How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation: An Expert Guide (Free Downloadable Playbook)

Zhun Yee Chew

Zhun Yee Chew

How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation: An Expert Guide (Free Downloadable Playbook)

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking impact and failing to engage your audience? You’re not alone. I experienced that before. I used to spend hours carefully crafting the perfect PowerPoint presentations only to be met with disinterested faces.

In a world where attention spans are getting shorter, traditional PowerPoint presentations often struggle to hold the interest of the audience. So here’s the hard truth: unless you adapt and embrace interactivity in your PowerPoint presentations, your valuable hard work and content run the risk of getting lost in presentations.

Fret not, as in this comprehensive guide, we will share with you expert tips on how to make an interactive PowerPoint presentation through interactive animations, transitions, hyperlinks, quizzes, games, and many more.

And perhaps the sweetest part of the deal is that you will also have access to a downloadable playbook of 60+ pages with a wealth of tutorials, templates, cheat sheets, resources and tools to elevate your PowerPoint skills from average to extraordinary through interactive PowerPoint presentations.

Are you prepared to impress those who once found your presentation dull? If your answer is a resounding ‘yes,’ then let’s begin.

What is an Interactive Presentation?

What is an interactive powerpoint presentation.

Interactive PowerPoint presentations are simply PowerPoint presentations that are made interactive to convey information in a more dynamic and engaging manner.

Creating an interactive PowerPoint presentation involves deciding if you want to make your slide content interactive or if you want your audience to interact with your slides. 

Interactive PowerPoint presentations can generally be divided into two main dimensions: interaction with slide content through interactive elements and fostering interaction with the audience.

Two Types of Interactive PowerPoint Presentations

Interaction with Slide Content:

In the first dimension, PowerPoint presentations are made interactive through enhancing the slides content with interactive elements, usually native to PowerPoint. 

We will cover interactive elements including:

  • Transitions
  • Interactive data visualization
  • Annotations. 

They function to enhance slide interactivity through adding movement to static objects, enabling non-linear slides navigation, as well as adding a dynamic touch to data and information presentation. 

Audience Interaction:

In the second dimension, PowerPoint presentations are made interactive through interaction between the presenter and the audience, usually with the help of PowerPoint add-in tools. We will cover: 

  • Assessments
  • Brainstorming
  • Collaborative multimedia uploading

Once you have decided which strategy you would like to use, you can then follow  these step-by-step guide  and the following expert tips to turn your PowerPoint slides into an interactive experience!

Benefits of an Interactive Presentation

The fact that you are still reading this suggests that you don’t need further convincing on the benefits of interactive PowerPoint presentations. 

However, if you do, here are some quick statistics:

68% of individuals hold the belief that interactive presentations have a greater potential for being remembered. Webinar Care

This means that a simple action of making your PowerPoint slides interactive has a profound impact on how your presentation is received by the audience. From our years of experience creating interactive PowerPoint presentations, they generally: 

  • Increases  engagement , motivation and knowledge  retention . 
  • Result in better  impression  and more impactful messaging being conveyed.
  • Allow presenters to better tailor their content or offerings to the audience or clients because they can gather  real-time feedback .
  • Open up room for  creative   storytelling  and showcases.

Interactive Puzzle PowerPoint Templates

Master the tricks to turn your PowerPoint into an interactive experience today!

Expert Tips on How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – Before Presenting

1. add animations, but use them judiciously.

The first and most straightforward way of making your PowerPoint presentations interactive is through adding animations to your slides. However, so many people use PowerPoint animations the wrong way. PowerPoint animations are more than just making bullet points or images appear or fly in during your presentation.

Remember, using animations excessively in your PowerPoint presentation will only reduce the appeal and professionalism of your slides. The key is to use them judiciously and purposefully. Before you hit the “Animations” tab, ask yourself, “Does this animation enhance the message I want to convey to my audience?”  

2. Add 3D PowerPoint Animations Using PowerPoint Native 3D Stock Elements

Did you know that PowerPoint has free animated 3D elements you can use? We recommend you to try them up to instantly upgrade your presentation from ordinary to extraordinary. 

❓ How?  Simply go to Insert > 3D models > stock 3D models > animated models. And you will find a wide range of free 3D models ranging from food and animals to plants and characters, and many more. You can also select different animation scenes by heading to the Animations tab.

3. Add Animations With Triggers for Visual Excitement

You can take your PowerPoint animations up a notch by incorporating combining animations with triggers to create interactive pop-ups with extra information . These on-click pop-ups are valuable when presenting a map or when you want to explore specific aspects of an object or topic in more detail. You can also use these pop-ups as markers to alert the audience to exciting elements within different parts of the slide, as such: 

❓How? To create on-click pop-ups in your PowerPoint slides, first add shapes that will become clickable buttons, one to “open” the pop-up and the other to “close” the pop-up. Then, add text boxes with extra information you want to show, as well as entrance and exit animations. Combine the animations with “triggers” to activate the animations when the open or close buttons are clicked on. 

For a more detailed tutorial on this pop-up animation, download our Interactive PowerPoint Playbook  below. 👇

4. add non-linear slide transition.

A quick way to add interactivity to your PowerPoint slides is by using PowerPoint transitions. The first we want to discuss is PowerPoint Zoom. PowerPoint Zoom enables you to zoom in and out of and navigate to specific sections or slides on click, anytime during your presentation.

To  access the PowerPoint Zoom feature : click on Insert in the  PowerPoint ribbon  >  Zoom  > then choose  Slide ,  Section , or  Summary   Zoom . Each of these PowerPoint Zoom option serves slightly different functions:

  • Slide Zoom: zooms into specific slides
  • Section zoom: zooms into specific sections
  • Summary Zoom: creates a summary slide for the different slides or sections in your PowerPoint presentation for easy navigation.

PowerPoint Slide Zoom

❓ How? To  set up PowerPoint slide zoom , select the starting slide where you wish to implement the Zoom effect. Next, click  Insert  >  Zoom  >  Slide Zoom . Here, you can pick the specific slide or slides you want to zoom in on. Click the Insert button, and thumbnails of the chosen slides will be added to your current slide.

Alternatively, for a more manual setup process, you can also set up a navigation menu at the beginning of your presentation that allows the audience to jump to different sections or slides using hyperlinks.  Read more in the Hyperlinks section below. 

5. Add PowerPoint Morph

Like PowerPoint Zoom, PowerPoint Morph empowers presenters to create dynamic transitions that elevate the visual storytelling in their presentations. But PowerPoint Morph brings storytelling to a whole new level and adds a layer of intrigue to your slides by simulating object transitions or evolution across slides. It functions similarly to animations but offers a smoother and more organic visual experience, without the need for complex setup steps. 

Personally, we think the outcomes generated by PowerPoint Morph are more professional and polished-looking as compared to traditional animations. And if you are looking for a more advanced-looking presentation, try this 3D morph animation In PowerPoint .

We’d also like to share with you the numerous applications of PowerPoint Morph contributed by our colleagues and PowerPoint professionals at ClassPoint:

  • Moving background
  • Rotating wheel
  • Rotating cogs
  • Photo gallery
  • Slide Zoom with Morph
  • Creative reveal
  • Parallax effect
  • Continuous slide transition
  • Phone frame
  • Movie frame

Gain access to free templates for all these PowerPoint Morph applications and effects by downloading our Interactive PowerPoint Playbook. 👇

6. add hyperlinks – they can link to so many more places than just websites.

Much like PowerPoint Zoom, hyperlinks enable presenters to create interactive menus and navigation structures, allowing audiences to jump to specific slides or sections effortlessly. However, while PowerPoint Zoom primarily focuses on creating a visual and interactive overview of content within a single presentation, hyperlinks extend this capability to connect with external resources, web content, or even additional PowerPoint files. 

There are a few ways you could add hyperlinks to your PowerPoint presentation to transform  it into an interactive experience effortlessly: 

Ways to use PowerPoint hyperlinks

4 Ways You Can Add Hyperlinks to PowerPoint: 

  • Slide Transition : You can navigate to specific slides in a non-linear manner by simply inserting a hyperlink into your current slide. Head over to Insert > Link > This Document and select the slide you want to link to. You can apply hyperlinks to text, shapes, or pictures. 

PowerPoint hyperlinks for slide transition

  • Interactive Navigation Menu : Adding an interactive navigation menu at the beginning of your presentation allows clear navigation between different slides and sections in your presentation. Head over to Insert > Link > This Document and select the slides you want to link to.

PowerPoint hyperlinks for navigation menu

  • Action Buttons : With hyperlinks, you can also create Action Buttons in your PowerPoint presentations to make your PowerPoint slides behave like interactive web pages, allowing users to navigate, explore, and engage with the content in a dynamic and user-friendly manner. Head over to Insert > Action Buttons and choose from the selection.

PowerPoint hyperlinks for action buttons

  • Embedded Content : You can also hyperlink your PowerPoint slides to embedded content like PDFs, spreadsheets, and even web pages. Simply click Insert > Object and select the file you would like to embed in your PowerPoint slides. This way, you can remove the hassle of toggling between various files or windows during your presentation.

PowerPoint hyperlinks for embedded content

Expert Tips on How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – When Presenting

1. turn your powerpoint slides into interactive quizzes.

The traditional way to add interactive quizzes to PowerPoint is through an unfavorable process of combining complex animations with triggers and hyperlinks. Let’s be honest, it takes an eternity! Even though PowerPoint offers an extensive range of presentation tools, it does not have audience interactivity built at its core. 

The good news is, audience interactivity can actually be effortlessly achieved with the various PowerPoint add-ins as listed below: 

Interactive PowerPoint Add-InQuizGamePollQ&A
Poll Everywhere✔️
Slide Lizard✔️✔️✔️
Aha Slides✔️✔️✔️

We will get to polls and games in a bit. For now, let’s show you how you can turn your PowerPoint slides into an interactive quiz in a just a few clicks with PowerPoint add-ins like  ClassPoint , which offers a wide range of interactive quizzes from  Short Answer  and  Word Cloud , to Multiple Choice questions.

How to Create An Interactive Quiz in PowerPoint In A Few Clicks

Once you have downloaded ClassPoint, you will have a suite of additional interactive quiz features added to your PowerPoint ribbon. 

ClassPoint toolbar

To turn  your PowerPoint slide  content into interactive  quizzes, simply  click on any of the interactive quiz features and add them to your slide. Enter PowerPoint Slideshow mode and you can start the quiz immediately. 

2. Run Gradable Assessments inside PowerPoint

With the versatile PowerPoint add-in,  ClassPoint , you can also create assessments and collect real-time responses right inside PowerPoint. This is wonderful news for teachers! All you have to do is set up  interactive Multiple Choice questions  and enable  Quiz Mode . 

Interactive Assessment in PowerPoint using ClassPoint Quiz Mode

ClassPoint’s Quiz Mode introduces an  automatic grading  feature to your Multiple Choice questions within PowerPoint presentations created with ClassPoint. This feature not only automates the grading process but also includes automatic star ratings, the option to select difficulty levels, and provides a quiz summary along with an exportable quiz report, making it the perfect tool for classroom formative assessments in PowerPoint!

3. Incorporate Annotations During Slideshow

Another unique way to interact with your PowerPoint slides is through the use of annotations. With annotations, you as the presenter can interact with your slides to draw your audience’s attention to specific details, highlight key points, and tell a more coherent story. 

There are 3 ways you could use annotations in PowerPoint: 

  • PowerPoint Draw Tab:  To utilize the PowerPoint Draw Tab, click on the “Draw” tab in your PowerPoint ribbon and begin annotating anywhere on your slides using built-in features like the pen, highlighter, and Ink to Shape. However, please note that PowerPoint Draw only allows annotation in Edit mode.

PowerPoint Draw annotations

  • PowerPoint Pen Tools:  Another option for native PowerPoint annotation tools that permit annotation during slideshow mode can be found by clicking the pencil icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen during a presentation. You can use the pen, highlighter, or laser tools to annotate any part of your slides during the presentation.

PowerPoint Pen slideshow annotations

  • ClassPoint  Toolbar:  The ClassPoint toolbar serves as an enhanced, free alternative to PowerPoint’s existing pen tools. It offers a broader range of additional annotation features, including text boxes, shapes, spotlight effects, fully customizable pens and highlighters, and more. This enables you to transform your PowerPoint slides into a creative canvas that will captivate your audience throughout your presentation.

4. Run Ice Breakers and Brainstorming Sessions in PowerPoint

The uses of interactive PowerPoint add-ins like  ClassPoint  are not only limited to teaching and learning. Give your PowerPoint meetings and presentations a strong start with a collaborative and dynamic brainstorming experience.

You can enhance your PowerPoint presentations and turn them into an interactive brainstorming experience by incorporating  Word Cloud  in PowerPoint, inviting participants to instantly contribute ideas, keywords, or concepts. This allows everyone to dynamically visualize emerging trends and interesting ideas.

Interactive PowerPoint branstorming

❓ How? To start a brainstorming session in PowerPoint, click on the “Word Cloud”  button in your PowerPoint ribbon once you have downloaded ClassPoint to add the “Word Cloud” feature in your PowerPoint slides. Then enter PowerPoint slideshow mode to start brainstorming! 

5. Add Draggable Slide Objects (And Why It’s Better than Animations!)

Similar to animations, draggable objects allow you to interact with your slide objects freely during slideshow mode, except than you can do so with full control of where you want the slide elements to go!

This dynamic presentation feature adds an element of visual interest that captures your audience’s attention and can be a valuable tool for explaining complex ideas. Moreover, it has the potential to serve various purposes, such as revealing hidden information or acting as a movable marker to indicate your position on the slide content. You can also use it for group drag-and-drop activities, such as matching, categorizing, sorting, and more. You can either perform these actions yourself to provide a visual explanation or engage your audience by letting them instruct the movement of images and text on the slide.

❓ How? Draggable objects is a unique tool that is possible inside PowerPoint with the use of the add-in ClassPoint. Download ClassPoint, free PowerPoint add-in, the select any shape, image, illustration, or text on your slide to become draggable by clicking on “Draggable Objects” in your PowerPoint ribbon, and toggling “Drag enabled” on the side panel.

how to enable drag and drop in powerpoint

In slideshow mode, click on the draggable objects hand from the ClassPoint toolbar at the bottom of your screen to start dragging your slide objects around!

6. Create Playable Games In PowerPoint (Without Animations or Hyperlinks)

Much like interactive quizzes, PowerPoint games add a layer of interactivity and fun to PowerPoint presentations. However, what sets PowerPoint games apart is their ability to introduce competition through gamification. 

Here are  3 ways  you can instantly gamify your PowerPoint slides with  gamification elements :

  • Set Up a Point and Reward System : Define how your participants can earn stars and points, and  award stars  to them when they have accomplished a goal during your presentation. 
  • Add  Levels and Badges  to PowerPoint : Every game benefits from having levels and badges, and your PowerPoint game is no exception. You can create a simple game within PowerPoint by incorporating  questions  into your slides and defining the points and scores needed to progress to higher levels. When it comes to badges, you have the creative freedom to tailor them to your audience. For example, in an educational setting, badges can be skill-focused, while in a social gathering, they can take the form of fantasy characters that participants aspire to collect
  • Add a  Leaderboard  to PowerPoint : Leaderboards are essential to keep track of scores or points during a PowerPoint game. You can of course create a manual leaderboard using PowerPoint’s tables and hyperlinks, but an easier and more straightforward way of implementing a leaderboard in your PowerPoint is using add-ins like  ClassPoint  and  Vevox .

With these fundamentals of gamification in place, you are now ready to create fun and exhilarating games in PowerPoint. 

Here is a full walk-through on  how you can create a PowerPoint game  in a few simple steps. 

If you are an educator, this  free trivia PowerPoint template and these 5 interactive PowerPoint game templates tailored for the classroom will be useful for you.

Expert Tips on How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation – After Presenting

1. run real-time polls in powerpoint.

Think of a memorable presentation you have attended? Did it use live polls? We bet it did! Live polling are especially helpful after a PowerPoint presentation to gather feedback for future improvement.

Traditional poll tools require presenters to switch between tabs during presentation. Thanks to PowerPoint add-ins such as  ClassPoint ,  Mentimeter  and  Poll Everywhere , this is no longer the case. And by eliminating the need to switch between different applications or tabs, the presentation experience becomes more fluid and engaging.

2. From Static to Interactive Data Visualisation

Incorporating interactivity through data visualization after a presentation concludes is a potent strategy for enhancing audience engagement and comprehension. Once the primary content delivery is complete, you can transition into a dynamic display of data or feedback you have gathered from your audience using interactive charts, graphs, or infographics.

This approach empowers your audience to explore the information at their own pace, dig deeper into specific data points, and ensure a two-way communication between the presenter and the audience. Whether it’s zooming in on specific trends, toggling between different data sets, or going through feedback, interactive data visualization encourages active participation and a deeper connection with the presented information. 

We recommend the following 2 ways to display data into your presentation:

  • Insert tables, charts and graphs, and add a touch of interactivity through animations.

Below is a list of 10 PowerPoint animations most suitable for different kinds of graphs and charts: 

Graph/Chart TypePowerPoint Animation
Pie chartWheel
Bar chartWipe
Line chartDraw
Area chartWipe
Gantt ChartMotion path
Funnel ChartAppear
Tree MapZoom
Waterfall ChartAppear
Bubble ChartGrow/Shrink
Scatter PlotZoom
  • Embed a website with data you want to go over. I’m not talking about a link that leaves PowerPoint for your default browser, but an actual embedded browser that loads your websites without leaving PowerPoint! Plus you can insert the page as a picture into your slide and start annotating on it!

Now that you have a collection of strategies and tips at your disposal, you are better prepared to leave your old and dusty PowerPoint toolkit behind and embrace these refreshing ideas. Whether your ultimate aim is to create a captivating classroom experience, deliver a memorable business pitch, or simply wow your friends and peers during  PowerPoint nights , don’t forget to: 

  • Add animations, but use them sparingly.
  • Make use of non-linear transitions and storytelling. 
  • Turn simple transitions into stunning visual experience with PowerPoint Morph.
  • Make creative use of polls, quizzes and games. 
  • Make your presentation human with Bitmoji.
  • Build anticipation with interactive presentation tools like annotations and drag and drop.
  • Try out these 160 fun PowerPoint ideas for your next presentation!

To read more about Interactive PowerPoint Presentations, you can download our Interactive PowerPoint Playbook, which includes comprehensive guides, tutorials on various interactive PowerPoint presentation methods, cheat sheets, and a wide range of resources for mastering the art of creating interactive PowerPoint presentations.

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How-To Geek

6 ways to create more interactive powerpoint presentations.


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Quick Links

  • Add a QR code
  • Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)
  • Embed a Live Web Page
  • Add Links and Menus
  • Add Clickable Images to Give More Info
  • Add a Countdown Timer

We've all been to a presentation where the speaker bores you to death with a mundane PowerPoint presentation. Actually, the speaker could have kept you much more engaged by adding some interactive features to their slideshow. Let's look into some of these options.

1. Add a QR code

Adding a QR code can be particularly useful if you want to direct your audience to an online form, website, or video.

Some websites have in-built ways to create a QR code. For example, on Microsoft Forms , when you click "Collect Responses," you'll see the QR code option via the icon highlighted in the screenshot below. You can either right-click the QR code to copy and paste it into your presentation, or click "Download" to add it to your device gallery to insert the QR code as a picture.

Microsoft Forms with 'Collect Responses,' the QR code option, and 'Download' highlighted.

In fact, you can easily add a QR code to take your viewer to any website. On Microsoft Edge, right-click anywhere on a web page where there isn't already a link, and left-click "Create QR Code For This Page."

You can also create QR codes in other browsers, such as Chrome.

The How-To Geek homepage containing a circle depicting a right-click in a blank space on the web page, and 'Create QR Code For This Page' selected in the menu that appears.

You can then copy or download the QR code to use wherever you like in your presentation.

A PowerPoint slide with the title 'HTG Homepage,' the text' Scan this QR code to go to our homepage,' and a QR code on the right.

2. Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)

If you plan to send your PPT presentation to others—for example, if you're a trainer sending step-by-step instruction presentation, a teacher sending an independent learning task to your students, or a campaigner for your local councilor sending a persuasive PPT to constituents—you might want to embed a quiz, questionnaire, pole, or feedback survey in your presentation.

In PowerPoint, open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, and in the Forms group, click "Forms". If you cannot see this option, you can add new buttons to the ribbon .

As at April 2024, this feature is only available for those using their work or school account. We're using a Microsoft 365 Personal account in the screenshot below, which is why the Forms icon is grayed out.

The PowerPoint desktop app with 'Insert' on the ribbon and 'Forms' in the Forms group selected.

Then, a sidebar will appear on the right-hand side of your screen, where you can either choose a form you have already created or opt to craft a new form.

Now, you can share your PPT presentation with others , who can click the fields and submit their responses when they view the presentation.

3. Embed a Live Web Page

You could always screenshot a web page and paste that into your PPT, but that's not a very interactive addition to your presentation. Instead, you can embed a live web page into your PPT so that people with access to your presentation can interact actively with its contents.

To do this, we will need to add an add-in to our PPT account .

Add-ins are not always reliable or secure. Before installing an add-in to your Microsoft account, check that the author is a reputable company, and type the add-in's name into a search engine to read reviews and other users' experiences.

To embed a web page, add the Web Viewer add-in ( this is an add-in created by Microsoft ).

Microsoft PowerPoint's add-ins pane with 'Web Viewer' selected.

Go to the relevant slide and open the Web Viewer add-in. Then, copy and paste the secure URL into the field box, and remove https:// from the start of the address. In our example, we will add a selector wheel to our slide. Click "Preview" to see a sample of the web page's appearance in your presentation.

The Web Viewer add-in on PowerPoint, with a website added to the URL field and the 'Preview' button highlighted.

This is how ours will look.

A wheel spinner containing three names (Tom, Dick, and Harry) on a PowerPoint slide.

When you or someone with access to your presentation views the slideshow, this web page will be live and interactive.

4. Add Links and Menus

As well as moving from one slide to the next through a keyboard action or mouse click, you can create links within your presentation to direct the audience to specific locations.

To create a link, right-click the outline of the clickable object, and click "Link."

A PowerPoint slide with an object containing the text 'Go to Home Page,' and the right-click menu highlighting the 'Link' option.

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click "Place In This Document," choose the landing destination, and click "OK."

A PowerPoint slide with the Insert Hyperlink dialog box open, 'Place In This Document' selected, an arrow pointing to the different options, and 'OK' highlighted.

What's more, to make it clear that an object is clickable, you can use action buttons. Open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, click "Shape," and then choose an appropriate action button. Usefully, PPT will automatically prompt you to add a link to these shapes.

PowerPoint's Insert tab open with 'Shapes' selected and the action buttons highlighted.

You might also want a menu that displays on every slide. Once you have created the menu, add the links using the method outlined above. Then, select all the items, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then use Ctrl+V to paste them in your other slides.

A PowerPoint slide with a linked menu bar on the left of the slide.

5. Add Clickable Images to Give More Info

Through PowerPoint's animations, you can give your viewer the power to choose what they see and when they see it. This works nicely whether you're planning to send your presentation to others to run through independently or whether you're presenting in front of a group and want your audience to decide which action they want to take.

Start by creating the objects that will be clickable (trigger) and the items that will appear (pop-up).

A PowerPoint slide that reads 'What is 3 x 9?', with three possible answers (25, 26, and 27) underneath, and emojis under each answer (sad emoji under 25 and 26, and a happy emoji under 27).

Then, select all the pop-ups together. When you click "Animations" on the ribbon and choose an appropriate animation for the effect you want to achieve, this will be applied to all objects you have selected.

A PowerPoint slide with three items selected and the Animations open at the top of the window.

The next step is to rename the triggers in your presentation. To do this, open the "Home" tab, and in the Editing group, click "Select", and then "Selection Pane."

The 'Selection Pane' option is highlighted in PowerPoint.

With the Selection Pane open, select each trigger on your slide individually, and rename them in the Selection Pane, so that they can be easily linked to in the next step.

A PowerPoint presentation's Selection Pane with three items renamed to 27, 28, and 29.

Finally, go back to the first pop-up. Open the "Animations" tab, and in the Advanced Animation group, click the "Trigger" drop-down arrow. Then, you can set the item to appear when a trigger is clicked in your presentation.

A PowerPoint slide with an item selected and the 'Trigger' option being selected in the Animation tab.

If you want your item to disappear when the trigger is clicked again, select the pop-up, click "Add Animation" in the Advanced Animation group, choose an Exit animation, and follow the same step to link that animation to the trigger button.

6. Add a Countdown Timer

A great way to get your audience to engage with your PPT presentation is to keep them on edge by adding a countdown timer. Whether you're leading a presentation and want to let your audience stop to discuss a topic, or running an online quiz with time-limit questions, having a countdown timer means your audience will keep their eye on your slide throughout.

To do this, you need to animate text boxes or shapes containing your countdown numbers. Choose and format a shape and type the highest number that your countdown clock will need. In our case, we're creating a 10-second timer.

A box in PowerPoint with the number 10 typed inside.

Now, with your shape selected, open the "Animations" tab on the ribbon and click the animation drop-down arrow. Then, in the Exit menu, click "Disappear."

A PowerPoint slide with an object selected and the 'Disappear' exit animation highlighted.

Open the Animation Pane, and click the drop-down arrow next to the animation you've just added. From there, choose "Timing."

A PowerPoint presentation with the Animation Pane open and 'Timing' selected on the first item.

Make sure "On Click" is selected in the Start menu, and change the Delay option to "1 second," before clicking "OK."

The Disappear Animation dialog box open with the Start box changed to 'On Click' and the Delay box changed to '1 second.'

Then, with this shape still selected, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then Ctrl+V (paste). In the second box, type 9 . With the Animation Pane still open and this second shape selected, click the drop-down arrow and choose "Timing" again. Change the Start option to "After Previous," and make sure the Delay option is 1 second. Then, click "OK."

We can now use this second shape as our template, as when we copy and paste it again, the animations will also duplicate. With this second shape selected, press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, type 8 into the box, and continue to do the same until you get to 0 .

A PowerPoint slide containing the numbers 0 to 10 in partly overlapping boxes.

Next, remove the animations from the "0" box, as you don't want this to disappear. To do this, click the shape, and in the Animation Pane drop-down, click "Remove."

You now need to layer them in order. Right-click the box containing number 1, and click "Bring To Front." You will now see that box on the top. Do the same with the other numbers in ascending order.

A PowerPoint slide containing the numbers 0 to 10, partly overlapping in ascending order.

Finally, you need to align the objects together. Click anywhere on your slide and press Ctrl+A. Then, in the Home tab on the ribbon, click "Arrange." First click "Align Center," and then bring the menu up again, so that you can click "Align Middle."

A PowerPoint slide with all objects selected and the 'Align Center' and 'Align Middle' options highlighted.

Press Ctrl+A again to select your timer, and you can then move your timer or copy and paste it elsewhere.

Press F5 to see the presentation in action, and when you get to the slide containing the timer, click anywhere on the slide to see your countdown timer in action!

Now that your PPT presentation is more interactive, make sure you've avoided these eight common presentational mistakes before you present your slides.

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Blog Marketing 15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

Written by: Krystle Wong Aug 04, 2023

Interactive presentation ideas

As attention spans continue to shrink, the challenge of engaging audiences in a short timeframe has never been more significant. Let’s face it — grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention can be quite the challenge, especially when time is ticking away. But fear not, I’ve got the perfect solution: interactive presentations!

Believe it or not, creating an interactive presentation is easier than you might think. In this guide, I’ll show you how to effortlessly turn ordinary slides into captivating experiences with 15 interactive presentation ideas that will leave your audience begging for more. From quirky polls and fun games to storytelling adventures and multimedia magic, these ideas will take your presentation game to the next level.

Venngage is a game-changer when it comes to empowering interactive presentations. With just a few clicks, users can customize their favorite presentation templates , add multimedia content and create immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a newcomer, get started with Venngage to elevate your presentation game to new heights of engagement and creativity.

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What is an interactive presentation?

15 ways to make a presentation interactive, 7 best interactive presentation software, what are some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive presentations, interactive presentation faqs, how to create an interactive presentation with venngage.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

An interactive presentation is a dynamic and engaging communication format that involves active participation and collaboration between the presenter and the audience. Unlike traditional presentations where information is delivered in a one-way manner, interactive presentations invite the audience to interact, respond and contribute throughout the session.

Think of it as a two-way street where you and your audience have a friendly chat. It’s like playing a fun game where you ask questions, get live feedback and encourage people to share their thoughts. 

To make a good presentation , you can utilize various tools and techniques such as clickable buttons, polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements to transform your slides into an interactive presentation. Whether you’re presenting in-person or giving a virtual presentation — when people are actively participating, they’re more likely to remember the stuff you’re talking about.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Interactive presentations leave a lasting impression on the audience. By encouraging active participation and feedback, interactive presentations facilitate better understanding and knowledge retention. Here are 15 innovative 5-minute interactive presentation ideas to captivate your audience from start to finish:

1. Ice-breaker questions

Start your presentation with intriguing and thought-provoking questions or a fun icebreaker game. These questions should be designed to pique the audience’s curiosity and encourage them to think about the topic you’ll be covering. By doing so, you create an immediate connection with your audience and set the stage for a more engaged and attentive audience.

For example, if you’re giving a business presentation about management and leadership training, you could ask audience questions such as “What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received, and how has it impacted your career?”

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

2. Live polling

Incorporate live polls during your presentation using audience response systems or polling apps . This allows you to collect real-time feedback, opinions and insights from active participants. Live polling encourages active participation and involvement, making your presentation feel like a collaborative and interactive experience.

3. Q&A sessions

Encourage the audience to ask questions throughout your presentation, especially for pitch deck presentations . Address these questions in real-time, which fosters a more interactive and dynamic atmosphere. This approach shows that you value the audience’s input and promotes a two-way communication flow.

4. Clickable buttons

Add clickable buttons to your slides, allowing the audience to navigate to specific sections or external resources at their own pace. For example, you could include links to your social media accounts or extra reading materials in your education presentation to give further information about the topic and get your students engaged.

By providing this autonomy, you empower the audience to explore areas of particular interest, creating a more personalized and engaging experience through your interactive slideshow.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

5. Storytelling

Incorporate anecdotes or personal stories related to your topic. Storytelling is a powerful way to emotionally connect with your audience, making your presentation more relatable and memorable. A little storytelling along with a set of creative slides draws the audience in and keeps them engaged as they follow the narrative.

6. Interactive charts and graphs

Use interactive charts and graphs that respond to user input to make your presentation interactive. For instance, allow the audience to click on data points to view more detailed information or to change the displayed data series. Creating charts with interactive visuals help the audience interact with the data, fostering better understanding and engagement.

7. Animated infographics

Add animations to your infographics, making them visually dynamic and progressive. Animated infographics reveal information gradually, keeping the audience curious and attentive. This transforms complex data into an easily digestible and engaging format.

Venngage’s extensive library of infographic templates is a powerful tool to visualize data and elevate the interactivity of your presentations. Personalizing the visuals ensures a cohesive and professional look throughout your interactive presentation. The templates are highly customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, and styles to match your presentation’s theme and branding. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

8. Gamification

Introduce an interactive quiz, puzzles, or challenges related to your presentation content. Gamification adds an element of fun and competition, motivating the audience to participate actively and boosting their learning experience. Here are some gaming presentation templates you could use. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

9. Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)

If applicable, leverage VR or AR technologies to provide immersive experiences. These interactive presentation tools transport the audience into a virtual or augmented environment, making your presentation more captivating and memorable.

10. Collaborative whiteboarding

Get your audience involved in your presentation by utilizing digital whiteboards or collaborative tools to brainstorm ideas collectively. This fosters teamwork and creativity, enabling the audience to actively contribute and feel a sense of involvement in the presentation.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

11. Hyperlinked text

Keep the information in your slides minimal with a simple presentation and incorporate hyperlinks to direct viewers to relevant websites or blogs , resources, or additional information. This encourages self-exploration and gives the audience the opportunity to delve deeper into topics of interest.

12. Role-playing

Engage the audience in role-playing scenarios to explore different perspectives. Role-playing promotes active learning and helps the audience relate the content to real-life situations, enhancing their understanding and retention.

13. Embedded videos

Include video clips in your slides to provide visual explanations, demonstrations, or interviews. Videos add a dynamic element to your presentation, enriching the content and keeping the audience engaged.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

14. Audience-generated content

Encourage the audience to contribute ideas, stories or examples related to your professional presentation . Audience-generated content fosters a sense of ownership and involvement, making the presentation more interactive and personalized.

15. Slide transitions

Use slide transitions to create smooth animations between slides. Well-planned transitions maintain the audience’s interest and keep the presentation slides flowing seamlessly.

Interactive elements aside, enhance your presentation with these guides on how to summarize information for a captivating presentation and how to make a persuasive presentation to captivate your audience. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

If you’re looking to create engaging and interactive presentation slides that captivate your audience, these presentation software options are sure to elevate your game:

Prezi is renowned for its dynamic and non-linear presentation style, enabling users to craft visually stunning and interactive presentations. With an array of templates and animation effects, Prezi enhances audience engagement, making your presentations more captivating and memorable.

2. Mentimeter

Mentimeter serves as an audience response system, empowering real-time interaction during presentations. Users can create interactive polls, quizzes, word clouds and more, allowing the audience to respond using their smartphones or other devices. This fosters active participation and provides valuable feedback instantly.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides is a free cloud-based presentation software that not only offers collaboration features but also enables real-time interactions. It includes add-ons and third-party integrations to further enhance interactivity, making it an excellent choice for collaborative and engaging presentations.

4. Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint, a classic presentation software, has evolved to incorporate more interactive features like live captions, real-time collaboration and interactive elements such as quizzes and forms. With its familiar interface and versatile functionalities, PowerPoint remains a reliable choice for interactive presentations.

5. Prezentor

Prezentor caters to sales-oriented presentations focusing on interactive storytelling and data-driven content. It offers analytics to track audience engagement and behavior during presentations, allowing you to fine-tune your approach and keep your audience hooked.

6. Opinion Stage

Opinion Stage is a visual and interactive data collection tool designed to engage and excite audiences whether sitting in a lecture hall, participating in a live Zoom, or watching an on-demand webinar. The Opinion Stage tools are simple and intuitive, making it easy to create attention-grabbing quizzes, surveys, and polls in minutes. A great way to spice up any presentation, encourage audience participation, and collect authentic feedback.

7 . Venngage

Venngage stands out as a versatile design tool that facilitates the creation of interactive infographics, data visualizations and presentations with ease. Offering various interactive elements and animations, Venngage empowers you to craft visually appealing and engaging presentations effortlessly.

With these interactive presentation software options at your disposal, you can unleash your creativity and deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience. So, go ahead and make your presentations interactive, captivating and memorable!

For more presentation software options, check out this blog on the 12 best presentation software for 2023.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Creating interactive presentations can be a game-changer for engaging your audience and enhancing your presentation skills, but steering clear of common pitfalls is essential. Here are some key mistakes to avoid when crafting your interactive presentations:

1. Overloading with interactivity

While interactivity is fantastic, bombarding your audience with too many interactive elements can backfire. Strive for a balanced approach that enhances engagement without overwhelming your listeners.

2. Ignoring audience relevance

Failing to tailor interactive elements to your audience’s interests and preferences can lead to disconnection. Make sure your interactions resonate with your specific audience for a more meaningful experience.

3. Not testing interactive elements

Skipping thorough testing of interactive features before showtime can spell disaster. Avoid technical glitches by diligently testing all interactive components in advance.

4. Poor timing and pace

Timing is everything, especially with interactive activities. Ensure seamless integration by planning your key points and the timing of your interactive elements carefully.

5. Lack of clear purpose

Every interactive element should serve a purpose and contribute to your presentation’s objectives. Don’t add interactions just for the sake of it — ensure they add value and align with your message.

6. Failing to engage beyond interactivity

While interactive elements are powerful tools, remember that content is king. Combine your interactive features with compelling storytelling and valuable insights to create an immersive and impactful presentation.

Incorporating animated slides into your interactive presentations enhances the overall appeal and interaction, turning an ordinary presentation into an engaging experience. Try it out with one of our animated presentation templates to get started. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

How do you start an interactive presentation?

Begin by grabbing the audience’s attention with an intriguing question or a surprising fact, setting the tone for a dynamic and engaging session.

Which type of presentation is the most interactive?

Workshops and seminars are often the most interactive types of presentations as they encourage active participation, discussions and hands-on activities.

How can interactive presentations enhance audience engagement?

Interactive presentations foster a two-way communication flow, involving the audience through polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements, leading to increased interest, attentiveness and better retention of information.

What are some common interactive elements to include in a presentation?

Common interactive elements include clickable buttons, hyperlinked text, polls, quizzes, interactive charts, multimedia content and audience participation activities.

Can interactive presentations be used for educational purposes?

Absolutely! Interactive presentations are highly effective for educational purposes as they promote active learning, encourage critical thinking, and provide real-time feedback and knowledge exchange opportunities.

Need inspiration on how to give an engaging presentation ? Here are 120+ presentation ideas you could use. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Venngage makes it easy for anyone to infuse interactivity into their presentations. From clickable buttons and hyperlinked text to interactive infographics and dynamic charts, Venngage offers a diverse range of interactive elements to captivate and engage the audience. Here’s how you can make your presentation more fun and interesting with Venngage:

  • Sign up or log in to Venngage to access the platform.
  • Choose a presentation template or start with a blank canvas to begin designing your interactive presentation.
  • Add and edit slides in the Venngage editor to structure your presentation content effectively.
  • Customize the design by selecting themes, fonts, colors and backgrounds to match your style and branding.
  • Use interactive elements like buttons, links, pop-ups and hover effects to engage the audience during the presentation.
  • Enhance engagement by incorporating interactive media such as videos and audio clips.
  • Preview and test your entire presentation to ensure everything works smoothly before presenting it to your audience.
  • Save your interactive presentation on Venngage and share it online or download it in various formats for presenting purposes.

Well, I hope these 15 5-minute interactive presentation examples can help unlock a new level of audience engagement for your next presentation. From fun quizzes and interactive storytelling to multimedia magic and gamified challenges, the possibilities are endless. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, tailor the ideas to suit your audience members and let your creativity shine.  

That said, remember to strike a balance and keep the interactivity purposeful and relevant. Some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive slides include overloading the presentation with too many interactive elements and failing to align the interactive elements with the overall presentation goals and content. 

Got it? Great. Now let’s turn that boring presentation around!

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how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint: Comprehensive Guide

AI tool

In today's digital age, presentations have evolved beyond static slides. Interactivity is the name of the game, ensuring engagement, retention, and a memorable experience for the audience. Whether you're an educator, a business professional, or a student, making your PowerPoint presentation interactive can elevate it to the next level. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create an interactive PowerPoint presentation and introduce you to a game-changing tool: the AI PowerPoint generator by Smallppt.

1. Understanding the Importance of Interactivity

Engagement: Interactive elements keep the audience engaged, ensuring they pay attention throughout the presentation.

Retention: Interactive presentations can enhance memory retention, making your content more memorable.

Flexibility: Interactivity allows for non-linear presentations, letting the presenter jump to different sections based on the audience's responses.

2. Basic Steps to Make Your PowerPoint Interactive

Hyperlinks: One of the simplest ways to add interactivity. Link text or images to other slides, documents, or even websites.

Action Buttons: These are built-in buttons that can take you to the next slide, the previous slide, the last slide viewed, and more.

Trigger Animations: Set animations to play when a specific object on your slide is clicked.

Interactive Charts and Tables: Use these to display data in an engaging manner, allowing viewers to interact with the information.

3. Advanced Techniques for Enhanced Interactivity

Embedding Multimedia: Incorporate videos, audio clips, and even interactive quizzes to make your presentation stand out.

Zoom for PowerPoint: This feature lets you easily jump to and from specific slides, sections, and portions of your presentation in any order.

Morph Transition: This can smoothly animate objects across slides, giving a sophisticated look to your presentation.

AI assistant

4. The Power of AI in Enhancing Interactivity

Smallppt's AI PowerPoint Generator: This tool can analyze your content and suggest areas where interactivity can be added, saving you time and ensuring optimal engagement.

Customization: The AI tool allows for customization based on the audience's preferences and needs.

Continuous Learning: The more you use the AI generator, the better it gets at understanding your style and preferences, making suggestions even more tailored over time.

5. Tips for a Successful Interactive Presentation

Test Your Presentation: Before presenting, always test the interactive elements to ensure they work as intended.

Keep It Relevant: While interactivity is great, ensure that every interactive element you add serves a purpose and enhances the presentation's message.

Seek Feedback: After your presentation, gather feedback to understand which interactive elements were most effective and which ones might need tweaking.

Making your PowerPoint presentation interactive is not just a trend; it's a powerful tool to make your content more engaging and memorable. With the basic and advanced techniques outlined above, coupled with the power of Smallppt's AI PowerPoint Generator, you're well on your way to creating presentations that captivate your audience from start to finish. Remember, in the world of presentations, interactivity is the key to engagement. Embrace it, and watch your content come to life!

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

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Genially is a cloud-based platform for building interactive learning and communication experiences.

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Build interactive images

Discover how to make interactive visuals and graphics.

Create interactive slides

Engage your audience with interactive slides and presentations.

Make interactive infographics

Learn how to design interactive data visualizations and diagrams.

More formats

From resumes to reports, make any kind of content interactive.

eLearning templates

Interactive resources for eLearning and corporate training courses. 

K12 teaching templates

Interactive classroom resources for primary and secondary education.

Gamification templates

Escape games, quizzes, and other game-based learning activities.

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Interactive microsites, brochures, videos, and branding materials.

Explore all Genially templates

Browse over 1,500 pre-built designs. Save time and create professional interactive materials in minutes.

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Plans for Teachers

Create interactive learning materials and use Genially in class with your students.

Image for Genially's website linking to its pricing page for teachers indicating a discount.

Make interactive presentations

Create show-stopping presentations and clickable slide decks with Genially’s free online presentation builder. Leave boring behind and tell a story that’s interactive, animated, and beautifully engaging.



A presentation that works like a website

Engage your audience with interactive slides that they can click on and explore. Add music, video, hotspots, popup windows, quiz games and interactive data visualizations in a couple of clicks. No coding required!

Animating an image with genially


Make your slides pop with animation

Bring a touch of movie magic to the screen with incredible visual effects and animated page transitions. Add click-trigger and timed animations to make any topic easy to understand and captivating to watch.

Image of the Genially tool showing the insertion of multimedia elements from Spotify, Google Maps and Youtube


Live from the world wide web

Embed online content directly in your slides for a media-rich interactive experience. From YouTube and Spotify to Google Maps and Sheets, Genially works seamlessly with over 100 popular apps and websites.

Image of the Genially tool showing free libraries of backgrounds, color palettes, vector graphics, images, charts, graphs, maps and smartblocks.


Genius design tools

With Genially, anyone can create a polished and professional presentation. Choose from over 2000 pre-built templates, or create your own design using the drag-and-drop resources, color palettes, icons, maps and vector graphics.

Image of a Genially interactive presentation


Safe and sound in the cloud

Because Genially is online, you can relax knowing that your slides are always up-to-date. There’s no risk of forgetting to save changes or accessing the wrong file. Log in from anywhere, collaborate with your team, and make edits in real time.

All-in-one interactive presentation maker

Real-time collaboration

Co-edit slide decks with others in real time and organize all of your team projects in shared spaces.

Multi format

Present live, share the link, or download as an interactive PDF, MP4 video, JPG, HTML, or SCORM package.

Engagement Analytics

See how many people have viewed and clicked on your slides and keep tabs on learner progress with User Tracking.

Import from PPTX

Give your old decks a new lease of life by importing PowerPoint slides and transforming them with a little Genially magic.

Keep content on-brand with your logo, fonts, colors, brand assets, and team templates at your fingertips.

Quiz & Survey Builder

Use the Interactive Questions feature to add a fun quiz to your slides or gather feedback from your audience.

Beautiful templates

Make your next deck in a flash with Genially’s ready-to-use slides.

Interactive Okr shapes presentation template

Okr shapes presentation

Interactive School notebook presentation template

School notebook presentation

Interactive Animated sketch presentation template

Animated sketch presentation

Interactive Minimal presentation template

Minimal presentation

Interactive Land of magic presentation template

Land of magic presentation

Interactive Onboarding presentation template

Onboarding presentation

Interactive Visual presentation template

Visual presentation

Interactive Animated chalkboard presentation template

Animated chalkboard presentation

Interactive Online Education Guide template

Online Education Guide

Interactive Terrazzo presentation template

Terrazzo presentation

Interactive Startup pitch template

Startup pitch

Interactive Historical presentation template

Historical presentation


Interactive presentation ideas

From classroom materials to business pitches, make an impact every day with Genially.

A photograph with 7 children of different nationalities in a school classroom with a laptop making a presentation

Education presentations

Photograph of 3 people gathered together talking about a report with a tablet

Pitch decks

Photograph of 4 people in an office using a laptop to make a company presentation

Business presentations

Photo of 1 girl with a mac computer doing a slideshow

Thesis defense

Why the world loves Genially presentations

Reviews from people rating the tool genially

Share anywhere

Present live

From the front of the room or behind a screen, you’ll wow your audience with Genially. Heading off grid? Download in HTML to present dynamic slides without WiFi.

Share the link

Every Genially slide deck has its own unique url, just like a website! Share the link so that others can explore at their own pace, or download an MP4 video slideshow or PDF.

Post online

Embed the slides on your website or post them on social media. Upload to Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Moodle or any other platform.

Composition of an eye surrounded by image icons to illustrate the Genially method; interactive visual communication

The benefits of interactive slides

🗣️ Active participation An interactive slide deck gives your audience cool things to click on and discover, boosting learning and engagement.

👂 Multi-sensory experience Audio, video, animations, and mouse interactions make your content immersive, entertaining and accessible.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People-friendly format Pop-ups and embeds condense more material into fewer slides so you can break information down into digestible chunks.

🎮 Gamification Games, quizzes and puzzles make information more memorable and enable you to gather feedback and check understanding.

How to make an interactive presentation

With Genially’s easy-to-use presentation platform, anyone can make incredible visual content in moments.

Choose a template or a blank canvas

Create content starting from a Genially template

Get stunning results in less time with a ready-made template. Feeling creative? Design your own slides from scratch.

Customize the design

Add animations and interactions

Resources to become a pro presentation creator

Image showing the interactivity of the Genially tool


How to create an interactive presentation: Get started in Genially.

Image showing a presentation about the Genially tool


How to present data without sending your audience to sleep.

Image showing how the Genially tool is no-code


No-code animation: Bring your slides to life with cinematic visual effects.

Neon image talking about storytelling in Genially


The art of digital storytelling: Engage and thrill on screen.

Genially in a nutshell

How do I make a presentation interactive and how does Genially work? Find the answers to all of your slide-related questions here!

What’s an interactive presentation?

Interactive slides contain clickable hotspots, links, buttons, and animations that are activated at the touch of a button. Instead of reading or watching passively, your audience can actively interact with the content.  

Genially’s interaction presentation software allows you to combine text, photos, video clips, audio and other content in one deck. It’s a great way to condense more information into fewer slides. 

If you’re a teacher, you can share multiple materials in one single learning resource. Students can create their own projects using digital media and online maps. For business or training, try embedding spreadsheet data, PDFs, and online content directly in your slides. 

An interactive slide deck is more user-friendly than a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or Google Slides document. That’s because you can break information down into chunks with pop-ups, labels, voiceovers and annotated infographics.  

The other benefit of interactive content is increased engagement. It’s easier to keep your audience’s attention when they’re actively participating. Try Genially’s presentation software and free slideshow maker to see how it’s better than other presentation websites. You won’t go back to standard presentation apps!

How do you make a clickable slide?

The best way to make slides clickable is to use Genially’s free interactive presentation program. Design your slide then apply an interaction. In a couple of clicks, you can add popup windows, hyperlinks, close-up images, games, animations, multimedia and other content. 

Choose from the library of hotspot buttons and icons to show people what to click on. Go to Presenter View to get a preview and see how your content will appear to your audience.

How do I create presentations that look professional?

You’ve got a deadline looming and you’re staring at the screen with a blank presentation. We’ve all been there! Starting a presentation design from scratch is tricky, especially if you’re short on time. 

Genially’s free online presentation maker has over 2000 ready-to-use templates for professional slide presentations, photos slideshows, and more. Each slide design has been created by our team of top graphic designers. No need to worry about fonts, centering images, or designing a matching color scheme. It’s all done for you. 

Start by browsing our layouts and themes for education, business and then customize with your own text and images.

How do I share or download my slides?

Because Genially is a cloud based presentation software, you can simply share the link to your slides. Like other online presentation tools, there are no files to download or store on your computer. Everything is saved online.  

When you publish your slide deck, it gets its own unique url, just like a website. Share the link with others to let them explore the content in their own time. If you’re presenting live, just click the Present button. 

You can also embed your presentation on your website, company wiki, or social media. Genially is compatible with WordPress, Moodle, Google Classroom, and other platforms. If you use an LMS, you can also download your interactive design slides in SCORM format.

For slideshow videos and slideshows with music, share online or download as an MP4 video. Check out our free slideshow templates for ideas.

Can I make a free presentation in Genially?

You bet! Genially is an easy-to-use slide maker, with a free version and paid plans. The free plan allows you to create unlimited slides with interactions and animations. Subscribe to one of our paid plans for more advanced features.

Discover a world of interactive content

Join the 25 million people designing incredible interactive experiences with Genially.

Making an Interactive Presentation in PowerPoint

How to Create an Interactive Presentation Using MS Powerpoint

This article is an ultimate guide on how to make an interactive online presentation using MS PowerPoint. Here you will find detailed step-by-step instructions to creating interface elements make the presentation truly interactive.

In a previous post we looked at the interface elements the BBC website uses to sketch workable interface outline for an interactive online presentation . Now we’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to make an interactive online presentation in MS PowerPoint we developed using this sketch.

  • Navigation tools properties
  • Navigation tools layout

How to Create an Interactive Presentation Tab Bar Using MS PowerPoint

How to create an interactive presentation navigation bar.

  • Highlight an Interactive Presentation Active Topic

How to Create an Interactive Presentation Pagination Bar

  • Highlight an Active Slide on the Pagination Bar

Do I Need an Interactive Presentation Homepage in PowerPoint

How to create an interactive presentation buttons, how to disable powerpoint default slide advancing, quizzes in an interactive presentation excellent.

Below we will only talk about the technical aspects of implementing an interactive presentation interface using MS PowerPoint. And we deliberately do not talk about design.

Everything about colors saturation and compatibility, images transparency, frames styles, rounded corners, etc. we left for you. You can handle it, we are sure!

Navigation Tools Properties

If you think about what properties an interactive presentation navigation tools should have, then you will quickly come to the following conclusions:

  • They must not distract the viewer from the subject of the presentation.
  • switch between topics,
  • move from the current slide to the next or previous,
  • understand which topic is active and
  • understand which slide of the current topic is active.

Understanding these properties will help us to develop the layout of the presentation slide.

Navigation Tools Layout

We will divide presentation slide into three parts: upper, lower and central, to use as follows:

  • The tab bar will be located at the upper part. Using it the viewer will be able to switch from topic to topic.
  • from the active presentation slide to the next or previous presentation slide and
  • from the active slide of current topic to the next or previous slide of current topic
  • We’ll reserve the central part for the presentation content and will no longer mention it in this article.

Now we can start designing the interface elements: tab bar and navigation buttons 2-a . They should be located on each slide. This is absolutely obvious. This means our interactive presentation can not do without PowerPoint Slide Master.

So, let’s go! Launch your MS PowerPoint program and start by creating a blank document. This blank sheet will turn into an outstanding interactive online presentation soon, don’t doubt!

Go to the View tab and click the Slide Master icon in Master View group to access the Slide Master. In the left-hand pane, scroll up to the top, larger thumbnail and click it. Whatever you place on this master will appear on every slide of your interactive presentation, no matter which layout it uses. This is exactly what we need, isn’t it?

Now is the time to choose a color scheme for your presentation. Subsequently, it can be easily changed if you deem necessary. We chose the Grayscale scheme.

Interactive Presentation Tab Bar

To create a tab bar, you need to thoroughly design the first tab.

  • Go to Insert tab and click the Shapes button in Illustrations group. The drop down menu will appear. Select Rectangle shape in the Rectangles option.
  • Draw the tab. Then select the fill color White, Background 2 and remove the line around the tab using the Shape Format pane. Select the tab and write any title, for example “Title 01”. You will change it later.
  • Copy your tab and then paste it as many times as it is planned to be in the tab bar plus two additional ones.
  • Move the two additional tabs to the bottom of the slide. We use them to make navigation buttons later.
  • Align the remaining tabs vertically and distribute them horizontally end-to-end with each other without gaps.

Making an Interactive Presentation in PowerPoint: The tab bar and the navigation buttons should be located on each slide

All of this tabs will become a full-fledged tab bar when we attach hyperlinks. In the meantime, just move them to the top of the slide.

The navigation bar should contain buttons for moving from the active presentation slide to the next or previous slide as described in 2-a .

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

  • the first align to the left and write on it “Previous”
  • and the second align to the right edge and write on it “Next”.
  • select both shapes simultaneously and on the Format Shape pane select the Offset Diagonal Bottom Right shadow or any other.

Making an Interactive Presentation in PowerPoint: Press Ctrl+K to attach the hyperlinks

  • press Ctrl+K or go to the Insert menu and click Hyperlink button in the Links group;
  • in the Link To pane of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, choose Place in This Document ;
  • in the Select a place in this document pane, choose the Previous Slide .
  • Click OK to create the hyperlink
  • and repeat the steps above for the Next button.

As a result the navigation bar will look like two buttons aligned on the slide edges and an empty space between them in which we’ll place the pagination bar of the active topic later.

How to Highlight an Interactive Presentation Active Topic

Go to the View tab and click the Normal button in the Presentation View group to return to the normal view and create all your slides.

People like to know where they are in the presentation, so it’s a good idea to highlight the active topic to help them to relate it with the presentation wholeness. You just need to change the background color and add a border around the tab. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

The active topic highlight

  • Go to Slide Master and select the current topic tab.
  • Link the topic tab to the current topic first slide.
  • Copy the current topic tab.
  • Return to Normal View and paste the tab you copied above the current tab.
  • Change the fill color to Solid fill White Background 1 and line from No line to Solid line using the Format Shape pane.
  • Copy the tab you made and paste it into each slide of the current topic.

The pagination bar is a useful interactive presentation interface element for themes consisting a lot of slides. Use it! It will help viewers more understand where they are relative to the start or finish of the topic.

The pagination bar should contain buttons for moving from the active slide of current topic to the next or previous slide as described in 2-b . Below we will give step-by-step instructions on how to make a pagination bar with image thumbnails. We assume you have prepared thumbnail images of the same size in advance.

How to Create the Pagination Bar Step-by-Step

  • Select the first slide of the current topic.
  • Draw two rectangular shapes proportional to your thumbnails: the first should be slightly smaller than the second.
  • Open the Selection pane and name the smaller shape as Image and the larger one as Link.
  • Fill as Solid fill , Transparency as 100%, Line as No Line for shape named Link;
  • Fill as No fill , Line as No Line for shape named Image;

Place the shapes as shown at the picture: below named Image, above named Link.

  • Press the Ctrl key, select both shapes, merge them and name as NavButton.
  • Copy the NavButton button using Ctrl-C and paste as many times as the number of slides in the topic using Ctrl-V.
  • Distribute horizontally the buttons you made and align them vertically as the Previous and Next buttons.
  • Number the NavButton buttons as NavButton01, NavButton02, etc.

How to Create an Interactive Presentation Pagination Bar: How to add an image to button

  • select the shape named Image;
  • set the Fill option as Picture or texture fill using the Format Shape pane and then paste the prepared picture using the File… button;
  • select the shape named Link, press Ctrl-K and link it by a hyperlink to the corresponding topic slide as described here .
  • Copy the pagination bar you made and paste it on each slide of the current topic.

That’s all! If you study the pagination bar layout with thumbnails then you can easily do something else, for example the simple slides numbering, as shown in the picture below.

The pagination bar layout

How to Highlight an Active Slide on the Pagination Bar

How to Highlight an Active Slide on the Pagination Bar

It is very simple! To highlight the active slide button on the Pagination Bar you need:

  • Select the slide on which you want to highlight the active slide button.
  • Then select the NavButton button of the active slide on the Pagination Bar.
  • Then find and select the shape named Link of the NavButton button on the Selection pane.
  • And finaly set the Line option value of this shape as Solid line .

As a result, the frame will appear around the active button. This is enough to highlight it among the other buttons, is not it?

A homepage is a useful but optional element of an interactive presentation. If you are going to talk about how you feed a puppy, then most likely you can do without a homepage.

An Interactive Presentation Homepage

In other cases, using the homepage will allow you to show the general structure of the interactive presentation and provide short explanations for its topics. Thus, you will help the viewer to get a general idea of presentation essence and understand what path it will have to go through its contents even before the start of the presentation.

This post on how to make an interactive presentation using MS PowerPoint will be incomplete if do not say anything about buttons.

A button is such a magical contraption which we’re click and suddenly find ourselves in some other place. (Wow, what an excellent definition, right?) This “teleportation” is caused by the hyperlink hidden inside the button.

Simple buttons, like these, look familiar, right?

We call them simple because they consist of a single shape. Using the shape properties a simple button can be assigned text, image, shadow and much more. We already wrote above how to create a simple button , how to add an image to it and how to attach a hyperlink to it.

Below we gave an example of the more complex button. It consists of several shapes which listed on Selection pane.

Making an Interactive Presentation in PowerPoint: An Example of the Complex Button

The hyperlink is attached to a transparent shape located on top of the other shapes. That is the small trick.

Not a rocket science, isn’t it?

We need the interactive presentation always responds correctly to the viewer’s clicks, ish’t it?

In PowerPoint defaults a left mouse click queues the next slide. This means that if the viewer clicks past a button or a hyperlink accidentally, PowerPoint will change the slide to the next. For an interactive presentation this actions is not acceptable, right?

Disable the checkbox in the Timing group

To avoid this problem, go to the Transitions tab and disable the On Mouse Click checkbox in the Timing group. This will make the presentation respond to clicks of buttons or links and not respond to any other clicks.

Concluding this article it is worth mentioning the capabilities of MS PowerPoint to organizing interactive quizzes.

Quizzes are a convenient tool allows you to change the direction of your interactive presentation depending on the your viewers awareness. Using quizzes you get the opportunity to create an interactive online presentation with an individual approach for each viewer. What could be better?

Read our PowerPoint Triggers: Making Interactive Presentation article to learn how to design a personalized interactive online presentation for your audience.

How to Make a Presentation Interactive | 7 Great Ways

Lakshmi Puthanveedu • 29 July, 2024 • 11 min read

Are your presentations putting people to sleep faster than a bedtime story? It’s time to shock some life back into your lessons with interactivity🚀

Let's defibrillate “Death by PowerPoint” and show you lightning-quick ways how to make a presentation interactive .

With these tips, you'll be able to activate that dopamine drip and get butts in seats leaning in - not delving deep into the chairs!

Table of Contents

What is an interactive presentation.

  • Why Use an Interactive Presentation?

#1. Create icebreaker games🧊

  • #2. Make use of props 📝

#3. Create interactive presentation games and quizzes 🎲

#4. tell a compelling story, #5. organise a brainstorming session, #6. make a word cloud for the topic, #7. bring out the poll express, easy interactive activities for presentations, more presentation examples you could learn from.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Keeping your audience engaged is the most critical and challenging part, regardless of the topic or how casual or formal the presentation is. 

An interactive presentation is a presentation that works two ways. The presenter asks questions during the production, and the audience responds directly to those questions.

Let's take an example of an interactive poll .

The presenter displays a poll question on the screen. The audience can then submit their answers live through their mobile phones, and the results are immediately displayed on the screen, as shown in the image below. Yay, it's an interactive slide presentation .

How to make a presentation interactive | Adding an AhaSlides quiz or poll will make your presentation more interactive with the audience

Making an interactive presentation does not have to be complex or stressful. It’s all about letting go of the static, linear presentation format and using some tools and techniques to create a personal, more involved experience for the audience.

With software like AhaSlides , you can easily create interactive presentations with tons of interactive quizzes, polls, and live Q&A sessions for your audience. Keep reading to find out fired tips on how to make a presentation interactive 👇

Why Interactive Presentation?

Presentations are still one of the commonly used methods to pass on information. Still, no one likes to sit through long, monotonous presentations where the host doesn’t stop talking.

Interactive presentations can help. They...

  • Increase audience engagement , allowing them to connect with you and the purpose of the presentation. 64% of people believe a flexible presentation with two-way interaction is more engaging than a linear one.
  • Improve retention capacity . 68% say that it’s easier to remember the information when the presentation is interactive.
  • Tips: Use a rating scale to gather feedback !
  • Act as a break from the routine and allow participants to have an enjoyable experience.

How to Make a Presentation Interactive

Whether you are hosting a virtual or offline presentation, there are many ways to make presentations interactive, exciting and two-way for your audience.

Starting a presentation is always one of the most challenging parts. You are nervous; the audience might still be settling, there might be people not familiar with the topic - the list could go on. Get to know your audience, ask them questions about how they are feeling and how their day was, or maybe share a funny story to get them hooked and excited.

🎊 Here are 180 Fun General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers to gain better engagement.

#2. Make use of Props 📝

Making a presentation interactive does not mean you have to let go of traditional tricks of engaging the audience. You could bring a lighting stick or a ball to pass around to the audience when they want to ask a question or share something.

Games and quizzes will always remain the star of the show, no matter how complex the presentation is. You don’t necessarily have to create them related to the topic; these could also be introduced into the presentation as fillers or as a fun activity.

interactive slide presentation

💡 Want more? Get 10 interactive presentation techniques here!

Stories work like a charm in any situation. Introducing a complex physics topic? You could tell a story about Nicola Tesla or Albert Einstein. Want to beat the Monday blues in the classroom? Tell a story! Want to break the ice ? 

Well, you know… ask the audience to tell a story! 

There are many ways you could use storytelling in a presentation. In a marketing presentation , for instance, you can create empathy with your audience by telling an engaging story or asking them if they have any interesting marketing stories or situations to share. If you're a teacher, you could pitch an outline to the students and ask them to build the rest of the story. 

Or, you could tell a story till just before the ending and ask the audience how they think the story ended.

You’ve created a stellar presentation. You’ve introduced the topic and are mid-way through the exhibition. Wouldn’t it be nice to sit back, take a break and see how your students put some effort into taking the presentation forward?

Brainstorming helps get the students excited about the topic and allows them to think creatively and critically.

How to make a presentation interactive | presenting on AhaSlides brainstorming platform

💡 Get an engaged class with 6 more interactive presentation ideas

Want to make sure your audience gets the concept or topic of the presentation without making it feel like an interrogation? 

Live word clouds are fun and interactive and ensure the main topic is not lost in the presentation. Using a word cloud free , you can ask the audience what they think is the main topic for the production.

An image of the completed word cloud on AhaSlides | interactive slideshow

How do you feel about using visual aids in your presentation? It's not anything new, right? 

But what if you can merge funny pictures with an interactive poll? That's got to be interesting! 

“How do you feel right now?” 

This simple question could be turned into an interactive fun activity with the help of images and GIFs describing your mood. Present it to the audience in a poll, and you could display the results on the screen for everyone to see.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

This is a great, super simple icebreaker activity that can help revitalise team meetings, especially when some folks are working remotely.

💡 We've got more - 10 interactive presentation ideas for work .

Whether you’re hosting something for your colleagues, students or friends, retaining their attention for a while can be a daunting task.

Games such as What Would You Do? and 4 Corners are easy interactive activities to help the audience get back on track with your presentation …

What Would You Do?

Isn’t it interesting to know what someone would do in a particular situation or how they would handle it? In this game, you give the audience a scenario and ask how they would deal with it.

Say, for example, you are having a fun night with your friends and family. You could ask questions like, “What would you do if you could be invisible to the human eye?” and see how they handle the given situation.

If you've got remote players, this is a great interactive Zoom game .

This is a perfect game for anyone with an opinion. It’s a great way to start a conversation on your presentation's topic before diving into the meat of it.

You announce a statement and see how everyone feels about it. Each participant shows how they think by moving to one corner of the room. The corners are labelled ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘strongly disagree’, and ‘disagree’. 

Once everyone has taken their place in the corners, you could have a debate or discussion between the teams.

🎲 Looking for more? Check out 11 interactive presentation games !

The 5 Best Interactive Presentation Software

Making a presentation interactive is so much easier with the right tool.

Many interactive presentation websites let your audience respond directly to the content of your presentation and see the results on the big screen. You ask them a question in the form of a poll, word cloud, brainstorming or even a live quiz, and they respond with their phones.

#1 - AhaSlides

AhaSlides presentation platform will let you host fun, interactive presentations for all your needs, with quizzes, live Q&As, word clouds, brainstorming slides, and such.

The audience can join the presentation from their phones and interact with it live. Whether you are presenting to your students, a businessman who wants to hold team-building activities, or someone who wants to have a fun quiz game for your friends and family, this is a great tool you can use, with a ton of fun interactive options.

how to make a interactive presentation | Incorporating an AhaSlides live quiz boost participants' retention

If you are looking for ways to boost your team’s creativity at your workplace, then Prezi is an excellent tool.

It is a bit similar to how a standard linear presentation would be but more imaginative and creative. With a huge template library and many animated elements, Prezi lets you create a cool, interactive display in no time.

Although the free version does not come with many features, spending a little on the tool is worth it to create content for any occasion.

How to make interactive presentation

🎊 Learn more: Top 5+ Prezi Alternatives | 2024 Reveal From AhaSlides

NearPod is a good tool that most educators would get a kick out of. It is specifically designed to cater to educational needs, and the free basic version lets you host a presentation for up to 40 students.

Teachers can build lessons, share them with students and monitor their results. One of the best features of NearPod is the Zoom integration, where you can merge your ongoing Zoom lesson with the interactive presentation.

The tool also has various interactive features such as memory tests, polls, quizzes and video embedding features.

how to make presentation interactive

Canva is an easy-to-use kit that even a person with no design experience could master in a few minutes.

With the drag-and-drop feature of Canva, you can create your slides in no time and that too with copyright-free images and a ton of design templates to choose from.

interactive presentation slides

🎉 Learn more: Canva Alternatives | 2024 Reveal | Updated 12 Free and Paid Plans

Keynote for Mac

Keynote is one of the most popular bits of presentation software for Mac . It comes pre-installed and can be easily synced to iCloud, making it accessible across all Apple devices. Along with creating engaging presentations, you can also add a little bit of creativity by adding doodles and illustrations to your presentation.

Keynote presentations can also be exported to PowerPoint, allowing flexibility for the presenter.

ways to make presentation interactive

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i make my presentation more interactive.

You can make a presentation more interactive with these 7 simple strategies: 1. Create icebreaker games 2. Make use of props 3. Create interactive presentation games and quizzes 4. Tell a compelling story 5. Organise a session using a brainstorming tool 6. Make a word cloud for the topic 7. Bring out the Poll Express

Can I make my PowerPoint interactive?

Yes, you can use PowerPoint's AhaSlides add-in to save time and effort while still being able to create interactive activities like polls, Q&A or quizzes.

How can you make presentations interactive to get students involved?

Here are some effective ways to make presentations more interactive and get students involved: 1. Use polls/surveys 2. Use quizzes, leaderboards, and points to make the content feel more game-like and fun. 3. Pose questions and cold call on students to answer and discuss their thinking. 4. Insert relevant videos and have students analyse or reflect on what they saw.

  • Presentation outfit
  • TED talks presentation
  • Body language during a presentation
  • How to get over Stage Fright
  • Personality in a presentation
  • Benefits of presentation software
  • Zoom presentation tips
  • Easy topic for presentation

To help you craft an impactful presentation, let's explore some common pitfalls and how to overcome them

  • Bad speeches
  • Bad presentation at work
  • Death by PowerPoint

Lakshmi Puthanveedu

Lakshmi Puthanveedu

A small-town girl enthralled by culture, languages, and sunsets. Casual artist and musician looking to make memories every step of the way. Now changing the way humans live and have virtual interactions with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

newsletter star

More from AhaSlides

How to Create a Poll | Tips to Make an Interactive Poll in 5 seconds!

How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint in 3 Easy Steps

How to Make an Interactive PowerPoint in 3 Easy Steps

Why Interactivity?

It's important for engagement. The more you allow your audience to participate and listen to them, the more they'll be engaged with your material and listen to you, right back.

How to go from PowerPoint to Interactive Slide Deck

To make any PowerPoint deck interactive, you can use Slides With Friends to give prompts and get responses from your audience, while still using the slides you created in PowerPoint. So whether you're looking to run a live poll of your conference audience, do an icebreaker before you start, build a wordcloud during your talk, or just get feedback from your audience members, this is the tool for you.

It's easy to do!

Step 1 - Get this interactive deck

To copy, you'll first need to create an account on Slides With Friends by clicking "Create free account". You can create the account and copy the deck for free, but the PowerPoint upload itself is a premium feature.

Once you've got an account, copy this sample deck: Interactive PowerPoint Deck Template . It's a template that you can add your own PowerPoint slides into. We'll walk you through how to customize it for your own slides!

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Step 2 - Add your PPT slides to your deck

Note, to upload your PowerPoint, you'll need an upgraded account first. Here's details on our pricing and how to upgrade to unlock this premium feature.

Complete your PowerPoint deck, save it, then add it to the deck you copied! Here's how:

  • Head to your account and open the sample deck you copied
  • Click "Import" to upload your .ppt, .pptx, or .pdf slide deck presentation.
  • Select "replace" — this will remove the sample imported slides, and replace them with your own.
  • Drag your file into the upload box. The fewer slides you have, the quicker it will be to upload.

Step 3 - Add interactions

Once you've got your PPT slides in your presentation, you can now add the interactive portions.

Each interaction is added like a new slide to your deck. So for instance, if you want to add a Poll question to a PPT slide, this would be a new slide that you would place directly after your static PowerPoint slide.

Add these interactions by opening the "+" button in the top menu, and selecting what type of interactive slide you want to add. Here are the options of all the interaction types you can add:

Multiple choice, Text answer question, Vote, answer roundup, score summary, pass the mic, picture share, wordcloud, rating, poll slide

‍ Multiple Choice Question: A slide that asks a question and supplies a set of answers that your players can choose between. You can show who guessed what, and the correct answer(s), optionally after each question. These slides are best for surveys, trivia questions, quizzes, polls, and anywhere else there are a fixed set of responses.

Text answer question:   A slide that asks a question but doesn't give answer options to choose from, instead your audience types their response. The system will determine if a response is correct or incorrect by comparing it to the answer(s) you have input.

User Vote: An Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity style interaction. Give a prompt or ask a question, and players send in responses. Then they can vote for their favorite, from all the other player's responses.

Answer roundup: If you've hidden the correct answers from the any previous multiple choice or text answer questions, you can display them all in a row with this slide.

Score summary: Show the leaderboard! Display those with the highest scores so far. You can set how many players to show in a row.

Pass the mic: Display each participant's avatar, one at a time in a random order, to give them a chance to speak. You can set how many players you'd like to go through — from everyone in the game to just one person.

Picture share: Players can upload or take images with their phones. The slide will then show a however many images you selected that it display, in random order, one at a time. Think of it like photo show & tell.

Wordcloud: Players can send a word or short phrase, and it will pop up on your display screen. They can tap on words from others to make those words larger. The end effect is a cloud of words with the most popular words appearing larger.

Rating: Allow participants to select from a set of pre-determined rating options, from Likert scores, to agree / disagree, to Emoji faces.

Poll slide: Allow participants to select from up to 6 answer options that you've type in. Then display the responses in a graph, donut chart, or by player name.

Last thing — Try it out!

It's time to see how everything works!

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Start an event and join in yourself using your phone to scan the QR code. You'll be able to see how the event will look to your players, how your PPT slides look on the phone, and send responses to see how everything works.

Watch the video for an in-depth tutorial:

You can watch the video, or simply follow the steps below.

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10 Ways To Make Interactive And Engaging Presentations In PowerPoint

Professionals across the spectrum will stand by the fact that compelling presentations can be an important force of influence at the workplace. Many people at the same time also struggle to make presentations in an effective and engaging way. 

How can one tackle this problem?

One tactic seasoned presenters use – make the presentations more interactive!

During a presentation, the audience tends to pay more attention if they know that at some point it will turn interactive. Audience participation is key to the success of any presentation. So next time you create a presentation bear in mind these 10 tips to make it more interactive.

Remember, the goal is audience engagement and active listening. The key to a successful presentation is understanding that the presentation should complement your speech, not be gimmicky and not be the point of focus. Make use of our Google Slides Themes to create presentations in a fraction of time. Here are a few tips: 

  • Icebreakers are always the safest way to start the session
  • Use Audio/Visuals in Your Presentation
  • People love a good story
  • Use Transitions and Animations Smartly
  • One Slide, One Topic
  • Live polling Keeps the audience engaged
  • Surprise Them!
  • Use hashtags, spread the word
  • Add a reflection at the end

1. Icebreakers are always the safest way to start the session

This is universal to any form of interaction, not just limited to presentations. Building a rapport with the audience is key to presenting successfully.

This can be achieved either through a round of personal introductions or if the audience is larger, there are numerous ice breaker games that can be used.

The objective here is to get your audience’s undivided attention. By using an ice breaker, you set the tone for the rest of the presentation.

2. Use Audio/Visuals in Your Presentation

Audio-visuals in a few slides are bound to get the audience’s attention. Use your own video or embed one from YouTube.  

Embed a video into one of your slides to draw your audience’s attention. This also serves as a break for you from speaking. Videos give them a break from monotony.

3. Questions 

The easiest way to engage the audience is by asking questions. Some presenters prefer to do it at the end of the presentation and then there are those who prefer to have it at various points during the session to gauge the audience’s subject understanding.

Asking questions to the audience also makes them feel important, builds trust, and radically increases engagement levels.

4. People love a good story

Many say that humans are wired for stories and it could not be more true when it comes to presentations. Even dense numbers and statistics can be made accessible via good storytelling. 

A story well told can create an immersive effect. It can make the audience feel they are witnessing something important unfold. Tap into their psyche, their emotions, make the presentation memorable to them.

5. Use Transitions and Animations Smartly

Make your presentations visually appealing. You can do this by animating, transitioning, and morphing techniques. Use transitions intelligently and make these relevant and deeply linked to your content as opposed to just adding gimmicks. But make sure the look and feel throughout the presentation are consistent.

6. One Slide, One Topic

The primary objective of a presentation should be to keep your audience paying attention to your speech. To draw their attention, use one topic per slide. Don’t go overboard! While it is easy to create the presentation, it also helps the audience keep pace with you. Keep the content light so the audience can ask questions and interact as you go along.

7. Live polling Keeps the audience engaged

One of the most popular go-to tools by presenters is live polling. It encourages the audience to participate and give real-time feedback. It is also a fun and interactive means.

You could either use multiple choice questions or use polling tools online eg Mentimeter.

8. Surprise Them!

Presentations can get boring, especially for people with a short attention span. Interactive presentations are an active experience. To ensure total attention hide small pieces of interesting information within the presentation itself. It could be a video, or audio or new information. Hide infographics and let the audience track them. People are never bored when it comes to tracking for new or additional information. This helps you keep them engaged while also allowing them to learn something new.

9. Use hashtags, spread the word

We live in an age where most of our time is spent staring at a screen. Chances are it will be the same during presentations as well. People would be on Facebook or Instagram or tweeting their thoughts through Twitter. Some may even be conducting their business through their smartphone.

Capitalize on this by creating presentation-centric hashtags and encouraging your audience to share news and updates about it. It is just smart marketing; word of mouth, event promotion and social interaction all act parallelly for the same event.

Such hashtags encourage people to create and engage in discussions about your presentation through other social domains. While it promotes your event, you can also view responses and customer opinions through relevant tags.

10. Add a reflection at the end

While ice-breakers are key to a good start, reflective questions make sure the presentation receives a good ending. A reflective question gives you an idea of the audience’s take-away from the presentation while encouraging them to share their feedback and inputs.

Reflective questions can be asked verbally or in the form of an interactive slide at the end of the presentation.  

These ten tips will enable you to create an interactive, informative, and engaging presentation. Implementing these tips will certainly take you a long way and ensure that your presentation isn’t just another snooze fest. Happy Presenting!

You can browse through our collection of PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Templates to create stunning presentations. Here are a few examples of presentation templates:

Source: Timeline Animation By SlideUpLift

Source: Quiz Animation By SlideUpLift

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Source: BarCode Template  By SlideUpLift

Now you don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates. Download our PowerPoint Templates from within PowerPoint. See how ?

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How to Involve Your Audience in a Presentation

Learn effective strategies to engage your audience and make your presentations interactive and memorable.

Understand Your Audience

  • Conduct surveys or pre-event questionnaires to gather insights about your audience. A study by EventMB shows that personalized content increases audience engagement by over 40%.
  • Review feedback from past presentations to see what worked and what didn’t.

Start Strong

Ideas for a strong opening:.

  • Tell a Story : Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Start with a relevant anecdote that ties into your main message.
  • Ask a Question : Pose an intriguing question to make your audience think critically.
  • Show a Striking Visual : A compelling image or a short video clip can capture attention instantly and is often remembered longer than spoken words, as noted in research from the Wharton School of Business.

Foster Interaction

Interactive techniques:.

  • Live Polls : Use tools like to create instant polls. This not only involves your audience but also gives you immediate feedback on their understanding or opinions.
  • Breakout Sessions : For longer workshops, dividing your audience into smaller groups for discussions or activities can personalize the experience.
  • Real-time Q&A : Encourage your audience to ask questions throughout the presentation using platforms like Zoom’s chat feature.

Use Engaging Visuals and Media

Best practices for visuals:.

  • Keep Slides Simple : Use keywords and impactful images instead of paragraphs of text.
  • Infographics and Diagrams : Complex data can be simplified with smart graphics.
  • Videos : Short clips can break the monotony and explain concepts in a dynamic way.

Make It a Two-Way Conversation

Methods to promote dialogue:.

  • Direct Questions to the Audience : Instead of rhetorical questions, ask meaningful questions that require your audience to think and respond.
  • Feedback Loops : Allow for moments where you gather audience reactions or thoughts and incorporate them into your session.

Leverage Storytelling

Storytelling tips:.

  • Use Relevant Stories : Make sure your stories resonate with the audience’s experiences or goals.
  • Incorporate Emotions : Emotional connections can significantly boost engagement and retention.

Provide Takeaways

Ideas for effective takeaways:.

  • Summary Slides : Recap the main points at the end of the presentation.
  • Handouts or Digital Downloads : Provide access to additional resources or reading materials.

Follow-Up Strategies:

  • Email Summaries : Send a thank-you email with a summary of the session and additional resources.
  • Feedback Surveys : Ask for feedback to improve future presentations and show that you value their opinions.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Make a Presentation Longer: 7 Strategies to Master

How to Make a Presentation Longer: 7 Strategies to Master

Cover for How to Make a Presentation Longer guide by SlideModel

A common question asked by presenters is how to extend a presentation’s duration. This can be because they feel the topic is covered superficially for the audience’s knowledge level or because they find themselves intimidated by the allocated time slot. Either way, adding filler content without care can lead to losing audience interest and significantly impact the presentation’s effectiveness.

The key to making a presentation longer without compromising quality lies in enhancing content depth, utilizing visual and interactive elements, and effectively managing the timing of the delivery. In this article, we will explore seven different strategies for extending a presentation’s length while preserving its quality and ensuring the additional time is meaningful.

Table of Contents

Strategy 1 – Expanding Content Depth

Strategy 2 – enhancing visuals and multimedia, strategy 3 – interactive elements and audience engagement, strategy 4 – revisiting and recapping, strategy 5 – time management and pacing, strategy 6 – supplementary materials and handouts, strategy 7 – enhancing the introduction and conclusion, final words.

As we previously mentioned, the feeling that the presentation can go much in depth is frequent when presenters have to simplify the complexity of their ideas (check our article on how to present complex concepts for more information) to meet the audience’s knowledge level. This can either work or be a total disaster if the presentation is trimmed without considering if the audience is getting a clear picture of what you’re explaining.

N.B.: If you’re wondering how to simplify explanations in your presentation to speak with a non-technical audience, check our article on applying Feynman’s Technique for presentations . 

Revisiting Core Topics: Adding Depth to Key Points

Start by reviewing the main topics of your presentation. Identify areas where you can provide additional insights or expand on existing points. This could involve discussing the historical context, exploring underlying theories, or addressing potential counterarguments. By doing so, you not only lengthen your presentation but also offer a more thorough exploration of the subject matter. This is a strategy commonly applied in thesis presentations .

For example, if your presentation is on marketing strategies, you could delve into the psychological principles behind consumer behavior or discuss the evolution of marketing trends over the years. This added depth can provide valuable context and make your presentation more compelling.

Providing Additional Examples and Case Studies

Real-world examples and case studies are powerful tools that help illustrate key points and make abstract concepts more relatable. By including more examples and detailed case studies, you can extend the length of your presentation while enhancing its practical value.

Consider breaking down elaborate examples step-by-step, analyzing the outcomes, and discussing lessons learned. You can also compare multiple case studies to highlight different approaches or outcomes, adding depth and duration to your presentation. An ideal tool for such a purpose is a comparison chart .

Comparison slide to extend a presentation's duration on market behaviorals by sex

Integrating Data and Statistics

Data and statistics add credibility and authority to your presentation. More data points, charts, and graphs can help you fill additional time while supporting your arguments with concrete evidence.

When presenting data , take the time to explain its significance, how it was gathered, and what it means in the context of your topic. This will add length and ensure that your audience fully understands the importance of the information presented.

Visual elements and multimedia can significantly contribute to a presentation’s overall length and quality. By thoughtfully incorporating more slides, videos, and interactive media, you can both extend your presentation and make it more visually appealing.

Using More Slides with Detailed Information

One simple way to extend your presentation is by adding more slides. However, it’s essential to ensure that these slides contribute meaningful content. Apply one of the core concepts of the 10-20-30 rule of PowerPoint presentations and deliver one idea per slide.

For instance, if discussing a new software tool, you could dedicate one slide to its features, another to its benefits, and additional slides to real-world applications. This approach allows you to cover more ground without overwhelming your audience with too much information on a single slide.

Features slide for a software solution for logistics

Adding Videos and Animations

Working with video presentations and adding animations to PowerPoint slide decks can effectively increase the length of your presentation while providing a dynamic change of pace. Videos can serve as powerful visual aids, offering demonstrations, testimonials, or additional context that might be difficult to convey through text alone.

Ensure that any videos or animations used are directly relevant to the content and add value to the presentation. You can also pause after the video to discuss its content in detail, further extending the time. Another tip we can mention from our experience is to test the control buttons for the video, as sometimes presenters lose a lot of time trying to stop or rewind a video if a question arises.

Incorporating Infographics and Diagrams

Presentation infographics and diagrams are valuable tools for summarizing complex information in a visually engaging way. By taking the time to explain each component of an infographic or diagram, you can extend your presentation while helping your audience better understand the material.

For example, if your presentation involves explaining a process, a flowchart or diagram can break down each step. You can then discuss each part in detail, highlighting its significance and how it contributes to the overall process.

Let’s be clear: audience engagement is THE power element to extend your presentation’s length. This can be as simple as incorporating exercises inside your presentations, like questions to let the audience think about an idea. This section will explore three different approaches to boosting engagement through audience interaction.

Including Q&A Sessions

Designating specific times for Q&A sessions throughout the presentation effectively engages your audience and extends the presentation’s length. Encourage your audience to ask questions about the content you’ve covered and provide thorough answers.

If you anticipate questions that require more detailed responses, consider preparing additional slides or materials to support your answers. This lengthens the presentation and ensures that your audience feels their questions are being addressed comprehensively.

Q&A sessions don’t have to be neglected to the final part of your presentation. You can add them in the middle after defining a series of concepts and then engage with the audience to test their understanding until that point.

Utilizing Polls and Surveys

Interactive presentation elements like polls and surveys are great tools for involving your audience and gathering real-time feedback. You can use polling software to ask questions during the presentation, and the results will be displayed instantly on the screen, or work with a traditional method like survey PPT templates .

Multiple choice slide to extend a talk length

After each poll, discuss the results. You can compare them to industry data or research and explore what the answers might imply about your audience’s perspectives. This interaction extends the presentation and makes it more engaging for participants.

Encouraging Group Discussions

This strategy is commonly used in motivational presentations when speakers invite their audience to do two—to three-minute exercises in which a question is asked between pairs. 

After the group discussions, bring the audience together to share insights and observations. You can then comment on these points, adding your own perspective and tying the discussion back to the main content of your presentation.

Revisiting key points and providing recaps is a highly effective strategy for increasing content retention while extending the duration of your presentation.

Summarizing Key Points After Each Section

Summarize the key points at the end of each major section of your presentation. This reinforces the material and helps the audience retain the information.

Summary slide with key takeaways to extend a presentation's duration

Briefly recapping the content allows you to transition smoothly into the next section, which can naturally lengthen the presentation. This practice not only aids retention but also ensures that your audience stays on track with the flow of the presentation. Additionally, it can be a good strategy if the slide deck is repurposed in PDF format so the audience can revisit each section and remember the concepts.

Providing Multiple Recaps Throughout the Presentation

In addition to summarizing after each section, consider including recaps at various points throughout your presentation. These could be more detailed and involve revisiting earlier content in light of new information presented later.

For instance, if you introduce a concept early in the presentation, you could revisit it in a new context, showing how it applies to a different aspect of your topic. This would extend the presentation and deepen the audience’s understanding of the content.

We’ve spoken in the past about the importance of time management in leadership . For presenters, time management is as clear as understanding which is the adequate pacing for your speech, which areas to prioritize, and where you feel you can add an extra edge for the sake of improving your performance as a presenter.

Slowing Down Delivery for Emphasis

Presenters can naturally extend their presentation by slowing down their delivery, particularly when emphasizing key points. Speaking more slowly and deliberately can give your audience time to absorb the information and reflect on your words.

This approach also gives you the opportunity to elaborate on important concepts, ask rhetorical questions, and create a more thoughtful, measured pace for your presentation.

Practicing to Ensure Adequate Timing

Practice is essential for acknowledging that your presentation is the correct length. By rehearsing multiple times, you can identify areas where you can slow down, add more detail, or insert pauses for reflection or interaction.

Consider timing yourself during practice runs to see where you might need to extend or shorten sections. This will help you achieve a balanced, well-paced presentation that meets your time goals. 

Providing supplementary materials and handouts can add depth to your presentation and extend its duration by encouraging ongoing engagement with the content.

Preparing Extended Handouts

Create detailed presentation handouts that expand on the content of your talk. These can include additional information, resources for further reading, or detailed explanations of complex topics.

Refer to these handouts during the presentation and walk through them with your audience. This not only extends the presentation but also ensures that the audience has access to valuable take-home materials.

Distributing Reading Materials During the Presentation

If appropriate, you can distribute reading materials during the presentation and give the audience time to read them before continuing. These could be articles, reports, or any other document that adds to the presentation content.

After the reading, take the time to discuss the material with the audience, asking for their thoughts or providing your analysis. This is a well-known method of encouraging active learning in presentations.

Using Post-Presentation Content for Extended Engagement

To extend engagement after the presentation, consider offering additional content or activities. This could include follow-up emails with additional resources, online discussions, or even a webinar that delves deeper into the topic.

The introduction and conclusion of a presentation are critical moments that set the stage and leave a lasting impression. Expanding these sections can effectively lengthen your presentation while ensuring it is impactful from start to finish.

Starting with a Detailed Introduction

Presenters often dwell on the best way to start a presentation . A well-crafted introduction does more than just outline the structure of your presentation—it sets the tone and provides context that can draw in your audience. Take time to introduce the topic comprehensively, explaining why it matters and how it relates to the audience’s interests or challenges.

You might also include a brief overview of what led you to explore the topic, such as personal experiences, research findings, or current industry trends. This adds a narrative element to your presentation, making it more engaging and setting the stage for the detailed content to follow.

Additionally, consider using an anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic to hook your audience from the start. These elements capture attention and allow you to explore the topic from different angles, thus extending the length of your introduction.

Expanding on the Conclusion with Actionable Takeaways

The conclusion of your presentation should do more than simply recap the content—it should also offer actionable takeaways that the audience can apply in their own work or lives. Take the time to clearly articulate these takeaways, explaining why they are important and how they can be implemented.

You can also revisit any questions or challenges posed in the introduction, providing answers or solutions based on the content covered in the presentation. This full-circle approach reinforces the material and adds additional time as you guide the audience through applying what they’ve learned.

Consider ending with a call to action slide , encouraging your audience to take specific steps based on the information presented. Whether it’s implementing a new strategy, conducting further research, or simply reflecting on the insights shared, a strong conclusion with clear next steps can significantly extend the duration of your presentation while leaving a lasting impact.

We’ve explored seven ways of creating more meaningful time in your presentations, several of which encourage active audience participation. Working on your presentation skills is a good idea to optimize your abilities in handling transitions, unexpected pauses, unplanned questions, and any inconvenience that can divert your attention from the planned course. 

Whether you are preparing for a business, academic, or public speaking event, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to ensuring your presentation is both longer and more impactful.

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How to use Microsoft PowerPoint

How to use Microsoft PowerPoint on a monitor.

Creating a successful slideshow is no small task. So, if you’re new to Microsoft PowerPoint, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the features and tools you need to build a presentation.

How to create a slideshow

How to add a slide, how to insert slide elements, how to use different views, how to add speaker notes, how to start and end a presentation.

We’ll guide you through the process of creating a PowerPoint slideshow by adding slides and elements as well as how to present the show when you finish. These basics are just what you need as a beginner and should get you off to a terrific start with PowerPoint.

Note : The information in this tutorial applies to PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 on Windows. While you may see variations in features or menus, most PowerPoint versions have the same basic options.

When you open the application, you can create a new blank slideshow or use a built-in PowerPoint template . To best familiarize yourself with the application and the items we’ll walk through here, select a Blank slideshow on the Home screen and follow along.

Next, you’ll want to name and save your presentation file. Select File > Save or Save As name the file on the right, choose a location for it, and select Save .

Be sure to continue saving your slideshow regularly as you work on it by selecting Save in the Quick Access Toolbar.

A blank presentation in PowerPoint starts you off with a main slide. You’ll notice a text box at the top for the title and one beneath for the subtitle. Simply click inside these boxes to enter your text.

While it’s good to get in the habit of using title slides like these to begin future presentations, you’ll also need to know how to insert the additional slides.

Go to either the Home or Insert tab and open the New Slide menu in the ribbon.

Choose the layout you want to use for the new slide. You’ll see several options that include placeholders, which is handy for popping in what you need like text, lists, or images.

Once the slide appears, click inside a placeholder to add the necessary elements.

Continue to insert as many slides as you want the same way.

Along with using the placeholders on the slides, you can add your own items. This is helpful if a slide doesn’t contain the number or type of placeholders you need.

Add a text box

One popular slide element to add is a text box, which is just like the title and subtitle boxes on the title slide. With it, you can insert and format text as you wish.

Go to the Insert tab and select Text box in the Text group.

You can use your cursor to draw the size of the box you want or simply click the slide and begin typing inside the box.

To format the text in the box, select it and go to the Home tab. Use the options in the Font section of the ribbon to adjust the style, size, color, or emphasis.

Specific to PowerPoint on Windows, you’ll also see a floating toolbar appear near the text that you select. This toolbar contains the same features as on the Home tab along with additional options.

Add images, shapes, and icons

Because a slideshow is a visual tool, you’ll likely want to add photos, illustrations, shapes, or icons to slides.

Go to the Insert tab and open the Pictures , Shapes , or Icons menu.

  • Pictures : Pick an image from your device, one of the stock images, or an online picture and select Insert .
  • Shapes : Pick a shape from the menu and use your cursor to draw it on the slide.
  • Icons : Search or use the categories to find the icon, select it, and click Insert .

Once you insert one of the above on your slide, you’ll see the corresponding tab appear to format the object. For pictures, you have a Picture Format tab, for shapes, you have a Shape Format tab, and for icons, you have a Graphics Format tab.

You can use the tools in the ribbon to do things like change the color, add a border, align or rotate the object, and resize it.

Add audio or video

Another useful object to add to your slides is an audio file or video. You can then play the sound or video clip during your presentation.

Go to the Insert tab and open the Audio or Video menu.

  • Audio : Pick an audio file to add to PowerPoint from your device or record audio on the spot.
  • Video : Pick a video to embed into your presentation from your device, one of the stock videos, or an online video and select Insert .

Like with images and shapes, you’ll see tabs appear to format the file you insert. For audio, you have an Audio Format tab, for video, you have a Video Format tab, and for both types of files, you have a Playback tab.

Use the Format tabs to adjust the color, add a border, or apply an effect and the Playback tab to set a fade in or out effect, loop the playback, or play it in the background.

You can take advantage of different views in PowerPoint for accomplishing various tasks. This is helpful for seeing all of your slides in a grid, viewing a notes page, or working with an outline.

Go to the View tab and you’ll see the options in the Presentation Views group.

  • Normal : Use this to create and edit your slides.
  • Outline View : Use this to work with an outline of your presentation. Each slide is numbered with a hierarchy of slide elements.
  • Slide Sorter : Use this to see your slides in a grid format for an overall slideshow view.
  • Notes Page : Use this to view your presentation with notes — this is where you print a PowerPoint presentation with notes .
  • Reading View : Use this to play your slideshow in the same window without entering full-screen mode.

Use the tools in the Show section of the View tab to display a Ruler , Gridlines , or Guides . These items can help you line up your slide elements.

You can also select the Zoom and Fit to Window options in the Zoom section of the ribbon to get a better view of slide items or the overall slide.

Presenting a slideshow is similar to giving a speech where you may want to use speaker notes. Like note cards, you can add notes to each slide in your presentation. When you present the slideshow, only you can view your notes; your audience cannot see them.

Select Notes in the Status Bar at the bottom of the PowerPoint window or go to View > Notes .

Add your notes in the section that appears below the slide.

You can use the options in the Font section of the Home tab to add emphasis or create a list.

For more detail, check out our how-to for adding notes in PowerPoint .

When you’re ready to present your PowerPoint slideshow or to see it as your audience will, you can start the presentation anytime.

Go to the Slide Show tab.

To display your speaker notes and a dashboard of controls while you present, check the box for Use Presenter View in the Monitors section. Then, select the monitors for the slideshow display and presenter view using the Monitor drop-down menu.

On the left side of the ribbon, pick From Beginning or From Current Slide per your preference.

When the slideshow starts, you’ll see what your audience sees on one monitor with Presenter View on the other. This is a super helpful way to present your slideshow because the Presenter View window provides you with controls.

If you’re unable to use more than one monitor, you’ll also see controls on the bottom left of the slides.

In the Presenter View window, you’ll see the current slide on the left with the controls beneath and the next slide on the right along with your speaker notes.

To use a control, hover your cursor over each button for a brief description.

From left to right, you can choose a laser pointer or pen, see all slides in a grid, zoom in on the slide, display a black screen, turn the subtitles or camera on or off, and view additional options like changing the subtitle settings or ending the presentation.

To stop presentation mode, press your Esc key, select End Slide Show at the top, or use the three dots to choose End Show .

While this beginner’s guide to using PowerPoint should get you off to a great start creating and presenting your first slideshow, there’s plenty more to learn. Check out how to use Presenter Coach for rehearsing your presentation and best practices for making awesome PowerPoint slides for tips and suggestions.

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How to Make a Timeline in PowerPoint (Template Included)


Timelines allow organizations to estimate how long it will take to execute a project, no matter what industry they’re in. This is done by identifying all the tasks that will be executed, estimating their duration and then determining their start and end dates.

Besides tracking time and scheduling tasks, project timelines also allow project managers to know exactly when resources such as labor, materials and equipment will be needed, which is important for completing projects on time and estimating costs accurately.

Because of their importance for project planning, there’s a large number of free and paid software tools that can help make project timelines. In this blog, we’ll explain how to create a timeline in PowerPoint.

Why Make a Timeline in PowerPoint?

One of the main advantages of using PowerPoint to make a project timeline is that most people are familiar with this software and it can be easier to use than other Microsoft products such as Word, Excel or Project.

Along the same lines, PowerPoint is available in most organizations which makes it a cost-effective alternative to project management software. This also makes it a file format that’s easy to understand for external project stakeholders such as clients.

Unfortunately, PowerPoint wasn’t designed for project management and lacks the project planning, scheduling and monitoring features that specialized software such as ProjectManager can offer. ProjectManager offers multiple tools for making and monitoring project timelines, including Gantt charts, kanban boards, real-time data project dashboards and much more. Get started with ProjectManager for free today.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart is better than a PowerPoint timeline

While PowerPoint may not be the software organizations need for managing projects, it’s still ideal for making simple timelines for project management presentations. As the team is likely already familiar with PowerPoint, it can be a positive solution for those who aren’t ready to upgrade to more powerful and dynamic software.

PowerPoint Timeline Template

This free PowerPoint timeline template is ideal for explaining to project team members their tasks, their expected duration, and the due dates for their completion during a project management presentation such as a kickoff meeting or a project status meeting.

PowerPoint timeline template by ProjectManager

How to Make a Timeline in PowerPoint in 3 Steps

Let’s now review the step-by-step process of creating a timeline in PowerPoint. If you don’t want to make a timeline from scratch, you can instead download our free PowerPoint timeline template from our project management templates library. We’ve broken the template into sections for each employee and their tasks, all on an easy-to-read timeline.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Get your free

Use this free PowerPoint Timeline Template to manage your projects better.

1. Define the Time Frame the Project Timeline Will Cover

Timelines may span across multiple timeframes, such as a month, a year, or even longer. Usually, businesses and nonprofit organizations employ yearly timelines divided into quarters as this is the preferred timeframe for business planning and reporting. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll make a monthly timeline to spread the workload of a small project team . To get started choose a blank page layout, which will facilitate the next steps.

Insert table to make PowerPoint timeline template

When the table appears, select all the columns in the top row, right-click them and then select “Merge Cells.” This will combine all these cells and this merged cell will work as the heading for the timeline. For this example, we’ll enter the name of the month and year. Then enumerate the bottom row cells to show the day of the month.

Merge cells to create PowerPoint timeline template

Once you’ve completed the steps above, the timeline should look like this.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

2. List Team Members and The Tasks They’re Assigned to Complete

Now, repeat the process of inserting a table, but this time it will be a two-column table. The cell in the top left corner will be used to identify the team member who will be completing project tasks , and the rows under it will be used to list the activities they’re responsible for. Then the size of the column to the right needs to be adjusted as shown below.

PowerPoint timeline template

For these two task list tables, we used two columns and five rows, but you might add more rows depending on your team’s workload .

3. Add Project Tasks to the PowerPoint Timeline

Now it’s time to add bars to represent project tasks, their start and end dates and durations. To do so, simply choose a shape from the top menu. In this case, we’ll use a rectangle with rounded corners, as this shape is typically used in Gantt charts , the most commonly used project scheduling tool. Then start adding these shapes to show the tasks that each of your team members will complete as shown below.

PowerPoint timeline template

Congratulations, you’ve just created a PowerPoint timeline template your organization can use to plan its projects and analyze workload .

However, as stated above, PowerPoint can help make a basic timeline but doesn’t offer the planning, scheduling and tracking features needed to manage tasks, processes or projects. If you’re looking for project management software to help create detailed timelines, try ProjectManager instead.

ProjectManager’s Gantt Chart Is Better Than a PowerPoint Timeline

ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that’s designed to manage projects from start to end. This involves making timelines, assigning tasks to team members, tracking the cost of resources and helping project managers monitor how resources are being allocated. Let’s review some of its key project planning and scheduling features.

Make Interactive Project Timelines with Multiple Tools

ProjectManager’s online Gantt chart maker is ideal for making project timelines that show much more than just the due dates and duration of tasks. With this robust project scheduling tool, project managers can link task dependencies, identify the critical path, allocate resources and compare cost estimates against actual project costs. Best of all, it allows users to create their own columns to track unique variables about project tasks.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Then once a project timeline has been created using the Gantt chart, the tasks that make it up can be managed using other tools such as kanban boards , project calendars, and task lists. These allow project managers and team members to visualize the project timeline from different perspectives and manage work with their favorite tool.

Track Project Timelines with Real-Time Data

After making a timeline it’s important to have tools to track the progress of the team that will execute the work to ensure the project will be completed within the planned time frame. ProjectManager’s Gantt chart syncs with project management dashboards that show the percentage of completion of tasks, resource utilization and cost tracking information, which helps project managers check whether their teams are on track to meet the project on time and under budget. There are also a variety of real-time data reports that can be generated in minutes.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Balance Your Team’s Workload and Track Costs

ProjectManager offers a workload management chart to visualize how tasks are being allocated among team members, which is very helpful when making a timeline. With this tool they can determine who is over or underallocated, so they can distribute work evenly. This helps make a realistic timeline. Additionally, ProjectManager’s timesheets automatically log the work hours of employees based on the tasks they’re assigned to in the Gantt chart and other project planning tools.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Related Content

We’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help project managers master the art of making project timelines. Here are a few of them.

  • Project Timeline Software – Create a Project Timeline Online
  • Project Timeline Maker: How to Make a Project Timeline Online
  • Project Timeline: The Ultimate Guide (with Examples)
  • Free Excel Timeline Template
  • How to Create a Timeline in Excel (Free Templates Included)
  • Free Google Sheets Timeline Template: Create Plans Online

ProjectManager is robust project management software equipped with multiple project management views to help you manage every aspect of your project. Choose between Gantt charts, kanban boards, project dashboards and other award-winning project management tools. Get started for free today.

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

Deliver your projects on time and on budget

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How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly (Complete 2024 Beginner's Guide + Video)

Andrew Childress

Trying to figure out how to use PowerPoint? This PowerPoint tutorial for beginners will help get you started. Learn basic tools as well as how to use PowerPoint templates in this PowerPoint beginner's guide. 

Man giving presentation

In this PowerPoint tutorial for beginners, I'll help you get up and running in Microsoft PowerPoint. Ever wanted to know how to use PowerPoint templates? You'll learn how to use PowerPoint to build a presentation in less time than you ever thought possible. We'll also cover some PowerPoint best practices to make sure you're doing things the easy way.

Remember to check out Envato Elements. One low price gets you unlimited access to thousands of professional PowerPoint presentations —as well as fonts, stock photos, audio, and much more! It's the ultimate resource for fast, simple, and professional assets.

Guide to Making Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

Before you read on, be sure to grab our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It'll help you master the presentation process, from initial idea through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Free presentation eBook

How to Learn PowerPoint Quickly (Beginner Tutorial With Tips Video) 

Are you ready to start learning PowerPoint? Watch this quick screencast to learn all about what PowerPoint is and how to use it . It's a perfect PowerPoint tutorial for beginners. 

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Or study the complete written tutorial below.

Jump to content in this section:

What Is PowerPoint?

How to use powerpoint's ribbon, the steps to create a powerpoint presentation for beginners, how to power up powerpoint, how to customize a premium ppt template quickly (in 5 simple steps), powerpoint tools to learn (for presenters), 5 tips and tricks for a successful powerpoint presentation, more beginner powerpoint tutorials (free to learn online).

Microsoft PowerPoint is undoubtedly the most popular app used to give presentations. You're likely to see PowerPoint presentations being used for everything from presentations at the world's largest companies to grade schoolteachers sharing lessons.

PowerPoint is often the butt of the joke. Many decry PowerPoint as boring and a crutch for poorly prepared speakers.

Only a bad carpenter blames the tools. And like any tool, PowerPoint is incredibly useful when used properly. Use it as an aid on your speaking engagements to build comfort and drive points visually with your audience.

Simplicity PowerPoint Themes

In this tutorial, we're going to focus on working inside of PowerPoint to build a presentation. This PowerPoint guide has everything you need to get comfortable in the app. To master the app, we'll talk about and cover the most common steps a rookie PowerPoint user needs to know.

Here are the key actions you'll need to take to build a PowerPoint presentation:

  • You'll need to add  slides,  the individual pages in the presentation.
  • You'll add  content  to the slides, such as text boxes, images, charts and graphs.
  • Change themes and styles  to make your presentation look professional and fit the occasion at hand.
  • Prepare presentation aids like  Speaker Notes  and Presenter View to help you feel comfortable with presenting.

We'll cover each of these in this PowerPoint tutorial so that you can get up and running quickly. 

To get up to speed with PowerPoint, it helps to understand the layout of the app. Let's walk through the key menu options so that you can learn PowerPoint quickly. If you understand the way that the app is laid out, you're likely to find any feature you need quickly.

This part of the PowerPoint guide will focus on the interface. Note that these previews are in Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac OS, but the same will apply for PC.

1. The Ribbon

The ribbon menu is found across many of Microsoft's apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It lives above the main area of the application. In this example, "Home" is the selected tab in the Ribbon.

PowerPoint Ribbon screenshot example

The ribbon contains a series of tabs that you can switch between. Each of these have a unique set of tools to work with your presentation differently. When you switch tabs on the ribbon, you'll see new buttons and options to change your presentation:

  • Home . A general-purpose collection of the most common tools that you'll use in PowerPoint.
  • Insert . An all-in-one tool to add every imagine-able type of content, such as tables, pictures, charts, video, and more.
  • Draw. Use this tab to draw elements in your presentation.
  • Design . Controls the look and feel of your presentation with theme and style settings.
  • Transitions . Add animations when you switch slides.
  • Animations . Controls the order and style that objects will enter or exit your slide with.
  • Slide Show . Control settings related to the way your presentation appears when sharing it with an audience.
  • Review. Check spelling, check accessibility, and leave comments on your presentation here.
  • View. You can choose multiple ways to view your work from this tab. 
  • Record. Record video, audio, or take a screenshot here.
  • Acrobat. You can create PDF files using Adobe Acrobat from this tab.
  • Tell Me. Click this to ask a question—it's an easy access help space.

Now that you understand the layout, you've got a better idea of how you can jump to the feature you need. Let's dive a bit deeper into how you can use several of these key tabs.

2. The Home Tab

Use it for: a general selection of the most popular tools in PowerPoint.

I usually stay on the Home tab when I'm working in PowerPoint. The reason is because it's got practically every tool you need. From adding a new slide to changing text and paragraph settings, the Home tab is the default for most users.

Home on Ribbon

3. The Insert Tab

When you're working on adding content to a slide, the  Insert  tab has every possible tool to add new content to a slide. Choose one of these types of objects to add it to the slide.

Insert tab PowerPoint ribbon

PowerPoint has a variety of views that are simply different ways to work with the same presentation. Change the view to get a different perspective on your content.

Use views for a different way to edit and build your PowerPoint presentation.

Views tab

In the screenshot below, you can see the difference between the default  Normal  view and  Slide Sorter  view. Normal view shows each slide front and center. Slide Sorter view creates thumbnails that you can drag and drop to reorder the presentation. 

powerpoint normal view

Normal View in Microsoft PowerPoint

powerpoint slide sorter view

Slide Sorter View in Microsoft PowerPoint

5. The Design Tab

An attractive presentation can really grab your audience's attention. We use themes and styles in PowerPoint to add visual appeal to the presentation, and the  Design  tab really controls these settings.

Design Tab PowerPoint

On the Design tab, click one of the themes to restyle the presentation. Or try out a different Style thumbnail to overhaul the color theme.

We've tackled the interface of PowerPoint, so you should be feeling comfortable with how to get around the app. Now, let's talk about the actions you'll find yourself using repeatedly and how you can do that in PowerPoint. Whether you want to know how to use PowerPoint templates or how to build a presentation from scratch, these will be handy.

1. How to Add Slides

Think of  slides  as the individual units in your presentation that you can fill with content. To insert a new slide, go to the  Insert  tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Then, click on the  New Slide  button to add a new slide to your presentation.

New Slide Added

Each of the thumbnails that you'll see on the sidebar represents a slide. Then, you'll add content to each slide.

There's no practical limit to the number of slides that your PowerPoint file can contain. But you should consider how many slides it actually takes to make your point. It's often the 

2. How to Add Content

Content is what defines each slide. PowerPoint accommodates a wide range of content like text, graphs, tables, charts, and more.

The easiest way to add content is to start off by choosing a  Layout,  which you can choose from the  Home  tab. This PowerPoint template comes with premade layouts we can choose from too.

PowerPoint layouts

These layouts have content boxes that are easy to add your own content to. Simply choose a layout, and then start adding your content.

3. How to Choose a Theme and Style

After you build out your presentation's content, it's a great idea to think about adding visual style. For this, you'll jump over to the  Design  tab, and click on one of the thumbnails for a theme. Choosing a new theme in this PowerPoint template made it easy to switch from an orange to a green theme. Check it out. 

PowerPoint theme dropdown

Using a PowerPoint theme is the preferred alternative to adding backgrounds, color and type styles to each slide. Changing the theme typically will adjust the entire presentation simultaneously. This greatly reduces the time involved with building a presentation.

With just these three steps, you've got the repeatable sequence of actions needed to build a presentation. 

With every creative app I've ever learned, there are always those insider tricks of the trade that you learn many months later. They make you wish that you had known them all along and think about the many hours you wasted on the learning curve.

PowerPoint is no exception to this rule. It's especially important that you can cut to the chase when you're rushing to prepare for your presentation.

The best way to save time on your presentation is to start with a pre-built PowerPoint theme .  And you can find those on Envato Elements, which is an unlimited download service for creatives.

PowerPoint Presentations List on Elements

Discover  simple PowerPoint template designs with powerful features on Envato Elements. The right premium PPT template  will help you make a great presentation quickly. 

Browse through these  simple professional presentation designs  that you can use today:  

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Now, most of the files that you'll grab from the Elements PPTX themes will appear to be finished presentations. You might be wondering how to use these pre-built presentations for your own needs.

Curious about how to use PowerPoint templates? To use Elements themes, it's really all about cutting it down to the slide designs that you'll use. A premium theme is really about the ideas  that are included as part of it. Simply use these ideas as starting points that you can add your own content to.

Volt Elements Example

Again, the value of Elements is that you can download as many files as you want while you're a subscriber. And if you stop subscribing, you'll still have the right to use the creative assets you grabbed. It's much faster than building every slide from scratch.

When you contemplate how to use PowerPoint, don’t imagine building slide decks from scratch. That’s where premium PPT templates come in. They take the hard work out of using PowerPoint. 

You can take advantage of designer styles in a simple format. That’s the ultimate PowerPoint lesson to take to heart. Let’s look at just how easy it is to customize premium PPT templates in this quick PowerPoint training tutorial!

If you want to follow along, download the beautiful Agio PowerPoint template from Envato Elements.

Agio template for PowerPoint lesson

Let's get started:

1. Choose Slides for Your Presentation

Premium PowerPoint PPT templates often include hundreds of handcrafted slides. For you, it’s best to select only a handful to build a slide deck. In PowerPoint, find Slide Sorter on the View tab. 

In Slide Sorter view, click and drag on the slide thumbnails to reorder them. Hold down Shift , click, and press Delete to remove unwanted slides. Jump back and start working by clicking Normal on the View tab.

How to create a PowerPoint presentation for beginners

2. Add Your Own Text

The PowerPoint basics include text and images. Adding custom text is one of the easiest and most common edits to make. 

Pre-built layouts include text boxes already arranged on the slide. To add your own words, highlight the contents of any text box. Then, simply start typing. Repeat throughout the presentation. 

PowerPoint basics

3. Add Images

Wondering how to add PowerPoint presentation images? The easiest way is to turn to premium templates with image placeholders. Identify them by finding the image icons on a given slide. Jump to where images are stored on your computer. 

Then, simply drag and drop them onto the placeholder. Not only will all your photos import automatically, they’ll also size and scale to fit perfectly!

How to use PowerPoint presentation

4. Change Object Colors

Changing theme colors is a fast way to adjust the visual look of your slides. For example, change object colors to add a bit of contrast. 

To get started, click on any object, like a shape, to select it. Choose Format at the top menu, to view your formatting options. Try Format Object to open the Format Pane .

In the Format Pane, you can choose things like a new Fill Color for this shape. 

Microsoft powerPoint tutorial

5. Customize Fonts

No Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial would be complete without customizing fonts. Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook text as a design element, but with a few quick edits you can make your words really stand out. 

Highlight a block of text, then go up to the Font section of the Home tab. You’ll see drop downs to change the font style, size, and color. After that, add quick effects like bold letters, italics, and more!

PowerPoint instructions

The content and design will vary greatly from one presentation next. But, no matter what the goal of your presentation is, there are common tools that every presenter can benefit from using. We've developed PowerPoint lessons for those tools.

Let's focus on the most valuable tools for speakers in this PowerPoint tutorial. I always mention these tools as a way to build confidence and comfort for presenters.

1. Speaker Notes

Forget writing out note cards or keeping a printed outline nearby. Speaker notes are a way to add the things you need to say to each slide.

Speaker notes are added to each individual slide, and the best way to add them is from  Normal  view. Click on  Notes  below the presentation area and type your slide-specific notes.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Speaker notes will show up in printed copies of your presentation. So, it's easier to build them into PowerPoint instead of scribbling note cards you may lose.

2. Presenter View

Another feature that's a must-use is Presenter View , which is perfect for two screen setups while presenting. While your audience will see the presentation you've built on the projector or LCD screen, you'll have your own private view with speaker notes, upcoming slides, and more.

Turn on Presenter View from the slideshow tab by clicking  Use Presenter View.

Example of PowerPoint Presenter View

Check out a full guide below on getting the most from Presenter View:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

3. Spelling and Grammar Check

There's nothing worse than missing a key typo before you give your presentation. To avoid this problem, it's a great help to run a spelling and grammar check before you give your presentation.

To check for common spelling issues, simply jump to the  Review  tab and click Spelling . PowerPoint will check for the most common issues and allow you to correct them as needed.

powerpoint spell check

4. Insert Multimedia

You can use multimedia in your PowerPoint presentations, and they can really enhance the experiences. Remember, you can find these tools in the Ribbon, via Insert . For example, how about inserting a short audio clip of a quote or maybe a short video relevant to your topic? If you'd like to make these additions, Insert makes it very easy to do.

Want to learn more about adding Multimedia to your PowerPoint presentations? Check out these free tutorials to learn more:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

5. Add Bullet Points 

How you organize your content can make a huge difference—both for your audience and for you, as the presenter. Presenting a long passage of text can be difficult and even boring for the viewer. Consider breaking your content up into easy to read and easy to digest bullet points. 

PowerPoint makes this easy. When you edit your text, select Home in the Ribbon. There, again, you'll see your text options. Need some extra help with bullet points? Check out this easy-to-follow walkthrough:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

6. Transitions and Animations

PowerPoint has so many different options, when it comes to transitions and animations. You can have specific transitions from slide to slide. You can animate specific elements in your presentations.

Looking the PowerPoint Ribbon, remember to turn to the Animations section. There, you can find a host of options that you can apply to your presentation.

Never used these tools before? Check out these walkthroughs. They'll show you how it's done.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

In this PowerPoint tutorial for beginners, you’ve learned how to use PowerPoint presentation templates. We walked through a quick PowerPoint lesson to customize them. But you may be wondering: is that enough to deliver a winning PowerPoint presentation? 

Part of PowerPoint training comes from adopting the tips and tricks used by the best presenters. Follow these, and you’ll have a happy (and engaged) audience every time!

1. Have a Clear Objective

Let’s face it: we’ve all endured lengthy, boring PowerPoint presentations that seem to drift without a clear purpose. When you build your own PowerPoint, start with a goal in mind. Typically, that goal will be to inform or persuade an audience. It pays to outline that goal in advance and work towards your objective with a series of clear and concise slides.

It may sound daunting, but you can learn the technique in moments with our full PowerPoint training to help build persuasive slide decks:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

2. Illustrate Concepts With Infographics

A key PowerPoint lesson for beginners is this: never get bogged down trying to talk through concepts. Visual aids are essential, and audiences demand them today. Infographics are a successful presenter’s best friend. Infographics combine information and graphics to create stunning visuals. 

Learn to build them yourself. Or sample from the very best pre-built PPT templates today in our infographic-centric set of PowerPoint instructions:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

3. Be Subtle Animations and Transitions

Animations and transitions: fundamental elements of any deck, they should be used sparingly. When carefully applied, they create beautiful segues between slides. They can also help introduce new ideas in exact sequence. But use too many, and they become obnoxious distractions guaranteed to annoy an audience. 

Moderation is the name of the game here. Read our full Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial on animations to use them with confidence:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

4. Be Interactive to Engage the Audience

No matter how compelling your narrative, you can’t simply talk to an audience and expect full participation. Instead, you need to engage your audience. A quick and fun way is with a quiz slide. They get the audience involved and help your slide deck stay focused. 

Even better: pre-built templates make it a breeze. They're PowerPoint instructions inside a PPTX file. Get started building interactive quizzes in PPT today with our guide on how to create PowerPoint quizzes:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

5. Close Strong for an Enduring Message

The very best PowerPoint presentations make a great first impression. But equally (and perhaps even more) important is the winning last impression. It’s critical to conclude with a strong close. Leave on a memorable anecdote, recap your key points, or make a big “ask.” All these techniques and more help to ensure a strong close.

Don’t go it alone. We’ve created expert PowerPoint training on building a strong close. Check it out here:

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

This PowerPoint tutorial helped you get off the ground with using Microsoft PowerPoint. You learned the steps for creating slides and the shortcut to a better presentation with pre-built themes.

At Tuts+, we've been building out a series of PowerPoint tutorials that can help you build your presentation skills. Check out all these PowerPoint tutorials for free. One ideal place to start is the PowerPoint Ultimate Tutorial Guide that we've developed. If you're feeling nervous about giving a presentation for your job or freelance practice, try out more of these tutorials like the ones below.

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Need Help? Grab Our Making Great Presentations eBook (Free)

You can find more information in our eBook on making great presentations . Download this PDF eBook now for FREE with your subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

It'll help you master the presentation process, from: initial creative ideas, through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Get Started Using PowerPoint Today

Presentations can be daunting to take on, but a bit of knowledge about Microsoft PowerPoint can ease the process. We've got tutorials that show you how to create a PowerPoint presentation, for beginners. Jump to the following links to speed up your learning process and spend less time in PowerPoint:

  • Envato Elements is the best place to grab premium PowerPoint templates  that save you hours of design work and leave you with a finished presentation that you'll feel confident in.
  • Courses included with Envato Elements are complete walkthroughs of how to build a presentation. They're perfect PowerPoint tutorials for beginners.
  • The PowerPoint Ultimate Tutorial Guide  is a complete learning resource with the top tutorials to take you from beginner to expert. 

Editorial Note : This post was originally published in 2017. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Andrew Childress and Daisy Ein .

Andrew Childress

Datawrapper Academy

How to embed interactive visualizations in PowerPoint

Datawrapper offers an extensive add-in for PowerPoint that lets you add, create, and edit static Datawrapper visualizations – right within PowerPoint.  You can learn more about it here .

That said, some presentations are simply better with interactive visualizations – to zoom into maps, or to see tooltips when hovering over data points. To embed interactive Datawrapper visualizations, you can use our additional Datawrapper Visualization add-in. This article explains how to use it.

👉 We recommend to use the  “Datawrapper” PowerPoint add-in  that embeds static visualization for most cases. As opposed to embedding interactive visualizations, static visualizations will load instantly when presenting, and will work even when you’re offline or when sharing your PowerPoint file. You can find more advantages of embedding static visualizations here .

How to use the add-in “Interactive Visualizations with Datawrapper”

  • To download it, go to the app in the Microsoft App store and click on Get it now . You can also open PowerPoint, go to the Home tab, click on Add-Ins,  search for the app " Interactive Visualizations with Datawrapper ", then Add it. 
  • To embed a new interactive visualization on a slide, go to the Home tab in PowerPoint, then click on Add-Ins , and select the add-in Interactive Visualizations with Datawrapper .

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

And that's it! In edit and presenter mode, your visualization will now be interactive. Try to hover over it to see tooltips, zoom in maps, or sort and search in tables.

How to change, update, and remove visualizations

Here are some further tricks to work with this add-in:

  • To resize the visualization, drag one of the handles of the embeds.
  • To change the visualization URL, hover over the chart and click on the little pen icon in the upper left.
  • To update the visualization – e.g. when you republish a visualization and want the changes to show up on your slides as well –, right-click on it and select Reload.
  • To remove the visualizaton, simply select it and hit “delete”/backspace on your keyboard.

How to use this add-in with the Datawrapper add-in

how to create interactive powerpoint presentation

Related Articles

  • How to share and embed visualizations
  • How to embed visualizations in PowerPoint presentations
  • How to download your visualization as a PDF


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    5. The Design Tab. An attractive presentation can really grab your audience's attention. We use themes and styles in PowerPoint to add visual appeal to the presentation, and the Design tab really controls these settings. Click on one of the theme thumbnails to transform the look and feel of the presentation.

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    Datawrapper offers an extensive add-in for PowerPoint that lets you add, create, and edit static Datawrapper visualizations - right within PowerPoint. You can learn more about it here . That said, some presentations are simply better with interactive visualizations - to zoom into maps, or to see tooltips when hovering over data points.

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