20 Delivery Hero Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position at Delivery Hero.

delivery hero case study interview

When it comes to interviews, every company has their own unique process. And while some companies may ask similar questions, others will have their own specific questions that they like to ask candidates.

If you’re interviewing with Delivery Hero, you can expect to be asked questions about your experience with online food ordering, as well as your experience with customer service. You may also be asked questions about your ability to work in a fast-paced environment and to handle multiple orders at once.

To help you prepare for your interview, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common Delivery Hero interview questions, along with sample answers to help you stand out from the competition.

Delivery Hero Interview Process

The interview process at Delivery Hero is generally positive, with clear explanations of position requirements and ample opportunity for candidates to express themselves. However, some reviewers have noted that the process can be lengthy, with multiple rounds of interviews and assessments. Additionally, some candidates have reported being ghosted after the final interview, without receiving any feedback on their performance.

  • Why do you want to work for Delivery Hero?
  • What is your experience with React, Angular or Vue?
  • How would you describe yourself as a software engineer?
  • Give us an example of how you applied Scrum in the past.
  • Talk about a time when you were working on a team project and there was conflict within the group, how did you handle it?
  • Have you ever worked remotely before? If so, what are some tips that you have?
  • Describe your experience managing a project from the beginning to end.
  • Tell me about a product you launched that didn’t perform well.
  • When was a time where you had to make a difficult decision at work, how did you approach it?
  • What is your favorite programming language and why?
  • Are you comfortable leading a small group of people?
  • Why do you think our company is successful?
  • What is your management style?
  • What’s the most important thing to remember when trying to be innovative?
  • Do you consider yourself to be a leader?
  • What tools do you use to keep up with the latest trends?
  • We value diversity here at Delivery Hero. Can you tell us about a time when you handled a situation involving someone different than you?
  • What steps do you take to ensure that you meet deadlines?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your salary requirements?

1. Why do you want to work for Delivery Hero?

This question is a great way to show your interest in the company and its values. It also allows you to talk about what attracted you to this role, which can help you stand out from other candidates.

Example: “I want to work for Delivery Hero because I’m passionate about food delivery. I love being able to connect people with delicious meals that they would otherwise have trouble finding. I think Delivery Hero has an amazing reputation for customer service, and I’d love to be part of a team that’s committed to making customers happy.”

2. What is your experience with React, Angular or Vue?

This question is a great way to gauge your technical skills and how you would fit into the company. If you have experience with React, Angular or Vue, share what you know about these frameworks. If not, explain that you are willing to learn.

Example: “I’ve worked with React in my previous role as an application developer for a small startup. I found it easy to use and understand, which made it easier to create new features and fix bugs. I also used Angular at my last job, where I was responsible for creating web applications using JavaScript. I found this framework very useful when working with large data sets.”

3. How would you describe yourself as a software engineer?

This question is an opportunity to show the interviewer your technical skills and how you apply them in a work environment. Use examples from previous projects or experiences that highlight your abilities as a software engineer.

Example: “I am a problem solver who enjoys finding solutions to complex issues. I have experience with several programming languages, including Python, Java and C++. In my last role, I was tasked with developing a new system for tracking food orders. The company wanted to integrate online ordering into its existing point-of-sale system. I worked with other engineers to create a custom integration between the two systems.”

4. Give us an example of how you applied Scrum in the past.

Scrum is a framework that helps teams develop software products. It’s also the process used by Delivery Hero to create new features and improve existing ones. Scrum requires collaboration, transparency and flexibility from its users. Your answer should show your understanding of this methodology and how you’ve applied it in the past.

Example: “In my last role as a developer, I was part of a team that worked on creating a new feature for our company’s website. We were given a deadline to complete the project, but we had no idea what the final product would look like. So, we decided to use Scrum to help us organize our work. The first step was to define the problem. Then, we created user stories and developed a backlog of tasks. After that, we divided into small groups and started developing the different components of the project. Finally, we tested each component before integrating them all together.”

5. Talk about a time when you were working on a team project and there was conflict within the group, how did you handle it?

When working in a team environment, it’s important to be able to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts. This question is designed to assess your conflict resolution skills and how you work with others on a team.

Example: “In my last position as an assistant manager at a restaurant, I was leading a group of servers who were having trouble communicating with each other. They would often get into arguments about whose tables they should take or which orders they should fill first. I met with the staff individually and discussed their concerns. We came up with a system where we divided the floor into sections and assigned one server to each section. This helped them feel more comfortable and confident in their roles.”

6. Have you ever worked remotely before? If so, what are some tips that you have?

Working remotely is a common practice in the delivery industry, and many companies will ask this question to see if you have experience working from home. If you do not have any remote work experience, it’s important to show that you are willing to learn how to be successful at it.

Example: “I’ve worked remotely before, but I would say my skills could use some improvement. I find that having a dedicated space for work helps me stay focused on what I need to get done. I also like to set aside time each day to check in with my team members so we can discuss our progress and make sure everyone is staying productive.”

7. Describe your experience managing a project from the beginning to end.

This question is a great way to show your ability to work as part of a team and manage multiple tasks at once. When answering this question, it can be helpful to provide an example from a previous job that you managed from start to finish.

Example: “At my last job, I was tasked with creating a new online ordering system for our company’s website. This project took me about six months to complete, but in the end, we were able to launch a brand-new website with a more streamlined food ordering process.”

8. Tell me about a product you launched that didn’t perform well.

Interviewers may ask this question to learn more about your problem-solving skills and how you handle failure. When answering, try to focus on the steps you took to improve the product or service and what you learned from the experience.

Example: “When I worked at my previous company, we launched a new food delivery app that was supposed to make it easier for customers to place orders online. Unfortunately, when we rolled out the app, many of our customers had issues using it. We immediately began working on a solution by contacting our tech team and asking them to fix the bugs in the app as soon as possible. After two weeks, they fixed all of the bugs and released an updated version of the app.”

9. When was a time where you had to make a difficult decision at work, how did you approach it?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you make decisions and whether or not you have experience making tough choices. Use examples from your previous work history to showcase your problem-solving skills, ability to think critically and leadership qualities.

Example: “In my last position as a delivery driver for a local pizza restaurant, I had to decide between delivering an order to a customer who was waiting outside in the rain versus going back inside to get more pizzas. The customer was already upset because they were waiting so long for their food, but I knew that if I went back inside to grab more pizzas it would take even longer. In this situation, I decided to deliver the first order and then go back inside to retrieve more pizzas.”

10. What is your favorite programming language and why?

This question is a great way to see if you have any experience with the programming languages used by Delivery Hero. If you don’t, it’s okay to say that you’re not familiar with them and ask what they are.

Example: “I’m most comfortable with Java because I’ve been using it for over five years now. It’s my favorite language because of its versatility and how easy it is to use. I also like Python because it’s so simple to learn and can be applied in many different situations.”

11. Are you comfortable leading a small group of people?

This question is a good way to assess your leadership skills. As a delivery driver, you may be responsible for leading other drivers or helping them with their deliveries. This can include training new employees and providing guidance when needed.

Example: “I have experience working in teams of all sizes. I find that the smaller the team, the more effective we are at communicating and collaborating. In my last position, I was part of a small group of five people who worked together on every aspect of our job. We were able to communicate effectively and help each other out when needed.”

12. Why do you think our company is successful?

This question is a great way to show your knowledge of the company and how you can contribute. When answering, it’s important to be honest about what you know about the company and its success. You may not have all the information on their financials or growth rates, but you should be able to discuss why you think they’re successful based on what you’ve seen in the media or read online.

Example: “I believe Delivery Hero has been so successful because of its unique business model. It offers restaurants an alternative revenue stream that doesn’t require them to invest in expensive equipment or hire additional staff. The delivery drivers are independent contractors who work for themselves, which means there’s no need for training or onboarding new employees. This saves time and money for both parties.”

13. What is your management style?

This question can help the interviewer determine how you would interact with your team members. Your management style is a reflection of your leadership skills, communication abilities and problem-solving skills. When answering this question, it can be helpful to describe a time when you had to manage a group or project.

Example: “I believe that effective management requires strong communication skills and an ability to solve problems. I try to make myself available to my team at all times so they know they can come to me if they have any questions or concerns. In my last position, I was responsible for managing a large group project. I made sure to communicate clearly with each member of our team about their individual responsibilities and expectations.”

14. What’s the most important thing to remember when trying to be innovative?

This question is a great way to show your knowledge of the company’s culture and values. Delivery Hero has been recognized for its innovative approach to business, so you should be prepared to discuss how you would apply this same level of innovation in your own work.

Example: “Innovation is one of the most important things when it comes to growing a business. It can help you find new ways to improve customer service or increase sales. I think the most important thing to remember when innovating is that you need to make sure you’re always putting customers first. If you focus on their needs and wants, then you’ll have a better chance at creating something they’ll enjoy.”

15. Do you consider yourself to be a leader?

This question can help the interviewer determine if you have leadership qualities and how you would interact with your team. When answering this question, it can be helpful to mention a time when you were in charge of a project or group and helped others complete their tasks.

Example: “I definitely consider myself to be a leader. In my last position as a marketing manager for a software company, I was responsible for leading a team of five other marketers. We had weekly meetings where we discussed our progress on projects and any challenges we faced. I always encouraged my team members to share their ideas and opinions so that we could all learn from each other.”

16. What tools do you use to keep up with the latest trends?

This question can help the interviewer get a sense of your knowledge about the industry and how you stay up-to-date on new developments. Use examples from your previous experience to show that you are willing to learn new things, even if it’s outside of your comfort zone.

Example: “I am always looking for ways to improve my delivery service. I recently attended a seminar where I learned about some new apps that could help me with customer satisfaction. I downloaded one of them right away and started using it in my deliveries. It was so helpful that I shared it with all my colleagues.”

17. We value diversity here at Delivery Hero. Can you tell us about a time when you handled a situation involving someone different than you?

This question can help the interviewer get a better sense of your interpersonal skills and how you might fit in with their team. Use examples from your past that show you’re able to work well with people who are different than you, even if they have different opinions or backgrounds.

Example: “I’ve worked with many different types of people throughout my career, including those with disabilities, older generations and other cultures. I find it important to be respectful of others’ differences and always try to learn more about them. In one instance, I was working as a delivery driver for a pizza chain when an older gentleman called in his order. He had trouble hearing me over the phone, so I asked him if he would like me to call back once I got closer to his home. He said yes, but then told me he didn’t want any pepperoni on his pizza because ‘pepperoni is for kids.’ I politely explained that we couldn’t customize his order without charging extra, but he insisted. I ended up calling back later and asking if he’d like anything else instead of the pepperoni. He agreed to add mushrooms to his pizza.”

18. What steps do you take to ensure that you meet deadlines?

Employers ask this question to learn more about your time management skills. They want to know that you can meet their expectations and deadlines when working for them. In your answer, explain how you plan your schedule and manage your time effectively.

Example: “I always make a calendar of my daily tasks so I can stay on track with my work. I also use an online scheduling tool to help me organize my day. This helps me see what tasks are due at what times so I can prioritize the most important ones first. If something comes up during the day, I’ll adjust my schedule accordingly.”

19. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This question is a common one in interviews, and it’s often asked to see if you have career goals. It can also help the interviewer determine whether you’re likely to stay with their company for long-term employment. When answering this question, be honest about your future plans while showing that you are committed to the job at hand.

Example: “I plan on staying in this industry as I love working with food and interacting with customers. In five years, I hope to have worked my way up through the ranks of Delivery Hero to become a manager.”

20. What are your salary requirements?

Employers may ask this question to determine if you’re willing to negotiate your salary. If you have a specific number in mind, be honest and straightforward about it. If you’re flexible with the amount, explain that you are open to discussing compensation once you’ve learned more about the job.

Example: “I’m looking for a starting salary of $50,000 per year. I know that’s quite a bit higher than most delivery drivers make, but I feel my experience and skill set is worth that much. However, I am also open to negotiating based on what you can offer me.”

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Delivering great experiences with Delivery Hero

Delivery Hero is a German multinational online food-delivery service with a presence in over 70 countries.

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Preparing for your Technical Interview @ Delivery Hero

18.09.19 by Mathias Nitzsche

Preparing for your Technical Interview @ Delivery Hero

Are you interviewing at Delivery Hero, or are just curious about our tech interview process? Then read on – we want to be transparent about what to expect so you feel well prepared and ultimately, have a positive candidate experience. Our VP Engineering has broken down the various stages of our technical interview process, with many tips, links and insights to help you feel prepared and ready to do your best!

What are we looking for?

To answer this question we very much follow Joel Spolsky (the creator of Stack Overflow) who wrote : “ In principle, it’s simple. We are looking for people who are 1) Smart and 2) Get things done.”

On top of these two criteria, and this should be quite obvious, we are also looking for people that fit into the team and who we would enjoy working with. We want to hire engineers who we believe will be successful at Delivery Hero and who help create a work environment where everybody looks forward to coming back every day.

In a nutshell being smart, getting things done and caring for each other, are three major attributes that we value.

You might have noticed, that these three points focus less on hard skills, which we think can be learned, but instead put more emphasis on traits that are hard to teach. They are also aligned with the Delivery Hero company values :

delivery hero case study interview

The Interview Process

You will usually go through the following steps during the process:

  • Initial call with a recruiter (30min)
  • First tech interview (~1h)
  • Second tech interview (~1h)
  • Final bar raiser interview with a senior engineer from another platform (~1h)

Depending on your seniority, role and location there may be additional steps involved. One of the two technical interviews will usually be with a future colleague (Senior or Principal Engineer), the other one will be with a future supervisor (Engineering Manager or Director). The final bar raiser step is performed by a senior engineer/manager from a different part of the Delivery Hero organisation to ensure that people are hired according to the same standards and criteria throughout the company.

We aim to perform all three interviews within a two week period either via phone or if possible, in the office at our Delivery Hero HQ.

When the interview process is finished, you can expect to hear back from us within 5 business days.

Prerequisites for Technical Interviews

If you have been invited to an onsite interview at our Delivery Hero HQ, here are some of the things to consider:

  • Come early enough to allow for yourself to be checked in at our front desk.
  • Bring your laptop with you so that you feel comfortable and to avoid having to code on a whiteboard or probably even worse, using a foreign keyboard layout. 🙂

Remote interview via video call (usually Google Hangouts):

  • Have a solid internet connection. 
  • Be in a quiet environment, ideally using a headset.

Structure of our Technical Interviews

Each interview contains several sections, for which you can prepare for.

Interviews usually start with a brief introduction to get to know each other better and to understand your current situation and your motivation. It is also quite common to discuss projects you are interested or currently involved in.

As we are all passionate about engineering, every interview process (for all levels, from internships all the way up to our most senior roles) will involve live coding at some point – for up to 30 minutes.

For the remainder of the interview, broader and more in-depth engineering knowledge and experience will be explored. We want to find out what you know and your way of thinking. In this section, topics like architecture, design patterns, technology choices, decision making or development processes are likely to be discussed.

Of course, towards the end of the interview you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that might have been unanswered.

Tips for Live Coding

First of all, it’s important to point out that we know that simple coding tests are not perfect. They cannot 100% accurately predict how you would work on a huge codebase within an international cross functional team, developing a complex feature for millions of daily users. Nevertheless, they have been proven again and again to be helpful in assessing intelligence, communication and problem solving skills – all things that are quite relevant for being a good engineer. 

Interviewers want to enjoy discussing and solving an interesting engineering problem together. To do so, please consider the following hints:

  • co will be used to code together. You could try it here prior to get used to the IDE.
  • Use the programming language you feel most comfortable in ! We want to test your problem solving and fundamental computer science skills (theory, algorithms, complexity, data structures, etc.) and not check frameworks or language specific knowledge. Rare exception might be if the position specifically requires a certain skill.
  • Talk to the interviewer about what you are doing throughout the live coding, share your thought process. Take your time to think and feel free to ask questions. If you need to be quiet to think, that’s also fine – just let the interviewer know. Listening to other interviews might help you as well:
  • Get things done! In the end, we can only evaluate the code you write. If you can think of multiple solutions discuss the preferred approaches with the interviewer, if not just start with a straight forward simple solution and explore how to improve it afterwards.
  • Avoid Trial-and-Error coding. During the development you should not execute your code ongoingly, but rather wait until you think it’s good to run it. And if there are bugs, that’s not a problem at all but a good chance to show your debugging skills.
  • Practice! Even experienced senior engineers can get a little rusty at quickly coding an algorithm solving a small math problem, as this is not what you or engineers at Delivery Hero do on a daily basis. Therefore we recommend to spend some time on sites like , , or to get yourself comfortable with solving problems under time constraints. To practice daily you can subscribe to the newsletter . If you prefer a good book, check out Cracking the Coding Interview .
  • Complexity of algorithms might come up. So quickly read up again what O(nlogn) means.
  • And last but not least “ You are not your code! “. Even if the process might not be successful this time, you will hopefully have met great people and learned something. In any case we will always treat you fairly and with the highest respect, hoping that we can work together in the future.

Further readings

If you made it until here you should already have all the information necessary for a successful interview process. If you want to know more about our Delivery Hero culture, we highly recommend checking out the following links:

  • Delivery Hero Mission
  • Welcome to the Hero Hub: everything you need to know before moving to Berlin
  • Delivery Hero Hackathon
  • How technology is making food ordering feel kind of magic

And last but not least, if you are interested in becoming a hero, have a look at some of our open positions !

A Sprint in the life of a Hero – Part I

A Sprint in the life of a Hero – Part I


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Case Study - Future skills & future leaders – how to find tech talent

Thank you for your interest in the case study from Dana Timar, Senior Manager, Strategic Project and Leyla El Assry, Senior Manager, Tech & Product Talent Acquisition at Delivery Hero. Please enter your details to access the case study.

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In their Case Study, Dana and Leyla adress the following topics:

  • Overcoming fragmentation: Tools, technologies and processes to recruit the best candidates globally
  • How to create a global tech talent pool
  • Mapping the journey: identifying pain points and making every aspect of the candidate/ employee journey enjoyable and reducing employee turnover
  • Why is culture important and what do we need to do to excel at creating it?

Should you have troubles accessing the download, please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to help you out.

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