220 Phd Puns: A Hilarious Break from Academic Stress

phd puns

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of academia? Don’t worry, we have just what you need to tickle your funny bone and give your brain a much-needed break. Introducing our collection of over 200 PhD puns that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and lighten the load of your academic stress. From hilarious wordplay to clever jokes, we’ve got it all. So sit back, relax, and prepare to have your intellect amused. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or professor, these puns are sure to resonate with your scholarly side and provide a much-needed dose of laughter. Let’s dive into the world of PhD humor and relieve some of that academic tension.

The Top PhD Puns That Will Make You “Doctor” With Laughter (Editors Pick)

1. Why did the PhD student bring a ladder to class? To reach new heights in their studies! 2. What did one PhD student say to the other? “Let’s make this research project a deep dive!” 3. Why did the PhD student become a meteorologist? They wanted to specialize in the study of high degrees. 4. Why did the PhD student become a chef? They wanted to earn a degree in culinary arts. 5. What do you call a PhD student wandering around aimlessly? A “dissertation on wheels.” 6. How did the PhD student feel after successfully defending their thesis? Re-“search”-ed! 7. Why did the PhD student bring a compass to the library? They were looking for a “dissertation-north.” 8. How did the PhD student make their research more visually appealing? They added “graphs-ics.” 9. Why did the PhD student become a gardener? They wanted to specialize in “growth and plant data analysis.” 10. Why did the PhD student always carry a calculator ? To “sum” up the data quickly. 11. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of pet? A “lab”rador. 12. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of music? “Bach”-ground music for concentration. 13. What did the PhD student do when they couldn’t find relevant research articles? They went to the “library-hay.” 14. Why did the PhD student go to the therapist? They had a case of “data-aggravation.” 15. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of drink? A specialty “brew”-sing. 16. How does a PhD student like their pizza? “Well-documented” with extra toppings. 17. Why did the PhD student always carry a notebook? To take “note-verifiable” observations. 18. What did the PhD student say to their friend who started a Master’s program? “Welcome to the ‘research’-tangle!” 19. Where do PhD students go for inspiration? The “cite-seum” of knowledge. 20. Why did the PhD student become a detective? They had a knack for “uncovering” new discoveries.

Punnily Polished PhD Puns

1. My PhD research on the effects of caffeine just keeps percolating. 2. I’m getting a PhD in geography because I’m really good at finding my way around. 3. My thesis on the history of stairs is really taking me step by step. 4. Studying cognitive psychology for my PhD is really a no-brainer. 5. I’m writing my dissertation on puns because it’s a play on words. 6. My PhD in chemistry is really fusing all my passions together. 7. I’m getting a PhD in music theory so I can finally hit all the right notes. 8. Researching marine biology for my PhD is definitely making some waves. 9. I’m getting a PhD in astronomy because the sky’s the limit. 10. My PhD in art history is really painting a bright future for me. 11. I’m studying linguistics for my PhD because I have a way with words. 12. My thesis on the psychology of humor is really a joke that keeps on giving. 13. I’m getting a PhD in genetics because I’m naturally inclined. 14. Studying environmental science for my PhD is really planting seeds for a better future. 15. I’m writing my dissertation on the history of clocks because time flies when you’re having fun. 16. My PhD in economics is really paying dividends. 17. I’m getting a PhD in biology because I like to branch out. 18. Studying literature for my PhD is really a novel idea. 19. I’m writing my dissertation on the effects of laughter because it’s contagious. 20. My PhD in physics is really attracting a lot of positive energy.

Pun-tastic PhD Q&A (Question-and-Answer Puns)

1. Why did the PhD student become a chef? Because they wanted to earn a degree in culinary science! 2. What did the PhD student say when they won a research grant? “I’ve finally cracked the code!” 3. How did the PhD student organize their research notes? They used pi-cards! 4. Why was the PhD student always calm in stressful situations? Because they had a doctorate in chill-ology! 5. What subject did the PhD student study when they were feeling sour? Lemon-strating! 6. Why did the PhD student always carry a pencil and paper? They were always ready for a docu-mentary! 7. How did the PhD student know they were getting close to a breakthrough? They could finally sniff out some thesis-scent! 8. What did the PhD student say when they found a solution to a complex problem? “Eureka, I’ve dis-covered it!” 9. How did the PhD student communicate? They were fluent in academi-languages! 10. Why did the PhD student prefer to work in the library? It had the best study peer-review! 11. How did the PhD student feel after successfully defending their thesis? They were on top of the world – doctorate Everest! 12. Why did the PhD student always carry a ruler? They were always measuring up to expectations! 13. How did the PhD student ensure their experiments were accurate? They used science-sational precision! 14. What did the PhD student say when they found a research gap? It was like finding a hole in one’s knowledge! 15. Why was the PhD student so good at multitasking? They had an advanced degree in juggling responsibilities! 16. What did the PhD student say when their research was published? “My name is in-print-tastic!” 17. How did the PhD student make mathematical calculations? They were the master of numeri-calculations! 18. Why did the PhD student love hiking? It was a great way to explore new heights of knowledge! 19. What did the PhD student say when they solved a complex equation? “Now that’s what I call math-terpiece!” 20. How did the PhD student navigate through academic challenges? They had a compass of knowledge and perseverance!

PhDoodles: The Witty World of PhD Puns

1. I’m pursuing a PhD in philosophy, or as I like to call it, a “Pondering How Deeply” degree. 2. Did you hear about the PhD candidate who believed that the key to good dental health lies in flossophy? 3. My friend’s PhD research in music theory is really striking a chord with the academic community. 4. I recently completed my PhD in geography, but let’s just say I really enjoyed exploring more than just maps. 5. As a PhD student studying astronomy, I’m always reaching for the stars… and for funding. 6. They say getting a PhD in psychology is a mind-boggling experience. I couldn’t agree more! 7. My friend’s PhD research in linguistics is all about the language of love. Talk about a bilingual heartthrob! 8. My PhD thesis in mathematics is quite the equation: long, complex, and can make your head spin if you’re not careful. 9. They told me my PhD in chemistry would require a lot of testing, and boy, were they right! There’s never a shortage of experiments to try. 10. I thought getting a PhD in archaeology would be a bit of a drag, but it turns out it’s quite the excavation! 11. I’m studying marine biology for my PhD, a field where every day feels like a tidal wave of excitement! 12. My friend’s PhD in literature is like a never-ending novel—full of analysis, suspense, and plot twists. 13. Sometimes I feel like a mad scientist in my PhD lab, dissecting data and brewing up some intriguing results. 14. I’m studying social work for my PhD, turning empathy into a science and kindness into a career. 15. Getting a PhD in physics is like diving into the unknown; you never know what mind-blowing discoveries you’ll make. 16. My friend’s PhD research in neuroscience requires a lot of brainpower… and maybe a few brain cells too! 17. I always have a “theory” that getting a PhD in economics will make me rich, but I think I might need to rethink that. 18. My PhD research in environmental science involves a lot of digging for the truth, quite literally! 19. My friend’s PhD in political science is all about finding the right balance between power and diplomacy. Quite the politician! 20. I’m studying animal behavior for my PhD, and boy, studying those cheeky monkeys can be quite an amusing experience!

PHD Puns: Doctorate Doodles

1. My friend’s dissertation on tree growth really branches out. 2. I gave up on my PhD in math because I couldn’t count on it. 3. The professor’s jokes during lectures are always a real scholarly “page-turner.” 4. My friend’s PhD research on aquatic life really made a splash in the scientific community. 5. He wrote his thesis on gravity but never really fell for it. 6. Getting a PhD in art history can really frame your career. 7. Studying psychology for a PhD can really mess with your mind. 8. Our friend’s PhD in linguistics is a real “wordsmith.” 9. My friend’s thesis on solar energy is truly enlightening. 10. The physicist’s groundbreaking research left everyone in a state of quantum “awe.” 11. My friend with a PhD in archeology is always digging up new information. 12. Applying for a PhD program in literature was a novel idea. 13. My friend’s PhD in astronomy literally reached for the stars. 14. Studying marine biology for a PhD can leave you feeling a little “crabby.” 15. After completing her PhD in history, she really made her mark on academia. 16. Our friend’s research on renewable energy really sparked a lot of interest. 17. Getting a PhD in psychology can really mess with your head. 18. My friend’s PhD in computer science really programmed him for success. 19. The biologist’s research on insects really caused a “buzz” in the scientific community. 20. My friend’s research on climate change is really a breath of fresh air.

Ph.D. Fun (Pun Juxtaposition)

1. He became a doctorate in philosophy, but could never figure out the meaning of life. 2. The physicist was a genius but struggled to tie his own shoelaces. 3. The mathematician loved numbers but couldn’t count on his fingers. 4. The archaeologist had a PhD but couldn’t find his own car keys. 5. He studied psychology, but couldn’t understand why people kept calling him crazy. 6. The biologist had a PhD but couldn’t keep a houseplant alive. 7. The linguist got a doctorate but couldn’t speak a second language fluently. 8. The historian was an expert on ancient civilizations but couldn’t remember their names. 9. The geologist studied rocks but couldn’t find his way around town. 10. He had a PhD in literature but struggled to write a simple email. 11. The computer scientist had a doctorate but couldn’t fix his own printer. 12. The economist was well-versed in financial markets but couldn’t balance his own checkbook. 13. The chemist had a PhD but always forgot to put on deodorant. 14. He studied physics but couldn’t figure out how to open a jar. 15. The art historian knew all about famous paintings but couldn’t draw a stick figure. 16. The sociologist had a PhD but rarely left the house to interact with people. 17. She specialized in genetics but couldn’t solve a simple crossword puzzle. 18. The political scientist studied governments but couldn’t navigate a voting booth. 19. The neurologist had a doctorate but couldn’t remember where he parked his car. 20. The engineer had a PhD but struggled to assemble basic Ikea furniture.

The Doctorate Discourse (Ph-Delightful Puns)

1. The Write Doctor 2. The Research ProFESSOR 3. The Thesis Whisperer 4. The Data Genie 5. The Lab Rat 6. The DigiTutor 7. The Scholarly Scribe 8. The Knowledge EnGEEk 9. The Intellectual ThinkTank 10. The Dissertation Dynamo 11. The Science Nerd 12. The Wise WordMaster 13. The Academic Guru 14. The Education Sage 15. The Intellectual Sage 16. The Study Sage 17. The Academic Artist 18. The Degree Wizard 19. The Brainy Bookworm 20. The Lecture Lover

“PhD Puns Flipping Words for Fun”

1. Quad of the Ph.D. – God of the Qh.D. 2. Philosophical Sh.D. – Sophie’s Physical Ph.D. 3. Thesis supervision – Sisisth supervision. 4. Academic research – Academic researth. 5. Peer-reviewed articles – Ear-peeved pureticles. 6. Doctoral dissertation – Doctoreal dissertation. 7. Ph.D. defense – D.PH defence. 8. Tutoring sessions – Suturing tosions. 9. Thesis committee – Seesis thommittee. 10. Research methodology – Methology researcody. 11. Doctoral program – Pectoral drogram. 12. Academic conferences – Comicademic conferemes. 13. Educational psychology – Psydicational educology. 14. Doctoral studies – St. Ductopathic dudies. 15. Graduate students – State growdent sutements. 16. Dissertation proposal – Positation dissero

PhD-larious Puns (Tom Swifties)

1. “I just defended my PhD thesis today,” Tom said confidently. 2. “Writing my dissertation was a real struggle,” Tom said painstakingly. 3. “I’m finally done with my PhD coursework,” Tom said academically. 4. “I need to edit my research paper,” Tom said studiously. 5. “I don’t know if I’m ready for my oral defense,” Tom said nervously. 6. “I have to present my findings at the conference,” Tom said confidently. 7. “I got a scholarship to pursue my PhD,” Tom said thankfully. 8. “I have so many deadlines to meet for my dissertation,” Tom said urgently. 9. “I need more references for my literature review,” Tom said extensively. 10. “I spend most of my days in the lab,” Tom said experimentally. 11. “My research methodology is quite unique,” Tom said innovatively. 12. “My advisor gave me some valuable feedback,” Tom said constructively. 13. “I’m presenting my research at an international symposium,” Tom said globally. 14. “I’m passionate about my field of study,” Tom said enthusiastically. 15. “I’m considering pursuing a PhD in a different discipline,” Tom said thoughtfully. 16. I landed a teaching assistantship to support my studies,” Tom said gratefully. 17. “My research topic is quite complex,” Tom said intellectually. 18. “I’m writing a book based on my PhD research,” Tom said creatively. 19. “I need to attend more academic conferences,” Tom said actively. 20. “I want to make a significant contribution to my field,” Tom said ambitiously.

Contradictory Doctorate Jokes (PhD Punny Paradoxes)

1. A PhD dropout, seeking higher education. 2. A PhD candidate, conducting a study on procrastination. 3. A PhD in relaxation therapy, always stressed out. 4. A PhD in time management, never enough hours in the day. 5. A PhD in decision-making, unable to choose what to have for breakfast. 6. A PhD in organization, constantly misplacing things. 7. A PhD in silence, always speaking their mind. 8. A PhD in financial planning, broke as a joke. 9. A PhD in linguistics, struggling to find the right words. 10. A PhD in patience, constantly running out of it. 11. A PhD in creativity, always experiencing writer’s block. 12. A PhD in motivation, feeling unmotivated. 13. A PhD in happiness, constantly fighting off the blues. 14. A PhD in multitasking, preferring to do one thing at a time. 15. A PhD in humility, always showing off their achievements. 16. A PhD in sleep studies, constantly awake. 17. A PhD in problem-solving, always encountering new challenges. 18. A PhD in comedy, never telling a good joke. 19. A PhD in time travel, always late for appointments. 20. A PhD in nutrition, indulging in unhealthy food choices.

Recursive Riddles (PhD Puns)

1. Did you hear about the mathematician who got his PhD in doughnuts? He made great pi rings! 2. My friend was awarded his PhD in dentistry. Now he’s always in a cavity! 3. My friend just completed his PhD in botany. Now he’s branching out! 4. My friend got his PhD in marine biology. Now he’s always making waves! 5. My friend received his PhD in music theory. Now he’s always hitting the right notes! 6. Did you hear about the chef who got his PhD in cooking? He’s really taking the spice to the next level! 7. My friend just got his PhD in astronomy, and now he’s over the moon! 8. Did you hear about the doctor who completed his PhD in medicine? He’s always prescribing a healthy dose of laughter! 9. My friend just obtained his PhD in psychology. Now he’s analyzing my dreams! 10. Did you hear about the scientist who earned his PhD in genetics? He’s always making new discoveries in his genes! 11. My friend received his PhD in history. Now he’s always turning the page! 12. Did you hear about the engineer who achieved his PhD in civil engineering? He’s always building a solid foundation! 13. My friend just completed his PhD in literature. Now he’s a real bookworm! 14. Did you hear about the mathematician who got his PhD in Geometry? He’s always getting his angles right! 15. My friend just earned his PhD in physics, and now he’s all charged up! 16. Did you hear about the artist who received his PhD in painting? He’s really making masterpieces brush by brush! 17. My friend just obtained his PhD in linguistics. Now he’s always speaking in tongues! 18. Did you hear about the economist who completed his PhD? He’s always calculating the value of a good pun! 19. My friend just earned his PhD in computer science. Now he’s coding his way to success! 20. Did you hear about the biologist who got his PhD? He’s always exploring new species and branching out!

“PhD’s Guide: Pundamentals for Academic Wits”

1. I got my PhD in philosophy, but it didn’t bring me any enlightenment. It just left me with a lot of student loans. 2. The best piece of advice I received during my PhD was to always take notes, because some day they might fetch a pretty penny at a research garage sale. 3. They say a PhD is just a fancy piece of paper, but I prefer to think of it as a passport to endless job applications. 4. A PhD is like a marathon – it’s an exhausting journey that goes on for years, and the finish line seems to always be just out of reach. 5. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a committee to approve a PhD dissertation. 6. My PhD was like a rollercoaster ride – filled with ups and downs, and at some point, I just wanted to scream. 7. They say a PhD is like being married to your research – you dedicate your life to it, and there’s no escape until the day you defend. 8. Getting a PhD is like climbing Mount Everest – it’s a long and treacherous journey, and you might lose a few brain cells along the way. 9. They say a PhD is just a piece of paper, but it’s the most expensive piece of paper I’ve ever owned. 10. My PhD was like a puzzle with missing pieces – I spent years trying to find them, and in the end, some are still lost. 11. They say a PhD is the ultimate achievement, but sometimes it feels like you’ve just unlocked a higher level of unemployment. 12. My PhD was like a never-ending maze – just when I thought I found the way out, I stumbled upon another dead end. 13. They say a PhD is like a badge of honor, but it’s more like a permanent scar on your psyche. 14. My PhD was like a complex math problem – it had multiple solutions, but my professor only accepted one. 15. They say a PhD is like a piece of art – it’s a masterpiece you create with your mind, but it’s not guaranteed to sell. 16. My PhD journey was like a never-ending dark tunnel – I kept moving forward, hoping to find the light at the end, but it was always just out of reach. 17. They say a PhD is like a marathon – you may hit a wall at some point, but the key is to keep pushing through. 18. My PhD was like a game of chess – I had to strategically plan each move, and if I made the wrong one, it could lead to checkmate. 19. They say a PhD is like a rite of passage – you endure trials and tribulations, and in the end, you come out stronger (and with an immeasurable amount of stress). 20. My PhD was like a never-ending puzzle – just when I thought I had all the pieces, I realized I was missing a whole section.

In conclusion, if you’ve been drowning in academic stress, these 200+ PhD puns are just the ticket to lighten the mood and tickle your funny bone! But don’t stop here, there are even more puns waiting to bring a smile to your face on our website. We hope you’ve had a great time with us and thank you for taking the time to visit!

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We're the wordplay enthusiasts behind the puns you love. As lovers of all things punny, we've combined our passion for humor and wordplay to bring you Punsteria. Our team is dedicated to collecting and curating puns that will leave you laughing, groaning, and eager for more.

If you're scooping up your masters degree, use these graduation puns for funny captions on Instagram...

60 Graduation Puns For Instagram Pics You’ll Be Grad You Had

Is it one degree hotter in here or is that just me?

Con grad ulations! Graduation day has finally arrived, and you have so much to celebrate. You've made it through late-night study sessions, written more essays than you can even count, and delivered a ton of presentations. You've worked your butt off, and now is the time to commemorate the past few years that have seemingly gone by in the blink of an eye. Once you throw your cap in the air and hug all of your college besties like you never want to let go, it's time to pose for some graduation pics. If you're in the witty kind of mood, there's no better way to caption all of your feels on this special day than with some graduation puns for Instagram.

Let’s be real: you have to post a pic of your college crew in your caps and gowns. It’s an Insta must. For those pics, you could always go with a heartfelt graduation caption , because you're proud AF of yourself and all of your achievements. However, this is finally your time to breathe a sigh of relief and infuse some humor into your post, so instead, opt for graduation puns. Just think of how cute a selfie of you and your BFFs smiling at graduation will be with some funny graduation puns to match.

While it may be hard to come up with some grad puns on your own, consider this list as a free pass so you don't have to do any more hard work. Whether you’re in the market for graduation puns or masters degree puns, this list will work with just about any pic you’ve got. Get ready to snap, caption, and go on with whatever party you have planned after the ceremony. You deserve it .

Two graduates laugh reading grad puns they'll be using for funny graduation Instagram captions.

  • "Whale done, graduate."
  • "Snailed it."
  • "I have the koalafications."
  • "Con-grad-ulations."
  • "I can't beleaf I did it."
  • "You've been schooled."
  • "Now, the cylinder and I are both graduated."
  • "My time here is ogre."
  • "Breaking Grad."
  • "I'm getting my dip-llama."
  • "Con-cat-ulations."
  • "Bravocado."
  • "Sofishticated."
  • "I’ll calc-u later!"
  • "I pugging did it."
  • "I yam so proud of you."
  • "Lettuce celebrate."
  • "No kitten, I'm feline purrty great right meow."
  • "We got no troubles, life is the bubbles, with a degree."
  • "A toast... to our graduation. [bread emoji]"
  • "It's time to party, turn up the beet."
  • "I hope this B.S. pays off."
  • "Herd you were graduating. Cow-gratulations."
  • "I'm afraid of graduating... psych."
  • "Grad-ical."
  • "Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't turn out, take another shot."
  • "I owe. I owe. It's off to work I go!"
  • "When math majors graduate, do they get degrees or radians?"
  • "Now, it's one degree hotter in here."
  • "Done with this B.S."
  • "And the rest is history."
  • "The limit does not exist." — Mean Girls
  • "Party thyme."
  • "Proud of my B.S."
  • "I ins-pi-re."
  • "Shell yeah!"
  • "Game of loans. Interest is coming."
  • "Thanks a latte, Mom and Dad."
  • "English majors get lit."
  • "The tassel was worth the hassle."
  • "Don't be afraid to take whisks."
  • "I've got a bright future. [sunglasses emoji]"
  • "Grad-ewe-ation."
  • "Get meow-ta here!"
  • "Donut make me graduate."
  • “Breaking grad.”
  • “I’m in the grad girls club.”
  • “I’ve never grad it so good.”
  • “I’m one grad egg.”
  • “I’m having a grad hair day.”
  • “Oops, my grad.”
  • “I’m in grad company.”
  • “Leave me a-loan now, thanks.”
  • “Feeling grad and bougie.”
  • “I mastered it.”
  • “Dobby has no masters, but I do.”
  • “This English major is getting lit.”
  • “Way to Gogh, grad.”
  • “Grads all folks.”
  • “I’m really grad I came to this school.”

This article was originally published on 04.17.18

phd graduation puns

A list of puns related to "Phd"

I call him Dr. Awkward

She sure has a lot of photos in thesis.


phd graduation puns

Theoretical Fizz-ics.

I guess that makes me a spin doctor

phd graduation puns

A pet-degree

I asked him if he is now called a Doctor of Pillosophy.

He's an aye doctor.

It was a 2nd-degree burn.

It was a third degree burn

They were all arrested for third-degree murder.

"What's with the third degree?"

Photos in thesis.

She really gave him the third degree.


My dad recently retired and has since gotten a new favorite joke that he tells everyone who calls to congratulate him with his retirement.

The pun doesn't really work in english(I'm danish), but I thought I would share it anyway. This is how it usually goes:

Caller: How are you holding up? are you enjoying your spare time?

Dad: I actually just started my pHD

Caller: What? Wow

Dad: Pensioner every day

(In danish It would be: P entionist h ver d ag, hence the PhD)

It's not funny at all, but he loves it and tells it to everyone

Outstanding in his field.

A Doctopuss.

Dad: Are you thinking of doing a PhD?

Me: pffffffft

Dad: oh is that how it's pronounced

Because no matter the amount of proof his work remained a mere Hippo Thesis.

Watching The Strain when the doctors start doing an autopsy on a vampire body

Sister: So the vampire virus destroys all of the hosts organs?

Me: No it just changes them into different organs.

Dad: Yeah, they're... disorganized!

Laughter ensues

Turns out she's just a spin doctor.

He said it has its pluses and minuses.

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phd graduation puns


102 Graduation Puns to Celebrate Your Big Day With Humor!

Graduation Puns

Graduation season is here, and you’re probably on the hunt for the perfect pun to make your Instagram post pop.

Crafting the ideal graduation pun can be tough, but don’t worry—we’ve got your back!

As seasoned social media pros, we’ve curated a collection of puns that’ll make you laugh, cry, and stand out from the crowd.

Whether you’re a soon-to-be graduate, a proud parent, or a friend looking to spice up a card , this guide is for you.

Ready to become the pun master of graduation season? Let’s dive in!

Graduation Puns

  • Feeling grad-ified!
  • It’s a grad-venture!
  • Grad-ewe-ation.
  • Grad-you-made-it!
  • A degree of success!
  • Con-rat-ulations!
  • I pugging did it.
  • Con-cat-ulations.
  • Way to Gogh, grad.
  • Caps off to new beginnings!
  • Hats off to the grad-titude!
  • Here’s to the grad-uate escape!
  • Whale done, graduate.
  • Keep calm and grad-on!
  • Hippo-ray! You graduated!
  • Miso happy for you, grad.
  • I’m getting my dip-llama.
  • I have the koalafications.
  • Cap-tivating Success!

Cap tivating Success graduate Pun

  • I’m a gradu-WAITED success!
  • I’m chair-ing for you, grad.
  • Congratulations! Take a bao .
  • Holy sheep ! Congratulations.
  • You’re now one degree hotter.
  • Diploma? More like dip-yay-ma!
  • Corn-gratulations! You did it.
  • Keep calm, it’s graduation day.
  • PhinisheD – All the way to PhD!
  • I can’t be-leaf I’m graduating!
  • I Came, I Studied, I Graduated.
  • Congrats! We knead to celebrate.
  • Degree in hand , world at my feet!
  • Finally done with glad-u-ation!
  • I aced it, now let’s grad-u-cake!
  • Brains, beauty, and now a diploma!
  • From campus to real-life champ-us.
  • We’re all graduateful for this day!

Dream Big graduate Pun

  • Edu-cake-tion completed, let’s eat!
  • Diploma in hand, world in sight!
  • Class dismissed, future commenced!
  • From student to grad-uation sensation!
  • You’re a grad, not a fad. Shine on!
  • Hats off to the grad-ventures ahead!
  • You’ve bean working so hard. Congrats!
  • You’ve scale-d new heights, way to go!
  • Bee proud of your honey-sweet success!
  • Grad-itude: the attitude of a graduate.
  • Owl that matters is that you graduated.
  • You’re turtle-y awesome for graduating.
  • The world belongs to those who graduate!
  • Congratulations. Donut stop. Keep going!
  • You graduated right before my berry eyes .
  • A toast to your egg-cel-lent achievement.
  • Switching my status to BA-utiful graduate!
  • Your future is looking sharp, cactus grad!
  • You rose to the occasion. Congratulations!
  • Future Bright!

Future Bright graduate Pun

  • I’m not just a grad-uate, I’m a great-uate!
  • Herd you were graduating. Cow-gratulations.
  • Now, the cylinder and I are both graduated.
  • Graduation: the tassel was worth the hassle!
  • Congratulations. Mayo your dreams come true.
  • Class-dismissed! A graduate is on the loose!
  • Life is a test, and graduation is the result.
  • She said Yes to the dress – the graduation gown!
  • Caps in the air, we’re soaring to new heights!
  • Latte success! You’re no ordinary coffee grad!
  • The sky is the limit now, soar high, eagle grad.
  • Just imagine the heights you’ll kangaroo to now!
  • Now that you’re a graduate, life is your campus!
  • You call it graduation. I call it degree-licious.
  • Let’s toss our worries and turn up the music !
  • Congrats, your future is looking grrrr-eat, tiger !
  • From late-night cramming to late-night celebrating!
  • Graduation: Turning academic notes into bank notes.
  • After graduation, we all went out to cel-education!
  • Floating through graduation like a cloud in the sky.
  • After graduation, I’ll be degree-termined to succeed.
  • Grad-titude !

gradtitude graduate Pun

  • You did it! Now it’s time to graduate to the champagne.
  • Sending all my cap-tivating wishes for your graduation.
  • You swam through school like a shark , fin-tastic job!
  • Trust me, you’re no common grad! You’re a rare panda !
  • You’ve shelled out a lot of hard work, tortoise grad!
  • From dorm rooms to board rooms, it’s time to excel !
  • After years of legwork, it’s time for the grad-you-ate.
  • Con-grad-ulations! You’ve achieved your goals by degrees!
  • The future is bright, but make sure you wear sunscreen.
  • We got no troubles, life is the bubbles, with a degree.
  • Life is my college, graduation is just the degree to it.
  • No more books , no more classes, my graduation day surpasses!
  • Graduating with flying colors—like a rainbow at the ceremony.
  • My graduation cap was so small, it was a real cap-astrophe!
  • Four years of college taught me survival on coffee and ramen .
  • Tossing our caps like we’re tossing away the stress of finals!
  • The world better watch out, this graduate is ready to make waves!
  • I’m grad you made it through school – the world is your oyster now!
  • I may have graduated, but I’m still majoring in Netflix and snacks.
  • On graduation day, remember to thank your parents, your profs, and Google .
  • My graduation ceremony was so emotional, it was truly a cap and gown affair!
  • After graduation, the aspiring artist painted a bright future for themselves.

As you start this new chapter, let these graduation puns remind you that life blends hard work with humor.

Every laugh shared is a memory created, and every pun delivered is a moment of connection.

Sprinkle some punny magic into your graduation celebrations to create unforgettable, joy-filled moments.

Congratulations, and here’s to your next adventure!

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Graduation Jokes & Puns

We’d like to propose a toast because these funny graduation jokes and puns are in a class of their own! So con-grad-ulations – enjoy them!

Funny Graduation Jokes

I was just voted “Least Likely to Succeed” by my graduating class.

Well as these two guys are just flabbergasted at the chances of this meeting, another guy at the end of the bar is watching curiously.

Taking one look at her, he returned to the instructor, threw down his gun and quit, saying, “I can’t do this.”

He said to the instructor, “You idiot, you gave me blanks! I had to strangle her!”

So I put on a ten gallon hat and and chaps and he went to MIT and graduated in Computer Science.

He graduated with his Ph7.

The graduate with an engineering degree asks, “How does it work?”

The graduate with an accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?”

The graduate with a liberal arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?”

He wasn’t the top of his class, but his grades here in the high C’s.

He showed up at 3pm, looked at the test paper and said, “Looks like I’m gonna need a pen for this job. I’ll have to pop round to my suppliers for one. Be right back.”

I graduated with a Chemistry degree, but the only job I got was testing carbonated beverages.

I just got my degree in Sky Diving.

The young minister looked at the farmer and asked, “What do you think we should do?”

The seminary graduate said, “That’s great! You sit right there and I’ll preach you a sermon.”

I just took my last exam before graduating out of culinary school.

The final was a piece of cake.

Why’s it hard for Americans to go to Canadian colleges?

He didn’t finish the main course.

Then I can have a “Hoosier Daddy” bumper sticker.

A graduated cylinder.

“You may have graduated but I’ve got so many degrees.”

I had to explain – it was my Senor year.

You hear about the spice maker who graduated from med school?

My daughter just graduated from law school.

Did you hear about the circle that graduated?

What do you call tin foil hat graduates of the National Secret Honor Society?

Jokes About Graduation

If you liked these puns and jokes about graduation and graduates, be sure to check out the rest of LaffGaff for lots more funny jokes and humor, such as our PhD jokes as well as these:

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145 Clever Graduation Puns Perfect For Your Big Day

Graduation puns

Ready to graduate with flying colors and a side of humor? Let’s tassel with some pun-tastic fun!

Graduation puns are the capstone of any celebration.

From witty one-liners to mortarboard-worthy quips, they take the cake .

Get ready to chuckle through your commencement.

Hold onto your hats and scroll on—you’re in for a degree of hilarity!

Graduation Puns: The Best One-Liners for the Tassel Hustle

Graduation puns, graduation puns: double takes on double meanings, caps off to these graduation puns: a dual meaning extravaganza, cap-tivating grad-ventures, diploma delights: clever graduation puns inspired by idioms, graduation puns to cap-tivate your imagination.

– Tassel was worth the hassle.

– Now it’s time to mortarboard the world!

– I graduated—now it’s time to adult!

– Cap-tivated by my success.

– Degree-ing with distinction!

– Moving from student to grad-ually successful.

– Just ‘degreased’ myself of school!

– Throwing my cap at new opportunities.

– Only way is up, off the mortarboard.

– Feeling grad-ified today.

– Academic career? Totally nailed it!

– Diploma in hand, future in sight.

– Educated, liberated, and caffeinated.

– Reaching new heights, cap by cap.

– Scholarly and holla-ready!

– Finishing one chapter, starting another.

– Summa cum laude, summa cum proud!

– Life: officially under construction.

– Finally, a degree of separation.

– Cap-ping off this journey with flair!

Enjoying these puns? You can also create your own puns (for captions, birthdays, etc) with our Free Pun Generator .

– I read a book on anti-gravity. It was impossible to put down after graduation!

– What’s the degree to which a student dislikes final exams? The Fahrenheit!

– Why did the art student always carry a pencil to class? Just in case of a grad-ual sketch emergency!

– I told my friends I was graduating in geology ; I guess I took my career for granite.

– Did you hear about the math student who just graduated? She had too many functions!

– I studied abroad, but my wallet’s feeling the exchange rate!

– The chef graduated top of his class, but he decided to whisk it all away.

– I tried graduating with honors, but I couldn’t quite get the cap and gown of it.

– When I graduated in marine biology , my future was sure to go swimmingly.

– Graduating in music theory? That’s a major achievement!

– Why did the student bring a ladder to graduation? She wanted to get a higher degree!

– My friend graduated in astronomy. She’s always taking up space!

– To graduate in political science, I had to learn the art of polling my resources.

– After graduation, I told my plants to leave. They didn’t have roots here anymore.

– I graduated in tree surgery. Now I’m stumped on what to do next!

– Diploma is well-written; can really appreciate its degree of difficulty.

– After graduation, the class is all booked up.

– The ceremony was intense, but now it’s time for a camping trip.

– Earning a cap and gown is a crowning achievement.

– Graduates finally got the letter, now it’s time to move on to the next phase.

– Hats off to graduates—their accomplishments are a head above.

– Getting a degree is anything but plain – it’s plane amazing.

– The tassel was worth the hassle.

– Commencement is the start of something big, not just the end.

– The future for graduates is looking bright; it’s in their stars.

– The graduates’ favorite exercise? Commencement stretches.

– See those honors? They’re a class act.

– With this diploma, graduates will never be undergrad anymore.

– After graduation, students are really on their way—a path well chartered.

– Let the graduations begin; it’s time to grow up and tassel on.

– The graduates were quite the class act, ready to take on the world.

– Tossing their tassels, they knew this was the capstone of their education.

– As they walked across the stage, they left their mark with every step.

– Their degrees were worth more than just the paper they were printed on.

– With diploma in hand, they were ready to face life’s tests outside the classroom.

– The ceremony was a real highlight, shining brighter than the students’ smiles.

– They had reached new heights, and yet, they knew the sky was the limit.

– Crossing the stage was a walk in the park compared to final exams.

– They were in perfect attendance, not just in school, but in life’s big moments.

– After all their hard work, they had truly earned their stripes.

– The future was looking as bright as their graduation gowns.

– They had written their own stories, each with a diploma as the perfect ending.

– Their joy was so palpable, you could almost cap-ture it.

– A diploma was their ticket to ride, and they were ready to go the distance.

– It wasn’t just a ceremony; it was a launch pad to their dreams.

– This cap’s stone cold awesome!

– You gown and outdid yourself!

– You did a tassel-tactic job!

– That speech was mortar-fyingly good!

– You’ve crossed the ‘grad’-line!

– Class dismissed, degrees distributed!

– No more tests? That’s ‘plume-crazy!’

– You turned ‘grad-ual’ into ‘grad-instant!’

– Can I get a diploma-ment?

– And that’s a rap… or is it a cap?

– That degree? It’s tea-rrific!

– What a gown-tastic journey!

– Diploma? More like diplomazing!

– Time to turn the tassel and dazzle!

– You schooled that ceremony!

– Cap and gown it to win it.

– Tassel is worth the hassle.

– Walk the stage before you run the world.

– Throw your caps where your mouth is.

– A tassel in time saves nine.

– Better late than never graduate.

– When the going gets tough, the tough get degrees.

– A degree a day keeps the job market at bay.

– Book smart and street smart make the perfect grad.

– The world is your classroom, so take notes.

– In the school of life, you’re valedictorian.

– It’s not over until the graduate sings.

– Don’t count your diplomas before they’re hatched.

– Break a leg… by walking across the stage!

– Every cloud has a silver diploma.

– The early grad catches the job offer.

– You miss 100% of the classes you don’t take.

– Reading, writing , and graduating.

– The pen is mightier than the report card.

– Don’t put all your caps in one basket.

– Grad-ually making my way to success.

– Cap-tivated by my new degree.

– Getting my diploma is a real class act.

– Commence the puns, it’s graduation day!

– I’m so proud, I’m floating on a grad-ual cloud.

– I’m on a roll, or should I say, on a scroll.

– I can’t be-leaf I’ve graduated, time to turn over a new leaf.

– I’m outta here, cap-ped off the last four years.

– This is just the degree-ginning of my journey.

– I’ve got a lot of gra-titude for my alma mater.

– Hitting the books has finally paid off, I’m a real grad-uate now.

– Degree-lighted to have made it through.

– I’m a grad, suit-ably employed and everything!

– Cap and gown? More like gown and town!

– I’m officially a scholar, no more class dismissed-misses.

– I’ve earned my stripes, and my cords!

– Degree-cided to aim for the stars.

– Future looks bright, I’ve got my shades and my grades.

– Finally, a degree of separation from the library.

Double the Fun: Clever Graduation Puns

– This cap and gown is truly my crowning achievement.

– I don’t have class anymore, I graduated!

– Tassel was worth the hassle, now I’m a class act.

– I’m a grad-tastic sensation.

– School’s out forever, and I’ve learned my lesson well.

– I’m the valedictorian of puns, topping the class.

– Here’s to our bright futures, all accessorized with diplomas.

– Passed with flying colors, my future is looking hue-ge.

– No more tests? That’s music to my ears.

– Degree in hand, I’m filled with pride but no longer sided.

– Onwards and upwards, I am officially a grad-venturer.

– My diploma is my ticket to a whole new world.

– I’m all about that grad-titude now.

– The tassel is worth the hassle, I framed my success.

– Finally done with homework for life; that’s board-certified.

– Moving from the dorm room to the boardroom.

– I’m a bachelor, of course, I hold the degree too.

– Look at me now, I’m a certified smarty-pants.

– A degree hotter, I’ve graduated with distinction.

– The future is mine to script, because I’ve graduated with a plot twist. Graduation puns add a fun and memorable twist to any celebration. They bring joy to students and guests alike, making the event even more special. So, keep these puns in mind and share them to spread laughter and cheer on graduation day!


I'm Max, and "Punfinity" is a little glimpse of my humor. I've always found joy in bringing a smile to people's faces, and what better way than through the universal language of laughter? I believe that a day without laughter is like a sky without stars. So, here I am, using my love for puns to paint a starry night in your everyday life.

107 Unique Giraffe Puns To Make You Smile All Day

127 clever airplane puns guaranteed to take off, leave a comment cancel reply.

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40+ Hilarious Graduation Jokes to Make Grads Laugh

Graduation marks an educational milestone. It’s an emotional time of achievement and memories. Laugh with funny graduation jokes.

Graduation cap.

Whether high school or college, it takes hard work and dedication to graduate .

So, take a moment to celebrate your graduation with friends and family .

Many graduates reflect on memories of their time in school , as it’s a time of various emotions.

As you celebrate, laugh with the following graduation jokes.

They’re also perfect for speeches and sharing with other grads.

The best graduation jokes

1 . Is longitude or latitude smarter?

Longitude because it has 360 degrees.

2 . Why didn’t the married man get an undergraduate diploma?

He wasn’t a bachelor.


3 . What did the corn say to its kid after graduation?


4 . What did the dad call his daughter after graduating from law school?

His daughter in law.

5 . Which lab equipment is the smartest?

The graduated cylinder.

6 . Why do seniors sleep after graduation?

They’re preparing for their dream job.

7 . What happened to the bread at graduation?

It made it to the honor roll.

8 . Why didn’t the broom graduate?

It was sweeping in class.

9 . Why did the South American animal go to the graduation ceremony?

To get a dip-llama.

10 . What do you call a doctor that graduates at the bottom of their class?

11 . Why do graduation ceremonies get so hot?

There are so many degrees.

12 . What’s a college graduate’s favorite TV show?

The Walking Debt.

13 . Where does a tall person graduate?

At the top of their class.

14 . Why didn’t the skeleton go to graduation?

It had no body to walk with.

15 . From what school do ice cream makers graduate?

Sundae school.

16 . How does a cactus look in a graduation outfit?

17 . What do dogs get after graduation?

A pedigree.

18 . What does a light bulb say in a graduation speech?

You have a bright future.

19 . Why did schools stop graduation ceremonies?

There was too much name-calling.

Graduation cap and diploma.

20 . What happens to candy after graduating?

They become Smarties.

21 . What does a bat say during graduation?


22 . What did the graduate say when his mom asked why he didn’t pick up his phone after graduation?

I couldn’t pick up because the reception was horrible.

23 . How did the baking graduate’s final exam go?

It was a piece of cake .

24 . Which faculty member is friends with all the graduates?

The princi-pal.

25 . What did the fashion designer say to his daughter at graduation?

I’m so Prada you.

26 . How many college students do you need to change a light bulb?

One, but it might take more than four years.

27 . What does a whale say during a graduation speech?

Congratulations, and whale done.

28 . What do students look better after graduation?

They get one degree hotter.

29 . What do graduates in Athens get?

30 . What did the tortilla say after graduation?

That’s a wrap.

31 . What did the graduate say after getting a Bachelor of Science?

I’m done with this B.S.

32 . Why did the speaker have to wear sunglasses while in front of the dean’s list?

They’re really bright.

33 . What do you say to cheese at graduation?

34 . Why do students learn sign language before graduating?

It comes in handy.

Person using sign language.

35 . Why did the high school graduate go to flight school?

To pursue higher education.

36 . What did the duck say to the graduate?


37 . What does a cat say to its graduating class?


38 . What’s a student’s status after graduation?


39 . Why didn’t the sun want to graduate?

It already has millions of degrees.

40 . What do you call someone that takes twice as long to graduate?

A gradu-late.

41 . What did the dessert say after realizing it might be the last time it sees its school friends?

I donut want to graduate.

42 . What’s the number one reason graduation rates have increased?

The internet.

Related : Hilarious Harry Potter Jokes Every Potterhead Will Love

Featured image by David Em/Humor Living .


168 Graduation Puns That Are Class Above the Rest!

Graduation Puns

Gearing up for graduation is an exhilarating time. It’s not just a season of pomp and circumstance, but also of caps, gowns, and… puns? Absolutely! Graduation puns are the perfect sprinkle of humor on this monumental achievement. They’re a clever way to lighten the mood and add a touch of wit to the celebrations. As graduates close the books on one chapter and embark on the next, a good pun can make those final moments of academia a bit more memorable. Whether it’s a one-liner on a graduation cap or a witty quip in a valedictorian speech, puns have a special way of capturing the essence of this rite of passage with humor and levity. So, let’s unfold the diploma of wit and celebrate academic successes one pun at a time!

  • Why did the graduate bring a ladder to commencement? They were ready to take their career to the next level!
  • I can’t believe I graduated. I’m now officially smarter by a degree!
  • After graduation, the world is your oyster. But remember, no pearl without some grit!
  • 1 Cap-tivating Humor: Top Graduation Cap Puns for the Big Day
  • 2 The Tassel’s Worth the Hassle: Funniest Graduation Puns to Share
  • 3 IV. Diploma-tic Wit: Puns That Honor the Graduate’s Hard Work
  • 4 Commence-Mint of Laughter: Graduation Puns for Speeches and Cards
  • 5 Hilarious Honors: Puns for Summa Cum Laude Smiles
  • 6 Degree-ded Humor: Puns for Every Major and Degree
  • 7 VIII. Conclusion: Turning the Tassel on Graduation Puns

Cap-tivating Humor: Top Graduation Cap Puns for the Big Day

  • Now that’s a “cap-ture” of my intellect!
  • “Tassel” me this, who’s ready to graduate?
  • Cap and gown? More like “nap and down” with all that studying!
  • Y’all ready to “cap” off this chapter?
  • On a scale of one to ten, my grad cap is a “ten-tassel”!
  • Watch me “throw” my future into success!
  • “Hats off” to us, we did it!
  • Time to “cap-italize” on my degree!
  • Graduating? “Cap’s” a reason to celebrate!
  • This isn’t goodbye, it’s “hat’ll do for now.”
  • “Head’s up! I’m moving on to bigger things!
  • My cap’s not the only thing that’s well-rounded now!
  • Who knew a square cap could make me feel so well-rounded?
  • Keep your “cap” on, the fun has just started!
  • Let’s “cap” off this achievement with some pun!
  • “Cap-tain” of the class, ready to sail into the future!
  • Can’t “top” the feeling of graduating!
  • It’s “mortarboard” than just a hat, it’s a milestone!
  • Capping off my college years with a “hats-quisite” ceremony!
  • “Crown” me a graduate because I’ve conquered this realm!
  • Turn the “tassel,” I’m starting a new chapter!
  • Don’t call it a “cap,” it’s my new thinking hat!
  • I’ve got a “degree” of style under this cap!
  • This grad cap is just the “ tip ” of what I’ve accomplished!
  • My future’s so bright, this cap’s gotta have tassels!

The Tassel’s Worth the Hassle: Funniest Graduation Puns to Share

  • Con-grad-ulations, you’re finally cum-laude the law!
  • After today, you can call me “Master” because I’ve got my master’s degree!
  • You’ve got a degree in philosophy? Now you can think about being unemployed.
  • Now that you’ve graduated, try not to do anything half-capped!
  • Wow, you’ve graduated! You deserve a round of ap-‘plause’.
  • Keep calm and grad-uate, it’s just a walk across a stage!
  • You did it! You’re finally at the top of the class… of unemployment.
  • Graduation: the process of your parents realizing they are now officially out of your ‘tuition’.
  • You’re not just a graduate, you’re a grade-A-uate!
  • Now that you’ve graduated, is it okay to ask you for a loan?
  • Time to update your status from student to “graduated and still confused.”
  • Did anyone else just see four years flash before their eyes?
  • Let’s taco ’bout how you just got a diploma!
  • I’m not crying, I just have a degree in my eye.
  • Well, now that you’ve graduated, no one can call you un-qualified!
  • Graduating is a piece of cake… that you can’t afford yet.
  • The world is your oyster, which is great unless you’re allergic to shellfish .
  • Now that I’ve graduated, I can’t wait to sleep for more than four hours a night!
  • Be proud of yourself, today you’re the smartest cookie in the jar!
  • It’s time to say ‘class dismissed’ to your student loans. Just kidding, they’ll follow you forever.
  • You’ve finally reached the ‘pinnacle’ of your education!
  • Graduation: where ‘commence’ means ‘begin’ and ‘commencement’ means ‘end’.
  • Don’t worry, being a graduate just means your homework is now called ‘taxes.’
  • Remember, a diploma is basically just a subtle way to ask for a raise.
  • With your degree, you’re now certifiably amazing. Literally, you have a certificate.

IV. Diploma-tic Wit: Puns That Honor the Graduate’s Hard Work

Get ready to roll out the red carpet and let the puns march in! Here’s a celebration of clever wordplay that diplomas in honoring our graduates:

  • It’s time to take a bow, because you’ve got a degree to show for now!
  • After all this time, you’ve officially graduated from student loans to loaning out wisdom!
  • You’ve earned your degree, now feel free to school everyone else!
  • Education is a journey, and you’ve just scaled the highest degree!
  • You’re not just a graduate; you’re a master of the class-ical arts!
  • Graduate: the term for someone who’s finally able to think outside the books!
  • You’ve studied so much, you’ve got a PhD in persistence, honor, and dedication!
  • Con-grad-ulations on being summa cum laude-er than the rest!
  • Looks like you’ve got this adulting thing all figured out, degree-ree of difficulty notwithstanding!
  • Today’s forecast: 100% chance of diplomas and pride showers!
  • You’ve turned in your thesis, and now it’s time to turn up the celebration!
  • You’ve got more degrees than a thermometer now!
  • Let’s give you a “degree” of applause for that academic performance!
  • Education is priceless, and your degree adds compound interest!
  • Say hello to your new title: Master of Having Done That!
  • With your degree in hand, you’re ready to write the next chapter. Just no more pop quizzes, please!
  • You’re now officially certified in achieving dreams. Use your degree wisely!
  • You’ve proven you’re outstanding in your field – and that’s not just for agriculture majors!
  • You’re absolutely summa cum-laudable, with honors in excellence!
  • Looks like you’ve got a license to bill – in your chosen field, of course!
  • Congrats on being overqualified for being a student anymore!
  • With your degree in hand, you’ve got the write stuff to author your future!
  • Let’s take a moment to degree-st and appreciate your hard work!
  • Your degree is not just a piece of paper; it’s your ticket to the world stage!
  • Well, look at you, a graduate! Higher education has never looked higher!

Commence-Mint of Laughter: Graduation Puns for Speeches and Cards

Ready to add a sprinkle of humor to your graduation speeches and cards? Here’s a list of pun-derful one-liners to get the giggles going:

  • Now that you’ve graduated, I guess you could say you’re officially class -y.
  • Let’s taco ‘bout how well you’ve done – shell yeah, you graduated!
  • Looks like you’ve been schooled in the art of greatness!
  • I love when you talk about your degree – it’s music to my ears .
  • Orange you glad you’re finally done with exams?
  • You’ve graduated – now it’s thyme to turnip the celebration!
  • You’re moving up in the world – literally, one step at a ladder time!
  • Your degree is a brew-tea-ful addition to your accomplishments!
  • It’s time to take a paws and celebrate your fur-tastic achievement!
  • After all that studying, you deserve a round of apple-ause!
  • Now that you’ve got your degree, you’re officially a big wheel in the world!
  • You’re no longer a student, but a gradu-ate – lettuce celebrate!
  • With your degree, you’ve got a latte potential!
  • Now that’s a wrap on your education – tortilla later, studies!
  • You did it – you’ve got a pizza my heart for graduating!
  • You’ve mastered the art of achieving grape things – wine not celebrate?
  • Donut worry, be happy – you graduated!
  • Stay sharp, graduate – because now you’re one degree hotter!
  • You’re the cream of the crop, straight to the top – churn it up, graduate!
  • You’ve stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run with your education!
  • Graduating means you’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt – and the cap and gown!
  • You’re now the master of your own destiny – that’s what I call master-peas!
  • Keep on rolling with your diploma – you’re on a roll, graduate!
  • Graduation is sweet, and so are you – congrats on a job well cone!
  • You’ve got a degree in success – now the world is your oyster!

Hilarious Honors: Puns for Summa Cum Laude Smiles

  • Sum-ma tell you, you’ve graduated with flying colors!
  • I’m not lion when I say you’re the pride of the class!
  • You’ve scaled the highest GPA peak, now that’s summit to celebrate!
  • It’s no fluke, you’re the big fish in the pond now!
  • Leaf it to you to graduate at the top of your class – you’re unbe-leaf-able!
  • Looks like you’ve got this adulting thing on lock – cum laude style!
  • You didn’t just sail through college, you cruised cum laude!
  • Summa cum laude? More like “summa cum wow-de!”
  • You’re just too cool for school now, summa cum laude grad!
  • Cum laude you say? Congrats on being ahead of the curv-a!
  • All that cramming paid off – you’re jam-packed with knowledge!
  • Now that you’re summa cum laude, you’ve got the whole world in your diploma!
  • Summa cum laude and still humble? You deserve a round of app-lause!
  • Graduating summa cum laude? You’ve set the bar so high, it’s in another stratosphere!
  • You didn’t just graduate, you graduated with magna-ficence!
  • Magna cum laude? More like magna cum applause!
  • Summa cum laude? That’s just how you roll – honor roll, that is!
  • Graduating cum laude is a latte achievement – you deserve all the coffee cheers!
  • With honors like these, you’re not just outstanding – you’re out-standing ovation worthy!
  • Summa cum laude – because you don’t just do things well, you do them extraordinarily!
  • Looks like your degree comes with a side of excellence – served summa cum laude!
  • Bravo for graduating summa cum laude – you’re the cap-tain of academic excellence!
  • Your GPA is so high, it’s in a cum laude-tude of its own!
  • Magna cum laude? That’s “summa” nificent work right there!
  • You’ve graduated summa cum laude, and that’s nothing to be modest about!

Degree-ded Humor: Puns for Every Major and Degree

  • Psychology majors always psyche you out during their commencement!
  • English majors never graduate, they just reach the end of a chapter.
  • Math majors, congratulations on summing up your education.
  • History majors are just experiencing the present of their past studies.
  • Physics majors have the potential to reach new kinetic heights post-graduation.
  • Law school grads make the best judges of character.
  • Art graduates add a little more color to the real world.
  • Biology grads are now free to multiply their success.
  • Philosophy majors are pondering their existence outside academia.
  • Engineering graduates, it’s time to build a new future!
  • Computer Science majors, you’ve officially debugged your education.
  • Political Science graduates, ready to run for the real world?
  • Music majors, you’re now set to compose your own life’s symphony.
  • Nursing grads, your patience has been patient enough.
  • Economics majors understand the value of their degree appreciates over time.
  • Environmental Science grads – go forth and make the world a greener place!
  • Astronomy majors, your career is about to skyrocket!
  • Dental school grads, brace yourselves for a bright future!
  • Journalism graduates, you’ve got news to tell now!
  • Chemistry graduates, you’ve got all the elements of success.
  • Culinary graduates, your future’s looking delicious!
  • Anthropology majors, it’s time to dig into new adventures.
  • Veterinary grads, you’ve got the purr-fect degree to heal paws and claws.
  • Theater graduates, your act in the education play is officially over!

VIII. Conclusion: Turning the Tassel on Graduation Puns

Well, there you have it, folks! We’ve pun-derfully navigated the world of graduation humor, proving that the end of an academic journey doesn’t have to mean the end of the fun. As you toss your caps and turn your tassels, remember that laughter is just like a degree – once you’ve got it, it’s yours forever. So, go ahead and craft that humor-filled speech, write a witty note in a grad card, or simply share a giggle with your fellow graduates. Today, we celebrate not just the triumphs of hard work and dedication, but also the joy that comes from not taking ourselves too seriously. Congratulations to all the grads out there – may your futures be as bright and cheerful as the puns we’ve shared!

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Get Your Grad Humor Fix: 220+ Puns & Jokes for the Graduation Scene

Hey there, all you cool cats and giggly graduates! With the end of the school year upon us, it’s time to bust out some witty and punny jokes about graduation. Because let’s face it, what better way to celebrate your academic accomplishments than with some clever wordplay and a whole lot of humor?

So get ready to laugh and impress your friends with our list of the best graduation puns. We guarantee it will be a graduation ceremony like no other – filled with positivity, cleverness, and of course, lots of funny moments. Let’s raise our tassels and get ready for some epic comedic relief.

Crack Up Your Classmates with These Graduation Puns & Jokes – Our Top Picks!

  • Why did the graduate get a degree in baking ? Because they wanted to make some dough !
  • “What did the diploma say to the graduate? ‘I’m parchment you made it!'”
  • Why did the math student skip the graduation ceremony? They didn’t want to have to calculate their student loans!”
  • “What do you call a group of graduates? A class-action lawsuit!”
  • “How did the high school student feel when they graduated? Re-leaved!”
  • Why did the geology student graduate with honors? They roc-ked all their classes!”
  • What do you call a graduate with an art degree? A masterpiece!”
  • Why did the biology graduate love their degree? It was the root of all their success!”
  • What did the English graduate say when asked how they’re feeling? ‘I am well-read-y to conquer the world!'”
  • Why did the history major graduate with flying colors? They knew their past and future!”
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite type of music ? Grad-uation songs!”
  • Why did the chemistry student drop out of college ? They couldn’t handle the heat!
  • How did the physics graduate celebrate their degree? By throwing a party with all their potential and kinetic friends!
  • What do you call a graduate who’s good at sports ? An all-star student!”
  • Why was the psychology student so successful after graduation? They understood the human brain and how to psych others out!
  • “What do you call a graduate from a school of performing arts? A dram-atic success!”
  • Why did the computer science major graduate at the top of their class? They had all the right algorithms!”
  • “What did the graduate say when asked how they feel about their future? I’m ready to excel !’
  • “Why was the philosophy major’s graduation speech so long? Because they kept pondering over their words!”
  • What do you call a graduate who can’t stop dancing ? Happy feet with a degree!

funny Graduation jokes and one liner clever Graduation puns at PunnyPeak.com

From caps and gowns to adulting in one punchline: Graduation One-Liner Jokes

  • “Why did the graduate get a degree in meteorology? Because he wanted to make rain on his parade.
  • My graduation gown was so wrinkled, I looked like I was wearing a diploma on my back.
  • “I tried to come up with a witty graduation quote, but I was too diploma-sed.”
  • College graduation is like a toaster , it takes too long to get there and when you finally do, everyone just cheers and you’re left wondering what the big deal is.
  • “Apparently, graduating summa cum laude doesn’t guarantee me a job at Starbucks.”
  • I finally have a degree in hand , but still no idea what I want to be when I grow up.
  • My parents always told me to reach for the stars, but all I got at graduation was a piece of paper.
  • “Why did the scarecrow get a degree? Because he was outstanding in his field.”
  • I may have graduated, but I’ll always be an eternal procrastinator.
  • “They say you should never give up, but my student loans are making a strong argument against that.”
  • “Why did the graduate take a calculator to graduation? Just in case he had to do some quick math on his student loan debt.”
  • “I graduated with honors and all I got was this lousy pun.”
  • After four years of college, all I learned was how to survive on coffee and ramen noodles.
  • “Why did the graduate refuse to walk across the stage? Because he was sure he’d trip and fall into student loan debt.
  • “Looking at my graduation gown, I finally understand why they call it a ‘cap’ and gown. It’s the amount of money you’ll owe after you’re done.
  • “Why did the MBA student decide to become an astronaut? Because he wanted to reach new heights of debt.”
  • “The real graduation ceremony is realizing you’ll never have to attend a lecture or do homework again.”
  • “Why did the English major switch to a math degree in his last semester? Because he needed to add some numbers to his resume.”
  • I may have graduated, but I’m pretty sure I left my sanity in the library .
  • “The only thing I graduated with was a strong desire to take a long nap.”

Laugh your way into the real world with these hilarious proverbs and wise sayings about graduation

  • Don’t cry because it’s over, graduate to the next chapter and party like it’s your last exam.
  • Knowledge is power, but make sure your graduation cap doesn’t make your head too heavy.
  • A degree will help you get a job, but piggybacking off your parents’ Netflix account will save you money.
  • The tassel is worth the hassle, but student loans are worth the tears.
  • Congrats on your degree, now you can finally put that “professional procrastinator” title to use.
  • Just remember, the real world has no summer vacation.
  • Education is important, but let’s face it, the real graduation is when you move out of your parents’ house.
  • On graduation day, remember to thank your parents, your profs, and Google.
  • The future is bright, but make sure you wear sunscreen.
  • Kudos on graduating, now the real challenge begins – adulting.
  • It’s not about the destination, it’s about the degree (but also the destination).
  • You may have graduated, but let’s see how long it takes you to pay off your student loans.
  • You can now add “master procrastinator” to your resume.
  • It’s not how many times you fall, it’s how many course credits you need to retake.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have a job lined up, just tell people you’re taking a gap year (or two).
  • Time flies when you’re in college, but unemployment flies even faster.
  • Here’s to all the all-nighters, ramen noodles, and caffeine-fueled breakdowns – they were worth it.
  • Graduation is like a trampoline, it’s bouncy and scary at first, but then you realize it’s a lot of fun .
  • Don’t forget to write a heartfelt thank you letter to your textbooks before you burn them.
  • Congrats on graduating, now you can use your degree to craft the perfect resume for your dream job at Starbucks.

Class of ‘punny’ Graduates: Hilarious QnA Jokes & Puns about Graduation

  • Q: Why did the math student graduate in just three years? A: Because he aced all his classes!
  • Q: What did the graduate say to his hat ? A: You stay here, I’ll go get the diploma!
  • Q: What do you call a fish that just graduated? A: A school of thought!
  • Q: How did the college student pass his final exams? A: With flying colors!
  • Q: Why did the freshman feel relieved after graduation? A: Because he was finally a senior!
  • Q: What did the graduate say to his parents? A: Thanks for putting up with my freshman 15.
  • Q: What do you call a graduate who works at a sandwich shop? A: A sub-graduate!
  • Q: What do you call a graduate with a degree in geology? A: A rockstar!
  • Q: What did the mom say when her child graduated with a degree in music? A: Thanks for playing!
  • Q: Why was the valedictorian late to graduation? A: He was making sure he calculated his GPA correctly.
  • Q: Why did the chemistry major make a great speaker at graduation? A: He had good chemistry with the audience!
  • Q: What do you call a graduate who loves Vietnamese food ? A: A pho-graduate!
  • Q: Why was the history major bummed at graduation? A: Because he learned about the past, not job opportunities.
  • Q: What do you call a graduate who only studied on the weekends? A: A weekend-warrior!
  • Q: Why did the computer science major go to the gym after graduation? A: To become a chip off the old block!
  • Q: What did the proud dad say to his graduating daughter? A: You make me so proud, I am beaming with joy!
  • Q: Why did the linguistics major attend his graduation ceremony? A: To achieve vowel-e-dictory!
  • Q: What do you call a graduate with a degree in marketing? A: A sale-a-bration!
  • Q: Why was the business major so confident at graduation? A: He had a degree in self-promotion!
  • Q: What did the drama major say to the other graduates? A: Break a leg in your future endeavors!

Throwing Cap-tivating Humor: Dad Jokes & Puns about Graduation

  • Why was the high school student feeling confident at graduation? Because they aced their final exams!
  • What do you call a graduating snake ? A class viper.
  • How do you make a tissue dance at graduation? Put a little boogie in it.
  • Why did the graduating student wear sunglasses to the ceremony? The future looked bright!
  • Why was the math student a hit at graduation? They divided and conquered.
  • What did the 2020 graduating class say? Hindsight is 20/20!
  • What did the psychology major say at graduation? “I’m graduating summa cum laude, it’s no Freudian slip.”
  • What do you call it when a graduating student trips onstage? A grad-uation.
  • Where do graduating cows go? To mooo-va on to college.
  • Why did the graduating senior go on stage with a ladder? Because they were headed for high school!
  • What did the janitor say when he saw the graduating class throw their caps in the air? “Looks like we have a cap-s-tastrophy on our hands!”
  • Why did the laptop get a diploma at graduation? It was outstanding in its field.
  • Did you hear about the valedictorian who graduated without a speech? He didn’t have anything to ad-dress!
  • How did the college student pay for their graduation gown? with a degree card !
  • Did you hear about the pizza that graduated high school early? It got too much extra crust.
  • What do you call it when a graduate falls off the stage? A mistake-ke-ke-ke!
  • What type of music do balloons hate? Pop music, especially at graduation ceremonies.
  • Why was the English major depressed at graduation? Too much pro-shoulder-ing left them feeling depressed.
  • What did one hat say to the other at graduation? “I’ve got you covered, buddy.”
  • What did the diploma say to the graduating student? “You’re officially hot stuff now.”

Making a Gradual-tion to Double Entendres: Puns to Brighten Up Your Big Day

  • I finally graduated from college, time to say goodbye to my GPA and hello to being #1 in the unemployment line.
  • “My graduation cap says ‘Class of 2021’ but my bank account says ‘Class of Broke.'”
  • “I guess you could say I’m graduating ‘Cum Laude-terally can’t find a job.'”
  • “I wanted to give a funny speech at graduation, but my student loan payments will be the ultimate punchline.”
  • “It’s been a long journey, but I’m finally done with all my essays and ready for Netflix marathons.”
  • “After four years of partying and procrastinating, I’ve mastered the art of bullshitting my way through exams.”
  • “I’m officially a college graduate, which means I can now add ‘professional procrastinator’ to my resume.”
  • “My cap says ‘Tassel was worth the hassle’ but my degree says ‘I hope this was worth the crippling debt.'”
  • Life is like a box of chocolates, some will graduate summa cum laude while others will graduate just sauda cuppa coffee.
  • “They say ‘the sky’s the limit’ after graduation, but I’m pretty sure my student loans will keep me firmly grounded.”
  • “I may have a fancy degree now, but I still can’t figure out how to fold a fitted sheet.”
  • “My diploma may say ‘Bachelor of Arts’ but I’m pretty sure I majored in late nights and caffeine addiction.”
  • “I’ve been preparing for this moment my whole life – standing up straight while someone puts a hat on my head.”
  • “Four years and thousands of dollars later, and all I have to show for it is this piece of paper and crippling anxiety about the future.”
  • “I may be graduating, but I’m still waiting for someone to send me a Hogwarts acceptance letter.”
  • The only thing I’ve learned in college is that it’s socially acceptable to eat pizza for breakfast , lunch, and dinner.
  • “They say you can do anything you set your mind to after graduation, but I’m pretty sure binge-watching Netflix isn’t a career path.”
  • I graduated top of my class, but my mom still calls me ‘mijo’ and makes me take out the trash .
  • They say ‘the best is yet to come’ after graduation, but I have a feeling my days of ramen noodle dinners are far from over.
  • I finally have a degree in hand, and yet I still have no idea how taxes work .

Going the extra mile with these ‘Graduation’ puns – they’re ‘recursively’ good!

  • Why did the graduate become a doctor ? Because they wanted to make a graduation!
  • What did the diploma say to the graduate? I’m diploma-cated to you!
  • Why was the graduation ceremony held outdoors? So everyone could get some fresh air and degrees!
  • What did the hat say to the tassel on graduation day? You hang here often?
  • How did the graduate celebrate? They threw a mortarboard into the air, and it came back down as a diploma!
  • Why did the student get an A in their graduation speech? Because it was an A-dress!
  • What do you call a graduate who loves math? A summa cum laude!
  • Why did the graduate have trouble deciding what to wear? They were torn between business casual and party formal!
  • How did the commencement speech start? “Enough about you, let’s talk about me!”
  • What did the parent say when their child graduated with honors? You’re making my heart graduate-ful!
  • What do you call a graduate’s favorite game ? diploma-cy!
  • Why did the graduate take up boxing? To get a knockout degree!
  • How did the student feel on the last day of school? They were diploma-atically relieved!
  • What did the teacher say to the struggling student on graduation day? “Don’t worry, you did your best and that’s good enough!”
  • How did the graduate celebrate getting their degree? They threw a cap and gown party!
  • Why was the graduation ceremony held on a ship? Because everyone was sailing towards success and degrees!
  • What does a graduate owl always say? “Whoooo’s got a degree?”
  • Why did the student throw their cap in the air? They wanted to make their mark on graduation day!
  • How did the college senior feel after final exams? Graduat-ed out!
  • What did the graduate say when they couldn’t find a job? “I guess I’ll just have to degree-clare unemployment!”

Class of Comedy: Graduation Juxtaposition Jokes!

  • “What do you call bees who have just received their diplomas? Gradu-bees!”
  • Why did the mushroom go to college? To get a spore degree!”
  • Why did the tomato graduate at the top of its class? Because it knew how to ketchup on its studies!”
  • “How does a campus express its love for its graduates? With a cap-ital letters!”
  • Why did the pencil get expelled from school? For drawing too many conclusions.”
  • “Why did the chemistry major fail his final exam? He couldn’t find any good solutions!”
  • Why did the math book go to therapy? It had too many problems!”
  • “What did the graduation cap say to the tassel? You hang around, I’ll go on ahead!”
  • “Why did the computer science major want to major in theater as well? So he could have a backup play.”
  • Why did the astronaut who graduated at the bottom of his space class get a consolation prize? A constellation prize!”
  • Why did the geography major go to law school? Because they heard there were a lot of cases.”
  • Why did the football player skip graduation? He didn’t want to walk too many yards.”
  • “Why did the music major switch to philosophy? It was a major change of tune.”
  • Why did the nursing student want to specialize in anatomy ? She wanted to excel in her dissections.”
  • “Why did the art student fail his final project? He kept drawing blanks.”
  • “Why did the history major start their own business after graduation? They wanted to make herstory.”
  • Why did the English major become a lawyer ? She wanted to lit-erary win every argument.”
  • Why did the psychology major take up gardening after graduation? So he could study the minds of plants.”
  • “Why did the biology major want to be an author? She already had a way with words.”
  • Why did the engineering major become a chef after graduation? She was tired of just solving equations, she wanted to add some spice to her life.

Mixing Up Words at Graduation: Hilarious Malapropisms to Remember

  • “I’m so excited to celebrate my educational aerated!”
  • “I can’t believe we’re finally through with all the brainwash!”
  • “This graduation is a real bittersweet mastication.”
  • “I can’t wait to walk across the tassel and get my degree!”
  • “After years of procrastination, I’m finally a graduate!”
  • “I can’t believe I’m getting my high school degree decimal”
  • “I’m ready to throw my gradation cap in the air and say yay-dios!”
  • “It feels like just yesterday I was a freshman in high school, agora I’m getting my degree!”
  • “I’m so proud of my melanoma for graduating with honors.”
  • “My parents must be so premeditated to see me graduate.”
  • “I can’t wait to call myself a collegian gradulate!”
  • “I’ve got my diploma and now I’m ready for a new suppository.”
  • “I’m so grateful to have received my education chassis.”
  • It’s a real accomplishment to end my academic period on a high horse .
  • I’m ready to take on the real word after my graduated school experience.
  • “I’m officially a master of social engineering after this graduation.”
  • “My parents must be so creatively for finally seeing me graduate.”
  • “I can’t wait to leave the education system and enter the corporate octopus.”
  • “I feel so emancipated now that I’ve graduated college.”
  • I’m excited to start my new journey as a photo lawyer after graduating law school!

Commencement Capers: Playful Tom Swifties to Rock Your Graduation!

  • “I can’t believe I finally made it,” Tom said with a relieved graduation.
  • “I’m so ready to enter the real world,” Tom said with a degree of enthusiasm.
  • “I’m officially a college graduate,” Tom said with a diploma-tic tone.
  • “I’m just glad those late night study sessions are over,” Tom said wearily.
  • “I can’t wait to start my dream job,” Tom said with a career-driven graduation.
  • I’m going to make my family proud,” Tom said with a degree of determination.
  • “I can finally say goodbye to ramen noodles and hello to real food,” Tom said with a well-fed graduation.
  • “I’m going to miss these four years,” Tom said with a nostalgic graduation.
  • “I never thought I’d make it this far,” Tom said with an unexpected graduation.
  • “I’m ready to conquer the world,” Tom said with a globetrotting graduation.
  • “No more midterms, no more finals, just pure freedom,” Tom said with a liberated graduation.
  • “I’ll finally have a reason to use my fancy graduation robes,” Tom said with a stylish graduation.
  • I’ll be walking across that stage like it’s a red carpet,” Tom said with a Hollywood-worthy graduation.
  • “I’m going to celebrate with a bang,” Tom said with an explosive graduation.
  • “I’m excited to trade my student ID for an employee badge,” Tom said with a professional graduation.
  • “I’m one step closer to becoming a billionaire inventor,” Tom said with a Swiftian graduation.
  • “I’ll miss my professors, but not their assignments,” Tom said with a homework-free graduation.
  • “I’m finally free from the stresses of academia,” Tom said with a stress-free graduation.
  • “This is a day I’ll never forget,” Tom said with a memorable graduation.
  • “I can’t wait to see what the future holds,” Tom said with an optimistic graduation.

Glorious Graduation: A Collection of Clever Spoonerisms to Spice Up Your Commencement!

  • ‘Blectionary’ instead of ‘Graduation ceremony’
  • Laduation grass’ instead of ‘graduation class
  • ‘Mortarboat’ instead of ‘graduation robe’
  • ‘Graduate dough’ instead of ‘graduation day’
  • Sock and roll’ instead of ‘rock and roll
  • ‘Clap and lead’ instead of ‘lap and bleed’
  • ‘Valedictorian smear’ instead of ‘daledictorian speech’
  • ‘Tassel flash’ instead of ‘hassel clash’
  • Fool of knowledge’ instead of ‘pool of knowledge
  • ‘Proud yarents’ instead of ‘yroud parents’
  • ‘Belf men’ instead of ‘melt ben’
  • ‘Degree school’ instead of ‘grue deal’
  • Cappy head’ instead of ‘happy dead
  • ‘Lap and shoulders to cry on’ instead of ‘cap and shoulders to die on’
  • Loan and gown’ instead of ‘bone and town
  • ‘Tuition frees’ instead of ‘fuition trees’
  • Class of beers’ instead of ‘glass of cheers
  • ‘Raddlyshake’ instead of ‘shaky rattle’
  • ‘Cap tossery’ instead of ‘toss caper’
  • Ghin and stew’ instead of ‘skin and glue

Unleash Some Grad-ly Giggles with These Knock-knock Jokes about Graduation!

  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Graduation. Graduation who? Graduation party, let’s celebrate away!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Diploma. Diploma who? Diploma so proud of you!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cap. Cap who? Cap off to you, graduate!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tassel. Tassel who? Tassel be worth the hassle, you made it to graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Gown. Gown who? Gown and owned it, time to graduate!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Success. Success who? Success is knocking, open the door to graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pomp. Pomp who? Pomp and circumstance, it’s graduation time!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Honor. Honor who? Honor to know you, congratulations on graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Class. Class who? Class dismissed, time for graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Finals. Finals who? Finals are over, graduation is here!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Degree. Degree who? Degree to be different, congrats on graduating!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Dream. Dream who? Dream big, graduate!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Honor roll. Honor roll who? Honor roll-ing into graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Success. Success who? Success is knocking, it’s graduation day!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Valedictorian. Valedictorian who? Valedictorian lot to celebrate at graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Summa cum laude. Summa cum laude who? Summa cum laude, you graduated with highest honors!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Adventure. Adventure who? Adventure awaits, graduate!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Future. Future who? Future looks bright, graduation is just the beginning!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Memories. Memories who? Memories to cherish, congrats on graduation!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Proud parent. Proud parent who? Proud parent of a graduate, congratulations!

Congrats on Graduation: Time to “Cap” It Off!

Well folks, that wraps up our graduation pun and joke extravaganza! We hope these puns and jokes have given you a well-deserved break from all the graduation stress. And remember, when life gives you a diploma, just PUNish it with laughter. As you step into the next chapter of your life, why not commemorate this milestone with unique Custom Rings ? Don’t forget to check out our other related pun and joke posts for more giggle-worthy content. Now go forth and conquer the real world, but don’t forget to bring your funny bone along. Congratulations, graduates!

Ahmad Raza

I’m Ahmad Raza, the pun-derful maestro behind PunnyPeak.com! As the chief architect of hilarity, I’m on a mission to spread joy, one pun at a time. Crafting jokes that tickle your funny bone is my forte, and PunnyPeak.com is the whimsical wonderland where laughter reigns supreme. Get ready for a rib-tickling adventure as we explore the crevices of humor – PunnyPeak style! Find My Best Puns .

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75+ Best Graduation Jokes That Will Make The Grade

College view with beautiful view

Looking to add a touch of laughter to your child's graduation day? Fret not! Gather around and share some of the funniest graduation jokes that'll certainly make the grade. These knee-slappers promise not only to tickle the funny bone but also to provide a memorable and joyful twist to this pivotal moment.

So, get ready to graduate from chuckles to full-on belly laughs with these clever quips; after all, humor is the best way to celebrate monumental milestones! Stay tuned; your secret ingredient to an unforgettable graduation ceremony is right around the corner.

Best Graduation Jokes

Graduation season is here, and it's a time of excitement, pride, and a little bit of humor! Welcome to this charming corner with the wittiest graduation jokes sure to give your celebration a delightful twist.

These funny graduation jokes are guaranteed to lighten the mood and add a pinch of joy to your graduate's momentous day. Turn up the fun with these rib-tickling jests for the ultimate graduation giggle-fest.

1. What did the boy say when his mom asked him why he didn't pick up his phone at his graduation? "I couldn't pick up because the reception was horrible."

2. Why did Mary want to work at Kentucky Fried Chicken even though she graduated as the class valedictorian? It has been on her bucket list for a long time.

3. What do you call it if a math major can't seem to hold down a job after their graduation? It's just a horrible after-math of the situation.

4. What did the fashion mogul say to his son after he attended his convocation ceremony? I'm extremely Prada you.

5. How many doctoral candidates do you need to change a single light bulb? You only need one, but it may take more than four years.

6. Why do most M&Ms want to go to college ? They want to turn into Smarties.

7. Why did all the flight school students prefer to study in the airplane compared to on the ground? They wanted to get high grades on their final exam.

8. Why are halls where graduation ceremonies are conducted so warm? There are thousands of degrees packed in there.

9. Why was the photographer fired from the high school graduation ceremony? He got into scuffles at the drop of a hat.

10. Why did one high school in the city stop organizing graduation ceremonies? There was too much name-calling in it.

11. What did the science degree say when the diploma said that getting an education was tough? "I couldn't degree more."

12. What did the dad call his daughter after graduating from law school? "Daughter-in-law."

13. What did the mother whale say to her daughter when she graduated from college? "You've done so whale, I couldn't be more proud."

14. What did the koala bear possess after earning an undergraduate degree in law? The koalifications to practice as a full-time lawyer.

15. What did the bay leaf tell his friends when he became the class valedictorian? "I can't beleaf I made it this far."

16. What did the turkey say to the vegetable when she got a degree from culinary school? "I yam in awe of your talent."

17. Why was the baker so excited to go to the graduation party hosted by her parents? She was going to make a toast.

18. What did the herb say to his friends when he finally graduated from college? "It is thyme to party!"

19. What did the father say to his son, the lightbulb, when he was receiving his degree in Optical and Imaging technologies? "You have a very bright future ahead of you."

20. What did the dessert say when he realized he was going to see his friends at his convocation for the last time? "I donut want to graduate."

21. What did my puppy receive after he graduated from college? His pedigree.

22. What should you say to someone who has just graduated from college? "Con-grad-ulations on your degree!"

23. How did the culinary graduate's final exam go? She says it was a piece of cake.

24. How do tall people graduate? They graduate top of their class.

25. What is a graduated cylinder supposed to measure? It's meant to measure the number of degrees that are present.

26. What do you get when you complete science class? A graduated cylinder.

27. What would you call a vessel filled with college graduates? It would be a scholarship.

Funny College Graduation Jokes

Ready for some laughter therapy during the exciting hustle and bustle of college graduation? Well, look no further!

In this vibrant corner of fun and wit, you'll discover the most hilarious college graduation jokes, primed to spark smiles and laughter during this important milestone. These jokes are clever, relatable, and have just the right dose of humor to spice up your graduate's special day.

28. Why didn't the pirate make it to the dean's list when he graduated? All of his scores were in the C's.

29. What did the college graduate say when he entered his graduation ceremony? "It is one degree hotter in here."

30. What did the relieved college senior say to his friends when he received a passing grade on his final exam? "I'm grad that I'm finally done with that exam and with college."

31. Why did everyone think the valedictorian in the graduating class of 2020 was so charming? He was known to be a class act.

32. How did that one college have more than 50% of the graduating class in the country's top percentile? All the professors had their faculties intact.

33. Why did the college professor wear sunglasses while standing next to all the graduates on the dean's list? Because they were all really bright.

34. Why was the college graduate so sad after finishing college? Because he never found a group of friends he could click with.

35. Why didn't the new college course on flying become popular? Nobody saw it taking off.

36. What happened when the girl didn't pass her final exam for her cosmetology degree? She had to sign up for makeup classes.

37. How did your brother graduate at the top of his class with a major like Chemistry ? "I think he felt like he was finally in his element."

38. What did the principal give at the end of the culinary school convocation? He gave a stirring tribute.

39. How do all the bee high school seniors travel to public school? They all take a buzz.

40. How do you get a liberal arts graduate off of your porch? Pay him for the pizza.

41. Why was a married man not allowed to complete his undergraduate degree? Because he wasn't a bachelor.

Funny Jokes About Seniors In High School

Got a high school senior in the house? Add a dash of humor to their final year!

Dive into this collection of hilarious jokes tailored just for seniors in high school. These wisecracks are sure to give you, your friends, and your family a hearty laugh, making these memorable times even more special. After all, laughter is the best way to navigate this unique and exciting chapter of life.

42. What happened when two seniors were sent to detention for making some horrible puns? They were pun-ished.

43. What happened when they found out about the kidnapping in the senior's auditorium? They woke him up.

44. Why did the high school senior not want to attend his prom? He thought the punch line was going to be too long.

45. Why was the bread senior such a good student? He was always on the honor roll.

46. Where did the ice cream man graduate from? Sundae school.

47. What faculty member was friends with all the seniors? The princi-pal.

48. Why did the high school senior chuck his watch out the window? He wished that time would fly.

49. Why do all the students bring ladders after ninth grade? They're in high school now.

50. Why did the high school teacher lose her job? Her pupils were out of control.

51. Why was the high school senior so excited to become a pilot? He wanted to pursue higher education.

52. Why do all the bad high school seniors carry scissors? They love to cut class.

53. What subject was a common favorite among the snake high school seniors? Most of them loved hiss-tory.

54. How did the high school senior make straight A's? He used a ruler.

55. What did the buffalo say when he dropped off his son for his last day of high school? "Bison."

56. Where did the surfer complete his high school graduation from? Boarding school.

57. Why was the high school senior so shocked by the speed by which time flew? He hadn't thought it would Zoom by this fast.

Best Jokes About High School Seniors

Calling all high school seniors and their cheerleaders! Sprinkle some extra joy into this final chapter of high school.

Here, you'll discover a collection of the best jokes about high school seniors. These funny tidbits will not only lighten the mood but also add a fun spin to your senior's last high school hurrah. From chuckles to belly laughs, your humor needs are covered!

58. How did the magician ace all of his tests in senior year? He was really good with trick questions.

59. Why was the high school senior buying lots of detergents? He wanted to get ready for his college freshers ahead of time.

60. What group does the high school faculty fear the most? The senior student's union.

61. Why are all high school seniors, great scriptwriters? Everyone has their own tran-script.

62. What do high school seniors play with in their free time? The dis-play board.

63. What do high school seniors use to pay off their debt? Extra credit.

64. What is the one senior event that eliminates home-sickness for seniors in boarding school? Homecoming.

65. Why does everyone think of all the whiteboard seniors? They're pretty remarkable.

66. Why did the high school seniors decide not to make a belt out of watches for senior prank day? They felt that it was going to be a waist of time.

67. Why was the high school senior going broke? Nothing he did made cents.

68. What did the high school student who was afraid of negative numbers do when he realized his fear? He stopped at nothing to avoid them.

69. What did the high school senior do in the humorous theatre performance? He was part of a play on words.

70. Why was the high school senior who wanted to be an architect so good at planning? His plans were always concrete.

71. Why was one senior always sleeping? He was preparing for a dream job.

72. Why did one high school senior wear glasses in all of his math classes? Because it improved di-vision.

73. Why does every student in their last year of high school need to learn sign language? It comes in handy in real life.

74. How did the senior in high school trip over his fallen books ? He could only blame himshelf.

75. How did all of King Arthur's tired men graduate from high school with good grades? They had a lot of sleepless knights.

76. Why did half of the students in the senior class get expelled? They were found to be cheetahs.

There you have it; an assortment of the funniest graduation jokes designed to add a light-hearted touch to any graduation celebration. Whether it's sparking laughter at a graduation party or sharing a giggle with your high school senior, these jokes truly make the grade.

They serve as a gentle reminder that humor can beautifully accompany momentous milestones in life. So, why wait? Start sharing these jokes, and infuse your graduate's special day with cheer and chuckles.

Editorial credit: Grindstone Media Group / Shutterstock.com

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phd graduation puns

90 Graduation Puns for a Cap-tivating Commencement

phd graduation puns

Embarking on the journey of graduation is a major milestone, and what better way to commemorate this achievement than with a sprinkle of humour? In this compilation of over 200 graduation puns, we’ve crafted a delightful blend of clever wordplay and humorous quips.

From playful takes on graduation caps to witty spins on the word ‘class,’ our list covers it all. Whether you’re preparing a graduation speech or just aiming to add a touch of laughter to your Instagram captions, these puns are sure to elicit smiles.

So, as you step into the world of graduation puns, get ready to cap off your academic journey with a hearty laugh. And fear not, even if you think puns are ‘pun-ishing,’ this collection promises to be a joyous exception.

Looking for some other kinds of puns? We also have summer puns and mushroom puns for you!

Our Favourite Graduation Jokes

Our Favourite Graduation Jokes

  • Why did the graduate bring a ladder to graduation? To take their education to the next level!
  • How does a graduate decorate their cap? With a degree of flair!
  • What do you call a group of musical graduates? A major chord!
  • Why did the scarecrow become valedictorian? Because they was outstanding in their field!
  • How do you organize a space-themed graduation party? You planet!
  • Why did the student bring a pencil to graduation? To draw their own success!
  • What did the graduate say to the math book? Thanks for all the problems!
  • Why did the diploma go to therapy? It had too many issues!
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite type of tree? The one that gives them a degree!
  • How did the graduate feel after receiving their diploma? G-rad!

Funny Graduation Puns

  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful graduate? Because they was outstanding in their field!
  • How does a graduate answer the phone? “Degree me!”
  • What did the hat say to the tassel? “You hang around, and I’ll go on a head!”
  • Why did the math book look sad at graduation? Too many problems!
  • What did the graduate say to their diploma? “You’re officially an old scroll now!”
  • How do you organize a space-themed graduation? You planet!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to graduation? To take their education to the next level!
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite type of music? Wrap music!
  • Why did the graduate bring a mirror to the ceremony? To reflect on their success!
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite subject? Grad-chemistry!
  • Why did the student study outdoors? Better grades with fresh air!
  • What’s a pirate’s favorite subject in school? Arrrrrrt!
  • How do you make a tissue dance at graduation? You put a little boogie in it!
  • What did the student say to the art supplies? “You color my world!”
  • Why was the computer cold at graduation? It left its Windows open!
  • How does a computer get through school? With a lot of byte!
  • Why did the graduate refuse to walk on stage? They didn’t want to make a graduation speech!
  • What do you call someone who points out the obvious at graduation? A graduated cylinder!
  • Why did the tomato turn red at graduation? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • How do you know when it’s graduation day in the vegetable garden? The potatoes have their eyes on it!
  • Why was the biology book so full? Because it had a lot of cells!
  • What did one graduation cap say to the other? “You stay put, and I’ll go on a head!”
  • Why did the graduate bring a ladder to class? To go to high school!
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite math problem? The one where they graduate to the next level!
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite class in school? History!
  • What do you call someone who never graduates? Perpetual student!
  • Why did the graduate bring a calendar to the ceremony? To mark the days until success!
  • Why did the bicycle go to graduation? It was two-tired of school!

Short Graduation Jokes

short graduation jokes

  • Why did the graduate get a trophy? For their outstanding accomplishments!
  • How do you become a college vegetarian? Turnip your nose at meat!
  • Why did the computer graduate? It passed all the byte-sized exams!
  • What did the graduate say to their diploma? “Thanks for making me a smart cookie!”
  • Why was the graduation cap always calm? It knew how to keep a lid on things!
  • How do you organize a fantastic space-themed graduation? You planet!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to graduation? To take their education to new heights!
  • What’s a graduate’s favorite snack? Smarties – because they’re genius!
  • Why did the student study in the kitchen? To learn how to bake success!
  • Why did the student bring a mirror to graduation? To reflect on their success!
  • Why did the graduate bring a pencil to graduation? To draw their own success!

High School Graduation Jokes

High School Graduation Jokes

  • Why did the high school graduate bring a ladder to the ceremony? To take their education to a higher level!
  • What did the tassel say to the high school graduate? “Hang in there, you made it!”
  • How do you organize a space-themed high school graduation? You planet!
  • Why did the high school graduate apply to be an astronaut? They wanted to reach for the stars!
  • What’s a high school graduate’s favorite type of math? Grad-geometry!
  • Why did the computer graduate from high school early? It passed all the byte-sized exams!
  • What did the diploma say to the high school graduate? “You’re officially schooled!”
  • Why did the high school graduate bring a map to graduation? To navigate the future!
  • What’s a high school graduate’s favorite food? Success-tacos!
  • Why did the pencil become emotional at the high school graduation? It was a sharp transition!
  • What’s a high school graduate’s favorite planet? Scholarship!
  • How do you make a tissue dance at a high school graduation? You put a little boogie in it!
  • Why did the high school graduate refuse to give a speech? They wanted to make it a silent commencement!
  • What did the high school graduate say to the door? “You’re always opening new opportunities for me!”
  • How did the computer feel after high school graduation? Bit emotional!
  • Why did the tomato turn red at the high school graduation? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What did the diploma say to the high school graduate? “You aced it!”
  • Why did the high school graduate bring a camera to graduation? To capture the memories!
  • What’s a high school graduate’s favorite outdoor activity? Climbing the ladder of success!
  • Why did the high school graduate start a gardening club? To plant the seeds of their future success!


Louise McCamily

My name is Louise and I am the Digital Marketing and Administrative Assistant at MyBump2Baby. I have been writing in the parenting niche for over 2 years specialising in fertility, pregnancy, baby and baby name support articles.

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Graduation Puns: A Hilarious Collection for Your Milestone Moment

May 16, 2023

Graduation is a momentous occasion that deserves a little wordplay to keep the mood light and celebratory. As you prepare to celebrate your own or a loved one's graduation, you might be looking for the perfect pun to make a memorable toast or perhaps customize those graduation caps.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Here's where graduation puns come into play, adding humor and levity to a significant milestone in life.

In this article, you'll find a collection of grad-worthy puns that are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. Whether you're aiming to integrate wordplay into your speeches, cards, or social media posts, these clever puns will demonstrate your wit and appreciation for the occasion.

So, prepare to put your word-slinging skills to good use while honoring this important achievement.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

As you scroll through these puns, you'll discover expressions related to various academic fields and the quintessential grad experience. From themes that feature majors such as engineering, biology, and literature to play on words about caps, gowns , and tassels - you'll have plenty of options to choose from.

Don't be afraid to tailor these puns to suit your personal flair, making your graduation day even more memorable and amusing.

Graduation Cap Pun Themes

Graduation cap pun theme DIGIBUDDHA

Education and School Puns

Your graduation cap is a canvas for your creativity. Show off your wit by incorporating education and school-related puns. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • "A Degree of Certainty"
  • "Laude and Clear"
  • "Class Dismissed"
  • "I Came, I Studied, I Graduated"

Feel free to tweak these or come up with your own hilarious school puns for your graduation cap design.

Graduation Cap Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Career and Job Puns

Celebrate your future career and job prospects with puns that correlate to your field of study. Here are some ideas for various career fields:

  • Business: "Making My Cents of the Future"
  • Nursing: "I'm RNcredible"
  • Engineering: "Trust Me, I'm an Engineer"
  • Education: "Teached It!"

Choose the one that best fits your career aspirations, or brainstorm your own clever job puns for your cap.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Pop Culture and Memes Puns

What better way to make a statement than by incorporating pop culture and meme references on your graduation cap? Here are some ideas inspired by popular movies, TV shows, and memes:

  • Harry Potter: "Mischief Managed"
  • Game of Thrones: "I Graduated, and I Know Things"
  • Friends: "The One Where They Graduate"
  • Memes: "This is Fine (Graduation Edition)"

Pick the reference that resonates with you the most and displays your awesome sense of humor.

Remember, your graduation cap puns should represent you and your achievements. Choose or create puns that showcase your personality and make your cap memorable. 

Graduation Puns for Grad Cap DIGIBUDDHA

Graduation Party and Toast Puns

Food and drink puns.

When planning your celebration, why not add a touch of humor to your menu? Here are some food and drink puns you can incorporate into your graduation party :

  • "Con-grad-ulations" punch: Make a refreshing party punch and give it a witty twist - perfect for toasting your success!
  • "Diploma" dogs: Wrap hot dogs in crescent roll dough to create delicious, diploma-shaped treats.
  • "Smart" cookies: Decorate cookies with graduation caps, diplomas, or even witty phrases - a sweet way to show off your accomplishments.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Party Decoration Puns

As you set the scene for your fun and festive gathering , don't forget to include some graduation-themed puns in your decor . Some ideas to get you started:

  • Balloon "pop quiz": Fill several balloons with confetti and punny messages or jokes related to your achievements. When it's time for a celebration, have your guests "pop" the questions!
  • "Tassel" banner: Create a DIY banner using tassels in your school colors, and string it up with a punny message like "Hats off to the grad!"
  • "Future" photo booth: Set up a themed photo booth with props and signs featuring clever puns about your post-graduation plans, such as "World's Best Boss" or "Off to conquer the world!"

Remember, your graduation party should be a lighthearted celebration of your achievements. Including some puns in your food, drinks, and decorations can help make it a memorable and entertaining event for you and your guests.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Graduation Ceremony Puns

Diploma and degree puns.

As you prepare to attend your graduation ceremony, you may want to spice things up with some puns related to diplomas and degrees. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Congratulate your friend on their "deplorable-meant" achievement as they collect their diploma
  • Mention that their degree in geology was "gneiss-ly" done and "rocks" their world
  • As your friend earns their English degree, let them know that "the typo has cast its spell"

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Punny Celebrations

With puns in your back pocket for diplomas and degrees, you can make the celebration even more fun. Consider these suggestions for lightening the mood:

  • Instead of simply saying "congratulations," try "con-grad-ulations" for an instant smile
  • Tell your friend that they've "grad-ly" surpassed your expectations, and remind them to party "tassel-free"
  • For general humor, point out that a graduation is just a "kinder-commencement" for a brighter future

Remember to embrace your creativity and wit when crafting these puns. It's important to tailor your humor to your relationship with the graduate and their specific accomplishments. Play around with different word combinations, keep it light, and above all, enjoy celebrating with your friends, family, and fellow graduates .

Graduation Cap Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Graduation Pun Tips

Creative and personalized puns.

When it comes to creating graduation puns, think about your graduate's interests and experiences. Consider their major, hobbies, or favorite phrases. The more personalized your puns, the more meaningful they will be. For example, if your graduate studied chemistry, you might try a pun like "You're sodium fine, you argon to do great things!"

Don't be afraid to get a little silly with puns. Graduations are a time for celebration , and humor helps everyone enjoy the moment. Look to pun collections or wordplay websites for inspiration, and don't forget to play with language, using homonyms and homophones for added pun-tential.

Graduation Puns for Grad cap DIGIBUDDHA

Timing Your Humor

A well-timed pun can make your graduate smile amid the pomp and circumstance of their big day. It's important to keep track of the occasion's schedule so you don't end up stealing the spotlight with your humor. Most graduation ceremonies have speeches, announcements, and other formal moments when a pun might be unexpected and enjoyable.

  • First, take note of when your graduate will walk across the stage to receive their diploma. A lighthearted pun can make this moment even more special.
  • Second, consider opportunities to use a pun in celebratory gifts or cards . This can help your graduate remember the joy of their accomplishments.
  • Finally, if you are throwing a graduation party in their honor, use puns in the decorations , games, or menu to make the event more memorable.

Graduation Puns DIGIBUDDHA

Remember, graduation puns should be fun, respectful, and appropriate for the occasion. Pair a fun pun with a memorable graduation lei (graduation money leis are a fun new trend!) Keep it light and you'll create unforgettable memories for your graduate.

Lisa Albaladejo

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  • 200+ Hilarious Graduation Puns to Make Your Big Day Even Better!

Hey there, pun lovers! I've got something super exciting for you today. It's that time of year again...it's GRADUATION season! Whether you're the one throwing up your cap or celebrating with a friend or family member, graduation is a monumental occasion that calls for laughter and fun. And what better way to add some humor to the big day than with some hilarious graduation puns? I've compiled over 200 puns that are bound to make your day even better. So, get ready to laugh, groan, and maybe even roll your eyes a little – because these puns are off the charts! Let's make those graduation moments even more memorable with some side-splitting humor. Graduates, grab your cap and gown, and let's get punny! 🎓✨

Best Graduation Puns

Popular graduation puns, short graduation puns, puns with questions and answers, funny graduation phrases, creative graduation puns, graduation puns for cards and gifts, graduation puns for social media, graduation puns for speeches, relatable graduation puns, graduation puns to impress your friends.

1. I can't beLEAF we're graduating!

2. It's about time we took our DEGREEs seriously!

3. We're on a roll, we've FINALLY completed our education!

4. This is just the COMMENCMENT of our bright futures!

5. Let's CONGRADULATE each other on reaching this milestone!

6. We're all set to MAKE THE GRADE in the real world!

7. We've gotten our diploma, now let's PENCIL in some fun!

8. It's time to TURN THE TASSLE and embrace the future!

9. We've got the CAPacity to achieve great things!

10. Let's RAISE the BAR as we step into the next chapter!

11. We're all GRAD-ually moving on to bigger and better things!

12. We've Nailed it, time to hang up the HAMMER and celebrate!

13. We've mastered the ART of graduating, now onto the next masterpiece!

14. Our futures are CLEAR as our diploma comes into FOCUS!

15. The world is our CANVAS, time to paint our own success!

16. It's time to stop MOUSING around and start our career journey!

17. We've got the SOLUTION to success, it all adds up now!

18. Let's EMBRACE this moment, we've earned every bit of it!

19. It's time to ROCK the future, the stage is set for greatness!

20. We've completed this CHAPTER, now onto the next exciting story!

  • Time to FLIP that tassel and let the celebrations begin!
  • We're all GRAD-uated and ready to take on the world!
  • It's OFFICIAL – we're now officially smart cookies!
  • We've ACED it, and now it's time for the next test of life!
  • Our future is looking BRIGHTER than our graduation robes!
  • It's a WRAP, but our success story is just beginning!
  • We're now part of the GRAD-uation elite – watch out, world!
  • We've reached our PEAK, but the mountain of success still awaits!
  • Time to STEP into the real world and leave our footprints!
  • We're not just graduating – we're CAP-able of amazing things!
  • We've NAILED it, and now it's time to build our future!
  • Our diplomas are like GOLD – valuable and hard-earned!
  • We're now part of the exclusive CLUB of graduates – membership has its privileges!
  • We've mastered the ART of learning, now let's master the art of living!
  • We're not just making a GRADual impact – we're creating waves!
  • It's time to put on our THINKING caps and conquer the world!
  • We're not just graduates – we're L-EARNING for life!
  • We've crossed the FINISH line, but the race is far from over!
  • We're not just turning tassels – we're turning DREAMS into reality!
  • Our success story is only at the PREFACE – the best is yet to come!
  • We're GRAD-ually stepping into the real world!
  • Time to TURN the tassel and take on new adventures!
  • We're not just graduates, we're MAGNIFI-grads!
  • Our diplomas are PROOF of our dedication and hard work!
  • It's time to SHINE bright like our future success!
  • We're not saying goodbye, just SEEING YOU LATER!
  • Our graduation caps are the CROWN of our achievements!
  • Let's raise a TOAST to our bright futures and endless possibilities!
  • We're not just throwing our caps, we're LAUNCHING our dreams!
  • Time to UNLOCK our potential and seize the day!✨
  • We didn't just graduate, we had a FLIPping fantastic time!
  • Our graduation day is a JOURNEY to new beginnings!
  • We're not just standing in line, we're in LINE for success!
  • Our graduation ceremony is the KEY to unlocking our future!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're TURNING heads with our achievements!
  • Let's take a BOW – we've earned our standing ovation!
  • We're not closing a chapter, we're OPENING the next thrilling adventure!
  • Our graduation day is the PERFECT punctuation to our academic journey!
  • We're not just graduating, we're LEAPing into success!
  • We're not just reaching the finish line, we're CREATING new starting lines!
  • What did the excited graduate say about their future? It's CAP-tivating!
  • Why did the diploma go to therapy? It had too many degrees of separation!
  • What did the graduating class say when they received their diplomas? It's diploma-tically official!
  • Why did the math book look so sad at graduation? It had too many problems to solve!
  • What do you call a group of musical graduates? A chord of success!
  • Why did the graduate bring a ladder to the ceremony? They wanted to reach new heights!
  • What did the proud parent say to the graduating student? We're degree-lighted in your success!
  • Why was the geometry student so calm at graduation? They had all the right angles!
  • What do you call a party for graduating photographers? A focal point of celebration!
  • Why did the graduate carry a mirror during the ceremony? They wanted to reflect on their achievements!
  • What did the biology graduate say to their classmates? We've really evolved into amazing individuals!
  • Why did the history major struggle to find their seat at graduation? They were always looking back!
  • What did the literature graduate say about receiving their diploma? It's a tale of success!
  • Why did the engineering student bring a compass to graduation? They wanted to stay on the right path!
  • What do you call a group of graduates on a boat? A crew of success sailing into the future!
  • Why was the art student so emotional at graduation? They were drawing on their deepest feelings!
  • What did the computer science graduate say to their friends? We've coded our way to victory!
  • Why did the psychology student bring a magnifying glass to graduation? They wanted to analyze their success closely!
  • What do you call a parade of graduates? A procession of achievement!
  • Why was the language student so eloquent during their graduation speech? They had all the right words to say!
  • After graduation, I'm already feeling GRAD-itude for all the memories!
  • Graduates make the best PUN-dits – we've got the wit and the diploma to prove it!
  • Our graduation day is not just an ENDING, it's a commencement of endless possibilities!
  • We didn't just graduate, we're now part of the CLASS of success!
  • Our diplomas are like treasured MAPS that guide us toward our dreams!
  • Time to UNLEASH our potential and make a SPLASH in the world!
  • We're not just throwing our caps, we're TOSSing our worries aside!
  • Graduation is not the FINAL act, it's the opening scene of our future masterpiece!
  • We're not closing a book, we're beginning a new CHAPTER of success!
  • Our future is so BRIGHT, we gotta wear shades – and graduation caps!🎓
  • We're not just graduates, we're ready to take on the world with our GRAD-iocity!
  • Our diplomas are not just pieces of paper, they're TICKETs to our dreams!
  • Time to FLIP the tassel and SWITCH to the next adventure!
  • We're not just celebrating an end – we're sparking a VICTORY parade of success!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a one-time CELEBRATION, it's the start of a lifetime party!
  • We didn't just graduate, we're now members of the UNIVERSITY of success!
  • After graduation, we've got a CRAMazing future ahead of us!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a FINALE, it's the grand opening of our success story!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're EMBARKing on a journey of triumph!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a MILESTONE, it's a launching pad for greatness!
  • Graduation is the perfect TIME to make a SPLASH in the real world!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're TURNING heads with our accomplishments!
  • It's a GRAD-ually bright future ahead for all of us!
  • After graduation, we're all SET to script our own success story!
  • We're not just throwing our caps, we're LAUNCHING into the next phase of life!
  • Our diplomas are like GOLD – shining symbols of our hard work and dedication!
  • Time to RAISE the bar and reach for the stars in our careers!
  • We're not just leaving school, we're OPENING doors to endless opportunities!
  • After graduation, it's time to take the LEAD and pave our own paths!
  • We've crossed the FINISH line, but the race for success is just beginning!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a milestone, it's a springboard to greatness!
  • We're not just graduates, we're now part of the UNIVERSITY of success!
  • After graduation, we're all geared up to ACE the next chapter of our lives!
  • We're not just moving the tassel, we're MOVING mountains with our ambitions!
  • Our diplomas are the KEY to a future filled with endless possibilities!
  • It's time to PUT our knowledge to work and MAKE WAVES in the world!
  • After graduation, we're not just taking a step, we're TAKING CHARGE of our destinies!
  • We're not just turning a page, we're authoring our own SUCCESS stories now!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a culmination, it's the PRELUDE to our bright futures!
  • After graduation, we're not just looking ahead, we're LEAPING into the unknown with excitement!
  • Our success is no JOKE, we're graduating with full PUN-demonium!
  • We're not just throwing our caps, we're LAUNCHING into a world of endless pun-ventures!
  • It's time to EMBRACE our future with open ARMs and a great sense of humor!
  • We didn't just graduate, we've completed our RIGOROUS curriculum with a sprinkle of wit!
  • Let's RAISE a toast to our academic achievements and pun-believable sense of humor!
  • Our graduation marks the END of an era, but the START of a lifetime of hilarity!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're TURNING the page to a new chapter of pun-derful experiences!
  • As we FLIP our tassels, we're FLIPping the script on conventional celebration with some side-splitting puns!🎓
  • Our diplomas are a testament to our dedication, hard work, and a PHENOMENAL ability to crack a good pun!
  • We're not just graduating, we're celebrating the art of laughter and the SCIENCE of clever wordplay!
  • After graduation, we're ready to write the next exciting CHAPTER of our lives with a PENchant for puns!
  • Our future is not just bright, it's downright hilar-GRAD-ious with a touch of pun-sational charm!
  • It's time to take a BOW – not just for our academic accomplishments, but for our pun-derful sense of humor!
  • As we step into the real world, we're not just taking steps – we're taking STEPS towards pun-tastic success!
  • We're not just graduates, we're MASTERFUL pun-ologists ready to spread laughter and joy wherever we go!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a milestone, it's a MILESTONE of pun-believably funny moments and memories!
  • After graduation, we're not just entering the real world – we're entering the REEL world of pun-demonium!
  • We're not just tossing our caps, we're TOSSing around some pun-derful humor to make our big day even better!
  • Our diplomas are not just symbols of academic prowess, they're also proof of our pun-derful wit and charm!
  • After graduation, we're not just reaching for the stars – we're reaching for the COMEDIC stars with our pun-credible humor!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a milestone, it's a MEME-stone of pun-believable humor!
  • We're not just tossing our caps, we're tossing out HILARITY into the social media universe!
  • After graduation, we're ready to embark on a pun-tastic journey through the Twitterverse!
  • It's time to make our Instagram feed GRAD-ually more pun-derful with some clever graduation puns!
  • We're not just updating our status, we're upgrading it with some GRAD-ified humor!
  • Our social media game is about to reach new HEIGHTS – pun-derful puns included!
  • After graduation, the world of Facebook is about to get a whole lot funnier with our pun-ciful posts!
  • We're not just sharing memories, we're SHARING laughter through our graduation puns on social media!
  • Our graduation puns are set to go VIRAL – get ready for the pun-derful takeover!
  • After graduation, our tweets are about to be as sharp as our CAPs – pun-tastic and unforgettable!
  • We're not just posting selfies, we're posting SELFIE-s with the most epic graduation puns!
  • Our social media feeds are about to be GRAD-uated to a new level of hilarity – puns included!
  • After graduation, our social media handles are going to be LIT with some fiery pun-derful content!
  • We're not just making posts, we're making POSTS filled with the best graduation puns on every platform!
  • Our social media profiles are about to be flooded with pun-derful content – time to spread the laughter!
  • After graduation, our Snapchat stories are going to be SNAPPY with some clever graduation puns!
  • We're not just sharing videos, we're sharing VID-ucational and pun-tastic content on social media!
  • Our social media game plan is clear – dominate the feeds with pun-derful graduation humor!
  • After graduation, our social media presence is about to be GRAD-ually more pun-believable and entertaining!
  • We're not just engaging with followers, we're ENGAGING them with some CAP-tivating graduation puns!
  • As we toss our caps and say goodbye, let's remember to PHD (Party Hard, Dude)!
  • We're not just turning the tassel, we're turning the PAGE to a new chapter of our lives!
  • Our future is so bright, we need to wear shades – and graduation caps, of course! 🎓😎
  • Let's make a TOAST to all the late-night study sessions and early morning classes that led us to this day!
  • We're not just graduating, we're MASTERING the art of humor and success!
  • It's time to FLIP the tassel and turn our dreams into reality – one pun at a time!
  • We're not just stepping into the real world, we're DANCING our way to success!
  • Our graduation day isn't just an end, it's the BEGINNING of our hilarious adventures in life!
  • After graduation, let's not just aim for the stars – let's aim for the COMEDIC stars with our pun-tastic wit!
  • We're not just crossing the stage, we're CROSSING into a world of endless possibilities filled with laughter and joy!
  • Our diplomas are not just pieces of paper, they're the TICKETs to a lifetime of laughter and success!
  • It's time to LEAP into the future with humor, wit, and a whole lot of PUN-believable fun!
  • We're not just leaving school, we're EMBARKing on a journey filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable memories!
  • Our graduation day isn't just a milestone, it's the LAUNCH of our pun-believably bright futures!
  • After graduation, we're not just saying "goodbye," we're saying "SEEING YOU LATER" to more incredible moments!
  • It's time to put on our THINKING caps and prepare for a lifetime of pun-derful adventures and achievements!
  • We're not just receiving diplomas, we're receiving the KEYS to a world of laughter and success!
  • Our graduation day isn't just an event, it's a CELEBRATION of the endless humor and joy we'll bring to the world!
  • After graduation, our future isn't just bright – it's beaming with pun-tastic opportunities and moments!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're TURNING up the laughter and fun as we embark on this exciting journey!
  • After graduation, we're not just throwing caps, we're CATAPULTING into the future with laughter!
  • Our journey isn't just a walk across the stage, it's a HILARIOUS stroll into success!
  • We're not just turning tassels, we're TURNING heads with our pun-derful humor!
  • As we graduate, let's PITCH ideas, not just caps, for a future filled with laughter!
  • Our diplomas aren't just papers, they're PROOF of our dedication to humor and achievement!
  • After graduation, we're not just waving goodbye, we're WAVING the flag of pun-believability!
  • Our friendships aren't just bonds, they're BANDS of laughter that will last a lifetime!
  • We're not just taking steps off the stage, we're TAKING STEPS toward a pun-tastic destiny!
  • Our graduation day isn't just an event, it's a SPECTACLE of wit and success!
  • As we celebrate, let's not just throw confetti, let's UNLEASH a confetti of puns and joy!
  • Our graduation isn't just a moment, it's a COMEDY filled with unforgettable punchlines!
  • We're not just receiving applause, we're RECEIVING an ovation for our pun-believable achievements!
  • Our dreams aren't just dreams, they're DREAMS filled with laughter and endless possibilities!
  • As we move forward, let's not just move, let's GROOVE to the rhythm of pun-derful success!
  • Our caps aren't just caps, they're CROWNS of achievement in the kingdom of humor!
  • We're not just crossing the stage, we're CREATING a bridge to a future of laughter and joy!
  • Our laughter isn't just sound, it's an ORCHESTRA of puns and merriment that echoes on!
  • As we celebrate, let's not just party, let's PUN-ty with a side of wit and laughter!
  • Our future isn't just bright, it's a SPARKLING constellation of pun-believable moments!
  • As we toss caps, we're not just tossing, we're TOSSING out pun-believable memories and joy into the world!
  • 200+ Hilarious Bro Puns to Make Your Day - Get Ready to Laugh!
  • Got Milk? 200+ Utterly Hilarious Milk Puns That Will Milkshake Your World!

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75 Hilarious Jokes About Graduation That Will Make Your Commencement Day Even Better

Hey there, are you feeling the countdown to graduation day yet? That mix of excitement and nerves as you prepare for a big milestone can be pretty overwhelming. But don’t sweat it! As someone who recently graduated myself, I totally get where you’re coming from. And guess what? I’ve got just the thing to make your commencement day even more unforgettable: 75 side-splitting jokes about graduation.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into all kinds of humor – from silly dad jokes to clever one-liners that will have everyone in stitches. We know graduations can drag on forever, but armed with these witty quips, you’ll sail through the whole shebang like a pro. So sit back and relax as we celebrate the end of one journey and the beginning of another – with lots of laughter along the way!

List of Jokes About Graduation

jokes about graduation

1. Why did the scarecrow graduate from college? Because he was outstanding in his field! 2. What do you call a bookworm who graduates? A wise-cracker! 3. Why did the math book always graduate summa cum laude? Because it had so many problems solved! 4. Why did the computer graduate early? It had a lot of byte! 5. What do you say to a graduate who can’t find a job? “You’ll make a great barista!” 6. Why was the math book sad after graduation? It had too many imaginary friends! 7. What did the pencil say to the graduating student? “You made your mark!” 8. Why did the biology student graduate with honors? Because they kept their plants alive! 9. What did the graduate tomato say to the other tomato? “Catch you later! We’re both ripe for success!” 10. How do you know the diploma was well-behaved? It never got a single detention! 11. What’s the smartest type of wood? Grad-wood, because it’s always making the grade! 12. Why did the musician graduate early? They had perfect “note”-tendance! 13. How did the graduate astronaut throw a graduation party in space? They planned a “universal” celebration! 14. Why was the computer science major a great poet? They had a way with code! 15. What did the film student say after graduation? “That’s a wrap!” 16. How did the graduate volcano celebrate? It had an “erupt-ious” party! 17. Why was the book so proud of its graduation? It finally found its “cliff”-notes! 18. What do you call a graduate who becomes a chef? A culinary “master’s”! 19. How did the graduate frog celebrate? They hopped for joy! 20. Why was the graduate cellist always calm? They had great “cello-control”!

jokes about graduation

21. How did the graduate bee celebrate? With a “buzz”-worthy graduation party! 22. Why did the psychology student graduate early? They analyzed all the “classics”! 23. What did the light bulb say to the graduating student? “You brightened up the class!” 24. How did the graduate tree celebrate? It put on its “cap” and branches! 25. Why did the archaeology student throw a graduation party? They finally found their “sense” of accomplishment! 26. What did the ocean say to the graduating student? “Seas the day and make a splash in the world!” 27. How did the graduate duck celebrate? With a “quack”-tacular graduation ceremony! 28. Why did the graduate squirrel become a comedian? They had lots of “acorn”-y jokes! 29. What did the graduate kangaroo say to the other kangaroo? “Hoppy graduation!” 30. How did the graduate firework celebrate? It went out with a “bang”! 31. Why did the graduate bee receive a standing ovation? They were always “on fleek”! 32. What did the book say to the graduating student? “You’ve reached the final chapter!” 33. How did the graduate spider celebrate? By spinning a web of success! 34. Why was the graduate giraffe so popular? They always stood tall in their achievements! 35. What did the clock say to the graduating student? “It’s about time you graduated!” 36. How did the graduate squirrel celebrate? They climbed to new heights of success! 37. Why did the coffee cup congratulate the graduating student? They were brewing with success! 38. What do you call a graduate who loves gardening? A “bloom”-ing success! 39. How did the graduate snail celebrate? They took their time and enjoyed the journey! 40. Why did the chef graduate with honors? They had a “flour”-ishing career ahead!

jokes about graduation

41. What did the calculator say to the graduating student? “You can always count on me!” 42. How did the graduate monkey celebrate? They went bananas with joy! 43. Why was the graduate cat always purring? They had a degree in contentment! 44. What did the balloon say to the graduating student? “Soar high and reach for the sky!” 45. How did the graduate dolphin celebrate? They made a big splash with their achievements! 46. Why was the graduate owl considered wise? They aced all their exams with “owl”-standing grades! 47. What did the road say to the graduating student? “Congratulations on paving your way to success!” 48. How did the graduate lion celebrate? They roared with pride! 49. Why did the graduate fox become a detective? They were always sly-solving mysteries! 50. What did the basketball say to the graduating student? “You scored big in academics!” 51. How did the graduate elephant celebrate? With a trunk-ful of achievements! 52. Why was the graduate dolphin always smiling? They had a “fin”-tastic future ahead! 53. What did the smartphone say to the graduating student? “You’ve unlocked the key to success!” 54. How did the graduate horse celebrate? They galloped into a bright future! 55. Why did the graduate sheep become a musician? They always had a great “baa”-seline rhythm! 56. What did the mountain say to the graduating student? “You’ve reached the peak of success!” 57. How did the graduate owl celebrate? They stayed up all night to hoot their success! 58. Why did the graduate horse receive a standing ovation? They had a track record of excellence! 59. What did the cactus say to the graduating student? “Stick to your dreams and grow!” 60. How did the graduate penguin celebrate? They danced with delight on the ice!

jokes about graduation

61. Why did the graduate zebra become a referee? They always knew how to make the right “stripe” decisions! 62. What did the mirror say to the graduating student? “Reflect on your accomplishments and shine!” 63. How did the graduate pig celebrate? They had a “ham”-azing graduation feast! 64. Why did the graduate monkey join the circus? They were always “ape”-t at performing! 65. What did the flower say to the graduating student? “Blossom into greatness!” 66. How did the graduate lion celebrate? They ruled the kingdom of success! 67. Why did the graduate kangaroo become a teacher? They loved to “bounce” knowledge to others! 68. What did the telescope say to the graduating student? “You’ve reached for the stars and achieved greatness!” 69. How did the graduate penguin celebrate? They slid into the future with joy! 70. Why did the graduate elephant become an artist? They had a brush with success! 71. What did the GPS say to the graduating student? “You’ve reached your destination: success!” 72. How did the graduate giraffe celebrate? They stretched their neck out for a bright future! 73. Why did the graduate parrot become a public speaker? They had a way with words! 74. What did the flag say to the graduating student? “Wave your success proudly!” 75. How did the graduate turtle celebrate? Slowly and steadily, they crossed the finish line of success!

Crazy Cat Jokes For Kids!: 250+ Feline Focused Clean One

  • Jokes About Greece
  • Google Humor
  • Humorous Groundhog Day

Alex Haywood, Founder of Discover Jokes

I know how stressful life can be, and sometimes we just need to take a break and enjoy a moment of humor. That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to finding the best jokes, memes, and videos on the internet and bringing them to you all in one place.

75 Hilarious Jokes About Fire That Will Keep You Burning with Laughter

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Home Âť 119+ Graduation Puns to Put a Smile on Your Face!

119+ Graduation Puns to Put a Smile on Your Face!

Graduation day is one of the most significant days in a person’s life, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It’s a time for celebration and achievement, and what better way to add some fun to the occasion than with some graduation puns? Puns are a wordplay that, when used cleverly, can bring a smile to anyone’s face, leaving them in a happy mood to celebrate the big day.

In this article, we have compiled graduation puns that you can use to add a touch of humor and playfulness to your graduation day . We have categorized the puns into different sections to make it easier for you to choose which ones to use. So, whether you’re a graduate or someone who is preparing for a graduation speech, keep reading to find the perfect puns to add to your celebration.

Table of Contents

What are Graduation Puns?

A pun is defined as a joke that exploits different meanings of a word or phrase, especially words that sound alike but have different meanings. Graduation puns, therefore, are a play on words that revolve around the theme of graduation, including phrases or words such as ‘cap,’ ‘gown,’ ‘degree,’ ‘diploma,’ and ‘honor.’

Graduation puns can be used to lighten up the atmosphere and make graduation more memorable. Whether you’re attending a graduation ceremony or hosting one, a punful and witty message can be a great way to express your congratulations and support. Here are some of the best graduation puns that we have collected for you:

Best Short Graduation Puns

One-liner graduation puns, funny puns for graduation, graduation puns for kids, catchy graduation puns used in movie.

There are many movies that have used graduation puns in their scripts. Here are a few examples:

Graduation puns are a fun and creative way to celebrate the wonderful achievement of graduation. They add personality, humor, and creativity to graduation speeches , cap decorations, and congratulations notes, providing a unique and memorable way to mark the occasion. As graduates embark on their next adventures, whether they’re entering the workforce or continuing their education, they can look back on these puns and jokes with fondness and appreciation for the time they spent learning and growing. Congratulations to all the graduates out there and may the future be filled with continued success and joy!

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100+ Graduation Puns to Cap Off Your Humor with a Diploma of Laughter

Graduation Puns

Are you ready to graduate from boring jokes to hilarious puns? Look no further because we've got over 100 graduation puns that will have you laughing your cap off. From throwing your mortarboard in the air to acing your exams, these puns will take you on a journey through the ups and downs of graduation. So get ready to toss your serious face aside and embrace the pun-derful world of graduation jokes. Whether you're a student eagerly awaiting your diploma or a proud parent watching your child cross the stage, these puns are sure to make you smile. So put on your funny hat and get ready to celebrate the end of your educational journey with a dose of pun-tastic humor. Graduation may mark the end of one chapter, but with these puns, it's just the beginning of a laughter-filled adventure. So get ready to laugh, cheer, and pun your way to a brighter future.

Class of Puns: Graduation Wordplay

  • I was going to make a pun about graduating summa cum laude, but IT 's just too highbrow.
  • Graduating with honors is like getting a degree in punmanship.
  • When the valedictorian made a pun during the speech, it was a real cap-and-gown moment.
  • My Friend said he was graduating with a degree in Philosophy , so I told him, "That's a major pun opportunity."
  • After graduation, the students threw their caps in the Air and shouted, "We're at the pinnacle of pun-derful achievement!"
  • Graduation is the perfect Time to toss out some mortarboard puns and let the Good times Roll .
  • Completing my degree felt like the perfect pun-demic of success.
  • When the Physics major graduated, we said, "She really knows how to apply force to her puns."
  • As the class President , I knew I had to deliver a punny graduation speech – it was my duty as a class act.
  • Graduating from Medical School is a real test of your wit and pun-derstanding.

Graduation Puns with Tom Swifties

  • He got a degree in Cooking and said, "I'm a *master* Chef !"
  • She graduated with an Art degree and exclaimed, "I've *drawn* my own path!"
  • After completing his Engineering degree, he said, "I'm * Building * a Bright future!"
  • She finished her Computer Science degree and declared, "I'm * Coding * my way to success!"
  • He graduated with a degree in Business and joked, "I'm *trading* my cap and gown for a suit!"
  • After completing her medical degree, she said, "I'm *diagnosing* my way into the real world!"
  • He finished his Psychology degree and exclaimed, "I'm *analyzing* my future prospects!"
  • She graduated with a degree in Literature and said, "I'm * Writing * my own story now!"
  • After completing his mathematics degree, he joked, "I've *solved* the equation for success!"
  • She finished her music degree and declared, "I'm *harmonizing* my way to a bright future!"

Hysterical Historical Puns

  • Why did the ancient Roman graduate become a chef? Because he wanted to make History in the Kitchen !
  • Did you hear about the Egyptian pharaoh who graduated with honors? He really Sphinx he deserved it!
  • What did the Medieval Knight say on his graduation day? "I'm ready to take the helm and conquer the world!"
  • Why did the Pirate graduate at the top of his class? He always knew how to seize the day!
  • How did the ancient Greek Philosopher celebrate his graduation? He raised a Glass and said, "I'm all Socratic now!"
  • What did the Viking say after receiving his diploma? "I'm ready to pillage and conquer the job market!"
  • Why did the Renaissance Artist have a successful graduation? He knew how to brush up on his skills!
  • What did the knight say to his fellow graduates? "Let's joust celebrate our accomplishments!"
  • Why did the Roman gladiator feel proud on graduation day? He finally had a degree in combat!
  • How did the ancient Egyptian graduate shine in his class? He always knew how to pyramid his knowledge!

Graduation Puns that Will Make You Laugh So Hard You'll Forget About Student Loans

  • I told my friend to write a joke in his graduation speech, but he said he couldn't find the write Angle .
  • When the diploma went missing, the school called in the "search" committee.
  • Some graduates are like deodorant - they just Can 't seem to find their "degree"odorant.
  • After graduation, the class valedictorian said he was "outstanding" in his field of Study .
  • The graduate's favorite type of music? Cap and "tassel" Rock .
  • Why did the graduate bring a Ladder to the ceremony? To take his Education to the next level!
  • The graduate's favorite Book ? "The Great Gown-sby."
  • When the graduate was asked about his future plans, he said he was "cap-tivated" by the idea of success.
  • The graduate was so good at Math , he aced his "cap-culus" exam.
  • Why did the Scarecrow get an honorary degree? Because he was outstanding in his field!

Hilarious Graduation Double Entendre Puns

  • So many of my Friends are graduating, it's like a mass ex-“odus”!
  • At the graduation ceremony, the tassel was worth the “hassle”.
  • After graduation, the students were all set to “cap”ture their dreams.
  • Graduation is the time when you can finally say, "I did it, “tassel” be worth it!"
  • At the graduation Party , the jokes were all “cap”tivating!
  • After graduation, it's time for everyone to “toss” their caps in the air.
  • Graduation is a time when students can “cap”ture the future they want.
  • At graduation, everyone was “gown”ing up for success!
  • After graduation, the students were all ready to “cap”italize on their hard Work .
  • Graduation is the time when you can finally “tassel” your fears aside.

Paronomasia Puns

  • Why did the graduate carry a ladder to the graduation ceremony? Because they wanted to reach new heights!
  • What did the cap say to the tassel? "You're just hanging around, aren't you?"
  • Why did the diploma go to Therapy ? It had too many issues to address!
  • What did the proud parent say to their graduating child? "You've really aced it!"
  • Why did the math major receive a standing ovation at graduation? Because they multiplied their accomplishments!
  • What did the graduate say to the student who was always Sleeping in class? "Wake up and smell the diploma!"
  • Why did the graduate become a Baker ? Because they wanted to make some " Dough " after College !
  • What did the graduate say to their future employer? "I'm ready to take the first "step" in my career!"
  • Why did the graduate become a Detective ? Because they wanted to uncover all the "class"ified information!
  • What did the valedictorian say to their classmates? "We've really "excelled" together!"

Funny Rhyming Puns for Graduation

  • I'm "cap"tivated by this graduation ceremony!
  • It's time to "toss" those caps and celebrate!
  • Don't "doubt" your ability to succeed, graduate!
  • Let's "throw" our hats in the air, it's graduation day!
  • Graduation is the " Key " to a bright future!
  • Time to "degree" and celebrate our accomplishments!
  • Don't "gown" away your dreams, Chase them!
  • It's time to "class" it up and graduate!
  • Today, we're "book"ing it to success!
  • Graduation is the "cap" Stone of our hard work!

Spoo-nerism Puns for Gradu-puns

  • Cap and Galown
  • Best of Cluck
  • Land of the Braids
  • Right to Bare Farms
  • Class of Wines
  • Tassel of the Town
  • Honor of a Lifetime
  • Summa Cum Laude of the Rings
  • Rise and Shone
  • Proud of the Blue

Hilarious Anagram Puns for Graduation Puns

  • A dingy trio: Toga Riding
  • I mind no school: Cling to Wisdom
  • Ace in diploma: I'm a Caped Lion
  • I study art: Trusty Radiator
  • Best Grad ever: Severe Badger
  • A+ in math: Thin Map
  • Top of the class: Soft Copal Hats
  • Class Clown : Local Scans
  • Time to celebrate: Electorate Tim
  • Future success: Features Cut

Graduation Puns that'll Make You Laugh 'til You Capsize

  • Why did the college graduate Break Up with their calculator? It just wasn't adding up!
  • What did the diploma say to the tassel? "You really know how to hang!"
  • Why was the music major so good at graduating? They had perfect attendance, always in tune!
  • How did the student celebrate getting their degree in archaeology? They dug it!
  • Why did the high school graduate get a job at the Bakery ? They kneaded the dough!
  • What did the cap say to the gown? "You're so gown up, ready to Face the world!"
  • Why did the valedictorian bring a ladder to graduation? To raise the Bar , of course!
  • Why was the math book sad on graduation day? It had too many problems to solve!
  • How did the Biology major celebrate graduation? They threw a ribosome party, it was Cell -ebratory!
  • Why did the graduate never get lost? They always knew the right direction to take in life!

phd graduation puns

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100+ Grave Puns That Will Leave You Dying with Laughter!

126 Best Graduation Captions to Pair With Your Diploma Selfies

These are perfect for Instagram and will easily encompass everything graduation day means to you.

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

While your photos will speak for themselves, the captions you choose have the power to put into words all that graduation day means to you. Captivate your followers with inspirational quotes to eloquently reflect upon the past and share your aspirations for the future. Or, crack a joke with a short, funny saying to add some humor to the big day. If you’d rather dedicate your caption to an uplifting or heartfelt lyric that sums up your education experience, we’ve also got you covered with a variety of quotes from graduation songs .

No matter if you’re the graduate or cheering them on in the stands, it’s a time to be proud of the hard work behind the diploma and share the moment on social media with one (or more!) of these hand-picked captions.

Inspirational Graduation Captions

i took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference

  • I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference.
  • It's time to plant the seeds of hope and a new, brighter future.
  • Be bold. Be courageous. Be your best.
  • I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • There’s no need to try to fit in, when you were born to stand out.
  • When you lean into your passions, you can’t go wrong.
  • The things we are racing towards are better than what we leave behind.
  • The future looks bright and I will keep on shining.
  • This isn't goodbye, but see you later.
  • The world is your oyster.
  • May your cap fly as high as your dreams.
  • Though our branches grow in different directions, our roots remain as one.
  • Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.
  • And so the adventure begins.
  • This is the beginning of everything you want.
  • Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.
  • What feels like the end is often the beginning.
  • If it excites you and scares you at the same time, it probably means you should do it.
  • The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Not letting anyone or anything stand in my way.
  • Whatever is good for your soul, that's what you should do.
  • Every end has a new beginning.
  • I believed I could, so I did.
  • If you can dream it, you can make it so.
  • The steps you take in life are the imprints you leave forever.
  • Never stop believing in yourself. You’ll be amazed at how far it can take you.

Funny Graduation Captions

graduation captions — can i take a nap now

  • Can I take a nap now?
  • I got the skills to pay the bills.
  • Turns out I wasn't too cool for school.
  • Let me put that "hire me" sign on my front lawn now.
  • Graduate: (N.) A person who now has carpal tunnel from note-taking.
  • Very proud, very tired.
  • Cs really do get degrees.
  • What, like it’s hard?
  • That’s all folks.
  • I already forgot everything.
  • Beauty and brains.
  • Cheers to the memories.
  • Now, who is going to pay off these loans?
  • Next stop: Adulting
  • Some graduate with honors, I am just honored to graduate.
  • I want to thank Google, Wikipedia, and whoever invented copy and paste.
  • Call me a chemistry cylinder because I am graduated.
  • Proud of my B.S.
  • The tassel was worth the hassle.
  • Now, it's hotter in here by one degree.
  • Thank you Mom, Dad, and coffee.
  • I owe my diploma to coffee.
  • I'm 100% certain that I am zero percent sure of what I'm going to do.
  • Cap. Gown. It's going down.
  • I graduated, so now I'm like all smart and stuff.
  • Goodbye, ramen noodles, all-nighters and textbooks!
  • I guess I’m all grown up now?

Sweet Graduation Captions

graduation captions — how lucky i am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

  • How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
  • Make today your day.
  • Now, everything awaits me.
  • One step closer.
  • On to my next adventure.
  • The first step is just showing up.
  • Enjoy the journey. Success does not rush.
  • The beauty of the future is found when you believe in yourself.
  • Take the risk, make the mistake. It’ll all be worth it.
  • I laugh without fear of the future.
  • All good things must come to an end, but this is just the beginning.
  • This is what dreams are made of.
  • Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
  • The best feeling in the world is knowing your parents are smiling because of you.
  • Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.
  • May we continue to do amazing things in life.
  • You’ve sacrificed a lot for my future. It may take a lifetime, but I’ll do everything to repay for what you have done for me. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
  • Many dream, some try, but I achieved.
  • Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.
  • Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.
  • Reach for the stars. You might become one.
  • Never stop dreaming and never lose your spirit.
  • Your future is an unwritten symphony just awaiting your creative, daring and unique talent to make it a masterpiece.
  • Savor the moment.
  • All good things come to an end.

Graduation Captions Inspired by Songs

graduation captions — the best is yet to come frank sinatra

  • “The best is yet to come.” — Frank Sinatra
  • “So just think of your future, think of a new life, don't get lost in the memories, keep your eyes on a new prize.” — Paramore
  • “Thank U, Next.” — Ariana Grande
  • “Watch out for me, I'm bound to glow.”— Drake
  • “All work and no play never made me lose it. All business all day keeps me up a level.” — Lorde
  • “What didn't break me, made me better.”— Lil Baby
  • “For every dark night, there’s always a brighter day.” — Tupac Shakur
  • “What was once in the windshield, is now in my rear view” — Jonathan McReynolds
  • “Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper.” — BeyoncĂŠ
  • “It was all a dream.” — Biggie
  • “And if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” — Aaliyah
  • “Before I had it, I closed my eyes and imagined the good life.” — Kanye West
  • “ Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side — it's the climb.” — Miley Cyrus
  • “And this is the part where you find out who you are.” — The Maine
  • “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” — George Fairman
  • “There’s just no telling how far I’ll go.” — Moana
  • “As we go on, we remember all the times we had together.” — Vitamin C
  • “Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten.”— Natasha Bedingfield
  • “It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right, I hope you had the time of your life.” — Green Day
  • “ Goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything that I knew.” — Michelle Branch
  • “I wish that I could have this moment for life.” — Nicki Minaj
  • “Long live all the mountains we moved.” — Taylor Swift
  • “I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment with you.” — Lady Gaga

Graduation Captions Inspired by Quotes

graduation captions — jrr tolkien

  • “The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.” — J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again.” — Pirates of the Caribbean
  • “Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”— Paul Brandt
  • “Kid, you’ll move mountains.” — Dr. Seuss
  • “One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.” — Maya Angelou
  • “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” — Judy Garland
  • “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” — Milton Berle
  • “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.” — Michelle Obama
  • “Mischief Managed.” — Harry Potter
  • “It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world.” — Legally Blonde
  • “She turned her cant's into cans, and her dreams into plans.” — Kobi Yamada
  • “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “Dream big and dare to fail.” — Norman Vaughan
  • “We know what we are but know not what we may be.” — William Shakespeare
  • “The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.” — Edward Koch
  • “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” — William Arthur Ward
  • “What she tackles, she conquers.” — Gilmore Girls
  • “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” — C.S. Lewis
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron

Headshot of Cameron Jenkins

Cameron (she/her) is a staff writer for Good Housekeeping , where she covers everything from holidays to food. She is a graduate of Syracuse University, where she received a B.A. in magazine journalism. In her spare-time she can be found scrolling TikTok for the latest cleaning hacks and restaurant openings, binge-watching seasons of Project Runway or online shopping.

Headshot of Lilli Iannella

Lilli (she/her) is an editorial intern at Good Housekeeping and a senior undergraduate student at Syracuse University majoring in magazine, news and digital journalism. When she’s not looking into the latest news and trends, she’s seeking her new favorite ice cream flavor or dream travel destination. She has previously covered news at The Daily Orange and The Evening Sun and lifestyle content at The Fit Magazine and Jerk Magazine .

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I will start:

How mmany Ph.D. students does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but it takes them three years to do it.

Why did the physics professor break up with the biology professor?

There was no chemistry.

Why did the computer science Ph.D. student break up with his girlfriend?

He said he needed more cache.

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The newly-opened graduate princeton brings its collegiate charm to new jersey.

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The Graduate Hotels brand—now known as Graduate by Hilton —has, throughout the years, become synonymous with college town accommodation that doesn’t suck. The brand has achieved this through its meticulous attention to detail and a tongue-in-cheek design attitude that makes staying at a Graduate property an experience in itself.

( I recently interviewed the brand’s founder, Ben Weprin , whose vision to transform the dreary accommodation options of university towns has resulted in 34 Graduate hotel properties around the world.)

Graduate Princeton guest room.

Graduate’s latest property, Graduate Princeton , is further testament to Weprin’s vision. The 180-room property opened earlier this month in Princeton’s historic Nassau Street, directly opposite the university’s campus. It’s the first hotel to open in Princeton in nearly 90 years—and only the second hotel downtown, nearly doubling the number of available hotel rooms in town.

“When we started Graduate ten years ago, Princeton was at the top of our list,” Weprin said. “The history, the heritage, the backdrop, the charm, the sophistication—it’s just the idea of what somebody envisions college looks like in America.”

Weprin's firm, AJ Capital Partners, meticulously restored, modernized, and expanded the 1918-era, Colonial Revival-style former university dormitory in partnership with architecture firm Stonehill Taylor. The hotel’s design pays homage to Princeton’s local culture, lore, and traditions, including subtle (and not-so-subtle) references to the university and the town’s 275-year history. Think nods to influential alumni, local architecture, and storied traditions synonymous with the Princeton student experience.

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Upon entering Graduate Princeton’s Gothic library-inspired lobby, guests are greeted by a hand-carved wooden reception desk flanked by four wooden statues of the school’s beloved mascot, the Tiger. Floor tiles rendered in Princeton’s signature orange and black anchor the lobby, which lined with thousands of books and a collection of colorfully embroidered vintage Reunions Jackets—a token received by alumni at their 25th reunion.

Graduate Princeton lobby.

A 30-foot carved wooden study table, a staple in every Graduate, is reminiscent of the historic libraries on campus and serves as a place for visitors and students to study, gather, and connect. The names of Princeton’s storied eating clubs are painted in gold leaf on the library bookcases that frame the space. On the opposite end of the lobby is Ye Tavern, the hotel’s bar and restaurant, named after a storied 1930s-era bar that once occupied the site.

Ye Tavern takes design cues from its namesake. A carved wooden bar—recalling the lancet windows found throughout campus—is a focal point of the space. Leather-topped banquettes weave through the center of the space, punctuated by stone-top tables. Inside the guest rooms, references to Princeton’s color palette are carried throughout, with orange-and-white seersucker drapes matching an apricot-hued carpet. Bedside lamps inspired by the Revolutionary War-era cannon buried behind Nassau Hall sit beside custom bed frames featuring hand-drawn illustrations referencing the university’s annual Cane Spree—Princeton’s first organized intramural event dating back to the 1860s.

Each room also features framed artwork referencing some of the university’s most storied traditions. Guest bathrooms feature custom wallpaper inspired by the campus’ renowned arboretum, paired with a framed sketch by Albert Einstein, a reference to his time working for Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study.

Graduate Princeton.

To find out more about the recent launch, we spoke to some key members of the Graduate Princeton team below.

I'd love more details about how the team tackled the unique architectural challenge of renovating a former student dorm building from 1918. What elements of the building were preserved, and how challenging was that to do?

Michael Monarca, general manager, Graduate Princeton:

In order to preserve the building’s history and character, we meticulously restored the original façade, brick by brick. Additionally, we ensured that the materials we used in the new building echoed the design of the original 1918 structure, such as the pre-cast concrete coping.

While we weren't able to keep everything from the original structure, we preserved as much as we could. We were able to keep the original floors and key structural elements, but the glass windows were replaced to optimize energy efficiency.

The biggest challenge was creating a seamless transition between the 1918-era structure and the newly-built portion of the hotel. This was a significant undertaking as it involved re-working the structural design to connect both buildings. The end result is beautiful!

What design elements make this property uniquely Princeton? The school and town have a rich history—how is this history celebrated in the design details of the rooms and property, and, wider than that, in the guest experience?

At Graduate Princeton, we have two buildings merging together: one which is over 100 years old, and another which is brand new. In the same vein, Graduate Princeton is a new hotel that celebrates the history of the town and university.

During the process of researching the original building where Graduate Princeton resides, we learned about a restaurant that once existed in the basement. The local resident who told us this story knew of the restaurant because her great grandfather owned a barber shop right across from it called “Jack Honore’s Barber Shop,” which was a Princeton staple for many years. The resident often spent Friday evenings sharing Manhattans with her grandfather up until his passing. We went to the Princeton Historical Society to find out more, and found newspaper advertisements from 1927 confirming the existence of “Ye Tavern.”

In order to pay tribute to the building’s history, and to thank the resident for sharing this story, we not only named the restaurant “Ye Tavern” after the original establishment, but the Manhattan on our menu is now named “In Honore of Jack!”

There is a tradition at Princeton University known as the “Cane Spree,” which began in the 1860’s. In this time, when “gentlemen” would walk with a walking stick or cane, the University’s sophomores decided to create a rule that freshmen could no longer carry canes, and the sophomores would wrestle the canes away from the freshmen. This eventually turned into Princeton’s first organized intramural event, and has evolved today into a multi-sport class competition—almost like a field day. To honor this tradition, all of the headboards in our guest rooms are fashioned out of canes, which feature unique carvings that celebrate the rich history of both the university and the town of Princeton.

Finally, why is this such an exciting opening for the Graduate brand—and what makes the Princeton property stand out?

Kevin Osterhaus, president of Global Lifestyle Brands, Hilton:

Princeton is our first opening since Graduate joined the Hilton portfolio earlier this year, so it’s a very exciting moment for us. In a symbolic way, the opening of Graduate Princeton heralds a new chapter for Graduate, coinciding with both this transition and the brand’s 10-year anniversary.

All Graduate Hotels, including Graduate Princeton, will participate in Hilton Honors, Hilton’s guest loyalty program with nearly 190 million members for the company’s 24 world-class brands. Graduate Princeton guests and Graduate loyalists can book, earn and redeem Hilton Honors Points for their university anchored stays and enjoy their favorite Hilton Honors program benefits when staying with Graduate.

While Brown is in Providence, Columbia is in New York, and Yale is in New Haven, Princeton is in Princeton! The town is synonymous with the Ivy League University, and they help each other thrive. Graduate Princeton’s design truly reflects the rich history of the town and the university, by honoring both old and new traditions.

From bespoke design details—such as the guest room table lamps, which reference the cannon fired by Alexander Hamilton at a turning point in the Revolutionary War—to British hand pies made with Jersey Pork Roll, and modern twists on classic cocktails, the hotel’s design and guest experience celebrates everything that makes Princeton unique. Graduate Princeton offers world class hospitality across the street from a world class institution.

Laura Parker

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Department of Animal Sciences

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Graduate research assistantship - animal behavior and welfare, breadcrumb menu.

phd graduation puns

The Animal Welfare & Ethology Research (AWER) Lab at The Ohio State University is seeking a graduate student to pursue an MS in Animal Science with an emphasis on animal behavior and welfare based in Columbus, OH. The program deadline is: Sep 15, 2024 (international) or Nov 1, 2024 (domestic). Click here for more information.

Funding and aid: Graduate funding and aid

At the graduate level, financial aid is largely decentralized, as available funds are managed directly by departments.

Funding is usually available from each individual department to support doctoral students for the duration of their time at MIT. Typically, at the time of admission, doctoral students receive offers of funding in the form of research and teaching appointments or fellowships, which cover the cost of full tuition and health insurance, and provide a salary or stipend. Funding for master-level students is more limited, and depends greatly on the program of study , so students may be required to seek their own sources of funding or utilize student loans .

Graduate funding may take the form of research, instructor, and teaching assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, scholarships, grants, and/or other forms of employment , such as working as a resident advisor in an undergraduate residence.

Please note: Applicants are considered for funding after they have been accepted into a graduate program. There is no separate application for financial aid prior to admission for any program of study.

Funding for students in need

MIT provides assistance to graduate students experiencing financial hardships , has established new ranges to stipends and changes to health insurance rates and plan benefits, and offers additional health and well-being support resources .

Hardship funds are tax-reportable income and may reduce eligibility for educational loans. If you want to explore how a fund of this type would impact you, please contact us to discuss your options.

Roles and responsibilities of supervisors


Effective graduate student supervision requires complex interactions between graduate students and their supervisors. The role of a supervisor is threefold: to advise graduate students, monitor their academic progress, and act as a mentor. Supervisors not only provide guidance, instruction and encouragement in the research activities of their students, but also take part in the evaluation and examination of their students’ progress, performance and navigation through the requirements of their academic program with the goal to ensure that their students are successful.

Supervisors are responsible for fostering the intellectual and scholarly development of their students. They also play an important role in providing advice about professional development and both academic and non-academic career opportunities, as they are able, and based upon the student’s career interests. 

While these expectations apply to all graduate students, supervising PhD students reflects a longer-term, more substantive commitment.  The privilege to supervise PhD students requires that the supervisor hold  Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (ADDS)  status. The intent of ADDS policy is to ensure that faculty have the appropriate knowledge to facilitate excellence in PhD supervision.

Knowledge of regulations, policies and procedures

Effective graduate student supervision requires a knowledge and understanding of the University’s requirements and expectations.  To this end, supervisors should:

2.1    Be knowledgeable and remain updated on department, Faculty and University regulations, policies and procedures, and have these protocols guide the supervisors’ decision-making and behaviour as they interact with graduate students. Supervisors are encouraged to take the necessary steps to be well-informed with those Policies identified in  section 1.2 .

2.2    Be familiar with the support services available to students and faculty at the University including those articulated in  section 1.2 . This information is normally available through department graduate co-ordinators, Faculty Graduate Studies Offices, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), the Graduate Student Association (GSA) or the University Secretariat.

2.3   Be informed about University of Waterloo policies and procedures that  inform academic integrity  (Office of Research).

2.4    Be aware of the University of Waterloo and Tri-Agency policies and procedures associated with the conduct of research.   Where appropriate, supervisors should be prepared to provide guidance to students on:

  • The responsible conduct of research, with particular emphasis on the Tri-Agency Framework as defined in the  Faculty Association of University of Waterloo (FAUW) /University of Waterloo memorandum of Agreement (Section 14).
  • The  ethical conduct of research  (Office of Research) involving animals, animal or human tissues, and human participants

2.5    Have knowledge of the  policies and procedures that govern international travel and security  that can be found at Waterloo International.

Advice on program of study, research and professional development

As noted above, supervisors are expected to serve as mentors to their graduate students.  To this end, supervisors should be prepared to provide well-informed advice on academics and professional development.  More specifically, supervisors should be prepared to advise students on:

2.6    An academic program that is challenging, at the appropriate level for the degree being sought, and that can be accomplished within commonly understood and desirable time and resource expectations of the student and the supervisor.

2.7    The choice of courses and seminars needed to fulfil the degree requirements.

2.8    The development and construct of a research topic and proposal.

2.9    The development of a communication plan with the supervisory/advisory committee as to how the student’s progress will be assessed (including during thesis writing and completion), and the role of advisory committee members in the assessment.

2.10    The availability of internships, practica, co-op or other experiential learning opportunities as part of the program.

2.11    The availability of professional development resources for Waterloo graduate students to help advance the students’ career objectives.


The establishment and communication of common expectations are critical elements to positive experiences for both graduate students and their supervisors.  Achieving these outcomes can be facilitated by regular meetings and/or consultation between students, their supervisors, and where appropriate advisory committees. Especially important is timely feedback on students’ written submissions. 

The University encourages supervisors to:

2.12    Ensure, especially important in the case of doctoral students, that the student has:

  • An advisory committee as required.
  • A program of study consistent with department and Faculty requirements that has been approved by the advisory committee as required.
  • A research plan that is appropriate in breadth, depth and time to completion (see  Milestones in master's and doctoral programs ).

2.13    Arrange for regular (as agreed by the student and supervisor) meetings (which may involve the advisory committee) with students for consultation to ensure steady progress. The frequency of such meetings will depend on the discipline/field of study, type of program, and the student’s progress. At least two, preferably more, meetings should be arranged in each academic term. Supervisors should also be reasonably accessible for meetings requested by their students. The approach to these student meetings should be individualized to reflect the needs of the student. For example, some students may need more support while other may need less.

2.14    Communicate their evaluation of student progress to the department once a year or more often if required. The report should clearly indicate the status of the student’s progress (i.e., satisfactory or unsatisfactory).  In the latter case, the report must include a clearly articulated set of conditions that if satisfied will restore the student’s status to satisfactory. Where the supervisor feels that the student will have serious difficulties finishing the program, the supervisor, in consultation with the advisory committee as appropriate, will inform in writing, both the student and the graduate officer of the nature of the problem(s), suggested remedies and may recommend withdrawal from the program.  More information on  assessing students’ progress  can be found in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.

2.15    Thoroughly review and provide constructive feedback on all written materials relevant to the thesis or research paper submitted by their students. The supervisor and the student are encouraged to establish in writing expectations on what constitutes timely feedback; a timeframe of two to three weeks depending on the complexity of the document is commonly applied. However, this can vary depending on various circumstances such as travel or vacation.  These circumstances should be discussed between the supervisor and student.

2.16    Have knowledge of the  guidelines for evaluating students’ progress in a research program  (Graduate Studies Academic Calendar).

2.17   Inform students about the  broad spectrum of resources available  (Writing and Communication Centre) to facilitate development of oral communication and writing skills.

2.18    Be active and supportive in promoting students’ well-being.  This may include:

  • Inquiring about a student’s well-being, as appropriate.
  • Directing students to  appropriate support services , including  Mental Health and Wellness resources  (Campus Wellness).
  • Displaying empathy towards the student.

2.19    Complete as appropriate the University requirements for  Sexual violence awareness, referral and support training  (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Office) to understand how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence and refer students to the appropriate supports.

The University recognizes that supervisors will be away from the University for extended periods of time (e.g., sabbatical, satellite campus, visiting professorship).  Being physically away from the University does not preclude a supervisor from remaining engaged with their graduate students.  In cases where the supervisor will not be available either in person or via electronic communications, the supervisor should:

2.20    Inform students, prospective students and the department of any anticipated extended period where communication will not be occurring. In cases when the absence is for a period of two months or more, supervisors should arrange for suitable communication methods. Interim supervision also must be arranged, for example, using members of advisory committees. Supervisors must inform the student’s department (chair/graduate officer) of the arrangements made for the period of absence, including supervision of laboratory or field work where graduate students continue to work during the absence.

2.21    Ensure students know that in situations where a supervisor works away from campus for two months or more and where their students can accompany the supervisor, the decision to remain on campus or to follow the supervisor rests entirely with the student. Students shall face no pressure (explicit or implicit) or consequences when making this choice and are not required to provide any reason.

As with the departmental representatives, supervisors have responsibility to advance safety.  More specifically, supervisors should:

2.22    Ensure a safe working environment both on and off campus (working alone, field work) by assessing hazards and implementing appropriate controls. This must be in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act,  Policy 34  (Secretariat) and department and Faculty regulations.  All supervisors must complete mandatory  health and safety supervisor awareness training  (Safety Office) and must ensure that graduate students complete both mandatory and work-specific safety training.  More information can be found on the  Safety Office  website.

2.23    Ensure that students obtain additional training when new safety risks arise and ensure training is kept up to date.

Inherent to graduate education are the dissemination of knowledge and the participation in scholarly activities away from the University campus.  Travel (domestic and international) can include fieldwork, conferences, course work and other work related to the thesis. Supervisors are encouraged to support students’ travel to accomplish these important objectives.  Supervisors should:

2.24    Follow or encourage students to follow  Policy 31  (Secretariat) that governs University-sanctioned travel.

2.25    Categorize and report risk associated with travel.  Low risk  (Safety Office) are activities for which it is expected that participants will encounter hazards that are no greater than what they encounter in their everyday lives. Examples of  significant risk  (e.g. industrial sites, remote regions etc.) are noted on the  Safety Office website .  Travel or field work that involves significant risk must be documented using the  Fieldwork Risk Management Form  from the  Safety Office .  For low risk activities off campus, supervisors should:

  • Provide advice on preparation for pre-departure orientation and planning for any travel and including associated risk, as they are able;

2.26    Document the student(s) location and duration of travel, including personal and emergency contact information. Review the material provided by  Waterloo International  to understand how to best mitigate risk and ensure safety for international travel.

2.27    Encourage students to register using the  Pre-departure Travel Form  at  Waterloo International .

2.28    Consult the  Government of Canada Travel Advice and Advisories web page  for the international destination and discuss the mitigation of risk with the students to the destination.

Financial assistance

Supervisors regularly provide financial support for their graduate students.  Both the supervisor and the student benefit when a clear understanding exists of the value of funding, and the academic outcomes that should occur from the supported activities.  Specifically, supervisors should:

2.29    Be informed about the spectrum of funding opportunities available through the department, Faculty and Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) for students in  financial need  and to communicate these sources to student.

2.30   Communicate clearly and in writing to their students the terms (e.g., amounts, length of time, conditions) of the financial commitment being made when financial assistance is to be provided from research grants or contracts under the supervisor’s direction.

2.31    Support students’ understanding of their funding, including a consideration of student expenses (primarily tuition and housing) and taxation, if appropriate.  

Intellectual property 

Increasingly, students and supervisors enter into their academic relationships with previously established intellectual property (IP).  Moreover, students and supervisors may have an expectation that their collective work may produce new IP.  Best practices include the articulation of students’ and supervisors’ understanding of IP relationships at regular intervals throughout the students’ academic program.  More specifically, supervisors should: 

2.32    Discuss issues related to intellectual property such as patents, software, copyright, and income from sales and royalties, and inform students of University policies about intellectual property and the conduct of research. It should be recognized that, in accordance with  Policy 73  (Secretariat), intellectual property normally is owned by the creators. However, the University retains a royalty-free right to use, for educational and research purposes, any intellectual property created by faculty, staff and students. Ideally, supervisors and students should enter into a written agreement that expresses IP owned by either party prior to beginning the research relationship and the default way in which IP created by the researchers’ joint activities will be owned.  A common example is an assumption in the absence of an explicit agreement of joint IP ownership, with each researcher owning an equal share.

2.33    Ensure that students are aware of implications and/or obligations regarding intellectual property of research conducted under contract. If appropriate, discuss with their students and any research partners the protection of intellectual property by patent or copyright. Any significant intellectual contribution by a student must be recognized in the form of co-authorship. Supervisors must convey to students, in advance of publication, whether they intend to recognize the student as co-author for work under contract.


Academic outputs – in various forms – document and demonstrate ownership of creative research and other scholarly activities.  These outputs are important for advancing knowledge and catalyzing additional scholarly activity in these areas and should be encouraged.  When supervisors and graduate students work collectively on these academic works, it is important for both that their relative contributions are represented appropriately.  To achieve these goals, supervisors should:

2.34    Discuss with their students, at an early stage of their program, authorship practices within the discipline and University policies about publications ( Policy 73  on the Secretariat website). 

2.35    Discuss and reach agreement with students, well in advance of publication and ideally at the outset of collaboration, the way in which authorship will be shared, if appropriate, between the supervisor, the student and other contributors for work conducted under contract.

2.36    Encourage the dissemination of students’ research results by publication in scholarly and research journals, presentation at conferences (domestic or international) and seminars;

2.37    Motivate the dissemination of research through non-traditional or non-academic avenues (e.g. Open Access resources, public presentations, and popular media).

Withdrawal of supervisory duties 

In rare cases supervisors may determine that they are not prepared or able to continue in a supervisory capacity.  When this occurs, the supervisor is required to:

2.38    Follow the guidelines in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar regarding  University Responsibilities Regarding Supervisory Relationships  that outlines the steps for dissolution of the supervisory relationship.


The University is eager to establish conditions that maximize graduate students’ likelihood of success.  To this end, supervisors:

2.39    Have a duty to engage in accommodations processes with  AccessAbility Services , as requested, and to provide appropriate accommodation to the point of undue hardship.

2.40    Remain informed of their roles and responsibilities with respect to accommodations.

Guide for Graduate Research and Supervision

  • Roles and responsibilities of departments, graduate officers and graduate co-ordinators
  • Roles and responsibilities of graduate students
  • Roles and responsibilities of advisory committees
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Student Wellness Tip: Investing in Graduate Student Mental Health

Campus leaders at Ohio State University are using state funding to bolster resources and services for graduate and professional students on campus and remotely.

By  Ashley Mowreader

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Students walk on Ohio State University's campus in Columbus, Ohio.

Ohio State University is scaling its mental health offerings to increase access and support for all students, with a particular focus on graduate students.

Megan Jelinger/AFP

As student mental health needs have grown, more institutional leaders are investing dollars into supporting preventative and interventional measures to aid in student well-being. Ohio’s House Bill 33 allocated $2.5 million to Ohio State University, part of $20 million in funds for university mental health support for students across the state.

University leaders hope to remove barriers to access for students with the funding, particularly for graduate and professional students, through teletherapy, biometric equipment and online resources.

What’s the need: Graduate and professional students face a number of unique life challenges in pursuing their education that vary from their undergraduate peers, including finding social support, navigating life logistics and finances, says Harry Warner, associate director of outreach in Ohio State’s counseling and consultation service (CCS) office.

Incoming undergraduate students often reside in a residence hall surrounded by their peers and experience greater proximity to like-minded individuals. Some graduate students are living alone, with strangers off campus or with their families, making building relationships more difficult, Warner says.

Graduate students can face intense comparison of self to others, burnout and impostor syndrome from rigorous academics and a lack of community.

With age also comes various developmental life markers, further exposing students to new challenges, such as working with a difficult landlord or raising children.

In addition, graduate education can be expensive and have a lower return on investment, which can harm students’ financial wellness and increase stressors while they are enrolled.

Inside Higher Ed ’s 2024 Survey of College and University Presidents found three-quarters of institutional leaders believe they have sufficient clinical capacity to meet the mental health needs of graduate students—but presidents of public institutions were less likely to say this was true, with fewer than one quarter somewhat or strongly agreeing.

At Ohio State’s counseling center, around one in four clients are graduate students (slightly higher proportionally than the graduate student rate at the university), but leaders want to further remove barriers to access.

Dollars at work: OSU will allocate funding to establish in-person and remote supports, including training peer mental health ambassadors, offering teletherapy services, hiring a graduate student administrative assistant, purchasing biofeedback equipment and developing online mental health modules.

Teletherapy and digital mental health modules, specifically, will be targeted toward graduate and professional students. Ohio State partnered with Uwill to offer virtual mental health care, which will be available to all students across the university’s five campuses.

Uwill will extend on-campus services, allowing learners to get after-hours care at night and on weekends and access care wherever they are when off campus, Warner says. “Convenience and accessibility are the big pieces there, so that’s a good extension of how we can support students.”

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Staff will use the biofeedback machine to help students practice self-soothing and grounding skills by tracking their heart rate or breathing.

“The student gets instant feedback on what the effects … while they’re relaxing, while they’re engaging in progressive muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, those type of things, and it really helps a person get to a deeper level of relaxation,” Warner says.

The university offers a Mental Health Care Grant , housed within the student advocacy center, that provides up to $2,000 to make mental health services accessible. This money can be applied to fund therapy sessions, medications, transportation or childcare costs associated with participating in therapy. Some of the state dollars will be allocated to this fund, providing further reimbursement for students.

Additionally, students can access a mood-tracking app, WellTrack Boost , for free, thanks to the grant.

A larger focus of care: The new funding works to support OSU’s already existing models of care.

One graduate and professional student–focused initiative is CCS’s embedded counseling program, which places 18 practitioners in 16 academic areas such as the dentistry, pharmacy, law and nursing programs. These providers assist in outreach and preventative education as well as therapy and consultation, and they can be highly impactful due to their proximity to learners, Warner says.

“Having a psychologist over in the College of Optometry does a lot, [because it’s] someone right there that they can talk with [who] understands what they’re going through,” Warner adds.

Graduate students can also benefit from group counseling programs offered by OSU’s counseling and consultation service, which include affinity groups.

One impactful outreach program, also Warner’s favorite, is Let’s Talk , modeled after Cornell University’s intervention, which allows students to have free, confidential, drop-in conversations with counseling staff.

In the past, graduate students have used Let’s Talk sessions to address issues like communicating with their faculty mentor or navigating counseling in the U.S. as an international student. These conversations don’t require intake forms and 10 weeks of sessions, Warner says, but they are important to reaching students who need help addressing their mental health and want to connect with an expert.

Removing barriers is a key focus in graduate student support, because of this population’s competing priorities and limited resources such as time and money. So, Warner adds, any way counseling staff can make it easy and low-stakes to engage with students is important.

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    At the graduate level, financial aid is largely decentralized, as available funds are managed directly by departments. Funding is usually available from each individual department to support doctoral students for the duration of their time at MIT. Typically, at the time of admission, doctoral students receive offers of funding in the form of ...

  27. Roles and responsibilities of supervisors

    2.38 Follow the guidelines in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar regarding University Responsibilities Regarding Supervisory Relationships that outlines the steps for dissolution of the supervisory relationship. Accommodation The University is eager to establish conditions that maximize graduate students' likelihood of success.

  28. New graduate students poised to drive innovation

    The graduate school received a record 1,046 submissions last year for 45 spots in the school's eight graduate tracks. Students come to Mayo with varied scientific interests and reasons for pursuing a doctoral degree. What they all have in common is an interest in research that will bring new ideas, innovations and hope to patients. ...

  29. Reaching graduate students with mental health care

    Campus leaders at Ohio State University are using state funding to bolster resources and services for graduate and professional students on campus and remotely. As student mental health needs have grown, more institutional leaders are investing dollars into supporting preventative and interventional measures to aid in student well-being. Ohio's House Bill 33 allocated $2.5 million to Ohio ...

  30. Graduate East Lansing Hotel near University of Michigan

    Graduate East Lansing immerses you in history, legends, and Spartan traditions, with creative interiors that capture the campus spirit. Located downtown, across the street from Michigan State University, our hotel is the perfect base for exploring. Enjoy inspired guest rooms, a rooftop bar with unmatched views, and signature Graduate touches.