IELTS General Writing Task 2: Essay Sample Answers

  • IELTS General Writing Task 2: Essay Sample Answers

The 2nd task in IELTS General Writing is to write an essay. Here are the examples of successful responses for a high score. Pay attention to the structure of the answer and how paragraphs composition; main ideas and the examples they are supported with.

IELTS General Writing Task 2 looks like this (part in bold changes).


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

In this task you should:      Explain the first point of view      Explain the second point of view      Add your opinion

Sample answer:

What's the happiest time in people's lives: youth or old age; school, career or retirement? All of these have been suggested, but teenage years and adulthood both have many supporters.

Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of responsibilities as a significant factor. They are supported financially and emotionally by their parents, and although they may be included in family decisions, they're not ultimately responsible. However, adolescents are on the threshold of adult life: they're old enough to get a part-time job, so they can enjoy their first taste of financial independence, and their future study and career lie ahead.

Away from these serious concerns, young people have an active social life with their friends, often simply by hanging out with them. And of course, there’s the excitement of first love and first heartbreak. With all this to experience, teenagers see their parents' lives as boring and stressful.

However, the reverse is also true. Adults see anxious, self-dramatising adolescents, and appreciate the joys of maturity. These may include a contented family life, long-lasting friendships and a career. Long-term relationships may not have the fireworks of adolescence, but are stronger for it, because of the wealth of shared experience. At work, many of us are challenged and stimulated by the increasing, professional skills we acquire, which ensures that our jobs remain interesting.

The greatest benefit, though, is that maturity gives you greater confidence in your own judgement, in all areas of life. You’re not afraid to express your opinion when others disagree and, unlike a teenager, you know when to let things go.

Both these periods can be happy times, but I look back at my own teenage years, with no desire to go back. Adult life may be less dramatic, but fireworks don’t keep you warm

In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem.

What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?

It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from congestion. In this essay, I examine the reasons for this trend and suggest some practical policies the authorities could implement to reduce the level of traffic in our cities.

The first step is to understand why traffic has increased in towns and cities. Broadly speaking, there are three main reasons for this. One is that cars have become more affordable for the average consumer and they are no longer a luxury item, but something that most families expect to own. A second reason is that public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent years, not least because many bus and train services have been reduced because of the difficulty in funding them. The third reason is that society has in general become more mobile and this means more people are prepared to commute to work by car than they were before.

There is almost certainly no one solution to this problem given the complexity of its causes. However, one option has to be to improve the reliability of public transport to encourage people to take the bus or the train rather than get in the car. It would also be possible to discourage people from driving to work by introducing special tariffs for using the roads, especially during peak periods. A successful example of this is the congestion charge scheme in London which has certainly reduced the level of trafficin inner-city areas.

In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors that have led to rising levels of traffic in urban areas. While it may not be possible to find a complete solution, any action should probably involve encouraging greater use of public transport and making it more expensive for the motorist to drive in urban areas.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Here we write about the benefits. Remember: 1 advantage = 1 paragraph.

In many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven. However, because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. Instead, they will probably go to a nursery school when they are much younger. While some people think this may be damaging to a child’s development, or to a child’s relationship with his or her parents, in fact there are many advantages to having school experience at a young age. Firstly, a child will learn to interact with a lot of different people and some children learn to communicate very early because of this. They are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents and who are not used to strangers or new situations. Such children find their first day at school at the age of six very frightening and this may have a negative effect on how they learn. Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially. They make friends and learn how to get on with other children of a similar age. This is often not possible at home because they are the only child, or because their brothers or sisters are older or younger. So overall, I believe that, attending school from a young age is good for most children. They still spend plenty of time at home with their parents, so they can benefit from both environments.
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The Best IELTS Task 2 Writing Template

ielts writing task 2 academic band 9 - image by Magoosh

Whether you’re taking the Academic or the General Training exam, the IELTS Writing Task 2 is always the same: write a formal essay on a social topic. So what can you do to score in IELTS Writing Task 2 academic band 9? In this post, we’ll look closely at an IELTS Writing task 2 sample that you can use as a template for Band 8 or Band 9!

Table of Contents

Introduction — sample and explanation, supporting paragraph — sample and explanation.

  • Conclusion – Sample and Explanation

How to Achieve a Band Score 8 and 9

What’s the difference among a band 7, 8, or 9 score, ielts academic writing task 2 sample: band score 9, ielts academic writing task 2 sample: band score 8, final thoughts on achieving a top band score: ielts writing task 2 academic band 9 and 8, ielts academic writing task 2 template.

What’s the best IELTS essay format for Writing Task 2? Keeping in mind the demands of the IELTS writing format, here’s the essay structure I recommend:

Tree diagram showing IELTS Task 2 response structure

If you’re unsure about how word count works, check out our post on how many words to write for IELTS and the word count penalty . Now, let’s examine what this looks like in practice. See how to use this template on an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample prompt below!

IELTS Back to Top button-Magoosh

Now, take a look at IELTS essay introduction samples for an essay on this topic. Explanations about the purpose of each sentence follow!

(2) State your opinion : The author clearly states their opinion: this is not a waste of money. Notice that though they agree with part of the premise (“it is important to invest i local amenities”), they clearly reject the second part of the premise (that spending on the visual arts is a waste).

The two supporting paragraphs should include your ideas and supporting examples to answer the task question. Aim to write only two supporting paragraphs with roughly 85 words in each. Each paragraph should contain the following four sentences and stick to one idea per paragraph.

Here’s an example of one of the supporting IELTS task 2 paragraphs for the essay topic above, along with an explanation of why it works.

(2) Explain why you hold that position : The author clearly then explains why this is a good reason. Here, it’s that the spending will improve lives.

(3) Give an example that backs up your idea : The author has done this here by citing a recent study. (Note that you do not need to name specific sources or give exact statistics, since you won’t have those sources with you on test day. That said, you certainly can use more precise academic information if you feel comfortable doing so.)

Now, here’s an example of the second body paragraph of this essay, so you can see how they work together. I have again numbered the four parts of the body paragraph below. (1) States a position, (2) explains why the writer holds that position, (3) gives a specific example, and (4) summarizes the paragraph.

Conclusion — Sample and Explanation

For the conclusion, aim to write just one or two sentences that paraphrase what you’ve discussed in the essay. Try to keep to under 45 words.

The IELTS examiners are really clear on what makes a high-scoring IELTS essay. The IELTS rubric shows that you’ll be graded in four separate categories:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

This is why it’s so important to follow the IELTS Writing Task 2 template provide above. By using this IELTS essay writing structure, you’re ensuring that you both succeed on task achievement and get points for coherence cohesion.

The lexical resource (vocabulary) category will depend on your ability to paraphrase and use complex words correctly. Similarly, your grammatical range and accuracy score will depend on how well you use a variety of grammatical structures correctly.

Nevertheless, by using the template above, you’ll be able to focus more on showing off your vocabulary and grammar and less on meeting the demands of the task by writing a coherent essay.

At the top levels, it can be hard to differentiate among Bands 7, 8, and 9…but there are definite differences, and understanding them can help you boost your score!

The IDP explains the necessary requirements for a Band 7 essay . In short, the answer is thorough (it answers all parts of the question), and it uses a clear structure (divided clearly into discrete paragraphs). Furthermore, there’s a range of vocabulary, and the author uses both simple and complex sentence.

When you read the IDP criteria for a Band 8 essay , you’ll see that there are many similarities. However, in this case, the author has taken a more advanced approach to paragraphing and linking. They avoid sentences that last an entire paragraph or very long paragraphs that take up the whole page. They also use less common terms in their vocabulary, and use them correctly. This includes avoiding cliches and overused phrases. Finally, the essay includes a variety of complex sentence structure types.

The difference between an 8 and 9 is thus subtle—but it’s still there. Scoring differences at this level come down partly to accuracy—a level 8 essay can have “occasional inaccuracies” in word choice, spelling, and word formation, as well as grammar. However, these must be “very rare” and appear only as “slips,” or minor mistakes, in a Band 9 essay. The other major divider between band 9 and band 8 is thoroughness. Per the rubric, Band 9 essays “fully” respond to the question, while band 8 responses are merely “sufficient.” The differences between a full and sufficient response are very subtle indeed, and it ultimately depends on the quality of the essay’s supporting details.

What does this look like? Take a look at how I’ve used the IELTS Writing Task 2 template below to create two samples: one IELTS Writing Task 2 Academic Band 9 and one at Band 8. Here’s the prompt:

Keeping the template from above in mind, here’s the IELTS Writing Task 2 sample:

On the one hand, screen time can lead to an overall decline in physical health. When children pass hours frozen, watching a video, they harm their bodies and their minds. For example, doctors agree that children who spend more than the average amount of time on screens per day without moving are more likely to be obese than children who spend below average time watching screens. Therefore, minimizing static screen time is indeed a worthy goal.

However, this does not mean that the only way to do this is by getting rid of screens. Recently, programmers have developed a variety of applications that encourage children to move. By training them to dance, perform martial arts, or do calisthenics, these screen-based activities actually encourage movement. In fact, it has been noted that, on average, using such applications burn more calories per day than a game of kickball. Encouraging children to use their screen time on such applications would therefore give them the best of both worlds.

To sum up, although a sedentary lifestyle has clear dangers, screen use is not necessarily an indication that children will burden our health system; by using screens to promote, rather than replace, physical activity, we can prevent widespread health issues due to lack of movement. To this end, parents should consider encouraging children to use movement-based apps.

Word Count: 301

So just what did the author of this IELTS Writing Task 2 Academic Band 9 essay do to get such a high score? Take a look!

  • Task Response: This essay fully addresses all parts of the task: it discusses screen time, whether it is replacing physical activity, and whether this will be a problem for the health system. It also presents a fully developed position with extended and well-supported ideas: it doesn’t just say yes or no , but rather says, this is not necessarily linked.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: The author here uses a variety of cohesion words and phrases (“In fact,” “To sum up,” “To this end”) that allow the essay to read smoothly, attracting no attention. They also use paragraphing well, according to the IELTS Writing Task 2 template above.
  • Lexical Resource: The author uses a wide range of vocabulary here, correctly: words like “eradicate,” “decline,” “sedentary,” “and “calisthenics” all show a high level of natural and sophisticated language use.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This author uses a wide variety of sentence types. Note that in addition to just simple and complex sentences, the author also uses a variety of constructions, including a semi-colon. Importantly, they do so correctly.

Now let’s take a look at an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample that scored an 8 band:

First, it is true that too much screen time can harm physical health overall. Staring at a screen for a long time without moving isn’t good for the body. For example, doctors say children who have above-average amounts of screen time are likely to get obesity than children who do not have much time on screens. Because of this, lowering screen time is indeed a worthy goal.

However, this does not mean that the only way to do this is by getting rid of screens. There are many applications that encourage children to move. In fact, some physical activity app activities are noted for burning as many calories as a game of kickball. Encouraging children to use their screen time on such applications would therefore give them the best of both worlds: they could enjoy screen time while staying healthy.

To conclude, a sedentary lifestyle has clear dangers. But getting rid of screens is not necessary. Instead, we can use screens to help our children move more, and this will stop our health system from becoming overwhelmed, as children will benefit from physical exercise while having fun. To this end, parents should consider encouraging children to use such apps.

Word count: 254

This author of this IELTS Writing Task 2 template Band 8 essay makes the same points as the previous (Band 9) author, but with a few key differences. Take a look!

  • Task Response: This essay sufficiently addresses all parts of the task. The argument isn’t as nuanced as in the first essay (there’s no elaboration on what the apps in the second paragraph involved, which weakens that key point), but the ideas are all here; the response overall is relevant, extended, and contains supported ideas.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: The author uses some basic transitions here: first, however, to conclude. These aren’t quite as fancy or sophisticated as in the Band 9 essay, but they are here! The paragraphing also works.
  • Lexical Resource: The author uses many vocabulary terms here, though these are more basic than in the Band 9 essay (“commonness” instead of “province,” for example, or “lowering” instead of “minimizing”). There are a handful of cases in which the author misuses terms or idioms: “gain physical activity” instead of “increase physical activity,” or “get obesity” instead of “become obese.”
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This author uses a variety of sentence types. However, these are often simple sentences with linking words at the beginning, with one or two complex sentences thrown in. This is fine, and shows a range of grammatical mastery, but it’s not quite as sophisticated as in the Band 9 essay.

Overall, is the Band 8 essay above bad? No! The IELTS Writing Task 2 template (band 8) worked well here. Overall, it’s a strong example of an essay responding to this prompt. However, the main differences between it and the IELTS Writing Task 2 Academic Band 9 essay have to do with fluency and sophistication.

These are factors that take time to develop. If you have a few months to prepare for the IELTS, practice reading as much complex material as you can before test day. Then, use new words and phrases as much as possible in your practice.

Band 9 scores don’t happen overnight. However, the more you polish your English skills, the closer you’ll get to achieving your goals. It can be a slow process, but you can get there! Good luck! And to boost your luck even more, you should definitely check out our complete guide to IELTS Writing Task 2 .

Eliot Friesen

Eliot Friesen-Meyers is the Senior Curriculum Manager for Magoosh IELTS and TOEFL. He attended Goshen College (B.A.), New York University (M.A.), and Harvard University (M.T.S.), gaining experience and skills in curriculum development, ESOL instruction, online teaching and learning, and IELTS and TOEFL test prep education. Eliot’s teaching career started with Literacy Americorps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later, taught ESL programs at Northeastern University, University of California-Irvine, and Harold Washington College. Eliot was also a speaker at the 2019 TESOL International Conference . With over 10 years of experience, he understands the challenges students face and loves helping them overcome those challenges. Come join Eliot on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram . Recent blog posts Complete Guide to IELTS Writing Task 1 Complete Guide to IELTS Writing Task 2

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31 responses to “The Best IELTS Task 2 Writing Template”

Sazal Avatar

Hi Magoosh, Thanks for your valuable tips.

Magoosh Expert

You’re welcome, Sazal 🙂

Happy studying!

Anup Thapa Avatar

What grade can this example get?

yerke Avatar

Hellooooooo is it 100 % information that there must be only one idea/point per a paragraph? I have looked through other so called “9 band” essays and they contain several ideas in one supportive paragraph? I am really confused ……

It is not entirely a requirement that a paragraph has one idea only, but it is a good plan to have a core purpose for the paragraph and to make sure that the information in each paragraph must be related to that core purpose/idea. The more you jam into a single paragraph, the more likely it is that the flow and argument will be lost.

Don’t worry about absolute requirements for essay structure–if you bring a reader gently through your ideas in a way that is easy to follow, you will be in good shape! 🙂

Sami Ul Huda Avatar

Hello Sami here,

I have just started learning IELTS.

Found this essay well written for an agree or disagree up to an extend type of prompt.

May I know all the different positions that the essay prompt may ask us to take apart from agree/ disagree and agree/ disagree – up to an extend Also a suggest me the best way to prepare for them all.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Agree/disagree is one of a few common formats for IELTS Writing Task 2 questions. There are also arguments with opposing views– there you choose one side of an argument. This is like agree/disagree in many respects, but not exactly the same. The third fairly common IELTS Writing Task 2 question format is problem/solution. Here, as the name suggests, you propose a solution to a common problem that is described in the IELTS Writing prompt. To learn more, check out this podcast episode with more information about IELTS academic writing .

Syed Avatar

Thanks, useful info…. Please advise what will be the structure and easiest way to write essay having asking for advantages and disadvantages.

Iman Avatar

Can we lie in Task 2? for example, a research from a Fake Journal represents 15% of Canadians have cancer.

Do they (double check online) and deduct marks?

I wouldn’t make up crazy lies, but if you say something kind of reasonable, no one will care if it isn’t actually true. The focus here is on your English skills. 🙂

Jonaid Avatar

I would like to make especial lies in English language test. Will see what will be the outcome. But my writing skills are really poor, i have to take some advantage from big blunder lies

Just remember that the lie is only useful if you tell it in strong English! 🙂

Ramandeep Singh Ranouta Avatar

This is the best method to write an essay that ever i have seen ?

Zahed Avatar

it’s nice approach. but in this structure, how band score will we get?

I’m glad you like this template! This approach helps you get the best band score possible. However, there’s no guaranteed band score for using this template. Your band score depends on many other factors besides your general approach. Your skill level in English, how energetic you feel on test day, the specific question you get, etc. all influence your IELTS band score.

jeevenjot Avatar

thaks for appropriate tips

tech guru with amit Avatar

I do not understand reading please give me best tips and strategy for reading so I get good score in reading my exam is on 29 th september

David Recine

IELTS Reading can be challenging. Eliot’s Complete Guide to IELTS Reading can be a good place to start. Beyond that, it’s really important to think about exactly why you find Reading challenging. Identify the specific question types, passage types or reading skills that are most challenging for you. Then work on addressing those weaknesses. As you identify your weaknesses, you just might also discover your strengths, and build on them.

Zara Avatar

Hi!Thnx for the template but I have a question. May the phrase like “This essay will discuss this issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points” be considered as memorized? Don’t you think that an examiner can reduce the score because of this?

It’s perfectly acceptable to create a template to help you craft your essay. You wouldn’t necessarily lose points because the examiner will think that your essay is memorized; rather, you would lose points because you aren’t being specific. You should always personalize the template to the prompt given. If you replace “this issue” with something specific to the prompt, and provide 1-2 concrete points that you will discuss, then this could be a good opening sentence. You want to avoid language that is too vague and general.

Ham Avatar

Is it okay to write the whole essay in the draft then copy it to my answer sheet, because that’s what I am used to. Or should I write only the main ideas.

I think if this is what you’re used to, then it might be okay. However, keep in mind that you must write your entire response on the answer sheet before time runs out. If you have to copy an entire essay, then it might take too long! My recommendation would be to make an outline for your essay separately, and to directly write your essay on the answer sheet. 🙂 You might find this blog post helpful, if you haven’t seen it already!

Alya Kalila Avatar

Hi Magoosh, Thank you for your tips.

I have question regarded the government investment on visual arts-essay

in the statement, it is said: Government investment in the visual arts is a waste of money. in this statement, there is no information stating: (1)that the government is Local government (2) that the money spent= large portion of government budget (it still can be just a little amount of government budget)

but on your first sentence (paraphrase the task question) you mention many LOCAL government…LARGE portion”

why is that OK to say that in your essay while in the statement those information are not mentioned?

Great question, Ayla. Yes, you can specify local government when the question only mentions government. When an IELTS Writing task describes something in broad terms, you can choose to narrow down and specify the terms in your answer.

Gkbiswas Avatar

Is it always mandatory to provide the actual data while giving the examples?

It’s not mandatory to provide data to support your position, but some students do it. The graders know that you are writing an essay without any way to do research, so they don’t expect data or facts.

shalu Avatar

Is it ok to use templates in IELTS? can we use TOEFL templates in IELTS if applicable?

You can use templates to help you organize your response. The TOEFL independent essay is similar to the IELTS Task 2, and we have TOEFL templates that might be helpful , but I’d recommend sticking to templates created for the IELTS.

Arsalan Wazir Avatar

Thank you Magnoosh. Very helpful!

Faiza Ambreen Avatar

Thanks for your suggestion. However, I am still confused in writing essay( sentence structure and vocabulary).Please help!

Hi Faiza, if you tell us more about what you are confused about, we may be able to provide more specific support 🙂

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Free Tips, Lessons & Model Essays

Success in IELTS writing task 2 is based on using the right techniques. These free tips, model essays, lessons, videos and information will help develop the skills for writing task 2. This page will teach you how to maximise your IELTS writing task 2 score. All lessons are on this page are for both GT and Academic writing task 2.

On this page, you will find for free:

  • PRACTICE LESSONS (writing skills, topic ideas etc)

1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information

Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test. All lessons and tips on this page are for both Academic and GT writing task 2.

  • IELTS Writing has two tasks: Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay).
  • The total time is one hour for both tasks. You should spend only 40 mins on task 2.
  • The time is yourself to manage. No one will tell you when to move from task 1 to task 2.
  • The essay if a formal essay. You should not use informal language in your essay.
  • The instructions say “write at least 250 words”. This means you need to write over 250 words.
  • Writing task 2 is worth about 66% of your total writing score. Click here: Total Writing Score Calculations
  • There are four marking criteria which you must learn about. Click here: WRITING T2 BAND SCORES & MARKING WITH TIPS

The Essay Task

Below is an example task you will be given in IELTS Writing Task 2.

  • You will be given a topic.
  • Topics contain specific issues or opinions that you must address.
  • You are given a task, such as to discuss and give an opinion. 
  • Examples are based on your experience of the world in general, not your personal life.
  • There are FIVE ESSAY TYPES . 

2. IELTS Practice Essay Questions

Practice essay questions to help you prepare ideas for topics in IELTS writing task 2. These questions have been written based on questions reported by IELTS students.

Over 100 IELTS Essay Questions (repeated topics)

3. Essential IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

The most important writing tips for a strong IELTS essay in writing task 2. Learn about the recommended essay length, how to plan your essay, when to give your opinion and how to write an introduction etc. Some videos linked below are old, but still 100% relevant today. Click below:

Essay Structure & Paragraphing

Key Linking Words List

Types of IELTS Essays

Essay Planning Tips

Paraphrasing Tips & Examples

Common Essay Topics

When & How to give your opinion

Video  Using the last 5 minutes

4. IELTS Model Essays

IELTS Essays have a specific format, structure, style and band score requirements. These model essays are at band 9 and illustrate how an IELTS writing task 2 essay should be written. Use them as a guide to creating an essay suitable for a high band score in IELTS. Remember, language only counts for about 50% of your marks, the rest is IELTS essay techniques.

  • Agree Disagree Opinion Essay: Health
  • Advantages & Disadvantages Essay: Language
  • Cause  Solution Essay: Crime & Punishment
  • Direct Questions Essay: Happiness
  • Opinion Essay: Social Media
  • Discussion Essay: Work
  • Do Advs Outweigh Disavs Essay: Reading
  • Direct Questions Essay: Family
  • Direct Questions Essay: Art
  • Positive or Negative Development: Social Media
  • 2 Model Essays about Economy & Money /Buildings
  • Model Essay & Question for Topic of Education
  • Two Question Essay: Technology

More Writing Task 2 Tips

  • Ideas for Topics Tips with Band Score Info
  • Deleting Words in your Essay
  • Should I indent the first word of my paragraphs?
  • 10 sentences to avoid in your IELTS essay
  • Video:  How to add examples to your essay
  • Tips: Under Words Penalty
  • Can you use quotes, idioms or proverbs in your essay?
  • Handwriting: Using cursive writing or not
  • Video : Grammar – How to Add a Clause
  • Video : Grammar – Connecting Sentences

5. Practice Lessons for Writing Task 2

Various lessons for: IELTS Essay Writing Skills, Topics, Language 

  • Improving Sentences for a Higher Score
  • Essay Ideas: Advertising to Children in Schools
  • Essay Topics for 2024
  • IELTS Essay Topics Prediction 2022
  • Grammar Test : Using “the” with countries and nationalities
  • Paraphrasing Practice
  • Using Passive Voice for Giving Opinions
  • Essay Ideas: Employment Competition
  • Essay Ideas: The Importance of History
  • Essay Ideas: Housing & Trees 
  • Essay Ideas: International Aid
  • Essay Ideas: City Transport
  • Essay Ideas: Salaries
  • Essay Ideas: Function of Schools
  • Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions
  • Writing Skills: Punctuation Practice
  • Writing Skills: Linking Word Practice
  • Essay Ideas: Littering in Cities
  • Listen and Write Dictation: Natural Disasters
  • Discussion Essay with Feedback: Music Topic
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences: Ebooks Topic
  • Essay Ideas: Banning Mobile Phones
  • Two Question Essay with Feedback: Judging Business Success
  • Essay Ideas: Tourism and Local Communities
  • Essay Ideas: Traffic & Pollution
  • Writing Skills: Improving a Thesis Statement
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences (1)
  • Essay Ideas: Handwriting Skills
  • Essay Ideas: Older or Younger Leaders
  • Writing Skills: Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skill: Opinion Essay Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Body Paragraphs
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Introduction
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Finding Main Points
  • Writing Skills: Thesis Statement
  • Essay Ideas: Public Services .


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  • Writing Task 2

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IELTS General Writing Test

Find all the basic information you need to know about the IELTS General Writing test in one place.

Here's what I cover on this page:

1) Why choose General Training?

The General test is for people wanting to work in or emigrate to the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada or New Zealand. It is widely accepted for:

It is different to the IELTS Academic test which is required by universities and professional registration bodies.

2) Important facts

– Write a minimum of 150 words

                : 20 minute

– Write a minimum of 250 words

                : 40 minute 

 – 60 minutes

Task 2 contributes twice as many marks to your overall score as Task 1.

3) Test format

T ask 1  – You are required to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation in relation to a specific circumstance.

The letter must be in one of the following styles as appropriate to the situation:

 – to someone you don’t know.  – to a friend or close family member.

There are 7 common Task 1 letter topics:

  • Letter of Complaint
  • Letter of Explanation
  • Letters of Application & Resignation
  • Letters to Make an Arrangement
  • An Invitation

Click the links for step-by-step lessons with sample questions and model answers.

Task 2  – You will be required to write an essay on a topic of general interest. Your essay will be a response to a specific point of view, problem or argument that will be stated in the question.

You may use a more personal style than would be required in the Academic Writing Task 2 essay.

There are 5 types of Task 2 essay:

4) Skills assessed

As with all elements of the IELTS exam, the IELTS General Writing test is marked according to four marking criteria.

 – appropriate response to the task     – the ability to present a well-structured essay   – the ability to use a range of appropriate vocabulary and to use it correctly     – the ability to use grammar correctly and to use a range of grammar forms

Each carries 25% of the marks.

The two parts of the IELTS General Writing test are designed to assess your ability in different skill areas. The assessment criteria for any specific question will depend on the type of task you are asked to complete, but here is a general overview.

Don’t worry if you feel slightly overwhelmed after reading it. The lessons below contain all the help and step-by-step guidance you need to write high scoring essays and letters. 

Task 1  – Your letter will assess your ability to engage in personal correspondence and be assessed in relation to one or more of these skills:

  • Elicit and provide general factual information
  • Express needs, wants, likes and dislikes
  • Express opinions (e.g. views, complaints)

Task 2  – Your essay will be assessed in relation to one or more of the following:

5) Sample questions & answers

In addition to the sample questions and model answers in the lessons listed above, you will find many more in the IELTS General Writing lessons in the menus below.

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Ielts general writing lessons, ielts general writing task 1 – letter.

Letter Format  – The format, the 7 topics, letter structure, formal & informal, assessment & marking criteria, sample questions. Essential information  you need to know.

Letter Writing Tips   – Learn top tips on how to meet the assessment and marking criteria and achieve a high score.

Letter Writing Structure  – Find out how to use this   easy to   learn letter structure to write a high-scoring letter. Includes a model answer.

How To Plan a Letter  – Learn a simple 5 step process & 6 part letter structure. Also, help to understand the question & generate ideas.

Formal or Informal  – How to decide what type of letter to write. Sample questions & 2 model letters.

Letter Writing Vocabulary  – Learn useful phrases to help you achieve a high score. Also, know how to start & end your letter.

How To Write an Informal Letter  – Step-by-step instructions, simple 4 step plan & 6 part letter structure, model letter.

How To Write a Formal Letter  – Step-by-step instructions, simple 4 step plan & 6 part letter structure, model letter.

Letter Topics  – Learn the 7 most common letter topics   & other popular subjects. Includes 20 sample questions.

IELTS General Writing Task 2 – Essay

IELTS Writing Task 2  – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.

The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay   – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.

Understanding Task 2 Questions  – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 2 Essay  – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To Write a Task 2 Introduction  – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

How To Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs  – Learn the simple 3 part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common mistakes to avoid. 

How To Write Task 2 Conclusions  – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

Task 2 Marking Criteria  – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.

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IELTS Band 9 sample essay

Band 9 Sample answers are useful as study guides for IELTS preparation for the IELTS Writing Task 2 essay – especially for a band 9 IELTS essay. Having access to previously completed work that you can have confidence in will show you what you are missing!

Take a look at these sample task 2 essay questions to help you prepare for your exam.

Use the following IELTS sample essay and its explanations to see how close you are to a band 9 in your IELTS writing essay!

Evaluation Criteria

Get your IELTS essay evaluated online (free)

Examples of Band 9 Essays

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Sample Question and Answer(1)

Why is this IELTS Essay a Band 9?

5 Tips for a Band 9 IELTS Essay

Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 Question and Answer(2)

Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 Question and Answer (3)

Useful Definitions of Advanced Vocabulary Used

Video: Band 9 EX-IELTS Examiner Essay Review

Sample 19 IELTS Essays and 240 Task 2 Essay Questions Ebook

Video: Useful IELTS Essay Writing Tip

Audio Resources

Additional IELTS Resources

IELTS essay task 2: evaluation criteria

IELTS writing tests are evaluated across 4 areas when your band score is calculated:

  • Task achievement  – To what extent does the examinee address all parts of the task with a fully developed position, inclusive of fully extended and well supported ideas?
  • Coherence and cohesion  – Does the candidate logically organise the information and ideas? Is the entire essay cohesive with a logical progression of ideas?
  • Lexical resource  – To what extent does the examinee use a wide range of vocabulary with accuracy? Do they demonstrate sophistication regarding the use of lexical items?
  • Grammatical range and accuracy  – Does the examinee use a range of grammatical structures accurately? Examples of these can be the use of complex sentences with sophisticated clauses instead of simple sentences with a repetitive structure:

Example : Students cannot use phones. They affect development > students are not allowed to use mobile phones in class due to possible distractions.

The British Council (the administrator of the IELTS) outlines 9 different bands of performance for each of the above dimensions here. Your scores in each of these dimensions are averaged to determine your overall band for your essay.

Let's take a look at an example essay that scored as band 9 and then we'll dig into each of these four areas to see why it received that score. It's very important to understand what the IELTS examiner is looking for.

These four criteria are used in our new online essay checker that gives you an estimated band score (free).

IELTS essay sample question (1)

Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and more creativity than reading. To what extent do you agree? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.

IELTS sample essay answer (1)

Parents throughout the world place spend time reading with their offspring to prepare them for school where their literacy skills are further developed; however, recent research suggests that focusing on reading at an early age can be detrimental, and participating in fun activities would be far more beneficial. I am a strong advocate of this approach, and the benefits of it will be covered in this essay.

A fundamental reason for this is that there is no biological age for reading, and pushing infants to acquire this skill before they are ready could have repercussions. For example, in the UK, many boys are reluctant readers, possibly because of being forced to read, and this turned them off reading. By focusing on other activities and developing other skills such as creativity and imagination, when they are ready to read, they usually acquire this skill rapidly.

In addition, the importance of encouraging creativity and developing a child's imagination must be acknowledged. Through play, youngsters develop social and cognitive skills, for example, they are more likely to learn vocabulary through context rather than learning it from a book.

Furthermore, play allows youngsters to mature emotionally, and gain self-confidence. There is no scientific research which suggests reading at a young age is essential for a child's development, moreover, evidence suggests the reverse is true. In Finland, early years' education focuses on playing.

Reading is only encouraged if a child shows an interest in developing this skill. This self-directed approach certainly does not result in Finnish school leavers falling behind their foreign counterparts. In fact, Finland was ranked the sixth-best in the world in terms of reading.

Despite being a supporter of this non-reading approach, I strongly recommend incorporating bedtime stories into a child's daily routine. However, reading as a regular daytime activity should be swapped for something which allows the child to develop other skills.

Why is this essay a band 9?

Task achievement.

According to the IELTS Writing Band Descriptors, an essay is Band 9 for Task Achievement if it:

  • Fully addresses  all parts of the task
  • Presents a  fully developed  position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas.

In order to score well on Task Achievement, the most important thing is  to make sure you respond to what is being asked of you . Is the prompt asking for an opinion, a discussion of a problem, a solution to a problem, or some combination of these? If you provide an opinion and not a solution when you're being asked for a solution, you're not going to score well in this area. Read the question carefully!

The prompt for this essay asks:  “To what extent do you agree [with the previous statement]? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.”  It wants an opinion – with support!

This essay addresses all parts of this task. The opinion is included in the introduction to make the writer's position clear, and then the following paragraphs support the writer's position with examples and justifications. Overall, the response is full and relevant and each of the points is detailed and connected to the thesis.

Coherence and cohesion

Think of this as “How well does the essay flow? Is it easy to follow and does it all tie together?” The exact characteristics for a Band 9 C&C score are that an essay:

  • Uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention
  • Skilfully manages paragraphing

Note the specific wording “it attracts no attention.” The goal here is for things to sound natural and not forced. How do you connect your ideas (ensure cohesion) without it sounding forced? I think there are 2 possible ways:

  • Explain your ideas in a logical order so that you don't need many linking words . This is probably what you do when writing in your own language.
  • Use easy linking words like and, but, also, firstly, secondly, finally, for example. These are so common that they attract almost no attention.

This IELTS Sample essay does a good job of this – you'll notice that each paragraph naturally (logically) follows the one prior, providing additional support for the original opinion, and some simple linking words –  in addition, furthermore  (both paragraph 2) and  moreover  (paragraph 3) – are used throughout. These are all good discourse markers that show what is coming next adds to the argument and are slightly more sophisticated than firstly, secondly, and thirdly but don't come across as being forced.

The other aspect to scoring high in C&C is ensuring an essay is well-structured. What do I mean by that? A well-structured essay has a good introduction, body paragraphs that are easy to follow and connect with one another, and a good conclusion. Each body paragraph should also have its own topic sentence and support and then smoothly transition to the next paragraph.

Our sample IELTS essay has a “simple but good” introduction in which it shows that the examinee has knowledge of the topic and clearly states the writer's position to set up the rest of the essay. The paragraphs all have topic sentences, which are then supported by examples, and are easy to follow. The main body and conclusion relate back to the thesis in the introduction.

A note on conclusions…  there are two schools of thought when it comes to how to conclude an IELTS essay. One is to conclude with one simple sentence so that you spend more time perfecting your main body paragraphs. The other is to wrap up with two sentences, once which includes a small prediction (ie, how you think things might turn out) as a way to show the examiner that you know how to correctly use another tense (which will help boost your GR&A score – more on that in a minute). Either is fine, just don't forget your conclusion!

Taking time to plan out and organise your response  before  you start writing is an extremely important step in scoring well in Coherence and Cohesion for your IELTS essay – make sure you do so to ensure your essay is well structured and reads cohesively when you're done!

Lexical resource

Scoring well in the  Lexical Resource  dimension is all about (correctly) showing off your vocabulary. The description for a Band 9 here is:

  • Uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features, rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips'

Collocations,  topic-specific  vocabulary  and  phrasal  verbs  are the name of the game here. To score well, an examinee needs to show that they have a wide-ranging vocabulary and they know how to use it.

Our sample essay does a solid job of showing off a  range of vocabulary  – you'll notice that while the essay frequently refers to children, the writer employs different vocabulary ( infants, youngsters, offspring, counterparts ) to do so.

Note : it is highly likely that you will need to refer to people/children in your IELTS Writing task 2 , so make sure that you have lots of different words to use to refer to them.

IELTS examiners do not like to see the words  “people,” “children”  over and over again! The same goes for the word “ important ” – make sure you have plenty of alternative phrases ( essential  and  vital  are both used in our sample essay).

Other examples of a  wide-ranging vocabulary  in our essay include using  rapidly  in place of  quickly ,  mature  instead of develop,  repercussions  to indicate a negative result, and  acquire  in place of learn.

Our sample essay also does a good job of using  collocations  – some examples include  “fundamental reason,” “reluctant readers” “social and cognitive skills,” “learn vocabulary through context,”  and  “strongly recommend.”

The correct use of  phrasal  verbs  also demonstrates one's grasp of English – because of the semantics involved, they are sometimes one of the most difficult things for English language learners to master. Our essay writer correctly uses a few of these including “ turned them off”  and  “falling behind .”

One note here: students preparing for the IELTS  often ask if they should use  idioms  (like “you're barking up the wrong tree”) in their essays to further demonstrate their grasp of the language. In my opinion, no, you shouldn't. Idioms are informal by nature and not appropriate for a written essay of this type. Stick with demonstrating your range of vocabulary and your ability to use phrasal  verbs  correctly!

Grammatical range and accuracy

The final scoring dimension is related to grammar and grammatical structures – do you know them and can you correctly use them?

The Band 9 description for grammatical range and accuracy :

  • Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as slips

Note that there is nothing in the scoring criteria about including specific tenses or sentence constructions. Your main objective should be to reduce the number of mistakes that you make. An essay that contains no mistakes is likely to get a 9 for grammar, regardless of the types of sentence that it may or may not contain.

If there is a nice mix of long and short sentences in your IELTS essays, you'll meet the grammar requirements. Remember, as soon as you write a “long” sentence you are naturally going to use connectives (linking words), which will make the sentence ‘compound' or ‘complex'. So, don't think too much about the grammar – just aim to reduce the number of mistakes that you make, and try to include a few longer sentences.

Some examples from the sample essay that illustrate the writer's grammatical range and help it easily score as a band 9 include:

  • appropriate uses of modal verbs in the passive voice:  “are further developed,” “will be covered,” “must be acknowledged,” “should be swapped.”
  • “ to focus on ” is correctly followed by an -ing form
  • However  is used correctly with a semicolon before it and a comma after
  • “ because of ,” “rather than,” and are correctly followed by -ing verbs

5 Tips for an IELTS writing task 2 band 9 essay

1. answer what is being asked.

Make sure you read the prompt carefully and answer the essay questions you’re being asked. I can’t emphasise this enough. In order to score well on Task Achievement, you need to appropriately and fully address the task.

2. Plan your work, work your plan.

Plan out your essay before you start writing. What are your main points? What order are you going to make them in? How do they link together? Having a well organised essay is key scoring high marks for Coherence and Cohesion. Many IELTS test-takers will spend up to 10 minutes planning out their essay before they start writing. A few points to keep in mind:

  • Your essay should have 4-5 paragraphs in total and at least 250 words
  • Plan your supporting points so that they don’t go off-topic

3. Write, review, re-write

Write your essay, review it and then “rewrite” it. Don’t focus on getting things perfect upfront – you don’t want to waste 15 minutes trying to come up with the perfect synonym for something and then not have enough time to finish your full essay! Write your essay first (an unwritten essay won’t score well at all!) and then go back through it to see how you can improve it. Some essay questions to ask yourself at this stage:

  • Are there places where you can swap out stronger words for weaker ones in order to improve your Lexical Resource score?
  • Are there places where you can phrase things differently in order to illustrate your Grammatical Range?

4. Where are you falling?

To pass with a Band 9 the reality is you need two sets of skills:

  • Exam skills
  • Language skills

What are exam skills?

Can you plan an effective essay? Quickly? Ideally between 3-5 minutes.

Can you think of enough ideas and examples to put in the essay plan?

Firstly you need to discover which of these skills you need. To do this you get feedback, either from an online IELTS essay checker or for more detailed feedback you can use our IELTS essay correction service .

The main goal is to find out which part of the essay writing process is costing you the most amount of time, points or stress.

Personally, the easiest and fastest way to get these skills is to do an online course specialised in training students with these skills. Here is a good course for that.

5. Better language skills?

A lot of students fail the  IELTS exam or end up with a band in their IELTS writing test that does not meet their requirements. Also, a significant number of students look to Google to search for “IELTS Writing tips” or “Task two tips”. These tips might be helpful but sometimes the real problem might just be in their general language or writing skills.

Writing error-free perfect sentences is probably much more challenging than students think, especially under exam conditions i.e in 40 minutes with immense pressure to pass. These can result in often mixed outcomes with both positive or negative development occurring at one and the same time.

One of the most important ways to improve language skills is to receive feedback. This can be by asking someone to review written work and will expose the positive or negative development mentioned earlier. This is very common and not something that is a negative issue overall.

Have a look at our essay correction service that will review your essays for you and help you improve and pass the IELTS test.

Here is a checklist of what is needed for reaching Band 9, it includes what the examiner wants to see, and what to do to write at a Band 9 level.

Sample IELTS writing task 2 question (2)

Today, the quality of life in large cities is decreasing. Discuss the causes and solutions.

IELTS writing task 2: essay sample answer (2)

The global phenomenon of urbanisation from the beginning of industrialisation to the present day has brought opportunity and prosperity, albeit at a cost in the quality of life. With an increasing city population, the complexity of the challenges also increases for the globe as well as the local community. Therefore, the causes and effects of these on the current generation, as well as possible solutions are outlined below.

The causes for the decrease in the quality of life are paradoxically the prosperity endowed on such metropolitan centres. Their growth is largely due to the increase of opportunities on offer, which in turn increases their attractiveness, essentially they are trapped in a positive self-reinforcing cycle. While such developments have a positive impact on immediate economic objectives, it perpetuates behaviours that can have a negative impact in the long term.

However, this eventually leads to a decrease in the quality of life as the city can experience overcrowding, exorbitant property prices, and increased vulnerability to terrorist attacks. For example, the density of London makes it a more efficient place to attack, when compared to a smaller city such as Bradford.

Therefore, due to continuous growth and prosperity, urban citizens, especially the less well off, often experience a lower standard of living. Even greater than this, are the relevant examples of natural disasters such as recent fires in Australia, which brought about unprecedented weather patterns resulting in the destruction of wild and rare animals. These effects are far from uniform, as they affect different countries in ways unseen by previous generations.

Considering the solutions, greater investment in public transport would ease traffic congestion, as would bike lanes. In theory, this would reduce air pollution, and possibly improve the well-being of the population if they did adopt a more active lifestyle and cycle to work. While these solutions are local, if adopted globally, would affect individuals and many countries alike. A collective effort is needed to use social networks and other media to highlight the negative effect of urbanisation as well as the negative sides of the wider ramifications on the population.

To conclude, while it could be argued that urbanisation advantages outweigh the disadvantages, a wealthy city attracts a large population inflow, which then causes pressure on existing infrastructure and security. Various solutions exist to mitigate such drawbacks, such as social networks being used to raise awareness of such negative impacts on many countries, nevertheless an indefinite solution has yet to be found.

Sample IELTS writing task 2 question (3)

Social media marketing can influence what consumers buy. Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree?

IELTS writing task 2: essay sample answer (3)

Since the introduction of social media applications in the early 2000's the world has become a much smaller place. Social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become information sources for a majority of the global market.

As such, it could be argued that marketing, which happens to be a source of information accessible on these platforms can influence the consumers who use them. This notion is further aided by the rise in online retail stores that conduct the bulk of their transactions online. This makes it easier for the consumer to purchase from anywhere in the world.

As a consumer on social media, you are constantly bombarded with advertisements of various products that are specifically designed to catch your attention. This means that most of the adverts on your news feeds aren't random and will almost always feature something you have previously searched online or something currently popular or trending. Given the fact that most social media users are young consumers who are influenced by current trends and happenings, these adverts will almost always catch their eye.

The habit of sharing, retweeting and liking also ensure that these adverts get around, quite fast. As such, when an advert does reach your news feed you have already probably seen it on your friend's news feed. The truth is, adverts are a form of information and with the age of the internet, information spreads faster than a wildfire.

Therefore, it only makes sense that in the era and age of technology, globalization and the need to be trendy, social media marketing can influence what consumers buy.

Useful definitions of advanced vocabulary used

IELTS Writing Task 2: Useful definition


Equivalent sentences

“For example, it is said, the CCTV in London has foiled many potential attacks, and therefore greatly increased the security of its citizens.” Could also be said as:

“Statistics show that CCTV used in London has scuppered many a terrorist plot, massively contributing to the security of its citizens.”

More Equivalent sentences Various solutions exist to mitigate such drawbacks, nevertheless an indefinite solution has yet to be found.

Could also be said as:

A myriad of partial fixes exist for these issues, yet a permanent solution is still out of reach.

There are many methods employed to quell this flow of people, but still a reliable solution has not been discovered.

IELTS writing task 2: vocabulary booster

The highlighted sections in the following paragraph represent key phrases or words relating to this topic. Study this paragraph to expand your vocabulary knowledge on this topic:

The modern urban environment varies considerably depending on both the city that produces it and the individual who perceives it; Each experiencing a unique blend of at least some economic success, varying degrees of localised or wider deprivation and periods of growth and decline. Environmental factors permitting, a city will provide well for its citizens as long as it can properly manage the execution of social policy.

Globalisation presents many challenges for those responsible for the policy as large inflows of people are to be expected in a place of success and therefore opportunity; The ensuing mixing of cultures has far-reaching social consequences that can affect how the city is both presented and perceived.

Considerably Con·sid·er·a·ble (kən-sĭd′ər-ə-bəl) adj. 1. Large in amount, extent, or degree: a writer of considerable influence. 2. Worthy of consideration; significant: The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign.

Perceive Per·ceive (pər-sēv′) tr.v. per·ceived, per·ceiv·ing, per·ceives 1a. To become aware of (something) directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing: We could perceive three figures in the fog. 1b. To cause or allow the mind to become aware of (a stimulus): The ear perceives sounds. 2. To achieve understanding of; apprehend: Einstein perceived that energy and matter are equivalent . 3. To regard or consider; deem: an old technology that is still perceived as useful; a politician who is perceived to be untrustworthy.

Deprivation Dep·ri·va·tion (dĕp′rə-vā′shən) n. 1. The/an act or an instance of depriving; Loss . 2. The state of being deprived: social deprivation; a cycle of deprivation and violence.

“The town’s generally miserable appearance led her to perceive it as a place of considerable deprivation.”

IELTS writing task 2: further reading

There are many more writing samples for you to explore.

The BBC has great pages on discursive writing and general writing , also, this video is good for learning how to give examples.

You can even read a sample Harvard essay aimed at preparing students for academic writing.

Remember! Select a text that is appropriate for your level. Choosing the wrong text can result in a loss of confidence and feeling bad never helped anyone to learn anything quickly!

Video: Band 9 ex-IELTS examiner essay review

Click here to Subscribe to the Youtube Channel.

Sign up for the sample 19 IELTS essays and 240 task 2 essay questions ebook

Video: ielts writing task 2-extremely useful sentences.

Optimize Your Writing: Try Our Online IELTS Essay Checker

Writing a good essay for the IELTS is important. You want to get a high score, right? But sometimes, it's hard to know if your essay is good. That's why we made a special tool to help you. It's called the online IELTS essay checker .

How does it work? You put your essay into the tool, it then looks at your essay and tells you what you did right and where you can do better. This helps you learn quickly.

The good news is that our tool can help you save money. Some students pay a lot for classes or books to learn how to write better. But our tool is not expensive. And it gives you fast help.

So, after you read the sample essay on this page, try our online IELTS essay checker . It will show you how to write even better essays.

To sum it up, our online IELTS essay checker is here to help you. It's easy to use and not costly. We want you to do your best in the IELTS without spending too much money. Good luck with your writing!

Additional IELTS writing task 2 resources

  • The University of Manchester Academic Phrasebook provides guidelines and examples of how to introduce essay topics, discuss findings and write conclusions
  • The University of Birmingham Guide to Academic Writing provides tips on paraphrasing, in addition to how to plan, structure and write an essay
  • Use these useful sentences for IELTS Writing Task 2 .
  • This page is good for sample essay topics and answers, also for Task Two.

IELTS writing essay task 2 Sample Band 8 The writing part of your IELTS exam is a great place to score some extra points, especially if you are looking to score within band 8. Here is a task 2 writing sample to help you do just that.

Vocabulary for IELTS Vocabulary is probably the most important part of preparing successfully for IELTS. It is used for both the speaking and writing part of the exam. Click here to view some essential vocabulary.

General essay topics The IELTS exam has a number of general essay topics that span a number of disciplines ad subject matters. To have an idea of what to expect check out our list of general essay topics.

ielts general essay template

  • Free Essay Band Score Evaluation
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  • IELTS Writing Evaluation
  • IELTS Band Score Calculator
  • Book Your Online IELTS Test
  • Sample Topic Answers
  • Useful Sentences
  • Sample Task 2 Questions 2022
  • Introduction to Paraphrasing
  • Model Band 9 Essay
  • Five Band 9 Words
  • Model Band 7 Essay
  • Differences Band 9 vs Band 7 Essay
  • Band 6.5 Essay
  • Academic Collocations
  • Topic Sentences
  • Discuss Both Views
  • Tutorial: To What Extent Essays
  • Paraphrasing Introductions
  • Essay Structures
  • Essay Plans
  • Describe a Pie Chart
  • Using Percentages
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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures

The four most common IELTS writing Task 2 questions are: Opinion, Advantages and Disadvantages, Problem and Solution Discussion

IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you deserve. With that in mind, we have outlined the most common IELTS Writing Task 2 structures below.

Image: IELTS-Writing-Task-2-Structure

Nearly all of my Task 2 essays follow this basic structure: The sentences you put in each paragraph will depend on what type of question you get.

The five most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are:

  • Opinion (Agree or Disagree)
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Problem and Solution
  • Discussion (Discuss both views)
  • Two-part Question

Below I will outline examples and a structure approved by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners for each type of question. This will help you write a clear, coherent answer and hopefully boost your IELTS band score. I also include an example answer for each type of question so you can see the structure in a real essay.

Please note that these are general structures and may vary slightly depending on the question.

Please also note that no ‘one’ Task 2 essay structure will get you a high score. There are many types of structures that can get you a high score. These are just some I think are effective and easy to learn. 

Please visit the lessons below for more detailed guidance on each type of question. I have provided a link at the end of each section.

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Opinion Questions (Agree or Disagree) 

Typical Question Words –

What is your opinion?

Do you agree or disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Direct question.

Example Question –

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be compulsory in high school programmes (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

Essay Structure 


1- Paraphrase Question

2- Give your opinion and outline the main ideas.

Main Body Paragraph 1 

1- Topic Sentence

2- Explain Topic Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 2


1- Summary of main points and opinion

Student Sample Answer

It is argued that volunteering should be made part of the school curriculum. This essay agrees with that suggestion completely because it help pupils develop soft skills and helps them gain much-needed work experience.

Education should not be limited to strictly academic pursuits, and those in education should also develop life skills, such as teamwork, empathy and self-discipline, and one of the best ways to hone these aptitudes is through community service. Serving those less fortunate than ourselves teaches us many lessons, including how to work with people from other backgrounds and the value of hard work, thus enabling us to hone these skills before becoming an adult. For example, many young people from wealthier countries take a gap year and help those less fortunate than themselves to increase their gratitude for what they have and improve their work ethic.

Many colleges and companies are also increasingly looking for this type of experience. Most school leavers have the same grades, and charitable work can help set you apart from other students when making college applications. For example, Cambridge and Oxford receive thousands of applications from straight-A students yearly and can only accept a small percentage of applicants. What you have done outside the classroom often differentiates you from everyone else and gets you that coveted spot.

In conclusion, teenagers should be made to partake in unpaid work as part of their schooling because it will help them learn things they wouldn’t ordinarily learn from their teachers, and it will also boost their chances of getting into third-level education.

For more detail on how to answer agree or disagree questions, please visit our opinion essay lesson . 

Need help writing essays like this? Check out our ESSAY CORRECTION SERVICE .

Advantages and Disadvantages Questions

Typical Question Words 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Example Question

Technology is being used more and more in education.

Essay Structure

2- Outline Main Points

Main Body Paragraph 1

1- State Two Advantages

2- Expand/Explain First Advantage

3- Expand/Explain Second Advantage

1- State Two Disadvantages

2- Expand/Explain First Disadvantage

3- Expand/Explain Second Disadvantage

ielts general essay template

1- Summary of Main Points

Student Sample Answer 

It is argued that technology plays an ever-increasing role in schools and universities. Increased access to information and student freedom are the main advantages, whereas dependency on technology and decreasing levels of face-to-face contact are the main disadvantages.

Access to more information and student autonomy are the principal advantages of increasing the use of electronic devices in education. With the internet, students can access all the information available about any topic, regardless of what books and other resources are available in the school. Furthermore, students can focus on whatever topic or subject they want and study it in depth. A prime example of this is the number of online university courses available to students, covering a myriad of subjects that, up until recently, were unavailable to most learners. This has resulted in more people studying third-level degrees than ever before at a pace and schedule that suits them.

The main disadvantages associated with the increasing use of technology in education are the dependency on this technology and the decrease in face-to-face interaction between students. With many students now using the internet as their primary source of information, they often struggle to use other academic resources to find what they’re looking for. As well as this, students spend more time looking at computer screens by themselves than interacting with each other, which is thought to lead to lower levels of emotional intelligence. For instance, the recent explosion in smartphone use has been at the expense of genuine human interaction. This results in soft skills, such as verbal communication and empathy, being affected.

In conclusion, the benefits technology brings to education, such as unrestricted access to information and student autonomy, must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as dependency on this technology and the negative effects on human interaction.

For more detail on how to answer advantage and disadvantage questions, please visit our  advantage and disadvantage lesson . 

Discuss Both Views Question (Discussion Essay)  

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Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

Example Question 

Technology is being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

1- Paraphrase Question and/or state both viewpoints.

2- Thesis Statement

3- Outline Sentence

1- State first viewpoint

2- Discuss first viewpoint

3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint

4- Example to support your view

1- State second viewpoint

2- Discuss second viewpoint

Sentence 1- Summary

Sentence 2- State which one is better or more important

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The Internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. This has allowed learners to research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Without these soft skills, many people find it difficult to become successful in work and their personal lives. Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

While the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

For more detail on how to answer discussion questions please visit our  discussion essay lesson . 

Problem and Solution Questions

ielts general essay template

Problem and solution.

Cause and solution.

Students are becoming more and more reliant on technology.

What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the possible solutions?

2- Outline Sentence

1- State Problems

2- Explain First Problem

3- Explain Second Problem

4- Example of Second Problem

1- State Solutions

2- Explain First Solution

3- Explain Second Solution

4- Example of Second Solution

Learners are becoming increasingly dependent on technology, such as the Internet and mobile devices. This essay believes the main problems associated with dependence on computers are the lack of original thought and copying original work from others and suggests critical thinking classes and writing analysis software as the most viable solutions.

The principal problems with over-reliance on technology are people being unable to think for themselves and plagiarism. With access to so much information, students often rely on other people’s opinions instead of forming their own. As well as this, they often use search engines to answer a question and copy the text from a website rather than thinking about the question. This practice is prohibited in schools and universities and stunts students’ intellectual development because they will never truly think for themselves, which is what university is supposed to be for. For example, many teachers complain that students copy web pages straight from Wikipedia word for word rather than giving a reasoned answer to their questions.

Solutions to these worrying problems are special classes to focus on critical thinking and teachers using anti-plagiarism software to detect copying. If teachers create situations where students have to infer meaning and express opinions based on a small amount of information, this will ensure that students have an opportunity to develop these skills. Also, if students know that their assignments are being checked for plagiarism, this will be enough to deter them from doing so. For instance, many universities already use this kind of software to scan coursework for plagiarism, and it could be extended to include all homework by learners in both secondary and tertiary education.

In conclusion, the main problems with the overuse of technology in education are the lack of original thought and plagiarism. These can be solved through special classes that teach students analytical skills and plagiarism detection software.

For more detail on how to answer problem and solution questions please visit our  problem and solution lesson . 

Two-Part Questions

ielts general essay template

There will normally be a statement, and they will then ask you to answer separate questions.

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

What factor contributes to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

2- Outline Sentence (mention both questions)

1- Answer first question directly

2- Explain why

3- Further explain

1- Answer second question directly

As most adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first suggest fair pay as a key element leading to job satisfaction, and it will then state that it is not very likely that everyone can be happy with their job.

The most important thing that satisfies someone at work is being compensated fairly. If those more senior than you respect you as a person and the job you are doing, then you feel like you are valued. A fair salary and benefits are important marks of respect, and if you feel you are being underpaid, you will either resent your bosses or look for another job. These two factors came top of a recent job satisfaction survey conducted by, which found that 72% of people were pleased with their current role if their superiors regularly told them they were appreciated.

With regard to the question of happiness for all workers, I think this is and always will be highly unlikely. The vast majority of people fail to reach their goals and end up working in a post they don’t really care about in return for a salary. This money is just enough to pay their living expenses which often means they are trapped in a cycle of disenchantment. For example, The Times recently reported that 89% of office workers would leave their jobs if they did not need the money.

In conclusion, being satisfied with your trade or profession is an important part of one’s well-being, and respect from one’s colleagues and fair pay can improve your level of happiness; however, job satisfaction for all workers is an unrealistic prospect.

Can I get a band 8 or 9 following these structures? 

Nobody can give you a Task 2 IELTS structure that guarantees high scores. Your score is dependent on how good your grammar and vocabulary are and how well you answer the question. A good structure will help you answer the question to some extent and boost your score for coherence and cohesion, but you must use relevant ideas and use these ideas well to answer the question.

You can see how my student scored a Band 8.5 in IELTS Writing here:

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Next Steps 

We hope you found those IELTS Writing Task 2 structures useful. Looking for some more sample questions? Here are over 100 sample questions from past exam papers.

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

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Writing Task 2 Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 ( also known as IELTS Essay Writing ) is the second task of your IELTS Writing test. Here, you will be presented with an essay topic and you will be scored based on your ability to respond to the topic.

You need to write at least 250 words and justify your opinion with arguments, discussion, examples, problem outlining, proposing possible solutions and supporting your position. You will have approximately 40 minutes to finish your Essay Writing. IELTS Writing Task 2 carries more weights than Writing Task 1.

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IELTS Band 8 Essay Samples

These are IELTS band 8 essay samples that have been given grades (of 8 or 8.5) and basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor. 

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Topic: Health & Diet (Band 8)

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays an increasing number of people are becoming concerned about their health and the quality of their diet. There are two diametrically opposed opinions on the matter. Some people believe that each and every individual is responsible for their own health while others state that it is the government that must ensure that the citizens have healthy eating habits.

Personally, I believe that people bear full responsibility for their diets for a number of reasons. First, nowadays there is a vast variety of products that everyone can choose from, ensuring a balanced diet consisting of different types of products with sufficient vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Everyone can balance their diets according to these factors and also based on their taste preferences.  For example vegetarians will prefer beans rich in protein while omnivorous eaters might opt for meat instead. Secondly, while governments cannot considerably vary in their healthy eating programs usually adhering to 'one size fits all' approach, individuals know exactly what they need in order to keep fit and healthy both generally speaking and in terms of food. We take tailored approach as we know exactly what we need to succeed in life, be strong and healthy.

However, others argue that the government is fully responsible for the kind of food its population consume because they make decisions regarding the quality of food their country produce and import as well as prices. For instance, in many developing countries people rarely have access to high quality food, thus being forced to choose something cheap like fast food. Moreover, the government can introduce legislation as regards to what kind of food can be promoted, seen for example in many European countries where the advertising of fast food, alcohol and cigarettes is prohibited. These measure, it is argued, can affect the way we eat and control the diets of the whole population. 

In conclusion, while the governments may play a role in the choice of food of its citizens, it is still the responsibility of every individual whether to eat healthy diet or not due to many reasons being that a variety of methods to balance their diets or their finances. After all our life is in our hands!

Task Response: 8

The question is answered and ideas are well-supported. Both parts of the question are fully addressed. Some parts are not given quite enough explanation and the logic appears faulty. For  instance, the statement that developing countries depend on fast food.  The essay should also not end with an informal comment such as "After all our life is in our hands!"

Coherence & Cohesion: 8

This IELTS band 8 essay sample is well-organised with a mix of transition signals and some good use of referencing and substitution. However, there are slightly too many transitions in initial position to get a 9 e.g. first, for example, secondly. These need to be more sophisticated. There is a danger with this that it could be awarded a band 7.

Lexical Resource: 8

There is a good mix of relevant topic related vocabulary of a high level, an excellent awareness of collocation, and plenty of evidence of less common vocabulary. However, there are some errors which would prevent a 9 e.g. "...cannot considerably vary in...".

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 8

The writer has a very good grasp of grammar with a good mix of complex sentence and forms, with a very high level of accuracy. However, a few errors persist that prevent a 9 e.g. a missing article in "We take tailored approach" and "whether to eat healthy diet..." and a missing plural 's' in "These measure...".

Topic: Professionals Working Abroad (Band 8)

An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. 

What problems does this cause? 

What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation?

Nowadays more and more professionals that play a key role in the social stability and development, including in the spheres of education and medicine prefer to find a job in more developed countries that provide more opportunities. Evidently, it creates a deficiency and lack of professional help in the above-mentioned spheres. This essay will address the problems such situation causes and conceivable solutions to redress it.

The most serious problem associated with the drain of the experts in vital areas of life is the consequent shortage of specialists and hence, lack of professional help for citizens of poor countries that can lead to deterioration of the conditions of life. It goes without saying that it is the work of these specialists that is absolutely essential for the survival of people. For example, if professional, qualified doctors leave their poorer countries in search of a better life it leads to a deterioration in the medical help available and in some cases even considerable life losses and decrease of life expectancy. Therefore, local communities and the whole society are seriously affected by such changes in the labour market.

To redress the balance in such a situation there must be serious measures taken by the government. Considerable funds are to be invested in these spheres to contribute to the improvement of work conditions and salaries of different professionals. For example, governments might stimulate young professionals by paying them additional bonuses for working in public hospitals and schools or fund their education. This, in turn, will create better chances to retain stuff and boost the morale of experts, who might choose to stay in their countries in order to contribute to its growth and development.

To conclude, it is apparent that a great number of specialists, especially young ones, opt for working in more developed countries and this trend is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. However, governments can try to solve this problem by allocating more funds and invest more in the enhancement of working conditions for specialists.  Were they to  turn a blind eye to the current situation, it would have a pernicious effect on their countries.

B oth problems and solutions are addressed in the essay, and ideas are extended and supported. The ideas though in each body paragraph could have been explained more succinctly, providing the opportunity to add further supporting ideas, rather than the just one that appear in each body paragraph. Reducing the length of the introduction and conclusion would help to achieve this. 

Generally coherence and cohesion is very good in this IELTS band 8 essay sample but there could be more variety and more sophisticated cohesive devices used i.e. 'for example' is used twice. 

An excellent range of vocabulary, mostly used correctly and appropriately However, a few minor errors persist, such as  using 'stuff' instead of 'staff'.

The IELTS band 8 essay sample overall has very good grammar, but there are still a few grammatical errors or the wrong choices. For example,  "Considerable funds are to be invested" should be "Considerable funds should be invested" and there are also some errors with punctuation, such as missing commas.

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Copy Paste Best IELTS Writing Task 2 Template- Essay Writing

IELTS is an international testing system to check your ability to speak, reading, writing and listening the English language. Many of the doubts arise in the minds of the students regarding one or the other module. In this article, the writing module will be discussed.

Writing module is a test that requires you to write a report/letter or essay.  In my previous articles, types of essays have been discussed. This article will discuss some of the best essay writing templates for each type of essay.

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Types: Tips & Strategies

IELTS essay writing templates are really beneficial to get desired band score in the IELTS exam. The major benefit of using the IELTS essay writing template is that it can help you to speed up your writing task with complete accuracy and enriched language. It also increases the grammar and vocabulary score as the ready-to-use templates are enriched with vocabulary and free from any type of grammatical errors.

However, at the same time, don’t forget that you are scored on the basis of your presentation of the idea. The structure can be memorized and used but the idea related to a specific topic that is asked in the IELTS writing exam will be different that can’t be memorized. Preparations for general IELTS writing topics can be done.

IELTS Essay Writing Template for a Statement Type Question


The importance of............................. which was always debatable Has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this trend has sparked the controversy over the potential impact in recent years. In my opinion, the former/latter proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will further elaborate my views for favoring the positive/negative impact and thus, will lead to a logical conclusion.

Body paragraph 1

Analyzing the statement and explaining further, the first and the foremost reason behind this is that________________. Another striking benefit in this regard is that________________. Categorically discussing, it cannot be ignored that the main reason behind this is that___________.

Body paragraph 2

Probing ahead, one of the main underlying reason stems from the fact is that____________________. Moving further, it is pertinent to mention that_________________. Moreover, __________. Apart from the reason mentioned above, it can be clearly stated that why many are against/in favour of this trend.

In conclusion to the arguments aforementioned above, one can reach to a gist that the benefits/drawbacks of _______________ are indeed too great/dire to ignore.

Essay Writing Template for Agree/Disagree Type of Question

In this type of question, a statement will be given and your opinion regarding your agreement or disagreement will be asked.

In this period of inflation/technology/modernity/ globalization, many people are__________________( rephrase the statement). ___________ ( give one explanatory line). In my opinion, I strongly agree/disagree with this notion and my opinion will be discussed in further paragraphs with a suitable conclusion.

Supporting my agreement or disagreement to the given statement, I firmly believe that_________________. To cite an example, _______________. Moreover/In addition/Furthermore__________________. For instance,__________

Explaining some of the another supporting points in favour/against this statement, it is true that_________________. As a result/As a consequence ___________________.

In conclusion, _____________( question rephrasal again). I believe that aforementioned points are strongly supporting my view point.

Essay Writing Template for Advantages/Disadvantages Type of Question

There is no denying fact that the phenomena of_________ is ubiquitous across the globe due to its importance. Majority of folks are in the favour of this statement due to its number of merits. However some of the people highlight its demerits first. In my further paragraphs, advantages and disadvantages of the same will be discussed.

Body paragraph 1 (advantages)

Initiating with the benefits of the same, the first and foremost key benefit is that_______________. For example:- ____________.Another benefit which can strike the minds of the people can be____________. To cite an example ___________.

Body paragraph 2 (disadvantages)

On its darker side, some of the drawbacks which makes it problematic are, first _____________. Secondly,_______________. For instance,___________. Last but not the least, ____________.

In conclusion to the above statement, neither its pros can be neglected nor its cons. It is a mixed bag of positives and negatives. In my opinion, the statement should not be underestimated.

Essay Writing Template for Compare and Contrast two opinions type of question:-

Unquestionably, every coin has two sides and so are the people. Society’s people are divided into two groups and therefore, ______________ has become a topic of debate among people. This essay will compare and contrast both of the opinions along with my opinion which is in the favour of former/latter view will be discussed in a sensible conclusion.

Initiating with the points supporting first school of thought, firstly,________________. The people who support this say that, (example)______________. Secondly,__________________. In fact,___________________. As a consequence ,____________.

On its contrasting side, people who held another view point say that_______________. They believe that,_____________. Furthermore/Moreover/In addition, ___________________

To conclude, I would like to say that,__________________(your opinion). However, it will depend upon the mindsets of the people that which view they are in favour of.

Essay Writing Template for Problem Causes and Solutions type of Question

It has been universally accepted that problem of ____________ is escalating at an alarming rate. The problem is bringing a state of depression among the masses and in economy too. There are plethora of reasons of the same and its possible solutions can be suggested too which are discussed as follows.

In regards to the problem, the major reason which can be stated is_______________. In support to this reason, a fact known is________. Another problematic cause is___________. For instance, __________.

Seeing the problem with a brighter mind, many of solutions can be helpful to curb this menace. One if the solution is_______________. Secondly,_____________. Lastly,____________

To conclude, solving a global issue is not easy but with the joint efforts of the people, a control can be taken over the problem with the aforementioned suggested measures. I believe that everyone should come forward to mitigate this problem.

Major Points to Remember Regarding above Templates

  • These templates are for help and should be mould as per the given question.
  • Writing more points is not the criteria but writing good points with proper explanation is the key.
  • Plan for your points first, before writing.
  • Giving examples in between is a key growth factor for a good essay.
  • The conclusion should be short and a question can be written again along with your opinion.

Above are some of the templates for major and common types of essay questions that are asked in IELTS writing TASK-2 . However, these are the templates for the students who need a little help to write. These templates will be able to help everyone too to score higher in the exam. For any further help in IELTS, stay connected with the

Best of luck!

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You can take the IELTS General Training test at a test centre.

Choose this if you wish to migrate to an English-speaking country, (e.g. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK) or if you wish to train or study at below degree level.

In IELTS, there are four papers: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The Speaking and Listening tests are the same in both the Academic and the General Training tests, but the Reading and Writing tests are different.

Learn about the sections of the test

IELTS Listening icon

Time allowed: Approximately 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet)

IELTS Reading icon

Time allowed: 60 minutes (including transfer time)

IELTS Writing icon

Time allowed: 60 minutes

IELTS Speaking icon

Time allowed: 11–14 minutes

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2024. IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council; IDP IELTS; and Cambridge University Press & Assessment



    ielts general essay template

  2. ielts -writing -essay

    ielts general essay template

  3. IELTS Sample Essay Topics 2020 Band 9

    ielts general essay template

  4. Easy IELTS Writing Task 2 essay structures for any question

    ielts general essay template

  5. 3 IELTS Essay Structures that strengthen your argument

    ielts general essay template

  6. IELTS ESSAY TEMPLATE by Natalya Stepanova

    ielts general essay template


  1. IELTS General Writing Task 2: Essay Sample Answers

    IELTS General Writing Task 2: Essay Sample Answers. General. The 2nd task in IELTS General Writing is to write an essay. Here are the examples of successful responses for a high score. Pay attention to the structure of the answer and how paragraphs composition; main ideas and the examples they are supported with.

  2. 100 Band 7, 8 + 9 IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

    In this blog post, we have compiled a list of 100 Band 7, 8, and 9 IELTS Writing Task 2 essay samples to help you improve your writing skills and boost your chances of achieving a high score on the exam. These sample essays cover a wide range of topics, from education and technology to health and environment, and are a valuable resource for ...

  3. The Best IELTS Task 2 Writing Template

    The IELTS Writing Task 2 template (band 8) worked well here. Overall, it's a strong example of an essay responding to this prompt. However, the main differences between it and the IELTS Writing Task 2 Academic Band 9 essay have to do with fluency and sophistication. These are factors that take time to develop.

  4. IELTS

    In General Training Writing Task 2, you need to write a semi-formal/neutral discursive essay of a minimum of 250 words. The instructions for Task 2 give information about an opinion, argument or problem. The instructions then tell you what you should discuss in your essay. You will need to write about a topic of general interest, such as:

  5. PDF Writing Task 2 Essay structure and writing an introduction

    Procedure: introduce focus of the lesson: Writing Task 2 - Essay structures and introductions. give each student a copy of Worksheet 1 and one minute to read the Task 2 question. elicit possible next steps before writing i.e. brainstorming ideas. draw attention to the True / False task and clarify the importance of spending time with the ...

  6. IELTS essay templates pdf

    Template for a two-question essay. It is difficult to build a standardised template for our two-question essay because a wide variety of questions can be asked. First, a general template will be given and then a more specific template will be given for a typical problem and solution essay. General template Introduction Rephrase the topic

  7. IELTS

    IELTS General Training - computer sample tests. The Listening question types for IELTS on computer are the same as in the IELTS on paper test. A variety of tasks is used including: multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, form completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, summary completion, sentence ...

  8. IELTS General Task 1 Sample Questions and Essays

    IELTS general writing task 1 sample: You will be graduating from university and would like to invite your family to the ceremony. Write a letter of invitation to your parents. In the letter: - Explain that you have completed your studies. - Give details of the event, including time, date and dress code.

  9. IELTS Writing Task 2: Free Tips, Lessons & Model Essays

    1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information. Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test. All lessons and tips on this page are for both Academic and GT writing task 2. IELTS Writing has two tasks: Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay). The total time is one hour for both tasks. You should spend only 40 mins on task 2.

  10. IELTS General Writing

    IELTS General Writing Task 2 - Essay. IELTS Writing Task 2 - T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know. The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay - How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure ...

  11. 35 Sample Band 9 IELTS Essays

    35 Sample Band 9 IELTS Essays. Take a look at these 35 sample Band 9 IELTS essays for writing task 2 of the IELTS exam. Task 2 can cover a wide range of essay topics for the IELTS writing task section of the test, so preparation is key. Use the following samples when preparing your IELTS essays to see how close you are to a band 9!

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Types and Structures + Samples

    Learn everything about IELTS Writing Task 2, and know what essay structures you can use to maximize your band score. Band 9 Guide: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Types and Structures + Sample Essays In the IELTS Writing Task 2, you are required to craft a compelling essay on a given topic. The approach and structure will largely depend on the ...

  13. IELTS Sample Essays

    IELTS Sample Essays. Here you will find IELTS Sample Essays for a variety of common topics that appear in the writing exam.. The model answers all have tips and strategies for how you may approach the question and comments on the sample answer.. You can also view sample essays with band scores on this page.. Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is a great way to help you to prepare for ...

  14. IELTS General Training Writing Task 1

    How to approach General Training Writing task 1. In the real IELTS General Training Writing test, you will have one hour to complete both of the two set writing tasks. Task 1 should take you 20 minutes, leaving 40 minutes for task 2. Before starting the first practice task, you might like to set an alert to make sure you don't go too far over.

  15. IELTS Writing Task 2: Band 9 Sample Essay

    IELTS Band 9 sample essay. Band 9 Sample answers are useful as study guides for IELTS preparation for the IELTS Writing Task 2 essay - especially for a band 9 IELTS essay. Having access to previously completed work that you can have confidence in will show you what you are missing! Take a look at these sample task 2 essay questions to help ...

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures + Band 9 Essays

    The five most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are: Opinion (Agree or Disagree) Advantages and Disadvantages. Problem and Solution. Discussion (Discuss both views) Two-part Question. Below I will outline examples and a structure approved by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners for each type of question.

  17. IELTS General Training Writing Test

    Task 2. Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at ...

  18. IELTS Band 7 Essay Samples

    Coherence & Cohesion: 7. This IELTS band 7 essay sample is well-organised with a mix of transition signals and some good use of referencing and substitution. Slightly too many transitions in initial position in body paragraph one.

  19. IELTS Essay Topics with Model Answers

    579930. IELTS Essay # 18 - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car. 565908. IELTS Essay # 1110 - Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. 555631. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 673 - Environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. 513436.

  20. IELTS Band 8 Essay Samples

    Topic: Health & Diet (Band 8) Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Nowadays an increasing number of people are becoming concerned about ...

  21. Free IELTS General Training Writing Test

    Free online IELTS General Training Writing practice test - paper. You will be allowed 1 hour to complete two tasks in the IELTS General Training Writing test. The two parts of this practice Writing test are presented on two separate web pages. Make sure you move swiftly from one page to the next so that your practice is as realistic as possible.

  22. Copy Paste Best IELTS Writing Task 2 Template- Essay Writing

    Plan for your points first, before writing. Giving examples in between is a key growth factor for a good essay. The conclusion should be short and a question can be written again along with your opinion. Above are some of the templates for major and common types of essay questions that are asked in IELTS writing TASK-2.

  23. IELTS

    You can take the IELTS General Training test at a test centre. Choose this if you wish to migrate to an English-speaking country, (e.g. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK) or if you wish to train or study at below degree level. In IELTS, there are four papers: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The Speaking and Listening tests are the ...