Solutions to Poverty

Subscribe to the center for economic security and opportunity newsletter, isabel v. sawhill isabel v. sawhill senior fellow emeritus - economic studies , center for economic security and opportunity.

April 26, 2007

Thank you for inviting me to testify on what might be done to reduce poverty in America. As a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Center on Children and Families at Brookings, I have done extensive work on these issues; although I should note that the views I will express are my own and should not be attributed to other staff, trustees, or funders of the Brookings Institution. Let me first summarize my testimony.

First, I strongly believe that reducing poverty requires a focus both on what government needs to do and on what individuals need to do. We need a combination of responsible policies and responsible behavior.

Second, although there are many things that might be done to reduce poverty in the U.S., I want to argue for a focus on three priorities: getting a good education, not having children before you marry, and working full-time. Government should expect people to make real efforts to comply with each of these norms. When they do, then government should reward such behavior by making sure that those who play by the rules will not be poor. The analysis we have done at Brookings shows that individuals who play by these rules are much less likely to be poor than those who don’t.

Third, one of the most effective policies we could put in place to ensure that everyone gets a good education would be to provide very high-quality early education to all children from low-income families. Many people believe that education in the preschool years only affects young children. In fact, the evidence from both neuroscience and from carefully done program evaluations shows that preschool experiences have long-lasting effects and may be the most cost-effective way to insure that more children are successful in the K-12 years, graduate from high school, go on to college, and earn more as adults. The federal government could further this goal by providing matching funding to states that are willing to invest in high-quality early education for those living in low-income neighborhoods, starting in the first year of life.

Fourth, too many of our teens and young adults are having children before they are married and before they are ready to be good parents. In my view, the solution to this problem resides as much in the larger culture-in what parents, the media, faith communities and key adults say and do-as it does in any shift in government policy per se. However, government can help by providing resources to those fighting this battle in the nongovernmental sector, by insuring that its own policies do not inadvertently encourage childbearing outside of marriage, and by supporting programs that have had some success in reducing early, out-of-wedlock childbearing.

Finally, encouraging and rewarding work is also very important. I support the idea of work requirements in welfare, and perhaps in other programs as well, but I fear that the kind of increased employment we’ve seen among welfare mothers will be a Pyrrhic victory if we don’t find ways to provide more assistance in the form of a higher minimum wage, a more generous EITC, and additional child care and health care assistance. In my testimony today-at the suggestion of your staff-I will focus especially on preschool education and on the need to decrease childbearing outside of marriage and increase the share of children growing up in two-parent, married families. But I have written elsewhere about the importance of providing additional work supports for low-income working families.

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100 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Poverty is a global issue that affects millions of people around the world. From lack of access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare to limited opportunities for education and employment, poverty is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires attention and action.

If you are tasked with writing an essay on poverty, it can be challenging to come up with a compelling topic that will engage your readers. To help you get started, here are 100 poverty essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of poverty on children's education
  • The cycle of poverty and how to break it
  • Poverty and its connection to mental health issues
  • The role of government policies in alleviating poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on healthcare access
  • Poverty and its impact on crime rates
  • The relationship between poverty and homelessness
  • Poverty and food insecurity
  • Poverty and its impact on rural communities
  • The connection between poverty and environmental degradation
  • Poverty and its effects on mental health
  • The role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty
  • Poverty and its impact on women and children
  • The effects of poverty on access to clean water
  • Poverty and its connection to drug addiction
  • The impact of poverty on access to healthcare in developing countries
  • Poverty and its effects on access to quality education
  • The relationship between poverty and human trafficking
  • Poverty and its impact on access to affordable housing
  • The role of technology in addressing poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on access to clean energy
  • The connection between poverty and political instability
  • Poverty and its impact on access to basic sanitation
  • The role of microfinance in alleviating poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on access to legal services
  • The relationship between poverty and social inequality
  • Poverty and its impact on access to transportation
  • Poverty and its effects on access to job opportunities
  • The connection between poverty and domestic violence
  • Poverty and its impact on access to vocational training
  • The role of entrepreneurship in addressing poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable childcare
  • Poverty and its connection to food deserts
  • The impact of poverty on access to mental health services
  • Poverty and its effects on access to clean air
  • The relationship between poverty and child labor
  • Poverty and its impact on access to quality healthcare
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable education
  • The connection between poverty and human rights violations
  • Poverty and its impact on access to safe drinking water
  • The role of community organizations in addressing poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on access to public transportation
  • Poverty and its connection to income inequality
  • The impact of poverty on access to legal representation
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable housing in urban areas
  • The relationship between poverty and social exclusion
  • Poverty and its impact on access to reproductive healthcare
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable childcare in rural areas
  • The connection between poverty and environmental justice
  • Poverty and its impact on access to quality education in developing countries
  • The role of social entrepreneurship in addressing poverty
  • Poverty and its effects on access to clean energy in developing countries
  • Poverty and its connection to human trafficking in urban areas
  • The impact of poverty on access to mental health services in rural communities
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable healthcare in developing countries
  • The relationship between poverty and access to clean water in rural areas
  • Poverty and its impact on access to vocational training in urban areas
  • Poverty and its effects on access to job opportunities in rural communities
  • The connection between poverty and access to legal services in developing countries
  • Poverty and its impact on social inequality in urban areas
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable childcare in developing countries
  • The role of technology in addressing poverty in rural communities
  • Poverty and its connection to food insecurity in urban areas
  • The impact of poverty on access to clean air in developing countries
  • Poverty and its effects on access to public transportation in rural areas
  • Poverty and its connection to income inequality in urban areas
  • The relationship between poverty and social exclusion in developing countries
  • Poverty and its impact on access to reproductive healthcare in rural communities
  • Poverty and its effects on access to safe drinking water in urban areas
  • The connection between poverty and environmental justice in developing countries
  • Poverty and its impact on access to quality education in rural communities
  • Poverty and its effects on access to legal representation in urban areas
  • The role of community organizations in addressing poverty in developing countries
  • Poverty and its connection to human rights violations in rural communities
  • The impact of poverty on access to mental health services in urban areas
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable healthcare in rural communities
  • The relationship between poverty and access to clean water in developing countries
  • Poverty and its impact on access to vocational training in rural communities
  • Poverty and its effects on access to job opportunities in developing countries
  • The connection between poverty and access to legal services in urban areas
  • Poverty and its impact on social inequality in rural communities
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable childcare in urban areas
  • The role of technology in addressing poverty in developing countries
  • Poverty and its connection to food insecurity in rural communities
  • The impact of poverty on access to clean air in urban areas
  • Poverty and its effects on access to public transportation in developing countries
  • Poverty and its connection to income inequality in rural communities
  • The relationship between poverty and social exclusion in urban areas
  • Poverty and its impact on access to reproductive healthcare in developing countries
  • Poverty and its effects on access to safe drinking water in rural communities
  • The connection between poverty and environmental justice in urban areas
  • Poverty and its effects on access to legal representation in rural communities
  • The role of community organizations in addressing poverty in urban areas
  • Poverty and its connection to human rights violations in developing countries
  • Poverty and its effects on access to affordable healthcare in urban areas
  • The relationship between poverty and access to clean water in rural communities
  • Poverty and its impact on access to vocational training in developing countries
  • Poverty and its effects on access to job opportunities in urban areas

These are just a few examples of the many topics you could explore in an essay about poverty. Whether you choose to focus on the impact of poverty on education, healthcare, or social inequality, there are endless possibilities for engaging and informative writing on this important issue. By selecting a topic that resonates with you and conducting thorough research, you can create a compelling and thought-provoking essay that sheds light on the complexities of poverty and inspires action towards positive change.

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Poverty as a Social Problem

This free essay on poverty as a social problem looks at a grave problem that exists in America and in the world. It provides reasons why people are experiencing poverty as well as some solutions.


Literature review, poverty as a social problem: reflection, solutions to poverty as a social problem, social problems: poverty essay conclusion.

Society often perceives poverty as an individualistic issue, believing it is a consequence of bad decisions. That is, people themselves are responsible for the level of income and financial stability of households. However, the subject is much more complex as poverty also results from inadequate structuring of the country’s economy, distribution of goods, and other sectors, making it a social problem. Failure to build a system that would help citizens become financially stable results in various issues associated with crime levels, education, health care, and others. The government is the one that should work to solve them.

There are numerous studies and publications researching the reasons behind poverty. E. Royce (2019) tries to explain in his book how the existing economic system in the United States prevents citizens from reaching an adequate level of income and financial support. The main idea is that the current structure of how goods are distributed across the population does not benefit a large portion of it. Few rich individuals grow wealthier yearly, while millions struggle to find a stable job with a minimum wage.

The inequality created by the government’s failure to build a fair economic system results in a range of social problems. The idea of a poverty line as a measure of well-being has not changed much since the 1960s despite the obvious changes in consumption patterns (Royce, 2019). It is calculated as the sum required for purchasing essential items for living, which does not include modern commodities such as computers, mobile phones, and others.

As a result, low-income people become socially isolated since they do not possess things essential for the modern lifestyle, like social networks. They may be excluded from a community for not corresponding with the public image of active individuals. These mechanisms, combined with the dominant idea of the necessity to achieve success, push poor people away from social life. This factor comes together with the inability to receive proper health care and education services.

The literature also contains studies on how poverty affects the behavior of individuals. For instance, children exposed to life in a low-income household are more likely to develop adverse reactions in the future due to strain resulting from the inability to receive wished items (McFarland, 2017). When placed in a densely populated neighborhood, they may later cause legal problems, creating delinquent areas.

It is easy to predict the social issues that poor people face daily. They cannot receive proper health care services as they are usually costly. Moreover, many commercial organizations offering low-paid jobs traditionally based on customer service may prevent employees from taking sick leaves. As a result, people suffer from various illnesses without attending a hospital, fearing to lose a work placement.

Another issue is the inability of poor people to send their children to high-performing schools, which are expensive as a rule. This factor causes youth to continue living with the same income level as their parents since the absence of quality education prevents them from receiving a decent job. Moreover, children who cannot acquire goods valued by their peers are likely to adopt criminal behavior to achieve success since community norms and morals do not help this purpose.

Summarizing all the above said, it becomes evident that changing the existing economic structure on the governmental level is the most appropriate solution to the issue of poverty. There should be a strategy covering all the aspects affected by this problem. The goal is to increase the level of financial support for disadvantaged groups and give more opportunities for people to grow their income.

Firstly, the social sector should be transformed to meet the needs of all citizens. The government should increase the financing of schools so that all children will have access to quality education. Also, various programs should engage youth in activities after classes. Another step is to make health care affordable for everyone, and there should be no pressure on workers when they decide to take sick leaves.

Secondly, the structure of budget spending should be redesigned. It is evident that social support programs require much financing from taxes. One of the possible strategies is to make the government spend less on other sectors. Also, solving the issue of delinquent behavior among youth by advancing social support may cut costs on police functioning as there will be a lower need for services such as patrolling.

Poverty is a structural problem resulting from a country’s inadequate economic system. It creates various social issues associated with poor health care services, low-quality education, criminal activity, and others. Poverty is a complex subject that cannot be resolved shortly. However, one of the possible strategies is to provide better financial and social support for the population, which will create more opportunities for people to increase their income level.

McFarland, M. (2017). Poverty and problem behaviors across the early life course: The role of sensitive period exposure. Population Research & Policy Review , 36 (5), 739-760.

Royce, E. (2019). Poverty and power: The problem of structural inequality (3rd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

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Poverty and Challenges in Finding Solutions Essay

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There is no use denying the fact that modern age is characterized by the great development of the humanist movement. People try to improve the conditions of living all over the world and guarantee equal opportunities for representatives of different layers of society. However, very often, things are not so good. The problem of poverty still remains topical, and a great number of people live under horrible conditions on the edge of starvation.

It is obvious that something should be done in order to improve the situation and stop this tendency. The problem is so serious that it needs some cardinal measures. However, the issue of poverty still exists and serves as good evidence of the fact that not many efforts are made to solve this problem. With this in mind, it is possible to analyze the current situation and the main reasons for the inability of society to find a good solution.

To begin with, it should be said that nowadays, at least 80 percent of the worlds population lives on less than $10 a day and 22,000 children die each day due to poverty (Shah, 2013). These numbers are horrifying, and it is obvious that this problem should be paid great attention. Officially, governments of all countries have different social programs that aim at solving this problem. However, in very deed, nothing changes. Moreover, it is possible to state the fact that the issue of poverty cannot be solved under existing conditions. There are several reasons for this statement.

The first one is the unwillingness of rich people and the government to change or even destroy the existing hierarchy. Nowadays, 1% of rich people own 48% of the worlds wealth ( Richest 1% to own more than the rest of world , Oxfam says , n.d.). Moreover, according to statistics and the latest researches, rich people become even richer, and it is expected that the wealthiest 1% will own more than 50% of the world’s wealth by 2016 ( Richest 1% to own more than rest of world, Oxfam says , n.d.).

Of course, this pattern of distribution of money is not fair. However, nothing could be done now. It is obvious, that an ideal solution to the issue of poverty is distribution of these funds between people in need and improvement of current situation. However, it is impossible to realize this plan. Unfortunately, in coherent society people who have money also have power and very often policy of a country depends on the will of a person who owns the biggest part of the industry of this very state.

That is why, it is impossible to make these people give their money to poor ones with the help of laws as they will not be efficient enough or just will not be enacted. Rich people will not also make sacrifice of their wealth to solve existing problem. The only way to make them share their capital is to destroy existing hierarchy. Under modern conditions, it can be done only with the help of force. However, this method can lead to a great number of deaths and devastation which, in its turn, will result in increase of the level of poverty.

Having analyzed current situation, it is possible to make the conclusion that is impossible to solve the problem of poverty nowadays as society and rich people are not ready to destroy existing model of distribution of funds and hierarchy. That is why, only some local and ineffective measures are applied by governments in order to put on the mask of concern.

Richest 1% to own more than rest of world, Oxfam says . (n.d.). . Web.

Shah, A. (2013). Poverty Facts and Stats . Global Issues . Web.

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