • I am looking to put my marketing skills into action by initially working for the marketing department of a well-known company until I can finally get to an executive position.

#4. List Your Education (In Detail)

For starters, you should know how to list your education entries correctly in the following format:

  • Program Name e.g.: B.A. in Information Systems
  • University Name e.g.: University of Chicago
  • Years Attended e.g.: 07/2013 - 05/2017
  • GPA (only if really high)
  • Honors (If applicable) e.g. Cum Laude

Exchange Program (If applicable) e.g. Exchange program in Berlin, Germany

Apart from your skills, your education is the biggest selling point in your first job resume. This is not the place to be humble and play down your achievements!

Write down your GPA (if it’s something impressive), emphasize your honors, and most importantly, highlight your academic achievements by describing them in detail.  

What you can also do is list specific courses that you have taken that are relevant to the position you are applying for. 

Here’s an example of what an entry on the education section should look like:

B.A. in English Literature (Cum Laude)

Boston University

07/2014 - 05/2018

  • Courses: Advanced Topics in Literature: Shakespeare’s Work 
  • Clubs: Boston University Drama Club
  • Exchange program in London, UK

job search masterclass novoresume

#5. Instead of Work Experience, Focus On This

As a recent graduate, the recruiter knows you don’t have any work experience - and that’s OK. As long as you’re applying for a junior or entry-level position, the experience isn’t something expected from you.

Instead, the recruiter will be looking for other experiences that enrich your profile, like:

  • Internships
  • Extracurricular Activities

When talking about these experiences, format them just like you’d format your work experience. 

Business Analyst Internship

AAA Company

Milan, Italy

05/2019 - 12/2019

  • Ran weekly and monthly analysis on diverse areas of the business
  • Created insightful reports of the analysis to present to managers and teams
  • Defined strategic KPIs, in order to monitor the efficiency of commercial operations

When possible, try to focus on listing your achievements and not your responsibilities. This will help you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Haven’t done any internships? Include extracurricular activities.

More often than not, an applicant with extracurricular activities and an average GPA will impress the recruiter much more than a 4.0 GPA student with nothing else to show. When listing your extracurricular activities, each entry should have the following format:

Moot Court Club Member

2017 - 2019

  • Participated for two years in a row at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, making it to the finals in 2019
  • Researched and prepared written pleadings, called memorials addressing timely issues of public international law
  • Helped train the new club members in topics of international law

Finally, you can also list independent projects, if you have any. Think, something you did on the side just for yourself. This can be a personal project, small business or startup, side-gig, blog, etc.

Amy’s Book Club Blog

2018 - Present

  • Created my own book club website for reviewing and discussing the latest books.
  • Curated a monthly book calendar for my followers to follow, combining trending, relevant, and classic books.
  • Created over 40 book review articles.
  • On average, received 2000 visitors per month to the blog.

#6. Highlight Your Skills

The two types of skills you can mention on your resume are soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are attributes that help you adapt to work environments, work in a team, and apply your hard skills effectively. They are related to your personality, social skills, communication, attitude, etc.

Hard skills refer to technical knowledge and specific tools. They are skills that one learns and applies directly to the job. Some examples of hard skills include:

  • Financial accounting
  • Adobe Illustrator

Although soft skills are becoming more and more in demand by employers , for your first job resume, we recommend sticking to hard skills. 

Sure, attributes like “teamwork” or “critical thinking” are much appreciated by just about any employer. 

The thing is, though, the recruiter can’t really tell if you actually have critical thinking skills, or just listed it on your resume to fill space.

Hard skills, on the other hand, are very easy to test.

Tailor Skills to the Job Ad

Not sure which skills to mention in your first job resume?

The simplest way to find the essential ones is to check the job ad.

The recruiter themselves mentioned the skills they’re looking for - the only thing you need to do is mention them in your resume (as long as you have them, anyway).

Let’s say you’re applying for a graphic designer position that wants the following qualifications and skills:

  • Adobe Creative Suite proficiency, particularly InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat; XD, Animate and/or After Effects are a plus
  • Working knowledge of presentation software (Canva, PowerPoint and/or Keynote)
  • Ability to work under pressure, manage work on multiple projects daily, manage a large workload and meet deadlines.
  • Detail-oriented, highly organized

Based on that, your skills section should include the following:

  • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat
  • After Effects and Cinema4D
  • Canva and Keynote
  • Time management
  • Detail-oriented

If the job ad isn’t too descriptive, you can also check out these 101+ most in-demand skills for 2024 . 

#7. Mention Optional Sections

Still have some space on your resume?

That’s not a bad thing! You can use this space to your advantage and add some other useful sections.

Here are some ideas:

  • Volunteering - If you have some volunteering experience, make sure to include it in your first job resume. Such a section shows commitment, dedication, and a sense of purpose, something most recruiters will appreciate.
  • Languages - With companies becoming more and more international, additional languages are always appreciated.
  • Hobbies - You can show your genuine interest in the industry or field by listing some relevant hobbies/interests.
  • Awards & Certifications - Whether it’s an award from an essay competition in college or a certificate from an online course, anything that flatters your profile should be added.

#8. Stick to the One-Page Limit

“ How long should a resume be? ” seems like an eternal dilemma at this point. 

Generally, the answer is: it depends. 

Since you’re making a first job resume, the answer is: definitely one page . 

Unless you have an extensive employment history that can’t fit into one page, there’s no need to go over that limit. 

It’s unlikely that the recruiter will want to look at two pages of extracurriculars and hobbies. 

#9. Get Inspired by This First-Job Resume

Need some inspiration for your resume? Check out the resume examples below.

resume for first job

First Job Resume FAQ 

Still have some questions on how to write a convincing first job resume?

We’ll answer them here.

1. What do I put on my no-experience resume?

There’s plenty of other things you can include in your resume instead of work experience. For starters, you should:

  • Focus on your education, making sure the entries are formatted correctly.
  • Pick the right skills that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Talk about internships, personal projects, or extracurricular activities. Describe your achievements in detail.

If you still have some space left, you could use it to your advantage and add extra sections like volunteer work, languages, awards & certificates, or hobbies.

2. Is a resume necessary for a first job?

Depending on the region, a resume or CV is always necessary for a job application, be it the first or the 20th. 

Before deciding if they should call you for an interview, the recruiters need to have some insight into you and your skills.

3. Do I need work experience to land my first job?

Short answer: You don’t! 

If you’re a recent graduate, it’s a given that you won’t have any work experience. Most employers don’t actually expect years of work experience for an entry-level or junior position. 

Instead, they’ll be looking at your other types of experiences (internships, extracurricular activities, etc.) to decide on whether you’re a good fit for the job or not.

4. How do you write a resume for your first job?

The process is quite similar to the one for writing a regular resume, but with a few tweaks.

The exact steps for creating a first job resume are:

  • Instead of work experience, focus on extracurricular activities, internships, projects, etc.

Key Takeaways

Writing your first job resume doesn’t have to be stressful!

Remember the following tips and you’ll do just fine:

  • Pick the right format and template to avoid the hassle of formatting your resume. Make sure to pick an ATS-friendly resume template.
  • Write a concise and attention-grabbing resume objective. Show the recruiter that you’re relevant for the role and that they should read the rest of your resume.
  • Instead of work experience, include information on your internships, projects, and extracurricular activities.

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Fresher Resume Examples - A Comprehensive Guide | Workruit

Fresher resume examples: how to create an impressive resume with little to no experience, the importance of a well-crafted resume for freshers.

When launching your career, a well-crafted resume is pivotal in making a lasting impression on potential employers. As a fresher entering the job market, your resume is a snapshot of your skills, qualifications, and potential. It can significantly impact your chances of an interview or job offer. The upcoming sections will explain how a well-crafted resume is essential and show a few fresher resume examples .

Challenges Faced by Freshers in Creating a Compelling Resume

When writing resumes, new graduates frequently confront particular difficulties. Creating a CV might be intimidating due to a lack of industry exposure, relevant professional experience, and the need to stand out. However, these difficulties can be addressed with the proper strategy and comprehension, and your resume will be able to highlight your ability correctly.

Understanding a Fresher Resume's Objective

A resume for a recent graduate has several uses:

It draws attention to the transferrable talents and relevant experiences you've amassed through volunteer work, internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities.

Your education and academic achievements are highlighted, emphasising your dedication to learning.

It emphasises your potential and passion for advancement, demonstrating to potential employers that you are a promising candidate.

Determining the Goals and Purpose of a Freshers' Resume

Understanding the role and objectives of your resume as a fresher is critical.

Emphasise Relevant Experiences and Transferable Skills

Although you may need more professional experience as a new employee, your time spent in internships, part-time work, volunteering, and extracurricular activities has given you good transferrable abilities. You can spotlight these skills on your CV to demonstrate your potential and suitability for the desired employment. Check out fresher resume examples to get a better idea.

Describe your transferable skills: leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. Consider how to utilise these skills in your desired position and highlight them in your CV. Use brief and convincing bullet points to highlight your experiences and how they have helped you gain these talents. In addition, emphasise experiences that are relevant to the job you are pursuing. 

Any internships, projects, or volunteer work you have done should illustrate your ability to use your skills in real-world scenarios. Describe the tasks you did, the challenges you experienced, and the outcomes you obtained. A proper resume format for freshers can help potential employers understand your qualifications and what you can offer their firm.

Prioritising Academic Achievements and Education 

For newcomers, establishing credibility and demonstrating a commitment to learning to rely on education and academic achievements. Your educational background may provide insight into your knowledge base and ability to learn new ideas and concepts.

In the education section of your CV, provide information about your degree, college, graduation date, and any relevant coursework. Any awards, prizes, or scholarships you have received should be mentioned. Identify any significant activities or research you have completed while pursuing your studies to demonstrate your ability to use theoretical knowledge in real-world circumstances.

In addition, if you have finished any relevant training programs or credentials, provide them in your education section or individually. These additional certifications complement your résumé and demonstrate your dedication to lifelong learning.

Showcasing potential and enthusiasm for learning and growth

When showcasing your potential and spirit for learning and development in your resume format for freshers, you must demonstrate your willingness to acquire new skills and take on challenges.

Highlight relevant coursework and projects: If you have taken courses or completed projects directly related to the job you're applying for, emphasise them in your resume. This shows your commitment to learning and ability to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Showcase certifications and professional development: Include any certifications or professional development courses you have completed. This demonstrates your proactive learning approach and dedication to staying updated in your field. 

Emphasise extracurricular activities: If you have participated in clubs, organisations, or activities outside your academic studies, highlight them. These experiences can showcase your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and willingness to engage in personal growth beyond the classroom.

Structuring a Fresher Resume

When structuring your resume as a fresher, check our few fresher resume examples and organise the content clearly and concisely. Let's explore the key elements that should be included in your resume to make it impactful and well-structured.

Contact Information and Personal Details

Start your resume by providing your contact information at the top of the page. Include your full name, contact number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Ensure this information is accurate and current so potential employers can contact you for further consideration.

Statement of purpose or summary: Adapting it to the Job Application,

Include an objective or summary statement highlighting your professional aims and the value you can bring to the company. This section should be tailored to the specific job application you are pursuing. Summarise your abilities, experiences, and ambitions in a few sentences, showcasing your interest and alignment with the position.

A section on Education: Emphasis on Academic Qualifications, Relevant Coursework, and Projects

Provide information about your academic credentials in the education area. Include the title of your degree, the university or institution you attended, your graduation date, and, if applicable, your GPA. Describe any relevant coursework or projects demonstrating your skill in the desired role.

Finding and Effectively Presenting Relevant Skills in the Skills Section

Make a section highlighting your skills and applicable technical, people, and transferrable skills. Determine and briefly state the essential qualifications for the position you're applying for. Use bullet points and detailed examples like those given in a fresher resume example to show how you have acquired and used these skills.

Highlighting Internships, Part-Time Jobs, Volunteer Work, and Extracurricular Activities in the Experience Section

You can emphasise relevant internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities even if you have little professional experience. Describe the tasks you undertook, the things you achieved, and the skills you learned. Focus on showcasing your capacity to contribute productively in a workplace or team setting.

Additional Sections: Including Workshops, Certifications, and Related Affiliations

Include relevant qualifications, workshops, or training courses you have taken. These additional credentials prove your dedication to lifelong study and professional growth. Mention any relevant affiliations, such as participation in industry-related events or membership in professional organisations.

Tips for formatting and design: Make the resume Resume Visually Appealing and Simple to Read

Make sure your resume has a clean, professional layout so that it is both eye-catching and straightforward to read. Utilise distinct headings, bullet points, and a unified font style. Avoid overusing images or colours that could detract from the content. Ensure your resume is well-organised, skimmable, and well-structured so employers can immediately determine your most important skills and experiences.

Showing Off Your Strengths and Transferable Skills

It would be best to highlight your strengths and transferrable talents to make an attractive, more recent CV. These abilities, which can be valuable assets in the job, are acquired through various non-professional experiences. Let's look at how you may emphasise your transferrable talents and show potential employers how they are relevant with reference from a few fresher sample examples.

Identifying Your Non-Professional Experiences' Transferable Skills

Non-professional activities like volunteering, internships, part-time employment, and participation in student organisations can give you transferable skills useful in the workforce. Decide which abilities, such as leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, communication, organisation, and flexibility, you have honed through these experiences. To find the transferable talents applicable to your intended field, return to the tasks you completed and the difficulties you faced.

Highlighting interpersonal, cooperative, and problem-solving skills

Soft talents frequently sought after by companies are essential to your professional success. Draw attention to soft skills like critical thinking, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Give concrete instances from your non-professional experiences where you have used these abilities, such as managing a team project, settling disagreements, or clearly expressing your thoughts.

Giving Concrete Examples of Transferable Skills

When describing your transferrable talents, it is critical to give specific examples of how you've used them in actual circumstances. Give examples of specific projects, efforts, or difficulties where you used your transferrable talents to get results. To demonstrate your abilities and the impact you had, use action verbs and quantitative outcomes in your resume for freshers.

Tailoring the Resume for Specific Job Applications,

You must modify your CV for every job application for the best chance of success. This entails tailoring your CV to the target company's and the position's needs. Here's how to change your resume successfully: 

Researching the Target Company and Job Requirements: 

Conduct an extensive study on the target organisation and the particular job criteria before drafting your CV. Recognise the company's culture, values, and area of specialisation. Examine the job description to find the critical competencies, credentials, and experiences they seek. You can match the needs of the organisation and your fit for the position with the help of this study and your CV.

Customising the Resume to Align with the Specific Job Description

Once you have gathered the necessary information, customise your resume to align with the job description. Highlight your relevant coursework, projects, or skills directly related to the job requirements. Use keywords from the job description to optimise your resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) many employers use to filter resumes.

Highlighting Relevant Coursework, Projects, or Skills in Resume for Freshers

Include them prominently on your resume if you have completed any coursework or projects directly related to the position you seek. This exhibits your aptitude for the position and highlights your knowledge and expertise in particular fields.

Enhancing the Fresher Resume with Additional Components

Add extra elements to your CV to help it stand out and strengthen your application.

Introduction in a Cover Letter or Email: Customising the Application

You can personalise your application by including a well-written cover letter or email introduction with your resume. Make the most of this chance to express your interest in the job, showcase your relevant experience and talents, and show how passionate you are about the organisation and the position.

Including a Portfolio or Work Samples

Consider building a portfolio and including a link or attaching pertinent examples to your CV if you have work samples, such as completed projects, design samples, writing samples, or code snippets. It enables employers to see concrete proof of your abilities and expertise.

Utilising a LinkedIn profile and other essential online profiles

Include a link on your CV to your professional LinkedIn profile. An updated LinkedIn profile details your experiences, abilities, and successes. Make sure your internet persona matches your CV and is professional.

Finalising and Reviewing the Resume

Ensure your CV is flawless before submitting it by carefully proofreading and editing it. It gives the finest possible impression of you.

Correction of Spelling, Grammar, and Formatting Errors

Check your resume carefully for any formatting, grammatical, or spelling problems. Typos or errors can provide the wrong impression. To find any mistakes, use proofreading tools, ask for input from others, and read your resume aloud.

Getting input from teachers, mentors, or career counsellors

Consult mentors, educators, or career counsellors for their opinions since they can offer insightful commentary and constructive criticism. They can help you determine how to improve your resume and increase its impact.

Ensuring the Resume is Concise, Flawless, and Presentable

Finally, ensure your CV is brief, clear of mistakes, and displays a professional image. Utilise distinct titles, bullet points, and a regular format. Ensure it is organised and straightforward, with the best resume format for freshers.

How do you write a resume profile with no experience?

When constructing a resume template for freshers or a profile without experience, emphasise your abilities, education, and related coursework or projects. Emphasise your ambition to contribute to the organisation and your enthusiasm for learning. Showcase any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities demonstrating your transferable talents and dedication to personal development. Create a fascinating profile that captures the attention of potential employers by combining keywords and action verbs.

What is the greatest resume format for someone with no experience?

Individuals who have yet to earn experience are generally advised to use a functional resume format. This structure prioritises talents, education, and accomplishments over chronological employment experience. Begin with a summary or profile statement highlighting your most important abilities and qualifications. 

Education, related coursework, projects, internships, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities should come next. Include a skills section where you identify the talents you need for the position you're looking for. This style allows you to demonstrate your abilities and potential without professional experience. A sample resume for freshers is available for reference.

How do I make an impressive resume for freshers?

To create an impressive resume for freshers , follow these tips:

• Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role.

• Focus on your education, academic achievements, and relevant coursework or projects.

• Highlight any internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills and dedication.

• Use action verbs and quantitative data to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities.

• Include a skills section listing your relevant technical and soft skills.

• Use a clean and professional resume template with consistent formatting.

• Proofread your resume carefully to eliminate any errors or typos.

What do I put for experience on a resume if I have never worked?

Focus on prior experiences that have given you transferable skills if this is your first job, including internships, volunteer work, part-time employment, and membership in clubs or student organisations. Explain your duties and responsibilities in these positions, emphasising your acquired abilities. Showcase any pertinent assignments, coursework, or certificates demonstrating your skills and learning commitment.

How would you express that you lack experience but are eager to learn?

Highlight your eagerness and love for learning new things when you say you lack experience but are willing to learn. In your resume, mention something like "Motivated and eager to gain hands-on experience," "Enthusiastic about learning and adapting to new challenges," or "Quick learner with a strong desire to grow and contribute." To succeed in the position, emphasise your readiness to take on new obligations, undergo training, and put in the necessary time and effort. It shows that despite having little professional experience, you have a good mindset and are determined to succeed.

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Enhancv > Resume Examples > Freshers

The Ultimate 2022 Resume Format for Freshers Guide [Expert samples from over 100,000 users]

Top 5 tactics to create the best fresher resume format:.

  • Don’t simply list what coursework and internships you’ve done. It helps a hiring manager if they can learn about the important things you did in those roles (e.g. started ACM student chapter in Mumbai around Artificial intelligence and control theory)
  • Make sure that you use the right resume buzzwords and avoid the bad ones
  • Modify your resume to match the interests of the organization you are applying to
  • Don’t be vague, paint a complete picture of who you are and how you are a good for the job
  • Design your resume with care and make sure your most valuable work catches recruiter’s attention
  • Don’t build a 10+ page resume just to show everything you’ve ever done. Remember, it is your resume, not your biography

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How to create the best fresher resume format?

Make it one page.

In case you don’t know, there is a generally accepted industry standard on resume page length. Ideally, it should be one page for every 10 years of experience. Given that you’re about to graduate and have just started working, you should really only have a one page resume . A one page resume is not only more organized, but quickly helps a recruiter identify your key skills and shortlist you. Imagine getting 100 ten page resumes every day. Going through that is like reading a 1,000 page book!

Make your resume relevant to the role

Don’t underestimate your skills just because you lack work experience. One technique you can try is breaking down the job into 5 different parts and see how you can reflect in your resume that you have covered some (or all) parts. This increases the relevance of your resume to a hiring manager significantly. For example, to apply for a Junior software engineer role you can easily break it down to 5 parts. First is programming language, second is algorithmic knowledge, third is quality/scalability, fourth is GIT/JIRA (i.e. deployment tools), and fifth is database. Now, if you crafted a resume that reflects you mastering 3 programming languages, being proficient with well known algorithms and having used deployment tools. By doing so, you are creating the exact fresh resume format that a hiring manager is looking for!

Show your experience

A majority of employers out there want to see the difference you can make to their organization. Sadly, most freshers don’t account for this when they craft their resume or even while sending job applications. From your volunteering experience to your internships, try to show what you did and the impact it made. Use exact numbers when possible. If you’ve taken relevant coursework, certifications - make sure you don’t miss these important details. Proactively promoting your experience is often the most important factor to a positive assessment of your resume.

Conduct a resume review

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

Secure impactful references

References can have a huge impact on your application. They are also a critical part of application tracking systems (ATS) that a vast majority of large organizations use. References in resume formats can be of two types: References of someone within the target organization, and references of a well known industry professional. If you get referred by an existing employee of the organization, your resume has a much higher chance of landing you an interview. And, if you cite the reference of a well known industry professional, your resume will definitely land you an interview.

10 sections recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a fresher resume format

simple first job resume for freshers

1. Your Resume Header

Your resume’s header is the first thing that any recruiter will see. Typically, a header has contact information, website link(s), a linkedin profile, and other social links. Make sure that your contact information is up to date, and only add emails that look professional. Ideally, a professional email looks something like '[email protected]'. Also, keep the number of things in your resume format header to a minimum. Your goal is to give recruiters a quick sense of who you are and how to contact you, not overwhelm them with a lot of information.

2. Personal Summary

A personal summary and a fresher resume don’t exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: “My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more” This doesn’t work for many reasons. First, this doesn’t say anything about what you really want to do. Second, it fails to convey relevance your resume to the job. And, third, it makes you sound passive and shows a lack of enthusiasm. A better version of a personal summary (for a design related role) would go in depth, connect your skills and goals with the role that you are applying for. Here’s an example: “To become one of the best UX designers in the world by practising minimalism, design systems with optimized onboarding for large scale software products. I have a keen interest in UX research, information architecture, and motion designs which drive my desire to accomplish great things in my career.” As you can clearly see, a hiring manager that looks at this professional summary will now understand who you are and what your motivation is for applying to the role. They will be more likely to take notice and evaluate your resume carefully. Mission accomplished!

  • Relevant to the role you’re applying for
  • Recognizable within your target industry
  • A mix of both soft and hard skills
  • Software skills (proficiency with AutoCAD)
  • Planning and management skills (Expert in SAP SCS planning)
  • Predictive Analytics (Implementing customer lifecycle analytics using Tableau)
  • Market research (Identifying the right, most profitable customers)
  • Inventory management (keeping record of SKUs and managing demand supply pipeline)
  • MS Word and Google docs
  • Your typing speed (unless you are applying to be a typist)
  • Anything that’s not relevant to the role you are applying for

Resume format example

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Create the best version of your undefined resume.

4. Your Experience

Underestimating work experience is something that’s common across most fresher resumes. A lot of companies that hire freshers usually look for relevant projects or coursework. A relevant example of experience could be something that you did in your coursework, lab, projects or during your internship and can count as a professional grade working experience.

Best resume format

5. Education

A lot of job requirements clearly demand a level of education (undergraduate, post graduate, PhD). Clearly listing them out in a way a recruiter can quickly understand helps your job application in getting closer to being shortlisted. When you add your education to your resume, make sure to mention the important and relevant coursework in it. For example, if you are a mechanical engineering student, highlighting that you’ve gone through Production Planning helps you to be seen as a more relevant candidate for an Automotive Engineering role.

Best fresher resume

6. Languages

  • English : IELTS CEFR B2
  • Tamil : Native Language
  • Hindi : Fluent in reading, writing and speaking
  • German : Full professional proficiency (ILR scale)

Best resume format for freshers

7. Most Proud Of

Did you do something in your college life that you’re incredibly proud of? Adding this section helps you standout from other applicants. After testing it with 100,000+ resume applications, it has proven to be very effective. Freshers can usually add things like a college project, an open source contribution, an achievement in sports, a fellowship, published research papers, etc to name a few.

Resume format for job

8. Life Philosophy

So far, most of the sections we’ve gone through were more focused on your work-related skills. But, hiring is also about cultural fit. Take this chance to be more impactful with your resume format. Fortunately, showcasing your life philosophy doesn’t take much. You can simply reflect it by including a quote from a significant figure or a quote that you live by.

Latest resume format for freshers

9. Certificates and Courses

Often, freshers undergo a number of certification and other courses during college. These courses and certificates can often help you gain first hand experience and prepare you well for your professional career. They are often critical in crafting a winning fresher resume format.

Resume format for freshers engineers

10. References

We spoke about using references and how including them is a part of the best fresher resume format. When you write your references section, ensure to add their name, designation, a contact number and email information.

Resume format examples

How to get a referral for the role you want after graduating

As a fresher, you should try to leverage your existing networks to gain job referrals. A job referral is an incredibly powerful way to land a job as referrals often standout from the rest of job applications. If you are unsure on where to get started, your college alumni, your professors and your social network (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) could be the first place. Here’s a detailed guide to getting job referrals (email outreach template included!) that just might come in handy to get job referrals.

Check out our guide on getting referrals for any job you’re applying for.

Trying to land an interview? Check out more winning resume examples for inspiration

simple first job resume for freshers

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Simple Resume Formats for Freshers in Word [Free Download]

As a fresher a functional (or) skill-based resume works better to get your first job, where you highlight your education, skills, project works, achievements, internships, awards, etc. You don’t need to have a fancy resume to get the job, a simple resume focused on your skills will do a better job.

Here are some simple resume formats for freshers which you can download in Word format and modify as per your requirements.

Simple Fresher Resume Formats

Simple Fresher Resume Format in Word Free Download

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How to create a resume for freshers?

As a fresher your resume should focus on your education and skills and a 1-page resume will be enough for freshers.

Before preparing your resume, study the job description carefully and note down the required skills for that job and match your resume according to that.

(It is recommended to modify your resume every time you apply for a job as per the job requirements)

  • Mention your name, mobile number, email ID, and address on top of the resume.
  • Affix your latest passport size photograph on the top right-hand side.
  • List your educational details from recent to the past.
  • Write down your computer skills or any job-relevant skills related to the job.
  • Also mention your strengths, project works (if any), and other skills which you possess.
  • Write your personal information such as your date of birth, gender, father’s name , nationality, languages, hobbies, etc.
  • Mention the declaration statement at the end of the letter and sign it every time you are submitting to HR.
  • Finally, proofread the resume and correct any grammar or spelling mistakes.

2. What skills should I list on my resume?

  • Technical skills such as your computer skills related to the job and your education.
  • Communication skills such as written & verbal skills and interpersonal skills.
  • Any other skills such as management skills, problem-solving skills, leadership skills, critical thinking, quick learning, etc.

3. Career Objective or Profile summary which should I mention on my resume?

As a fresher, it is recommended to mention the career objective, after getting the experience you can replace it with the profile summary.

4. What is the best format for a resume?

A chronologic kind of resume is always the best option. It starts with your recent work experiences and last education details.

A good resume format will follow the below order:

  • Career objective
  • Work experience
  • Educational qualification
  • Technical skills
  • Other Skills
  • Profile summary

5. What is a resume title for a fresher?

A resume title is a short statement of your skills, experience, and education details. You need to mention it while creating profiles on job portals like Naukri, Monster, Indeed, etc.

B. Tech in computer science with the ability to work with Python, Django, Flask, MongoDB, and Javascript. Possess an immense passion for coding and additionally have strong communication and interpersonal skills.


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simple first job resume for freshers

6 tips to level up your resume as a fresher

F reshers won’t have any work experience to show, but they can still capture the attention of recruiters by showcasing their skills and expertise in certain ways.

Experts say freshers should take special care to highlight their achievements and skills as they won’t have a body of work or experience to speak for them. Agrawal, founder and CEO of Internshala, an internship and online training platform, says there are some effective ways in which freshers can smartly plan their resumes to successfully land their first job.

1) Tailor your resume to each job and organisation In today’s competitive world, standing out among your peers while applying for a job is crucial. One important step to take is to understand the job requirements well and do a thorough research about the organisation concerned. This would help you create a customised resume for each job opportunity you are applying to. This also goes a long way in showing the recruiter your keenness in joining the organisation.

2) Highlight relevant skills in your application As an extension to customising your resume, it is quintessential that you showcase both your soft skills and relevant hard skills/job-specific skills. While hard skills are highly necessary for each job, soft skills are equally important. Oftentimes, most applicants for a job would have a similar set of hard skills. In such cases, your soft skills can make you stand out.

In fact, in today’s time of AI penetration across industries, employers are putting a greater emphasis on a candidate’s soft skills while evaluating them for a job. Fresh graduates must work especially hard on building such skills.

Here are some of the key soft skills employers are looking for in the post-pandemic world:

(a) Ownership Skills: Having high ownership skills is crucial for interns/entry-level applicants to take responsibility, stay motivated and complete their work efficiently

(b) Tech Savviness: Working remotely relies heavily on technology for internal communication, client outreach, project collaboration, virtual meetings and more. Being tech-savvy is a key attribute for professionals adapting to this digital work environment

(c) Agility: The dynamic nature of recent times, particularly influenced by events like the pandemic, underscores the importance of agility. Professionals need to be adaptable to changing circumstances, such as the shift from office to remote work, and the ease of this transition often depends on their agility

(d) Communication Skills: Effective verbal as well as written communication is crucial for remote work as it is conducted through emails, video conferencing and phone calls. Clear and polite communication is especially of utmost importance in a virtual setting where conveying ideas and inputs may pose a challenge

(e) Time Management: With distractions prevalent in a home-based work environment, interns need strong time management skills. This includes completing tasks promptly, attending meetings punctually, and respecting both their own and others’ time

(f) Creativity: Virtual work often demands creative thinking for adaptation. Interns may need to creatively use virtual means such as emails and phone calls to implement their client outreach strategies

3) Emphasise on internship experiences and relevant projects Even while hiring for entry-level positions, recruiters are often looking for some practical exposure and work experience in a candidate’s application. So internship experience and projects play a critical role in presenting your candidature for a job opportunity.

Internships and relevant real-world projects have the potential to validate your skill sets. It shows that you have professional exposure and hands-on experience, and gives the recruiters confidence in your competency for the said job.

4) Demonstrate quantifiable achievements While adding an internship experience or an academic project to your application, make sure to highlight the responsibilities you have held and the impact you were able to make while working on the same. Wherever applicable, make use of numbers to quantify your achievements during these stints. Mentioning quantifiable achievements is a concrete and measurable way to showcase the impact you made through the projects and during internships. For instance, if you did a blogging internship, you could mention the number of blogs written and the amount of traffic generated on the blog through your contribution. Similarly, if interned in the sales field, you could mention the number of sales made during a specific time period.

5) Showcase your zeal for continuous learning Change and growth are continuous today due to the rapid technological advancements. In order to survive and thrive in the dynamic professional world, you must be enthusiastic to inculcate the habit of continuous and lifelong learning. Recruiters understand this and are always on the lookout for candidates who are committed to staying current in their fields. Here, highlighting your enthusiasm to learn the latest technologies and work practices could certainly give you an edge over your competitors. To do so, you can mention any certifications you have done, or workshops attended to stay up to date with the latest advancements in your field.

6) Build a professional online presence Having a professional online presence would include keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and aligned with your resume. LinkedIn profiles have become a go-to step for many recruiters while they are initially evaluating a candidate for a job role at their organisation. Make sure that you have added all your relevant projects, internship experiences, academic achievements, certifications, and skills on your LinkedIn profile along with a compelling summary talking about your professional aspirations and objectives.

In addition to LinkedIn, other online platforms for specific job roles need to stay updated. For instance, while hiring for a graphic designer role, employers would be interested in taking a look at your Behance (social media platform owned by Adobe) profile. Similarly, for a programming role, they would be keen on seeing an updated GitHub (code hosting platform for collaboration and version control) profile.

For more news like this visit The Economic Times .

6 tips to level up your resume as a fresher


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    Your email should be simple and professional. Stick to your first, middle, and last name or initials and maybe some numbers if you're having trouble finding a name-initial combo that works or isn't already taken. Double-check that your voicemail is set up on the phone number you provide and the mailbox isn't full.

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    First, create a simple list of skills, like the one below. Include both hard and soft skills: Hard skills are ones you study and learn (e.g., Microsoft Office), and ; ... Here are great extra sections to include on a resume for freshers looking for the first job: Resume Template for Freshers: Extra Sections ...

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    A basic resume format for freshers is similar to the resume someone with more work experience might use. You'll fill in as much as possible in each section and add any other miscellaneous information that might help promote you as a good candidate for a job. Header with your contact information. Personal statement. Education.

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    Include your full name, a simple personal email address (no weird ones) and your mobile phone. Not every fresher will be happy to give out their phone number, but this is essential. You can just include the name of your hometown. No need for a full home address until you are at the point of a potential job offer.

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  19. Simple Resume Formats for Freshers in Word [Free Download]

    As a fresher a functional (or) skill-based resume works better to get your first job, where you highlight your education, skills, project works, achievements, internships, awards, etc. You don't need to have a fancy resume to get the job, a simple resume focused on your skills will do a better job.

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    Fill at least 1 A4 page: resumes in India can be multiple pages, but employers will understand if you submit a 1-page resume as a fresher with little or no experience — unless you're applying to a government or academic job that requires you to make a fresher CV; Make it skimmable: create clear section headers for a logical, easy-to-scan structure

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    But this time, they will be. Use these steps to write a resume summary for freshers: Follow with your job title or field of study, for example, an English language student. Add a qualification, information about relevant work experience, or your specialisation, for example, with digital marketing experience.

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    1) Tailor your resume to each job and organisationIn today's competitive world, standing out among your peers while applying for a job is crucial.One important step to take is to understand the ...