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  • Design & Illustration
  • Graphic Templates

How to Make an InDesign Presentation Template

Laura Keung

Ready to present your amazing business ideas? This InDesign presentation template will help you get what you need to launch your next project. 

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an InDesign presentation template. You will learn how to create a multi-page document and organize it with multiple layers. Paragraph styles will come in handy, making it easy for you to apply formats to lengthy amounts of text.

If you are looking into creating your own templates, you'll pick up some essential tips here. By organizing your file, you'll be making it easier for other people to use your templates and edit them. Ready to start designing your first template?

In a hurry? We’ve got amazing  InDesign templates and presentation folder templates in InDesign over at Envato Elements and  GraphicRiver . Go check them out!

create presentation indesign

What You Will Need for Your  InDesign Presentation Template

You'll need access to Adobe InDesign; if you don't have the software, you can download a trial from the Adobe website . You'll also need:

  • Smiling Arabic entrepreneur
  • Thoughtful young businesswoman
  • Young Asian businesswoman
  • Portrait of a black woman
  • Portrait of a young African American woman
  • Group of young entrepreneurs
  • Hexagon logo template
  • Ardent Sans

Download the assets and make sure the font is installed on your system before starting. When you are ready, we can dive in! 

1.   Setting Up an InDesign Presentation Template

In  InDesign , go to  File > New . Name the document  Presentation Template and set the file to the following dimensions:

  • Width  to  21 cm
  • Height  to  29.7 cm 
  • Orientation to Portrait
  • Units to Centimeters
  • Check Facing Pages
  • Margins: 1.5 cm
  • Bleeds to 0.3 cm

Click Create.

create a new indesign file

For this open presentation template tutorial , we will work with three Layers. Organizing layers is an important practice when designing a template as they will make it easier for the user to edit.

Bring up the Layers panel by going to Window > Layers. Double-click on Layer 1 and rename it Background. 

On the Layers panel main menu, select New Layer. Name it Images. Click OK.

Additionally, create a new layer named Copy. Click OK.

add new layers

Head over to Window > Color > Swatches to expand the Swatches panel. Choose New Color Swatch button from the main menu. Set the Swatch Name and values to the following: 

  • Light Blue: C=70 M=20 Y=0 K=0 
  • Dark Blue: C=90 M=80 Y=20 K=40

Click Add and OK after you input each of the color values.

create color swatches

For this tutorial, we will create a list of Paragraph Styles that we will use to format the presentation template. 

Head over to Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles to open the Paragraph Styles panel. On the main menu, select New Paragraph Style , and set the Style Name to Title . Select the Basic Character Formats option from the left side menu. Use the following settings:

  • Font Family: Ardent Sans
  • Font Style: Extra-Bold
  • Size: 30 pt

Select the Character Color option from the left side menu. Set the color to the Dark Blue swatch. Click OK.

create paragraph styles

Create a New Paragraph Style, set the Style Name to Intro. Set the Basic Character Formats option to the following:

  • Font Style: Book
  • Size: 14 pt
  • Leading: 20 pt

Select the Character Color option from the left side menu. Set the color to the Light Blue swatch. Click OK.

Create a New Paragraph Style , and set the Style Name to Copy. Set the Basic Character Formats option to the following:

  • Leading: 12 pt
  • Tracking: 10 pt

Select the Indents and Spacing option from the left side menu. Set the Space Between Paragraph Using Same Style to 0.2 cm. 

Create a New Paragraph Style , and set the Style Name to Pull-quote. Set the Basic Character Formats option to the following:

  • Font Style: Regular
  • Leading: 33 pt

Select the Character Color option from the left side menu. Set the color to the [Paper] swatch. Click OK.

multiple paragrap styles

2.   Setting Up Parent Pages for Your InDesign Portfolio Template

Head over to the Pages panel (Window > Pages) and double-click on the A-Parent pages.

Go to Layout > Create Guides. In the Create Guides option window, use the following settings:

  • Columns Number: 3
  • Columns Gutter: 0.5 cm
  • Fit Guides to: Margins

create guides on your presentation template

On the Layers panel, select the Copy layer to create a folio. The folio is the page number indicator.

Using the Text Tool (T), create a text frame and add content. To add a page number, right-click while in the text frame, and select Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number.

Place the text frame in the bottom left corner of the left page. 

add page numbers to the folio

Using the Character panel (Window > Type & Tables > Character), format the frame with the following settings:

On the Swatches panel, select the Dark Blue swatch.

use the character panel to format the folio

Select the folio and press Option-Shift and drag towards the right page. Option will duplicate, while Shift will maintain the same horizontal position of the object.

Using the Paragraph panel (Window > Types & Table > Paragraph) , set the text frame to align right. Move the page number towards the outside of the spread for consistency.

duplicate the folio and place on the right side of the spread

3.   Designing the Cover for Your InDesign Presentation Template

Before we start working on the cover page, we need to delete the folio that was created on the A-Parent page. Press Shift-Command as you click on the folio and press Delete. This will override the item to either delete or customize it. 

On the Layers panel, select the Background layer.

Using the Rectangle Tool (M), create a rectangle that measures 12.6 cm in Width and 20 cm in Height.  I am setting the color to the Dark Blue swatch so you can see the changes easily.

Select the object and head over to Object > Transform > Shear. On the Shear window, set the Shear Angle to 35°. Select the Vertical Axis and click OK.

Position the object towards the top of the page, leaving a small gap at the bottom.

create a rectangle and use the shear option

Select the object and press Command-D to Place an image. Navigate to the Smiling Arabic entrepreneur and click Open. 

On the Control panel, set the Scale X and Y percentages to 55%. 

place an image on the object

Select the object and press Command-C to Copy and Option-Shift-Command-V to Paste in Place. Using the Direct Selection Tool (A), delete the image in the frame. 

On the Effects panel (Window > Effects), set the Blending Mode to Color. 

resize the image and duplicate the object to add effect

Select the Polygon Tool from the toolbar . Click on the board to open the Polygon options window. Under Options, set the Width to 10.8 cm and the Height to 7.63 cm. 

Under Polygon Settings, set the Number of sides to 3. Click OK. 

create a triangle with the polygon tool

On the Swatches panel, set the color to Dark blue. 

Head over to the Control panel and set the Rotation Angle to -90° .

Place the rectangle on the lower left side of the image. Resize evenly as you need by pressing Shift and dragging from any of the points.

place the triangle near the image

Below, I added a couple more triangles to create a balanced composition.

duplicate the triangle and place around the image to create balance

Select all the objects on the page and head over to the Layers panel. If you’ve been working on the wrong layer, you can move the objects to a different layer. Drag the square on the right side of the highlighted layer to the layer you want to move the objects to. 

place the objects in the right layer

Press Command-D to Place a logo of your choice, placing it on the right side of the page. 

add a logo

Using the Text Tool (T), create a text frame under the logo to add a title. Use the Paragraph Styles to format the text. In this case, I used the Intro style for ‘Presentation.’ On the Control panel, change the Font Family to Extra-Bold. 

add a title and use the paragraph styles panel

4.   Designing the Inside Spreads of Your InDesign Presentation Template

Select the sheared object from the cover and Copy and Paste it to the inside spread. Using the Selection Tool (V), make the object shorter by dragging the top or bottom middle point.

On the Swatches panel, set the color to Dark Blue. On the Control panel, lower the Opacity to 10%.

Lock the Background layer and select the Copy layer. 

duplicate the sheared object onto the inside spread

Select the Text Tool (T) from the toolbar. Draw a text frame that covers the width of the page. Add content and use the Paragraph Styles panel to format the text. Use the Title and Intro styles. 

create a text frame to add a title and intro on the page

Create a second text frame for the body copy. Add copy and use the Paragraph Styles panel to format the content to Copy.

While selecting the text frame, press Command-B to open the Text Frame Options window. Set the Number of Columns to 2 and click OK.

create a text frame and use the text frame options to create 2 columns

Using the Rectangle Tool (M), create a rectangle that covers the right page on the spread. 

Using the Swatches panel, set the color to Dark Blue. 

Move this to the Background layer. Lock the Background layer.

create a rectangle to cover the right page

Duplicate the triangle from the front cover by pressing Command-C to Copy and Command-V to Paste. 

Resize the rectangle, and feel free to add your own spin. Press Shift to resize the triangle proportionally. 

While selecting it, press Command-D to Place an image. Navigate to the Thoughtful young businesswoman image and click Open.

Using the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the image and head over to the Control bar. Set the Scale X and Y Percentage to 45%. Set the Rotation Angle to -35°.

duplicate the triangle from the cover and add an image

Duplicate the triangle and, using the Direct Selection Tool (A),  delete the image. Set the color of the new triangle on the Swatches panel to Dark Blue. On the Effects panel, set the Blending Mode to Color. 

duplicate the triangle to add an effect over the image

Duplicate the triangle once more. Head over to the Control bar and set the Rotate Angle to 90°. On the Swatches panel, set the color to Dark Blue and Tint to 50%. On the Effects panel, make sure the Blending Mode is set to Normal.

duplicate the triangle and place it on the bottom right corner of the page

Select the Copy layer on the Layers panel. 

Using the Text Tool (T), create a text frame and add copy. Using the Paragraph Styles panel, format the text frame to the Pull-Quote style. 

add a pull quote

On the Layers panel, select the Images layer. 

Using the Rectangle Tool (M), draw a rectangle that measures 28 cm in Width and 15 cm in Height. 

Using the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the two points on the right. Head over to Object > Transform > Shear. In the Shear option window, set the Shear Angle to 35° and the Axis to Horizontal. Click OK.

create a rectangle and use the shear option

Press Command-D to place an image within the object. Navigate to the Group of young entrepreneurs image. Select the image with the Direct Selection Tool (A) and head over to the Control panel. Set the Scale X and Y Percentage axis to 60%. 

place an image in the object

Duplicate the object by pressing Command-C to Copy and Command-C to Paste. On the Swatches panel, set the color to Dark Blue. On the Effect panel, set the Blending Mode to Color.

duplicate the object and create a blue effect over the image

Duplicate the shape once more. This time, set the Blending Mode to Normal. 

Head over to the Control panel, and select the  Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical  buttons.  

On the Layers panel, lock the Images layer and select the Copy layer.

duplicate the object and place on the right side of the page

Select the text frames from page 2. Press Command-C to Copy and Command-V to Paste the two frames on page 4. Shorten the two-column frame. 

duplicate the text from the previous spread shorten the body text frame

You will notice that the text frame now has a red plus sign on the bottom right corner. Click on it and proceed to draw a text frame on page 5.

While selecting the new frame, press  Command-B  to open the  Text Frame  option window. Set the  Columns Number  to  2. 

thread the text to the following page

Duplicate the pull-quote from page 3 onto page 5. Place it next to the top image. Using the Paragraph panel, set the text to align Right.

add a pull quote

Using the Rectangle Tool (M), create a rectangle that measures the Width of the column and 6.5 cm in Height. 

Press Command-D to Place an image. Navigate to the Young Asian businesswoman image and click Open. Select the image with the Direct Selection Tool (A) and resize evenly by holding down Shift and dragging from any of the points. 

create a rectangle that fits the width of the guides and add an image

Duplicate the rectangle and set the color to [Black] from the Color Swatches. 

duplicate the rectangle and create a monochromatic effect over the image

Duplicate one of the sheared shapes used on the top portion of the page by pressing Command-C to Copy and Command-V to Paste. Rotate the shape with the Rotate Tool (R) until the shear/angle is at the top. Resize the shape with the Selection Tool (V) to fit the width of the profile picture.

On the Swatches panel, set the color to Light Blue and the Tint to 30%. 

duplicate the sheared object over the profile image

Create a text frame with the Text Tool (T) and add copy. Use the Paragraph Styles panel to style the text frame to the Copy style. On the Control panel, set Font Family of the first line to Extra-Bold and the second line to Regular Italic.

add text and use the paragraph styles panel to format it

Duplicate the three objects by selecting all three, pressing Option-Shift , and dragging towards the right.

Select each additional profile and press Command-D to Place new images. Navigate to the  Portrait of a black woman and Portrait of a young African American woman images. Click Open.

duplicate the profile combination twice

5.   Designing the Back Cover of Your InDesign Portfolio Template

Press Shift-Command to override the page number and press Delete.

Duplicate the sheared shape from the previous spread. On the Control panel, set the Rotation Angle to 180°. Use the Selection Tool (V) to resize the shape. 

duplicate the sheared object on the back cover

Using the Text Tool (T), add a text frame over the blue background. 

Format the text using the Paragraph Styles panel, and select the Intro style. On the Control panel, set the Font Family to Extra-Bold. 

On the Swatches panel, set the color to [None]. 

using the text tool add copy and format with the paragraph styles

Create a text frame with the Text Tool (T). Place this frame on the bottom left corner of the page. Add copy and format the text with the Copy style from the Paragraph Styles panel.

add contact information to the bottom right corner of the page

6.   How to Export a File for Printing

When you are done designing your presentation template, you might want to export it for professional printing. Take a look around all the edges to make sure all the images and vectors bleeding out are touching the bleeds.

To export the file, go to File > Export. Name the file Presentation Template and choose Adobe PDF (Print) from the Format dropdown menu. Click Save. 

export the presentation template

In the Export Adobe PDF window, set the Adobe PDF Preset to Press Quality.

select Press Quality from the PDF Preset

On the left side of the panel, select Marks and Bleeds. Check All Printer’s Marks and Use Document Bleed Settings. Click Export. You will have a ready-to-print PDF file.

check all printers marks and document bleed settings

Great Job! You’ve Finished This Tutorial!

In this tutorial, you learned how to make an InDesign presentation template. We covered key tools that will help anyone edit a template quickly and easily. Today, you learned to:

  • set up a ready-to-print InDesign file
  • organize a file with multiple layers
  • add color swatches
  • use paragraph styles to format text
  • format text frames into multiple columns

If you are new to InDesign and need  InDesign templates  right away, head over to Envato Elements and GraphicRiver . We’ve got many options to explore! 

create presentation indesign

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25+ Best Presentation Templates for InDesign

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Imagine that your client has a super important presentation to pitch a new business idea. Their success rides on having pitch decks that wow their audience. Oh, and they want those pitch decks right away!

Sounds tough? Not so when you see our list of the best presentation templates for Adobe InDesign.

Today, we have over 25 great examples to check out and download. Each one is a premium pick that offers an amazing range of customization features. No matter what your clients need, you'll find the right template for the job.

Why Use InDesign Presentation Templates?

Tough jobs with tight deadlines demand unique solutions. On one hand, you could design an entire presentation from scratch. But, that'd take countless hours and plenty of effort to do.

On the other hand, you can download one of our InDesign presentation templates. With readymade InDesign pitch decks, the hard work of setting bleeds and margins is already done. Smart layers, grids, and ready-made palettes make it easier to edit on the go.

When you're done, you'll have a ready-to-print presentation your clients will love – or a slide-worthy pitch deck to present in the boardroom.

Feast your eyes on our list of the Best Presentation Templates for Adobe InDesign:  

1. Vivid Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Circular accents give this template a modern look and feel. Perfect for any project or presentation. DOWNLOAD

2. Presentation

create presentation indesign

Here's another bold and bright layout with a variety of interesting elements. A great choice no matter the audience. DOWNLOAD

3. Presentation

create presentation indesign

This presentation layout combines minimal style with simple, yet compelling elements. The green and yellow accents are a nice touch. DOWNLOAD

4. Healthy Living Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Designed with health and wellness presentations in mind. Even so, it's versatile enough to work for other types of projects. DOWNLOAD

5. Business Presentation Layout with Green and Maroon Accents

create presentation indesign

Here's an attractive layout that's flexible for any type of presentation. The vivid accents make a solid impact with audiences. DOWNLOAD

6. Presentation Layout with Orange Overlay Elements

create presentation indesign

A clean, minimalist design that makes great use of its orange overlays. Features 8 easy-to-edit pages. DOWNLOAD

7. Sponsorship Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Make any idea heard with this terrific presentation layout. Strong typography and salmon accents help increase visual interest. DOWNLOAD

8. Monochrome Blue Business Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Clean and professional. Each one of its 30 pages let you edit with remarkable ease. DOWNLOAD

9. Simple Minimalist Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Use this trendy template for a wide variety of presentations. The modern and minimalist design will win over audiences. DOWNLOAD

10. Presentation Layout with Red Accents

create presentation indesign

Pitch a winning idea or concept with this well-organized layout. The red accents add visual oomph to a professional design. DOWNLOAD

11. Business Presentation Slides Layout

create presentation indesign

Bold blue accents add pizazz to this professional layout. A winner for any upcoming presentation. DOWNLOAD

12. Minimalist Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Here's a clean layout that makes great use of its white space and circular elements. DOWNLOAD

13. Yellow and Black Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

If you need a high-impact layout for an energetic presentation, this is the one to choose. Includes 15 easy-to-edit pages. DOWNLOAD

14. Colorful Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Yellow, red, and black accents combine to spice up an otherwise clean and simple layout. DOWNLOAD

15. Minimalist Screen Presentation Layout with Pink and Mint Accents

create presentation indesign

A trendy presentation INDD template that uses its colorful accents quite well. A smart choice for any type of showcase. DOWNLOAD

16. Black and White Pitch Deck Layout

create presentation indesign

Here's a simple layout you can customize to your heart's content. A great base to start any project from. DOWNLOAD

17. Pale Blue and Light Gray Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

A lively, yet professional template designed to keep audiences' visual interest. Great for any type of presentation. DOWNLOAD

18. Web Presentation Layout with Grey Accents

create presentation indesign

Here's a presentation template made with the web in mind. You'll have 12 page options to choose from. DOWNLOAD

19. Presentation Pitch Deck Layout in Gray and Green

create presentation indesign

Trendy and professional. Your clients will get plenty of engagement with this stunning and well-done layout. DOWNLOAD

20. Minimal Presentation Layout with Green Accents

create presentation indesign

This clean and professional template gives you everything needed to impress clients. The green accents add more visual pop. DOWNLOAD

21. Business Presentation with Blue and Beige Accents

create presentation indesign

This well-done template features a wide variety of page options. You won't run out of creativity with this one. DOWNLOAD

22. Presentation Layout with Teal Accents

create presentation indesign

This layout features vivid teal accents and a variety of custom photo placeholders. A striking choice for any presentation. DOWNLOAD

23. Business Startup Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Get any startup on the right track with this bold and modern presentation template. Includes 19 versatile pages. DOWNLOAD

24. Clean Creative Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Sometimes, it's best to keep a presentation simple. This template does exactly that with its clean layout and eye-catching accents. DOWNLOAD

25. Brand Guideline Presentation

create presentation indesign

Define any brand's look and feel with this professional layout. Includes 31 pages in CMYK color. DOWNLOAD

26. Presentation Layout with Pink and Red Elements

create presentation indesign

Last but not least is this striking presentation template. A versatile design for a variety of pitches, concepts, and proposals. DOWNLOAD

  Final Thoughts on the 25+ Best Presentation Templates for InDesign

We hope you had fun browsing our list of the best calendar templates for InDesign. Rest assured, there's more out there, but we wanted to highlight a few of the best calendar layouts. With the power of Adobe InDesign at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless.

Check back here often for more tantalizing InDesign templates. Also, don't forget to leave a comment below. Tell us what's on your mind about our above selection. Or, let us know if you found an amazing template that deserves to be on our lists.

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30+ InDesign Presentation Templates

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to presentations. Of course, everyone wants theirs to be memorable in all the right ways. It's not only the content that makes a great presentation, but also great visuals.

Even so, you don't want to spend a lot of time and effort on your next visual project. Enter the handy InDesign template.

Our stellar list of presentation templates for InDesign makes any pitch or proposal memorable. After all, we left no stone unturned in our search for the best premium templates. Each one gives you all the tools and features needed for a successful project.

Why Use InDesign Presentation Templates?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a pretty powerful piece of software, true enough. But, InDesign will always rule the roost when it comes to design. InDesign's powerful tool suite gives you polished, consistent results every time. Also, you'll have greater control over every aspect of your design.

The templates themselves are also satisfying to use. Also, you're never locked into a particular design. Each one lets you customize to suit your project goals, giving you results that are as unique as you want them.

Here’s our comprehensive list of the Best Presentation Templates for Adobe InDesign.  

1. Yellow and Black Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Yellow and Black Presentation Layout

Make an impact with this vibrant and modern presentation layout. With 15 pages, you'll have plenty of room for creativity. DOWNLOAD

2. Business Presentation Slides Layout

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Business Presentation Slides Layout

A striking design that uses its blue accents to full effect. A professional template your clients can be proud of. DOWNLOAD

3. Business Presentation with Blue and Beige Accents

create presentation indesign

Business Presentation with Blue and Beige Accents

Here's another clean, modern template that gives you plenty of room for custom options. A great choice for any presentation. DOWNLOAD

4. Vivid Presentation Layout

create presentation indesign

Vivid Presentation Layout

Make any presentation stand out with this vibrant layout. Vivid purple accents bring out the best in this modern template. DOWNLOAD

5. Sponsorship Presentation Layout

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Sponsorship Presentation Layout

Make any proposal a success with this clean and modern template. Bold headlines draw the eyes right where they're needed. DOWNLOAD

6. Presentation Layout with Orange Overlay Elements

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Presentation Layout with Orange Overlay Elements

Take a break from reinventing the wheel with this snazzy presentation template. Clean, elegant, and simple. DOWNLOAD

7. Presentation

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It's hard to not notice this vibrant layout, thanks in large part to its vivid yellow accents. DOWNLOAD

8. Colorful Presentation Layout

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Colorful Presentation Layout

Another day, another colorful slide deck. This one gives you 22 pages for all sorts of presentation material. DOWNLOAD

9. Presentation Layout for Online Course

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Presentation Layout for Online Course

You can use this warm, cozy layout for online courses or repurpose it for any number of other uses. DOWNLOAD

10. Business Presentation with Mint and Pale Orange Accents

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Business Presentation with Mint and Pale Orange Accents

This clean, modern corporate layout is perfect for your next project. It even comes with 33 full-featured pages. DOWNLOAD

11. Modern Presentation Layout

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Modern Presentation Layout

You and your clients will love this unique template and its earthy tones. A stylish choice for any project. DOWNLOAD

12. Project Proposal Presentation

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Project Proposal Presentation

Save time and effort with this professional layout. Attractive red and purple gradient accents help this layout pop. DOWNLOAD

13. Presentation

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Pitch your next project with this clean and uncomplicated layout. The green and orange accents help draw the eyes. DOWNLOAD

14. Business Presentation Layout with Green and Maroon Accents

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Business Presentation Layout with Green and Maroon Accents

This 24-page template gives you a wide variety of accents and design elements to play with. DOWNLOAD

15. Healthy Living Presentation Layout

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Healthy Living Presentation Layout

A bold and modern choice for any type of presentation. Features 20 pages of easy-to-edit content. DOWNLOAD

16. Marketing Plan Presentation Layout

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Marketing Plan Presentation Layout

You'll get plenty of mileage out of this elegant layout whether it's for training, marketing or creative uses. DOWNLOAD

17. Minimal Presentation Layout

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Minimal Presentation Layout

Minimalism is in with this attractive, modern layout. The clean design helps place your content front and center. DOWNLOAD

18. Minimal Presentation Layout with Yellow Accents

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Minimal Presentation Layout with Yellow Accents

Simple and attractive with the right amount of frills. You'll have fun tweaking this layout to your liking. DOWNLOAD

19. Business Proposal Presentation Layout

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Business Proposal Presentation Layout

Bold and professional. A buttoned-down layout that's perfect for any type of corporate function. DOWNLOAD

20. Fashion Brand Strategy Layout

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Fashion Brand Strategy Layout

Posh, elegant, and minimalist. An ideal layout for more than just fashion presentations. Features 20 customizable pages. DOWNLOAD

21. Presentation Layout with Pink and Red Elements

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Presentation Layout with Pink and Red Elements

Here's an impressive slide deck Indesign layout that's sure to win your clients over. Pink and red accents add zest. DOWNLOAD

22. Monochrome Blue Business Presentation Layout

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Monochrome Blue Business Presentation Layout

The designers made this professional template so you wouldn't have to. Features 30 pages with plenty of options. DOWNLOAD

23. Presentation Pitch Deck Layout in Gray and Green

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Presentation Pitch Deck Layout in Gray and Green

Gray and green accents come together to make a colorful impact on this modern slide deck layout. DOWNLOAD

24. Minimal Presentation Layout with Green Accents

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Minimal Presentation Layout with Green Accents

This black and white layout adds color only where it's needed most. The results are nothing short of stunning. DOWNLOAD

25. Clean Creative Presentation Layout

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Clean Creative Presentation Layout

You don't have to go green to enjoy this verdant presentation layout. Includes 21 feature-filled pages. DOWNLOAD

26. Minimalist Screen Presentation Layout with Pink and Mint Accents

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Minimalist Screen Presentation Layout with Pink and Mint Accents

This simple layout packs plenty of eye-catching accents and design elements. A great choice for any type of presentation. DOWNLOAD

27. Pale Blue and Light Gray Presentation Layout

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Pale Blue and Light Gray Presentation Layout

Clean and modern. An excellent design that grabs viewers' attention in all the right ways. DOWNLOAD

28. Blue and White Presentation Layout

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Blue and White Presentation Layout

Simplicity is its own virtue, especially when it comes to this simple and modern layout. DOWNLOAD

29. Business Proposal Presentation Layout

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This modern 30-page presentation layout is bursting with color. A high-quality option for any business. DOWNLOAD

30. Web Presentation Layout with Grey Accents

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Web Presentation Layout with Grey Accents

Make any presentation a relaxing, yet informative one with this soothing layout. You'll find 12 pages full of options. DOWNLOAD

  Final Thoughts on the 30+ Best InDesign Presentation Templates

That's a wrap for our extensive list of the best InDesign presentation templates. With so many to choose from, you aren't limited in your creativity. Needless to say, these dynamite designs will leave you and your clients satisfied.

A quick note: most of our selections have displays for laptops and tablets in mind. That is to say, you'll want to keep an eye on resolution and color output. A change in either one can have drastic changes on your finished work.

Let us know your thoughts on these and other templates in the comments below. If you have any other designs you want to share with us, don't hesitate to add those below, as well.

Picture of John Justus

John Justus

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How to Convert An InDesign File to a PowerPoint Presentation

Carla Albinagorta

Adobe InDesign is one of the best software for creating graphic content. You can create amazing presentations and even showcase them as interactive PDFs.

However, PowerPoint is the most popular software for presentations and is still the easiest way to share your slides with an audience.

So, if for some reason or another, you want to change your presentation’s medium, here’s a quick guide on how to convert your InDesign presentation into a PowerPoint, and vice-versa.

In this article you’ll find:

  • A step-by-step guide on how to export InDesign into PowerPoint for free
  • A quick overview of how to use plug-ins to convert InDesign files to PowerPoint
  • How to convert PowerPoint to InDesign

Are you ready? Then let’s go straight into how to convert InDesign to PowerPoint!

create presentation indesign

Can you export from InDesign to PowerPoint?

Yes, you can convert an InDesign file to a PowerPoint slide presentation! However, there’s no direct way to do it, meaning you’ll have to use other tools as an intermediary.

There are two main ways to export InDesign to PowerPoint: through a PDF editor or with the help of a plug-in that allows you to export your files.

Take into account that converting InDesign to PowerPoint is not a very seamless process. The result you’ll get will probably still need a bit of tweaking to make it look presentation-ready.

Luckily for you, 24Slides can help you out with that! Our professional presentation designers are experts at creating outstanding presentations that will leave an impression on your audience.

And, they are masters at cleaning up and converting slides from other formats as well! You can save yourself from all the work of converting your own slides and have your presentation ready to go in 24 hours, for as little as $11 per slide.

How to convert InDesign to PowerPoint for free

If you want to convert an InDesign file to PowerPoint for free, what you’ll need is a PDF editor. You’ll need to export your InDesign file to a PDF format, and only then you’ll be able to convert it to PowerPoint.

For this, any PDF editor with an export option will do. The most important aspect is that they must have OCR conversion . Optical Character Recognition is what will enable them to recognize your InDesign elements separately and make them fully editable when exporting them to a PowerPoint presentation.

You can use PDF convertors without OCR conversion. However, take into account that this will export your PDF file into a PowerPoint as a generic image, meaning you’ll not be able to edit specific elements of your design after you’ve converted it to a slide format.

If you’re working with InDesign, there’s a chance you already have access to Adobe Acrobat through the Adobe Suite , which will allow you to open your InDesign file in PDF format.

If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat, don’t worry! PDF editors like ExpertPDF and Wondershare, among many others, also have OCR conversion capabilities. And while many of these software are paid, they also offer free trial versions, which are perfect for one-time users looking to export a specific InDesign file into PowerPoint.

Step 1. Export InDesign File to PDF

Open your InDesign file and go to File > Export and pick Adobe PDF (Interactive) .

A window will pop up so you can tweak your export, but the default setting will do, so you can just click Export directly.

Step 2. Convert PDF to PowerPoint

Next, open your PDF editor. In this case, we’ll be using Adobe Acrobat. Go to Export To > Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation .

Step 3. Tweaking your PowerPoint

Now you should have your InDesign file converted into PowerPoint!

The simpler your design, the most likely it'll be that the results match the original file. However, chances are that you’ll still need to fix and tweak it to make it look presentable.

Make sure your different elements are aligned, make sure colors have been exported correctly, and overall compare both your documents to guarantee your slides are exactly as you want them to be.

If you need help with this, check out 24Slides’ fix-up service to get your presentation ready with just a couple of clicks!

create presentation indesign

How to export InDesign to PowerPoint using plug-ins

Plug-ins are small tools that support existing software and add extra functionalities to them. There are plug-ins for almost everything, and of course, converting InDesign to PowerPoint is no exception!

The ID2Office plug-in from Recosoft is one of the best options for this task. It’ll help you export your InDesign file to PowerPoint directly, without the need for an intermediate PDF editor, and still keeping it fully editable.

ID2Office is a paid plug-in. However, there’s a free trial version for those looking for a quick one-time fix!

Can you convert PowerPoint to InDesign?

What about the other way around? Just like in the case of ID2Office, Recosoft offers a plug-in for converting PowerPoint to InDesign, in this case, called DecksMoveIn . Just like ID2Office, it’s a paid feature, but you can try it for free.

You can also export your PowerPoint presentation into a PDF File, to then convert it to InDesign through the multipage PDF script (Window > Utilities > Scripts > Samples > JavaScript > PlaceMultipagePDF.jsx). However, take into account that the result of this process will not be editable.

In short, you can convert your InDesign file into a PowerPoint presentation, but you’ll need some extra tools and a bit of patience to make sure the result is optimal.

Whether it’s a PDF editor or an external plug-in, there will be a couple of intermediate steps in order to successfully export InDesign into PowerPoint.

It’s way easier to create your presentation in the same format you’ll be editing it in. However, in case of an unexpected change, hopefully this guide will help you take your file from InDesign to PowerPoint.

If you’re having problems with your presentation, why not call in the experts? You won’t need to convert your presentations any longer with the help of 24Slides amazing designers. You’ll get a fully editable, presentation-ready, slide deck that will wow your audience from the get-go!

create presentation indesign

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How to create Presentation Boards  using Adobe InDesign

  • December 28, 2021
  • Presentation

This video explains how to produce architectural presentation boards using Adobe InDesign. In all walks of life as an architect you have to present your ideas effectively.

Whether that’s to a tutor or client, your ability to present both visually and verbally can make or break a project. This lesson gives you some ideas on how to improve this skill set!

Courses by ArchAdemia to help you create perfect visuals and presentations

We have two courses you may be interested in.

  • Photoshop | The Complete Guide: This course is essential for any designer! It contains 15 in-depth Photoshop tutorials that will turn any level of user to an absolute master, understanding every necessary tool for architects and visualisers alike and how to get the most from them. We use Photoshop everyday for diagrams, reports, photo editing, drawings, CGIs and so much more! Learn Adobe Photoshop here.
  • InDesign | The Complete Guide: You’d be amazed how often we use InDesign in practice. Company portfolios, presentations, planning reports and specifications are but a few examples of why it’s needed so often. You’ll learn all you require to master an essential programme for architects, interior designers + CG artists. Learn Adobe InDesign here.

The importance of strong & clear architectural presentation boards in practice

Architectural presentation boards are powerful tools that convey design concepts, ideas, and visions visually. Whether you are a student presenting a project at university, a professional pitching to a client, or proposing a new project to a local planning authority, the importance of clear architectural presentation boards cannot be understated. In this article, we will explore how these boards play a pivotal role in effectively communicating architectural projects and why they are crucial in achieving success in various scenarios.

Enhancing Visual Communication

Clear architectural presentation boards are a gateway to effective visual communication. Through well-crafted images, diagrams, and renderings, complex ideas can be simplified and conveyed to the audience effortlessly. By presenting visual information, architects can better connect with their audience, ensuring their designs are understood and appreciated, regardless of technical background.

Telling a Compelling Story

A well-structured presentation board tells a captivating story about the design concept, inspiration, and thought process behind the project. It is essential to guide the viewers through a narrative that highlights the project’s objectives, context, and unique features. A story-driven approach helps create an emotional connection with the audience, leaving a lasting impression.

Demonstrating Design Intent

Architectural presentation boards act as a window into the architect’s mind, revealing their design intent. Clear boards showcase the architect’s creativity, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail. This transparency builds trust with clients, university professors, and planning authorities, assuring them that the project is well thought out and addresses the intended purpose.

Professionalism and Credibility

For university students, professional presentation boards demonstrate a high level of commitment to their projects. This professionalism elevates the overall perception of the work and enhances the student’s credibility within the academic environment. Similarly, in the professional world, clear presentation boards elevate an architect’s reputation and instill confidence in clients and planning authorities.

Concise Information Delivery

An effective presentation board consolidates information into a visually digestible format. By presenting the essential elements of a project concisely, architects can prevent overwhelming their audience with unnecessary details. This approach ensures that the key aspects of the project remain the focus and prevents critical information from being lost in the clutter.

Addressing Different Audiences

One of the key challenges in architectural presentations is addressing diverse audiences with varying levels of expertise. Clear presentation boards cater to these differences by providing a balance between technical information and accessible visuals. Whether it’s a highly technical university panel or a community-oriented planning authority, well-crafted boards can bridge the gap and convey the project’s essence effectively.

Facilitating Feedback and Collaboration

In both educational and professional settings, clear architectural presentation boards facilitate constructive feedback and collaboration. They act as a starting point for discussions, allowing stakeholders to provide valuable input and engage in meaningful conversations. This iterative process enriches the project, ensuring it aligns with the expectations and requirements of all involved parties.

Compliance with Regulations and Guidelines

When proposing a new project to a local planning authority, adherence to regulations and guidelines is of utmost importance. Clear presentation boards can help demonstrate how the project complies with zoning laws, environmental considerations, and community needs. This visual representation aids planning authorities in assessing the project’s viability and making informed decisions.

Clear architectural presentation boards are indispensable tools in various settings, from university project presentations to professional client pitches and engagements with planning authorities. They serve as conduits of visual communication, helping architects convey their ideas effectively, while also fostering collaboration and facilitating constructive feedback. Emphasizing the importance of clear presentation boards is essential for every aspiring architect, as it can significantly impact the success and reception of their projects in academia and professional practice alike. By mastering the art of visual storytelling through presentation boards, architects can create a lasting impact on their audience and leave a positive impression of their designs.

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Powerpoint-like presentations with InDesign?

So I'll have to create a few presentations and I'm not sure what software I want to use. I distinctly dislike the Microsoft Office programs; I have used LibreOffice Impress before, but it wasn't my cup of tea as well. I refuse to use Prezi for ... religous reasons, I guess °^°

I wanted to try using InDesign for my presentations. I think it should be possible to achieve presentation-like interactive PDFs with it. Do you think this is a viable option?

I'm also looking for a way to have distinct elements of one page to be hidden first and be revealed on pressing the navigational buttons (like in a Powerpoint Presentation), so that I can e.g. press the right arrow key to move on to the next page, press it again three times to reveal 3 hidden objects in succesion, and then press it again to move on to the page after that. Is this possible in InDesign? If so, how do I do that?

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MoritzLost's user avatar

InDesign is a great tool for creating presentations in Acrobat, and it's used that way quite a bit. Page transitions are baked right in (when you export to Interactive PDF).

The kind of transition you're asking about are done easily enough just by setting up consecutive pages and transitioning from one to the other. To the viewer, the items will simply appear (instantly or slowly as in a cross-fade).

There's a lot more that you can experiment with as far as animations are concerned. If you have mouse-and-keyboard control of your presentation, you can also set up buttons or hot spots on a page that will reveal or hide other page items on rollover or click.

Looking to the future, fixed-layout ePub has a ton of potential for presentations, viewed full-screen in a browser. InDesign has matured into a full-fledged and highly capable authoring tool for FX ePub with the October release of CC 2014.

Alan Gilbertson's user avatar

  • Thank you! Should I rather export as epub than as pdf? What benefits does the epub format have in this regard? –  MoritzLost Commented Nov 20, 2014 at 22:04
  • 2 For ease of use, I'd suggest Interactive PDF unless you need elaborate animations right away. There's less involved in creating a PDF, so it's the simpler way to go. –  Alan Gilbertson Commented Nov 21, 2014 at 1:51

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Stefano Bernardi headshot

InDesign to PowerPoint: a quick conversion method

Stefano Bernardi headshot

A couple of weeks ago, a client asked me to create a PowerPoint from his Products Catalog that I had previously designed with InDesign.

As usual, he needed it for the next day.

The catalog contains 60 products, 2 for each page, and he wanted 60 slides, each with a single product. What was the quickest way? I already knew that an InDesign file could be converted to a Word doc ( see here how to do so ), but what about InDesign to PowerPoint?

I found out that I could easily convert a PDF into a PowerPoint file. The process was as simple as:

  • create a new InDesign file with the page dimension to fit a single product
  • copy and paste each product in a page of the document
  • create an “Alternate Layout” with the page dimension of the Powerpoint
  • export a PDF
  • convert the PDF using Adobe Acrobat Pro (they have a free 7-days trial ).

The time it took me to do all of that was about 15 minutes (just a couple for the conversion) – this trick is incredibly useful!

Besides learning this trick, make sure you also read all about how to translate PowerPoint slides , you never know when you'll find it useful.

How to convert the InDesign file to PowerPoint using Adobe Acrobat

Since the post is about converting an InDesign file to a Powerpoint one, I won’t explain how to use the “Convert to Alternate Layout” function. If you don’t know it, it’s basically an option that allows you to convert a file from a page dimension to another. In the process, you have the option to scale or adapt the content to the new dimension.

  • Open the document in InDesign and export it as a PDF.
  • Open the exported PDF with Acrobat Pro.
  • Click on File , select Export to and then click on Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation .

Convert an InDesign file to PowerPoint

There are not a lot of options here. I suggest you change those options only if you experience any issues with the text recognition. Otherwise, they should be fine as they are.

  • Click on Save . The conversion from the PDF to the Powerpoint file will take a few seconds.

For better results with the conversion from InDesign to PowerPoint, you should avoid using Condensed Font styles and advanced options like Opacity.

Try out Adobe Acrobat Pro for free for 7 days at this link .

Common errors

If you get the error, “The specified file could not be written to. It may be in use”, try to save the exported file in a different folder. That generally solves the issue. Let me know, in the comments, about any error you might encounter, so that I can add them to this post.

Other resources

If you are looking for a more in-depth understanding, there's this video by Anne-Marie Concepcion that you should watch. It's an extract from the course "Managing Conversions Between Adobe CC and Microsoft Office" she made for LinkedIn Learning.

Additionally, here's how you can translate your powerpoint presentations.

Stefano Bernardi is the Co-founder of Redokun. For the past 11 years, Stefano has been an active contributor to the InDesign community and the translation management industry.

His work focuses on assisting marketing managers in simplifying complex translation processes, enabling them to speed up the translation of marketing materials up to three times faster .

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W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

The epidemic is concentrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the virus has now appeared in a dozen other African countries.

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A health worker in a yellow gown, a white mask and a blue hairnet holds a sealed plastic bag containing samples in a makeshift laboratory space in a tent.

By Apoorva Mandavilli

The rapid spread of mpox, formerly called monkeypox, in African countries constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization declared on Wednesday.

This is the second time in three years that the W.H.O. has designated an mpox epidemic as a global emergency. It previously did so in July 2022. That outbreak went on to affect nearly 100,000 people , primarily gay and bisexual men, in 116 countries, and killed about 200 people.

The threat this time is deadlier. Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo alone has reported 15,600 mpox cases and 537 deaths. Those most at risk include women and children under 15.

“The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern D.R.C., its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported mpox, and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general.

The outbreak has spread through 13 countries in Africa, including a few that had never reported mpox cases before. On Tuesday, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared a “public health emergency of continental security,” the first time the organization has taken that step since the African Union granted it the power to do so last year.

“It’s in the interests of the countries, of the continent and of the world to get our arms around this and stop transmission as soon as we can,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, the executive director for preparedness and response at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a nonprofit that finances vaccine development.

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    Follow along in this tutorial and #learn how to create interactive slide presentations for mobile platform, using #Adobe InDesign. Topics covered in this les...

  15. Powerpoint-like presentations with InDesign?

    4. InDesign is a great tool for creating presentations in Acrobat, and it's used that way quite a bit. Page transitions are baked right in (when you export to Interactive PDF). The kind of transition you're asking about are done easily enough just by setting up consecutive pages and transitioning from one to the other.

  16. design a slide for 60 inch 16:9 ratio screen

    Go to InDesign's preferences, in the section "Units & …". you can change the units to many other units than mm or inch. Change it to pt. Or you can simply create a new document an insert for the width and height the number in pixels of the screen followed by pt. E.g. write 1080pt, InDesign will translate it to the unit you use.

  17. InDesign to PowerPoint: a quick conversion method

    In the process, you have the option to scale or adapt the content to the new dimension. Open the document in InDesign and export it as a PDF. Open the exported PDF with Acrobat Pro. Click on File, select Export to and then click on Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. There are not a lot of options here.

  18. How to create professionally designed presentations

    Access other Creative Cloud tools that make InDesign an even more effective presentation maker. Choose unique fonts. Pick from over 17,000 high-quality fonts from Adobe Fonts to make your information organised and easy to read. User-friendly font styles make slides simpler to digest. Start with Adobe Stock. Find inspiration with Stock assets.

  19. Creating a slide deck for any occasion.

    Make your design elements sparkle with Adobe InDesign. To create an impactful and entertaining presentation without starting from scratch, choose one of the many presentation templates in Adobe Stock and open it in InDesign. Then import your brand logo and other marketing assets for a consistent look.

  20. 'We have him on the run now': Hillary Clinton slams Trump during DNC

    In her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a standing ovation, praised Vice President Kamala Harris and slammed former ...

  21. Create Animated Presentation Slides In Adobe InDesign

    In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to design a small set of presentation slides in Adobe InDesign and add simple animations to them. Learn how to u...

  22. W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

    The rapid spread of mpox, formerly called monkeypox, in African countries constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization declared on Wednesday.

  23. See Trump's controversial remark about the Medal of Honor

    Former President Donald Trump said the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which honors civilians, "is actually much better" than the Medal of Honor because service members who receive the nation ...