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The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) is a digital collection of full text academic works by faculty members, researchers and graduate students of Chulalongkorn University. They are, for example, theses and dissertations, academic papers, sets of learning materials and lecture notes, best practice manuals, CAR Archive, Center of Visual Studies and E-Journals.

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Center of Excellence 6


Chula Archive 183

หนังสือประวัติจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย หนังสือพิธีสำคัญ และหนังสือที่ระลึกที่จัดทำในวาระต่างๆ โดยจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

Chula Scholars @Online Database 211

ผลงานวิชาการของประชาคมจุฬาฯ ที่เผยแพร่บนฐานข้อมูลออนไลน์

Chula Support Staff Academic Works 8


Faculty and Institute 77288

คณะ วิทยาลัย และสถาบัน

Office of the University 1647


Research Institute 242


Research Unit 2


  • 1141 โครงการศูนย์รูปธรรมศึกษาโปษยะจินด...
  • 126 โครงการศูนย์รูปธรรมศึกษาโปษยะจินด...
  • 45 สุวิมล ว่องวาณิช
  • 35 หลักสูตรศศ.บ. สาขาการออกแบบนิเทศศ...
  • 33 วิเชฏฐ์ คนซื่อ
  • 31 สุพัฒน์ สุกมลสันต์
  • 31 เกื้อ วงศ์บุญสิน
  • 30 Buntika Areekul Butcher
  • 29 Quicke, Donald L. J.
  • 29 วิวัฒน์ ตัณฑะพานิชกุล
  • 1629 Social Sciences
  • 982 Engineering
  • 948 ปริญญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต
  • 764 Arts and Humanities
  • 590 Medicine
  • 549 สถาปัตยกรรม
  • 535 ผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน
  • 485 Business
  • 448 จิตรกรรม
  • 364 ประติมากรรม
  • 60882 2500 - 2566
  • 17 2400 - 2499
  • 15985 2000 - 2099
  • 2695 1957 - 1999
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Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

รูปแบบที่เหมาะสมของระบบปรับอากาศภายในห้องเซิร์ฟเวอร์ : กรณีศึกษา , แพรวพธู เพียรชูชัย

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

เทคนิคการฟื้นสภาพดินโดยการเติมธาตุอาหารธรรมชาติจากหินบะซอลต์ผุ: การทดลองสำหรับปลูกข้าวขาวดอกมะลิ 105 ในจังหวัดอุดรธานี , วีระพล แก้วอินทร์

ทุนอุดมศึกษาต่อการพัฒนาเยาวชน และพื้นที่จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ สู่เป้าหมายการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน , อัคตัรมีซี อาหามะ

พฤติกรรมการใช้และทิ้งพลาสติกชีวภาพของประชาชนในกรุงเทพมหานคร , สรรชุดา แย้มเกษร

การวิเคราะห์เนื้อหาข่าวอุทกภัยภาคใต้ของประเทศไทยในช่วงฤดูมรสุมบนยูทูบ , ชวพล สัมฤทธิ์ดี

ความพึงพอใจและความภักดีของลูกค้าในธุรกิจขนส่งสินค้าประเภทเร่งด่วนทางอากาศ , ธีรเดช แตงเนียม

นวัตกรรมการวัดการมีส่วนร่วมผ่านสื่อสังคมออนไลน์ที่ส่งผลต่อคุณค่าตราสินค้า , ณัฐวรรธน์ ศรีสุข

การปรับตัวและการต่อรองของชุมชนชาติพันธุ์ต่อนโยบายการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติโดยรัฐ : กรณีศึกษาชุมชนบ้านกลาง และชุมชนบ้านแม่ฮ่าง จังหวัดลำปาง , วัชรารินทร์ วงศ์ษานิติ

การวิเคราะห์ต้นทุนฐานกิจกรรมด้วยเกณฑ์เวลาสำหรับกระบวนการนำเข้าของตัวแทนผู้ส่งสินค้าทางอากาศ , ชลดา น้อยกาญจนะ

แนวทางการจัดการขยะชุมชนเพื่อป้องกันการเกิดขยะทะเลโดยการมีส่วนร่วมของชุมชนและองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น : กรณีศึกษา ชุมชนริมคลองในเขตเทศบาลเมืองลัดหลวงและองค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลทรงคนอง อำเภอพระประแดง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ , กรกช วงศ์สำราญ

แนวทางการแบ่งปันอาหารส่วนเกินเพื่อลดขยะอาหารตามแนวคิดเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน: กรณีศึกษา ครัวเรือนมุสลิม ชุมชนสวนหลวง 1 , กิตติณัฐฎา พันธ์โพธิ์

ผลกระทบโรคระบาดโควิด-19 ต่อการท่องเที่ยวเชิงพุทธศาสนา : กรณีศึกษา วัดพระศรีรัตนมหาธาตุวรมหาวิหาร จังหวัดพิษณุโลก , ณัฐพล แจ่มสุวรรณ

A comparative study of beliefs, attitudes, and motivation toward English language learning among Thai and Chinese undergraduates in different study programs , Lu Geng Sun

Analysis of k-food franchises in Thai market focusing on the consumption behavior of Thai generation Y and generation Z in Bangkok metropolitan region , Vajirawit Siripiyaphat

An investigation into the substitutions of English articles by L1 Chinese learners , Yuhan Huang

A psychometric study of Thai farmer's risk perception on agricultural risks , Cato Lacroix

Assessing the level of participation of small stakeholders in international water management projects for food security in Lower Mekong Basin: the case of rice production in the Khong-Loei-Chi-Mun project , Pauline Essouri

การปรับปรุงการเพาะเลี้ยงจุลสาหร่าย Chlorococcum ด้วยน้ำจากระบบเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำในถังปฏิกรณ์ชีวภาพเชิงแสงแบบอากาศยก , จรีลักษ์ เปล่งสกุล

Cultural destination branding for Doi Mae Salong : stakeholders’ perspectives , Shu Ma

Development of a pseudotype-based neutralization test for SARS-COV-2 antibody measurement , Kunlanan Charsangbong

Employment situation of older persons in Vietnam: Impact of COVID-19 and individual coping strategies , Trieu Thi Phuong

Evaluation of the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from waste management practices at the Central Plaza Rattanathibet shopping center: A case study , Kanokpish Srinok

Exploring the barriers to education and employment for Hmong women in Sapa, Vietnam , Connor John Kidd

IP development strategies for Chinese theaters in the context of the creative industries , Daiyi Yang

K-pop idol trainees selection process in Thailand , Chamapat Rattanaphansri

Study of nationalism and consolidation of democracy in South Korea : 1987-1993 , Nura-arnis Kitkongpat

The acquisition of English irregular past tense morphology by L1 Chinese learners , Tingting Yang

The effects of speaking portfolios on speaking ability and interactional competence of Thai EFL undergraduate students , Pirada Anuwech

The investigation of using dynamic assessment to enhance English academic vocabulary knowledge of Thai low proficiency undergraduate students , Duangkamon Klungthong

The popularity of Thai Y Series in Japan , Taiki Yamamoto

The role of STAT4 transcription factor in purified human Dendritic cells treated with interferon-beta, an autoimmune disease model , Terdkiat Phonboon

Unity in diversity: exploring central Thai speaker’s attitudes towards Thai dialects through a linguistic approach , Tristan Aidan Pennell

“มาตุยะ เมตตา” การสร้างสรรค์ละครรำชวาจากเรื่องพระลอ , โอกี บิมา เรซ่า อาฟริตา

“ขอเป็นเด็กเลวในประวัติศาสตร์ไทย”: การร่วมเวลาและการรื้อถอนเขตแดนเวลาในการเคลื่อนไหวทางการเมืองของนักเรียนมัธยมผ่านแคมเปญของเครือข่ายกลุ่ม “นักเรียนเลว” , กันต์ นาเมืองรักษ์

สถานะ บทบาท และพลวัตขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น ในสถานการณ์ความขัดแย้งจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ของไทย , ปุญญวันต์ จิตประคอง

ปัญหา การตรวจสอบเพื่อทราบข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับลูกค้าในส่วนข้อมูลผู้รับผลประโยชน์ที่แท้จริงของบัญชีนิติบุคคลในธุรกิจสถาบันการเงินไทย , อัชฌารินทร์ วิระยกุลรัตน์

ละครรำ เรื่อง พระสุริโยทัย , ขวัญฟ้า ภู่แพ่งสุทธิ์

รำโจ๋ง ตำบลท่าโรง อำเภอวิเชียรบุรี จังหวัดเพชรบูรณ์ , นิศากานต์ ชอุ่ม

การแสดง ณ ศาลาเฉลิมกรุง , จิรพัทธ์ พานพุด

แรงจูงใจ การเปิดรับสื่อ และพฤติกรรมการบริโภคสินค้าเครื่องประดับเสริมดวงของผู้บริโภคเพศชาย , ศศิชา เตียวลักษณ์

การรับรู้ และทัศนคติของผู้ที่ปฏิบัติงานบนเรือหลวงต่อภารกิจรักษาผลประโยชน์ของชาติทางทะเล : กรณีศึกษา การลักลอบขนสินค้าผิดกฎหมายในทะเล และการทำประมงผิดกฎหมาย , ณโรจ ศรีวชิรวัฒน์

การเปิดรับ ทัศนคติ และความตั้งใจซื้อของผู้บริโภคที่มีต่อโฆษณาในรูปแบบวิดีโอสั้นบนแอปพลิเคชันติ๊กต๊อกของผลิตภัณฑ์ความงาม , นวียา แดงบุหงา

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูง สำหรับการตัดสินใจเลือกซื้ออสังหาริมทรัพย์ในพื้นที่เขตพัฒนาพิเศษภาคตะวันออก , วิสารท์ อังคนาวราพันธุ์

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของธุรกิจค่ายเพลง , สวริน ชุนหกรณ์

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของวิทยาลัยอาชีวศึกษา , ศกลวรรณ นาวาเจริญ

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของธุรกิจร้านอาหารวีแกน , บุณฑริกา พงษ์ศิริ

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของศูนย์กระจายสินค้าไอศกรีม , ศิริลักษณ์ รัตนว่องวงศ์

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของธุรกิจให้คำปรึกษาด้านนาฬิกา , ศุภวัศ สามัญ

คลังข้อมูล ธุรกิจอัจฉริยะ และการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลขั้นสูงของธุรกิจร้านอาหารและเครื่องดื่ม , อานนท์ ศิลานันท์

การโหยหาอดีต การจดจำสินค้า และความตั้งใจซื้อสินค้าในเกมออนไลน์ของผู้บริโภคเจเนอเรชันวาย , อิทธิพัทธ์ ทรัพย์สันทัด

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Thesis Process

Thesis proposal.

Students must finish all steps within 2 years.

  • Find the topic of interest – as well as objectives, methodology and references – and notify MABE office.
  • MABE assigns an advisor to the student.  They will work together to develop a proposal.
  • An advisor reports about the student and the proposal to MABE committees.  The committees will assign a thesis chairperson and thesis committees.
  • Student makes an appointment and notifies MABE for defending a proposal. 
  • Faculty of Economics approves of the proposal.
  • Upload your proposal to the iThesis website.
  • Ask your advisor to approve your proposal in the iThesis website.

Full Thesis

Students are required to present and publish their research. This step is time-consuming. Make sure to check the date for submitting a complete thesis from Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, in  each semester .

  • Prepare a usable draft final of the thesis.
  • Dissemination of a paper derived from the draft final.  Either (a) find the conference (must be organized by either several local organizations or international organizations and have a proceeding) to present a paper or (b) find a journal (from the Faculty’s approved list) to publish your paper.
  • Provide the proceeding of the conference or letter of confirmation of publishing your paper to the advisor.
  • Make an appointment to defend the thesis with your thesis committees. (requires a completion of No.5 above and no less than 60 days after an approval of a proposal by the Faculty of Economics)
  • Make corrections to the thesis according to recommendations from thesis committees.
  • Check the thesis with TurnItIn.
  • Upload the final thesis to the iThesis website.
  • Ask your advisor to approve the thesis on the iThesis website.
  • Print your thesis and the thesis committees page for the Dean and all committees to sign.
  • Submit the complete thesis to Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University for graduation.

Admission Guide

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Thesis Format & Example

Thesis format, thesis example, ph.d. ithesis example, non-ithesis example, m.s. - ple - ithesis example, m.s. - pc & po - ithesis example, graduate package submission guideline, thesis book submission guideline.

Thesis Format Contact Person : Ms.  Natthapa Kamkrueang (Librarian) 8th Floor, PPC Building

Email : [email protected], Tel : 02-218-4150

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Chulalongkorn University Institutional Repository (CUIR)

Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR), administered by the Office of Academic Resources (OAR), Chulalongkorn University (CU), started to operate in 2006 as the first intellectual repository in Thailand. CUIR collects and provides access to information resources that are scholarly works of the University members, which include research reports, theses, independent studies, academic projects, textbooks, journal articles, handouts, and other works by the faculties, researchers, students as well as organizations of Chulalongkorn University. Being preserved and digitized for long-term access, CUIR facilitates the study, research, and creation of scholarly works by internal and external users and showcases Chulalongkorn University's scholarly works to the international community. CUIR currently provides access to 7 collections as follows:

Chulalongkorn University's Electronic Master's and Doctoral Theses Collections. This collection encompasses an extensive compilation of over 67,000 master's and doctoral theses from 23 faculties and colleges, covering the academic year 1943 to the present.

This collection includes more than 1,800 titles of independent studies from 13 faculties and colleges that offer Plan B Master's degree programs. The coverage year is from the academic year 2004 to the present.

This collection includes more than 1,900 titles of undergraduate students' senior projects. The coverage year is from the academic year 2005 to the present.

This collection includes more than 2,500 research reports from professors and researchers affiliated with Chulalongkorn University's faculties and research institutions.

This collection has more than 300 titles of academic works and textbooks. Professors at Chulalongkorn University authored each work within this collection.

This digital collection of academic and research articles was written by Chulalongkorn University's professors and researchers. The articles were published in international and Thai academic journals and Chulalongkorn University's journals. More than 2,000 articles are in this collection; some were available in full-text, and some were provided a link to access the articles directly from the journal publishers.

The University's support staff composed the collection of synthetic works, analytical works, research reports, and operational manuals. These works served as a part of evaluating university employees and promoting them to higher positions.

Thailand and ASEAN Information (TAIC)

Preserve detailing documents in social science and development in Thailand and other countries in the Southeast Asian region since post-WW II in the 1960s.

Contains a wide variety of subjects in humanities, from religion and anthropology to linguistics. The prominent characteristics of the collection manifest in possession evidence, i.e., bookplates, handwriting, explanatory documents, and other forms of private archives hidden or inserted within the books. Another vital characteristic of this collection is the evolution of printing and publication in the eras of King Rama IV to King Rama VII, which was reflected in each item in the collection.

Present personal collection, royal literary works, and publications related to Prince Dhani Nivat and his highness’ responsibilities as the high-rank officer and Minister of the Ministry of Education under the reign of King Prajadhipok and as a regent to King Bhumibol the Great. The collection is well-known for containing information on royal traditional practices, royal history, royal affairs, and politics, with extensive knowledge in linguistics, languages, and archaeology, especially in Southeast Asia.

King Chulalongkorn first conferred a set of 39-volume Tipitaka in Thai script edition published in B.E.2431 (1888), which had been finalized publishing another remaining six final volumes contains the subject of Patthana by King Prajadhipok. The edition was published in 1500 copies under “Tipitaka Siam-Rath Edition.”

Provides access to many Thai electronic rare book collections for high-level research in Thai history. Unique attributes of the collection are the history of publication and printing that come in various types of papers and binding. This collection has sub-collections, namely the royal literary works of King Rama V and King Rama VI, Personal collections of Prince Kitiyakara and Prince Dhani Nivat, Samut Khoi or Samut Thai (Thai ancient palm-leaf manuscripts), Chulalongkorn University publications, Royal Thai Government Gazette’s earliest printed versions in 2487 B.E. (1944), and other occasional publications considered as primary sources for education and historical, social, and cultural research in Thailand.

Contains Thai and international journals and newspapers published by the government sectors and commercial publishers that were digitized and provided in electronic versions for online access. The prominent items are l’Illustration and le Petit Journal.

Multimedia Collections and CHULA e-Lecture

Provides the collections of images and videos related to significant events at the University and historical events associated with the University and its community, covering the contents of the University’s faculties, institutions, and various units within the University. Additionally, it provides CHULA e-Lecture, an online learning repository categorized by academic years and the specific courses made available by instructors. Students enrolled in these courses have permission to access and review past lessons.

Institutional Archives

"Institutional Archives" is a digital collection of books and documents published on special occasions at Chulalongkorn University. This collection includes "Chula Archives," a collection of Chulalongkorn University publications on special events, biographies of important persons at Chulalongkorn University, commencement programs, and special lectures, and includes the Office of Academic Resources Archives (OAR Archives).

Open e-Books

“Open e-Books" is a digital collection of research reports, textbooks from other universities and institutes, and e-books that were contributed to the Office of Academic Resources for public use.

Chula DigiVerse: A Comprehensive Digital Collection Management and Digital Preservation Initiative

Chula DigiVerse, an innovative project at Chulalongkorn University, aims to integrate and manage the university's critical digital assets effectively. Operating under the principles of long-term digital object preservation, this system adheres to the ISO 14721:2012 standard, ensuring compliance with the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) guidelines.

The Unique Structure of Chula DigiVerse

Distinct from traditional digital information repositories, Chula DigiVerse is structured into two seamlessly interconnected segments:

• Digital Collection Management System: This segment handles the comprehensive management of   collections, and service delivery.

• Digital Preservation System: This part is dedicated to the preservation of digital assets, encompassing policy development, process management, technological functions in file format management, file conversion for long-term preservation, data storage, integrity check and other digital preservation requirements.

These segments interoperate to ensure the integrity and completeness of the digital assets, facilitating their long-term preservation and recoverability, safeguarding against technological shifts and cybersecurity threats.

Launch and Accessibility

Chula DigiVerse was initially launched for trial (soft launch) on November 25, 2023, in commemorate to King Vajiravudh’s day. This platform consolidates various university information repositories, such as the Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR), Thailand and ASEAN Archive, Rare Books Collections, and Multimedia and E-Lecture Archive. It provides round-the-clock, free open access to Chulalongkorn University's comprehensive digital assets including digital-born and digitized materials for both the university community and the public users. The full system and collection transfer are scheduled for completion by September 2024.

Purpose and Significance of Chula DigiVerse

The Office of Academic Resources, commonly referred to as "Chula Central Library," spearheaded the development of this digital information repository. The repository's scope extends beyond just storing digital-born documents; it encompasses the digitization of rare books, post-Cold War documents, multimedia archives, E-Lecture, and organizational heritage archives.

In the face of rapid technological evolution, the Office of Academic Resources at Chulalongkorn University, despite its experience in developing its thesis repository (CUIR) to get the international certification of “Core Trust Seal for Trustworthy Repisitory”, has proactively implemented a robust Digital Preservation System as a strategic response to mitigate risks associated with data loss or inaccessibility due to ongoing technological transformations. This forward-thinking approach is pivotal in safeguarding an extensive array of digital assets from potential loss or obsolescence, including over 76,000 digital theses, 10,000 e-rare books and valuable documents, and in excess of 10,000 images, multimedia files, and pedagogical records, ensuring their enduring legacy and accessibility.

Office of Academic Resources: A Century of Adaptation and Growth

Since its inception, Chulalongkorn University's library has undergone continuous evolution. Initially named the "Central Library," it later transformed into the "Institute of Academic Resources" and finally became the "Office of Academic Resources." Throughout these changes, the library has consistently embraced the dynamic demands of academic support, knowledge preservation, and dissemination. In alignment with the forward-thinking principles of King Vajiravudh (Rama VI), the library adheres to the philosophy that

"We must always move forward, we absolutely must not retreat. Even standing still is not an option, because to stand still is akin to regression."

The Office of Academic Resources firmly commits to Digital Transformation. Its digital preservation initiatives reinforce this commitment, ensuring the transfer of invaluable knowledge, scientific research, and cultural and historical records to future generations.

Discover more about Chulalongkorn University’s Library at https://www.car.chula.ac.th .  

See principle of  digital preservation at https://www.dpconline.org/digipres/what-is-digipres .

Chulalongkorn University

"From the members of the royal family like my children down to even the lowest ranking commoners, everyone should have equal opportunities to pursue education. Regardless of whether they are nobles, government officials, or commoners, education in our country should be the foremost priority, and I shall strive to ensure its advancement."

Royal Proclamation by King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) at a meeting with the royal family and government officials, on the occasion of his visit to the Suan Kularb Palace School in B.E. 2427.

Chulalongkorn University is the first higher education institution in Thailand, established by King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) on March 26, 1917. It was originally founded as a civil service college in the reign of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), later was elevated to "Chulalongkorn University." At early stage, the university comprised four faculties: Political Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Arts and Sciences, expanding higher education opportunities to the general public, not limited to civil service training.

For over a century, Chulalongkorn University has dedicated itself to being a center of academic learning and professional excellence. It upholds the mission and commitment to public service in line with the vision of its founder, King Vajiravudh (Rama VI), who established the university in honor of his father, King Chulalongkorn (Rama V).

Chulalongkorn University is committed to fostering its students with knowledge, professional skills, and research capabilities. It also strives to preserve arts, culture, and values. Beyond academic learning, the university instills in its graduates a sense of ethics, social responsibility, and a commitment to contribute to society.

As a leading university in Thailand, Chulalongkorn University aims to be a model educational institution, setting standards as a university of innovation for society. The university focuses on three key principles for social development: nurturing future leaders, advancing research and innovation beneficial to society, and supporting sustainable social development.

Visit Chulalongkorn University at www.chula.ac.th

Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Service constitute an agreement between User and Chula DigiVerse. By using or accessing any Services, the user agrees to be bound by these Terms of Service. Please read these terms carefully before using or accessing Services. All individuals who access or otherwise use the Services, including casual visitors to the Website, are referred to in these Terms of Service as "Users."

Chula DigiVerse complies with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) B.E. 2563 (พระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครอง ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล พ.ศ. 2562). The use, collection, and storage of personal data is governed by the Office of Academic Resources Personal Data Policy (นโยบายคุ้มครองข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลสําหรับผู้รับบริการของสํานักงานวิทย ทรัพยากร). Please read the Policy carefully before using any of the Services. By using the Services, you indicate that you understand and consent to collecting, using, and disclosing your information as described in the Personal Data Policy

Chula DigiVerse has announced the right to use digital files in our platform according to Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) and other Rights statements , which the platform provides for each item in some collections. Users must cite or give credit whenever using the resources from the platform. All resources allow for non-commercial uses only, and no adaptations are allowed. The users can follow the link at the logos to the Creative Commons website and the Rights statements' pages for the details of each license and rights statement of the items.

Chula DigiVerse sets the guidelines for sensitive/classified data management as seen in the following:

1. The Chula DigiVerse Staff assesses the type of information resources to select the appropriate information repository for accurate dissemination, considering the process involved with digital files, the rights for dissemination of each information resource, and the access levels, such as

1.1 General users have permission to access full-text documents categorized under Open Access.

1.2 General users have permission to access partial resources, while only Chulalongkorn University members (CU members) can access full-text documents.

1.3 Permission is granted only for accessing abstracts.

2. The authors or owners of the original information acknowledge the terms and conditions for

2.1 In the case of theses, there will be a publication approval process through the i-thesis system or by requesting an embargo, subject to the evaluation by the Graduate School.

2.2 For documents or other digital files, consent for publication must be provided in writing by filling out the 'Academic Work Publication on the website Permission Form' or by specifying a written approval message via email or in a physical written record.

3. The information resources to be added to the digital information repository must not fall under data that is sensitive or infringe upon any of the following criteria:

3.1 The content of the information resource must adhere to ethical principles, including academic ethics, research ethics in the humanities, research ethics, and professional ethics. 3.2 The content of the information resource must not be offensive, incite, provoke, disseminate false information, or adversely affect the stability and peace of the nation or various organizations.

3.3 The content of the work must consider and respect the principles of human rights and the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).

3.4 The content of the work must not infringe upon intellectual property, patents, and copyrights of others.

4. Actions in the case of discovering information resources that do not conform or comply with Criterion.

4.1 Level 1: Human Errors

4.1.1 Any errors discovered in the process of importing files or metadata, the staff should inspect the deficiencies, temporarily suspend the publication of the digital file, make the necessary corrections, and then re-evaluate before publishing it again.

4.1.2 If errors are found within the file itself, and the author requests file changes or corrections, the author should inform the responsible staff at the digital information repository in writing or via email. The staff should temporarily suspend the publication of the digital file until the necessary changes are made and completed. Afterward, the staff should review and approve the publication again.

4.2 Level 2: Non-Compliance Works: Inspected or Complaint-Generated Cases Violating Data Privacy or Ethical Standards as per Criterion 3

4.2.1 If staff encounters the works that do not adhere to Criterion 3 after the fact: Suspend the publication of the digital file and temporarily hide such a bibliography from the library's search system. The Staff should fill out a complaint form (https://www.car.chula.ac.th/complaint/) as evidence. The staff should inform the work's owner or affiliated unit to provide an explanation or correction. If the work's owner cannot make the necessary corrections following Criterion 3 within 30 office days, the staff should report progress and proceed according to PM-CPS-01. If it is concluded that the publication should be permanently suspended, the staff should inform the work's owner or affiliated unit in writing to remove the file from the digital information repository. The staff should also remove the work from the library's search system and provide reasons for data deletion in the bibliography in the Note field.

4.2.2 In the case of complaints regarding content that violates Criterion 3, the following steps should be taken: If it is a thesis, the complainant should contact the Graduate School If it concerns other digital information, the complainant should submit a complaint through https://www.car.chula.ac.th/complaint/wc.php or the staff responsible for handling such cases can fill out the complaint information on behalf of the complainant through https://www.car.chula.ac.th/complaint/. After that, steps to should be followed."

4.2.3 In the case of inspecting content that violates Criterion 4.2.2, the procedures detailed in the Takedown Policy should be followed.

5. The content and various opinions presented in academic works are the responsibility of the authors and the producing organization, if applicable. The Office of Academic Resources is not liable for any damages, whether civil or criminal, that may occur.

6. The Office of Academic Resources reserves the right to review metadata and edit files to conform to a uniform cataloging standard.

Office of Academic Resources provides an open-access platform to distribute knowledge and resources of Chulalongkorn University communities or resources that Chulalongkorn University reserves rights/resources to publish to fulfill the aim of study and research.

Office of Academic Resources only allows users to download and share Chula DigiVerse information resources with credit/reference without changing information or using it for commercial purposes. If any misuse of Chula DigiVerse information resources is found, the Office of Academic Resources will act as follows:

1. Notice to the wrongdoer to stop misusing content and to withdraw any resources resulting from the misuse of Chula DigiVerse information resources. (If already published)

2. If any organization publishes any resources resulting from the misuse of Chula DigiVerse information resources, the Office of Academic Resources will notify that organization to withdraw those resources.

3. If the wrongdoer does not cooperate, the Office of Academic Resources will report the case to the university law unit (Center of Law and Legal Affairs) to act according to the law.

Copyrights Basics

Copyright is a bundle of exclusive rights the law grants to authors and creators of original works of art, which its author created with his intelligence, knowledge, capacity, and effort. The created work must be original and fall within categories protected by copyright law. The work shall automatically receive protection after creation without registration.

The copyright notification made to the Department of Intellectual Property is not a certification of the copyright owner's right. It is just a notification to a governmental agency that the person is the copyright owner of the notified work. The notifying person shall certify that he is the work's copyright owner. The certificate issued by the Department of Intellectual Property does not certify that the notifying person is the work's copyright owner.

Copyright notification

If an objection or dispute regarding copyright ownership is raised, the court shall consider based on facts on a case-by-case basis.

Types of works protected by copyright law

Literary works (Books, articles, poems), dramatic works (dancing poses), artistic works (drawings, photographs), musical works (lyrics and melodies), audiovisual works (VCDs), cinematographic works, sound recordings (tape cassettes, CDs), broadcasting works (radio and TV programs), or any other work in the literary, scientific, or artistic domain.

Reference: Department of Intellectual Property https://www.ipthailand.go.th/th/copyright-001.html

Copyright Statement

License and Rights statement

Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) provides a search system and access to digital files in 7 collections, including CHULA e-Theses, CHULA e-Independent Studies (IS), CHULA e-Senior Projects, CHULA e-Research, CHULA e-Books, CHULA e-Articles, and CHULA Support Staff Academic Works. It also includes Institutional Archives and Open e-Books collection, each with specific Rights Statements and Usage Rights as follows:

1. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

- Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR)

- Chula Archives

- OAR Archives

Usage Rights

Any purposes, especially educational ones, are allowed, except for commercial uses. Appropriate credits are required.

2. Rights Statements: In copyright – Educational Use Permitted

- Open e-Books

Educational use is permitted without permission. Any additional uses beyond educational purposes require explicit permission from the rights holders. Please acquire permission from the rights holder(s) directly.

The access rights to the collections of Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository: CUIR, including the Institutional Archives and the Open e-books, are categorized according to user groups as follows:

Collections User groups and level of access
Public users Library members
Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) / /
Chula Archives Only “public” items /
OAR Archives Only “public” items /
Open e-Books / /

License and Rights Statements

Library patrons can access and utilize 12 collections at the Thailand and ASEAN Information Center at Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University under licensing agreements and Rights Statement in accordance with the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, categorized by different Right Statement groups and accessibility rights as follows:

1. Rights Statements: In copyright – Educational Use Permitted

- Thailand and Southeast Asia in Cold War period

- Statistics

- General documents

- Prince Kitiyakara Voralaksana Collection (KI)

- Prince Dhani Nivat Collection (DH)

- Rare Book Collection (RA)

- Rare Journal and Newspaper

- Wat Ko Literatures

- Tipitaka Siam-Rath Edition (Online Version)

2. Rights Statements: No known copyright

- Palm-leaf manuscript

- Folding-book manuscript

- Other individual rare books collection

These collections have 2 copyright statuses: No known copyright for the items with no conclusive copyright information and public domain for the objects’ copyrights declared expired by the Thai Copyright Act. Please contact the Thailand and ASEAN Information Center, Office of Academic Resources.

3. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

- Committee for Coordination of Services to Displaced Persons (CCSDPT) in 1980s-1990s

Any purposes especially educational ones are allowed, except for commercial uses. Appropriate credits are required.

Usage Policy

1. Library Members of all types, including individuals and consortium members/institutions, have access to digital information resources for all collections for which the library has specified rights. Members are allowed to download full-text books and documents.

2. General Public Users can access and search digital information resources from the information library for items and collections to which the library has granted rights. They can view the digital resource catalog, open and read items, and download full-text resources from the catalog for items with a status of "Public."

3. Chula DigiVerse Digital resources do not permit anyone to redistribute, reproduce, or modify files and content from digital information resources downloaded from the digital information library in any way. This includes prohibiting the dissemination of resources on websites, networks, or any other publishing platforms.

4. When using digital information resources provided by Chula DigiVerse Digital resources, proper citations or attribution of the source of the data must be given every time. Please refer to the access rights for collections in the Thai National Information Center and ASEAN community, as categorized by user groups according to the displayed schedule.

The access rights for the Thailand and ASEAN Information Center collections are categorized by user groups as follows.

Collections User groups and level of access
Public users Library members
Thailand and Southeast Asia in The Cold War Period Only “public” items /
Statistics / /
General documents Only “public” items /
Committee for Coordination of Services to Displaced Persons in Thailand (CCSDPT) in the 1980s-1990s / /
Prince Kitiyakara Voralaksana Collection (KI) Only “public” items /
Prince Dhani Nivat Collection (DH) Only “public” items /
Rare Book Collection (RA) Only “public” items /
Rare Journal and Newspaper / /
Wat Ko Literatures / /
Tipitaka Siam-Rath Edition (Online Version) / /
Palm-leaf manuscript / /
Folding-book manuscript / /

Licenses and Rights Statements

The digital collections are operated and are provided in service under licensing agreements and rights statements as follows:

License: Creative Commons Descriptive statements: Rights Statements
Licenses/Descriptive statements Usage terms

Public Domain

Usage of content is permitted without permission.

See detailed information for Public Domain Mark

Creative Commons (CC BY-NC) 4.0

Covers the documents, research, and journal articles that the rights holders allow free access/public dissemination.

No commercial use is permitted without permission. Appropriate credit to the source is required.

See license description:


In copyright – Educational Use Permitted

Users can use the content following the Fair Use doctrine and Section 32.

Educational use is permitted without permission. Additional uses require explicit permission. Users are solely responsible for requests for permission.

No known copyright

Usage of content is permitted without permission. Some content or images may still be covered by the Copyright Act. Any usages beyond Fair Use need explicit permission from the rightsholders. Users are solely responsible for permission requests.

Takedown Policy

The Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, recognizes the value and importance of intellectual property. The Office, therefore, selects and assesses the copyright status of all digital collections imported into the Chula DigiVerse Repository. The copyright status assessment of the Office’s information resources relies on the copyright protection period criteria stated in Thailand’s Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994) and its amendments. We perform our duties by relying on the exemption from copyright infringement (Section 6), Article 34 of the Act. We comply with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) for any materials containing sensitive or personal data.

The Office carefully selects and checks for the copyright status of all materials before importing them into the Repository to ensure that no item will be against any laws, including but not limited to copyright infringement, privacy act, and other rights of individuals, published or providing access on the Repository. However, errors in assessing and selecting the materials may occur due to ambiguous rights or insufficient copyright information, including undetectable sensitive data. Thus, some items/collections with copyright infringement issues, personal information, or other sensitive data may appear on the platform.

Suppose you see any materials that seem to violate the copyright law, privacy act, or other related laws appear in the Repository. You can submit a request to withdraw the materials along with the documents or evidence to prove the issues as requested. To submit takedown request(s), follow the detailed instructions below.

1. Submit a complaint through the website’s Help Desk by selecting the topic “Request to take down digital resource(s).”

2. Specify the record link (URI) and the resource(s)’s full details.

3. Cite the reason(s) for the takedown request: for example, but not limited to copyright law, Personal Data Protection Act, obscenity, defamation, or other protocols indicating the issues of the materials.

4. Attach the documents/evidence of the request’s submitter as in the examples:

4.1 Copyright infringement: the documents prove the status of copyright holders/rights holders/copyright owners or your relationship(s) to the resource(s).

4.2 Other cases include the authorized agencies’ withdrawal orders or court orders: the documents state the necessity/revocation orders from the institutions, government, or corporate bodies with the authority to order suspension or withdrawal of the resource(s), such as a memorandum or order to revoke/terminate the publication (e.g., Graduate School, the funding agencies, or publishers)

5. Provide contact information, including your first and last name, telephone number, and email.

6. Once the submitted request is completed, the system will send a confirmation email of the request submission to your email address.

After Chula DigiVerse Team receives your request, within seven days, the Team will take the following actions:

1. The Collection Manager(s) will perform record suppression to disable search and access to the resource(s) within three business days after noticing the request.

2. Once the record is suppressed, the Team will bring the takedown request(s) and evidence into the investigation process.

2.1 If the details are established according to the issues by the request(s), i.e., copyright infringement status, the resource(s) will be permanently removed from the platform.

2.2 In other cases, if submitted with evidence or official documents issued by the government/corporate bodies, the Collection Manager(s) will withdraw the resources immediately. 2.3 The Team will proceed with the Sensitive Data and Academic Ethics Policy for the request with sensitive data and academic ethics issues.

3. After completing the investigation and takedown process, the Collection Manager(s) will email the result report(s) to the takedown request’s submitter.

4. The Team reserves the right not to take any action if the applicant does not have documents showing rights or involvement as the copyright holder. or the recipient of any rights related to the rights of information resources.

Preservation policy

File format registries.


Most acquisitions of the Born-digital items in the Chula DigiVerse Platform have been acquired through deposits within the University's members (students, faculties, and researchers) and internal organizations; very few are through donations of both internal and external individuals and institutions, occasionally transferred as text-based documents in the major file formats known to the Internet and the information industry, such as MS Word and Portable Document Format (PDF). Meanwhile, the audio-visual collections acquire their assets through their internal production. Both have concrete control over the file formats they receive to some extent since they establish the Preferred File Formats in the File Format Registries for their archival file formats and materials for access in explicit manners. See more in the FORMAT POLICY REGISTRY section below.

Digitized materials are created from the physical of the Digital Collections holdings. We digitize the physical materials in well-known file formats suitable for access and preservation. Still, the physical items will be conserved and monitored for their conditions and status by the checking schedule. If the digitized files are damaged or lost, we will recreate the new files from the physical materials and replace them in the collection management and preservation systems once the digitization process has been completed. Some digitized items will rely on the raw materials from digitization, for example, the digitized documents from Thailand and Southeast Asia in the Cold War Period; any lost or damaged files will be recreated from the raw and unedited TIFF files from scanners instead of returning to the analog items to prevent any possible damages occurring to the physical documents in the scanning process.

Preservation and Access:

Chula DigiVerse is committed to the long-term preservation of born-digital and digitized materials. Preservation formats should be kept, along with the original documents, to ensure long-term preservation. Preferably, preservation formats should be stable, uncompressed, or losslessly compressed and openly documented. Access formats should be compact and widely used. The Special Collections Format Policy Registry defines the file format policies implemented to preserve and access Special Collections' digital holdings. For born-digital, we keep each digital object in its original file format and create derivative versions suitable for preservation and access. In the case of digitized items (i.e., scanned images in PDF format), we will create high- resolution open file formats that can suitably be exploited within the access point and well- transformed into archival formats as well (i.e., PDF/A with the matching compliances for each type of the contents within the original standard PDF files).

The following Format Policy Register defines which file formats are migrated and preserved in new formats.


For text-based and scanned-image documents (e.g., born-digital thesis and other scanned-image documents: rare book collections and digitized theses)

Format Acceptable/Preferred Level of Support Preservation Access
Archival PDF/A (.pdf) Preferred Full pdf/a pdf
Standard PDF(.pdf) Acceptable Watch pdf/a pdf

Basic-level digital preservation support will be provided to other files identified as "Text" mime type.

Format Acceptable/Preferred Level of Support Preservation format Access format
Tagged Image File Format (.tiff) Preferred Full .tiff .jpg
Joint Photographic Experts Group JPEG (.jpg) Acceptable Full .tiff .jpg

All other files identified as "Image" mime type are considered "Image" document type with Basic-Level digital preservation support. Some formats may additionally be normalized to TIFF files for preservation, but the library does not guarantee full support.

Format Acceptable/Preferred Level of Support Preservation format Access format
(.mov) Preferred Full .mov .mp4
(.mp4) Acceptable Full .mov .mp4
Format Acceptable/Preferred Level of Support Preservation format Access format
(.mp3) Acceptable Full .wav .mp3
(.wav) Preferred Full .wav .mp3

1. Preserved collection scope: Chula DigiVerse will preserve both Born-digital and Digitized items along with their metadata and identifiers (i.e., Digital Object Identifier)

2. Characteristics of digital collections: Only the collections stipulated in the Digital Collections Policy, for example, academic works of the University's members and faculties and other digital collections created and acquired by the Office of Academic Resources, including the items the Office receives through donations.

3. Excludeditems/collections:ChulaDigiVersewillnotpreserveand/ornotingestthefollowing assets or collections:

• Unfinalized/unfinished versions, i.e., draft version, incomplete version, including the items or collections within a limited period for access.

• Fileswithmismatchedspecificationsarestatedinthefollowingdocuments: o File Format Registries Policy

o Work Instruction for Digitization Process (WI-...-...)

o Chula Digital Collections Policy

Retention period

Chula DigiVerse will conduct a mass reappraisal of each collection every ten years to decide which items or collections need changes like disposal, deaccession, or discontinuation of preservation support due to technical issues and other significant reasons.

i thesis chula




The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) is a digital collection of full text academic works by faculty members, researchers and graduate students of Chulalongkorn University. Included in the repository are theses and dissertations, academic papers, sets of learning materials and lecture notes, best practice manuals, CAR Archive, Center of Visual Studies and E-Journals. The research is compiled in digital form to facilitate both on-campus and off-campus access by members of academic communities.

For more information, contact: cuir.car.chula.ac.th

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Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public. Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University

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ท่านสามารถเลือกการตั้งค่าคุกกี้โดยเปิด/ปิด คุกกี้ในแต่ละประเภทได้ตามความต้องการ ยกเว้น คุกกี้ที่จำเป็น

ประเภทของคุกกี้ที่มีความจำเป็นสำหรับการทำงานของเว็บไซต์ เพื่อให้คุณสามารถใช้เว็บไซต์ได้อย่างเป็นปกติ ท่านไม่สามารถปิดการทำงานของคุกกี้นี้ในระบบเว็บไซต์ของเราได้

คุกกี้ประเภทนี้จะทำการเก็บข้อมูลพฤติกรรมการใช้งานเว็บไซต์ของคุณ โดยมีจุดประสงค์คือนำข้อมูลมาวิเคราะห์เพื่อปรับปรุงและพัฒนาเว็บไซต์ให้มีคุณภาพ และสร้างประสบการณ์ที่ดีกับผู้ใช้งาน เพื่อให้เกิดประโยชน์สูงสุด หากท่านไม่ยินยอมให้เราใช้คุกกี้นี้ เราอาจไม่สามารถวัดผลเพื่อการปรับปรุงและพัฒนาเว็บไซต์ให้ดีขึ้นได้ Cookies Details

- Academic Year 1/2021
Academic Year 2/2021
(New Curriculum 2015)
- For M.A. Students (Plan A)
- For M.A. Students (Plan B)
- For Ph.D. Students
- Work-in-Progress Report
- Thesis/Dissertation Evaluation Form
- Individual Study Topic Submission Form
- Dissertation Proposal Submission Form
- Thesis/Dissertation Committee Submission Form
- Exam Paper Request Form
- IS Advisor Meeting Record (M.A. Plan B)
- Instructor Meeting Record
- Recommendation Form
- Graduate Handbook Academic Year 2021
- Chulalongkorn University Graduate Studies Regulations 2008
- Thesis Handbook
- Request form for Approval for Independent Study (Graduate School)
- Request for Thesis Proposal Approval Form (Graduate School)

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  1. Student Materials

    i thesis chula

  2. บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

    i thesis chula

  3. Student Materials

    i thesis chula

  4. Three Minutes Thesis 3mt Chula, Text, Label, Crowd, Word Transparent

    i thesis chula

  5. Fillable Online cphs chula ac Request for Thesis Proposal Approval Form

    i thesis chula

  6. สถาบันภาษา จุฬาฯ จัดอบรม "Thesis Writing" การเขียนภาษาอังกฤษเชิงวิชาการ

    i thesis chula


  1. [FB Live] สืบค้นวิทยานิพนธ์จุฬาฯ ไม่ยากอย่างที่คิด (3 พฤษภาคม 2561)

  2. Janell Shah

  3. Thesis Writing: Outlining Part I

  4. L-23/2 Chapter 01 of Thesis



    INTEGRATED THESIS & RESEARCH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Office of Information Technology Administration for Educational Development, Ministry of Higher Education Science Research and Innovation.

  2. CUIR at Chulalongkorn University: Home

    The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) is a digital collection of full text academic works by faculty members, researchers and graduate students of Chulalongkorn University. They are, for example, theses and dissertations, academic papers, sets of learning materials and lecture notes, best practice manuals, CAR Archive ...

  3. Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

    Theses/Dissertations from 2566. ทุนอุดมศึกษาต่อการพัฒนาเยาวชน และพื้นที่จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ สู่เป้าหมายการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน, อัคตัรมีซี อาหามะ ...

  4. PDF iThesis manual (June 2019)

    iThesis manual (June 2019)iThesis is a system which students across Chulalongkorn University are required to use in order to keep track of your thesis and digitized the approval system, while keep in mind that the paper work and formalities outside of the iThesis system are still required. iThesis, in general, served as a way for Graduate ...

  5. How to use ITHESIS (English language)

    How to use ITHESIS (English language)by Chulalongkorn University Graduate School (CUGS)-For more information : Division of Graduate Students Service Affairse...

  6. ithesis.grad.chula.ac.th

    The Complete Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines. สาธิตการใช้งาน. Remote Desktop

  7. iThesis for PPC

    Learn how to use iThesis system for PPC students and advisors to write, save, and submit theses online. Find tutorials, manuals, and contact information for technical support and academic affairs.


    INTEGRATED THESIS & RESEARCH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (iThesis) Office of Information Technology Administration for Educational Development, Office of the Higher Education Commission.

  9. How to use

    Thesis/Comprehensive Examination Master of Arts in Business and Managerial Economics (MABE) Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand

  10. PDF Thesis Submission through CU e-Thesis

    Second : Thesis Online Submission. 2.1 Log on to https://ethesis.grad.chula.ac.th (Menu : Thesis Database > Home) 2.2 Fill in Thesis Dissemination Consent Form. 2.3 Fill in Research Mapping Form. 2.4 Fill in Thesis Dissemination Reporting Form and upload file (item 1.1 above) (only for students who have their thesis publicized)


    คู่มือการใช้งานระบบ iThesis สำหรับนักศึกษาปริญญาโทและเอก ...

  12. Thesis Schedule

    • The Complete Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines. • Timeline of submission of complete thesis, academic work publication, and event for graduate students, 2 Semester Academic Year 2021. ... (Chamchuri 10 Building), Soi Chula 12, Phayathai Road, Phatumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand Tel. 02-218-3501

  13. Thesis Process

    Provide the proceeding of the conference or letter of confirmation of publishing your paper to the advisor. Make an appointment to defend the thesis with your thesis committees. (requires a completion of No.5 above and no less than 60 days after an approval of a proposal by the Faculty of Economics) Make corrections to the thesis according to ...

  14. CUIR Offers Free Download of Academic Work to the Public

    The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR) now provides the public access to download academic work for free. The CUIR is a digital collection of full text academic works by faculty members, researchers and graduate students of Chulalongkorn University. The collection includes theses and dissertations, academic papers, sets of learning materials and lecture notes, best ...

  15. Graduate School Chulalongkorn University

    Complete Thesis/dissertation submission guidelines for the academic year 2020. Admin 2020-11-03 13624. ... (Chamchuri 10 Building), Soi Chula 12, Phayathai Road, Phatumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand Tel. 02-218-3501 Email : ...

  16. Thesis Format & Example

    Thesis Format Contact Person: Ms. Natthapa Kamkrueang (Librarian) 8th Floor, PPC Building Email : [email protected], Tel : 02-218-4150 The Petroleum and Petrochemical College

  17. สำนักงานวิทยทรัพยากร หอสมุดกลาง จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

    Search for books, ebooks, special project, senior project, audio visual, etc from Libraries in Chula - Library Catalog (OPAC). SEARCH. Theses. Search for theses from The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR). SEARCH. Journal Articles. Search Journal Articles from Ebsco Discovery Service.

  18. Chula DigiVerse: Digital Preservation of Chulalongkorn University

    Explore Chula DigiVerse, the premier digital preservation for repositories & archive of Chulalongkorn University, covering ETD, rare books, multimedia, and digitized manuscripts. search . TH ... If it is a thesis, the complainant should contact the Graduate School.

  19. The Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR

    CUIR is a digital collection of academic works by Chulalongkorn University faculty, researchers and students. It includes theses and dissertations, papers, learning materials, manuals, CAR Archive, Center of Visual Studies and E-Journals.

  20. Chula Reference Database

    EBSCO Open Dissertations Electronic thesis database Covering more than 500,000 multidisciplinary information from 25 top universities in the United States by EBSCO. Education Source Education Source is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals and policy makers. The collection provides indexing and abstracts for more than ...

  21. แหล่งรวมข้อมูลการใช้บริการห้องสมุดสำหรับนิสิต

    Chula Thesis & Research. CU-Online Access Information. Chula E-Lecture. EndNote 20. Getting Started. Opening Hours; Library Tour; Borrow and Return; Book Delivery; Book Category; I can't find what I'm looking for; Off-Campus Access; Library's Do and Don't; CULI Diagnostic test; Book Donation; RESOURCES: Searching.

  22. Download

    Chula_Regulations_2008.pdf(153.19 kB) - Thesis Handbook: Thesis_Handbook.pdf(640.74 kB) ... (Graduate School).pdf(75.5kB) - Request for Thesis Proposal Approval Form (Graduate School) Request for Thesis Proposal Approval Form (Graduate School).pdf(182kB) CU Brand Resources. click to website . Name Files; Chulalongkorn Logos: Download: Font ...

  23. บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

    บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย. อาคารเฉลิมราชกุมารี ...