Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay

Introduction, how life in modern times different from that of the past, society then and now.

Although most individuals may argue that the world is at the verge of destruction, because of the increased civil wars, environmental problems such as global warming, and the ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor, the quality of life in the contemporary society is far much better than it was fifty years ago.

It is very hard to imagine how life was fifty years ago when most products of technology were not present. As compared to historical communities, present societies are more developed, democratic, diverse, and all-inclusive. In addition, people’s health has improved; individuals can interact freely; the transportation system is better, and communication is easy and fast.

Therefore, although every innovation and development cannot lack some form of negative effects, the world is a better place than it was fifty years ago; hence, the need for every individual to appreciate and always struggle to make the world a better place for both present and future generations.

One primary fact that every individual should attest to is that, as compared to fifty ago, nowadays the quality of healthcare is better and more responsive to the ever-changing health condition of the world.

Unlike in the past when diseases such as small pox, measles, pneumonia, and even HIV and AIDS were a threat to the human existence, presently, majority f these diseases can be cured, and for those that cannot be cured there are numerous control measures or vaccines to control their spreading.

This like scenario has been made possible by the increasing research endeavours in the medicine world aimed at making the world a healthy place. As a result of the improved health condition, nowadays individuals can afford to live long and productive life spans with little fears of the likelihoods of a disease arising that will lack a cure.

Although some individuals may argue that some diseases are incurable; hence, to some extent the world is stagnant somewhere in terms of health, it will be so illogical to compare the health status of the world fifty years with the present situation, where even life supporting machines exist.

In addition to an improved quality of health, because of the numerous products of technology such as the computer, numerous aspects of life have improved greatly.

With the internet nowadays individuals can send or receive information from any part of the world within short time spans. Moreover, with numerous products of technology such as the television, presently individuals are always updated with any occurrences and information from any part of the world.

This cannot be compared to fifty years ago when the few radio and cable television sets that were available could only transmit their news within short distances. On the other hand, in the present world there exist numerous modern conveniences that have made life easy.

For example, with the presence of microwaves, fridges, gas burners, washing machines, printers, fax machines, video decoders, and many other office and home electronic gadgets, individuals can perform all the office and home chores easily, faster, and more efficiently.

Another aspect of life that is far much better than it was some fifty years ago is the quality of education. With the internet and other forms of “sophisticated” modes of learning for example, distance education, e-learning, and virtual classrooms, nowadays individuals are able to learn from any geographical positions.

In addition, nowadays societies appreciate the importance of education to the wellbeing of the society, because of the numerous research endeavours aimed at improving the quality of life that are included in most present scientific studies.

As compared to some fifty years ago, the literacy level in most present societies is very high, as most present governments offer free basic education to its citizenry. As a result of this, the level of self-conscious and self-esteem is better in present societies, because more individuals are able to provide for their families using the practical concepts learnt in both formal and informal educational settings.

On the other hand, life in present societies is better, because of the increased respect of every individual’s fundamental civil rights. Most present day governments are democratic and respect the right of its citizenry, something that was rare in most past societies, because of the nature of power that was enjoyed by the ruling class.

Closely related with increased respect of civil rights, is the ever reducing racism and segregation on racial, social class or background basis. Nowadays societies have learnt to appreciate and live in harmony with one another; hence, the nature of peace that is enjoyed by the world and the freedom of movement from a society or country to another.

In conclusion, considering the present condition of the world economically, technologically, socially, and politically, the world of today is a better place to live in as compared to fifty years ago.

This is because modern conveniences and technological innovations have revolutionized how human do everything is done, without which life could be very hard to live. Although people were comfortable with their lifestyles fifty years ago, possibly it is because they had no knowhow any of the modern developments could have made their work better.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay.

"Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay." October 29, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay." October 29, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Life Is Better Today than in the Past Essay." October 29, 2023.

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Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On The Economy


Ashley Westerman

essay on life today is better than in the past

People eat at a noodle stall at the Han Market in the central Vietnamese city of Danang in November. Vietnamese respondents to the Pew Research Center survey overwhelmingly said life is better than it was 50 years ago. Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

People eat at a noodle stall at the Han Market in the central Vietnamese city of Danang in November. Vietnamese respondents to the Pew Research Center survey overwhelmingly said life is better than it was 50 years ago.

The way people perceive their country's economic conditions plays a big role in whether they view their lives more positively now compared with the past, according to a study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.

Of the nearly 43,000 people surveyed in 38 countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and North and South America, Vietnam had the most positive self-assessment: Eighty-eight percent of respondents said life is better today in their country than it was a half-century ago.

Other Asian countries round out the top five, including India (69 percent), South Korea (68 percent) and Japan (65 percent).

At the opposite end of the survey, with the least positive assessment of their lives today, 72 percent of respondents in Venezuela said they are worse off. Bleak assessments were also reported by Mexico (68 percent) and Argentina (51 percent).

"Latin Americans stand out for their widespread negative assessment of progress over the past half-century," the report says.

The findings reported in "Worldwide, People Divided on Whether Life Today Is Better Than in the Past" are part of Pew's annual global attitudes survey. But this is the first time the organization has asked whether life in a person's country is generally better, worse or the same as it was five decades ago, says senior researcher Jacob Poushter.

"We're interested in how people see sort of the changing nature of the world and how that affects their lives," he says.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Thirty-eight countries were included in the Pew Research Center survey. Pew Research Center hide caption

Thirty-eight countries were included in the Pew Research Center survey.

While the results are subjective and depend on the historical events and politics of each country, Poushter says the biggest takeaway from this survey is that economic outlook is an important factor.

"Exceptions aside about where actual countries were 50 years ago and what the history has been, it generally finds that economic satisfaction ... tends to be one of the strongest in terms of pushing people to say life is better or worse," says Poushter.

For example, in Vietnam, 91 percent of respondents said economic conditions are good. According to the World Bank, Vietnam has become among the world's fastest-growing economies and is projected to continue that upward swing.

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In Venezuela, with the highest percentage of people saying life is worse, only 20 percent of respondents said the economy was good. A collapse of international oil prices has greatly affected Venezuela's economy, which is almost solely reliant on fossil fuels. Things have become so dire that the Venezuelan government announced this month it would create a cryptocurrency to combat high inflation and replace its virtually worthless currency, the bolivar.

While the correlation between economic outlook and positive responses about life today was strong for most countries surveyed, it was not true in all cases — including the United States.

"There are countries which, if you look at objectively, are doing well economically but [respondents] still said that life was worse today than it was 50 years ago," says Poushter. "Oftentimes, you see ... more issues with politics, issues with relatively more recent history, in terms of people more upset about where they are compared to 50 years ago."

Among U.S. respondents, 37 percent said their lives are better and 41 percent said they are worse.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Anti-government looters attacked a supermarket in Venezuela's Carabobo state in May. Seventy-two percent of Venezuelans told the Pew Research Center they were worse off than 50 years ago. Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images hide caption

Anti-government looters attacked a supermarket in Venezuela's Carabobo state in May. Seventy-two percent of Venezuelans told the Pew Research Center they were worse off than 50 years ago.

A lot of that comes down to political divisions, says Poushter.

"It's just that in the last year, Republicans have become more likely to say life is better off, and Democrats have become less likely to say their lives are better off," he says.

Political divides also were apparent in Europe, where those supporting populist parties such as the Alternative for Germany or France's National Front were more likely to say "life is worse off for people like them," the report says.

The report finds education level is also a factor affecting whether people see their lives as better now than five decades ago.

In more than half the countries polled, respondents with a higher level of education said that for people like themselves, life was better.

The greatest educational divide can be seen in Poland, where 76 percent of more educated people said life was better than in the past. Fifty-seven percent of the less educated felt that way. The only two countries where the less educated saw their lives as better today were Nigeria and Turkey.

Further, in some countries surveyed, the perceived gains and losses by certain religious and ethnic groups over the last 50 years played a factor in respondents' answers. For example, the survey found that black respondents in South Africa are "much more likely" to say life is better (52 percent) than it was 50 years ago, when the country was living under an apartheid system. Just 27 percent of white South Africans said the same.

  • Pew Research Center

essay on life today is better than in the past

Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On The Economy

People eat at a noodle stall at the Han Market in the central Vietnamese city of Danang in November. Vietnamese respondents to the Pew Research Center survey overwhelmingly said life is better than it was 50 years ago.

The way people perceive their country's economic conditions plays a big role in whether they view their lives more positively now compared with the past, according to a study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.

Of the nearly 43,000 people surveyed in 38 countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and North and South America, Vietnam had the most positive self-assessment: Eighty-eight percent of respondents said life is better today in their country than it was a half-century ago.

Other Asian countries round out the top five, including India (69 percent), South Korea (68 percent) and Japan (65 percent).

At the opposite end of the survey, with the least positive assessment of their lives today, 72 percent of respondents in Venezuela said they are worse off. Bleak assessments were also reported by Mexico (68 percent) and Argentina (51 percent).

"Latin Americans stand out for their widespread negative assessment of progress over the past half-century," the report says.

The findings reported in "Worldwide, People Divided on Whether Life Today Is Better Than in the Past" are part of Pew's annual global attitudes survey. But this is the first time the organization has asked whether life in a person's country is generally better, worse or the same as it was five decades ago, says senior researcher Jacob Poushter.

"We're interested in how people see sort of the changing nature of the world and how that affects their lives," he says.

Thirty-eight countries were included in the Pew Research Center survey.

While the results are subjective and depend on the historical events and politics of each country, Poushter says the biggest takeaway from this survey is that economic outlook is an important factor.

"Exceptions aside about where actual countries were 50 years ago and what the history has been, it generally finds that economic satisfaction ... tends to be one of the strongest in terms of pushing people to say life is better or worse," says Poushter.

For example, in Vietnam, 91 percent of respondents said economic conditions are good. According to the World Bank, Vietnam has become among the world's fastest-growing economies and is projected to continue that upward swing.

In Venezuela, with the highest percentage of people saying life is worse, only 20 percent of respondents said the economy was good. A collapse of international oil prices has greatly affected Venezuela's economy, which is almost solely reliant on fossil fuels. Things have become so dire that the Venezuelan government announced this month it would create a cryptocurrency to combat high inflation and replace its virtually worthless currency, the bolivar.

While the correlation between economic outlook and positive responses about life today was strong for most countries surveyed, it was not true in all cases — including the United States.

"There are countries which, if you look at objectively, are doing well economically but [respondents] still said that life was worse today than it was 50 years ago," says Poushter. "Oftentimes, you see ... more issues with politics, issues with relatively more recent history, in terms of people more upset about where they are compared to 50 years ago."

Among U.S. respondents, 37 percent said their lives are better and 41 percent said they are worse.

Anti-government looters attacked a supermarket in Venezuela's Carabobo state in May. Seventy-two percent of Venezuelans told the Pew Research Center they were worse off than 50 years ago.

A lot of that comes down to political divisions, says Poushter.

"It's just that in the last year, Republicans have become more likely to say life is better off, and Democrats have become less likely to say their lives are better off," he says.

Political divides also were apparent in Europe, where those supporting populist parties such as the Alternative for Germany or France's National Front were more likely to say "life is worse off for people like them," the report says.

The report finds education level is also a factor affecting whether people see their lives as better now than five decades ago.

In more than half the countries polled, respondents with a higher level of education said that for people like themselves, life was better.

The greatest educational divide can be seen in Poland, where 76 percent of more educated people said life was better than in the past. Fifty-seven percent of the less educated felt that way. The only two countries where the less educated saw their lives as better today were Nigeria and Turkey.

Further, in some countries surveyed, the perceived gains and losses by certain religious and ethnic groups over the last 50 years played a factor in respondents' answers. For example, the survey found that black respondents in South Africa are "much more likely" to say life is better (52 percent) than it was 50 years ago, when the country was living under an apartheid system. Just 27 percent of white South Africans said the same.

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essay on life today is better than in the past

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World, People Divided on Whether Life Today Is More Than in this Past

Current economic conditions one important factor in assessing progress.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Numerous countries found themselves at importance crossroads – whether it was armament dispute between Land also its Arab neighboring, civil rights also war protests in one U.S., or Soviet tanks crushing Czechoslovakia’s Praque Spring.

How away do people around the globe think they and others like i have come, compared with 50 years ago? Pew Research Center put that question for pretty 43,000 people in 38 countries around the globe this past spring.

At a heimat level, some of the majority positive assessments of progress override the past 50 years are found in Vietnam (88% say life is better today), India (69%) and South Korea (68%) – all societies that have seen dramatic economic convert since the late 1960s, not into must which end of armed conflict includes to case of Vietnam. A majority in Turkey (65% better) also part a sense of make pass the past five decapods. In some of the more developed countries, publish also report that life is better today, including 65% in Japan and Germany, and 64% in the Netherlands plus Sweden.

But not everyone is convinced that life today is an improvement past the past. Americans are split on this issue : 41% say life is worser while 37% say superior. Meanwhile, half or more in countries measuring starting Italy (50%) and Greeks (53%) to Nigeria (54%) the Rwanda (53%) to Venezuela (72%) and Mexico (68%) say lifetime is worse today.

In general, countries that are more upbeat learn their national economy are more likely to say life today is better compared with the past. For example, in Vietnam, where 91% say economic conditions were good, a corresponding 88% how life is better available people like them compared with 50 years ago. And stylish Victoria, where only 20% say conditions are good, 10% speak lived is better for people like them. Overall, the compare between economically assessments and views von the pass is entirely strong (+0.68).

essay on life today is better than in the past

Save are among the majority findings of a Pew Research Center survey conducted among 40,448 respondents in 37 countries from Feb. 16 to Maybe 8, 2017. A separate survey int the U.S. was conducted Joann 27-July 9, 2017, among 2,505 respondents.

Regional variations in assessments of present vs. past

Latin Indians stand out for their widely negative assessment of progress over the past half-century. Venezuelans the Mexicans (72% and 68% life is worse) are an most downbeat, still nowhere in this region do more longer half say life has improved required people like themselves.

Across which Centre East furthermore North Africa, go of lifetime today compared with 50 aged ago vary substantially by lande. Turkey recent the majority progress includes the region, for 65% saying living is better, followed by Israel, where 52% telling the same about their country. Tunisians, Jordanians and Lebanese tend to say life has gotten worse for people like them, with Tunisians expressing the many widespread negativity (60%).

In sub-Saharan Africa, comparative assessments of gift and past are more evenly divided. A median of 46% say live today is worse is five decagons go, compared with 42% who think life your get. Positiv ratings of progress range from 47% “better” into South Africa to 36% within Ghana. Previous studies hold reports that primary cutaneous lymphomas profoundly influence patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Any, assessment of this psycho-social thought is not common in routine patient care unless requested inward clinical trials. The aim of this consider is to provide …

Nigeria or Kenya are the alone all polls in the local somewhere more than half say life is worse (54% and 53%, respectively).

essay on life today is better than in the past

Indians tend to see the past half-century as a period of progress. AMPERE regional median starting 53% describes existence as better today, compared with 30% who take the opposite viewed. Upbeat assessments will most common in Germany (65% better), the Netherlands (64%), Spain (64%), Poland (62%) and Spain (60%). Greeks (53% worse) and Italians (50%) are the least convinced that life is better than 50 years ago. Quality-Of-Life Issues in Mental Health Taking: Past, Present, and Past.

The Asia-Pacific region is home to some of the most favorable assessments of progress. Vietnam (88% better) stands outwards, though views of life available vs. one passed are also quite rosy in India (69%), South Korea (68%) and Japan (65%). Filipinos are the least sanguine about progress, with fewer than get (43%) saying life is better. The Quality-of-Life (QOL) Investigation Movement: Past, Present, and Future

In North America, Canadians widely report development over the past fives decades (55%) while fewer Americans (37%) say the same about life in their country. In the U.S., Senators are more likely to say life is better today , compared includes Democrats – an attitudinal shove in the vigil of Jack Trump’s election as president in November 2016.

essay on life today is better than in the past

The more educated are more likely to say life is better

The reverse pattern, with less skilled more optimistic about life today, is seen in just deuce countries: Nigeria (by 23 points) and Turkey (9 points).

essay on life today is better than in the past

Age diversity also appear in Australia, Sweden, the U.S. and Germany among fortgeschritten economies, and in South Africa, Ghana and Peru among emerging economies. Health-related quality away lives in sickle cell disease: past, present, and future - PubMed

There a a overturn pattern on age in South Korea, where 73% among those 50 and older say life is better go comparison with 59% who what this among 18- to 29-year-olds. Those pattern is or finding in Senegal both Venezuela.

Our within countries point to perceived gains also loses

In some countries abgefragt, views about who has gained and lost over the past half-century divide sharply along religious either ethnicity lines.

essay on life today is better than in the past

With Nigeria – home to both Islam and Believers, but now directed by an elected Islam leader – Muslims are much additional enthusiastic via their country’s progress. Nearly three times as many Nigerian Muslims as Christianity (62% vs. 22%) say life is better today compared with 50 years before.

In Israel, 50 years after the Jewish State was victorious in the Six-Day War against a coalition of Arab nations, Israeli Jews been afar more convinced than Israeli Arabs that life right is ameliorate for people like theirs. Nearly six-in-ten Jews in Israel say life features greater, compared to only a third of Israeli Arabs who see similar progress.

And in South Africa, in is ampere sharp racial divide on social progress: Jets in the country, any a half-century ago were oppressed via the apartheid netz, are much more expected to say life the better right for people like them (52%), compared with mixed-race (or “coloured”) and white South Africans (37% and 27%, respectively).

Political partition on life today in Europe

essay on life today is better than in the past

To example, Germans which support that Choose for Germany party (AfD) are 28 percentage points more likely for say that real is inferior off used people like them than those who have an unfavorable view of the anti-immigrant party. This pattern also holding with Sweden among supporters of that Swedes Democrats, in France among those with a favorable view of National Front, on the Netherlands among PVV supporters and in the UK among fans are the GB Independence Party (UKIP). Abstract. Quality starting life (QoL) is vital important into patients with chronic illnesses such as ulcerative colitis (UC) and has been assessed in observational,

  • Ghana furthermore Italy excluded due to not sample size on reported income. U.S. excluded because frequently were maintained over separate Pew Research Center surveys. ↩
  • For the purpose of comparing formation groups across countries, us standardize education levels based on the United Nations’ International Standard Classification of Education. The lower education category is below secondary education and the higher category is secondary or above in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Hindustan, Indonesia, Bedpan, Kenya, Libean, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Bacolod, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela and Vietnam. The lower education kind is secondary education or below additionally the highest category is postsecondary or above in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israeli, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Se Rokia, Spain, Sweden, UK and U.S. ↩

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Table of contents, what makes life meaningful globally, answers some vary by age, where people find importance in life has changed over the past four years, where people around the world find meaning inside life, what manufacturers life meaningful views from 17 advanced economies, how canadian feel about the satisfactions both stresses of modern life, most popular.

About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs one public about the issues, attitudes and trendy shaping the world. It conducts publication urteil polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other experience-based social science research. Pew Research Center does not taking policy positions. It is a subsidiary a The Pew Charitable Trusts .

essay on life today is better than in the past

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 550 - life is now better that it was 100 years ago, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, life is now better that it was 100 years ago..

essay on life today is better than in the past

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IELTS Essay: Life now is better than it was 100 years ago.

Hello Luschen,

I am new to this group. I am preparing for IELTS Academics and having difficulty in assessing my writing skills for IELTS Writing module. I have seen your posts and felt really happy the way you help on this forum. Really, many thanks in advance! God Bless you !

Below is my attempt to a sample Essay. I will be grateful if you may review this Essay. Many thanks:

#################################### Life now is better than it was 100 years ago.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience .

Living a happy life is a dream of every human being. Most of the ease and cure what we enjoy today was not possible once. That being said, it is agreed that life today is better than what it was about 100 years ago. This will be proven by analyzing, that how a technology has changed the way people connects’, as well as, the advancement in medical science for curing certain disases which was not able to cure before 100 years ago.

Hundred years ago, it was quite difficult to communicate with a person living in other part of the world. For example, if someone had an emergency case and wants to update his friend instantly, then it was an impossible thought. In fact, due to inexistence of any instant communication system, it used to take several months to contact a person living in other country . However, today technology is evolved and various options are there to connect people in a blink of eye. Due to the availiblity of email, instant messaging softwares, and other voice over internet facilities, it is conviniently possible to easily and cheaply communicate with a person living in any country.

Medical sciences on the other hand has also evolved during last hundered years. The advancement in medical science has made it easy to cure certian diseases which was not possible before. For example, tuberculosis, which was once imagined as a deadly disease can now be cured due to the proper availiblity of appropriate medicines. The credit goes to the medical sciences which has made our lives’ more livable than it was a hundred years ago.

To conclude, the advancements in both communication system and health care industry has made vital contribuitions to our lives in order to live a better life today. Given the current trend of high research and development in technology and medical sectors, it is highly foreseeable that human life will be much better in coming decades.

TOEFL listening discussions: How does Dr Beech characterize the assistantship?

Hi, welcome to the forum! I thought your essay was pretty good, but maybe I would make a minor tweak to your focus. The prompt asks if life is better today. You sort of skipped right over that and discussed why life is better. Maybe its just a matter of saying that people are healthier and live longer and so are happier, and then you can switch to the reason why we live longer. The same thing with your first paragraph - make sure to state that communicating with others makes us happy before jumping to technology. Your writing was pretty clear, but you had a lot of minor grammatical errors and a few phrases and sentences that were not really structured correctly. Overall, I think this would rate about a band 6.

20 big ways the world has changed since 1999

  • The dawn of the new millennium was just under 20 years ago.
  • The world we live in now is completely different from then.
  • Here are all the biggest changes.

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As we get closer and closer to 2019, it's hard not to look back on the years past and reflect on how different everything is now. Twenty years ago, in 1999, the world was a completely different place than it is today.

We were on the dawn of a new millennium, stressed and unsure about what Y2K would bring. Cell phones were only just beginning to become popular, social media was not yet the number one topic of conversation, Britney Spears had just dropped her first album, and newspapers and magazines were still going strong.

Although 1999 might not feel that far away sometimes, when you think about how much the world has changed since then, it feels like it happened a million years ago. Here are a few more examples of how different our lives are today:

You're now on the internet more than you aren't on the internet, instead of just using it for school or work.

essay on life today is better than in the past

In 1999, the internet was still shiny and new, something that seemed to be full of exciting possibilities… we just didn't know how to use them yet. Most of the websites we know and love today weren't even a thought in 1999 — even Google had just become a thing about a year earlier.

Those who went online who were using the internet for school or work, not for entertainment or connecting with people. Today, the internet is obviously a huge part of our lives, and it's hard to imagine a time when it wasn't. More than 4 billion people have access to the internet. 

Today, you can talk on the phone and use the internet at the same time.

essay on life today is better than in the past

In fact, you can talk on the phone, watch TV, scroll through social media on your iPad, and read a different website on your computer if you really wanted to. Back in 1999, dial-up was necessary to connect to the internet , and so we all found ourselves getting kicked off the phone if someone tried to get online, or waiting for our family members to end their conversations so we could log on.

You no longer have to worry about breathing in secondhand smoke when going out to eat.

essay on life today is better than in the past

It wasn't until the early 2000s that smoking bans in restaurants really went into effect. In 1999, you were still able to go into a restaurant or bar that reeked of smoke, which wasn't a pleasant experience if you didn't smoke. Some restaurants had smoking and non-smoking sections because even that wasn't taken away until later on. Today, you don't have that problem, as smoking indoors is banned pretty much everywhere .

You now get more excited about television than you do about movies.

essay on life today is better than in the past

The last few years have been full of some truly excellent television, whether it's shows on cable TV or on streaming services. Everything is about TV right now, and there is no shortage of amazing shows to watch. There were plenty of good shows on in 1999 as well, of course (like "Sex and the City" and "The Simpsons"), but it was more about the movies than anything else.

Huge films like "Fight Club," "The Matrix," and "American Beauty" came out in 1999, and as New York magazine points out , "it was the best, most innovative year for American movies in recent memory."

That's a big change from the Golden Age of Television we're currently in , although you're much more likely to watch them on a computer or a computer hooked up to your TV than you were back then. 

You no longer have to sit around hoping your Napster song download goes through.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Who can forget Napster? The file-sharing network was created in 1999 , and it was then that everyone started illegally downloading music for free instead of buying CDs. The service came with its fair share of issues, though, from songs that took hours to download to ones that ended up being the completely wrong file.

Today, you don't have to painstakingly download your music illegally, you can just listen to whatever you want on a streaming service like Spotify. It might not be free if you don't want to listen to commercials, but it's certainly more convenient.

You rent movies off Amazon Prime instead of heading to Blockbuster.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Back in 1999, Blockbuster was the place to be on the weekends. If you wanted to watch a specific movie or television show, you went to Blockbuster to hope it was on the shelves so you could rent it and watch it -- and return it promptly, or pay a hefty late fee. Blockbuster locations started closing in the early 2000s, and today, there is only one left.

Now, if you want to watch something, you either find it on Netflix or you rent it off of your TV's On Demand service or Amazon Prime, from the comfort of your own bed.

Eating at a restaurant has become a social experience.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Not only do Americans now spend more on bars and restaurants than they do on grocery shopping , according to Bon Appetit, but in 2018, food has been just about presentation as it is about taste. 

In 1999, you have grabbed a dinner on date night as a special treat, today people are consuming over-the-top, colorful internet food so they can snap a picture as well as grab a bite. 

You can no longer go on vacation and truly take a break from everything.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Back in 1999, cell phones were not so common that even toddlers owned them. In fact, even if you did have one, you didn't get service everywhere you went, especially if you traveled somewhere new.

And since WIFI and tablets weren't a thing either, you could go on vacation and actually be away from everything, with no ability to check your email or get text message updates from friends.

Today, you can't do that unless you choose to go off the grid. And even then, t here is likely still the urge to check your phone. 

Many people see terrorist attacks a more of a looming threat today.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Of course, terrorism existed in 1999, and it was something people worried about — but it wasn't yet in the back of their head as something to stress over during everyday life. It wasn't until after the Twin Towers fell in New York due to the attacks on 9/11 (in 2001) that terrorism became a much more real threat for many.

In fact, according to Vox, peoples' fears in the US have stayed elevated today after 9/11 to about the level they were just after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. They also pointed out that the likelihood of a terrorist attack is much smaller than say, the threat of a car accident. 

It's worth noting that w hile much of the world has seen an increase in terrorism , the rate of death from a terrorist attack has actually decreased as of 2017. 

You probably also have a much bigger fear of mass shootings today than you did 20 years ago.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Again, mass shootings existed in 1999 in the US, but they weren't talked about as often. The Columbine High School shooting happened in 1999, and although it wasn't the first mass shooting or the first school shooting, it was a huge event.

Today, mass shootings are happening on a much more regular basis in the US. T he days between mass shooting occurrences went from 200 days on average during the period of 1983 to 2011 to 64 days since 2011, according to the  Harvard Injury Control Research Center .

You now get updates from the president of the United States on Twitter.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Today, President Donald Trump often uses Twitter as a means of communication, something that was unheard of in 1999 —  both because things were different, and because Twitter wasn't invented yet. In 1999, you waited to hear what Bill Clinton had to say on television or in a newspaper.

You no longer have to memorize anyone's phone numbers.

essay on life today is better than in the past

In 1999, cell phones were nowhere near as popular as they are today. If you wanted to keep track of someone's number, you either wrote it down in an address book, or you memorized it so you could call them whenever you needed to. Think about it: do you know anyone's number by heart anymore? Probably not.

You text instead of leaving voicemails.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Even if you did have a cell phone in 1999, you didn't text people all the time. If you couldn't get in touch with them, you left a voicemail on their answering machine. Coming home to find you had messages was kind of exciting. Today, noticing that you have a voicemail is usually just horribly annoying.

Everyone has a smartphone, and most people don't even know what a Nokia is.

essay on life today is better than in the past

If you did have a cell phone in 1999, chances are good that it was a clunky Nokia. Nokia's were used for making calls and playing the snake game, and that was it. iPhones didn't come around until 2007 .

You have to take your shoes off when you fly now.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Today, you know going into a flight that you're going to have to remove your shoes when going through airport security. In 1999, you didn't have to do that, because no one considered shoes to be a threat. That didn't happen until the  shoe bomber of 2001 .

Online dating is the norm today.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Online dating was around in 1999 ( was created in 1995 ), it just wasn't something people admitted to taking part in. Back then, it was considered taboo, something people did only if they were desperate. Today, people embrace online dating apps and online dating has lost much of its stigma, according to Pew. 

Today about 5% of Americans who are married or in a committed relationship say they met their partner online. 

You have the option to watch television without commercials.

essay on life today is better than in the past

Another great thing about TV today? If you pay for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, you can nix commercials completely. If you DVR something, you can simply fast forward through them. In 1999, you didn't have that option, unless you wanted to attempt to record something on a VHS tape and then fast forward.

You now take photos on your cell phone instead of a film camera.

essay on life today is better than in the past

In 1999, disposable cameras were everywhere, and you didn't go out for the night without one. People took photos, then waited days or weeks for the film to get developed before having the chance to see how they turned out. Today, you use your cell phone instead of a camera, and you see your pictures immediately.

You use Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.

essay on life today is better than in the past

The web browser of choice in 1999 was Internet Explorer. Today, it's Google Chrome , and it's a whole lot more advanced.

You make playlists instead of burning CDs.

essay on life today is better than in the past

If you wanted to listen to specific music in 1999, you made CDs full of the random songs you liked, then kept them stored in little plastic books. Today, you just put together a quick playlist on a streaming service and listen to it from your cell phone.

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Essay On Life Today Is Better Than Fifty Years Ago

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Human Rights , Life , Health , Education , Society , Human , Technology , Medicine

Words: 1250

Published: 12/07/2019


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Life today is better than fifty years ago

Life is not always about the quantity—years one lives before death—but rather the quality. Quality is the value, effectiveness, and satisfaction one enjoys from life. Since the origin of humanity, life keeps changing and the issues that are dealt now would be forgotten or solved in the future. Society changes are in aspects such as technology, health care, human rights, economic, quality of life, environmental, and education quality. However, in analyzing how changes advance the quality of life, it is important to understand that some changes are relative to each individual; some negative changes might be positive to others and vice versa. Therefore, my main aim in writing this essay is to persuade my family that from an objective point of view, life today is belter compared to fifty years. This is in considering life quality, education, human rights, technology, and health system. The proposal that life is better today than fifty years ago is anchored by the idea that fifty years ago, the society was in a revolution in major aspects of life. There was an industrial revolution where theoretical researches and knowledge were practically being implemented and so brought hope for the future. For, an instance technology such as Nuclear power was being tested for future production of clean and uninterrupted energy in the fifties based on the theories of Albert Einstein (Ashbee, 2002). On the other hand in the millennia of the year 2000, the advances of past researches were integrated into lives of people in the society and bettered the quality of life. The luxurious part of life is also a very crucial advancement as it is a consideration, which distinguishes life in the two eras. Technological advances can be analyzed in supporting the argument. In the fifties, there were no computers, no internet technology, and transportation utilized primitive modules. If there was air transport, it was very expensive and rare in some societies. Communication, which is essential in business and quick notification of daily events in the society, was also very primitive fifty years ago. With the introduction of the internet in 1994, information is rapidly relayed, businesses have easily entered into new markets, and forums for discussion of life challenges have been made possible through blogs (Jacobson, 2009). Transportation also goes hand-in-hand with communication, where faster means of transportation nowadays saves on time and energy to complete most duties daily. For instance, fifty years ago people traveling in locomotives or slower vehicles had to get up earlier to get to work and return very late. This is not the case today as vehicles are faster and so more efficient completion of tasks. When it comes to the health care system, it is evident that nowadays more diseases can be diagnosed and treated in hospitals. Fifty years ago, diseases such as Polio, small pox, and even certain bacteria cut short lives of many people. At that time in the fifties research was very new on vaccinations, invention of diagnostic machines, and research on new diseases. This made it hard to control diseases, diagnose diseases, and cure diseases. The life expectancy at that time was very low compared to today. For instance, the life expectancy in the sixties in America was 68 and now in 2008 it is estimated to be 79 (Jacobson, 2009). The higher life expectancy today is attributed to better health care systems and policies. Legislations are also geared towards improvement of human health like the ‘2008 health reform bill’ proposed by president Obama. Therefore, compared to fifty years ago, there are many cures for diseases and the few incurable ones like HIV and Cancer have better management procedures. Even in categories of disabilities, nowadays there are gadgets that make life for disabled people easier. For instance, there are hearing aids for the deaf, sensor sticks for the blind and advanced wheel chairs for the crippled. These advances have contributed to improved life styles, higher life expectancies, and a healthy society. The education system is also an area that has positively changed since fifty years ago. In the fifties and sixties, there were few disciplines to research on and the few taught in schools were limited in knowledge since technology to research was not available. The technology for researches at that time was very expensive and reserved only for advanced learners. An example is that back then an atom in chemistry was believed to consist of fixed electrons blended with positive solids. Nowadays the knowledge is advanced to the extent that the notion that it is in a planetary motion has been very instrumental in coming up with radiology equipment and nuclear energy systems. Education today is also more practical and relevant in making life better. This is the reason why the enrolment rate to education institutions is higher today than fifty years ago. In addition, there is also better legislation and policies that preserve and advance human rights today compared to fifty years ago. Women and ethnic minorities in the society were looked down upon in the fifties and sixties and this made life difficult for them. However, over the years activist and revolutions such as the 1960 suffrage and Martin Luther equality revolutions have made it possible for ethnic minorities and women to get higher positions in the society (Ashbee, 2002). An example is Barack Obama who became the first mixed race president in USA. The counter-thesis of the argument can however be drawn from the negative influence of technology, human rights freedom, and refined food products. In the case of technology, there have been results recorded that the internet and violent movies can be a source where teenagers and children learn habits such as crime, adultery, and disobedience. This would make life fifty years ago easier for parents. However, this can be argued on the notion that parents always have a chance to control what their children view combined with other legislative restrictions. The same can be said with refined food products which have contributed to ailments such as cancer and obesity. However, there are healthy choices that have been clearly identified for humans to take to prevent such diseases. In the case of freedom, people argue that too much freedom has made it possible for legalization of practices considered illegal such abortion and homosexuality. This can be countered by the proof that the society has put in place regulations in legislations controlling such practices. In conclusion, it is evident that life today is far much better than fifty years ago. Aspects in the society like technological advancement, better health care systems, better education, and more human rights have improved the life style of people. This can be attested by the higher life expectancy and lower death rate in the society. Life today is also easier and efficient with technological advances which have made it possible for different societies in the world become united through globalization. Even though the argument can be challenged on the case of negative media influences, health hazards of refined foods, and legalization of immoral practices, it can be countered on the idea that they can be regulated through legislations and parental guidance.

Ashbee, E. (2002). American Society Today. New York: Manchester University Press. Pp. 3+ Jacobson, J.R. (2009). Hope for tomorrow’s families/ A model that values variety. New York: AEG Publishing. Pp. 91-186


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Americans take a dim view of the nation’s future, look more positively at the past

An American flag hangs from a building in Manhattan on Dec. 2, 2022, in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Americans are in a negative mood about the current state of the country, with large majorities expressing dissatisfaction with the economy and overall national conditions. And when they look toward the not-too-distant future, they see a country that in many respects will be worse than it is today, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

Pew Research Center conducted this study to learn about Americans’ views of the country’s past and future. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,079 U.S. adults from March 27 to April 2, 2023. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for this analysis, along with responses, and its methodology .

A chart looking ahead to 2050 that shows large shares of Americans see a country in decline.

Sizable majorities of U.S. adults say that in 2050 – just over 25 years away – the U.S. economy will be weaker, the United States will be less important in the world, political divisions will be wider and there will be a larger gap between the rich and the poor. Far fewer adults predict positive developments in each of these areas.

And when Americans reflect on the country’s past , the present looks worse by comparison. Around six-in-ten (58%) say that life for people like them is worse today than it was 50 years ago, according to the survey, which was conducted from March 27 to April 2.

Despite these negative attitudes, a majority of Americans say they generally have at least some confidence in the future of the U.S. But far fewer have quite a lot of confidence, and the share of Americans who express confidence in the country’s future has declined over the past year.

Views of specific problems have also become more negative over the past five years. For each of the four items included in the new survey, Americans today are about 10 percentage points more likely to offer a negative prediction than they were when asked to think about the year 2050 in a separate survey conducted by the Center in 2018. For example, 77% of Americans now expect the nation to be more politically divided in 2050 – up from 65% who made that prediction five years ago.

While majorities in both parties make negative predictions for the country’s future across all four items in the survey, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are somewhat more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners to have pessimistic views. In 2018, midway through Donald Trump’s term as president, Democrats’ predictions were more negative than Republicans’ on three of the four areas.

White adults are particularly likely to foresee a diminished U.S. in 2050. For example, 69% of White adults anticipate a weaker U.S. economy in 2050, compared with smaller shares of Hispanic (60%), Black (58%) and Asian (55%) adults. There are only modest age differences on each of the four items.

Americans’ negative views of the nation’s future are influenced by their bleak assessments of current conditions . Only 19% of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country, while 80% are dissatisfied. Ratings of the economy remain largely negative, and an increasing share of the public expects economic conditions to worsen over the next year.

Compared with a year ago, less confidence in the future of the U.S.

When it comes to general views of the country’s future, six-in-ten U.S. adults currently say they have at least some confidence in the future of the United States, including 12% who have quite a lot of confidence. A third express very little confidence in the country’s future, while just 6% say they have no confidence at all.

A chart that shows a decline in the share of Americans who have at least some confidence in nation’s future since last year.

Confidence in the future of the country has declined over the past year. In May 2022, 68% said they had at least some confidence in the country’s future, 8 points higher than the share who say this today. The share expressing at least some confidence in the future of the U.S. changed only modestly between August 2020 and May 2022.

As has been the case throughout Joe Biden’s presidency, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to express confidence in the country’s future. About two-thirds of Democrats (66%) have at least some confidence, compared with 56% of Republicans. In 2020, when Trump was president, larger shares of Republicans than Democrats expressed some or quite a lot of confidence in the country’s future.

Both Democrats and Republicans are less likely to express at least some confidence in the country’s future than they were a year ago. The share of Democrats saying this has dropped 8 percentage points, while the share of Republicans has dropped 6 points over this period. Overall, Democrats’ confidence in the future of the country has dropped 18 points since the early months of the Biden administration (84% of Democrats said they had at least some confidence in April 2021).

Older adults are more likely than younger adults to express a great deal of or some confidence in the future of the country. Two-thirds of those ages 50 and older have confidence in the future of the U.S., compared with a smaller majority of those 35 to 49 (56%) and 53% of those 18 to 34.

A chart showing that older Democrats are much more likely than younger Democrats to express confidence in the future of the U.S.

Differences between older and younger Democrats account for most of this age gap. A sizable majority of Democrats 50 and older (80%) have at least some confidence in the country’s future. That compares with 62% of Democrats ages 35 to 49 and 53% of those 18 to 34.

Among Republicans, by contrast, there are only modest differences on this question across age groups.

In both parties, adults with more formal education and those living in higher-income households are more likely to express a great deal of confidence or some confidence in the country’s future than those with less education and those in lower-income households.

College graduates are more likely than those without a college degree to say they have at least some confidence in the country’s future (69% vs. 56%). And three-quarters of adults living in upper-income households say this, compared with 60% of those in middle-income households and 53% of adults in lower-income households.

Americans’ views of life today versus 50 years ago

In contrast with their negative predictions for the country’s future, large shares of adults view the past in a more positive light than the present day. Around six-in-ten (58%) say that life in America is worse today than it was 50 years ago for people like them. Only about a quarter (23%) say life today is better, while 19% say it is about the same.

A chart that shows more Americans now say life for people like them is worse today than it was 50 years ago.

The share of Americans who say life today is worse than in the past is up 15 percentage points since the summer of 2021. The share who say life is better has decreased by a similar margin.

Republicans and Democrats alike are now more likely than in 2021 to say that life is worse for people like them, though this view continues to be more prevalent among Republicans than Democrats. Roughly seven-in-ten Republicans (72%) say that life is worse today, up from 59% who said this in 2021. Among Democrats, 43% now say this, up from 30% two years ago.

White adults are far more likely to say life today is worse for people like them than to say it is better (63% vs. 20%), as are Hispanic adults (53% vs. 26%). Attitudes are more divided among Asian adults (48% worse, 38% better) and Black adults (41% worse, 33% better).

While both older adults and younger adults are much more likely to say that life today is worse for people like them than to say life is better, there is a sizable age gap on this question. Adults 50 and older are 46 points more likely to say that life is worse today for people like them than they are to say that life is better (65% vs. 19%). Adults ages 18 to 49, by comparison, are 24 points more likely to say life today is worse (51% vs. 27%).

Note: Here are the questions used for this analysis, along with responses, and its methodology .

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Life now is better than it was 100 years ago though people in the past were able to enjoy their time

mohjawahir 11 / 17   Apr 14, 2015   #1 Life now is better than it was 100 years ago. In recent decades, the advanced technology has made most people easy to gain what they want. Because of this, some people argue that life today is better due to achieving the highest standard of living than life in a hundred year ago where people were hard to obtain well education and much knowledge easily. If I were to choose, I would rather life in this day and age, than life in the past. Achieving a high standard life is possible for all inhabitants because of several reasons. First of all, a number of indigenous people are able to obtain well education because most countries provide some schools with high qualities which students can get easily. Taking citizens in big cities as an example, most students there get better facilities such laboratories, so as that students can improve their skills quickly. In addition, there are many great opportunities for people to achieve success in their bright future because some corporations need more workers such a large industrial city which gives some occupations for citizens. Not only this, the high quality of technology has created good healthy for societies because the number of hospitals have used some good tools to look after the patients and it makes doctors easy. On the other hand, life in the past can make convenient because they are able to focus on their works without any obstacles. For instance, most farmers enjoyed working in agricultural land with traditional tools. As a result, they do not get serious problems and they feel deliriously happy with their families due to making quality time with them easily whenever they want. To conclude, although people in the past felt comfortable with their families and were able to enjoy their time whenever they want, people' lives nowadays are better as they can achieve a high standard of living and they should use the time effectively by helping machines.

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  5. Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On ...

    A new Pew Research Center survey finds people worldwide are divided on whether life is better today than it was 50 years ago. Economic strength tends to predict greater satisfaction, but not always.

  6. Yes, Life Today Is Better Than It Was 100 Years Ago

    Because they're right. Life today is great compared to life 100 years ago. But it should be so much better, you guys. We should be light years ahead of how people lived in 1922. We've split ...

  7. Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On ...

    The findings reported in "Worldwide, People Divided on Whether Life Today Is Better Than in the Past" are part of Pew's annual global attitudes survey. But this is the first time the organization has asked whether life in a person's country is generally better, worse or the same as it was five decades ago, says senior researcher Jacob Poushter.

  8. Globally Is Life Better Today Than in Past?

    In the U.S., Senators are more likely to say life is better today, compared includes Democrats - an attitudinal shove in the vigil of Jack Trump's election as president in November 2016. The more educated are more likely to say life is better. In more than half the countries questioned, people with more schooling utter so, for people like ...

  9. Ways Life Was Better 50 Years Ago

    Library Ltd./CORBIS/Getty Images. Not everything is better because of technology. Some things were actually simpler to do 50 years ago. It was easier to meet new people and find your significant ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 550

    This essay supports the viewpoint that life in these days is better than it was a century back. Undeniably, life today is simpler and easier. We have fewer diseases, more food production capacity, a better diplomatic relation among nations and more freedom than the people in the last century had.

  11. IELTS Essay: Life now is better than it was 100 years ago

    That being said, it is agreed that life today is better than what it was about 100 years ago. This will be proven by analyzing, that how a technology has changed the way people connects', as well as, the advancement in medical science for curing certain disases which was not able to cure before 100 years ago.

  12. How Life Has Changed in the Last 20 Years

    A lot has changed since the new millennium. Ebay. The dawn of the new millennium was just under 20 years ago. The world we live in now is completely different from then. Here are all the biggest ...

  13. Life today is better than in the past Free Essays

    1 Life for young people in sg was better in the past than it is today (OV) Life was less stressful and moved at a slower pace in the past. There was less competitiveness in the society then. Students have packed schedules of tuition‚ school‚ and enrichment classes‚ to the extent that they have little time left to enjoy other activities.

  14. Life in the Past and Life Now-Comparison.

    Life in the past and life now-comparison. Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we live. Obviously, it is hard to compare the life of the ancient people and the life of the people of the twenty first century because so many changes have occurred. However, even the changes that have taken place over the last ...

  15. Life now is better than it was 100 years ago

    If peace is maintained, quality of. life. will improve and poverty will be prevented. In my conclusion, life. now is better than. life. 100 years ago. We have technology that helps to achieve task quick and instant.

  16. Essay On Life Today Is Better Than Fifty Years Ago

    Therefore, my main aim in writing this essay is to persuade my family that from an objective point of view, life today is belter compared to fifty years. This is in considering life quality, education, human rights, technology, and health system. The proposal that life is better today than fifty years ago is anchored by the idea that fifty ...

  17. Life now is better than 100 years ago

    now is better than 100 years ago. It is undeniable that many people seem to like what we live in the previous period due to some old-style culture and societies. Despite when time changes, many things have been entirely different from the previous 100 years. The following paragraph will be discussing my perspective on. this. argument. Therefore.


    life. right now is better than the way it was before 100. years. Over the. years. new inventions and development have alleviated many problems. To give an example, in past, it was tedious for farmers to grow crops with the lack of utensils. While in current times, the agriculture field is immensely growing. So the quality and quantity of food ...

  19. Americans pessimistic about nation's future, more positive about past

    The share of Americans who say life today is worse than in the past is up 15 percentage points since the summer of 2021. The share who say life is better has decreased by a similar margin. Republicans and Democrats alike are now more likely than in 2021 to say that life is worse for people like them, though this view continues to be more ...

  20. IELTS WRITING TASK 1 : Life now is better today than it was century ago

    Nowadays our lifestyle is different than past. Translation has improved, Medical sciences developed constantly, communication facilities has blast evolved. Our life is more various and better than it was 100 years ago. Now we can take an air plant to go every country to enjoy the local food, it is difficult to do in hundred years ago.

  21. Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

    Our new audio app is home to "This American Life," the award-winning program hosted by Ira Glass.New episodes debut in our app a day earlier than in the regular podcast feed, and we also have ...

  22. Some people think that life was better in the past than what ...

    Whereas, others argue that it harms society. I, personally, believe that both points have their significance. It is believed by some that life has become better than in the earlier centuries. While I agree with this statement, I also believe that some of the aspects were better in the past | Band: 7.5.

  23. Life now is better than it was 100 years ago though people in the past

    Apr 14, 2015 #1. Life now is better than it was 100 years ago. In recent decades, the advanced technology has made most people easy to gain what they want. Because of this, some people argue that life today is better due to achieving the highest standard of living than life in a hundred year ago where people were hard to obtain well education ...

  24. Different Ideas On Past Life And Life Today

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. I have a lovely grandmother who talks about difficulties of the past all the time. She states that today life prepares everything ready for you!