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Data Base Management System | NPTEL 2023 | Week 4 Assignment Solutions

Data Base Management System NPTEL Assignment answers

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the  Data Base Management System NPTEL 2023 Week 4 Assignment Solutions .

The course introduces relational data models; entity-relationship modeling, SQL, data normalization, and database design. Further it introduces query coding practices using MySQL (or any other open system) through various assignments. Design of simple multi-tier client / server architectures based and Web-based database applications is also introduced.

Course layout (Answers link)

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Week 0: Assignment answers Week 1:  Course Overview. Introduction to RDBMS Week 2: Structured Query Language (SQL)  Week 3: Relational Algebra. Entity-Relationship Model   Week 4: Relational Database Design Week 5:  Application Development. Case Studies. Storage and File Structure   Week 6: Indexing and Hashing. Query Processing   Week 7:  Query Optimization. Transactions (Serializability and Recoverability) Week 8:  Concurrency Control. Recovery Systems. Course Summarization.

NOTE:  You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Data Base Management System NPTEL 2023 Week 4 Assignment Solution” contains 10 questions.

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Data Base Management System NPTEL 202 3 Week 4 Quiz Solutions

Q1. Consider the relational schema Office(Sector, Company, Building, Floor, Employees) with the following Functional Dependency set: {Sector, Company} -> {Building, Floor} {Company, Building} -> {Employee, Sector} Building -> Floor Which attribute is present in all the composite candidate keys of OfficeList?

a) Sector b) Company c) Building d) Floor

Answer: b) Company

Q2. Consider the relational schema: DeviceLogs(Device, OperatingSystem, Logins, DateOfRecord, DeviceLocation) with the following Functional Dependency set: {Device, OperatingSystem} -> DeviceLocation {Logins, DateOfRecord} -> OperatingSystem DeviceLocation -> DateOfRecord If X is the number of candidate keys of DeviceLogs and Y is its highest Normal Form, find the values of X and Y.

a) X=1, Y=2 b) X=2, Y=1 c) X=3, Y=3 d) X=2, Y=3

Answer: c) X=3, Y=3

Q3. Consider the relational schema DataLabelling(DataSetName, DataFeature1, DataFeature2, Label, Confidence, Annotators) with the following Functional Dependency set: DataSetName -> {Annotators, DataFeature2} {DataFeature1, DateFeature2} -> Label {Label, DataFeature1} -> Confidence DataFeature2 -> DataSetName Which attribute can NOT be derived directly or indirectly from DataFeature2?

a) DataSetName b) DataFeature1 c) Label d) Annotators

Answer: b), c)

Data Base Management System NPTEL 2023 week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q4. Consider the relational schema LuckyDraw(Box, Item, Picked, WinningPrize). Which of the following set of functional dependencies should be chosed so that LuckyDraw can be in 2NF but not in 3NF?

a) Box -> {Item, Price} Price -> WinningPrize Item -> Picked b) {Box, Item} -> Price Price -> WinningPrize Item -> Picked c) {Item, Box} -> Price {Item, Price} -> WinningPrize d) {Item, Box, Picked} -> Price {Item, Price} -> WinningPrize {WinningPrize, Price} -> {Item, Box}

Q5. Consider the relational schema Tournament(Champion, Category, Participants, Judges, Day) with the following Functional Dependency set F. {Category, Day} -> Champion {Category, Champion} -> {Participants, Judges} Day -> {Judges, Category} What is the canonical cover of F?

a) Category -> Champion Champion -> Participants Champion -> Judges Day -> Category b) Day -> Champion {Category, Champion} -> Participants {Category, Champion} -> Judges c) Day -> Champion {Category, Champion} -> Participants {Category, Champion} -> Judges Day -> Category d) {Category, Day} -> Champion {Category, Champion} -> Participants {Category, Champion} -> Judges Day -> {Judges, Category}

Q6. Consider the relational schema Gallery(GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following functional Dependency set: {GallerySection, ArtistID} -> ArtID ArtID -> Sold {ArtID, ArtistID} -> Theme The relation is decomposed into the following: Gallery1(GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID) Gallery2(GallerySection, ArtistID, Sold) Which of the following is true about the decomposition?

a) Both lossless and dependency preserving b) Neither lossless nor dependency preserving c) Lossless but not dependency preserving d) Lossy but dependency preserving

Q7. Consider the relational schema Gallery(GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following functional Dependency sets: S1 = { {GallerySection, ArtistID} -> ArtID Sold -> {ArtID, Theme} } S2 = { GallerySection -> {ArtistID, ArtID} Sold -> {GallerySection, Theme} } Which of the following is true?

a) Neither S1 covers S2 nor S2 covers S1 b) S1 covers S2 but S2 does not cover S1 c) S2 covers S1 but S1 does not cover S2 d) Both S1 covers S2 and S2 covers S1

Q8. Consider the relational schema Gallery(GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following functional Dependency set: {GallerySection, ArtistID} -> ArtID ArtID -> Sold {ArtID, ArtistID} -> Theme Which of the following is true?

a) Gallery has 1 candidate key and is in 1NF b) Gallery has 1 candidate key and is in 2NF c) Gallery has 2 candidate key and is in 3NF d) Gallery has 2 candidate key and is in 1NF

Q9. In a relation FurnitureStore(FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weight, DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Width, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent of FurnitureNo and Weight together. Which of the following are the non-prime attributes of FurnitureStore?

a) FurnitureNo b) Height c) Weight d) DeliveryCharge

Answer: b), d)

Q10. In a relation FurnitureStore(FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weight, DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Width, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent of FurnitureNo and Weight together. The highest normal form of FurnitureStore is n. If the highest normal form of the relation has to be increased to n+1, which of the following changes should be made in its current functional dependency set?

a) FurnitureNo and Weight together, should identify FurnitureType and Price b) Only Width, Height and Weight should identify the DeliveryCharge c) Only FurnitureType, Height and Weight shoulld identify the DeliveryCharge d) Only Weight should identify the Width and Height

Data Base Management System NPTEL 2022 Week 4 Assignment Solutions

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

Answer: a) 1NF

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

Data Base Management System NPTEL Week 4 Assignment Solutions

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

Answer: a), d)

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

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[Week 4] NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment Answers 2024


NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024

image 38

NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Consider the relational schema OfficeList (Sector, C o mpany, Building, Floor, Employees)with the following Functional Dependency set: {Sector, Company} -> Building, Floor} {Company, B u ilding} – {Employees, Sector} Building > Floor Which attribute is present in all the composite candi d ate kevs of OfficeList? a) Sector b) Com p any c) Building d) Floor

2. Consider the relational schema: DeviceLogs (Device, OperatingSystem, Logins, DateOfRecord, DeviceLocation) with the following Functional Dependency set: {Device, OperatingSystem} -› DeviceL o cation {Logins, Date0fRecord] – OperatingSystem DeviceLocation -› DateOfRecord If X is the number of candidate keys of DeviceLogs and Y is its highest N ormal Form, find the values of X and Y. a) X=1, Y=2 b) X=2, Y=1 c) X=3, Y = 3 d) X=2, Y=3

3. Consider the relational schema DataLabelling (DataSetName, DataFeatu r e1, DataFeature2, Label, Confidence, Annotators) with the following Functional Dependency set:


4. Consider the relational schema LuckyDraw (Box, Item, Price, Picked, WinningPrize). Which of the following set of functional dependencies should be chosen so that LuckyDraw can be in 2NF but not in 3NF?


5. Consider the relational schema Tournament (Champion, Category, Participants, Judges, Day) with the following Functional Dependency set F.


6. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency set:


7. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency sets:


8. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, A rtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency set:


9. In a relation FurnitureStore (FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weight, DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Width, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent on Furnitu r eNo and Weight together. Which of the following are the non-prime attributes of FurnitureStore? a) FurnitureNo b) Height c) Weight d) DeliveryChar g e

10. In a relation FurnitureStore (FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weig DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Wid t h, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent on FurnitureNo and Weight together. The highest normal form of FurnitureStore is n. If the highest normal form of the relation has to be increased to n+1, which of the following changes should be made in its current functional dependency set? a) FurnitureNo and Weight together, should identify FurnitureType and Price b) Only Width, Height and Weight should identify the DeliveryCharge c) Only FurnitureType, Height and Weight should identify the DeliveryCharge d) Only Weight should identify the Width and Hei g ht

NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 3 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Consider the relation Payments as follows:

image 17

a) UPI b) Cash c) NEFT d) Card

2. Consider the relation Payments as follows:

image 18

Which of the TransactionIDs will NOT be present in the output of R1-R2? a) 42 b) 15 c) 14 d) 4

3. Consider the relation Content (Channel, VideoTitle, Likes, Dislikes). Choose the correct Tuple Relational Calculus that represents the following statement: “Display the titles of those videos that are published on You Tube Channels and have more than 50,000 likes.”

image 19

4. Consider the relation Content (Channel, VideoTitle, Likes, Dislikes). Choose the correct Domain Relational Calculus that is equivalent to the following SQL Query: SELECT Channel, VideoTitle FROM Content WHERE Dislikes<100; a) {< c,v > |31, d(< c,v, 1,d >€ Content ^ d < 100)} b) {c,v|3c,v, 1, d(< c,v, 1, d >€ Content ^ Dislikes < 100)} c) {< c,v > 3c,v,1,d € Content ^ d < 100} d) {c,v|3 < 1, >€ Content ^ Dislikes < 100}

5. A C program, with embedded SQL query, allows the users to enter a date and an amount to check the transactions that were made on that day. The entered date is stored in the variable Idate and the amount in variable amt. The SQL query returns the TransactionID and Amount of those payments from Payments (Mode, TransactionID, PaymentDate, Amount) whose PaymentDate match with the user’s entered date and the Amount is more than the entered amount. Which of the following SQL queries is correct for the purpose?

a) EXEC SQL DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT TransactionID, Amount FROM Payments WHERE PaymentDate= :Tdate AND Amount>: amt END EXEC b) EXEC SOL DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM Payments WHERE PaymentDate= Tdate AND Amount>amt END EXEC c) EXEC SOL DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM Payments WHERE Tdate=PaymentDate AND amt>Amount d) EXEC SQL DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT TransactionID, Amount FROM Payments WHERE : PaymentDate= :Tdate AND : Amount>: amt END EXEC

6. A cloth factory maintains a schema of manufactured Clothes where each clothing item is identified by a tag. The clothes are also associated with corresponding sizes and materials. However, each cloth can be designed by multiple designers. Which of the following schema correctly represents the Clothes entity set? a) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material, Designer) b) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes_Designer (Tag, Designer) c) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes_Designer (Tag, Designer) d) Clothes (Tag, Size, Material), Clothes Designer (Tag, Designer)

7. Consider the three relational schemas: Stories (Title, Author, Pages, StoryCount) Books (Title, Author, Pages) Educational (Title, Author, Pages, Subject) Which of the Entity Relationship diagrams correspond to the given schemas?

w3q7 N

8. Consider the Entity Relationship Diagram:

image 20

Which of the following is/are true? a) The participation of Organizer in Org.Conf is partial. b) The participation of Conference in Org-Conf is partial. c) Presenter is a composite attribute of Presentation. d) Presenter is a multivalued attribute of Presentation.

9. Consider the entity relationship diagram.

w3q9 N

10. Consider the following instance of organizer.


NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 2 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Consider two relations StyleName and PrintStyle as follows: An operation θ between StyleName and PrintStyle will generate the following output: Identify the operation G. a) natural join b) natural left outer join c) natural right outer join d) natural full outer join

2. Consider the following CREATE statements:

3. Consider the following schema:

  • loan (loan _number, branch_name, amount)

4. Consider the following instance of the relation BIDDINGTAB (PRODUCTID, HIGHESTBID, LOWESTBID, WINNER, BIDDERS)

5. Consider the following instance of the relation BIDDINGTAB (PRODUCTID, HIGHESTBID, LOWESTBID, WINNER, BIDDERS)

6. Consider the following instance of the relational schema PAYSCALE (POSITION, BASE_SALARY, EXPERIENCE)

7. A role Manager has the privilege to perform select, insert, update and delete operations on all tables of database. A new role Software_Engineer is created and the following statement is executed.

8. Consider the following instance of MountainDetails (MountainName, Altitude, StateName) relation.

9. Consider the given relational schema: MountainDetails (MountainName, Altitude, StateName)

10. Consider the given relational schema: MountainDetails (MountainName, Altitude, StateName)

NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following statements is (are) correct?

  • a) Phsical level abstraction describes how a record is stored.
  • b) View level abstraction hides details of data types.
  • c) Physical level abstraction describ e s data stored in a database and their relationships.
  • d) Logical level abstraction defines the physical schema.

2. Consider the following relations:

Subject (sid, sn a me, credit) Faculty (fid, sid) Which of the following is correct?

  • a) RA 1 C RAz
  • b) RAg C RAg
  • c) RAI C RA g
  • d) RA1 = RAg

3. What does the following Relational Algebra expression return?

  • a) All heights except the maximum height from Mountain relation.
  • b) All heights except the minimum height from Mountain relation.
  • c) Minimum height from Mountain relation.
  • d) Maximum height from Mountain relation.

4. Consider the relational schema PhoneBook (Name, PhoneNo, Location, LastCalled)

  • Ankit 3222265783 Kolkata 15 Ju l
  • Shreya 3222265783 Delhi 16 Jul
  • Ankit 2222586110 Delhi 16 Jul
  • Shreya 2222586110 K olkata 15 Jul

5. Consider the relation Flight (FlightNo, Source, Destination, Duration) where {FlightNo} and {Source, Destination, Duration} are the 2 candidate keys. What is the possible num- ber of superke y s of Flight?

6. Consider a truth table having the following columns P Q R= ((P V Q) – -P) S= ( (P V Q) – P) If the truth table, with all the values, is represented as a relational instance, which column(s) (attribute(s)) should be chosen as candidate keys?

7. Consider the following instance of ChatBox (SenderID, ReceiverID).


8. Consider the following table:


9. Consider the following table:


10. Which of the following can be a candidate k e y for the following instance?


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NPTEL Assignment Answers and Solutions 2024 (July-Dec). Get Answers of Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 for all courses. This guide offers clear and accurate answers for your all assignments across various NPTEL courses


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Locate the Weekly Assignment Files:

  • Inside the course folder, you will find files named week-01.md , week-02.md , and so on up to week-12.md . These files contain the assignment answers for each respective week.

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  • Click on the file corresponding to the week you are interested in. For example, if you need answers for Week 3, open the week-03.md file.

Review the Answers:

  • Each week-XX.md file provides detailed solutions and explanations for that week’s assignments. Review these files to find the information you need.

By following these steps, you can easily locate and use the assignment answers and solutions for the NPTEL courses provided in this repository. We hope this resource assists you in your studies!

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Here's a list of courses currently available in this repository:

  • Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for Problem Solving
  • Cloud Computing
  • Computer Architecture
  • Cyber Security and Privacy
  • Data Science for Engineers
  • Data Structure and Algorithms Using Java
  • Database Management System
  • Deep Learning for Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning IIT Ropar
  • Digital Circuits
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT
  • Introduction to Internet of Things
  • Introduction to Machine Learning IIT KGP
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • ML and Deep Learning Fundamentals and Applications
  • Problem Solving Through Programming in C
  • Programming DSA Using Python
  • Programming in Java
  • Programming in Modern C
  • Python for Data Science
  • Soft Skill Development
  • Soft Skills
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Testing
  • The Joy of Computation Using Python
  • Theory of Computation

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NPTEL DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2021

  • by QuizXp Team
  • August 1, 2021 September 22, 2021

DataBase Management System

NPTEL DataBase Management System Databases form the backbone of all major applications today – tightly or loosely coupled, intranet or internet-based, financial, social, administrative, and so on.

NPTEL Database Management System is a MOOC course offered by IIT Madras on the NPTEL platform. Through this DBMS course, Structured Database Management Systems (DBMS) based on relational and other models have long formed the basis for such databases. Consequently, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase etc. The course is developed by Prof. Partha Pratim Das  received his BTech, MTech and PhD degrees in 1984, 1985 and 1988 respectively from IIT Kharagpur. He served as a faculty in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur

  • Requirements/Prerequisites:  NIL
  • INDUSTRY SUPPORT:  All compaines or industry


Students have to score Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100 Final scores = Average assignment score + Exam score

Students will be eligible for CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If any of the 2 criteria are not met, the student will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 8 ANSWERS:-

Answer:- a,d

Answer:- b,c

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 7 ANSWERS:-

Answer:- a,c

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 5 ANSWERS:-

Answer:- ,c

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 4 ANSWERS:-

Database management system assignment week 3 answers:-.

Q1. Consider the following instance of the relation MovieBooking (Movie Name, TheatrID, HallNo, Glasses 3D, MLanguage, Showtime ID, ShowDay)

Answer:- c,d

Q2. Consider the following two Relational Algebra expressions: R1: IlMovieName, HallNo (MovieBooking) R2: IIM2. HallNo (OM1.Theatr ID-M2. TheatrIDAM1.MLanguage/M2.MLanguage (PM1 (MovieBooking) x PM2 (MovieBooking))) What is the output of R1 + R2?

Q3. A C program, with embedded SQL allows the users to enter their username and password which are stored in the variables uname and pwd respectively. With the help of an embedded SQL query, the program then selects the user’s Rank and Marks from a database with the following schema: ChckRes (User, Passwd, Department, Year, Rank, Marks). Select the correct Embedded SQL query that should be present in this C program.

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Q4. Consider the relation TicTac (Player, Game, Mark, PositionFilled) What is the Tuple Relational Calculus expression equivalent to the statement “Select those games where Central position has been filled”?

Note:- WE NEVER PROMOTE COPYING AND We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students to reference, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

Q5. Consider the following Entity Relationship Diagram:

Q6. Consider the relation TicTac (Player, Game, Mark, PositionFilled) What is the Domain Relational Calculus equivalent to the statement “Select those players who are playing with Cross mark”?

Q7. Choose the correct Entity Relationship Diagram representing the following scenario: In a game club, membership cards are issued to some of the visitors. A visitor can have only one membership card and that card cannot be shared with any other member. A membership card can be identified with its membership number. The card also has member type, validity and access zone that are available to the member. The access zone is composed of zone code and zone games. A visitor of this game club is identified by the visitor’s ID and name together. A visitor can have multiple email IDs which are also registered.

Q8. If n [Payment] is the set of attributes present in the relational schema of Payment, n[In Cash] is the set of attributes present in the relational schema of In Cash and n[In_Cheque] is the set of attributes present in the relational schema of In Cheque, which of the following options can be true?

Q9. How many tuples will be generated by the Relational Algebra expression equivalent to the following Domain Relational Calculus?

Q10. Which of the following Relational Algebra expression produces exactly the same tuples as present in this instance of Presentation?

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 2 ANSWERS:-

Q1. Consider the following instance of the relation weather (day, year, month, temperature, city)

Q2. Consider the following table Customer: Identify the correct SQL statement from the following options for creating the table Customer.

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Q3. Consider the following instance of the relation weather (day, year, month, temperature, city)

Q4. Consider the following instance of the relation RankHolder (UnivID, Dept, Name, Roll, Rank)

Q5. Consider the following instance of the relation RankHolder (UnivID, Dept, Name, Roll, Rank)

Q6. Consider the following CREATE statement

Q7. Consider the following two schema: Product (Product_id, Pname, Uprice), Department (Dno, Dname, Product_id, year). If we execute the following SQL statement:

Q8. Consider the following instance of Student Details (StudName, Marks, Permanent Address, Correspondence Address) relation.

Answer:- b,d

Q9. Consider the following instance of Student Details (StudName, Marks, Permanent Address, Correspondence Address) relation.Student Details

Q10. Consider the given relational schema: Student Details (Stud ID, StudName, Marks, Permanent Address, Correspondence Address).

DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 1 ANSWERS:-

Q1. What is Physical Data Independence?


Q2. what is a collection of data called that consists of roll number ,name, class and phone number of a student?

Q3. Consider the relational schema Virtual Conf (Conf ID, Participants, Admin, Day, Subject). Which of the following is not a valid instance of VirtualConf?


Q4. Consider the following instance: Based on this instance of Storage, if RoomNo is one of the attributes of the primary key (composite in nature), which of the following attribute(s) complete the primary key?

Q5. Consider the following instances: Which of the following tuples will not be present in bag1 x bag2?

Answer:- B,C

Q6.  Suppose there are two relations R and S as follows: After performing a relational expression involving ‘X’ on R and S, we get the following result:

Q7.  Choose the incorrect statement(s) related to database languages.

Answer:- A,B,C,D


Q8. Consider the following table: Identify the correct operation(s) which produces the following output from the above relation.

Q9. Consider the following table: Identify the correct operation(s) which produces the following output from the above relation.

Q10. Which of the following can be a candidate key for the following instance?

Also check :- Internship oppurtinites

Note:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do you assignment own your own.


NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers: 2023:-  All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment to your own knowledge.

NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Consider the relational schema OfficeList (Sector, C o mpany, Building, Floor, Employees)with the following Functional Dependency set: {Sector, Company} -> Building, Floor} {Company, B u ilding} – {Employees, Sector} Building > Floor Which attribute is present in all the composite candi d ate kevs of OfficeList? a) Sector b) Com p any c) Building d) Floor

2. Consider the relational schema: DeviceLogs (Device, OperatingSystem, Logins, DateOfRecord, DeviceLocation) with the following Functional Dependency set: {Device, OperatingSystem} -› DeviceL o cation {Logins, Date0fRecord] – OperatingSystem DeviceLocation -› DateOfRecord If X is the number of candidate keys of DeviceLogs and Y is its highest N ormal Form, find the values of X and Y. a) X=1, Y=2 b) X=2, Y=1 c) X=3, Y = 3 d) X=2, Y=3

3. Consider the relational schema DataLabelling (DataSetName, DataFeatu r e1, DataFeature2, Label, Confidence, Annotators) with the following Functional Dependency set:

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

4. Consider the relational schema LuckyDraw (Box, Item, Price, Picked, WinningPrize). Which of the following set of functional dependencies should be chosen so that LuckyDraw can be in 2NF but not in 3NF?

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

5. Consider the relational schema Tournament (Champion, Category, Participants, Judges, Day) with the following Functional Dependency set F.

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

6. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency set:

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

7. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, ArtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency sets:

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

8. Consider the relational schema Gallery (GallerySection, A rtistID, ArtID, Sold, Theme) with the following Functional Dependency set:

NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

9. In a relation FurnitureStore (FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weight, DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Width, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent on Furnitu r eNo and Weight together. Which of the following are the non-prime attributes of FurnitureStore? a) FurnitureNo b) Height c) Weight d) DeliveryChar g e

10. In a relation FurnitureStore (FurnitureNo, FurnitureType, Price, Width, Height, Weig DeliveryCharge), FurnitureNo identifies FurnitureType and Price. Also, FurnitureType, Wid t h, Height and Weight combined determines the DeliveryCharge. Width and Height of the furniture are dependent on FurnitureNo and Weight together. The highest normal form of FurnitureStore is n. If the highest normal form of the relation has to be increased to n+1, which of the following changes should be made in its current functional dependency set? a) FurnitureNo and Weight together, should identify FurnitureType and Price b) Only Width, Height and Weight should identify the DeliveryCharge c) Only FurnitureType, Height and Weight should identify the DeliveryCharge d) Only Weight should identify the Width and Hei g ht


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  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • NOC:Data Base Management System (Video) 
  • Co-ordinated by : IIT Kharagpur
  • Available from : 2017-12-21
  • Intro Video
  • Lecture 1: Course Overview
  • Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
  • Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
  • Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
  • Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
  • Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
  • Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
  • Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
  • Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
  • Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
  • Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
  • Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
  • Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
  • Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
  • Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
  • Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
  • Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
  • Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
  • Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
  • Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
  • Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
  • Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
  • Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
  • Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
  • Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
  • Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
  • Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
  • Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
  • Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
  • Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
  • Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
  • Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
  • Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
  • Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
  • Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
  • Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
  • Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
  • Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
  • Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
  • Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
  • Live Session
  • Live Session - 2
  • Live Session 30-08-2021
  • Live Session 21-09-2021
  • Live Session 18-02-2021
  • Live Session 09-03-2021
  • Live Session 20-10-2020
  • Live Session 11-11-2020
  • Live Session 04-03-2020
  • Live Session 19-03-2020
  • Live Session 12-09-2019
  • Live Session 23-09-2019
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Assignments
  • Download Videos
  • Transcripts
  • Lecture Notes (1)
NameDownloadDownload Size
Lecture Note 30M
Module NameDownload
Sl.No Chapter Name MP4 Download
1Lecture 1: Course Overview
2Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
3Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
4Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
5Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
6Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
7Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
8Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
9Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
10Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
11Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
12Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
13Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
14Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
15Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
16Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
17Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
18Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
19Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
20Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
21Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
22Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
23Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
24Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
25Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
26Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
27Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
28Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
29Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
30Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
31Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
32Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
33Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
34Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
35Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
36Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
37Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
38Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
39Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
40Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
41Live Session
42Live Session - 2
Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Lecture 1: Course Overview
2Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
3Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
4Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
5Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
6Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
7Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
8Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
9Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
10Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
11Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
12Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
13Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
14Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
15Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
16Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
17Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
18Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
19Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
20Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
21Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
22Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
23Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
24Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
25Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
26Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
27Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
28Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
29Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
30Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
31Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
32Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
33Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
34Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
35Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
36Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
37Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
38Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
39Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
40Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
41Live SessionPDF unavailable
42Live Session - 2PDF unavailable
Sl.No Chapter Name Hindi
1Lecture 1: Course Overview
2Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
3Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
4Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
5Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
6Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
7Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
8Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
9Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
10Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
11Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
12Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
13Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
14Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
15Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
16Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
17Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
18Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
19Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
20Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
21Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
22Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
23Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
24Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
25Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
26Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
27Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
28Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
29Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
30Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
31Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
32Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
33Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
34Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
35Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
36Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
37Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
38Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
39Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
40Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
41Live SessionNot Available
42Live Session - 2Not Available
Sl.No Chapter Name Tamil
1Lecture 1: Course Overview
2Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
3Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
4Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
5Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
6Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
7Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
8Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
9Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
10Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
11Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
12Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
13Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
14Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
15Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
16Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
17Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
18Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
19Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
20Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
21Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
22Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
23Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
24Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
25Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
26Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
27Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
28Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
29Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
30Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
31Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
32Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
33Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
34Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
35Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
36Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
37Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
38Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
39Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
40Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
41Live SessionNot Available
42Live Session - 2Not Available
Sl.No Chapter Name Telugu
1Lecture 1: Course Overview
2Lecture 2 : Introduction to DBMS/1
3Lecture 3 : Introduction to DBMS/2
4Lecture 4 : Introduction to Relational Model/1
5Lecture 5 : Introduction to Relational Model/2
6Lecture 6 : Introduction to SQL/1
7Lecture 7 : Introduction to SQL/2
8Lecture 8 : Introduction to SQL/3
9Lecture 9 : Intermediate SQL/1
10Lecture 10 : Intermediate SQL/2
11Lecture 11 : Advanced SQL
12Lecture 12 : Formal Relational Query Languages
13Lecture 13 : Entity-Relationship Model/1
14Lecture 14 : Entity-Relationship Model/2
15Lecture 15 : Entity-Relationship Model/3
16Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design
17Lecture 17 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
18Lecture 18 : Relational Database Design /3
19Lecture 19 : Relational Database Design (Contd.)
20Lecture 20 : Relational Database Design /5
21Lecture 21: Application Design and Development/1
22Lecture 22: Application Design and Development/2
23Lecture 23: Application Design and Development/3
24Lecture 24: Storage and File Structure/1: Storage
25Lecture 25: Storage and File Structure/2: File Structure
26Lecture 26 : Indexing and Hashing/1 : Indexing/1
27Lecture 27: Indexing and Hashing/2 : Indexing/2
28Lecture 28 : Indexing and Hashing/3 : Indexing/3
29Lecture 29 : Indexing and Hashing/4 : Hashing
30Lecture 30 : Indexing and Hashing/5 : Index Design
31Lecture 31: Transactions/1 : Serializability
32Lecture 32 : Transactions/2 : Serializability
33Lecture 33 : Transactions/3 : Recoverability
34Lecture 34 : Concurrency Control/1
35Lecture 35 : Concurrency Control/2
36Lecture 36 : Recovery/1
37Lecture 37 : Recovery/2
38Lecture 38 : Query Processing and Optimization/1 : Processing
39Lecture 39 : Query Processing and Optimization/2 : Optimization
40Lecture 40 : Course Summarization
41Live SessionNot Available
42Live Session - 2Not Available
Sl.No Language Book link
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available


  • Review Assignment
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NPTEL: Exam Registration is open now for Jan 2024 courses!

Dear Candidate,

Here is a golden opportunity for those who had previously enrolled in this course during the July 2023 semester, but could not participate in the exams or were absent/did not pass the exam for this course. This course is being reoffered in Jan 2024 and we are giving you another chance to write the exam in March 24, 2024 and obtain a certificate based on NPTEL norms. Do not let go of this unique opportunity to earn a certificate from the IITs/IISc.

IMPORTANT instructions for learners - Please read this carefully  

1. The exam date for this course: March 24, 2024

2. CLICK HERE to register for the exam.

Please fill the exam form using the same Enrolled email id & make fee payment via the form, as before.

3. Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam Cities

4. You DO NOT have to re-enroll in the courses. 

5. You DO NOT have to resubmit Assignments OR participate in the non-proctored programming exams(if applicable) in the previous semester

6. If you do enroll in the Jan 2024 course, we will take the best average assignment scores/non-proctored programming exam(if applicable) score across the two semesters.

Please check once if you have >= 40/100  in average assignment score and also participated and satisfied the criteria in the non-proctored programming exams(if applicable) that were conducted in July 2023 to become eligible for the e-certificate, wherever applicable.

If not, please submit assignments again in the Jan 2024 course and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams(if applicable) to become eligible for the e-certificate.

We will not be having new assignments or unproctored exams(if applicable) in the previous seme ster's (July 2023) c ourse. 

RECOMMENDATION: If you want to take new assignments and an unproctored exam(if applicable) or brush up on your lessons for the exam, please enroll in the Jan 2024 course.

Click here to enroll in the current course, links are provided corresponding to the course name.

7. Exam fees: 

If you register for the exam and pay before Feb 12, 2024 - 5:00 PM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam .

8. 50% fee waiver for the following categories: 

Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate.

Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate. 

9. Last date for exam registration: Feb 16, 2024 - 5:00 PM (Friday). 

10. Between Feb 12, 2024 - 5:00 PM & Feb 16, 2024 - 5:00 PM late fee will be applicable.

11. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking/UPI. 


The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by 2 weeks prior to the exam date. We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published. 

13. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions. 

14. Data changes: 

Last date for data changes: Feb 16, 2024 - 5:00 PM :  

We will charge an additional fee of Rs. 200 to make any changes related to name, DOB, photo, signature, SC/ST and PWD certificates after the last date of data changes.

The following 6 fields can be changed (until the form closes) ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit those fields only if you: - 

REMOVE unpaid courses from the cart And/or - CANCEL paid courses 

1. Do you come under the SC/ST category? * 

2. SC/ST Proof 

3. Are you a person with disabilities? * 

4. Are you a person with disabilities above 40%? 

5. Disabilities Proof 

6. What is your role? 

Note: Once you remove or cancel a course, you will be able to edit these fields immediately. 

But, for cancelled courses, refund of fees will be initiated only after 2 weeks. 

15. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: Feb 16, 2024 - 5:00 PM  

16. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline

Domain Certification

Domain Certification helps learners to gain expertise in a specific Area/Domain. This can be helpful for learners who wish to work in a particular area as part of their job or research or for those appearing for some competitive exam or becoming job ready or specialising in an area of study.  

Every domain will comprise Core courses and Elective courses. Once a learner completes the requisite courses per the mentioned criteria, you will receive a Domain Certificate showcasing your scores and the domain of expertise. Kindly refer to the following link for the list of courses available under each domain: https://nptel.ac.in/domains

Outside India Candidates

Candidates who are residing outside India may also fill the exam form and pay the fees. Mode of exam and other details will be communicated to you separately.

Thanks & Regards, 

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

Data Base Management System: Final Feedback Form !!!

Dear students, We are glad that you have attended the NPTEL online certification course. We hope you found the NPTEL Online course useful and have started using NPTEL extensively. In this regard, we would like to have feedback from you regarding our course and whether there are any improvements, you would like to suggest.   We are enclosing an online feedback form and would request you to spare some of your valuable time to input your observations. Your esteemed input will help us in serving you better. The link to give your feedback is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nUa3GVLBdK6Yp6K7d7MMp1qEXOcPVA6IWdQk4iAAWEc/edit?usp=drivesdk We thank you for your valuable time and feedback. Thanks & Regards, -NPTEL Team

Thank you for learning with NPTEL!!

Dear Learner, Thank you for taking the course with NPTEL!! Hope you enjoyed the journey with us. The results for this course have been published and we are closing this course now.  You will still have access to the contents and assignments of this course, if you click on the course name from the "Mycourses" tab on swayam.gov.in. For any further queries please write to [email protected] . - Team NPTEL

Survey on Problem Solving sessions - Data Base Management System (noc23-cs79)

Dear Learners, We would like to know if the expectations with which you attended this problem solving session are being met and hence please do take 2 minutes to fill out our feedback form. It would help us tremendously in gauging the learner experience. Here is the link to the form:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_BBSoR5M5ZdYQQ3JgCxzaP4jMf5hOICLo1Gvuv6w_D4/edit?usp=drivesdk -NPTEL TEAM

Data Base Management System : Result Published!!

                                      ***THIS IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR EXAM REGISTERED CANDIDATES***                             ****Please don't click on below link, if you are not registered/not present for the Exam****                          Dear Candidate, The exam scores and E Certificates have been released for September 2023 Exam(s). Step 1 - Are the results of my courses released? Please check the Results published courses list in the below links.:- Sep 2023 Exam - Click here Step 2 - How to check Results? Please login to internalapp.nptel.ac.in/ . and check your exam results. Use the same login credentials as used to register to the exam. What's next? Please read the pass criteria carefully and check against what you have gotten. If you still have any issues, please report the same here. internalapp.nptel.ac.in/ . We will reply within a week. Last date to report queries: 3 days within publishing of scores. Note : Hard copies of certificates will not be dispatched. The duration shown in the certificate will be based on the timeline of offering of the course in 2023, irrespective of which Assignment score that will be considered. Thanks and Best wishes. NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Assignment- 8 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 8  of   Week- 8  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 8 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w-VigPpucD6YphqXBWINEXkdCVwdjGAJ/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System : Problem solving Session Reminder !!

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: September 19, 2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

September 2023 NPTEL Exams - Hall Tickets Released !!

***THIS IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR EXAM-REGISTERED CANDIDATES***      ****Please don't click on below link, if you are not registered for the Exam**** Dear Candidate, Your Hall Ticket / admit card for the NPTEL Exam(s) in September 2023 has been released. Please login to  https://internalapp.nptel.ac.in/  using your exam-registered email ID and download your hall ticket. Note:  Requests for changes in exam city, exam center, exam date, session, or course will NOT be entertained. Please write to  [email protected]   for any further queries. All the best for your exams! Warm Regards NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Assignment- 7 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 7  of   Week- 7  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 7 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/18nUeMsaemioSuVGx9qaGoHWmk_v2Vo3O/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: September 12, 2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System: Live Interactive session - 2

Dear Learner,

You can interact LIVE with the Course Instructor  Prof. Partha Pratim Das and Prof. Samiran Chattopadhyay ,  IIT Kharagpur  – “ Data Base Management System ".

Date:   15 .09.2023

Time:   15:00 IST

Link to login to:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-QFiR9gJhQ

Enter your questions you want

You can interact LIVE with the Course Instructor  Prof. Partha Pratim Das Prof. Samiran Chattopadhyay , to answer at:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeelauhDy6N8OkArytf5rrscSz-HZp5EiPttK2eQsSarpM__g/viewform

You can also ask your doubts during the session through the chat window...

We would also like to hear from you after the session. Request you to share your thoughts in the forum. Learners are encouraged to visit   bit.ly/NPTELLIVE

for updates on the live sessions.


Data Base Management System - Assignment- 6 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 6  of   Week- 6  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 6 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yq14-ewy4vcYC_SnhFiUn2Cqg3wXjRdg/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

NPTEL: Data Base Management System: Week 8 Content and Assignment is live now !!

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 8  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=85&lesson=86 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 8  for  Week 8  is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=85&assessment=132 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [20/09/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards,

Data Base Management System - Week 8 Feedback Form

Dear Learners, Thank you for enrolling in this NPTEL course and we hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted the assignment. We value your feedback and wish to know how you found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy, difficult, as per your expectations, etc We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc. Please do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions - should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for us as we know what the Learners feel. Here is the link to the form:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17Bj2GeFcnqKnuarDgnHtlEVSYK13zOCn_MV1xQcPI3A/viewform NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Assignment- 5 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 5  of   Week- 5  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 5 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rn1DhILBSnu77Ti1NUt1QEklKfZunDnY/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: September 5, 2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Exam Format - September, 2023 !!

Dear Candidate, ****This is applicable only for the exam registered candidates**** Type of exam will be available in the list: Click Here You will have to appear at the allotted exam center and produce your Hall ticket and Government Photo Identification Card (Example: Driving License, Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-ID with your Name, date of birth, photograph and signature) for verification and take the exam in person.  You can find the final allotted exam center details in the hall ticket. The hall ticket is yet to be released.  We will notify the same through email and SMS. Type of exam: Computer based exam (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay-type answers, etc. Type of exam: Paper and pen Exam  (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer. You will have to write your answers on sheets of paper and submit the answer sheets. Papers will be sent to the faculty for evaluation. On-Screen Calculator Demo Link: Kindly use the below link to get an idea of how the On-screen calculator will work during the exam. https://tcsion.com/ OnlineAssessment/ ScientificCalculator/ Calculator.html NOTE: Physical calculators are not allowed inside the exam hall. Thank you! -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 7 Feedback Form

Nptel: data base management system: week 7 content and assignment is live now .

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 7  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=76&lesson=77 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 7  for  Week 7  is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=76&assessment=131 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [13/09/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards,

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: August 29,2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 6 Feedback Form

Data base management system - assignment- 4 solutions released.

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 4  of   Week- 4  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 4 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pSdZZPvhOq1ANgdfK3c0jfkEjL-X-wPQ/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

NPTEL: Data Base Management System: Week 6 Content and Assignment is live now !

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 6  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=67&lesson=68 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 6  for  Week 6  is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=67&assessment=130 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [06/09/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System: Live Interactive session - 1

You can interact LIVE with the Course Instructor  Prof. Partha Pratim Das Prof. Samiran Chattopadhyay ,  IIT Kharagpur  – “ Data Base Management System ".

Date: 28.08.2023

Link to login to:  https://youtube.com/live/Vqwu_mpKVmA?feature=share

You can interact LIVE with the Course Instructor  Prof. Partha Pratim Das Prof. Samiran Chattopadhyay , to answer at:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnGIWNrD9GhShQOJHVAMYPEcjxGTiIo7A75RdyA4H9eXmlIg/viewform

Data Base Management System - Week 5 Feedback Form

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: August 22,2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Assignment- 3 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The  Assignment- 3  of   Week- 3  Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 3 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y7_C4-Wy8cPdQRWYvcZuZ5FjobGGZk_P/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

NPTEL: Data Base Management System: Week 5 Content and Assignment is live now !

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 5  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=57&lesson=58 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 5  for  Week 5  is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=57&assessment=129 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [30/08/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Exam Registration for NPTEL Courses Extended !!

Registration for the certification exam has been extended.

CLICK HERE to register for the exam.

Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam Cities

Last date for exam registration is extended : August 21, 2023, 5:00 PM (Monday).

Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline

Note: Kindly ignore if registered already.

Happy Learning!

Thanks and Regards,


Exam Registration for NPTEL courses ends in 3 days!!

Registration for the certification exam is open & ends in 3 days.

Last date for exam registration: August 18, 2023, 5:00 PM (Friday).

Data Base Management System - Assignment- 0, 1 and 2 Solutions Released

Dear Participants, The Assignment- 0, 1 & 2 of   Week- 0,1 & 2 Solutions for the course " Data Base Management System " have been released in the portal. Please go through these solutions and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for Assignment 0 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6lAgC76vmc80jlIkHqr1jUH8fC1PYgB/view?usp=drive_link Link for Assignment 1 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Ng6Z_We2V89NRBbUF7uwfut2JHYT5y0/view?usp=drive_link Link for Assignment 2 solution:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/17PEo9235QeTlLDqvcCna5Nracf5wW66Z/view?usp=drive_link Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: August 15,2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 4 Feedback Form

Nptel: data base management system: week 4 content and assignment is live now .

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 4  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=46&lesson=47 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 4  for  Week 4  is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=46&assessment=128 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [23/08/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 3 Feedback Form

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: August 08,2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/okz-qnhx-ksm Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

NPTEL: Data Base Management System: Week 3 Content and Assignment is live now !!

Dear Students, The lecture videos for  Week 3  have been uploaded for the course  Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=36&lesson=37 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 3  for  Week 3  is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=36&assessment=126 The assignment has to be submitted on or before  Wednesday, [16/08/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note:  Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Dear learners, There will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Date: August 01,2023 - Tuesday Time:06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/wik-sius-xgz Happy Learning. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 2 Feedback Form

Nptel: data base management system: week 2 content and assignment is live now .

Dear Students, The lecture videos for Week 2 have been uploaded for the course Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=27&lesson=28 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 2 for Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=27&assessment=124 The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [09/08/2023], 23:59 IST . As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note: Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System : Problem solving Session !!

Dear learner, Every week there will be a live interactive session where a Course team member will explain some sample problems, how they are solved - that  will help you solve the weekly assignments. We invite you to join the session and get your doubts cleared and learn better. Start Date: August 1, 2023 When: Every Tuesday Time: 06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Link to join: https://meet.google.com/wik-sius-xgz Thank you. -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Download video links are available now!!

Dear Learners, The download video link for the course  Data Base Management System is available now in the course outline. Please check the download video link:  https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105175 -NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Week 1 Feedback Form

Nptel: data base management system: week 1 content and assignment is live now .

Dear Students, The lecture videos for Week 1 have been uploaded for the course Data Base Management System . The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=18&lesson=19 The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already). Assignment 1 for Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs79/unit?unit=18&assessment=123 The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [09/08/2023], 23:59 IST. As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module. Note : Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately. Thanks and Regards, --NPTEL Team

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Follow NPTEL for a Bright Future!!

Dear Learners Don't let knowledge pass you by! Stay in the loop with all the latest updates from NPTEL!  Follow us on social media to never miss a beat in your educational journey. Be the first to know about new courses, insightful articles, and exciting announcements.  Join our growing community. Tap those links below and let the learning adventure begin! Twitter: https://twitter.com/nptelindia?t=Yv1BextATpcwg7K2kOxbhg&s=08 Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/NPTELNoc/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/nptel_india/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/company/nptel YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/nptelhrd Happy learning!  Team NPTEL

Data Base Management System- Assignment-0-RELEASED

Dear Learners, We welcome you all to this course. The assignment 0 for the course Data Base Management System has been released.  This assignment is based on a prerequisite of the course. Kindly note that marks obtained in this assignment will not be considered for the final assessment.  You can find the assignment under Week 0 unit on the left-hand side of your screen. You can submit the assignment multiple times. All the best !!     --NPTEL Team

Data Base Management System - Translation Feedback

Dear Learner, The translated content of this course is available in regional languages. For details please visit https://nptel.ac.in/translation The video course content can be accessed in the form of regional language text transcripts, books, subtitles in the video and Video Text Track below the video. Your feedback is highly appreciated. Kindly fill this form https://forms.gle/Pd7bTD4vNtMGH2hU7 MP3 audio files are made available on NPTEL Site for each lecture in the regional language.  Steps to access the MP3 files : 1. Open the course page on NPTEL Site( nptel.ac.in  -> Programs -> NPTEL Courses -> Search the course name -> Click on the Course Name). 2. Click on Downloads tab. 3. Click Transcripts. 4. Select language for the lecture. 5. Click MP3 to the right (Download or Play) -NPTEL Team

NPTEL: Exam Registration is open now for July 2023 courses!

Dear Learner, 

Here is the much-awaited announcement on registering for the July 2023 NPTEL course certification exam. 

1. The registration for the certification exam is open only to those learners who have enrolled in the course. 

2. If you want to register for the exam for this course, login here using the same email id which you had used to enroll to the course in Swayam portal. Please note that Assignments submitted through the exam registered email id ALONE will be taken into consideration towards final consolidated score & certification. 

3 . Date of exam: September 24, 2023

4. Exam fees: 

If you register for the exam and pay before Aug 14, 2023, 5:00 PM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam .

5. 50% fee waiver for the following categories: 

6. Last date for exam registration: Aug 18, 2023, 5:00 PM (Friday). 

7. Between Aug 14, 2023, 5:00 PM & Aug 18, 2023, 5:00 PM late fee will be applicable.

8. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking/UPI. 


10. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions. 

11. Data changes: 

Last date for data changes: Aug 18, 2023, 5:00 PM :  

The following 6 fields can be changed(until the form closes) ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit those fields only if you: - 

6. What is your role ? 

12. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: Aug 18, 2023, 5:00 PM  

13. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline

Data Base Management System:Welcome to NPTEL Online Course - July 2023!!

  • Every week, about 2.5 to 4 hours of videos containing content by the Course instructor will be released along with an assignment based on this. Please watch the lectures, follow the course regularly and submit all assessments and assignments before the due date. Your regular participation is vital for learning and doing well in the course. This will be done week on week through the duration of the course.
  • Please do the assignments yourself and even if you take help, kindly try to learn from it. These assignments will help you prepare for the final exams. Plagiarism and violating the Honor Code will be taken very seriously if detected during the submission of assignments.
  • The announcement group - will only have messages from course instructors and teaching assistants - regarding the lessons, assignments, exam registration, hall tickets, etc.
  • The discussion forum (Ask a question tab on the portal) - is for everyone to ask questions and interact. Anyone who knows the answers can reply to anyone's post and the course instructor/TA will also respond to your queries.
  • Please make maximum use of this feature as this will help you learn much better.
  • If you have any questions regarding the exam, registration, hall tickets, results, queries related to the technical content in the lectures, any doubts in the assignments, etc can be posted in the forum section
  • The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres.
  • The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
  • Date and Time of Exams: September 24, 2023 Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2 pm to 5 pm.
  • Registration URL: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
  • The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then.
  • Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.
  • Once again, thanks for your interest in our online courses and certification. Happy learning.

A project of

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

In association with

database management system nptel week 4 assignment answers

Data Base Management System | Week 1

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Data Base Management System

Course Link: Click Here

For answers or latest updates join our telegram channel: Click here to join

These are Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers

Q1. A relation R has 2 candidate keys with 1 attribute each. There are 6 possible super keys of R. What is the total number of attributes in R? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

Answer: b) 3

Q2. Consider the following instances of the relation: SEMESTER1 (Student, Marks) and SEMESTER2(Student, Marks) Which of the following Relational Algebra produces the Name and SEMESTER1 Marks of only those Students who did not appear in SEMESTER2? a) (II_Student (SEMESTER2) — II_Student (SEMESTER1)) >< SEMESTER1 b) (II_Student (SEMESTER2) — II_Student (SEMESTER1)) >< SEMESTER2 c) (II_Student (SEMESTER1) — II_Student (SEMESTER2)) >< SEMESTER2 d) (II_Student (SEMESTER1) — II_Student (SEMESTER2)) >< SEMESTER1

Answer: d) (II_Student (SEMESTER1) — II_Student (SEMESTER2)) >< SEMESTER1

Q3. Consider the following instance of the relation Counters(CNo, Item, Price, Category) Identify the valid primary key for the relation Counters(CNo, Item, Price, Category) from the given instance. a) {CNo, Item} b) {Item, Price} c) {Price, Category} d) {CNo, Item, Category}

Answer: b) {Item, Price}

Q4. Consider the following instance of the relation Seating(SNo, Preference, Coach, Name) Identifying the primary key from the given instance, select the tuple that can NOT be inserted to Seating. a) (11, WS, D1, Harsh S.) b) (2, NP, D2, Anukul K.) c) (6, NWS, D2, Raima H.) d) (6, NULL, NULL, NULL)

Answer: b) (2, NP, D2, Anukul K.)

Q5. Consider the following RA: II_track(ocategory=_’Pop’ (Music)) Which of the following statements is true? a) Displays the details of all Music from Pop Category b) Displays the details of at least one Music from Pop Category c) Displays at most one track from Pop Category d) Displays all the tracks from Pop Category

Answer: d) Displays all the tracks from Pop Category

Q6. Let R1 ( X ,Y) and R2( A ,B,C) be two relations in a schema. The primary keys are shown underlined. Let C be a foreign key in R2 referring to R2. Suppose, there is no violation of the above referential integrity constraint in the corresponding relation instances r1 and r2. Which one of the following relational algebra expressions would necessarily produce an empty relation? a) II_X(r1) —II_C(r2) b) II_C(r2) —II_X(r1) c) II_X(r1><r2) d) II_C(r1><r2)

Answer: b) II_C(r2) —II_X(r1)

Q7. Consider the following relations: Parts( PartID , Name, Price ). Supplier( SupID , Name, Location). Order(SupID, PartID, Quantity) . If SupID and PartID together are used to uniquely identify a row in Order table, which of the following option is correct for describing such key in Order table? a) Alternate key b) Composite key c) Compound key d) Surrogate key

Answer: c) Compound key

Q8. Consider the following table: Identify the correct operation(s) which produces the following output from the above relation. a) II_(Address=”Kolkata’) ^ _(Age>25)(StudentDetails) b) II_(Address=”Kolkata’) v _(Age>25)(StudentDetails) c) o-_(Address=”Kolkata’) ^ _(Age>25)(StudentDetails) d) o-_(Address=”Kolkata’) v _(Age>25)(StudentDetails)

Answer: d) o-_(Address=”Kolkata’) v _(Age>25)(StudentDetails)

Q9) Consider the following tables: Identify the correct operation(s) which will be produce the following output from the above two relations. a) (Student x Department) b) II_(StudName, Student.DeptName, Fees) (o-_Student.DeptName = Department.DeptName) (Student x Department) c) o-_(StudName, Student.DeptName, Fees)(Student >< Department) d) (Student >< Department)

Answer: b), d) b) II_(StudName, Student.DeptName, Fees) (o-_Student.DeptName = Department.DeptName) (Student x Department) d) (Student >< Department)

Q10. Which of the following can be a candidate key for the following instance? a) {StudName} b) {DeptName} c) {StudName, DeptName} d) {Address, Age}

Answer: c) {StudName, DeptName}

More Solutions of Data Base Management System: Click Here

More NPTEL Solutions: Click Here

Session: JAN-APR 2023

Q1) Which level of abstraction describes types of data that are stored in the Database? a) Physical level b) Logical level c) View level d) Abstraction level

Answer: a) Physical level

Q2) Identify the valid primary key for the relation paper_info from the given instance. a) paper_id b) paper_id, corresponding Author c) conference_id, corresponding_Author d) paper_id, conference_id

Answer: a) paper_id

Q3) Identify the correct statement/s. a) Project (pCode, pName) is an instance of a relation schema. b) Project (pCode, pName) is an example of a physical schema. c) (2245, HardFort) is an instance of a relation schema. d) (2245, HardFort) is an example of a logical schema.

Answer: a) Project (pCode, pName) is an instance of a relation schema.

Q4) Consider a relation Vehicle (VID, Model, Speed, Color) where the superkeys are as follows: {VID}, {VID, Model}, {Speed, Color}, {Speed, Color, Model}. Select the possible candidate key(s). a) {VID} b) {Speed} c) {Color} d) {Speed, Color}

Answer: a) {VID}

Q5) Consider the following relations: Book (ISBN, Title, Pages) BookGenre (ISBN, Genre) What does the following relational algebra expression represent? IIISBN((Pages>100 Book) (Genre-Fiction/BookGenre)) a) Find the ISBN of all Book with more than 100 Pages. b) Find the ISBN of all Book with more than 100 Pages or are of Genre ‘Fiction’. c) Find the ISBN of all Book with more than 100 Pages but are not of Genre ‘Fiction’. d) Find the ISBN of all Book with more than 100 Pages and are of Genre ‘Fiction’.

Answer: d) Find the ISBN of all Book with more than 100 Pages and are of Genre ‘Fiction’.

Q6) Consider the following relational schema: ImageCode (ImageID, Name) ImageBook (BookID, Image ID, Page) What will be the Relational Algebra equivalent to the following statement? “Find the names of all Images on Page 100.” a) Name (ImageCode Page=100 (ImageBook)) X b) Name (Ipage=100 (ImageCode) ImageBook) c) IIName(IIpage=100 (ImageCode) ▷ ImageBook) d) IIName (Image Code Page=100 (ImageBook))

Answer: d) IIName (Image Code Page=100 (ImageBook))

Q7) Consider the following tables: Which of the following operations will return S1 itself? a) S2-(S2-S1) b) S1-(S2-S1) c) S1-(S1-S2) d) S2-(S1-S2)

Answer: c) S1-(S1-S2)

Q8) Consider the following tables: Identify the correct operation(s) which will be produce the following output from the above relations. a) (#Faculties>=20000) (UniversitiesDetails) b) (#Faculties>20000) (Universities Details) c) IIStateName, #State Universities, #Faculties (#Faculties>=20000) (Universities Details) d) IlStateName, #State Universities, #Faculties (#Faculties> 20000) (UniversitiesDetails)

Answer: c) IIStateName, #State Universities, #Faculties (#Faculties>=20000) (Universities Details)

Q9) Consider the following tables: Identify the correct operation(s) which will be produce the following output from the above two relations. a) Details Details2 b) Details – Details₁ c) (Details₁ U Details ₂) n (Details₁ Details₂) d) (Details1 Details2) U (Details2 – Details 1)

Answer: d) (Details1 Details2) U (Details2 – Details 1)

Q10) Which of the following can be a candidate key for the following instance? a) {StateName} b) {#State Universities} c) {#Faculties} d) {StateName, #Central Universities, #State Universities}

Answer: a) {StateName}

These are Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers


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    #dbms #nptel #swayam #DatabseManagementSystemAll content and materials provided on video are solely intended for educational purposes.All Week Assignment Sol...

  2. NPTEL Week 4 Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

    #DBMS,#NPTEL,#swayam,#NPTEL_AnswersIn this video I have discussed about the solution of week 4 assignment 4 of database management system for the January 202...

  3. Data Base Management System Week 4 || NPTEL ANSWERS 2024 #nptel #

    Data Base Management System Week 4 || NPTEL ANSWERS 2024 #nptel #nptel2024 || NPTEL 2024ABOUT THE COURSE : "Data Base Management System"Welcome to our latest...

  4. PDF noc19 cs46 assignment Week 4

    noc19 cs46 assignment Week 4. swayam NPTEL » Database Management System Unit 6 - Week 4 Announcements About the Course [email protected] Mentor Ask a Question Progress Course outline How to access the portal Week O : Assignment week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 Lecture 16 : Relational Database Design 11 Lecture 17 Relational Database Design ...

  5. Data Base Management System

    Week 7: Query Optimization. Transactions (Serializability and Recoverability) Week 8: Concurrency Control. Recovery Systems. Course Summarization. NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Data Base Management System NPTEL 2023 Week 4 Assignment Solution" contains 10 questions. Now, start attempting the quiz.

  6. NPTEL Assignment Answers 2024 And Solutions Progiez

    Nptel Assignment Answers 2024. Nptel Database Management System Assignment 5 Answers. Ethical Hacking Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers. Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers. Nptel Introduction to Industry 4 and Industrial IoT Week 5 Assignment Answers. Introduction To Machine Learning IIT-KGP Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers.

  7. GitHub

    GitHub - AVIGOYAL20/NPTEL-DBMS-: All 8 weeks answer for the Data base management and storage. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time.

  8. Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

    Answer: a) 1 NF. For answers or latest updates join our telegram channel: Click here to join. These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers. Q10. Determine the highest Normal Form of the relation Restaurant (Dish, Chef, Table, Price) having the following complete set of functional dependencies.

  9. [Week 4] NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment Answers 2024

    NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023. 1. Consider the relational schema OfficeList (Sector, C o mpany, Building, Floor, Employees)with the following Functional Dependency set: {Sector, Company} -> Building, Floor} {Company, B u ilding} - {Employees, Sector} Building > Floor. Which attribute is present in all the ...

  10. NPTEL Assignment Answers 2024 with Solutions (July-Dec)

    These files contain the assignment answers for each respective week. Select the Week File: Click on the file corresponding to the week you are interested in. For example, if you need answers for Week 3, open the week-03.md file. Review the Answers: Each week-XX.md file provides detailed solutions and explanations for that week's assignments ...

  11. Data Base Management System

    Week 1: Course Overview. Introduction to RDBMSWeek 2: Structured Query Language (SQL)Week 3: Relational Algebra. Entity-Relationship Model Week 4: Relational Database DesignWeek 5: Application Development. Case Studies. Storage and File StructureWeek 6: Indexing and Hashing.

  12. Data Base Management System

    Databases form the backbone of all major applications today - tightly or loosely coupled, intranet or internet based, financial, social, administrative, and ...

  13. Nptelallass 22

    Database Management System: Assignment 1. Total Marks : 20. June 7, 2022 Question 1. Consider the following table: student student roll name dept code dept name project group CS121 Rohit D01 CSE Image Processing CS432 Sidra D03 IT Computer Architecture CS432 Sidra D03 IT Ethical Hacking CS133 Reeta D02 ECE Signal Processing CS133 Reeta D02 ECE Image Processing EE134 Rina D04 EE Image Processing

  14. NPTEL DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS 2021

    DataBase Management System ASSIGNMENT WEEK 2 ANSWERS:-. Q1. Consider the following instance of the relation weather (day, year, month, temperature, city) Answer:- b. Q2. Consider the following table Customer: Identify the correct SQL statement from the following options for creating the table Customer. Answer:- d.

  15. NPTEL Data Base Management System Assignment 4 Answers 2023

    NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023. 1. Consider the relational schema OfficeList (Sector, C o mpany, Building, Floor, Employees)with the following Functional Dependency set: {Sector, Company} -> Building, Floor} {Company, B u ilding} - {Employees, Sector} Building > Floor. Which attribute is present in all the ...

  16. Database Management System

    Week 1: Course Overview. Introduction to RDBMSWeek 2: Structured Query Language (SQL)Week 3: Relational Algebra. Entity-Relationship Model Week 4: Relational Database DesignWeek 5: Application Development. Case Studies. Storage and File StructureWeek 6: Indexing and Hashing. Query ProcessingWeek 7:Query Optimization. Transactions ...

  17. Computer Science and Engineering

    NPTEL :: Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Data Base Management System. Courses. Computer Science and Engineering. NOC:Data Base Management System (Video) Co-ordinated by : IIT Kharagpur. Available from : 2017-12-21. Lec : 1.

  18. Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers

    #DataBaseManagementSystem #dbms #nptelwithateeqDataBase Management System | SWAYAM | NPTELIn this video, we're going to unlock the answers to the DataBase Ma...

  19. Data Base Management System

    The assignment 0 for the course Data Base Management System has been released. This assignment is based on a prerequisite of the course. Kindly note that marks obtained in this assignment will not be considered for the final assessment. You can find the assignment under Week 0 unit on the left-hand side of your screen.

  20. Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers

    Answer: a) paper_id. These are Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers. Q3) Identify the correct statement/s. a) Project (pCode, pName) is an instance of a relation schema. b) Project (pCode, pName) is an example of a physical schema. c) (2245, HardFort) is an instance of a relation schema.

  21. Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment 4 Solutions

    Data Base Management System NPTEL Week 4 Assignment Answers || Jan apr 2024 || @OPEducore Course: Data Base Management SystemOffered by: IIT KharagpurDurat...

  22. NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024 (July

    The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) offers a comprehensive course on Database Management Systems, which is a crucial subject in computer science and data management. This article provides the detailed answers and explanations for the Week 1 assignment of the NPTEL Database Management System course for the session July ...

  23. Database Management System Week 3 Assignment 3 Solution

    #dbms #nptel #swayam #DatabseManagementSystemDBMS All Week Assignment Solution - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL__28a0xFM--2skDen7ZsIjI9tTikqkB2Pyth...