Table of Contents

What Is Proofreading Software?

The 5 types of proofreading tools.

  • The Best Proofreading Tools & Editing Software

Final Thoughts

The best free & paid proofreading & editing software (to use in 2023).

proofreading software for academic writing

If you’re looking for the best proofreading tool on the market, I’ll tell you what it is:

The best proofreading software out there is Grammarly .

But even in 2022, it still has severe limitations.

We at Scribe tested the 8 most popular editing apps on the market in 2022, and none of them could hold a candle to a human proofreader .

But that doesn’t mean proofreading tools are worthless. Not at all.

I highly recommend Grammarly for :

  • Flagging possible grammar mistakes
  • Finding repetitive words and phrases
  • Noticing “picky” details like spacing
  • Highlighting basic style issues
  • Cleaning up your writing before it goes to an editor
  • “Last looks” for typos

I do not recommend Grammarly for :

  • Accepting every suggestion
  • Blindly altering your writing style
  • Skipping a human editor

Why not? Because of writing like this:

“Our team has reviewed and requested our Chrome product team to review the GingerChrome store page again and fix any necessary correction.”

This was an actual comment from the team of the Ginger editing app (not Grammarly), on a negative review of the Ginger Chrome Extension.

As part of our test, we ran their comments through the Ginger app itself, and the app found nothing wrong with it .

Then we ran it through another app. And another. Of all the proofreading apps we tested, most found 0 errors in that sentence.

Even Grammarly, the top performer, only found 2, and one of its suggestions was arguably worse. (I’ll show you those suggestions in the Grammarly review.)

So, before you start using Grammarly , make sure you understand what it is and isn’t good for—in 2022 and beyond.

True editing apps, like Grammarly, apply artificial intelligence (AI) to proofreading.

AI is the science (and art) of programming computers to think and behave like human beings. It’s at the cutting edge of technology, but it has a long way to go.

You might think that Microsoft Word’s spell checker is pretty good—and it is—but it isn’t artificial intelligence. MS Word just checks each word you type against a dictionary.

That’s pretty basic stuff.

Editing apps are far more than spell checkers; they’re true grammar checkers. They’re even style checkers. And those kinds of mistakes are a lot harder to find than spelling errors.

Why? Because grammatical errors depend on context.

Here’s an example:

If I write, “It was the best of time, it was the worst of time,” you know right away that “time” is missing an “s.”

A spell checker wouldn’t flag it because “time” is in the dictionary. The word exists, it’s just being used incorrectly

proofreading software for academic writing

Human beings see issues like that immediately because our brains are wired for language. But teaching a computer to do the same thing is far more complicated than you might imagine.

In fact, it’s so complicated that even the best proofreading app doesn’t do it very well.

That’s why a good proofreading app needs to explain each flagged issue, simply and clearly, to help you decide how (or even whether) to follow the suggestion.

There are 5 different types of proofreading tools, most of which can be useful to professional Authors. All 5 of them check for spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and style choices, but they’re used in different places.

1. Chrome Extensions

Proofreading extensions for Chrome or other browsers (like Firefox or Safari), evaluate your writing no matter where you go on the web. If you’re typing online, they watch what you type and offer suggestions.

You can install these like any other browser extension, and they add writing tools to your browser that check spelling, grammar, and style.

If you write in Google Docs, you’ll need more than a Chrome extension. You’ll need a grammar tool that integrates directly with the Google Docs app.

2. Online Proofreading Tools

Website apps.

Free online proofreading apps are websites that offer a simple text box where you can paste limited amounts of text to check it for spelling, grammar, and style.

They’re free, but you get what you pay for. The ones we tested ranged from bad to terrible.

Full-service online apps

Some services (like Grammarly) offer true web apps, akin to Google Docs, that let you write and save documents in your own cloud space.

They include a full range of built-in proofreading tools, but their formatting tools are limited. For professional manuscript formatting , I recommend writing in MS Word with a Grammarly addon.

3. Mobile Apps

These are keyboard extensions for phones and tablets that automatically check your writing on every text and tweet.

If you write on an iOS or Android tablet in a mobile word processor, you’ll want a mobile proofreading app.

4. MS Word Add-ons

For writers who compose on MS Word, proofreading addons provide grammar and style suggestions right in your Word documents as you type.

If you write in MS Word, this will be your best choice, but these add-ons only work on MS Office for Windows. Apple users will need to use a desktop app.

5. Desktop Apps for Mac and Windows

Desktop proofreading software provides a native word processor that’s designed for proofreading and editing .

Most of these apps don’t have great formatting options, so I recommend writing in MS Word even if you use a desktop app for editing.

If you don’t have access to an MS Office add-on, you can open any .docx file in a desktop proofreading app to check it.

The Best Proofreading Tools & Editing Software

1. grammarly.

Grammarly is far and away the best proofreading and editing tool on the market. It offers:

  • Browser extensions
  • A full-service online app
  • Mobile apps
  • An MS Office add-on for Windows
  • Desktop apps for Mac and Windows

It even has a Google Docs integration, but this is a newer offering that seems less robust than the others. It let me type “I eats the pudding” without any complaints, even though the browser extension flagged it correctly.

The MS Office add-on doesn’t work on a Mac, but the desktop app lets you drag and drop a .docx file to open it in the app and check your writing.

The Chrome extension and desktop app were extremely easy to install, and Grammarly’s features (which work the same way across every version) made it the clear winner:

  • It has the smartest AI (and best proofreading flags) of every app we tested
  • One-click suggestions make it easy to accept good changes
  • The clean, intuitive interface requires almost no learning time
  • You can filter the suggestions by category with one click
  • There’s even a “Change-all” option for pervasive errors

Basic suggestions are free, with advanced grammar suggestions (including tone) in paid plans:

  • Premium Version: $139.95 per year
  • Business Version: plans starting at $150 per member, per year

Caveat of Grammarly

1. internet requirement.

Grammarly has to be connected to the Internet to work, even with the desktop app. That’s because the AI “lives” in the cloud, not in the app that sits on your desktop.

If the app can’t communicate with the AI, it can’t understand what you’re typing.

2. The AI is still learning

Grammarly was the smartest app we tested, but that only says so much.

For our sample text:

The Grammarly desktop app suggested:

“Our team has reviewed and requested our Chrome product team to discuss the GingerChrome store page again and fix any necessary corrections .”

This isn’t much better. But I’ll let you in on a secret: this is a very hard test for any proofreading AI system.

Why? Because it probably wasn’t written by a native English speaker. “Fix any necessary correction”? Nobody would say that. The construction is just too strange.

Which is exactly the problem.

AI systems get smarter with feedback. They learn which suggestions people did or didn’t accept, and they adjust future suggestions based on that information.

But mistakes that native speakers would never make are, by definition, very rare, so the system doesn’t see them often enough to learn from them.

That’s why we chose this as a test: to push the proofreading AI’s to the limit of their capability.

The fact that Grammarly made any sense of it was impressive.

2. ProWriting Aid

ProWriting Aid was the only other app we tested that had a chance against Grammarly. It works with:

  • Google Docs
  • MS Office (in Windows)
  • Desktop app

Not surprisingly, it also needs an internet connection to work. Powerful AIs need powerful computers. They live in the cloud on fast, dedicated servers and work with your computer (or phone) remotely.

It also doesn’t work with MS Office on Apple, just like Grammarly.

But in the battle of ProwritingAid vs. Grammarly, this one lost because:

  • It offered fewer one-click fixes
  • The interface was not as clean
  • Navigation was not as intuitive
  • The suggestions were not presented as well
  • Extra features, like reports, cluttered the screen without being useful

3. Hemingway App

We included the Hemingway App in our test because it appeared in other articles on grammar checking software, but it was designed more for bloggers than professional Authors.

And it wasn’t very smart.

The one feature it did have was the ability to work offline, but that’s the tradeoff. If you want an AI that’s smarter than a word processor, you’ll need an Internet connection.

The Hemingway App failed our test because:

  • It does not offer one-click fixes
  • It gives general writing guidance but no specifics
  • It’s designed for WordPress and Medium, not book Authors

It does have a free online tool, but the tool doesn’t save your work. If you get disconnected or you close the tab by accident, you can kiss your work goodbye.

The Hemingway App is good for helping you see things that need to be fixed, but that’s about it.

4. Ginger Software

We loaded the Ginger Chrome extension to give it a try, but the AI didn’t even come close to Grammarly.

These are the folks who wrote our bad test copy, and their own software didn’t correct it.

They did a nice job designing their sales page, but the app doesn’t stand up to the hype.

5. WhiteSmoke

WhiteSmoke is the used car lot of proofreading services.

The sales page extols the virtues of proofreading apps in general, hoping you won’t notice that the “demo” video doesn’t show the product and that they hardly offer any screenshots of the app.

There’s no free version or trial version, and what little you can see of the app doesn’t look great.

This is not the app you’re looking for.

6. PaperRater

PaperRater is a website that’s supposedly designed to help students write papers (not books), but it doesn’t even do that.

  • It doesn’t offer any fixes
  • The “report” is terrible
  • If you click on “advanced analysis,” it takes you to Grammarly

Enough said.

7. LanguageTool

LanguageTool offers add-ons and/or extensions for several browsers and word processors, but the AI just isn’t up to par.

You can try it for yourself for free using the online tool, which does offer one-click changes, but if you hit “undo,” you’ll have to run the check all over again.

It found no errors in our horrible test copy, and it tags people’s names as misspellings.

8. SlickWrite

The free online version of SlickWrite is reasonably smart when it comes to finding issues, but it’s lousy at fixing them.

It doesn’t offer any suggestions, and the explanations it does offer are far too technical. You won’t understand them unless you already have a solid command of sentence structure, grammar, and style, which largely defeats the purpose of the app.

Although it’s far from perfect, Grammarly has a solid place in the professional Author’s arsenal.

It offers a ton of useful features in a simple, clean interface, and it’s the smartest proofreading AI by far when it comes to writing skills.

Authors who want to self-publish ( and 99.99% of them should ), will still need to hire an editor . But that editing will be faster, smoother, and a lot cheaper if you’ve done everything you can to clean up your writing before you get there.

The Scribe Crew

Read this next.

Roundup: The Best Professional Book Editors

10 of the Most Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid (& How to Fix Them)

What are Beta Readers? (& How Authors Can Find Them)

Become a Writer Today

17 Best Proofreading Software Options (2024)

Discover the best proofreading software for checking and fixing your writing or the work of other writers in our software guide.

In the late 2000s, I worked as a sub-editor for a national newspaper. We often printed out news stories and proofread them line by line, marking them with proofreading notes using a red pen. Even when proofreading on screen, sub-editors working for the newspaper didn’t rely on special software beyond inline comments and a standard spelling and grammar checker. 

The experience was slow and frustrating. Proofreading is much easier today, thanks to the many free and premium tools available. I’ve tested some of the best. These proofreading apps can help independent proofreaders, those working within a company, and writers who simply want to learn the basics of this discipline. 

1. Grammarly

2. prowritingaid, 3. antidote, 4. quillbot, 5. ginger software, 6. whitesmoke, 9. hemingway editor, 10. copyscape, 11. paperrater, 12. slickwrite, 13. language tool, 14. autocrit, 16. wordtune, 17. correctenglish (ce), proofreading software vs. human proofreader, what is the best proofreading software, why you can trust me, selection criteria, what software do professional proofreaders use, is grammarly better than a proofreader.

YouTube video


Use for: General proofreading Pricing: Free/$30 per month 


Grammarly excels as proofreading software. It’s ideal for most writers, editors, and anyone working with the written word. Grammarly’s strength works well across platforms and devices, including Windows and Mac, as well as browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Its artificial intelligence writing assistant enables reviewing, accepting, and rejecting mistakes at a click in real-time. I regularly use the Gmail, Chrome extension, and Google Docs plugin to proofread blog posts and the desktop plugin for Mac to proofread articles. You can use it to proofread anything from articles to emails. 

If you’re a professional proofreader, chances are the writer or client already uses or has access to the free version of Grammarly. Using Grammarly Premium, you can create a custom style guide and download reports for them to check. At some point, we’d love to see Grammarly roll out version control for proofreaders.

To learn more, read our Grammarly review .

  • Quick and easy to use
  • Accurate and insightful proofreading reports
  • Best-in-class grammar and plagiarism checker
  • Works on most popular devices
  • Grammarly’s price is higher than other proofreading tools
  • English-only proofreading is available

Use for: Proofreading fiction, long-form proofreading Pricing: $70 per year


ProWritingAid is an excellent alternative to Grammarly. It works on almost as many devices as Grammarly. It offers dozens of high-quality writing and proofreading reports. Some of these are designed to catch common grammar mistakes and other issues. Others relate to questions of writing style and the overall sentence structure of an article, blog post or essay. We particularly like its reports for addressing word choice and repetitiveness issues. 

As a proofreader, you can review and act on these reports or send them to a writer as part of your checks. Many professional writers and authors use Scrivener for long-form works. ProWritingAid is unique because it is purpose-built to work directly with Scrivener files. 

This professional editing software is cheaper than Grammarly too. As for downsides? The sheer number of reports can become overwhelming for new users. Mobile support is somewhat lagging, although no serious proofreading works on mobile. 

To learn more, read our ProWritingAid review .

  • Excellent proofreading reports
  • Affordable pricing 
  • Supports long-form documents 
  • The volume of reports may overwhelm new users
  • The free version limited to 500 words

Use for: Proofreading, without internet access Pricing: From $59.95 per year

Antidote web app

Antidote is a lesser-known type of proofreading software. However, don’t let that deter you. Antidote is rock-solid and has been around for over 25 years, making it the oldest proofreading tool on this list. Proofreaders can pick from three versions: Antidote web, Antidote mobile, and Antidote 11. The web version operates via a browser like Chrome or Safari, while the mobile version works on iOS devices. However, it lacks the same number of browser extensions as Grammarly.

Antidote 11 is installed straight on your computer. It scans and identifies grammar mistakes and other issues using local software rather than sending a piece of writing to the cloud. As such, it’s a good choice for those concerned about privacy and data security and proofreaders with poor internet access. Unlike many proofreading tools, Antidote supports French. It also offers custom dictionaries and a version for schools.

  • Works online and locally
  • Excellent reports
  • Supports English and French
  • Reasonably priced
  • No plagiarism checker
  • Requires some configuration

Use for: proofreading academic works and essays  Pricing: $19.95 per month


Quillbot is a proofreading tool, amongst other things, released in 2017, with over 50 million users. However, the way it presents errors and reports doesn’t compete with Grammarly and ProWritingAid. Quillbot still functions as a grammar checker, and in our tests, it found and fixed more spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and other issues than our word processor’s built-in software.

We particularly liked the citation generator as it’s time-consuming to proofread these for a these or an essay. This generator automatically formats any link, document, or reference based on a user’s preferred style and generates the correct citation. It’s a good choice for proofreading or editing academic works and essays. Quillbot customers also access other premium tools for rewriting content and checking for plagiarism.

To learn more, read our Quillbot review .

  • A plethora of valuable tools beyond proofreading
  • Excellent citation generation
  • Reports lag behind Grammarly
  • No collaboration features

Use for: A cheap proofreading software Pricing : $7.49 per month


At one point, Ginger Software was a fair competitor to Grammarly in terms of functionality, accuracy, price, and ease of use. Unfortunately, the development of Ginger has lagged behind Grammarly and ProWritingAid. Proofreaders often need more insights than a basic grammar and spell check. 

Our tests found it slower and clunkier than these proofreading tools. It also lacks many of the additional proofreading reports and checks they possess and has no customer dictionary. However, it’s still cheap, and it supports 60 languages. 

To learn more, read our Ginger vs. Grammarly comparison.

  • The pricing is cheap and affordable
  • Works on most devices 
  • Supports 60 languages
  • Out-of-date user interface
  • Less accurate than other proofreading tools
  • Less actively developed and upgraded

Use for: A cheap proofreading software Pricing: $59.99 per year

WhiteSmoke proofreader

In 2002, Itay Meroz founded Whitesmoke in Tel Aviv, Israel. It’s an older type of proofreading software that at one point competed with Grammarly and ProWritingAid in terms of features and accuracy. When we first reviewed WhiteSmoke in 2018, it was slower to use than those tools. 

However, it caught more typos and other mistakes in our work without issue. Today, its user interface and reports lag farther behind more popular competitors. It also supports 55 languages.

To learn more, read our Whitesmoke vs. Grammarly comparison .

  • The pricing is affordable
  • Better than a basic, free grammar checker
  • Supports 55 languages
  • Works with most browsers and operating systems
  • The user interface is clunky
  • Comparatively slow functionality
  • No free version or trial is available

Use for: Proofreading and collaboration within a larger company Pricing: ProofHQ isn’t cheap. Expect to pay several hundred dollars per month

ProofHQ notes

If you’re a business and or work with multiple teams, ProofHQ is a good choice for proofreading. ProofHQ doesn’t spot and fix mistakes itself; that’s up to the proofreader. A proofreader uploads documents, for example, PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, etc., into ProofHQ and adds proofreading marks . They can also import URLs and mark up live web pages with proofreading notes. 

I used this software extensively while working as an editor for a SaaS company. I reviewed web pages, marked them with changes for the writer, and sent them back as proof that they could review them. It was ideal for collaborating with other writers in different countries. Unfortunately, Adobe acquired ProofHQ, and it’s now sold via Workfront (a project management tool for larger companies). That puts it beyond reach for most proofreaders.

  • Built for collaboration
  • Supports version control 
  • Beyond the budget of most users 
  • Only available as part of Adobe Workfront 
  • No grammar or plagiarism checker

Use for: Collaboration and proofs in a small business Pricing: $20 per user per month


ProofHQ and Workfront aren’t cheap and are also not suitable for many businesses. Enter Zilflow , it offers similar features and functionality to ProofHQ but at a lower price point. Like ProofHQ, you can import documents, URLs, and videos and mark them up with amends for the original creator. In addition, it supports version control and enables users to compare changes between documents. 

It’s a good choice if you work with team members or more than basic Word or Google Docs. It’ll help proofreaders collaborate with those who must agree to or approve a document, web page, video, or other assets before publication. That said, it’s up to the proofreader, not the software, to spot mistakes.

  • More affordable than ProofHQ
  • Built for collaboration 
  • Ideal for small businesses, brands, and agencies
  • Supports video
  • No way to edit uploaded content
  • It may be overkill for most proofreaders

Use for: general copy edits Pricing: free/$19.99

Hemingway Editor

Writers cite Hemingway Editor as an excellent tool for copy editing a piece of writing. A writer or proofreader can copy and paste their work into the app or upload a Microsoft Word document, text, HTML, or Markdown file. We love Hemingway Writer for improving sentence structure and writing style. It helps us find and fix instances of weak writing and overused adverbs and adjectives. In addition, it’s great for avoiding wordy writing and improving the general readability of a piece.

However, Hemingway Editor isn’t classic proofreading software. It won’t spot or fix spelling and grammar or classic punctuation errors. It also doesn’t generate reports that a proofreader can use or share. And you can’t use it with Google Chrome or other browsers via a plugin. That said, it’s free. You can buy a version that works locally, without internet access.

To learn more, read our Hemingway App review .

  • The software is free
  • No reports available
  • Great for line edits
  • It doesn’t fix grammar errors directly

Use for: plagiarism checks as part of a proofreading process Pricing: 3 cents per search, up to 200 words


Copyscape isn’t classic proofreading software. It won’t fix common grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and other issues. However, it belongs on this list as it will scan an article for instances of plagiarism, accidental or otherwise. This scan is an essential step for any proofreader checking another writer’s work. 

It can help the proofreader protect that writer’s reputation (or the reputation of their company) and also avoid accidental plagiarism. Although ProWritingAid, Grammarly, and Quillbot also include plagiarism reports, Copyscape is better for scanning content at scale, i.e., an entire website or blog.

To learn more, read our Copyscape review .

  • Protects content from plagiarism
  • Supports collaboration
  • Doesn’t fix grammar errors and other issues 
  • Small learning curve

Use for: checking essays and college submissions Pricing: $7.95 per month


PaperRater is a software that helps students write better essays and articles. It was founded in 2009 and is owned by Barnes and Noble Education. PaperRater uses artificial intelligence to check for spelling mistakes and plagiarism issues. 

PaperRater missed some mistakes and other issues that Grammarly caught in our tests during testing. So, don’t expect proofreading reports or collaboration features. However, the pricing is relatively affordable.

To learn more, read our Paperrater vs. Grammarly comparison.

  • Free plagiarism checker
  • Affordable premium version
  • No collaboration tools 

Use for: Proofreading if you’ve no budget Pricing: Free


SlickWrite is a free online proofreading tool that’s entirely free. No premium version exists. Instead, this software utilizes monetized ads. Paste your text into a web browser. SlickWrite then scans it for writing issues and generates a report with lots of statistics, including readability insights. 

Unfortunately, we found the user interface cluttered and distracting versus competitors. If you’re looking for free software, it’s probably easier to use either the basic version of Grammarly or the Hemingway App.

  • Useful proofreading statistics
  • No mobile app
  • Not accurate vs. competitors
  • No spell check
  • Distracting user-interface

Use for: Proofreading in multiple languages Pricing: From $5 per month

Language Tool

Language Tool is an interesting choice for those who want to proofread content in multiple languages. Unfortunately, few tools support 25 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Danish, French, and more . 

However, proofreaders shouldn’t expect the same level of writing reports as competitors. Users can try the free version and check up to 10,000 characters. The premium version includes add-ins for Microsoft Word and Google Docs. 

  • The free version doesn’t require signing up
  • Supports 25 languages
  • No plagiarism detection
  • No proofreading reports

Use for: editing fiction and novels Pricing: from $30


AutoCrit differs from other proofreading tools in that it’s built explicitly for authors and fiction writers. Customers take out a membership and gain access to a community. The communities contain premium content, guides, and information for fiction writers. 

They also get access to the AutoCrit editing platform. It provides recommendations for improving a manuscript paced on word choice, repetition, pacing, dialogue, and even emotional tone.  

These insights are more suited for development editors rather than classic proofreaders. However, if you write fiction, it’s an interesting tool. To learn more, read our Autocrit review

  • Comparatively expensive
  • 30 plus editing reports
  • 14-day free trial available
  • For fiction writers only
  • No plugins or apps for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc

Use for: Rewriting content, Journalism Pricing: From $40 per month

Jasper AI

Jasper is a copywriting assistant powered by artificial intelligence. It was created by Dave Rogenmoser in 2015 and was previously known as Jarvis. Jasper will not find and fix grammar errors and other mistakes. And proofreaders shouldn’t expect it to generate reports. 

However, proofreaders can use it to take clunky copy provided by clients and rewrite or rephrase it quickly and easily. It also helps with time-consuming types of writing that editors and proofreaders are often lumbered with, like meta descriptions and headline variations.

To learn more, read our Jasper AI review .

  • Great for copywriters
  • It saves time rewriting and revising
  • Not suitable for basic proofreading and editing
  • Can get expensive

Use for: Rephrasing copy Pricing: From $9.99 per month


Wordtune is an AI-powered writing tool that works much like Jasper. Again, a proofreader won’t use this tool to fix basic grammar and punctuation mistakes or other readability issues. 

However, they can use it to generate, rephrase and edit short blocks of copy quickly and easily. It’s cheaper than Jasper, although it contains fewer AI writing templates. To learn more, read our Wordtune review .

Use for: Checking essays, applying style guides Pricing: $24 per month

CorrectEnglish (CE)

Correct English is lesser-known proofreading focusing on the English academic market and those learning English as a second language. It’s an excellent choice for essayists and proofreaders who work on academic texts. We were able to upload work from Google Docs and Microsoft Word and also copy and paste.

Correct English supports various writing style guides, including APA and MLA. Unfortunately, we’ve yet to find another proofreading tool with a similar feature.

Proofreaders can try the free version and check up to 250 words. The premium version also includes a plagiarism check and access to Lexipedia. Proofreaders can use the latter to look up definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.

  • Supports nine languages
  • Supports academic style guides
  • Supports sharing and collaboration
  • Insightful writing stats
  • Lacks plugins and apps for browsers
  • No mobile version
  • No proofreading reports or collaboration features
  • Clunky user-interface

Proofreading software is a tool writers and professional proofreaders can use to find and fix errors faster. These tools help get something ready to publish faster. 

For longer pieces of work, they are not a replacement for a human proofreader. Professional authors employ multiple proofreaders to check their works for mistakes rather than simply relying on software. 

For example, a human proofreader decides when to break a grammar or spelling rule because of a question of style or tone. A serious writer should budget for this type of service.

After testing proofreading software extensively, we found that most independent proofreaders will get the most value from Grammarly. This is because it works everywhere and has a best-in-class writing assistant. 

Those editing long-form works should consider ProWritingAid due to the volume of reports. Antidote is a good alternative for proofreaders who dislike these tools. Professional proofreaders in small businesses can also improve their ability to collaborate by using dedicated software like Ziflow. 

I worked as a professional sub-editor for several national newspapers and completed several proofreading courses. 

On Become a Writer Today, I’ve worked with writing software reviewers to profile many of the best tools and apps, including the proofreading tools features here.

We regularly update this roundup as proofreading tools. We test new features by checking articles, book chapters, and blog posts for grammatical mistakes and other issues. These articles and other writing samples range from several hundred to several thousand words. Typically, we test them using the web, desktop, and browser apps and plugins.

Our selection criteria include assessing pricing, ease of use, app integration, functionality, and accuracy. We carefully consider each of these aspects when rating software.

FAQs On The Best Proofreading Software

Up until recently, many professional proofreaders worked in Microsoft Word. Therefore, they rely on their attention to detail and knowledge of English grammar. They also regularly refer to the dictionary, thesaurus, and writing style books. However, professional proofreaders rely on premium software like Grammarly and other tools.

While proofreading, they usually change the formatting of an article to Courier and one and a half or two times spacing and scan it for errors and mistakes manually. Sometimes, they print out a piece of writing, check for issues and mark it up with a red pen. 

Grammarly is a helpful tool for any writer and proofreader. However, best not to accept every suggestion and recommendation without question. A good proofreader understands when to apply and breaks grammar rules, and edits a piece of writing based on style and not only AI. For longer-form works and near 100% error-free writing, it’s worth hiring a professional human proofreader or commissioning proofreading services.

proofreading software for academic writing

Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.

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Home / Book Editing / The Best Proofreading Software To Use: 2024 Edition

The Best Proofreading Software To Use: 2024 Edition

As a prolific author and online content writer, I’ve found the best proofreading software is a toss-up between Grammarly’s free version or ProWritingAid’s premium version.

However, each proofreading tool has its own pros and cons. To see which one works best for your unique situation, I’ve compiled a list of pros and cons for 12 different proofreading tools.

Proofreading tools give you an edge over your competition. They help you work faster and write better.

Built-in spell checkers can catch some mistakes, but they’re nothing compared to modern alternatives, such as ProWritingAid, Grammarly, Ginger, and Hemingway.

Poking around the internet, I noticed that most online reviews of these tools are woefully outdated. So I decided to do my homework and write recommendations of my own.

This article will compare and contrast what’s available to help you find the best proofreading software for your unique situation.

Spoiler alert: ProWritingAid is my top choice for long-form writing, i.e. what most authors would need, although Grammarly is extremely powerful and works as well. But we give the edge to ProWritingAid because it has a lifetime subscription option. And if you use the code KINDLEPRENEUR20 in your checkout process, you'll get 20% off with this link:

Want to know more about editing besides software? You can learn all about editing yourself, hiring an editor, or more on the software, at this link .

  • ProWritingAid
  • Tell you which ones to avoid

Table of contents

  • What is proofreading in writing?
  • Best Proofreading Software to Use for Writing
  • Pros of ProWritingAid
  • Cons of ProWritingAid
  • Pros of Autocrit
  • Cons of Autocrit
  • Pros of Grammarly
  • Cons of Grammarly
  • Pros of Ginger
  • Cons of Ginger
  • Pros of Hemingway
  • Cons of Hemingway
  • Pros of Quillbot
  • Cons of Quillbot
  • Others You May Have Heard Of
  • Pros of Fictionary
  • Cons of Fictionary
  • Proofreading Software vs. Human Proofreader

I’ll also tell you if proofreading software can replace a human editor. (Spoiler: It can’t.)

Links in this article may give me a small commission if you use them to purchase any proofreading software. There’s NO extra cost to you.

Proofreading in writing means making sure that your spelling and grammar are correct. This may be in an essay, a novel, a manual, a website, or any other medium.

It is crucial to proofread your writing. Proper spelling and grammar give off a professional air and ensure your reader understands you. Poor proofreading may lead to embarrassment, miscommunication, and even fewer job opportunities.

Why Am I Qualified to Talk about Proofreading Software?

Let's face it, there are many people out there that write these kind of articles by just doing some research on what others say, and regurgitating it out without firsthand knowledge of the tools in question (or worse, have AI write it for them). That's not the case here.

As someone who's been publishing books for over 13 years, I've seen a lot proofreading tools go up and down. Some have been revolutionary game-changers, while others haven't lived up to the hype.

However, choosing the right proofreading software isn't just about picking the most popular one. Each writer has unique requirements and preferences. What works wonders for me might not for you. For example, Grammarly is hugely popular, but it's not what I recommend for long-form content.

So, in order to create a top-notch overview of the best tools for proofreading, I sent out surveys to my readers, and talked to some heavy-hitting authors in the industry – many of which I have been a consultant to as well.

Based on my observations, the results from those surveys, and talking with some of the most well-known authors out there, I feel very strongly that this is a subject I can truly tackle.

So, with that, let's jump into a list of what I think are the best proofreading tools for authors.

The best proofreading software to use for writing novels is a combination of ProWritingAid and Hemingway, which check different things. For blogs, emails, memos, social media posts, and shorter projects, Grammarly is a robust proofreading tool — even the free version.

Bottom line: These proofreading tools work better than the native spell checkers in word processors like MS Word.

Also be sure to check out my comparison between the top two options: Grammarly and ProWritingAid:

In this table are the 5 leading proofreading apps/software (because they’re the best). After the table, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of these plus 3 additional proofreading tools.

Ultimately for me, ProWritingAid comes out on top. But I'll let you come to your own conclusions…

1. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid looks for grammatical and punctuation mistakes. What I find particularly impressive is its ability to also check for structural issues like repetition, cliches, and a lack of variety in sentence length.

It is also my #1 recommended tool for proofreading long-form work like novels. And it's pretty good with short-form too.

Its browser extensions are free. You can use ProWritingAid’s limited online editor for free. Also, their premium versions come with a 30-day free trial and 14-day money-back guarantee.

How much does ProWritingAid Premium cost? If you use my Kindlepreneur link to buy ProWritingAid Premium, you can get 20% off the prices below!

  • $79/year ($6.58/month value)
  • $399 one-time payment

There is another premium version: ProWritingAid Premium Plus, which includes 50 plagiarism checks a year.

How much ProWritingAid Premium Plus cost?

  • $89/year ($7.42/month value)
  • $499 one-time payment

For businesses and groups, ProWritingAid offers bulk discounts.

A truly powerful editing software, ProWritingAid creates a detailed report for every piece you evaluate in its online editor.

  • Big-picture feedback
  • A graph of sentence lengths
  • Vocabulary comparison
  • A list of most used words to help you avoid unnecessary repetition

ProWritingAid offers browser extensions for:

The premium version of ProWritingAid comes with desktop apps for Mac and Windows, which allow you to work offline and are great for writers working in Scrivener or Microsoft Office.

ProWritingAid is best suited for writers seeking detailed feedback on longer pieces, like mystery novels , lengthy blog posts, memoirs , and academic essays. Using ProWritingAid’s browser extension for Facebook posts or casual emails may help but may feel like overkill.

Is there anything better than Grammarly? Yes, ProWritingAid is better than Grammarly to a lot of writers and proofreaders. ProWritingAid offers a more detailed, data-driven approach to online proofreading that appeals to many professionals. Plus, its free version is far more robust than Grammarly’s.

Read my full review of ProWritingAid .

  • Features more writing reports than any other proofreading service
  • Has a contextual thesaurus and style suggestions to strengthen your writing
  • Available in different forms of English (American, Australian, British, etc.)
  • Encourages you to vary sentence lengths to maintain reader interest
  • Lets you know how dynamic your vocabulary is compared to other PWA users
  • Shows you phrases you use multiple times, so you can decide if they are overused
  • Compatible with most browsers, Google Docs, Scrivener, and Microsoft Office
  • Works with Mac and Windows
  • Premium Plus version comes with a robust plagiarism checker, or you could purchase plagiarism checks separately
  • Catered to writers, not ordinary people just writing social media posts and emails
  • No mobile app
  • Premium version can get expensive
  • Premium Plus version (that includes plagiarism detection) is costly and much less extensive than Grammarly’s plagiarism checker
  • Steeper learning curve than other proofreading tools

2. Autocrit

Autocrit is a editing software built specifically for authors of fiction. It is unique in that it digests millions of fiction books to help Autocrit's algorithm analyze your book to see how it compares.

Overall, I use it together with ProWritingAid to edit my books.

You will find the following critiques with Autocrit:

  • Pacing and Momentum
  • Strong Writing
  • Word Choice
  • Compare to Fiction

How much does Autocrit cost?

  • Basic plan: Free
  • Professional plan: $30/month
  • Annual plan: $144/year

Is there a free version of Autocrit?

Yes, there is a free version of AutoCrit was some useful reports. However, to get the most out of AutoCrit, you will need to pay for it.

  • Reasonably priced
  • Excellent for fiction authors
  • Focuses on fiction-specific editing that you can't get anywhere else
  • Really great community and additional courses
  • Not as good at grammar when compared to ProWritingAid

3. Grammarly

With over 10 million users, Grammarly is one of the most popular online proofreading softwares on the market. It’s easy to use, beautifully designed, and widely considered one of the best tools for catching spelling and grammar mistakes.

It was also the tool I used the most before ProWritingAid came along. I still use it for some short-form content.

Whether you’re writing a book, a blog article, an email, or a social media post ( Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn, etc.), this handy tool has you covered.

Grammarly offers free browser extensions for:

  • Google Chrome

You can also install the Grammarly desktop app for Windows and Mac. There’s even a mobile app to improve your writing on the go!

How much does Grammarly cost?

  • The free version offers a massive number of features
  • $29.95 per month
  • $59.94 per 3 months ($19.98/month value)
  • $139.95 per year ($11.66/month value)
  • $12.50/month per member (minimum 3 members) with Grammarly Business

If you encounter a program or website Grammarly is not compatible with, you can simply paste your writing into Grammarly’s online editor, correct it there, and paste it back.

Grammarly’s premium version comes with double the suggestions (often more than double), a sentence structure checker, a plagiarism detector (great if you hire ghostwriters ), and genre-specific feedback.

Read my full review of Grammarly for more info, as well as my list of Grammarly alternatives .

  • Free version has a robust suite of features
  • Conforms to your writing style (academic, casual, creative, etc.)
  • Adjustable formality levels: formal, neutral, and informal
  • Grammarly works great for everyone, not just professional writers
  • Premium version has a plagiarism checker
  • Easy to use with a variety of browsers and websites
  • Integrates with MS Word (and MS Outlook on Windows only)
  • App available on iOS and Android
  • Only works with English, not other languages
  • Still in beta with Google Docs (works well, but not perfectly)
  • Doesn’t offer much feedback on big picture writing
  • Website editor only allows documents up to 4 MB and 100,000 characters
  • Premium version charges a monthly fee (no one-time purchase option)
  • Doesn’t integrate with most writing softwares, like Scrivener, yWriter, or Apple Pages
  • Their marketing pushes you to buy the premium version (you can unsubscribe from their emails)

Ginger has been a proofreading powerhouse since 2007. Recent updates have made Ginger one of the best proofreading tools on the market.

And the thing I like about Ginger is its focus on an audience where English is not their first language. It's extremely useful for them.

How much does Ginger cost?

  • Its free version has a few useful features
  • $29.96/month
  • $59.88/year ($12.48/month value)
  • $95.76/24 months ($9.99/month value)

Ginger occasionally runs sales that save you up to 60%, so watch for those special deals.

What really sets Ginger apart are the cool advanced features that come with its premium version.

The most useful is Ginger’s text reader, which reads text aloud from Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook emails, and some websites opened with Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

This lets you hear how your writing sounds and helps you find opportunities to strengthen your syntax and word choice. It’s a handy productivity tool, allowing you to listen to articles or blog posts while you fold the laundry or walk on the treadmill.

Ginger Premium also includes a translator that will easily translate your writing into over 60 languages. This can be great for day-to-day communication but has many more applications for fiction writers.

Want the character in your novel to overhear a secret phone call in French? To discover a scandalous old letter written by the hero’s Russian grandmother? Ginger can help you make it happen!

Grammarly is probably a more robust option over Ginger for general grammar and spell check use. For a more measurable comparison, Ginger’s free Chrome extension has a 3.72 star-rating after 1,388 reviews, while Grammarly’s free Chrome extension has a 4.62-star rating with 29,650 total reviews.

In the example below, you’ll notice Grammarly suggesting I change “more good” to better. That’s a smart catch that Ginger seems to be missing.

  • Great for catching spelling and grammar errors
  • Easy to use with multiple browsers (but not Firefox)
  • Offers a lot of value in its free version
  • Available on Windows , Mac , iOS , and Android
  • Premium version can translate into more than 60 languages
  • Free version is not as robust and user-friendly as Grammarly
  • Doesn’t offer much big-picture feedback on writing
  • Premium version charges a monthly fee

5. Hemingway

Hemingway stands apart from the other tools on this list in that its goal isn’t to catch misspelled words or grammar mistakes. Instead, it’s designed to make your writing “bold and clear,” more like the writing of Ernest Hemingway.

This was also the free tool that I used the most before I invested in one of the paid tools. Strapped for cash at college perhaps? Then this is your godsend.

How much does Hemingway cost?

  • Hemingway’s online editor is a free online proofreading tool
  • Hemingway’s desktop app costs $19.99 for Windows or macOS

Hemingway will strengthen your writing by helping you avoid too many adverbs, slipping into passive voice, being overly wordy, or writing complicated sentences that are hard to read.

Unlike Grammarly or Ginger, the Hemingway editor generally doesn’t make specific suggestions. It just points out problematic areas in your writing and nudges you in the direction of stronger alternatives.

To be clear, I don't think Hemingway will magically turn terrible writing into the work of Ernest Hemingway. And it’s worth noting that good writing is more than a set of rules.

In fact, The New Yorker has a great piece where it shows that even Hemingway himself doesn’t always pass the Hemingway test (sometimes the best writing comes from breaking the rules).

However, while this software won’t make your writing perfect, it can make your writing more effective. It’s a smart tool to have in your arsenal.

Hemingway does not come with any browser extensions. You simply copy and paste into the online editor, which is free, easy to use, and requires no signup or installation.

Admittedly, I feel this is a hassle for longer pieces. If you’re writing a book or plan to use this tool frequently, you might want to purchase the desktop app, available for Mac and Windows.

The app allows you to import your writing, perform edits , then export to text, PDF, or DOC. If you’re a blogger, the app can also export as HTML or Markdown — it even lets you publish directly to WordPress or Medium.

  • Big-picture feedback, including style and formatting
  • Easily identifiable color-coded errors
  • Online editor is free
  • Desktop app is a one-time fee: an affordable $19.99
  • Can export from desktop app to TXT, PDF, DOC, HTML, or Markdown
  • Makes more indirect suggestions, allowing you to maintain a feeling of control over your writing
  • Does not catch spelling errors
  • Does not make specific suggestions
  • No browser extension
  • Not meant for Gmail or Facebook , like other proofreading apps on this list
  • Even Hemingway doesn’t always pass the Hemingway test, showing that following the many rules of writing shouldn’t ever be a hard-and-fast rule

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6. Quillbot

Quillbot is unique as a proofreading software, in that it uses AI for many of it's tools.

And it has a lot of different tools, some of which you won't find on other items on this list. For instance, you can use Quillbot to paraphrase short phrases so you're not plagiarizing, or if you just want to say something a different way.

Funny enough, I thought Quillbot was the first AI-powered tool that I reviewed here, but turns out all of these tools use an AI engine in one form or another, but Quillbot makes it more obvious. It's got a couple of great AI-powered features that I enjoyed playing with.

You will find the following with Quillbot:

  • Paraphraser
  • Grammar Checker
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

How much does Quillbot cost?

  • $19.95/month
  • $13.33/month, billed semi-annually
  • $8.33/month, billed annually

Is there a free version of Quillbot?

Yes, there is a free version of Quillbot, and it comes with the following:

  • up to 125 words in the Paraphraser
  • Limited modes for the grammar checker
  • 3 synonym options
  • 1,200 words on the Summarizer

Note that the premium version offers much more for each of these, and also includes faster processing speed, advanced grammar rewrites, and the plagiarism checker.

Quillbot has an excellent grammar checker , and while I think the program caters better to students and academic papers, it still has some nifty AI tools that come in handy.

  • A paraphraser
  • A summarizer
  • A plagiarism checker
  • A citation generator
  • Affordable pricing
  • There is a free version
  • Limited options in the free version
  • No lifetime purchase option
  • Better at short documents and academic papers than long-form writing

You may have heard of some of the following. While some have their good sides, most of these we don't recommend. Here is a bit about each of them and links to our reviews.

  • WhiteSmoke: WhiteSmoke is a highly-rated Natural Language Processing proofreader with one-click correction, translation, and plagiarism detection, but has a 10,000 character limit, inaccurate suggestions, no free trial, slow support, and high yearly cost with no monthly billing. See our review .
  • LanguageTool: LanguageTool is an affordable proofreading tool for teams with grammar, style, and number checks, but has strict character limits, no Safari support, and limitations for long-form writing. See our review.
  • PaperRater: PaperRater is a proofreading software emphasizing its free plagiarism checker, and also offers spelling, grammar, style, and readability checks, along with premium document upload options, but it's not the best because of its English-only limitation, outdated website, slow online editor, ad-filled free version, and restrictive word count checks (1,500 for free users, 6,000 for premium). See our review.
  • Slick Write: Slick Write is a free but limited proofreading tool with useful features but subpar usability compared to premium alternatives like Hemingway Editor and ProWritingAid. See our review.
  • PerfectIt: PerfectIt is a proofreading program designed specifically for professional editors with useful formatting consistency checks but limited to Microsoft Word with no grammar or spelling checks, best for editing technical documents rather than book manuscripts. See our review.
  • Wordtune: Wordtune is an AI-powered sentence rewriting tool with a free version and useful suggestions to improve clarity and concision, but an unintuitive interface, nonsensical recommendations, and expensive premium version limit its value. See our review.

BONUS: Fictionary

Fictionary is another platform that I highly recommend, but for different reasons than other options on this list. Fictionary is a web-based editing software designed to simplify the developmental editing process for writers and editors.

Did you catch that? It's a “developmental” editing program, not a grammar/spelling editing program. That's why I'm including it as a bonus here instead of a true competitor with the rest. It's in a league of its own.

How much does Fictionary cost?

  • Storyteller:  $19/month or $14/month with annual billing
  • Storyteller Premium:  $29/month or $21.58/month with annual billing
  • StoryCoach:  $49/month or $33.25/month with annual billing (editors only)

Is there a free version of Fictionary?

There is not a free version of Fictionary, but you can try the tool out for a 14-day free trial.

  • Unique take on editing
  • Ease of use and design
  • Good documentation
  • Great visual tools
  • A lot of legwork required of the author
  • Not subplot tracking
  • Limited sentence-level editing

Can proofreading software replace a human proofreader? No, a proofreading checker cannot replace a human editor.

When you use Grammarly or ProWritingAid or any of the proofreading tools we’ve talked about, your writing may improve. But this does not mean you should skip hiring an editor before publishing.

Every author needs to have their work professionally edited by a qualified human editor before it is released to the public, bar none. Stephen King, George R.R. Martin, Nora Roberts — they all use editors, and for good reason.

If you don’t think a proofreading tool can meet your unique needs, then hiring a professional proofreader is a viable option. It will cost a pretty penny (about $0.01 per word, which adds up quickly). But if this is what works for you, then great!

How do you become a certified proofreader? You can become a professional proofreader by earning a certificate in Editing and/or Proofreading through various institutions. There are long-distance learning opportunities for at-home learners.

What software do professional proofreaders use? Professional proofreaders use various softwares to check their clients’ work. Many use native spell checkers and grammar checkers alongside their own skills. Others may use Grammarly, Hemingway, or PerfectIt to catch any mistakes they might miss.

Which online proofreading software is best for you?

The results of my hunt for the best proofreading software are ProWritingAid vs. Grammarly vs. Ginger vs. Hemingway . Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and some authors will want to invest in more than one.

  • ProWritingAid proofreads grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in real-time, as well as big picture feedback for strengthening your writing. It also comes with a one-time payment option, which can help you save money in the long run.
  • Grammarly is an excellent tool for everyday life (think emails, Facebook posts, comments on a blog). And it can also help people writing books, blogs, or essays catch spelling and grammar mistakes in their writing — more so than a default text editor.
  • Ginger is a reliable alternative to Grammarly, with some cool extra features such as the text reader and translator.
  • Hemingway is a handy software for people writing longer or persuasive pieces, like a nonfiction book or essay. Although Hemingway is by no means a magic wand, using a combination of this tool and your own brain can make you a stronger writer.

If I had to pick one tool from the list, it would be ProWritingAid. That's because it does better with long-form content, and has a lifetime subscription option.

And one of the cool things about that lifetime subscription is that you can get a 20% discount when you buy ProWritingAid through my link and with the code KINDLEPRENEUR20.

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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Picking the right editor for your book can be hard. We authors don’t really know how to compare two editors and see which one is better…until now. When you go to hire an editor, have them take this test sample article. Then look at our answer key and see which editor scored the best. That way you know their level of quality.

11 thoughts on “ The Best Proofreading Software To Use: 2024 Edition ”

This review was extremely helpful. I am a medical writer and have used the free version of Grammarly. I found the premium version was recommending their style of writing as opposed to a style that is more commonly used and acceptable in creating science-related articles. So I do use Grammarly free version. I did not find PerfectIt to be sympatico with my writing style and I did not purchase it after the 14-day free trial.

I am sufficiently curious about the quality of translation from English into other languages to try Ginger or ProWritingAid. I have shared this URL with colleagues because it is very complete and easy to read. Thank you so much. Stephen

Thanks Stephen. That means a lot to hear, and if you get any info back, let me know.

It’s interesting to paste your post “best meal delivery services for one person” to ProWritingAid and see the report.

Interestingly for the following sentence, “Finding recipes and high-quality ingredients for these popular diets can be time consuming, but Factor 75 makes it simple by sending out delicious, fully prepared, single-serving meals every week.”

It says “Possible missing a hyphen” in “time consuming”. Then you click on “Realtime” twice to force it off and on and do a recheck, it then says “Don’t use a hyphen when this follows a verb”. This is really confusing.

That is interesting. I haven’t encountered this before. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’ll look for ways to address this the next time I update the article!

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Posted on Jan 13, 2023

The 7 Best Proofreading Software to Level Up Your Writing

After spending hours writing an article or a novel, it’s good practice to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes in a process known as proofreading . Clean and accurate text immeasurably improves the reader’s experience, making proofreading a fundamental type of editing . 

For many writers, re-reading their writing and searching for tiny errors can be tedious and time-consuming, especially since it’s easy to become blind to one’s own text. Fortunately, several pieces of proofreading software are available to help you catch major errors in record time. 

The 7 best proofreading software: 

1. Grammarly

2. prowritingaid, 3. antidote, 4. languagetool, 5. quillbot, 6. scribens.

Whether you're a student, an author, or a casual writer, these tools can help you polish your output, so let’s dive in. 

A screenshot of Grammarly's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $12/month. ✅ Best for: Students, casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, browser extension, mobile app.

Grammarly is probably the web’s best-known proofreading tool, with a free plan that allows you to quickly correct mistakes and get tailored suggestions based on your goals (for instance, informal vs. formal tone, general vs. knowledgeable audience). That said, the tool is not foolproof and should not be fully trusted for major projects, like self-publishing a book , for example. 

Conveniently, Grammarly’s browser extension is compatible with most writing and publishing apps, including the Reedsy Book Editor , which allows you to write, edit, proof, and publish in the same place.

🤓 For a more thorough analysis of the tool, check out our in-depth Grammarly review .



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A screenshot of ProWritingAid's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $20/month. ✅ Best for: Students, authors. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, browser extension, Scrivener. No mobile app.

Perhaps Grammarly's closest competitor, ProWritingAid has a similarly accessible interface, and its free option also provides basic proofreading features. However, its premium version sets itself apart, which takes the editing a step further by offering tips for better story structure and suggestions for improving transitions, vocabulary, and overall readability. This makes it more suitable for fiction writers than Grammarly.

While more expensive on a monthly basis, ProWritingAid’s yearly billing saves you 67% 一 making it a strong contender for “best value for money.” Read our ProWritingAid review for a more detailed analysis (and a 20% discount!).

✋ While these tools are extremely helpful, they are no substitute for professional (human!) proofreaders, who have a more nuanced understanding and mastery of language. If you’re aiming to write for professional purposes, consider hiring a proofreader 一 you can find many on Reedsy’s marketplace.

proofreading software for academic writing

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A screenshot of Antidote's app

💰 Price: $59/year | $119 lifetime deal. ✅ Best for: Academics, authors. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS/Windows desktop app, web app, mobile app. 

Despite having been in the business for the past 25 years, Antidote has flown under the radar compared to some of the options we’ve already mentioned. Aimed more at professionals and academic writers, it does an excellent job of checking both grammatical and typographical errors while giving suggestions on style, vocabulary, readability, and even gender neutrality. Without a free trial, you sadly cannot take it for a spin before committing, but if you do, you’ll find its annual subscription rate rather competitive. 

What kind of editing does your book need?

Takes one minute!

A screenshot of LanguageTool's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts from $5/month. ✅ Best for: Students, casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: macOS, Windows, all browser extensions, Google Docs/Word plugin.  

LanguageTool is a user-friendly proofreading tool that offers many of the same basic features as Grammarly and ProWritingAid, but at a fraction of the cost. With a focus on helping casual everyday writers, its premium editing suite can feel lacking compared to its rivals. But if you’re not looking for too much guidance (or are simply looking to improve how you draft your emails and essays), you may appreciate LanguageTool’s relatively lean subscription price.

A screenshot of Quillbo's app

💰 Price: Free | $19.95/month. ✅ Best for: Any writer. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Web app, Chrome and Word extension. 

QuillBot is a sort of Swiss army knife for writers. It offers tools to help with paraphrasing, summarizing, generating citations (for nonfiction or academic work), and checking grammar. In this regard, its proofreading capabilities are on par with those of Grammarly and ProWritingAid. However, it offers significantly fewer features (like spotting overused or repeated words, for example). Overall, its free version (especially as a browser extension) can be helpful to any kind of writer and a great starting tool for proofreading.

Which writing app is right for you?

A screenshot of Scribens' app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $9.90/month. ✅ Best for: Students. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Web app, browser extension, Office, mobile app.

Scribens is a basic proofreading web app that does a good job of spotting grammatical and typographical errors and word repetition. Its free package and handy browser extension make it a nice proofreading option, especially for students, but the premium version might not be worth the bucks compared to more feature-rich options like Grammarly.   

A screenshot of Ginger's app

💰 Price: Free | Starts at $13.99/month. ✅ Best for: Casual writers. 🖇︎ Compatibility: Desktop/web app on Windows, Chrome extension, mobile app.

Ginger is a basic spelling, translating, and rephrasing tool 一 with the latter being perhaps its strongest feature. As a proofreading tool, it’s not the most thorough option, as it doesn’t seem to spot simple mistakes like possessives or double spaces. However, you can still use it to correct some mistakes or rephrase poorly written sentences.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned author, this list should help you find the right proofreading software. But remember, while they’re quite helpful in polishing your writing, they’re not a substitute for professional proofreaders 一 so consider hiring one for your more ambitious projects.

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Academic Proofreading And Editing

Whether you’re writing a thesis, research paper, or PhD proposal, Proofed’s academic proofreading and editing services will help ensure your writing reads smoothly and your ideas are communicated effectively.

proofreading software for academic writing

Enhance Your Academic Writing

No matter what you’re working on, with Proofed’s academic proofreading and editing services, you can rest assured that your writing will be clear and concise, with a strong academic style and tone.

We can even check references and citations in your work. Because good writing is vital for success in academia, our proofreading and editing services can help you achieve your career goals.

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Academic Proofreading Example (After Editing)

Make sure your writing is the best it can be with our expert English proofreading and editing

Academic Proofreading Example (After Editing)

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15 Best Proofreading Software: Top Picks for Writers

Writing well matters, whether you’re crafting an email, penning your next blog post, or working on a crucial academic paper. That’s why choosing the best proofreading software is a game changer. It can mean the difference between making a great impression or missing the mark.

Finding the right tool can feel overwhelming with so many options out there. Each offers something unique, from fixing grammar mistakes to enhancing your writing style. This guide aims to help you navigate through those choices, ensuring you pick the software that best fits your writing needs.

No matter what you’re writing, there’s a tool out there that can help improve your work. Let’s dive into how to select the perfect proofreading software for your specific writing goals.

Table of Contents

15 Best Proofreading Software

Here are some of the best tools on the market for you who are looking to improve and proofread your writing with no hustle:

1. Grammarly

grammarly best proofreading software

Grammarly is a digital writing assistance tool that leverages artificial intelligence to improve your writing. It’s designed to catch grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and even provide suggestions for improving clarity and style.

Whether you’re drafting an email, writing a report, or posting on social media, Grammarly scans your text in real time to help ensure your writing is clear and mistake-free.

It operates in the background of various platforms, from word processors to email clients, making it a versatile tool for anyone looking to polish their writing.

When it comes to Grammarly, the real magic lies in its wide array of features designed to polish your writing, and it’s all about making your life easier.

At its core, how Grammarly works is that it checks your spelling and grammar. This isn’t just about catching a missed letter or a misplaced comma, though; it’s way smarter.

Imagine typing out a message and mixing up “their” and “there.” Grammarly catches that mistake because it understands what you’re trying to say, not just what you typed.

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Grammarly looks at your writing and thinks, “Hmm, could this be clearer? Could it be more engaging?” This isn’t just about fixing errors; it’s about elevating your writing so your ideas shine brighter.

Ever hit send on an email and then wonder if it came across a bit harsh? That’s where Grammarly’s tone detector comes into play. It gives you a heads-up about how your message might come across to others, whether it’s confident, friendly, or a tad too formal.

It’s a game-changer for making sure you’re striking the right note, especially in those important emails or messages.

For anyone who’s dived into a larger project, you know how daunting it can be to keep everything clear and consistent. Grammarly’s there to help with suggestions on how to make your sentences flow better and tips to avoid repeating the same words too often.

Now, while the basic checks are available to everyone, diving into Grammarly’s premium features opens up a whole new world. Think advanced checks on your grammar, more nuanced suggestions on tone, and even plagiarism checks to ensure your work is uniquely yours.

  • Super easy to use: You just type, and it starts checking.
  • Works everywhere: You can use it in your browser when you’re writing emails, or you can add it to Word and Google Docs.
  • Helpful explanations: It doesn’t just tell you what’s wrong; it also explains why, so you can learn and get better.
  • Customization: You can set it to check for the kind of writing you’re doing, like formal or casual.
  • Free version does a lot: You can get a lot done without paying anything.
  • Need the premium for everything: Some of the cooler features are locked behind a subscription.
  • Can miss things: It’s not perfect. Sometimes it might miss errors or suggest changes that don’t fit.
  • Internet needed: You have to be online to use it, which can be a pain if you’re somewhere without a good connection.

In using Grammarly, what struck me the most wasn’t just the depth of its checks but how it felt like a learning tool as well.

Every suggestion comes with a clear explanation, so you’re not just fixing your writing on the fly; you’re picking up on the nuances of language that can make you a better writer over time. It’s a subtle, ongoing lesson in grammar and style, disguised as a helpful nudge here and there.

I’ve used Grammarly for school papers, emails, and even posts on social media. It’s like a safety net. It’s also taught me a lot about why some things are errors, which is pretty neat.

All in all, Grammarly is a solid tool. Whether you’re just trying to make sure an email is error-free or you’re working on something bigger, it’s got your back.

The free version does plenty, but if you’re doing a lot of writing, you might find the premium worth it for the extra features. It’s not going to catch everything, but it definitely makes a big difference.

2. ProWritingAid


ProWritingAid is a comprehensive writing tool designed to improve your writing through advanced grammar checks, style suggestions, and more.

It’s built for writers of all types, whether you’re crafting an academic paper, a novel, or a business report.

The tool stands out by offering in-depth feedback that goes beyond simple error correction, aiming to help you strengthen your writing skills over time.

One of the standout features of ProWritingAid is its in-depth analysis, which covers everything from grammar and spelling to style and readability.

Unlike basic spell checkers, ProWritingAid analyzes your text to offer suggestions on how to improve sentence structure, eliminate redundancy, and vary your language.

It’s not just about fixing errors; it’s about refining your writing to make it as strong as possible.

The tool also excels in providing detailed reports. These reports can give you insights into habits you might not even be aware of, like overusing certain words or relying on passive voice.

ProWritingAid offers more than 20 different reports, each focusing on a specific area of your writing. This level of detail is particularly useful for writers looking to delve deep into their habits and patterns.

Another significant feature is the platform’s integrations. ProWritingAid can be used directly in word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, on browsers through extensions, and even with writing software like Scrivener.

This versatility means you can use ProWritingAid’s features across all your writing platforms, streamlining your editing process.

  • Comprehensive feedback: Goes beyond grammar to offer style and readability suggestions.
  • Detailed reports: Provides over 20 reports for in-depth analysis of your writing habits.
  • Versatile integration: Works with word processors, browsers, and writing software.
  • Educational tool: Each suggestion comes with explanations, helping you learn as you edit.
  • Customization options: Allows you to tailor checks to your writing style and needs.
  • Can be overwhelming: The depth and breadth of feedback might be too much for some users.
  • Subscription-based: For full access to all features, you need to subscribe.
  • Internet-dependent: Requires an internet connection to use most features.

In my experience using ProWritingAid, the level of detail in the feedback immediately stood out. It felt less like a basic editing tool and more like a comprehensive writing coach.

The suggestions pushed me to reconsider not just word choices and grammar, but the overall flow and clarity of my writing.

The detailed reports helped identify writing habits I wasn’t aware of, making it an invaluable tool for personal improvement.

ProWritingAid is more than just a proofreading tool; it’s a comprehensive writing assistant designed to make your writing clearer, more engaging, and more professional. With its detailed analysis and reports, it’s particularly suited for writers looking to dive deep into their writing style and improve.

While the wealth of information and suggestions might be overwhelming for some, those willing to explore its full range of features will find it an invaluable resource. The tool’s emphasis on learning and improvement sets it apart, making it a worthwhile investment for serious writers.

3. Antidote


Antidote is an advanced language software designed to assist with English and French writing, notable for its depth and range of features.

It combines a sophisticated grammar checker with rich dictionaries and language guides, making it an all-in-one tool for anyone looking to elevate their writing.

Whether it’s for academic papers, professional documents, or casual emails, Antidote aims to not only correct linguistic errors but also enhance the overall quality of your text.

When we take a deeper look into Antidote’s capabilities, we find an impressively thorough grammar checker that stands out for its ability to handle complex errors in both English and French.

Antidote identifies syntax errors, misused words, and style inconsistencies, providing clear, informative explanations for each correction.

This software shines by offering suggestions to enhance your writing’s clarity and flow, which can transform even the most cumbersome sentences into clear, compelling messages.

Beyond the grammar checker, Antidote’s dictionaries are a treasure trove of information. They offer definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and more, all linked intelligently to provide a comprehensive understanding of any word you’re curious about.

The software includes language guides as well, which cover a wide array of topics from grammar rules to style advice, serving as an invaluable resource for both learning and reference.

Another standout feature is its integration capabilities. Antidote can be seamlessly added to most text editors, email clients, and browsers, ensuring that your writing benefits from its guidance no matter where you create content.

This software is not just reactive, correcting errors after they’ve been made; it’s also proactive, offering suggestions and alternatives that can improve your writing before you finalize it.

For those working with bilingual documents or switching frequently between English and French, Antidote’s ability to analyze and correct text in both languages without having to switch settings is particularly beneficial.

  • Comprehensive language support: Exceptional at handling both English and French text.
  • Rich linguistic resources: Offers detailed dictionaries and guides that go beyond simple definitions.
  • Integrated writing assistance: Seamlessly works with a wide range of software and web applications.
  • Educational: Provides explanations and suggestions that help improve your writing skills over time.
  • Highly accurate: Excels at detecting and correcting complex grammatical and stylistic issues.
  • Cost: The software is a paid tool, which might be a barrier for some users.
  • Complexity: The sheer amount of information and options available can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Requires installation: Unlike some online tools, Antidote needs to be installed on your device, which may not suit everyone’s preferences or technical constraints.

In my time using Antidote, the aspect that impressed me the most was its detailed analysis and the educational value it brings to every correction. It doesn’t just make your text better; it makes you a better writer.

Whether it was a complex grammatical structure in English or a nuanced stylistic choice in French, Antidote provided clear, actionable feedback that was easy to understand and apply. It felt less like a simple error checker and more like a comprehensive writing workshop, tailored to my needs.

Antidote goes beyond simple proofreading, offering a rich set of tools that cater to a wide range of writing needs. Its detailed corrections, in-depth dictionaries, and language guides make it an essential tool for writers, educators, and anyone serious about mastering writing in English and French.

While the investment in Antidote is more significant than some other tools, both in terms of cost and the time needed to explore its many features, the payoff in improved writing skills and polished texts is well worth it.

For those looking to elevate their language skills to a professional level, Antidote offers a comprehensive, integrated solution that stands out among writing assistance software.

4. Quillbot


Quillbot is this online tool that helps with writing and rephrasing sentences. If you’re working on an essay, an email, or just trying to make a social media post sound better, Quillbot can give you a hand.

Quillbot is packed with features aimed at improving your writing. Its main draw is the paraphrasing tool, which is like a magic wand for your sentences.

You type in what you want to say, and Quillbot offers several different ways to rephrase it.

This is super helpful for avoiding plagiarism in academic writing or just making your prose more engaging by mixing up your language a bit.

But Quillbot isn’t just a one-trick pony with its paraphrasing feature. It also includes a solid grammar checker. This part of Quillbot looks over your writing to spot any grammatical errors or typos.

Then there’s the summarizer tool, which is pretty neat if you’re dealing with a lot of information. Say you’ve got a bunch of articles for research, but you’re short on time. You can use Quillbot to condense these texts into shorter summaries, pulling out the main points so you don’t have to sift through everything.

Another cool feature is the integration with writing platforms, notably Google Docs. This means you can use Quillbot’s capabilities directly as you’re writing in Google Docs, making your workflow smoother. No need to copy and paste back and forth between programs.

Quillbot also offers a citation generator, which is a lifesaver for academic writing. It helps you properly cite sources in several styles, making sure you give credit where it’s due and avoid any issues with plagiarism.

  • Really easy to use : Just paste your text, and it does its thing.
  • Great for rephrasing : Helps you find new ways to say something.
  • Grammar checker included : Catches those little mistakes you might not notice.
  • Summarizer feature : Handy for getting the gist of long texts without reading it all.
  • Integrates with Google Docs : Super convenient if you do most of your writing there.
  • Depends on the internet : You need to be online to use it.
  • Sometimes too simple : The suggestions might not always fit what you’re trying to say perfectly.
  • Limited free use : You can use it for free, but the best features need a subscription.

I’ve used Quillbot a bunch when I’m writing essays or even when I’m just trying to make a post on social media sound a bit smarter.

It’s like having a quick check to make sure what I’m writing sounds good and makes sense. Plus, the paraphrasing tool has been a lifesaver when I’m stuck on how to say something differently.

Quillbot is a handy tool to have in your writing toolkit. It’s not just about fixing mistakes; it’s about making your writing stronger and more varied.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who likes to write, it offers something that can make writing a bit easier and more fun. Sure, it’s not perfect, and relying on it too much might limit your learning, but as a helper? It’s pretty great.

5. Ginger Software

Ginger Software

Ginger Software is a tool aimed at making your writing clean and professional. If you’re someone who types a lot, whether emails, essays, or social media posts, Ginger is there to check your spelling and grammar.

It’s straightforward: you write, and Ginger helps make sure what you’re saying makes sense and is error-free.

Ginger Software is grammar and spelling checker made for identifying errors that range from the most common to the complex ones that are often overlooked.

What sets Ginger apart is how it integrates context into its corrections, ensuring that your sentences are not just error-free but also make sense in the narrative or discussion.

The sentence rephraser in Ginger is a standout feature. It provides alternatives to your sentences, offering ways to express the same idea with different words or structures. This is particularly useful for enhancing the readability of your text or avoiding repetition.

The software suggests several variations, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your message and tone.

Ginger also includes a personal dictionary, where you can add words specific to your field of study, work, or interest. This ensures that specialized terminology you frequently use isn’t mistakenly flagged as an error.

Translation is another key feature, supporting over 40 languages. This tool is invaluable for those who work in multilingual environments or are learning a new language, providing quick translations that help bridge communication gaps.

The text-to-speech functionality is a boon for auditory learners or those refining their pronunciation.

By hearing the text read aloud, you can catch mistakes that your eyes might skip over and get a sense of the flow and rhythm of your writing.

Lastly, Ginger’s learning center offers personalized practice sessions based on your writing. It identifies patterns and recurring mistakes in your writing, then provides exercises to help you improve in those specific areas.

This makes Ginger not just a tool for correction but also for growth as a writer.

  • Easy to use: Just type, and it starts helping right away.
  • Improves your writing: Not just errors, but how your writing sounds.
  • Supports many languages: Great for translation and learning.
  • Reads back your text: Helpful for catching mistakes and learning pronunciation.
  • Works where you write: Integrates with browsers and Microsoft Word.
  • Premium features require subscription: Some of the best features aren’t free.
  • Might not catch everything: No tool is perfect, and it might miss some errors.
  • Needs internet connection: You’ve got to be online to use it.

I’ve used Ginger Software mainly for emails and social media posts. It’s been like a second pair of eyes, catching mistakes I overlook. Especially when I’m in a hurry, it’s reassuring to know Ginger’s there to tidy up my writing.

The translation feature has also been a big help when I’m trying to chat with friends from other countries.

Ginger Software is a solid choice if you’re looking to polish your writing. It’s especially useful for non-native speakers or anyone learning a new language, thanks to its translation and text-to-speech features.

While it’s not without its flaws, like the need for a premium subscription to unlock all its features, it offers a lot of value.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who types a lot, Ginger can make your writing clearer and help you communicate more effectively.

6. WhiteSmoke


WhiteSmoke is a comprehensive writing tool designed to improve and polish your writing. It’s built to help with a wide range of writing tasks, from academic papers to business emails and personal blogs.

WhiteSmoke checks your grammar, spelling, and style, making sure whatever you write comes across clearly and error-free.

WhiteSmoke is pretty thorough with its features. First, it has a grammar checker that looks at your text to find and correct grammatical mistakes.

This isn’t just about catching a misspelled word; it’s about making sure your sentences are structured properly and your punctuation is spot on.

The tool also includes a style checker, which I find particularly helpful. It looks at your writing and suggests changes to improve clarity and flow.

This means it can help make your writing more engaging and easier to read by pointing out passive voice, awkward constructions, or overly complex sentences.

Another handy feature is the plagiarism checker. If you’re writing something that needs to be original, like school papers or content for websites, WhiteSmoke can compare your text against a vast database to ensure it’s not too similar to existing materials.

WhiteSmoke also offers translation services for multiple languages, which is great if you’re working with international teams or writing for a global audience.

Lastly, there’s a template feature, which provides you with a variety of templates for different types of writing. Whether you’re drafting a resume, a cover letter, or a thank you note, these templates can give you a solid starting point.

  • Comprehensive checking: It covers grammar, style, and plagiarism all in one go.
  • Helpful explanations: Not just correcting but also explaining why something is an error.
  • Multi-language support: Great for translations and working in languages other than English.
  • Writing templates: Provides a quick start for many common writing tasks.
  • Online and desktop versions: Makes it accessible no matter where you’re writing from.
  • Subscription model: You need to pay for it, and the best features require a premium plan.
  • Can be resource-heavy: The desktop app might slow down older computers.
  • Learning curve: With so many features, it can take a bit of time to learn how to use it all effectively.

Using WhiteSmoke really changed the game for me, especially with emails and reports. It caught mistakes I kept overlooking and helped tighten up my writing.

The style suggestions were a big plus, making my writing sound more professional. And checking for plagiarism gave me peace of mind for my more public writing projects.

WhiteSmoke stands out as a robust tool for anyone serious about improving their writing. With its wide range of features, it offers something valuable for students, professionals, and casual writers alike.

While the cost and learning curve might be a drawback for some, the benefits of clearer, more polished writing could well be worth the investment for many.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your grammar, ensure originality, or communicate across languages, WhiteSmoke offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help you achieve your writing goals.

7. Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor is a straightforward, web-based tool designed to make your writing clear and easy to read. It’s named after Ernest Hemingway, known for his concise and impactful writing style.

This tool is fantastic for anyone looking to strip their writing down to its most effective form, whether you’re working on an essay, a blog post, or even a novel.

What’s really cool about the Hemingway Editor is how it highlights your text in different colors to show you exactly what needs work. Each color represents a different type of suggestion.

For example, it’ll highlight hard-to-read sentences in yellow, meaning you might want to simplify them. If a sentence is very hard to read, it’ll highlight it in red, which usually means it needs to be broken up or significantly simplified.

Adverbs get their own highlight, too, usually in blue, suggesting where you might want to find stronger verbs.

It also points out the use of passive voice, something Hemingway avoided, showing you where active voice might strengthen your sentence.

Another helpful feature is the readability grade. This tells you the education level someone would need to easily understand your text. The goal is to make your writing accessible, and this feature gives you a clear target to hit.

  • Simplifies your writing: Helps you cut down on unnecessary words and complex sentences.
  • Easy to understand: The color-coded feedback is straightforward, making it simple to see where improvements are needed.
  • No need to sign up: You can use it without creating an account, which is super convenient.
  • Readability grade: Offers a clear benchmark for how accessible your writing is.
  • Works for various writing types: Whether it’s academic writing, journalism, or creative writing, it’s versatile.
  • Lacks advanced grammar checks: It’s more focused on style and readability than correcting grammar errors.
  • No suggestions for rephrasing: While it highlights issues, it doesn’t offer alternatives or suggestions on how to fix them.
  • Can oversimplify: For some types of writing, the suggested changes might make the text too basic.

I’ve used the Hemingway Editor mainly for blog posts and emails. It’s great for a quick check to make sure I’m not overcomplicating things.

I particularly like the instant feedback on sentence length and the use of adverbs. It’s helped me tighten up my writing, though I’ve learned to use it as a guide rather than a strict rulebook.

The Hemingway Editor is a solid, user-friendly tool for anyone looking to make their writing clearer and more direct.

While it might not dive deep into grammar or offer rewrite suggestions, its strength lies in encouraging a more impactful, straightforward writing style. It’s worth a try for writers at any level, especially when you’re looking to refine your voice or simply make your writing more accessible to a wider audience.

8. AutoCrit


AutoCrit is a specialized online editing tool that’s designed for writers who want to polish their manuscripts to perfection before publishing.

It’s particularly aimed at authors in the fiction genre, but anyone who’s working on a piece of writing and wants to improve its readability, consistency, and overall flow might find it useful.

AutoCrit’s standout feature is its ability to compare your manuscript against those in your genre, providing targeted recommendations based on successful published works.

This isn’t just about catching typos; it’s about refining pacing, dialogue, and narrative structure to meet industry standards and reader expectations.

The tool breaks down feedback into manageable categories like word choice, sentence structure, and pacing. This means you can see not only where your manuscript might be falling short but also understand why and how to fix it.

AutoCrit also highlights overused words and phrases, suggests alternatives, and identifies passive voice usage, which can help make your writing more active and engaging.

Another great feature is the dialogue improvement tool, which helps you craft dialogue that sounds natural and compelling.

Plus, AutoCrit offers pacing analysis, which can be incredibly valuable for maintaining reader interest throughout your story. Check out the complete AutoCrit review .

  • Tailored feedback: Provides genre-specific advice to help your manuscript meet publishing standards.
  • In-depth analysis: Covers everything from grammar to narrative elements like pacing and dialogue.
  • Easy to use: The platform is user-friendly, with clear explanations for its recommendations.
  • Interactive reports: Allows you to see exactly where to focus your editing efforts.
  • Supports various writing styles: Whether you’re writing sci-fi, romance, or non-fiction, AutoCrit has tailored advice for you.
  • Subscription required for full access: Most of AutoCrit’s advanced features are behind a paywall.
  • Can be overwhelming: The amount of feedback provided might be daunting for new writers.
  • Focuses mainly on fiction: Non-fiction writers might find some advice less applicable.

I’ve used AutoCrit for a short story I was working on, and I was impressed by how specific the feedback was. It felt like having a professional editor sitting beside me, pointing out not just the little mistakes but also showing me where I could tighten up my narrative and make my dialogue pop.

It took some time to work through all the suggestions, but my story was much stronger for it.

AutoCrit offers a comprehensive suite of editing tools that can significantly improve the quality of your writing. It’s like a detailed roadmap for revisions, pointing out not just the potholes but also showing you the scenic routes you might have missed.

For writers serious about getting their work ready for publication, AutoCrit is a powerful ally. While the cost and the focus on fiction might limit its appeal for some, its detailed analysis and genre-specific feedback make it a valuable resource for aspiring authors.

9. LanguageTool


LanguageTool is an open-source proofreading software that checks your writing for grammar, spelling, and style errors. It’s a versatile tool that supports multiple languages, making it ideal for a wide range of users worldwide.

Whether you’re drafting an email, writing an academic paper, or just want to make sure your social media posts are error-free, LanguageTool offers a straightforward solution to polish your writing.

The heart of LanguageTool lies in its comprehensive grammar and spelling checker that goes beyond the basic error detection found in most word processors. It understands context, which means it can catch those tricky errors that are often overlooked.

This context-awareness extends to stylistic suggestions, helping to make your writing not only correct but also clear and concise.

What sets LanguageTool apart is its multilingual support. With the ability to check text in over 20 languages, it’s an invaluable tool for non-native speakers, bilingual writers, or anyone working in an international context.

This extensive language coverage ensures that no matter where you are or what language you’re writing in, you can have confidence in your text.

Another key feature is its add-on and integration capabilities. LanguageTool can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of platforms, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and even web browsers through extensions.

This means you can have LanguageTool’s proofreading capabilities handy no matter where you choose to write.

  • Wide language support: Ideal for users writing in multiple languages.
  • Context-aware grammar checking: Catches complex errors that other tools might miss.
  • Flexible integration: Works across many platforms and devices.
  • Regular updates: Continuously improving with new rules and languages.
  • Free to use: Offers a robust free version, with a premium option for advanced features.
  • Limited free version: Some of the more advanced features require a premium subscription.
  • Can be overwhelming: The array of suggestions and corrections might be daunting for some users.
  • Occasional misses: No tool is perfect, and it might not catch every single error.

I’ve found LanguageTool to be a reliable assistant for checking my blog posts and emails. Its ability to understand context has caught errors that I’ve glossed over, and the multilingual support has been particularly useful for me as someone who often writes in more than one language.

The browser integration means it’s always there when I need it, which adds a layer of convenience to my writing process.

LanguageTool stands out for its comprehensive checking capabilities and support for multiple languages, positioning it as a go-to tool for a diverse range of writing tasks.

While navigating its suggestions and corrections might require a bit of a learning curve, the benefits to the clarity and correctness of your writing are well worth the effort.

For anyone looking to elevate the quality of their writing across different languages and platforms, LanguageTool offers a powerful, flexible solution.

10. Slick Write

Slick Write

Slick Write is a powerful, free tool that’s designed to help with checking your grammar, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest.

Whether you’re a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can assist in improving your writing.

At its core, Slick Write offers detailed feedback on your writing, pointing out grammatical errors, potential stylistic issues, and even providing suggestions for eliminating unnecessary words.

This tool stands out for its ability to analyze your text for flow, giving feedback on sentence structures that might make your writing harder to follow.

Slick Write also includes features like a word association game, which can be a fun way to enhance your vocabulary. But more than just games, it provides insights into how frequently you use certain words and phrases, helping to avoid repetition and improve the variety in your writing.

One of the key benefits of Slick Write is its customization options.

You can tailor the feedback to suit your specific writing needs, focusing on the areas that matter most to you, whether that’s SEO considerations for a blog post or clarity for an academic paper.

  • No download necessary: Slick Write works in your browser, making it easily accessible.
  • Customizable feedback: Allows you to focus on what’s most important in your writing.
  • Detailed statistical feedback: Offers insights into your writing style and habits.
  • Free to use: All of its features are available at no cost.
  • Useful for various writing types: Whether academic, professional, or creative writing.
  • Can feel overwhelming: The amount of feedback and data provided can be a lot to sort through.
  • No offline mode: Requires an internet connection to use.
  • May miss context-specific nuances: While great for technical checks, it might not catch every stylistic choice that’s intentionally made.

I’ve turned to Slick Write for blog posts and academic essays, and it’s been incredibly helpful in refining my writing. The statistical feedback has particularly opened my eyes to patterns in my writing I wasn’t aware of.

Slick Write is a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their writing. Its comprehensive analysis and feedback make it a standout choice, especially considering it’s free.

While it might take some time to fully explore and utilize all the features effectively, the potential improvements to your writing are well worth it. For writers of all levels and styles, Slick Write offers the insights and assistance to elevate your work to the next level.

11. PaperRater


PaperRater is an online tool that’s designed to help improve your writing through advanced grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and writing suggestions. It’s aimed at students, teachers, and professionals looking to polish their writing to perfection.

With its comprehensive suite of tools, PaperRater offers real-time feedback to make your writing clearer, more engaging, and original.

PaperRater stands out for its robust grammar checking feature. It goes beyond basic spell check to analyze your text for complex grammatical issues, ensuring your writing is not only error-free but also grammatically sound.

This tool uses advanced algorithms to provide feedback on sentence structure, verb tense usage, and overall readability, helping to elevate the quality of your writing.

Another significant feature is its plagiarism checker. In an age where originality is paramount, PaperRater offers peace of mind by scanning your document against a vast database of academic works and web pages, identifying potential instances of plagiarism.

This is particularly valuable for students and educators, ensuring the integrity of academic work.

PaperRater also offers writing suggestions tailored to improve your writing style. These suggestions focus on enhancing clarity, avoiding redundancy, and enriching your vocabulary, making your writing more compelling to read.

One of the most user-friendly aspects of PaperRater is its ability to provide instant feedback. There’s no need for downloads or installations; you simply upload your document or paste your text, and PaperRater gives you a comprehensive analysis within seconds.

  • Instant feedback: Quick turnaround time helps improve your writing on the fly.
  • Comprehensive grammar check: Addresses both simple and complex grammatical issues.
  • Plagiarism detection: Offers a thorough scan to ensure originality.
  • Writing improvement suggestions: Helps refine your writing style for better clarity and engagement.
  • User-friendly interface: Easy to navigate, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Limited features in the free version: Some of the more advanced features require a subscription.
  • Occasionally misses context: Like most automated tools, it might not catch every nuanced error.
  • Dependent on internet connection: Being an online tool, it requires a stable internet connection to function.

I’ve used PaperRater for several academic papers, and it’s been incredibly helpful in catching mistakes I’ve overlooked. The plagiarism detection feature gave me added confidence in the originality of my work before submission.

While I’ve encountered a few instances where the suggestions didn’t perfectly align with my intended meaning, the overall impact on improving my writing has been positive.

PaperRater is a valuable asset for anyone involved in writing, especially in academic and professional settings. Its ability to provide instant, comprehensive feedback makes it an indispensable tool for enhancing the quality of your writing.

While the free version offers plenty of utility, investing in the full range of features could be well worth it for those regularly engaged in writing projects.

In sum, PaperRater offers a practical, effective solution to common writing challenges, helping users produce clear, original, and engaging written work.


Ziflow is a cloud-based proofing and review tool designed to streamline the process of content approval for marketing teams and creative professionals.

It’s built to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring that feedback, revisions, and approvals are managed efficiently in one centralized platform.

Ziflow sets itself apart with a robust set of features tailored for the review and approval process. It supports a wide range of content types, including documents, images, web pages, and more, making it versatile across different projects.

One of the standout features is its automated workflow capabilities, which guide projects through each stage of the review process, from initial submission to final approval.

This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and projects move forward on schedule.

Another significant feature is Ziflow’s ability to handle real-time collaboration. Team members can leave comments and feedback directly on the content, making it easy for everyone involved to see what changes are needed and why.

This is enhanced by version control, which tracks revisions over time, so you can easily compare different versions and understand how a project has evolved.

Ziflow also offers comprehensive integration options, connecting seamlessly with popular project management tools, content management systems, and file storage solutions.

This integration capability ensures Ziflow fits naturally into existing workflows, enhancing productivity without the need for significant changes to how teams operate.

  • Supports a wide variety of content types: Versatile across different projects and media.
  • Automated workflows: Streamlines the review process, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Real-time collaboration: Simplifies feedback and ensures all voices are heard.
  • Version control: Keeps track of changes, making it easy to review progress.
  • Comprehensive integration: Works well with other tools used by creative and marketing teams.
  • Learning curve: New users might need some time to get used to all the features.
  • Cost: For small teams or projects, the pricing might be a consideration.
  • Internet dependency: Being cloud-based, a stable internet connection is essential for access.

In my use of Ziflow for a collaborative project, the immediate benefit was how it brought everyone onto the same page. The real-time feedback feature, combined with version control, made it straightforward to see which suggestions had been implemented and which were still pending.

It significantly cut down on the back-and-forth emails and meetings that typically bog down the review process.

For marketing teams and creative professionals looking to optimize their review and approval workflows, Ziflow offers a comprehensive solution. Its blend of automation, real-time collaboration, and integration capabilities makes it a valuable asset for streamlining project management and enhancing team productivity.

While there might be a learning curve and considerations regarding cost, the efficiency gains and improved project outcomes can make Ziflow a worthwhile investment for many organizations.


Jasper is a writing assistant that has really changed how I approach writing. Whether you’re stuck on what to write next or you need some help polishing your work, Jasper is there to help.

Jasper has some pretty helpful features. First, it understands your writing style and tone.

This means if you want to keep your writing casual or professional, Jasper can adapt. It can also create whole paragraphs based on your prompts, which is great for breaking through writer’s block.

Another big plus is Jasper’s research tool. It can gather information related to your topic, saving you from spending too much time searching online.

This feature is fantastic for adding depth and accuracy to your writing.

Perhaps the most interesting part is how Jasper can add creativity to your work.

It suggests ways to make your writing more engaging and lively, which can be a game-changer for keeping your readers interested.

  • Saves time: Great for those moments when you’re stuck.
  • Adapts to your style: Whether you’re writing a blog post or a formal report, Jasper fits right in.
  • Helps with writer’s block: It can generate content ideas and paragraphs.
  • Research assistant: Saves you from getting lost in a sea of tabs.
  • Boosts creativity: Makes your writing more engaging.
  • Learning curve: Takes some getting used to.
  • Depends on your input: The better your prompts, the better Jasper’s output.
  • Subscription cost: You might need to pay to get the best features.

I’ve used Jasper for everything from emails to blog content. It’s been like having an extra pair of hands.

The tool has made my writing process smoother and less stressful, especially on those days when my brain isn’t cooperating.

Jasper is more than just a proofreading tool; it’s a comprehensive writing assistant that offers a unique blend of creativity and efficiency.

Whether you’re facing writer’s block or just looking to polish your writing, Jasper provides valuable support. It’s not without its learning curve and costs, but the benefits it brings to the writing process are well worth it.

14. Wordtune

proofreading software for academic writing

Wordtune is a lifesaver for making your writing clearer and more engaging. Have you ever re-read a sentence you wrote and thought it sounded off? That’s where Wordtune shines.

Wordtune is pretty smart. It doesn’t just look at your grammar; it understands the meaning behind what you’re trying to say. Then, it suggests ways to make your sentences flow better.

One thing I love is how it offers multiple suggestions. You can see different ways to phrase your sentence, which helps you keep your writing style unique.

It’s also great for when you’re trying to make your writing more formal or casual. Wordtune has settings for that.

Plus, it works in real-time, right where you write, like in Google Docs or emails. This means you get instant help without having to copy-paste your text into another app.

But here’s the kicker: Wordtune can also help you write in other languages. If you’re trying to phrase something in English but your first language is different, Wordtune can translate your thoughts into smooth, natural English.

  • Improves clarity: Your ideas come across more clearly.
  • Multiple rephrasing options: Keeps your writing style flexible.
  • Tone adjustment: Easily switch between formal and casual.
  • Real-time assistance: Works where you write, saving time.
  • Language support: Helps non-native speakers write better in English.
  • Limited free version: The best features are behind a paywall.
  • Can be distracting: Lots of suggestions might overwhelm you.
  • Needs internet: Since it’s online, no internet means no Wordtune.

I’ve been using Wordtune to polish my emails and reports. It’s amazing how it can take a clunky sentence and turn it into something that’s not only clearer but also sounds like me.

It’s given me a confidence boost in my writing, especially when I’m rushing to meet deadlines and need to make sure my points are getting across.

Wordtune is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to enhance their writing. It’s more than just correcting errors; it’s about refining your ideas and expressing them more effectively.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone learning English, Wordtune offers valuable assistance. Yes, to unlock its full potential, you might need to consider subscribing, but the improvement it brings to your writing could very well be worth it.

15. CorrectEnglish (CE)


Next up, let’s dive into CorrectEnglish, or CE for short. This tool is all about helping you write better English, plain and simple.

Ever found yourself second-guessing your grammar or the structure of your sentences? That’s exactly what CE aims to fix.

CorrectEnglish is pretty thorough. It checks your writing against a wide range of criteria, not just basic grammar and spelling. It looks at your sentence structure, your use of words, and even helps you make sure your writing is plagiarism-free.

This is super helpful for students or professionals who want to ensure their work is original and up to standard.

One standout feature is its ability to give feedback based on different English dialects. Whether you’re writing for an American, British, or Australian audience, CE has got you covered.

It adjusts its suggestions to fit the norms of each dialect, which is fantastic for tailoring your writing to a specific audience.

CE also offers real-time feedback as you write, which is great for learning and improving on the fly. Plus, it provides explanations for its corrections, so you’re not just fixing mistakes, you’re understanding them, which is key to becoming a better writer.

  • Comprehensive checks: Goes beyond basic grammar to include style and plagiarism.
  • Dialect support: Tailors suggestions for American, British, or Australian English.
  • Real-time feedback: Helps you improve your writing as you go.
  • Educational explanations: Learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them.
  • Plagiarism detection: Ensures your work is original.
  • Subscription required: Free version is limited; full features come at a cost.
  • Can be overwhelming: The depth of feedback might be too much for some users.
  • Learning curve: Takes some time to get used to all the features.

Using CorrectEnglish has been a game-changer for my writing projects. It’s particularly been a boon for ensuring my academic and professional documents are up to par.

The plagiarism checker has given me peace of mind before submitting work, and the detailed feedback on my writing style has genuinely helped me improve over time.

While it comes with a subscription fee, the investment can pay off by enhancing your writing abilities and ensuring your work is error-free and audience-appropriate.

Why Use Proofreading Software?

Why Use Proofreading Software?

Using proofreading software is key for improving any piece of writing, from school essays to professional reports. Here’s why it’s so valuable:

First, it catches mistakes. No matter how carefully you read over your text, some errors can slip through.

Proofreading software scans your work for common errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, ensuring your writing is polished.

It also saves time. Manually checking your work for mistakes can be time-consuming. With proofreading software, you get a quick, thorough check, freeing up your time for other tasks.

Another reason is it improves readability. These tools don’t just focus on errors; they suggest ways to make your writing clearer and more engaging.

This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to get a point across to your readers in the most effective way possible.

Proofreading software also provides consistency. It helps maintain the same style and tone throughout your document, which is crucial for keeping your writing coherent.

Lastly, it boosts confidence. Submitting or publishing work knowing it’s been checked thoroughly by proofreading software can give you peace of mind.

You can be more confident in the quality of your writing, knowing it’s free of avoidable mistakes.

In short, proofreading software is an invaluable tool for anyone who writes. It enhances the quality of your writing, making sure it’s error-free, consistent, and ready to make the right impression on your audience.

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Needs

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Needs

Choosing the right proofreading tool for your needs depends on what you’re writing and what you hope to achieve with your text. Each tool has its strengths, and picking the one that aligns with your goals can make a big difference in the quality of your final product.

Here’s a simple guide to help you select the best tool based on your specific needs:

For Academic Writing

Academic writing demands precision, adherence to style guides, and originality. Tools like CorrectEnglish (CE) are designed with these needs in mind, offering features for style consistency, vocabulary enhancement, and plagiarism detection.

If your primary concern is ensuring that your academic papers are well-crafted and free of plagiarism, a tool with comprehensive checks and educational resources would be ideal.

For Business Communications

When it comes to business communications, clarity, professionalism, and conciseness are key. Grammarly is a popular choice for business professionals because it not only checks for basic grammatical errors but also offers suggestions to improve clarity and tone, making sure your message is communicated effectively.

Its browser extensions and integration with email platforms make it a convenient tool for quick checks on emails and reports.

For Creative Writing

Creative writers need a tool that understands the nuances of language and can offer suggestions for stylistic improvements without stifiling creativity.

ProWritingAid is often recommended for creative writers because it provides in-depth reports on style, overused words, readability, and more, allowing writers to refine their voice without compromising their artistic intent.

Its focus on improving the overall readability and flow of your text makes it a great companion for storytelling.

For Multilingual Writers

If English isn’t your first language, or if you’re writing content in multiple languages, Wordtune is worth considering. It’s designed to improve the fluency of your writing and offers real-time suggestions to make your sentences flow more naturally.

It’s also useful for translating thoughts from your native language into more idiomatic English, making it a great tool for non-native speakers aiming for clarity and naturalness in their English writing.

For General Use

If you’re looking for a versatile tool that can handle a variety of writing tasks, Jasper might be the tool for you. It’s an AI writing assistant that can help generate content ideas, improve clarity and grammar, and even assist with research. It’s suited for anyone who needs a bit of inspiration alongside the traditional spelling and grammar checks.

When choosing a proofreading tool, consider starting with free versions or trials to see which one fits your writing style and needs the best.

Pay attention to how each tool integrates with your preferred writing platforms and whether its suggestions and corrections align with your goals. The right tool should feel like an extension of your writing process, helping you to communicate more effectively and efficiently.

Finding the best proofreading software tailored to your specific needs can significantly enhance the quality of your writing. Whether you’re focusing on academic papers, business emails, or creative projects, the right tool can help you communicate more effectively and with greater confidence.

Remember, the goal is not just to correct errors but to improve your overall writing skills. Investing time in selecting the right proofreading software can pay dividends in your personal, academic, or professional life, making every word you write count.

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Stefan is the CEO of Automateed.

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Understanding AI in Email Writing



How to Choose the Best AI Editing Tool for Academic Writing

Among the four top AI proofreading and editing tools compared, Curie stands out as the most suitable and comprehensive tool for academic writing, while other tools may be more appropriate for personal or business use during the drafting phase.

Updated on December 19, 2023

a clinical studies researcher using Curie to edit their manuscript

When it comes to AI writing tools, there is something for every situation, from autocorrect software for text messaging and spell checkers for email to full blown proofreading software and content generation. 

While it seems obvious to not autocorrect your book manuscript or use advanced editing software on your social media posts, all the gray areas in between can be confusing. 

Let’s start with the basics. While all AI proofreading tools are AI writing tools, not all writing tools are capable of proofreading and editing . On a similar note, just because an AI writing tool is familiar or popular, does not mean it’s the best in every situation.

By exploring the purpose of various types of AI writing tools, we can determine the most appropriate times to use them. We can then look more closely at four of the top AI proofreading and editing tools to determine which is the best for academic writing.

What are the types of AI writing tools?

AI writing tools are artificial intelligence (AI) software applications that use machine learning algorithms to automate the writing process. Some have very specific functions, like correcting spelling errors, while others act more broadly as comprehensive writing assistants.

Commonly, AI writing tools provide one or more of these services:

  • Content generation : produces text through natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG)
  • Proofreading : identifies errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization
  • Editing : corrects issues with style, vocabulary, formatting, and clarity
  • Citation generation : produces and edits citations in various citation styles
  • Paraphrasing : rephrases content while maintaining the original meaning
  • Summarizing : condenses text into a more concise version with the same meaning
  • Developing research questions : generates countless iterations of potential research questions based on general data input
  • Translating : changes the source content into a different specified language while also retaining the meaning

When should you use these different tools?

Knowing what kinds of AI writing tools are available is an important first step in making an informed choice. To effectively match the right tool with your specific situation, however, it helps to ask a couple of key questions:

  • What am I writing and for whom?
  • At what point am I in the writing process? 
  • Discovery\investigation : You can use an AI text summarizer, such as Quillbot or ChatPDF , to quickly sift through potential sources and find those most pertinent to your work. Then, employ an AI tool like INK to generate research questions that reflect your project’s unique path.
  • Prewriting : Expand on your research questions with an AI brainstorming session utilizing HyperWrite or other similar tool. Turn those ideas into an outline with an AI outline generator like Wordtune and then develop a strong thesis with an AI tool like Smodin .
  • Drafting : A content generator is a convenient way to kickstart the drafting phase. By offering personalized content that reflects your varied sources and ideas, AI tools such as , Jasper , and can streamline this process.
  • Editing : Many authors apply an AI proofreader throughout the writing process to catch straightforward spelling and grammar errors. Once completed, though, it is imperative to have an editor improve the clarity, conciseness, flow and overall readability of your work. With the vast array of AI tools suitable for editing, it is important to know how they perform within the previously discussed categories.

Which AI proofreading and editing tool is best for academic writing?

Here’s a closer look at four of the top tools:

  • Grammarly maintains free and subscription versions touting features that grow in complexity with the price. This software specializes in general AI-powered writing assistance and basic proofreading. Most suitable for help with personal, casual writing and for correcting grammar and spelling errors during the drafting phase.
  • Microsoft Editor also provides free and subscription versions where the prices are based on number of users. This service is designed to work with Microsoft products and apps like Word, Outlook, Gmail, LinkedIn, and Google docs. Appropriate for business and academic writing up to undergraduate essays as Editor not only checks for spelling and grammar but also for issues with clarity, passive voice, cliches, and more. Conveniently, this AI tool has an array of customizable refinement options and is accessible in more than 20 languages.
  • ChatGPT presents a free plan with standard features and a paid plan with upgrades for high demand availability, faster response speed, and priority access to new features. Developed to increase productivity and learning, this tool focuses on creating personalized output for the user. Best for personal and business writing in the discovery, prewriting, and drafting phases as it is capable of interactive brainstorming, analyzing sources, and content generation.
  • Curie offers a free 14-day trial to experience the same full range of features available with the unlimited access paid plan. Trained on years of scholarly input, this AI writing tool was specifically created to edit academic manuscripts and to help researchers prepare for publishing success. Curie is most appropriate for advanced academic and scientific manuscripts that are in the drafting, editing, and pre-publishing phases of the writing process, also highly effective for non-native English language authors. 

The following example not only illustrates the capabilities of these four AI proofreading tools but also highlights their limitations.

Original text: 

This study designed before-after study in the same patients rather than a parallel control as the periodontal morphology and periodontal environment of patients differ; thus, the gingival papilla defect may be due to one or more factors.

grammarly failing to provide a proper edit

Microsoft Editor:

microsoft editor failing to provide a proper edit

As expected, the first two tools only identified the grammatical error and suggested an appropriate solution. While ChatGPT proposed more extensive editing that enhanced the clarity of the text, it missed inaccuracies specific to the scientific language used in research manuscripts. ChatGPT further failed to make the text more concise . Curie provided a comprehensive edit that preserved the academic language and style while also improving the overall readability and conciseness.

Final thoughts

There are specialized tools for everything. From can openers to chainsaws, each tool is crafted for a particular purpose. The same holds true for AI tools for writing. Every type of writing and aspect of the writing process has specific tools that perform the best. 

Knowing what kind of AI writing tools are available and what they do is an essential first step in choosing the right one. Authors must then ask a few key questions about what they are writing and for whom to really pinpoint which tool best fits their current needs.

After comparing four AI proofreading and editing tools, it was clear that not all are suitable for academic writing. Because it is tailored to serve researchers and authors of the academic writing community, however, Curie was able to offer a complete editing solution.

Charla Viera, MS

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PaperRater is a web-based plagiarism checker that is suitable for businesses of all sizes, including educational institutions and corporations. The key features of the solution include plagiarism detection, grammar and spell check... Read more about PaperRater

4.4 ( 11 reviews )


Everyday the world’s largest businesses and educational institutes—along with millions of individuals—trust our exclusive AI-powered text analysis to identify potential plagiarism, recognize AI-generated content including ChatGPT,... Read more about Copyleaks

4.4 ( 90 reviews )


Ginger is a proofreading software that enables educational institutions and businesses to identify and correct errors and improve articles, blogs, classified and a variety of other content. The platform includes a grammar checking... Read more about Ginger

4.0 ( 85 reviews )


Unicheck is a web-based plagiarism detection tool for academic institutions, marketers, publishers, and other businesses. It can identify similarities within texts when compared to online sources and other publications in order to... Read more about UniCheck

4.0 ( 5 reviews )



GlobalVision is a quality control and inspection platform that helps businesses identify and highlight critical errors across packaged products. It enables managers to handle quality approval processes for product packaging and co... Read more about GlobalVision

4.3 ( 27 reviews )

Grammarly Business

Grammarly Business

Grammarly Business is a web-based communication management and written content curation system that helps businesses across all industries to polish their written communications. The platform offers a range of features including g... Read more about Grammarly Business

4.7 ( 7038 reviews )

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X is a plagiarism detection platform that is suitable for businesses across industries including education, marketing, content creation and more. The key features of the solution include duplicate detection and ... Read more about Plagiarism Checker X

4.5 ( 17 reviews )


PlagScan is a plagiarism checker solution that helps businesses within education and other industries that require content creation with ensuring text is original and authentic. The software can be accessed using any web-enabled d... Read more about PlagScan

3.0 ( 2 reviews )


EasyBib by Chegg is an online tool that can be used to check papers for grammar, citations, and cases of plagiarism. It can be used by students and schools. EasyBib is designed to prevent unintentional plagiarism, grammar mistakes... Read more about EasyBib

4.3 ( 6 reviews )


Textio is an augmented writing software designed to help recruiters create job posts, emails, and other forms of hiring content using a language editor. The platform offers a Textio Flow module, which lets administrators build tea... Read more about Textio

4.0 ( 1 reviews )


Noplag is a cloud-based writing assistance application with plagiarism detection. It is suitable for students, educators, publishers, and other writing teams. Uploaded files are checked against billions of web pages, publication d... Read more about Noplag

1.0 ( 1 reviews )

Plagiarism Detector

Plagiarism Detector

Plagiarism Detector is a web-based tool for students, academic institutions, professional writers, and bloggers. It uses advanced scanning techniques and analyzes written content based on word choice, phrase matching, plus other f... Read more about Plagiarism Detector

4.4 ( 27 reviews ) is a cloud-based tool that uses smart algorithms to conduct in-depth content analysis. It helps students, teachers, and writers ensure that documents do not contain plagiarized content. Users can enter text as... Read more about



iThenticate is a plagiarism checker for scholars, researchers, and publishers. This tool checks written content for similarities against top-cited journals and over 70 billion current and archived web pages. iThenticate is suitabl... Read more about iThenticate

4.7 ( 15 reviews )

Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

Scribbr Plagiarism Checker is a tool for students and academic institutions. It uses advanced technology to highlight similarities within documents when compared to a database of sources, including web pages, books, journals, plus... Read more about Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

4.5 ( 4 reviews )


Outwrite is a proofreading solution that helps businesses streamline processes related to passive voice detection, plagiarism checking, sentence paraphrasing, and more from within a unified platform. It allows staff members to aut... Read more about Outwrite

4.2 ( 22 reviews )


Loio is AI-powered software for efficient contract review and drafting in MS Word. Easy to install and work with, Loio helps legal pros get instant high-level contract insights and a clear overview of the document structure, as we... Read more about Loio

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VT Writer is a Language Analysis Platform for teams. It improves the quality of business writing by scoring and analyzing content for readability. This is a solution is for all teams in large companies that helps them in eliminati... Read more about VT Writer

5.0 ( 9 reviews )

Grammar Checker

Grammar Checker

The grammar checker is a tool that helps you to proofread and correct your text. It has more than 3000 rules to help you find mistakes in your writing, thus improving the quality of your texts. The grammar checker is designed to ... Read more about Grammar Checker

4.7 ( 98 reviews )


Wordtune is a Generative AI platform for work productivity. By using reliable Generative AI, professionals from all fields can grow their careers and stand out at work. Whether you’re writing emails, creating documents or sending... Read more about Wordtune

4.4 ( 78 reviews )

Grammarly Business


Grammar Checker

SCI Journal

Best Proof-reading Software for Academic Excellence

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proofreading software for academic writing

  • The best proof-reading software can help you reduce errors and achieve academic excellence. 
  • Read online reviews but test the tool – take advantage of trial periods to find the best proofreading software for yourself
  • Run the experiment like a science project – start with clear hypotheses. Define your success criteria

Proofreading is an integral part of the research process. It can mean the difference between a paper that is accepted and one that is rejected.

But proofreading can be difficult, especially when working on your manuscript, checking the experiment/survey results, and taking care of your newborn baby.

That’s where proofreading software comes in. These programs can help you find mistakes in your writing and correct them quickly and easily.

There are many different types of proofreading software available, each with its own set of features. As a result, it can be challenging to know which program is right for you.

That’s why we have created this guide to the best proofreading software for academic professionals. 

The best part? We have tested it with this very article, so you can see it for yourself. 

Table of Contents

How to choose the best proofreading software?

In recent years, there has been a proliferation of proofreading tools available online. These programs can help you detect plagiarism in your work, fix grammar mistakes and punctuation errors, and even make suggestions for changes in your writing style.

But which proofreading tool is best? Which one should you use? And how can you decide which proofreader is best for you when each one has a slightly different set of features?

Here, we will compare the most popular proofreaders available today. Then, we’ll discuss their key features and help you decide which one is best for your needs.

  • The first thing to look out for when choosing a proofreader is what it can do .
  • Some tools check for common mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and style, and many of them also assist you in checking for plagiarism.
  • Another critical aspect to consider is how accessible the proofreader is. For example, is it available only online, or can you download it? How easy is it to use? And what tools does it offer?
  • Finally, keep your own needs in mind when choosing a proofreading tool.

For example, if you plan to submit your manuscript for peer review, will the proofreader help you identify potential plagiarism issues? Or does it work best as a general proofreader that allows you to fix spelling and grammar mistakes?

Limitation of Proof-reading Tools

Although proofreading tools can be a great help in improving your writing, they do have some limitations.

  • First, proofreaders can only detect errors that are already in your text. They cannot help you to come up with ideas or to come up with better sentences.
  • Second, proofreaders can only correct certain types of errors. For example, many proofreaders are not very good at detecting grammar mistakes in scientific papers.
  • Finally, proofreaders can be time-consuming. It can take a lot of time to go through your text and fix all the errors that the proofreader finds.

Consider using a writing tool to improve your writing fundamentally. We review the best one as of today here, including some less-known secret weapon AI tool.

Best Proofreading Software & Tools in 2022 (Free & Paid)

Hemmingway editor app – best proofreading software that is basic, free, and works offline.

Proof-Reading Software

Hemmingway Editor is one of those great tools that people don’t talk about it first because it doesn’t have a strong affiliate incentive program. But, we like to use it to make sure our readability is around Grade 6. And, that is the primary use for us editors at

It handles the basic stuff like spelling errors. We ask our writers to use the free version for self-editing. 

It is not a Chrome extension, so it doesn’t work with Google Docs. 

  • We like the readability as a guideline to keep our writing accessible to read.
  • It helps us to run a sample check to quickly check someone’s work in terms of wording and content structure.
  • It has a clean interface that’s easy to use with no log-in needed.
  • It is one of the free online proofreading tools that are reliable.
  • It can work offline as a desktop app.
  • It’s not an automated solution as it requires you to fix grammar errors yourself. 
  • It doesn’t have a Chrome Extension that works with Google Docs.
  • Its writing advice is quite broad, without any specifics.
  • It’s not made for book authors or scholars with a considerable volume to flip through (best hire an editing service for those…)
  • There is a free online tool, but it does not save your work . You can lose your work if you are disconnected or accidentally close the tab.
  • It doesn’t offer you customization , e.g., if you want to sound professional, causal, or funny.
  • Not connected to any AI that offers things like plagiarism checker
  • There could be lots of formatting issues with exporting. 

Hemmingway is probably the best choice as a free online editor that checks writing style. But as you scale up and produce more writing, you might need something that can work more efficiently. 

We love this tool for its basic writing style and spelling mistakes checker. But, it has no plagiarism checker, which adds to our editing process.

Grammarly – Best Proofreading Software (for now)

I don’t intend to write yet another article about Grammarly being the best tool. Our research process started with a hypothesis that other online proofreading tools are better than Grammarly. However, if there is enough interest, we will publish that single review of Grammarly. 

For now, our conclusion, sadly, is that Grammarly does a great job of being an editing software.

Grammarly is considered the best proofreading tool for many reasons. 

  • We emphasize Google Docs integration, but Grammarly works with most platforms such as Word Outlook; Windows and iOS, mobile and iPads.
  • Offers browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Its free version offers powerful basic functions such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, conciseness.
  • Automated solution “Change-all” option (use it with care…).
  • Its AI-powered function learns from and grows with you as you give it feedback. It will adapt to your style and adjust the algorithms behind that suggestion to make it more accurate and helpful.
  • Its premium goes beyond just checking typos but also big picture feedback, clarify-focused sentence rewrites, tone adjustments, word choices, formality level, fluency, and consistency (such I’m vs. I am).
  • It makes your editing process easy with a sleek interface – clean and intuitive that requires no learning time.
  • It allows you to set goals and customize them for different purposes.

proofreading software for academic writing

  • Customer service seems to be a common reason for complaints.
  • Experienced writers will agree that you can’t trust any tool and rely on it to do your job – the same with Grammarly.
  • In our experience both as authors and editors, we don’t trust its reports from others who use Grammarly.
  • In our experience, you will need to click and check to get the best results. You simply cannot blindly follow its suggestions. 
  • As the best tool in the market, Grammarly is not cheap.

proofreading software for academic writing

It has a free plan with a basic function that rivals most free editing apps. Its premium plan is $30/month and drops to $12/month if paid annually.

WhiteSmoke’s Proofreading Software

proofreading software for academic writing

WhiteSmoke is an excellent spell check software that also checks the spelling and word choices. 

Is White Smoke a cheap product? The price is lower with the three-year plan. Education companies have named White Smoke the top proofreading tool on the Internet.

White smoke can simplify the workflow and improve the performance and efficiency of your research assistant. The WhiteSmoke platform also uses artificial intelligence and algorithms to enhance your writing skills.

WhiteSmoke’s proofreading software is available for the PC, Mac, and iPad. The latter makes it easier than ever to work on your texts anywhere, at any time. Moreover, WhiteSmoke also offers a free online plugin compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010. A simple installation process and the program’s intuitive design make it very easy to use.

The software is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese (traditional).

  • Easy to use and could teach you how to better at academic writing, e.g., style errors, help you catch spelling errors or grammatical errors.
  • Proofreading software designed with professional editors in mind.
  • Detects more than 90% of all grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Predictive text suggestions help you get the right word or phrase within seconds.
  • Available for PC, Mac, and iPad.
  • Free online plugin compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010.
  • WhiteSmoke comes with a Grammar Checker, Plagiarism Checker, and Translator.
  • It does not catch all errors.
  • The interface may be confusing to some users.
  • People complain about the lack of updates available.
  • Its service seems to be a big problem and could take days to respond.
  • Stability is an issue, e.g., crashes in mac IOS sometimes.
  • $59.95/year ($5/month value) for browser extension.
  • $79.95/year ($6.66/month value) for desktop app and more.
  • $137.95/year ($11.50/month value) for business suite — includes phone customer support.

Slick Write – A free editor tool great for non-native English writer/speaker

Slick Write is like an improved version of Hemmingway Editor. It’s a tool that features several useful functions to help you write better content.

Slick Write is a free web-based application, so it’s easy to use, and there is no need to install the software on your computer.

Slick Write allows you to check to spell, highlight passive sentences, and identify long and short sentences.

Slick Write’s features are A word count, a readability score based on the Flesch Reading Ease and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level equations, a passive voice analyzer, and an advanced grammar checker.

Besides this, it highlights a list of hard-to-read words, which is great for writers who don’t know all the vocabulary.

  • Slick Write is easy to use.
  • The spell checker is accurate enough.
  • It highlights long and short sentences.
  • You can check the readability of your text.
  • It comes with a free editor and a grammar checker (with ads).
  • There is no need to install the software, but this also means that it can be difficult to find if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
  • The word count is not always accurate.
  • It doesn’t work correctly on mobile devices.
  • The advanced grammar checker is difficult to use.
  • You can’t customize it to suit your own needs.

Pricing: free

Slick Write is a great tool, but it also has some flaws. Still, we can conclude that it is a handy tool, especially for non-native English speakers.

Ginger – reads aloud and translates.

Ginger is a great proofreading software because it can read aloud, which is helpful. Your ears can help you catch mistakes when your eyes are exhausted while typing. Additionally, Ginger also offers a grammar checker and a spell checker, so you can ensure that your text is perfect before you publish it. Overall, Ginger is an excellent tool for ensuring your writing is flawless.

Ginger’s online proofreading service does a great job checking your mistakes in the document you submit. It checks for various errors (like misused words correction, consecutive nouns, phonetic spelling mistakes, etc.). 

Ginger’s translation capability makes it an excellent tool for researchers who need to write in multiple languages.

proofreading software for academic writing

  • Most comprehensive out of all Grammarly alternatives.
  • It has a free Chrome extension that proves its value before charging.
  • It has a floating device (G icon) that shows up when it’s working.
  • It could double as a Grammar Checker and Sentence Rephraser.
  • Ginger’s free version is limited to 300 words.
  • The translation service is not always accurate, and the grammar checker is not always reliable.

ProWriting Aid

ProWriting Aid is a great editing tool that integrates into many different platforms. It is brilliant and catches most errors. One-click suggestions make it easy to accept good changes, and the interface is clean and intuitive. It requires almost no learning time, and basic suggestions are free. Advanced grammar suggestions (including tone) are available in paid plans.

  • The ProWritingAid software is a fantastic editing program that works with various platforms, such as Chrome, Google Docs, MS Office (in Windows), Scrivener.
  • It is extremely smart and catches most errors.
  • One-click suggestions make it easy to accept good changes, and the interface is clean and intuitive.
  • It requires almost no learning time, and basic suggestions are free. Advanced grammar suggestions (including tone) are available in paid plans.
  • It also requires an internet connection, as you probably guessed. Powerful AIs need high-performance PCs. They operate in the cloud on fast,
  • It also doesn’t work with Microsoft Office on iOS, as it does with Grammarly.
  • In terms of ProwritingAid vs. Grammarly, ProwritingAid is not as sleek, e.g., it offered fewer one-click fixes, the interface was not as clean, navigation was not as intuitive, and suggestions were not as well-presented
  • Extra features, like reports, cluttered the screen without being useful.

ProWritingAid offers a free version. In addition, there are two premium plans, ProWritingAid Premium ($79 per year) and ProWritingAid Premium+ ($89 per year). Its monthly, yearly, and Lifetime subscription plans are also available.

Paperrater – Free Proofreading Tools 

proofreading software for academic writing

Paperrater is a free online proofreader that allows you to check your writing for spelling and grammatical errors. 

The basic option allows you to check 50 documents of max five pages per month, but for a minimum discounted fee of $7.95/month, you can check up to 200 papers of max 20 pages per month and have access to its premium features.

Another fantastic online proofreading solution employs Linux-based operating systems with artificial intelligence to deliver you the most excellent possible outcomes.

proofreading software for academic writing

  • Free to use without log-in like Hemmingway Editor
  • Premium version costs $7.95/month (25% discounted) and has a free trial period.

proofreading software for academic writing

  • You need to set the education level of the author (Hemmingway wins)
  • You need to select the type of paper (Hemmingway wins)
  • Lots of ads as a free tool (Hemmingway wins)
  • The report is badly presented (see below; Hemmingway wins)
  • In terms of paid tool, Paper Rater vs. Grammarly is not a fair comparison; it is kind of like comparing Nokia with Apple

proofreading software for academic writing

Paperrater could be an excellent tool to experiment and form the basis for comparison with other online proofreading tools. 

CorrectEnglish (CE)

proofreading software for academic writing

CorrectEnglish is an editing tool that helps writers improve the accuracy and clarity of their writing. It does this by identifying grammar, punctuation, and style errors and providing feedback on how to fix them.

CorrectEnglish is available as a desktop app, a web app, and a mobile app. It can be used to write essays, articles, reports, etc., and is suitable for all writing proficiency levels.

Since its launch in 2014, CorrectEnglish has helped thousands of writers improve their writing skills.

  • Its free tool captures images when you copy and paste the whole thing (CE wins).
  • Check spelling and grammar with unmistakable explanations on why corrections are needed.
  • Accessibility: Works wherever you do, providing you with instant feedback.
  • It offers a quick stat that measures your writing.
  • Format documents for APA and MLA automatically.
  • Ensure all of your work is completely original with a plagiarism check.
  • Check spelling and grammar with detailed explanations on why corrections are needed.
  • Requires a sign-up for trial (Hemmingway wins)
  • The free version only works for 250 words (Hemmingway wins)
  • Its suggestions are not highlighted and not actionable; you need to search for them (same as Hemmingway)
  • Pricing is hard to justify at $24.00 monthly (Grammarly wins)

CE charges $24 per month or <$12 paid annually. I would suggest you test its tool with other premium tools like Grammarly. 

Proofread Bot – A limited free tool

proofreading software for academic writing

Proofread Bot is an online proofreading tool that helps students and professionals achieve academic excellence. It scans through essays, papers, and other documents for grammar mistakes, typos, and other errors, helping users produce polished and error-free writing. 

  • Easy and free to use like Hemmingway Editor
  • It can only check 600 words, which is not very useful as a free tool (Hemmingway wins)
  • There is some weird message that comes up when we test it with this article (Hemmingway wins)

As one of the free proofreading software programs, Proofread Bot is not as useful as Hemmingway at this writing. But, you are free to test and prove us wrong. 

After the Deadline – not an easy tool

proofreading software for academic writing

After the Deadline is a free, open-source web proofreader created by Automattic, which created WordPress. It will take longer than a week to complete if there are no other applications. 

As the Deadline is open-sourced, developers can incorporate it into their software. 

As you can see, this tool is not very easy to use. We like to focus on the content, not the tech or the tool. So, this tool is not for us.


proofreading software for academic writing

LanguageTool can easily read multiple languages for blogs and email. LanguageTool is very affordable, streamlined, and has handy integration. The main drawback is the limitation on the free version to 10k characters. 

Final thoughts

Grammarly can be a good tool for a professional writer even with its lack of perfection. It has many useful functionalities in a simple, clean interface and is probably the most intelligent proofreading AI. 

Those wishing to self-publish or have a high stake academic paper should still hire a publisher. 

But, using a proofreading tool as part of your writing process will help you become more professional, authoritative, and trustworthy. 

Did we miss anything? What are tools that we miss? What features do you like the most or less about the tools we discussed?

Proofreading Software vs. Human Proofreader

Why can’t I just proofread myself? You can. And, most of us do that. And, most of us can use a tool to make our writing better.

True, most proofreading tools cannot take over the work done by a human. Not completely. Our judgment and understanding of a content’s intent still beat most AI tools. 

Using Grammarly or Pro WritingAid or other writing software will make you a better writer. Like proofreaders, these tools can help us see what our eyes can’t due to long hours of working on the same document.

Is Grammarly better than a proofreader?

People use Grammarly to check their writing for mistakes. It’s an online app that acts as your editor, giving tips on the errors you might have missed. With the Grammarly Premium account, you can upload all of your work into a cloud-based platform and never worry about finding sentence reversals again!

Whether it can replace a good proofreader, we think not. Simply because we assume the proofreader knows your objectives and context better than an AI tool can.

We will talk about academic proofreading services in our next issue.

Can I use ProWritingAid offline?

Yes, you can use ProWritingAid offline. You will need to download the app, and then you can use it without an internet connection.

There is more.

Check out our other articles on the Best Academic Tools Series for Research below.

  • Learn how to get more done with these Academic Writing Tools  
  • Learn how to proofread your work with these Proofreading Tools
  • Learn how to broaden your research landscape with these Academic Search Engines
  • Learn how to manage multiple research projects with these Project Management Tools
  • Learn how to run effective survey research with these Survey Tools for Research
  • Learn how get more insights from important conversations and interviews with Transcription Tools
  • Learn how to manage the ever-growing list of references with these Reference Management Software
  • Learn how to double your productivity with literature reviews with these AI-Based Summary Generators
  • Learn how to build and develop your audience with these Academic Social Network Sites
  • Learn how to make sure your content is original and trustworthy with these Plagiarism Checkers
  • Learn how to talk about your work effectively with these Science Communication Tools

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1 thought on “Best Proof-reading Software for Academic Excellence”

Thank you for sharing, this is really helpful! I also want to know more about the pros&cons and premium program of Wordvice AI.

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Logo for Dr Anna Clemens PhD who teaches scientific writing courses for researchers

19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

A selection of tools for academic writing – from collaborating, time-tracking and project management to finding the perfect phrase or translation. We are continuously updating this list (latest update: April 2023).

I often get asked about my favourite academic writing tools. That’s why I compiled this scientific tools list for you with 19 great tools to support your academic writing. You can use all these scientific research tools for free and some of them have paid versions with additional features.

Just one word of caution: Exploring new academic writing tools can be a time-suck and distract you from getting your actual writing done. If you are one of those people who spend hours signing up for new software for academic writing and getting it set up, only to abandon the tool a few days or weeks later – then be careful reading this scientific tools list, and don’t get overenthusiastic. 😉

By the way, I don’t have any affiliation with any of the academic writing tools listed below, and none of these are affiliated links.

Here, we go, 19 tools for academic writing and scientific research I recommend in no particular order:

ACADEMIC Writing tools

1. writefull.

This proof-reading tool for scientific texts is powered by AI and big data. You can integrate the Writefull app into Word or Overleaf for free. A reader of the blog brought my attention to this tool (thank you so much!) and I’ve only recently started using it, so I can’t give you a full-blown review just yet but so far the results are promising. Writefull is owned by Digital Science, a company that has released several Open Science apps, such as figshare, Overleaf and Altmetric. 

2. Phrasebank

Created by Dr John Morley from “The University Language Center” of Manchester University, the Phrasebank is a database of common phrases used in papers, dissertations and grant proposals – a real goldmine!

The phrases are organised both by the common sections in a paper such as the Introduction, Methods, Results or Discussion section. For example, in the tab for the Introduction section, one can find entries for “establishing the importance of the topic for the world or society” or “identifying a knowledge gap in the field of study”. If you click on the latter, you can find among others the following suggested phrases: “It is still unclear whether…”, “However, the behaviour of X has not yet been investigated” and “Causal factors leading to X remain speculative”.

You can also look for phrases by choosing a general language function. Some of the choices are “being cautious”, “describing trends”, “signalling transition”.   

The Phrasebank is very useful to get inspiration for new wording but I do not endorse all entries. Sometimes you find language that is a bit clunky or overly complicated so do use your own judgement when you browse this academic writing tool. PS: You can also download the Academic Phrasebank as PDF or Kindle file.


If you’re looking for synonyms, is the best online thesaurus I’ve found so far. It divides the synonyms based on different meanings of the word and indicates the relevance of the synonym by using three shades of orange.

Just one word of caution: Don’t fall into the trap of using too many synonyms in your academic writing. Being precise is so much more important than varying the words you are using in your writing. In particular for field-specific terminology, I advise against using synonyms .

This is a hot tip for researchers who need to transcribe interviews (hello, social scientists!), who like to record research ideas or those who like to write by dictating text into their phone. Otter is an AI-based transcription tool that works for English language recordings. The quality of the transcriptions is comparable to other transcription services using AI, meaning they are often not accurate and can give nonsensical, even comical results — especially when the recorded voice has a strong or unusual accent. Still, the automated and quick transcriptions (real time transcriptions are available too!) can be a good starting point and are a huge time saver. What’s cool about Otter compared to its competitors is that they give you 300 minutes of transcriptions per month for free!

There are many online dictionaries but Linguee is my favourite for academic writing. It suggests a translation on the basis of previous translations published on the internet.  Therefore, this dictionary is especially great if you’re looking to not only translate a word but a certain turn of phrase or idiom. Linguee translates to and from English in over 20 languages. An essential academic writing tool for all non-native English speakers!


6. authorea.

The magazine “ TechCrunch ” describes Authorea as “a Google Docs for scientists”. On the academic writing platform, you can write, edit, and insert citations, figures and data. And it’s great for collaborative writing: Co-authors can access the same text at the same time, track the changes they made, insert comments and even live-chat during writing sessions. Documents can be imported from LaTeX and Word and exported as LaTeX, Word and PDF documents. You can also submit your article as a bioRxiv preprint straight from the Authorea platform. This software for academic writing is free for up to ten documents with limited sharing options.

7. Overleaf

Overleaf is to LaTeX users, what Authorea (see tool #6) is to Word users: an online editor that allows you to access and collaborate on your writing projects from anywhere. You can, for example, invite others to comment on your work. Overleaf offers some other neat collaborative writing features, such as a track-changes function, but – unfortunately – only on the paid plan. LaTeX may seem a bit intimidating at first but you actually get the hang of it quite fast (and feel like a coder 😎). Also, in my experience, you save a lot of time formatting your text (and feel smug about it when you talk to Word users 😁).

Slack is a chat tool that you can use in your lab or with your collaborators. Used in the right way, it allows you to save time by cutting down on emails and create a group atmosphere even if the members are not working in the same location. You can easily add files to the chats and create different channels for subgroups or certain topics. There also exist virtual communities on Slack you can join, such as the New PI Slack community for Assistant professors around the world. 

Loom is a great scientific research tool when you want to share a quick video with a colleague, student or collaborator. This could be a recorded presentation or lecture, your comments on the paper of a co-author, or a tutorial on using a piece of software. You can record your screen, camera and microphone. The neat thing is that after you’re done recording, Loom auto-generates a link you can share.

Academic writing tools for Productivity and project management

Toggl is a time-tracking app that you can install on your phone and computer. There’s only one way of knowing how long certain writing tasks typically take you, and that is by tracking the time they took you to complete . Time-tracking has another great advantage: You can identify time-sucks in your day. And these may be less obvious than you think.

I like to use Toggl for time-tracking because it’s quick to use and integrates with various other scientific research tools I am using. You just need to click the big red power button to start or stop a recording and assign tracked times to different projects. This scientific research tool has paid plans but for most people the free basic plan will be sufficient.

Are you easily tempted to check your phone when you really should be writing? This app called Forest may be just right for you then. Once installed on your phone, you can start planting a virtual tree whenever you want to focus. It grows from a little plant to a full-grown tree. When you pick up your phone and leave the app, the tree dies. This way, you can build your forest representing the time you have spent on focused work (or quality time with your family and friends…). I’m not using Forest myself, but I’ve heard that it works really as an academic writing tool well for some people. Give it a go!  

12. Focusmate

As Forest (see tool #11), Focusmate is an app to help you stay focused. Instead of  gamification, the concept of Focusmate is based on social accountability. Here is how it works: You schedule a 50-minute virtual co-writing session with another Focusmate member, turn on your webcam when your session starts, greet your temporary co-worker and then get to work silently.

Even though being filmed while working is a little strange in the beginning, co-writing sessions work really well for a lot of researchers. This is why we offer co-writing sessions as part of our academic writing program, the Researchers’ Writing Academy, as well.

13. Cold Turkey

If Forest (tool #11) or Focusmate (#12) don’t get you to focus on your writing, you may need to go Cold Turkey . This software for academic writing blocks any other application and turns your computer into a typewriter. You can choose whether you want Cold Turkey to prevent you from digital distractions for a certain amount of time or until you’ve hit a certain word count. With the paid version, you can even access integrated productivity soundtracks and text formatting.

Free writing training by the author of the blog post about free writing tools

Not an app exactly, but free as well: Click the orange button below to have me walk you through my step-by-step system to write clear & concise papers for your target journals in a timely manner . This free academic writing training is perfect for you if you’re reading this blog post because you are procrastinating on writing your paper.

Trello is an excellent project management tool for your academic writing, which you can use for managing each of your writing projects, for creating a publication pipeline and as a daily and weekly to-do list. Trello is a great introduction into project management because it’s a lot easier to learn and use than most other project management software. For each project called a “Board”, you can create different “lists”, which are vertical collection of “cards”, which you can move between lists. You can add due dates, checklist lists, links, files and text to each card. To work collaboratively, you can leave comments on cards and assign them to members on your team. You can also use Trello as a brainstorming tool, using the cards just as you would use post-it notes.

Members of my online course, the Researchers’ Writing Academy , get access to Trello templates I created to easily manage their publication pipeline, the writing process for each of their scientific papers and all of their other daily, weekly and monthly tasks and projects.

15. Todoist

Todoist is an alternative to Trello (see tool #16) or can be used in addition. It’s an online to-do list organiser and project management tool that comes as an app and browser version. You can organise your tasks in projects and schedule them for a certain day. This academic writing tool shows you today’s tasks as well as those for the next seven days. It also tracks your productivity, i.e. how many tasks you have completed.

academic writing Tools for finding and reading the literature

Feedly is a neat RSS feed manager that helps you stay up to date with the scientific literature. Instead of getting email alerts from journals (because who wants to get more emails…) you can view and organise the literature you are interested in by following journals’ RSS feeds. You can not only use this for scientific literature but also subscribe to blogs, for example the one you’re reading right now, by simply putting the URL in the Feedly search: .

Are you a mindmapper? Then you need Xmind , a free mindmapping and brain-storming tool. It’s intuitive, looks good and does exactly what you want a mindmapping tool to do. The free version allows for embedding of hyperlinks, images, attachments, so you can really use it however you like! That’s all I can really say about it as I’m not using mindmapping myself. But I know scientists who swear by it!

18. Audemic

Audio formats have become so popular (I’m a big podcast lover myself!) so it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that there now is an audio tool available for the scientific literature too: Audemic . This tool — completely free to use for individual researchers — creates summaries for you (that go beyond the abstract), lets you skip sections, highlight text and take notes while listening.

There are a few reference managers for your academic writing to choose from, some of which cost money. Zotero is free, open-source and doesn’t lack in functionality. You can easily save references from your browser, organise them in folders and with tags and create bibliographies with the right style. You can also create a citation library with your co-authors or share your library with others.

That’s it: 19 academic writing apps and scientific research tools to support your writing for free! However, the best academic writing software won’t make you more productive if you don’t rely on a streamlined writing process and if you aren’t using your writing sessions effectively. If you want to get your hands on a template to write scientific papers in a systematic fashion, sign up for this 1-hour writing training now. It’s free too!

Free writing training that goes beyond writing tools

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© Copyright 2018-2024 by Anna Clemens. All Rights Reserved. 

Photography by Alice Dix

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11 Best Editing and Proofreading Services in 2024


Written by  Scribendi

As a writer, it's not always easy to find typos or spelling errors in your own work. 

However, online editing services make error-free writing easy so you can focus on writing, not editing.

Below, we've listed the top 11 best editing and proofreading services for 2024 while considering years of experience, turnaround times, pricing, and quality. 

What Is the Difference Between Editing and Proofreading? 

Many people will hire a proofreader when they are really looking for an editor, and vice versa. However, editing and proofreading have different functions, and you will need one or the other depending on the requirements of your document. 

With editing services , your editor will: 

  • Focus on improving the flow of language
  • Check the overall readability
  • Verify the accuracy of language
  • Ensure the content follows a logical order
  • Make sure your transitions are clear
  • Verify that every paragraph is relevant to the overall argument
  • Determine whether the tone fits the audience
  • Ensure gendered language is used properly

With proofreading services , your proofreader will: 

  • Check for grammatical errors
  • Point out mechanical mistakes, such as misspelled words
  • Correct missing or incorrect punctuation
  • Verify correct and consistent capitalization 
  • Fix sentence structure errors, such as run-on sentences or fragments

If you want in-depth feedback and revisions to improve your writing, editing is what you need.

If you need a final check to ensure your document is error free, proofreading is what you need.

What to Look for When Hiring an Editing or Proofreading Service

When hiring an editing or proofreading service, there are a few things to keep in mind!

Editor Qualifications

Experience and education play a large role in selecting the right editor or proofreader. You want to work with someone who is qualified, who has expertise doing the type of editing you're looking for, and who has had satisfied customers in the past. 

Check each service's ratings on review sites to ensure their customer satisfaction levels match what the service promises.

An editing or proofreading sample can give you an excellent idea of what to expect from your editor. Samples may be free or paid and allow you to evaluate the quality of an editing or proofreading service.


Good communication is also crucial. Will you be able to ask your editor questions during or after the process? 

The goal of any editor is to help you develop your best work, so clear communication throughout the process is key.

You might be wondering what is a fair price to pay for proofreading. Professional proofreading rates vary, and so does quality. To get the best-value proofreading, you will need to find a reputable proofreading company.

Read More: How Much Does Proofreading Cost?

11 Best Editing and Proofreading Services for 2024

1. scribendi.

proofreading software for academic writing

Since 1997, Scribendi has been providing high-quality editing and proofreading services to students, academics, and authors from around the world. 

An ISO-certified industry leader in editing and proofreading services, Scribendi has a global team of hand-picked editors, many of whom hold master's degrees and PhDs. The onboarding process for new editors at Scribendi is intentionally rigorous so that only the highest-quality editors are selected—around 5% of all applicants. 

With Scribendi, you can expect affordable services and turnarounds in as little as 2 hours. The type of content Scribendi edits ranges from websites and blogs to essays and personal documents, with many other document types in between. Scribendi offers extensive feedback to its clients to help them develop their best work.

On the Scribendi website, you can also find case studies and reviews , along with a breakdown of how Scribendi customizes each service to specific clients. 

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 2 hours

Number of years in business: 25+

Free sample: Yes, 1,000-word free sample for editing or proofreading

ISO certified: Yes

Account deposit feature: Yes

Competitive Advantages

When it comes to fast turnaround times, affordable services, and professional, high-quality revisions, Scribendi has a competitive advantage over many other editing services.

With 25+ years' experience, their 480+ editors are available to proofread academic essays, novels, business materials, personal documents, or student essays 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Polish Your Writing with Our Book Proofreading Service


proofreading software for academic writing offers high-quality English editing and proofreading services exclusively for professionals in science and academia. 

An England-based company, the proofreaders at are native English speakers with experience in various academic disciplines. Each proofreader on their team is personally selected and holds at least a master's degree, so their academic clients are fully supported.

The types of editing they help with range from journal and scientific editing to PhD thesis and manuscript editing. Since their specialty is in science and academia, this service would be most helpful to professors, lecturers, post-doctoral researchers, and research students. offers a flat rate per 1,000 words. This rate does not change based on the type of content, so you always know how much proofreading will cost you.  

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: No instant quote

Number of years in business: 16

Free sample: No

ISO certified: No

An affordable option for academics and scientists, offers highly educated editors with expertise in many fields. 

proofreading software for academic writing

Fiverr is a marketplace for digital services that allows buyers and sellers to work with each other through Fiverr's transactional platform. 

Through Fiverr, many freelance proofreaders offer their services at different rates and turnaround times. Within the platform, editing services can be filtered by budget, delivery time, and content type.

You can also sift through the profiles of freelance editors, read their reviews, and learn about their history with editing and with Fiverr itself. Each editor offers different rates depending on their experience and turnaround time.

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: N/A

Number of years in business: 12

Account deposit feature: Yes (for Fiverr Business users)

With Fiverr, you have the flexibility to choose a specific editor, and many niche options are available. The process is simple and easy, and each transaction is made through the Fiverr platform.

4. True Editors

proofreading software for academic writing

True Editors offers professional editing services for academics, business owners, authors, and job applicants.

Their editing team is composed of engineers, research scholars, postgraduates, physicians, and even journal peer reviewers. Each editor on the True Editors team receives specialized training in academic editing and must take a language proficiency exam to qualify for their editing team.

To use True Editors' services, you can upload a file or enter your word count and choose your turnaround time. Their pricing varies by word count, and their website provides editing samples so you can get a feel for their editing style. If you're ever unhappy with their work, they also offer a free revision of your document.   

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 4 hours

Number of years in business: 10+

Free sample: 300 words or less for editing

True Editors has editors with specific subject-matter expertise.

5. ProofreadingPal

proofreading software for academic writing

Operating out of Iowa City, IA, ProofreadingPal is an editing service that utilizes a two-proofreader model. This means that two proofreaders work on every piece of content ordered through their service.

ProofreadingPal offers editing services for students, professionals, and authors, including academic editing for writing styles such as APA, Chicago, MLA, or CSE. Their services are available 24/7, 365 days per year, with turnaround times ranging from 30 minutes to 7 days.

What also makes this service unique is that they accept orders both online and by phone, and their customer service team is available every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT. They offer free sample edits of up to 400 words, and they don't have a minimum word requirement if you'd like to submit a small document for review.  

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 1.5 hours

Free sample: 400 words or less for editing

With ProofreadingPal, you get two proofreaders reviewing every submission instead of one and quick turnaround times. 

6. PaperTrue

proofreading software for academic writing

PaperTrue started in 2014 as an editing service but has since expanded its services to include essay writing, formatting, and plagiarism checking for students, as well as cover design, typesetting, and online distribution for authors.

Operating with the belief that language shouldn't be a barrier to success, PaperTrue helps a global audience of businesses, authors, and researchers edit their writing so they're able to reach their full potential. To date, they've served over 52,000 clients and have 4.5+ stars on review sites, including Google Reviews and Sitejabber. 

PaperTrue also offers a three-step quality checking process and hand-picked, qualified editors for each document reviewed. With locations in the US, Singapore, the UK, and India, they offer round-the-clock editing services with a turnaround time of 12 hours for documents up to 6,000 words. 

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 12 hours

Number of years in business: 8

With PaperTrue, you get not only editing and proofreading services but publication services as well, including typesetting, cover design, and online distribution.


Proofed is an editing and formatting service that helps students, businesses, authors, academics, researchers, and other professionals communicate effectively. Its mission is to provide the highest quality proofreading and editing services in the world.

With a diverse group of editors, the team at Proofed offers extensive knowledge on nearly every subject. All editors have undergone Proofreading Academy training, a course developed by Proofed, to ensure the highest standard of editing possible. 

Proofed offers speedy delivery (up to 10,000 edited words within 24 hours), with express and rapid turnaround times that range from 2 to 12 hours for select word counts. Their system supports over 15 different document formats, which makes the submission process easy, and their team offers 24-hour support.

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 2 hours  

Free sample: 500 words for proofreading only

ISO certified: Yes 

Account deposit feature: No

Proofed offers proofreading expertise in many fields, as well as formatting services.

proofreading software for academic writing

Enago provides 24/7 editing services for the global research community. More than just a team of editors, Enago works with researchers in over 125 countries to help them publish their work in international journals. 

With end-to-end publication support services, such as pre-submission peer review, journal selection, and post-submission review, Enago also offers competitive quality assurance with unlimited edits and a money-back guarantee for manuscripts that are rejected due to language issues.  

Enago's editors all hold a PhD or master's degree, and they have an average of 19.4 years of academic editing experience. Each manuscript is assigned to an editor with similar subject area expertise, assuring high-level accuracy. 

Like ProofreadingPal, Enago also operates on a two-editor model, where all manuscripts are reviewed by no fewer than two native English-speaking editors. 

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 24 hours

Number of years in business: 17

Enago offers highly educated editors in the fields of science, academia, and business, along with help and support during the academic publication process. 

proofreading software for academic writing

American Journal Experts (AJE) offers in-depth scientific and academic editing services, in addition to translation and manuscript formatting services, to help researchers publish their best work. Its mission is to improve the exchange of discoveries in the international research community by identifying opportunities to improve the research, publishing, and discovery cycle.  

In addition to providing quality editing services, their team of PhDs supports researchers when they have questions regarding manuscript submission and publishing. AJE also matches each manuscript with an editor who is a subject-matter expert. 

Prices and turnaround times, as well as more in-depth information regarding the details of each type of editing offered (standard, advanced, or premium), can be found on the AJE website. 

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 48 hours  

Number of years in business: 18

Free sample: Editing of up to 500 words for an abstract

AJE's editors have subject-matter expertise, and the service also offers translation and formatting services. 

10. Editage

proofreading software for academic writing

Editage partners with researchers to offer advanced and premium editing as well as publication support and translation services. Their goal is to assure the publication success of hopeful researchers, scholars, and students. 

Each document submitted to Editage is assigned to an editor who best matches the content subject matter. Editage even offers the option to select your expert, price, deadline, and style, so researchers have full control of the service they receive. Researchers can also collaborate with their editing expert to ensure the paper follows their vision. 

Editage also has local language support, turnaround times of as little as eight hours, and a two-step revision process for quality. Their team of over 2,000 native English editors has publication expertise and covers over 1,000 subjects.  

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 8 hours

Number of years in business: 20

At Editage, two editors review every submission. They also offer client-to-editor Q&A interaction and translation services.

proofreading software for academic writing

LetPub offers editorial services for researchers in the scholarly publishing community. In addition to editing, LetPub offers scientific illustration services, plain language summaries, and graphic and video abstracts. 

The LetPub team is composed of experts and senior editors who come from a wide range of disciplines, each one a native English speaker with experience editing both scientific and technical documents. The types of editing included in LetPub's services range from grant and language editing to response letter and scientific editing. 

Because many of LetPub's editors and staff have research backgrounds, they're familiar with the level of effort it takes to write a paper for publication, and they will reedit a paper at no cost if it is rejected for language reasons.

Fastest turnaround time for 1,000 words: 48 hours

ISO certified: Yes (for translation services)

Competitive Advantages 

LetPub offers expertise in science for scientists and academics, as well as translation and formatting services. 

Perfect Your Writing with High-Quality Academic Proofreading

There's a lot to consider when choosing an editing service. Save our table as a quick reference for your next document.

As long as you understand the important factors that go into choosing a great editing service, like experience, customer satisfaction, and quality, you'll be well equipped to choose the right one for you.

About the Author

Scribendi Editing and Proofreading

Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing turn into a great one after the editing process. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained nearly 20 degrees collectively. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

Achieve Perfect Writing with High-Quality Proofreading

Try our essay proofreading service.

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"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Academic Writing"

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Upload your file(s) so we can calculate your word count, or enter your word count manually.

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English is not my first language. I need English editing and proofreading so that I sound like a native speaker.

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proofreading software for academic writing

10 Best AI Tools for Clear Academic Writing 2024

10 Best AI Tools for Clear Academic Writing 2024

In 2024, AI tools will revolutionize academic writing by providing powerful features to enhance clarity, structure, and originality. This article explores the top 10 AI writing assistants designed to simplify the writing process for students and researchers:

  • Writefull Academizer
  • SciSpace Paraphraser
  • LumenWriter

Quick Comparison

These AI tools offer a range of features to enhance academic writing, including language suggestions, grammar checks, paraphrasing, summarization, and citation management. By leveraging the power of AI, students and researchers can improve clarity, structure, and originality while saving time and increasing productivity.

1. Writefull Academizer

Writefull Academizer

Writefull Academizer is an AI-powered tool designed to improve the quality of academic and scientific writing. It helps authors and editors refine their texts to meet high standards.

Language Enhancement Features

Writefull Academizer offers several features to enhance language, including:

  • Automated proofreading
  • Paraphrasing
  • Writing assistance

Its AI system provides language feedback, using big data to deliver high-quality results. The platform also includes a paraphrasing tool to reframe sentences and avoid plagiarism.

AI-Assisted Proofreading Capabilities

The Academizer's AI-assisted proofreading capabilities help users refine their writing, save time, and increase productivity. Its automated proofreading feature provides AI-driven language feedback, improving grammar, punctuation, and style. Additionally, the platform's AI content detection feature detects AI-generated text.

User Feedback and Academic Focus

Writefull Academizer is designed for students, researchers, institutions, and publishers. The platform is free to use, with fair use policies in place. Its user-friendly interface and academic focus make it an excellent tool for improving academic writing skills.

2. Paperpal


Paperpal is an AI-driven tool designed to assist the academic writing process. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to help scholars, researchers, and students improve their writing.

Paperpal offers language suggestions, grammar checks, and academic writing conventions. Its AI-based solution uses machine learning models that have learned from language suggestions made by professional copyeditors across millions of research articles.

Integration with Writing Platforms

Paperpal integrates with Microsoft Word and web platforms, making it accessible and easy to use.

Paperpal's AI-powered writing assistant provides real-time suggestions and feedback to improve your writing skills. It goes beyond traditional grammar and spelling tools, offering comprehensive assistance in language, style, and structure.

Paperpal is designed for students, researchers, and institutions, with a user-friendly interface and academic focus. It offers flexible accessibility and pricing, including a Free and Prime Plan.

3. SciSpace Paraphraser

SciSpace Paraphraser

SciSpace Paraphraser is a powerful tool designed to help writers and researchers refine their academic writing. It offers advanced language enhancement features to improve the clarity and quality of your writing.

SciSpace Paraphraser provides the following features to enhance your writing:

SciSpace Paraphraser's AI-powered writing assistant provides real-time suggestions and feedback to improve your writing skills. It goes beyond traditional grammar and spelling tools, offering comprehensive assistance in language, style, and structure. The tool also includes a built-in AI detector feature to identify and humanize AI-written content.

SciSpace Paraphraser is designed for students, researchers, and institutions, with a user-friendly interface and academic focus. It offers flexible accessibility and pricing, making it an ideal solution for those seeking to elevate their writing skills and produce high-quality academic content.


Wordvice AI is a writing checker app that helps students, researchers, and business professionals improve their writing. It offers a range of features to enhance language.

Wordvice AI provides:

Wordvice AI's writing assistant provides real-time feedback to improve writing skills. It goes beyond traditional grammar and spelling tools, offering comprehensive assistance in language, style, and structure.

Wordvice AI is designed for students, researchers, and business professionals, with a user-friendly interface and academic focus. It offers flexible accessibility and pricing, making it an ideal solution for those seeking to elevate their writing skills and produce high-quality academic content.

Wordvice AI is available as a web app, with MS Word add-ons and Chrome extensions coming soon, giving users access to the Online Writing Assistant in more places.

5. Jenni AI

Jenni AI

Jenni AI is a powerful tool designed to improve the quality and clarity of academic writing. It offers a range of features to assist writers in refining their work.

Jenni AI provides the following features to enhance language:

Jenni AI's AI-assisted proofreading capabilities provide real-time feedback to improve writing skills. The tool goes beyond traditional grammar and spelling checks, offering comprehensive assistance in language, style, and structure.

Jenni AI is designed for students, researchers, and academics, with a user-friendly interface and academic focus. The tool offers flexible accessibility and pricing, making it an ideal solution for those seeking to elevate their writing skills and produce high-quality academic content.

Jenni AI's features and capabilities make it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their writing efficiency and quality. With its AI-powered language enhancement features and proofreading capabilities, Jenni AI is a valuable tool for academic writing.


ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool designed to assist with clear academic writing. This tool offers a range of features to help writers refine their work.

ChatGPT provides suggestions to improve sentence structure, clarity, and engagement. It can also format content and provide a proper structure. Additionally, ChatGPT identifies areas that need improvement and offers suggestions to avoid mistakes.

ChatGPT's AI-assisted proofreading capabilities go beyond traditional grammar and spelling checks. It provides real-time feedback to improve writing skills, including suggestions for improving clarity, coherence, and overall writing style.

ChatGPT is designed for students, researchers, and academics, with a user-friendly interface and academic focus. The tool offers flexible accessibility and pricing, making it an ideal solution for those seeking to elevate their writing skills and produce high-quality academic content.



Elephas is an AI writing assistant designed to improve writing speed and quality across various Apple devices, including Mac, iPhone, and iPad. This tool works seamlessly across multiple applications, allowing users to generate a wide range of content.

Elephas offers several language enhancement features, including:

Elephas integrates with various writing platforms, including:

Elephas' AI-assisted proofreading capabilities go beyond traditional grammar and spelling checks. The tool provides real-time feedback to improve writing skills, including suggestions for improving clarity, coherence, and overall writing style.

Elephas is designed for professionals across different Apple devices. The tool offers a budget-friendly pricing model, depending on how much the user consumes playtime credits. Elephas offers a 30-day free trial, making it easy for users to try the service without any cost. The developer is very responsive to user requests, and the tool has received positive feedback from its users, with most of them noting its ability to help them save time and improve the quality of their work.

8. Quillbot


Quillbot is an AI-powered writing tool designed to simplify and enhance the writing process. It offers a range of features that cater to students, researchers, and professionals seeking to refine and expand their work.

Quillbot's paraphrasing tool helps users reword text while preserving its original meaning. This tool is particularly useful for overcoming writer's block and discovering new ways to convey ideas. Additionally, Quillbot offers a summarizing tool that extracts vital points from extensive text, making it easier to understand complex information.

Quillbot's grammar checker ensures that content is error-free, making it an essential tool for non-native English speakers. Furthermore, Quillbot's platform is easy to use and accessible, with the option to utilize it directly through its website or as a Google Chrome extension.

Quillbot has received positive feedback from its users, who appreciate its ability to help them save time and improve the quality of their work. Its ease of use and accessibility make it an ideal tool for students, researchers, and professionals seeking to enhance their writing skills.

Overall, Quillbot is a valuable tool for anyone looking to refine their writing and overcome common writing challenges. Its range of features and user-friendly interface make it an excellent addition to any writing toolkit.

9. LumenWriter


LumenWriter is an AI-based tool designed to improve academic writing. It generates content, conducts research, and organizes ideas into clear, logical, and well-structured papers.

LumenWriter offers several features to enhance language, including:

LumenWriter's AI technology ensures that generated content is free of spelling and grammar mistakes.

LumenWriter has received positive feedback from its users, who appreciate its ability to help them overcome writer's block and structure their findings into coherent academic papers. Its user-friendly interface makes it an ideal tool for students and researchers seeking to enhance their writing skills.

Overall, LumenWriter is a valuable tool for anyone looking to refine their writing and overcome common writing challenges. Its range of features and user-friendly interface make it an excellent addition to any writing toolkit.

10. MyStylus

MyStylus is an AI-powered tool designed to help students and researchers write clear and coherent academic papers. It offers a range of features to assist users in organizing their ideas and refining their writing skills.

MyStylus provides:

Additionally, MyStylus uses open sources and follows the required citation format. Each piece of writing is screened by a ZeroGPT detector to ensure 100% originality.

MyStylus's AI technology checks for spelling and grammar mistakes, providing detailed feedback to help users refine their writing skills.

MyStylus has received positive feedback from its users, who appreciate its ability to help them overcome writer's block and structure their findings into coherent academic papers. Its user-friendly interface makes it an ideal tool for students and researchers seeking to enhance their writing skills.

Overall, MyStylus is a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their writing and overcome common writing challenges. Its range of features and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for students and researchers seeking to refine their academic writing skills.

Comparison Table

Here is a comprehensive comparison table of the 10 best AI tools for clear academic writing in 2024, highlighting their features, benefits, and limitations:

This comparison table provides a quick reference for readers to evaluate the features, benefits, and limitations of each AI tool, helping them make an informed decision about which tool best suits their academic writing needs.

In conclusion, the 10 AI tools for clear academic writing in 2024 can greatly simplify and enhance the writing process for students and researchers. These innovative tools offer a range of features to improve the clarity, accuracy, and overall quality of academic writing.

Benefits of AI Tools

By using these AI tools, individuals can:

  • Save time and reduce stress
  • Increase productivity and focus on content and substance
  • Overcome common challenges, such as writer's block
  • Receive valuable insights and suggestions to improve writing style

Effective Use of AI Tools

To get the most out of these AI tools, it's essential to:

  • Evaluate their features, benefits, and limitations
  • Find the most suitable tool for individual writing needs
  • Combine the power of AI tools with expertise and creativity to produce high-quality, engaging, and impactful academic writing

Remember, the key to successful academic writing is not solely dependent on the tool itself, but rather on how effectively you utilize it to enhance your writing skills.

What is the best AI tool to check grammar?

There are several excellent AI tools available to check grammar. Here are some of the best ones:

Each of these tools offers advanced features to help you refine your writing and catch grammar mistakes.

proofreading software for academic writing

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  1. Best Proof-reading Software for Academic Excellence 2023

    proofreading software for academic writing

  2. The 7 Best Proofreading Software to Level Up Your Writing

    proofreading software for academic writing

  3. Best Proofreading Software [2023]: What Program Is Best for You?

    proofreading software for academic writing

  4. The Ultimate Proofreading and Editing Tool for Academic Writing

    proofreading software for academic writing

  5. Best Proof-reading Software for Academic Excellence 2023

    proofreading software for academic writing

  6. 7 Best Proofreading Software in 2023

    proofreading software for academic writing


  1. Proofreading Tips: Areas of Focus

  2. Proofreading Tips: Make It Weird

  3. English for Academic Writing and Proofreading

  4. Nota Bene Software Suite Overview

  5. Expert Academic Writing Help

  6. Proofreading Tips: Read Aloud


  1. The Best Proofreading & Editing Software (To Use In 2023)

    The Best Free & Paid Proofreading & Editing Software (To Use In 2023) The Scribe Crew. Unlocking the World's Wisdom. If you're looking for the best proofreading tool on the market, I'll tell you what it is: The best proofreading software out there is Grammarly. But even in 2022, it still has severe limitations.

  2. 17 Best Proofreading Software Options (2024)

    1. Grammarly. Use for: General proofreading. Pricing: Free/$30 per month. Using Grammarly Premium, you can create a custom style guide and download reports for them to check. Grammarly excels as proofreading software. It's ideal for most writers, editors, and anyone working with the written word.

  3. Best Proofreading Software in 2024: Compare Reviews on 30+ Products

    PerfectIt is the leading proofreading software for professional editors, medical writers, proposal managers, lawyers, technical writers and more. PerfectIt finds mistakes that no spelling or grammar. Users. Editor. Copyeditor. Industries. Writing and Editing.

  4. Free Online Proofreader

    The proofreading process is your last chance to catch any errors in your writing before you submit it. A proofreader makes sure your spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors are reviewed and fixed. This can be done automatically by an AI-powered tool like the one at the top of this page or by a real human.

  5. The Best Proofreading Software To Use: 2024 Edition

    The best proofreading software to use for writing novels is a combination of ProWritingAid and Hemingway, which check different things. For blogs, emails, memos, social media posts, and shorter projects, Grammarly is a robust proofreading tool — even the free version. ... Better at short documents and academic papers than long-form writing ...

  6. The 7 Best Proofreading Software to Level Up Your Writing

    5. Quillbot. 6. Scribens. 7. Ginger. Whether you're a student, an author, or a casual writer, these tools can help you polish your output, so let's dive in. 📃🤓 7 proofreading tools to keep your writing mistake-free. Click to tweet!

  7. Best Proofreading Software 2024

    5.0 (371) View Profile. PerfectIt is a cloud-based proofreading software that helps professionals efficiently edit documents and improve writing quality. Learn more about PerfectIt. Proofreading features reviewers most value. Contextual Guidance. Dictionary/Thesaurus. Grammar Check. Plagiarism Detection.

  8. AI Proofreader

    We created the AI Proofreader to correct academic texts. To achieve this, we trained it on 1000s of academic papers. That's why it covers more advanced mistakes in academic writing. It also makes sure that your writing is clear and easy to understand.

  9. Academic Proofreading & Editing Services

    AcademicProofreading And Editing. Whether you're writing a thesis, research paper, or PhD proposal, Proofed's academic proofreading and editing services will help ensure your writing reads smoothly and your ideas are communicated effectively. Try For Free.

  10. Academic Proofreading & Editing Services

    Overuse of passive voice. Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. Within 12 hours. 📄 Texts. Papers, essays, dissertations, manuscripts. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 12,523 reviews.

  11. 10 Best Proofreading Software Programs and Tools (Free & Paid)

    3. LanguageTool. LanguageTool is an efficient and convenient free proofreading and editing software that corrects your spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and language style. It also offers an A.I.-powered paraphrasing tool, a distraction-free writing experience, and a personal dictionary.

  12. 15 Best Proofreading Software: Top Picks for Writers

    10. Slick Write. Slick Write is a powerful, free tool that's designed to help with checking your grammar, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can assist in improving your writing.

  13. How to Choose the Best AI Editing Tool for Academic Writing

    Among the four top AI proofreading and editing tools compared, Curie stands out as the most suitable and comprehensive tool for academic writing, while other tools may be more appropriate for personal or business use during the drafting phase. Updated on December 19, 2023. When it comes to AI writing tools, there is something for every ...

  14. Best Proofreading Software

    Find the best Proofreading Software for your organization. Compare top Proofreading Software systems with customer reviews, pricing, and free demos. ... Unicheck is a web-based plagiarism detection tool for academic institutions, marketers, publishers, and other businesses. ... Textio is an augmented writing software designed to help recruiters ...

  15. Best Proof-reading Software for Academic Excellence 2024

    Proofread Bot is an online proofreading tool that helps students and professionals achieve academic excellence. It scans through essays, papers, and other documents for grammar mistakes, typos, and other errors, helping users produce polished and error-free writing. Pros. Easy and free to use like Hemmingway Editor.

  16. AI Proofreading Tools for Researchers (Top 6 tools enlisted)

    2. WhiteSmoke. WhiteSmoke is a comprehensive proofreading AI tool that combines grammar and spelling checking with plagiarism detection and translation services. It offers a user-friendly interface and provides detailed explanations for suggested corrections, helping users improve their writing skills. 3.

  17. Best Proofreading Software: 6 Top Options

    In this video, I review the 6 best proofreading software options for you.When you review your own writing, you are often blind to typos and mistakes. The mor...

  18. Scribbr

    Help you achieve your academic goals. Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  19. Writefull

    Writefull is automated writing and proofreading for academics, using the most advanced AI to date ... I have used other more generic proofreading software as well, but it is really clearly calibrated for academic writing! ... For research writing. Using language models trained on millions of journal articles, Writefull's edits are tailored to ...

  20. 19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

    1. WRITEFULL. This proof-reading tool for scientific texts is powered by AI and big data. You can integrate the Writefull app into Word or Overleaf for free. A reader of the blog brought my attention to this tool (thank you so much!) and I've only recently started using it, so I can't give you a full-blown review just yet but so far the results are promising.

  21. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

    DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!

  22. 20 Best Academic Writing Software in 2024

    1. Microsoft Word: Write Like a Pro. Microsoft Word is a popular word-processing program used for writing an essay, a dissertation, or other written academic requirements. It's a 1983 Microsoft Office application and is a widely-used office program. Its integration with Office 365 and Microsoft OneDrive makes it versatile and allows for collaboration among students and professors.

  23. Professional Editing and Proofreading Services Within 12 Hours

    Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools (plagiarism checker, paraphrasing tool, grammar checker, summarizer, Citation Generator) as well as our free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers. We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

  24. 11 Best Editing and Proofreading Services in 2024

    Scribendi lists the best editing and proofreading services in 2024, considering editors' qualifications, the availability of sample editing, and more. ... ProofreadingPal offers editing services for students, professionals, and authors, including academic editing for writing styles such as APA, Chicago, MLA, or CSE. Their services are available ...

  25. 10 Best AI Tools for Clear Academic Writing 2024

    In conclusion, the 10 AI tools for clear academic writing in 2024 can greatly simplify and enhance the writing process for students and researchers. These innovative tools offer a range of features to improve the clarity, accuracy, and overall quality of academic writing. Benefits of AI Tools. By using these AI tools, individuals can: