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PowerPoint presentations in a window not full screen

PowerPoint presentations don’t have to be full-screen, that’s the default and normal way to show a deck, but a window option is also there.  A windowed presentation lets you display the slides in other software like virtual cameras or desktop capture.

Go to Slide Show | Setup Slide show and choose ‘Browsed by an individual (window)’.

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

The options are the same in PowerPoint for Windows or Mac.

Start the slide show (Slide Show | From Beginning or From Current Slide) as usual except now it appears in a resizable window.

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Windowed presentation controls

There are back and forward slide buttons on the bottom status bar (see above).

Click on the icon between those two buttons to see some more options.

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

The same options appear if you right-click in the presentation while windowed.

  • Next / Previous
  • Go to Slide – choose a slide from the flyout list.
  • Go to Section – for decks in Sections
  • Zoom In / Zoom Out
  • Print Preview and Print
  • Edit Slides
  • Full Screen

It would be really nice if Presenter View could appear in a second window – but alas it’s not an option. That would let the use control the presentation properly while the slides appear in another window (which could be visible via a third-party tool).

Switching Full Screen and window slide show

Starting from a windowed presentation means you can switch between Full Screen and the window presentation without showing the entire PowerPoint menus etc.  It’s a little neater and more professional.

Go to Full Screen from the menu option.

In Full Screen mode press Escape to return to the windowed presentation.

Why use a windowed PowerPoint presentation?

Having the slides in a resizable window gives you options not available when the deck is taking up the whole screen.

Perhaps you’re demonstrating some software?  Have the presentation in one window and the software in another? See A better Side-by-Side document view for Windows and Mac to see how to use windows controls in Windows or Split View on a Mac.

A windowed presentation can be selected as an input option for a virtual camera or other service which lets you choose to display a selected running program.  Full screen PowerPoint can’t be selected but the same slide can be chosen from a windowed presentation.

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Tips for Powerpoint by Regina Griffin

How To Full Screen In PowerPoint

Want to make a lasting impact with your PowerPoint presentations?

Engage your audience by utilizing the full-screen mode.

In this tutorial by Regina Griffin, a teacher from Oregon, US, we will explore what full screen mode is, how it enhances presentations, and the simple steps to enter and exit full-screen mode.

Discover keyboard shortcuts and learn how to use the “Presenter View” feature to elevate your presentation.

Dive in and take your PowerPoint skills to the next level!

Key Takeaways:

  • Full-screen mode in PowerPoint helps in delivering a more professional and engaging presentation.
  • To enter full-screen mode, open your presentation, click on the “Slide Show” tab, and select “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide”.
  • To exit full-screen mode, press the “Esc” key or click on the “Exit” button in the bottom right corner.

What is Full Screen in PowerPoint?

Full Screen in PowerPoint refers to the display mode where the presentation covers the entire screen, maximizing visibility for the audience.

Utilizing the Full-Screen view in PowerPoint can significantly elevate the impact of your presentation. By eliminating any distractions and focusing solely on the content, you ensure that your message is delivered clearly and effectively. This mode is particularly helpful in large auditoriums or online settings, where every pixel counts in engaging your viewers.

Transition effects, animations, and slide content appear sharper and more impressive in Full-Screen mode , capturing your audience’s attention effortlessly. It also provides a seamless way to navigate through your slides, enhancing the flow of your delivery.

How Does Full-Screen Mode Help in Presentations?

Full-screen mode in PowerPoint aids presentations by eliminating distractions, focusing attention on the content, and providing a seamless viewing experience for the audience.

When presented in Full Screen Mode , the entire screen is utilized, ensuring that all eyes in the room are fixed on your slides and that your message is delivered clearly without any interference. By immersing the audience in the presentation, you create a more engaging atmosphere that captivates their interest and enhances information retention. The elimination of external elements like toolbars and taskbars allows the content to take center stage, emphasizing key points and graphics for better comprehension.

How to Enter Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint?

Entering Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint is a straightforward process that involves accessing the display settings to optimize the presentation viewing experience.

To begin, open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the Slide Show tab located in the top menu bar. From there, click on the Set Up Slide Show option to access the various display settings. Within the Set Up Show dialog box, under the Show type section, select the Presented by a speaker(full screen) option to ensure the presentation fills the entire screen.

Next, you can choose whether you want the presentation to start from the Beginning or the Current Slide . You can also specify additional options such as looping the presentation and enabling narration. Once you have set your preferences, click OK to apply the changes.

Step 1: Open the PowerPoint Presentation

To begin entering Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint, open the desired presentation file on your device.

Once you have launched the PowerPoint software and accessed the file containing your slides, you are ready to move forward in presenting your work effectively. This initial step paves the way for a seamless transition into Full Screen Mode, optimizing your viewing experience and engaging your audience. By following these simple instructions, you are setting the stage for a polished and professional presentation that captivates your viewers. Remember, meticulous preparation and mastery of PowerPoint’s features are key to delivering impactful slideshows.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Slide Show’ Tab

After opening the presentation, navigate to the ‘Slide Show’ tab located on the PowerPoint taskbar to access presentation settings.

To prepare your presentation for Full-Screen view, the next step involves interacting with the Slide Show tab on the PowerPoint taskbar. This tab contains various options and settings specifically designed for your presentation’s display mode. By accessing the Slide Show tab, you can customize how your slides will be presented in Full Screen Mode, ensuring that your audience experiences a seamless and engaging presentation. From setting up slide transitions to rehearsing timings, this tab is essential for optimizing your presentation’s visual impact and flow.

Step 3: Select ‘From Beginning’ or ‘From Current Slide’

Choose whether to start the presentation from the beginning of the current slide by selecting the appropriate option to proceed with Full Screen Mode in PowerPoint.

When opting to start your slideshow From the Beginning , PowerPoint will initiate the presentation sequence from the very first slide, offering viewers a structured introduction to the content.

Conversely, electing to commence the slideshow From the Current Slide will begin at the slide you currently have open, ideal for situations where you need to pick up mid-presentation.

This decision can significantly impact the flow of your presentation, determining how smoothly the transitions between slides occur and how the timing is managed throughout your PowerPoint presentation.

How to Exit Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint?

Exiting Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint can be done swiftly using either the ‘Esc’ key on the keyboard or by clicking on the ‘Exit’ button located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

When in Full-Screen Mode during a PowerPoint presentation, the ‘Esc’ key serves as a quick and reliable way to exit and return to the normal view. This keyboard shortcut is intuitive and widely known, making it a popular choice for presenters aiming to seamlessly transition between views.

Alternatively, for those who prefer a visual cue, the ‘Exit’ button provides an on-screen control that can be easily accessed. By simply clicking on this button located strategically in the bottom right corner, users can smoothly exit Full-Screen Mode with minimal interruption to the flow of their presentation.

Option 1: Press the ‘Esc’ Key

To exit Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint quickly, press the ‘Esc’ key on your keyboard to return to the regular view.

The ‘Esc’ key, typically located in the top-left corner of your keyboard, holds the functionality of exiting Full-Screen Mode across various applications, including PowerPoint. When you are in Full Screen Mode, simply tapping this key will revert your display to the standard editing interface, allowing you to continue your presentation or slide editing.

Option 2: Click on the ‘Exit’ Button in the Bottom Right Corner

Alternatively, to exit Full-Screen Mode, locate and click on the ‘Exit’ button positioned in the bottom right corner of the screen to transition back to the standard PowerPoint view.

This visual cue is strategically placed to offer users a straightforward way to exit the immersive full-screen experience. By interacting with this button, users can seamlessly return to the familiar PowerPoint interface, complete with all necessary slide controls and user interface elements. The ‘Exit’ button acts as a bridge between the immersive presentation mode and the standard editing or viewing mode, providing a seamless transition for users navigating through the presentation.

What are the Keyboard Shortcuts for Full Screen in PowerPoint?

Utilizing keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint streamlines the process of entering and exiting Full-Screen Mode, with ‘F5’ to enter and ‘Esc’ to exit being the primary shortcuts for seamless navigation.

When presenting a PowerPoint slideshow, quick access to Full Screen Mode enhances the overall audience experience and minimizes distractions for the presenter. Plus ‘F5’ and ‘Esc’, other essential shortcuts include pressing ‘Ctrl+F’ to toggle Full-Screen Mode and using ‘Ctrl+S’ for Speaker Notes view. These shortcuts not only improve efficiency but also allow presenters to control the flow of their presentations effortlessly. By mastering these shortcuts, presenters can focus more on delivering engaging content rather than navigating through the software interface.

Enter Full-Screen Mode: F5

To enter Full-Screen Mode swiftly in PowerPoint, press the ‘F5’ key on your keyboard to initiate the presentation in a full-screen display.

Once you press the ‘F5’ key, PowerPoint seamlessly transitions your presentation to full-screen mode, eliminating any distractions and ensuring a focused audience experience. This shortcut is exceptionally useful during live presentations, allowing you to instantly engage with your content without the need for manual adjustments.

The ‘F5’ key not only maximizes your slides but also activates interactive features like animations, transitions, and embedded media to showcase your presentation dynamically. It serves as a fundamental tool for presenters looking to enhance the visual impact and overall professionalism of their slides.

Exit Full-Screen Mode: Esc

Exiting Full-Screen Mode in PowerPoint can be accomplished by pressing the ‘Esc’ key on your keyboard, providing a prompt return to the standard presentation view.

This handy keyboard shortcut offers presenters a quick and efficient way to exit the immersive Screen Mode, enabling them to seamlessly transition back to the regular PowerPoint interface without any interruptions. By simply hitting the ‘Esc’ key, speakers regain control over their slideshow, allowing them to end the presentation smoothly and smoothly resume commanding the visuals onscreen. This feature enables users to swiftly navigate through their slides and interact with the audience while effortlessly switching between Full Screen and regular display modes, enhancing the overall presentation experience.

How to Use the ‘Presenter View’ in Full Screen Mode?

Leveraging the Presenter View feature in Full Screen Mode enhances the presenter’s experience by providing additional tools, notes, and control options on a separate monitor for improved presentation management.

Presenter View allows presenters to see the current slide, the next slide, their notes, a timer, and even a zoom slider on a separate screen while the audience views only the slides. This feature is particularly beneficial for speakers who want to maintain eye contact with the audience while also having access to helpful tools.

To activate ‘Presenter View,’ go to the ‘Slide Show’ tab, check the box for ‘Use Presenter View,’ and click ‘Start Slide Show.’ Ensure that you have multiple monitors connected for this feature to work effectively. Once in ‘Presenter View,’ you can easily navigate through slides, make annotations, and keep track of time without disrupting the flow of your presentation.

Step 1: Connect a Second Monitor

To enable Presenter View functionality in Full Screen Mode, connect a secondary monitor or projector to the device to access the extended display for presenter tools and notes.

Once the secondary display is connected, open your presentation software and enter Full-Screen Mode. This will automatically activate the Presenter View, allowing you to view your slides privately on your device while displaying the presentation to the audience on the extended screen. This setup is crucial for speakers who want to keep track of the upcoming slides, read speaker notes discreetly, and access handy tools without interrupting the flow of the presentation.

Once the secondary monitor is connected, navigate to the ‘Slide Show’ tab in PowerPoint to access the ‘Presenter View’ option for enhanced presentation control and management.

Upon reaching the ‘Slide Show’ tab, look for the ‘Monitors’ group where you will spot the ‘Presenter View’ button. Click on it to initiate this feature, designed to offer presenters a comprehensive view of their presentation layout, tools, and speaker notes. Presenter View allows you to project slides for the audience while keeping notes and upcoming slides visible to the speaker. This ensures a smooth flow of the presentation, aiding in better timing and engagement with the audience.

Step 3: Select ‘Presenter View’ Option

Choose the ‘Presenter View’ option from the available settings to activate the feature and access presenter notes, slide controls, and additional tools for seamless presentation delivery in Full Screen Mode.

Once you have selected the ‘Presenter View’ mode, you will be able to see your speaker notes privately while the audience views only the slides. This setting allows you to stay on track with your content without losing connection with your viewers. You can easily navigate through your slides using the slide controls provided in the ‘Presenter View’, ensuring a smooth flow of your presentation. You can take advantage of the additional tools such as virtual laser pointers and annotation features to emphasize key points and engage your audience effectively.

Mastering Full-Screen Mode  in PowerPoint enables presenters to deliver engaging and visually immersive presentations that captivate audiences and convey information effectively.

By utilizing Full-Screen Mode, presenters can eliminate distractions and focus the audience’s attention solely on the content being presented. This results in a more immersive and impactful experience for viewers, enhancing overall engagement. Effective slide controls and display settings play a crucial role in navigating the presentation smoothly, ensuring a seamless flow and professional delivery. The ability to effortlessly switch between slides, manage animations, and adjust settings on the fly contributes significantly to the presenter’s performance and confidence on stage.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i fully screen a powerpoint presentation, to full-screen your powerpoint presentation, simply press the f5 key on your keyboard or click the “slide show” tab at the top of the screen and select “from beginning” or “from current slide.”, 2. can i fully screen a powerpoint presentation on a mac, yes, on a mac, you can full-screen a powerpoint presentation by pressing the command+enter keys on your keyboard or by clicking the green “full screen” button in the top left corner of the screen., 3. what if i want to exit full-screen mode during a powerpoint presentation, to exit full-screen mode during a powerpoint presentation, simply press the esc key on your keyboard or right-click on the slide and select “end show.”, 4. how do i control the slides while in full-screen mode, to control the slides while in full-screen mode, use the arrow keys on your keyboard or click the left and right arrows at the bottom of the screen., 5. can i use presenter view while in full-screen mode, yes, you can use presenter view while in full-screen mode. press the alt+f5 keys on your keyboard or click the “slide show” tab and select “presenter view.”, 6. what if my slides are not filling up the entire screen in full-screen mode, if your slides are not filling up the entire screen in full-screen mode, click the “slide show” tab and select “set up slide show.” then, under “multiple monitors,” select “all” and click “ok.” this should fill your slides to the entire screen during full-screen mode., similar posts, how to mask an image into a shape in powerpoint.

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How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow in a Small Window instead of Full Screen

Last updated on April 10th, 2024

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

PowerPoint was originally intended for the purpose of presenting slideshows in a projector. However, over time, the software has evolved and is now being utilized for a range of other purposes. For example, PowerPoint is now commonly used for presenting online webinars or training employees remotely using software such as TeamViewer, GoView, or GoToMeeting. Additionally, PowerPoint can also be used to record screen or screencasts using free tools such as Screenr .

For presenters who prefer to play their slideshows in a small window that can be easily controlled in Windows, rather than in full screen mode, the following tip may prove beneficial. By configuring PowerPoint to play slideshows in a resizable window, presenters can have a greater control over their presentations, especially when dealing with online meetings, sharing screen with teammates or presenting online.

To configure PowerPoint to play a slideshow in a resizable window, rather than in full screen mode, follow these steps:

How to Configure PowerPoint Slideshow to play in a resizable window instead of full screen mode?

So, how can I view a PowerPoint show without using full screen? Go to SlideShow and then Setup Slide Show.

Set up a Slide Show in PowerPoint

Now, in the Set Up Show dialog, make sure to select Browsed by an individual (window) . By default you will see that the Presented by a speaker (full screen) is selected.

Set up the slide show in PowerPoint to play in an individual window instead of a full screen.

Now, every time you start the slideshow for example using the keystroke F5 then you will see that the slideshow opens in a regular window instead of full screen.

Playing a PowerPoint Slideshow in a Window instead of Full Screen

This configuration can be useful for a range of purposes, including:

  • Recording screencasts using PowerPoint and including animations and transitions in a resizable window.
  • Conducting online webinars using tools such as TeamViewer for presentations and GoToMeeting without entering full screen mode.
  • Sharing a window online with the presentation while working on other windows simultaneously.
  • Playing the slideshow in multiple monitors.

In conclusion, while PowerPoint was originally designed for presenting slideshows in a projector, it has evolved to offer a range of other uses, including online webinars, remote employee training, and screen recording. By configuring PowerPoint to play slideshows in a resizable window, presenters can have greater control over their presentations and offer a more personalized experience for their audience. This feature can be particularly useful for those looking to record screencasts or conduct online webinars. Overall, PowerPoint’s versatility continues to make it a valuable tool for a variety of industries and purposes.

If you enjoyed this article, and you want to learn more tips on how to deliver your presentations, we recommend reading how to set up PowerPoint in presentation mode via Presenter View and set up the slideshow in PowerPoint.

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powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

PowerPoint Tips Blog

Helping you with presenting, PowerPoint, and speaking

Using a window instead of full screen for Slide Show view

October 28, 2015 by Ellen Finkelstein 8 Comments

  • You’re doing a webinar and need to access the webinar interface
  • You want to show a web page or application at some point in your presentation
  • In response to an unexpected question, you want to show another presentation, spreadsheet or document

One thing I’ve done for a while is to display the presentation in a window. Here’s what I did (until I discovered an easier way):

  • Click the Slide Show tab.
  • Click the Set Up Slide Show button.

Now, when you go into Slide Show view, PowerPoint opens in a window instead of full-screen. You can maximize the window but you’ll still have access to your taskbar, so it will be easy to get to other programs, including your browser. Ideally, you should be able to configure the taskbar so that it doesn’t appear unless you move your cursor down at the bottom of the screen (which is where the taskbar usually is).

In fact, you can resize the PowerPoint window to any size you want. The window is excellent for comparing animation in 2 presentations, for example, because you can place 2 windows side-by-side.

Reading view is another way to get there

One of the problems with this setting is that it’s easy to forget and if you want to switch from a window to full-screen, you have to go back into the dialog box, which is a few clicks.

Just click it to open your presentation in a window.

The next time you need access to multiple applications, try Reading View!

Can you think of situations where this would be helpful to you? Leave a comment! And if you think others you know might find this post useful, please use the Share buttons below.

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8 Leave a Reply


Great tip. Thanks.


Great tip. Have used Alt-Tab up until now.


I have wanted to do that on numerous occasions.

Thanks Ellen, that’s a great tip


Can anyone see a way of showing Presenters View and slide show in two separate windows? At home it is easy as have 2 screens so can run through a presentation with Presenter View on one screen and Slide show on other. But when away and only have laptop I have not yet found a way of splitting the screen to see my notes in Presenters View, and the show. I thought this might be the answer, but can’t make it work! Can you? I have just upgraded to Office 2016.


This might work for you Don. Ensure you have ticked the “use presenter view” box under the slide show tab. The other thing you need is for the monitor to be in “extend” mode instead of “duplicate”. If it is a PC, press “windows” button with the “p” button to get a pop up which allows you to click on “extend”. good luck.


Super helpful tips! Thank you! This is a life saver for me!


Yes – great tip. using the 2nd option: Reading View. Having a teleconf today during which I have to present from a ppt. Problem for me is sharing the window for the slide but not the notes and still being able to access the window/s. This option goes someway to help me navigate better. My notes are on another screen so that solves that side for now but I would like to share ppt main slides only and only have notes on view for me using one screen. Yet to crack that one on teleconferencing.

Ellen Finkelstein

You can’t show both Slide Show view (or Reading view) and Presenter view on one screen at the same time as far as I know. I sometimes use Splashtop to use my tablet as a second monitor. This article gives some other options, too. . You can also buy an inexpensive, small 2nd monitor that clips on to a laptop. I haven’t done that myself but have seen it done.


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How can I view a PowerPoint slideshow in windowed mode (ie, not full screen)?

This slideshow is only opening in full screen mode. I can't find any context menu options that will switch it to windowed mode.

Update: I am opening this .pptx file as an attachment from within a Word doc. Opening it that way seems to force to full screen. However, when I right-click the attachment and select Edit, it opens in actual edit mode within PowerPoint itself. Also, when I save the attachment and open it directly from the drive, it also opens in edit mode. This will suffice for now, but it would be nice to be able to switch a full screen presentation to windowed.

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  • upvoted for the correct update: in office365 still the same –  user1708042 Mar 27, 2020 at 7:55

2 Answers 2

In the Ribbon, on the Slide Show tab, there's a button called Set Up Slide Show .

Set up slide show

In there is an option called Browsed by an individual (window) .

Slide show settings

  • While it's in full screen mode, I don't see a ribbon. At any rate, I updated my answer with some work-arounds, though I'd like to see a more practical solution. –  oscilatingcretin Jan 15, 2015 at 13:10

For Office 2016 (OS X), it's similar to the answer posted previously. You can go to "Slide Show" tab -> "Set Up Slide Show" -> on the popup, under the "Show type", choose "Browsed by an individual (window)" -> "OK".

Then "Play from Current Slide" will play the slide in windowed mode.

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How To Turn Off Presenter View in PowerPoint

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Lee Stanton Lee Stanton is a versatile writer with a concentration on the software landscape, covering both mobile and desktop applications as well as online technologies. Read more February 3, 2022

Presenter view is a great tool to use when making presentations. It allows you to present slides professionally to the audience while keeping your talking points to yourself. However, there may be instances when you would prefer not to use the Presenter View feature. Maybe you are presenting on Zoom and need to share your screen with your audience. Perhaps you just find it simpler to teach your class without it.

How To Turn Off Presenter View in PowerPoint

Whatever your situation might be, this step-by-step guide will walk you through how to turn off Presenter View.

This article will look at how to turn off Presenter View in PowerPoint from various devices and platforms, including Teams and Zoom.

Turn Off Presenter View in PowerPoint for Windows

When working in PowerPoint on two different monitors (yours and the one for the audience), you will, in most instances, want to disable Presenter View from the audience screen. This will prevent them from seeing your talking points.

To do this, follow the steps outlined below:

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Presenter View will now only be visible on your screen.

You can also turn off Presenter View for both screens by following the steps below:

Presenter View has now been disabled on both monitors.

Turn Off Presenter View in PowerPoint for Mac

Things will work a little differently if you use a Mac, but don’t worry. We will guide you on how to turn off Presenter View PowerPoint on your Mac device.

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

  • This will disable Presenter View and revert you to the mirrored slide display.

Turn Off Presenter View PowerPoint Zoom

Presenter View usually works best when using two different monitors; one for the presenter and another for the audience. That way, the talking points can only be viewed by one party. With more and more meetings taking place on Zoom, the dual-monitor approach can get tricky because the presenter shares their screen with the group. Let’s find out how to turn off Presenter View in Zoom.

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Presenter View has now been turned off, and you can stop sharing your presentation and exit the slideshow. The screen sharing will stop, and Zoom will pop back up.

It’s important to remember to stop sharing your presentation before exiting PowerPoint. If you don’t, whatever was displayed on the presenter’s screen will be shown to the Zoom participants.

Turn Off Presenter View in PowerPoint Teams

Microsoft updated Teams and made Presenter View the default mode when sharing presentations. The feature is quite useful as it allows participants to move back and forth within slides without disrupting the presenter. They, however, did not provide a way to turn off Presenter View on this platform. If you are looking to disable the feature, there is a keyboard workaround that you can utilize for that purpose.

To turn off Presenter View PowerPoint in Teams:

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Turn Off Presenter View in Google Meet

If you are holding your presentation on Google Meet, you have the option to share your entire screen, a window, or a tab. For Presenter View, you can opt to share one window with the audience while keeping a second window with your notes private.

To turn off Presenter View, all you need to do is close the window or tab that contains your speaker note. Do this by navigating to the bottom right corner of the page and clicking on “You are presenting,” then tap “Stop Presenting.” You will now have turned off Presenter View in Google Meet.

Turn Off Full Screen Presenter View in PowerPoint

Perhaps instead of turning off Presenter View, you would prefer to exit full-screen mode instead. This would allow you to have your speaker notes handy while still having access to your toolbar and other applications.

To do this, you would need to display Presenter View in a window instead of on the full screen. Here’s how to go about doing that:

powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Now PowerPoint will open in a window instead of full screen, and you will be better able to manage your Presenter View mode.

Additional FAQs

What do you do if presenter view is showing up on the wrong monitor.

Sometimes things might get mixed up, and your presentation notes appear on your audience screen. You can quickly fix this by:

1. Click on “Display Settings” on your PowerPoint screen.

2. At the top of the “Presenter Tools” page, select “Swap Presenter View and Slide Show.”

Turn Off Presenter View PowerPoint

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is an amazing feature that allows you to present without losing the option to refer to your notes. However, there may be instances where you would rather have the feature off. As we have seen, disabling Presenter View can be an easy process to navigate once you know where to look.

How often do you use Presenter View when delivering virtual presentations? Let us know in the comments section below.

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How to Make PowerPoint Full Screen (Step by Step)

Making your PowerPoint presentation full screen is a simple but effective way to create a focused and engaging experience for your audience. By maximizing content visibility and eliminating distractions, you can ensure that your message is received loud and clear.

Whether you're a seasoned presenter or a beginner, this article will walk you through the steps of making your PowerPoint full screen, so you can deliver a polished and professional presentation with ease.

Part1: How to Make PowerPoint Full Screen Easily

Creating a PowerPoint presentation in full-screen mode is a simple process, and I'll provide a step-by-step tutorial below.

Step 1: Open Your PowerPoint Presentation

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation you want to view in full-screen mode.

Open Powerpoint

Step 2 : Enter SlideShow Mode

To enter full-screen mode, you can use any of these methods:

Click on the "Slide Show" tab in the ribbon at the top of the window and then click "From Beginning."

Press the F5 key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can press the Shift + F5 keys to start the slide show from the current slide.

 “From beginning” button

Step 3: Navigate Through Your Presentation

While in full-screen mode, you can use various methods to navigate through your slides:

Click your mouse or press the Spacebar or Enter key to advance to the next slide.

Press the Backspace or Left Arrow key to go back to the previous slide.

Use the keyboard's number keys to jump to a specific slide. For example, press "3" to go to slide 3.

Step 4 : End the Slide Show

To exit full-screen mode and return to normal editing mode, you can:

Press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Right-click anywhere on the screen and select "End Show."

 End Show

And that's it! Your PowerPoint presentation should now be in full-screen mode, and you can easily navigate through your slides using the provided methods.

Part2: How to Make PowerPoint Full Screen on Projector

Making a PowerPoint presentation full screen on a projector is a common requirement for meetings and presentations. Below, I'll provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to achieve this.

Step 1: Connect Your Projector

Connect your projector to your computer using the appropriate cables (HDMI, VGA, etc.). Ensure that both the projector and your computer are powered on.

Step 2: Configure Display Settings

Right-click on your desktop and select "Display settings."

In the Display settings window, you'll see two displays - your computer screen and the projector (or second display).

Display setting

Make sure the "Multiple displays" dropdown menu is set to "Duplicate" or "Second screen only" depending on your preference. "Duplicate" will mirror your computer screen on the projector, while "Second screen only" will use the projector as the main display.

Multiple displays menu

Step 3 : Open Your PowerPoint Presentation

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation you want to display.

Step 4 : Enter SlideShow Mode

“From beginning” button

Step 5 : Navigate Through Your Presentation

While in full-screen mode, you can navigate through your slides as explained in Part 1 of this tutorial.

Step 6 : End the Slide Show

End Show

By following these steps, you should be able to make your PowerPoint presentation full screen on a projector.

Part3: The Shortcut Key for Starting the Slideshow

Here are the shortcut keys for starting a PowerPoint slideshow from both the beginning and the current slide on both Windows and macOS:

F5: Start the slideshow from the beginning.

Shift + F5: Start the slideshow from the current slide.

Play Slideshow from Beginning:

Shift + Command + Return: Start the slideshow from the beginning.

Fn + Shift + F5: Start the slideshow from the beginning.

Play Slideshow from Current Slide:

Shift + Command + Return: Start the slideshow from the current slide.

These shortcut keys allow you to quickly initiate a PowerPoint slideshow, whether you want to begin from the start or the current slide, and they work on both Windows and macOS platforms.

Part4: Best Alternative — WPS Office

WPS Office

Microsoft Office has been the market leader in office productivity software for decades, offering robust applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, with the rise of cloud-based solutions and the increasing demand for cost-effective options, free alternatives like WPS Office have gained popularity.

Why should you choose WPS Office as an alternative to Microsoft Office?

Here are the answer:.

● Free to use Word, Excel, and PPT. Powerful PDF toolkit

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● The MAC version of WPS Office is very powerful. Microsoft office ignores the experience of mac users, which can be made up by wps office

● Support online documents (WPS AirPage), multi-person collaborative editing

● WPS office also supports Linux systems, Android, and ios systems. To use WPS office products on different systems, you only need to log in to the same account, and all files can be synchronized

Creating a PowerPoint-like presentation with WPS Office and utilizing features like image-based storytelling, progressive image reveal, comparison slides, and virtual tours is a great way to engage your audience. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to make PowerPoint-style presentations with WPS Office:

Step 1 : Open WPS Presentation and creating a New Presentation

Open WPS Presentation

Step 2: Create Your Presentation

Create your presentation in WPS Presentation, including your slides, images, and content. You can use the features like image-based storytelling, progressive image reveal, comparison slides, and virtual tour to enhance your presentation as per your requirements.

Image-Based Storytelling

To create image-based storytelling slides:

Insert images into your slides that correspond to different parts of your story.

Insert picture

Add text, captions, or descriptions to explain the images.


Use transitions and animations to make the storytelling engaging.

Transitions and Animation

Progressive Image Reveal

To create slides with progressive image reveals:

Add your main image to the slide.

 Add picture

Duplicate the slide.

Duplicate the slide

On the duplicated slide, use an object (e.g., a shape) to cover part of the image.

Add animations to the object (e.g., "Appear" animation) and set delays for each slide to reveal the image progressively.

Appear Animation

Comparison Slides

To create comparison slides:

Use tables or split your slide into multiple sections to show comparisons side by side.

Comparison slides

Add text and graphics to highlight the differences or similarities between the elements you're comparing.

 Add Content

Step 3 : Save Your Presentation

After creating your presentation, make sure to save your work to avoid losing any changes. Click on 'File' in the top menu, then select 'Save' or 'Save As' to save your presentation file.

Save the slides

Step 4:  Full Screen Mode

To view your presentation in full-screen mode:

Click on the "Slide Show" option in the top menu.

Select "From Beginning" to start the presentation from the beginning.

Full screen mode

Step 5: Press "Esc" on your keyboard to exit full-screen mode.

You feel WPS Office is the best choice for you and want to download? Don’t worry, below is step by step how to download WPS Office:

Step 1: Visit the WPS Office website: .

Step 2: Click “ Free Download” button

Choose “Free Download” button

Step 3: Select the place you want to save WPS Office -> Save

Save WPS Office file

Step 4: Double click on the WPS Office file in your Download file, click “Run” and follow the on-screen instructions to install

Run the software

Step 5: After complete, you can enjoy all the power of WPS Office

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how to use the presenter view in powerpoint.

A: To use the presenter view in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

Connect your computer to a projector or external display.

Start your PowerPoint presentation.

Click the "Slide Show" tab in the PowerPoint ribbon.

Click "Presenter View."

The presenter view will display on your computer screen, showing the current slide, the next slide, speaker notes, and presentation controls.

Use this view to control your presentation while the audience sees only the slide.

Q: How can I resize an image while keeping the aspect ratio the same?

A: To resize an image while maintaining the aspect ratio in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

Select the image you want to resize.

Click and drag one of the corner handles of the image while holding down the Shift key on your keyboard.

This will resize the image proportionally, ensuring that the aspect ratio remains the same.

Q: How do I insert a page number in a WPS presentation?

A: To insert a page number in a WPS Presentation, follow these steps:

Click the "Insert" tab in the WPS Presentation toolbar.

Select "Page Number."

Choose the desired page number format and location (e.g., top or bottom of the slide).

The page number will be inserted into your presentation.

The article "How to Make PowerPoint Full Screen" provides a step-by-step guide for easily entering full-screen mode in PowerPoint, facilitating seamless presentations. Notably, WPS Office offers a robust alternative for creating PowerPoint presentations, with features such as image-based storytelling and progressive image reveal.With WPS Office, users can make their presentations captivating and engaging by following simple steps for entering full-screen mode. Download WPS Office now.

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powerpoint full screen without presentation mode

Present on multiple monitors (and view speaker notes privately)

You can present with 2 monitors: Using Presenter View is a great way to view your presentation with speaker notes on one monitor (your laptop, for example), while your audience views the notes-free presentation on a different monitor (like a larger screen you're projecting to).

Note:  Make sure the device you're using for your presentation supports the use of multiple monitors. Check with your manufacturer for up-to-date information about multiple monitor support.

To do this procedure and split the view between projectors in this way, you must be connected to the second screen.

Set up PowerPoint to use Presenter view with two monitors

On the Slide Show tab, in the Monitors group, select Use Presenter View .

Monitors group on the Slide Show tab

Windows Display Settings should open.

In the Display Settings dialog box, on the Monitor tab, select the monitor icon that you want to use to view your speaker notes, and then select the This is my main monitor check box.

If the This is my main monitor check box is selected and unavailable, the monitor is already designated as the primary monitor.

Select the monitor icon for the second monitor—the one the audience will watch, and then select the Extend my Windows Desktop onto this monitor check box.

Notes:  If the Windows Display Settings don't open, do the following:

Windows 10: Click Start > Settings > System > Display . At the top, under Customize your display , is a diagram of the screens connected to your computer, with each screen numbered. If you are connected to a project, typically it will be represented in the diagram as screen 2. Select screen 1 in the diagram, then scroll downward. Ensure that the check box named Make this my main display is selected. Above that check box, in the Multiple displays list, select Extend these displays .

Windows 8: Right-click the Windows Start button, click Control Panel > Display > Adjust resolution . In the Multiple displays list, click Extend these displays . Select the monitor on which you want to view your speaker notes, and click Make this my main display .

You can use PowerPoint on your smartphone as a remote control to run your presentation and view your speaker notes. See Using a laser pointer on your smartphone when presenting in PowerPoint for more information, including a brief video.

Deliver your presentation on two monitors

On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show .

Set Up Slide Show button

In the Set Up Show dialog box, choose the options that you want, and then click OK . If you choose Automatic , PowerPoint will display speaker notes on the laptop monitor, if available. Otherwise, PowerPoint will display speaker notes on the main display identified in your Display settings ( Settings > Display ).

Monitor options in the Set Up Show dialog box

Extend vs. Duplicate: What happens after the slide show ends

PowerPoint does something behind the scenes to make the process of starting a slide show on a second monitor as smooth and quick as possible. When you enter Slide Show, PowerPoint automatically changes your display settings (also known as your display topology) to Extend .

What can be confusing is what happens after your slide show concludes:

In PowerPoint 2013 , when your slide show ends, PowerPoint leaves the display topology as Extend . (The benefit of this approach is that the next time you present on a second monitor, the first slide will appear with minimal delay. The drawback is that PowerPoint may be overriding your preferred display setting of "duplicate". Some people don't like this override.)

In newer versions , in the same end-of-slide-show scenario, PowerPoint reverts to your default setting, returning to Duplicate , if that's what you have chosen.

If you are using PowerPoint 2013 and you want PowerPoint to revert to the default setting, rather than keeping the Extend setting, you can tell it to do that by making a small change to the Windows registry as described below.

In this procedure, you are creating a command that adds a new setting to the Windows Registry for PowerPoint, and then you are running that command:

Create a new file in Notepad.

Copy and paste the following three lines of text into Notepad:

On the File menu in Notepad, click Save As .

Name the file Update.reg . (It's important that the file name extension be .reg ).

In the Save as type box, choose All Files (*.*) .

Take note of the folder in which you are saving the file. Then click Save , and close Notepad.

Open File Explorer from the Start menu and navigate to the folder where you saved Update.reg.

Double-click Update.reg .

Answer "Yes" to the two prompts that ensue.

With that completed, PowerPoint will now revert to your default display topology at the conclusion of a slide show.

(Read more technical details in this community forum post that was answered by a PowerPoint program manager .)

Video: Use Presenter view

View your speaker notes as you deliver your slide show

Video: Rehearse timings for a slide show

Zoom in to part of a slide in Slide Show view

Print your PowerPoint slides, handouts, and notes

Create a self-running presentation

Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view

PowerPoint videos not playing on secondary monitor


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    Starting from a windowed presentation means you can switch between Full Screen and the window presentation without showing the entire PowerPoint menus etc. It's a little neater and more professional. Go to Full Screen from the menu option. In Full Screen mode press Escape to return to the windowed presentation.

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    This guide provides instructions on how to set your PowerPoint (for Windows) application to play your slide show in a window, not in full screen. This is particularly useful if you are participating in a video call and might want to see the presentation, your notes, and the webinar interface.

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    Select the Slide Show tab. Select the Use Presenter View checkbox. Select which monitor to display Presenter View on. Select From Beginning or press F5. In Presenter View, you can: See your current slide, next slide, and speaker notes. Select the arrows next to the slide number to go between slides. Select the pause button or reset button to ...

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    What you've probably never noticed is the button labelled " Set Up Slide Show ". That's where you can change your presentation output format, logically enough. Click on it. A window with lots of options appears: It's the first section you want to focus on. Click and choose " Browsed by an individual (window) "….

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    Most people reviewing a PowerPoint presentation without a presenter will want to use Reading view. It displays the presentation in a full screen like Slide Show view, and it includes a few simple controls to make it easy to flip through the slides. You can also view speaker notes in Reading View.

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    In PowerPoint, click on the "Slide Show" tab. Locate the "Monitor" group. Uncheck "Use Presenter View.". In the "Monitors" group, click on "Monitor" to display the dropdown ...

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  18. How to Make PowerPoint Full Screen (Step by Step)

    Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation you want to view in full-screen mode. Open Powerpoint. Step 2: Enter SlideShow Mode. To enter full-screen mode, you can use any of these methods: Click on the "Slide Show" tab in the ribbon at the top of the window and then click "From Beginning." Press the F5 key on your keyboard.

  19. Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view

    Start presenting. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, select From Beginning. Now, if you are working with PowerPoint on a single monitor and you want to display Presenter view, in Slide Show view, on the control bar at the bottom left, select , and then Show Presenter View.

  20. The taskbar is always shown when in Presentation Mode in PowerPoint

    Try following - 1. Display the presentation in Slide show mode > Right click > Screen > Show task bar should be unchecked 2. Open Powerpoint > Slide Show tab > Set Up Slide Show > Make sure that Presented by a speaker (full screen) is selected. Sincerely yours,Vijay A. Verma @ Report abuse.

  21. Full-screen mode in Powerpoint without the black borders?

    It fills any unused space with black. In order to totally fill the screen, your slides need to be set to a size that's proportional to the screen. If your desktop and tablet screens are of different proportions, that's going to mean two different presentations. Modern screens are most usually 16:9 or 16:10, older ones 4:3 (16:12).

  22. Present on multiple monitors (and view speaker notes privately)

    Deliver your presentation on two monitors. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show. In the Set Up Show dialog box, choose the options that you want, and then click OK. If you choose Automatic, PowerPoint will display speaker notes on the laptop monitor, if available. Otherwise, PowerPoint will display speaker notes ...

  23. My powerpoint only opens as a full screen slide show when I download

    When I download my powerpoint slides needed for my classes, it will only open as a full screen slide show. Escaping will close the entire program. I can open Powerpoint from the link on my desktop but can only open previous or saved slides. And even then, I can only print up to a certain point.