
APA Style (7th ed.)

  • Paper Formatting in APA 7
  • Position of the citation
  • Secondary Referencing
  • Date of Publication
  • Page numbers
  • Citing Sources Multiple Times
  • Citing from Web pages
  • Paraphrasing and Summarising
  • Examples of References in APA (7th ed.) style
  • Examples of References in APA style
  • Introduction
  • Examples of References in APA style (7th edition)
  • APA Reference Examples A-Z
  • Comparison of APA 6th and 7th eds

how to write reference of book in assignment

There are many different types of references (e.g. books, journal articles, websites). Click on the type you require below to see the components of the reference with an example.

  • Journal Articles
  • Web pages and social media
  • Newspaper articles

Dictionary or Encyclopaedia

Thesis or dissertation.

  • Reports and Datasets
  • Conferences
  • Images, figures and tables


  • Audiovisual and Digital Media
  • Lecture Notes and Presentations
  • Author/Editor (Surname, Initials) ,
  • (Year of publication).
  • Title (in italics) .
  • Edition (other than first edition) .

how to write reference of book in assignment

An e-book retrieved from an academic database that does not have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is referenced as though it were the print version, as above. (A DOI is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet. DOIs can be found in database records and the reference lists of published works).

Books with a URL or a DOI can be referenced like this:

  • Author/editor (Surname, Initials)

(Year of publication)

  • Title of book (in italics)
  • (Edition) (if not the 1st edition)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Book Chapter

  • Author of chapter/section (Surname, Initials)
  • Title of chapter/section.
  • ‘In:’ followed by author/editor of book, (in direct order)
  • Title of book (in italics) .
  • (Page reference).

how to write reference of book in assignment

Journal article (print)

  • Author(s) (Surname, Initials)
  • Title of article

Title of journal (in italics, first letter of each word should be capitalised, except for words such as and, of, the)        

Issue information (volume, issue, pages) (volume in italics)

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Journal article (online)

  • Title of article.
  • Title of journal (in italics, first letter of each word should be capitalised, except for words such as and, of, the)
  • Issue information (date, volume, issue no., pages) (volume in italics)

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Journal article (database without DOI)

Journal articles retrieved from databases without a DOI can be referenced like a print journal, as above.

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Journal article (with DOI)

  • Issue information (date, volume , issue no., pages) (volume in italics)

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Journal article (21 or more authors)

List the first nineteen authors followed by three spaced ellipsis points (...) and then the last author's name.

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Journal article (pre-publication)

“Pre-print”, “In press” and “advanced online publication” usually refer to articles that have been accepted for publication, but may not yet have been assigned to a publication volume/issue. These articles can be cited using the year of online publication and the DOI.

  • Issue information (date, volume, issue no., pages) (if any available)
  • Advance online publication.

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arXiv is a collection facility for scientific 'e-prints'. Some of them have been published and some have not. APA recommends updating your references when you're close to finishing your assignment. If you've cited a preprint that has since been published, cite the published journal article.

In the example below, you will see that the title is in italics. This is because it hasn't yet been accepted in a journal and is, therefore, considered a stand-alone work.

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Journal Article (with article numbers, not page numbers)

If the journal article has an article number instead of a page range, include the word “Article” and then the article number instead of the page range.

  • Journal Title  (in italics)
  • Volume ,  (in italics)
  • Article number 

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Magazine Article

  • (Year of publication, Month day)
  • Title of magazine (in italics, first letter of each word should be capitalised, except for words such as and, of, the)     
  • Page numbers (if available)

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author (Surname, Initials or Organisation name)
  • (Year) (Month Day, if applicable).
  • Title of webpage   (in italics)
  • Website name (if applicable and different to author)

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If no date can be established, use n.d. to indicate no date in the citation and the reference.

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author of message
  • (Year, Month Day).
  • Title of message
  • Title of blog

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  • X (formerly known as Twitter)

Author and/or [screen name]

  • (Year, Month day) tweet posted
  • full text of tweet (If a tweet is longer than 20 words, write the first 20 words)

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author and/or [given name]
  • (Year, month day)
  • Title of page   or post (first 20 words)
  • [Facebook status update].
  • For individual authors, provide their full first name in square brackets after their initial as this is their social media identity information.
  • For the title, provide the name of the page or the content or caption of the post (up to the first 20 words).

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LinkedIn Profile

  • Author (name associated with the account)
  • Title of page ( Use the page title in the reference (e.g., “Home,” “About,” “Jobs”).)
  • [LinkedIn page].
  • Retrieved date from: URL ( Provide a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and is not archived)

how to write reference of book in assignment

(Year posted, month day)

Content of the post (up to the first 20 words, in italics)

[Photograph/Video/Story]. (description of post)  

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author and/or [Username]
  • Content of the post up to the first 20 words.  Count a URL or other link, a hashtag, or an emoji as one word each, and include them in the reference if they fall within the first 20 words. Do not italicize emojis.
  • [Video]  description of the audiovisuals

how to write reference of book in assignment

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopaedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world. It is not a scholarly source, so your lecturer may not be happy for you to use it as a source in your assignments. Scholarly assignments should generally rely on peer-reviewed and other scholarly work vetted by experts in the field. However, it may be a good starting point for you in your research to find citations to original source materials that you do want to use.

Wikipedia is a constantly changing site, so cite an archived version of the page, if you can (select 'view history' and then the date of the version you used). If it doesn't have a permanent link to an archived version of the page, include a URL for the entry and the retrieval date. 

  • Date of last update (year, month day)
  • Title of wiki (in italics)
  • URL (include Retrieved date, if necessary)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Newspaper article (print)

  • Author (Surname, Initials)  (if name of writer not given, start with the name of the Newspaper (in italics))
  • (Year of publication, Month day).
  • Title of article 
  • Title of newspaper (in italics) .
  • Page reference.

how to write reference of book in assignment

Newspaper article (online)

  • Author (Surname, Initials) 

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author of entry (if there is one) (Surname, initials)
  • Title of entry.
  • ‘In:’ Editor (initial and surname) (Ed.)
  • Title of dictionary or encyclopaedia  (in italics) .
  • (Edition, page numbers of entry)

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Author (Surname, Initials)
  • (Year of submission).
  • Title of thesis (in italics) .
  • (Type of thesis or dissertation)  e.g. Unpublished Master's thesis
  • Degree awarding body
  • Name of database or archive. URL  (if published)

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  • Title of data (version)   (in italics)
  • [Type of work]  (i.e. dataset)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Government Publication

  • Name of Government Department
  • Title (in italics)
  • (Report Series and number) (if available)
  • Publisher (if in print)
  • URL (if online)

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Company Report

  • Title of report . (in italics)
  • Publisher or URL 

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  • Name of authority or organisation.
  • Number and title of standard (in italics) .
  • Publisher 
  • URL (if accessed online)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Conference Paper (in edited book)

  • Title of the contribution paper
  • In: Name of editor or conference chair (Initial, Last name (Ed (s).)
  • Title of conference proceedings (in Italics)
  • (Page numbers)
  • URL or DOI (if available)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Conference Paper (Journal)

  • Author of paper
  • Title of paper
  • Title of Journal (in italics)
  • Issue information (volume, issue, date)

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Conference Paper or Poster Presentation 

  • (Year, month day of conference).

[Paper presentation or Poster presentation or Conference presentation]

  • Title of conference: Subtitle of conference
  • Location of Conference

how to write reference of book in assignment

Images, illustrations, photos (print)

If you are citing an illustration, figure, diagram or table, start with the source in which it appeared. For example, i f you are referencing an image printed in a book, you first mention the image in-text, indicating the name and creator of the image, and the book in which it can be found, along with the page details.  The reference list entry will be for the whole article or book.

In-text citation:

how to write reference of book in assignment

Reference List:

In the reference list, you list the book in which the image is found:

how to write reference of book in assignment

When you include an image or photo in your text, as well as citing the source, you will also need to include a caption and list it in a Table of Figures ( click here for more information ). Images you created yourself don't have to be cited, but should still be included in the list of figures.

Image, illustration, photo or table (online)

  • Creator  (Surname, initial(s))
  • [Internet handle] (if appropriate)
  • Title of image, figure, illustration or table 
  • [Type of image]. (image, chart, diagram, graph, illustration or photograph)

Hosting service (e.g. Instagram, Flickr)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Photographs (Online Collection)

  • Photographer
  • Title of photograph (if applicable)
  •   [ Title of collection]  

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If you viewed an image in person rather than online (e.g. in a museum or gallery), the source information is different. You will need to include the name and location of the institution where you viewed the image.

  • (Year of creation)  (if available)
  • Title of the work (in italics)
  • [Format description]  (in square brackets)

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If you haven't seen the artwork in person and saw it online, add the website URL at the end of your reference.

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Originator (Name of organisation)
  • Sheet number, scale.
  • Publisher (if different from author)
  • URL (if viewed online)

how to write reference of book in assignment

It can often be hard to find accurate information about images accessed online.  However, if you do need to cite an image with no author, date or title listed, there are ways around this.  For untitled images, include a description of the image, in square brackets, where the title would usually go. If there is no publication date, add “n.d.” in place of the date, and add the date that you accessed the image.

how to write reference of book in assignment

  • Curator(s) (Surname, Initial(s)) .
  • (Year or years ran).
  • Exhibition Title [Exhibition].
  • Museum name,
  • City, Country.
  • URL of exhibition website (if available)

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When the curator is unknown, move the title of the exhibition to the author position of the reference.

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Exhibition Catalogue

  • Artist (Surname, Initial) (or Gallery/Institution).
  • (Year, Month).
  • [Exhibition catalogue].

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  • Director(s) (Surname, Initial) (Director)
  • (Year of original release).
  • [Description]. (e.g. Film)
  • Production Company

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Film (from Streaming Service)

Only specify how you watched a film (e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, HULU, etc.) when it is important to indicate a specific version. Put this information in square brackets following the word, "Film" and a semicolon.

  • (Year) (in round brackets)

how to write reference of book in assignment

Online Video

  • Creator (Surname, Initial). [Screen name].
  • (Year, Month day).
  • Title of video [Video]

Hosting Website

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TV Programme

Executive Producer(s) (Executive Producer(s)).

(Years - it aired, use present if still airing ). 

Title (in italics)   [TV series].

Production Company;

Broadcaster name

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Episode of a TV Series

  • Writer (surname and initial(s)) & Director (surname and initial(s))
  • (Date of broadcast or copyright)
  • Title of episode

(Series number, episode number) (in round brackets)

  • [TV series episode]
  • Executive Producer(s)  (initials and surname)
  • Series title (in italics)
  • Production company

how to write reference of book in assignment

Radio Programme (Online)

Name of announcer

(Year, Month Day of broadcast).

Title of programme  (in italics)

[Description i.e. Radio broadcast ].

Name of site that published the broadcast

URL of broadcast

how to write reference of book in assignment

Name of host (Host)

(Dates)  Provide the span of years during which the podcast aired here; if ongoing give the year of first broadcast and word “- present”.

Title of podcast (in italics)

[Audio or Video Podcast]

Publisher/production company

how to write reference of book in assignment

For specific ‘ Podcast episodes ’, provide the precise date on which the podcast episode first aired. Supply the episode number after the episode title, if available, in brackets. Indicate the type of  podcast episode in square brackets, e.g. [Audio podcast episode] or [Video podcast episode]. Write the word “In” and then the title of the podcast in italics.   Give the Publisher or Production company and the URL.

how to write reference of book in assignment

Lecture Notes

Notes you took during a lecture or class handouts that are not posted online are not retrievable by someone else, so do not belong in your reference list. Instead, you treat them like personal communication and just refer to them in your text.

how to write reference of book in assignment

Lecture Notes or Powerpoint Slides (online)

  • Lecturer (Surname, Initial(s))

Title of item [Class handout or PowerPoint slides]. (in italics).

Platform or Institution (e.g. ATU).

how to write reference of book in assignment

Recorded Lectures/Talks

Name of Speaker

(Date) (in round brackets) (Provide as specific a date as possible; in the example, only the year and month are available.)

Title of video (in italics)

TED Conferences

how to write reference of book in assignment

When the TED Talk is on YouTube, list the owner of the YouTube account (here, TED) as the author to aid in retrieval. Credit YouTube as the publisher of the TED Talk and then provide the URL. When the speaker is not listed as the author, integrate their name into the narrative if desired:

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Online Course or Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

  • Author  (Surname, Initial(s))

Title of course (in italics)

Site that holds the course

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A lecture from an online course cites the instructor for the particular lecture in the author part of the reference and the names of all the lecturers in the source element. The URL given should be to the main page of the course.

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Open Educational Resource

  • (Year added with Month day, if available).
  • Retrieved date from URL ( When contents of a page are meant to be updated over time but are not archived, include a retrieval date in the reference.)

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Music on CD or Vinyl

  • Writer ( Surname, Initial ).
  • Title of song
  • Title of album (in italics)
  • Record Label.

how to write reference of book in assignment

Music Streaming

  • Name of artist.
  • Title of album/track (in italics)
  • [Description]. (no need to indicate how you heard the song)
  • Record Label

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  • Next: APA Reference Examples A-Z >>
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Aberystwyth University

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness
  • 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.

Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness: 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What is referencing and citation?
  • 4. What is plagiarism?
  • 5. Referencing Artificial Intelligence Outputs
  • 6. Consequences of plagiarism
  • 7. Plagiarism in the news
  • 8. Referencing Examples
  • 9. Reference management tools
  • 10. Submitting your work using Turnitin
  • 11. How to interpret your Turnitin similarity report
  • 12. Further help

What is citing?


Citing is identifying the sources you have used in the text of your assignment.  This may be done as;

a direct quotation



In-text citations give brief details about the source that you refer to.

This is an example citation (Harvard referencing style):

(Pears and Shields, 2013)  

Further citation examples from the different referencing styles used at Aberystwyth University can be found here .

The citations will allow the person reading your assignment to locate the full details of the source you have used in the reference list located at the end of your work.

Reference list (Harvard Style)

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide . London: Palgrave.

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013). Cite them right: the essential referencing guide . London: Palgrave.

How to use quotes in your assignment.

how to write reference of book in assignment

When you use quotations they should be relevant.  Try not to use too many as they can break the flow of your text.  You will need to balance quotations with your own understanding of the sources used.

Don't forget - quotes are included in your word count!

A few tips:

Enclose any quotes in " quotation marks " - be consistent. Check out the further examples to see whether your chosen referencing style uses single or double quotation marks.

If using long quotes that are more than a few sentences, add these as a separate paragraph. This should be indented and there is no need to use quotation marks. ( Please note : The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences stipulate that long, indented quotations require quotation mark at the beginning and the end of the quotation).

Depending on the referencing style you are using, give the author, date and page number that the quote is from.

The full details of the source of the quote are then added into the reference list at the end of your assignment.

Example (Harvard Style):

In-text citation

'There are several ways in which you can incorporate citations into your text, depending on your own style and the flow of the work' (Pears and Shields, 2013, p. 8).

Reference list

How to paraphrase.

how to write reference of book in assignment

Paraphrasing involves expressing another author’s ideas or arguments in your own words, without direct quotation but with due acknowledgement.  It entails reformulating key points or information accurately, so that nothing important is lost but the means of communication is new. For instance:

Quotation     ‘It is impossible to step twice into the same river’ (Heraclitus) Paraphrase     Heraclitus argues that, just as a river is always in motion, the world is always changing so that nothing stays the same.

Paraphrasing can help with the flow or continuity of your written work and is a good way of demonstrating your understanding.

Read your source a few times to ensure you understand the meaning

Restate the key point(s) from the source in your own words, but without distorting the original meaning

Ensure you cite and reference the source.

Please note: When paraphrasing, you should NOT copy a passage from your source and then seek to change some of its wording. Use your own words and phrases from beginning to end when paraphrasing.

How to summarise.

how to write reference of book in assignment

This method provides the key points from an article, book or web page as a brief statement.

A few Tips;

Summaries should be your own work. It is NOT permitted to use online summary tools or other software for this purpose.

Ensure you cite and reference the source

Only list the main topics

In text citation

Importantly, one particular book (Pears and Shields, 2013) looks at the different citation methods when including them in an assignment.

  • << Previous: 2. What is referencing and citation?
  • Next: 4. What is plagiarism? >>
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University of Tasmania, Australia

Referencing guide: apa 7th.

  • Systems and Styles
  • Using in-text citations
  • Using Turnitin
  • Managing references
  • AGLC This link opens in a new window
  • Health & Medicine examples This link opens in a new window
  • Transition from Harvard to APA
  • General principles

In-text citations

  • Works Cited
  • Works Cited - Author
  • Works Cited - Title
  • Works cited - Title of Container
  • Works Cited - Other Contributors
  • Works Cited - Version & Number
  • Works Cited - Publisher & Publication Date
  • Works Cited - Location
  • Works Cited - Optional Elements
  • Works Cited - More Examples
  • Simplified Author-date & Writing guide

APA 7th edition

What is apa style.

APA style  is a referencing method developed by the American Psychological Association and is a version of the commonly used  Author-Date system . 

This guide is based on the official APA website and the following text:

American Psychological Association. (2020).  Publication manual of the American Psychological Association  (7th ed.).

Which style does my School use? 

Some Schools or individual units require a different style from the one outlined here. Always use the citation style required by your lecturer. If in doubt, check your unit outline, in MyLO, or ask your lecturer or tutor.

  • How to cite
  • Multiple authors and works
  • Direct quotes

In-text citations direct the reader to the Reference List to view the full details of the source.

When paraphrasing, In-text citations can be included as:

1. Parenthetical citations - by inserting the author and date in parentheses, usually at the end of a sentence, e.g....opportunity and economy are two factors that may have influenced changes in parental roles (Bomar, 2004).

2. Narrative citations - by incorporating the name of the author, followed by the date enclose in parentheses into the text of the paper, e.g. Sternberg (1993) suggests results should be carefully analysed...

  • In-text citations guide, from APA Guidelines to help writers determine the appropriate level of citation and how to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism
  • In-text citations checklist, from APA

Multiple authors

In-text formatting for author names
One author (Smith, 2020)
Two authors (Smith & Jones, 2020)
Three or more authors (Williams et al., 2023)

Multiple works

When citing multiple works in parentheses, arrange the citations in alphabetical order and separate them with semicolons, e.g.

(Citizen, 2019; Jones, 1999; Smith, 2001)

Multiple works can be arranged in any order when they are incorporated into the text of the paper (narrative citation).

  • Page numbers are always included for direct quotations e.g. (Hiebert, 2009, p. 69).
  • When the quote is 40 words or less d irect quotations should be placed within the text and surrounded by double quotation marks, e.g.  "we cannot possibly know and understand the culture of every individual and community we might encounter throughout the course of our careers" (Mkandawire-Valhmu, 2018, p. 24).
  • When the quote is more than 40 words, direct quotations should be started on a new line and indented from the left margin, without quotation marks, e.g.

In an era of globalization, a healthcare provider needs to be prepared for encounters for people of diverse backgrounds and experiences. The culturally safe healthcare provider needs to have a deep understanding of where people have been and what they have experienced in their countries of origin. (Mkandawire-Valhmu, 2018, p. 73)

  • Quotations More details from APA on how to include direct quotes in text

Reference Lists

A reference list is placed at the end of your paper. It contains the full details of all the references cited in the text of your paper. These details should be sufficient for the reader to be able to identify and locate the sources. 

  • Elements of reference list entries APA provides detailed guidelines on each element of a reference.
  • Author guidelines for the reference list Details for how to show individual, multiple and group authors in your reference list.
  • APA guide to creating a reference list This document provides guidance on formatting the reference list.
  • Quick Reference Guide to the 7th edition. This printable guide outlines how to reference books, book chapters and journal articles.
  • Browse examples for each type of work APA provides many examples of commonly used reference types, for you to follow as a guide.

Fundamentals of APA This brief video conveys the simplicity of using APA 7th for citations and referencing, outlining a few fundamental characteristics of the style.

Commonly used reference types.

  • Book chapters
  • Journal articles

Format for a book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Copyright Year). Title of the book: Subtitle (edition, if not the first). Publisher. URL or DOI (if electronic)

Example of a book:

Lang, T., & Heasman, M. (2015). Food wars: The global battle for mouths, minds and markets (2nd ed.). Routledge.

  • Detailed instructions from APA for formatting a book.

Format for a chapter in an edited book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Copyright Year). Title of the book chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (edition, pp. #–#). Publisher. DOI or URL

Example of a book chapter:

Davies, C., Robinson, K. H., Metcalf, A., Ivory, K., Mooney-Somers, J., Race, K., & Skinner, S. R. (2021). Australians of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. In T. Dune, K. McLeod, & R. Williams (Eds.), Culture, diversity and health in Australia: Towards culturally safe healthcare (pp. 213-231). Routledge.

  • Detailed instructions from APA for formatting a book chapter.

Boddy, J., & Dominelli, L. (2017). Social media and social work: The challenges of a new ethical space. Australian Social Work , 70 (2), 172–184.

  • Detailed instructions from APA for formatting journal article references.

Format for a webpage:

Author. (Year, month day).  Title of the webpage . Publisher/Website Name. URL

Example of a webpage with an organisational group author:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2015, September 23).  UNESCO and sustainable development goals.

Note: omit the publisher/website name if it is the same as the author

  • Detailed instructions from APA for formatting webpage references.

Examples for other sources

APA provide an extensive array of examples for different sources, including:

  • Textual works e.g. books, journal articles, standards, government reports
  • Audiovisual media e.g. podcast, TED Talk, YouTube clip
  • Social media e.g. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
  • Webpages and web documents
  • Health & medicine examples Formatting advice for some specialised health sources
  • APA 7th examples for health and medicine sources v2 May 2024
  • Examples from APA website Commonly used reference types for you to follow as a guide.

Further help with APA

  • APA website

how to write reference of book in assignment

Some examples of topics found in the blog:

  • How many names to include...? Explains and illustrates how many author names should be included in an APA reference list.
  • How to cite ChatGPT This blog post reflects evolving recommendations for acknowledging the use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools. It includes advice on how and when to acknowledge that use through citations and referencing. Please ensure you adhere to the University's guidelines for students' use of AI, if applicable, via the Student Portal.
  • The Frankenreference A blog post explaining how to craft a reference from scratch when the specific example you need is not shown anywhere.

The APA website includes comprehensive advice on how to use their referencing style. These are some of the popular topics:

  • Basic principles of reference list entries
  • Cite multiple works consecutively in-text
  • Cite secondary sources
  • DOIs and URLs
  • Group author abbreviations in the text and references
  • Missing reference information

Your feedback

  • Tell us what you think! Feedback about this guide to APA is welcome!

APA Style Guides

We have the full APA style guide available to borrow from the University Library. 

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  • Referencing Books in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples

Referencing Books in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples

Published on 12 May 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 7 November 2022.

To reference a book in Harvard style , you need an in-text citation and a corresponding entry in your reference list or bibliography .

A basic book reference looks like this:

Reference template Author surname, initial. (Year) . City: Publisher.
Reference example Szalay, D. (2017) . London: Vintage.
In-text citation example (Szalay, 2017, p. 24)

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Edition or volume of a book, edited or translated book, book chapter, dictionary or encyclopedia, frequently asked questions about harvard referencing.

If the book you’re citing is a second or later edition (i.e. when the edition is stated on the title page or cover), specify this in your reference. Abbreviate ‘edition’ to ‘edn’ or ‘revised edition’ to ‘rev ed’.

Harvard referencing: Edition of a book
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) . Edition edn. City: Publisher.
Example Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2019) . 11th edn. London: MacMillan.

When referencing a book published in multiple volumes, include the total number of volumes in your reference.

Harvard referencing: Multi-volume book
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) (number of volumes vols). City: Publisher.
Example Leggiere, M. V. (2015) (2 vols). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

If you’re just referencing one volume, omit the total number but include the number and subtitle of the particular volume you’re referencing as part of the title.

Harvard referencing: Single volume of a multi-volume book
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) . City: Publisher.
Example Leggiere, M. V. (2015) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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If a book specifies an editor and/or translator, this information should be included in the reference.

When a book has an editor in addition to the main author, the editor’s name is included later in the reference.

Harvard referencing: Book with author and editor
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) . Edited by Editor surname, initial. City: Publisher.
Example Alcott, L. M. (2008) . Edited by Alderson, V. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

When the editor is the main author (i.e. when it’s their name on the cover), their name comes first. Use “ed.” for a single editor and “eds.” if there are multiple editors.

If you use a specific chapter or work from an edited collection, follow the format for referencing a book chapter instead.

Harvard referencing: Editor as author
Template Editor surname, initial. (ed./eds.) (Year) . City: Publisher.
Example Danielson, D. (ed.) (1989) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

When you reference a book that has been translated from another language, include the original language and the translator’s name.

Unlike other names, the translator’s name is not inverted: the initial comes first.

Harvard referencing: Translated book
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) . Translated from the Language by Translator initial and last name. City: Publisher.
Example Nádas, P. (1998) . Translated from the Hungarian by I. Sanders and I. Goldstein. London: Vintage.

If a book contains chapters or works by various different authors, such as a collection of essays or an anthology of short stories, reference the specific chapter or work, followed by details of the book.

The chapter title appears in quotation marks, while the book title is italicized. At the end of the reference, specify the page range on which the chapter appears.

If a book is entirely written by one author, always reference the whole book, even if you only discuss one chapter.

Harvard referencing: Book chapter
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Chapter title’, in Editor surname, initial. (ed./eds.) . City: Publisher, pp. page range
Example Greenblatt, S. (2010) ‘The traces of Shakespeare’s life’, in De Grazia, M. and Wells, S. (eds.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–14.

Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works very often don’t list specific authors. In these cases, they are cited and referenced using their titles in the author position:

Harvard referencing: Dictionary (no author)
Template (Year) Edition edn. City: Publisher.
Example (2019) 8th edn. Glasgow: Collins.
In-text citation ( , 2019, p. 45)

Where a reference work does have an author, it can be referenced like a normal book. Where different sections of a reference work are attributed to different authors, they can be referenced like chapters in an edited book.

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When an ebook is presented like a printed book, with page numbers and publication details included, you can reference it in the same format as you would the print version.

Otherwise, the ebook format differs slightly: I nclude a link to where you found or purchased it online instead of publisher information. This link is generally just to the store or database you used, not the specific book.

In addition, in-text citations will have to use something other than page numbers when necessary, such as a percentage or location number. Use whatever marker is available on your device.

Harvard referencing: Ebook
Template Author surname, initial. (Year) . Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Le Guin, U. K. (2017) . Available at: (Accessed: 8 May 2020).
In-text citation example (Le Guin, 2017, 85%)

A Harvard in-text citation should appear in brackets every time you quote, paraphrase, or refer to information from a source.

The citation can appear immediately after the quotation or paraphrase, or at the end of the sentence. If you’re quoting, place the citation outside of the quotation marks but before any other punctuation like a comma or full stop.

In Harvard style , when you quote directly from a source that includes page numbers, your in-text citation must include a page number. For example: (Smith, 2014, p. 33).

You can also include page numbers to point the reader towards a passage that you paraphrased . If you refer to the general ideas or findings of the source as a whole, you don’t need to include a page number.

In Harvard referencing, up to three author names are included in an in-text citation or reference list entry. When there are four or more authors, include only the first, followed by ‘ et al. ’

In-text citation Reference list
1 author (Smith, 2014) Smith, T. (2014) …
2 authors (Smith and Jones, 2014) Smith, T. and Jones, F. (2014) …
3 authors (Smith, Jones and Davies, 2014) Smith, T., Jones, F. and Davies, S. (2014) …
4+ authors (Smith , 2014) Smith, T. (2014) …

In Harvard style referencing , to distinguish between two sources by the same author that were published in the same year, you add a different letter after the year for each source:

  • (Smith, 2019a)
  • (Smith, 2019b)

Add ‘a’ to the first one you cite, ‘b’ to the second, and so on. Do the same in your bibliography or reference list .

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, November 07). Referencing Books in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 9 September 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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  • Academic Integrity This link opens in a new window
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  • Drop-in Workshops

Citation Basics

General format for references, authors in references, general format for in-text citations, authors in in-text citations, more than one source, source in another language, corporate author, same author, same year, block quotes, your own unpublished work.

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  • APA: Parts of a Reference

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  • APA Style Examples: References and Citations Comprehensive list of source types with sample references and citations.

When you use someone else's words or ideas in an assignment, you must cite them. By citing them, you are acknowledging that the words/ideas are not your own.

This will make it clear to your instructor what ideas are your own, and what ideas belong to someone else.

It's perfectly okay to use someone else's ideas, as long as you cite them!

There are TWO elements to a citation:

In-text citation : These appear in your paper, and indicate to your reader that the information immediately preceding the citation came from another source.

References : This is the list of sources at the end of your paper that list all of the sources you used in your assignment.

A citation is not complete unless both elements -- an in-text citation, and corresponding References entry -- are present.

Note : You only have to cite sources that you used in your assignment. If you read an article and it was helpful, but you did not use it in your assignment, do not include it in your References.

Your References entry will depend on the source you used -- for example, a book, article, etc. Consult the examples in the left side menu of the Guide to see specific examples for your References entries.

If there is only one entry in your References list, the heading is: Reference

Note: Do not change the order of the authors' names for the sources you list in your References! The order of the authors' names is selected by the authors.

1 Author List the author in your References.

2 Authors For sources with 2 authors, list both authors connected with an ampersand.

3-19 Authors

List all of the authors and connect the second-last author and last author with an ampersand.

20+ Authors

List the first 19 authors, then include an ellipsis to represent additional authors’ names, followed by the final author’s name.

When you quote from other sources in your paper, you can use a Direct Quote (take the author's words exactly) or Paraphrase (when you take the author's ideas and put them in your own words).

Direct Quote example

If the quote extends across multiple pages:

No Page Numbers If no page number is available (as is the case with websites), include the paragraph number.

If there are many paragraphs that are too difficult to count, add a section/heading (if available).

If the quote extends across multiple paragraphs:

Abbreviated Authors Include the full name in the first mention of the text, then include the abbreviation.

If the group name first appears in an in-text citation, include the abbreviation in square brackets:

Paraphrase example Do not include quotation marks if you are paraphrasing.

2 Authors For sources with 1-2 authors, list the last names of both authors in your in-text citation:

3 or More Authors For sources with 3 or more authors, list the first author only and replace the remaining authors with "et al.":

The date of publication must be included in your in-text citations and References. 

Which Date Should You Use?

The date may be the year, the year and month, or the year month and day (it will depend on what kind of source you are citing). The examples on this guide will indicate what form of date should be entered for the resource you are citing.

For books : use the copyright date shown on the copyright page.

For journal articles : use year of the volume (even if it is different than the copyright year).

For websites and webpages , use the date that applies to the content you are citing. Do not use the copyright date from the website footer as this date may not apply to the content you are citing. Use the "last updated" date for a webpage if it applies to the content you are citing. If there is no separate date for the work you are citing on the webpage, treat the work as having no date and enter "n.d." in the date field. 

In-Text Citation

For more information on dates, please consult the APA Manual, 7th edition , page 289.

You may cite more than one source in an in-text citation.

List the sources alphabetically by the author's last name and separate the citations with a semicolon.

The language in which the student's paper is written is considered the "main language" and any other language in the paper would be considered "another language".

To cite a work that's in another language, the student should cite the source in the original language, but also translate the title only (in square brackets) for the reader. The translation does not have to be a literal translation.

When a corporate entity is the author of a source, use the corporate name.

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2012). Curbing childhood obesity: A federal, provincial and territorial framework for action to promote healthy weights.

There may come a time when you have multiple sources that are published by the same author and in the same year. 

In these cases, you will add a References entry for each source. Assign lower case letters in the date field to distinguish them, starting with a. The letters are assigned alphabetically, by title.

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2012a).  Biosafety and biosecurity.

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2012b).  Food safety.

Include the letters in your in-text citation:

Quotations longer than 40 words are formatted as block quotations:

  • Start on a new line
  • Omit double quotation marks
  • Indent the entire quotation about half an inch from the left margin
  • Double space the entire quote
  • Place citation after the final punctuation mark in the quotation

The following information pertains to block quotes:

This is a block quotation, longer than 40 words. Notice how there are no quotation marks and the entire quote is double-spaced and indented from the left margin. The citation comes after the closing punctuation. (Jones & Smith, 2010, p. 121)

According to the APA Manual, 7th edition, "self-plagiarism is the presentation of your own previously published work as original."

If you do wish to use work you completed for a previous assignment in a new assignment, please discuss it with your instructor first.

There may come a time when you are required to use information from a previous assignment in a new assignment.

The APA Manual advises to place all of your duplicated work together, when possible (in a single paragraph or a few paragraphs), and include a citation. It's also recommended that you introduce the duplicated work with a phrase such as, "as I have previously discussed". Do not use quotation marks around your own material.

Cite your previous work as an "unpublished work":

In-text citation

Video: Citing Books

  • Parts of a Reference

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How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition) | Guide & Generator

APA 7th edition publication manual

This citation guide outlines the most important citation guidelines from the 7th edition APA Publication Manual (2020). Scribbr also offers free guides for the older APA 6th edition , MLA Style , and Chicago Style .

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Table of contents

Apa in-text citations, apa references, formatting the apa reference page, free lecture slides, frequently asked questions.

In-text citations are brief references in the running text that direct readers to the reference entry at the end of the paper. You include them every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s ideas or words to avoid plagiarism . Our plagiarism checker  can help ensure your paper contains appropriate author attributions.

An APA in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system). If you’re citing a specific part of a source, you should also include a locator such as a page number or timestamp. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 170) .

Parenthetical vs. narrative citation

The in-text citation can take two forms: parenthetical and narrative. Both types are generated automatically when citing a source with Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator.

  • Parenthetical citation: According to new research … (Smith, 2020) .
  • Narrative citation: Smith (2020) notes that …

Multiple authors and corporate authors

The in-text citation changes slightly when a source has multiple authors or an organization as an author. Pay attention to punctuation and the use of the ampersand (&) symbol.

Author type Parenthetical citation Narrative citation
One author (Smith, 2020) Smith (2020)
Two authors (Smith & Jones, 2020) Smith and Jones (2020)
Three or more authors (Smith et al., 2020) Smith et al. (2020)
Organization (Scribbr, 2020) Scribbr (2020)

Missing information

When the author, publication date or locator is unknown, take the steps outlined below.

Missing element What to do Parenthetical citation
Author Use the source title.* ( , 2020)
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. (Smith, n.d.)
Page number Either use an or
omit the page number.
(Smith, 2020, Chapter 3) or
(Smith, 2020)

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APA references generally include information about the author , publication date , title , and source . Depending on the type of source, you may have to include extra information that helps your reader locate the source.

Reference examples

Citing a source starts with choosing the correct reference format. Use Scribbr’s Citation Example Generator to learn more about the format for the most common source types. Pay close attention to punctuation, capitalization, and italicization.

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It is not uncommon for certain information to be unknown or missing, especially with sources found online. In these cases, the reference is slightly adjusted.

Missing element What to do Reference format
Author Start the reference entry with the source title. Title. (Date). Source.
Date Write “n.d.” for “no date”. Author. (n.d.). Title. Source.
Title Describe the work in square brackets. Author. (Date). [Description]. Source.

APA Reference Page (7th edition)

On the first line of the page, write the section label “References” (in bold and centered). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order .

Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page:

  • Double spacing (within and between references)
  • Hanging indent of ½ inch
  • Legible font (e.g. Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11)
  • Page number in the top right header

Which sources to include

On the reference page, you only include sources that you have cited in the text (with an in-text citation ). You should not include references to personal communications that your reader can’t access (e.g. emails, phone conversations or private online material).

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When no individual author name is listed, but the source can clearly be attributed to a specific organization—e.g., a press release by a charity, a report by an agency, or a page from a company’s website—use the organization’s name as the author in the reference entry and APA in-text citations .

When no author at all can be determined—e.g. a collaboratively edited wiki or an online article published anonymously—use the title in place of the author. In the in-text citation, put the title in quotation marks if it appears in plain text in the reference list, and in italics if it appears in italics in the reference list. Shorten it if necessary.

When you quote or paraphrase a specific passage from a source, you need to indicate the location of the passage in your APA in-text citation . If there are no page numbers (e.g. when citing a website ) but the text is long, you can instead use section headings, paragraph numbers, or a combination of the two:

(Caulfield, 2019, Linking section, para. 1).

Section headings can be shortened if necessary. Kindle location numbers should not be used in ebook citations , as they are unreliable.

If you are referring to the source as a whole, it’s not necessary to include a page number or other marker.

The abbreviation “ et al. ” (meaning “and others”) is used to shorten APA in-text citations with three or more authors . Here’s how it works:

Only include the first author’s last name, followed by “et al.”, a comma and the year of publication, for example (Taylor et al., 2018).

APA Style usually does not require an access date. You never need to include one when citing journal articles , e-books , or other stable online sources.

However, if you are citing a website or online article that’s designed to change over time, it’s a good idea to include an access date. In this case, write it in the following format at the end of the reference: Retrieved October 19, 2020, from

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References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text .

Check each reference carefully against the original publication to ensure information is accurate and complete. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher and writer.

Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements (who, when, what, and where) with ease. When you present each reference in a consistent fashion, readers do not need to spend time determining how you organized the information. And when searching the literature yourself, you also save time and effort when reading reference lists in the works of others that are written in APA Style.

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  2. How to Cite a Book in APA Style | Format & Examples - Scribbr

    A book citation in APA Style always includes the author’s name, the publication year, the book title, and the publisher. Use the interactive tool to see examples, or try the free APA Citation Generator to create your citations automatically.

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    Provide the author, year of publication, title, and publisher of the book. Use the same format for both print books and ebooks. Use the copyright date shown on the book’s copyright page as the year of publication in the reference, even if the copyright date is different than the release date.

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    Citing is identifying the sources you have used in the text of your assignment. This may be done as; a direct quotation. paraphrasing. summarising. In-text citations give brief details about the source that you refer to. This is an example citation (Harvard referencing style): (Pears and Shields, 2013)

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  7. Referencing Books in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples

    Knowledge Base. Referencing Books in Harvard Style | Templates & Examples. Published on 12 May 2020 by Jack Caulfield. Revised on 7 November 2022. To reference a book in Harvard style, you need an in-text citation and a corresponding entry in your reference list or bibliography. A basic book reference looks like this:

  8. General Rules: In-Text Citations and References - APA Style ...

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  9. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition) | Guide & Generator

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  10. References - APA Style

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